Scope and Content: Letters to Elsie Myers Palmer, daughter of William J. Palmer, 1940s.
Dearest Dos [Dorothy Palmer] from Susan S. Fisher, October 30, 1947, The London
To Elsie from Susan S. Fisher January 21, 1948, The Windsor Hotel
To Elsie from Susan S. Fisher February 13, 1948, The Windsor Hotel
Aunt Else from February 20, 1948, The Windsor Hotel
'Dictation' written by Queen Mellen, September 21, 1865
To My own darling Motherling from Elsie, October 3, 1889 while Elsie was traveling
(Rhine, Cologne, etc.)
To Elsie from friends (7 letters) 1935, 1941, but most are not dated. (includes
two from Peter)
Dear Mr. Macdonald from Elsie Palmer, "The Brunswick"
To darling Elsie from Your Old Aunt Sara, February 19, 1909
To Dearest Daddy from Mary (Mellen)
To Dearest Elsie from Mary (Mellen), March 13, 1927 New Haven, Connecticut
Newspaper clippings (2) Colorado Springs, 1950
Sara to Dear Mrs. Myers concerning the Liberty Ship William J. Palmer, September
13, 1943
Sara to Dear Miss Palmer concerning the Liberty Ship William J. Palmer, November
2, 1943
To Mrs. Myers from George H. Krause October 28, 1940, suggesting that the Myers
send their grandchildren to stay with his son in Colorado Springs during the
war (from England).
Newspaper clippings concerning the death of FDR April 1945
"An Ode to his horse by a Colorado Cow-boy" (handwritten)
To Elsie from the chauffeur - V.C. Dove - during the war.
To Elsie from Katie (Bennett) March 13, 1909, on the death of General Palmer.
( Katie Bennett was a school friend of Elsie in a New York School.)
"The Vision" by F.C.Thornton (poem). "Written to Margaret when the going was
hard and we were both suffering and so may be excused"
To Aunt Else from John Fisher February 25, 1948, Windsor Hotel (John Fisher
was the author of "Builder of the West")
To Elsie from Rowena (Bell Pearce) 1947?, Salisbury, S. Rhoderia Africa
To Elsie (Miss Palmer - Glen Eyrie, Colorado Springs, Colorado America) from
Rowena (Bell), January 11. Rowena was responding to a letter from Elsie announcing
her engagement to Leo Myers.
Cablegram - to Miss Dorothy Palmer Chelsea, London. Birthday Wishes from Cess.
To Elsie from Dorothy (Palmer) her sister. 7 letters, October 1947. Mention
Mr. Postlewaite.
To Cousin Elsie from Mary (Mellen van Oostveen) October 29, 1947.
To F.C. Thornton (Cholmondley) letter Colorado Springs, Colorado, March 11,
1920 concerning financial matters between him and General Palmer.
Copy of letters from Mrs. Watt to F.C. Thornton in response to previous letter.
To Mrs. Myers from Wood or Ward ? Tunbridge Wells, Kent, September 16, 1938
To Mrs. Myers from George H. Krause December 11, 1943, concerning the launching
of the S.S. William J. Palmer
Notes: Susan S. Fisher was the mother of John Fisher, the author of "Builders of the West," and she might have been the sister of Dr. Watts. Photographs - See Colorado Room Photo File - Palmer Family (Marjory and Dorothy, Elsie Palmer Myers with Elsie Queen (Emery '09), Elsie Palmer Myers with Elsie Queen (Emery '09), E.Q. as child (playing in water), Jane, Dog - Barry.
Books added to Tutt Library collections:
E. Q. Nicholson. E.Q. Nicholson, Designer and Painter.
Walt Whitman. Leaves of Grass. Including a fac-simile autobiography… (Philadelphia:
David McKay, 1900.) With William J. Palmer's ownership signature, Glen Eyrie,
Colorado Springs June 1906.
Beryl Pogson. Commentary on the Fourth Gospel.
In Memory of E.Q. Nicholson.
Copy of the William Jackson Palmer Archive July 9, 1993. Compiled and organized
list of archival materials by Tim Nicholson
Scope and Content
This collection contains correspondence sent to Elsie M. Palmer, eldest daughter of William J. Palmer, dated from 1934 to 1950. The bulk of the letters are from her daughter, Elsie Queen "E. Q." Nicholson and are undated but appear to be written during the early 1940s, when both mother and daughter lived in England. Included are handwritten poems from a friend of Elsie's, Lillian Bowes-Lyon, letters of sympathy written after her husband, Leo Myers', death in 1944 and newspaper clippings on a range of subjects, most of which are from British publications of the late 1940s. There are also clippings of reviews of Leo's novels, The Root and the Flower and The Pool of Vishnu, from British and American publications. A small group of letters exchanged by Leo and "Coley" Cole are included.
Folder 1
#1 Letter to Elsie from "Leslie", L. P. Hartley, dated October 28, 1934
#2 Letter to Mrs. Myers from Helen Bolton, dated April 18, 1944
#3 Letter to Elsie from "Charlie", Charles Tennyson, dated April 27, 1944
#4 Letter to Elsie from "Coley", Coley Cole (?), dated May 4, 1944
#5 Letter to Elsie from "Dos", sister Dorothy Palmer, dated June 24, 1944
#6 Letter to Elsie from Charles Tennyson, dated August 4, 1946 (?)
#7 Letter to Elsie from "Cess", Cecile Jacobeit, governess to the Palmer family
dated April 1, 1947
#8 Quotation from "Epipsychidion" by Shelley, "copied for Else – Jan 1950"
Folder 2
Letters to Elsie from her daughter, "E. Q.", Elsie Queen Nicholson, signed "Bob",
undated as to year, sent from "Blasdon, Cranborne" (?) and "Mill House" (13)
Folder 3
9 poems by Lillian Bowes-Lyon, most handwritten, two cut from newspapers or
journals; 6 letters to Elsie from "Lil", dated 1843.
Folder 4
Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
Folder 5
Newspaper clippings of reviews of L. H. Myers' books, The Root and the Flower
and The Pool of Vishnu, from a variety of British and American publications.
Letters exchanged between Leo Myers, Elsie's husband, and "Coley" Cole, a family
friend, on the subject of Elsie's "Shakespeare-phobia." Several of the letters
had been copied and numbered by Dorothy Palmer, Elsie's sister.
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maintained by Special
Collections; last revised,
jr .