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To the Chief Ranger of Court Mt. Cameron, # 1654, I.O.F.
Colorado Springs, Colo., of the 21st century.
Dear Sir & Brother, - We address you this morning for the purpose of drawing your attention to a few facts relating to the members and records of the organization of the above court feeling assured that on the receipt of this document you will read with interest and profoundly meditate and wonder as you look back upon the past century and see what we were doing.
Court Mr. Cameron, #1654 of the I.O.F., was organized and chartered September 5th, 1894, with the following named brothers as chartered members of this court and we were organized and governed under the high court jurisdiction of Colorado, Whyoming [sic], New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona with the high court located at Pueblo Colorado. Brother Anton Phelps was the first chief Ranger of court Mt. Cameron, and brother B.B. Grover was the first court physician. There has been but little change in the membership role of this court from the time of its organization to the present time, only a small increase of the growth of the court here.
Our first court meeting was held on the third floor of the Robertson block located on the North West corner of Tejon St. and Huerfano St. where for a time our court met regularly once a month, later the court meetings were held in what is called the "Grand Army Building" at the North East corner of Cascade and Huerfano St. where the high court of this jurisdiction held their cession [sic] with this court during May.
There has not been any material interesting affairs to point or make any history mark for this court since its organization. This court has had but one death since the date of its organization, brother Jarvis, who held policy of $2000. Which was paid in eleven days from the date of the forwarding of the proof papers, this is a remarkable instance in itself considering the fact that the papers should go from Colorado Springs to Toronto, Canada to the Supreme Court of the order and return in that time.
This court is now composed of 47 members as follows.
The officers of this court under election last Dec. are as follows: (see below). From the present membership as above given and from the charter membership as above given you can readily assertain [sic] the new membership of the order.
The present meeting place of the court is at the Real Estate office of W.L. Dawson & Co. in the Midland block, at #116 Pike's Peak Ave. and the court meets on the forth Friday night in each month, at eight o'clock P.M.
The high court of this jurisdiction meets with this court to hold the cession [sic] of the high court at Colorado Springs in August of this year with twenty seven delegates representing the various courts of this jurisdiction. The delegate elected to represent Court Mt. Cameron, #1654, in the high court meeting is Wm. Lloyd Dawson with his alternate Dr. J.H. Furgusson.
We desire that when you receive this that you will write immediately in reply of this letter, ad ress [sic] the same to the Chief Ranger of this court of the 22d Century, in order that the centenial [sic] record of the action of this court may be kept from century to century.
We here mention a few of the prominent points of interest of our city: First its population, 1900 census, 23800, principle structures, the new Antlers Hotel, completed and opened formally July 6th, 1901, Mining Exchange building now in course of completion, the new M.E. church building now in course of construction, the Y.M.C.A. building now in the course of construction, the new street car electric railway system recently purchased by W.L. Stratton, a wealthy mine owner of Cripple Creek, now in course of extension throughout the City, the new short line railroad called the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District railroad opened for business between this City and Cripple Creek in April, 1901.
W.L. Dawson of the above court received the honors of the first United States mail agency on said railroad and carried the first government mail sack over said road from the post office of Howbert to Colorado Springs, Colo, traveling upon said railroads pass #C. 91, dated April 15th, 1901.
Vincent [?] King Chief Ranger
Sam Davidson Financial Sec.
McCloud Treasurer
Fred Schmidt Recording Sec.
Wm. Lloyd Dawson Court Deputy
Prepared by Wm. Lloyd Dawson
Court Deputy
Court Mt. Cameron
No. 1654 I.O.F.
Colo Springs
Letter 1
Born at Lower Ship up. [?]
Hartford Township
Near Indian Creek Crossing
5 miles south of Ashley
3 1/2 miles S.W. of Louisville
4 miles E of New Hartford
Pike Co. MO.
Son of W.W. Dawson
Who was the son of Fieldey Dawson, who was the youngest son of Wm. Dawson of Auinp. [?] Son Co. Kentucky.
My children are Victor R. Dawson 13, Olive Dawson 8, Linore Dawson 5. Wife A.A. Dawson Her father H.H. High of Sheperdsburg, Penn. I am 42, July 17 ~1901.
Letter 2
Open this Aug 4 = 2001.
Independent Order of Foresters Court Mt. Cameron No. #1654
By Wm. Lloyd Dawson Dated Aug 3 1901.
Letter July 27 1901
To Chief Ranger of Court Mt. Cameron 1654 Colo Springs, Colo. I.O.F.
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