Edward Royal Warren, field notebook 7, bird and mammal notes 1937-1938, transcription
Edward R. Warren Papers, Ms 0051, Box 2, Notebook 7: Bird and Mammal Notes 1937-1938 1937, 6, PODILYMBUS PODICEPS Aug. 13, Pittsburgh I saw two birds on a beaver pond close to the road below Pittsburgh which I was quite sure were pied-billed grebes, although I was not close enough to be absolutely sure. Although I looked for the birds as we drove down the road on the 14th, and I had the glasses ready for use, I saw nothing of them. 1937, 132, ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS Aug. 10 This morning I was where I could look down on the beaver sloughs opposite the Columbine coal mine and saw five young ducks that I thought were mallards. A short time after I saw them in the largest pond. In the [6th ?] I saw about half a dozen ducks in the upper pond of the Double […] Colmy that I thought were most likely mallards. They could not fly but went skittering along the surface of the water. Possibly adults that had moulted their […] Aug. 18 Nichols Lake Nine mallards were on Nichols Lake this morning. I had a good look at them with the glasses, and saw the green head, also the white tail feathers as they flew. These may be the same birds I saw on the 12th and thought might be teal. Aug. 19 This afternoon George came in with a female mallard which he had caught in a slough or small pond somewhere above camp. He said it could not fly, but swam about. He had no great trouble in catching it. Its wings were all right and I could find no injuries of any sort. It was perfectly quiet while George held it. 1937, QUERQUEDULA DISCORS Aug. 12, Nichols Lake As we were driving down to Crested Butte from our camp this morning we saw a flock of 8 or 9 small ducks in the lake. They flew a short distance and lit on the water. They did not appear to be much frightened. When we came up the road about an hour later I could see them on the farthest side of the lake. From their size I thought they probably were teal. As on the 8th I saw 9 ducks on the same lake which I positively identified as mallards, I have no doubt that they above mentioned ducks were the same birds seen then. Therefore they were not teal. 1937, 190, BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS Aug. 17, Crested Butte As I was sitting at the tent in the evening at about dusk a bittern flew over camp just as it did a few years ago. 1937, 256, TRINGA [crossed out: HELODRAMUS] SOLITARIUS Aug. 8, West Brush Creek I saw a solitary Sandpiper on West Brush Creek this morning, where the road crosses the stream. Aug. 18, Crested Butte I saw a Solitary Sandpiper by Slate River, close to camp, this morning—I thought I saw one yesterday afternoon but was not sure. 1937, 263, Double-Top Colony Aug. 6 I saw a spotted Sandpiper fly across the pond this noon. Aug. 9, Nichols Lake One seen flying across the lake this morning Aug. 11 Two were seen this morning at a slough or small pond the other side of Slate River from camp as we crossed to a trail. Aug. 17, Crested Butte One flew up Slate River past our camp this afternoon. Aug. 18 One seen near camp, and one at Nichols Lake. One or more, very likely just one, has been flying up and down the river this afternoon 1937, 316a, ZENAIDURA M. MARGINELLA Aug. 14, Crested Butte I saw mourning doves this morning a mile or two from Crested Butte on the Pittsburgh road, and also saw some there two days ago. Aug. 22 I did not see any doves after the above date, although along that road several times Aug. 23, Cochetopa Road Mourning doves were seen at a few places along the road. One flew parallel with the car for some little distance, and barely kept pace with it when we were driving 35 miles an hour. The bird was at a little lower level than the car, so that the opportunity for accurate observation was excellent. 1937, 331, CIRCUS HUDSONIUS Crested Butte Aug. 17, Crested Butte A marsh hawk flew over our camp this afternoon. Aug. 18 One seen up Slate River near the Pittsburgh road this morning. I saw the bird flying near camp in the afternoon. Aug. 19 The bird was seen this morning Aug. 20 The marsh hawk was flying about again this morning. 1937, 337f, BUTEO B. CALURUS Aug. 18, Crested Butte I saw a red-tail this morning as we were driving down the road. We saw a large hawk earlier, as we were driving up, which I am inclined to think was an immature red tail. I thought it was too large for Swainson’s. Aug. 19 I saw two Red tails in Washington Gulch today, an immature toward the lower end of the gulch, and an adult several miles farther up. 1937, 360a, Brush Creek Aug. 6 I saw a Male Sparrowhawk along the trail East of [that?] Brush this afternoon. Aug. 8 One seen near camp this noon Aug. 14, Camp above Gothic A Sparrowhawk was seen near the road when coming over from Crested Butte this morning. Aug. 17 A Sparrowhawk was seen between camp and Gothic this morning, and at least two between Gothic and Crested Butte. Aug. 18, Crested Butte One seen this morning when driving up the Pittsburgh road. Aug. 19 Several sparrowhawks were seen in Washington Gulch today, perhaps half a dozen. It was hard to tell how many as the birds kept flying back and forth as we drove along the road. I doubt if any went above 10’000 feet. Aug. 23 Sparrowhawks were seen between Crested Butte and Jack’s cabin, and one or two on the lower end of the Coche Topa Road. 1937, 404, SPHYRAPIDUS THYROIDEUS Aug. 21, Lake Brennan This morning I saw a male Williamsons Sapsucker in the timber by the road along the lake 1937, 413, COLAPTES C. COLLARIS Aug. 10, Camp west of Nichols Lake I saw several flickers this morning between camp and the Columbine coal mine. I have also seen the bird elsewhere but made no note of it. Aug. 17, Crested Butte One flicker seen below Gothic this morning Aug. 18 One seen a short distance up the Pittsburgh road this morning. Aug. 19 One seen in Washington Gulch today. 1937, 420, CHORDELES V. HOWELLI Aug. 5, Camp near West Brush Creek This evening, a little after seven, I was standing on the top of the bank which slopes abruptly down to the creek, when a night hawk flew around me three or four times very low down and close to me, and then descended into the gulch and coursed up and down the stream a little and finally came up and flew away. Aug. 7 Three night hawks were flying about in the evening, but none very near. Aug. 9, Camp west of Nichols Lake Flying about in the evening Aug. 19, Crested Butte I saw two night hawks flying about this evening 1937, 436, STELLULA CALLIOPE Aug. 15, Camp above Gothic I saw a hummingbird this morning at some gilia flowers that appeared to me to be unusually small. If that was really the case the bird was the Calliope hummer. 1937, 475, PICA PICA HUDSONIA Aug. 23 A magpie was seen a short distance north of Gunnison, one near Jack’s Cabin , and one on the lower part of the Cochetopa road. Although magpies were once quite common in the Crested Butte region I do not think I have seen one there for several years. 1937, 484, PERISOREUS C. CAPITALIS Aug. 4 & 5, Monarch Park Camp birds were about both the evening of the 4th and the morning of the 5th, when they came before I got up – as usual they were very familiar. Aug. 14, Camp above Gothic Camp birds were about this afternoon but were not sociable Aug. 17 The camp birds were seen every day but never came close. Aug. 21, Lake Brennan Several camp birds are coming about the camp, and made their appearance almost as soon as we arrived yesterday. They are evidently accustomed to people being about. Aug. 22 The birds are still coming about. I often see them flying about among the trees on the other side of the road opposite camp. Aug. 23, Cochetopa Pass I saw a camp bird at the summit of Cochetopa Pass this afternoon. Aug. 24, Luders Creek Camp One or two camp birds were about but did not come [to near?] camp. 1937, 501.1, STURNELLA NEGLECTA Aug. 5, Crested Butte Meadowlarks were seen when driving from Crested Butte to Brush Creek. Aug. 10 Seen along the Pittsburgh road Aug. 12 Seen along the Pittsburgh road Aug. 18 Seen along the Pittsburgh Road Aug. 23 Quite a number seen below Crested Butte in the morning and also near Gunnison. 1937, 510, EUPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS Aug. 5-6 Brewer’s blackbirds were seen at all the ranches from Sargent west. Aug. 12 Seen along the Pittsburgh road this morning Aug. 18 As usual, Brewer’s Blackbirds are common here Aug. 19 These blackbirds are very common now and are beginning to gather in large flocks. Aug. 23 The blackbirds were in flocks this morning as we drove down to Gunnison. 1937, 521, LOXIA CURVIROSTRA BENDIREI, Washington Gulch Aug. 19, Washington Gulch I saw birds about the conifers in Washington Gulch this morning that I thought might be crossbills. They were not far below the Baxter [clacina?] Since returning to Colorado Springs I have examined skins of these birds in the Aiken Collection and am satisfied that my identification was correct. 1937, 540a, POOECETES G. CONFINIS Aug. 18, Crested Butte I satisfactorily identified Vesper sparrows this noon as we were driving along the Pittsburgh road a slight distance above town. There are a lot of sparrows about, but they have so elusive that it has been impossible to identify them. Probably they are a somewhat mixed lot white-crowns, chipping sparrows, possibly Savannah sparrows, and song sparrows. Several vesper sparrows have been bathing in the stream across from camp this afternoon and I watched them with the glass to be sure of their identity. Aug. 23 I saw at least one on the lower part of the Cochetopa road this noon. 1937, 552a, CHODESTES G. STRIGATUS Aug. 11, Oh-Be-Joyful Gulch Much to my surprise I saw a Lark sparrow in Oh-Be-Joyful Gulch, more than a mile up from the mouth. I did not expect to see that species there. Aug. 20, Anthracite Creek I saw a Lark sparrow 2 or 3 miles down the road from Kebler Pass. I saw only the one bird. 1937, 554, ZONOTRICHIA L. LEUCOPHRYS Aug. 22, Lake Brennan This morning I saw and positively identified a white-crown sparrow. No doubt I have previously seen this species here and elsewhere without being able to identify it. 1937, 569, JUNCO CANICEPS, Camp above Gothic Aug. 14, Camp above Gothic I saw a gray-headed junco near camp this afternoon. Aug. 17 One junco seen at camp this morning. Aug. 21, Lake Brennan Juncos seem to be quite common about here and I have seen a number. Aug. 22 I have seen juncos off and on today, both about camp and by the road along the lake.
Aug. 24, Luders Creek Camp Juncos were about this camp both last evening and this morning 1937, 592.1, OBERHOLSERIA CHLORURA Aug. 18, Crested Butte A green-tailed was bathing in Slate River opposite the camp this afternoon. I saw it clearly with my field glasses 1937, 613, HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTRA Aug. 23 I am sure some swallows I saw along the road below Crested Butte this morning were Barn Swallows, even though I was unable to see the forked tail. 1937, 612, PETROCHELODON LUNIFRONS, Crested Butte Aug. 18 About five o’clock this afternoon two swallows flew by the camp which I thought were Cliff swallows. They certainly were not violet-greens 1937, 615, TACHYCINETA T. LEPIDA Aug. 9, Camp west of Nichols Lake A good many swallows are flying about here, but it was some time before I could really identify them. They seem to all be violet-greens Aug. 10 The swallows have been flying about today. Aug. 11 I have seen only two or three swallows about, late in the afternoon very likely they are beginning to migrate, or getting ready to 1937, 622a, LANIUS L. EXCUBITORIDES Aug. 19, Crested Butte I saw a white-rumped shrike beside the road to Gothic, a little above the junction with the Pittsburgh road 1937, 656, DENDROICA A. AUDUBONI Aug. 21, Lake Brennan Audubon’s Warblers seemed to be plentiful among the trees as I walked along the road by the lake. They were continually flitting from tree to tree as I went by Aug. 22 The warblers have been everywhere about all day, at camp and along the road. They seem much inclined to frequent the thick higher foliage of the spruces. 1937, WILSONIA P. PILEOLATA Aug. 16, Camp above Gothic I saw a beautiful male [pileolata ?] warbler among the bushes just below East River above camp. Aug. 23, Luders Creek Camp I saw one of the warblers in the willows by the little stream this afternoon. 1937, 722a, TROGLODYTES A. AEDON Aug. 21, Lake Brennan I saw a house wren near the upper end of the lake this morning. 1937, 726, CERTHIA F. MONTANA Aug. 22, Lake Brennan A brown creeper was on the spruce trees close by camp this morning, and I watched it as it climbed about the trunks probing in the crevices of the rough bark. I was somewhat surprised to see it for it is not a common bird in this region. 1937, 730, SITTA PYGMAEA Aug. 22, Lake Brennan I saw a pygmy nuthatch in trees close to camp this morning. It kept pretty high up all the time, and if it had not been for my strong glasses I could not have identified it. 1937, PENTHESTES Aug. 16, Camp above Gothic I saw a chickadee this morning in the bushes below East River but was unable to identify it as to species. I had but a glimpse of the bird. 1937, 761a, TURDUS M. PROPINQUUS Aug. 6, Brush Creek I have seen robins many places since leaving Colorado Springs. I saw some on Brush Creek today Aug. 8 Robins were seen on West Brush Creek this morning Aug. 10 Seen near Columbine Coral Mine Aug. 11 A few robins were seen in Oh-Be-Joyful Gulch today Aug. 12, Pittsburgh A robin or two seen on the way up here. Aug. 19, Washington Gulch I saw several robins in Washington Gulch today. Aug. 23, Cochetopa Creek I saw a few robins along Cochetopa Creek this afternoon, and one or two were at the Luders Creek Camp. 1937, 768, SIALIA CURRUCOIDES Aug. 4-6 Bluebirds were seen here and there along the road from Salida west. Aug. 9, Camp west of Nichols Lake Quite a number of bluebirds were about camp late this afternoon Aug. 14, Camp above Gothic Bluebirds were seen at various places from Pittsburgh to Crested Butte, and thence to this camp. Aug. 18, Crested Butte A few [crossed out: cliff swallows] bluebirds were seen near town this morning 1938, Mustela [Noted different year date. Transcribed entries in order found in physical notebook.] Aug. 9 We drove this morning up the road as far as the old “Half-Way House” site and parked the car. I spent a good part of the time about the car while Dick walked on up to Emerald Lake. About 11,30 as I was out by the muddy sort of flat which is above the beaver pond there, a weasel came running across a log below me. It went into the weeds out of sight, came out again, went up a tree trunk a short distance and down again. Then into the weeds once more, and then I felt it running over my shoe. I was standing in tall weeds. Then it came out of the weeds and ran across a log over the mud flat and out of sight. The animal was so small that I was in doubt as to the species, whether the dwarf or the larger, but decided it was a young one of the larger. The color was not right for the dwarf. 1937, MARMOTA F. LUTEOLA Aug. 9 I have seen marmots on three different occasions thus far. On the 6th I saw on by the road on Brush Creek which walking down from the Double-Top Colony. On the 8th I saw one on West Brush Creek, and this morning one was seen by the road between East River and Crested Butte. Aug. 10 I saw about 3 marmots near the Columbine Coal Mine this morning. In the afternoon as we were driving down to Crested Butte, three young marmots and an old one ran up across the road to their house, presumably. Aug. 11 Two or three marmots were seen at different places in Oh-Be-Joyful Gulch today. Aug. 12 One or two seen near the same place this morning. Aug. 14 We saw quite a number on the Pittsburgh road this morning from the top of Nichols Hill down well toward Crested Butte. One noticeably dark one had a very red tail.
1937, CYNOMYS GUNNISONI, Cochetopa Pass Road Aug. 23 The first prairie dogs were seen some distance beyond the Flying M Ranch, and were seen here and there becoming more numerous for a time as were went on, and then disappearing Aug. 24 Prairie dogs were present and quite numerous at the Luders Creek Camp , and for a short distance along the road below there. Two dead prairie dogs were seen in the road between Saguache and Poncha Pass. 1938, CYNOMYS GUNNISONI [Noted different year date. Transcribed entries in order found in physical notebook.] Aug. 4-6 Through San Luis Valley, across Cochetopa Pass and up to Crested Butte I did not see many prairie dogs in the valley, and mostly they were half-grown young. While there were many holes on Pass Creek none of them seemed to be in use, though we did see a carcass or two in the Spanish Creek road, and they had been dead sometime, thought the animals had been killed this year. From below Cochetopa Pass to Gunnison more or less of the animals were seen many young- I do not recollect seeing any on the Crested Butte road. 1937, EUTAMIAS M. CONSOBRINUS Aug. 12, Pittsburgh Wherever we have been this trip these chipmunks have been common, often very numerous, along the road. Many of them appear to very small, as if young animals. Aug. 22, Lake Brennan There are a good many of these little fellows about camp and they were about everywhere, sometimes apparently looking for anything eatable that might have been thrown away, but they also spend much time eating the seeds of the various grasses growing about and possibly gathering them for storage. Aug. 24 They were seen at various places along the Cochetopa road on the 23rd and at Luders Creek Camp. 1937, CALLOSPER MOPHILUS LATERALIS Aug. 12, Pittsburgh Like their small relatives, the chipmunks, Say’s ground squirrels have been common everywhere, and if their size is any indication, many are this year’s young. I think they are more [confiding?] about a camp than the chipmunks, and one little fellow came quite close to us as we sat on the edge of a bench watching a bridge gang below. Aug. 17, Crested Butte As we were sitting in the tent this afternoon a young “Callie” was very busy eating the heads of the wild grass growing about. It was interesting and amusing to see it sit up and pull these heads over to its mouth and then bite them off and eat them. Aug. 24 As usual, were at Lake Brennan, along the Cochetopa road and at Luders Creek Camp. 1937, SCIURUS FREMONTI Aug. 22, Lake Brennan A two thirds grown Fremont’s Squirrel came down a spruce tree close to camp this morning while George and I were sitting outside. I think this is the first I have seen although I have seen evidence of the presence of the animals at almost every camp we have had. They are working on the cones. 1938, THOMOMYS FOSSOR [Noted different year date. Transcribed entries in order found in physical notebook.] Aug. 11, Lake Brennan Last evening a pocket gopher was working below the trunk at the near end of the car. I saw it push the earth up from the barrow, at least fifteen times, I think though I kept no count. This morning the gopher, or another, but probably the same one, was working directly in front of the tent, five or six feet from it. This was about fifteen feet from the other work, and I have no doubt the same animal was doing all the work. I tried a couple of exposures on it, but I have not much hope that I got anything. There is quite a lot of gopher work about the camp. A little after four this afternoon I watched a half-grown gopher at its hole 12 or 15 feet in front of the tent. It kept coming out and cutting green stuff and taking it into the burro. It was not at all discriminate in what it cut, apparently taking anything in reach. Once it cut quite a long stalk of grass and dragged it down. It frequently came all the way out of the hole, as much as two or three inches away What may be the same gopher I saw working last evening has a new burrow and mound near the rear wheel of the car. Aug. 12 A little after one this afternoon the gopher who live in front of the tent was pushing out earth where Dick was sitting in a chair not more than two feet from the hole. A little later the animal must have pushed earth from a hole a foot nearer the tent and directly in front of where I was sitting. I did not see this working as I was looking off into space. 1937, LEPUS TOWNSENDI CAMPANIUS Aug. 24 While we saw no living jack rabbits, the number of carcasses we saw on the road between Saguache and Poncha Pass testified to their presence and abundance. Some of these carcasses were quite small, but I do not think any were cottontails. MAMMAL CASUALTIES, SAN LUIS VALLEY Aug. 24, 1937 We had seen surprisingly few dead animals along the roads this year, not really enough to make it worthwhile to keep a record. In San Luis Valley it was a different story. Between Saguache and the junction with the main highway dead jack rabbits were seen at 7 and 12 miles, and going north at 1, 4, 4 ½, 12, and 15 miles. A dead prairie dog was seen at 3 miles east of Saguache, and one 15 miles north of the junction. Five dead jack rabbits and 2 prairie dogs between [Hartsel?] and Wilkerson Pass. DEAD ANIMALS IN ROAD, 1938 Between Colorado Springs and Salida we saw only a few victims of the automobile, two or three cottontails and one jack rabbit. Between Salida and camp on Pass Creek, including side trip up Kerber Creek to Bonanza, were several cottontails and jack rabbits. |
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