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To Church of Christ Scientists of Colorado Springs - in the year 2001. Greetings. Our well beloved readers. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Cole have already written you letters-I am a very young Scientist but C.S. is so dear to me that I cannot keep [from] sending you a word of greeting and love. We cannot imagine what science will have accomplished in a hundred years. When it has done so much already in a little over thirty years. It may interest you to hear how C.S. has changed my life. & of the impression it has made on a once fashionable woman who loved the world better than anything else. I was brought up in the Calvinist branch of the Presbyterian Church. & my father, George H. Stuart of Philadelphia was one of the most noted philanthropist of his time. was president of the U.S. Christian Commission during the Civil War, giving up his entire time to the work. $7,000,000 passed through his hands for the relief of the solders-he also was the introducer & founder of the Young Men's Christian Asso. in this country & was its first president. So all my Early training was religious & philanthrophic - but the Presbyterian Church never satisfied me & at the age of 15 I refused to accept the doctrine of "predestination," & at 23 I repudiated "eternal damnation." As time went on, I lost nearly all my interest in religions.
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[------] & went so much only thru a sense of duty. Society appealed to me more than anything else outside of my home life & I was a leader wherever I lived but that did not satisfy me. & I never came home from a social event of late years without a sense of disappointment. In 1890 I first heard of Christian Science & was healed of a serious painful trouble, but with the Exception of Carol Norton then a young scientist, a college boy (only six months in science) the scientists that I met disgusted me much the way they presented C.S. No one would dream of saying the radical things now which were said then. Things which could at present be demonstrated in any way. When Carol Norton talked to me, I saw it was the Truth & he persuaded me to buy "Science & Health" (against my wish however). When I tried to read that book I would get in such a fury against Mrs. Eddy that I would pitch it across the room! I grudged the price $3.00 though I thought nothing of paying that price for a couple of novels. I moved several times during the next ten years & each time in packing the books I threw S & H among the books to be destroyed & each time I went next day & took it out of the pile saying to myself as an excuse, "I paid 3.00 for that book, no use in throwing it away!" I had a collection of what I considered funny stories about C.S. that I always told at diners etc but always underneath a still small voice said "Laugh away but it's the Truth & some day you will be a Christian Scientist." But I had to be stripped of everything I loved before I could come out for the Truth.
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In 1897 my husband was seized with a violent claim of lung trouble & was ordered to Colorado. For six weeks he was given no hope of his life, but in six months he was out of danger & then my health broke down & I was ordered out of the altitude-When I reached Philadelphia I was seemingly so ill that I was put in charge of a trained nurse & 3 physicians-the claim was Cirrhosis & [------] prostrative [?]. For two years I wandered all over this country with my nurse from Maine to California, suffered untold tortures and could get no relief. Every known drug was tried in vain. My husband meanwhile had to live in Colorado & I could only visit him for a few weeks at a time. Finally a great specialist said I must live in California never come back to my house again & he told my husband that my days were numbered & that I would live in an insane asylum. Then when Everything was taken away I turned to C.S. ready at last to give up every material aid. Mr. Corby of Los Angeles California was my healer and in one treatment I was cured of Cirrhosis & came home & ate anything I liked. (I had been living on dried bread, meat, & one or two vegetables.) The [--roons?] claim went more slowly but in less than 3 months I was able to go to New York nearly a well woman, went through class with my beloved teacher, Mrs. Laura Lathrop, went on to Boston with my teacher & her students to my First Communion at the Mother Church - That wonderful experience will stand out in my memory like a sentinel as long as I live.
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When Judge Cromly [?] of Chicago was with us & it was a wonderful Experience & Each day was a fresh joy, John Lathrop [?] of course was in the party too. Presbyterian beliefs had bound me in chains which were hard to break & I did not come into Science without many a mighty battle but Love Conquered. My greatest stumbling block was still however Mrs. Eddy. When my dear teacher would so lovingly speak of the "Mother" in class, it seemed as if cold chills ran down my back. I did not speak of this antagonism to my teacher but she felt it, of course. I received a message in Boston on Sunday aft. To meet my teacher in Concord Monday morning. (She having been called there Sunday after church). Then I rose in open rebellion, "go to Concord to see that woman, never!" but Divine Love led me there against my will and before me I saw the Mother. Oh how lovingly my dear teacher talked to me about her. We met at the little C.S. Hall in Concord & we were to see the Mother drive by at 2:30 p.m. When the time came I stood back on the piazza so I did not see her very well. But I saw that this was not the woman I had imagined-I had pictured Mrs. Eddy as a very large, aggressive woman with I.I.I.written all over her in big letters. In reading the book after I came into Science it seemed that every time I came across the personal pronoun, I, it grew two feet tall & blotted out everything else. (This hatred of Mrs. Eddy's personality is very common now to those
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outside of C.S.) Error blinded me to a certain extent, but I said, "Why this is the most exquisitely gracious, beautiful woman I have ever seen. She is like a piece of Dresden China." No princess that I had ever seen abroad had this exquisite grace yet without pride & then my one object was to see her again. She drove past again & then I got on the curb as close as I could & this time I saw the Love. Such a Vision. Why I said to myself, This is Love, That is the way I thought the apostle John looked." And I was hushed & awed & felt that the ground whereon I stood was Holy Ground. I was not satisfied yet. I said I must see her again for I felt there was still more I had not drew. So we drove to "Pleasant View" & after going all over that charming, simple home, we were asked to come out quickly for the Mother was coming. I stepped across the driveway & stood as near the carriage as I could get & as I looked right into that wonderful face, & into those starry Eyes that did not see you but seemed looking into the Kingdom of Heaven all that I saw was "The Mother," and as she passed up from her carriage with such Exquisite grace & yet humility I put my head down on the stone balustrade & sobbed as if my heart would break, to think that for ten years I had persecuted that lovely woman, who alone with bleeding footsteps had trodden that
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[----- ------] height that her disobedient, willful children might follow her into the beautiful promised land of Christian Science. This spiritual vision of our beloved Mother has changed my whole life for I saw her spiritually not materially. I could not tell you how she was dressed or anything about her personality but the Vision of Love that I saw can never be Effaced & I thank God for it with my whole heart. C.S. at this date is the Christian warfare, a daily fight in overcoming deep self will, deep righteous self-love, self justification, Etc. Beautiful results are following and never in all my social Experience have I met any people like the Scientists-IU was a stranger to Everyone, but my dear teacher, but those dear students in Second Church of Christ Scientist New York took me right into their homes & hearts & the dearest friends I have in the world are in that Church. We are a perfectly united bunch of students following one dearly loved teacher as closely as we can.
Another cause for gratitude is the fact that I was permitted to be in the last years work in building that beautiful White temple. Every day we worked together at 6 a.m. ( I mean in the same Mind) to bring out the Spiritual Church that it was built on the Rock that its builder & Maker was God that it was a temple made without hands, that its walls were Salvation & its gates praise & that God was its Substance. We denied every material thing about the Church & realized only the Spiritual.
The Church was opened
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Easter Sunday 1901. The three services were crowded and the great congregation is steadily growing in size. That bunch of about 250 students (few of them wealthy) built that church in 3 years at a cost of about 600,000, an unprecedented thing in church building. When Mrs. Lathrop leads, her students try to follow, tho' the way may draw steep.-As we have made this our house, I have found the church here & am working hard to reflect Love & to bring out in my life my teacher's teaching-
We are truly fortunate in our readers, who are faithful workers & our Church has made a fine growth in the past year. Error is going out. Slowly but surely and Love is being reflected more & more. God is with us. A sure help in time of trouble. And I thank God Every day that I was led into this beautiful land of Christian Science, Even though the way to it was a very thorny path-God is with his Church. This is the Truth & it will Conquer. Our association verses are Malachi 3:10, Isaiah 54:17 & we read the 91st psalm every day.
"Loyal C.S. be of good cheer, the night is far spent, the day dawns. God's universal Kingdom will appear. Love will reign in every heart, & His will be done in Earth as in Heaven." ---M. B. G. Eddy
Yours in Truth & Love Patty Stuart Jewett
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1507 N. Cascade Ave.
Colorado Springs
August 4th 1901
To Church of Christ Scientists of Colorado Springs of the year 2001. Greetings. Our well beloved readers. Mr. Cole and Mrs. [text ends here]
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