S. Jackson 2-4-48 transcription
William S. Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0241, Box 4, Folder 48 Transcribed by Irene Draper, 2014 Wolfboro Aug 24th/[1880?] My dear Helen I was very glad to get your last letter containing the shadows for Kitty, for which she sends you her thanks. I have been very remiss in writing to you, I am sure: I have only the excuse to offer that there has been so much to do & so many letters on business & to the absent children that must be written that all that were not a necessity have waited. I have not felt strong: the weather has been as [trying?] as possible extreme heat for a few days & then a very sudden change. I have felt that unless every day that we could get off to sit out doors with our sewing, we did, I should not be able to pull through the season. I had another blow in the shape of finding from Charlie that he paid [2. A.P.?] that 250 himself & had nothing to show for it so he sent me that note for me to sign “& pay at leisure.” We have been out door’s much this Summer & but for over weariness & my unusual doubts & misgiving about the Future, I should have enjoyed the Summer since A. & K. got home. Now I will tell you in as brief a story as possible the events that have taken place within the last two weeks. Anne wrote you I believe two letters. The invitation from Mrs. Lloyd came, & in accordance with your note to her & your changes to me, she was intending to go, had begun to get ready & was going on this week Thurs. with a school teacher from here who teaches in St. Paul. Three weeks ago Wed . she was taken unwell, she had not been feeling very well a few days before head ache. Mr. Davenport with whom she had corresponded one year, wrote her that he would be up that week: was to have come on Wed. but a severe storm prevented. Thurs. She felt very poorly & said how fortunate that he had not come for she would not have felt well enough to go on the proposed Picnic to the Point. Mr. D. came on Thurs, & we had our Picnic in Friday: Anne went & I fear she was not dressed quite warm enough & sat on the ground without sufficient protection under her: I tried to have her sit on the hammock all the time, but could not persuade her to, or to keep a sock on. The next A.M. when she came down to breakfast late, she said “Oh, dear it is so lame & sore all around my abdomen that I can hardly stand straight.” “ I feel as though I had too many hard seats yesterday.” [M…] Mr. D. took her to ride, & when she came home she said “I am engaged to Marry Will Davenport”?? I was surprised that she had accepted him right off: indeed surprised at his proposal to her, for I did not know that it was more than a good friendship yet. She rode with him Tues. A.M. & Wed. A.M. all those days her bowels were a little disturbed & she lived on a lighter diet Wed. P.M. he went to Boston to get an engagement ring for her. Thurs. we were all going off on the hill with our sewing. A. was dressed in season for breakfast but went up in the op attic & threw herself on the bed then & fell asleep before her breakfast. I did not call her” we never have because we have felt that she would be stronger fi she slept as much as possible. We went off without her, when we came home at night she was there still, had neither eaten or drank anything all day. She was quite [aroused?] because Kitty told her she was on second Dr. Tanner; that eve. Mr. D. returned from Boston & brought her a handsome diamond ring. The next A.M. he spent here with Anne, that P.M. he took tea with us; just before he came she had a conversation with me about what I now forget, but she talked in such an excitement that I felt as though I had had a bit of sickness. A young lady friend called, & Helen said she seemed very much excited in talking with her. It has always been A’s part to set the table for company because she is so accurate. She seemed to be so absent minded that she could scarcely sat it. H. & M. had to help her. At the tea table she seemed so […] that we laughed at her, & said she did not mean to let Mr. D. have any peaches: after super in the parlor she laughed immoderately, E sat where he should see her, & she accused him of making her laugh. Sat A.M. Mr. D. went back to Yaunton. Oh: I forgot to mention that Mon eve. Mr. D. wanted to talk with E. & me in regard to his engagement to A. said he should not have offered himself to her if he had not felt that he had the means to support her, that his father left what we supposed then worth 90,000 if had since shrunk to 75,000, that he had 25,000 of his own there are 2 sisters, his mother died last May he was administration of the Estates & a teller in the Bank, where he has been for six years he had a salary of 1200 a year, so that if he lived he could support her, & if he died she would be provided for. Said he should have offered himself to her last Summer but owing to his mother’s health, he did not want to do anything that might affect her health by exciting her. He [pitted?] for Hamond College at [Easter?], & was in College two years: left because his mother was so urgent to have him at home after his father’s death which was six years ago. Mr. D. is now [26?] years old: just three years older than Anne: he was born in the same month. Sat. A.M. A. seemed very wild, talked strangely & E. took her right off out doors & tried to calm her. When they came home I coaxed her to bed & began to give her medicines for Mania. She laughed a great deal & talked almost incessantly. Mon. A.M. I was well aware that it was a case of sickness requiring a skill beyond my own & telegraphed for Dr. Jackson to come up which he did Mon. eve. He cannot yet predict the result. He & we fear the worst & hope for the best. “It is the unexpected that happens” how often I have quoted you as saying that this Summer & now it has happened to us. I write to Dr. Jackson daily & minutely all her symptoms & he daily sends me directions for medicines. Sometimes she seems so rational that we feel very sure it is but temporary, then she is wild & in such a frenzy that it seems hopeless! She always knows us all & the [farmers?] by their voices, she is very ditty & recalls old storied & anecdotes by very queer associations. Puns, & rhymes & sings & whistles & laughs, sometimes cries, & begs to have us send her to an Insane Asylum: no one has mentioned the word insane to her. Some nights she does not seep at all, others she has slept well. She calls often for Mr. D. & for Dr. Jackson. Mr. D.’s two sisters are going to Europe this Fall & he wanted Anne to marry him next Fall & go to Europe to return with them. He wanted A> to abandon the idea o teaching at all this Winter, any way did not think she ought to think of teaching after Christmas. Those “fiendish public schools have been too much for her.” Probably her sewing so much lighter this year was the precursor of this break down. It takes us all all our time to take care of her & do what must be done. Two weeks from next Mon. H’s school begins! What a prospect for A. & for us if this process a Chronic Mania!! 47 Pinckney St. Dec 8th/86 Dear Helen It is a great relief to come to hear from Mr. Davenport this A.M. that you went on with Papa to Pokepsie, for I did not know but that you might have been telegraphed for by your Uncle Will to go to N.Y. to see him. It was a great disappointment to me not to go right on myself with Papa, but it seemed my duty to stay. I though yesterday that perhaps I could go on with Richie last night, but Cousin Joseph seemed to express so strongly the wish that if I was not needed at home, I would remain at least a few days, that I told R. yesterday P.M. at 4 o’clock that I would remain. R. was not sure when he left here whether he should go on last night or not, on account of the weather. I feel very sorry for you to have had so short a rest from the labors of house keeping but hope you will not get too tired from a renewal of them. I will relieve you from them as soon as I can & I hope you can get Mrs. Bagley to wash up the dishes once a day at least whichever part is the most help to you. I hope Sarah Veach will do the [stovehead?] clothes if she is not strong enough to do all. We can have Mrs. Bagley do the plain ones at the house if she will help us daily with the dishes. Mrs. B. does not like to do [stovehead?] clothes, so she will not feel offended at Sarah’s doing those. If Mrs. Bagley cannot help at all, Perhaps Sarah will help us wholly. Doing the washing wholly at our house or at her own as she can best. I would prefer to have the things unironed done at our house. I am very sorry I forgot to speak to Papa about the imperative necessity of not any of you drinking any of the City Water, & of my purpose to give to the next neighbor each day a pail of our City Water to pay them for the pail of Cistern Water they promised we should have for drinking purposes. This may necessitate our buying two pails: it will be a great bother but not as great a one as it could be if all should come down with Winter Cholera. So do please all of you be very conscientious in this matter & not swallow one drop of the City Water. Cousin Ann can speak with great distinctness & hear much better: she was in her chair from 11 yesterday till 4 P.M. She had a much better night last night than the night before: she is very feeble this A.M. & wants us if we have any feeling for her to let her die. It is very sad to see her & not be able to comfort her. I hope your Uncle Will [final part written in margins on front} will go up to see you, so that you & Papa will both intercede with him for a business [pew?] for Richie. I [feel?] sorry to miss seeing him, & wish he might come to Boston. I shall be glad if I can have a daily word from home. Love to U.K. Papa R. & yourself. Be sure & make R. comfortable. Lovingly your Mamma Love to […] well. 47 Pinckney St. Dec 10th Dear Helen Your postal just [received]. It makes me very sad to learn Uncle W. cannot do as I wish. Cousin Ann was very much more feeble yesterday & had a suffering night & all this A.M. till 11:25 when she fell asleep. She was in distress to be taken of & carried out of her room. We have her on a cot in the front room. She had been on that but a little while, when she wanted Belle to hold her in her arms. Belle did so, & in a few minutes, she wanted to be laid back on the bed. He mind has wandered a little this A.M. but is mostly clear: she knows us all. Last eve when I say by her about half past six, she said she hoped it would be her last night. This A.M. she said she’d had a wretched one, she did not see how she could endure another. It is now a little past twelve & she is sleeping quietly: I hope she may for a long time. I wish I could be at home, but I am glad to be able to help Cousin Ann in these sad hours: if it were only possible to wholly relieve her it would be as merry, for she says she is in Agony & Misery. She has just taken 14 tea spoonfuls of lemonade & quite a drink of water, & has let one was her mouth. I hope you will all be very careful not to fade Mrs. Hastnuucks furniture or carpets or hurt her dishes. I am glad to hear you hope to have the help of both Sarah & Mrs. Bagley. Please be sure that I hear daily. With much love to you all Your Mamma 47 Pinckney St. Dec 11th [1886] Dear Helen Yesterday P.M. Cousin Ann remained quite comfortable on the cot in the front room: she dozed all the time waking only to ask for […], Champagne & water: into the former she kept asking me to put four tea spoonfuls & two teaspoonfuls of water. She was perfectly sensible all the P.M. every time she waked & she retained the enemas Soon after the night nurse came we brought her in her cot back into her own room & lifted her into her own bed. She had a comfortable night, but took scarcely any nourishment, excepting from the enemas which were not retained long. This A.M. she has taken a few tea spoonfuls of milk & a little Champagne & water & seems tranquil & desirous to sleep. Cousin Joseph & Ellen are well this A.M. I hope you are all well & happy & that M. & K. will be very careful to guard against taking cold not that they go back & forth to College. I depend very much upon hearing from home, now that I am leading such a singular life for me. With much love to you all Your Mamma P.S. No callers yesterday excepting two from Dr. Harrington. His patient in Salem died with typhoid fever yesterday A.M. at 4:30. He was his cousin, was only 32 years old, & his wife gave birth to her first child a boy 10 days ago the night before his disease was pronounced typhoid fever: he never saw his child, or his wife afterwards! A very sad case & an unusual one. 47 Pinckney St. Dec. 18th/86 Dear Helen Cousin Ann remained in the same condition after I wrote to R. yesterday all the P.M. I will copy the night nurse’s record “Patient has had not rest to speak of tonight. Groaned about all of the time. Could give but little nourishment as she would cover her mouth. Milk [11/11] & Tea [1/15] & Enema at 8 retained. Gave Milk & Brandy at 10 as directed but it was not retained. Gave the next at 12:30 & 4:30. Last part of the 12:30 one at 2, the last retained up to date” Young is the name of the night nurse: she comes at 7 & stays till 7. I like her very much. She has a good honest face, is rather stout not very tall & has a very clear wholesome complexion: She wears glasses, has a large dark blue or grey eye & is I think about thirty years of age or perhaps a little [more?], she has been a nurse ten years & is a trained one. I was meaning to write fully to you this A.M. about every thing, but Mrs. K[…] knee & leg are so lame with rheumatism, that the Dr. thinks she must take a rest for a few days & so I must do all the things I need to do before she goes away. The Dr. has ordered another suppository given, & so dear Cousin Ann’s moanings now will cease for a time. I shall send this right to the Mail & if I have a chance after my duties are done I shall write more. Lovingly your Mamma Love to all. I am distressed to learn from R.’s note rec. this A.M. Papa has to have a hypodermic injection once a day, for I fear the after effects, I think he must be suffering acutely or it would not be done. [Post card stamped Dec 20 86] Yours with your Uncle Will’s rec. You shall all see it sometime: the second for Cousin A’s night as [given?] “Patient had some quiet sleep, but was wretched when awake, would sleep ¾ of an hour at a time & then be awake 15 or 20 minutes. Has not been asleep since 4 o’clock.” I have halted here & the above is a second for this A.M. also, for it is just like the first part of that. Dr. H. is going to see Mrs. K. to see if he thinks she is well enough to come back, if not he is to get another nurse for the day in her place. I shall try to take the air once a day when Mrs. K. or another nurse is here. I think it safer to write only a postcard, as I might not have time to finish a note. I do hope you will not get over tired in filling my place so long. I wish I had been called away from home last year instead of this. If you find you are getting too tired you must send for me, for my first duty if needed is at home. The finer pen I cannot find this A.M. [Must reply?] ASB [Postcard stamped Dec 24] This is an unpleasant day here today dear H. I have been out this A.M. & am very muddy in consequence. I was glad to hear Papa is out of the Drs. Hands & hope he will continue well. Very sorry to learn from R.’s note that his cold is now a cough. I wish he would get [medicine] [from] Dr. Otis for it. Mr. George called last P.M. & took my Will to read over & I hope to live to have a [Oficial?} made to it that will make things fair & right for all if I am taken away & yet so that a home can be kept while it is needed for Papa & the unmarried children. This is not easy to provide for with no more money & I am puzzled how to have it drawn. Cousin A. is having a very hard day today so much so that Mrs. K. sent for Dr. H. a second time & he ordered another [suppository] to be given right away & ordered some more powerful ones to be bought to give next. I will copy the record for last night. “Has slept considerable, but not so long at a time as on the previous night. Intervals of waking have been about one half hour. Took nourishment very well Milk & Brandy [111/111] & Tea [111/111].[”] I bought today two copies of Marcus Word’s Baby’s Aesop for the two grandsons & Mother goose [Kate Greenaway?]’s English edition for H.S.B. & a Shakespeare Calendar for N. & A. I wanted to get something for all of you at home, but could not take time, yet I cannot stay longer than Jan 1st it seems to me. Even if Cousin A lives. Merry X mas to you all with much love A.S.B. Boston Dec 28th/86 Dear Helen Yesterday I missed my daily bulletin from home exceedingly. The thought would flit through my mind that perhaps something had befallen some one of you which you did not wish to write about & if you wrote you would have to mention & might be waiting for circumstances to mend. I did not allow this thought to abide. I think I am learning since you gave me years ago the title of “Mother Dread” to live more by the day than formerly in my mental state; while practically trying as much as ever to guard against the evils which prudence can forsee, & by forseeing may prevent. I have the feeling more & more strongly that the “evils that we can neither forsee nor [God’s] will will help us to fear when then come. Miss Young’s record for last night was as follows. Patient had but short intervals of sleep during the evening. Moaned from 9 until after 10 almost incessantly. Gave [Suppository] gr. 1/6 at 9.40. Was in a quiet sleep by 10.20 & slept until 12 Then slept from 12.20 until 2.20 & from 2.30 until 5 & from 5.25 up to date. Dej: 2 before [suppository] given None since. Milk & Brandy […] My record for this A.M. is Milk & Brandy 9 tablespoonfuls ie […] Slept from 7.50 until 9.5 from 10.15 until 11.20 from 12 until 2. She went to sleep while I was eating dinner & is asleep now at 3.35. No dej. Yesterday I did not see her eyes open once neither have I today. Yesterday P.M. when I was giving her milk & brandy she asked for a running stream of water: I gave her water from the duct & she took it twice & repeated several times “running stream of water.” She frequently says “6 Anne” over & over again” I think she often if not always recognizes me: I try to feed her each time, as I feel sure that she has her milk slowly enough * right in temperature & quantity & flavoring with the brandy. Miss Young’s month is up tonight she has 20. A week! He room mate for 4 years is coming tonight as Miss Young wishes to get rested from night watching before entering upon a month engagement in Fall River that Commences Jan 1st. As a day nurse she has from 15 to 18. Of course then she has no board to pay. I was surprised to find the charges were so great. Mrs. K. has 10.00 a week. We have that liked Miss Young so much, we are sorry to lose her, but glad that one whom she has known for so long is to take her place: her name is Miss Ward, she graduated from the N. Eng. [Hospital?] & has had 6 years of experience. Mr. Williams called this A.M. & Mrs. Reed & Mrs. Foote this P.M. I am very glad that Miss Bagley & Sarah’s help & that of the family enable you to have things go smoothly so that you write me not to leave Cousin A. on your account. It is a singular fact that I can be spared from home so long & be missed so little. I rejoice in your capability & hope your great assistance as house-keeper will prove no detriment to you. It is my earnest wish that Cousin A. may be called home before I leave her. I have not needed any thing warmer: I fear unless the new home is very warm I shall suffer when I get home. I fear the Cook books may have been left at home. If not they may be in my trunk. Have you found the Daily Praise & Prayer? The family Bible & the Book of Medicine I put in my own trunk; Do not open it unless you need to for I put the thermometers in, & can’t tell just where & you might break them. If you have to look in it please be very careful. I was surprised to hear of Mrs. [Ostairs?] dinning at the Buckinghams. I hope Kitty is taking [Faye’s?][…] now & that she & M. will get all the benefits possible from their vacation. There is a great craze here for Tobogganing I judge Mr. Reed has joined a Club in Danchester. How sudden Gen. Logan’s death was. This must be quite a warning to the other rheumatic sufferers. Is the house warmer than Mr. Horey’s? Do you like it better than Mrs. Helm’s? If you send me your account I will send you a check for the amount. Does Sarah wash at our house or hers? Miss Young has been here & has brought her friend & room mate. Cousin J. has paid her 80.00 & she has gone. Her friend is very tiny in her figure & interesting in her appearance. Miss Tang nursed Mr. Richmond in Tanton 5 years ago last Feb. I was going to read over your notes & see if there were any questions in them. I had not replied to but it is so late now, I think I will not attempt it tonight but bid you Good Night- with love to all Your loving Mamma Anne S.B. Why doesn’t Papa write? I will not stop to read over this note so please correct for me. 47 Pinckney St. Dec 29th [86] Dear H. This A.M. I have been made glad by hearing from home twice. First by your postal & then by M.’s note. I will first tell you of Cousin A’s night last night, giving you Miss Word’s Record. Moaned until 7:10 slept to 8:25 [1/1] [oz?] Milk & Brandy. Slept 8:55 to 9:40 [list of amounts of Milk and Brand with times] & groaned alternately for a few minutes each. Slept 20 minutes Milk & B & T From 6,5 & groaned until 6:20 then slept good until 7.5: groaned whenever awoke: passed scarcely any urine. Milk & B. & tea […] 7:25. My record up unto the present time 3.40 is as follows. Slept from 9.15 until 10. Slept from 10:45 until 11.10 [list of times asleep] […] of Milk & Brandy & Mellins Food & tea given up to date once an hour 2 tablespoonfuls at a time. Cousin A. looked worse to me this A.M. when I first saw her than at any time previous. The Dr. told us this A.M. not to let her talk or moan or show any sign of distress for over half an hour without giving her a suppository. Before this his instruction was not over one hour without. She has opened her eyes today, but they do not look natural in expression, & her mind wanders, although she knows us & replies intelligibly. The end I think must be very near & as you write for me not to go home on your account, much as I want to, perhaps I’d better not fix the time. It would be bad to have to turn right around & come back & have you go back from T. to take up the care of home again. The last three patients that Miss Word has had the care of at night have died: her last one was a lady of 35 or so died of Consumption leaving a baby 7 weeks old & another child of 1 months. I am now re reading your notes to reply to questions therein. NO one had written me about the certainty of the engagement between Mr. Ed. Young & Miss Jessie M. Stanley. I am very glad for Mrs. Henry’s sake that she had not sold that beautiful home. I hope Mr. T. has means enough so that they can [live?] there comfortably. No one had written me of Mattie Jones’s marriage I am glad it has taken place & I hope George F. will find good [business?] & make her a good husband. I am really surprised to find so few questions in your notes. I have been very glad to get them. The most minute home details are of great interest to me. Uncle Charlie has just called. Helen has been out doors several times & does not show her sickness at all. The rest are well. He wanted to be remembered to you all. I do wish R. would sleep in the dining room: with his cough it is dangerous for him to sleep in an unwarmed room. Is your room warm enough for you? K could have her cot in the hall, & you & M. sleep together. & R. sleep in your room, or her could sleep in the cot in the hall if he preferred Boston Jan 3rd/ 87 Mon. P.M. Dear Helen, Cousin Ann’s night was not quite as good last night. Miss Ward gave her a [suppository] this A.M. at 5:25. She has had 19 […] today! This is most remarkable as they were not caused by any injection. They have given great distress. Mary called this A.M. just as I was going out. I was very thankful that I had not gone! She is looking unusually well & says she is. Helen commenced going to school today. I walked across the […] to Henry’s & changed my red flannels for a smaller size, & bought a white [combination merino?] with 75 […] to wear here, as this home is so hot I thought I’d be safer to ut those on when I leave here. I was sorry I did not put in my old [chemises?]: I bought a night gown, & an apron, a clothes […] ( I brought only my little round one), & some sewing silk & paid to repair my wrapper with, & plan to repair my skirt if I have time. It was very pleasant & I enjoyed my walk excepting that it was slippery & I feared falling. If you need [leggings?] open my box & take out mine & wear them. The Catalogue will tell you which box they are in. Just as I was finishing my dinner Mrs. Sanford called. She looks very well also: I enjoyed seeing her. Cousin A. seemed to be in so much distress that Mrs. K. gave her a [suppository] at 3. She slept from 4 until 5. Cousin Ellen did not feel quite as well as usual today, I think the cold weather affected her. Mrs. Holmes, Etta, that used to take care f her called to see her today. I [doubt?] how I came to bring in the Dec 2nd Independents. I send it back to you, as you may not have read it. I marked two articles, that I want you all to read especially Richie, as I fear for his lungs & as he read “John [English?].” very likely their story that is spoken of so lightly would be nice for him to read aloud. None of you have told me how you like the sequel to Malcolm. Mrs. Sanford says Emma is not very well, has a throat difficulty. Mr. D. did not go to the Club but Anne did. I was very glad to get a note from Papa this A.M. I wished it had been longer. He did not answer my questions, but, perhaps those were in a note that crossed his on the road. I hope he will have it by him & answer each one when he writes again. I hope Ms. Head ache was not the precursor of any further trouble” they must look out & not have their room too warm at night. What you say about your housekeeping is a great relief to my mind. I feared you were getting all tired out & discouraged & impatient to get to Anne’s. That you have decided to stay until Cousin Ann is released, even if I go home is very gratifying to me, for I do not know what I shall feel like when I leave these trying [times?] & shall be very glad for so able a successor to lean upon. Papa & R. both write in light terms of your good housekeeping, & I rejoice greatly in your capability. I hope most earnestly that Cousin A’s sufferings will soon be over. She has just had 4 more […]. If these continue, we will have to send for Dr. H. Try to persuade R. to go to prayer meeting with you. Give my love to Mrs. Ortin. With much love to all Your loving Mamma Anne S.B. My love […] Uncle W. when you write. Boston Jan 7th/87 Dear Helen Your welcome letter came this A.M. Papa’s this P.M. with 2 [cents?] due on it. I was sorry he did not put in a line to me in it. I was glad to have Mr. Dailey no more behind time. I thought the sample of paper quite handsome. Cousin A. had a very quiet night last night Miss Ward thought she would not pull through the night; Dr. H. thought she would: he thought she had not failed quite as much from the night before, as she had the night prior to night before last. This A.M. she opened her eyes & smiled at me, whether she was conscious I am not sure. She opened them when the Dr. was here also: he was not sure about her consciousness either. She has had 10 dej. This A.M. & each has made her show signs of distress, lasting but a short time & then she would relapse into sleep again. I went out this A.M. over to Henry’s to change my white [Chesmiloon?] for a w. merino skirt & [dress?] to wear here: the [Chesmiloon?] was too tight. I prefer skirts & [dresses?] they are so much pleasanter to get into. The [Chemiloons?] remind me of Orangutans. Poor Cousin Joseph is still afflicted with big bills which pour in. Cousin A. just opened her eyes & said “I die I die” as I was feeding her with Egg not. I was much pleased with Nellie’s note, & am very glad your presents were so acceptable to the children. You have not written me about your investments. How terrible these recent R.R. accidents. Is the Piano a good one? It was beautiful over head this A.M. but [sloppy?] under foot. So mild that I did not put on my shawl in addition to my brown wrap although I carried it. I am sorry M. & K have to stay at College after 2 P.M. I wish they could get home then to dine at home. What time are they through all but Gymnasium? [Queer?] to put Mr. Hankesworth on the Committee when he is an Episcopalian. I am glad to hear of your invitation to Mrs. Elting’s? It is rather late for the Loomis’s to call, but I suppose the Holiday’s were the cause. I hope you can go to the Alumnae Meeting in N.Y. I wish you could have been at the Boston one. I hope you will have all the help from Mrs. B. that you want so as not to get over tired. Don’t have a bill any where: pay [Cost then?] & send account to me & I will refund. And if Papa or Richie do not sift the coal, please get Mr. Bagley to sift it & pick it over so that it can be used each day. I am glad R. had reached home in safety & that you think his cold is entirely gone. I shall hope to learn from him tomorrow. Ask Papa if it is farther from our house to V.C. than from Aunt Vinals to Mr. Adams school which walk was so beneficial to me. What does Sarah charge for the washing? Is the [Siterature?] Class in operation yet? I wish if that evening one is going that you might become a member of that. I am sorry not to have seen Anne Capson: I hoped she would have called. Hoping to see you all safe & well before long with love to all Your loving Mamma Anne S.B. [in margin on front:] I will pay Dr. Jarvie’O bill. Thank you for calendar leaves. It must be very nice one. I hope you are as happy as you are useful. I also hope we may all be as tenderly cared for in our last illness as dear Cousin A. is. [in margin on inside fold:] I return Nellie’s note, it seems very nice to hear directly from her. Don’t you want to send it to Anne? Boston Jan 10th /87 Dear Helen Miss Word said last night was the most quiet night Cousin Ann has had since she has cared for her. Yesterday she took a whole egg from me in the shape of Egg nog alternately with […] Food. She finished another this a.m. at half past ten, that Miss Word commenced giving last eve. She did not look quite as deathly to me when I first saw her this A.M. as yesterday. When Dr. H. was here he tried to [move?] her by telling her that Dr. Willard sent his love to her yesterday. She struggled to articulate something but we could not understand what, but just as Dr. H. was in the […] she said “give my love to Dr. Willard.” Since then she has said “I want to die today” As I came up from my dinner, she really looked to me as though she was dying. It is 14 months today since her fall. I have acknowledged in Dalley’s note sending him a receipt for the rent, & have sent a check to Dr. Jarrie to pay M. & K.’s bill, & have written to Mrs. Reed telling her or Cousin Ann’s condition since she was here. It is so long since she called that I feel as though something especial detains her. She brought me a pretty little published by the Unitarian [as?] “Hymns of the Nativity.” It contains Phillip Brooks, Bethlehem which very likely you may have tread in the Newspaper. I hope you will not get over tired, but will rest & read all you can while you are more than filling my place & not try to do all you possibly can in other directions. I was surprised to hear [of Mrs.?] Dr. Van Giesen’s riding out, but very glad to. I hope she may be restored to entire health. I was interested in your account of the Lunch party at Mr. Elting’s. “Whether Mrs. Storm & Carrie are having a nice time” does not depend upon their going to Europe, as your question seems to show you think. Unless Mr. Storm can accompany them, I should think, it would be very far from nice for either of them. They never impressed me as especially happy & both have suffered too much from ill health to have that expression fixed upon their countenances. I am sorry Mrs. B. did not help you Friday. I hope she did Sat. It was very pleasant to see Anne I suppose she has been so driven, with one thing to another that she has not had time to acknowledge the X mas gifts. Cousin A. is just having a disturbing time, saying we must let her go, & [moving?] her head a little which I have not seen her do before. If distress of any sort continues the Dr. has advised a [suppository] to be given. It is strange to have an expected death so long in coming& read each eve of sudden one in many places. It is the fulfilling of scripture, “like the thief in the night & in such an hour as ye think not the son of Man cometh.” Are you getting discouraged by my long story? Or are you feeling worn down? In the list each of you make of things you would like one of as a gift for me put down small as well as great that, if I can afford but a little one it will be one that is wanted by each of you. Does the home seem sunny & cheerful? I am very thankful Cousin A. has fallen asleep after one half hour of apparent distress as shown by groaning & talking. I wish I could be helping you & Cousin A. at the same time. Love to all Your loving Mamma Anne S.B. Boston Jan 12th/86 Dear Helen This A.M. only Dr. Jerrie’s receipt came, & I felt quite anxious because there was no home letter. I was very much pleased on going down to dinner to receive your letter (so gratifying in its minuteness of detail) from Cousin J.’s hands. I was extremely sorry to learn that your hands have broken, & that Mrs. B. & Sarah are failing to help you. Try if they fail, to have Mrs. Spencer help you with the dishes & housework & if you can’t get her try for that other singular woman who helped us so regularly once who lived on Church St. I cannot recall her name. Mrs. Spencer’s work is more thorough than hers & she lives nearer, so I hope you can get her. If you cannot, I am sure Richie will help you with the wet work until your hands heal. I shall worry until I know that you have help again & that your hands are better. You did not enclose the [slips?] from the Calendar nor Papa yesterday so I conclude either you & he forgot them, or they were not remarkable in any way. Cousin Ann had a quiet night & did not have to have a [suppository] given. Neither has se today. She seems very low to me today, but tries to talk less than yesterday & opens her eyes less. Last night as I went to tie her night cap after feeding her, my fore finger touched her cheek & there was a flash o light like the striking of a match on her cheek & a report like that of a percussion cap: Miss Ward & Mr. Korcher heard the report, but did not see the flash. Of course it was Electricity. You can appreciate how terrified for the instant I must have been. In relating it to Dr. H. he said I must have been moving around rapidly over the carpet & thus had acquired the electricity. He said it was quite a thing with them to walk over a thick rug they have & then light the Gas from the Electricity there obtained. I have again today been out of the sick room up in my own trying to find the [Cordicit?] to my Will i.e. the rough draft of it, To try to make all your income’s as near equal as possible & to provide for all the contingencies I want to has been a long problem. I believe I have done this in the rough draft, whether it will be legal & Papa will sign it I do not know yet. Cousin Ellen had a good night Last night. I have come down stairs each time to feed Cousin A. today, which now the Dr. allows us to wait to do until she is awake, lest raising her might cause her to talk & then need another [suppository]. I am now writing in her room & she is asleep & it is nearly 6 o’clock. I feel each minute that this physical rest that I am having from housework is taken at your expense & nothing but Cousin A’s helplessness in the hands of hirelings, & the prospect of her speedy death keeps me from hastening to your relief. If she does not die I shall come soon for I cannot leave you in such a hard place much longer. I am glad you mentioned those little things that would be acceptable: please mention something larger that you must wish for in case I could afford more. Wasn’t my Marseilles Collar & cuffs to match among the dish cloths? If they were I would like them sent by Mail, for I am so short of collars & cuffs. I have not had any [washing?] done yet. I sent out some by Anne Jones to Mettafan yesterday, but I did not bring a large supply of collars & cuffs, & have but 2 modern high ones. It is too bad the girls have to stay so late at College. They will get run down I fear. Very likely the Loomis’s are thinking that you will run in to see them. I should not stand on ceremony with such old friends as I am sure they are of yours. Have no idea your name was black balled at that evening Literary Club. Have you seen Anne Capron? I hoped she would have called here. I wrote to Mr. Firke on Sat. asking him to call here if convenient: I have not heard from or seen him, & it seems as though he must be out of town or ill, or he would have acknowledged my note. I have not time to re read your not & reply to questions if it contains any. I have just written like lightening things that came into my mind, expecting to have to stop each minute to go to supper. With love to all & great sorrow over you being left in the [lurch?] with sore fingers, & no one to help I am your loving Mamma Anne S.B. Boston Friday eve. Jan 14th/ 87 Dear Helen, Your postal came this P.M. & Papa’s note later in the P.M. Cousin Ann’s night last night was good. She was more wakeful part of the time & asked for Mrs. Banfield & for Belle, & told Miss Ward she was the “wickedest woman that ever was: when she was feeding her at one time. When Dr. H. this A.M. entered the room she held out her hand to him. He said she was so comfortable that he should not call this eve. unless we sent for him. Soon after he had gone & I went to the bed she opened her eyes & gave me one of her sweetest smiles of welcome. I was made very glad that I was near her. The next time I fed her, she opened her eyes & asked me what it was that I was giving her, I replied Egg nog & said she would take it as there were only two table spoonfuls, in a few seconds she said “it’s horrid.” This P.M. she called me Anne & said “you won’t leave me again will you?” This eve. she said who are you? On my saying Anne Banfield she said it over after me, & looked [perplexed?] & said “aren’t you Addie?” meaning her sister Adeline. When I said Anne Banfield again she repeated it with perplexity & I thought she was thinking of Anne F. B. & I said Anne Scholfield B. & she seemed a little less [perplexed?], & closed her eyes & took the raw beef in milk from me & fell asleep. I have been very busy all day today in mending dark things for myself gloves veils & black dress when not doing things for Cousin A. & as it is late I must write no more tonight, only to say how glad it makes me to hear from home each day & how I long & pry that you may be kept in perfect health & safety & that I may also & soon be with you. More to you & R. tomorrow & Papa next day. [written in margins on front] I fear to have M. & K. so many [hours?] at College. How much better to stop of their own accord than to be obliged to. K’s having [another boil?] […] I am relieved Mrs. B. has helped you again & hope she will not fail you once again & that your hands will wholly recover. Are you drinking River Water? Your loving Mamma. Boston Jan 22nd/87 Dear Helen Last Night Cousin Ann would not take any nourishment at all. She moaned & talked about death all the time she was awake. This A.M. she has taken 1 table spoonful of milk from Mrs. K. & 1 of Meller’s food from me. She noticed the beautiful roses Mrs. Forte sent her yesterday & said “beautiful flowers & give her my dying love” & then said to me “do you think I’m ever going to die?” Do you think my duty lies here or at home with you? I enclose a check to Papa for his last [account]. I made it out without the cents giving him 30 cents too much to save M. Cornwell the trouble of making the change. Would it be too much addition to your many […], if I should send you a check, & you give out the money needed, or expend it yourself & send me the account after that was gone rather than the way it has been done. It would save on a little less of the bill quality to me done that way – but if it would be harder for you it would not be fair for you to undertake. I feel sore that there is a great waste unless the coal is sifted & I wish you would get Mrs. Bagley or perhaps her little boy to do it & pick out the cinders- Dr. H. has been here, he does not want to give Cousin A. a Suppository which will only prolong her life, if her suffering is not too great. He says we need not press her to eat either, even if she refuses it altogether- I am going to Market now to price things for Cousin J. He does not feel well this A.M. I shall reply to your good letters tomorrow as there is a good deal of mending for the family here that must be [continued in margin on front] […] is only business. I hope R. is safe & well love to all lovingly your Mamma I shall not write again today unless there is some change in Cousin A. Boston Jan 23rd, Sunday P.M. Dear Helen It is very warm here today – so warm it makes me feel stupid. I presume it would make Papa feel nimble. I wonder if it is as warm in O. It carried me back to old times to go through the Market yesterday – A 80 W. Mead charges 2.25 for their Baldwins now. Cousin A. did not have as good a night last night as the one previous, but she took […] of nourishment. Today she is having very quiet day, since 9-30 o’clock, having slept a great deal: she has taken the Cordial today, that she would not refuse & has taken her food well, has said nothing at all – opens her eyes but little, when awake, moans but not as loud as at some other times. Emma Dexter called this morn. I never saw her look so pretty before – she is thinner & it is a great improvement to her face as well as figure, & the dark brown cloth snug fitting suit with a velvet front she had on was very becoming. It seemed to me she had improved every way. I enjoyed seeing her: she saw Cousin Ellen. Cousin J. seems much better today than yesterday. I shall try to call & se Emmie Palmer at Mr. Bachelders. What were your business documents from Mr. Firke? I was very sorry to hear that Mrs. B. was failing you again in the early part of the week. I hope she did not in the last & will not when you are preparing for your tea party. I wish I might see how you can. I was very much interested in the accounts of Miss Van Zandt’s [freak?]. I thought what Miss Goodsell said was very fortunate for Vasser’s reputation. This affair is calculated to injure Vasser, put in the papers with such a heading. I am glad you mentioned what you did about Uncle Will, for it has led me to read about the Interstate Commerce Bill. I did not think it worth while to say anything to Anne about the Mersimere St. corner until I knew what Papa, you & Mamie would do. Even if you do not want money [… to compose?] the property I hope you will all ask him not to allow this liquor man to have his lease renewed, or to have any other liquor seller have the place. I shall be very glad if they can let you off for a little change this week. I wish as Uncle W. well expressed is that Cousin Ann’s “prayers were answered & she had passed on to the new life.” Your full letters are a great comfort – Love to all from your loving Mamma Tues eve. Boston Jan 25th/87 Dear Helen Two notes, you […] & Papa’s note & the paper Cousin J. handed me all together this A.M. I went down this A.M. to Market & to the Probate Office to see Mrs. George. Cousin Ann’s night did not vary much from the night previous, but today has varied very much, for it has been a hard day for her – Less sleep, & the old moaning & longing to die & wandering of mind, & aversion to food. She said to me repeatedly “I want to go home, & all be together let me go let me go” Mrs. Reed called this P.M. She saw Cousin A. but the latter did not notice her. Mrs. R. thought she had changed but very little since she saw her last. I am glad you form the idea of having me send you survey for you to make go as far as possible consistent with health & comfort. If you find it too much additional tax, say so & I will not do it. You’d better keep account in a book where the money has gone & send a copy on a ship to me. I enclose my check for 15.00 I shall be with you in my thoughts tomorrow P.M. & eve. I hope R. will get back for the eve. I hope it is God’s will that R. shall have work on the land & a home. Please get Papa to write his views & you & M. write yours in regard to that [Rum Corner?]. Then I will get A. to […] I will write to Papa tomorrow. I will write no more now as I must sit a little while with Cousin Ellen before she goes to bed. It has been a fine day here today cooler, so that I have revived somewhat after the heat. I begin to fear that Cousin A. may [linger?} weeks & weeks yet in this same state. I said so to Cousin J. this A.M. & asked him if there was not some other [friend?] that could come in my place, he said he didn’t know of any one but my daughter meaning you. Could you? He & cousin E. both expressed the wish tonight at supper time that I could stay permanently of course they do not expect it. If I could take care of them & my own family too I would be very glad to do it for I am so sorry for them. Love to all & an [..] Good Night to you all from your Mamma P.S. May I send the accounts of Miss Van [Tjandt?] to Anne? In Papa’s accounts he has paid dear Carpenter so much. I like Carpenter’s items maintained. Feb 4th [1887] 42 Pincking St. Friday eve Dear Helen It is half past seven & Cousin E.’s nurse is out & I feel that I might in consequence to being down in to the parlor. Cousin J. [Los?] just discovered that his Safe Deposit keys are missing & he is in a very unhappy state of mind in consequence. I do […] him & with his cases could be taken from him. Cousin Ann had a very comfortable night & has also had a very comfortable day having been asleep or quiet all the time excepting a few minutes. She has taken 17 Tablespoonful’s of liquid […] today & the Dr. ordered oyster liquid for her today. The Market was closed & the stores, so we’ll have to wait to try it tomorrow. I went to Market this A.M. & then to get the 2 new policies in the Equitable. I called at Mr. [Firke?]’s to ask him if her had heard if Papa & A. in regard to the [Manor?][…]. He spoke of […] letter as or course having no weight on account of her being a Minor. I am surprised Papa had not written him, as I understood from some of you that he was to on Mon. last. Mr. Firke last winter said that if all were offered to Liquor selling, he should deed the [rights]. Now he says, as all were not offered then he does not know that “he shall deed the [rights] now as there is a great deed [incurred?]” I suppose he [waits?] to [leave?] R. & N. [rights] as if I die they are interested. I called at Hedges + Hedges to see about the [Life insurance} policy there, which I fear cannot be changed on account of the Laws of N.J. Then I left some of Cousin Anne’s [capes?] to have altered for Cousin Ellen & tried in a number of stores to match the ribbon & lace on one of them for strings. I called no in the stores I went in, & had no time for others as it was too near dinner time. Mrs. Reed called this P.M. & I have since written to Mr. [Harbsnik?] enclosing the 40.00 for sent which I had forgotten about until this A.M. & to Hedges & Hedges enclosing the 165.00 the Amt. of the Note on that Policy Papa took out on which I have been paying 6 [percent?], all these years not knowing it. I was very glad of [M’s?] note. I had not heard from R today. No more tonight excepting much love to you all Lovingly you r Mamma [written on side of front:] My back is [wholly?] well, I still live on Baked Beans as a substitute for Meat & eat Grapes & drink Lemonade. 47 Pinckney St. Sat eve. Feb 5th/87 Dear Helen You live with Mr. Dailey o’ strange note & check came this A.M. It was welcome, I wish the “all are well “ had included R. also. I have heard from him but once since he left home & that was Thurs. P.M. Cousin J. wanted me today to get him some Cartwright & Worners Red flannels & [straps?]. I wanted to deposit my checks in the Bank. I was very sorry to find that my Pass Book must be in my large trunk. I wish you would look & see & get Papa to do it up & send it to me by Mail. It may be in the pocket to the trunk if not it would be in the first or second tray. I wanted also to match Cousin Ellen’s Cap lave for strings & to see Mr. George about the [insurance] policy in the Mutual. As Cousin J. was waiting to put the flannels on, & it was later than I meant it should be when I got started owing to Cousin Ann’s poor condition, I felt I must go right over to Henry’s first. He also wanted me to buy suspenders, & those I forgot within the store & had to go back for them, & the [straps?] Henry did not have, but referred to another place; all took a good while, & I got to M. George’s five minutes after he had cone, & it was so near 2 o’clock I had to hurry home for dinner without looking for the lace. Cousin A. took only 2 teaspoonfuls of the Oyster liquor, & has not taken a drop sine ( that was at 10 o’clock) of anything. She says “I die today”, “I want to de”, “I want to see another”, “it is no use to send for the Dr.” when food is offered, “ I won’t I won’t.” The skin is broken in a little slit on her side, so that now she cannot be turned on her left side any more until that heals. But the Dr. says we can on the right one. It is the well one, he has said [before?], she must not lie on the well one as it brought a pressure on the broken one to have it up. There is a spot on her left, that got a burn from the [bags?] of hot water, & that has a large seat upon it now. These two accidents to her, seem very unfortunate. This place on her side, is on a spot that got burned when I was at [Mathews?] but healed without trouble, but left a discoloration in the skin. I will write more tomorrow. Love to all Your loving Mamma 47 Pinckney St. Sun Eve Feb 6th /87 Dear Helen It does not seem to me that I have any Sunday here. Last night Cousin A. had a very hard night. Miss Word called at Dr. Harrington’s asking him to call as early as he could. He ordered an injection – this made me feel very badly for she was in such distress, but it did relieve her for her groanings grew less & less & wholly subsided in an hour, & she has slept all the time since well, the exception of on half hour, & a few minutes occasionally. She has not taken a drop of nourishment since yesterday A.M. at 10 o’clock. The Dr. has just seen in & he tells Miss Word not to force any nourishment – he thinks she will come around & take it willingly again. Cousin J. found his red flannels too irritating to his skin, & so tomorrow I’ll have to exchange them for silk ones. At Henry’s they said they would exchange them or refund the money. I had a note from Anne yesterday evening to [subject?] about the meeting of the [Vassar?] Alumna & one the day before. I have not heard from Richie but once, I have felt very anxious to hear again. I hope you will let me know each time you hear. I have read so little today that I think I will write the rest tomorrow. Good Night. Love to all Your loving Mamma [on back] P.S. M. Bacheder said he should call & bring Jakes daughter Bertha, who is in [Dana?] Hall [piting?] for Wellerly to call today as she was to spend Sunday there. I don’t know why they have not been. 47 Pinckney St. Mon P.M. Feb 7th [1887] Dear Helen Your Postal & a note from R. written yesterday came this A.M., & Mr. Harbrouck’s receipt for sent at 9 o’clock. I was very glad of them all. Cousin Ann’s mind is very clear today. She said “I sick I very sick, I am most through & I long to go.” Answered questions from the Dr. intelligently, & has for Mrs. K. She told the Dr. she had a very sick night, Miss Ward’s report, says a very quiet night. For food she took 2 tablespoonfuls during the night & today has taken 6. It is a great misfortune that the little spot has come upon her side where the skin is broken. The Dr. hopes that it will heal in a few days. This A.M. she looked so deathly that I felt that she must pass away very soon. I had mending for the wash (for the house) & that with helping about Cousin Ann prevented my getting out in good season. Cousin J. did not feel well this A.M. not able to go out. He wanted me to order coal. He sent by Creighton Jones the little boy; but he put in the wrong name on the order so that Creighton did not have time before school commenced to go again. He wanted me to change his red flannels for silk ones. The Red ones […] & 1 shirt cost 15.00 the silk […] alone were 14. He has on the silk ones now. I hope they will suit him & protect him. He wore the red one Sat. P.M. & he said he was in Purgatory. Yesterday A.M. he had none on. It is a wonder if he hasn’t caught his death cold. He kept the French suspenders that were 37 cents, & Henry refunded the 1.00 for the difference in the […] * the 50 cents for the Am. Suspenders. After attending to these errands for Cousin J. I bought R.’s shirt [buttons?] ( that reminds me see if the shirts do not need new waistbands also, for they have cuffs all made rady to sew right on shirts for waistbands, & if R. would like those I will buy some & send on. You examine the shirts & I will ascertain from him if he likes cuffs made on) & lace for Cousin E’s cap & black velvet ribbon for strings to them & a little paint brush of camels hair that Anne Maria uses to apply something to her sore mouth. I was just in time for dinner. It has been a cloudy day, & very bad walking. Cousin Ann has either been asleep or quiet all day 0 It is wonderful, although she says I am very sick, yet she doesn’t groan at all. I wish you’d give A. an idea of what you & M. wrote to Mr. Fiske. I think I mentioned to you in a passing note how he spoke of Kitty’s having written. He told me he had sent on the account for you to sign. He has not sent mine to me. Has Papa written to him yet? If not I hope he will immediately, I suppose, he ought also to have an expression of R.s opinion & N;s as they as my heirs are interested. But I fear he is determined either to let if for a legion saloon or petition to sell it, as you remember he threatened to last Winter in one of his notes. He can sell the half that Aunt H. left to you girls if he thinks best, as her Will was so loosely drawn in giving all power to the Trustee to sell & reinvest in anything he saw fit. My half he cannot sell without my consent unless the Court should decide against me, as it did in the So. End Estate. Papa will tell you the circumstances, if you do not remember them & care to hear them. What did you & Papa think of his entire account as you now have it? I can never feel reconciled to the suffering or deprivation of my children, therefore I can never be reconciled to R’s going to sea. Of course if he goes, I shall try to feel hopeful that he is not suffering the hardship that are so common: because no amount of sorrow on my heart can help him, unless it enables me to get something for him to do on the land. Of course I should have given him the sheets, blankets & towels & pillowcases. If he goes I shall regret very much not having had the last two months of his being at home. I did not know that Mary Jordan had been engaged – To whom was she? I am very sorry to hear of your Uncle Will’s not having been well. I hope he will give up all his R.R. business in May & begin to rest in time to save his health. [For?] a permanent break down give him my love & tell him so. I thought you would feel flattered by Cousin J’s saying you were the only one who could fill my place here. I did not know but you were getting so tired of housekeeping & housework, that the freedom from the latter, & a large part of the former, might be such a change that even the sadness of seeing Cousin’s suffering & the strain that comes from Cousin E.’s feebleness & Cousin J’s deafness might be less fatiguing. I am very sorry that I was not away from home last Winter rather than this, when you would have had so much easier time. I do feel very sorry that you are left with all my work on your shoulders, you must send for me right off if it is pressing upon you too heavily, or upon Papa. I was glad you were to have the pleasure of a sleigh ride, if it was a safe one. I would like to write to you about what Cousin Ann has said this eve. but this will not get into the Mail if I do, so I will save it to write to M. tomorrow. How does Papa seem to you in comparison with last Winter? Love to all Good Night Your loving Mamma Don’t undertake too much [Postcard stamped Feb 11 1887] Thurs. eve. Feb 10th/87 Yours gladly rec. this A.M. & paper – Sorry not to hear from R. also. Cousin A. had a quiet night & took 12 Tablespoonfuls of food. Has been either asleep of quiet all day today & has taken 10 ½ Tabelspoonfuls today. She has said but little, but that has been evidence that her mind is clear. She looks very near her end, but she has a good many times before. It has been another fine day. I went out hoping to do a number of errands besides going to Market, but when through there it was too late, & I had to come right home for dinner. Madie’s on Feb 19th M.D. said Miss Lue Cutler was going to spend the night at […] tomorrow & go to the Social Club with her. It is mild today & the [thermometer] was 7 7 when I went down to supper. Living In this hot house will make me very tender if it does not make me sick – I suppose you know all the Sanfords are in N.Y. Mr. F. has not sent me my [account]. The one for 2 years […] ASB 47 Pinckney St. Feb 18th/ 87 Friday Eve. Dear Helen, It has been a characteristic Feb. day today – Snow this A.M. large flakes melting nearly as fast as they fell – then rain – then snow, & now a pouring rain. It will be very bad for you getting to & from MR. Young’s if the weather is the same there. It must have been very bad for R. out on board ship all day. Although Cousin A. had a [suppository} given last eve. her night was not good & this A.M. she had to have injections & from 8-30 to 11-30 moaned off & on all the time. This P.M. she waked up & said to Anne Jones who came in for the day, “it is good to see you here” & called her by name & then asked for Cousin E. Cousin E. came up in a hurry & was taken sick at her stomach & committed. Anne Maria put her right to bed & sent for the Dr. She feels better but remains in bed. She was wakeful last night. I went to Market today waited 25 minutes for the Charles St. Cor. Could have walked twice to the Market. I called at the Bank & got my Pass Book Uncle C. said the children had colds & that Aunt Abby is at the Highlands, & that Dr. & Mrs. Jackson had a reception yesterday, & he & Aunt Mary attended it. How do you like Mr. President Taylor? How long was Miss Anna Robinson sick? I was interested In the [account] of the eve. at [Port Rocks?] I hope Anne Capsom will not become like her mother. She is [deposed?] with fat, must weigh I should thin nearly 300. I was very sorry Mrs. B. failed you again. What an unsatisfactory funeral Miss R.’s must have been. I am very glad for Mrs. Ed. [Young?] that George has returned. That house could not be easily cared for without him. If you see him give him my kindest remembrances. I think he will enjoy being there with the newly married couple. Is Mrs. Henry in Florida? I was sorry to hear M. & K. had had colds. I hope they will wholly go away. I am also very sorry M. has a troublesome tooth. I hope she can influence R. to go & have his teeth put in thorough order, & also persuade him to be vaccinated. How many years since you were? If it is over 7 you ought to be again. Papa ought to be. I am just as sleepy as I can be so Good Night my dear Helen – with love to all You loving Mamma [written in margin] I shall be very glad to see A. I didn’t get time to write to her. [postcard stamped Feb 21 1887] Sun Eve. Feb 20th/87 Cousin Ann has had a hard day & did also have a hard night, if she continues to suffer so much, she will have to have another opiate soon I think. It was bright & beautiful this A.M. but has been cloudy since noon & looks like snow. Mrs. K. has been all right for the past 2 days. Dr. H. spoke very plainly to her on Friday & I think it had a good effect. Cousin E. was sick again in the night last night, indigestion & wind was the trouble; she has been dieting today & taking medicine from Dr. H. I shall be interested to hear how the dinner company went off yesterday. That is harder to manage than a tea party. I have hoped today that R. was with you. He wrote yesterday that M. was going Tues. & he hoped would get over to see him. I hope their colds will disappear wholly & not be the beginning of Measles. Dr. H’s little girl not quite 3 years old has them. No callers have been here today, so I have had more time to read, & wish to read will more this eve. Shall I send the Independent you sent me to Anne? Anne […] I should think would weigh nearly 300 pounds, It is a heavy calamity to be so encumbered. I want to read as much as possible & there’s […] take only a postcard tonight. Love to all. I hope M. will go well protected to N.Y. for a change of weather too. With much love to all […] ASB 47 Pinckney St. Feb 22nd Tues P.M. / 87 Dear Helen Cousin Ann has muttered & talked a great deal today although the [suppository] was given yesterday A.M. at 10. This P.M. I sent for Dr. H. she had fallen asleep before he came, but he told us if she talked ¾ of a hour to give her a [suppository] She talked almost that & fell asleep & slept nearly an hour. She is muttering now. Dr. H. is coming again between 9 & 10 tonight she is very low & I do hope can be released from her suffering. Cousin E. & J. are well. They do not know that she is having such a hard day; as they haven’t asked I thought it wasn’t best to make them feel unhappy about it. Dr. H. said if she passed away in the eve. he thought we’d between not mention it to them as it would prevent their sleeping. I was very glad of K.’s note this A.M. but very sorry to hear that R. could not spend Sunday at home & that Papa had had another bad headache & bad night. The weather today has been very unfavorable for M. in N.Y. & for R. out on board ship all day at the waters edge. I hope he can spend this eve. with M. I cannot write now else this will not get in the box in time for the Courrier. Mrs. K. returned this A.M. early in good humor. Love to all. Please send your account of the 15.00 expenditure as soon as convenient. Your loving Mamma
47 Pinckney St. Feb. 28th Mon Eve./87 Dear Helen Your postal was welcome this A.M. Cousin A. had to have an injection yesterday, the day was less troublesome than usual, & she had a more comfortable day & a more comfortable night & became conscious & rational. This A.M. she looked deathly & had severe pain, but that was relieved she has since been conscious & rational when awake & has not groaned or moaned, but has eaten only [7?] tablespoonfuls of milk. All the family here have bad colds & I among the rest: I intended to write & thought if I omitted one day it would not matter much. I have written a note to Nellie sending 2 little handkerchief to the babies that I bought a good while ago & one for little William: they have little [sketches?] in the corners. I should otherwise have written more to you, I intended to this P.M. but had to patch my black dress sleeves as the white was showing through. I have not received the account for Papa yet. I am glad his hand was better. I hope R. was at home: this cold weather is fearfully exposing for him. My cold is in my head & eyes. Love to all Your loving Mamma It is so strange to hear Cousin A. talking again. 47 Pinckney St. Tues eve. March 1st/87 Dear Helen A note from R. & K. [sheet?] came today. Cousin Ann’s mind has been somewhat wandering today when awake: the Dr. ordered Brandy injections if she talked or groaned much & if they were not retained, a [suppository]. She retained one & has not been sufficiently disturbed since the second passed away to make it necessary to give the suppository. Susie Magoram (Mrs. Kidder) called this A.M. bringing the photographs of her daughters & her home & her brother for me to see. Mrs. Sanford came in a carriage while she was here & staid 10 minutes only. I have a very severe Cold in my head, I think I took it at Mr. Bachelders at lunch, for the dining room was chilly to me, & I am parboiled here a good part of the time, which of course makes me very tender. My nose is very red & sore from constant blowing. Unfortunately my [Nux Vom?]. is all gone. I hoped to have reserved your latest notes to […] there were topics to reply to but I have no more time now – Love to all You loving Mamma 47 Pinckney St. Thurs. Noon March 3rd/87 Dear Helen Although yesterday was a cloudy day I thought even though my cold was so severe I would go to Market. I then went out to Dr. Jackness & was very much disappointed after the long ride in the horse cars, to ding the notice on his door that he was “out of town & would be until the 1st of April.” I thought my old tendency to constipation being so stubborn it might be well to consult him in regard to it, & also get the best remedy to break up my cold. My [Nux?] was gone, if I had had that to take at once after [account?] it would have helped it quicken I thin. I bought some on my way home, & I think my cold is some what better today. On my return I found Mrs. Reed here: she staid quite a while, & then I ate a bite of dinner it was so late I did not want to spoil my supper & I really felt too tired to write last eve. Getting Cousin A. Moved on the back side of the bed & her sheets changed after Miss Young gets her at 7 makes quite an in [road?] into the eve. Miss Young gets into her [first?] dress first & Mrs. K. eater her supper after Mrs. [T?] arrives. [..] we change Cousin A. For quite a while I have taken charge of brushing Cousin A’s teeth both night & A.M. She always seems to enjoy it; opens her lips & mouth just right for both the large & small end of her brush. Mrs. Reed was impressed with the change in her appearance since she last saw her: said she looked so badly it seemed impossible for her to last much longer. She did not have as good a day yesterday as the one previous, & last eve. Miss [Tary?] thought she would have to give the brand injection & very likely a [suppository], but we turned her on her side first, & she fell asleep at once, & had a very comfortable night; she took 10 Tablespoonfuls of Milk – her pulse was 76.5 times when it was taken & once 80 – her respirations 18.3 times, 20 once & 22 twice. She was very quiet this A.M. until from 11:30 until 12:25 when Mrs. K. gave the Brandy injection & she is now sleeping quietly at 5 min of 1. She is becoming very thin indeed as you may suppose. Thus far she has taken today but 4 Tablespoonfuls of Milk. It is a beautiful day today. Cousin E. has been to ride. Mrs. Reed thought she had failed also since she saw her last. It is too bad K. has not worn her red plaid, unless it would pinch her too much. I wonder how we can transform it so as to be of use for her: probably only the skirts can be unless the waist could be let out up the pat with a red vest. I was surprised to hear Mrs. Webster had had Measles too. I should think they would have gone very hard with her her [note: “her” repeated as written] lungs are so weak – Do you know whether they prevailed much in W? I was sorry to see the death of Mrs. Bresnehan called ([Branch?]) in W. She will be a loss to her family: she was very industrious & hard working. I really do not feel as though I have any more time here than at home doubt whether I shall write to any one but Papa & you children, unless it is on [Cousins?] [written in margins of front] All else here in status quo. I shall not write any more at night unless it is absolutely necessary for I really am too tired to then. 47 Pincknet St. March 4th Tues Noon/87 Dear Helen In the pleasant plan that your Uncle Will has formed for Miss Woolsey & you I rejoice & hope no unforeseen event will occur to hinder its being carried out. After the hard work of the past summer & winter & perhaps entire Spring (it looks like that now) recreation & rest will be doubly agreeable. Favor yourself all that you can, so as not to get too tired to enjoy it. I hope you will not suffer with the heat there, as Aunt H. used to. Do you not think it looks as though Uncle W. has matrimonial designs upon Miss W? It would be strange if he should marry in succession two authoresses of note. I shall feel much happier to have your writing Uncle W. than going to Europe with the Sanfords. I never want you to go abroad unless you do with your husband, or Papa & I or your brothers & sisters. I don’t know about the children’s going to Austin, as it is not certain whether it can be afforded, or whether N. & N. & the babies can come East. I had thought perhaps Uncle W. could get passes for them, but now this Interstate Commerce bill prevents that. I am sorry Uncle W. is not going to change climate this Spring: I had hoped in May he would break away from the R.R. & be East or some where from an entire change, which it seems would be more beneficial to him than having ladies under his care in his own home. Perhaps when Miss W. as to return he will want to come on too with you both, & make us a visit in W. Please give him my love & thank him from me for this pleasant plan of recreation for which I think you richly deserve after your long continued patience & unselfish hard work. I think you would like my present of money to you right away would you not to help in getting your ward robe in order for the journey? I presume you will have to buy a new traveling suit as I should think very likely none of Aunt H.’s dresses would be exactly or perhaps at all suitable. I have not heard from R. today, but did yesterday. He had to work over the ship until midnight Sunday night. It grows more * more terrible to me as the time draws near for the ship to leave I pray that if it can be God’s wll, He will interpose, as he did at [written in margins] the last minute to save Isaac to Abraham. Your loving Mamma [in margin on front] Cousin Ann had a good night & is very comfortable this A.M. has had injections & a movement of hard lumps & is now asleep & Mrs. K. has gone out & I am in sole charge. Your loving Mamma 47 Picnking St. Sat. March 5th/87 Dear Helen Papa’s note [enclosing?] these accounts came this A.M. It confuses me – for I don’t know whether the 18. That I sent you for family use has gone in with this, & his old account that I paid extending to Jan. 19th has items so similar to those, & so has your [account?] of the expenditure of the 15. Up to Feb 21st that I return this account of Papa’s to you that you may give me your explanation to this letter side attachment in your figures being just the amt. of ac. Marked Richards in Papa’s is also confusing. I am sorry to find Dr. Stevenson’s bill is 18.50. Your ink was so pale that I did not notice the 1 & read the bill 8.50. Of course I do not know at this distance how many visits he needs on Papa or Papa on him. You please return me your account of the expenditure of the 18.00 I sent you & go over this to see if Papa has anything down here that you paid for. I want to pay all my bills, but I do not want to pay for the same thing twice, & I am sure neither he nor you want me to. All the rest I have to say I will write to Papa Your loving Mamma P.S. There was 2.00 for [Milk?] on the 19th and here it is the 25gh & then not again till Feb 5th. How long does 2.00 […] last? I like the idea of things [Fr?] [Carpenter?] Papa does not give them. [Jim?] did & so did R. [Wolfboro?] Wed. A.M. July 20th/87 Dear Helen Though silent so long I still live & pursue the “even tenor of my way” which from years of observation you can recall as leaving no margin for correspondence, much as I should enjoy it with friends & children. This A.M. I am following your fashion of writing before any one is up – before putting on the inexorable [banners?] of routine, […] the patient hearing of which by some one all things would go to class in state & […]. Your letters have been as always a great source of comfort to us all. In all your doings I am greatly interested, & live them over with you mentally. The description of your visit to Aunt Helens grave was of all the most interesting to me. Her life was so unusual from beginning to end that it seems fitting that her final resting place should be so unique. It seems almost an hereditary manner of burial. Oa alive in Jerusalem among strangers though he is buried in a Cemetery I think on Mt. [Olive’s?] overlooking Jerusalem, & Aunt Helen in Cheyenne Mt. overlooking Colorado Springs. Each choosing their own burial spot. Each dying a long distance from kindred. Within a few days of the receipt of your description of your ride to Aunt Helen’s grace & the story of Kinnikinninck, I received a letter from Mrs. [Bliss?] from Beini & [family?] enclosing flowers plucked from Pa’s grave. Quite a marked coincidence I thought. I will send you her letter, it is sadly interesting owing to the great changes death has made in her family & her only daughter, by the death of the latter’s husband & child. I thank you very much for the work stand […] you know how useful they will be. It seems good to have Papa keep comfortable so long without relapse. He went to Church with us last Saturday for the first time since our arrival here. The children will write you about their trip & his on the Gracie last Friday. The heat here has been greater than any Summer since the one Nathan & Nellie were here. The thermometer has been 88 in this home which is one degree higher than I ever knew it in the other. We had a break in the heat last week which revived us, & there is another break in it now most gratifying. Our [grain?] was cut yesterday & I am rejoicing in a five day for it this A.M. I had a note from Emmie Palmer announcing the engagements in their family. Mr. Aug. Bacheldus to Miss Wilkinson (as you wrote) I think it must be Miss Lily & Prof. George Palmers to Miss Alice Freeman’s of Wellerley College. The marriage of the former will take place next Fall, the latter in one year. I received a paper from Washington announcing the death of Mrs. Crocker, Mrs. Fork’s only sister. It made mention of the return of Mrs. J. Fork & Lieut. Fork to N. Bedford after the funeral. I must try & find time to write to Mrs. F. Perhaps you will to Emmie first, giving my love & sympathy. Mrs. C. was made a widow recently & spent I think last winter with Mrs. F. in W. We have not heard a word from R. yet. I hope it has been cool in Japan. It had been hot enough here to be cool everywhere else. Cousin J. writes that is was 97 in their home in the shade last week. We head from N. yesterday – he writes that it was very hot there. I have written to R. & to N. asking the latter to come over with Nellie & the two children & stay as long as he can be absent from the Bank as Papa is now well enough to enjoy seeing them, & I have a great dinner to. Do not let this make you feel that you must return home C.S. is so far, you must not curtail your visit there. Perhaps N. will not feel that it is best to come. I wrote him the exact truth about the state of the health of this village now, & during the [first?] few moths & the opinion of Dr. K. & Dr. S. Sallie Whitton has Typhoid fever, that is the only case of sickness in the village I know of now. I was surprised to find I [replied?] but 136.11 pounds last in taking care of Pap. I would love to write more, but I think I ought to begin the home routine – O – One thing I must tell you I have put up a number of cans of strawberry & raspberry. Give much love to Uncle Will & Miss Woolsey. Missing you very much but rejoicing in your recreations. Your loving Mamma P.S. V. read “Jack” a story by Miss Phelps aloud to me. It is the most powerful Temperance story I ever need. I’d like to have Mr. Firke read it. I also enclose his account. Papa ought to carry the latter, but he said you kept them all – I hope you do. [written on side of front:] I am glad your […] is going to be made up & I liked the sample of lining. I hope Miss Canve will [surprise?] Miss Kean. I do not think the latter filled your gray as well as the green. Wolfborob July 28th Tues A.M. Dear Helen My note that crossed yours was an answer to your question about remaining longer i.e. it was a partial answer- I think I did not speak of you being there alive. I say now as I said before I see no difference between the propriety of you visiting Uncle Will now alive then when Aunt H. was living. He invited you both for three months: I am sorry for your sake & Uncle W.’s that she cannot remain the full time. I hope you can. Do not feel that you’d better leave the middle of last of August, or that you must be at home by the time M. & V. return to College. Let your mind rest easy about us & stay & come on with Uncle W. in the Fall. You ran the home without me in it from the 6th of Dec. till the 18th of March & it is a pity if I cannot do it without you as long. You may feel easy in believing me that if anything happens to any one of us that makes us need your valuable help I will telegraph for you. If you come with Uncle W. perhaps he will for your sake call at Nathan’s with you for a day or two, & you can another time make them a longer visit. It is not quite such a circumstance to go to Austin as to Colorado Springs. You may never have another opportunity to visit C.S. & I want you to enjoy all you can & rest all you can now you are there, & it is very desirable and delightful to have Uncle Will’s company all the way home. I hope he can make us a 2nd good visit here with you in the Fall. Papa has no objection to your remaining as long as Uncle W. wishes & will love to have as long a visit from him in the Fall as possible. Even if Nathan comes on I do not want you to shorten your visit to be here in that account. I hope you will not think of it. You will have other opportunities of seeing them & if you should come home there would be no […] room for you to sleep in, & you’d better not think of it. I hope you have not telegraphed to them to find out their plans. We have not heard yet whether they are coming. We shall look for word today or tomorrow. I was much interested in your account of Jelly making & your journeying. M. has gone over to the Weirs with May Hanson to hear Julia Word […] K. is making w. bread. She has made wonderfully nice bread, both brown and white. M. made the yeast. We have two Picnic days a week either at home or abroad, I shall have Mrs. Hatch help all she can if Nathan & Nellie come & if we cannot make things go well I will telegraph for you. “There has been so much said & so well said I will not further occupy the time” only to say that you must not think I underestimate the value of your company & your help in my not wanting you at home till Uncle W. comes. It is because I value it so highly that I want you to rest all you can now, so as to perhaps another Summer let M. & K. go [free?], as you & Anne now are from care & fatigue. All items of news I must leave for others to write as I cannot spare time to write anymore much as I would love to. Love to Uncle W. Mrs. W. & Hattie Wordbury Lovingly your Mamma […] Aug. 30/87 to [Wolfbas?] Aug. 20th/87 Dear Helen, M. + V. went to the [Tale?] of Shoals yesterday a.m. with Mary Hawson & [Niece?] Fanny [Griggs?]. They were not sure that they would stay all night, but went prepared to if they wanted to; they are […] nice days. I called at Mr. Libbeys yesterday after trying on my blue striped wrapper. You’ll remember the huge one Aunt [H.?] sent [one day?] ago, “She said be sure & give my love to Helen when you write to her.” I found your note in my return but it was so late I saved it to read this a.m. thinking I might fall asleep earlier if I did not read it last night. You know I rarely read letters just before going to bed. This A.M. Miss Rick called just as I was planning to read it, & when she went I thought I would run down to Mrs. Chicks to see if she could do the [floors?] for me this P.M. & the [dishes?] once a day. She lives in the little yellow house where the children died of Diphtheria last summer. Mrs. C. is to move next Mon. into the house with Mr. [Brithla?] where the Raymonds lived & could not help me, but there was a young married woman boarding in the other part of the house, who she thought would & she is here now, washing the [sled from]. She doesn’t look more than 16, she says she is nearly 19. She is very pretty cheeks like roses, & is tall & vigorous. I feel glad if her work […] good, for she lives so near I hope she can come daily after dinner for the dishes, & for all the extra’s we want. You will feel easier in your mind too. I read your note just as soon as I finished dinner I had to get it as soon as I returned to Mrs. C.s as Papa wanted to go down town. It as usual was very interesting to me, I have not had time to read [those?] it [envolved?] yet, but know I shall be interested in those also. After getting N.s letter telling his reasons for […] being [Lord?] for him to wake up his mind to come & bring the children, & yet that he would if I said so & we could not go to see him. I felt I should be doing very wrong to urge his [caring?), & wrote him that his reasons for not coming all commended themselves to me, & Papa & I would try & visit them this Autumn & M. & V. would plan to […] next Summer, right from College. Now you are as always a good give to wait to help to you may be sure that should anything occur of civil to any of us, we should have to send for you & rejoice to have you, but while we do not, it seems to me too bad for you to leave C.S. until Uncle W> does, if you feel sure that he really wants you to stay until then. I say this, because C.S. is so very far away, that perhaps you may never go there again, while Austin seems comparatively near. Then it is so doubtful whether I am able to get through settling Cousin Ann’s Estate in time to go this Fall, that I do not want your C.S. visit to be shortened one day unless it is necessary. If you stay till Uncle W. leaves, then you can stop for your visit at N.’s. You can visit Anne any time, & you can almost say the same thing in regard to visiting N. so my advice to you, provided you are sure Uncle W. really desires your remaining until he comes East, is to do so, & then decide whether you stop over at N’s or come straight home. I do not think I shall go to Boston till the children have gone to College. Perhaps Papa will go with me, we don’t know yet what arrangements we will make, but if we all keep as well as we are I think you can feel perfectly easy to remain in C.S. till Uncle W. leaves. I remember a [Nini’s]? family In [amusement?], i.e., the name is perfectly familiar to me from childhood, nothing more about them but the name however— This young woman is working well, another reason you can feel easy to stay in C.S. She says “she loves to wash dishes.” I cannot take any more time to write now, as I want to prepare for Sunday – I’ll answer the other questions later – I am sure you’ll not fancy I don’t want to see you, because I am so desirous to have you have all the time in C.S. that you can, now you are really there & that you will not misunderstand anything I have written, though it has been in great [heart?] & will the division of thought that the direction of this fine specimen of vigorous young womanhood occasions – much love to Uncle Will & very very much for you from Mamma Wolfboro Aug 28th/87 Sun P.M. Dear Helen It is so nearly impossible for me to find time in the week when there is not something more urgent to be done than letter writing that I will break [once?] my rule not to write on Sunday long enough to answer the questions in yours of the 14th to me that I did not stop to when I answered it in regard to your leaving Colorado. I have not sent it to Anne or the letters it contained tey fearing I’d forget some question, & I have had such a busy week that I have not until this very P.M. read the letters it contained. All interested me very much & they will A. also. Ed. H. writes a very interesting letter, I should think he must be entertaining. What an eventful year for Mr. York. I am glad you wrote to Emmie. It is quite interesting too to hear from the [Hitchcook?] family again, & Miss Woolsey’s letter pleased me much. I find on re-reading yours that the questions are not of great importance, but I told you in my last hurried note that I would reply at another time. You had not written me that Miss W. called you “Baby” – You are a “nice [long?] baby.” How did she come to call you so? It is not known what caused the fire in the shoe shop. I am not sure whether I wrote to you after having found a young man to help us -- Yes I am sure I did, I wrote my last note to you during her first helping – Well, it will make your mind easier about us to know that she has been regularly all the past week, & expects to continue to. Helen Banfield is going to visit K. this week. It looks to me as though I’d better not leave home for Cousin Ann’s [furies?] until Mr. & K. here give & it looks to me as though after settling that it may be too late to visit N. this Fall. So do not hurry home on our account unless we send for you which you may [be] sure we shall do if we get into any trouble of any kind. I had a […] from Abby Fuike asking your address, as she wanted to write to you. The weather has been so cool all the last week, that every eve we have had an open fire in the front parlor. You know I like that room much better than the middle room as it is so much more sunny. Being so cool makes it seem as though we ought to be getting into Winter quarters very likely Sep. may be hot again. I was glad to heard from your last note that you were having a little more quiet time, for it seems as though it must be to you even, a [restful?] change though when Uncle Will is away I should think you’d feel lonely. We miss you but do not want you to cut short your stay in C.S. expecting that we are surely going to get to N.s this Fall as that is so doubtful, so you can plan just as though we were not going. [written between lines: if I find we can I will telegraph you.] Love to Uncle W. & very much indeed to you from Your loving Momma [written on side of back] I [can’t?] plan until I go to Boston after the girls are gone & see how much I have to do there. [written on side of front] This note looks fearfully as I have scrawled it between day light & dark a [wreaked?] thing for my eyes to do. S.S. Picnic Tues. of this week to the Weir’s!! As usual. [first part of letter missing] that to the dining room. I was glad to learn the location of Ks. [boil?]. That was not an ornamental place but a more convenient one than some others. Do have her begin with the Emulsion right away before she gets any [catarrhal?] trouble. I think perhaps then you better discontinue their [symmetries?] so as not to be out so much after dark. Seems to me you & R. ought to send me your accounts so that I would send you my check for the amount if I should be taken away you might be inconvenienced [in getting them paid?]. Besides I want to die as free from debt as possible. Cousin A. still sleeps & it is 5 o’clock. The [suppository] is taking effect. I am very glad to hear the home is comfortable thus far, & greatly relieved that you are not getting discouraged by being housekeeper so long. Much love to all from Your loving Mamma Anne S.B. [first part of letter missing] A great [2nd?] deal of time is spent for Cousin A. & there is so much mending for the family here each week that I have not had time to keep my own wearing apparel mended. Mrs. K. has helped some Cousin E. does all the time, but I cut & plan & baste it for her. There is a good deal that needs to be done for Cousin J. that I am anxious to get at. I have not had any [Ordicil?] finished either yet for I can not determine upon the selection of an Executer & Trustee. It is an incubus upon my spirit all the time. It was a great disappointment to me that Cousin Ann was not released when in that state of unconsciousness. I am sorry to hear R. looked thinner but thankful that he seemed very well. I have hoped M. would have given me her impressions of the ship. It is wonderful that with all you have had to do you have found time to finish an afghan for R. I am very glad you feel that the comfort & health that come from a well ordered household a worthy result & that you really rejoice in what your own personal industry have given to Papa, Richie M. K. & yourself. I hope you also rejoice in feeling that you are giving my care & help to Cousin A. who would otherwise be wholly in the hands of hirelings ( I use this term in no opprobrious sense) for Cousin E. & Cousin J. cannot minister to her comfort at all. I am not surprised that A. was oppressed with the sadness of this house. I think the sun did not shine when she was here, & that makes a great difference. Nothing but love for all these dear old people & sympathy for them in their loneliness & dependence upon these I wish employee’s enables me to fear to long a separation from my own house & all my own individual duties there & from the sight of you all. I feel it very much as the time is so near when the house in P. must be given up, & the continued uncertainty as to the length of Cousin A’s life ever gets discouraging. It is fast getting to be that dreaded time of year for me Spring - & a N. Eng. Spring I have not had to undergo since that of 1882 when I had a Diphtheritic sore throat at Amnes. I felt sorry to have this cold at this time of year not knowing where it would go from my head. I think it is better today & I hope will yield to Nux. without further trouble. I feel very sorry that Papa has so many headaches. Was he perfectly satisfied with Mr. Fiske’s accounts for the past two years? Was Mamie hard to convince that they were right? I inferred so from your note. Your last account I had no fault to find with. It surprised me in not having anything down for Meat. 15 lasted from Jan 27th to Feb 20th that was wonderfully well. I want M. & K. to get their school bills & you please get Mr. Wiethaus for the piano for the full time. I think his will be 42.00 it was to be 7.00 a month. Send them all on as soon as possible. Haven’t the children bought season horse car tickets also? Do you like K.s eve. dress? You must all engage Miss Armstrong in season. M. & K. may look over the Catalogue & get anything they want to use from any of the boxes, only put a mark stating in the Catalogue what is taken out & place the things back in the same order that are left in the boxes. I enclose in this my check for 20.00 & you will please to send on your account for the 18.00. As I am way way behind in the newspaper the family mending & my own, when you do not hear daily, do not worry but consider Cousin A. just the same, & [end of writing] [written on left side of leaf] How good for Mrs. Spencer & her [grad?] When did you hear from Uncle Will? [written on right side of leaf] Children. What was Mrs. Fergusus [desire?]?
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