Anne S. Banfield diary transcription
William S. Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0241, Box 4, Folder 45, transcribed by Emma Mitchell, CC Class of 2012, in 2010.
Anne Scholfield Fiske Banfield was the sister of Helen Hunt Jackson, the wife of Everett Colby Banfield, and the mother of Helen Banfield Jackson (Helen Hunt Jackson's niece who later married her widower, William S. Jackson). She was born in 1834. Colorado Springs: January 14, 1894 – January 19, 1895 Monday Jan 1 – We spent the day at H's. Roland not well Sunday, Jan 14, 1894 – Harry Banfield passed away very quietly at 4 o clock am Wednesday, Jan 24, 1894 – pm wrote to Cousin Sarah Lizzie. Thursday Jan. 25 – wrote to Mr. Fiske returning receipt for Jan. payment pm. Friday Jan 26 – Wrote to the Outlook Co. to see if they […] my half year envelopes. 70 am. Agents International News Co. for Le Journal des Modes. To Nathan am Sat. Jan 27 –Sewed on blk. skirt at H's all day and eve. a very pleasant day. Mr. Sweet called eve. Sun Jan 28 – H. and little W. went to Church with M., K. and me to All Souls Church to hear the Hindoo were very much interested. Mrs. Sanford called at dusk. Monday Jan 29 – Lovely day. Wrote to Kate, to Flint & Co Capr. Bunndam to give our address. P. and M. and I called at Mrs. Slocum’s, Mrs. Putnam’s, Mrs. Bemis’s, Mrs. Thayer’s, Mrs. Lunt’s, Mrs. Ranney’s, Mrs. Seldomridges, Mrs. Dr. Munten and Ms. Hammonds. Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Putnam, Mrs. Lunt and Mrs. Seldomridge out, Mrs. Thayer led dressmaker and was excused and Mrs. Hammond to tired. Tuesday Jan 30 – I mended for the wash Mrs. Sanford called pm Mrs. Hamp, Mrs Risley M. and 9 denied at Ms. Eve. M., Mr. J., M., and K. went to the ball. Miss Stewart and I sat up late talking. Wed Jan 31 – Wrote to Anne am. Pm had a drive to North Cheyenne Canon with H. little W. M. and E. afterwards at […] Mrs. Griswold called while H. was undressing the children. pm M. went to […] on bicycle with Mr. Minot and K. to ride with Miss Clark, Mrs. Townsend and Mr. Smith to the drill and in the eve. They went to May S’s where Mr. and Miss Roberts were and Mr. Blatchford and they had Music on the Piano, Guitar, and Banjo. By Mr. B, Mr. and Mrs. R. Thurs February 1 – K. took me down town for errands in Mr. William’s buggy – am I wrote to Aunt Mary. pm called on Kate Sanford and her mother dined at Helen with M., Mr. and Mrs Blanchard, and Mrs. Metcalf. A very pleasant dinner and eve. We talked with Miss Stewart on our return, about the spiritualist she had been to see. Friday Feb 2 – I had a bad cold in my head, took aconite and [crossed out] K. took me in Mr. William’s Buggy up cascade Ave. up to Mr. Blanchard’s Miss Robbins was on Hs. Piazza until Mr. took her to drive. K. began to read “[Ground Arms?]” until Roland woke up. Saturday Feb 3 – There was a snowstorm, a few inches on the ground. My cold not quite as bad in my head but worse in my throat. Tuesday February 6 – Very hoarse and bad cough took Phosphorus and Tartar Endive. Helen read “[Ground arms?]” in the am. Kitty pm. Port and Mrs. Parsons called; could not get in at first, but came a second time; Mrs. Stevens called. Wed February 7 – Ash Wed. Coughed badly last night. Not quite as hoarse, but felt good for nothing. Helen had note from Nathan. Mrs. Sanford called late pm after church M. Miss Emily and Mr. Williams and Mr. Hamp dined at H's. I washed my head am Mrs. Thayer called am I sent word by Keith that I would be down as soon as I could she told her she was going to call on Miss McKim Thurs Feb 8 – coughed only once in the night. Feb. very good for nothing. Took aconite and Phosphorus once an hour. Note from Nathan. Laid down pm but new wristband on night gown. M. and K. eve. To a card party at Miss Martin’s. Fri Feb 9 – Did not cough but once in the night. In the am nearly choked with phlegm in coughing before I got up. M. counted my pulse at 10:30 it was 110. Helen brought over Malt. I took a little. Do not think I am quite as good for nothing as yesterday. M. out to drive Miss Emily before Mr. Williams was ready, then she went downtown. Mon Feb 12 – Down to break fast and to please M. had Dr. Lawrence… Tues Feb 13 – Staid in bed. Had Dr. Lawrence Wed Feb 14 – Staid in bed. Dr. Lawrence called. Thurs Feb 15 – In bed till after Dr. Lawrence called then took hot bath. Saw Mrs. Slocum PM with Helen. May Sanford and Kitty dined here and they played whist in Miss Emily’s room, with Mr. Kahn and Mr. Williams. Friday Feb 16 – Breakfast in bed. Dr. Lawrence called I was up and dressed and sewing I wanted to go down stairs but M. wanted me to wait. My pulse 96. Saturday Feb 17 – Helen over with little H. and Everett. Dr. Lawrence called Pulse 96. I went down to lunch and dinner. Sunday Feb 18 – I down to breakfast took coffee. M.H. and little W. went to the Baptist Church and heard Mr. Boyle. I read all day and eve. Monday Feb 19 – the 50th anniversary of [Ma’s?] death. Dr. Lawrence called. Pulse 96. I wrote to Miss Powelron and began one to Kate. Tuesday Feb 20- Had five movements am Pulse 96. Dr. Lawrence vaccinated M.K. and me. I finished note to Kate and mailed it and Mrs. Powelron’s also. 3 movements pm. H. M. and K went in a carriage and made 21 calls. M. dined at Hs. I mended for wash and did up the clothes. Mrs. Sanford called. Eve. Miss Stewart in room a little while. K. in Cate. It was snowing. Wed Feb 21 – Snowstorm am cold. 1 movement am: partly loose. Thurs Feb 22 – Cloudy Am Very Cold Cloud pm too. Throat and gum a little better. 2 formed movements, 1 loose one before 10:30. Pulse 100 after breakfast. Up at 7:30. Breakfast punctually. K. brought over Cocoa. 1 loose movement at 12 am M. over a few minutes. M. lunched with her and spent pm there. K. staid here to lunch. I wrote more to Richie. Mrs. Seity called pm and K. read to Miss Emily and me Matthew Arnold Essay on Shelly. At 5:20 had one movement of fragments formed and hard to expel. Mr. Jackson telegraphed M. he could not come home today. M. dined with Date Sanford and Kitty dined here and spent the eve with Emily R.H. came in for a few minutes and K. went home with her. May and Mrs. Blatchford dined at Mrs. Putnam’s. I read eve and M. too with me until H. came. Friday Feb 23 – cloudy am, partly and partly pm Sat Feb 24 – Had a part of my closet cleaned. Did a little washing took a short walk and landed at H’s and spent most of the pm there. Read eve. Had a note from Kate she will come back. Note from Sarah Lizzie telling of Harry’s last days. Sun Feb 25 – A fine day. M and little W. went to hear Mr. Gregg. M., K., and I to hear Mr. Boyle Texts “I am the Life of the world I am come that they might have it more abundantly.” In some respects a very good sermon. I walked a little ways with M. after Church. K. did not feel very well. I lunched with H. Mr. Barlow called to see Mr. J. pm and eve. I read but staid in the parlor a while in the eve talking with Mrs. Hill. M. dined at H’s and Mary Sanford. Mon Feb 26 – a fine day. Last night had a coughing spell and laid awake. Over to the H’s with my serving and sat on the Piazza. Dr. Lawrence called “to see me there.” afterwards […] Crowup came up and staid a little while. A Telegram came from Richie from Zanzibar saying “all well” while we were sitting on the Piazza. H. thought at first it was a mistake, in being for her – it looked so queer having the all well to the name spelt with a small r. on the same line. pm Kate Sanford called then, Miss Russell, then Mr. Washburn. am M and K went to see about Geology class to Palmer hall. Dr. Jackson was in Denver all day. My pulse 92 when Dr. Lawrence took it. M read a little from Shelley’s letter before the callers came. Mr. Putnam and daughter and H.M. Ring called here while were out. Tues Feb 27 – a little windy. Did not wake until near 6 o’clock. Took hot bath. Washed head, mended waist, then dressed and over to H’s to lunch and staid until 5 pm Made out list for Mrs. Martin and did up clothes. Read eve. K. was here to dinner. M. at H’s this am M went to Manitou with Mr. Kahn to see Minvervah and stones. Mr. J was down to lunch. I took magazines to Kate. S. and made a little call before going to H’s. Wed Feb 28 – Cloudy am Lovely pm May S. and Kitty in am M went to walk with May S. up to Mrs. Blanchard. I wrote to Richie. Over to H’s to lunch. Finished wrote to Richie pm and wrote for the March “Journal des Modes” Mrs. Seldomridge and her daughter called pm M was out, went up to Mrs. Blanchard’s again. M. dine at H’s with Mrs. Blanchard, Alice, and Dr. Reed. I read eve. Had a note from Cousin Martha Davis acknowledging the children’s photograph. Mr. Williams, Miss Kahn, and Miss Robbins sat out doors pm Did not wake until nearly 4 o’clock am Thurs March 1 – a beautiful am little windy pm. Did not wake until nearly 4 o’clock am M making a pasteboard gate for Helen’s surprise lunch party. Kate S. is helping her. I helped K pick out threads out of her dress and Miss Stewart spread the sandwiches. We all went over with our band boxes containing our lunches to Flowers – Mr. Jackson was just down It was a total surprise to H. We had a very pleasant time. She had a note form Dr. Taylor. I had one from Anne. M and K up to geology class. I wrote to Helen S. Banfield. Mrs. Powelton called pm to Mrs. Sanford. M. and K. eve to the High School. Mr. Jackson made a little speech and several others in regard to the New Library. Miss Stewart in my room eve. I read some papers. Had a note from Anne. Fri Mar 2 – a little cloudy early and then a fine day. Had a good night did not wake until nearly day. I finished ripping and scraping Kitty’s light dress ruffle. Then H. came for me to call Mrs. Risley with her and Mrs. Hamp. Mrs. R. was out we saw Mrs. Hamp on the street and then H. took me to Manitou on the car and then in a carryall all around Manitou and we drank the water of both Springs and looked at the Minerals and precious stones. I lunched at H's. M and K to Geology Class and K afterwards to dancing school. M. to call on Mrs. Dr. Solly. I read pm I wrote to Anne. Mrs. Davenport, Mrs. Van Rechten, Mrs. Stone by Mrs. Portridge called and Mrs. Sanford went in to see Miss Robbins and was coming to see me when the last two ladies called, so I did not see her but a minute. M dined at H's. I read eve. K over with M for a little while Went to bed at 10. Sat Mar 3 – Beautiful day, a little windy. Dreamed of eggs, some were green and white, some were broken. Miss Stewart gave them to me. I waked a while before daylight and found it hard to go to sleep but did and did not wake again until just as Kate came to stoke the fire. M. was going to walk with Miss Clark, but Mr. Noyes wanted to take her to ride and came and asked M. to excuse her. M. went to see if May would, but she was going to ride on horseback with Mr. Blatchford. M and I finished our notes to A. Mrs. Williams came am H, M, K, and I lunched at Mrs. Thayers. Mrs. Hobson and her children were there and her son Mr. Frank Thayer. We had a very pleasant time, then called on Mrs. Hayward, Mrs. Hamp, and Mrs. Blanchard. K went right home to copy her account for A. Note from Mrs. Powelron; he has lost his place so they cannot keep the house! M and K packed Emily’s box eve. I read. Sun Mar 4 – Quite windy am less so pm Did not take coffee. I took up Mrs. Breakfast. H, k, and little W went to Dr. Grieg’s Church I went to Grace Church, heard Dr. Colwell, upon Christ’s feeing the multitude with the 5 barley loaves and the 2 fishes. He preached an excellent sermon. I staid to communion. Stopped at H's a few minutes; she looked very tired. I read pm Mrs. Sanford in a short time. K in eve to see Miss Robbins. My throat was a little sore. Mon Mar 5 –a fine day. am I went down to Dr. Lawrence’s and got his bill. He said there was a white spot in my throat. I wrote to Mrs. Powelson pending receipts for check; to a broker, to a paper an advertisement, to Dr. Jarrie asking him to send them to the best broker, and the best paper for that purpose. K went to Geology class am and packed Miss Robbin’s trunk pm H went with me to Mrs. Hill’s exhibition of paintings and them we called on Mrs. Blanchard, to get Ms. Card case. I lost my [rek?] pocket book, no money in it. K down to the Depot with Miss Robbins and Mr. Williams too. Dr. Crouch was there and Mr. Jackson to see her off. Tue Mar 6 – K and M to Geology Class. I took a walk. H was clearing out the drawers in K’s room when Mr. and Mrs. And Miss Clark were announced. They could not get good sleeping accommodations where they expected to spend the night. So had arrived at 1 last night and staid at The Antlers. H made the best of it, but it was for too bad that K had not moved her things yesterday. I mended my Sontag for K. and Mr. Jackson start at 10 eve for Salt Lake City. am I paid Dr. Lawrence’s bill. Called for Mrs. Sanford to go to walk with me but she was going to drive with Kate and they took May to her Geology Class. Wed Mar 7 – Went in the am for a walk. Dined at H’s at 2 o’clock. Went to ride in three seater with H and Miss Clark and all the children and Maggie to Glenyrie and the Garden of the Gods and home on the Boulevards. We took letters up to Miss Chapman at Mrs. Blanchard’s. Dr. Crouch was there. eve read. Mr. Williams landed up and dined out but had a bad night had to get up three times. Thurs Mar 8 –a beautiful day. Up in good season, down town with H for her errands, took a little walk, called at Mrs. Sanford’s returned letter. Called at H's again, and at Mrs. Lunt declined and Miss Blanchard had found she could not go I went again to invite Kate. The lunch was very pleasant, Mrs. Thayer, Kate, Mrs. Slocum, Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. Sanford, Miss Clark, Mrs. Maginman and Mr. Bemis. Every thing was very good. Mrs. Gordell and her daughter called pm Mrs. Thayer staid quite a while eve. I read, bed at 9:30 Mr. William’s staid in bed all day until eve when Mr. Kahn played cards with him. Fri Mar 9 –a beautiful day but very warm. I had a good night. Was up at 7:20. H brought me the Oil Can. William and H. came with her. H, Miss Clark, and I went to Manitou in the cars and took a Carriage there and wet up the Ute Pass road and then into Williams Canon almost to the Wind Cave, called on Mr. Ernest Clark at the High School. Called at the Antlers on our return on Mr. and Mrs. Clark and lunched with them. It was very warm. I washed stocks pm Mrs. Barlow and Miss Jessie called and Mrs. Lunt and Mrs. Sanford. Eve I read and went to bed at 9. Was very hungry before dinner and before I went to bed. My throat was so well I did not put water around it, but as my leg (left one) ached some I put it on that. Sat Mar 10 – Very windy. No cloud on the Peak however. Last night I waked before 6 o’clock. Staid awake a long time, but finally got to sleep and slept until daylight and was very sleepy at 7:30 and not up till 7:40. Over to Helen’s. It was too windy to go to Canon’s H. down for her errands. I washed my head and wrote up Diary from Mon. pm H had a note from Mrs. Robbins. I landed at H's pm we drove around the City with Miss Clark. It was bitter cold. Had a letter from H and K from Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and Mr. Ernest Clark dined at H's we had a very pleasant dinner and eve. Sun Mar 11 – a beautiful day. I went to the Methodist Church. Mr. Warner the pastor preached, “He that reapeth, receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto Eternal Life.” Neither Miss Clark nor H went to Church. Mr. Ernest Clark lunched there. pm Mr. J. took H, J, K, Miss Clark, and the children to Cheyenne Canon, am M and K went to Grace Church. They and Mr. J arrived from Salt Lake at 7:30 am. Pm I sat on the bed and read, all the time, also read eve. Monday Mar 12 – a warm sultry close day. K and M off am on Geological Ramble. I took my sewing over to sit with Miss Clark and H on Piazza – Lunched with them. The omnibus came very early for Miss Clark. H and Mr. J. and M. walked down to the station to see her off. Pm I called on Miss Dorsey” her sister was waiting for the Dentist and therefore I did not see her, Mrs. Putnam was just going in there when I was. I called on Mrs.Howber, and Mrs. Hamp., Mrs. Risley was just going in to Mrs. Hamps – I left Mrs. Putnam at Miss Dorsey’s and Mrs. Risley of Mrs. Hawport. I had a note from Sallie Butler Hendricks and Mrs. Lawrence a paper from Mrs. Powelson announcing the death of her daughter Mr. Leigh. Tuesday Mar 13 – K up in time to go over to breakfast at H's. I mended all the am and part of pm and did up the clothes for Mrs. Martin, was just going to get ready to go to Mrs. Slocum’s Tea when Mrs. Hatch called and then Miss Wordbury. Thus M and I were very late in going. H had gone to dine at Mrs. Blanchard’s. Mrs. J at Mrs. Hagermans, and K dined here. I read eve. I think M and K were off on a Geological ramble again in the am Wednesday Mar 14 – A beautiful day. K slept here last night waked early. Mrs. Williams, M, and I went up to The Coburn Library. H and K went for Mrs. Taylor. We had good beats. I took “Ships that pass in the night” to read as we went at 10 –Dr. Harper had a very fine address. Chancellor Snow, McDowell, Baker, and Dr. Taylor made brief ones. We did not get back until about 2 or after. I was so tired I laid down all the pm and finished the “Ships that pass in the night” Dined at H's with Dr. and Mrs. Harper, Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Gregg. Mr. and Mrs. Harpert and May in the eve a very pleasant eve dinner and day. K went to drive with Dr. and Mrs. Taylor pm H and Mr. J. at the reception eve. K and Mr. J eve the latter part. Kate Sanford was not as well last night raised more blood than usual. Thursday Mar 15 – K. dined at Mrs. Sanford’s. K had a little X disturbance a note from Dr. Jarvie. Mrs. Williams, M and I wrote up to the Deaf and Blind Institution. Mrs. Ormes was in the Car and sat with us. Mr. Revy, Mr. Platt of the Gazette, Dean Peck, Chancellor Snow, Prof Haskell and Dr. Slocum spoke: we walked home sat on H's piazza a little while lunched here. Miss Chapman was here. I hurried down to the Bank to get money for Miss Stewart for 2 weeks board. Called at Dr. Lawrence’s: he would have applied Iodine to my throat, but I preferred to have it cured internally. I called on Miss Crowell, Mrs. Parish, Mrs. Kingsley, and Mr. Daniels, Mr. Raithbone was there, then on Mrs. Sanford. Mr. Sawyer called to see May. M and K to Geology class pm H had care of children. Miss Chapman here to dinner and all night. I read eve. K over the latter part of it after the Boy Club. Friday Mar 16 – a beautiful day. I washed my hair. Miss Stewart went to Denver. Dr. Crouch was ill in the night and did not come to breakfast. Miss Chapman went back to Mrs. Blanchard’s after driving with Miss Alice. H. over and K and we fixed upon our day of starting. Jr. J went to Denver. M and I lunched there. pm. H took M from her Geology Class and me in a carriage to make calls. Miss Robinson at home Mrs. Clark just going out. Mrs. Bonbright out, Mrs. Goddard out, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Goodall out, Mrs. Slocum in , Mrs. Bacon in but engaged in a few minutes, Miss Ring, Miss Cowe, and Dr. Preston in. Mrs. Taylor, Miss Brinley, Miss Striety and Mrs. De Curry, but Mrs. Hammond was out. Am I wrote to Dr. Jazzie, and Mr. Davenport, Had a note for Kate. Mrs. J sent over for M and K to have coffee ice cream this eve. K in here at 9 o’clock just as Mr. Williams was smartening the parlor door. M sewed some eve. I read the S.S.N. and 2 Col. papers. Bed at 9 o’clock. Saturday Mar 17 – Cloudy and close am washed 2 pr. sticks. M at work on her brown coat. Wrote up Diane from last Sat. Wrote to Kate sending her a check for $30, to Mr. Davenport Son & Co., and to Nathan. M lunched at H's. K over after lunch a little while. I called to see if Mrs. Sanford would call on Mrs. Stevens with me. She could not I walked with her to the dressmakers (Mrs. Harens) then had a very pleasant call on the Hunters Sam Dr. H. and liked him, then I walked to the Post Office and mailed my letters. Read eve. Sunday Mar 18 – Beautiful day. I took about a tablespoonful of coffee. Mr. Jackson, H, little W, M, and I went to hear Dr. Mellen. Text “They chastened us for their own pleasure, but he for an profit, that we might be made partakers of his holiness.” Subject “Retribution”. It was very good excepting in what he attributed to other denominations as their belief. All of us but the 2 W’s sat in Mr. Hill’s pew. We met Kate and her mother on our way to Church and Kate called at H's afterwards. H dined with me. M dined at Mrs. Blanchard’s. I sat on the bed all pm and read. Read eve too. K staid at home from church, but came over here pm to get a book of poems of Miss Stewart’s. May Sanford took lunch at H's. Mr. Jackson and William rode home from Church with Mr. Barnes. Monday Mar 19 – Beautiful day. H over and said that K was going to ask Dr. Reed about herself. I was intending to write letters but felt so about that, that I could not and so took my night gown over to H's to mend. M off to “Ute Pass” with the Geology Class. Dr. Reed said both William’s and H's throats were sore and they should stay in and take “Wine of Ipecac”. 1 drop once every 2 hours. He would not give K any medicine, will examine H's ear and if he can not treat things Dr. Robinson can. K read aloud in Norse Mythology stories. She staid in bed all day. Miss Stewart and M went over to see K and H sat up too. I read eve. A note from Mr. Powelson. I staid at H's until just before dinner. Mrs. Prof. Gile her two children and Mrs. Fiske called pm. We saw them in H's home. Tuesday Mar 20 – A very windy day. Took hot bath. H was over with Roland. M was going on horse back with the Geology Class if it had not been so windy that it was held at College. I over to H's soon after 10 o’clock as I could neither find M’s pen or the filler for mine. K was up to lunch. I staid over until 5:20. Had a conversation with Mr. Jackson after lunch. H. went to Dr. Reed’s pm for her ear. She could hear much better afterwards. I mended at H's on my waist all the time. Made clothes list after I came back. Had to key Mrs. Martin waiting a few minutes and left out my sewing apron and ran back with it. M dined at H's and went to he Mendelssohn Concert with H and her husband. I read eve. It was snowing and cold. I did not see M on her return from the Concert. Little Williams cough was better all the children staid in on account of colds and the wind. K read some in Cranford aloud. Wed Mar 21 – snowstorm last eve. Cold bright am. There in my room at 6 only 43. M was cold in the night. H over after doing her errands. Little H had Crowly cough in the night. I wrote up Diary from Sat. To Nathan and to Mrs. Powelson I put them out by front door but the Carrier did not call. Over to H's after lunch. Keitty read Cranford to us in the pm in her room and Ma and staid to dinner and eve. Until 9 o’clock. Mr. J walked home with us. Friday Mar 23 – A beautiful day. Could not get to sleep until after 11 and then waked up at 3 o’clock and coughed and blew and ahhemmed for a long time. My back had an achy feeling and I wished I had put cold water on it, but was too lazy to get up and do it. Had no appetite. Bowels constipated. H took Miss Stewart, M, K and little W and myself to the cemetery to Aunt H's grave. Then we left Miss S. and W and took K in and went to South Cheyenne Canon, took home bundles from Miss Littleton’s, and H took Alice Blanchard home and May Chapman rode up. M and D drove up to Geology Class and then called at Mrs. Searle’s. I laid down, slept a little, then down to Dr. Lawrence’s he will not be back till tomorrow. Mrs. Blanchard came back with me and made a call. Then I dressed again and went with Mrs. Sanford to call on Mrs. Stevens and her daughters. Right to bed after dinner and read in bed. Saturday Mar 24 – Snowstorm a slight one am increased pm. Coughed quite a long time from noon after 3 o’clock. Had a movement too. Temperature was 100 at 8:15. Pulse 110. Ate shredded wheat […] 2 slices of Toast, 1 cup of cocoa. I feel better than yesterday. Kitty over in time for prayers. She has a headache. I wrote Diary from Wed. am Last night had cold water on my back until I waked coughing and then I put it on my chest. Wrote to Mr. Powelson and the The Boston Ice Company sending check for $3.50 before lunch and direction for M to take to Dr. Lawrence. Laid down after lunch and finished “Ground Arms”. M down to have her Photograph taken with H and K. Kitty was so tired she went in a Herdic. Miss Coe and Dr. Preston called. H came over but not to stay. Had a note from Mr. Davenport, the broker, and replied to it. M got medicine from Dr. Lawrence for me. Leg ached eve. So put cold water on it and read in bed. Sunday Mar 25 – Snowed Easter until noon. Mountains hidden all day. I slept until nearly 6 without waking. Coughed and blew from 6 till 7:20. temperature only a little above the arrow. Pulse 100. H stopped on her way to church. Kim in bed till after breakfast. M went to church with H to Mr. Gregg although she had planned to go to Mr. Ormes. I read in chair am and on the bed pm and eve. M dined at H's brought home the news that Mr. Blanchford is engaged as Pres. Slocum’s Private Secretary! Me and May called to announce it. Mrs. Sanford sick in bed with pain in her bowels: […] had Dr. Prof and Mrs. Searles called at H's pm with their children. I looked up the meaning of eicineron in Dr. Crouch’s Dictionary, as he did not know it. It means peace offering. Mrs. Hagerman has given a lot to St. Stephen Church. Mr. Jackson in bed all day with a cold! I ate a little cold Turkey. Monday Mar 26 – Cloudy am. It had snowed more in the night. Sun shone at 11. I went to bed with water on my leg as it ached. Waked before daylight and coughed some and had a movement. Did not cough as long as yesterday or Sat. am and slept again until daylight. Think my room was too warm. Mrs. Martin sent home our clean clothes. H over with Cocoa. K had breakfast in bed! Sent over urgent word for her to have Dr. Lawrence. M to Mrs. David’s before breakfast to tell her off the Geology Class meeting in Palmer Hall today. After it to H's and Geology Class. I wrote up Diary from Sat and to Mrs. M.W. Lawrence. Commenced one to Sallie Butler after I had mended a little. Pres. Slocum and Mrs. Called and then on Mrs. Williams and her son. H and M making calls together pm Tues Mar 27 – Felt quite glad K was willing to have medicine from Dr. Lawrence. I out for the first time since Friday. K wrote down her symptoms for me to carry to the Dr. afterwards I began to pack. Then packed in the pm Miss Woodbury and Mrs. Bemis called was packing eve. And Prof. and Mrs. Searles called. M came over and told me K felt faint at noon and Mr. Cahn happening to be over there looking at minerals, went for Dr. Reed who gave her ergot. M staid over all night. Wed Mar 28 – K flat in bed. I went to Dr. Lawrence and then called on Mrs. Sanford. I felt cold air blowing around my feet. I staid at H's. I think Dr. Reed called in giving K Ergot. Thurs Mar 29 – I did not feel very well. M off on the Geological Excursion. I staid over at H's all day with K. Dr. Reed called. Is giving her “Ergot”. I wrote to Nathan and enclosed a private one to Nellie. My cough very bad. Fri Mar 30 – I went to stay with K who was still in bed. I felt poorly. Staid on the lounge, ate little, and sewed little. Wrote to Dr. Jarvie and to Kate. Dr. Reed called first at night I went upstairs again to hear what he said. Several Dr’s were trying to bring Dr. Tucker back to consciousness. I took only a glass of milk and went right to bed. Had coughed a great deal and felt sick. M slept here for the first time since Mon. night. Sat Mar 31 – Staid in bed, bad cough, high fever. M went for Dr. Lawrence. He was not in. Went again and it was on his slate be in Sun. am I was so sick; I consented to have Dr. Allen. He gave exact directions for nourishment too and med. he thought would last till Mon. M had conjunctivitis. And Dr. A prescribed for that. He said my trouble was Bronchitis. Sun April 1 – Fell very sick. Dr. Lawrence called because Mr. Jackson had sent out a messenger to him. He had a shocking cold. Laid still all day dazed a great deal: grew worse, fever high. Dr. L changed one of Dr. Allen’s medicines kept on with the Bryonia. Mon April 2 – Fell very sick, fever high at night. Diarrhea bad and do not seem to gain Tue April 3 – Fell very sick, fever high at night. Diarrhea bad and did not seem to gain. Wed April 4 –Fell very sick, fever high at night. Diarrhea bad and did not seem to gain. Thurs April 5 – M staid in bed all day began last night. K took all the care of me. Fever high at night. Diarrhea not quite so bad Friday April 6 – improving somewhat. Sat up a little while in blankets. M waited upon me after K had fixed me in the am Bowels much better. Saturday April 7 – Better, sat up in blankets. K fixed hair. pm H over with her mending. H and K drove around and did errands. K lunched at the Sanford’s. M waited on me am after K had me fixed and did also eve. Sunday April 8 – cloudy day and little snow fell. K fixed my hair. Had a bad tasting mouth. Dr. L said he could cure that and he did although I could not believe it, it was gone before I went to bed! K was too late to go to Church with little W. H staid at home, not being quite well. I had on my clothing for first time since Friday March 30th! The new sack M gave me. H over am with little W and H and I read two Christian Unions. Mr. Wood sore Dr. L prescribed for it. I took a warm bath. Mon April 9 – fine day cool. K fixed my hair. Had my wrapper on for the first time. Dr. Lawrence called. M’s throat sore; he prescribed for it. H in to see me pm Mr. Jackson over eve. Made a pleasant call. My throat felt a little full. Tue April 10 – Beautiful day. Felt lazy. Dr. L. called. Had breakfast in bed. K fixed my hair. I walked over to H's and lunched there. A fine long journal letter came from Rickie and plan of his ship. K read it aloud. H had a short one too. Mrs. Sanford called pm before going up to Mrs. Putnam’s. M packing the box at H's. K over eve sketching. M called at the Sanford’s. I bed before 9. I dined downstairs for the first time since Thurs, March 29th. H over am with all the children. Everett said, “Are you tired?” Little Helen Crawford was in too, while I was eating breakfast. Wed April 11 – Beautiful day warm. Was in bed before 9 o’clock. Waked last night at 11 did not sleep until after 1 until 3, then awake till after 4, then slept until 5:20. Wanted to get up to breakfast but M persuaded me to have it in bed. Was dressed before 10 o’clock finished my note to Sallie Butler. Mrs. Thayer called and came up in my room . A very pleasant call. M was packing. K sketching over here all the am Dr. Lawrence called at near 1 o’clock. I saw Mrs. Judd and Alice B. Went to ride with H, little W. and R. in her carryall pm out to Austin Bluff. Had lunch down stairs for the first time. Down to dinner for first time. M had a bad headache and sore throat and went right to bed after diner. I sat down stairs a while K and H over I was in bed at 9:50. Thurs April 12 – bright but very windy. Cloudy pm did not wake till 2:40. Heard the clock’s strike but dozed between 4 & 5 and between 5 & 6:30. Up at…Breakfasted downstairs for the first time. M better: paid Dr. Lawrence when he called am Wrote to Kate am To Anne Capon pm M. out for errands pm Had a letter from Anne. Miss Chapman, Miss Stewart, May Sanford and her mother called to see us. Mr. Jackson over with the Express men for our trunks. I bade all at the table “good bye” but did not see Kate, I hope I did not overlook here there. Then over to Helen’s bade the children all “good bye” in the Nursery. William and Helen came down into the parlor afterwards for a minute. Miss Wordbury came over to say good bye. May S. came to go to the station. M and K had been to bid Kate and all at Miss Stewarts good bye. Mr. Blatchford and his friends too up so much room that Mr. J rode X. Fri April 13 – Rainy day. Had a more comfortable night last night than usual as I had my window open often and was cool enough. I took all my meds in the cars. M and K out for their dinner. I read the Century from Jan. and Feb. We had to wait at Kansas City from 6:40 till 8:35. Only one young lady got in the car there. But Mr. Blatchford’s friends, Mr. Farwell, and two young ladies were in the same car with us from Colorado Springs until we arrived at Kansas City. M and K had dinner at the station, I did not want any. X outside and May and Helen had to walk. Mr. J saw to the checking of our baggage and getting our berths. They waited as long as they could. Mr. Blatchford bade M and me good bye, but did not Kitty. Sat April 14 – cloudy. Waked early. I was so afraid we would not be ready for the change of cars at 6. M had waked several times too. We were ready at first no seats ready for us: we went with another young lay into the State Room till they were. We arrived here safely at 2:30. Nathan and Nellie at the station to meet us. Children all at home. We just talked pm and eve with them all. A note here from Sallie Butler Hendricks inviting us to visit them on our way back. Went to bed in pretty good season. N had a letter from Richie dated March 11th. He hoped to get off on the 15th. Sun April 15 –Cloudy all day, sprinkled a little. All went to Church excepting Nellie and I. The baby was good with me for a little while in the am Mr. Shaw called and he and Nathan went to hear an address before the [Toug?] news Christian ars. N, P, and H went to the Junior endeavor Sr. meeting. M, K , and I laid down. I finished Chris. Union. Eve, N and K went to the Temperance meeting, but it was so crowded they did not stay. Little N went too. We sat up till 10:45. Mon April 16 – Foggy am but pleasant pm Wrote to Miss Stewart enclosing check for $26 dollars, the last weeks board, that I strangely forgot. Read Newspapers a little and chatted with Nathan before he went off and then with Nellie. After dinner, laid down, and then Nathan gave M, K, and me a nice drive all around the city. Then Nellie got in and drove Nathan and the girls back and waited for him. Mrs. Shaw called pm before we came home, and Mrs. Eldridge was here when we got back. Everett waked up and would not let me help him up. Mrs. E went over to get Mrs. Sterling to supper, was late. Bert was not at home to it and went in the eve to the Opera with Miss Cork and her mother. Little N showed us his Magic Lantern. We sat up till nearly 11 and must not do it again!! M up first. Tue April 17 – rainy pm warm and bright am had a thunder shower last night. Breakfast was late. Finished my note to Sallie Butler. Wrote up Diary from last Thurs. K downtown and then washed her head. M fixing her Proof then down with Helen for Everett. A thunder shower pm I wrote to Dr. Jarvie, to Kate to Davenport, Son, & Co., and to Darnell Upham., after lying down to and reading the papers a little in the Century. Then sat in the parlor with Nellie, Helen, M, K, and the baby. Everett was over at his Grandma’s. After supper N read Richie’s letter aloud. K had a letter form Helen. Little N and M sat up to hear R’s letter. M and to be Wed April 18 – Mostly cloudy, mild. Sun shone bright at first then it was cloudy, then shone again. Nellie drove down with Everett and M to get a […] basket for Everett. K and I made the beds. I wrote to Richie am pm Nellie gave me a nice drive in the Buggy with the baby. I laid down afterwards and someone knocked and someone rang. I went down to tell Anna but she too was out and Nellie had taken Everett and baby for another drive. Had a note from H enclosing hers from Richie. A young neighbor a Mrs. Pierce died of consumption. They came for Mrs. Sterling. N went to the Episcopal Church, where she, Mrs. Eldridge, N jr. and M were… Baby was asleep all the eve. For the first time since we were here. M and I went to bed at 9:30. Left K up. Thurs April 19 – a brief shower just before light. Cloudy and cool. Everett went to school. I wrote more to Richie. Read in Nellie’s Medicine books in regard to K. I think there was a little sunshine and M was painting her pictures. K was writing to R. downstairs before dinner. N took K to ride to see about a washer woman. After dinner I took hot bath and finished letter to Richie and M mailed it. Nellie, M and K called on Mrs. Shaw, she was not at home. They called on Mrs. Dr. Gibson, she was not at home, but the Dr. was. Had the Ins.[Insurance] Policy from Mr. Char Fr. Parker – another note from Richie. M had one from May. I mended gloves pm and had […] Mrs. S was over with the baby. Eve. M went to the prayer meeting with N. baby was wakeful. Bed at 9:45. H sent “le Journal des Modes” and Southern Workman. Friday April 20 – Sun shone early. Came on Rainy at 10. I felt like getting up for the first time for a long time and did at 6:30. Read before breakfast and mended hdkf [handkerchief] before and after. Wrote Diary from Wed am, M and K down in the rain to the Photographers. I made bed. I wrote to Mr. Car. Parker sending 5.6[…] premium for new Ins. Policy. Looked over other Ins. Policies then wrote to Helen. Eve M and K went in to see Miss Addie Cork in the eve. Then we talked till 10:20. Saturday April 21 – Cloudy and cool. Sun shone pm a few minutes. Up at 6:30 read before breakfast. It was so cool I sat downstairs to finish my letter to H. Did not quite finish it before dinner. Had a letter from Kate. Talked with Nathan after dinner and gave him my check for $40.88 to invest in Mortgages. All the family down with M and K to have their Photographs taken. I finished letter to H. M mailed it, called over to see Mrs. Sterling and Mrs. Eldridge. Had a very pleasant call. Nellie and K driving in the Buggy after the Photographs were taken. Baby was asleep and M is watching him. N jr. and Everett were at the Bank. Mrs. Cork and Miss Addie called. I wrote to Kate eve sending her 17.50 if N can get a money order. He had to get on the Kingston P.O. Sunday April 22 – A beautiful day. I rode up to the Farm with N and he took me little beyond Mrs. Clark’s farm. We had late breakfast and went directly to church as soon as dressed. Mr. Wright preached text “Many your feet shod with the deep aeration of the Gospels of Peace”, a very good sermon. We all staid to S. School I enjoyed it very much. K went pm with H to the Christian Junior Endeavor. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling called. N. took them to her mother’s and took M, K, H, and N jr. to drive the seven mile square. Monday April 23 – beautiful day throughout. I rode out to the farm with N for milk, Everett went too. Down town looking for a little bureau for Helen; succeeded in getting a very pretty Chiffonier. They over persuaded me and I went down pm to sit in a group to have my Photograph also taken in the group. All the children went. Afterwards I looked for Dish covers, but there were none and for bureau covers and could not get any. Bought two aprons. Called at the Furniture store and paid him 15 cts. More as I misunderstood him. M and K too supper at Mrs. Cook’s and spent the evening there. As soon as were through supper Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Wright, and Mrs. Henry Wright called, then Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, M and K came in just before they went so that they staid a little longer. I up at 10 of 10. M some after and K what later. I found it hard to get to sleep. Mrs. Eldridge, Mrs. Sterling, N, and Nellie, went to Mrs. Pierce’s funeral. Tuesday April 24 – Beautiful day am a little cloudy pm I waked early: it looked very formidable to get up and to start tonight. M said it was seven o’clock, she staid up, I did not get up for a good while, found it was 10 minutes of 7. She had made a mistake of an hour! K was very indignant that M was blocking my boots so near her and spoke in an hissing angry manner! She was late to breakfast I had spoken to N about engaging our berths! When she cam down she said she could not go!! M and I felt very sorry for ourselves and for Nellie. Nathan was glad. Nellie took us and Mrs. Eldridge up to the farm am for a call. K went. Then we stopped at the Photographers and I left the white cap. Bought little Everett a cart. After dinner looked at the Photographs laid down to then Nellie took Mrs. Sterling, baby, H and M to drive. Wed April 25 – Beautiful day. Up to the Farm with N and e and Mrs. Sterling rode up. Mrs. Edward Sterling invited us there to supper. I think I began a note to Anne. Laid down after dinner, then Nellie took Mrs. Eldredge. M, E, baby R, and me to the Farm. She went back for N who came up without her. We had a very pleasant time. Eight of us at the supper table and little Marie besides. Mrs. Eldredge sewed on edging on Marie’s dress, and I sewed a very little on a new Napkin of Nellie’s. Mrs. Sterling sent cake and salad down to K and a sandwich. Thurs April 26 – a beautiful day. E, N, and I went up to the Farm. I made beds and dusted rooms. Wrote to Anne. After dinner M, Mrs. Eldredge, Nellie , and I went down to Bank for N and then we went to the laying of the Cornerstone of the Catholic Church. Helen got in the carriage with us. We heard almost all of the address which was very good. Afterwards we took N to the Bank and then he gave us a very pleasant drive. In the eve I tried to find out the George Washington Puzzle, that Mrs. Eldredge took over to K. Nellie cut out a puzzle of a Cross. K had letter from H enclosing one from Cousin Martha Beck and Annie Capron. Friday April 27 – Thundershower am and noon clear pm warm. Up at 6:30. K, E, and I rode up to the Farm with N. Rained after we came back. I made beds and out drawers to H's bureau and dusted rooms and finished note to Anne. Laid down after dinner and read in Prince of India. Then N, M, and I called at Mrs. Cook’s. A pleasant call, so long we could not make another. Eve N, Nellie, N jr., and Helen sang Everett was pleased to their surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Waldron called. Baby Richard was over at Mrs. Sterling’s all day and eve. I did not see him. Saturday April 28 – Bright early then cloudy and thundered some. Up at 6:30 made clothes list, an d in Buggy with N and E tried 2 washerwomen that could not do the clothes. After breakfast N. with Nellie to find one. K helped me make the beds. I took hot bath, wrote up Diary from Yes. Wrote to Richie finished it pm M and K down to Dr. Drery’s with Nellie. Miss Kimball and Miss Addie Cook called. Afterwards we called at Mrs. Wright, she was not at home, but we saw both Mrs. Clark’s. Sunday April 29 – Beautiful day. Nellie went to Church with us, Nathan staid at home to write to Richie. M and K did not stay to S. School, I did. Walked home with Mrs. Wright as I did not see Nathan or any of the children. Monday April 30 – A cloudy day. N hoped we would stay longer, but I felt that we ought not – M and K packing I did very little towards it. N got our tickets. Pm Mrs. Eldredge and Mrs. Sterling came over, Mrs. Cook called eve. Mr. Wright did. We went to station in a Mack – Nellie drove down with Helen in the buggy that she might say Goodbye, as she was off at play when we left. We heard Nellie’s voice, but were sorry not to see her. She had to hold the horse. We saw Mr. Shaw, and Nathan introduced Mr. Kingsley to us. Tuesday May 1— a beautiful day. Had a comfortable night and ride in the Omnibus from one Depot to another in Chicago night by the Worlds Fair Buildings in the cars. Mr. Kingsley carried our hard luggage from Station to Omnibus, which was a great help to us. Wed May 2 – Very warm indeed. Had quite a good night but the car was very [crossed out: dusty] full of cinders. Were surprised to see Mrs. Mobson. She and her nurse and baby got off at Albany. We saw him afterwards. K telegraphed to Florence Robbins and she and Ruth Stickney cam in to Po’keepsie to meet K. We arrived in N.Y. at 2:20. M and I rode in [Confé?] with hard luggage to the St. Stephen. K went in the Cars. It was so warm I talked and went right to bed with my Merino shirt and drawers on only. We found no word from Dr. Jarvie and were not sure what was best to do, but decided to do nothing but wait! Thurs May 3 – We had a note from Dr. Jarvie am We went over there. Then M and I got the Water tax bill and went up to Mrs. Powelson’s. We got into the wrong car. We stopped at Mr. Davenport’s twice I did not go over the house, owing to M’s urging me out to but it was great mistake on my part. Called alone on Mrs. Washington Hunt. M felt too tired, but on my return found she had been shopping!! Friday May 4 – K and I up to Miss Brockett’s school to see Amy Reed, then we looked at Dresses at Arnold’s and Altnar’s, took Milk and Bouillon, and over to Mrs. Powelson’s, in elevated cars. Unfortunately too late to meet Mr. Davenport there. Went all over the house. Mr. Powelson went into the cellar with me and showed me the new furnace. Then I went to Dr. Jarvie’s who filled one tooth and cleaned my teeth, He had been at work on M’s. M and I went back for Brooklyn together. Saturday May 5 – M. X in last night. K and I sent Telegram to Kate and to Anne. M. over to Brooklyn am I went shopping, bought Veils, gloves, and feather ruffle, and crepe lisse [sic] one for my neck. Amy Reed lunched with M and K at the St. Stephen and Amy went over to the Bridge with K. I dined alone – M went to bed after her return from Brooklyn. I think she ate her supper in her room. K was at Dr. Jarvie’s pm Miss Woodbridge called, K went home with her, and on account of the rainy eve staid all night. Sunday May 6 – Rainy am cleared before noon. As it was too unpleasant I wrote a note to Mr. Palmer saying I did not dare to go to Church. Receive one from him declining our invitation to dine with us. K home in time to go to hear Theo. Williams. She staid to communion. Pm I read two Christian Unions. Dr. Dillingham called and Mr. Palmer. K went home to supper with the latter. I felt disappointed in not seeing Bertha gain. Went to bed early after having written a note to Kate in reply to one received from her in the am to Mr. Sampson. M staid in bed until Dr. Dillingham called. Monday May 7 – beautiful day. M, K, and I out shopping all am looking for dresses, coats, and hats. We dined at Russell’s at 11:30. Bought material for dress for Kitty. M and she bought shirt waists and gloves. Then we separated – M home to pack. K called at Tiffany’s to see Mr. Palmer. We had to little time for getting off – It was very hard for M. K had to jam her things in her flat box fearfully full. We took two trunks on Mack with us to Boat. Our state rooms were inside rooms. M slept in the over with me. I chose the top berth. We had our dinner on the Boat, and I went right to bed. Tuesday May 8 – a beautiful day. Warm. We had a good night on the [Sound?], took the 6:50 train to Yaurton – I went up in the Mack with the hand luggage. M and K walked. We had breakfast with them all, but William had to leave for school before we were through. We walked up to the Sanford’s and went in the house for a few minutes too, then we sat out on Anne’s grounds till noon. We had a very pleasant visit. Children behaved wonderfully well. I went down in Mack with the luggage. M, K, and A walked. K did not want to come in!! We went to Albany Depot expecting to find Kate but alas she was not there!! We ate our supper there and drove up to the house in a Herdic. Mr. Sampson was here all right and the house all swept. A letter from Helen to cheer us. A note from Mr. Ketcham trunks came safely. Wed May 9 – a beautiful day. M and I over at noon 7 o’clock. Anne came in at 10 o’ clock and Kitty went out with her and they were gone all day. Mr. D met A on Joy St. and took her to Westlanders to get a brown sack!! I mended various things. M was unpacking trunks, I laid down a little while – Rejoiced by Kate’s coming. Had felt so uneasy and anxious at not hearing from her that I could not do much. We all went over to supper at Mrs. Wright’s. K not home till just before it. A did not come back. A. had been with her to Dr. Richardson’s. Eve I talked with Kate. Thursday May 10 – beautiful and cool. Over to breakfast soon after 7. M and I out to Dr. Jackson’s, then she for seeds, I to Market, to see Uncle Charlie, N. Eng. Trust. M to P.O. [Post Office] both to Pierce’s, and Mr. George’s home in time for dinner at Mrs. Wright’s at 12:30. I laid down pm and then finished my letter to Helen. Went through my green hat box for account book. I believe I finished my letter to H eve after all. Read Granite State News and went to bed at 9 o’clock. Last night heard the clock strike 1, 2, and 3. We had our first supper here. Kate swept Halls, dining room and her room, rubbed the doorknobs, and washed the sidewalk and mixed bread. M and K out pm to Mrs. Hubbly’s. Friday May 11 – Bright, very cool am cloudy pm. Warmer pm slight shower. Had a very good night, did not wake until nearly 4 o’clock. Then slept again and not up till 6. Breakfast at about 7. M out to get Mr. Robert Taylor to wash windows. He came at 9:30. I fixed accounts am Wrote for “le Journal des Modes”, sending check for .47 to Augustus at Tate Registrar, sending check for 13.00 for Water Tax, Mr. A.A. Fullerton for 3 lbs. of Butter, a line to Anne to go in K’s note. Kate made us bread, 3 Pies (1 custard, 2 Pie Plant) cooked shad, asparagus, Roe, and Potatoes for dinner. She swept M’s room and K’s. I wrote Diary up from… I was greatly disturbed at having M move off the contents of bed in North 3rd story bed room. Contents of the room put in confusion in the 2 3rd story front rooms!! Sat May 12 – beautiful day. I got my room ready to be swept am M did both Parlor’s and Kate swept them in the am Cousin Sarah, Lizzie, and Helen came just as we sat down to dinner. I made out clothes list for Mrs. Smith and did up the things and also Kate’s for her to put them in soak. I took hot bath and washed my head, M. dusted my room Eve I mended for the wash until 8 or 9 o’clock. Sunday May 13 – a beautiful day very warm. Breakfast at the usual time. We all went to Church. Kate to Tremont Temple and me to Kings Chapel. Mr. James C. Duncan preached. Text “In this world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world”, a good sermon. A young girl sat in our Pew, I thought she had a right there from appearances and I found Mrs. Kerr had rented the Pew to some one from Mrs. Hales church. pm I read Southern Workman and Sailor’s Magazine’s and eve until 8 o’clock. Mon May 14 – Beautiful day very cool and windy. Up before 6. Mended for the wash until dinner time in the back parlor, as our Furnace Fire had gone out. M started a blaze in my grate, I felt sorry and did not have coal put on. I mended for the wash until dinner time. After dinner mended 2 dish towels. Read and down to Mr. George’s, Market and Pierce’s. Hoped to have gone over to Charlestown, but it was too late. M went o Miss Huddly’s. Eve I sewed on night gown until 8 o’clock. K read a story from the century. I read Granite State News. Bed at 9:30 Kate started up the Furnace Fire. Tues May 15 – beautiful day Milder. Up at 6 mended stocks and bed case. Mr. Sampson called. K had note for Helen. M and K washed their heads. Kate swept 3rd story front room. And 2nd story back bedroom and put the Bath room in order. I wrote Diary from ______. Hurried after dinner with K to Dr. Richardson’s. Walked the whole way, there and back! K went on an errand for A. I after looking at Hollander’s with K walked home across the Common. I laid right down. Helen, M, B, and Percy called after supper, laid down all the eve and K read aloud in “In Varying Moods.” I was too tired to do any thing but listen. I felt sorry. M did not go with Kate to Dexter Bros. Shoe Manufactory. Kate did not go out at all, as I had hoped she would. M did not till after supper. Then for a walk only. Wed May 16 – Beautiful day. Up a little before 6 o’clock. M and I were through breakfast when K came down. I read afterwards and we had had Prayers, when after K had dusted her two rooms and I was seated at my writing table, writing up Diary, A came in. She took D around to Miss Hersey’s school. M got the dishes ready for dinner and the dining room table and finished her black hat. Helen Banfield here to dinner and Anne – Then H, M , and K went out to Wellesley College. Anne staid until 3:30 or a little after. Robert Taylor put the yard in order. Kate was ironing. I wrote sending checks to Perry Mason & Co. for the Youth’s Companion and to Homer N. Chase & Co. Waited supper until 6:45 for the girls – they not home till 7:30. They lost the 2:20 train. I read paper eve in bed at 10. Had had a pleasant day – My notes were not mailed because I did not have stamps. Thurs May 17 – beautiful day. Had good night – up at 6:15. I was a few minutes late to breakfast. Was through partly when M came down, wholly when D did. I wrote to Anne asking her to bring William. M downtown. Went over Mr. Fiske’s account, signed receipts and returned it in a note to him. A pleasant call from Mrs. Abbott, and Mrs. King Jr. M did not get home in time to see them. I went over the Genealogy of the Chickering family and wrote down the names of those living. Called at Mr. George’s and left it there, bought strawberries for the Beck cousins, and went over there, I had a very pleasant call. All looked very well, Mary much better. I coughed very badly and was very hoarse there. Cousin Martha gave me a teaspoonful of Rock Candy whiskey and Glycerine. Not home till 7. Kitty had been out with Kate to Dexter Bros. a note from A enclosing one from H to her telling of the unpleasant interview with the Sanford’s!!!. Fri May 18 – rainy am till 11, Cloudy pm. Up at 6. All ate breakfast together! A letter from H giving more particulars about the Sanford’s. I got pillows and blankets from A’s bed tomorrow. Wrote Diary and Ac. [Account]. Had letter from Helen and note from Anne. I wrote to Helen. A pleasant call from Mr. Fiske pm Mamie was out. Did not but write to Helen and to Nathan. Eve Kitty read aloud to us “In Varying Moods.” Bed at 10. I had a very long hard coughing fit. M got the Cherry Brandy for me and Kitty some Loaf Sugar. Kitty sat up late writing to Helen. Heavy Thunder Shower. M took her hot bath. Sat May 19 – Cloudy day. Rather close. Up at 6. M and I were through breakfast and Kate also before Kitty came down, we had prayers before she ate her breakfast!! As it was so cloudy M went to market for me. I dusted stairs and hall and 2nd story all but M’s room. Anne in just before dinner. K took her hot bath. I took mine after dinner and made out clothes list for Mrs. Smith and did up clothes and Kate’s List. Fixed accounts. A and K out together and M to Miss Hubbley’s. Wrote Diary and mended for the wash. Kate had letter from her husband. I mended eve till 9 o’clock. Anne, M, K, and I talked quite a while after we went up stairs. Sun May 20 – Rainy am cloudy all day and cool. Up at 6:15. Had a bad coughing fit last night before I went to sleep. We had coffee for breakfast. It was very good. M, K, and Anne went to the First Church corner of Berkely and Marlboro St. and heard Prof. Peabody “Mercy and truth have met together Righteousness and peace have kissed each other.” They enjoyed it very much. I read J.A.P. from Letters from Hawaii and the Christian Union, partly. Miss Lou Cutler called in the pm and staid to supper with us and part of the eve. We talked the rest and went to bed in good season. I coughed some but not as bad as last night. Kate did not go to Church but wrote to her husband and I think to Mrs. Ges. Brown. Rained in the night. Mon May 21 –Cloudy all am and not of the pm Up as 10 min of 6. Anne was the first one down to breakfast. K did not eat hers till after Kate had had hers and after Prayers. I mended clean stock, and soiled hdkf. Blacked boots. Dusted the 2nd story rooms and 3rd story stairs. Laid down and finished “Dust and its dangers.” Note from Nathan. Wrote Diary and Ac. M went out am for Buttons and to market. Anne went over to Hovey’s and brought back waists for K. K down t Miss Hubley’s am I wrote Mr. Fiske that I did not dare go out unless pleasant afterwards he sent me a note and I wrote him another. A and K downtown pm after having laid down. M and I began supper without them, they were soon in. Eve A. laid down and K read aloud to us “Bird of passage” and another sad story of an old artist, who died. We went up to bed in good season. K staid up later. Tue May 22 – Beautiful day warmer. I thought I should never stop coughing last night. Heard the clock strike 11 and 12. Waked up at daylight, but slept until the first bell rang at 6:30. A was but a little late to breakfast. K was not down till after Kate had had hers and we had had Prayers. A and K out together. M down to Photographers and right back. Asparagus came from W. M had brought some too. Kate changed it for Eggs. Mary and Helen called and Mr. Fiske. We visited, Kitty with us, North Russell St. and Causeway St. house. Eve A read aloud “Joy and Sorrow” by Beatrice Harraden. I read the papers and sewed a little – Bed at 10. Wed May 23 – Very much warmer. Shower pm I did not cough as much last night, scarcely any when I went to bed. Waked once in the night and coughed some. A only a little late to breakfast. K down before I was through. I right out to Dr. Jackson’s. Then called at N Eng, Trust, at Treunt Bank, bought Oranges, at fruit store, yeast cake at Pierce’s, called at Mr. George’s. Read before diner. After dinner, laid down. Blacked Boots, mended them. Mr. Fiske called, as if was raining we did not visit he property. He bought his sons Photograph and A was too tired to get up to see it, but she did get up afterwards and M and she went out for an errand. A and K called on Miss Florence Cushing eve. We played on her Guitar, I read the Transcript and then sewed till 9. Thurs May 24 –Very rainy all day and cold. I coughed twice in the night once near 12 o’clock and then near 3 o’clock. Did not wake until the first bell rang! M down next to one, then A and K before A was through. I read before Prayers, afterwards put away clean clothes. Mended down stairs so as to see Anne. It was too stormy for them to accept Miss Cutler’s invitation to supper – A down to telegraph her. Eve K read of Beatrice Harraden’s. We went up at 10. I looked over the Granite State News. Friday May 25 – Cloudy, Rained a little pm and eve. I coughed a little last night but not as badly as the night before – up at 6:10. I ate my breakfast alone. M, A, and K ate theirs later. A decided to go out to see Mrs. Sam C. Bennett at Weston. I dusted hall stairs and dining room, A’s room and mine partly. Mr. Davenport called and dined with us. M went to Market for me and did my errands and joined K at Miss Hubley’s. A home at 3 had her dinner. Then, Mr. D here at 4:45and staid to supper at 5:30. I wrote Diary and Ac. A note for Nathan, Helen has the measles!! M was late home to supper or rather she was home at 6. A, M, and K went to the Theatre. Saw Wilson Barrett in Othello. I mended, read the Transcript, and bed at 10. M went to see Dr. Jackson pm and Miss Alice Richardson. Sat May 26 – a cloudy day almost wholly. Up at 6:30 when the first bell rang. I had a long tiresome time of coughing in the night. M and I ate breakfast alone; then Kate, then A ate her Wheat Germ and waited for Kitty to eat her entire breakfast. A went out for lemons, and Pastry Flour, and Eggs, and then for asparagus!! I got out the clean bedding. Dusted my room thoroughly – A did hers. Blacked kid boots, dressed, washed my feet. We expected Mr. Shaw to call but he did not .We were very sorry. M and A out to Miss Cutler’s. K to the dressmakers. I made out lists for the ash and mended. A letter from Richie. Wrote Diary and Ac. Was mending in the eve when we had a call from Uncle Charlie and Percy, a pleasant one. I took hot bath eve. It was late when I got to bed. Sun May 27 –a beautiful day. Warmer. [Crossed out: I coughed in the night.] Up at 6. M down to breakfast first, then A and D down before I was through. We went out o Cambridge to hear Dr. McKenzie. Some of the Grand Army men were there. He preached upon David – Quite a good sermon – We saw Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Bella Mackintire. M and A called on Mrs. Arthur Gilman. K and I waited in the Park for them. Kate did not fell well, trouble around her stomach. I read up and gave her Nux Vomica. I started to read R’s first Journal letter to her, but did not have voice enough. I washed my head. A took her hot bath and washed her head. Kitty had a head ache. Took Coffee at Noon and Slept pm. I finished Chris. Union. Bed at 9. I did not wake until 4 o’clock, coughed some then. Mon May 28 – beautiful day. I waked at 3 o’clock expecting to cough, but did not, I could not sleep however again up at 5:30. M and I ate breakfast together then A down and lastly K. Kate and I out to see Dr. Jackson for Kate’s stomach. I bought her gloves and 2 shirts. We sent to the Washing Machine place and to Pierces. Were weighed there. Called at Mr. George’s, he was not in, found a note from Helen to Kitty and Kate had one from her husband. I laid down and read Helen’s letter, which was long and full – did not get up till dinner was ready. Mrs. Smith came to wash as Kate was not well. M out to do errands for May H. I wrote Diary and Ac., Mrs. Kerr about the pew in King’s Chapel. Mr. Davenport and Mrs. Powelson. To Nathan. Eve Mr. Ed Cate called. As we sat in the front parlor I did not sew. Bed at 9. Leg ached some. Tues May 29 – very rainy. Cleared pm. Had a good night, did not cough. Dreamed of being confirmed by Philip Brooks and of expecting to meet the Sanfords on the train. Up at 6. Was very nearly through my breakfast when M was down. K quite late. A was later still. Kate stomach better but she feels very weak. A told me about her calendar experiences. She had to go out to do some errands. I wrote Diary and Ac. I mended a little. A laid down. I wrote a line to go in an envelope with Richie’s letter to Helen. But it did not get weighed and mailed. I went through my green hat box (the bottom of it) to find a memorandum of when Kitty owes one. Anne walked to the Depot. M and K went with her. The Mack came for her trunk!! She got very wet am. It took most of the eve. To put back the things in my hat box. I looked over the paper and up to bed soon after 9. Wed May 30 – beautiful day, cool and bright. Up at 5:50 Had had a very good night. M down before I was through breakfast. Kate had hers and we had prayers before Kitty had hers. I partly read before breakfast. Planned for dinner, got cloths for Kate to use and strain her soup. Mended a glass towel into a dish cloth. Made bed put away clean clothes. Wrote to Mrs. Kerr Sexton of King’s Chapel. After dinner sorted out letters. Wrote Ac. And Diary to Chas E. Swett about Missionary Herald, to Arnold and Constable for one yd more like Kitty’s dress. M out am for errands and then to see bicycle race on Huntington Ave. K slept in back room last night and was writing up babies [sic] book for Helen until a little after 10. She had read to me in Forum about Pres. Cleveland. I comm. [commenced] at my lists and Passbook. Mended while Kitty read and then looked at the paper a little. Thurs May 31 – a very rainy day. Coughed some lat night. Then slept until the first bell rang. M down to breakfast, soon after I was and K down before we were through. I looked for memorandum of what K owes me. And we together added up amounts from my check books, then I began again at my lists to unify them with my check books. I did it as long as I could see!! M. went out for Fish and C. for dinner Mr. Fiske called just to say why he did not come on Monday. I kept him waiting while I dressed. He was a hurry was going to the Hospital. K read aloud an article in the Forum upon Lord Rosebury. I read a little in the Transcript and finished the Granite State news. Up to bed at 9:30. Kate looks better but feels very tired still. Friday June 1 – beautiful day after 10 o’clock. Last night did not cough any. Waked at 4:30 and did not get to sleep again. Kate had a poor night waked a great many times. She did the halls, stairs, dining room, M’s room and under our beds. M went to market for me. K did the dusting. I worked at Lists, verifying them with my check books. Did not finish. Had a letter from Helen. Soon after dinner Mrs. Sanford called. K was down stairs and saw her, while I was dressing. M came home before she went. Mr. Fiske called for K and me. We went over the last house in Russell Court. The cellar of 31 Causeway, the Chinese laundry, the Grocery store but the Tenement over it was locked. K went for Belmont Water. I called on Mr. George, who is now thinking of abandoning petitioning the Prostate Court for the construction of the wood Relative, he will decide Sun. or Mon. and let me know!!! K read aloud eve in by Trollope. I mended. Sat June 2 – No rain partly pleasant and partly cloudy. Up at 6:15. I coughed some in the night, dreamed of seeing Helen Banfield dead, but she opened her eyes and talked and told us about Heaven! As Kate was hoarse I dressed to go to the Dr’s with her but she would not go – after reading washed feet and head, put my room in perfect order, mended some bedding. Laid down a few minutes after dinner, then dressed and made out clothes lists and mended and wrote Diary and Ac. M and K out together am and pm were late to supper I had sent it down. Mr. Taylor here and a short time sawing and splitting wood. A note form Anne. Mended eve. K read aloud until 9, then read the paper. Had a nice note from Anne. Sun June 3 – Beautiful day cool and nice. Had a good night, up at 6, ate my breakfast alone and then Kate had hers before Mamie was down. Kitty was very late, 9 o’clock. They went over to east Boston to hear Mr. Nagakar, the Hindu, preach. I went to King’s Chapel. Mr. Chas. F. Russell preached. “Upon Jesus having destroyed the customs of Moses” Quite a good sermon. It was communion. Had interview with Mr. Kerr, the sexton. He thinks it but not to ask Mr. Edward R. Tyler for the Pew rent till the year is over. Kate went out pm Cousin Martha Davis called and staid to super a pleasant visit form her. M and k went down to put her in the cars. I read Chris. Union till 10:30. Mon June 4 – beautiful day very much warmer. Had a good night. Up at 5:30 a band went by playing a drum loud. I read before breakfast. Kate and I out to see Dr. Jackson. I rode down to market. Kate went home Winter St. M had a note from Anne. I mended towel, wrote Diary and ac., dined, laid down and rested a few minutes and then K and I join Mr. Fiske and went out to East Boston, then over 2 Pitts St. houses, the 3rd one is empty and over the tenement over the Grocery store cor. Prospect Causeway and Merrimac St. Home a little after 6, found M in thin buff dress eating supper – I wrote a note to Anne to go with mine from Helen and then I mended on nightgown while M read aloud in Barchester Towers till 9 o’clock I looked at the paper a little but dazed over it, bed at 10. Tues June 5 – cloudy, wind east cooler and little shower. Had a very good night, did not wake until 5:30 but did not stay up until 6:15. I was nearly through my breakfast when M came down. K not up until 8:35. I read. Had a short note from Mr. George. Finished comparing checks drawn with my check book and Passbook. Finally make it come right. Settle up accounts with M and K. They paying me what they owed me. I laid down and read a little: found the Sun was shining and hurried to join Mr. Fiske at Part St. We were just in time. Went over the Shawmut Ave. property two tenements pretty bad. Mr. Fiske went to the Parker house with us and found out the time of train for Wales St. K right home. I went to Steann’s for gloves, Jacksons to see about seal skin left there, and to Mr. George’s. Put away H's, etc. Wrote Diary and ac. Wed June 6 – fine day. [Crossed out: Not up till the first bell rang. Had been awake from 4:30. Slept well until then. Kate felt so poorly she wanted me to look for some one in her place alas!! Letter from Richie dated.] Had a good night coughed a little in the am Down at once after dinner to go with Mr.George to the Union Safe Deposit. I walked from there to the Boston and New England Depot. Found Mr. Fiske and M and K waiting there. We went to the Wales St. house and then to cook’s Court in Mattapan. M and K stopped at the Bird St. Station and called on Miss Cutter. I was through any supper when they came home. Kitty read aloud till 9. I looked over the paper bed at 10. Thurs June 7 – Pretty clear am Heavy shower pm Mamie X am had a good night till 4:30 then could not get asleep. Not up till the first bell rang. Kate said she felt so poorly she could hardly get down stairs! Wanted me to look for some one to take her place, she feels so weak. I staid down in the kitchen to wait till next week. A letter from Richie dated May 6th. He is having a hard time at Aleppy in loading. I put away clean clothes: right down after dinner to the New Eng. Trust to Deposit check and the 100 Kitty paid me. Then to Shreve, Crump, and Low’s then to Miss Whitney’s waited for the shower at Shreve, Crump, and Low’s. For Miss Whitney’s to the Young Women’s Christian Ars. To Mr. George’s. Laid down till supper was ready. Then wrote Diary and Ac. M had her supper in bed. Kitty read aloud in M’s room on account of M’s being in bed. Friday June 8 – A beautiful day. Waked before light and did not get to sleep again. Up at 6:20 when the first bell rang. Went out to see Dr. Jackson with Kate, for her. He was sick in bed but his mother, sent us to his house, said Mrs. J. would report Kate’s condition to him. I started with her in a Cross Town car, and she went home alone. I had a transfer to the Jamaica Plain Car, to go to the Woman’s Christian Ars. To look for someone to take Kate’s place. No success. Home at 12:30. laid down. Asked Kate to stay until I got someone, but she feared she might be down sick on our hands, otherwise she would. I went to Shreve Crump and Low’s to see the style of letters for the Salad set. Then to the Adam’s House to leave word for Armstrong’s Transfer to call for Kate’s trunk. Called at Mrs. Wrights to see if her Cooks sister could come. Wrote Diary and Ac. Finished note to Helen. K read aloud in Marcella till 9:30. I went to bed then. Sat June 9 – A beautiful day but very warm. Waked before 3 o’clock and could not get to sleep again. Up at 5:30. Kate was down before 5, she had breakfast at 6:30. She said she was willing to wait until I got some one i.e. till Mon. or Tues. if we dared run the risk of her being taken sick. We had a consultation and decided to stay where she was. Went to Dr. Jeffries he had not arrived. I waited, a gentleman came: he saw him first and introduced him to me it was Mr. A.J.Loyd the Optician. I went to the Y.M.C.A. rooms. Saw Maggie Mackay: her brother would rather not have her go so far as Wolfboro, but she and he will perhaps call tomorrow. Pm I staid there till 12, went to Sheperd and Norerells for Kate’s Drawers, to Lloyd’s (he was not in, a young man waited on me). Met Mr. Peaboy on the street and had a chat with him, home a little after 1, very tired. Laid down and read a note to H's to her. Washed head and feet dusted room, mended, Wrote Ac. and Diary. Sun June 10 –a Fine day but quite warm. Up at 6:30 Kate had breakfast at 7:30. M was down soon after I was. K somewhat later, as Kate did not feel well enough to go to Church, we had prayers. M staid at home from Church too. K and I went to the New Old South , as we found the Central Church was closed. We had hoped to hear Dr. Clark. Maggie McKay called pm with her brother. After they had gone, Kate and I went out to Mt. Auburn – Not back till after 7 o’clock. Did not have time to finish Chris. Union. Bed at 10. Mon June 11 – a very hot day. Up at 6 or 6:15, after prayers went to “Shreve, Crump, and Low’s” with Berts wedding present: ordered Cards and up to the W.C.Ars.rooms. Saw Maggie McKay she engaged to go with a Mrs. Minor who has the “Home for the little Wanderers”. Mrs. Minor referred me to the mother of a Mrs. Judd her dressmaker. 27 Halmouth St. These were a great many ladies and girls at the rooms and many were engaged. I was very much heated and very tired when I got home after 2 o’clock. Kitty had been down to the Providence Depot to tell Mr. Fiske that I had not got home. I laid down, I could not do anything more. Pm or eve. Mrs. Smith washed. Pm and eve Mrs. Judd and her daughter Bessie came to see the house: her other daughter and a friend/gentleman came for them. Bed at 10 only a little loud reading. Tues June 12 – Cooler Wind East, Kitty X am Up at 6:20. M a little later to breakfast than I . K a little later than M. I put away flannels. Went to Mr. Lloyds by appointment for Eye Glasses at 11 o’clock. M went to market for me and to the N. Eng Trust for my Pass Book. When I got home found a note from Mrs. Judd saying she had decided that she was not strong enough for the work. M and I quite relieved for we felt she was not. M and I out to Heath St. with Mr. Fiske in the 2-7 o’clock train from the Providence Depot. We went back in the Electric Cars. He left us to go to Harrison Ave. M and I went to the Industrial Union and waited there until 4 o’clock, accomplished nothing. Eve M read aloud a little while in Barchester Towers while I mended and Kitty laid on the front parlor sofa. I read the Transcript afterwards til 5 mins of 11. Mrs. Smith ironed at the house this pm I wrote Diary up to last night and ac. Wed June 13 – cloudy am Cool east wind clear pm put back my winter underwear. Up a little after 6. Kitty staid in bed. I carried boots and shoes to Mr. Buckle’s to mend. Called at Dr. Jeffries, but he was not in went to the [crossed out: Industrial] Y.M.C.A. rooms. Saw Annie Shaw, went to Mrs. Andrews on Cootes St. and went back and engaged her. Went with her to Miss Sullivan’s Intelligence Office and she got her bag and they (unwillingly) paid her the 50 cts. she had paid them. We were not very much late to dinner. I laid down a little while and then went to Dr. Jeffries, waited for him from 2:30 till 4. Went from there with is prescription to Mr. Lloyd’s for “Near and far spectacles in one”. From there to Market and home. Kate had been out in the pm to get her Eye glasses mended. Annie Shaw swept M’s room and wiped under floor. I laid down in the Steamer Chair in Kitty’s room and did not anything. M laid down stairs. Went to bed at 10. Found Miss Gardner waiting here. Had a very pleasant call from her. Kitty had a note from Anne am Thurs June 14 – Fine day Much warmer. Had a good night, felt very tired when I waked and did not get up until the first bell rang. Kate helped Annie get breakfast. Kitty had hers in bed and inner too. Kate and I out to Dr. Jackson’s. he examined Kate’s heart said it was all right but “he thought from the appearance of her breasts that she might be in the family way” He seemed very feeble, came downstairs, step at a time. He prescribed for me too. Afterwards Kate went for her glasses (spectacles) and I went to the Provident Institution for Savings” the Franklin Savings Bank and the Soffrek and called at Mr. George’s. Laid down a little while before dinner and after too. Read Mr. Balch’s opinion. Wrote Diary from Mon and ac. Eve M read aloud in Barchester Towers in Kitty’s room until 9 o’clock then I looked over the Transcript till 10. in bed at 10:30. Fri June 15 – this am only 66 in my room. Fine day, but very warm Then pm in my room at 4:15, 79 [degrees]. Had a good night. Up at 6:30. M but very little late. Kitty did not wake till after Prayers. I was in the kitchen planning about dinner when Mr. Shaw came. A very pleasant call from him. Kitty saw him too – He told us of the accident to Nellie, Helen and Richard. N wrote us that he would send a paper giving the account of it. It came at noon. The escape seemed miraculous, a note to Kitty from Helen. Kate made cake, custard pie, two kinds of bread. Annie Shaw swept Kitty’s room, north bedroom and my room. I got mine ready, and put it in order again and mended some. Wrote diary. George sent up a Power of attorney for me to sign for the sale of Terra Haute – Bonds. Wrote to Dr. Jarvie enclosing check for 62.50. Commenced a letter to Nathan. Eve. Kitty read aloud in Barchester Towers over an hour. I looked over Transcript, bed at 10, or little after I was the last one to go up. Sat June 16 – Fine day very hot. Ther [Thermometer] my room at 6 am 73, at 5 pm 82. Had a good night. Waked early not up until 6. Breakfast promptly at 7. K was late. We had prayers without her. I off to the Boston and Albany Depot with Kate. Her trunk did not get there till 8:20. We were quite anxious best it should not in time. I went to Market then to Mr. George’s on the way home: waited there for ½ hour but he did not arrive. Found that Mr. Davenport and William were to be here to dinner. Had fear lest it would not be good, but it was all good. They staid till 3 o’clock. A very pleasant visit. Letter from Richie. I took hot head bath and foot bath, laid down, wrote Diary and Ac. Made out clothes list. Finished note to Nathan after supper. It was too hot to sew I took hot bath and then laid down on the sofa in the front parlor and K read in Barchester Towers to us. M mended spread and bed case – Richie had put one of his toes out of joint. Sun June 17 – Fine day very hot thou. Ther in my room am 76 back parlor pm 87. Had a good night did not wake until 4. Up and opened the windows downstairs. Did not stay up until 5:30. Breakfast at 7:30. M a little later and K later. We had prayers. It was so hot none of us went to Church. I helped Annie make the Mutton hash on toast for dinner. K was writing letters. M quite overcame with the heat. I helped Annie put the clothes in soak. Finished two Christian Unions – bed without lighting. Mon June 18 – Fine day but very hot. Ther In my room 10 am 82, pm 84. Laid awake some on ac. [account] of the heat, but fell asleep again and waked a bit cooler after sunrise. Annie was down at 5. I opened the 2nd story windows and staid up at 5:30. M opened m box of summer clothing. And I put on cot drs. [cotton dress] and short sleeved shirt. I began breakfast alone. M down a little later, K later still. Annie washing M had to go out twice for errands. A note from Richie. The freight was coving in better as he did not speak of his toe, hop it is better. Wrote Diary and ac. for Sat. eve. M had postal from Helen. K note from Prof Salmon. Wrote to Miss Hattie Stewart, to Mrs. Powelson, a portal to Helen, and note to Helen S. Banfield. I helped Annie Shaw fold sheets and table cloth. M and K out to ride Horse cars eve to Chestnut Hill. K read aloud in Barchester Towers afterwards. I laid on the parlor sofa. It grew a little cooler, a nice breeze sprang up. Tues June 19 – Cloudy am Ther at 6 am 74 Ther at 7 pm 77. I cooked Wheat Germ and Beef Steak to show Annie. M a little late, K down just as we were through. M had Postal from Helen, I a note and receipt from Dr. Jarvie. K one from Anne. I put away flannels: began to clear and dust drawers in bureau between the doors. Showed Annie how to cook the salmon and make the Drawn Butter. Laid down 1 ½ hours and read 2 papers. Then worked at Bureau, shoed Annie how to stew the strawberries and scald over some and told her about supper. Finished the Bureau and one shelf of the Wardrobe. Wrote Diary and ac. Closed attic windows, examined the Refrigerator and Laid on the parlor sofa and K read until 9 in Barchester Towers. Wed June 20 – Cloudy am pleasant pm Ther 5:40 am 73. Ther 5:40 pm 78. Had a good night. Waked before 4, but fell asleep again. Up at 20 min of 6. M went down to show Annie about the Puffs for breakfast. I read before breakfast. K was but a little late. I worked at the Wardrobe, and did up freshly the woolens that were in it. M made Farina for dessert and showed Annie how to make the bread. An invitation came to Mrs. Sanborn’s reception for Bert on Friday the 29th. I put away the clean clothes: they looked very badly. A very sultry day. Miss Whitney and Margaret called eve. Then M read in Barchester Towers. I bed at 10. Thurs June 21 – Fine day Shower Thunder pm Ther [Thermometer] 5:40 am 72, then pm 78 or 76. In K’s room noon 80. Up at 5:40. M helped A get the breakfast. After Prayers she went to Market and did errands with K. I examined the 4 Camphor Trunks. Did up Fur lined Circular, Arctics Turkish Rug, cloth, closet cloth. Not from Mrs. Powelson am Thunder shower while we were at dinner. M had helped get it, had cooked the chops and the peas. They were good. I laid down and looked over the Granite State News and 1 Transcript. Commenced clearing out my bureau between the windows. K called eve, on three Vassar girls who were boarding on the corner of this and Joy St. M out to see about Bicycle’s, then M read aloud in Barchester Towers., two chapters I believe. Annie swept her room, cleaned doorknobs, bathroom, China closet, Faucets, and sink. K finished the book “Little Folk [Lore or Love?]” for Helen. Fri June 22 – Beautiful am Ther my room 5:30 79, 2 pm 78. Ther 7:30 pm 82. Dreamed of a blk. Burro getting into a sort of cellar where I was, and then following me out and I did not have clothing enough on but ran right down the street in some country place! Morning dream, all but that had a good night, and felt better rested than some of the past hot mornings. Up at 5:30, darned stocks, read. M helped get the breakfast, which was ready at 7. Right after breakfast wrote Diary and ac. Wrote to Mr. Davenport in regard to Mrs. Powelson’s offer – Finished bureau drs [drawers]. Did up a number of woolen goods. M to N. Eng Trust, Market and Annie out pm K had a note from Helen and 2 from Jeannette Appleton. I laid down long enough to look over one Transcript. K made Strawberry Jam, by mistake instead of canning them simply. I looked over “Little Folk [Lore or Love]” carefully. It is very pretty. Wrote Diary and ac. M had told Annie to start ½ the rule for w. bread!! M right to bed K read on chapter in Barchester Towers. Bed a little earlier than usual. Sat June 23 – Ther at 5 am 75. pm 86. A very hot night last night, up at 5 and opened the front door and first story windows. M around for cooking Butter before breakfast and helped Annie get it. Indian meal Puffs and picked up Fish, both were very good; but the bell rang a little early as the Cocoa had not come and the Fish and Puffs were not quite done. K was quite late. I read before breakfast and wrote a note to Mr. George asking him about Mr. Balch’s opinion and Judge Bennett’s. After breakfast took out clean bedding after Prayers worked in the attic mostly till one o’clock. M took great pains in fixing table and helping Annie about the dinner as we expected K would bring Jeannette Appleton home to dinner. She was little late and could not find her! We waited till 2 o’clock. I laid down and read Thurs’s Transcript. Washed head and feet. Wrote Diary and ac. M went to Yaunton. A note from Kate, she is all well, hers crossed mine. Mended corsets. K read aloud in Barchester Towers. Pm rec. [received] a note from Mr. George enclosing Mr. Balch’s opinion. Sun June 24 – A cloudy gloomy day. A great change in the weather in the night a gale sprang up and slammed the north bed room door. I had a good night up at 6:30, breakfast at 7:30. K was late as usual. Annie did not go to church, neither did I. K heard Mr. Crothers Baccalaureate Sermon to Radcliffe College. I helped Annie cook Mutton Chops. The fire was too low to cook them well. I read two Christian Union’s. Laid down pm on my lounge. Annie went to the Victoria to see if she could get a letter. Eve. A very pleasant call from Miss Bertha Hazord till 9:30. She is very charming. I went to bed as soon as she had gone. K sat up later. Mon June 25 – Very cloudy. Ther. 66 at 5:30 am I did not feel as well as usual when I waked up a bad taste in my mouth and I almost was sick at my stomach. Had to keep raising phlegm. No appetite, no strength. K late as usual, breakfast poor, neither Beans not Cocoa nor toast were good. I wrote a note to Mr. George and returned Mr. Balch’s opinion upon the word relative. Wrote Diary from Sat, pm Mrs. Smith brought a plant for M. Did a few things and then felt so ill I laid down and did not get up. M came home before dinner. One of them went for Dr. Jackson, who came before 5. The trouble was a sore throat. Temperature and pulse both too high. Tue June 26 – Warm again. I staid in bed. Dr. Jackson came pm He saw a little white spot in my throat and left a bright purple gargle. Some preparation of Potash. Temperature and pulse still too high. Wed June 27 – hot day. Temperature and pulse better. Dr. Jackson came pm Sat up a good deal, but was not dressed. Kitty wrote eve to Kate. Mrs. Sanford called pm but I could not see her on account of my throat. Kitty wrote to Kate, asking her to let us know at once we could expect her. Thurs. June 28 – Hot day. Up and dressed, much better but not down stairs. M went to see Dr. Jackson for me pm and asked for medicine for her sneezing. Friday June 29 – Cloudy and cooler. Felt quite weak. Had breakfast in bed to please M. Up afterwards and down to dinner and supper and sewed all day on my blue gingham sleeves making buttons, holes, and repairing them and the skirt. M and K went to Mrs. Sanborn’s reception for Bert. Went in a Merdic. I read Transcript’s until they got home at 10:30. Sat June 30—Hot again. I up to breakfast. I wrote symptoms for M to take out to Dr. Jackson’s. I think perhaps this was the first time she spoke of her sneezing to him. She paid his bill. I changed the bedding, made out all the list I could, mended sheets and pillow care and night gown. M. cleared out shelf to dust, arranged the Jellies differently. Took down a good many that I had. Annie brought up and I put back after M and K had gone out to call on Miss Russell. I washed my head and feet. Went to bed after finishing my hot bath in good season. Letter from Richie dated May 25th. Sun July 1 – A very hot day. Ther 72 at 5 am Up at 5 and opened the 2nd story windows. Head, K only a little late to breakfast. I t was so hot none of us went to Church. I made out M’s and K’s clothes list and the napkins and Towels, put them in soak. Examined the Refrigerator, attended to the Beans and to one kind of Soup. Read Two Chris. Unions. Laid down in my room pm before dressing, expecting Mr. George to call. K wrote all the am to Bessie Woodbridge. Eve Mr. George called. We talked over the residuary matter. Bed a little after 10. Mon July 2 – A very hot night Ther at 4:30 am 77 1/2 ! at 5:20 pm 82. A most uncomfortable night, sickening heat! I opened the 2nd story at 4:30, back to bed until a little after 5, as I was too faint with heat to get up. Wrote up diary from last Mon and examined my account book which the children have kept since then. No letter from Kate. Felt undecided about having a bill file and who to have make my will. Went to the Probate Office, saw Judge McKim and asked him who would be a good lawyer to have make my will. He mentioned a number of names. I saw Mr. George and Lee too. Went to the Provident Institution but they advised my not talking it out until the 19th when the Interest is due. I went to Lloyd’s, N. Eng Trust, and paid Lloyd. Called at the city Hall about Richie’s Poll Tax. Bought Lettuce and 6 currants. Laid down a little while after dinner. Cousin Sarah, Lizzie, and Addie, and Bert called, and Mrs. Reed again, she was here in the am I wrote diary and ac. Was too tired after Mrs.R. had gone to undertake anything, laid down and dozed over the Transcript. Went to bed without lighting up and Kitty sent a telegram to Kate!! Tue July 3 – Cloudy a little shower at 5 am Ther 75, then thunder shower pm. 5:30 pm Ther 78. The night was not quite as bad last night with the heat. I opened the 2nd story at 4:45, but closed the blinds there and in the 3rd story and the windows in the attic on account of the shower. M had to go out for butter and steak for breakfast. She ironed her dress right after breakfast before prayers. I made out the changes I wanted in my will. K went down to see whether Mr. George has time to make it for me. He sent word that he would, and if I’d write out what I wanted he could look it over tomorrow on his way down to Gloucester. K got a Mackerel for dinner. Annie told me after dinner that she did not want to go with us to the country. I wrote out my will pm. M took it down to Mr. George. I wrote diary and ac, read some in Sat’s Transcript. Right after too dark to read, I took a bath opened 3rd story blinds and went right to bed. In our rear they had fireworks, quite an Illumination. Thunder shower pm Made it a little cooler. I wrote to Kate pm. Wed July 4 – Fine day, there 5:20 am 71. Ther 1:30 pm 80. I never heard such a noisy night! I heard the clock strike 2 and 3, but not 4 or 5. Up at 5:20. Opened [crossed out: blinds] windows in second story and closed blinds in 3rd. K late to breakfast. I right out for things for dinner and to see Cousin Mary and Augusta Beck. Home at 11:20. Made bed, wrote ac, after dinner made them come right, wrote diary: M and K off perhaps to Nahant. Cousin Mary let me in. She looks well, but her memory is very much gone. Cousin Augusta is quite feeble. I hope they may go to Lunenburg. I read (as I went out this am without doing so), put away clean clothes, mended pillow care and towel, and commenced sorting out my letters. Annie Shaw went down to the Victoria. I looked after the Cocoa once. M and K went to Nahant, were home before 6. Mrs. Smith brought back the starched clothes. After supper I read the Granite state News and a part of Advertiser. Alas no letter from Kate. Short showers pm. I took bath and went right to bed at dark. Thurs July 5 – a fine day. Ther at 70 at 5 am 75 at 5 pm Dreamed of being in the greatest confusion in packing and trying to get off. Heard the clock strike 2 and 3. Up at 5 opened the 2nd story windows, after I was dressed closed the 3rd story Blinds, mended stockings. Kitty was down before we were through. I read. We had Prayers. Still strange to say no letter from Kate. M and I went in search of a girl. She went to market first, and did not wait for me at the Y.W.C.A. rooms but came back there. Jean Patterson will let us know tomorrow. I went to 76 Wassenton St. and M to the Industrial Rooms. No success. Kitty had a note from Anne after dinner I laid down a little while and then wrote to Mr. Hobbs, Mr. [Obed?] Young, Mr. Albert Wiggin about Hay, to the Outlook sending 2 dollars by check for subscription for May. Hamton and Cousin Augusta Beck and asking them about he Century Mag. renewal, and to Mr. Halwick., and to Mrs. Reed. Annie Shaw swept the Parlors. K dusted them and got the front one ready. K out pm I called at Mr. George’s am After supper read till dark then took bath and to bed. Friday July 6 – Pleasant am A little cloudy part of the day. Ther at 5:20 am 68. Ther at 5:20 pm 75. Heard the clock strikes. Girls had a letter from Helen. Laid awake awhile, but mercifully fell asleep. Up at 5:20, opened the 2nd story windows. Read and We had breakfast at 7 and prayers before K was down. I right up to the Y.W.C.A. rooms to see Jean Patterson; she has decided not to go so far. I waited there till after 11, then went to the Employment Bureau, saw Miss Noyes there. Called at the rooms of the Mt. Auburn Conformation. Mr. farmer was not there and will not be till Mon. Was home in time for dinner – Annie Shaw was waiting at the gate to see if I was coming so as to take up the Dinner. It was good Roast Mutton. I laid down afterwards and looked over 2 Transcripts. M and K out to call on Aunt Mary. M had a letter from Mary H. I wrote to Anne Capron asking her to meet me Mon. am at 10 o’clock at the rooms of the Mt. Auburn Corporation. Two girls came from Mr. McKinnon’s Office. Wrote to Mr. Farmer. M and K staid out to supper at Aunt Mary’s. Peroy came home with them, I was in bed so I did not see him Sat July 7 – M. X am went to the Y.W.C.A. Rooms looking for a girl. Had a letter from Kate saying she can’t come back. Alas Maggie Marion, the girl with the melancholy temperament decided not to come. I went to people’s Employment Bureau too and then to the Industrial Exchange, then back for Fricke was late to dinner. I think this was the pm that I wrote out what I wanted in my will but I am not sure Mr. Appleton called pm K was just going out somewhere and she let him in. As M was in bed she did not see him. We invited him to take supper with us tomorrow, after supper K wrote down my accounts for me and wrote replies to Mr. Hobb’s, and Mr. Young’s notes in regard to hay. I took hot bath and went to bed after 9 o’clock. Showers pm I saw Mr. George in the am I think in regards to my will. I wrote to Kate pm offering her 4.00 is she will only come back, if her husband and family can feel willing. Sun July 8 – Quite a good deal cooler. Ther. 66. M. had breakfast in bed. K quite late to hers, and M would not before take hers up. Annie Shaw went to Church – K and I went to Old South. Heard an Englishman preach text “Blessed is he whosoever is not offended in me” He was dull and I was sleepy. The Church was close. We saw Miss Olive Rollins and walked a block and stood talking with her quite a while. M was down to dinner. K showed Annie how to make Flour and Egg Puffs for supper. They set the table with the handsome China – Mr. Appleton came out near 6 and spent the evening – We had a pleasant evening. He brought Photographs of his school in California – He broke the handle off the sugar bowl. Mon July 9 – Going to Market. Ther 66. Up to the Y.W.C.A. Rooms after consulting with Mr. George about my will – then to Employment bureau. After having been to the rooms of the Mt. Auburn Conformations. Anne Capron was not there. Had an interview with Mr. Farmer – It looks like great trouble still to here it transferred to the Conformation! After dinner laid down a little white then to Mr. George’s about will and when I came home I found Mr. Appleton here to invite K (thought M. too) to a lecture Wed. eve. Our supper was a little late and just after it I was opening the Blinds and saw Mr. Geo Mackinture and his wife coming to call. I had seen him on Cornhill in the am. We had a very pleasant call. Tues July 10 – Ther. 64 am Very tired , not up early – called at Mr. George’s, then up to the Y.W.C.A. rooms. All in vain. Saw at the People’s Employment Bureau, a pretty young Nova Scotia girl Katie McKay who had lived one year with Mrs. E.I. Quimby in Malden – I did not get back to dinner until 2 o’clock pm M and I went out to Malden for Katie McKay’s reference. It was a nice house and the people were quite nice. Her reference was good in some particulars. It was 6:30 when we got home. K would have gone with me but she felt it would be safer for her to keep still. I did not think M ought to go. She waited in the station while I went in a Coupe to 68 Hawthorne St. and Mrs. Quimby’s. I went to bed directly after supper as I was very tired. Mr. George sent up my will while we were at supper. He had expected to sent it up at 2 o’clock. In the am I read over the pencil will he had prepared and K and I together figured up the proportions. It was the Type written one he sent pm Wed July 11 – 5:40 am Ther 66. PM at 4, 76. Did not feel as tired as yesterday am Up at 5:40. M out for Eggs and helped Annie get breakfast Corn Cake Puffs and picked up Frisk. It was ready at 7. I read before breakfast. After breakfast looked over the type written copy of my will. K was down to her breakfast before we were through. Annie Shaw said she would stay and go with us to Wolfboro. We were very glad as we have not heard again from Kate. So M went to ask them to get her trunk and mend it. I went up to meet Katie McKay and tell her shy I should not need her, for I had made up my mind to take her. She was not there. I waited 20 minutes to see her, then back to Mr. George’s. He was not in at 9:15 when I first got there. Back to his Office and he made the slight changes in my will wanted and I was home a little past 11. Dinner was early. M and K out pm and Annie Shaw too. I put away clean clothes, wrote up Diary for Friday and Ac for Sat night. Mr. George was going out of town at 12 so that my will cannot be done until tomorrow! Sorted out Receipts. We had supper at 5:30 as K was going out to a lecture in Cambridge with Mr. Appleton. M and I went to bed early K bought Bicycle. M and she were in the same car with Mr. Sanford. Thurs July 12 – Cloudy two slight showers. Ther 72 at 5:30 am 78 at 7 pm. Waked several times in the night it was so warm. Felt tired up at 5:30. M. had to go out for eggs for breakfast. Read before breakfast. K was down before we were through. A letter from Kate she cannot come back. I added up our bills. M down to the N. Eng Trust and to pay the bills. I packed my steamer Trunk mostly. Sorted out things to lease and did them up with [Camphorine?] under clothing. Mrs. Smith brought home the standard things. M home late to dinner. I felt worried till K told me she had a great many errands to do. I laid down and read the Granite State News, then got ready after doing a few things and went down to Mr. George’s. My will was not ready as it had to be recopied. I waited and signed it. Mr. Cartman, and Miss Powers witnessed it besides Mrs. George. I went to Clapp’s for medicine for R’s case, K’s, and mine. Was late to supper. They had waited for me. K had been out pm Mr. Fiske called pm, only M saw him. I wrote Diary and Ac. Partly too dark to finish. Took bath and bed without lighting up. M lighted up and wrote in her room. K had a letter for Anne enclosing one for Kate Sanford. Friday July 13 – 92 in the back parlor at 6:30 76 at 5:15 am. 89 at 4 pm. 86 at 6:45 pm I did not remember that Nathan was appointed Executor too. Heard the clock stroke 2,3, and 4. I as so hot I cold not sleep. I opened my window, nearest the bed and slept over the 5 o’clock stroking I believe. Up at 5:15. Read. M and I were through breakfast and had Prayers before K came down. M to Market and for coal. I to Mr. George’s for Fan and old wills and Grandpa’s and Aunt Helen’s to ask him if N was appointed Executor too and about the bill in Equity. Right back. Finished ac. Verified lists from the N. Eng. Trust and packed part of a hat box, part of big trunk, Filled Zinc Trunk, examined small trunk that was J. S. and put Naphthalene in 2 that are to stay. K packed a good deal and down with Annie to the Dexter Boot Manufacturing Co. Mr. Fiske sent up our checks and my Ac. Neither M nor I could go to the door. After supper wrote Diary and packed as long as I could see, then took bath and went right to bed. Sat July 14 – Two showers after 12 o’clock. Thunder. 79 at 4:45. 80 at 2 pm. Had a much better night, although it was so hot. Up at 15 min of 5. Opened the 2nd windows and dusted the blinds – Read and up in the attic putting in things that were to go in the boxes. Changed our bedding, made out list. K was not as late as usual to breakfast. I got to Mr. George’s at 25 min of 11. Mr. Kauher was there. I had to wait. They could not find my Pass Book or Execution as I was going to deposit my check from Mr. Fiske I got it. I had to wait for a long train to draw a check to pay Mr. George. I signed 3 checks there. 1 for Mr. Balch, 1 for the rest of the Safety Vault, and I think the other was for our commission. I signed the ac., bade Mr. George Goodbye and home at 1. Went back for fruit to Crawford’s. Thunder shower. I laid down, M and K to visit the College Settlement. I worked away at my hatbox packing and looking over a few things to leave. Wrote Diary and ac. Sun July 15 – Staid at home Mon July 16 – I went shopping am. [crossed out: saw Mr. George signed account for Probate.] Packed pm. Tue July 17 – Fine day very temperate. We left Boston. We could not find one of the S. Table spoons!! Annie did not make her bed or do her chamber work, I learned from M. after we got away from the house. Mrs. Lottie Jones in the Car. The ride seemed very short. Arrived here at 1:30. I read some in Marcella. Wed July 18 – Much warmer. Found Buffalo bugs in bureau drs. And closet. Thur July 19 – hotter still. Fri July 20 a very hot day. Outdoors at 3-3:30 pm. Wrote to B.T. Downing enclosing check for 5.48 to the Outlook Co. in regard to the “Century” and the renewal of one more 6 mos. subscription. To Mrs. Lafayette Moulton to inquire in regard to Mrs. Jenner’s capability and character. Made out check for Sylvester A. Edgerly for Taxes. M had a letter from Helen and an apron for a birthday present. Sat July 21 – hot in the am, a change in the pm Sun July 22 – a fine cool day. Strange day. K and I went to Church. Rev Mcallis preached – some good thoughts but the sermon seemed to lack connection. Mon July 23 – Pm Wrote to Mr. George, sending the notice from the Lenin Safe Deposit Vaults the last account. A copy of this and the bill in Equity. The points of my will and a receipt from him stating just where the key to the vault and the box and the Pass book are placed. Wrote for the July Century. M and K down town together. Wed July 25 – M went with M and Mrs. Whitcomb to a Blueberry Picnic. I went down to see Mrs. Jenners and then to Mr. Lee’s and engaged Mrs. Stevens to come and live with us next Wed am. Then went down again in the pm to the stand clothes for her to starch and iron. Thur July 26 – M and K went sailing with John am Mr. and Mrs. Kimball took M to drive eve. Fri July 27 – Made griddle cakes for breakfast. K staid in bed all day. Pm M took supper at May’s and after it Mrs. Hudson took them and Miss Whitcomb to drive. Pm Mathie Brewster Brummett called with Emma, the latter did not come in to return 2 books of Aunt H's K had lent her. Sat July 28 – Mad flour and Graham Puffs for breakfast. Was just about rolling the bread when Mr. and Mrs. Gen MacKintire called. I had baked one Blueberry Pie, the other was in the oven and I left it in M’s charge. Mr. Heath came with water tax bill. Mr. John Brown with his. I paid both by check. Mr. Fullerton came with Butler. John worked here a while. Pm I mended till 2 o’clock then took hot bath wrote Diary and ac. K was up to dinner and then sat out in the Hammock on the Piazza. Sun July 29 – A fine clear air, but hot day. I up at 5 and went to the cemetery, carried up Sweet Peas. M and I had breakfast at 7. K had hers in bed. M and I went to Church. Mr. Willin preached “Lord Jesus receive my spirit” quite good. Belle Mackintire staid to S. S. George thought he would not but he came in afterwards so she had the key. Rev. Mr. Roberts, Rev. Mr. Cameron of Canada, and a Mr. Morse and Mr. Whiton were there. Belle and I were the only ladies. I sat with them on the Hotel Piazza inviting them to go over to the Point with us tomorrow. PM I read out doors. A thunders shower eve and another later. Mon July 30 – a little cloudy early, but fine afterwards. Up early and made sponge cake, M helped me. We had breakfast about 6. M and I started at 8:30 for the Kingswood Inn to get Mr. and Mrs. Mackintire to go to the Point with us. M fixed the Lunch. 11 o’clock came so soon, we persuaded them to stay until the 4 o’clock train. M went back to get coffee and Sardines and crackers. She brought back Cousin Sarah Lizzie with her. We had a very nice time. Belle and I rode up to the cemetery – called at home for K to drive down with us. George was running to meet us near Mr. Goodwin’s or he had told us the train went at 4:15 and he found it went at 4!! We took him in. We stopped in Mrs. Manson’s yard. Cousin Sarah Lizzie took supper with us and then M and K drove up with her to Mr. Wiggin’s. I had note for Mr. Powelson enclosing check and from Mrs. Sanford. I was very very tired. John gave up work, told us water was to be shut off, filled our tubs. Mr. John Brown began at the weeds. Tues July 31 – little cloudy Ther. 72 am, very comfortable pm. I felt too tired to get up early. M made Graham Puffs and she and K sailed up to Birch Island with John, May and Miss Whitcomb. I swept and dusted the dining room and pantry thoroughly. Fed hens. We had baked Mackerel for dinner which and the beets were very nice. A very pleasant call from Mrs. Lord pm and before she had gone Mrs. Wilton came. I was going to write for Annie to her husband but she did not fell like it, thought we’d better wait till am. I was just in bed when m and K got back. K had note from Annie. I had one from Mr. George enclosing this year’s account and a copy of my Will. Mr. J.W. Brown here at work on the strawberry bed and the grass. Wed Aug 1 – Ther. 68 at 5:40 am. 76 pm. Had a good night up at 5:40. Made flour and water puffs and eggs ones for breakfast. I wrote a letter for Annie Shaw to her husband. M down to get check cashed and get her ticket. Mrs. Stevens did not come and much to my relief Annie consented to stay. Roast Lamb for dinner and string beans. Kitty and Annie cut them. Mr. Brown picked them. I put away clean clothes. Annie Shaw down town pm. M and K down to Mrs. Hanson’s yard. I darned stocks outdoors at 5 pm. Wrote ac. and Diary. I wrote to Uncle Charlie asking him if he could get a Money Order for Annie Saw to send to her husband. Ate supper alone – Mr. J.W. Brown at work here; the garden is improving. Thurs Aug 2 – I swept my room and washed my [Chewher?] dishes. Cannot recall other doings of the day excepting that Mamie went to the Prayer meeting eve. Friday Aug 3 – Heavy showers. Had another piece of Lamb roasted. After dinner made Graham Puffs and Flour and Egg ones as it looked pleasanter. M set the table wholly and made the Tea and chocolate. I was not quite dressed when Mary brought up Mrs. Hanson and Miss Molly Whitcomb and then Uncle Ira. She walked up and John also. We had a pleasant supper and eve. I was sorry I did not talk more with Mrs. Molly W. than I did. Sat Aug 4 – I made 2 apple pies. M made sponge cake. Pm I called on Mrs. Chas Hersey and Nellie (Mrs. Dr. Ross). They were written of them at home, but I had a pleasant call with Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Hersey. Then called at Mrs. Rollins, saw Miss Annie Lawrence and all but Miss Helen who had a headache. Mr. Charlie arrived before I left. I had Mr. Hobb’s bring me up. After supper I took my hot bath – washed my head too! Sun Aug 5 – Mamie X in the night. M staid in bed and K too!! Annie carried up K’s meals. I took in M’s. I did not get up till 6:35. I was so tired. I made out clothes after I came home from Church and S. School. M Wilton preached upon the Scriptures; he walked with me as far as May’s. I got our Mail and had Mr. Hobb’s send me up. Mr. Edgarly drove me. He was married 2 days ago! I left the head to the Hose at Mr. John Brown’s to see if he could fix it. Annie had put water in the Tubs while I was at Church so our clothes were put in soak. I did not have much time to read. Our Chris. Union has not come. I went to bed at dark. Mon Aug 6 – Quite a hot day. I spoke to Annie at 5:20. I went up to the cemetery carried up Clematis and white flowers. We had Beans and bread and puffs on lard for breakfast as Annie had the boiler on with clothes when I came back. I went downtown to see if Mr. Lee’s knew on anyone to come in Annie’s place. I rode over to Mrs. John Smith’s to see about Mrs. Liberty, then to Mrs. Kimball’s to see if she knew of anyone. Then to Mrs. Jenner’s - Mercy Kimball’s mother in law. Over to Kingswood Inn to see her, engaged her. Showed Annie about Soup, our dinner was later in consequence. After it I starched all the things of this wash that needed it (Anne starched those that needed flour starch.) and a number of last weeks. Mrs. Dr. Ross (Nellie Hersey) called. M did not see her, but did see Belle Avery who called afterwards! I helped Annie fold sheets and other clothes. Mr. Wyman came and said his mother could not come, excepting till we could get someone!! Tue Aug 7 – A very warm day. Ther nearly 80 pm in my room. Air close. Up at 5 called Annie. I made 2 kinds of Corn puffs and butter toast and picked up Fish. Breakfast at 7 o’clock. Annie Shaw went off at 8. K went down to the Depot with her and then rode over to Mrs. Jenner’s. She cannot come. She then went over to a Mr. Ester’s and then to Mr. Young’s and brought home Addie Young, a very nice young girl. She cannot do the Washing and ironing. K took down our clothes that were all sprinkled to Mrs. Jenner’s to iron. Mary and Miss Whitcomb called am. I was washing the dishes. We sat outdoors. I baked Halibut and boiled corn and heated the blueberry pudding. I laid down. I was very tired, then outdoors wrote account and Diary for today. Wed Aug 8 – A very hot feeling day although the Ther. did not go above 80. Up at 5 went out at 5:20 to Addie’s room and she was up fixing her hair with crimping pins. We made flour and water puffs and egg puffs and griddle cakes warmed over the halibut. Sat out doors sewing on K’s sheet a little while before showing Addie how to chop the Lamb for the host for dinner. I helped dish the lard and the string beans. We had apple pie for dessert. I sat outdoors after dinner till I finished the sheet. Lost my spectacles, Kitty found them under the steamer chair for me. Mr. Geo. Brown passed by; he is getting a lot in cemetery ready for his own! Addie went out pm was home in good season. She had been to Mill Village, had seen her brother. I took bath pm and laid down a while. My cheek is swollen – a gum boil above the dead tooth. I took Belladonna. I mended stocks outdoors and wrote ac. Went to bed at dark. Thurs Aug 9 – Ther nearly 75 am. Very sultry showers and much cooler pm. Waked at dawn. Up at 5, called Addie at 5:20 told her she need not be down until 5:30. We made Fish hash for breakfast and had rolls and puffs made yesterday. I swept my room, washed my chamber dishes, the latter after dinner. Showed Addie about soup, succotash and warming up the roast beef. Mrs. Young called; her husband did not come in. She said Addie would not stay!!! If she did she would not work for less than 3.00. She was offered that at Prescott’s. I, we, all felt very sorry! I put away clean clothes. Showed Addie about supper. Wrote ac. and diary. Kitty and Addie went to Prayer meeting together. Fri Aug 10- a beautiful clear cool windy day. Mad Graham Puffs and I think flour puffs for breakfast. We all went to the Point for a Picnic with Mr. Hanson, Miss Cook, May and John and Addie Young. We rode over and M and K sailed with John. It was so rough they had to land at the sandy beach and row from there. We sat in the Boat house the first part of the time and had our dinner there. May cooked the steak and peas and corn outdoors and by a little Oil Store. Mr. made coffee; the first was too weak. I mended 3 pr. stocks and 1 night gown. Mrs. Hanson rode home with me. Addie went in the Kuzzy with John, Magnie, and K. I mixed bread and went to bed. Had to light up to mix the bread. A nice letter to me from Helen. Sat Aug 11 – A fine day not so cool or windy. I made Waffles. We had the Fish hash which was better because I put milk in it. M made sponge cake. I made a Rice Pudding and blackberry and blueberry pie. Addie kneaded and rolled the bread and baked it. We had string beans. M and K off on an excursion on the Cyclone at 3. I took hot bath (head and all) and mended for the wash outdoors. Mr. Clark came in the yard jumped over the fence just as he used to! Addie went up to see Mrs. Black Moon eve. I did not hear when M and K came home. Mon Aug 12 – cloudy, and partly rainy. Addie Young washed some things. I called pm on Mrs. Clark saw them all a very bright baby for one so young. Tues Aug 13 – Addie Young starched and hung out the things she washed. Wed Aug 15 – Addie Young ironing. K took me on a Buggy up to Mrs. Tutt’s to see about Lulu Dudley. They had gone in to Wolfeboro to see about a place. We met Mrs. Tutt. She had left Lulu at Mr. Levi Horn’s. We were caught in a drenching shower. K had no waterproof. We called at Mr. Levi Horn’s. Lulu D must go to Mr. Geo Horn’s unless Dr. Powelson has some relative for them. We were very late to dinner. I went home with Addie Young and Mr. Berry; sorry to have her go. Sun Aug 19 – Up to the cemetery. M made coffee. We ate breakfast together, K late. Mr. Clark preached “All things yea in Christ Jesus” Good sermon. Mrs. Clark at church so he went home in a Buggy with her. Two ministers in the Class besides Mr. Wilton, Mr. Nelson and Mr. Cameron. And Mrs. Avery’s there My Veil got fastened to my eye glasses. K had her class, Mrs. A Mon Aug 20 – John was here. We had a thunder shower. Did not [have] note from Emmie York. John went down for it. We had dinner at 11 and went to see Mrs. York. Took at Long Island at 1, staid till 6:30 boat. Had a very nice visit. Mr. Hobb’s brought us up. We bought Yeast Cake at Herbert Haines and they could not charge 5 cts. if is not paid for. M mixed bread. Mr. Saw had been here. Too bad. Tues Aug 21 – I cooked Halibut, boiled it and made drawn butter. Cooked beets. Made out clothes list. Put clothes in soak. I think mended for the wash. Wed Aug 22 – Very cool and windy. Mrs. Hatch washing here. I mended for the wash till noon time. Cooked steak and corn for dinner. K seemed to be quite rheumative. Mr. Wallace here we emptied closets to have them white washed. Cousin Fred and Eugene called soon after dinner, and my old roommate Sarah Kittredge of Haverhill and her cousin Miss Emery. We enjoyed their call. Thurs Aug 23 – Warmer much. I roasted Lamb. Made flour puffs and the entire wheat. Put back things in my closet, used hot water in K’s and M’s to prevent moths. K fixed flowers. M swept all the rooms, and set the table for Mr. and Mrs. Clark. I made chocolate. John was here painting M’s furniture and doing various things. Mr. Wallace did the cellar with white wash. He bought ½ basket pears. We had dinner at 11. Warmed over Halibut – Mrs. York’s Alice and Mabel came in I gave them some. Miss Abby Chamber Cain called. We had a pleasant visit from Mr. Clark and his wife, baby and mother. Baby slept all the time. Mr. C. went to meeting. I talked mostly with is mother. Fri Aug 24 – a hot day. Mrs. Hatch here to iron all day. M made fire and back to bed. I made Fish hash. Picked currants, ate breakfast alone on back platform. M late. K later – They ate in the dining room. I made beefsteak hash. M had a lame back and did not feel able to have Picnic even if Emmie York and Miss Mensey did – nor able to work – They came only for a call. I had to leave dinner and dress to see them. Then dinner was late. M ate none, laid out in the Hammock. K did dusting, I the pots and kettles. I wrote to Mrs. Davenport about the Brooklyn house and ac. K was getting supper and I was getting cream etc. when Mr. Roberts and his daughter Grace called. Mrs. Hatch at hers and washed her dishes and waited till they went. We had supper by lamplight. I right to bed afterwards. Mr. Tilbin took 1 basket peas to Mr. Welton. Sat Aug 25 – a very hot day. M blacked the stove! I made corn cake puffs and picked up fish. M and I ate breakfast on the back porch. K did too later. M down to inquire about a girl John had of who had lived with Mrs. Kimball. She met her so was not gone long. K did all the breakfast dishes. M had done some of the cooking ones. I baked apples after having them roasted beef; cooked string beans and cracked wheat and warmed over potatoes. Dinner at 11:30. I laid down after it on dining room lounge. My back had quite a kink in it at times. M off to Long Island at 1. K did dishes and swept. I did pots and kettles and washed dish towels and C. Took hot bath, read, wrote ac and diary. John Puttying and Painting M’s floor Sun Aug 26 – Up to the cemetery. Mr. Wilton’s subject the “compassion of Christ” very god. Mr. Clark’s mother staid to Sunday school. I like her very much Mon Aug 27 – This day or Wed or Thurs swept my room and washed my dishes and dusted blinds. I am not sure which day. M went to Centre harbor to see about Ida Folsom. Tue Aug 28 – K and I rode up to spend the day at camp. M went on the bicycle. We had a very pleasant time there. Cousin Fred and Eugene were there, Mrs. Sanborn and Walter, Miss Davis and Miss Conant. 13 of us sat down to the table!! We had a delicious chowder. I sewed outdoors pm. Mending my col. skirt. Mr. Berry came for me with a buggy. M decided to leave her bicycle. Mr. Berry walked part of the way and at Sam Fay’s we got a two seater for the rest of the way K staid at Camp. Wed Aug 29 – cool day. Back kinky. Thurs Aug 30 – Cool day. Either today or yesterday Mrs. Evans called – back kinky. One of these days wrote to Mrs. Powelson about the Front door and also to the Outlook Co. about their not sending the Country or Outlook for the whole month of Aug!! Also on one of them called on Mrs. Wilton, and Mrs. Hatch. Friday Aug 31 – M went up to camp with John in the Kuzzy. I got a hot dinner for myself Soup and warmed up roast beef; and then a hot supper at 5. My back troubled me, I laid down pm and Helen Sargent called to see about living with me. I engaged her. I was sitting on the Piazza when Helen and Mamie brought down K and M came on the Bicycle a great shower came up. They put the horse in the barn and waited till the shower was over and then started for home with a lantern. They had supper (I had finished mine before they came) I went to bed, before they had theirs. Sat Sept 1 – M went to bed in the am. I roasted Lamb for dinner, made hash and batter pudding. We had a great many dishes. Mrs. Chick came she washed the pots and kettles, K’s stockings dining room kitchen and shed floors; she had her little girl with her. I paid her 30 cts. She took home the rest of the clothes to iron that Mrs. Hatch could not finish. I took hot bath, was in the midst of it when M came upstairs and said May had left her mother here while she took K down to the Brewster’s. M let Mrs. Hanson in her room (for which I was very glad) till I got down. I had a pleasant call. Our supper was late. I right to bed. Sun Sept 2. A very smoky day. Up at 6. M had started the fire! I picked sweet peas and went up to the cemetery. A fire haze going up. I ate my breakfast alone on the back porch, K was later (a little) in the dining room. I made coffee, too weak. K carried M’s to her, as she would not let me. I started for Church before K but she overtook me as Mrs. Swelt and I had a conversation. We were late to church. It was Communion Sunday. Mr. Wilton preached his text was “He sat at Meal with his disciples” Quite good. Mary Laurie was at Church. We called to tell Helen Sargent that we had decided she was too young. I called first at the Kingswood to inquire about her. She was at church and S.S.!! We stopped at Mr. Wilton’s in regard to the Basket Picnic it was very late when we got home. I had to warm the hash. My back was very troublesome. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins called eve. I was asleep. M came up to wake me, we sat on the Piazza and had no light. Mon Sept 3 – a raw East wind. It was the blackest darkest night I ever saw. I ate breakfast alone, then had Prayers in the Library. M got up afterwards to her breakfast. I did silver and pots and kettles. M watched the corn and the beets. I laid down am. Back so troublesome and read Helen’s letter proof. Chickening and letters to Helen. I got the dinner soup and hash. Before it, wrote a note to Eva D. Folsom of Centre Harbor. I did silver, pots, etc. and swept kitchen and shed and dusted them. K in bed […] Got sheets and pillows down from attic for the spare room. Laid down my back very painful. I got supper with K’s and M’s help and then right to bed. I took aconite twice and put cold water on my back. am I polished the stove. Tues Sept 4 – Cloudy early then fine. Up at 5:20. M was up before me and had the fire started for me. I made puffs, entire wheat. Cooked steak. K was late but John sent up Mr. Hobb’s team for us. We were in time. M put up the Lunch for us. Very few on board. I rode to Mrs. Goodrich’s to see Eva D. Folsom K and Mrs. Kimball off to walk. I wrote ac and Diary back to Sept 1st. We ate our lunch in the boat house of the Centre House and then K and I drove out to see Stella Day out at Mrs. Irin Moulton’s. She does not like cooking and could come any sooner than Eva Folsom. It was too late on our return for any meeting. Eva Folsom was on the boat, I introduced her to K and Mrs. Kimball. Had pleasant conversation with Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. Jerome. We took on Helen at the Camp. Uncle Ira and M drove down Cousin Sarah Lizzie had gone down am. We rode up. M had hot Cocoa for us I right to bed after eating supper. My back has not troubled me at all a merciful relief. Wed Sept 5 – very warm day. M had fire made. I made corn cake puffs and picked up fish. Mrs. Perkins came before breakfast. I had to make out bedding list before beginning mine. The girls did dishes. Then off for a sail with John. I made out clothes list, mended a little for the wash, was just about to bake a lemon pudding (M had it all ready to ) when Emmie York called. I sat with her until time for her to take the boat. Then I hurried to cook corn potatoes, pudding, and steak. I was very much heated. The girls were home before dinner was ready. I think it was not til 1:30 after it, I started Cocoa and cracked wheat, and put away food. Was busy at it when Miss Mary Lawrie and Mrs. Lewis called. A very pleasant call in the yard and on Piazza. K gave Miss M. a lesson on the bicycle. I was just going to see about supper when Mrs. Wilton called. M saw her but the girls were washing their heads in the orchard. Mrs. Perkins did dinner dishes and went home without her supper. Ours was late and I went right to bed. H wrote little Everett has Pneumonia!! Thurs Sept 6 – Beautiful day. Up at 5:20. I blacked the stove and made the fire and swept kitchen and shed before getting breakfast. Mrs. Perkins came just as I had finished sweeping. M set the table, picked currants, chopped the hash, toasted the bread. I made puffs of the entire wheat Breakfast was very late. May and Cousin Sarah Lizzie drove up before we were through and Mrs. Kimball called to take K and H and M to drive. M put up lunch for us. I cooked steak. We all drove down to the Boat and Mr. Larkin Hobb’s drove me over to the Point. John sailed the girls over in the Kuzzy and Herbert Rogers too up to his land. I was so hungry I ate my lunch just before they landed. I read some papers, wrote Diary and ac. H, M and K rowed over to call on the Hill party at Mary Jones’s camp. Mamie (Lovings) staid in grove with me.
Mon Sept 24 – Eva D. Folsom came eve. Wed Oct 3 – Mrs. Perkins here for till . I picked over Pears. After dinner wrote to Mr. George again, to Mr. Powelson sending receipt for $25 check to A. Lawrence Lowel sending check for $42.19 cts. Thurs Oct 4 – R. started for N.Y. Fri Oct 5 – N. started for Baltimore pm lost the train as he did not have his ticket. May drove him down to the Junction. Mamie went too. Mon Oct 8 – R. home eve had spent Sunday at Annie’s. Wed Oct 17 – N. came back eve from Baltimore. Friday Oct 19 – am. We, R, N, M, K and self took a drive up around part the Hersey Burying Ground and Mr. Woodbury Horns. Mrs. Perkins cleaned outside of windows. \ Sat Oct 20 – PM R, N, M, K, and I took a drive over through New Durham and back by the Perry place. Went in 3 seater. Neither May nor her mother could go. Sun Oct 21 – All went to church am. Pm R and N went down to the farm and burial place of Cousin Winslow. I up to the cemetery. Mon Oct 22 – cloudy. R and N started for Austin via Worcester at 3 am. Mrs. Perkins washed; had to hang things in the barn and kitchen over night. Tues Oct 23 – cloudy. Mrs. Perkins ironed. Wed Oct 24 – cloudy Mrs. Perkins cleaned Thurs Oct 25 – cloudy. Mrs. Perkins did not come. Fri Oct 26 – Mrs. Perkins cleaned the parlor and a place in the attic. Sat Oct 27 – Harvest supper eve. M and K and Eva went. Sun Oct 28 – M did not stay to S.S. but went pm over to the Pt. and eve to meeting with Eva. Mon Oct 29 – M X last night. M staid in bed. Fine day. Mrs. Perkins washed. I mended calico dress and dressing gown. Helped about hanging the col. things in the kitchen and folding the sheets and table cloth. K did the dishes for Eva so that she could mix the bread and go to the meeting of the Knights Templers. Had hoped to write to Mr. Fiske but too tired and right to bed. K had a note from A diphtheria in Younton. K over to Mrs. Hodges. May took her. Tues Oct 30 – cloudy am, pleasant pm. K pm. Mrs. Perkins here – ironing. I busy about the clothes getting them off the horses as soon as dry and hanging out the comforter and quilt and tidies in different places pm so as to be sure they were dry. Mrs. Brickford’s man and Mr. Jenners ploughing the filed next to house. K visited the Brewster school am. M came at noon to invite one of us to drive with her. But as K was not well none of us could go. I too busy – I was very tired eve; had hoped to write to Mr. Fiske but was too tired, went to bed as soon as I had waited upon K who had moved downstairs and written down a few items in account book. Note from Richie and Postal from Helen. Wed Oct 31 – rainy day. Eva made corn cake puffs and fired Oysters and boiled mackerel for breakfast. Made brown bread afterwards, and swept and dusted the dining room. I started wheat and the Lamb to roast for dinner, examined Mr. Fiske’s account, and wrote note sending receipts for check by Mr. Jenners at noon. Pm wrote ac and Diary and note to Mr. Henchman sending Mr. Fiske’s check for 168.96/100 to be deposited. Changed dress for first time this week and read before supper and sewed in Library all eve with M. K in bed in bedroom. I read one sheet of the Boston Transcript. Bed a little after 10. Thurs Nov 1 – a beautiful day. Up at 6:25. Mr. Jenners did not stop long as he did not feel well. I scrambled Eggs. Eva made 2 kinds of Puffs, graham and pudding. I made chowder for dinner, made my bed, got my closet ready (for Eva to clean) before dinner. We let our fire go out hoping Mr. Horn would send up some one with the new living for store. M examined her play things in attic am out pm for a call on Mrs. Blake Horn, Mrs. Gould, and Miss Haley. I wrote to Mr. George, Mr. Powelson acknowledging check; to Dr Jackson about his mistake, to Magour and Sanderson; to Home Library Ars. about Tribune. Put things back in closet. M had a letter from Richie. I had a nice one from Helen. Mended eve and read newspaper a very little. Eva cleaned her room. Fri Nov 2 – Up at 6:15. Eva made 2 kinds of puffs; both flour and griddle cakes. I made, picked up salt fish. We had Friccasseed [sic] Chicken for dinner. Eva and I put out and brushed the mattresses from our beds and R’s. She swept and cleaned that all but the window. I swept my room. M over to Mrs. Hodge’s am and to the Helping hand at Mrs. Kimball’s pm . K up to dinner. Has been unusually comfortable this time. After supper, read, wrote Diary and ac. And mended. K had a note from Anne. Mr. Jenners was here only a short time in the middle of the day Sat Nov 3 – Rainy am, clear and windy pm. Up at 6:25. downstairs at 7. Eva made Johnny cake and waffles and breaded the picked up fish. Mr. Noble brought the Trees, shrubs, etc. I made custard pie. Cooked steak. After dinner started what and Hominy. Mr. Jenners got our Mail and the stove lining and a huge coffee Mill. I took hot bath pm, made my bed, made my clothes list. Mr. Jenners put in the lining. Eva blacked the stove. Mr. Jenner started up wood fire and coal am. I picked over the barrel of Varney greenings. Eva made applesauce. Went in dining room to see Mr. Fullerton. He cannot supply us with Butter. Read after supper. Wrote Diary and ac and mended for the wash until. Eva cleaned the window to R’s room and down the back stairs. Roasted coffee. Mr. Jenners helped me grind it. The coffee R. bought. Sun Now 4 – Fine clear day. Quite cold and windy pm. Up at 6:45. Made Richie’s coffee. It was good. M a little late. K a little later. I fed Hens and put away milk, etc. Fixed the dining room table. M and I went to Church. K staid at home and Eva too. M went to the Unitarian Church. It was communion, I felt sorry she did not think of it nor I either. Mr. Wilton text “I came not to call the rights but sinners to repentance.” Good in his manner of conducting the communion service. I walked along with Mr. Charles Parker. Dropped of my feather Tippet and Harry Jones and Della picked it up and gave it to me. I helped Eva cook the Oysters, put things in soak and went up to the Burying Ground. Read, had supper. M and Eva went to meeting. I wrote in my room a letter to Richie and to Helen. Put hot suds on the clothes and went to bed at 10 o’clock. Mon Nov 5 – A rainy day. A cold storm. Snow eve. I overslept, not up till 7. Had only dry toast and beans for breakfast. Mrs. Perkins came before we were through. I arranged Refrigerator, mended 2 aprons for the wash, made my bed, and got a place in the attic for Mrs. Perkins to clean. I looked through Kitty’s play thing boxes and put M’s and hers in right places; looked at M’s dresses to advise her what to have done. She went down town pm. Mailed my letters and drew Mr. Powelson’s check for me. It was dark when we finished in the attic. Mrs. Perkins went home and I made arrangements for supper and staid down to it. After supper made fire in my room, and read and wrote Diary for two days. Down stairs and mended duster, and partly made over a dish towel into a dish cloth, sewed till 9. So then read Granite State News. Up at 10:15. K has not felt quite as well as Sun and today as she did sat. She has been writing intently. Tue Nov 6 – very cold and windy. Clear after 9. Ground all white. I up at 6:40 Eva made puffs of entire wheat, and fried hominy and had the chicken fricassee. Mrs. Perkins here 9 hours sprinkled, folded and ironed all the l the clothes. I merely made my bed before dinner. Warmed up meat and made Better pudding. Eva cleaned in M’s room. Made brown and w. bread. I worked pm in the attic and Eva washed a little place on the floor. I had a note from Richie. M over to Mrs. Hodge’s Mr. Jenners here a little while am and pm. After supper I read and wrote Diary and accounts and dozed a little – mended till 9:20 on dish cloth and dish towel. Read in Boston Transcript till 10:15. I slept with my door shut, it was so cold and windy. Wed Nov 7 – Clear cold windy day. Made fire at 5:25. Down stairs in good time as soon as first bell rang. I made picked up salt fish for breakfast. Eva made Johnny cake. Mrs. Perkins came, she cleaned my room. Eva finished Mamie’s room. I made Indian Pudding. Eva had the squash to put on to cook. I kept watch of the door of the fire which had to be ajar in baking the pudding. John came to buy a bushel of sweet corn for Miss Chamberlain. I cut up the pieces of Beef steak and had a yellow pie plate full! When I went to dinner, there was no more hash than the steak alone! I could not imagine what had become of the rest of the meat! We had beef hash too. I cut the squash a great deal finer than Eva had. She finished cleaning M’s room and she and Mrs. P began in the dining room as May was here. I put away clean cloths am Wrote for NY. Tribune sending 2.50 check. Worked in attic pm. Mrs. P cleaned a place. Eve read and wrote Diary and ac and mended till 9:30 on dish towel then read the Boston Herald till 10:15. Thurs Nov. 8 – Wind abated pleasant am. Cloudy pm snowed at night. Up at 6:40. Eva made Graham puffs and water Graham and dropped Eggs on toast. I beat up some squash cakes. Eva juiced them. We were ate prayers when Mrs. Perkins came. She had out the mattresses and pillows from M’s room, K’s, and the spare room and dusted the beds and the springs and put hem back and cleaned the Library paint. I fixed soups. Eva threw away one kind by mistake, I made plain Farina. Mrs. Dixon brought Halibut at 11. I made the Drawn Butter. I did various things in the kitchen pm and not up in the attic till very late. I kneaded the Graham bread and baked it. K trimmed M’s blue velvet hat am. M out calling pm Mr. Jenners here only a little while pm. Sifting coal, etc. After supper I read, wrote Diary and ac. And Mendel on dish towels and working gloves till 9:20. Read one hour. M called on Miss Jones and Miss Lewis and Mrs. Hawterworth and took supper at May’s and went to prayer meeting. Fri Nov 9 – cloudy and stormy day snowy. Up at 6:30. Eva made fish hash and corn made puffs of both kinds. I started oatmeal made an apple and sage pudding. Eva mad apple sauce. I picked over Pears and cut up Lamb for Eva to chop for has on toast. We had it and soup for dinner. Mr. Prindle called after dinner; he was going to reading at 2:25. I up in cabbie at 2:45. K slept late and we thought it less trouble to give her her breakfast in bed. She went down to May’s pm. Had not been out for 10 days! I worked in the attic till dark. Eva finished the Library windows and leaned some in dining room I read after supper and wrote Diary and ac. I mended on working apron, etc. Till 9:30 then read till 10:30. Sat Nov 10 – Cloudy and somewhat snowy am Pleasant. Up at 6:30. Eva made puffs entire wheat both kinds, warmed up the fish hash and made waffles. I made 2 squash pies. Eva missed Brown bread. I roasted beef. Eva cooked squash. Mr. Jenners fixing the pump. Mr. Abbott here pm to fix it. He mended our coal rod and coffee pot. Took down the cover to Tea and Cocoa Pot to mend at the shop. I made chicken pie. Eva let the fire out to polish the stove. Mr. Jenners started it up, it was a long time in coming up. Our kitchen was in a great confusion. Eva washed the floor. I washed my head just before supper, my feet just after and fixed account. Mended for the wash till 11 o’clock, then took the remainder of my hot bath and went to bed. K went over to Mrs. Hodge’s in the cars had Mr. Hobb’s bring her home. Her back ached afterwards. I made clothes list out and put things in soak in the kitchen. Sun Nov 11 – Fine clear cold day. Up at 7 made coffee. Breakfast a little before 8. K’s head began to ach in the night. She was not up to breakfast. Had coffee too. M opened a box for me to get out my arctics to wear to church. I was quite late. M in season. We left K in bed but she was up to dinner which was in very good season, as Eva had the oysters nearly don on our arrival. Milly Brown brought me up and Mrs. Geo Horn, M. I finished the clothes list and put last things in soak and the soap in the water. Walter Hill called pm Eva went to the Unitarian Church am to the Christian eve. Mr. Wilton’s text “be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not he Son of man cometh”. Good. Mrs. Andrew Smith in our class. Eve I read Christian Union of Aug 18. bed at 10:30. M up early and read in bed. Mon Nov 12 – partly cloudy and partly pleasant. Up at 6:30. Eva had breakfast at 7:30. Only dry toast and beans. Mrs. Perkins here at 8:20. I put away food. Refrigerator was stopped up Mr. Jenners helped me thaw it out. I was just upstairs when Mr. Prindle came to measure for double window and storm door. We had chicken pie and apple and sag pudding and Farina for dinner. K a piece of squash pie. I measured for sq. cob. pillow cases. M basting them. Mr. Jenners down for starch and Yeast Cake (he had forgotten the former). He made a box with doors to protect the Birch Pond Faucet from Freezing. Fixed the Pump with new Reather. Brought up our Mail. Card from Annie Capron. Letter from Richie to M, A, and K. I got quite a place in the attic for Mrs. Perkins to clean pm Eve Read wrote Diary for Friday eve. Accounts and to Cousin Martha Beck but did not finish it as I changed the position of the colored things hanging tin the kitchen. Bed at 10:15. Eva went to Good Templers eve. Tue Nov 13 – Ther on Piazza 27. Cloudy am snowy pm milder. Up at 6:20 Eva had made 2 kinds of flour puffs. I made Omelet by Miss Parlra’s rule. K had her breakfast in bed. Mrs. Perkins here at 5:30. I put away Food prepared soup, Eva and I strained it and made arrangements for Diner. Finished note to Cousin Martha Beck enclosing a check for 25 for them to use for Cousin Mary if she need it or for themselves Justas they though best. After dinner, Fin Haddie and Cream Sauce, I did various things. Up in attic with Mrs. Perkins and put the Mirror back, taught Eva to make graham brad. Did up one of A’s pieces of mattress. Got out things for supper paid, all but 10 cts, Mrs. Perkins right up to my room, read, wrote Diary and ac., after having fallen asleep in my chair. Mr. Jenners fixing wood and water, and mended handle to clothes basket. I do not know of his doing anything else. I am not sure whether he was here all day. M down town pm. Eve I read and wrote to Mr. Sampson about the apples I sent him and to Richie and Diary and accounts. Fell asleep: bed at 10 or 10:30. Wed Nov 14 – Foggy am. Some snow, Ther 37 on Piazza. Up at 6:10. Eva made Johnny cake and fried oysters and helped make milk toast. I put clean newspapers on shelves in kitchen and tow in pan pantry. Put away food, upstairs at 11. Made bed after re-reading R’s note and the one to Mr. Sampson. Did up the Granite State News for Richie, the Outlook for Nathan. Began to put away clean clothes. Then dinner and the putting away food. M down town, got my check from Mr. Mason cashed for the apples. I put away clean clothes. Did up one of A’s piece’s of Mattres labeled both, put them away and went through R’s Chinese box. Helped get things ready for supper, which we had soon after 5. Wrote Diary and accounts. And to Anne. Read first and afterwards looked over the Granite State New and the Boston Transcript. Bed at 10:40. Eva finished cleaning the dining room. Mr. Hobbs sent for the little black kitten, she got away, but pm he sent for M and K but they did not go but the kitten did in my bag. Thurs Nov 15 – a beautiful day. Ther. on Piazza am 58. Up at 6:20. Eva made puffs of entire wheat. I was down in time to see why they had the dimple. It was because she puts all into one set of the irons. I made picked up fish and squash griddle cakes. Did the usual looking after things and made hasty pudding for dessert: made bed, naphthalene bags, helped cook onions. M and K drove over to Mrs. Hodge’s in a sleigh. I gave my note to A to the little chick boy to mail. Pm I was just in the attic at work in Kitty’s box when Miss Sarah Haley called to see if we would buy some dust fans Lewis Goodhire had to sell. We did three. I did not quite finish K’s box. Picked over coal a little before and after supper. Read, wrote Diary and account. Mr. Jenners not here yesterday or today. Last night had a Christian Register from Dr. Dillingham with a notice of his sister’s death. I wrote to Nathan after reading and writing Diary and ac. I fell asleep over the latter. After 9 o’clock read in Sun Tribune till 10:20. Could see a bright fire across the Lake. Bed at near11. Eva washed dining room, kitchen, and shed floors and cleaned some. Fri Nov 16 – Another beautiful day, very mild. Up at 6:20. Eva cooked Mackerel, graham puffs and made butter toast. Breakfast in good time, 7:30. K late to it, so Eva sat down to eat with her. I picked over a little coal. Mr. Jenner is here to take in wood, sift coal a short time. I made bed. Looked for fl. and Me. to give K to mend her [clemiloons?] with. Had to empty Trunk to do it; made chowder. Mr. Webster called to see about evergreen – trees around Papa’s grave and the house. Up in the attic, very son after dinner; finished things in K’s box, 1 Chinese Trunk, and my little old trunk. Eva polished kitchen stove and cleaned quite a place in the kitchen. K had a note from R. I had a postal from N and a note from Cousin Martha Davis. K felt poorly. Her pulse 90. Eve read and dozed over Diary and ac. And wrote to R.B. Hassett House Library and Co. sending for a package of envelopes, to Alden S. Sivan for Tax bill on the Brooklyn house. Read papers and bed about 11. Sat Nov 17 – a pleasant day and mild. Up at 6:30. Eva had breakfast at 7:30. Baked fin haddie and entire wheat puffs and waffles. I made custard pie and 3 squash pies and cooked beef steak after dinner roasted coffee. Mr. Jenners was here a part of the pm. He took in our celery. Eva washed the kitchen floor, baked white bread. K took her stockings down to May to mend but she did not sew any and had Mr. Hobbs bring her home. She wrote a long full not to Dr. Richardson and sent a record of her health. M mailed it. I took hot bath pm, made out clothes list, and mended for the wash till 10. Put things in soak and went to bed. I sat up in my room. M and Eva to the vestry to an Experience meeting telling how each one earned a dollar. I had a note from Richie and from Anne. Sun Nov 18 – a beautiful day. Up at 6:45. Made coffee, which was very good. K had breakfast at table but did not feel strong enough to go to Church. M started ahead with Mug and Saucer for the vestry. I went to the Unitarian Church to hear Mr. Hamlett upon pastor and people. Quite good but too long. May and Mamie were there. My strap broke, May fixed it for me on the Glendon Piazza. I went up to S.S. Rev. Mr. Haskins had the class. He was quite good but I dislike his [face or pace?]. Walked along with Mr. Parker. Mr. Wilton is in Boston spending Sunday at Mr. Chas. Rollins. She had Kitty’s class. M did not go to S.S. Eva had dinner all ready, I went right up to the cemetery afterwards. Mr. Webster has put the Pine bough on Papa’s grave. I finished making clothes list afterwards and we had supper. I put suds on the clothes, and read the Christian Register eve. Went to bed at 9:30. Eva went to Church (the Christian) 3 times. Mon Nov 19 – Snow am, cleared at 12. Cold and windy pm. Up at 6:30. Eva had breakfast at 7:30. Mrs. Perkins came about 8:30. She ate her breakfast and we had prayers before she began to wash. K staid in bed all day because she was tired and the “bed felt so comfortable”. M down town twice to P.O. pm – am to see about the Kuzzy. I up in the attic soon after 10 am and at 15 of 3 pm looked over 5 boxes. I spent a long time cutting off roast beef and beef steak for hash and to leave the bones for soup. Mrs. Perkins cleaned Pantry window after washing. I read after supper, fell asleep, down to help Eva fold the sheets and table cloth, skimmed milk, etc. wrote Diary from Friday eve and ac., and read papers till 10:45. I had fallen asleep over ac. And I felt too tired to write any letter. M had fallen asleep down stairs and the fire was so low that the room was very cool. Mr. Jenners attended to wood and water, covered part of the Strawberry bed. I am not sure how long he staid. Tue Nov 20 – A beautiful day but very cool. Ther 24 am on the Piazza. Waked at early dawn and fixed the fire – fixed it again at 6, up at 6:30. Eva made flour and water puffs and hash and fried pudding for breakfast. It was ready at 7:30. Mr. Jenners not here till 8:30. Ea said he went home about 4. He covered the strawberry bed, put all the apples from the barn cellar into the cellar to the house, got 3 eggs from the Mannings for me. K had note from Dr. Richardson and from [Vern Davis?]. She had sent for Mr. Hobb’s team to take her to Mill Village, but she did not feel able to go. M therefore took sewing up to Mrs. Brown’s. Mr. Dixon did not come, so we had Lamb chops for dinner. I cooked them. I did not have a chance to work in attic till 2:30 pm. I put only one large box in full order and partly did another small one and brought them down here, as it was too cold in the attic. Dressed for supper. Eva had it at 5. Started Cocoa, etc. Read, Wrote Diary and ac., fell asleep alas! Dr. R think K had better not visit. K had a note from Annie Shaw. Dr R. did not think K ought to visit!! Fri Nov 21 – Wrote to Judge Abbotts about Ins. On Broadmoor and Hay. A very raw am. Snowed, a little milder afterwards and rained. A very little cloudy all day. Ther 38 on Piazza towards noon, 32 early. Up at 6:30. Eva had breakfast early. Johnnie Cake, butter toast, and fin haddie. K had hers in bed as I advised her. I did not go upstairs at all am as I wanted to roast the Beef. I took out the Jellies from the cupboard and Eva cleaned it. I put them back after dinner and helped Mr. Jenners hang Grandpa’s portrait up in the hall and put Washington and his generals over the Mantel shelf in the Library. K up to dinner. I made out several checks for M and K not upstairs till nearly 3 o’clock, finished some little boxes in one larger one, redated them and rearranged them in there places and got a small place ready for Mrs. P or Eva to clean. Made bed, dressed for supper. M went to Mrs. Hodge’s pm Mr. Jenners bury the Trees, shrubs, and plants under earth in the barn cellar, he put our potatos [sic] in the cellar. Eva thought they were chilled by the frost and some apples too in the barn. Eva ironed all day; over to W. Fall eve. I wrote Diary and ac after reading. To Annie Capron, sent check to pay tax on the Brooklyn house and to Norcross. Thurs Nov 22 – a beautiful day very mild. Up at 6:30 showed Eva about chopping the hash fire enough. Made puffs of the entire wheat and milk toast, breakfast at 8:30. Mrs. Perkins did not come. K had breakfast in bed. I fixed papers on all the regular lower shelves, helped strain the soup. Put away food stuffed white fish and baked […] to show Eva about a little place in the Attic to clean. After dinner, did various things, put away clean clothes. Not able to get in the attic till near 4 pm! Went through only 1 hat box and ½ another. M to South Wolfboro on the Bicycle right after dinner. K to Mrs. Hodge’s rode in a buggy from Mr. Hobbs’s and K had a note from A. M. had one from H. Miss Jones called and Mr. Beacham with Ins. Policies. Mr. Jenners I think was here all day spreading manure, filling hogshead, etc. He sharpened 2 knives, 1 was the carving knife. I read, wrote Diary and ac. and to Richie. Read from 9 till 10:20 then to bed. Eva down to the Christian Church to the Prayer Meeting – Last eve Hattie Wiggins called for her to go again to Wolfboro Falls to hear the “Holy Crusaders”. Friday Nov 23 – Foggy, cloudy, and rainy eve. Very mild. Waked first at 20 of 4, then fell asleep and slept till 7. Eva made white fish hash, flour and water puffs, and corn cake ones. She had it ready at 7:30. K had hers in bed. Eva and I picked over pears. She pared apples for 2 pies and pared and cored a pudding dish full. I baked them and washed rice to be steamed for dinner. Up in that attic at 11:30. M had made my bed and swept and dusted my room. I finished smaller hat box, and commenced at long black trunk. Emptied it and then spent a long time in searching for the catalogue of its contents. So that I did not have time to finish it. M down town to see Mr. Young put the Kuzzy in with John and another man. K had a note from A. I had one from Mr. Kerr, Sexton of Kings Chapel. Mr. Jenners here all day spreading manure. Eva blacked the stove, ironed her dress. At 4:30 I dressed for supper which was at 5. I read partly before and finished after. Wrote Diary and Ac. and to Kate. Then read papers. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls to meeting eve. I replied to Mr. Kerr’s note. Sat Nov 24 – a beautiful day. Mild. Up at 6:30. Eva had breakfast at 7:30. Puffs of 2 kinds, hash warmed over and mutton hash on toast and fired pudding and waffles. I made 2 apple pies, custard pie, and steamed apple pudding. Cooked beef steak, Mr. Godfrey called just before dinner time to see about the missing bale of R’s. he made our dinner late. Mr. Jenners was here all day. He finished spreading the manure, mended chopping Tray. Filled hogsheads, drew check for me, etc. I worked in the attic pm till dark. Finished putting things in the big trunk. Washed head, supper, washed feet, made out clothes list, put clothes in soak and mended till 12 o’clock. May was up part of the eve. K had her breakfast in bed. M down town, I think twice, brought home some elegant biscuit from Mrs. Shepley’s. It was 1:10 when I went to bed. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls to the meeting of the Holy Crusaders. M had a letter form Richie he will be home Wed eve. His cold is in his throat and he coughs some. Sun Nov 25 – Cloudy early but pleasant afterwards mild. It snowed in the night. Everything white but most of it melted. M down to her breakfast afterwards went to bed. K had her breakfast in bed. I up at 6:45. Breakfast at 7:45. No wheat or Oatmeal! Went to the Christian Church to hear Mr. Ayer preach. “Consider thyself lest thou also be tempted” a very good sermon. I was late, lost part of my strap and walk a good ways back to find it and did not. I went over to S. S. a peculiar minister from Wakefield had our class. He graduate at Amherst in ’83 and was in the Divinity school with Mr. Clark, I called at Ms. Perkins. She was down at her mothers, who is very low. I saw only Annie. Called at Mrs. Hanson’s to get the Mail. Had a pleasant call. Home late Kitty and Eva at the table and were through dinner. I had mine, took up M’s dessert finished making clothes list. Wrote postals to A, H, and N, and diary for today. Colder and windy. Mon Nov 26 – A fine day but very cold. Up at 6:45. Had only dry toast and beans and old puffs for breakfast at 7:30. K up to hers. M had hers in bed. Pump was frozen. Mr. Jenners washed for us with the machine as Mrs. Perkins did not come. I helped some put clothes in the Wringer for him. Partly mended blue apron. Helped with preparing the soup. M down to dinner. I did my usual am work after dinner. Up in the attic so late had only time enough to put clothes hamper in order. Mr. Jenners killed Hen, Eva and he picked it. Supper at 5. I helped Eva fold sheets. She went over to Wolfboro Falls. I made bed, read wrote Diary and ac (fell asleep) and to Mr. Terry. Had a note from Richie. Tues Nov 27 – Eva ironing. I baked Mackerel for dinner. It was not good. Mr. Abbott here to see about stove in R’s room. He got Mr. Richardson to come and cut the holes for it. He made the pipe for it pm I was just ready to go down town for an oil cloth for the dining room stove, when Mrs. Hawkes with Bertha called. May had been here but she could not wait to see them. I went down as soon as they had gone and bought an oil cloth. Had Mrs. Hobbs bring me up. I do not recall what I did in the evening. Eva went to Wolfboro Falls eve. Wed Nov 28 – very cold and windy. K staid in bed all day. I made squash. I cooked oysters on toast for breakfast and pies, cranberry jelly. Fixed soup, saved some for K, and meat for hash. M making Pudding Plum. I got out the carpet we made for Everett Davenport to play on, for R’s room. Eva washed that floor, hers, and the dining room and the kitchen. I was busy all day, without getting to work in the attic. Evening Eva over to Wolfboro Falls. I read, and had supper ready for R. M took down 2 cakes that she had made, 1 for May and 1 for Mrs. Whepley and rode up with R. The train was quite late. I mended a little and to bed in fair season. I rolled the bread and baked it in the eve. I found Eva had made it all together too stiff and hard. Thurs Nov 29 – Thanksgiving day. A very cold windy day but fine. Up at 6:30, dressed hurriedly to be ready for the team to take us over to the Sunrise Prayer Meeting. M, Eva, and I went. K up to breakfast. Fricasseed Chicken rolls, baked potatos [sic]. I roasted turkey, Eva and I stuffed it. Eva cooked squash and washed potatos [sic]. I cooked Onions and made the Gravy. M and I baked the plum pudding. M made the Pudding sauce. Dinner at 1:30. Began to sew in Library just before dark. Tried to get off buttons off Arctics. R finally helped by taking all off. He read eve from the Herald and the Century. I mended stocks and night gown partly. Did not get to bed till 11:30. Had nuts and Raisins, candy, and cake for supper. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls eve. Fri Nov 30 – very cold snow storm am a little and a little pm. Up at 6:30. Breakfast in good season. Hash, graham puffs, and squash griddle cakes. I moved our food from Refrigerator into the cellar. Cooked wheat and rice and lamb chops. After dinner Miss Haley called for boots for Nat. Mr. Levi Haley called for 95 for a chicken bought of Mr. Hodgdon in […]. I did not have time to go in the attic. Eva cooked turnip and picked over Pears and pared a jar full. I saw just how she mixed the w. bread: fixed cocoa, had supper. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls eve. I intended to write Diary and ac. After supper but decided to wait till R went to the P.O. and o it then that I might hear him read by . Put more water on beans and salt fish, did various things, made bed and was too tired to sit up longer. K up to dinner and supper but to bed early as her back ached. Am had letter from Nathan. R one from H. K one from A. pm I put away clean clothes, all but a few Eva had not ironed. Eve mended on night gown while R read. I wrote to S. S. Piera sending check for 3.30 for cr. Cream and Cherry Copenhagen at noon. Sat Dec 1 – a lovely mild day. Up at 6:55 as Eva had kneaded the bread, she had not made the puffs: I made the Egg, entire wheat and she [did] water ones. I made picked up salt fish and she made waffles. K not up all day. M wrote letter to Dr. Richardson for her. I fixed cocoa, beans, soup, and wheat, and the “sticks and stoves” of the cranberry sauce and onions before dinner. After dinner baked the w. bread, fixed cocoa, roasted coffee and Eva and I held the pot while Mr. Jenners ground it. Upstairs at nearly four. Washed my head, made bed, Mrs. Perkins and Tommy called. I paid her in full and gave Tommy the Hen. Eva ironing and over to Wolfboro Falls eve. I washed feet, wrote Diary and ac from Mon eve. Fell asleep over them downstairs late to mend. R put buttons on my Arctics with button fasteners. K staid in bed all day. I mended till 11:45 then took the remainder of my hot bath. Sun Dec 2 – beautiful am snow storm began at 11. A very mild one. Did not wake till Eva rang the first bell. I made coffee, breakfast at 7:45. I began alone, M down, next then R. K had hers in bed. We were only a little late to Church. Mr. Wilton back. Text “And Og King of Bashan and his mercy endureth for ever.” A very good Thanksgiving sermon. Interesting S.S. Lesson about John the Baptist. Only Mr. Whitten and the 2 Mrs. Avery’s and myself. Mr. Wilton walked as far as the stable with me and Mr. Brush brought me up. I helped Eva cook Oysters (Stew). She had been over to Wolfboro Falls to Church. I finished clothes list and putting the rest of clothes in soak. Made bed, wrote diary and wrote 1 sheet to H and 1 to N. Read, 2 of Eva’s papers of the “Holy Crusaders” and 1 Christian Union, bed at 10 or little after. K was in bed all day. Mon Dec 3 – Beautiful day. Quite cold and windy. Waked at 4:20, starlight, fixed fire then up at 6:45. I began breakfast alone: M soon after. K had hers in bed. R spoke through the Register and said he did not want any thing till dinner. I helped in the kitchen, till dinner was ready. K not up to it: M was ready. Mr. Jenners washed all the things first with the machine and used the wringer for us. After doing the necessary things after dinner, I went in the attic and simply put one trunk in order, the black one containing things that need mending. We made a few Champhorine bags. R had a note from H. K up to supper. Pm The Cr. Cream and the Cherry Copenhagen came. Eve I helped Eva fold the sheets read, wrote diary and ac, and check for 2 to Mr. Fred A Ladd, and receipt to Mr. Powelson, and downstairs to mend. At 8:25 basted on patches on w. plaid apron: mended cork soles, Read a part of the Transcript. R down to P.O. and called at Mays to leave the rope for reins that he had spliced. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls, eve. I bed at 10:45. Tue Dec 4 – A very lovely day. Clear and mild. Up at 6:30. Eva made flour puffs and Graham puffs. I cooked 2 Lamb chops and scrambled eggs. Breakfast quite late, but R, M and I were together. K had hers in bed and her dinner too: up to supper. I made chowder for dinner, not up stairs excepting to wash a small stain off the floor until after dinner. Did some arranging in the top attic. Eva brushed the rest of the [crousfeaint?]. I worked there till dark. Cleared out the box the stove (Dot) was in, etc, and C dressed for supper. After it read and slept over diary and ac wrote to Annie Capron and to Mr. Lovering, superintendent of Mt. Auburn sending check for 6:50. Mended a little on the ironing sheet., hear R read a little in Peter Ibbotson. Read Granite State News, not up to bed till 11. Wed Dec 5 – Foggy am then a remarkably beautiful day, mild. K X am. Up at 6:45, Eva made Johnny Cake and Graham Puffs and fried oysters. I made Oyster broth for K and hash on toast and 1 cup of coffee. After breakfast, made plain Farina, fixed Rice and oatmeal, did all the things I usually do and cooked steak for dinner. R went down for it as Mr. Barber forgot to send up the Lamb, that I ordered. After dinner attended to the purring way of the food, and made cocoa. Eva went to the Fair with M. I attended to the fire, made bed, looked over and put away clean clothes, waited on K. Not in the attic till 4 pm!! Moved some of M’s things to have a space cleaned in the attic and began to look through one trunk, dressed for supper; read, wrote diary and ac and to Mrs. Grace Palmer and to Theodore Metcalf Co sending 50 cts for “Antiseptic Spray Metcalf”. M and R went to the Fair eve. Mrs. Gould sang with Mrs. Whitton and Maud and Clara Jones recited. Eva staid at home. I read Tribune not up to bed till 11. Thurs Dec 6 – a very lovely day, mild. Up at 6:55. Eva made 2 kinds of flour puffs, baked potatos [sic], and rice griddle cakes. We had cold turkey and gravy too. Eva swept and washed a little place in the attic. I started wheat 2 kinds of soup strained and fixed rice for, put away mild etc, got list of trees and shrubs to till, Mr. Jenners how many sticks to get. After dinner, wrote the names on the sticks after doing the usual number of putting away things skimming milk to boil etc. Mrs. Wilton called, a pleasant call. M was over at Mrs. Hodge’s, Mrs. John Cate also made a pleasant call. K saw Mrs. Wilton. K had a good night last night and looked very well. Eva finished ironing and over to Wolfboro Falls evening. She fried the fish very nicely and the cakes too. Supper was a little late, I read, wrote Diary and ac and to Dr. Dillingham a note of sympathy on the death of his sister. Postal to Mr. Berry asking him to bring soft soap. R called at the Jones’s eve. M went to meeting. I did not sew at all, read till 10:20 from 9 or little after. Fri Dec 7 – Still a lovely day a little colder am but not afterwards. Up at 6:45. Eva made entire wheat puffs. I made milk toast. Did various things, showed Eva how to roast the Lamb, and gave it up to her. Had turnip and mashed potato, steamed soup, but had enough desserts without it. Farina, Rice, and apple pie. K did not eat any dessert. M started Beef Tea. I finished it and started wheat and did various things. Just before dinner went around the grounds showing Mr. Jenners where to set out the trees and shrubs. Made bed, finished putting away clean clothes and worked in the attic as long as I could see. K was quite weak am. M fed her at dinner time. M down pm for Yeast Cake and to the Helping Hand at Mrs. Harry Jones’s. After supper I wrote diary and ac, and then mended as it was necessary until after 10. Then read the paper and went to bed after 11. Sat Dec 8 – Cloudy and colder and snow a little pm and eve. Up at 6:45. Eva made corn cake puffs of both kinds, I made picked up fish and she made waffles – I made 2 squash pies and 1 custard pie and cooked steak. Eva cooked onions and had w [wheat] and graham bread and apple sauce to make and beans to bake and we made mince pie. Meat from the meat left from K’s beef tea. I moved out all the things from the last corner of the attic and Eva swept and washed it, while I was making a mince pie. After supper washed my head and feet, made out clothes list, and mended for the wash and clothes to put on till 12:10. R playing whist at Prof. Lords with Prof Kimball and Mr. Piper till12. M staid down to supper at Mays and helped her on Charles Blanket Robe. K in bed all day and felt weak. I put the clothes in soak and took the rest of my hot bath. Sun Dec 9 – snow storm am stopped pm. Up at 7. Made coffee. Altered the arrangement of the table and lounge in the dining room. Finished making clothes list, dressed for dinner, cooked oysters, and had mince pie for dessert. K in bed all day and had squash pie for her dessert. We all staid at home from church on account of the storm pm I read and wrote a short note to H and to Nellie to go with R’s last tow journal letters, and to A after supper. Then read the Christian Herald and 1 Outlook, bed at 10:30. M slept with K. Eva over to Wolfboro Falls to the meeting of the Holy Crusaders eve. Mon Dec 10 – A most beautiful day 18 above zero on Piazza am. Up at 6:45. Dry toast and beans for breakfast. Mr. Jenners told us Ida Hatch was very low, so her mother did not come. I helped with the washing. Mr. Jenners all the am after dinner did the stockings, did all the things I usually do in the am. Cut up beef steak for hash, put some pieces and bone on for soup, dressed for supper. After it helped Eva fold sheets and table cloth and wrote Diary and ac. and read. K took Ergot. R and M took a sleigh ride down t the Blanket Mill and got one for Robe for R. Tues Dec 11 – Cloudy and little snowy and eve a little rainy. Up at 6:45. Eva made beef steak hash and graham puffs or entire wheat for breakfast. After we were all through and Eva too, Mrs. Perkins came. We were greatly pleased. She finished cleaning the kitchen, cleaned 3 shelves in the Library closet, 2 panes of glass in the parlor window, the closet under the dining room sink and polished a few tins. She was here a little over 7 ½ hours. I paid her 75 cts, owe her for a few minutes. Was so late arranging the things in closet under the sink that I did not change my dress. R got my sewing for me and read Bourget’s article in the N. Y. upon American life. I was too tired afterwards to do anything but go right to bed. Wed Dec 12 – A mild rainy day, snow melting. Up at 6:55. Eva made butter toast and fish hash and fried fish (haddock). I made Cocoa started wheat, put away milk arranged food in the cellar. Cut off lamb from the roast and put the bones on for soup. Eva roasted Beef cooked squash and mashed potato. After dinner, I put on Beef bone for soup finished straining the gravy, put pantry in order, skimmed milk for boiling sorted out the pieces of cloth and tooth brushes that were under the sink. Eva ironing pm and baked w. bread. K looks very well, but did not get up till eve to lie on the lounge and have her bed made. I sewed eve on dining r. 7 and bath 7. R read stories from Harper’s Magazine aloud, I wrote diary and ac from Mon after I went up stairs and therefore did not go to bed till 11. M has a chilblain. Thurs Dec 13 – very windy, not very cold but colder than yesterday. Up at 6:45. Read before I went down. Eva made puffs of entire wheat, beef steak hash, and after I went down squash Griddle cakes. I did the usual various things and then made chowder. K consented to having Dr. King come to see her. Mr. Jenners called to ask him to alarm. K had her breakfast later than usual as she had a head ache, and had coffee for it, then R went down town. And so we did not have prayers. R had his hair cut after dinner. I made 2 lbs of beef tea for K that M had chopped. Then Dr. King called: so it was late when I went into the attic to work and I could do but little. Eve I sat down stairs the whole eve. Mending on my corsets. R was making the fastenings to his pajamas and so we had no loud reading. We had rice and plum pudding for dessert. K had squash pie, but ate only half a piece. She did not get up at all. Her head ache went into a back ache. I up to bed at 9:45. Fri Dec 14 – A windy day. Partly cloudy. Up at 6:50. Read the little books before going down. Eva baked Fin haddie and Johnny cake. I made Milk toast after I got down. M slept with K last night. I made the fire in her room for her to dress by. I did the various am things preferred soup for dinner and gave Mr. Jenners some beef tea. Meat for mince pie meat. After dinner, planned for supper and on the cellar stairs let 2 bowls 1 g. l. yellow, 2 w. and 2 yellow pie plates fall and break and contents soup and […]. Put away clean clothes. Mr. Jenners mended the pane of glass in my room. I put away clean clothes, was just dressing to go down and see Dr. King when R brought word that K would prefer not to have me. After Dr. K had gone, M went down to the Unitarian Fair and did not come home to supper. After supper, I fixed papers on the kitchen shelf, etc. Put away Milk and put beans and tapioca in sink. Wrote diary and ac. Sat Dec 15 – a beautiful day and very mild. Up at 6:45. Eva made puffs of entire wheat and chopped mutton hash and made toast for it. I fixed it. Eva made waffles. I made 1 mince pie, 1 apple and tapioca pudding. Eva had white and graham bread to knead and bake. I roasted coffee, up in the attic for a little while. Then washed my head after supper washed my feet. R and M to the Unitarian Sale and Eva also. I mended for the wash until a little after 10, then took the remainder of my bath and went right to bed. K seemed better. Tapioca Pudding for dessert and mutton chop at first I cooked them. R ate no dessert! Sun Dec 16 – a beautiful day mild. Up at 6:50. Made coffee skimmed milk, began my breakfast alone. Then M came and lastly R. K did not see quite as bright. M staid at home from Church. R walked with me as far as to go to the Unitarian Church. Mr. Wilton preached upon God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Also about being buried in baptism with him etc. Very good: he was quite eloquent. Our class had 12. It was interesting. Mrs. Sam Hessey brought me home. Eva had the oysters all ready for me to help her strain the. Had mince pie for dessert. R ate none! I made bed, put away Sunday clothes and finished clothes list, and put things in soak. Cecile Martin called with her mother to see if we had a bed [key?]. We could not find any. Her father and mother have separated. Eva went to the Christian Church with Hattie Wiggin. I read 1 Chris. Union: bed at 10. Mon Dec 17 – cloudy am. 1 shower: then pleasant. Waked at 3:30, then fell asleep and not up till 6:50. Breakfast before 8. I began alone then M, lastly R. I carried K her breakfast. Mrs. Perkins did not come. Mr. Jenners helped with the machine. I t was 11 o’clock before Eva hung any out. The bedding was not all put in the first boiler! Or the first machine washing. Had to make dinner late, while I finished hanging up the flannels. I scraped and piled the dishes. M went down town. Eva did the colored clothes in the second water. I started wheat cocoa and etc boiled milk. Dr. King called. I saw him. K better up and dressed in wrapper for 3 hours. Eve I hung the colored clothes fixed papers in the shelf and in hot closet, helped Eva fold the sheets, and read , and wrote diary and ac. Dozed over them too. Then went downstairs and red the Granite State news and then went to bed. Was too tired to sew. Spent quite a while in re-hanging the colored clothes in the kitchen. Tue Dec 18 – a cold windy day but clear. Up at 6:50. Eva made entire wheat puffs for breakfast. I cooked 2 chops and put mutton hash on toast that Eva had made. We were just through breakfast when Mrs. Perkins came in time to eat with Eva at 8:30. She did the ironing all of it. Eva had a headache. She cleared shelves to the refrigerator and helped Mrs. P wash the double windows. I started wheat cocoa, fixed soup, looked after the barn closet, arranged cellar food, then dinner, then gathered up the fragments, made out check for M. Then Mr. Godfrey came, made out check for him for the double windows he brought it back and I had to make out another to the Am. Express co. made list of the tools and contents of barn closet. Mr. Abbott here repairing the refrigerator. I washed double windows till dark. Changed dress before supper. Cut up roast beef after it for has for soup and for dinner, then mended on my blue apron till 10:25. K up 4 hours pm and eve. Wed Dec 19 – A beautiful am and day throughout. I up so that I was all dressed at 7. Read, wrote diary and ac. Eva’s head well. Mrs. Perkins here. I did the usual am work, and began to clean the Pantry. R did not get up till time for dinner as he did not sleep well last night. We had flour puffs of both kinds and hash for breakfast. M was late. Mrs. Perkins sewing various party things am. After dinner we went up in the attic and moved things so she could do the middle front strip in the floor and she greased the sheet iron and little stove pipe. I kept on at the pantry and finished the lower back shelf after supper. K was up to supper for the first time for 2 weeks and sat up and laid on the library sofa for 6 hours. I mended all the eve, after I was through work on one pair of stocks. R down to Mays eve. Not home till after I had gone upstairs. R had tea for supper. Eva out eve. I up to bed at 10:45. Mrs. Perkins washed the attic windows on both sides. Eva cleaned the kitchen table and 1 curtain. We had cabbage and warmed up roast beef and tapioca pudding for dinner. R ate no dessert. Mr. Prindle put up storm door and windows. Thurs Dec 20 – a most delightful day, mild. Waked at 5:10 fortunately slept again till 7:15. Eva made 2 kinds of corn cake puffs. I picked up fish, Mrs. Perkins here. She polished the Brass Coal [Hod?] We moved things in the attic so that she could clean the sack half in the centre. After dinner, beef steaks, squash and onions. I cooked all but the squash. I finished making beef tea of 2 lbs. gave Mrs. P the beef. Mrs. P helped me take the jellies from the closet bet. M’s room and R’s and cleaned that closet and the attic stairs. Mr. Jenners mended the refrigerator legs and the box in which I was to put the jellies. I was doing that when Mrs. Sam Hessay called. Pleasant call, saw her in the [crossed out: dining room] parlor, where M was cutting out R’s blanket robe. Mr. Wilton called at dining room door while we were at supper. He would not stop. I looked over clean clothes, made bed, read, dozed, and wrote diary and ac. Fri Dec 21 – M X. A beautiful day and mild. M staid in bed and till noon and would not let me send her any breakfast! I gave K hers. Eva swept the library, its rugs and the dining room. I dusted them all and Roasted Beef. Eva cooked squash and washed potato. Pm I mended the kitchen curtains. Mr. Jenners put up 2 of them, I fixed the cords, after supper. Sat Dec 22 – a beautiful day, mild. M staid in bed and would not let me send her any breakfast! I brushed the parlor and front hall and stairs and dusted them and the library and K’s room. Then made farina, and lemon pudding. And cooked Lamb chops for dinner. Eva cooked potatos [sic] and turnip. After dinner I made 2 squash pies. Helped Mr. Jenners get the wire screens form the barn to the attic. He mended the fastening in the kitchen window. I was too late, as I had the clean clothes to look over and put away to take my usual parts of my hot bath pm. I made out clothes list, as far as I could and mended for the wash eve and took my hot bath, just before going to bed. I dusted the dining room eve. I helped Eva wash up her supper dishes that she might go to the Templars. She was doing the floor and eating her supper part of the time. Sun Dec 23 – a beautiful day, clear and cold. Did not wake till 7 or after. Eva had the coffee ground. I made it. R more punctual I believe than M. Eva went over to Mill Village. I was the only one that went to Church. Mr. Wilton preached the best Christmas sermon I ever heard. Text “and Jesus was born”. Miss Cook was at Church with May. Both like the sermon very much. Mrs. Sam Hersey brought me home from S. School. I cooked oysters K was up to dinner and had been on the Piazza. I put away things, finished making out clothes list, and putting things in soak. K up to supper too. She felt much better. Eva to Christian Endeavor pm and to meeting eve. I read eve in my room and the then the Chris. Union down stairs. I slept over it and not up to bed till after 11. Mon Dec 24 – a beautiful clear cold day until way in the pm, it was little cloudy. Up at 6:45. I began breakfast alone. M came pretty soon. R did not get up till dinner time as he had not slept very well. Eva began with machine washing as soon as Mr. Jenners came he helped. Mrs. Perkins came at 9 and staid till 2. Mr. Jenners washed with the machine. Eva had begun, I helped. Eva washed the dishes in the dining room. Mrs. Perkins hung the clothes out. I mixed the bread, cut off the roast beef attended to the cracked wheat and the cocoa, hemmed the curtain, fixed the cords. Mr. Jenner put it up in the kitchen. I paid him for last week. K not up at all. She ached all over. Dr. King called. All of us had notes from Helen. Eva out eve to Grange meeting and Good Templars. M to the Christmas Tree at the Vestry. I dressed after supper. Wrote Diary from Thurs and ac. Slept over them, changed the position of the clothes in the kitchen. Bed at about 11. Tues Dec 25 – Cloudy am. Fine afterwards and mild. It snowed last night about two inches. I over slept am and had to keep Mr. Elliott waiting to take me to the Sunrise Prayer Meeting at the Vestry. They had not begun however, a very good meeting. Led by a young man excellently, whom I did not know unless it was Will Cate. I went alone as M and Eva did not want to. Eva had batter Toast made. I warmed up the roast beef in the gravy. We had prayers for which I was very glad, as we had not for a long it me. Eva and I got dinner Roast Goose stuffed, squash onions, and mashed potato, plum pudding and squash pie for dessert. I baked bread after dinner, started oatmeal and cocoa put away mild etc, etc. Eva had a bad cold gave her medicine. Not upstairs till nearly dark. Read after dressing and wrote diary and ac. Wed Dec 26 – a beautiful day. Up at 6:45. I made milk toast for breakfast. Did the usual things after washing dishes while Eva ate her breakfast. Eva ironing. I cooked beef steak. We had Lemon Pudding and Farina for dessert. I washed dinner dishes while Eva was eating her diner. R drove M over to Mrs. Hodge’s and back. I worked in attic a little while pm. K down to dinner and supper both, and then up to sleep in M’s room. I mended on brown apron. R read aloud from “Peak and Prairie”. Several packages came for K and a note for M and for her from A. I up to bed at 9:30 read before going. Thurs Dec 27 – a fierce gale, am less pm. Up at 7. Downstairs to make hash, as I had not sorted out the meat for it before I opened my bed or was ready for breakfast. Eva made puffs of entire wheat and toast of old puffs. Of course breakfast was late. I did the usual things and made brine for the best butter, looked over clean clothes Eva picked over the pears and pared a jar full. After dinner I did the usual things. Put brine on the butter and went in attic for sheets for the cot for Kitty which was placed in M’s room. Had to brush up a great deal of snow. Then selected blankets for K’s bed. Put away clean clothes, found Eva had laid down with a sick head ache. M and I got supper. M did all the silver, glass and dishes, I washed dish towels, and clothes. Wrote Diary and ac. K dined and ate supper with us. The door to the Barn cellar blew off! Mr. Jenners not here at all. We had soup, cold goose, and onions, squash pie for dessert. K ate none! Too bad. Sewed on brown apron again till 9 then to bed. Fri Dec 28 – a beautiful day. Cold but not as bad as yesterday. A very cold night last night. I added wood at 10 of 3, 3:30, 4:20, and 5:50. Up at 7. Breakfast at 8. Old puffs, old hash, and squash griddle cakes. R did not sleep more than an hour and a half he thinks! Eva’s head well and her cold better. I made hasty pudding, roasted lamb, and prepared rice. Eva mashed potato, kneaded and rolled the bread, and steamed the rice. R went down for the lamb. I finished putting the library closet in order. Eva washed the shelves for me. Kr. King called while we ere at dinner. K was eating hers in bed. I saw him afterwards and told him how she appeared at the table when eating. He said if R would call he would have some tablets that would help her. I put two shelves in order in the dining room closet. May called Mr. Jenners here all day attending to wood and water. K up to supper. M had bad cold. I wrote to Diary and ac. after reading. Sat Dec 29 -- A fine day cold. Last night was very cold. Eva fried Cusk for breakfast, made puffs, and waffles. I made stead apple dumpling, baked Indian pudding, beef tea. R chopped the meat very fine and nice, cranberry sauce and sponge cake. For dinner had soup, Cusk and a small piece of beef steak. Roasted coffee after supper, as I did not get through in time to before. Eva made apple sauce. I made out clothes list, put things in soak, took hot bath and went to bed without reading or sewing. M’s cold troublesome. Sun Dec 30 – a beautiful day, cold, but no as cold as yesterday. Up at 7. Made coffee. R and M only a little late to breakfast. R had engaged Mr. Hobbs to come up to take me to Church, but he did not come so I walked as was late. A small congregation. The harmony of Faith. Quite good. A very small S. school. I called at Mrs. Symonds to see if Mrs. Perkins helped her Sat. It took me all the pm to finish clothes list and put clothes away and in soak and to read. After supper I read the Christian Union – slept over it and not up to bed till very late. K was down to dinner and supper and up eve till nearly 9 o’clock. Eva staid at home from church am but went to Wolfboro Falls eve. M’s cold too bad for her to go to church. Mon Dec 31 – a clear cold beautiful day: not too cold. Up at 6:45. Eva had been up from 5:45 and had washed quite a number of clothes. R and M down to breakfast only a little late. K “felt like sawdust” and staid in bed all day. Dr. King here just before dinner. I did not see him. I helped with the wringing and […] tending the washing of Mr. Jenners by machine and hung up the flannels and colored clothes. Attended to soup, cocoa and oatmeal. Finished clearing out the dining room closet. Hattie Wiggin called to see Eva pm I had to finish the closet with her in the dining room. I mixed the bread. Eva finished kneading it as supper was ready. It was late on account of H.W.’s call. May up am to invite R there this eve to play whist with Mr. and Mrs. Piper. He went. He is not sleeping at all well now. I had a note from Nathan’s Helen, postal from our H. Eve I went up to see K and then read in library and wrote diary and ac from Friday eve. Up to bed at . Our dining room sink would not cut the water off. M downtown eve. 1895 Jan 1st, 1895, Tues – K X am. Eva and I fricasseed [fowles?]. We had squash, and mashed potato and cranberry jelly. Plum pudding for dessert. Cleaning the east side of the pantry. Bought cusk and fin haddie. Wed Jan 2, 1895 – Had cusk for breakfast and fried hasty pudding. Helen’s Edith born. The Telegram was sent to A. We did not get it I think till Friday. Thurs Jan 3 – Worked at kitchen closet. Eva ironing but washed shelves for me. We had a hard time getting them out and back, had to take off things to get top ones out so as to get shelves back in. Eva ironing. Made a chowder for dinner. Fri Jan 4 – Up by lamp light at 6:30. Down to tell Eva about breakfast as I did not last eve. She cooked fin haddie. Part simply broiled and then milk on it. Corn cake puffs of both kinds and squash griddle cakes. I had time to read up before breakfast. Eva blacked her stove after breakfast. I roasted beef. Eva cooked potatos [sic] and cabbage. Dinner at 12:30. R went down in the am for the beef. I turned the paper on the kitchen closet door and Mr. Jenners put in nails. He did not have time to mend the trunk. CASH ACCOUNT: May 21: E.C.B. borrowed 10.00 Paid July 13 Annie Shaw came at 3.00 a week Eva D. Folsom came at 3.00 a week Sat Jan 5 1895 – very cold. Made custard pie, apple pie and baked rice pudding, roasted pork for Richie, cooked beef steak, roasted coffee. Attended to milk, cocoa, oatmeal, soup etc. Emptied Zinc Trunk for Mr. Jenners to mend. Put away clean clothes, made out clothes list, washed head and feet in hot water, before supper. After it R read in the Monk of Aventine, until Mr. Piper called to ask him to go down and play whist with Prof’s Lord and Kimball. I mended for the wash till 10:30. took the rest of my hot bath and bed at 11:30, K had a comfortable day. Sun Jan 6 – milder. Snowstorm. Quiet one. Up at 7:15. Breakfast at 8:30. M down first, R a little later. I attended to milk cocoa, etc and helped Eva by picking over the sifted coal. Made out more clothes list. Cooked oysters had dinner at 1:30. plum pudding for dessert. M had mince pie, K custard. Made out more clothes list, things from K’s bed. Took out stairs from table linen with boiling water, was in K’s room a little while. Filled the boiler up with snow from the hogshead, cut up soap to put in it. Had supper at 6. Eva went to Church eve. None of the rest of us did. I wrote to Anne and to Helen. Did not sit in the Library at all or read much in the outlook. Bed at 11:20 felt very tired. Mon Jan 7 – misted, foggy pm. Very mild snow am. Felt very tired and not up till 7. Breakfast at 8. M down and R soon after. Eva got up at 3 o’clock. She had some things, washed by machine and hand too and boiled. I helped in the kitchen did breakfast dishes, helped wring, and hung the clothes up in the attic. H's and col. things in the kitchen. Mixed bread, washed my sleeping socks, prepared corn wheat, cut up beef steak for hash. Had steamed coffee, fixed soup, dumpling, etc for dinner, rice for dessert. K did not feel quite so well am had a back ache. Had R ask Dr. King to come up and see her. He did just at supper time. M and R had notes from A. in regard to k. I changed dress after supper – mended w. apron. R down to citizens meeting eve. I wrote diary and ac. Up to bed at 10. M went at 9 on before. R home 11:20, just as I was going to bed. Tues Jan 8 – cloudy, but nice and mild. Up at 6:45. Eva had breakfast at 7:45. Flour puffs and graham and beef steak hash all good. I locked up my room so that M need not have the trouble of putting it in order at all. I paid Mr. Tilton, bought halibut, did the usual am things. Wrote to Mr. R. B. Hassett enclosing check for 60 cts due on St. Nicholas. Made drawn butter. After dinner did the usual things started oatmeal, skimmed milk put brine on butter. Took down clothes from attic, helped Eva sprinkle the sheets and table cloths. Dressed for supper, made hash on toast for K. Eve R finished Monk of Aventine and read one of Paul Bourget’s articles. He had called on Mr. Webster. Dr. Jenners putting on weather strips. Evening Eva was out. I put away several things in the cellar and pantry and hung up the clothes that had been hung out doors. K felt quite well, all but a little rheumatism in her legs, so she did not get up. May gave M a ride in the am. M out pm eve I wrote Diary and ac. after reading went to bed at... Wed Jan 9 – cloudy am, a little pleasant pm, colder but beautiful. Up at nearly 7. Eva had breakfast at 7:30, halibut hash and flour puffs and entire wheat ones all good. We had a very good start. K felt very bright and that she was going to get well am. We had cold meat, beef, and pork, and chicken soup for dinner. M down to Mays for dinner and supper. M stitched in R’s flannel robe. K dressed in her Wrapper but did not feel as well. Felt as thought “basted together”. am I wrote to the Outlook sending check for 10 and 4 quarter dollar subscriptions. In pm worked at boxes in the attic and am. 1 trunk: all to leave. Mr. Jenners am mended trunks pm put on weather strips. Eve I mended on br. apron all eve till 10. R down to Mrs. Varney to play whist with Mr. Harsey and May. M went to bed early. I at 10:30. Thurs Jan 10 – colder, cloudy am, bad storm pm snow and hail. Up at 6:30, helped Eva make milk toast, scrambled eggs for self. Eva made butter toast and dropped two eggs for K. R ate nothing but cr. Wheat. I up stairs in time to write note to Mr. Davenport Real Estate Broker and send check for 10. Sent the Miniature Outlook with John’s address. Cooked chops for dinner. After it started Cocoa, (Saw Dr. King just before dinner), Oatmeal, put away clean clothes, wrote diary from the 8th and ac. disappointed in not getting into the attic. K had a bad head ache. Mr. Jenners altered weather strips and bolt, cleaned water closet and sawed wood. R read aloud in the century, the Life of Napoleon, right after supper till 8. I mended wash, cloth, sheet, napkins, one dress and sewed a little on br. apron. Then upstairs and read and finished diary and ac, not in bed till 11. Fri Jan 11 – Friday cloudy and foggy all day but nice and mild. Up at 7. A little ate to breakfast. Eva made egg puffs, fried pudding and cusk. K had slept off her head ache. M and I had family prayers alone. All I did excepting the usual things before dinner was to write to R.B. Hassett for cosmopolitan for John. I cooked beef stead, had Rice pudding for our dessert. K had apple pie. R ate none. Eva made apple sauce for dinner. After it, I wrote to [Lippin?] Cott Co. about their note enclosing 1.00 to Mr. Powelson sending check receipt. to C.F. Hovey and Co. and to New England Trust Co for check book and wrote diary and ac. Up in attic at 3 pm. Dr. King here at noon, is giving K iron. He wants her to try lager at night with her medicine to make her sleep more refreshing. Sat Jan 12 – cloudy very mild foggy eve. K about the same. Eva made puffs of entire wheat and Indian meal and water and hash, I made picked up fish. Breakfast a little after 8. R and M drove over to mill Village for M’s dress. I roasted beef, made 3 squash pies, could not bake them till after dinner I dusted out hat tree drawer and hall table drawer. Swept my room thoroughly, made out clothes list. Eve. R. read from Peak and Prairie, finished it. I dusted my room, after I had mended for the wash, took hot bath and went to bed at 11:50. Sun Jan 13 – rainy, foggy, cold. Cleared late pm. Up at 7. Made coffee, breakfast at 8:30. Did the usual things and beside made the dining room very neat. And picked over some coal. Did not go to church on account of the bad weather. Up and read right after breakfast. May called after church. Dinner at 2. K ate oyster Broth and mutton chops. R ate only cold roast beef. I sat in K’s room pm and wrote to Nathan, then in mine and wrote to Helen and Diary. K looks better. Eve read Outlook and put hot water on the clothes, did not get to bed till 20 of 12. Eva went to the Advent Church eve. Mon Jan 14 – fine clear cold day. K made “a hole in the night”. Eva up at 4:30. I not till 7. Eva had boiled the first lot of clothes. We had quite a delay in waiting for Mr. Jenners to get rinsing water from the hose. I helped every minute in the kitchen till dinner time. M washed the dishes in the dining room. I did the various usual am things after dinner and not upstairs till 3:15. Worked in the attic till 4:25 then dressed for supper. Mrs. Anson G. Smith called to sell soap! Dr. King called. M was out calling with May on Maud and Ada Thompson. M had to go down stairs for food fork at 4:30 am. K looks well. She told Dr. King perhaps the medicine was too strong for her and he is reducing it and will call again in a day or two. K was in M’s bed a while eve. R read Outré Mere about Florida. I mended on br. apron: fixed kitchen for night. Wrote Diary and ac. Had a note from A and from Honey about my check Eva went to the Grange. I answered A’s note. Bed at 11:20. Mr. Jenners washed, saved wood emptied cesspool. Tues Jan 15 – fine mild day. Eva made 2 kind of graham puffs for breakfast. I cooked beef steak and warmed over old steak. I made a beginning in packing box no. 1. K looks better. Dusted off 2nd story screens. Eva fried halibut for dinner am. We folded the sheets and table cloth. Pm Eva went to Dr. Dowlins then back with M to helping hand supper. Eve I mended on ironing sheet till 11:10. Bed at 11:50. Eva home before M did her dishes and mixed w. bread. K had a comfortable day no pain, and looked better. Mr. Jenners sawing wood and trimming trees. Pm I paid him for last week. K took lager at bed time. Wed Jan 16 – cloudy am and then a snow storm. Up at 6:30. Downstairs at 7:30 made picked up fish, did the usual things a upstairs before 11. K laid awake some, but her sleep “was sweater” that she did have.”. She looked better. I made bed, brushed in my room a little. Looked over things in the all. Eva got dinner alone, mutton chops. M down to Mays at 11:30, staid all day, The Ellacoya Club, met there. pm May stitched on R’s robe on her machine. I packed box no II. Table linen towels etc. R mended the box. Dr. King here just at supper time. I saw him in K’s room but I must not again for it “tires her”. Our supper late, I cut up beef steak and bits of roast beef for hash. Eva baked w. bread. Ironed sheets and table cloth mixed graham bread. M home before R went down to P.O. I sat up in my room. Wrote Diary and ac. After reading, looked at Boston Herald and began to undress at 10 o’clock. Wrote to R.B. Hassett, sending check for 1.06 for Diary. Back a little lame. Thurs Jan 17 – a most beautiful day. M X last night Ther 39 pm on our piazza. Up at 6:25. Went downstairs before wholly dressed to tell Eva about the milk to use for the toast. She made hash, butter toast, and milk toast. All were good. I did usual things, upstairs made my bed, looked over the Napkins. Began to examine steamer trunk. I read before am before breakfast. Eva baked Baked trout and we had squash pie for dessert pm In attic [commenced] box III. Worked at it till too dark to see any longer. K had a comfortable day. M had her supper in bed. Eva ironing all of her spare time. R read aloud from Romola. I mended on napkins. Eva to prayer meet eve down at the Christian Church. She was not at home when I went to bed. I also mended clean sheet to be ironed and packed in the box of bedding. Fri Jan 18 – colder but clear. Up at 7. Down to tell Eva about breakfast. Flour puffs of 2 kinds, chops for K and M. I found old graham puff batter in a jelly tumbler in kitchen closet. I baked it and what was left from this am. Made stuffing for turkey. Swept stairs and front hall and dusted them, did the dining room too. After dinner attended to cocoa and made bed. Looked over more clean clothes. Up in the attic at 3:40 to attic, worked at Box III. It was too cold to enjoy it. Took down catalogue to write in it in my room and bundle to do up. Eva down to Dr. Dowlin’s pm K much better: sat up twice and looked quite like herself. A note from H. Eve M down to supper and R read aloud the slips H sent and in Romola. Eva out eve. I mended on sheets for tomorrow. Sat Jan 19 – a fine day clear and cold. Up at 6:40. Read before breakfast. Eva had puffs, fish balls, and griddle cakes. I made steamed apple dumpling, farina, baked pudding, helped to roast the pork, cooked the steak, and made the pork gravy and partly cooked the onions. Roasted coffee. Eva swept the dining room and washed the floor. Mr. Jenners swept its rug and the library ones and the one in R’s room. I swept R’s room and mine, made out clothes list after supper and washed head and feet and dusted my room, then mended, put things in soak and read the Granite State News while I was waiting for my room to get warm enough for the rest of my hot bath, not in bed till 12:45. K better, bathed more and sat up more. Dr. King here at supper time, so I ate mine alone and R and M theirs afterwards. Aug 31 – wrote P.S. to Mrs. Powelson, should Mr. Powelson pay for the front door and be obliged to leave on account of our renting on more favorable terms. I would refund the ten dollars to him. If that seems desirable [crossed out: to him] I am perfectly willing to make that agreement. I know how unpleasant it is to have ones front door shabby. Capt. Burnham Cove Flint and Co. Mrs. Sallie B. Hendricks Mr. Robert H. Kerr The International News Company Dr. William L Jackson William Jarvie M.D.S. Miss Lilly Halwick Mrs. S.N. Read |
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