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Sunday, January 1, 1871
Pleasant. Since Willie is here Ma and I cant go to church together so this morning I thought I would go to Dr St[iar?]’s and walk along with Mrs Mears, and she would show me where the free seats were and I could go and sit there but come to the case in hand, there
Monday 2. [January 1871]
Not very pleasant, but it didn’t storm. All the gentlemen are out making call’s. A.M. I ran out out with Anne a minute, then came back fixed Will up and there started for a walk, but I didn’t feel very well so came back. Miss Clark come in the afternoon, Evening Anne
Tuesday 3. [January 1871]
Pleasant. I practised, [2 words] Anne and I played [one word] We had a miserable lunch. I have got an AWFUL sore mouth after lunch, Mother, Willie and I, went to Dr. Merritt’s for him to look at our arms, said they were doing well. Then we went
Wednesday, January 4, 1871.
Beautiful day, but I haven’t been out much. A.M. I practised and read most of the time, P.M. Anne, Will and I went out a little way & came home Anne and I played [one word]. Ma and Mrs Parmelee went to the prayer meeting at the Chapel of St. Ann’s Church
Thursday 5. [January 1871]
Pleasant A.M. I practised, finished the “Red [one word],” one of Johnnie Mears books. Went to take my lesson gave Ma a piece. P.M. Willie wanted to ride in a Ferry boat, so Mama Anne Will and I went down to Mall St. Ferry and rode over and back again enjoyed it very much. Then Mama and
Friday 6. [January 1871]
Rained today, Charlotte [swept thoroughly?], Mrs Parmelee has been here a good deal, I practised, P.M. I went to Mrs. Smiths. Then I wrote letters to Franc and Father, then carried them to the P.O. Evening, We went into the parlor and played [one word], with
Saturday, January 7, 1871
Pleasant and cold. A.M. practised, about twelve, Mrs Parmelee, Anne, Frank, and I went out, I got a new crystal for my watch. P.M. Miss Clark came about and is here yet. Anne went out with Will and I to Mrs Smith to inquire about a prescription
Sunday 8. [January 1871]
Snowed today, but in the morning when we went to church it didn’t. Willie went with us, and so did John Mears, when we came home it snowed, P.M. didn’t so any think in particular. Willie was quite good in church. Mother don’t feel very well, didn’t go down
Monday 9. [January 1871]
Pleasant and very cold. Miss Clark came quite early for her I took my lessons. I didn’t have it very well, Mrs Parmelee walked along with me [three words], P.M. I practised two hours and read one hour, Ma braided my hair in three braids with [one word].
Tuesday, January 10, 1871
Very cold. A.M. Mrs. Parmelee was in here all the morning, Miss Clark came very early. I don’t believe she had any breakfast before she came. About ten o’clock Annie [four words] and told her that there was a gentlemen down stairs wished to see her.
Wednesday 11. [January 1871]
Kind of a dreary day, neither pleasant nor stormy, Yesterday P.M. Miss Sarah [Fesler?] and Miss [Jamie Drix?] called, also I went to Mrs Smiths. Got a letter from Laura B. Today haven’t felt very well. I had two letters from Aunt Ann, and from Nell. P.M. I
Thursday 12. [January 1871]
Beautiful day not very cold. A.M. I took my lesson, Mother and Mrs Parmelee went to Mrs Plummers where Miss Clark roomed heard all about it. Then they went to the [her?] town house, saw some of her things. Mother found about ½ yard of her silk there that she had stolen
Friday, January 13, 1871
Beautiful and warm. A.M practised read &c. Mrs Plummers brother came to help Mother in [one word]. The trial of Miss Clark [starts?] tomorrow morning. P.M. Ma and Mrs Parmelee went making calls. I went to Mrs Smith’s, and to the P.O. then
Saturday 14. [January 1871]
A misty day. A.M. Mrs. Parmelee Mrs Mears Mother and I went down to the station house, or Ma and Mrs Parmelee did, Mrs Mears and I went to the Court where she, Miss Clark was being tried, but her trial was postponed til Wednesday , then we all went to Mrs Plummers and [one word] to the P.M. Ma and Mrs Parmelee went and
Sunday 15. [January 1871]
Another misty day, more so than yesterday, A.M. I went to Church with Anne [and] Frank (who has got some new clothes) and Mrs Parmelee. P.M. I [one word] with Frank and Anne, and had a nap. Mrs Parmelee has had the bed [one word] Frank’s [mom?] moved so that we
Monday, January 16, 1871
Cloudy. A.M. Ma and Mrs Parmelee went to the station house but didn’t make out much, think they should let the matter rest where it is. I took my lesson, Willie was going out with Mrs Mears, but she had to [one word], so he went with Mama. P.M. Frank Willie and I went out a little ways
Tuesday 17. [January 1871]
Beautiful, though cold. A.M. I practised two hours, and took a walk all by myself. P.M. I went to Mrs Smiths then Willie and I took a little walk. Anne went out to play with some of her schoolmates. Evening, went into the parlor first one minute. I practised half an hour, played [one word] with Anne
Wednesday 18. [January 1871]
Very pleasant. A.M. practised two hours. Wrote to Aunt Ann. P.M. changed my dress, Ma, Willie, and I took a walk. Evening went into the [one word] after an [one word], as usual. Anne and I played two games of [one word].
Thursday, January 19, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. practised and took my lesson. P.M. practised [one word] looked over. The [two words] with Anne before she [one word] through dinner. Mr. Boardman came round and asked Mrs. Parmelee and Ma if Anne and I wouldn’t go skating at the rink with him
Friday 20 [January 1871]
Cloudy. A.M. Charlotte swept thoroughly and she [aired?] out the [one word?]. I practised and went Mrs. Parmelee’s [room?], and [made?] [one word]. P.M. Went [to] Mrs. Smith’s then Anne Will and I went5 to walk, we crossed the Ferry, on the way back [two words].
Saturday 21. [January 1871]
Beautiful day. Father came last night. A.M. Father Ma and Mrs Parmelee went to the police station and [recovered?] the silk, plaid, &c. Anne, Will and I went across the Ferry, come back stuffed to [one word] at the [one word] won again. P.M. At four Ma [and] Father
Sunday, January 22, 1871 [this entry has several inkblots in it]
VERY cold. A.M. Willie and I staid at home, Anne did too. P.M. We all went to Dr. [Seaver’s?] to [head?], Will went to sleep. I am writing this horrid for Frank is sitting here bothering me. Evening Ma, Father, Mr [two words] went to [one word]
Monday 23. [January 1871]
VERY cold indeed and been snowing all day. A.M. I took my music lesson, I am to [changed with?] a class with a Miss Shelly, any going at half past nine [two words] of eleven, in the morning. P.M. I [three words] And cried because Mother had cut
Tuesday 24. [January 1871]
Cold. A.M. practised [and read?]. P.M. practised half an hour, went to Mrs. Smith’s [five words] there half an hour. Then Anne and I went round to see Mrs Mears in her [one word] house, [one word] Willie St.
Wednesday, January 25, 1871
A beautiful day. A.M. I had practised an hour and had begun a letter to Nell when Mrs [Carbini?] came and took me out for a sleigh ride, I enjoyed it very much. P.M. Father, Mother and I went with Mrs. [Buffarin?] to a
Thursday 26. [January 1871]
Very stormy indeed, I was going to take my lesson this morning but it stormed so…Father and Mother thought it wasn’t prudent for me to go out so I haven’t accomplished much today [three words] finished a letter to Nell and read David Copperfield.
Friday 27. [January 1871]
A very nice day. A.M. I did the same as I usually do. Father got Willie [three words] down in the house. P.M. Ma Willie and I sent out a letter [one word]. Ma got Willie some birthday cake. Bella [one word] came to see Mrs Parmelee—I went to Mrs Smith’s.
Saturday, January 28, 1871
Not very pleasant. Stormed the better part of the day. Father went this morning early. A.M. Willie carried a piece of his cake to all the ladies in the house. He is four years old [today?]. P.M. I tried wearing Mother’s silk [three words] my blue dress. Anne, Will and I went to the [Gagan?] concert. I have been [two words]
Sunday 29. [January 1871]
Stormed a good part of the day. We haven’t any of us been out at all except Mr. Parmelee. I don’t know [as?] I have done [much?] of any thing, we went [one word] Mr. Parmelee while I Charlotte was sweeping. P.M. We [seven words] Anne [one word] came down and staid quite a while
Monday 30. [January 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Went to take my lessons. Miss Reid went [two words]. Miss Shelley was there when I got there. P.M. Ma and Mrs Parmelee were up in Miss Reid’s room. Anne went to see Edith Bick, and is playing all night with her
Tuesday, January 31, 1871
Cloudy. Rained some of the time. A.M. Went to Mrs Smith’s. P.M. Mrs Parmelee Mother, and Anne Reid were going to New York but they didn’t because it rained. The [four words] this [one word] went up to Miss Reid’s room and [three words].
Wednesday 1. [February 1871]
Cloudy, rained some of the time, but tonight was beautiful. I haven’t been out today. A.M. Emma Knight called [two words] me out [two words] to candy [two words] Frank and [one word] also I got three letters, ibe from Franc, Nell, and Laura Logue. P.M. Ma [and] Mrs Parmelee
Thursday 2. [February 1871]
[one word] then misty day. A.M. Mrs Buffrim was in here. I went [to] Miss Reid’s room [one word]. P.M. tried to practise, but when Anne came home she wouldn’t [let me]. I forgot yesterday to say that Mr and Mrs Fisher ([Lallie?] Fisher & Sarah Fisher and [Junior?] Fisher) called
Friday, February 3, 1871
A beautiful day. A.M. Emma Knight came to tell [one word] to come til [Wednesday crossed out] Thursday. Mother and Mrs Parmelee went to call at Mrs [Corlon’s?]. Anne came home [by?] lunch. P.M. I went to take my lesson at two o’clock, quite enjoyed it. Then I went to Mrs Smith’s
Saturday 4. [February 1871]
Another nice day. A.M. Ma, Willie, and I went to walk. I practised half an hour. Then changed my dress, did up my hair. P.M. Mother and I went round to Mrs [Dern’s?], had my Ferry [by the?] lake, card size, & with my things on and with my hair down and [one word] off. [think she’s talking about portraits, come back when I’m more familiar with her handwriting]
Sunday 5. [February 1871]
Very cold indeed. Terribly [biting?]. A.M. I went to Church with Mrs Parmelee, haven’t been out since. Mother hasn’t been out today, Willie hasn’t been very well better, Evening Mrs Sanford’s son’s daughter [one word] out in the harbor, we all [sang?]. Then she
Monday, February 6, 1871.
Pleasant, but cold, though not quite as cold as yesterday. A.M. practised an hour. Last night Willie was feverish and Mother got worried about him, he has not been very well for a few days and has kept Mother awake nights. P.M. I went to Mrs Smith’s to get some medicine.
Tuesday 7. [February 1871]
Beautiful day. A.M. I went out with Annie Reid, til half past seven, then had to come along without her, because I had to get ready to go to Mrs Smiths. I went, met Mrs Corbin there. P.M. I took my music lesson. At half past three Anne & I started for Raymond St. Evening. We didn’t
Wednesday 8. [February 1871]
Snowed. A.M. practised an hour. The Doctor came today and yesterday too. Yesterday, I forgot. I got a letter from [Shirley Stone?]. Today, I practised and read. George went [on an errand?] for Mother. Evening Mother goes down first [four words]. So Willie cant go downstairs
Thursday, February 9, 1871.
Not pleasant. I haven’t been out. A.M. Anne Reid was was [three words] she had two English men at dinner tonight. I finished the third book of David Copperfield tonight. I had a letter from Nell this morning. Evening We went into the parlor [one word]. [Mr. Boardmanet?] were there
Friday 10. [February 1871]
Very pleasant. Not very cold, just about right. A.M. [one word] any [two words] much accounts, I never do. P.M. had to hurry [one word] get [8 words?] had a pretty good time. I went to Mrs Smith’s but she [made?] [two words] because [two words] today.
Saturday 11. [February 1871]
Very pleasant. A.M. I wrote to Nell. Anne went into [two words] it out and get one [three words] doll for Will. Mrs Parmeleehas been ducking some pillow [one word] for Mother. P.M. Went [up to?] Anne Reid’s room a minute. Mrs Buffrim came in a few minutes before dinner
Sunday, February 12, 1871
Very stormy indeed, has snowed and blowed all day. Didn’t any of us go to Church but Mr Parmelee and this evening Ma has gone with him Evening Mrs Sanfords daughter played and she and [Mrs?] Reid sung. Mrs Tony Boardman [one word] of me most of the time we were down there
Monday 13. [February 1871]
Rather pleasant. A.M. I went out for Mrs Parmelee. She has [two words] to day. Then I took Willie to walk. P.M. Went [by?] Annie’s room a few minutes, [two words]. Then I went out for [Miss?] Annie at four. She went to a party this Evening with Mr & Mrs Stearn
Tuesday 14. [February 1871]
It has been snowing steadily all day. I did not go to take my music lesson [with?] Mrs Smith’s. A.M. I did all my practicing. Anne did not go to school. We got a letter from home as we always do now every days. I washed out my [bendlkwhey?].
Wendesday, February 15, 1871.
Very pleasant. A.M. I went [to] Mrs Smiths, and Mother and Mrs Parmelee went down to Mrs [Corbine?] to lunch. Willie and I went to walk. P.M. I practised, got a letter from Nell. I began a leffer to Franc. Evening We all went into the skating rink.
Thursday 16. [February 1871]
Last night Mr [Sedna?] gave [Ms?] Anne a splendid pot of Barley dates. And tonight sent in some Banana’s. Very pleasant and warm. A.M. I practised two hours, finished Franc’s letter, and made tatting. P.M. Wrote to Nell. Anne and I went out to carry them, couldn’t get along for the great crowd in the street
Friday 17. [February 1871]
Pleasant. [bad?] walking. A.M. Willie and I went out [for a] little whil, Mrs Christopher called on Mother and Mrs Parmelee. P.M. Took my music lesson. Was approved [as on?] to play at a concert in four handed piece that [get of merch?]. Evening I was going to meeting
Saturday, February 18, 1871.
Very [one word] day. A.M. Did my practicing, that’s about all. [There are new boarders?] here, Mr and Mrs [Whiting?] and daughter. P.M. I took my [Latin?]. [Rather down about?] half past two I went to Mrs Smith’s. Stayed [two words], she slept with Edith Clarke [one word] might [one word] not very well [two words]
Sunday 19. [February 1871]
Pleasant. [Bu?] and [Ma?] when to Church with Mrs & Mr Parmelee. Dr. [Schonck?] didn’t preach. [one word] I went to the St. Ann’s Sunday School with Frank and Anne. Guess I shall go all the time now. P.M. Me and Will went to Dr. [Seaver’s?]. Eveniong. We sang in the parlor, Mrs Reid played.
Monday 20. [February 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Father, Will and I went to Williamsburg [two words] Mrs and Miss [Drix?] and old Aunt Fisher4, who is nearly 90 years old, we got back before lunch, Miss [Clarke?] was here today. [one word? ] [She did have?] [a] tooth ache all day [two words] Father and I had lunch out. Mother went to Pacific St
Tuesday, February 21, 1871.
Rather pleasant. A.M. I didn’t do much of any thing. P.M. didn’t take my music lesson. But we all went up to W [gott?] St. to visit the “Fisher’s”. I like Mary eversomuch, she is splendid. Evening, Mother and Father went to call on little “[Bitne?]”
Wednesday 22. [February 1871]
Very Pleasant. I got a letter from Nell yesterday and from Laura B. A.M. I went to Mrs. Smith’s, Ma went out and got some [curls?] for Emma Baldwin and a bridal set for [Corrie’s?] wedding present & Father got his [wife hay?]. We had lunch at [one word]. And we all went to the [Barius ones?] to [two words] Annie Reid. Mrs Parmalee and Anne Pa Ma Will and I had good [one word] Evening Annie and I went Miss Reid’s room. Mr Beedle [two words]. Mr [Salva?] was there with any [one word] of good things.
Thursday 23.
Pleasant. A.M. Father and I went to Dr. McGregor’s, asked about my [bath?] and Father thinks better not have anything done to them. P.M. Father, Mother and Mrs. Parmelee went to New York to make calls. Anne
Friday, February 24, 1871.
Very damp. A.M. Father and Willie didn’t go early this morn [as] we intended BUT MOTHER DECIDED TO GO WITH them this afternoon SO THEY HAVE ALL GONE. I didn’t exactly WANT Mother to go. I carried her silk skirt to Mrs [Preese?], who hung it for her.
Saturday 25. [February 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. I practised an hour, arranged my top drawer, took a bath, put on my clean cloth’s[sic], and went to Mrs Smith’s, she says most every time that I am getting along splendidly [&?] nicely, but I have canker all the time. P.M. I finished a letter to Nell and wrote a few words to Mother.
Sunday 26. [February 1871]
It has been raining steadily all day, haven’t any of us go out but Mrs Parmelee. I wanted to go to Sunday School pretty bad, but didn’t. A.M. Wrote to Mother. Mrs Parmelee wrote some. Mr. Wellman, [Boardman, is very?]
Monday, February 27, 1871.
Quite pleasant. A.M. I practised two hours. Was [with?] Mrs Parmelee a good deal. P.M. Mended my old corsets. Went out a little way for exercise. Evening I wrote to Mother. Anne and I had a grand frolic in bed. Ann came [and] we couldn’t see who it was came in [one word] without rapping, had her head [grapped?] up [and] frightened us.
Tuesday 28. [February 1871]
Lovely day. A.M. went to the Conservatory to practise that duet. I am not going to play at the concert after all. Mrs [Wedder] was here to dinner. P.M. took my lesson, got a new piece, went to Dr. McGregor [who] dressed my tooth. Then walked on to Raymond St. [stayd?] til nearly dinner time. Mrs. [Pnes?] a little anxious about me.
Wednesday, March 1. [1871]
VERY PLEASANT INDEED. A.M. I went out with Anne before she went to school. Then I practised. Mrs P got a letter from Mother. P.M. I went to Mrs Smiths. Then I thought – there was a Philharmonic Rehearsal so I went and gotmy opera glass and went but it isn’t
Thursday, March 2, 1871. Beautiful day. A.M. I practised and read [three words] to Mrs Parmelee, she and I went to see Mrs [Kauffam?] who is sick. P.M. when Anne came home from school she had promised to go to [two words] to have my [hair shorn?] for it, she didn’t feel well like [my?] [three words]
Friday 3. [March 1871]
A miserable day. [two words] [suffocating?] A.M. I practised some [three words] hanged my dress. P.M. took my music lesson, came home finished the book. Anne and I went out and got some Apples, came home. Mr [Salva?] of [loved?] [ans?] up [one word] and behaved himself in such a manner that
Saturday 4. [March 1871.]
Another unpleasant day. Got up early and wrote Mother a little and got dressed before the second gong rang. Mrs Sanford and daughter and her grand child went this morning right after breakfast A.M. I took my bath. P.M. I went [to] Mrs Smiths and there I began a book [three words]
Sunday, March 5, 1871.
It has been a very lovely day indeed. A.M. I went to Ann’s, P.M. began a letter to Mother. We got our Sunday School lesson. Went to dunsay School, got a book “The Cross and the Bell,” not much of a story. [Lillie?] & Mrs Warner came and [past?] before supper.
Monday 6. [March 1871]
It has been a very strange day, this morning early the sun shone (they say for I was asleep), then it rained. [five words] P.M. I went down Pacific St. had two teeth pulled, got a long very well. then I went alone to Raymond St., staid till about five, had a real good time.
Tuesday 7. [March 1871]
Lovely day. A.M. got up early wrote to Mother, I got a letter from Seth & Franc also. P.M. I took my lesson, did a little [hopping?], came home, wrote to [Fred?], carried it to the P.O., got some stamps and ribbon, made ribbon [one word] bow.
Wednesday, March 8, 1871.
Pleasant this morning, clouded at [noon?], and by five ‘o’clock, rained. A.M. practised. Went [to] Mrs Smith’s. [Ida?] didn’t come at all, [two words] but I as I was getting ready to go to [the] Philharmonic Emma came and went with me. She came home with me after the concert but wouldn’t stay for supper.
Thursday 9. [March 1871]
A beautiful day. A.M. I got a letter from Father and I practised. P.M. I went out with Annie Reid and I got a [dorman?] sash and some new [dresses?] We went round to Mr Mears & [carried?] on [two words]. Evening I went into the parlor for a minute When [Miss Whiting?] came [three words].
Friday 10. [March 1871]
It was rainy but cleared off very nice & warm. A.M. I practised a very little. Mrs Parmelee was in here, we were talking about “self-abuse.” P.M. I took my lesson, got my watch. Then I went out with Mrs P, got myself some [clothes?] Evening
Saturday, March 11, 1871.
Lovely this morning, but rained tonight. A.M. Anne and I took a long walk, went over [to] the [barn?], &c. P.M. Anne & I went out with Annie Reid while gone Knight girls came they staid to dinner, we had a real good time. Evening, we played [Cracker?]. Emma & I beat every[one?]
Sunday 12. [March 1871]
Rainy. A.M. I wrote to Mother. Anne wrote to Ned. Mr & Mrs Parmelee went to Church. P.M. We got our Sunday School lesson. but, we didn’t go for it rained hard til long after three ‘o’clock. We have sung a good deal today. As we came upstairs, Mr Bagley gave Anne a book to read.
Monday 13. [March 1871]
Beautiful day. A.M. I went out mailed a letter for Miss Reid. Then I practised. Went out with Mrs Parmelee to get my paper folder mended then we went to Mrs Smith’s for [form?] and to tell her about my canker, which is very bad. P.M. About three started
Tuesday, March 14, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. I received a letter from Mother & Fred R. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s, she gave me something for a drink to [food?] down. P.M. I took [my] music lesson. Ida Shelly walked home with me but didn’t come in. I went out with Anne, got a little bouquet for Mrs [Bruffrim].
Wednesday 15. [March 1871]
A rainy day. Annie Reid’s birthday syhe had [a] lot of nice presents. A.M. I went out with her to get a sash she got a pink & blue [roman?] & tie to match. Mr [Kitchen?] & family went away today. I have finished “The [two words] Boys.” Have been a very little homesick. P.M. I wrote to Laura Logue
Thursday 16. [March 1871]
Rainy. A.M. Anne swept thoroughly. I [one word] practised two hours. P.M. I dressed myself and went [to] Dr McGregor’s, had to wait a long time at the [counter?], for [one word] went down Court St. and walked up Atlantic St, he cleaned three teeth, [five words].
Friday, March 17, 1871.
Rainy again. A.M. finished letter to father and carried it and one for Annie Reid to P.O. Went [to] Mrs Smith’s. P.M. Took my music lesson washed handkerchief and wrote to Mother. Saw St. Patrick’s procession on my way to Conservatory.
Saturday 18. [March 1871]
Another rainy day. Annie Reif and I had a grand frolic in bed this morning. P.M. Annie and I went to the [lager?] Concert it was pretty good. Evening Mr & Mrs [Wafrem?] & [Lillie?] were in Mrs Parmelee’s room. Lillie Anne & Frank were in here.
Sunday 19. [March 1871]
A beautiful day, as I expected. Very warm. A.M. I went to Church with Miss Can [Srinderer?] I got [one word]. P.M. got my Sunday school lesson, and went to S.S. [Sunday School]. My teacher wasn’t there the girl with the red plaid dress talked with me a good deal. Evening I wrote to Mother & Nell. Anne & Frank
Monday, March 20, 1871. Pleasant in the morning but [muddy?] in the afternoon. A.M. I went to school with [Mamie Whiting?] about till the scholars [were?] out of Chapel. P.M. I went out with Mrs Parmelee and Anne. Evening Mr Salva came in I went up and brought Annie Reid down. He
Tuesday 21. [March 1871]
Rainy. AM I went to Mrs Smith’s and I asked her about Turkish baths. she said she didn’t think it should harm me guess I shall take one with Annie Reid. I got a letter from [‘Mother’ crossed out] Nell. PM I took my music lesson, got a bundle from Ma, she sent by Mr [Corfin?], sent [maple?]
Wednesday 22. [March 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. wrote to Mother. Got a note from Mary Fisher, a letter from Father & Laura Logue. Father sent me some money. I went to Dr McGregor’s he [walked?] on my teeth till noon. P.M. I staid at hom And practised some. Evening I answered
Thursday, March 23, 1871
A very Changeable day. A.M. I was in Mrs Parmelee’s [room], had a talk with her about Mrs [Gedder?] & Mr Salva. Then I went to Dr McGregor, he [one word] with 2/3 [one word] P.M. I mended my black dr5ess. Mrs Parmelee began working on my black sack. Evening Miss Whiting came [and] staid til half past eight.
Friday 24. [March 1871]
Very pleasant, though I was afraid it wouldn’t be. A.M. I finished a letter to Mother. I was kind of busy all the time. P.M. I [one word] got on my black dress, but Mrs P said she thought I was going to wear my green on so I changed it and let my music lesson go, went [to] Mrs Smith’s.
Saturday 25. Pleasant again. A.M. I went out to the Doctor’s with Lillie, for her [one word] her thumb has [when?] a doctor. I have begun to read “Jane Eyre.” P.M. Lillie, Mary, [Harry?] and I went to ride all round the [Bentrat?] park, had a splendid time. Evening.
Sunday, March 26, 1871.
Pleasant, but rained at night. A.M. We all went to Church but Mrs & Lillie, [Nat Ed?] the [one word] went first. [Fanny?] Mary and I went together. Mr fisher & [Aunt?] Sarah. P.M. I went to Sunday School with Mary. She has a splendid teacher, his name is [Burnan?].
Monday 27. [March 1871]
It rained. I went or rather came home in the Afternoon. Mary went to school in the morn. [one word] practised some, had dinner at half past one, &d went [one word] to the [one word.] I kept my [two words] so had to go to Mrs Smiths for some [one word].
Tuesday 28. [March 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. finished my letter to Mother. I went to the dentist, got home by one, had my lunch, went to take my music lesson. I have [hung?] my black dress. [one word], with [one word] rack, which Mrs [Wyrimker?] Saturday.
Wednesday, March 29, 1871.
Didn’t sleep well and was sick to day. I got up at eleven. Yesterday I eft my jacket, book, down at Mrs Smith’s but I didn’t know where I had left it. Mrs P went there to day and found it. I have been [walking?] all day, [I’ve?] seemed so lonesome.
Thursday 30. [March 1871]
My pills [opiated powerfully in the?] night, and this morning. I didn’t sleep very well tonight. I got a letter from Mother. I was dressed and down to dinner tonight. Mrs Whiting [one word] Mrs P [one word] all the morning.
Friday 31. [ March 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. I went [to] Mrs Smiths I wrote to Mother. Mrs Parmelee was in here, she was [writing?] to Mother. A.M. I took my music lesson. [two words] me [one word] long piece. it is pretty but so much [refrains?] in it.
Saturday, April 1, 1871.
Rained. A.M. I begun a letter to Mother. Got an “April Fool” from Nell and went out for Mrs Parmelee. Mrs Whiting has been sewing for her all day as hard as she could [one word] dress, trying to finish it for tonight aand they did [at?] best: got it so she could wear it, they
Sunday 2. [April 1871]
Snowed this morning, but cleared off beautifully. went to Church this morning at St. Ann’s P.M. We went to S.S. [Sunday School]. next Sunday is “Easter.” I went [and] finished a letter to Mother. I am a little home sick. Mr & Mrs Parmelee have gone to Church
Monday 3. [April 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Mrs Parmelee went out with me to carry Mother’s hair and we looked at [a] white dress all made, I guess I shall have one. I practised an hour and a half. P.M. I [went to?] edging I got for Mother. The Knight girls came, we played and we went to walk. They went home.
Tuesday, April 4, 1871.
Mrs Parmelee took the edging for me and a letter, to Mother. A.M. I wrote to Laura Logue and carried it out, together with one for Mrs Parmelee. She has been working for Mrs Whiting all day today, I went [to] Mrs Smith’s. P.M. I took my music lesson
Wednesday 5. [April 1871]
A beautiful day. A.M. I went out to the dentist’s, he kept me till half past one, he filled one tooth, great big cavity. Then I went to Raymond St., had my dinner there, we played cards, &c. I came home a little after five.
Thursday 6. A beautiful day. I didn’t feel very well, but I got ready and Mrs Parmelee and I went to New York, up to second St. to [Coupil’s?] gallery to see a [line?] by [one word] of Jerusalem by the Church. It is lovely. [measurement?] Then
[written above the date]
Good Friday
Friday, April 7, 1871.
A very beautiful day, and VERY VERY warm. A.M. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s. Anne went with me. She[and?] Frank go to school today. I got a letter from Mother and a view of my own dear home. P.M. Took my music lesson, Miss Shelly not there
Saturday 8. [April 1871]
A very very warm day indeed, I have been [smelling?] all day. A.M. I took my bath, as did Anne, I got a letter from Nell, Anne went out to the [Are?], I went & Emma Knight staid to dinner, went to the “[hark?],” had a good time.
Sunday 9. [April 1871]
A very warm day, just like yesterday. A.M. I went to Church with Annie Reid, Easter Sunday, I wore my black suit. P.M. We all went to S.S., it was [ophul[sic]?]. I [saw?] so many beautiful flowers there was a black [rose?], a [two words].
Monday, April 10, 1871.
Very warm indeed, just the same as yesterday. A.M. I went, walked out to Pacific St. Miss Van [Sindeman?] was there and I wasted an hour and then came home. It is the great German day today, also P.J. Barnum’s Menagerie procession went round the Sts.!
Tuesday 11. [April 1871]
Cooler today. A.M. Went [to] Mrs Smith’s. got a letter from Mother. practised, Mrs. [Prentice?] & Mary were here. P.M. I took my music lesson, home only one [one word] take, I have told Mrs [Branci?] that [two words] my [three words].
Wednesday 12 [April 1871]
It has been very unpleasant. A.M. I practised and went out wit Mrs [Warren?] & Parmelee. Mrs P went hom to lunch with Mrs W. P.M. I went out with Annie Reid or she went out with me to fins a [one word] of music that we didn’t know
Thursday, April 13, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. I finished my letter to Mother before breakfast. A.M. did nothing at all just fooled away my time. got a [one word] & letter from [Martha?] and one from Mother. Father sent a [Dft.?] for [one word] which Mr Parmelee [one word] me for it tonight. P.M. I was going out to Raymond St. but it rained. I went [up?] to Annie Reid
Friday 14. [April 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. cleaned out my upper drawer, made [oven?] light blue bun. Put on all clean clothes, went [to] Mrs Smith’s and then went out with Annie Reid. P.M. took my music lesson, my last one, I am sorry for I enjoyed myself [heartily?].
Saturday 15. [April 1871]
Pleasant, altho’ it rained a very little this morning. A.M. I went [with] Annie Reid [one word] a little while, and came down [made?] up that [cushion?], [which Nell?] begun, I wrote to Nell this morning before break fast. P.M. I went out to Emma Knights, got my [cushion?] most done before I went had a good time and walked home.
Sunday, April 16, 1871.
A very beautiful day. A.M. I went to St. Anns Chapel. We all went but Mr Parmelee, he didn’t beel well. P.M. We went to Sunday School. I got [Wilheim?] [one word] & a book. After supper tonight Frank Anne and I had a good sing altho’ had no [piano?].
Monday 17. [April 1871]
Beautiful day. A.M. I went out to Dr McGregor’s and went up to Raymond St. and [practised?] till Ida came hom. I staid to dinner came home pretty early and played with the children. [Little?] [two words]
Tuesday 18. [April 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I went to Pacific St. for the last [time?]. Mrs Parmelee went with one, she called on Mrs [one word] then went to [Bannins?] and got my glass, got [one word] in lunch for [one word]. I got a lwetter from Mother [three words] and a letter from Nell.
Wednesday, April 19, 1871.
Not pleasant. A.M. I [ripped?] for Miss Parmelee a little, finished a letter to Mother, carried it out and went down on [Guilber?] Ave and [two words] a dress maker to make my suit. I also got [out?] of my lesson in [Science?] of [one word] things. P.M. Anne and I went out and I put my [hat?]
Thursday 20. [April 1871]
A [one word] April day. A.M. My [one word] went off, so I don’t look very nice. I rose down to [Fourneay’s?] and got some [one word] and [one word] to my dress then I walked out to [one word] and made [four words?] my dress then walked out at [dinner?] [4 words].
Friday 21. [April 1871]
Another April day. A.M. I got a letter from Mother and went [to] Mrs Smith’s and she said I must not ride horseback. Oh! dear well I [must comply?] P.M. had a thunderstorm. Mrs Parmelee and I went out and got my hat changed and [one word].
Saturday, April 22, 1871.
A disagreeable day. A.M. we all had lunch early and Mrs Reid Mrs Parmelee Miss [Lola Pratey?] Miss [Minnie Shapman] and myself all went to see Annie Reid off she saile in the “[1 word] of Brussels,” we went on board [got?] had even to see how Mr [Sehor?] and hats.
Sunday 23. [April 1871].
Very Pleasant though rather chilly. I wore my best green dress [two words] that [1 word] on. A.M. I went to Church with the Parmelee’s. P.M. S.S. [Sunday School]. Evening I went to [Reichert?] with [Mamie Whiting?] I enjoyed it very much. I wish I could go more often
Monday 24. [April 1871]
Very pleasant. A.M. I packed up &c. Mrs Parmelee packed all day. P.M. [1 word?] Anne and I came round to the new house to bring some things there We came round [for good?] over things came and I unpacked some the Parmelee’s
Tuesday, April 25, 1871.
Quite pleasant A.M. I put away my things, then wrote to Mother and forgot to carry it out.
Mrs Parmelee and [L?] went. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s. I got a nice long letter from Nell. P.M. I went to try on my dress. Got a letter from Mother
Wednesday 26. [April 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I wrote to Nell and dusted and read. P.M. I changed my dress and went to the dress makers. I also went out to Emma Knight’s Anne went with me. I [1 word] very good indeed, we had some very nice Apple sauces, such as [Lime?]
Thursday 27. [April 1871]
Rainy. A.M. I made two button holes in my skirt &c. Went with her to dress makers Then we went to Mrs Mears’ and also called on Mrs Reid. When we were coming away, Mrs Mears stopped us and made us stay to lunch.
Friday, April 28, 1871.
Rainy. A.M. Mrs Janses sent for a yard [more?] of silk. So I went all over Fulton St. but I couldn’t match it. I went to [Fourneay’s?] to get a sample and carried it to the dress makers she said they cwouldn’t do so I am going to sent Frank over to New York [in the morning?].
Saturday 29. [April 1871]
Pleasant and Rainy by turn’s[sic]. A.M. I had a letter from Mother and a letter from Nell. Frank went over to New York for me to get some silk, and it was all sold. So I had to get some that didn’t match very well. P.M. I went to [Pery Mlason?] &c. and to Lizzie Farnsworth’s.
Sunday 30. [April 1871]
A beautiful day. A.M. I got a [1 word] to go to Church and found that I in blacking my boots I had got some of the blacking on my dress so had to stay at home. I washed out the spots and it took out the color some and [cockled?] in so it looks horrid
Monday, May 1, 1871.
Very Pleasant. A.M. I swept my room and dusted it all myself. I got my paper and a letter from Franc. I went to Mrs Smiths to get some medicine. My mouth is very [sore?]. P.M. Anne and I went to try and find Miss Sable we found her [quick?] after a good deal of [running?]
Tuesday 2. [May 1871]
Very pleasant A.M. I got a letter from [Father?] and one from Fred Richards & wrote to Nell. Mrs Parmelee and I went out. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s. P.M. We had Strawberries for lunch. Mrs P and I went out again I ordered my white [Victoria?] [2 words].
Wednesday 3. [May 1871]
Not very pleasant. A.M. I went to [the] dressmaker’s and she said she would send home my dress tonight, but I haven’t seen her yet. Then I went to Emma Knight’s and practised I came home before lunch. I got a letter from [Laura?]
Thursday, May 4, 1871.
Rained all day, A.M. we found out that Mr James [Prentice?] [two words] last night, we saw the sight but didn’t know what it was. I had a letter from Mother and D.H. [1 word] Father. Miss Mitchell [the] dress maker is working for Mrs Parmelee today she helped me on my gingham.
Friday 5. [May 1871]
Rainy. A.M. I sewed on my dress as much as I could I got my gingham and a note from Mother. Mrs Parmelee was in here all the morning mended my cloths [sic] which came from the wash. P.M. My dress came it is lovely, only too long I went [to] Mrs Smith’s.
Saturday 6. [May 1871]
Rainy most of the day. Mrs Mitchell came. A.M. I carried the skirt of my new dress in to be taken up. I went for it again before lunch, it is all right now. P.M. I got most of my [science?] lesson. When Emma Knight came we had a real good time. We together wrote to Mary [Babb?]. She didn’t go till [almost?] dinner time.
Sunday, May 7, 1871.
Quite pleasant. A.M. Mr Parmelee Frank and I went to Church. I wore my new suit. P.M. We went to S.S. My [teacher?] was not there. We went into one of the Bible Classes. After we came home. I wrote to Mother, Frank & Anne Be [3 words]
Monday 8. [May 1871]
Very Beautiful today. A.M. I went to School with Anne, for a walk. Mrs Parmelee and I finished my gingham dress. We began “Rose Black” very good. P.M. We read all the afternoon till Mrs Warren called. I wrote to Franc.
Tuesday 9. [May 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. I got a letter from Mother & one from Nell. I read aloud to Mrs Parmelee. I practised some. P.M. Miss E Van [Sandinen?] has gone away on a visit. I read, and Mrs Parmelee and I went out. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s, and [paid?] my self.
Wednesday, May 10, 1871.
Very pleasant. A.M. I practised an hour. I got a chapter in my [Service?]. I got some [1 word] and [1 word] them & washed [1 word] & wrote to Nell. P.M. I [damaged?] my dress, washed some handkerchiefs, and went to Emma Knight’s. I drank some Lemonade, which [4 words].
Thursday 11. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. Mrs Parmelee and I went out and got a towel rack for Seth, it is real pretty. With R in the center. We had strawberries for lunch. P.M. Mamie Whiting came to call on me here Mother came to meet her.
Friday 12. [May 1871]
Pleasant A.M. I made the R for the towel rack. I put on my new suit and went to Mrs Smith’s, Mrs Mitchell is working for Mrs [Phetag?]. P.M. Emma Knight came and staid [one word] all the [one word]. Lillie came and [one word] must needs take her right in.
Saturday, May 13, 1871.
Very pleasant and warm. We that is Mrs [one word] [Ginge?] Lillie [Eastman?] Ida and I all started for Coney Island about 11 o’clock it took us about two hours to go. We took our own lunch. We went into [two words] and ate it. Then we went on the beach and had a splendid time.
Sunday 14. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant indeed. A.M. We all went to Church the text was “You are not far from the Kingdon of Heaven” PM We went to Sunday School and I wrote to Mother. We had for supper bread & butter and meat cake & radishes.
Monday 15. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I washed [one word]. I ripped up very thick which checked silk. I worked on my towel rack, so had lunch at a little after twelve for Mrs Parmelee to go to New York. She and Miss [Gorkin?] went out about half past
Tuesday, May 16, 1871.
Very pleasant, A.M. I read [from?] my Bible. I took out some bastings for Mrs P. I mended my gloves. I worked on [the] towel rack. I practised. I got a letter from Mother a letter from Nell. P.M. I put on my suit and went to Mrs Smith’s.
Wednesday 17. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I wrote to Mother before breakfast. I read aloud to Mrs Parmelee, out of St. Philip’s. I practised I got some in my Science I havent been out all day long. This afternoon I read to Mrs P. [three words] I played til half past
Thursday 18 [May 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I read. I mended. Mrs Parmelee was out all the morning. I wrote to Fred. I broke Anne’s brown fan. P.M. I went out and got a new fan for Anne. My white dress came home but it was not right, so had to send it back. I read aloud and we finished the book.
Friday, May 19, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. I practised. I got a letter from Mother, which I enjoyed. I ripped my white [three words?] I got some [two words] Mrs Mitchell was here working for Mrs Parmelee P.M. I went [to] Mrs Smith’s I got some blue silk for to trim my blue & white silk skirt.
Saturday 20. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant, A.M. Mrs Mitchell came to work for me, she [shirt?]lined my white muslin overskirt and she is going to make a new dress out of my clack & white silk without any overskirt and so she is my [two words] white and I am to [mear?] white [two words] with them.
Sunday 21.
Very Pleasant. A.M. I went to Church Mrs Parmelee wor her new bonnet & silk suit, she looked splendid, Anne didn’t go. P.M. We went to S.S., It is pretty warm, or I mean very warm. Evening. Mr. & Mrs Parmelee went to [Church?].
Monday, May 22, 1871. Pleasant. A.M. I ripped my black & white silk dress all the [morning?] and practised nearly an hour. P.M. [Overcast?] the seams in my blue & white silk. Mrs Parmelee and I went out I [had?] on my white dress & [hat?].
Tuesday 23. [May 1871]
Pleasant and warm. I had Mrs Mitchell. She is making my blue & white silk I got an overskirth, blue, this afternoon. I went to Mrs Smith’s. I went to [have?] my white dress but it was not ready. Mrs Parmelee [ringed?] some white [fabric?] for me
Wednesday 24.
Very Pleasant. A.M. I went into the Laundry and pressed out some of my silk dress. I went down to try on my white dress. I got [1 word] better. P.M. I took a Bath. And went to Emma Knight’s. she has [5 words].
Thursday, May 25, 1871
Again very pleasant. A.M. [1 word] a lot more silk. I had [no?] letters. I mended my gloves. I practised. P.M. I practised. I pressed some more silk. Lillie washer. I have not changed my dress all day. Mrs B [one word] went [2 words]
Friday 26. [May 1871]
Very pleasant and VERY warm. Mrs Mitchell [had?] [2 words] all day. [4 words] A.M. I had a letter from Franc but not a word from or of Mother. I met Lizzie [Farnsworth?] before breakfast. We had strawberries for [lunch?]
Saturday 27. [May 1871]
Very Pleasant AM Father & Mother came right after breakfast. [Franc?] came in and asked if Mrs Richards was coming today, and I looked to the door and there she was. I went [right off?] and [two words] and to Emma Knight [2 words] they would.
Saturday, May 28, 1871.
Very Pleasant but not as warm as it was yesterday. Last night Father got me a lovely set of gold earrings & pin with a pearl in each. A.M. we all went to Dr. [Schmidt’s?] Chuch. I wore my new blue silk. P.M. I went to S.S. Pa & Ma went to Church with Mr. [Bufferin?]
Monday 29. [May 1871]
Very pleasant and warm. A.M. I went doen to Mrs Mitchells’ and told her I was going home tomorrow. and should want my dress. I carried my white muslin to be done up. I went and said goodbye to the [Cabin’s?] I walked up with Mary. Mrs. Whiting called Mrs Parmelee, Mother and I went shopping.
Tuesday 30. [May 1871]
Very warm the warmest day we have had A.M. I went down to Mrs Mitchell’s and tried on my dress I carried the towel rack to home they [walk but in?] I went out to Raymond St. saw Mrs Knight & [Ela?] P.M. Emma came by from school to see me. Mrs Mitchell came at the last minute with my dress she has cut and basted it for Mother
Wednesday, May 31, 1871.
Got to Fall River at about six we had to hurry and dress ourselves. Took the [cars?] at Fall River got into [Bas Dr?] at sight. We were coming right through but we wanted to stay so [lidg’d?] stopped at [V.S. Buffalo?] Mother got a day [cap?].
Thursday, June 1.[1871]
Very pleasant indeed. A.M. Father went out. Mother and I read &c. We started for the depot at eleven. We had strawberries at the depot. I got a dollars worth of bananas. Met Mrs [Thissell?] at Concord. [Seth?] came down to Bradford with the [Courage?]
Friday 2. [June 1871]
Very pleasant. Nell slept with me last night. she went home very soon after breakfast. Mother and I spent the morning in fixing our [manner?] &c. our truncks [sic] came at noon and we unpacked and put things away. I had a nap
Saturday, June 3, 1871.
Very warm. A.M. I did Seth’s and my Chamber work [cleaning, making beds, etc.], I went up to Aunt [Sandy?]’s [for?] Will, saw the Lady Marcia Willie and Sonya [Norss?] were here P.M. I took a bath and put on my white dress. Mother put on hers too.
Sunday 4. [June 1871]
Very warm. I have been to Church all day. Mr Abbot preached. I wore my blue silk new hat a gloves. Willie went in the morning. Mr Abbot went home tonight. I went to meeting this evening. We thought it was at seven so Father and I went too early
Monday 5. [June 1871]
Beautiful day. A.M. I wrote to Mrs Parmelee and carried to the letter down to the P.O. I swept my room. Mother helped me make the beds, I read a good deal and lounged round I had an awful sore mouth.
Tuesday, June 6, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. I ironed handkercheifs [sic]. Did chamber work. practised &c. P.M. I gave Seth the towel rack I guess he liked though dont know I made a little note to Laura Eastman. I ripped an old black [sack?] and I am going to have it made into a Basque for horse back riding
Wednesday 7. [June 1871]
Quite pleasant, but clouded up and ruined in the afternoon. A.M. I ironed. Did chamber work Mother helped me make the beds. Mother and I played [Croquet?]. I mended P.M. I changed my dress. Oh! fussed round before I did, then I took my black [1 word] up to Mrs Adams she took my measurements
Thursday 8. [June 1871]
Very pleasant. A.M. I did chamber work &c. Mr Scott came last night so did great Uncle [Abraham?] and [Lelora?] Richards Mother and Aunt Ann went over to see them this morning. I took Bill [her little brother William?] and the wagon and Franc and I went to [Croydon?] to [aisle?]. P.M. I ironed out some [1 word].
Friday, June 9, 1871.
Pleasant but very cool. A.M. the new furniture was unpacked and set up they had to fuss overlong with the bed and couldn’t make it go at last, I mended a little did chamber work practised a little. Grandma Richards came in to see me
Saturday 10. [June 1871]
Pleasant though cool. A.M. I did Chamber work, sewed a little on my dress. Lizzie Farnsworth is in town and she came to see me. she is not well. P.M. We went to the Unity Springs. I took Lizzie in my carriage. Seth Mother and Will in another and the [1 word] in [1 word]. We had good [time?]
Sunday 11. [June 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. I went to Church Mr Scott’s Text was in St John 17 the 8th verse. P.M. His Text was in [Prov.?] 22nd chap. 24th verse. Nell didn’t go to Church at all today. She was at meeting this evening. but I didn’t have a chance to [1 word] I have not seen her since Friday.
Monday, June 12, 1871.
Rained untill [sic] afternoon. Mother had gone to Mrs Adams. Katie had gone to wash. and I was all alone. had my hair down. old dress on. Doorbell rang, had to go and it was Joseph Chapin & [1 word]. I had to dress quick and we went out and played Croquet. Seth played with us some of the time.
Tuesday 13. [June 1871]
Rained a good deal. Rainy and pleasant by turns. A.M. did my usual work and put on my black dress I went down St. with Nell and went up to her house, it is her birthday I staid there to dinner. She came down home with me staid to supper and I walked home with her.
Wednesday 14. [June 1871]
A.M. Father went to Concord. We got up early, and got Chamber work done early. I sewed some &c Got two bouquets out of the garden. P.M. I went to ride and took Will and Nell. She couldn’t ride long, so went and got Franc and went round the long square down.
Thursday, June 15, 1871.
Mrs Parmelee is coming tomorrow. This morning I did my usual work and began fixing up an old hat to ride horse back in. P.M. I went down to Dr Tubb’s, he hurt awfully, was there 2 hours. My horse came this morning. but it has been so muddy I couldn’t ride she is Ed Hunter’s horse.
Friday 16. [June 1871]
A.M. Did the work [chamber work] dressed Will went up to Mrs Adams and went in to ask Clara & Uncle [Abraham?] here. Nell came for me to go down St. Mother couldn’t [let?] me. Clara came before I was dressed P.M. I went down to [Pa?] [1 word] just about killed me. Nell was here when came back.
Saturday 17. [June 1871]
Pleasant all day. A.M. Clara helped me make the beds. I went over to see Mrs Parmelee. Clara and I took a long ride. Anne came over. P.M. I picked some flowersand Mother went over to Mrs Parmelee and carried them. Clara and I went to [sewing?] Emma B came to [3 words] some splendid large [strawberries?] from William Nelson.
Sunday, June 18, 1871.
Rained hard all day. We went to Church in [2 words] I staid at noon, Seth was driving with the [one word] to take us hom. Will has been just as full of mischief as he could be taking out [4 words?] off the top &c. Uncle [Abraham?] came in. [Mr Founds?] at the [Pharmacy?]
Monday 19. [June 1871]
Cleared off Pleasant. A.M. We played Croquet [cress?] much Aunt Emily came down went over to Mrs Parmelee’s [2 words] that got [lost?] came tonight. P.M. Clara and I went to ride a little muddy but not very bad Aunt Emily & Aunt Ann staid to supper
Tuesday 20. [June 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Mother had such a flow of blood that she is most sick. Clara went up to Aunt Emily’s I have enjoyed her being here very much. P.M. Willie and I went up to Nell’s to spend the afternoon. Nell had to go [1 word] that and when she came back said [2 words] was here so [1 word] to come home had
Wednesday, June 21, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. Father went to Concord. I took Mrs Parmelee to ride. I took her to the [Mr Charles?] Little and then to Uncle John’s. Then took Will & [Katie?] to ride a little ways. P.M. Clara and Franc were here for minutes. I dressed myself to [go] to the Society. I went down there
Thursday 22. [June 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Seth went fishing got home tonight at nine ‘o’clock. I went down to Dr. Gibbs. he said he couldn’t work on my teeth with such canker sore’s in my mouth. I went up to Aunt Emily’s to see Clara played Croquet. P.M. I went to ride and took Franc Clara R came for me at four and after calling went over to Grandpa’s some [1 word]
Friday 23. [June 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. I wanted to go to ride but was afraid to harness [Jennie?] because she was cross, but [Ginge?] came and harnessed for me and Mother and I went to the Cemetery, coming down some boys were firing crackers frightened him
Saturday, June 24, 1872.
Rainy A.M. I played games of Croquet with [2 words] We did the work. I didn’t do much of anything. Tried to mend my stockings, read and played piano a good deal. P.M. Will and I went up to Nell’s. We read the three successful girls a good deal. We staid to supper.
Sunday 25. [June 1871]
Very Pleasant. A.M. I got my S.S. in bed. We did the work, Mother and I. I began at 10 and washed all over & dressed my self in time for Church. We all went. Willie went to Sunday School and said his verse. P.M. Mr Hall preached for us & Mr Scott over there I suppose
Monday 26. [June 1871]
Dry pleasant & warm. A.M. Charlie Hentry and I went to ride horseback. our horses go real good together. the saddle hurt both our horses backs. Then I did up the [work?] all alone. Then Eugene and I played a [few?] games of Croquet and [2 words] four. P.M. We went to the [Springers?] Father, Mother, Will, Aunt Ann, & Mrs Parmelee
Tuesday, June 27, 1871.
A repetition of yesterday. A.M. I began a letter to Emma Knight finished it tonight. Then I went over to [invite?] Mrs Parmelee and family to come over & spend the day. Mother and I made the beds. Nell came in and we read till 11½ . Nell went home. Mrs Parmelee & family came over.
Wednesday 28. [June 1871]
Seth & Eugene went to Boston this morning. Mother and I got up and ate breakfast with them. A.M. Did the [sink?] &c. fixed my gingham dress, made it [lower?] in the neck. P.M. I washed Willie all over & dressed him & myself put on my [white?] dress. And went up to Nell’s we read most all the afternoon
Thursday 29. [June 1871]
A little cool. A.M. Mrs Parmelee came over with her work. I began a continued story in [Scribus’s?] Nell came down and we read Mr [Newton?] brought eighteen baskets of strawberries. P.M. I helped Mother preserve them and read Got Nell & went to ride
Friday, Juns 30, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. Anne & Belle came over and we played Croquet. Then George harnessed for me and I went up for Nell and we went round collecting money for the Picnic. as we had been appointed to. got 3. [1 word] are going again tomorrow. P.M. [2 words] lecture
Saturday, July 1. [1871]
Pleasant, but not so VERY warm. A.M. I did the work, and read. Then I harnessed “Jennie.” went for Nell, and we went up to her Father’s Mill, saw Uncle [Farley?]. then went on to Mr [Frask’s?], we didn’t get any thing there. When we got hom, it was [most?] 12. Nell has a horse at last. It is a little gray one and real [friendly?]
Sunday 2. [July 1871]
Pleasant until night-when it rained. I first got on my black & white silk but it didn’t look to suit and I changed & put on my suit after the bell began to ring. P.M. Was Communion. Mr [Seoll’s?] baby was Christened. [3 words] George [1 word]
Monday, July 3, 1871.
Warmer than it has been for a good while. A.M. I dressed Will. did the work with Mother’s help. Then played Eugene Will Anne & Belle. Played on piano an hour, & c. P.M. I washed the dishes &c. Then began to get ready to go and make a call on Jessie Wilcox who is in town. Franc went with me
Tuesday 4. [July 1871]
4th of July. I was waked up in the night by the horns &c. with [1 word] firing. I got up, dressed myself and walked up to Nell’s came back to breakfast about 8½. some splendid “Horribles” came out. At ten, Nell, Franc, & I went down to the Town Hall to march, we didn’t want to a bit but felt as if we must
Wednesday 5. [July 1871]
Didn’t get up very early. Mother & I played Croquet with Anne & Belle. P.M. I practised Franc came over. I dressed my self & mended stockings, she staid to supper. Evening, Nell & I rode horseback. I do wish it wouldn’t hurt Jennie’s back. Then Franc & I walked up to Nell’s. Father went to Concord this morning. Will & [Ma?] came home tonight.
Thursday, July 6, 1871.
Very warm. A.M. [crossed out text: It hurt to] Nell and I rode horseback. we did not go far, for it was so warm. The saddle hurt my horse’s back. I don’t know what I am going to do about it. We did the work and then Mother and I went up to Aunt Emily’s. Had g[ood?] ride home behind Henry’s new horse
Friday 7. [July 1871]
Pleasant but very windy. A.M. I put watch-pockets in two of my dressed, and Fred came in to see us, &c. P.M. Mother Will and I went down to see Aunt Amanda & Little Dexter the latter has grownup [sic] so much I would not have known him They board at the [Phenix?].
Saturday 8. [July 1871]
Pleasant, only the wind blew awfully, untill [sic] tonight. A.M. I went over to see Mrs Parmelee a little while. P.M. I went to call on Louisa Chase but she was not at home. Then I went into Mrs Parmelee’s and was there when Mr Parmelee came.
Sunday, July 9, 1871.
Very warm. Anne slept with me last night. A.M. Ma & Mrs Parmelee & Anne and I sat in William [Newton’s?] pew. P.M. Nell staid to Church in the afternoon. Evening Emma [Pounsy?] came down to go to meeting with me.
Monday 10. [July 1871]
Very nice indeed. A.M. I got up at five and went up to see Nell before she started for Boston. Mother and I cleaned up stairs &c. The Norris Children came down to see Will. P.M. I got my things together and [had?] them. Aunt Amanda called Mrs Scott and the baby called
Tuesday 11. [July 1871]
Rainy most of the day. A.M. got up quite early. Fannie practised an hour and then she and I had a good long ride. Bertie has played out in my [swings?] all day, but I guess has not hurt it. I haven’t changed my dress all day.
Wednesday, July 12, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. Fannie had to practise two hours. We went to ride and stopped and asked Mary & Belle Corbin up here to tea but Mary was invited elsewhere and Belle didn’t come. P.M. We dressed I put on my white dress and borrowed a waist of Mrs Emerson.
Thursday 13. [July 1871]
Very warm & pleasant. Carrie [Dyer?], a friend of Aunt Alice’s came last night A.M. Fannie practised, I went to [Nanny?] W--, she taught me to make some new Tatting. P.M. We dressed and went down to [Lizzie?] Goddard and went to Mary [Wilmarth’s?]. Uncle Moses & folks went to Charlestown
Friday 14. [July 1871]
Very warm, A.M. I dressed Willie and then I took him & Maria [Norris?] to ride up to the Pine [Prone?]. Washed my driving gloves. Franc and [I] went down St. Aunt Ann was here all day sewing. P.M. Lulu Welch cam down, Franc went down St. with [her?] again
Saturday, July 15, 1871.
Very warm. A.M. I went over to see if Mrs Parmelee wanted to go to Bradford with her Husband & Mother, to meet Father, then did the work and then [Louisa?] and I went to ride. Put some [back?] in my muslin dress. O.M. We pressed out [Lizzie’s lawn?], and came up stairs lounged about and good deal & laughed [1 word]
Sunday 16. [July 1871]
Pleasant and not exceedingly warm A.M. We all went to Church. [Lizzie?] did not stay to Sunday School, I did. Will [Celes?] played the Organ. Some of the bass left, Mr Downs from Lebanon preached. Mtoehr said Lizzie and I might go to [Hanover?] with Father this week to [convenience meet?].
Monday 17. [July 1871]
Pleasant and not very warm. A.M. Lizzie and I went to ride on East mountain. We knew nothing of where [we were going?] too, and we had a real good ride. We played Croquet. P.M. Fred & Walter Stone his friend came here to play Croquet.
Tuesday, July 18, 1871.
Pleasant & cool. Lizzie and I went to ride up to Northville and round by the way of [Relbyville?]. P.M. We went to the springs. Lizzie Franc and I in my Carriage. Fred & Walter Stone. We had a real good time. I led in [1 word] rained when we started for home so Lizzie & Franc rode with Fred & me & Walter Stone.
Wednesday 19. [July 1871]
Pleasant until late in afternoon. A.M. We went to ride. Round [Aikin?] road and round break neck hill. I wrote a letter to Nell and [regulated?] my letters. P.M. Father Mother and Mrs Parmelee went to Claremont. Fred and Mr Stone came up and we played Croquet. It rained so came in
Thursday 20. [July 1871]
Cool. A.M. Franc was going to Concord but concluded not to. We played Croquet and I went down St. and got a [lunch?] dress for myself. Lizzie and I [strung?] some beans for [1 word] [the?] I helped a little on my dress
Friday, July 21, 1871.
Pleasant but cool. A.M. I, with Lizzie’s help, did up the work. About ten, Father took Lizzie, Franc, Anne P. and myself. we took our driver with us and went up to Long Pond then Lizzie & I dressed ourselves and were invited over to [Franc’s?] to tea we did not get back [3 words] untill [sic] 3½. P.M. Unwell today Friday
Saturday 22. [July 1871]
Round a good deal. A.M. Lizzie and I got up at 6½ and saw Franc off she has gone to Concord. We got the work most all done up before breakfast We played Back-gammon. I practised we sung &c. Shelled peas for dinner, played Croquet. P.M. We played Croquet. We dressed and went down to Mrs [Clement’s?] to try on a dress
Sunday 23. [July 1871]
Pleasant but cool. A.M. We got S.S. lesson in bed. We all went to Church except Mother who didn’t feel well enough. P.M. [Was People’s?] sermon. Real good. Emma’s class had a [Monument?] of [1 word]. Our class had something about [1 word]
Monday, July 24, 1871.
Pleasant. A.M. Uncle Arthur got out most of the [needs?] from the Croquet ground. I helped. Mother Lizzie and I did the Monday’s Chamber work. I wrote to Aunt [Kate?] and Laura Logan. P.M. Mother & us did the dishes. I put on my new muslin. Fred came up and staid to tea. had a call from [Mary?] & [Warner?]
Tuesday 25. [July 1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Father went to Concord and came home tonight. Lizzie and I went up to Aunt Ellen’s down to Hotel &c. to see if people didn’t want to go to the Springs. P.M. We went. Freds three friends in one carriage. Aunt Ellen Mother & Emma N. Lizzie [2 words] and took Miss Warner & Willie. Aunt Amanda & Mrs G. W. [Norris?] & [Marie?]. Fred Aunt Ann & I. We had a real good time [culling?] our side [1 word].
Wednesday 26. [July 1871]
A Dog Day. A.M. Lizzie, Willie and I went to ride up to Frank Brown’s with a message for Lois from Emma B. coming back we stopped on the [road?] and at all the raspberrys [sic] we wanted. P.M. we dressed up in our white dresses and went down to have our pictures taken but the light wasn’t strong enough so they [weren’t?] good, going again. Then we made a call on Mrs Parmelee
Thursday, July 27, 1871.
A.M. Lizzi and I went to Newbury Blueberrying, with Grandma Hatch. by her invitation we stopped at a Mr Chandler’s. we didn’t get home till most three. We picked seven [grants?]. Aunt Ann was here [1 word[ working on my linen dress. Fred Kimball came at most five as soon as the shower was over.
Friday 28. [July 1871]
Quite pleasant. A.M. We did the work. Anne & Belle came over. We all picked over Raspberrys [sic] shell peas & string beans then we spent the rest of the morning playing Croquet. P.M. I wrote most all the afternoon and Lizzie [served?]. Mr Edward [Chevy?] is here came yesterday, and I guess is going to stay [2 words]
Saturday 29. A Dog day as all days are now. I slept with [Addie?] last night. A.M. She & Lizzie helped in the Chamber work and we got it done early. Then Fred & Walter came to see if we wouldn’t go to the Springs. [So?] Lizzie and I up & went. They [waited?] for us at the Blacksmith’s and when we got there they [weren’t?] ready so we went and made a call on Mary Warner.
Sunday, July 30, 1871.
Warm A.M. We all went to Church but Lizzie & Willie. Mr Scott preached a sermon on the Summer. P.M. Addie & [Enigme?] staid at home. Mr Scott’s cousin, Mr Sands preached a beautiful sermon. Rec. 7. 7, 10 Sing was beautiful all day. Evening. We sung and us young folks went up to the Cemetery.
Monday 31. [July 1871]
Rained all the forenoon very hard. [We?] went out in the barn and fooled around.Then did work &c. We played Euchre. P.M. Mother did dishes. Addie & I [niped?]. It cleared off and we all went up to the [Counting?] room, and had a boat ride. We had a real good time. Addie kept running [1 word] to Mr [1 word] coat [1 word]
Tuesday, August 1. [1871]
Pleasant. A.M. Father went to Concord & Boston. Mother, Lizzie, Seth and I went to the funeral of Mr George Cherry the Services were very long. When we got him Lizzie declared she didn’t want to go to [1 word] as we have been indenting to do. P.M. Seth & Ida [Engen?] & Addie started off.
Wednesday, August 2, 1871.
A very beautiful day. A.M. [1 word] &c. & [1 word]. Mrs Parmelee & Anne came over. We, Anne & I went [1 word] the store & got some blueberries. We played Croquet. P.M. Lizzie and I got ready and went down and had our picture taken. then went round [shopping?].
Thursday 3. [August 1871]
Very pleasant. A.M. Lizzie and I went to ride. The Boys For W. went at the game time. We went to [Yochum?], hand a real good time, got back at half past ten. P.M. Played one fun handed game of Croquet, Then Lizzie Addie and I talked about games for the party which is in [2 words] until Saturday.
Friday 4. [August 1871]
Very warm & pleasant. A.M. I rode horseback. The rest played Croquet. We got up in the [tree?] behind the house. Then the boys were going in swimming and we said we would
Monday, January 1, 1877.
On the whole rather a fair beginning for the next year.
Lizzie has been come [become?] what troublesome and aggravating and it takes a good stock of patience to live with her day after day but—but—but-- -- &c, &c
Come now Jo, don’t be too hard on a poor feller!
Sunday, February 18, 1877.
Quarters with Constance, Lissie, too and Ella King not long enough. C-- & I had [a] warm discussion about [fertile?] lies at [the] table and I talked pretty plainly I guess.
[one word] with Miss Phebe.
Monday 19 [February 1877]
Piano Recital by Mme Madeline Schiller in the evening. Very nice indeed. She was dressed in blk [black] silk & looked very sweet.
Two of Chopin’s pieces I like very much, also [Franscufitan?] of “Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Tuesday, February 20, 1877.
Just as busy as I could be, reading [Downey?] & Son for I was to take the part of Florence at the Dickens party. We had a Lil[sic] reading at which Miss Phebe read us her paper on Chaucer.
Wednesday 21 [February 1877]
Room mate & Lissie commencing at ten remarked constantly on my dress all day, Trouble with the [alums?]. Miss Phebe came up & advised. I read hard a Call from Mr Bradley in the evening.
Thursday, February 22, 1877.
[Above the date is written,] Esther was Rachel Wardle.
Seth came at noon bringing Ma’s silk dress. He left at four. Saw Lissie and [Leanne?]. Lissie helped me & dressed me at night. Constance read to me, Cherrie went to Green house for me and the whole house came to [look?] at us when we were ready. Anna looked VERY PRETTY in white & blue & David was attentive to Dora. Mr [Perriam?] came home with me. It was at Miss Park’s. Real good time.
Friday 23 [February 1877].
First unpleasant day since fifteenth of Jan.
Seth came & we went to Mansion House to tea and to conceit in ere. Miss West & Mrs Barry sang Swedish Quartet (male). I liked [it] very much. They came & serenaded us afterwards also the boys.
Saturday, February 24, 1877.
Seth came & saw Miss Wilson. Lessons hard & I [am] tired. Snow storm…Couldn’t get any lessons. Only recess meetings on account of storm.
Sunday 25 (February 1877)
Snow storm and haven’t been out all day. Service in parlor this A.M. Miss Phebe had charge and [one word] me by calling on me to lead in prayer. Miss Chased read one of Moody’s sermons on the Companion of Christ. I finished Helena’s Household. Visited with Clara Shipman, Fannie Dane, Alice Gardner & Belle [Currant?]. Somehow Belle doesn’t seeme to understand—no—appreciate my efforts to converse in a [helpful?] way, good meeting.
Monday, February 26, 1877.
Pleasant again. I went downtown with Nellie Emerson and Mollie Wilder & saw our colored gent but did not bow. A letter from S.M.R. Read in [Rounds?] last night.
Got along in Bible lesson pretty well.
Tuesday 27 [February 1877]
Walked with C. [Hall?] [to] Class meeting, [one word] for [A. Barren Historian, A. Brain?] and Sibyl & Carrie H—[two words]. [One word] for [examinations?] given & I can go home Monday noon. Hattie Cobb over to tea.
Wednesday, February 28, 1877.
Very pleasant. Finished [room?] work & then studied and recited Psychology. P.M. Read De Quincy’s Joan of Arm with girls & then copied art. Kate [Buss?] made her appearance on the scene of action. Wrote to [Maurice Deton?] & said something particular. Do hope it will do some good. Kate is going to Hanover tomorrow.
Thursday, March 1 [1877]
Study and [invitation?] to Sewing circle at Mrs [Berry’s?], Went & had a good [one word]. Sang college songs. Talked with Mrs Richards.
Friday, March 2, 1877.
[Lence?] this one at Mrs Phelps but I didn’t go. Was too tired. It stormed & the girls rode.
Saturday 3 [March 1877]
WORK. Ex. in Authors not very good for me. Recitation in Psychology, Went down town with Addie Brainard & bought my [BUTLER?] Ex. In Psychology after school, lasted till nearly five. One read [Ramoda?].
Sunday, March 4, 1877
Rainy & pleasant by turns. Didn’t go out till P.M. when we went up to Chapel. Prof. Churchill preached on Faith: The woman who pressed Christ in the crowd. How her faith was ignorant & selfish but still genuine & so Christ heard her. How many thronged him but only one TOUCHED him. Visited with Cherrie & Frannie Fane before supper & after supper with Constance & Ella King – the [two words] both good. Had one with Miss Phebe too. Meeting.
Monday 5 [March 1877]
Got up early & packed. Got along pretty well in Eng. Authors, [four?] people in [one word] with [first name] C. Hall in [cars?]. Good time. [abbreviation] Ma & I talked seriously til nearly ten. I am so shocked, but [she] has really been [drinking hard?].
Tuesday, March 6, 1877.
Beautiful. Lizzie Barton came in, in the morning a few minutes, and Aunt Lizzie came to dinner & staid til after supper & [Ann Nourse?] came in & I went to ride with Seth. Lizzie Barton came again & staid all night. [Fred?] made quite a call, Aunt Sarah was in both tonight & last night. [Unitarian?] Festival tonight.
Wednesday 7 [March 1877]
Pleasant. Went up to Mrs Little’s. Been writing letters.
Miss [Chellis?] lectured on The Hill Difficulty & The Land of Beulah in Chapel, croweded; Seth & I came home & Dr. Tom [talked crossed out] walked up part-way with us.
Thursday, March 8, 1877.
Walked down town with a letter. P.M. Ma, [Sadie?] & I went over to Aunt Sarah’s with work. Eve. went to meeting & prayed for [here] there, Sam afterwards. A.D.W. [Ellen?] W. & L. Chase were there. Staid to teachers meeting.
Friday 9 [March 1877]
Stormy. [Snow?], RAIN & mixed but sun out tonight. Seth staid in A.M. & [one word] there talked. He had a better [from?] Frank [Carlton?] in wh. [which?] he asked for my picture & sent his. Evening Mr. Abbott in and Fred called in P.M.
Sunday, March 10, 1877.
Pleasant & cool. Washed head, bathed, etc. Mrs Little down. P.M. Popped corn. Aunt Ann in. Louise Chase, Mrs Abbott & Aunt Amanda. Seth came in P.M. Mother out calling. Jess came bringing a friend with him & I met up there a few minutes. I [met?] with Lizzie a few minutes.
Sunday 11 [March 1877]
Mr Le seur [Fr. Craydon?] preached and P.M. liked it. It was about Paradise, flaming sword of God’s holiness & justice and reopened (by God’s great mercy).
I had Willie’s class of boys & liked it better than anticipated. I read to Children. Arth. [Arthur] came in & made Seth go over to Methodist [seniors?] meeting. Didn’t say anything [one word]. Just out family alone had a good time.
Monday, March 12, 1877.
Housework. P.M. Went down street with Sadie and went up to see Grandma who is at Henry’s. Mrs Abbott came in a few minutes & the [Wilmarth?] girls called. Uncle Sylvanus came & as did Frank but I didn’t see him. Ma read “Lass o’[Lornie?]” to me. Pleasant evening. Jess & Arth. [Arthur] called & Fred has [been] in a few minutes.
Tuesday 12 [March 1877]
Snow on Teus – beautiful. Saw quite a good deal of Frank. He seems full of Moody & Sankey. He has been with the Inquiry [room?] one evening. Ma & Pa went to Mrs. A—[probably Abbott]’s to dine with Mr. & Mrs [Jasher?] I went up to Mrs Little’s & Mrs [Rourke’s?]. Lizzie B—[probably Barton] & Arth. [Arthur] were in.
A letter & a dog [one word]. Constance. Pleasant evening. Played Ring [lots?], sang Sankey [hymns?], ate pop corn & talked & played tricked, Arth. [Arthur] in.
[transcriber’s note: Moody and Sankey were evangelists who traveled the US and UK and wrote hymns in the late 19th century.]
Wednesday, March 14, 1877
Frank left this morning saying good bye fr. [from] the foot of the stairs and saying he should not see me again. P.M. Mrs [Woodbury?] called. I went over to see Mrs Manning.
Evening. Willie sick with swollen face – read Robinson Crusoe to him. Frank came in with Seth at about eight. They played Whist.
Thursday 15 [March 1877]
Uncle Sylvanus & Frank left this morning.
F [Frank] asked for my picture & I gave him a standing cabinet. He looked well this time.
P.M. Ma & I went over to Mrs Parmelee’s and I staid an hour there & also at Mrs. Abbott’s. Eve. Meeting & teachers meeting.
Friday, March 16, 1877.
A.M. Up to Mrs Little’s. Mrs. Lyman Fletcher died yesterday. P.M. Fred came in & he & [Dexter?] staid to tea & F—[Fred] went to [the] station with Ma & I. We went out to Claremont & passed a very pleasant evening. {Emill Gerber?], a fine young man called.
Saturday 17 [March 1877]
Mrs. Goddard called in the morning & we [walked?], talked, & played on the piano. They tried their best to make me stay over Sunday but I almost impolitely insisted in coming home. Will came with us & went back at six with his father. Annie P—[Parmelee] came in, they left [two words] for New York. Frank is still here & I [presume?] will call.
Sunday, March 18, 1877.
Cold. Mrs Abbott is in B— on her vacation and so Mr. A. S. Wait read a sermon. The text was “Whatsoever you do in mind of deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus etc.” Real good sermon.
Aunt Lizzie came up to dinner. After dinner I went up to Seth’s room & had a real talk with him. Oh! How I dreaded it! But God gave me strength. He seemed very indifferent & indolent upon the subject and somewhat [perhaps?] a good deal doubting.
Monday 19 [March 1877]
Worked all the morning. P.M. Wrote letter & went up to Mrs Abbott’s & told her about S [Seth]. Haven’t told Mother yet. I went to Lizzie’s & to Mary [Wilmarth’s?]. [Sandra?] was here & slept with me.
Tuesday, March 20, 1877.
Very pleasant & warmer. A.M. was spent at home. P.M. went to station & Kate came. Has a hard cold. Evening Father, Mother & Will went to [Brattleboro?] and Seth [minded?] Sam in here. We played [Larietta?] & cards. Ellen popped us some corn. Dosed Kate.
Wednesday 21 [March 1877]
Rainy & gloomy, went up to Mrs Little’s. Kate has a headache & I have been [bathing?] her head. Seth seems real nice now when Kate is here. Arthur Baldwin in [twice?] & Fred called. Folks came from [Brattleboro?]. Seth & I went to the Sociable in the evening. Mr Wart read Celestial Railroad by Hawthorne. Went into Brownie office on my way home. Talked about Job & Psalms being fiction.
Thursday, March 22, 1877.
[Pleasanter?] Kate & I waled down town, called on Fred & Mrs Kimball. Aunt Lizzie in. \
P.M. Called on Aunt Amanda. Mrs. Kimball & Frank Riley called here. Lizzie Barton also. Eve. Read Scrivener’s & didn’t go to meeting.
Friday 23 [March 1877]
Eve. Mattie Wheeler’s benefit—small audience. We went with Father & Mother. Seth, [usher?]. P.M. Kate & I went to walk most of P.M., did all the errands I could think of, Jennie [le?] called. We hailed Fred & went to ride. Went by ourselves A.M.
Saturday, March 24, 1877
P.M. Went up to Mrs Little’s & Mrs Banks was there & wouldn’t go so I had to stay a long. We were all invited up to Aunt Lizzie’s to tea & went.
Fred was there, also Lizzie Barton.
Kate made cream cakes in the morning.
Sunday 25 [March 1877]
Pleasant. Mr. [Wait] read a sermon. Kate & I read about the Bible & proofs that it is divine.
Kate taught me a hymn beginning “Oh! Jesus! Thou art standing.”
I made Seth go to meeting with Kate & Arth. [Arthur] with me for I wanted to see Arth. [Arthur] alone told him so in the morning. I tried to help him but didn’t know as I did.
Monday, March 26, 1877.
Very stormy. Fanny & Bertie came P.M. & Kate & I did errands & got cold, at least K—[Kate] did. I didn’t. P.M. We were carried up to Aunt Amanda’s where we staid to tea. John came in evening. Pleasant time. Were brought home so didn’t have a chance to talk to J—[John].
Tuesday 27 [March 1877]
Still stormy.
Kate decided not to go. Lizzie B—[Barton] up here making me a hat, Arth. [Arthur] called with Mr. Bartlett
Sat in my room all day. P.M. Arth. [Arthur] called with Bartlett. Eve. wor my hat; wh. [which] Lizzie made. Fine time at concert. Seth went with Fanny and me.
Kate didn’t go.
Wednesday, March 28, 1877. Still stormy.
A.M. Arth., Bartlett, and [Tenerus?] called. We went to the station with Kate. Saw them again there. P.M. Fanny, Seth & I went up to Aunt Ann’s to tea. Good time.
The children went to little Dexter’s party. Sadie came home & said she had kissed all the boys.
Thursday 29 [March 1877]
Cold & snowy. Went to station with Franny & Bertie. Mrs Sawyer went off with the body of her husband. I went up to Mrs Little’s. P.M. Arth., L. Barton & I went up to [An. D. W.’s] sugaring, Good time. Lizzie came & fixed Kate’s of [one word]. [one word] in to say [one word]. [Mr?] Arth., Lizzie & I went to meeting, [Mr. A?] home. Good meeting.
Friday, March 30, 1877.
Still cold & stormy. Started off for Boston. Arth & Lizzie [left] me at station. Pleasant ride down. Saw Maggie Webster on train, also [Ena?] at station. Sadie Baker in Parker dining room & Belle [Carrier?] on the street. After dinner went out shopping. I got my ddress. Father saw F. W. W. when he first came & [one word] as we sat reading in parlor he made his appearance. Eve Went to Wagner Opera. Flying Dutchman at Boston Museum. Grand. Mme. [Pappenheim’s?] voice WONDERFUUL. Mr. [Bloom’s?] also.
Saturday 31 [March 1871]
Just as we were going down to breakfast we met Jasmine M. coming in & she was with us & is with us still. We went looking around & P.M. Ma had her picture & we went to see the [Shastrong?] cloak, very wonderful. Eve. Frank made his appearance & we went to [Holy?] Theatre. The might Dollar.
Sunday, April 1, 1877.
Late up. Went to N.E. Church & heard Murray & music at Music Hall. Liked the sermon very much. The best was [about?] the natural & spiritual body. Then [prints?]. 1st our bodies are compatible but will be INcompatible. 2nd as [two words] come from old by decay to [one word] out future bodies will resemble the OLD. 3. The only difference between this present & future bodues is sin is sin the present but the absence of SIN WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.
Monday 2 [April 1877]
Up early. Kinnie went first, [Poirdie?] came up with me. Miss McKeen here at night so only recited in Mitlon.
Glad to see Lizzie & the girls. Unpacked, and staid in.
Tuesday, April 3, 1877.
[Pleasanter?] Walked with Fanny Emerson. Regular recitations. Walked with Hattie G. Smith this P.M., I [staid?] tonight at Miss McKeen’s right [hard?].Girls in here reading [Ronda?] tonight. Lizzie had a letter from Seth last night.
Wednesday 4 [April 1877]
Room work dressed & wrote a letter to Seth and said something on the subject. I DO hope it will not harden or provoke him.
P.M. Study hour, played duets with Fanny & went to Musicale. Mr [Prabo?] played & Mrs Weston sung. P— brought his father with him.I went to see Miss Kimball teacher, Mrs Watson & Mrs Lowell.
Thursday, April 5, 1877.
Stormy. Ground now white with snow. First regular recitation in Butler, PRETTY HARD. P.M. I went down town wrote & Contstance & Cherrie are in here. Miss [Brelchin?] called C—[Constance] “a shy startled Fawn.”
Lizzie had a very bad cold & so have many of the girls.
Friday 6 [April 1877]
Quite pleasant. Butler for from [rasy?]. I fizzled in my recistation. I don’t do very well. We talked over graduating essays to tho and I walked with Birdie and we went down to Helen Bowers . Wrote [one word.]
Saturday, April 7, 1877.
Beautiful. Walked with Clara Shipman. A lecture this P.M. from Rev. John Taylor on Van Dyck. Very interesting. I walked with Eva. We girls got quite excited because we were not enough [revisited?] tickets for Mr Stoddard’s lectures to enable us to have him as we went round & now we have got most enough. We are to have lectures from E.S. Phelps after his.
Sunday 8 [April 1877]
Beautiful day. Dr. Love preached and his text this morn. was Rom. 10:8// on Faith. The difference between self-persuasion & Faith.
Constance has been sick for several days & I can’t [meet?] with her tonight. To think it should so disappoint me! Miss [Wilson?] takes care of her & Helen [one word]. visited with Belle & Abbie Rice, Alice Gardner & [Elora?] Thompson. Long meeting about classes, I am deciding to have Daisy’s
Monday, April 9, 1877.
I got on quite nicely with my Bible Class & in my other lessons. I went to the Green house with Sadie & [Ermmings?].
Tuesday 10 [April 1877]
Still beautiful. A.M. Walked with Franny. Miss Phebe spoke a few earned words about the lessons saying that as Elisha breathing his warmth & life upon the child so we should lead others to Christ by letting them see our earnestness. I went to see Kate a minute this A.M. She came last night & has come up to stay with us now.
Wednesday, April 11, 1877. I went to B. went to Packer’s but they said he had left that morn. Pa, I mean. did errands, met Sadie Bird. went to Mrs Smith’s to Frank’s store, went into meeting in Park Street, but was packed. Saw Bill Parmelee. Dinner all along. Up to Annie’s & we two up to Jeanie’s At supper with A, I discovered that Mrs Hayes was my sister Lizzie’s teacher at Glenwood. Went to Tabernacle in the evening, Sat in seats back of preacher.
Thursday 12 [April 1877]
After prayers I studied a full hour then walked to [Trinity?] Ch. with Annie & Bessie Turner. Liked Mr [Branks?] as much as ever. He spoke beautifully of Mr Moody. Pleasant walk home. After dinner I went to [the] station where Frank came & came up here. Very pleasant time Kate & Lizzie met me at station & we walked up thru [sic] the town getting caught in funny snow squall. Miss Wilson came down to see F [Frank?] tho’ he didn’t care to see her. then he Lizzie & I went to walk & he staid till [6.20?] Aunt Alice was here.
Friday, April 13, 1877.
Dr. [Stours?] spoke to us in hall. Walked with Anna Barren & P.M. with Belle [Conant?]/ Mar up study hours & went to [Hillhive?] at Mrs [Coys?]. They had a play Which is which very good indeed. Mr Alber
Sunday, January 1, 1882.
Cold. Ma sick abed with a cold I was kept at home from morning service but a good deal I expect. 9 boys in class—good [Communion?]—was sorry Will could not go. Eve. Lecture on [Interfructure?] House. Good day for me.
Monday 2 [January 1882]
Snowed last night—very cold & blustering. Ma came down stairs. My work didn’t [one word] rapidly. P.M. Annual meeting of ch. I went to [three words[ there. Mr [McGordon?] for [one word] spoke very well [winded?] & whole meeting was excellent—Mr [Clark?] of [one word] & sister.
Tuesday, January 3, 1882
Beautiful day, tho’ cold. P.M. Went down to Mr Abbot’s and we read on “moral & religious training of children.” Ma in bed all day with colf. [Mrs?] P—called and I showed him more pictures. Eve. Pa mad candy for Ma & Will. I didn’t go to meeting.
Wednesday 4 [January 1882]
Cold & blustering snow blew. Lizzie was over to see Ma. and I asked her to walk up to Lizzie [Fred’s?] We went & had lunch there—it was SINFUL cold. P.M. Read & staid with the sick ones. Eve Went to meeting sub. was Prayer for [one word] of righteousness & the word
Tuesday, January 5, 1882
Busy all day—Lizzie was over.
I went out and did errands.
Eve. Meeting sub. Prayer for schools & colleges. I quote “Suffer little children”. Mr. A spoke of what we read yesterday. Mr. Mooney in [one word] I [one word] late both classes.
Sunday, January 1, 1882.
Cold. Ma sick abed with a cold I was kept at home from morning service but a good deal I expect. 9 boys in class—good [Communion?]—was sorry Will could not go. Eve. Lecture on [Interfructure?] House. Good day for me.
Monday 2 [January 1882]
Snowed last night—very cold & blustering. Ma came down stairs. My work didn’t [one word] rapidly. P.M. Annual meeting of ch. I went to [three words[ there. Mr [McGordon?] for [one word] spoke very well [winded?] & whole meeting was excellent—Mr [Clark?] of [one word] & sister.
Tuesday, January 3, 1882
Beautiful day, tho’ cold. P.M. Went down to Mr Abbot’s and we read on “moral & religious training of children.” Ma in bed all day with colf. [Mrs?] P—called and I showed him more pictures. Eve. Pa mad candy for Ma & Will. I didn’t go to meeting.
Wednesday 4 [January 1882]
Cold & blustering snow blew. Lizzie was over to see Ma. and I asked her to walk up to Lizzie [Fred’s?] We went & had lunch there—it was SINFUL cold. P.M. Read & staid with the sick ones. Eve Went to meeting sub. was Prayer for [one word] of righteousness & the word
Tuesday, January 5, 1882
Busy all day—Lizzie was over.
I went out and did errands.
Eve. Meeting sub. Prayer for schools & colleges. I quote “Suffer little children”. Mr. A spoke of what we read yesterday. Mr. Mooney in [one word] I [one word] late both classes.
[transcriber’s note: this diary was typewritten. I have corrected typographical errors.]
Wed. Jan 1st. The four jolly girls had a good time, especially Alizabeth and Katherine. Betty Sweetman, Alice’s friend left early for Ch. [Church] She is a Catholic. I felt lazy all day and did not try to accomplish anything. A hovering cols takes my energy. Had a turkey dinner at noon at wh. were Clara &. Annie Whitney as guests---Omer Gillett came in to take the girls out in his new Buick and had ice cream with us. Sun shining most of the day. altho’ clouds hid the fireworks at midnight from us. I decided I wol. not force myself to go out to call and so was lazy. Annie and I played duets Miriam [Miriam Hartwell, her daughter], John, and Josephine called and Jo. wanted me to come there for supper, so I went. We were to have played anagrams but failed on it. Alice left us for Bemis. I shld. feel more courageous did I feel better in body. Richards Emerson called on phone.
Thurs. Jan. 2. Staid in bed all morning, up for lunch with Mrs Curl. P.M. Clara’s Tea for Cousin Annie very nice indeed. Richars came for dinner and Clara & Annie came over in evening and we sat and talked in the firelight.
Fri. Jan. 3. Again in bed all morning and resting much. Richards took Annie in Tung Fu[sic]. for ride, and again in P.M. Tea for Rosalind Keller fr. Pitts friend of Ruth & sister of Trixie Lee.
Sat 1/4. In bed all morning but better, somewhat than yesterday. Troubled abt. the Hamlin question. Had Willis Armstrong come in to advise. Nothing doing. Over to Mrs K’s after dinner ---little H. ran away & walked way up to Dickie Cowles alone and had started back when Bettye found him. Being punished today by being tied with a long rope. Richards E. in and lovely roses from Rosaline Keller for whom I gave the Tea yesterday.
Sun. 1/5. Decided not to go to Ch. In bed till noon. Omer Gillett and Alice to dinner. Short ride in his new buick after. After rest, wrote some and began letter to chix. Hartwells Clara & Annie and Richards E. to supper, good time. Hartwells took them in for a good ride in P.M.
Mon. 1/6/1930. Miram and I lunched with Richards at Antlers. C, A, & I Tead at Miss Warrens. Eve. Wrote one note & then the cousins came over so cld. do no more. I suppose I chall have the chance sometime and musn’t fret at these interruptions.
Tues 1/7. Cold and snow; the latter needed for dust bad. Took the cousins and little Harold down town for errands—and kept H. for lunch. WE had cut-up fruit for lunch with banana in it—he said [next page] Jan. 7/ Tues cont’d “Mummy does not wet me eat penannas because they make tickles in my stomach. Where are the tickles? Are those little dark things the tickles?” Tea at Sylvia Brigham’s with the cousins & Miss Warren. Organ concert at Grace [Grace Church]. Rich E. leaves at 6:15 for Santa Fe.
Jan 8/ Wed. Down town A.M. Eve. Church meeting, good, many there, good spirit, Miriam went with me and staid. P.M. Annie & I went to A.A.U.W. meeting at Bemis. Miss Parsons spoke and Mr Charrington on League of Nations, International relations etc. most instructive.
Jan 9/ Thurs. Luncheon at Mrs Peabody’s bery nice. Calls fr. El and then Mrs Coolidge who bro’t me 25. for the Indian girls Y.W.C.A. Eve. Lecture at Perkins on Plant & animal life with time lapse camera Most wonderful! seeing blossoms unfold, seeds germinate etc. Hartwells to dinner and john went most pleased. Anni [Molher?]’d
Jan. 10. Fri. some weary so took things easy. Harold to lunch, good boy. P.M. called on Mrs Albright and in to say goodbye to Bettye who goes tonight.
Sat. Jan 11.
Had Fred to lunch. He has changed the name of his bro. yet to be to Richards. He appeared very well and looks healthy. P.M. Took Annie to call on Miriam while called on Albertine. She discouraged because she cannot get done the many things wh. need doing I, also. Alice G. in and to dinner.
Sun. 1/12/. Mr. Swan of Greeley preached to the satisfaction of every one--- a young slender looking man. Text fr. three men in fiery furnace. Do the best you can and hope for success and happiness-“BUT IF Not ‘live the Gallant life.’”
Clara, Annie, and I alone for dinner. At. 5. Miss Mary Elmore came to call. Sister of Mrs Nelson, fine wholesome woman and full of interest in the Mei Wa School in Canton. We three to Miriam’s for supper and eve.
Mon. 1/13. Down town A.M. to Dr. Dennis, who thinks my colds may come fr. the tummy. no operation wld. help. P.M. Tea at Mrs Jordan’s for Frances Rouse who goes tomorrow to the Mediteraen [sic] with the Dr. Powers party. Charlotte came early in A.M. Letter fr. H.
Tues. 1/14. Very cold A.M. Rogers said 9 below. [new page] Tues. 1/14. continued. House duties seem to take much time. I wrote the address of Miss Kalopathakes for Frances and took it over. Took cards again in P.M. Eve. Hartwells down and we hd a fine time with anagrams. Mad. came and Annie enjoyed it.
1/15 Wed. C, A went down town with me and I went to Dr. Dennis, who says he thinks my cold come fr. the tummy rather than anything else. Y.W.C.A. meeting at 11 followed by lunch: very cold.
Thurs. 1/16. Down town ---no, Letter fr. Clement that Anne & David will come stay two of three mos. with me while Anne is recovering. I wired in eve. Jacoby here and Curl & Rogers. P.M. went to meeting at Miriam’s and spoke abt. Mrs Fairbank etc. Letter fr. Mrs Sullens A.M. giving projects. Food time. Hartwells to dinner. J. took Annie to train. Far below 0
Fri 1/17. It was 23 below 0 at 3 A.M. 18 below at 8. Cold all day. Am asking Mrs Murray top come to help with the work. Am trying to get letters answered. Elizabether let the Tung Fu.[sic] freeze on her. Not bad. Eve. Lecture by Mr. Finlay on Camera hunting on the Continental Divide. Went with J. and M. etc. Grateful wire fr. Clem. at noon.
Sat 1/18. Warmer this A.M. Wrote. P.M. Walked with the Albright’s in the Park. Lovely. Called on Albertine. E& M. to basket ball game eve, taking Fred. M. to spend the night.
sun. 1/19. Still very cold. Dr. Helfin stein fr. Dover Del. was the preacher and very good, but Mr. Swan of last weeks makes us all difficult. He dined with us and was agreeable. 55 yrs old but hair almost white. Ch. had a supper for the Ch. to meet him and he spoke afterwards. Many came and the fellowship was good. I hope they will not engage him on the spot. Mrs Ensign thinks we must have a young man. Miriam went withme. Clara spending the nights here and many meals.
Mon. 1/20/. 2 below at 7.30. Kissels all frozen up. Plumbers there. I am to have the boys for lunch. Quite a Blizzard when I took Lina home and [went?] for [allonol?]. I wrote some and did things in my nice comfy home.
Tues. 1/21. Again very cold--- abt. 16 below I believe. Hartwells all frozen ---had to get plumbers, but were thawed out in a short time. I am keeping the cold water running all the time in the laundry tub. The big pipes deel in the ground are frozen. Looked over my Xmas cards—counted---- and separated them. Wire fr. Clem. Anne starts Thurs. later on acc. [of] the cold.
P.M. Walked a bit called on the Peabody’s who were out and on the Girls. where Clara & I staid for tea. Clara here all day.
Wed. 1/22. 2, below at 7.30 A.M. but up to 33 this P.M. clear bright day—out in P.M. with Mrs Albright and the 3 dogs. Mrs Murray came P.M., not having rec’d my word. She will take the no. room. Clara & I got to Miriam’s tonight. A lovely letter fr. Clem. today. Mrs Spencer asks me to tell of Jerusalem at a small meeting Feb. 4th.
Thurs. 1/23. Busy A.M. with Rogers and Curl here and down town on errands. Last night the Tung Fu. stopt when we were coming back from Miriam’s so Clara & I had to walk a short distance. So this A.M. they bro’t the car up & I took the man back. P.M. I went to see Mrs Clar abt. projects for our Ch. appor. and the Hartwells came for dinner, i.e. J & M did Madoline staid with Josephine who has a cold. I was to weary to go to the Hoffman concert. So gave my ticket to Katherine Bruce. She, Eliz. Mad. and Miriam went together.
Fri. 1/24. Busy at home and not ill with a cold as I feared I might be last night. Clara & I. went into Mr. Shou;’s to the auction, to see the house once more and think of dear Mrs Shoup. People there all day. P.M. Miriam and I called on Lucille Thurber. She waliked in to the room with a cane. Her right hand is all good the left in a dainty sling. She full in the face. The baby darling. M’s water all frozen no water. Letter fr. Will imploring to come to me. Alas!
[transcriber’s note: the next ten entries (Jan. 25-Feb. 2) were out of place in the diary; they were located the page behind the entries for Feb. 3-5. I have moved them to be chronologically accurate.]
Fri. 1/25. Ann & David came at 5:30 P.M. having missed the train.
Sat. in Denver. She comfy and happy to be here. I busy all day with necessary things.
Sun 1/26. Mr Blackman of Cheyenne Wy. preached and I liked him next best ot Mr. Swan. He has a Congo. background, speaks well & has something to say. We cld. love him. He may not have as much push as some. Hartwells here to dupper. Anne had meals in Room today.
Mon. 1/27. I started on my desks, hoping to finish this mo.
Tues. 1/28. Same as yesterday only may have gone to town. Cellist at Grace [Grace Church] in eve. Beatrice Harrison.
Wed. 1/29. Same as yesterday.
Thurs. 1/20. Birthdays of Hash &. Tim. 37 & 12. Anne down to meals except breakfast. Tea in P.M.s
Fri. 1/31. Same only in eve. lovely concert by Giannini a soprano. Mrs Kissel as my guest. Mad. with her Mother. Letters from all four chix came this week earlier. Clem most appreciative of the home for Anne. He is surely a fine man, even tho’ he misses so much spiritually.
Sat. 2/1. Day full. Work on desk continues. Clara was not well yesterday, some better today.
Sun. 2/2. Mr. Culbertson fr. Los Angeles preached I not pleased We to M’s to supper. Anne called on Trixie Lee.
[transcriber’s note: in the diary, the following page (Feb 3-5) was located before the previous page (Jan 25-Feb 2).]
Mon. 2/3. Sat. P.M. I had a sweet letter fr. Clem again. I shall let him pay only $50 per mo. I wish to do for him as well as for the other chix. I enjoy Anne & David. Anne’s music is lovely. She feels better each day. Worked on talk on Jerusalem. And letters had to be written. Colder and some snow. Anne talked family matters all eve.
Tues. 2/4. lovely day. The mts are beautiful with Alpin glow every morning now. David & I. quirte enjoy them. Work on Talk with pictures. P.M. talked on Jerusalem at Mrs Bennet’s for the Bap. section. Miriam, Josephing & Charlotte in and call for Anne fr. fr. Edith Hazel. J was here for lunch and P.M.
Wed. 2/5. Clara very tired and ill but had Mrs Curl. A gall bladder trouble, she thinks. Discouraging for her. M & I called on Mrs Graham---charming creature! P.m. Walk to Mrs Ensign’s. On returen found el & Penfields callin just as the tea came in, then, MM, A, &. Charlotte came in and then Mrs Cushing called, so I had a regular reception. Ada Freeman came for Spanish, but it was too late., Anne sent me lovely sweet peas with white freesia. Mr. Culbertson fr Lost Angeles came to dinner. David had his earlier. Quite a pleasnt time and he staid for the Miss. Com. meeting here. 6 came. A littele discouraging for nobody, exceot a very few care for mission
Thurs. 2/6. Lovely golden light abt. 6.30 and 7 A.M. Mts beautiful. Ed. So. meeting and com. after. Clara some better today. Rogers and Curl here.
Fri. 2/7. Womens Union meeting here in P.M. and it was a fine meeting with India as sub. Mrs Hershey devotions, Mrs Parker a paper and Mrs Truitt the best of, Dr Culterson was here for part of the meeting and said he had never attended a better miss Tung Fu meeting and that Mrs Truitt’s paper he tho’t mught have been done by some expert from outside. I felt encouraged.
Sat. 2/8. I was too tired to go to the lecture last night, so gave my ticket to Carrie. My eyes feel badly.
Sun 2/9 ----Mon. 2/17 I was hardly able to use my eyes at all and made four trips to Dr. Neeper. I went to Ch. and heard a very excellent sermon by Dr. Culbertson ---had the two Japanese to dinner Mr. Asami and a younger man, both very nice. I wish others wld. invite them! The Hartwells to supper.
To Dr. Neeper and have made 4 visits to him. Eyes some better but not well this day 2/18. Sat night I went with the Hartwells to a C.C. basket ball game. Interesting. C. took Fred & David.
I try to walk and have to be lazy, since I cannot use my eyes. I have decided on a Ford Town Sedan and it comes this A.M. Sorry to lose
Sun. 2/23. Another lovely day. Katherine Bruce spent the night with Elizabeth and breakfast, of course and also dinner. She is a very nice girl. They went riding with Uncle Omer in P.M. Dr. McMurtry preached Am on “The Law of Life” the seed germinating must die vefore it lives, immortality. Christ had to die before he and we cld. live. Very few there. Hartwells on a picnic. I much admit that was beneficial for John, altho’ I wish he might have heard the sermon abt. the seed. They were here for supper. Anne & I sat quite a while on the porch before out naps. The boys played ahrd all day at Fred’s –had one fight. I took Fred & David to walk in the park, but they were not content to walk—they had to do something strenuous every minute.
Mon. 2/24. Down town, to Dr. Neeper who says the eyes are much better, wh. I know myself. Finished dictating letters at Miss Williams, called for Miss Duvall and bro’t her home to lunch. She came last Friday and is at the Y. W. She lunched with us Fri. My Llama [transcriber’s note: I believe Llama is what Gile calls her car] misbehaved on the st. today and does frequently. I shall get used to her pranks soon I hope. It began snowing this A.M. and quite a little fell in P.M. Miriam and Clara in for Tea. Eve. Read, while Anne played piano. She plays VERY well.
[Sunday February 25, 1930—catching up on her eye infection] Sun. the 16th a young man Dr. Brown fr. Longmont preached a good sermon on God as a poet and humans as His poems. Very good and I liked almost everything [sic] abt. him. A service in eve. at 6, or rather a social. Many men there and a very social time. Supper. Then Dr. Brown told the story of his life as he had been requested to do. A strenuous life—has worked his own way and had many experiences in consequence. He knows my friends at Chi. Sem. [Chicago Seminary?] and likes it very much ---had his training there. Young people liked him.
Every other day I go to Dr. Neeper until Mon. the 24th was the 6th time, I believe. Now I begin to use my eyes normally ( 3/25[sic])
Fri. the 21st I went to a dinner at Antler with Charlotte to hear Miss Kathleen Courtney on World Peache and the steps the world has taken towards it. Dr. Evelyn Newman of Greeley spoke also. I was proud of them. A very large number there. I have called on Aunt Sally Thomas and Mrs Wynne and Mrs Hall and Albertine,
This is an imperfect record of my life for the past two weeks. I shall try to do better now I have eyes.
Anne read aloud to me the book “A. Soldier’s Manuscript” by Winant, being the record of Fred W’s bro. Corneliuis in the war and before. Printed privately. I was so far behind with letters I went to Miss Williams and dictated.
Tues. 2/25. 30. So much snow, I did not go out in the morning. M. called a moment and Irma Gilfillan---both advised me not to go out in Llama. Dear Irma! I am so sorry for her & Dorithy, no Ch. and no Ch. interest when in the past they had been so much a part of their life.
Wed. 2/26. Mrs Curl & Rogers were here, as I am to be away tomorrow. Eve. Ch. meeting to wh. M. went with me. It was voted to call Dr. Charles Stafford Brown of Longmont to our Ch. Almost a unanimous vote. Dean Hale presented the case well. I trust we have made no mistake.
Thurs. 2/27. I went to Denver by the 8.30 train. and reached the meeting [word crossed out] at the Y. W. at 11.05. A very fine meeting and lunch where there were 74 people. Mrs. Parker, with a load of our women were there for that. The meeting after was most interesting and helpful. I came home with Mrs. Parker and the rest. Mrs. Curl was not able to go. I fear she is ill.
Fri. 2/28. Still cold. but not stormy. Home A.M. and worked some on the meeting of yesterday and out Missionary com. P.M. called on Albertine and eve. Miriam & I. went to the Operetta Rosemunde by High School. Good.
Sat. 3/1. Down town A.M. My last visit to Dr. Neeper, unless necessary. Mrs Matthews, his Sec. is our organist.
P.M. Walked with Mrs. Albright in the Campus. Miriam in a few minutes and a Call fr. Vera [Cory?] who goes to Long Beach tomorrow. Talk in the dark in Living Room with Anne and Clara. I did not go to Basket ball game with the others. Miss Duvall has gone to M’s to help a few days till M. gets a maid. Anne was at Betsy’s in P.M.
Sun. e/2. Dr. Spencer preached to a very small audience. a good sermon as usual---cold day. Susie Gillett Blair here to dinner. She very nice—Anne liked her. Alice came back fr. Denver where she had a most interesting time--- Studdent Y.W. & Y.M. and league of nations conference. Dr. Gillett came to take them for a ride and I went too. David went to Ch. with me and behaved well. Friends were pleased to see him. Mr. Clark said he looked like me. P.M. I had David & Fred for a treat and read Pilgrim’s Progress to them. Anne to Mrs Kissel’s for supper. She walked fr. Murrays to Glockner in P.M.
Mon. 3/3. Spent morning writing to chix and attending the funeral of Mr. Donaldson---impressive. P.M. Took Mrs Blair to call on Mrs Wynne and had tea here with M.M. Quakenbush & Ethel Gabelein. etc.
Tues. 3/4/ Clara has decided to leave one week from today. I do hope she will keep well & happy. I was down town two or three times during the week.
We. 3/5. Clara over to dinner; I actually sorted over the Y.W. literature. so one job is done.
Thurs. 3/6/ Ed. So. meeting and Lecture com. meeting. A.M. In the P.M. took Mrs Blair to call on Mrs Ensign and I called on Mrs Abbott. I tho’t I was to meet the Tras. box class at Sylvia’s but it is not tillMon. so I went to the Basket ball game of San Luis at the W.Y. Madoline and her friends played well and won. 5 of our grandies were there. Miriam had J. with her and Char. had her boys and David. David and I are learning a rhyme but Dr. Davis “Don’t care & do care”
Fri. [3/7/1930] All day prayer service at the Lutheran Ch. of the Federated Misions. I went early and helped dress some performers. Good meeting and lunch, met Mrs Ewart and others. Home to rest. Harold’s birthday party--- 14. darling little ones—5 girls met Mrs Llewelyn and Madeleine Connell. M. came later. Clara & I had fine supper with the “girls” Fine women!
Sat. 3/8. To town to Food Sale and bo’t apples of Mr. Bruce
Sun. 3/9/1930. Miriam went to Ch. Dr. Ladd of Denver preached a fine sermon on A Moral Inventory. but it was a spiritual one instead, it seemed to me. Sin was the subject. I went to Mr. Haines birthday dinner—he is 76. yrs. The Harwells, Mrs Ensign and I were the guests. A fine dinner & Time. The Hartwells here for supper. I rather depressed, for some reason. David on a picnic with Fred. & C. [Carrie?] so Anne & Clara had dinner alone here. A little time for reading, but no letters.
Mon. 3/10. Down town with Clara to get her tickets etc. Anne called on her P.M. I wrote to the chix.
Tues. [3/11/1930] Spend the A.M. doing any little thing I cld. for Clara who was feeling a wreck, but got off on the 11:30 train for the East. Charlotte, Anne & I went to [the] station with her and a Mrs Dixon fr. Broadmoor, with her husband, people who know the H.H.s were on the train and C.[Carrie?] introduced C. [Clara?] to them. I miss her much—Bonnie is [in] my care now. Anne read “Orlando” to me in evening. A strange book
3/12/1930. Lovely spring day! Y.W. meeting A.M. Reading at Mrs Ensign’s in P.M. and a missionary com. here in eve.
Thurs. 3/13. I still miss Clara as does Bonnie. Rogers &. Mrs Curl as usual.
Fri. 3/14. W.U. meeting at dear Mrs Hall’s and it passed off well. Alice & Elizabeth did a Chinese stunt wh. was appreciated by all. Eve. Anne. char. & I. dined with Miriam and Everett &. Arthur. A fine dinner and a very good time. Anne enjoyed it much &. likes the boys.
Sat. 3/15. Nothing of special interest till eve. when we went to the So-Son-Do-Wah, the big night of the Girl Scouts. in the Aud. Very good. Red. &. David went with Anne. Miriam &. I. Mad. looked very cute as a folk boy.
Sun. 3/16. I told the S.S. abt. Manila ---at S.S. –then to Grace [Grace Church] with Anne. A fine service & a very good sermon, wh. Anne enjoyed. E. away and we had Harold to dinner. I let Miss Bevan take the Llama to the cabin full of business girls who are having a Conference here. A quiet 40 minutes reading “The Splendour of God” I decided to visit Ruth, after a talk with Miriam &. Anne at Miriam’s where David & I went to supper, Anne having gone to the Hos. with Trixie &. Hus. & coming later to M’s I sent Ruth a wire. Wrote to Caroline
Mon. 3/17. A snowy day. I spent it sorting &. putting away the Miss. lit. behind the Davenport. It took nearly all day. Wrote to the children. Anne and I have long talks and discussions. She surprises me often. She is really a dear. A very sweet letter fr. my Clemmie boy. Wire fr. Ruth at breakfast. She wants me.
Tues 3/18 Still snowy and cloudy. I went to Mrs Krause’s funeral. Her death was a great surprise to me. Errands down town. Anne went too. We are planning on fixing up the living room. P.M. We looked over my wardrobe and she advised me. Mrs Fautaux called ---also Mrs Corning. Alice in.
Wed. 3/19. Lovely day after the storm. Mrs Curl here. Y.W. and errands. lunch there. P.M. Reading at Mrs Ensign’s –good only 4 there. Tea at Miriam’s small one for Charlotte Touzalin Muret.
Thurs. 3/20 . Mrs Curl & Rogers as usual. Mrs C. packed for me, so that is done. Miriam did some errands for me. P.M. After tea I called on Albertine a little while. Took Charlotte to train for C.
Fri. 3/21. Went with M. to assembly where the younger children did stunts. Josephine had a part. A few errands. and M. bro’t me to station for Tulsa, train leaving at 11.55 Santa Fe. A quiet P.M. rested, read, and wrote. Lovely clear sunset---in the deepening blues &. rose, the evening star came out.
SAT. 3/22/1930 Arrived at Perry at 6 A.M. crossed the town to Frisco station, stopping for coffee at a restaurant. A wait of 2 & ½ hrs, in small station; read, took some walks and talked with a man fr. Enid who had been to the funeral of a sister-in-law in Mo. who had been killed by an auto accident. Terrible.! Across the state of Okla fr. west to east to Tulsa, rather a pleasant ride 2 hrs brought me to Ruth & Meeyam and their pleasant little home. Bill home in P.M. and we took a fine ride all abt the city. Read & talked in eve. after dinner.
SUN. 23/ All went to Congo. Ch. wh. is now worshipping in the Legion Hut. Dr. rice preaching, formerly a Methodist, good sermon and service. Wrote to Lillina P.
MON. 3/24. Oh! Dear! Here I am down flat with a hard sort throat! isn’t that the limit! SO SORRY. Too bad for Ruth and all of them. I must be patient & bear it as well as possible. Ruth most devoted. Dr. D.O. Smith came in eve. and prescribed 1st bed 2nd warmth 3 drug therapy. He is nice.
TUS. 3/25. Throat better but nose & eyes worse. Letters came Ruth read some of Cimmaron to me. Flowers came fr. Maria Heinzman lovely spring flowers. Ida Blackman phones and Aunt Julia sent me lovely red sweet pears. Ruth had peas for me on my arrival.
[transcriber’s note: tucked in between the previous page and the following page was a piece of paper torn from a letter, about two and a half by five inches. The text on the letter does not seem to be pertinent, and most of it is cut off.]
Wed. 3/26. Some better altho’ eyes unusable still. Mrs [Henner?] sent me pink sweet peas. & man of her friends inquire for me. She has plenty of friends. As many as 7 invitations have been refused and poor Ruth had to cancel all her 45 invitations for the Tea wh. was to have been today.
THURS. [3/26/1930] Better & used eyes in P.M. Got dressed for dinner. K.R. 13 yrs
FRI 3/28. A sunny day. Dressed in time to go for Miriam at school. Spring is evidently here, with trees budding and mant with thick green leaves. P.M. Went with Ruth for Bill big traffic en route. Wrote to Chix today. Talked with Ruth seriously---- am disturbed that she has so little belief. Oh! That she might seek for Him & find him! I am so inadequate!
SAT. 3/29. This is El’s birthday. Miriam has a slight cold, so is being kept in bed. I presume I wrote some,
Sun. 3/31 [sic]. Unable to go to Ch. Meeyam in bed, Eve. We went to the Tarr’s to supper. the Blacks with her mother, the Theosophist, were there, also the Hulings & ourselves. A very pleasant time. Mr. B. is very large & good looking, so is she and very clever--- she reviews books, etc. Fortunatly I am reading Cimmaron so I cld appear fairly modern & intelligent. They played ping-pong after supper. Very delightful young people.
Mon. 3/31/. M. still in bed. I not very good.
Tues. 4/1. Mrs Hannis asked us to lunch at the Tea Room. Ruth surprised. We went and enjoyed it very much. A very nice place. Met a Mrs Sarlls from St. Louis who is a Congo. I cld have hugged her! Very charming older person. Two or three other Mothers and an aunt. 10 in all.
Wed. [4/2/1930] I very ragged, slept much. this must be a Flu. bug.
Thurs. [4/3/1930] I some better—we visited Miriam’s school---a lovely place found wild flowers in field--- “spring beauties” tiny violets & tiny bluets. P.M. ginger Ale in back yard calls fr. Stegner & Reed.
Fri. [4/4/1930] I felt much better and M. went to school ---very warm—82 in the shade. Ruth had her fine lunch for me at Tea Room. The guests were Mrs Huling, Tarr, Heinzmand, Lun, Black’s Mother, Buchannan, Hakla & Olson, a regal person, musical, a Swede. After we went to her ho. for tea. And then to Maria’s apt. wh. is attractive. Came home all used up, what with the heat, indigestion and nerve fatigue ---something like the Springfield night but less bad.
Sat. 4/5. Better but no strength so cancelled Mrs Hulings Tea wh. was given for me, the dinner at the Allens & the Hockey game. Too bad, but had to be done. Heat floors me every time.
Sun. 4/6. A quiet A.M. at hom, looking at grounds, walked a bit with M&R. 84 on our porch at 3.30 P.M. Called on the Hulings who were out and the Allens, saw their fascinating house and back yard. Mr. Reed, next door called. An attractive man. But wearied by being sociable.
Mon. 4/7. Unable to start hom---spent much time sleeping. Josephine R. Gile finds she has nerves, wh. behave badly. Ruth went to change ticket etc for tomorrow. Better today in P.M. Up to dinner.
Tues. 4/8. Ruth packed with my help. A time for rest, lunch, train after calling for Miriam. Hot at station. More serious talk with Ruth. Few in car, rest a while--- read Fugitives Return awhile. Wait of 3 hrs in station in Winfield Kansas. LOVELY sunset! Helped a woman, who, with husband on way to Odd Fellows Home in Innes Texas---she a paralytic. Station men kind, carried her in chair to train. A colored girl was the first to offer to help. Student girl in station. Comfy berth on S.& F. train at 9 o’cl.
Wed. 4/9. Up at 6 Breakfast at Syracuse Kansas. Fine day. Porter remembered me, carried me to Tulsa or rather Perry. Tried to right a little but conductor said it was not allowed on Pullmans. H., Miriam and 4 grandies at station to meet me C&A and dogs at house. H. to lunch, bed later.
Thurs. 4/10. In bed all day, but better at night. Anne fine and well & thoughtful. John in for a call also H. who had motored to Denver to see Rex Arthur. I a letter fr. Clem. telling of Ri. having been “let out” of his job, C. wiring him to come to him, helping him in every way he cld. Borrowed $500 more at City Bank for him. H. spoke to Rex Arthur abt. Ri. and he offered him a place So is may turn out well for Ri. after all--- I hope so. Mrs Curl here, several notes to write & check to send to Mr. Burgess for Ch. Benev. Talks with Anne. M. in a minute. Also C & little Harold I feel as if God were trying to tell me, my family and their devotion to me were He expressing in that way His love and care. I feel as if I had settled down on my home nest, with all my chix hatched and surrounding me with love, as also the maids and friends.
Fri. 4/11 Better today but still upstairs and in bed this A.M. & P.M. Anne has decided to take David back with her, as she thinks the care of him wld be too much for me and she feels quite equal to it now. I must admit that I feel a great sense of relief altho’ regretting that I cannot do this job. I am, as usual, writing a week late and cannot recall the events of each day. Anne is doing last things. Has comes over often. and I have been up & down, mostly down. Cold nearly gone but tummy behaving badly. & no strength. David has a tummy upset, something like the H.H. boys, so rather Kantankerous [sic] and Anne has to deal with him.
Sun. 4/13. David had medicine so cld. not go to S.S. Fred came in quite enthused over the service, bringing D. his branch of palms, said it was very interesting. Looked so nice. I think I went down to dinner, but am not sure. M. went to Ch. and so did Mrs Murray & bro’t me calanders[sic]. M bro’t me two jonquils fr. her yard---so sweet and wonderful. Carrie got out suppers for us. I went over to Mrs Kissel’s to hear the cantata and service at Grace [Grace Church] Ch. Her first say down stairs and my first out. I went, not feeling quite up to it.
4/14. Johnny Gile’s 10th birthday. We had sent him letters & presents. Dear Boy! Fine letters fr. Ruth & Clem. Timmie has mumps. I in sun on back porch, helped Anne on Gay letter to Clem. Reply in P.M. Safe for them both to come so that is settles. I down to dinner.
Tues. 4/15. Anne & David got off very comfortably. H & C taking them to station. It seems quiet without them. Before I was dressed. P.M. abt. 3 ‘cl. Edith Douglas came. She has developed greatly and is a fine woman. A good visit by my fire and dinner down stairs. [next page] Teus. 4/15/ continued. We had fire in living room and a very cosy chat. E’ says all her religion came fr. her college life instead of unsteadying here as in so many cases. She is a real missionary and I am proud of her. She has had a bad nervous breakdown and is just crawling up---very pretty & young looking for 43. She has had her trials.
Wed. 4/16. A stormy day, rain and much snow and wind. Breakfast in my room. Ida Blackman came for her to go see Aunt Julia and to see a friend in Ivywild and to lunch with with Mrs Riddoch. Ida gave her $10. for Zorka added to the $25. I was so happy to be able to give her. He is a student in this country and having a hard time. Miriam came to take her to train as she had to leave at 4. M. came back here for tea, with her mending. a Cosy time. She is SO dear. I very useless
Thurs. 4/17. Birthday of my blessed Caroline “my young lady.” Am eating VERY lightly, hoping to overcome a[sic] inward troubles. Alice in, she wants to stay in C.C. now. Very much happier than at first. Elizabeth packing for Boulder. Mrs culr & June here to dinner so as to go to service at Ch. in eve. June is nice. M. called and took them. I am SO glad M. wld go to Ch. She was at Woman’s aux. in P.M.
Fri. 4/18. Good Friday. I had a broken night because of E’s[Elizabeth’s] having to get off so early to Boulder so felt good for nothing most of the day. On porch all morning. H. took Llama down for overhauling and to get Bonnie’s license. M in with lovely Easter flowers----pasque flowers and pansies. Read Congos & finished April Herald. Sent Mrs Murray to Albertine’s with them late P.M. Dressed & walked out in grounds looking at shrubs etc sat in swing. Bonnie for company. Mrs Kissel came over, bringing me a new kind of apron. Sort of paper. Char. in also. Good to me. Mrs Ensign called yesterday A.M. bringing large yellow Jonquils fr. Francis’ yard.
Sat. 4/19.
I believe Miriam was down in P.M. Anyway she is very good to me. A letter fr. Clem P.M. telling of Anne’s safe arrival. Char. got plants for me to send to Miriam, Albertine & Aunt Sally. Alice bro’t me a lovely bunch of lav. sweet peas. A darling rambler rose fr. H. & C. I think H. is not playing bridge much P.M.s now.
Sun. 4/20. Easter Sunday. Of course I did not go to Ch. but Miriam and Madoline did. Alice here to dinner with us and a good dinner. Sat on porch after. Did not writing today, but read Christ of Every Rd. To Miriam’s for supper and yard.
Mon. 4/21. I have breakfast on porch now every morning and today I staid there till 4. P.M. Then H. took me for a ride around the Bluffs after taking Lina home. A happy day. Dinner on new little tavle in liv. room. Elizabeth late because of Movie. I was a bit lonely & wld. have been glad to have her here, but she was asked to spend the night with Katherine and, of course I wld. not keep her. I sleep on porch for first time in many weeks.
4/22. The best night for a long time. H came over a few minutes. All bills pd. and now shall have rest for 8 days fr. them.
4/23. Wed. A bit discouraged as I seemed to have a cold in the head and staid in bed till late P.M. Mir. & Jo-Jo in a minute Mrs Clark came for talk abt. Ch. school making guest books for out projects. Then Mrs Kissel was in, and Charlotte and Hash.
4/24/1930 Thurs. Better today. Mrs Curl and Rogers and Jacoby. Fred not well P.M. stomach upset, H in John and Mrs. K. C. for dinner & night to look after Fred. F. was very manly and nice abt. it all. Letters fr. Ruth, Clem, and Clara.
Fri. 4/25/. Fred had a good night but pain and nausea all today. Char. gave up the Symphony tonight on his acc. Elizabeth went with me and Mad. with Miriam and we all liked it very much and I did not get too tired.
Sat. 4/26. On the porch some of morning. Men here to see abt. lights the ceiling and slip cover. P.M. Wrote to chix, having written the general letter yesterday. Tes here with Mrs Curl, who was here working for Miram. Then I called on Albertine till supper time. Little Harold here for noon meal. A beautiful boy.
Sun. 4/27. Church for the first time in 4 weeks. Madoline went with me and came to dinner and the two H's were guests also. The sermon was good altho’ a little undignified in places. Seeing “the Invisible.” Ride with the girls short, heard meadow larks. Hartwells for supper.
Mon. 4/28 The 14th anni. of the home-going of my best-beloved [Moses Clement Gile, who died in 1916]. Spoke of it to Miriam &. Harold, tho’t abt. it and him and played his favorite hymns on piano when alone
A [sic] eclipse of the sun today. Saw it when 3/4th covered. Mrs Kissel’s birthday, took over a little pearl lemon fork.
4/29. Teus. Mrs Murray is cleaning a room each day and works SO well. I slowly gaining strength. Some mail nearly every day. The spring is coming on rapidly now---very, very lovely. My apple tree is a thing of beauty. Miriam comes down nearly every P.M. for tea with me.
4/30. Wed. Rogers gave me quite a day and we accomplished something Mrs M. is moving into the south room. These are quiet days for me. I still never accomplish as much as I want to. I called on Mrs Wynne one day and on Albertine another. In fact twice.
5/1/ Thurs. Rogers and Curl here. and morning busy. Miriam went with me to Upton Gardens and I bo’t two little trees for my red boxes. Black Hill spruces. Mrs Marriage gave me a plant of Sweet Mary, such as grew in my Mother’s garden and a big bunch of lovely tulips. Evening The missionary com. met here inc. Mr. C.S. Brown. Rather a useful meeting.
5/2. Fri. Another very lovely day—bright, sun, soft balmy air, No furnace fire. Sleeping on porch. P.M. The last Woman’s Union meeting for the season. at Mrs Wyman’s on Cheyenne Blvd. A good meeting. Elaborate refreshments. Fred had tummy trouble again last night. Mrs Murray went to Denver Annie has measles.
Sat. 5/3. I felt quite well until noon when I slumped and was unable to attend the opening of the local Art Exhibit at Brdnr. [Broadmoor?] Acad. wh. was a disappointment. I think M. came down and we probably had tea as we often do.
Sun. 5/4. Again I staid away fr. Ch. so did M. and so did E & Alice I was sorry, but was not quite well eno’ I shall be sometime. El came to sinner and we had a happy time. Eliz. took her home and I went too—forgot Bonnie, so E. had to return for her. Eve. I went to Miriam’s to supper. They are very happy in their home life and J. is SO fond of Josephine, as well he may be. She had been hunting flowers with him and she had [mlunted?] some. looking at her Mother’s old book of pressed flowers—some of them fr. Washington D.C. when she was 15. J’s microscope is wonderful
Mon. 5/5. I made Rogers work for me, telling I was impatient to have the yard cleaned up, so he was here all day and Alfred in P.M. Mrs Rogers was quite ill. Ralph went to see Mrs Upton and she was pleased with him and he is to help her for two weeks anyway. I hear there is much unemployment here as well as in the whole country. I am sorry--- anyway I got one boy a job.
Tues 5/6. Spent all the time when not resting looking over bills and straightening them out. Took Carrie with me for few errands supper time. M. here for tea early.
Wed. 5/7. Rogers & Mrs Curl were here today instead of tomorrow as I wanted to go to El’s then. I saved strength, hoping to go to meeting in the evening, but was unable to go.
Thurs. 5/8. Too cold & rough for me to go to Brdmr. so asked Mrs Ensign, whose 81st birthday it was to come here, with El Upton. We had a good time. Harold was over. They staid till 4.30 but I then rested and was all right. El bro’t lovely pale lilacs. Miriam was in.
Fri. 5/9. Still cold and forbidding in A.M. and fine P.M. as yesterday. I went to the 20 meeting at Mrs Curl’s and staid with her to dinner. Carrie was out. I was able to drive over and back, bringing her Emilye with me. I went to get Eliz. at Katherine’s E. went to Denver for an operation on her teeth.
Sat. 5/10. Snow A.M. and cold & raw. P.M. The Musical Tea at Mrs Faust’s ---very charming –lovely program. Talked with several. Miriam came with me and home Mrs Kissel over quite a while. She suggested a fire in the grate in study and we built one. Like old times. A letter from Ri. and he has found some work--- I am so grateful.
Sun. 5/11/ Lovely A.M. Miriam called for me and we called for Mrs Hughes. A good sermon on protecting Motherhood. We took Mrs H. hom and El. H. was here a few minutes at noon and in P.M. with Harold. in P.M. Roses came fr. Ruth, Snapdragon, lovely deep pink fr. H. & C. and red carnations fr. J & M. last night. A wire fr. Clm at night. My children are good to me. Mrs Richards fr. Wetmore called with two sons and a bro. whom John knows. Josephine here while they made a call. The Hartwells for supper.
Mon. 5/12. A busy A.M. with the Murphy wood man etc. Home all day. Miriam down for Tea. Mad. and Josephine, both in bed with colds. Elizabeth off on Pikers day. Alice over. A sweet child!
Tues. 5/13. P.M. very nice and I did a few errands at Whiteheads and Murray’s and went to the Art Acad. to see the local ex. Mrs Sumner’s portraits of Elizabethe and Virginia Irwin are VERY good according to my taste. Bettye K. Davis’ not so good, too modern to please me.
Wed. 5/14. Murphy man here again in great trouble so I lent him $25 more. A man was to report him to the police unless he pd. him that by 2.30 P.M. A.A.U.W. at Mrs Hamlin’s Dean Newman talked on Nobel & Thomas Mann. Dinner at Miriam’s
Thurs. 5/15/ Rogers & Curl here. Alice also over to see abt. her Phil. costume. Char. took Llama to take Fred to Denver. H. took me to see Dr. Neeper as to eyes. Little Harold lunched with me yesterday--- “Mummy won’t know where I’m are.” After lunch today Murphy man appeared again, wanting $25 more with wh. to buy a truck. I hope I am not foolish and that the money will be returned. Josephine still coughs some she and M. not coming to dinner, but, J. &. Mad. are. Hash went with me to the senior play, “The admirable Crichton.”
Fri. 5/16. A rainy, rainy day, do many plans upset. I did not get up till noon, being weary fr. yesterday and worried some over Harold and the Murphy man. I AM a goose! P.M. I suddenly decided to go to Calss Day at High. as I found Elizabeth wanted it a good deal. Alice went with me. Miriam came after for Tea. E & June Mott were in looking over their Annuals and happy. The may supper at the Ch. but I tho’t it unwise to go. Sorry
Sat. 5/17. Jerry Murphy did appear but only to say that the wire fr. his bro. bro’t no money, only regrets and he is coming here later and cld. help some perhaps. J. got 35 more fr. me for some wood he is to sell for $160. I took him down town and he goes to start on the wood sawing. Dr. Neeper. Eve. Mother & Dau ban. Girl Reserves with Alice
Wed. 5/28. Harold started off abt. noon with Drs. Ryder & Drea on their ten day motor trip as little Lousie Ryder is better. Perhaps it was this P.M. that I took Mrs Smith. Rhoda’s Mother to the Membership Tea at the Y.W. Very pretty and nice.
Thurs. 5/29. Busy with helpers here and to Ed. So. Meeting A.M. Each morning is lovely with showers in P.M. Bonnie is no better of her lameness. On day was foggy and cloudy and cool, but the country is very beautiful.
Fri. 5/30. Decoration day. Margie is placing flowers on Clement’s grave in Newport. I quiet at home until late in P.M. called Marion Quackenbush –took her for a ride –had to borrow money of her for gas—and as it rained bro’t her here for a call –took her home Eve. Went to a movie with John & Miriam.
Sat. 5/31. Mrs Hattan here to clean in Shack. P.M. rain—I wrote to Chix. I am disturbed because Ri. is still hunting work. I shall be so relieved if he finds something. Last week, wh. I forgot to write abt. in time was when word came that the Pitts. of Butler airport job was lost. Also then I guess I finished my affair with Murphy the wood man, of wh. I am very much ashamed. I was a big goose. too kind hearted. Ell here 2 nights
[Transcriber’s note: the next three entries were, despite being chronologically out of order, behind the previous entries. As Gile explains that these were written after the previous entries, though dated before them, I have left them where they are.]
Sun. 5/18. Ch.with M [Miriam] and Mrs Upton there—I bro’t her home to dinner. Gregory Hamlin here also---a nice boy—m. may have him help her. A com. meeting at Mrs Parker’s to consider invites for installation Sun. I sorry Dr. Sullens not asked to have a part. These men know nothing abt. him and do not appreciate him. Then to Albertine’s a moment and to M’s for supper and to see the place. Home early but weary.
Mon. 5/19. Mrs Murray will not return till next Sun. and perhaps not then –she has rheumatism badly. I weary so staid in bed till late and then rested on deck chair on porch. H. took Connie to Dr’s and got my skidoo. P.M. I took Lina, went to call on Aunt Sally Thomas, to get Bonnie who wld. eat me up, so glad to see me. Not much better of her lameness. Mrs Albright over with lovely “lilies of the valley.” Mrs Conring with love vase of hige pansies and l. of v. also. Over to Mrs Kissel’s a little while.
Tues. 5/27. A fine morning for the folks going to Greeley to state Conference. I had wanted to go, but felt it unwise. Got Mrs Sampson and Mrs Heyse who went, with the Browns, Mrs Parker and Mrs Pitman. I had a package from Miss Duvall with candy and cookies for Lina, Miriam, and Harold, wh. I delivered.
I have been sadly remiss, having lost a week in this journal.
June 1st. Sun. Miriam cld. not go to Ch. as she had plant seedlings. El was there and took her to see maid after. Then home to find Helen Ranney’s train was late, Eliz. and I went for her and she had dinner here. To Mrs Wynne’s 99th birthday party at Mrs Jordan’s in P.M. To Miriam’s to supper and to Eliz. Baccalaureate at Aud. in Eve. Quite a day for me!
Mon. 6/2. Our picnic with Helen R. A.M. Mrs Clark, Miriam, Jo-Jo, El and I in Llama. Dorothy in her car with Helen, Mrs Ensign, Pitman, Burgess. To Bruin Inn and back to a lovely spot for an early lunch by the clear babbling brook, as Helen had to take a train at 1.10. Home and puttered round. Mrs Hattan here again in shack. Pulled radishes, gave to her and to Mrs Kissel—over there a few minutes. Lovely day! Fine to have had Helen even 24 hrs. Ham. here on my return. Dusted the Llama.
I skipped May 21--- 26.
Tues. 6/3. The 10th wedding anni. ver. of Ruth & Bill and the 14th of Clement & Anne. A lovely day. I took Bonnie to Dr. Stewart’s and did errands. P.M. Went to Tea at Miriam’s for Rhoda and her Mother, Mrs Smith. Eve. El came to spend the night as her boy has gone, for a good reason.
Wed. 6/4. Spent the whole day with bills. Perhaps that is a good way, to get it all done in a bunch. Found the Murphy check, wh, pleases me. It was pushed in back of the bills. Eliz. studying for her roman hist. ex tomorrow. I go to dinner at Miriam’s and she does too. El joined me at church where we had reports of the State Conference—very good. El spent the night with us. She had bro’t breakfast with her, but I had Carrie send up coffee and cereal on my tray.
Thurs. 6/5. Mrs Curl did much work for el wh. pleased her very much I took her out to Brdmr. and she found she cld. have a room at Mrs Kemple’s
Fri. 6/6. My day with El. No. she spent the night with us and we went out together, I with my typewriter. Miriam and Josephine joined us later and we all had lunch on the porch railing. Such a good time and lovely day. I wrote and came home later.
Sat. 6/7. Mr Vories and his friend Yoshida San arrived for breakfast and will be with us thru’ Commencement. Pres. Mierow met them at train and gave us tickets for Andromache this evening. at Cogswell. Very good, especially Mary Strachan.
Sun. 6/8. I got Yoshida San to speak at S.S. It was Children’s Sun. and boys told abt. Pastor Tibbetts and dressed as Indians. The Infant Dept. sand. All very good, but wld. have been very short has it not been for Yoshida. He staid to Ch. with Miriam. E. on picnic but went to S.S. and to League where Yoshida spoke as I had suggested to E. to ask him Mr. Vories spoke at the Pres. Ch. in evening. Hartwells here for supper.
Mon. 6/9. The men, or rather Mr. Vories attended Class Day. They also went to PhiBeta address in Eve. I did not.
Tues. 6/10. Sally Carpenter came at noon. Her class reunion consisted of 3 Jen Ingersoll who had coffee with me on the porch early before the Minerva Breakfast to wh. I had intended to go but cldn’t. The women, Jean Ev. Shuler. Elea. Bartlett and Agnes Smedley Giesecke met her and took her for lunch. I was asked to go too but cld. not. They went to Bluffs in P.M. wh. S. enjoyed immensely. Breaking ground for Shove Chapel at 4. I was there
Wed/ 6/11. I forgot to say that Jean and Mrs Giesecke came Mon. P.M. bringing, also Ham’s Mother. I asked him and her to supper wh. they enjoyed. I then phoned around and found a room for her. He looks just like her. She goodlooking only rouge very plentiful. Wed. I went to Commencement with Jean and enjoyed it all. Dr. Vories and Sally rec’d degrees and he said a word to the class. They all went to Alumnae Luncheon. 10 people slept beneath out roof last night. Mr. Vories’ cousin appeared and slept with him after the reception. Nora slept with Florence. F. came Tues. A.M. early and Carrie left earlier. Mrs Murray cooking. Sally C. left at 4 P.m. All the girls here and at rain. I went to train and Miriam also.
Thurs 6/12. I still not good. Up to breakfast as the men were here. Rested most of day. I had such a nice visit with Yoshida last eve. on porch. He is one FINE man. It IS good to associate with real Christians. A letter from Anne yesterday saying they are not coming as it costs too much. Clem may for his vacation Charlotte took men to train at 5.45. Letter fr. Ri.
Fri. 6/13. Elizabeth went to train to meet the Sheldons—we had a happy day together. Lovely day. Miriam came to see them
Sat. 6/14. Elizabeth helpful in driving abt. for me. One day they went to Manitou, got water etc. After early supper drove to Mrs Upton’s and had a nice call. Lovely there
Sun. 6/15. I began having breakfast in bed again, hoping to get more strength. I tho’t it unwise to try to go to Ch. myself and Charles did not care to go, so no one went fr. our house and Miriam did not go as she had J. to care for. The Sheldons dined with Miriam and went to Cascade to get Madoline in P.M. We all went to M’s and had supper on the lawn. Only E. did not go. She went to Day Nursery tonight. I shall miss her.
Mon. 6/16. Talked with Rev. Brown abt. Chas. and a mass meeting for Chas. to speak. Had the Harolds to dinner as Fred and Mrs Kissel are ill. H. enjoyed Chas.
Miriam took us to Bruin for supper---it was lovely and we ate outside Trout.
Tues. The day of Charlotte’s tea. May and I went. Nice Carrie came
Wed. 6/18. I seem to be good for nothing, no strength. Have nice talks with May and Chas. May trimmed my hat for me. Chas went to Manitou, Florence driving him. P.M. I drove them to the Brdmr for tea and in spite of rain we had a very good time. Bonnie came home. So happy to get her.
Thurs. 6/19. I had a spell in the night and rather frail today. I seem to be better toward noon. and quite good by night. John, Miriam, Josephine and we three went out for noon picnic up the Cr. Creek stage road and had a most delightful spot for lunch. J. thinks Chas a grand fellar and May very charming. Good! they have helped me much and we have talked of my best-beloved much. Mr. brown called yesterday to ask Chas. to speak at a union meeting Sun. but C tho’t best not and they left at 5.45 P.M. I sorry to have them go, but realize I must be quiet and get strong.
Fri. 6/20 Florence can drive my Llama, so I send her on some errangs instead of going myself. Quiet A.M. P.M. Called on Mrs Ensign, but not allowed to see Ada. Stopt to see Albertine and found her wretched, with a tummy upset. Worried me, so I called Dr. Gardiner, who said she wld. not have a nurse. Had Ham to supper and then he drove me to see Aunt Sally Thomas and Mrs Hullinger. This was Sat. I miss the Sheldons, who are SUCH dear friends! I think of many things I with had talked over with them. I went to Miriams after tea supper
Sat. 6/21. A very hot day. Ham here to work, so I was out some to direct him, but cld. not be out much. P.M. Called as heretofore mentioned on west side---very much troubled because I cld. not recall Mrs Hullinger’s name. She is a fine woman.
Sun. 6/22. Had a “spell” in night and feared I cld. not go to Ch. but felt better in the morning and went. A fine sermon with a small audience. Sub. The MUSTS of Jesus The Compulsions of Xtinity[sic]. I talked with Mr. Brown after service abt. Ham. I wish he might go to the Sun. night groups. He. was going with me to Ch. this A.M. but had to work. El was coming too but Guy & Fern came last night and she leaves Mon. so she cld. only come to dinner. Mrs Eldredge and Ham were here also. Quiet P.M. Mrs Howe, next door at Mrs Newbold’s called as I sat on porch. The Hartwells to supper. They had a lovely day on Mt. Hermon Rd.
Mon. 6/22 [sic]. Cooler. P.M. called on Mrs Ensign—cld. not see Ada. Stopt to see Albertine who is much better, took Lina home and called on Mrs Freeman. Was down town in the morning and called on Dr. Webb---a nice call and he sympathetic and says he will help. Ham to supper and begins tomorrow having breakfast and supper with me. Eve. Miriam called to ask if I wld. like to go to see The Journey’s End. I went but felt faint and M. bro’t me home and staid all night
Tues. 6/24. I slept after taking allonal as John suggested. Dr. Gilbert called and says nothing serious the matter----the kind of indigestion with gas wh. presses on the heart. I up to lunch wh. Ham had with me. He. took the car down to Vollmer’s. We had supper on the back porch. Mrs Smith, Rhoda’s Mother called and we sat on the cool shady lawn. A long call.
Letters from Charles and May, DEAR friends.
Wed. 6/25. Wrote some letters on front porch. Saved strength for Ch. night with covered dish supper. Ham went with me, looking with nice indeed with white flannels and dark coat. Not a single young fellow there. He had a good supper anyway and I told him he night go as soon as he had his supper. A meeting up stairs after.
Thurs. 6/26. I went over to Mrs Kissel’s after the meeting wh. was one thing too much, but slept the greater part of the night. Mrs Curl and Rogers (who trimmed trees all day) to look after and Mrs Jacoby washed hair. P.M. Read and was lazy. The Hartwells to supper or dinner and Ham also, of course. Then Miriam, Josephine and I went for a ride, and saw lovely sunset, but gas gave out and we poked around in the dark –but did find the band concert on west side wh. was what J. wanted.
Fri. 6/27. Very, very warm. I did not attempt much. I find I must write in this old journal oftener as I forget the events of each day. Ham came home at 10 o’cl. three nights but not tonight. Letters fr. Charles and May. Fine to have such friends! Miriam tries to see me every day. Carrie was out tonight, so I dined with Miriam and watched the lovely sunset from her porch.
Sat. 6/28. I send Florence down town when there are errands to do which is easy for me. I sent Ham with Fred and a friends for a pic nic, so he cld. not do much for me. I went with Miriam to see the Byrn movie wh. was wonderful and I am so glad I cld. see it! He is a hero. Little H. for lunch, no, not today but one day.
Sun. 6/29. My 44th wedding anni. M. was down but not to Ch. I had Ham and two friends, Bob Shean & Chuck Parker to dinner. A pleasant time but some fatiguine [sic]. To Miriam’s for supper and sunset. Exquisite tints of sky wh. [when] the evening star grew brighter. New moon. Came home and missed Bonnie; finally found her on Ham’s bed at his feet.
Mon. 6/30. The last day of June. lovely June. Quite dry, but some rain in the night. Ham off all day with a girl! Tells me all abt. it. Harold came home abt. 4. I went over, after mission meeting with Mrs Rhoda Smith.
Tues. 7/1. Last night Helen Gleason phoned and came to call. Harold came over and we had a good visit. This A.M. she called for me and we went to see Miriam. She and friend, Miss Heyle and Miriam came to dinner. No; this is a mistake.—it was Tues. night Helen called.
Wed. [7/2/1930] Helen, Miss Heyle, & Miriam had dinner with me and we took out supper to the canon, showing them Brdmr on route. Rain overtook us a little. Miss Hey;e went to the Passion Play !reiburg Players. Miriam went with Mrs Kissel the eve before and said it was very good & impressive. Charlotte has the mumps.
Thurs. [7/3/1930] Clara & Leora arrived safely at noon. They came right here to me, of course. Bonnie delighted to see them. Helen staid over to see them and came up after dinner. She was leaving in her Marmon at 4 for Kansas City. Fred came over to see them and Haroled and little H bro’t C pansies.
Fri. 7/4. Miriam, Mad [Madoline, Miriam’s daughter], J and I with Ham for driver spent most of the day on a trip to the Mt. Hermon Rd. Lovely pink penstemon and other flowers. Cool there on the top of the world. Very dusty up the past. SO many people picnicing [sic] all along the way
Sat. 7/5/1930. Still warm. I close the house and it keeps cool. Leora has decided to go to 1325. for the mo. I wrote to the Chix and looked over the bills and, after supper, C & I went to Miriam’s to watch the sunset. Lovely L. went to Black Forest with Mrs Shearer.
Sun. 7/6. Miriam and Madoline went with me to Ch. Good sermon on Faith and communion. Clara and I to Mrs Kissel’s to dinner---very nice. C. [Charlotte?] was not at table with us an acc mumps. H. acts bored and thinks she is, but she is more sensible.
Mon. 7/7. L. busy at her house but here for meals. I called on Mrs Ensign, but I shall nto go again for a while for she seemed so weak. Miss Crawford was there and she was to dictate a letter to her. I saw the Helen Brown Allen twins---darling. 3 days old.
Tues. 7/8. Still hot. More work on accs. Eve. C, L & I to Bruin
Wed. 7/9. Leora began sleeping at 1325 tonight and taking her meals out. I think this was the day we were at Charlotte’s for Tea to meet the McKibbons. A very pleasant time—saw Dr. ryder & his bro Arthur. Mrs Ashley and others. I went to Ch. eve. 12 there. sub. influence of O.T. on New Tes. Mostly tearing down criticism and not much bldg up. Took Mrs Pitman hom.
Thurs. 7/10. These hot days I send Florence to town on errands and stay coolly at home myself. P.M. I went with Miriam to call on Trixie Lee at Brdmr. nice call and saw here two babies. We Were going out to the mts for supper but a shower prevented and Clara and I went to Miriam’s instead. Ham begged off.
Fri. 7/11. I called on the Freemans A.M. Ada anxious abt. her Mother who has Angina Pectoris. I actually read an hour in the hammock without interruption. After early supper. Ham went with Clara & Me to Manitou. I called on Aunt Sally en route and the Youngs on the Crystal Pk. rd. engaged currants. H. got water.
Sat. 7/12. I called on Albertine. Letter fr. Augusta there. P.M. Clara, Leora and I went to Ridge rd. for our supper. Lovely. Rain as we were coming home.
Sun. 7/13. Rain. Since it was cool and not dusty, decided to go with the Ch. to Green Mt. Falls but they had left so went to Pres. Ch.
Mon. 7/14/ Cleared at noon and very beautiful after the rain. I wrote A.M. and went to Miriam’s Tea for Lucy and Avis in P.M. Very pretty and nice. Eve. Read Congos. and Herald.
Tues. 7/13. Called on Mrs Ensign, for a few minutes, stopt at Albertine’s en route and at Marion Moore’s on the way home. She has had her tonsils out. A hot day. Do not recall what happened in P.M.
Wed. 7/16. Rogers and Mrs Curl today instead of tomorrow. To Y.W. meeting and lunch. Did not go to Ch. in evening on acc. of heat.
Thurs. 7/17. The H. H. started abt. 10.30 for Buena Vista and so reached there later than we (Miriam, Josephine, Leora, & I) in M’s auto, started at 8.50. A wonderful ride. Ute Pass, Cascade, Green Mt. Falls and then off Divide, Florissant, 11 mile Canon, So Park and on to Buena Vista and then to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Hotel. A large old place, but comfy and good meals. After rest, & watching folks in pool, Hash and Josephine fr. out party and the Mierow children. Pres. M and wife just out of pool. Then to Hayes Lodge to call on “The girls” and the Mierows, who had taken a cabin there for a week. Felt well in evening, but not at night.
Fri. 7/18. An eventful day. I had breakfast in bed, after a good night after H. had given me allonol. It was fortunate that my room opened out of Miriam’s as she looked out for me. I staid in bed till we started at 11. via Slida and Canon C. A wonderful view of the Collegiate Range, Mts Havard, Yale & Princeton. Called also the Sawache range. Most beautiful valley –below—fragrant fields of white clover and some red--- hay mows, newly mown. newing Salida, helped a fellow who had hit a culvert while earing cookies and his auto in ditch. I rode with H. until then pretty hot. Long ride to Canon C. and we had an accident while trying to rind the rd to the new bridge over Royal Gorge. Auto skidded and turned slowly on side. Friendly folks helped us, no harm, done but delayed to did not reach home till 8.20. Folks anxious. We should have phoned. thank God we are all well and safe!
Sat. 7/19. Felt ragged and staid in bed till towards night. Leora here for supper. Mad. and two girls came –were out walking—ate green apples.
Sun. 7/20. Hoped to attend Ch. and have Dora Jones sit with me, but had to give up Ch. and also dinner at the Jacksons. Had cereal in my room Dressed in P.M. Dora came to see me.
Mon. 7/21. Better than yesterday but not too good. Rained all day. Sent Florence with Clara to see Mrs Ensign, who she found better than expected. Had Tea –biscuits with Mr Princeton honey P.M. M. with her work, Leora and Clara. Little Harold to lunch and nap. Jospehine and Fred also in. they had tea also.
Tues. 7/22/1930. Cloudy all day and cool but no rain. Went down to wn [sic] with Leora, errands and wild flower show. Fred to dinner --- he bro’t me flowers fr. his garden. I called on Mrs ensign, but she had other callers so I did not go up. Bro’t Mrs Pitman to her home and called on Albertine. Clara not well, tired I think. She to supper and eve.
Wed. 7/23. Lovely after the rain. I writing on porch. Dora Jones to lunch and we had a fine chat, all abt. turkey, etc. Eve. I went to dinner with the children at Miriam’s as they have gone to Cascade to Avis party at the cabin. It rained very hard and so I came right home, instead of going to Ch.
Thurs. 7/24. Rogers and Curl as usual. Jacoby also. P.M. Called on Mrs Hall---saw Mrs. Evans. Stopt at Albertine’s a minute. The Hartwells to dinner, also Ham, who is taking his noon meals with me now since his finances are low. Partly because he sends so much money home.
Fri. 7/25. Went with Miriam & Jospehine to the bathing beach while J took a swimming lesson. Trixie Lee was there with her little Georgia. I knit, pleasant morning. Miriam & I called on Mrs Brown, the pastor’s wife, a pleasant call. On Lucile Thurber and husband and Mother, Mrs Abrams. We saw the latter only a moment, as she was out with the baby. Lucile had been working at the Art Academy. John encourages her doing that. We tried to call on Dorothy Krause, but she was out.
Sat. 7/26.
A most lovely day! Mrs Marriage’s man Elkins, who is Norma’s husband (M’s maid) came and trimmed all my shrubs. Ham worked in the yard, also Fred who said he needed a little cash. Mrs Thompson came with eggs and we planned the Elbert trip. P.M. called on Mrs Ensign and read letters to her. After supper, Miriam to Clara and me to ride around the Holland Dairy sq. Lovely. Met Dr. Davis the urologist of Denver, with whom H. talked while in Denver. Possibly he may be able to give H. something to do this winter, but it does not look very favorable.
Sun. 7/27. M. called for me to go to Ch. and when we arrived found Alice and Elizabeth there. Good sermon and the girls like Mr. Brown. They came home to dinner and were very happy to come. Quiet P.M. and Clara and I supped at Miriam’s Madoline and Jo. at swords points. Staid till 9.
Mon. 7/28. No word fr. chicks. nothing of importance occurred as I recall.
Tues. 7/29. The same. I write some letters and receive some. I call on the sick and shut-ins. Very severe electrical shower – 6 o’cl to ten or later. Clara sleeping here,
Wed. 7/30 Wire fr. Ruth that she will arrive this noon with Miriam, so we scurried about –got her rooms ready and I fixed up store room for Florence, in case Ri. shld. come tomorrow while we are away. P.M. Warren A. Hoyt of Altoona Pa. called. He was here yrs ago fr. Bradford N. H. with a younger bro. who had T.B. I remembered him after awhile. He says we helped him to his work in Wis. Univ. after 3 yrs here, to get his training in Civil engineering. $1000 wh. was returned. He very grateful and appreciative. He respected citizen in his town. He had a stroke of paralysis –difficult to speak. Fine man
Thurs. 7/31. A lovely day and we had a fine time on out Elbert trip. Miriam, Clara., Florence (who drove) and I started at 8.50. Blck Forest---call on Mrs Thompson on her hill farm. On Mrs Murray, whose birthday it was--- 51st in her nice little home. Then to Martina’s farm where she, Her Mother, Mrs MacNamara and Harver, her husband, rec’d us cordially. Oh! Nora went with us. And Mrs. M SO pleased with all the attention and that we bro’t Nora! Fine lunch outo n hill under pine trees A very good time indeed. Miriam was her own sweet self. I rather wretched fr. a full day yesterday and bad night. but came home safely and so glad I risked going. Took Ammonia twice and tonic once. Came home via Falcon. These little villages look rather forlorn, but when you see the fine farms and such people as the Gatewoods and Murrays, one realizes there is good stuff there. A memorable day.
Fri. 8/1. Took life easy after yesterday but felt pretty well in P.M. After supper we took a little ride. H & C. over in eve.
Sat. 8/2. A lovely but warm day. Ham working for me and so had to be around to direct. Also to talk over College prospects with him. Alice Taylor is willing to pay his C.C. expenses but since the family has no source of income, he cannot see his way clear to try and has told her so sec. Ruth on picnic with Agnes Donaldson. I meant to go out to see the coke’s families in Broadmoor and Mrs Black, but the heat was too much, I tho’t
Sun. 8/3. A lovely day! Ruth went to Ch. with me ---a fine sermon on “Follow Jesus” a new presentation of the dear old truth. The Gillett girls were there. No one to dinner as I recall. Quiet P.M. for me and the Hartwells and Leora for supper.
Mon. 8/4. Last preparations for Clem’s coming at noon. The three autos there to meet him –Hartwells--- H.H.s and mine. All the families except John. Clem very hot and weary. Sat around and talked an I think he may have gone to the club with H.H. He went to bed directly after supper. He in nursery and F. in storeroom, which I fixed up quite nicely. P.M. I went to a Garden Tea at Mrs Hamlin’s for Mrs Henry Coke & dau. Good time.
Tues. 8/5/ Very happy to have Clemmie-boy home. He away much of the day—Golf etc. Out to dinner.
Wed. 8/6. Clement was around most of the morning---no, I think he was down town, seeing Mr. Briscoe part of the time. He is the man whom they are to visit in Leadville or Fairplay. While we were at dinner, Florence announce the arrival of Ri. so we all went out to greet him. He looked well in spite of the long, trying journal from N.Y. by moter. [sic] in the intense heat. P.M. I went with Clem and Hi. to the bathing beach taking the little girls for wading. David Armstrong came and spoke to me very nice. Eve. Clem was at the Archie Lee’s for dinner. Ri and we sat and talked here. As he got into bed on the porch, in the bed at the end, he said “this is the best place in the world to sleep.”
Thurs. 8/7. Busy with preparations for the boy’s [sic] camping trip. (next page) Thurs. 8/7 continued. Clem and Hash in the car (Hash’s) Ri. in his own, going to Fairplay to see Mr. Briscoe. I get no calls in these days.
Fri. 8/8. Leora got off at 12.20 we went to the station to see her off. –met Mrs Harmon and her sister, Mrs Saunders and husband, whom Leora knows. Mr. S. knows H. very well and was so glad to see him at the beach here. P.M. M. and Ruth off for Lunch and tennis I had the little girls here and was happy with them, reading but somehow felt lonely and left out of things wh. was very foolish. I did go up to see Mrs Ensign a few minutes. Eve. Ruth and I read on the porch. Madoline’s 15th birthday. We went up after supper a few minutes. She had a happy day
Sat. 8/9. Madoline came to help gather the apple tree. Ham came fr Denver where he went last night, with his bro. Herbert, a nice lad of 13. They all helped with the apples. and had much fun. Both boys to dinner. P.M. M.R. and I went to the Club to watch the tennis, C. playing. Went to Edith F. bookstore, home tom supper. Bad. letter fr. Will. to Mrs Kissel’s –saw Mr. Boyd.
Sun. 8/10. Little Dexter’s 11th birthday. To my joy, both Miriam and Ruth went to Ch. with me. A sermon on being a newspaper---all the departments. Very clever and useful.
Herbert Hamlin went with us and thanked me for asking him to go. Mary Burgess said he looked like our boys when they were his age. Both boys to dinner. Herbert is a very nice boy---we all like him--- 13 yrs. old. Had our own supper here.
Mon. 8/11. Richards came home last night bringing trout wh. we had for breakfast—very nice. They had a the finest kind of a time at the Briscoes at Fairplay. Ri. to Denver today. A com. meeting here on the program for Women’s Union.
Tues. 8/12. Ri. came back this noon. Ruth and little and big Miriam are all out a good deal.
Tues. 8/12. Ri took the girlies to Manitou for water etc and left me to call on Aunt Sally. Had to wait for them half an hour on the porch there.
Wed. 8/13. Lovely morning after the heavy showers wh, we have almost daily. Bertha Strong came early. I met her (next page) Wed. 8/13. continued. B. is to take meal with us and has a room at Mrs Heath’s across the way. She is very sweet and the children like her, I am sure. no; Ri came this noon having escaped an accident en route. Dinner at 12.45, so Ham can eat with us. Ruth and Miriam took Bertha to Manitou and through the Garden of the Gods. Clara and I went to a Tea at Mrs Swan’s very pleasant. Saw Mrs Rx. Arwater, who intrigues me as ever. A pleasant dinner here with six at table.
Thurs. 8/14. Dull, dark, Rogers working on apples on tree. Ri thinking of what to wire [Chuteau?]. Bertah walked up to Miriam with Ruth and little girlie.
P.M. Ruth & Ri took B. to ride to the Bluffs—saw a fine shower and then dry place. Ri and I called on Miss Cooper, who was out, and then on Helen Jackson and Dora who were in. A pleasant call. Then we all with the Hartwells went to the Manhattan Restaurant for supper.
Fri. 8/15 A picnic in the No. Canon by the roaring brook and then a ride over the High Drive. B. and all enjoyed it. Eve. Call on Miriam—Mr. King there--- Ev’s friend
Sat. 8/16. Hash & Clem came back from their trip in time for supper Ruth and Miriam spent the weekend with Miriam wh. eased up things here, quite a little We enjoy Bertha Strong very much.
Sun. 8/17. Louise Rollins’ birthday. I wrote to her. as all were out P.M. All to supper at Miriam’s for supper.
All our children at Church with me this morning. I so glad! I had not expected H. to go, but he, finding the other boys were going said he wld. join them. They all liked Mr. Brown, wh. was a joy. The Sermon was on “By-Products” illustrating by science. They are Experience, Happiness, and Peace. Awfully good. Supper at Miriam’s Madoline superintended charades by the little girls and we all had a nice time. I shld. have liked hymn-singing of course, but must be content, I expect.
Mon. 8/18 We have showers daily so the morning was very lovely, so Ri. Clem. Little H. Bertha and slf took a very beautiful drive up the old Stage Rd. P.M. I presume they played golf
Tues. 8/19 Clem said he wished to play golf all day, so they did coming for dinner late. Clem dined with the Hartwells and we all went there for anagrams in the evening. Berthat had gone to see the Ryders. We had a very jolly time.
Wed. 8/20. Bertha’s last day, so she went abt. seeing the sights. Van Briggle C.C. Museum and then, with me to the Art Academy at the opening for students. A very pleasant time. Met Mrs Wallace again and find she lives in the Ballou ho. Met Miss Williamson who has won the scholarship at the Art Acad. two years. A picture by Ernestine Parsons of the Peak, we tho’t lovely. A beautiful ride to the Bluffs before a 7 pc. dinner was VERY lovely. All to B. to the train as she left at 50.
Thurs. 8/21 The 3 boys went off to the Wigwam Club with Bob [Cowlls?] for a fishing trip yesterday and returned today in time for dinner. Clem packed P. M. and then made a call or two and had then they all went to Stewart Dodges for Tea. Dinner at home. and the Hartwells were down in the evening---all of them and J. slept in the study. I sorry to not have more talks with Clem.
Fri. 8/22. Tried to have Ri. look over his papers and he did some. P.M. Program Com. meeting. Rain, as we have showers every day. and Ruth and I went to Miriam’s for tea with Majorie Shute. Ri. at the Jennings for dinner and Phelps Putnam took Ruth out for dinner---he was here with Hester and K. Tighe while Ruth and I went to see H. in 1917. He is a poet. A divorce. I went to the Indian Dances in Washburn Field with the Hartwells and little Miriam.
Sat. 8/23. Lovely morning. Ri took me down town for a few errands Chouteau Johnson came at noon, and is staying with us. P.M. Clara and I called on Lina as it is her birthday tomorrow. The boys are asked on a picnic by Charlotte and Berthe Armit. I am going out to see Charlotte play her last tennis in this tournament.
Sun. 8/24. Breakfast on the lawn as usual---boys late. They did not care for Ch. Had. S.S. and then the boys took all 4 children to beach and Manitou---kept them all morning. Ruth went to Ch. with me, for wh. I was duly thankful. She likes Mr. Brown. He preached on “Stairs or Escalator” Very Good.
Mon. 8/25. The boys got off about 10.30 all piled up with bags etc. We gave them a lunch. P.M. I went to call on Miss Howbart and the Jacksons and made quite a call there and Helen gave me $110. for my cause and she Dora and I had a very nice chat.
Tues. 8/26. Each morning is very beautiful and abt. noon the thunder begins and cloud much of the day. The Albrights are away & I am to pick the flowers. P.M. Tea at Mrs Alx. Coke’s Ruth with me. Called on Mrs Black & Frantz but out. Eve. Dora here
Wed. 8/27. Phones Mrs Lloyd Jones and saw her at 2.0. A very pleasant call but no results. Mrs Carleton out and cld. not find Win. Ingersoll. Spent much of the day on Y.W. and tho’ts at least That was all. Some time on program. Eve The Hartwells here for a delicious dinner in celebrating several things inc. birthdays M. a Cold and John, just back fr. Denver, tired. The girlies giggled and giggled. Hash to lunch. Showers P.M. Hartwells to dinner wh. was a kind of celebration of several things.
Thurs. 8/28. Lovely A.M. as all the A.M.s are. Mrs Curl here –gathered flowers from Mr. Albright’s wh. I try to do each day. Called on Albertine –left corn at Miriam’s (she in bed with a cold.) called on Mrs Robinson at Glockner tomorrow a moment with flowers. She is lovely, leaving Gl. tomorrow—very pleased with John to took cancer from breast, successfully. P.M. called on Mr and Mrs Henry Coke at Brdmr. Long call. Florence left. Dorothy, Carrie’s niece came, to help out for a week or two for her board & room. Over to Harold’s a few minutes. Fire in eve.
Fri. 8/29. A play day for me. Ruth gave a picnic for the “sewing circle” so called, at Lucy’s cabin at Cascade. Miriam was not able to go, for wh. we were all sorry. I had asked to go and enjoyed the day very much. The girls were Jean & Helen Jackson, Rhoda Drea, Dorothy Hemming, Lucy, Ruth and self. A very delectable meal in a lovely spot. Home abt. 4.45. A birthday dinner for Dora Jones at the Jacksons—other guests Francis Rouse, & Mrs Flemming—a surprise to Dora. All to the Schumann – Heink Concert in the Aud. by the Am Legion in eve. Very enjoyable. “[sic] She says I love my soldier boys. Ruth out with Clem F.
Sat. 8/30. All a bit weary today but I stood it very well. Miriam better and up in P.M. I went out with Ruth to watch Charlotte play a final with Alberta Gooch. Ham not eating either dinner or supper. Strange. My Pullman has gone. Clem tho’t best to sell it At M’s a few minutes—in her garden Lovely.
Sun Aug. 31. A lovely day, without rain. Josephine did not come to S.S. but I got them to singing and sat on the porch and talked to them. H. asked if God could see down thru their house and when I said yes he asked “how” Ruth went to Ch. with me, also Madoline. The sermon was abt “The Second Coming” and very good indeed. Ruth tho’t it abt. the best. Mad. tho’t it long. No guest to dinner. Ruth to polo with Char. Miriam playing with Harold. as J. has a cold. I a quiet P.M. No Hartwells to supper as they have colds.
Mon. 9/1. Another quiet day for me. Labor Day. Ruth to a picnic with Char. and other I called on Mrs Long who was out and on Marion Quackenbush at Glockner, A few minutes with Miriam, Eve. Charlotte Drea to supper. Ruth played anagrams with Clara and me a half hour in Eve.
Wed. 9/3/. To Miriam’s early and till we all went to the train. She and Madoline got a good start for A.A. and the East. Many at train to see them off and many train gifts. Josephine happy with Miriam all day and slept in P.M. Ham took us all to Manitou for water in his car. The kiddies in rumble. Ruth has a cold—sorry. Ham to both meals. J. home at night with her Daddy. We had tea P.M., Clara, and the girls, who happened in. I send the letter from Mr. Cashamanto Mr. Brown, after consulting Mrs Ensign. Ruth called on the Rydera where the H.H.s were at bridge and she had [tonplay?] a rubber and lost money. Oh! dear I wish they would not gamble!
Thurs. 9/4. Ruth and Miriam left at 5.30 P.M. for home and I am lonely. Ruth has a bad cold and felt mean—K tore here dress at the last minute—the H.H.’s all, John, Jospehine, Clara, Ham and I were all at station to see them off. I called on the Trossbach’s at their 50th wedding anni. in the morning.
Tues. 9/2/. The wedding anni. of John and Miriam. They lunched at Bruin Inn for their celebration. P.M. A meeting of Mrs [Jenc?] and Mrs Clark abt. collecting dollars for the Mission Institute and also the program. A tea at Rhoda’s for Miriam, as a going away event. A very nice time. She has a fine group of friends. Mrs Kissel, Swan, Clara and I were the older people there. Dorothy Hamming said she enjoyed the picnic and intimated she liked having me there. Eve. Ruth had a small dinner here, Phil Middleditch and the H.H.s and myself, then they went to the movies. I put little M. to bed and read a little to her. Clara and I read the News letter of the Chi. Sem. Faculty. I disturbed abt. the article of Mr. Brown’s “Juggling the Missionary dollar” Mr Cashman is disturbed also.
A.M. I called on Mrs Long and asked for money for the Y.W. but rec’d nothing. I wrote to Mrs Carpenter and pray for results.
Wed. 3. The day of the going of Miriam & Madoline. We went to 1938 and went to the station where they had a great send off. I hope all will go well with them.
Thurd. 9/4. Ruth packed and had a bad cold, for which I was sorry. She left at 5.30 also with many to see her off.
Fri. 9/5. My Fathers birthday. I felt low and tired all day. I miss my folks.
Sat. 9/6. Felt better. Onoda San fr. Japan here for lunch
sun. 9/7. I saw Dr. Howard was to speak on So. America at the Methodist Ch. so I went and liked him very much. I bro’t Mrs Eldredge home for dinner with Clara and me.
Mon. 9/8 Dorothy Patton, Carrie’s niece is helping here with the work but I am not paying her, only her room and board when she wants to be here. I went to Denver by train in P.M. At the Plymouth –saw the Sullens in evening. They much disturbed by Article in X Cent by Mr. Brown. So am I.
Tues.9/9. A full day. I had a heart spell in the night, but got over it soon. Breakfast at the Savoy with Mrs Sullens. Meeting at the office in Mack. Bldg. Interesting—Swan there 7 men & 5 women. Lunch together. Took the 3 train home. Lovely Colo. Ham met me. Josephine had been full of mischief Reba June had been with her in P.M.
Wed. 9/10 I went to a luncheon at the Antlers given by Miss Cooper and Mrs Strachan---very nice indeed.
Thurs. 9/11. Clara and I down town A.M.
Fri. 9/12. Women’s Union meeting at Mrs Heyse’s about 40 there. A good meeting. Mrs Ensign had half the cast removed this A.M. Aunt Sally Thomas has gone to Glockner.
Sat. 9/13. Bob Murphy came to see us. Ham not home till 2. P.M. having gone to Denver to have it out with his father [a?] C.C. Came home a wreck. Bob. washed the auto.
Sun. 9/14. Arthur Holt preached on India in our Ch. I was disappointed because there was so little heart in it—too intellectual. I tried to get him for dinner but the Browns had already asked him. Many people back and many old friends and teachers. Bob. went with me and liked it. I LIKE him. He dined with John. We had Fred and Harold here. P.M. felt too tired to go to Fountain Valley School with John and Bob. J. & J. here for supper.
[handwritten note:] Mon. 9/15 Loaned Mrs Emma Eldredge $250.
Mon. 9/15. Not much good today—broke glasses last nigh. Ham used Corona for m on front porch –lovely days. Hash over.
Tues. 9.16. Got my glasses in morning but not good at all. I mean I feel mean. Mrs Albright over. Josephine slept 2 hrs.
Wed. 9/17. Still no good. A lovely day. I spent most of it on the front porch. I prayed for strength for the two visits I had planned and it was given. Elinor Gregg called and we had a good talk. Dr. A.E. Holt came to dinner and we had quite a talk before he left abt. 3 o’clocl. He is disturbed abt. the conditions among out missionaries in So. India.
Thurs. 9/18. Mrs Curl and Rogers to direct. I felt quite like myself—so glad! Mrs. C. has decided to go to Denver and make a home for Reba June. She is sad abt. it and so am I. I took Clara to call on Mrs Baxter and I called on Mrs Ensign and Aunt Sally Thomas who is not at the Glockner. I talked with Mrs E. abt. Mr. Brown etc. Wrote to Mildred Small and to Carl. It does not seem to me as if I shld. lend M. $2000 [equivalent of over $25,000 as of 2010] and that it is Carl’s business to look out for his bro. John and Josephine here for dinner.
Fri. 9/19. Home A.M. Not quite so smart as yesterday. The young Akin died from the fall in a the football scrimmage. Too bad! Wrote to Dr. Holt, and checks etc. Josephine had a long nap. Was at Mrs Kissel’s a few minutes, went away to Murray’s with Hash. Ham and I went to dinner with John and Josephine. Talk abt. Akin who was one of Ham’s best friends. Home at 8 to receive a call fr. Eliz. Gillett & Lois May Coolbaugh. Nice girls
Sat. 9/20. The H.H.s off on their famous trip. Harold played with J. I to town. P.M. To Cascade and round with the girls and Clara
Sun. 9/21. No S.S. for Josephine or the Rydera. They all with the Jacksons etc. went on a picnic to the Otis Ranch. They did not start till nearly 12 however so the children MIGHT have gone to S.S. I am sorry but do not see how I can help very well. Lois May Cool baugh came to dinner with Clara and me and we liked her---she is a sweet & pretty girl. I have no doubt she is bright also. Ham went to Denver with Al so got no sleep. P.M. Clara and I went to M’s garden and cut lovely flowers. She took some to Miss Warren and I to Albertine. John and J. to supper a weary pair.
Mon. 9/22. I felt mean so favored myself all day. When I have several days like this much remains unaccomplished. It was a good comfy feeling, however to feel that I cld stay in my precious home all day. Took Lina home in P.M. and did an errand or two A card fr. M. [Miriam] and note fr. Ruth.
Tues. 9/23. Better today, quite “smart” in fact. Letter fr. Ri. and card fr. Mad. [Madoline] who has been quite homesick, I judge. [new page] Tues. 9/23 continued. After all I can’t think what happened more on Tues. a full day of small things, perhaps.
Wed. 9/24. Ham’s father came last night and slept with him in his little room for two nights. He came for noon meal with us. He is quite deaf and I am sorry for him, in many ways. Went to Alberting for help in re the Church night and Mr. Brown’s attitude on the Missions. Went to supper at Ch. and had rather an exciting discussion at meeting of Missions Com. after. I hope I did nothing to disgrace my Lord. Irving Fisher called. P.M.
Thurs. 9/24 Busy with Rogers, with no Mrs Curl to be busy with P.M. Ham. had breakfast with Ham here this A.M. ait was this noon he had dinner with us instead of yesterday. Clara and I went to Miriam’s to look over clothes for meading[sic?]. and manded[sic]. Cold day. Cut some of M’s flowers. Elizabeth G for lunch.
Fri. 9/25. A frost—last night—many flowers are gone. P.M. Mr. Hamlin came to call in P.M. and left for hom. Ham and I dined with John and J. and then went to concert by Claudio Muzio
Sat. 9/27. Setting Up Conference at the Y.W. Cabin at Chipita Park. Delightful. Ham took some of us up and came for us. Miss Nelson, a staff Sec. with lovely white hair and young face took most of the program. 37 people lunched with dear Mrs Jones as hostess. Lovely day.
Sunday. 9/28. At Ch. alone. in pew. Sermon on Religion cannot be outgrown. showing the wonders of science but the need for religion.” Poverty dinner with Clara as only guest. John and Josephine to supper. At nine, just as Clara was going home who shld. she meet on the porch but Ri. and Chouteau! A great surprise! they had come thru’ fr. Taos that day.
Mon. 9/29. Got the boys settled ---they were weary and glad to be quiet. reading. I do not recall what was done in P.M. I think the boys took me to call on the Penfields in Man, a very pleasant call. The boys got Manitou water.
Tues. 9/30. P.M. was the opening of the Arkansas valley Asso. at the 2nd Ch. Mr. White of the A.M.A. spoke well. We got Miss Burcham of Manitou to be Pres. for the new year. I did not stay to supper or eve. service.
Wed. 10/1. To the Ch. to hear Dr. Sullens give his wonderful address on the missions question. He bore himself nobly, Mr. Brown not so nobly. Mesdamsa Blackman, Irwin, Heyse, Wilhite, and Frances rouse were there and staid to dinner as did I. I bro’t Mrs Warford home with me for a rest and then we returned to the P.M. session. to hear Mr. white on the negro question ---then I bro’t Dr. S. and Mr. White to the Alta Vista and we had quite a talk. Too tired to go again in Eve. We played anagrams. I had supper with Clara and the boys got their own in the kitchen.
Thurs. 10/2. Shampoo, Ed. So meeting, etc. P.M. worked at desk a while. Josephine comes every day for lunch and spends the P.M. altho’ she often plays with other children. She and John to dinner at night. I set the table and asked Ham to wash dishes but Carrie had them nearly all washed by the time we were thru.
Fri. 10/3. To see Mrs Wiley abt. dinner next week and then sat on back porch and listened to boys tell their plans. The ranch must be sold before anything else can be done. P.M. W. U. at Mrs Quackenbush—Miss Macaloney. Banquet Antler Prof. Bruno –spoke to me after.
Sat. 10/4/1930. A lovely day. Ri. and Chouteau went to Wet Mr. Valley with the Boardmans & Kissels. Clara, Ham, Josephine, Harold and I went on a picnic up the old stage rd. and had a very nice quiet time. Little H said it was the best picnic he had ever been on.
Sun. 10/5/. My Miriam’s 43rd birthday! Dear Girl! Ri. & Chouteau being away, Clara and I were asked to dine with the J.s pleasant time. I alone at Ch. Eve. Ham went with me to Ch. at the Meth. to hear the speakers for the Institute. Mrs. Fergison was there – Ham liked Dr. Gulick best.
Mon 10/6. Went to class by Mrs Emrich on “India looks to her Future” and liked her. Mrs Ferguson came home with me. P.M. I went to her class on “Trailing and the Conquistodores”[sic] Mrs F. came fr. Mrs Thomas’ abt. 9 and we had an hour to look at S.A. picture and Reminisce.
Tues. 10/7 to class A.M. taking Mrs Quier who is to have program on India. Too weary to stay longer. P.M. set table for dinner tonight called on Mrs Sumption and Miss Foote. [new page] Tues. 10/7 cont’d They are foster sisters of Dr. Browning in B.A. Saw pictures of them etc. Ham helped wait on table in a white jacket wh. I hired for him---looked so nice! Dinner fine Pleasant evening. Br. Brown appeared well. Dr. Gulick enjoyed pictures of Japan and talk abt. it. John and Jo. here –she was cute –slept on couch in study. J. nice and enjoyed my friends.
Wed. 10/8. to class A.M. One day a Mrs Robertson of Denver spoke to me appreciatingly. She was Treas. of Home Brd. while Mrs Preston was working with me. These loving words are warming to the heart. P.M. Mrs F’s class again. Last day! Lovely weather—almost too warm. Eve. Banquet with the three speakers. I sat between Antoinette and Mrs Pearson. Very good! Mrs F. leaving tomorrow A.M. at 5 for Denver, so we talked late although both very weary.
Thurs. 10/9. The day after with me. Mrs Pitman here to sew for Josephine and me. Rogers too [word missing—sick?] to work. P.M. went to say goodbye to Bettye who leaves tonight. Fine tea there. Jospehine a cold.
Fri. 10/10. To school to hear Josephine speak at Assembly. To Glockner to see dear Mrs Ensign, who seems pretty weak. Attending to bills at home, busy A.M. P.M. To 20 meeting at Mrs Aley’s –interesting program. To Mrs Graham’s for tea. A lovely woman! She offered to give me for the Y.W. $10.00 I came home between times to see how J. was getting along. She was very good. A fine letter from Madoline with card fr. M.
Sat. 10/11. Finished up bills almost. It rained last night—boys home very late and I distressed because Ri. had not kept his promise. He says he will now. I kept them at work. Ri, Chouteau, and Ham whom they like. P.M. Ri went to game with Fred. or at least to see him play. Jospehine did not go to party at Cynthia Van Cleve’s because of cold wh, however is much better. Clara and I had a lovely drive via Holland Dairy etc. with Bonnie. Clouds lovely.
Sun. 10/12. Lilly Studely’s birthday. She was a good soul. Ri. went to Ch. with me and liked the sermon. Both boys at dinner but not at supper. John and Jo-Jo [Josephine?] at supper. Dear little Josephine! She has been such a good girl most of the time. P.M. Ri took Clara, Bonnie and me [for] a ride. Chouteau took the Kissel’s[sic] to Brdmr. Br. Brown shld. keep the values of the old, while introducing the new.
Mon. 10/13. Boys out to lunch with Boardman girls. Bettye left tonight—I ran over to say goodbye and ran into a tea party. Anne’s birthday.
Tues. 10/14. Ri. and Chouteau off for Santa Fe at 8.30. Gave them a lunch etc. Call fr. Mrs Chapman this week one day. Community Chest campaign this week. Josephine comes here fr. school each day and I put her to bed and see that she is all right in P.M. and John takes her home with him for night and dinner.
Wed. 10/15. Busy all day with one thing or another. Care of bird & flowers and bed, picking up etc take time. Ham & I went to John’s to dinner. H has the gift of a police dog as a birthday present. Whether I shall let him have it here is the question. To Ch in eve, taking Francis Rouse and Mrs Lynde, Mrs Ensign’s neice. Mrs E is better and up in wheeled chair and out some. We are so thankful!
Thurs. 10/16. My Clemmie-boy’s birthday! Rogers And Mrs Piman to see to, pack Josephine’s little trunk and see to things for the travelers filled up most of the day. Cold and cloudy all A.M. Went to Art Acad. P.M. to see water colors to buy Arthur Davies. Chat with Mrs. Eaton. Eve. The J.s here for dinner. Went to the ho. to help abt. little last things. Ham came an took us all to station with baggage. Clara over for a visit. of some days she not well.
Fri. 10/17. A lovely day—the laying of the corner and Eng. stones in Shove Chapel the important thing.
Sat. 10/18. Ham’s 20th birthday, wh. he is spending with his family. I told him he might have the dog. We shall see what comes of it. Tea this P.M. at Antoinette’s and Isabel’s Crisp fine day and I feel so well! Thank the Lord.
Sun. 10/19. Dr. Spencer preached as Br. Brown is ill. I liked him so much as usual. He made a big plea for Foreign Missions. Mrs Ormes sat with me and I bro’t her home for dinner; Ri took her home after a while. We had a fire. Clara not very well, much pain toward night. Monte slept with Ham all day and howled at night when left in his room after H. had gone to work. Ri. was at supper and the Kissel’s and when he came home he phoned Ham who came home and took him back with him.
Mon. 10/20/1930. Clara in bed all day but more comfy than yesterday. I down town with Ri. as chauffeur. P.M. It grew colder and I did not feel like going out especially as I had kinder letters to write. Before supper went over to Mrs K’s and enjoyed a call. Eve. Ri went out with Mrs Colt. I sat with Clara.
Tues. 10/21. It snowed in the night –gray and frosty today. Clara better, still in bed. Ri and I worked at various jobs
Wed. 10/22. Down town to Y.W. opened the meeting with Bible & prayer & report of foreign facts. I wonder who will do it next time. Mrs Jones gave me $50 for my Y.W. I staid to lunch and talked with Miss Culver abt. meeting. P.M. Mrs Kissel came over to see Clara who was on the couch in my room. Bro’t lovely red carnations to her and pansies. I weary and then Ham left Monte up stairs till 3 A.M. and I got all worked up over it as he howled and barked. Carrie at last, got him in her room.
Thurs. I much of a wreck. Mrs Pitman here and rogers. I rested all possible but not much good. Went for a little ride with Ri. and eve. we played anagrams in my room.
Fri. 10/24. I remained in bed with a head cold, all because of the old dog and my fatigue. Ham and Ri. bring up out trays and it is cmfy in my nice old room
Sat. 10/25. A repetition of yesterday as far as we are concerned. Of course I cld. not go to the Ed. So. Luncheon and got Frances Rouse to take my guest, Mrs Lynde. No reading or eye work for me but a bit better and Clara also. Ri. spends much time with Mrs Colt, the sister of Mrs Graham. They went to Denver today and scarcely home in time for Ri. to go to the big dinner for Alice Lansing, but he did.
Sun 26 Clara and I down to dinner – Ri. said it was nice to have “the girls” down once more. I walked on the porch in the sun a few minute—lovely days. C. & I had out trays down stairs.
Mon. 10/26. Again down to dinner--- and supper. I rested in steamer chair on porch in sun a while. Ri. troubles me because he seems so well content to enjoy life here and not do anything to improve his circumstances. He out to dinner again at Mrs Colts.
Tues. 10/28. Birthday notes and gifts are coming in---had a sweet note or letter fr. Clem. and present of honey fr. Janie and mints fr. Caroline. Ride.
Wed. 10/29. Nose leaking again, so shall not go to train, to meet the Hartwell’s. Ri will go. So. happy to have them at home again. They stopt here on way hom—J. has a cold. I quiet in my room all P.M. and to bed right after supper. Ham bro’t up my supper—Ri. at Mrs Grahams.
Thurs. 10/30. My great day! To think I am 75 yrs old! I staid in bed all day –had flowers from six people--- many letters – Fred and Harold came over early with gifts and good wishes. Nice boys. A happy, serene day, God is good to me. Phoned to Dell Armstrong, whose birthday it is also. She tells me Mrs Ensign is very low. Alas! Phoned to Mr. Haines whose voice sounded as if he were ready for the grave just now. Too bad! Albertine phoned to me at night. She had asthma so she cld. not do it earlier. The Hartwells came for a delicious dinner wh. Ham served very nicely. I bo’t a white jacket. Miriam had favors at places—mine a radio, toy, Many boxes of all shapes and sizes in each of wh. was a $5.00 gold piece. Clara gave me a check for $10. Anagrams. I dressed in time for dinner
Fri. 10/31. None the worse for the party last night. I believe I came down for dinner and supper but did not go out much.
Sat. 11/1. I got to thinking about Ri. and his problems and so did not sleep till midnight and felt mean all day. I was resting when Melicent called with Walker so I missed them. Homecoming Day and I saw nothing of it. Ri took Pandy to the game I did go up to Miriam’s for a few minutes and felt the better for it, but did not go to the Chinese Princess lecture. M. and Mrs Boardman used my tickets and Ri. went to a dinner party at the Brdmr. Ham was in a while with Monte.
Sun. 11/2. A perfect day. I thought some of going to Ch. but decided to lie in the sun on the porch instead. Ri. was helpful. and took Clara and Me to the Fountain Valley School for a ride and we saw Bob Murphy a minute and asked him to Miriams’ for Thsg [Thanksgiving?] dinner. Ri tho’t him a lovely boy. Ri, John, & Miriam went to a picnic given by the Ryder’s for Alice Lansing. Josephine was here and is not sleeping on the couch in the study. She was darling and we sang much together,
Mon. 11/3/1930. A quiet day at home. Ri. started for Fairplay but had a blow-out up at Ute Pass and had to return. Mrs Albright came to see us in P.M. Clara started her own manage today, but took her meals here. I went to the Y.W. Annual Supper, and gave the Invocation as Miss culver called it. Miss Ethel Cal[e?—letter is cut off] was the main speaker ---she is Industrial Sec. from Denver, but spent last year in Beirut. I liked her and sat next to her part of the time. The colored girls sand Spirituals and Senorita Jimenez sang Spanish songs to her guitar.
Tues. 11/4. Miss Clark had promised, or rather suggested that she might help me this morning, so I [“]spunked up”, having felt quite like myself yesterday. We used Miss Culver’s auto, as Ri. had taken mine for his trip, and called on Mrs Powers at her pleasant suite at the Broadmoor --- she is bldg a new house so is not sure she can give anything to my cause this year, but may squeeze out $50 next month. A call on Mrs Frantz was more successful—she said she wld. sent me $100 soon. Mrs Chapman saw us but will do nothing. P.M. M. took me in search of Miss Chadbourne and to come meeting at Y.W.
Wed. 5/ of 11. Still lovely day. A Mr. Cotton, Y.M.C.A. man fr. N.Y., I judge came to call, trying to interest me in getting Abel Gregg’s salary supported here. I said I cld. do nothing about it unless I pd. a small sum yearly. Mr. C is a fine man, and it did seem nice to see a man with a clean breath as well as spick [sic] and span every other way. The Colo. man was will him. M. called for me at abt. one and I moved up here and have a lazy time. Carrie went to Denver and Ham took her suitcase to the train for her. Harold & Charlotte came in from their motor trip easy abt. 10:30 He came up here to see us this P.M. while Miriam and Josephine were at the movies.
Thurs. 11/6. Nothing special. Jo-Jo still has her cold and not in school. I am working on bills and letters as I can.
Fri. 11/7/. Ham went to Utah last night with 5 other boys having taken Monte to Dr. Stewarts. Meeting at Papeton
Sat. 11/8. A bad night because I was trouble as to missions in our Ch. so not a very healthy day. Ri returned fr. his trip to Fairplay and Denver abt. 6.30 this evening, with my auto. A radio sett was installed here in the evening and M. & J. played with it till 11 o’clock. I enjoyed it also. I am enjoying reading [“]Magnificent Obsession” given to me by Janie.
Sun. 11/9. Another very lovely day! Ri. went to Ch. with me after we had said good bye to Mrs Kissel and the Boardmans, as they started to motor to Cal. Mr. Brown’s sermon was “How shall we win the next war?” A big thing. Assuming that we want to kill etc. Everyone thrilled by it.
Ri. came to dinner with us Sun. I forgot to tell abt. the visit of a classmate of John’s Rev. Lovell, an awful nice man. We four went to ride yesterday P.M. over the High Drive. He arrived early this A.M. and left tonight Radio again tonight. Called on Albertine. Ri. and Clara to supper.
Mon. 11/9. [sic] Josephine still in bed and not wishing to get up for a ride in P.M. I worked at home A.M. Com. meeting at Bemis. [next page] Lecture by Sir Hubert [Wi???n—letters punched out with hole punch] at Perkins in eve
Mon 11/10. Mon. A.M. Ri staid with J. so M. cld. go to town and do errands $1.00 Day. Today. I at 1121 all morning. Disturbing letter from Osie--- Converse Ingersol was married Nov. 1st and his parents are very distraught, of course. M. & I took a short ride thru West Pt. at Bluffs.
Tues. 11/11 Armistice Day! 12 yrs ago! The anniversary of Thomas A’s death. In the evenings we listen to the radio.
Wed. 11/12. Here at hom all morning. working with Mrs Hattan. [Crossed out text: Cannot recall the afternoon.] Manitou in P.M. Lovely day
Thur 11/13. The H.H.s came over for lunch yesterday for the first meal. I was at the Ch. for the all-day meeting that was Fri. I think, To contemporary Tea for honraries. I had such a good time at Miriam’s – I almost hated to come home. I may go again sometime.
Fri. 11/14. These two things happened today instead of Thurs. Eve. Mrs Van Cleve and Sidney Gould were in.
Sat. 11/15. Much colder –infact [sic] very cold early, but the sun came out and the game between Tigers & Teachers was not so bad. Miriam and I went to gether—the others were at Mrs Van Cleves for lunch, listening to the Yale –Princeton game over the Radio, so they came late and we did not see them. M. took me to Ella Taylor’s and the Mexican things to the Y.W. Josephine has written to Madoline that she is to come home for Xmas. John has bo’t M. a fine Radio.
Sun. 11/16. Miriam went to Ch. and Josephine to S.S. The latter was much pleased that all were so gold to see her back. I had to get ready for devotions at the World Fellowship meeting at the Y.W. for Mrs Ballard talked on Mexico & it was very good. Miss Troutman presided after I opened the meeting sand a duet. Two of us poured tea.
The Hartwells to supper.
Mon. 11/17. Cooler but not bad. Miriam called for me and went shopping with me for my own things. Hat dress and shoes. I had a talk with Ham. as to leaving the dog, using the phone so long and the work he was to do for me. He took it goodnaturedly. Hope it will do some good. Wrote to chicks. Some interruptions Clara and I with Ri. played anagrams a while in eve. The H.H.s had gone to the Ryders. H. called on Mr Haines at noon. He is very low down in his mind. Poor man! I wish he had some religion.
Tues. 11/18. Busy morning at hom. Fred Char. and Ri. went to Denver for F’s teeth. Harold did not go to school, as there was no one to bring him home. He was good with me. Ri. really landed something in the way of prospects with Arthur Bosworth, selling bonds. All pleased. Snow in Denver and, later, here. They had a narrow escape from an accident. I am SO thankful they are safe. I was going to make calls but storm prevented. So I spent an hour phoning about Ch. things and subscription list. H. to lunch at Country Club, with Dr. Webb.
Wed. 11/19. A very severe storm! Fierce wind, with snow. Roads blocked to Denver. We were very glad the family came home safe last night. Home all day, needless to day. I was glad there was no meeting. Boys sit and read all P.M. here in living room.
Thurs. 11/20. The storm abated somewhat. A lecture in eve. 19th Ri. has the prospect of a job, with the Arthur Bosworth Bond Co. and will go to Denver to learn the ropes next week. H. is very pleased. Eve. here a Mission Com. meeting. Only four came Mr. Brown late because he had to take home all the swimming boys. Mrs Clark, for whom Ri. went, Miss Flansbert and, later, Elloine. A most discouraging outlook fr. the trustees, who have done nothing for the current expenses and now wish to cut the appor. next year fr. 2500 to $1000. Papeton costs the Ch. $500 and Mrs Wynne, and other things $600. Mr. Brown was disturbed and we all very much. I cld. not sleep till very late.
Fri. 11/21. Somewhat of a wreck after the night. Mrs Hattan, Mrs Pitman here and expected Rogers, but he has had so much snow to shovel etc. Ham has a bad headache.
Sat. 11/22. Down town A.M. and did many errands. The afternoons go quickly, with the resting and all. H. reads John’s books at office and home. some of each day. Madoline wrote Ri. a good letter. She much excited abt. coming home Xmas. I cannot recall much of the experiences of each day.
Sun. 11/23. Ri. did not care to go to Church. Miriam went and J. to S.S. Mr. Brown did well and gave credit to missions in foreign lands. good so far as it went, but not stimulating to givers. especially. I bro’t Mrs Eldredge home with me to dinner. She & Ri. agreed about preparedness etc. Later I walked to see Albertine. She is abt. the same as usual. Ri came for me. H. and C. out for dinner, calls and tea—all afternoon. H. Clara and I to Miriam for supper.
Mon. 11/24. a red letter day for me as a letter came from Clement in wh. he said they had been to a Parent-Teachers meeting, later to a meeting at the Ch. abt. religious teaching for children. He has hired a pew and means to attend regularly. The name of the Ch. is the Calvary. Oh! Joy! Down town. Ri to Denver.
Tues. 11/25. Home all morning, feeling quite well. No; I walked to call on Mrs Hall, and to ask her abt. Subscriptions. 3 dogs went with me. LOVELY day. P.M. Rested on porch. Lassie disappeared after Sun. dinner and no trace of her has been found.
I called on Mrs Morley, tried to see Mrs Griffith and Dorothy Crouse and Mrs Conger. Saw none except Mrs Morley who can do nothing for me. Pleasant call. Call on Aunt Sally Thomas, who seemed quite bright. M. here a few minutes. Sidney here drinking beer with Harold. A little depressed about my Y.W. fund.
Wed. 11/26. The day before Thanksgiving. P.M. I went to Miriam’s a few minutes and helped with the setting of the table. Lassie was found by Abbie Kernochan, in the lower garden where she had dug herself in and cld. not get out. She seemed all right, however after the 3 days imprisonment. I had a shampoo by Mrs Jacoby and a marcel at Wilbur’s The girls like it. Ri. came at 10.10 P.M. for the day.
Thurs. 11/27. A lovely day! Charlotte and I went to service at Grace. 11 of us at M’s for a splendid dinner. Anagrams here in eve.
Fri. 11/28. Walked up to Mrs Hall’s either yesterday or today a fine walk ---with 3 dogs. P.M. , after lunch with Josephine as M. was out, I had 4 women here to see abt. distributing out Th. Off. envelopes had Tea for them and worked on them in evening also.
Sat. 11/29/. Down town all morning and went around with envelopes in P.M. Lovely P.M. To train for Ri. Weary in evening. There is a Y.M.C.Q. Conference going on here—a state affair. I had a Mr. Hathaway here two nights but that was all.
Sun. 11/30. Still fine weather. The boys wld. not go to Ch. with me and Jo-Jo was in bed with a cold so M. cld. not. Charlotte went, much to my pleasure. P.M. Clara and I called on Mrs Eldredge, whose 85th birthday it was and on Mrs MacDonald, who was very glad to see us. Also at M’s a few minutes. Ri. went back at 6.25. The card by Mrs Speer, wh. Grace McL sent me helps me thru the days---good days.
Mon. 12/1. Home all A.M., feeling a cold abt. me; so rested both before and after lunch. Phoned abt. Ch. papers and W.U. meeting. P.M. made calls for the Th. Off. meeting. Josephien still inbed with cold. Better in P.M. Wrote to kinder and sent cards to India. Eve. Knit and looked at Spanish grammer [sic].
Tues. 12/2. Josephine’s 7th birthday---she had her party in P.M. and recited some of Jean Ingelow’s poem 7 times 1 as her mother did when she was 7 at 1619 N. Cascade. Felt better of cold but weak other ways. Lovely day. P.M. Finished calls for Th. Off. went to the party a little while with Clara. To Fellowship com. meeting at Y.W. and sang hymns with Fred. Harold wld. be so much happier if he wld. interest himself. in town things as Charlotte does.
Wed. 12/3. Bill’s birthday. P.M. To Albertine’s to discuss Ch. benevolences with her. She agrees with me that I shld. give less than half here. The rest I shall send to the Denver office. Lovely days. Worked on foreign Christmas cards & letters
Thurs. 12/4. Mrs Pitman and Rogers here. Ed. So. meeting. down town with Clara. P.M. called on Mrs Griffith and Mrs Conger but neither at home. But a check for 25 came fr. Mr. Sachs and word from N.Y. that Miss Dorothy Culver sent $50 wh. can be counted on my Fund. Good! Miriam in and we had tea. She is a very dear person.
Fri. 12/5. Getting ready for the Woman’s Union in A.M. The meeting was at Mrs F.B. Brown’s, well attended by old ladies mostly, but a scattering of younger ones and Miriam came. Mrs Quier gave a very good program on India, assisted by Mrs Sisam, on Tagore. Th. Off. meeting---Over 62.00. So glad!
Sat. 12/6. Work at home A.M. Began on bills. P.M. Phoned Mrs Carlton who will see me Monday. Mrs Griffith was ill so cld. not see her, so went with Miriam, Clara & Josephine to Manitou for water and a good time. Ri. came early in P.M. having a ride down fr. Denver and can stay here for a week. Talk at table about the Methodist Law and order big Com. Very bad they think Dr. Webb in for cards eve.
Sun. 12/7. Budget Sunday. I had made out my pledge card Sat. eve. I give only part of Ben. here, the rest to State Conference. Clara to dinner and no other outside guests. P.M. Richards drove Clara and me to call at Woodwan on Mrs Schloss and Harris. Lovely ride. Also tried to find Mr. Hayden and left card. Ri. Clara and I to Miriam’s for supper.
Mon. 12/8. Began on bills. Call on Mrs E.A. Carlton P.M. Very pleasant, but she can do nothing for me this year---may next.
Tues. 12/9. Bills. Corona has to be repaired. Calls on Mrs Conger and Griffith but not home. One day called on Mrs Abbo abt. Xmas cards. Saw. Katrina Van Sickle. Ri’s 41st birthday.
Wed. 12/10. Down town with Clara yesterday Christmas errand etc. Mrs Griffith can to nothing for me this year. I a bit discouraged. Busy every minute with necessaries and Xmas. Ch. papers going on quite well.
Thurs. 12/11. Mrs Pitman here, so busy with house things. P.M. called on Mrs Coke (out) and Mrs Caldwell. Letter fr. Clem.
Fri. 12/12. Town. call on Bryants. P.M. 20 meeting at Mrs Sisam’s. Had call from the Phil Garrets and Miss O’Donnell later.
Sat. 12/13. Lovely day. Late in getting started on days work, as usual on Sat. A.M. Fred’s cold better and Harold out. He a scamp, sifting Powered soda all over everything [sic] and then lying abt. it. Hash had a patient.
Sun. 12/14. Both boys went to Ch. with me. H. liked Mr. Brown but tho’t him too long. Mr. Thurber died very suddenly this A.M. I went to stay with Jo-Jo. after dinner, so J. & M. could go to see her. Cold and raw. I felt coldy and weary, so did not go to the Eagerheart, to wh. Eliz. had asked me.
Mon. 12/15. In bed all day, but not bad.
Tues. 12/16. Was up to lunch and felt that the cold was all gone. P.M. went to Mission. Com Meeting at Mrs Ensign’s An exciting time, with Mr. Brown. Came home discouraged.
Wed. 12/17. Had the Ch. night tonight much on my mind. Talked with Albertine abt. it and Mrs Jencks, and decided not to go to the meeting, as I knew I shld. get much excited and it wld. do no good. I talked with Mr. Brown by phone, however and made some suggestions, wh, he took most kindly. There was reason to think there wld. be objections to the report of Mission Com. but Mr. Brown called me after and said everything moved on amicably and the report was practically as given. So glad and happy abt. it. A prayer was answered, I think.
Thurs. 12/18. Cold day. [To town?] all A.M. talked with Cecilia re. Xmas dinner first. P.M. called on Mrs Alex. Coke, who can do nothing for me and Mrs Caldwell , where I found Mrs Donaldson. Mrs C. will help all she can. Good!. I fancy the other one more able than Mrs C. Eve. Hanging of the Greens at Y.W. but I did not go.
Fri. 19-24. 1931[sic—year is still 1930] These days were full of Xmas preparations, inc. writing notes and Xmas cards to those from whom I rec’d them. Rather a hectic way of doing things, but, perhaps not less so than the regular way.
Wed. the 24th. We had already hung the wreathes and now lighted the lighs in the windows as usual. Tree in reception, wh. Charlotte and Fred. trimmed. I took around the few presents I had, --to Albertine and the Hartwells. Miriam has sinus trouble and may not be able to come tomorrow. Jo-Jo not well
Thurs. 12/25. It was fun having the little boys open their stockings in my room. Dick & Hash and Char. here too. Had tree at 11 as I had to set table earlier and Char. and Fred. went to short. Ch. service. Lovely things on the tree for all. 8 at table with three little ones at small table. Ham waited on table with Cecilia, very well. Miriam was better and came and J [Josephine], altho she had earache just before. Lovely warm day.
Fri. [12/26] –Dec. 31. Days full of necessary things, inc. my cards. Lovely ones fr. friends.