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Colorado College Archives Subject List

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Title | Box number | Inclusive Dates | Inventory/Contents
Please note: in 2018-2019, the CC Archives consolidated some materials; box numbers may have changed.

Admin - Bookstore 0115 1946-2000s pamphlets, memos, photos, examples of WWII veteran student expenses
Admin - Buildings and Grounds 0258 1909-1942 Correspondence to Arthur Baylis, Superintendant of Buildings and grounds.
Admin - Business Office - deeds and contracts 0949 1863-2000 Deeds, contracts, warranties, agreements, policies for lands, lots, buildings, arrangements, more, full list available.
Admin - Center for Service and Learning 0850 1996-2003 4 boxes of photographs. Includes ASB (Alternate Spring Break), Empty Bowls, Streetwise, service learning trips.
Admin - Center for Service and Learning 0861 1981-2002 3 boxes of scrapbooks, one oversize. Office formerly known as the Center for Community Service and Volunteer Network.
Admin - College Policies 0808 1988-1993 Memos and statements relating to official college policies on a variety of topics
Admin - Development 0958 1884-2010 Minutes, external reviews, campaign materials, more
Admin - Employment - Benefits 0570 1960-1985 TIAA/CREF through 1981; Retirement 1982-1985; Fringe Benefits 1977-1981
Admin - Employment - Employees - Support Staff Advisory Committee 0827 1984-1988 Minutes, newsletters, memos, notes concerning the Support Staff Advisory Committee
Admin - Employment - Employees - Support Staff Advisory Committee 0914 1983-2000 correspondence, by-laws, agendas, minutes, reports, brown bags, etc. of the SSAC
Admin - Employment - Employees - Support Staff Newsletters 0837 1976-1994 Support Staff publications
Admin - Employment - TIAA 0628 1911 - 1972 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association 1911 - 1972.
Admin - Federal regulations 0622 1971 Office of Education (HEW), Civil Rights Act, National Defense Ed. Act, HEW Compliance 1971, Affirmative Action.
Admin - Financial Aid 0546 1980s-2006 review, task force, reaccreditations, Federal cuts, Latin American Educational Scholarships, Native American Scholarships, Solomon Amendment, Minorities
Admin - Handbook 0799 1964-2001 staff handbook for 1976, 1988, 1999; administrative handbook for 1985, 2001; supervisors' guide to support staff handbook for 1999
Admin - Information Services 0566 1967-1999 Computer Policy Board; Information Technology; Academic Technology Services; NYBLES newsletter
Admin - Information Services 0576 1991-2009 Information Technology; Academic Technology Services
Admin - Institute for Educational Management 0679 1958-1975 Reports, correspondence, studies relating to CC's involvement with the Harvard Univ. Institute for Educational Management;
Admin - International Programs 0794 1989-1993 Correspondence, memos, grant applications, program summaries, notes relating to the CC International Studies Program
Admin - Legal Counsel 0556 1970-1985 College Legal Consultant: real estate, contracts, first amendment rights, discrimination, Honor council, student rights, Opera Festival, KRCC, Vietnam, property tax exemption
Admin - Legal Counsel 0018 1910-1920 Correspondence on legal affairs, contracts, deeds, claims
Admin - President - Alumni Relations 0727 1917-1955 Correspondence, reports, announcements relating to Presidents Duniway, Mierow, Davies and Gill and alumni relations;
Admin - President - Alumni Relations 0728 1955-1980 Correspondence, memos, announcements relating to Presidents Benezet and Worner and alumni affairs;
Admin - President - Benezet 0718 1955-1963 Correspondence, memos, notes relating to Pres. Benezet's administration;
Admin - President - Benezet 0747 1955 - 1963 Correspondence, notes, memos relating to President Benezet's administration.
Admin - President - Benezet, Louis T. 0392 1956-1962 addresses; correspondence; bio; resignation; publications; speaking engagements 1956-59; entertainments 1956-62 ; Trips 1956-58; Kinnikinnik 1960-62; misc.
Admin - President - Benezet, Louis T. 0391 1952-1969 inauguration 1956; correspondence
Admin - President - Benezet, Louis T. - Bio - Publications 0620 1999 Galley proofs of "People Versus Pyramids: New Goals for the Elite College", Colorado College Studies, no. 31;
Admin - President - Benezet, Worner 0748 1955 - 1980 Correspondence, notes, memos from Benezet and Worner administrations
Admin - President - Cabinet 0438 1982-1994 President's Cabinet / Senior Staff materials (Riley, Cronin, Grace, Mohrman presidencies)
Admin - President - Celeste, Richard 0049 2002-2011 Hiring process, strategic vision, Van Skilling, senior staff, enrollment issues, endowment, general notes, final year, notes for successor
Admin - President - Celeste, Richard - Inauguration 0876 2002 Papers relating to President Celeste's inauguration, October 2002
Admin - President - Celeste, Richard - Search 0875 2002 Papers relating to the 2002 Presidential search
Admin - President - Davies and Hershey 0383 1919-1948 Davies and Hershey (acting president) correspondence
Admin - President - Davies, Hershey, Gill. 0746 1934 - 1955 Correspondence, notes, memos relating to Presidents Davies, Hershey, and Gill administration.
Admin - President - Davies, Thurston 0378 1917-1957 addresses, annual reports, correspondence, Louise Kampf Coburn Library, registrar's report, files in multiple boxes
Admin - President - Dougherty 0010 1875-1879 Attendance records and gradebook; misc.
Admin - President - Duniway, Clyde 0390 1917-1923 Correspondence (including Parsons Case); bio; professional activities
Admin - President - Duniway, Mierow, Davies 0715 1917-1948 Correspondence, memos, notes of CC Presidents relating to administration of the college;
Admin - President - Duniway, Mierow, Davies. 0745 1917 - 1948 Correspondence, notes, memos relating to Presidents Duniway, Mierow, and Davies administration.
Admin - President - Gill, Benezet 0717 1947-1963 Correspondence, notes, memos of CC Presidents relating to administration of the college;
Admin - President - Gill, William H. 0393 1947-1956 Gill, William H. 1947 & 56 ; Inauguration of President Gill 1949 ; President Gill 1947-49; 75th Anniversary and committee 1948-49; Gill's entertainments 1952-55.
Admin - President - Gill; Admin - Acting President - Hershey 0716 1933-1955 Correspondence, memos, notes of CC Presidents relating to administration of the college;
Admin - President - Mierow, Charles 0384 1928-1938 inauguration, bio, files in multiple boxes
Admin - President - Mohrman, Kathryn 0439 1993-2002 Reports, profiles, proposals, policies, studies, block plan eval, diversity, restated by-laws and articles of inc (charters), strategic planning, assessment, reaccreditation, finances, more
Admin - President - Riley 0016 1981-1992 bio, publications, correspondence, misc.
Admin - President - Riley 0783 1986-1990 Correspondence, reports, memos relating to CC lobbying activities on HB1115, 1182, 1132
Admin - President - Riley 0397 1981-1992 writings, press releases, clippings
Admin - President - Riley - ECS/Campus Compact 0584 1985-1992 ECS correspondence 1985-87; Campus Compact 1988-1992
Admin - President - Riley, Gresham 0582 1980-1981 Inauguration; publications; Pre-inauguration Correspondence; Campus Visits 1980 and 1981; Presidential Search and Selection Committee
Admin - President - Riley, Gresham - Assoc. of American Colleges 0572 1982-1984 AAC Oversight Committee Meeting 10/84 Background material; AAC Oversight Committee Meeting 10/84 Washington DC; Oversight Com. for Project on Baccalaureate Degrees; Oversight Com. Misc.;
Admin - President - Riley, Gresham - Inauguration 0626 1981 Riley- Inauguration.
Admin - President - Slocum, William 0395 1904-1916 Slocum correspondence A-B, 1904-1910; bio/general; Parsons Case
Admin - President - Slocum, William 0394 1899-1914 Slocum correspondence: faculty searches, credit, endowment, taxes, coal, mineralogist, brick vs. stone, professional activities, wife Mary Slocum, portrait fund, misc.
Admin - President - Slocum, William 0396 1919-1934 Slocum, W.F., President Emeritus 1921-30 ; President Slocum 1919-34
Admin - President - Worner 0719 1964-1980 Correspondence, memos, notes (several boxes)
Admin - President - Worner 0008 1954-1981 clippings, addresses, correspondence, bio, etc. for Worner as Dean of the College 1954-1962 and President 1962-1981
Admin - President - Worner 0003 1947-1952 Correspondence from Robert Donner to President Gill re. subversive activities at CC, Communist activity, Unamerican Activities Committee
Admin - President - Worner, Lloyd 0911 1936-1981 Diplomas, awards, photographs, etc. (OVERSIZE)
Admin - President - Worner, Lloyd - Inauguration 0462 1963-1980 OVERSIZE scrapbook; commemorative stamps, 1976; "From a convocation address" (Press at CC, 1980)
Admin - President - Worner - Addresses 0559 1963-1980 Worner speeches: "More Relevant Than Ever" 4-11-69; "Some aspects of the Role of the Academic Dean: Stillwater" 8-3-64; Miscellaneous (undated) speeches
Admin - President's Annual Report 0563 1941-1970 Notes, etc. on president's annual report, 1941-1970
Admin - Registrar 0069 1895-1899 Student registration cards
Admin - Registrar's Office 0023 1874-1965 Binder of course offerings 1900-1945; Catalog of C.C. students 1874-1908; Women Students, 1925-1965; Student records, 1876-1888
Admin - Registrar's Office 0022 1901-1906 Dean's Record: Students' Ledgers; 1-- 1901-1904; 2-- 1903-1906; 3-- 1905-1906 non-graduates;
Admin - Registrar's Office 0021 1897 Dean's Record: Record of students for the years 1898-1900.
Admin - Registrar's Office 0020 1891-1898 Dean's Record: Records of Students' courses, grades, attendence, etc. for the years 1891-1898, in two bound volumes
Admin - Residential Life 0540 1992-1994 Residential Life Committee
Admin - Surveys 0939 1986 Cassette tapes, transcriptions, and other materials related to Keith Kester's "Effects of the College Experience" study.
Admin - Surveys 0938 1930-ongoing Student, alumni, administration, staff surveys
Admin - Surveys 0839 1987-2001 Surveys etc. for U.S. News and World Report, Barron's, College Board, Common Data Set, CMG, Insider's Guide, HEDS, Money, Newsweek, Peterson's, Princeton, Bulletin readers, more
Admin - Treasurer 0040 1910-1911 Treasurer's Office cash journal OVERSIZE
Admin - Treasurer 0824 1874-1990 Business Office legal and financial documents 1874-1990
Admin - Treasurer 0411 1949-1963 Budget reports
Admin - Treasurer 0412 1942-1959 Business office 1948-59; Financial report 1941; Financial report(s) 1942-44; Postlethwaite, W.W. -- Treasurer; Rawles -- Treasurer 1945-46;
Admin - Treasurer 0413 1931-1968 Treasurer's reports; audited financial statements; Navy training program; electric typewriter samples
Admin - Treasurer 0416 1902-1917 Treasurer's Report(s) 1902-1917
Admin - Treasurer - Postlewaite, William 0019 1893-1899 Bronze plaque, scrapbook of clippings
Admin - Treasurer - Postlewaite, William 0421 1939-1950 Correspondence of Treasurers Postlewaite and Smith, and President Davies; monthly financial reports;
Admin - Treasurer's Annual Report 0417 1911-1925 Annual Reports, 1912-1925; Voucher 1911-15
Admin - Vice President - Brossman, W.R. 0186 1956-1982 co-ed housing, CAICU, choir, CS Transit, Airborn, Reed, Focus / Upward Bound, Graduate Center, Mathias, Medical Building, Physical Plant, Shove Chapel, Sports Center, Stern Foundation, Summer, tuition, Welch, Wingspread
Admin - Vice President of Student Life 0578 1982 - 1991 Vice-President for Student Life, 1982-1991
Affiliations 0757 1950-1989 Academy for Educational Development, African Scholarship Program, AAUP, ACC, Association of College Unions, Association of Governing Boards, Center for the Study of Higher Education
Affiliations 0758 1950-1989 College Board, CAIE, Colorado Crusade, Colo Ed Association, Colo Council on Instruction, Colo Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
Affiliations 0759 1950-1989 Council for Financial Aid, Great Lakes Colleges Association, IHEC, Institute of International Education, National Council of Independent Colleges and Universities
Affiliations - American Council on Education 0685 1920-1994 ACE correspondence, reports, minutes, memos; ACE/UCLA Freshman Data 1982-1994
Affiliations - Associated Colleges of the Midwest 0760 1960-2010 ACM correspondence, memos, announcements, newsletters, reports, etc. in chronological order in multiple boxes
Affiliations - Association of American Colleges 0686 1920-1979 AAC correspondence, reports, bulletins, etc.
Affiliations - Independent College Fund of Colorado 0678 1983-1989 ICFC minutes, correspondence, reports, notes
Alumni 0074 1974-1975 Alumni files: Co-We; Davis, Harold T.; Gaylord, E.K.; Kampf, Louise F.; Streiby, Maurice and Frances; Haycraft, Maud Adelaide ("A Missionary Frontiersman"); Harmon, Harold C.
Alumni - Association 0091 1891-1911 2 ledgers: 1) Accounts for 1896-1911; 2) constitution, alumni class lists, members of alumni association, minutes of alumni association meetings, annual banquet invitations;
Alumni - Bio - Clark, Earl Harry "Dutch" 0073 1907-1980 Earl Harry "Dutch" Clark; articles and correspondence concerning his education and athletic career;
Alumni - Bio - Class of 1900 0090 1949 "Golden Anniversary Class Letter of the Class of 1900" book containing letters from surviving class members and obituaries of the deceased; includes memoirs of the class of 1900;
Alumni - Events 0647 1996-1999 Invitations and announcements for alumni events around the country; 50-year Club events; see also CCIF;
Alumni - Forum 0575 1982-1992 Alumni Leadership Forum 1982 & 1984; Alumni Leadership Forum 1985 & 1986; Alumni Leadership Forum 1987 & 1988; Alumni Leadership Forum 1989 &1990; Alumni Leadership Forum 1991 & 1992;
Alumni - National Alumni Association 0075 1934-1968 Minutes of National Alumni Association meetings; correspondence, photographs; also file on Ellen Doubleday (Gen. Palmer's niece) correspondence;
Athletics - Associations 0631 1920-1996 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) compliance, infractions, certificates, etc.; Western Collegiate Hockey Association (WCHA); Colorado College Association (CCA)
Athletics - Associations - RMFAC 0632 1900-1966 Rocky Mountain Faculty Athletic Conference minutes, correspondence, clippings, etc.
Athletics - Basketball - score books 0918 1930-1937 Score books for CC basketball games
Athletics - Basketball - Video 0951 1998-2009 Men's Basketball 1998-2009; Women's Basketball 1999-2009. VHS, DVD, and DVM
Athletics - Basketball - Women's 0297 1984-2007 Scorebooks, correspondence, statistics, photo album, more
Athletics - Board 0580 1920-2005 Athletics Board meeting minutes, correspondence, etc.
Athletics - Finances 0100 1907-1994 OVERSIZE Financial ledgers: 1907-1914; 1910-1913; 1924-32, 1927-1930; 1932-37, 1937-41; records 1930s-90s
Athletics - Football - Clippings 0093 1880-2012 Clippings, press releases, correspondence, reports, etc.
Athletics - Football - Programs 0092 1907-2008 Football programs 1907-2008
Athletics - Football - Scrapbook 0919 1929-1933 Dutch Clark scrapbook of newspaper clippings, 1929-1930; general CC clippings, 1932; score book of CC football games, 1933
Athletics - Football - Scrapbooks 0089 1940-1946 Newspaper clippings, football programs
Athletics - Football - Video 0961 1977-1983 reel-to-reel films possibly used for training
Athletics - Football - Video 0952 1984-2009 VHS and DVD
Athletics - General 0365 1927-1954 statistics: baseball, basketball, football, hockey, tennis, track, wrestling
Athletics - General 0946 1980-2002 Press releases, clippings, Tiger Rag publication, etc. for all sports
Athletics - General 0754 1930-1985 Correspondence, memos, reports, etc. for all sports
Athletics - Hockey - Division I Issue 0430 1994-1995 Analysis, reports, pro and con responses, correspondence
Athletics - Hockey - Programs 0101 1939-2018 Programs, media guides, etc. in chronological order in multiple boxes
Athletics - Hockey - Clippings 0102 1948-2011 Clippings, press releases, WCHA summaries in chronological order in multiple boxes
Athletics - Hockey - Correspondence 0103 1940-2011 Hockey correspondence, internal and external
Athletics - Hockey - Scrapbook 0940 1947-1950 CC hockey scrapbook originally kept by Milo "Mike" Yalich.
Athletics - Hockey - Scrapbooks 0099 1938-1948 Hockey scrapbooks, including Garrett Stuart Livingston's scrapbook for 1938-1942
Athletics - Hockey - Video 0965 1992-2012 VHS, DVD, DVM hockey videos
Athletics - Lacrosse - Men's - Scrapbooks 0954 1963-2004 Newspaper clippings, photos, etc.
Athletics - Lacrosse - Men's - Video 0953 1989-2008 VHS and DVD
Athletics - Lacrosse - Women's 0812 1994-2005 Lacrosse videos; miscellaneous athletics videos including Heather O'Brien (track and field); Tara Nott (weightlifting) (VHS, DVD, DVM)
Athletics - Rugby - Scrapbook 0097 1967-2017 50th anniversary rugby scrapbook containing photographs, programs, electronic files on USB drive
Athletics - Soccer - Men's - Scrapbooks 0499 1965-2014 OVERSIZE scrapbooks containing clippings, photos, etc.
Athletics - Soccer - Men's - Statistics 0116 1966-2013 statistics, clippings
Athletics - Soccer - Women's 0842 1970-2009 Programs, clippings, press releases, scorebooks, game summaries, more
Athletics - Women's Athletic Association - Scrapbook 0955 1937-1945 Newspaper clippings
Awards in Literature 0916 2006 Final projects of the 2004 grant recipients: Anne Bean, Ari Stiller-Shulman, Malcolm Murray, Joanna Cantor, Dimitri Adloff, Phoebe Garfinkel, and Tafari Lumumba
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study 0461 1965-1981 Articles and photos and Christmas cards, BSCS.
Broadmoor Drug Company 0269 1940-1986 Broadmoor Drug Company minutes, licenses, correspondence
Buildings 0369 1923-1981 Olin, Perkins, Peabody / Drea residence, Library (Coburn, Tutt, Victory of Samothrace statue gift of A.B. Noyes)
Buildings 0368 1935-1983 Spencer Center / Plaza Building, Rastall Center; Stewart House, Physical Plant / Van Briggle, Washburn Field
Buildings - Armstrong Hall 0377 1963-1965 Armstrong Hall 1963-66; Announcements, festivities, and plans 1964-65; Groundbreaking 1964-65 ; Specifications 1964-65; Correspondence 1964-65;
Buildings - Armstrong Hall 0907 1960s Correspondence, invoices, etc.
Buildings - Barnes Science Center 0553 1985-1990 Barnes Science Center financing, construction, dedication;
Buildings - Barnes Science Center 0897 1985-1988 Barnes Science Center purchases, meeting minutes, costs, requisitions, feasibility study, etc.
Buildings - Bemis Hall 0906 1950s Correspondence, specifications, insurance information, etc.
Buildings - Boettcher, El Pomar, Hayes, Bollou , Hulbert, Lennox, Coburn, Tutt 0376 1930-1965 Boettcher planning 1961-65; El Pomar Sports Center 1966-70; Naming of Hayes House 1937; Bollou House; Hulbert House 1930; Lennox 1939-59 including hostess book; Library 1931-61 addition, gifts, new building by Skidmore
Buildings - Children's Center 0627 Children's Center - Legal Office
Buildings - Children's Center 0624 Children's Center
Buildings - Construction 0398 1893-1962 Bids, etc. for Bemis, McGregor, Ticknor, Hagerman; Montgomery, Coburn, Wolcott, Palmer Hall, Perkins Hall, Cossitt, Shove
Buildings - Cornerstone Arts 0009 1871-1994 Abstracts of title and legal materials concerning properties at or near 815 North Cascade, site of Cornerstone Arts Building.
Buildings - Cornerstone Arts 0015 1999-2012 Art space survey, program, construction, dedication, etc. for Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center, Richard F. Celeste Theatre
Buildings - Cutler Hall - 1990s Re-model 0836 1991-1997 Work orders, memos, plans, reports relating to remodeling of Cutler Hall in the 1990s
Buildings - Cutler Hall, Palmer Hall, Shove Chapel, Bemis Hall; 0252 1975 Four printing plates of Cutler, Palmer, Shove, and Bemis, wrapped in brown paper.
Buildings - East Campus; Buildings - Medium Dorms 0828 1998-1999 Architects' reports on residential buildings, esp. Bemis, Montgomery, Ticknor, Jackson, Lennox and McGregor, submitted by Michael H. Collins; East Campus Restoration and Rehabilitation Plan submitted by Winter, Kramer & Jessup LLC
Buildings - El Pomar Sports Center 0902 1960s-1970s Correspondence, plans, invoices etc. for El Pomar Sports Center and Honnen Ice Rink.
Buildings - Historic Preservation 0450 1993 Final preservation report; historic building inventory;
Buildings - Loomis Hall 0904 1950s Correspondence, etc.
Buildings - Mathias Hall 0905 1960s Correspondence, invoices, etc.
Buildings - Mathias; Slocum; Loomis 0554 1985-1994 Feasibility Studies; Correspondence
Buildings - Olin Hall 0901 1980s Correspondence, memos, etc.; class gong/bell
Buildings - Packard Hall 0370 1971-1980 Music and Arts building program, funding, dedication
Buildings - Packard Hall 0900 1970s-1990s Invoices, information on construction, Packard Challenge, 1994 gift from David and Lucille Packard
Buildings - Packard Hall 0942 1969-1974 Correspondence, plans, etc. for the new music and art building.
Buildings - Palmer Hall 0255 1904 Fundraising, coins, correspondence, dedication
Buildings - Palmer Hall 0903 1970s Correspondence, invoices, maps and plans, contracts, etc. concerning renovation of Palmer Hall.
Buildings - Palmer Hall 0367 1977 Palmer Hall renovation, Gates Common Room
Buildings - Rastall Center 0552 1958-1985 Costs; Dedication; Food Service; General; Renovation; Contributions and Memorials
Buildings - Rastall Center 0260 1985-1987 Rastall Renovation Committee files
Buildings - Rastall Center 0261 1985-1987 Rastall Center Renovation files
Buildings - Shove Chapel 0063 1930-1999 service bulletins, correspondence, programs, building history, Tibetan monks, summer camp, SLV water mural, Shove family, , funding (includes Danforth Foundation), Foster Parent plan
Buildings - Shove Chapel 0373 1921-1939 building materials; Eva Louise Shove Endowment; dedication 1931-32; information for bulletin; bell and clock; 'A-H' 1928-1936
Buildings - Shove Chapel 0372 1928-1933 Shove Memorial Chapel architectural competition 1929; Shove Architects 1928-29; John Gray (architect)
Buildings - Shove Chapel 0374 1928-1932 Shove Memorial Chapel, 1928-1932
Buildings - Slocum and Rastall 0899 1950s Information on the Slocum Hall / Rastall Student Center joint construction project
Buildings - Slocum Hall 0898 1953-1959 Slocum Hall (men's dormitory) invoices, loan agreement, architects' specifications, furnishings, etc.
Buildings - Synergy House 0829 1999-2024 Sustainable student housing: gardening, recycling, energy use, food
Buildings - Tutt Alumni House 0550 1985-1987 Conditional Use of Tutt Alumni House; Redecorating and Renovating Tutt Alumni House
Buildings - Tutt Library 0250 1960 Files of Richard Beidleman, Chairman of Library Committee for the New Tutt Library; floor plans for Tutt Library
Buildings - Tutt Library 0256 1987 surveys, furniture, equipment
Buildings - Tutt Library 0217 1962-1992 architectural program; concrete panels, interior design, bookcases, furniture, drapes, carpet; correspondence; Skidmore, Owings, and Merril; Ellsworth Mason; Construction Specs; general
Buildings - Tutt Library 0908 1960s Correspondence, invoices, guarantees and warrantees, specifications, maps and plans, furnishings, etc.
Buildings - Tutt Library 0218 1962-1992 construction, landscape, equipment, furniture, carpet, signage, dedication, Visitors Register 1970-1983;
Buildings - Tutt Library Addition 0909 1979-1980 Correspondence, financial information, etc.
Buildings - Tutt Library 0551 1968-1994 President Riley, Worner, Mohrman correspondence concerning Tutt Library
Buildings - Tutt Library 0096 2006-2017 Annex renovation for Learning Commons 2004; architectural program Shepley Bullfinch 2006 (abandoned), MASS 2012; Pfeiffer architectural plans; transition year planning
Buildings - Western Ridge 0871 1997-2000 Plans and proposals for the Western Ridge Housing Complex
Buildings - Women's Residences 0056 1918-1939 Financial ledgers for women's residence halls; room, board, infirmary, guest rooms, tables, etc.;
Buildings - Worner Center 0549 1985-1987 Worner Center Design package; Budget; Dedication; : Gifts; Room Names; Renovation of Rastall Center
Campus Planning 0896 1980-2018 Traffic Impact Assessment Report: The Cascade Avenue Closure; Open Space Guidelines; Light Fixture Analysis; Parking; Transportation Master Plan
Certificates of Incorporation 0858 1874-2019 Certificates of Incorporation (Charters), By-Laws, Constitution, Amendments, originals and copies
Colorado College - Accreditation - Reaccreditation 0723 1996 Reports and papers presented to NCA evaluators for reaccreditation;
Colorado College - Accreditation - Reaccreditation 0724 1996 Reports and papers given to NCA evaluators for reaccreditation; misc.
Colorado College - Accreditation - Reaccreditation 0725 1958-2007 1958, 1968, 1978, 1988, 1998, and 2008 reaccreditations
Colorado College - Anniversaries 0787 1901-1999 25th (CC and CS), 50th, 75th, 100th or Centennial, 125th anniversary celebrations correspondence, planning committees, event programs, etc.
Colorado College - Anniversaries 0806 1999 large banner commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Colorado College, originally displayed in Worner Center (OVERSIZE)
Colorado College - Art holdings 0921 1977-2008 Campus art appraisals from 1995 (Ewell) and 2006 and 2008 (O'Brien English); files concerning campus art, manuscript and print leaves, and furniture.
Colorado College - Events 0874 1990-ongoing Posters for CC events including Landscape and the Built Environment series (4 boxes, OVERSIZE)
Colorado College - Graphic Standards manual, etc. 0873 1990-1998 Colorado College Logo Committee recommendations, graphic standards manuals
Colorado College - Mapping Process 0913 2003 Mission statement, agenda and meeting notes, reports, etc. for road mapping / vision 2010 project in 2003
Colorado College - Priorities for the 1990s 0634 1990's Priorities Reports and Materials for the 1990's.
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0639 1989-1992 Background materials for CC Strategic Planning; Strategic Planning Executive Committee materials;
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0653 1989-1993 Reports from Presidential Commissions on Admissions, Financial Aid, Strategic Planning, more
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0650 1989-1993 Correspondence, memos, reports related to Strategic Planning;
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0612 1990 Report
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0649 1989-1993 Correspondence, memos, reports related to Strategic Planning;
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0652 1989-1993 Reports from Presidential Commissions on the Greek System, Residential Life, Student Life, Physical Plant, more
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0651 1989-1993 Correspondence, memos, reports related to Strategic Planning;
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0654 1992-1993 Strategic Planning Executive Committee reports;
Colorado College - Strategic Planning 0636 1990 - 1994 Strategic Planning 1990 - 1994
Commencement 0070 1930-1970 Press releases, clippings, memos, correspondence, etc.
Commencement 0071 1971-2000 Press releases, clippings, memos, correspondence, etc.
Commencement 0922 1961-1998 Faculty Marshall materials from Bill Hochman's era.
Committee on Divestment - South Africa 0539 1978-1992 Colorado College Against Apartheid; anti-apartheid faculty; Committee on Divestment - South Africa; Report to the Trustees; Bruce Corriell's committee files
Convocation - Honors 0579 1957 - 1994 Correspondence, notes, memos, press releases, clippings, programs
Convocation - Opening 0668 1948-1991 Correspondence, notes, memos, press releases, clippings, programs
Curriculum - Anthropology 0268 1977 Audiorecordings of 1977 Anthropology reunion: alumni discussing relevance of Anthro in their careers, some gender issues; Maria Wormington's report on visit to China. Reel to reel.
Curriculum - Anthropology 0950 1972-1997 Ethnohistory of the Southwest student papers. Authors retain copyright.
Curriculum - Block Plan 0711 1960-1969 Correspondence, notes, memos, reports, surveys relating to the creation of the Colorado College Plan / Block Plan
Curriculum - Block Plan 0712 1970-1972 Correspondence, notes, memos, reports, surveys relating to the Colorado College Plan / Block Plan
Curriculum - Block Plan 0713 1973-1975 Correspondence, reports, notes, memos relating to the Colorado College Plan / Block Plan
Curriculum - Block Plan 0714 1976-1980 Correspondence, memos, reports, notes relating to the Colorado College Plan / Block Plan
Curriculum - Block Plan 0045 1969-1979 Colorado College Plan / Block Plan proposals, development, questionnaires, Evaluation Conference, Paul Heist report, course load, student load, reports, Ford Venture Fund, Leisure Program
Curriculum - Block Plan 0046 1980-2018 Block Plan evaluations, 8 block year, self-studies, Mellon Pedagogy Research reports
Curriculum - Chemistry 0276 1909-1944 Chemistry department book "B" containing student grades from 1909-1944;
Curriculum - Chemistry 0275 1909-1943 Chemistry department book "A" containing grades and breakage from 1909-1943;
Curriculum - Course Schedules 0542 1879-2010 Course Schedules 1881-2010, including "The Green Book"
Curriculum - Dance 0047 1992-2004 Homemade VHS videos of faculty dance concerts and other dance performances
Curriculum - Economics 0912 1960-1992 Economics and Business Department correspondence, reports, etc.
Curriculum - Education 0537 1981-1991 Education department materials including reaccreditation 1985 and 1990, Japan Project, surveys.
Curriculum - English - Evelyn Bridges Poetry Contest 0277 1982-1997 Evelyn May Bridges Contest, 1982-1997;
Curriculum - English - Record Books 0273 1939-1941 Class record books: English 1) 1939-1940 2) 1940-1941;
Curriculum - English - Reville Fiction Contest; Curr. - Ebey Novella Contest 0278 1984-1993 Adelaide Bender Reville Fiction, non-winners, 1984-85,1994-97; Ebey Novella Prize 1992-97
Curriculum - English; Curriculum - Colorado College Plan 0274 1961-1980 Selected Students; English Department, 1968-71; Outside Evaluations of English Department on Metlon Program, 1979-80; Master Block Plan, 1969;
Curriculum - Film Studies 0937 1994-2008 DVCam master copies of student films.
Curriculum - Ford Independent Study Program 0279 1965-1967 "Ford Independent Study Program as Interpreted at Colorado College" ; "Operation Opportunity" ; "Motivating Students in FISP"; FISP Evaluation Sheets; FISP Publicity; CC Magazine; Example of Student Diary in FISP program.
Curriculum - Geology 0823 1956-2001 Student papers, maps, photographs, projects on Colorado Springs area topics
Curriculum - German 0941 1962-2012 German plays, dramatic productions, scripts, programs, videos (VHS, DVD, reels), photos, slides, posters, more.
Curriculum - Political Science 0452 1981-82 Alumni newsletter, June 1982; scrapbook 1967-1987; photo album, Political Science Advisory Commission;
Curriculum - R.O.T.C. 0630 1949 - 1965 ROTC
Curriculum - R.O.T.C. 0635 1966-1990 ROTC including gay and lesbian issues
Curriculum - Religion 0928 1950-1999 Three boxes of papers from Joe Pickle.
Curriculum - Science 0270 1931-1961 Minutes of the School of Natural Science from September 1931- April 1961.
Curriculum - Science; Curriculum - Humanities; 0266 1956 Notebooks containing course plans: 1) Social Sciences. 2) Natural Sciences. 3) Humanities.
Curriculum - Southwest Studies 0830 1970-2010 NEH and Boetcher proposals, departmental correspondence, clippings, Summer Institute, Sundays with Frank Waters, Aficionados
Curriculum - Summer School / Summer Session 0127 1892-ongoing correspondence, P.K. Pattison, Festival of the Arts, Institutes Urban America, Emerging Africa, Arts and Humanities, Photography
Cutler Academy 0343 1890s OVERSIZE Cutler Academy cadet uniform
Cutler Academy 0426 1902-1906 Cutler students, A-Z; Cutler graduates, 1902-1906
Cutler Academy 0432 1874-1914 OVERSIZE Commencement and Class Day programs; grading sheets; clippings; misc.; botany notebook of C.H. Tuckerman; track ribbons; ledgers with student names (one begins with by-laws of Nequaket Mining Co., 1863)
Cutler Academy 0425 1904-1908 Ledgers of student names
Cutler Publications 0305 1977-1985 Files of Ruth Barton, faculty advisor for Cutler Publications: information about income taxes and audit reports from Trichale, Trainer, and Tillman Public Accountants; Minutes for 1984/95 ; correspondence.
Cutler Publications 0306 1967-1976 Cutler Publications and Ruth Barton files.
Cutler Publications 0307 1969-1979 Ruth Barton files, correspondence, more
Diversity 0684 1874-2010 arranged by date: Minority Education Committe; Minority Concerns Committee; Office of Minority Student Life; publications Cultural Vibes, Fight the Power; ACM Minority Task Force, Minority Scholars; national programs (CEEB, Ford)
Educational Development Program 0337 1978-1982 Educational Development Program files: some files are restricted.
Facilities - Design Guidelines 0872 1999 Facilities Services Department Design Guidelines January 1999 edition
Faculty 0762 1930-1970 Correspondence, memos, notes, reports, announcements relating to CC faculty
Faculty - Bio - Bates, Katharine Lee 0013 1990-1999 newspaper clippings, research materials, etc., on the writing of "America the Beautiful," concerts, celebrations
Faculty - Bio - Bradley, Richard 0128 1961-1987 Physics faculty 1961-1987, Dean of the College 1973-1979. Publications, clippings, misc.
Faculty - Bio - Cook, Curtis 0945 1988-1993 Materials from the Taft Seminar for Teachers and the International Leadership Development Institute.
Faculty - Bio - Cronin, Tom 0160 2006-2018 State of the Rockies surveys and other background information
Faculty - Bio - Cronin, Tom 0037 1982-1991 Video and audio recordings of Cronin speeches and debates
Faculty - Bio - Finley, David 0617 1967-1999 Student Rights and Responsibilities Committee Report, 1967-68; Tenure Report to Faculty, 1973; Committee on Committees, 1970; Honor Council, 1977; Committee on Instruction, 1975-76; Ad Hoc Faculty Committee to Review CCCA, 1974
Faculty - Bio - Finley, David 0618 1983-1987 Political Science Department Requirements, 1983-1985; CC China Exchange, 1986-1987; Foreign Student Advisor, CC International Program, 1985-1987; Ad Hoc Committee on 8-Block Plan, 1986-87; AAUP Faculty Salary Reports, 1986-87;
Faculty - Bio - Finley, David 0619 1993-1998 SSS Review Task Force, 1994; International Studies Oversight Committee, 1995-1998; Committee on Assessment and Reaccreditation, 1996-97; Committee on the Curriculum, 1997-98;
Faculty - Bio - Fox, Doug 0948 1963-1996 Religion teaching materials
Faculty - Bio - Fuller, Timothy; "This Glorious and Transcendant Place" 0599 1981 Galley proofs; photos; final publication of "This Glorious and Transcendant Place" , a history of Shove Chapel
Faculty - Bio - Hamilton, Mary Alice 0060 1956-1970 3 Cell diagram print blocks; 8 grade books; class schedules;
Faculty - Bio - Loevy, Robert 0621 1999 Galley proofs of "Colorado College: A Place of Learning" by Robert Loevy;
Faculty - Bio - Mason, David 0055 1986-ongoing English poems, essays, offprints, reviews, other publications
Faculty - Bio - Schneider, Edward Christian 0057 1903-1909 Biology offprints of articles on respiration, altitude, etc.
Faculty - Bio - Sclater, William 0058 1890-1905 Offprints of articles on zoological and museum topics
Faculty - Bio - Sharp, Arthur G. 0059 1922-1945 Unpublished papers and plays, correspondence, biographical information
Faculty - Bio - Stabler, Robert M. 0061 1935-1961 Biology publications, teaching materials, biographical information, wooden print blocks; examples of student writing; cell biology figures
Faculty - Bio - Werner, Ray O. 0162 1950-1981 biographical info, clippings, publications (includes Legal Developments in Marketing)
Faculty - Committee 0737 1920s-2000s Academic Freedom, Administration and Policy, Audio-Visual, Calendar, Concerns, Defense, Development, Fringe Benefit, Graduate Fellowship, Health, Post-War Planning, Recreation, Religious Life, Retirement, Safety, Teacher Education, Workload
Faculty - Committee - Admissions and Financial Aid 0734 1920s-ongoing Task Forces, Offices, Policies, Student Aid, Scholarships, Student Loan Fund, requirements, entrance exams, blank application forms, finanical aid policies, publications, brochures, fliers, correspondence, memos, agendas, minutes, reports
Faculty - Committee - Committee on Committees 0562 1924-1992 Agendas, minutes, correspondence, memos, in chronological order (becomes the Faculty Executive Committee / FEC in 1992)
Faculty - Committee - Committee on Instruction 0025 1930-ongoing
Faculty - Committee - Curriculum / Academic Program 0014 1923-2015 Curriculum 1923-1956, Academic Program 1956-1990s, Curriculum 2000s, Curriculum Executive Committee May 2015. Agendas, minutes, reports on general curriculum requirements, Block Plan, thematic minors, writing program, more
Faculty - Committee - Executive 0051 1992-2010 Minutes, agendas, related materials for the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC)
Faculty - Committee - Faculty Priorities for the Future of the College 0118 1988-1990 Reports, notes on interviews with faculty
Faculty - Committee - Library and Teaching Resources 0066 1949-1995 Library Committee agendas, minutes, drafts, publications, memos
Faculty - Committee - Public Lectures 0743 1920s-1960s Correspondence, clippings, agendas, minutes
Faculty - Committee - Research and Faculty Development Board 0741 1930-2010 Agendas, minutes, memos, press releases, grants, development blocks, Mellon College Program
Faculty - Committee - Salary 0655 1942-1980 Correspondence, reports, surveys, data, AAUP materials relating to CC faculty compensation (salary, sabbatical, travel)
Faculty - Committee - Salary 0656 1960-2010 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) task force / committee reports
Faculty - Committee - Student 0738 1960-1979 Student Conduct, Student Fees and Organizations, Student Rights and Responsibilities
Faculty - Committee - Undergraduate Life 0736 1930s-2010s Correspondence, memos, reports, agendas, minutes, Undergraduate Center
Faculty - Faculty Club 0603 1958-1991 Correspondence, notes, newsletters, budgets, programs, invitations Faculty Club / Faculty Wives Club (name changed ca. 1973)
Faculty - Handbook 0451 1957-2002 Faculty handbooks for 1957-58, 1964, ACM 1968, 1976, 1986, 1992, 1999, 2002, miscellaneous revisions
Faculty - Meetings 0054 1888-ongoing Faculty Meeting agendas and minutes, boxes A-H; earliest ledger includes college rules, policies, clubs, events, committees, scholarships, letters, list of graduates 1891-99
Finances - Annual Fund 0067 1974-2009 Annual Fund mailings, Centennial Challenge, Alumni Participation Challenge, correspondence, newsletter ("Developments"), more
Finances - Annual Reports 0024 1902-ongoing Reports of the Treasurer / Financial Reports
Finances - Campaign for Colorado College: A Course of Distinction 0600 1998 Case Statement; brochures; stationery; photographs; invitations and programs for national kickoffs; volunteer handbook; donor honor rolls
Finances - Capital Campaign 0581 1983-1986 Needs Assessment, Committee Recommendation, Meetings, Summaries of Questionnaire, Campus Master Plan Study
Finances - Capital Campaign 0577 1986-1989 Annual Report; newsletters; etc.
Finances - Capital Campaign 0068 1983-1999 Mailings, correspondence, etc.
Finances - Endowment 0640 1930-1965 Root-Tilden Scholarships; Hazen Foundation; Corporate giving; 1930 Endowment Fund Campaign letters and publicity materials;
Finances - Foundations 0926 1970-1989 Atlantic, Boettcher, Bosch, Burlington, Coors, Crown, Danforth, El Pomar, Falk, Gates, Gulf, Guggenheim, Ittleson, James, Kade, Keck, Kellogg, Kresge, Lasdon, Lovelace, Luce, MacArthur, Mellon, National Sci, Olin, Pew, Presser, Rockefeller, Sears, Watson, Whitney
Finances - Foundations 0680 1920-1963 Bonfils, Guggenheim, El Pomar, and National Science
Finances - Foundations - Carnegie 0681 1920-1967 Correspondence, proposals, reports relating to the Carnegie Foundation and gifts to CC
Finances - Foundations - Ford 0567 1956-1977 Humanities Grant 1967-74, Educational Facilities, Independent Study Program 1964-70, Grants correspondence 1956-77, Venture Grants, 1970-75, Independent Study 64-68, misc.
Finances - Foundations - National Science 0688 1970-1976 Correspondence, proposals, memos, budgets relating to the College Science Improvement Program of the NSF;
Finances - Foundations - National Science 0687 1963-1969 Correspondence, memos, proposals, budgets relating to CC Summer Institutes in Science and Mathematics and to the College Science Improvement Program (COSIP) of the NSF;
Finances - Gift Reports 0002 1966-1999 Published annual gift reports / Honor Roll of donors
Finances - History 0399 1907-2010 Endowment funds, appeals, Tamblyn & Brown, Chamber of Commerce, "Concerning CC" publication, grants, gifts, loans, President's Council, Lilly, Packard, Priddy Trust, Yates, annual budgets, 2008 crisis
Finances - History 0402 1953-1986 Stock certificates, defunct companies 1986; Loan agreement, mortgage and trust indenture , 1953 & 55; Indenture of mortgage and deed of trust 1958; CC student housing bond of 1960, official copy; CC building bonds of 1964;
Finances - History 0401 1898-1941 Early financial documents, CC Park fund vouchers 1901-02, CC and Spann Flying School 1940-41, Engineering school receipts and bills, deeds of trust for Tillotson Academy, misc.
Finances - History 0400 1874-1903 Petition against construction, deeds, endowments, trusts, invoices, contracts, Cutler building fund, CS Investment & Improvement, CC Land Company, donation appeals, American College and Education Society, electric plant 1897, Pearson Fund
Finances - History 0406 1890-1950 Contracts/agreements; general; Continental Oil Company contracts; Geology dept receipts; publications; receipts; US Armed forces contract/leasing buildings
Finances - Investments 0407 1890-1950 Alpert Ranch; Akin Building; Brubaker Center; Christenson Clagett Ranch ; Dart Ranch ; Decker Ranch ; Dye House and Dye-Warren Ranch; Eaton Ranch ; Farnsworth Ranch; Gillis Ranch; Hackathorn Ranch & Place; Harris Ranch; Hartman Ranch; Hotchkiss Ranch
Finances - Investments 0410 1890-1950 F.M. Woods & United Petrol Co. ;Bell, Jackson, & Solomon; C. Beuchat, N. Geier & F.R. Hastings; E.G. Bishop & J.J. Enbark & C.L. Gillingham; A.F. Deni, E.G. Lockhart, G.W. Hascall; misc. investments; uncollectable notes; endowment funds 1940;
Finances - Investments 0409 1890-1950 McNeen Lumber Co.; Plaza Hotel Compay ; U.S. Sugar & Land Co.; City of Baltimore, Pittsburg & Charleroi St. Rway.; Deed & Physical Lab equipment of CC; Mandalay Gardens; Palmer Lake; United Equities Corp.; misc. properties;
Finances - Investments 0414 1900-1940 Stocks and Bonds; correspondence;
Finances - Investments 0415 1900-1940 Stocks and Bonds;
Finances - Investments 0418 1890-1940 Minutes of Investment Committee; Camp Colorado; Mechanical Laboratories; Coburn; School of Engineering; Financial statements; investments ledger 1910-1937
Finances - Investments 0408 1890-1950 Martin Ranch; Mecham Ranch ; Sheeley & Talbott Ranch; Southspring Ranch; Sternberg Farm ; Bemis ; E & C Building; McAllister Building ; McIntyre Building; Park Ave. Building; State-lake building Corp.; J.T. Midcap; Charcoal Iron Co.; CMM; L-Bar Cattle
Finances - Payroll 0853 1922-1944 OVERSIZE payroll ledgers 1922-1944
Finances - Real Estate 0403 1890-1950 Abstracts of title; Carbondale Ranch ; Bookkeeping; Contracts/ agreements; Deeds; Endowment fund subscribers; Goetz, Henry; Harris, Viola and Ben; Hawkins, George; Helipore Lab.; Henry Ranch; Jaques Estate; John N. Lamb real estate;
Finances - Real Estate 0404 1890-1965 Julliard; K.P. building, Herbert L. Strang, Montrose; Keen Ranch, Chas W. Malott; Knights of Puthias, Montrose; leases inc Numismatic Society; mortgages; Mt. Home, Cuchesne County, Utah; Nicklos Ranch; Pinkerton Ranch; Raymond Farm; Garden City
Finances - Real Estate 0405 1890-1950 Spot Cast Property; Stocks, misc., mainly John Campbell; Stott Ranch; Summones; Swan Property; Taxes (misc.); Trusts; Waldo Ranch; Walker Farm; Warner Ranch; Weidenheimer Property; Williams Ranch; Williams water;
Finances - Treasurer 0030 1874-1949 Ledger books: endowment subscribers, college funds, general expenses, student accounts, 1890s Hagerman Hall, 1930s check register, 1940s Veterans Housing Project
Governance - Campus Affairs/College Roles; Admin - President - Benezet 0568 1950-1970 State of Colorado; Governance - Campus Affairs; Colorado General Assembly 1961; Colorado Congressman; Governance/College Roles;
History - Early 0267 1888 Ledger of exams given during the 1888 school year.
History - Early 0431 1888-1903 Ledgers with student names; 1889-1892 fundraising correspondence of George H. Parsons; ledger of personal loans
History Day 0927 1989-2017 Brochures, awards lists for National History Day competitions hosted at CC for students grades 6-12
Homecoming 0565 1982 - 1993 Homecoming programs, correspondence, press releases 1978, 1981, 1982, 1984-1993;
Honor Council 0637 1951-1959 The Honor Council
Honorary Degrees 0505 1930-1989 Honorary degrees in alphabetical order by name of recipient
Honorary Degrees 0753 1983 - 1987 Correspondence, nominations, announcements relating to honorary degrees.
IPEDS and Fiske Surveys 0625 1986-2001 Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System survey forms, 1986 - 1991 and 1997-1999; Fiske Guide surveys 1997-2001
Lectures - Memorial - Stone, H. Chase 0338 1968 Binder of Chase Stone Memorial Lectures and memorabilia
Leisure Program 0785 1956-2000 Leisure Time Program memos, calendars, film series, playbills, Great Performances and Ideas Committee, Thursday-at-Eleven, Leisure Time Learning Series, faculty committee, 3.2 beer, Presidential Commission on Leisure Program 1992
Library - Acquisitions 0187 1882-1992 Accession books (chronological and by department), 1881 El Paso County Library Association gift (Ensign), 1882 Strettell Bequest
Library - Archives - Charter 0001 1990 Original copy of the Colorado College Archives Charter
Library - Budget 0200 1920-2000 Budget, finances, funds, acquisitions
Library - Friends of the Library 0291 1976-2002 Minutes, annual reports, book sale, correspondence, membership lists, brochures, etc from founding to disbanding
Library - Gift Funds 0203 1874-1991 Gift funds, memorial funds, endowed funds, book lists
Library - Gifts 0202 1874-1997 Gift correspondence, acknowledgments of donated books, in chronological order in multiple boxes, with one box in alphabetical order (1950s-70s)
Library - Grants 0204 1960-1989 Grant applications and responses: Hew, Frost, HEA
Library - History 0195 1890-2020 correspondence, events, initiatives, projects, reports, etc., in chronological order (many boxes)
Library - Periodicals lists 0924 1897-2000 Lists of journals and pamphlets in Coburn and Tutt over time, related materials
Library - Publications 0206 1980-2009 Newsletter 1980-1983, Intercom 1986-1994, Chronicle 1991-1999, News 2000, Out of Circulation 2002, Chronicle 2004-2009, Reference Revelry
Library - Special Collections and Archives 0192 1959-ongoing Staff, projects, events, exhibitions, registration sheets, gift and reference correspondence, monthly and annual reports
Library - Staff - Meeting Minutes 0935 1976-2022 Minutes for librarians' meetings, general staff meetings, work groups Bibliographic Services, Instruction, Circulation, Collection Development, Public Services, Cataloging, Web, more.
Library - Staff 0201 1930-2020 job descriptions, internal procedures, student workers, files on individual staff by name
Library - Staff - Head Librarians 0205 1874-2020 biographical files on library directors alphabetical by name with a chronological index included
Library - Statistics 0207 1920-2010 borrowing, visitors, cataloging, etc.
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Celebration 0077 1991-1995 Correspondence, programs, printed booklets, planning minutes, etc.
Master Plan / Long Range Development Plan 0962 1995-2005 Vision 2010, Mapping Process, Landscaping, Construction, Planning
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities 0765 1980 - 1990 Minutes, notes, correspondence relating to NAICU
New Student Week 0669 1940-2018 Correspondence, notes, memos, schedules relating to New Student Week (NSO) / Freshman Week and Parents Weekend
North Central Association 0770 1930 - 1980 Correspondence, memos, reports of the NCA
Objects and memorabilia 0877 1924 Bemis Hall demitasse service (coffee and tea set: cups and saucers, toast covers, spoons), spoons dated 1924
Objects and memorabilia 0005 1900-2006 Freshman beanies, jewelry, cigarette holder, 1940 matchbook, buttons, pennants, Mohrman and Worner (Stewart) gavels, cigar blanket / cigarette silk, Coburn Library seal, honororary degree hood
Objects and memorabilia 0342 1900s OVERSIZE Master's degree hood, cap and gown
Phi Beta Kappa 0294 Phi Beta Kappa information and registration book **to be checked out each year before commencement by the secretary and returned to Special Collections**
President's Advisory Council 0303 2004-2008 President's Advisory Council / Committee / Board, regular and international, notes and reports on Information Architecture and Sustainability
Publications - Calendars 0043 CC activities calendars 1934-1991
Radio - KRCC 0159 1956-2015 Clippings, press releases, programs, reports, letters to the station, etc
Students - Activities - Campus Scenes 0048 1970s-1990s Slides
Students - African-American 0571 1900-2015 Black Literary Magazine publication; Black Student Union; Black Awareness Week; clippings; correspondence
Students - Gay, Lesbian, Transgender 0569 1969-2010 LGBTQ+ issues, student organizations EQUAL, GALA, QSA, Gay Liberation Front, Amendment 2, 1972 symposium "Same Sex Lifestyles," 1993 interviews with lesbian alumnae
Students - International 0460 1900-1990 Crossroads program, Foreign Students Committee, Foreign Study Committee
Students - International 0459 1962-1976 OVERSIZE Scrapbooks of the Summer Crossroads program
Students - International 0458 1957-1961 OVERSIZE Scrapbooks of the Summer Crossroads program
Students - Handbooks 0053 1891-1975 Duplicates of cataloged student handbooks
Students - Latinx 0456 1971-1999 Latina, Latino, Chicano, Hispanic students; MEChA (Movimento Estudiatil Chican de Aztlan), publications La Chispa, Mirasol
Students - Native American 0574 1973-2002 American Indian Movement (AIM) at CC; Summer School TRIBES; David Friend corr.; Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) Summer Institute; Energy Simulation; Tribal Proposal; Tiger Tribe; Tiger Labor Org; Indian Education; Hughes Bridge Program
Students - Organizations - Associated Women Students 0288 1959-1963 Survey of Women Graduates, 1959-1963
Students - Organizations - CCCA, ASCC, CCSGA 0729 1926-2008 CC Campus Association, Associated Students of CC, CC Student Government Association
Students - Organizations - Fraternities 0833 Voting "machine" for fraternity members
Students - Organizations - Fraternities and Sororities 0531 1900-2010 Presidential Commission on the Greek System; Beta Theta Pi, Delta Epsilon, Kappa Sigma, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Chi; Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma; houses; disciplinary issues; arranged chronologically
Students - Organizations - Fraternities and Sororities 0670 1927-1982 Correspondence relating to fraternity and sorority activities;
Symposiums 0849 1970-2006 Can Man Survive, Sondermann, War, Mother, Tesla, Japan, U.S./Soviet Relations, Intimacy, Wealth, Future, Ethnicity, Defending the Earth, Spirituality, Non-Violence, Sexuality & Gender, Visions, Conflicts & Convergences, 9/11, Race Matters, Religion
Symposiums 0848 1960-1969 Contemporary Arts & the Citizen, Second World War, New Science, City, American Presidency, Violence
Timeline 0586 1874-1949 OVERSIZE timeline chart showing CC faculty, presidents, administrators, buildings, enrollment
Title IX 0555 1972-2003 Title IX regulations, proposals, actions, gender equity in athletics report 1994, revisit 1998, sexual misconduct task force 2003 including Brett Sokolow report, focus group responses, templates from other schools
Trustees - Executive Committee 0882 1950-2000 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Ad Hoc Committee on the Eight-Block Plan 0885 1980-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Agenda Books 0879 1982-2000 Several boxes of Agenda Books for Board of Trustees meetings. In chronological order.
Trustees - Alumni Trustees 0072 1920-1941 Alumni Trustee Election Records; ballots, letters, memoranda, reports;
Trustees - Audit Committee 0884 1970-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Bio - alphabetical 0966 1874- Armstrong Bailey Barney Bel, Bemis Berg Binkley Blaik Bortree Brady Brown Bryson Bunker Burnley Campbell Collins Crooks Donner Duncom Farrar Freyschlag Fyfe Gaylord Gormley Gregg Hagerman Harmon Harrington Haskell Hendee Hoag Honnen Howbert Hybl Jackson
Trustees - Bio - alphabetical 0967 1874- Jones Knight Lennox Lewis Long Loo Lyon McHendrie McHugh McIlvaine Mathies Meyner Mitchell Mueller Nettleton Newman Norton Olin Ortega Packard Palmer Peabody Persen Phipps Pollack Pringle Rastall Rawlings
Trustees - Bio - alphabetical 0968 1874- Redwine Richards Roberts Rubens Schlessman Schlosser Shoup Shove Skilling Smith Spencer Stewart Stone Sturtevant Taylor Thatcher Trumbull Tutt (Charles, Vesta, Russell, Thayer, Family) Urbaniak Van Diest Vandemoer Waller Ward Washburn Worcester Zah
Trustees - Buildings and Grounds Committee 0883 1940-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Committee on Trusteeship 0888 1995-1998 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Committees (several) 0889 1980-1999 Minutes and other materials from the Committees on Investment Philosophy, Strategic Planning, Honorary Degrees, Student Life, Academic Policy, Presidential Review, and chairs (the kind you sit on).
Trustees - Correspondence 0664 1900-1960 Correspondence to and from CC Trustees, A-H;
Trustees - Correspondence 0960 1925-1993 Correspondence and more of trustees Van Diest (1925-1950) , Russell T. Tutt (1957-1993), Phipps (1966-1990), and Spencer (1968-1991)
Trustees - Correspondence 0665 1900-1978 Correspondence to and from CC Trustees, I-W;
Trustees -- Correspondence 0925 1920-1975 Allebrand Alston Barney Bender Broyles Burghart Cheley Collins Cowles Harmon Hendee Howbert Keener Liljestrom McHendrie McIlvaine Murray Pfeiffer Roberts Sharp Shaw Shoup Spurgeon Stewart Stillman Stoddard Stone Wendelken, Williams
Trustees - Development Committee 0886 1980-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Finance Committee 0890 1930-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - General 0881 1917-2000 18 boxes of papers and other materials, including the New Trustee Orientation Guidebook (1998), in chronological order.
Trustees - Investment Committee 0891 1920-1999 Minutes and other materials, including Mercer Reports, Bristol Reports, and information on Divestment and Socially Responsible Investment.
Trustees - Mailings 0892 1990-1999 Mailings sent to Board of Trustees members in the 1990s.
Trustees - Minutes (bound) 0878 1874-1994 Bound minutes from Board of Trustees meetings. In chronological order.
Trustees - Minutes (unbound) 0880 1939-1995 5 boxes of unbound minutes and other materials, in chronological order.
Trustees - Nominating Committee 0887 1980-1999 Minutes and other materials.
Trustees - Surveys and Evaluations 0893 1990-1999 Board of Trustees surveys and evaluations, 1990s.
Vietnam War 0561 1964-1970 Citizens' Committee on Vietnam; Draft laws and antiwar protesting; American Friends Service Committee; various anti-war publications
Woman's Educational Society (WES, sometimes misspelled Women's Educational Society) see Ms collection
Women's Concerns Committee 0564 1979-2014 Agendas, minutes, reports, hiring committees, policies, correspondence, events, programs, sexual harassment, maternity leave, pay equity, birth control, child care, safety, Title IX
World War II - Navy V-12 0642 1942-1945 Contracts, correspondence, reports, budgets relating to the College's Navy V-12 Unit;
Writing Center 0934 1970s-2010 Writing Assistance Program / Writing Program materials; blank portfolios

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