Hunt Jackson 5-1-2 transcription
Helen Hunt Jackson Papers, Part 5, Ms 0351, Box 1, folder 2, letters
from HHJ to her sister Ann (Mrs. E.C. Banfield), 1881.
The Berkeley - Dear Annie - Excuse lead pencil & the leaf out of blank book - I am writing in bed - at 7 Am. - I am following my own prescription now -- & taking my breakfast in bed every morning - I am still very miserable -- & quite out of patience - my cough is nearly gone & the general catarrhal conditions of head nose - throat etc. etc. etc. - all the way down I shall say to the pit of the stomach, much improved - but I do not gain any strength as I hoped to - It is just four weeks last Sat. since I came down with this bronchitis - much the worst attack I ever had - I'd give a good deal to have my own old Boston doctors here. - However every body I've heard of who has been down with bronchitis has been ill from four to six weeks. Poor old Oliver Johnson is in bed with it-my fault I fear.- What I write specially for is to ask if it is now expected & understood that Annie will be married next fall as originally proposed. - I would like to know about this - if there is any knowing; -- She is certainly well enough -- & will not be fully well till she is married & at rest & at ease - but of course Mr. D. is the one to take the initiative about it - --If all is right about this I want to put $300, or $400 if I can manage it - away in the bank, -- for her before I start for California - so that whatever happens to me, that will be ready for her in the autumn -- & I will send up to Wolfboro - three or four dresses, which she can in the course of the summer be making over for herself - I have a heavy camelhair suit & a black silk suit -- & a blue poplin - all of which are unfit to wear as they are - at least the two suits are - but by being all taken apart & turned, will be almost as good as new. -- & will keep her busy all summer in work she will be interested in doing.- --In the fall I shall have some more money & will see to getting
her underclothes here - a pretty wrapper, a plain pink silk to make up
with that brocade.-- & the wedding dress.-white if she prefers - but
a handsome walking suit if she will be contented with it - will I think
she will be all she needs: -- Do not you? - Will is still here - hopes
to get off by Friday - If so I shall start next Friday -- & he will
join me on the way.-Yrs ever lovingly Helen
The Berkeley - Dear Annie - Your letter is as great a relief to my mind as mine could possibly have been to you. - --I am in great haste this Am. -- & can write out few words.- 1st - & foremost- you show how little you know about the illness
& especially convalescence. When you say you tell Annie not to get
up to breakfast "unless she feels rested" ! - You never know
whether you really feel right or not - till you get up & see - &
then the mischief is done: -- the proper thing is, not to pretend or try
to get up! -- Have no question on the subject; -- I myself am now in exactly
the same condition I was after my diptheritic attacks -- & I did not
begin to really gain any strength, till I began ten days ago, to take
my breakfast in bed. -- & not stir for an hour or so, after it. -
While I lie in bed in the morning, I feel about as well as ever - it is
hard to realize I am so weak: -- but before I am half dressed I am tired.
-- & until the last two days - I have been so weak that the perspiration
would start out all over me, before I got my hair done up! - Convalescence
is a much harder thing to manage judiciously, than out & out Sickness
-- & nobody, who hasn't been an invalid, & come up by degrees
through long periods of slow recovery from simple weakness, can tell anything
about it. - If I had Annie under my care, the one fixed rule would be
that she was not to get up to breakfast. - No question whether she "feels
rested" or not! - of course you feel rested, a good deal, by a night's
sleep - so long as you lie still & don't make any effort to do anything
but open your eyes! - I don'tsuppose you can understand this - but you
may take it on my --Is there a seamstress in Wolfboro who can make Annie's sheets - pillow cases - table cloths &c. ?-- If so, it will be cheaper for me to buy the cloth & send it up there - but you must not have them made in the house. Remember I have a right to say that; if there is no good seamstress there, I will buy them all ready made - 2 doz. sheets will be enough -- & 4 doz. pillow cases, eight table cloths - (I have only a doz - and I entertain so much I often have eight in the wash in a washpan. I think eight will do for Annie - I'd like to make it a round dozen -- but we may want the money now for other things.) ---- 4 dozen napkins: -- Write me at once if you can have them made[?] in Wolfboro -- : -- also
send me Annie's measure for skirt bands -- & for necks of collars.
- Send them by return mail.- I will send Annie $300 before I start for Cal. -- & the three dresses I spoke of - each of which will make her a good dress - --the camels hair suit - Then that handsome blue silk will be as good as new next fall. - If she wants a white dress to be married in, she ought to have it -- but I think considering all the circumstances, a walking suit could be much wiser & more in keeping. -- Molly had a niece married last week - She married a rich [?] man too - but she had only $200 to spend - they were even married in church -- & she wore a handsome claret silk suit, turned with velvet -- & a silk & velvet hat same shade. - dress made demi train -- . - --I shall leave a note for Mr. Fiske telling him in case anything happens to me, to pay all my April money to Annie. - but I don't suppose anything will happen to me! -- & I expect to be back here in the fall - and Annie may count on another hundred, in the course of the summer: -- and two hundred - if my Indian book brings in any thing at July.- I hoped to have got $600 for a little book I have just sent to Roberts Bros - but they did not want to buy it -- & only gave me $400 down for the MSS. - so I can't send Annie the whole $500 now as I would have liked.-but I'll send her $300 & the sheets table cloths etc. -- [two lines crossed out] What a mercy that Mr. D. has all that is needed to keep home with ! -
in great haste Helen
The Berkeley Dear Annie - Your letter with two of the Encycs [?] has come.-Have you not had a third? The one about the Copenhagen museums? - I do hope that is not lost. Miss Woolsey had had it - so it is in somebody's hands - The fourth is out in Colorado - came after Will left last fall -- & he forgot to bring it on last winter. I thought I had written to you that the California trip was given up - owing to Cornelia Horsfords having come home ill with scarlet fever - There is certainly a fate about it - Will had got a cook -- & Kate & I were to have set out Sat eve of this week. She was to come tomorrow. - I went out the Am. to engage the Drawing Room in the Chicago car. (for the 5th time!) -- I hesitated some time, as to doing it today - so my [accounts?] have happened.; -- but I was afraid if I waited till to morrow I might not get it; -- so I took it - at ten o'clk - came home - at eleven -- & found a line from Kate to say she had been thrown out of their carriage in Boston yesterday morning & -- sprained her left arm terribly - otherwise not injured. - but would not be able to use her arm for some time the Dr. said! - She & Lilian & the coachman were all thrown out -- & no bones broken - no serious injury - a wonderful escape. - I have telegraphed her that I will still wait! -- The more these things happen, the more determined I feel to carry her out with me - but I really can't wait a great while longer; -- & the heat here is something beyond words. I can hardly hold my head up. - --Is any date fixed for Annie's marriage? I don't suppose this is the
least chance of my being back here, so early as she is likely to be married
unless the heat in Col. in July should affect me as it did two years ago--
& in that case, I should come East at once. But I hope very much to
be able to stay straight on.- Let me know at once if you have - or if you ever had the 3rd Encyclical - about the Copenhagen museums. - Goodness! It seems to me I shall go mad with this heat - but the thermometer in this room is only 79.-I shut the windows & blinds at 6 Am. - out in the halls it is now 83 -- & when I first step into this room, it seem delightfully cool; -- but the seeming does not last. It is so long since I have felt such heat. I suffer from it more. - I wish if you are to stay in Wolfboro you could move up on the hill. I know it would be healthier for you all. Goodby in heat & haste Affly - Helen.
[At end of letter: The Berkeley - May 23rd - 1881] Dear Annie- The Copenhagen letter turned up all right at the Horsfords - am sorry you had such a search for nothing.- I got Annie a little box of odds & ends this morning - a belt I bought for salving the buckle on it -- -- & threw the belt away - (like the man that "wanted a tail & threw the dog away"!) ---------- & some soiled ruffles I tucked in thinking the lace might be worth taking off & washing.- -- I believe we are really off tomorrow eve. If no disaster happens to Kate, on her way from Boston here today! If you don't hear to the contrary in a day or two, you may know we have gone -- & write to Col. Springs.-- We shall arrive there on Sunday the 29th ---- Love to all - Goodby - Ever affly - Helen
Col. Springs Dear Annie - We arrived safely a week ago last Monday - at 3.30 Am.! -- --Miss Horsford is enjoying the country very much & the air does not give her thus far any trouble about breathing. - I on the contrary am suffering a good deal in getting acclimated again - have terrible thirst all the time - parched lips & throat fever -- & cannot walk except at a snails pace - --Today we set off for a trip to Georgetown & Gray's Peak. - Shall be gone a week. - --I found this house in perfect order -- & we have my old Cook Jane - the one I discharged for drunkenness. - She has never been drunk since -- & begged Mr. Jackson to take her back.-so we are very comfortable & Betty, the servant who has taken all the care of everything since I went away still keeps the main charge of the housekeeping - I find it a very agreeable way to keep house - not to know what I am going to have for breakfast!- I am sorry to hear Annie is so weak still -- & I wish she were to be married earlier - I believe she will not be well till she is married. - I wonder if sea air would do her good. Does she like it?- --Write soon again - Love to all - In great haste - Goodbye - Yrs lovingly - H.
Monday. July 25 Dear Annie- I am very sorry indeed that I have not written to you since June 16th.
- I did not know it! I thought you were owing me a letter. The truth is
that I have been so continually on the go the last two months that I have
not kept the [run?] of my letters at all. Kate & I have been off on
four little journeys ranging from five days to a week each - I had not heard of Mr. Fiske's going to Europe - but have been wondering why I did not get my July payment. He is to give Annie $120 of it, you know. - I presume he will be back very soon - or will arrange to have the money paid. If I were you I would write to his office, & find out. - Do you think Annie can get all she needs, with that $300? -- Of course, not all we would like to have her have - but I mean, do you think she can be comfortably fitted out with that ? - Perhaps I can give her another $100 in October - if she needs it. - I am hoping to get a little money then by a speculation in stock, but it may go against me - the only other one I have ever made did : but this one Mr. Jackson's brother made for me and I have great hopes it will succeed. -- I wish Annie would not ever get up to breakfast, I am sure it is a mistake. - She ought to do it for a year to come - not till she feels strong. - These long sleeps I should regard as good for her. She has nine years fatigue to rest up from! - I have just heard of a [another is crossed out] Vassar graduate -- who died last winter after the birth of her second baby - died very mysteriously of the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain! - a clear case of over taxed brain; -- Don't tell this to Annie on any account. - I am sorry to hear that Helen is thin & seems tired. I hoped that in the quiet home atmosphere of Mrs. Barkers ( is that the name?) - she might be able to teach year after year without any over strain : -- if I [text crossed out] were going to be in Col. [text crossed out] I would ask Helen to come & stay with us for the next year - but I [do not-crossed out] intend to spend next winter in So. California & see if I can't get through without having bronchitis ; -- neither do I feel in the least sure of Mr. Jackson's staying here - and in such uncertainty I could not promise any body anything ; -- do you suppose Helen could have her place back again at end of a year's rest? - Oh dear me, if only I had a few thousand dollars I could use as I pleased. I would send Helen & Mamie abroad for a year - Would you think it advisable for her to stay quietly at home with you for a year? Would she be contented? - I could easily give her all she needed in way of clothes - if you [text crossed out] could manage the increased expense in the family - Or would Mr. Davenport like to have her with them for a year? - I'll tell you what I can do ; -- if Annie & Mr. Davenport would like to have her with them I can pay on the say $4. a week which is all it would cost so that it wouldn't be any expense to Mr. D. - If there is the least shadow of danger of Helen's breaking down, she ought to have a rest at once! -- I hope to come East in September - but it is not sure - Mr. Jackson now expects to have to come on -- & if he does I shall come too -- & shall not come back here at all, before going to California in December. - Then I shall be able to come to Annie's wedding, of which I shall be very glad. - I am rather glad she has decided to have her dress made in Boston -- . instead [?] of going to N. York - as it will be less tiring for her. - I had thought [text crossed out] she would go on with Helen in Sept-- & stay at the Berkeley - & get her things then; -- but I incline to think this is better. - Goodbye - much love to the girls - Yrs ever lovingly - Helen
Col. Springs Dearest Annie - Will & I expect to start for N.Y. by the 27th or 28th of this month.- We hope to find rooms at the Berkeley - at any rate you can write there - care of Mrs. Washington Hunt.- --I want to know when Annie is to be married. I am so glad I can come to the wedding -- & hope very much that Will can come too - but he may not be able to leave N. York.- In great haste lovingly Helen P.S. My letter from Mr. Fiske has just come -- $422.-for which I am very glad - but still gladder to hear that he had $800 to send you. I'm sure you will feel quite cheered up by it.-I am sorry he forgot that! I had told him to send a check for $120 to Annie - but I will send her one tomorrow - It is too late now.-
New York Dearest Annie - I am disappointed in not finding a letter here from you - perhaps it
will come tomorrow. - If Annie's wedding is to be in the course of the
next week you must telegraph me here tomorrow eve - (I take it for granted
that you will get this note tomorrow eve.) - We left Col. Springs Wed. noon & arrived here this morning - the shortest trip I ever made between the two points - also the most disagreeable. - The road was so rough the first day & night that it made me actually a little seasick! The first experience of the kind I have ever had.- --If I hear nothing from you, we shall go to Kennett Tues. Eve. or Wed. morning -- & stay there till Sunday - address there Kennett Square Love to all - Goodbye - H.-
The Berkeley Dear Annie - Molly has just written to me to buy something for her, for a present for Annie - something for about $10. or $12. she says -- & I thought I'd better write & ask you if there were any special thing Annie would like - that you know of ; -- I had at first thought I would buy her a Duchess lace scarf, for the neck.,& some lace to match it for the sleeves; I can get a pretty scarf for $6. & handsome wide lace to match it nearly enough, for sleeves - or-a very handsome handkerchief I can get for $10. - or $12. - Write back by return of mail.- I am very glad the wedding is put off, except that I am almost sure Will can't come so late - because he absolutely must be in Col. Nov. 1st.-- Still he may come the 24th & start for Col. the eve of the 25th for Boston - We have had the luck to get an apartment here till the 22nd & I am luxuriating in plenty of room & a big writing table - New York is very smell-y however -- & I wish I were in the country.- Ever lovingly Helen
New York Dear Annie - I do not know about the glove question. I haven't seen a wedding since I can remember. - Molly says she thinks they have the right hand glove on -- & the left hand one just half on - so that it can be pulled off without delay. - Sometimes the finger of the left hand glove is cut around the base, so that it will pull right off - but I think this is horrid; -- Jenny Abbott says she thinks they some times carry the left hand glove or do not put it on at all- If Annie carries a big bouquet, as brides generally do now I believe
- her left hand will show very little.- I shall go to Boston Mon. Eve. by boat - hope very much Will will come with me - but it is not sure - Please have a note at Parkers for me, saying when the wedding is to be, I have forgotten - also the hour.- In great haste lovingly H. Molly & I are going out tomorrow to buy something for Annie - Will has given me $10 also to buy some little gift from him.-I am glad I did not get the lace -since she wants things for the house, more.-
Parker House Dear Annie - I arrived last night - have a slight sore throat I am sorry to say -
which will shut me up while this bad weather lasts - If you can sleep in the bed with me, it won't cost you a cent to stay
here -- & I'd be very glad to have you indeed. - You know a meal for
one is enough for two always - so you need not scruple about being my
guest for a little while even if it is at a Hotel.- Affly ever Helen. |
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