A Society of the Children of the American Revolution was formed and duly organized in April Nineteen hundred (1900) by Mrs. H.H. Seldenridge, State Regent of Colorado with a membership of eight children boys and girls. Mrs C.C. Griswold nee Katharine Howard Aiken was appointed President of the Society, being a Charter member of the Daughters of the American Revolution in Colorado Springs Colorado. Katharine Howard Aiken is direct descendent of Samuel Howard, Sergeant James Aiken, Capt. James Noble and James Noble Jr. all honor in the war of the American Revolution. Capt. James Noble and his father sacrificing most of their money and property for the sake of their country. David Noble fitting out a whole regiment at his own expense, having the regimentals make at his own home by tailors he hired for that purpose. The Childrens society of the American Revolution was named after the Nobles. The Washington National Society named it "The James Noble Society" in honor of it President Katharine Howard (Aiken) Griswold, Colorado Springs Colorado formerly of Chicago Ill her parents James G. Aiken and Harriet (Howard) Aiken were born in Beusen Rutland Co. Vermont.
The James Noble Society celebrate the Anniversary days of the United Stated. The Charter members are Mrs. Wheaton Riddle, Frank Harwood Riddle, Alten Leslie Dickerman, Myram Kim Blackmen Verita Addams Slaughter, Elizabeth Sudusen [?] Slaughter, Gerald Barned, Maurice Husted Barnes.
Katharine H. Aiken Griswold
Colorado Springs Colorado