Century Chest transcription 68 |
The Day and Night Nursery Association of Colorado Springs
in the year of August, nineteen hundred and one.
The establishing of a Day Nursery in Colorado Springs originated with Mrs. Estella Whaite Baker - wife of Captain Seth Baker. She was intensely interested in the charity and often talked with me about it. In March 1897 Mrs. Baker asked me if I would promise my assistance if she could get other ladies interested in founding such a home in the city. Soon after I was called to attend a meeting for this purpose at the home of Miss. Augusta Warren 620 N. Cascade Avenue. The women who attending [sic] the meeting were very enthusiastic. Various committees were appointed and a constitution and By-laws adopted. Mrs. Lawrence - wife of Dr G. N. Lawrence was elected President. Miss Jane Bucus, Vice-President, Mrs. Josephine Anderson Pearson, Secretary, Miss Jessie Adella Aikin, Treasurer. The following named women composed the Board of Managers, half to serve one year, half to serve two years, Mrs. Seth Baker, Mrs. H.C. Lowe, Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. A.C. Carson, Mrs. G.N. Lawrence, Mrs. J.C. Barnes, Mrs. Hamp, Mrs. Watson, Miss Burns, Miss Aiken, Miss Sarah Warren, Miss May Ward, Miss Kenton. Fifteen dollars was contributed. A house of four rooms at 416 E. Boulder St. was rented. In this small way, but with faith, and boundless courage and enthusiasm, the Day Nursery was established. The Board of Directors took turns in spending the day caring for the children willingly left there by mothers going away from their homes to wash or to do days work. Within a few months we outgrew the cottage and moved into a larger house 310 S. Wahsatch Ave. A matron and nurse were then regularly employed. At the end of a year this house was too small, as the demand was now very great for a place where children could be kept day and night. The mothers, perhaps, going out to service or in some cases being motherless children. A house at 522 S. Nevada Avenue was rented and there the nursery re-mained for nearly two years. At this time, principally through the efforts, untiring and vigorous, of Mrs. Lawrence and Miss Burns, the Association was able to build a beautiful home of their own, at 816 S Tejon St. The house and lot cost about four thousand dollars and was completely paid for when we moved in, in the early fall of 1899. The house was neatly furnished, through the kindness of many friends. It has a parlor, dining room, kitchen and pantries and a long, sunny playroom with lavatories opening off it here in the winter mornings is held the prettiest kindergartens imaginable, under the supervision of on of the best teachers in the city, Miss Henry. The Laundry and store rooms are in the basement. On the second floor are three bedrooms for matron and children needing special care, and two long dormitories with rows of tiny iron beds all in snowy white. On this floor there is also a large bathroom and many clothes closets. In the rear is a large porch for the daily airing and sunning of the bed-clothes. No money was spent on fancy wood work and ornamentation, but at the same time no money was spared to make the ventilation, the plumbing, and hot water heating as perfect as possible. At this time the association became duly incorporated according to the statutes of the State of Colorado. Thus has been, of course, more or less sickness among the children, but not an accident of death has occurred a the nursery until winter of 1901, when there was a siege of scarlet fever and one dear little boy died, although every thing was done for him which money and tender care could do. The board of Managers at this time renewed their efforts to raise money for a hospital and they were successful in raising twelve hundred dollars, a small, but complete hospital of hall two large sunny airy rooms with bath, has been built on the rear of the lot which is fifty by on hundred and ninety feet. A matron, nurse and kitchen maid are the caretakers of the nursery though the house is under the strict supervision of a house committee. The average number of children cared for per day, day and night is twenty-five. The children ore cared for at ten cents a day, two children for fifteen cents. If they stay day and night, it is six dollars for one, ten dollars for two children in a family per month. The sum thus brought in to the treasury is not enough to defray the expenses so we have members of the association who pay one dollar per year, we now have one hundred. Twenty-three persons give one dollar per month, and there are many donations. A lawn party is usually held in the summer and a fair and a dinner in the winter to help with the extra expenses. $2 648.57 was raised the past year for current expenses and the expenses were $1908.03 we have an Endowment fund of $2278.00. The pursuit board of Managers and officers are - Mrs. G. M. Lawrence - President, Mrs. H.C. Lowe, Vice President, Miss Daisy Anderson, Secretary, Miss Jessie Aiken, treasurer, Mrs. Rockhart, Mrs. Philip Wash burn, Mrs. J.M. Bemis, Mrs. Seth Baker, Mrs. E.M. Giddings Jr., Miss Bell, Miss Burns, Miss Maynard, Miss Warren. The Day and Night Nursery Association has been wonderfully successful, and a blessing to many unfortunates. There has never been at any time also wonderful to relate, the least friction or unhappiness in the Nursery or in the association. The whole is pervaded by a most beautiful spirit. Charity and peace and good will dwell within the walls of the Nursery and tin the hearts of the Directors. The remember the words of the Lord Jesus how he said, "suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of Heaven." And "if ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto me." May the work of love the Christ started so many hundred years ago, go on through the ages. Jessie Adella Akien Enclosed are pictures of the Nursery inside and out of Mrs. Lawrence
and myself. |
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