Colorado College Tutt Library

Century Chest transcription 124

Colorado State Cabinet of the Epworth League of The Methodist Episcopal Church
August 5th, 1901

To the Colorado State President of the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Its Successor, or Kindred Organization.

The undersigned who is privileged to be the State President of the Epworth League of the M.E. Church of Colorado sends you greetings form the nine thousand or more leaguers of Colorado.

I cannot possibly imagine the scope of the work for A.D. 2000, but can assure you that today, this fifth day of August A.D., 1901 God is greatly blessing our efforts in the spreading of his kingdom among young people of this state and that thousands can testify to a certain knowledge of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and of a positive knowledge of a home with our Christ when their earthly labors are ended.

Undoubtedly from a neumerical [sic] stand point our work will seem small to you but our State Convention just passed, a copy of the programme of which I enclose herewith, was marked by a manifestation of God's presence not to be doubted and now lives in the minds of all who were present as the most spiritual and helpful convention ever attended.

As you will look on the pictures of our workers shown in this programme, imagine them as gathered for greetings to you and your fellow laborers and may God add his blessings to our efforts and grant you the privilege of living in an age "When the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea".

In His Name,

State President

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