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My dear husband, William Walter Hassell, or "Will" as I call him, has finished his long but hastily written letter on the "Manufacturing interests of Colo. Springs and vicinity" and it has been put into the box, but as the box will not be closed until tomorrow, it has occurred to me that if any descendants of our children William Bradford Hassell or Julia Frances Hassell are living on the 31st of Dec. 2001, it may be of interest to them to know how their little great-grandmother Julia Fannie or their young grand-Father Wm. Bradford passed this Sabbath of August 4th 1901. This letter can then accompany my husband's letter of larger interests. This has not been a typical "Colo.day" for a rain, a mist at times (and a "mist" is most unusual here) has fallen almost continually during the day. Consequently no one attended church service and the children amused themselves in the morning by having a parade with their toys in the hall upstairs in order not to disturb "Papa"… downstairs, in the sitting-room, busily writing his "letter for the box." About noon as the rain was not falling we put on our wraps - for the air was damp & chilly & we felt it the more - because the weather has been so very hot - and our overshoes and went for a little walk and a breath of fresh air. Past Mr. C. Fornswith's our next neighbor South of us, past the next house and then passing Mr. Warren Wood's beautiful home we turned West into the vacant lot and walked down to a little private bridge over the Monument Stream. The children talking, running, laughing, occasionally picking a flower, all the way and back. Then came the one o'clock Sunday dinner, Julia and Bradford "guessing" about the dessert, which proved to be chocolate ice-cream, homemade. I recall seeing Julia awhile after dinner with a sofa-pillow tied to her back, playing "camel" Bradford driving her for they have lately been to the Midway in the "Elk's Street Fair" and have seen the "Cairo" camels. About half-past two P.M. the children were called to dress for Sunday school. They attend the "Woods Memorial Chapel" on the corner of Tejon & Caramillo streets, Baptist denomination, because it is so near, their own church, Grace Episcopal, which their parents attend being way down town. However it was thought wisest for little Julia to remain at home as the sky looked so threatening, and little girls of six cannot run between the drops as large boys of ten can, so Julia washed face & hands slipped on a clean dress and ran down stairs to play again and then how Bradford scolded and complained, he "did not want to go to Sunday School without Julia, " he "did not think it was fair to send him and leave Julia at home" etc. etc. Will little boys in 2001 dislike to leave play to attend Sunday School, I wonder? But at last Bradford, under an umbrella is happily off with a little friend & neighbor Whitall Hayden. Then Papa & Mamma (whom Papa calls "Katie") start for Music Hall to attend the services of the Century Box, leaving Julia with the maid, such a nice Western girl, Nellie Slack, whose Father was one of the earlier settlers. A little neighbor George Francis Hervett has come in to play with Julia.
The services at the hall were most interesting, Mr. Ehrich's address was inspiring. Surely it must have made each person present long to lead a nobler, better life. Six o'clock found us once more a united family, the boy reaching home first as Sunday School services last but one hour. Then came an early tea, a little more play for the children, drawing & writing letters I think for a century box Bradford is planning - what imitators children are! By eight P.M. little Julia was "Kissing Papa good night," then trudging rather reluctantly off to bed, first kneeling little white nightdress, dollie beside her, saying her prayers. Wm. Bradford though sometimes sitting up until nine, was tired tonight, playing so hard all day and soon followed his little sister into dreamland. May the dear children live to grow up into noble manhood, pure womanhood and have many rosy little ones whose children or whose children's children may enjoy this letter in the prayer and hope of yours possible great great grandmother
Catharine Agnes Ott Hassell
William Bradford Hassell born 1891
Julia Francis Hassell born 1894
children's signatures
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maintained by Special Collections; last revised 4-02, jr