Created September 1987; last revised September 2024
Note: this collection contains approximately 20,000 photographs
Administration-Computer Center
Alumni - Awards
Alumni Board
Alumni Council of 20
Alumni Meetings General (undated)
Alumni Meetings ARRANGED BY YEAR 1946-1953, 1956, 1976
Alumni Reunions ARRANGED BY YEAR (not all years have folders; 1970 includes football reunion; 1971 includes alumni golf tournament)
Art Collection CC
Athletics Baseball (see also PP collection)
Athletics-Basketball-Men’s (see also PP collection)
Athletics-Coaching School (see also Biography-Collins, R.)
Athletics-Equestrian / Horseback riding
Athletics-Field Hockey
Athletics-Football (see also Buildings-Washburn Field; PP collection)
Athletics-General (Physical Education)
Athletics-Hall of Fame
Athletics-Hockey-Men’s (see also Archives)
Athletics-Hockey Men’s-WCHA Playoffs (Western Collegiate Hockey Association)
Athletics-Hockey Men’s-World Arena (includes photos of Peggy Fleming, CC class of 1970)
Athletics-Hockey-Women’s (club team est. 2017?)
Athletics-Soccer-Women’s (arranged by date)
Athletics-Special Olympics
Athletics-Swimming and Diving-Men’s
Athletics-Swimming and Diving-Women’s
Athletics-Track-Men’s and Women’s (includes Cross Country) (see also PP collection)
Athletics-Youth Clinics
Biography Abbott, W. Lewis.
Biography Absher, Thomas D.
Biography Adams, George W.
Biography Adams, Robert H.
Biography Administration (group photos; see also individual names)
Biography-Admissions / Financial Aid
Biography Afkhami, Gholam R.
Biography Agnos, Erol
Biography Ahlers, A. E.
Biography Aiken, Roger
Biography Alexander, Hartley B.
Biography Allegrucci, Robert
Biography Alston, A. S. ‘37 Trustee 1961 75
Biography Alumni Office
Biography Andreas, Carol
Biography-Andrews, Kenneth J.
Biography Anthropology Department
Biography Armstrong, Robert M.
Biography Armstrong, Willis
Biography Arnest, Barbara
Biography-Arnest, Bernard
Biography Art Department
Biography Ashley, Susan
Biography-Athletics staff
Biography Ayala, Juan A.
Biography Baay, Dirk
Biography Bailey, George W.
Biography-Ballance, Colleen
Biography Bannerman, Douglas G.
Biography Banta, Benjamin H.
Biography-Barnes, Margaret
Biography Barnes, Otis Avery
Biography Barney, Armin B.-Trustee 1953 82
Biography-Bartlett, Robert L.
Biography Barton, Ruth
Biography Barton, Tom K.
Biography Barton, William
Biography Bauer, Edward F.
Biography Baylis, Arthur E.
Biography Beattie, Herbert
Biography Bechtol, Paul T.
Biography Bedecki, Tom
Biography Beidleman, Richard G.
Biography Belschner, Martha C.
Biography Benezet, Louis T.
Biography Benezet, Louis T. Burlington R.R. ceremony, 1956.
Biography Benezet, Louis T. Family.
Biography Benninghoff, Diane
Biography Benschneider, Ben
Biography Berg, Peggy
Biography Berger, Lorena
Biography Bernard, Paul Peter
Biography Bertsch, Mike
Biography Besag, Peter L.
Biography Bieber, Jeffrey
Biography Binns, Allison K.
Biography Biology Department
Biography Bird, Michael C.
Biography Bizzarro, Salvatore
Biography Blackburn, Richard D.
Biography Blasenheim, Peter
Biography Bobier, Randy
Biography Boderman, Alvin
Biography-Bolton, Charles F.
Biography Bomstein, Catherine
Biography Booth, Harry T.
Biography-Boothroyd, Frederick
Biography Bordner, Charles A.
Biography Bortree, Leo W.
Biography Boucher, Paul E.
Biography Bower, Nathan W.
Biography-Boyce, Wallace C.
Biography Bradley, Richard C.
Biography Bragard, Bernard and Nancy
Biography Bramhall, Edith
Biography Brandt, Thomas O. (see also Students-International)
Biography Brandwein, Paul
Biography Branson, Beth
Biography Breasted, Dr. James H.
Biography Brooks, Glenn E.
Biography Brossman, William Robert
Biography Broughton, Robert
Biography Brown, F. Martin
Biography-Brown, Robert Z.
Biography Brown, Theodore D. Charter Trustee 1974 85
Biography Broyles, Galen E. Alumni Trustee 1955 67
Biography Bryson, Arthur Earl Trustee 1948-49
Biography Bryson, Dorthy Printup
Biography Buck, Nadine
Biography Buetow, Brad
Biography Buildings and Grounds (Physical Plant)
Biography Burton, Kenneth
Biography Business/Economics Department
Biography-Business Office
Biography Butte, George
Biography-Cajori, Florian
Biography-Campbell, Ella Seaver
Biography-Campbell, John Trustee 1885-1938
Biography-Campbell, Joseph
Biography-Campbell, William J.
Biography-Canterna, Ronald W.
Biography-Capen, Ronald L.
Biography-Career Center
Biography-Cargo, William I.
Biography-Carle, Gerald C.
Biography-Carlson, Earland I.
Biography-Carter, Harvey
Biography-Carter, Henry H.
Biography-Carter, Jack
Biography-Carter, Ruth Thornton
Biography-Castaneda, Ted
Biography-Cauvel, (Martha) Jane
Biography Celeste, Richard F.
Biography-Central Services
Biography-Chalik, John (Trustee)
Biography-Chambers, Frank McMinn
Biography-Chamberlain, Richard
Biography-Champion, William C.
Biography-Chapman, Lt. Col. Lorin P.
Biography-Charles Joyce A.
Biography-Chemistry Department
Biography-Cheney, Richard
Biography-Chenoweth, Mary
Biography-Cherry, Phillip
Biography-Chicklis, Theodore
Biography-Children’s Center
Biography-Churchill, Marion
Biography-Clark, Earl H. (Dutch)
Biography-Cohen, Andrew Scott
Biography-Coleman, James
Biography-Colker, Jr., Tristam C.-Trustee
Biography- Colket Center for Academic Support (Learning Commons, Writing Center)-Staff
Biography-College Relations (Internal and External)
Biography-Collins, Charles H.
Biography-Collins, Dr. D.R.
Biography-Collins, Roosevelt
Biography-Cooper, Barton C.
Biography-Cooper, Glenn R.
Biography-Copeland, Robert M.
Biography-Copeland, William D.
Biography-Coriell, Bruce
Biography-Cornett, Robert H.
Biography-Cornick, Norman (see also Curriculum Dance)
Biography-Counseling Center
Biography-Cowart, Claude
Biography-Cramer, Owen C.
Biography-Crampton, John
Biography-Crawford, William W.
Biography-Cronin, Tom
Biography-Cross, Jim
Biography-Curran, Kenneth J.
Biography-Daehler, Albert H.
Biography-Dance/Drama Department (Mel Felini, Roy Harnick, Oliver Kostock, Martha Wilcox)
Biography-Darley, Ward
Biography-Darriau, Jean Paul
Biography-Davenport, Manuel M.
Biography-Davies, Thurston J.
Biography-Davis, Harold Thayer
Biography-Davisson, Darrell S.
Biography-Dean’s Office
Biography-DeBoer, Kee
Biography-de la Garza, Rudolph O.
Biography-de la Torre, Lita
Biography-de Roussey, de Sales, R.
Biography-Deffke, Elyse M.
Biography-Development and Human Resources
Biography-Dickerson, Carol
Biography-Dickinson, Heather
Biography-Diez, Andres
Biography-Diller Edward
Biography-Dobson, Marcia
Biography-Donner, Jr., Robert-Trustee
Biography-Dougherty, James G.
Biography-Douglas, Frank William
Biography-Drake, George
Biography-Drea, William Francis
Biography-Driy, James A.
Biography-Drucker, A.P.R.
Biography-Duncan, Susan Schlessman-Trustee
Biography-Duncombe, Margaret L.
Biography Dunham, Andrew B.
Biography-Duniway, Clyde Augustus
Biography-Dunlop, James
Biography-Dunne, Robert J.
Biography-Dupinet, Miriam
Biography-Dyatt, Betty
Biography-Eager, Gerald
Biography-Eastlack, Leon “Red”
Biography-Edborg, Catherine Maytag-Trustee
Biography-Edmonds, Michael
Biography-Education Department
Biography-Edwards, John T.
Biography-Edwards, Jonathan
Biography-Effinger, Cecil
Biography-Eichengreen, Jeffrey M.
Biography-Eldridge, Roger L.
Biography-Ellard, George
Biography-Ellis, Amanda Mae
Biography-Elser, Marianne
Biography-Emmerson, John Kenneth
Biography-Enderson, Jim
Biography-English Department
Biography-Environmental Science
Biography-Ericson, Joan
Biography-Ethridge, Floyd
Biography-Biography-Everhart, Bonnie
Biography-Facilities Services
Biography-Faculty and Administration (group photos; see also individual names)
Biography-Fagan, George
Biography-Fauteaux, Louise Warner
Biography-Felsted, Carol J.
Biography-Feminist and Gender Studies Program (formerly Women’s Studies, changed 2005-06)
Biography-Ferguson, William
Biography-Figge, Henry John
Biography-Finley, David D.
Biography-Fischer, William A.
Biography-Fitch, Marguerite
Biography-Fitzgerald, Kim
Biography-Fleener, Larry D.
Biography-Flood, Frank
Biography-Forsyth, Jay D.
Biography-Fox, Douglas
Biography-Frasca, Anthony J.
Biography-Freed, Douglas
Biography-Freeman, Charles
Biography-French, Robert S.
Biography-Freyschlag, K.G.
Biography-Fulghum, Donald
Biography-Fuller, Timothy
Biography-Gamer, Carlton
Biography-Gates, Sherwood
Biography-Gaylord, Edith Kinney (married name Edith Gaylord Harper)
Biography-Gaylord, Edward K. Trustee
Biography-Geiger, Louis G.
Biography-Genova, Judith
Biography-Gentry, Elvin L.
Biography-Geology Department
Biography-George, Charles
Biography-German/Russian Department
Biography-Gilbert, Bentley Brickerhoff
Biography-Gile, Moses Clement
Biography-Gill, William Hanson
Biography-Gill, William Hanson Inauguration
Biography-Gilmore, Helen
Biography-Gilmore, Ralph
Biography-Glaser, Carl
Biography-Gleason, Frank H.
Biography-Gleason, Gerald E.
Biography-Glebe, William V.
Biography-Godfrey, H.J., Maj.
Biography-Gomez, Rudolph
Biography-Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell
Biography-Goodman, Linda
Biography-Gordon, Joseph T.
Biography- Gould, Don
Biography-Goulding, Ellen
Biography-Grace, Michael
Biography Grace, Sue Langlas
Biography-Graham, Donn E.
Biography-Grant, Miriam
Biography-Gray, J. Glenn
Biography-Greenwood, Mary
Biography-Gregg, James B.
Biography-Griffith, David
Biography-Griffiths, L. Christopher
Biography-Grose, L. Trowbridge
Biography-Grosswiler, Ralph A.
Biography-Gundlach, Bernard
Biography-Gutierrez, Yolanda
Biography-Haddon, Lance
Biography-Hagerman, James John
Biography-Hale, Edward Danforth
Biography-Hamilton, Mary Alice
Biography-Handley, Lois
Biography-Hanni, Eila
Biography-Hansman, Margaret Mary
Biography-Harmon, Harold C.
Biography-Harris, Roy
Biography-Harrison, Walter
Biography-Hartman, Paul
Biography-Hartness, Rebekah M.
Biography-Haskell, Thomas N.
Biography Hathaway, Ron
Biography-Hazleton, Roger
Biography-Hecox, Walter
Biography-Heim, Werner
Biography-Heiss, William C.
Biography-Heist, Paul
Biography-Hendee, Robert W.
Biography Hendrickson, David C.
Biography-Henrickson, Eiler
Biography-Hentges, Walter
Biography-Herbert, James Edward
Biography-Herman, Martin M.
Biography-Hernadi, Paul
Biography-Hernandez, J. M.
Biography-Herrick, Lance
Biography-Hershey, Charlie B.
Biography-Heyer, Herbert
Biography Hilberry, Jane
Biography-Hilt, Richard L.
Biography-History Department
Biography-Hitchcock, Elden
Biography-Hochman, William R.
Biography-Hoeppner, Fred C.
Biography-Hoffman, J. Michael
Biography-Holbrook, Clyde
Biography-Hollenbach, David
Biography-Holm, Hanya see also Archives Box 125
Biography-Honnen, Edward
Biography-Hooker, Robert
Biography-Hoopingarner, Tim
Biography-Hopper, Grace
Biography-Hopper, Victor
Biography-Horn, Charles L.
Biography-Howard, John O.
Biography-Howbert, Irving (Trustee 1880 1922; Emeritus 1922 34)
Biography-Huebert, Barry J.
Biography-Hughes, Tracy
Biography-Hulbert, Archer Butler
Biography-Hurdle, Gloria J.
Biography-Hybl, William J. Trustee
Biography-Information Services
Biography-Irish, Joe E.
Biography-Ives, David
Biography-Jackson, Robert L.
Biography-Jackson, William S. (1836 1917) Trustee
Biography-Jackson, William S. (1889 1981) Trustee
Biography-Janeba, Mark
Biography Janke, Stephen
Biography-Jarrett, James
Biography-Jenkins, Donald
Biography-Johns, Gilbert
Biography-Johns, Marcia
Biography-Johnson, James Alan (“Al”)
Biography-Johnson, Russell W.,Sgt.
Biography-Jones, Donna
Biography-Jones, Paul N.
Biography-Jones, Robert P., Capt.
Biography-Joyal, Mary Jane
Biography-Juhas, Earl
Biography-Kampf, Louise Fielding
Biography-Karon, John
Biography-Kauffman, James
Biography-Keller, Rick
Biography-Kellogg, O.D.
Biography-Kerr, James Hutchinson
Biography-Kester, Keith B.
Biography-Kickingbird, Margo
Biography- King, William Davies
Biography-Kingsley, Maurine
Biography-Kinraide, Thomas B.
Biography Kirsch, Edith W.
Biography-Kiziuk, Leonard
Biography-Knapp, Lewis
Biography-Knight, John
Biography Kolarik, Ruth
Biography-Kraehenbuehl, John Otto
Biography-Kramer, Fritz
Biography-Krimm, Hans
Biography-Krutzke, Frank August
Biography Kuerbis, Paul
Biography-Kutsche, Paul
Biography-Langer, G. Edward
Biography-Langley, Warren
Biography-Langyel, Emil
Biography-Lanner, Max
Biography-Lansburgh, Mark
Biography-Latimer, Charles T.
Biography Laux, Judith
Biography-Lawson, Jack
Biography-Lear, Jerry
Biography-Leavenworth, Carol
Biography-Lee, Jonathan
Biography-Lee, Mabel Barbee
Biography-Lee, Robert D.
Biography-Leech, Joseph S.
Biography-Lelong, D.
Biography-Lennox, Mrs. Loring (Lucy Moore) (Missing)
Biography-Lennox, William (Trustee 1901 36)
Biography-Lenowitz, Sol
Biography-Lester, Leon
Biography-Lewis, John H.
Biography-Liddle, William
Biography-Liljestrom, Charles
Biography-Liljerstrom, George (Trustee 1945-49, 1955-76)
Biography-Lindeman, Ted
Biography Livesay, Jeff
Biography Loevy, Robert
Biography-Lommasson, Alan
Biography-Longo, John
Biography-Loo, Gary (Trustee 1986-92)
Biography-Loomis, Mabel Ruth
Biography-Lopez Reyes, Ramon, Lt. Col.
Biography-Lorentzen, Edward M.
Biography-Lothar, Ernst
Biography-Lothrop, Stanley B.
Biography-Lotting, Lucille H.
Biography-Loud, Frank Herbert
Biography-Loy, David
Biography-Lucia, Don
Biography-Lynch, Helen
Biography-Lynn, Molly
Biography-Lyon, Dollie
Biography-Lyster, Betty
Biography-MacDonald, Dorthy P.
Biography-McAllister, Henry Jr. Trustee 1914 1919
Biography-McCloskey, Paul
Biography-McCreery, Donald C. Trustee 1931 62
Biography-McHendrie, A. Watson Trustee 1927 54
Biography-McHugh, Jerry (Trustee)
Biography-McIlvaine, Robert S. Trustee 1951 60
Biography-McIntire, Dean P.
Biography McJimsey, Marianna
Biography-McJimsey, Robert Duncan
Biography-McKenzie, Margaret
Biography-McKnight, Reginald
Biography-McLeod, Laurel
Biography-McMillan, William
Biography-McMurtry, James G.
Biography-McNary, Evaline
Biography-Malcolm, James
Biography-Madruga, Herving
Biography-Malyshev, Alexey N.
Biography-Manning, Thurston Edmund
Biography-Marden, George Nathaniel
Biography-Martinez, Hugo
Biography-Mason, Ellsworth
Biography-Matchefts, John
Biography-Mathematics Department
Biography-Mathias, Henry E.
Biography Mendoza, Charlotte
Biography-Merrill, Nancy
Biography-Mertz, Douglas
Biography-Metz, Robi
Biography-Michel, Lester A.
Biography-Mierow, Charles C. (see also Biography Mierow, Charles C.-Inauguration)
Biography-Mierow, Charles C. Inauguration
Biography-Mierow, Dorothy
Biography-Miles, Egbert J.
Biography-Milligan, Charles S.
Biography-Milroy, Eleanor
Biography-Minority Student Life-Staff
Biography-Minuth, Fritz
Biography-Miquelle, Georges
Biography-Mobley, Frank Trustee 1939 43
Biography-Mohrman, Bill
Biography-Mohrman, Kathryn
Biography-Molnar, Ference
Biography Monroy, Douglas
Biography-Montgomery, Ruth
Biography-Moon, Christine S.
Biography-Moore, Thomas E.
Biography-Morgan, Sallie Payne
Biography-Morton, F. Rand
Biography-Mosco, Harry
Biography-Mueller, W.E. Trustee 1962 79
Biography-Mundt, Gustave
Biography-Murray, Gale
Biography-Myers, Sue
Biography Neel, Carol L.
Biography-Nelson-Cisneros, Victor
Biography-Nemtzow, Sarah
Biography-Nethercot, Arthur
Biography-Nettleton, Edwin S.
Biography-Nish, Nancy
Biography-Normand, David E.
Biography-Nowak, Michael
Biography-Noyes, Atherton
Biography-O’Dell, W. H. “Sterg”
Biography-Oden, Donald
Biography-Odom, Leroy M., Sgt.
Biography-Ohl, Ronald
Biography-Okun, Alan
Biography-Olejink, John M.
Biography-Olson, Howard Millard
Biography-Olson, Ruth
Biography-Ormes, Manly D.
Biography-Ottenga, Yvette
Biography-Oz, Amos
Biography-Packard, David Trustee 1966 68
Biography-Paine, Richard
Biography-Palmer, William J. Trustee (see also CRPF)
Biography-Pankau, Thomas A.
Biography-Parisot, Aldo
Biography-Parker, Charles
Biography-Parker, Gordon
Biography-Parks, Lee
Biography-Parsons, Edward S.
Biography-Pearce, John
Biography-Pearl, Richard M.
Biography-Pearson, Albert C.
Biography-Pelley, Robert D.
Biography-Penland, C. William
Biography-Pericot, L.
Biography-Peterson, Elmer
Biography-Peterson, Irene
Biography-Peterson, Kathleen
Biography-Peterson, Lloyd
Biography-Philosophy Department
Biography-Phinney, Lucy Corliss (Mrs. Abel J. Gregg)
Biography-Phipps, Gerald (Trustee 1966-1990)
Biography-Physical Education (Athletic Department)
Biography-Physics Department
Biography-Pickle, Joseph
Biography-Pickle, Linda
Biography-Pino, Lewis H.
Biography-Pizzi, Bob
Biography-Political Science Department
Biography-Polk, Harold K.
Biography-Pollard, Joseph P.
Biography-Porte, Lynn S.
Biography-Postlethwaite, William W.
Biography-Presidents Groups of C.C.
Biography-Press at Colorado College, The
Biography-Pringle, Robert J. (Trustee 1967 68) see also Alumni-Biography-1949, Class of
Biography-Prudhomme, Brian
Biography-Psychology Department
Biography-Rabbin, Harvey G.
Biography Rabbin, Marcelle
Biography-Rambo, Yvonne
Biography-Rastall, Benjamin M. Trustee
Biography-Rawles, Thomas Howard
Biography-Rawlings, John M. Trustee 1943 47
Biography-Redlich, Don
Biography Reed, Carl
Biography-Reid, J. Juan
Biography-Reinhart, Viola M.
Biography Reinitz, Neale R.
Biography-Residence Halls, Directors of
Biography-Residential Life
Biography-Reynolds, Judith U.
Biography-Rhodes, Jack
Biography-Richardson, Horst
Biography-Riegel, Gordon
Biography-Riker, John
Biography-Riley, Gresham (see also Biography Riley, Gresham Inauguration 10/81)
Biography-Riley, Gresham-Inauguration, 10/81
Biography-Riley, Pamela
Biography-Rittenberg, Libby
Biography-Rivera, Rowena
Biography-Roberts, Carl
Biography-Roberts, Harold D. Trustee
Biography-Roberts, John D., Jr.
Biography-Robertson, Roy B.
Biography-Rodman, Dr. H. H.
Biography-Roeder, David W.
Biography-Romance Languages
Biography-Roos, Charles Frederick
Biography-Roos, Dr Mary
Biography-Root, Robin
Biography-Rose, Milton Sawyer
Biography-Rosen, William Edward
Biography-Rosenhaupt, Hans
Biography-Ross, Robert A.
Biography-Ross, Thomas Wynne
Biography-Rothgeb, C.J.
Biography-Rout, George
Biography-Rubens, Carky-Trustee
Biography-Rucker, E. Darnell
Biography-Rudd, Dr. John
Biography-Rudoff, Robin M.
Biography-Rush, Andrew
Biography-Rush, Lynda
Biography-Sadowsky, Reah
Biography-Saenz, Richard
Biography-Salzman, John D.
Biography-Sampson, Edward, Jr.
Biography Sarchett, Barry
Biography-Saska, Timothy L.
Biography-Sauer, Jeffry B.
Biography-Schiffman, Stephen J.
Biography-Schlosser, Nancy Bryson-Trustee
Biography-Schneider, Herbert Wallace
Biography-Schneider, Mark
Biography-Scott, John
Biography-Scott, Kenneth Eugene
Biography-Scott, Stephen A.
Biography-Scott, William L.
Biography-Seay, Albert
Biography-Seeburger, Ellen
Biography-Senne, Linda
Biography-Seward, Adrienne
Biography-Sharp, Arthur G.
Biography-Shaw, Van B.
Biography-Shearn, Donald
Biography-Sheldon, Winthrop Dudley
Biography-Sheridan, John
Biography-Shinew, Joan
Biography-Shoup, Merrill E. Trustee 1946 52
Biography-Shove, Eugene P. Trustee 1914-1939
Biography Showalter, Dennis
Biography-Sierra, Christine
Biography-Simcock, Roberts T.
Biography-Simmons, George
Biography Simmons, Sarah T.
Biography-Simons, John L.
Biography-Sisam, Charles H.
Biography-Skidmore, Mark
Biography-Skilling, David Van Diest Trustee
Biography-Slocum, Mary (see also Biography Slocum, William Frederick)
Biography-Slocum, William Frederick
Biography-Smith, Curtis F.
Biography-Smith, Donald
Biography-Smith, Ernest H.
Biography-Smith, Garon C.
Biography-Smith, Henry Francis
Biography-Smith, James HC
Biography-Smith, Lucy M.
Biography-Snyder, Herman
Biography-Snyder, Milton K.
Biography-Sociology Department
Biography-Sondermann, Fred A.
Biography Soudakoff, Mariamna
Biography-Southwest Studies
Biography-Soutter, Louis
Biography-Spencer, Joseph, Lt. Col.
Biography-Spencer, William Trustee 1968-1991
Biography-Sperling, Evelyn I.
Biography-Spoor, Leslie
Biography-Srba, Jana M.
Biography-Stabler, Robert M.
Biography-Staff (see also individual names)
Biography-Stauss, James H.
Biography Stavig, Mark
Biography-Steinman, R.G.
Biography-Stent, Gunther
Biography-Stephenson, Marjorie B.
Biography-Sterling, Daniel
Biography-Sterne, Clarence
Biography-Stewart, Harry M.
Biography-Stewart, John Wolcott Trustee 1963 68
Biography-Stewart, Phillip B. Trustee 1900-1954
Biography-Stiles, Bert-Class of 1942
Biography-Stoller, Marianne
Biography-Stone, H. Chase Trustee, 1953-1964
Biography-Storey, Richard
Biography-Strieby, William (see also Curriculum Chemistry)
Biography-Strouss, Janet
Biography-Student Life
Biography-Sullivan, Lyn
Biography-Susemihl, Susan
Biography-Sutherland, Elizabeth
Biography-Swenson, Terry
Biography-Taber, Richard L.
Biography-Taitt, Arthur T.
Biography-Taylor, Alice Bemis
Biography-Taylor, Maxwell
Biography-Tenney, Edward Payson
Biography-Thompson, “Cheddy” Cyril L.
Biography Tinsley, Frederick C.
Biography-Todd, Harriet
Biography-Tooley, Frederick
Biography-Torrens, Bob
Biography-Toussaint, Eunice
Biography-Trissel, James N.
Biography-Trumbull, Frank
Biography-Trustees (group photos, unlabeled, singles, see also individual names)
Biography-Tucker, Frank
Biography-Tucker, Roy W.
Biography-Turner, William B.
Biography-Tutt, Charles Leaming Trustee 1934-1949 (includes Vesta Tutt)
Biography-Tutt, R. Thayer Jr. Trustee
Biography-Tutt, Russell T. Trustee
Biography-Tutt, William Thayer (d. 1989)
Biography-Tutt Library staff
Biography-Tynan, Daniel
Biography-Tyner, McCoy
Biography-Tyree, Woodson
Biography-Urista, Albert O.
Biography-Van de Graaff, William T.
Biography-Van Diest, Alice Elfreida
Biography-Van Diest, Edmond C. Trustee 1925-1950
Biography-Van Sarn, Richard
Biography-Vargo, Alexandria
Biography-Veirs, Val R.
Biography-Visiting Faculty
Biography-Visiting Performers
Biography-Wadkins, Owens E.
Biography-Waller, Calvin Trustee
Biography-Warner, Charles J.
Biography-Warnock, Richard G.
Biography-Warren, Charles
Biography-Warren, Edward Royal
Biography-Washburn, Philip Trustee 1894-98
Biography-Waters, Frank-Class of 1925
Biography-Watkins, John J.
Biography-Watkins, Laurel
Biography-Weimer, Melvin
Biography-Wenzlau, Tom
Biography-Werner, Ray O.
Biography-White, John
Biography-Whiteside, Duncan
Biography-Whitney, Dr. Roger S.
Biography-Wilcox, John C.
Biography-Williams, Ben A.
Biography-Williams, Henry D.
Biography-Williams, Sam K.
Biography-Wilson, Colin
Biography-Wilson, Don
Biography-Witt, Shirley Hill
Biography-Wood, James T.
Biography-Wood, Richard E.
Biography-Woodbridge, Homer Edwards
Biography-Woodward, Harry
Biography-Wormington, Marie
Biography-Worner Center
Biography-Worner, Lloyd Edson (includes Carol Truax)
Biography-Wright, Wilbur
Biography-Wynkoop, Mary Ann
Biography-Yaffe, James
Biography-Yalich, Barbara
Biography-Young, Betty
Biography-Zah, Peterson-Trustee
Biography-Zuercher, David
Biography-Zwinger, Ann
Buildings-Alpha Phi Sorority (Historic) 1060 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Architectural Plans
Buildings-Armstrong Hall Exterior
Buildings-Armstrong Hall Interior
Buildings-Arthur House
Buildings-Baca Grande
Buildings-Barnes Science Center
Buildings-Barnes Science Center-Construction
Buildings-Barnes Science Center-Dedication
Buildings-Barnes Science Center-Exterior
Buildings-Barnes Science Center-Interior
Buildings-Bemis Hall Exterior
Buildings-Bemis Hall Interior
Buildings-Beta Theta Pi Fraternity (Historic)
Buildings-Boettcher Health Center
Buildings-Bruin Inn (see also CRPF Cheyenne Canyon)
Buildings-Cabin, CC Mountain (Gilmore-Stabler)
Buildings-Campus Master Plan
Buildings-Campus Views Aerial
Buildings-Campus Views-Collections
Buildings-Campus Views College Park and College Lake (see also Buildings Campus Views The Jungle)
Buildings-Campus Views, East Side, 1874 1900
Buildings-Campus Views, East Side, 1901
Buildings-Campus Views The Jungle (see also Buildings Campus Views College Park and College Lake)
Buildings-Campus Views Panorama
Buildings-Campus Views Stewart Field
Buildings-Campus Views Viewbooks
Buildings-Campus Views, West Side, 1874 1900
Buildings-Campus Views, West Side, 1901
Buildings-CC Observatory (near Florissant, CO)
Buildings-Children’s Center
Buildings-Coburn Library Exterior
Buildings-Coburn Library Interior
Buildings-Columbian First Women’s Dormitory
Buildings-Cornerstone Arts Complex (Edith Kinney Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center)
Buildings-Cossitt Hall-Exterior (Athletics, Physical Education)
Buildings-Cossitt Hall-Interior
Buildings-Cutler Hall-Exterior, 1878-1882
Buildings-Cutler Hall (Palmer Hall) Exterior, 1882 1900
Buildings-Cutler Hall Exterior, 1901
Buildings-Cutler Hall Interior, 1878 1900
Buildings-Cutler Hall Interior, 2004-
Buildings-Dean’s Residence, 1130 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Delta Gamma Sorority (Historic)
Buildings-Dern House (Southwest Studies) 1105 N. Cascade
Buildings-Donaldson House (also Asia House)
Buildings-Earle Flagpole
Buildings-East Hall
Buildings-Edwards (Jonathan) House
Buildings-El Pomar Sports Center (Physical Education, Athletics)
Buildings-Faculty Club 116 E. San Rafael
Buildings-Fine Arts Center Exterior
Buildings-Fine Arts Center Interior
Buildings-First College Building 200 Block N. Tejon
Buildings-Fraternities - see individual names
Buildings-Gamma Phi Beta Sorority (Historic)
Buildings-Gill House
Buildings-Gregg (Lucy Phinney) House NW corner San Rafael and Tejon
Buildings-Gymnasium Pre 1914 (Athletics, Physical Education)
Buildings-Hagerman Hall Exterior, 1889 1900
Buildings-Hagerman Hall Exterior, 1901- (see also World War-II-Navy V 12)
Buildings-Hagerman Hall Interior, 1889 1900
Buildings-Hagerman Hall Interior, 1901
Buildings-Hagerman Hall-Weather Observatory
Buildings-Hamlin House 1122 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Haskell House (French)
Buildings-Hayes House SW Corner of Cache la Poudre and Cascade
Buildings-Hershey House 16 College Pl.
Buildings-Honnen Ice Rink
Buildings-Honnen Tennis Courts
Buildings-Hose Company
Buildings-Howbert House 1015 N. Nevada
Buildings-Infirmary 20 E. San Rafael (see also Buildings-Ticknor Hall, interior, infirmary)
Buildings-Jackson House (The Ad Building) 1029 N. Nevada
Buildings-Janitors House 00 Block W. Cache la Poudre
Buidings-Japan House (Asian Languages House; Elf House) SW corner of Cascade and Uintah
Buildings-Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority House 1020 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority 1100 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Kappa Sigma Fraternity (historic) 911 N. Nevada
Buildings-Laundry 1430 N. Tejon
Buildings-Lennox House (Beta House, Glass House, Multicultural House) 1001 N. Nevada
Buildings-Loomis Hall
Buildings-Loomis House (Landell Bartlett House) 1105 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Lovelace House (no photos)
Buildings-McGregor Hall
Buildings-Mathias Hall
Buildings-Max Kade (German House) 1129 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Montgomery Hall Exterior
Buildings-Montgomery Hall Interior
Buildings-Morreale House
Buildings-Music Hall
Buildings-Nevada / Wood / Cascade / Other Neighborhood Houses
Buildings-Nob Hill Observatory
Buildings-Olin Hall of Science-Dedication, Groundbreaking, Cornerstone
Buildings-Olin Hall of Science-Exterior
Buildings-Olin Hall of Science-Interior
Buildings-Olin Hall of Science Planning and Construction
Buildings-Packard Hall of Music and the Arts
Buildings-Packard Hall of Music and the Arts-Dedication
Buildings-Packard Hall of Music and the Arts-Planning and Construction
Buildings-Palmer Hall Architect’s plans
Buildings-Palmer Hall Building Fund
Buildings-Palmer Hall Construction and Dedication, 1901 04
Buildings-Palmer Hall Exterior, 1904-(2 Fds)
Buildings-Palmer Hall Interior, (arranged by date) (see also Curriculum Engineering; Curriculum Biology)
Buildings-Palmer Hall-Interior-Museum see Ms collection
Buildings-Palmer Hall-Renovation and Rededication, 1977
Buildings-Buildings-Peabody House 1106 N. Cascade
Buildings-Perkins Hall Demolition, 1964
Buildings-Perkins Hall Exterior
Buildings-Perkins Hall Interior
Buildings-Phi Delta Theta Fraternity
Buildings-Phi Delta Theta Fraternity (historic)
Buildings-Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity (historic)
Buildings-Physical Plant (old) Exterior
Buildings-Physical Plant (old) Interior
Buildings-Physical Plant (Van Briggle Building)-Exterior see also CRPF, SL81-11n
Buildings-President’s House (1210 Wood Avenue, historic building name: O’Brien/Hendee House)
Buildings-President’s House (Mary Slocum House, College Place)
Buildings-Quonset Huts (Tiger Town)-Cache la Poudre (see also Students-Biography-1946-48)
Buildings-Rastall Center-Dedication
Buildings-Rastall Center Exterior
Buildings-Rastall Center Interior (includes The Hub)
Buildings-Rastall Center-Plans & Construction
Buildings-Rastall Center-Renovation
Buildings-San Luis Building Cache la Poudre and Nevada
Buildings-Schlessman Swimming Pool
Buildings-Shove Chapel Architect’s Plans
Buildings-Shove Chapel-Construction
Buildings-Shove Chapel Exterior
Buildings-Shove Chapel Ground Breaking, 1930
Buildings-Shove Chapel Interior
Buildings-Shove Chapel-Rededication, 1956
Buildings-Sigma Chi Fraternity
Buildings-Signs, numbers, etc.
Buildings-Slocum Hall
Buildings-Slocum Hall Plans and Construction
Buildings-South Hall
Buildings-Spencer, William I., Center
Buildings-Stewart House 1228 Wood Ave.
Buildings-Taylor Dining Room
Buildings-Tenney Hall NW corner Cache la Poudre and Nevada (see also Buildings-San Luis School)
Buildings-Ticknor Hall
Buildings-Tutt Alumni House
Buildings-Tutt Library Architect’s Plans
Buildings-Tutt Library-Book Move, 5/16/62
Buildings-Tutt Library-Charles Leaming Tutt Statue
Buildings-Tutt Library Construction, 1960 61
Buildings-Tutt Library Dedication, 10/12/62
Buildings-Tutt Library Exterior
Buildings-Tutt Library Groundbreaking, 10/29/60
Buildings-Tutt Library Interior
Buildings-Tutt Library-Interior-Special Collections
Buildings-Tutt Library-Relocation, Summer 1986
Buildings-Tutt Library Addition Architect’s Plans, 1979
Buildings-Tutt Library Addition-Construction, 1979 80
Buildings-Tutt Library Addition-Dedication, 10/4/80
Buildings-Tutt Library Addition-Groundbreaking 6/9/79
Buildings – Tutt Science Center (Russell T. Tutt Science Center) - Exterior
Buildings – Tutt Science Center (Russell T. Tutt Science Center) – Interior
Buildings – Tutt Science Center (Russell T. Tutt Science Center) – Planning, Launch
Buildings-Wanless Block
Buildings-Washburn Field (see also Athletics Football; World War I; World War II, Navy V 12, Review, Washburn Field)
Buildings-West Hall
Buildings-Western Ridge
Buildings-Williams Heating Plant
Buildings-Wolcott Observatory
Buildings-Worner Center-Interior
Buildings-Worner Center-Exterior
Campus Planning (Includes Strategic Mapping sessions)
Ceremonies – Century Chest Opening, 2001
Colorado College Land Company
Colorado College – William Jackson Palmer Founders Society
Commencement (includes Baccalaureate) (arranged by date) includes Sydney Pollack, Walter Karl Koch, Laura Gilpin (1970)
Convocation-Honors (spring)
Convocation-Opening (fall)
Counseling Center, c. 1959
Curriculum Anthropology
Curriculum-Art (Photography)
Curriculum-Business Administration
Curriculum-Chemistry (arranged by date)
Curriculum-Civil Aeronautics Authority Pilot Training Course
Curriculum-Colorado College Plan (Block Plan)
Curriculum-Dance-Summer Session
Curriculum-Drama (arranged by date) see also Koshare Theater
Curriculum-Drama -Creative Drama Class
Curriculum-Education (see also Students Biography 1927, Class of; Summer School-Reading Clinic)
Curriculum-Engineering (see also Buildings-Palmer Hall-Interior; Forestry School Ms collection)
Curriculum-Environmental Science
Curriculum-Ford Independent Study Program, 1965
Curriculum-Freedom and Authority
Curriculum-Music Glee and Mandolin Club
Curriculum-Physical Education
Curriculum-Physics (Photography)
Curriculum-Political Science
Curriculum-Pre medical and Pre dentistry
Curriculum-Romance Languages (Missing 6/91)
Curriculum-Southwest Studies
Curriculum - Teaching and Learning Center 1996-2004 (Crown-Tapper)
Cutler Academy (Plantagenet Society, Women with Brooms, Broom Brigade)
Emblems (Seal, Motto, Insignia, Logo, Mascot, Tiger)
Fellowships-Woodrow Wilson
Finances-Annual Fund (see also Finances-Fundraising-Dialog)
Finances-Colorado College Campaign, 1960
Finances-Colorado College Land Company
Finances Endowment Fund Pearson Fund
Finances Fundraising Dialog
Finances Gifts
History-Anniversaries-Twenty-Fifth (1900)
History Anniversaries Seventy Fifth (1949)
History Anniversaries One Hundredth (1974) (2 Fds)
History-Anniversaries-One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth, 125th (1999)
Homecoming (arranged by date)
Honorary Degrees (see also Biography Name; Commencement)
Koshare Theater (arranged by date)
Lectures (divided by date) (Jane Goodall, Nelson Glueck, Sean O’Faolain, Vance Packard)
Lectures-Jovanovich (Chaim Hertzog)
Lectures-Memorial, Abbott, W. Lewis (William O. Douglas, Allan Nevins, Clinton Rossiter, James Warburg)
Lectures-Memorial-H. Chase Stone (Sol Linowitz, 1969)
Parents Weekend
Phi Beta Kappa
Radio KRCC (College Station)
ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps; Military Science)
Saturday Knights (Town Gown Hiking Group)
Scholarships Fulbright
Scholarships Harold C. Harmon
Scholarships Woman’s Educational Society
School San Luis
Students Activities Art Classes
Students-Activities-Block Breaks
Students-Activities-Campus Scenes, General (arranged by date)
Students-Activities-Chess Game, c.1976 (Packard Courtyard)
Students-Activities-Class Day
Students-Activities-Classroom Scenes (arranged by date)
Students-Activities-Community Service
Students-Activities-Dances, Balls, Proms (Colonial Ball ca. 1930 women dressed as men)
Students-Activities-Dorm Scenes
Students-Activities-Field Trips
Students-Activities-Fly Day / May Day 1960s-70s
Students-Activities-Freshman Orientation
Students-Activities-Freshman Week
Students-Activities-Insignia Day
Students-Activities-May Festival
Students-Activities-Military Drill Team
Students-Activities-Mountaineering (rock climbing, hiking, Outdoor Recreation Committee ORC formed concurrently with the Block Plan)
Students-Activities-Native American Heritage Week and Pow-Wow
Students-Activities-Protests and Demonstrations
Students-Activities-Trivia Bowl
Students-Activities-Variety Shows
Students – Biography – ARRANGED BY YEAR (see below for particular names; group photos showing alumni from multiple years are in the “general” folders by decade)
1904 William Merrill Vories
1908 Don McCreery, Don; C.W. Lieb
1909 William G. Lennox
1910 George R. Gibbs; Henry Harrison; Oliver Ralston
1911 Thomas L. Kilpatrick
1912 Dorliska Crandall; Altha B. Crowley; Eleanor Thomas; Marion Yerkes; Mabel Wilson; Florence Humphreys; Frances Eames
1916 Levi P. Morse
1917 Matsuburo Yokoyama; William B. McKesson
1919 Mary Oldfield Steele
1920-1929, General Josephine Hildrich
1921 Sidney G. Winter; Edward J. Allen
1924 William “Pat” Patterson
1925 Dr. Guy Clark; Kenneth Ogle
1927 Dr. Frank Figge; Margaret Tyson Barnes
1929 Rev. Hurley Begun
1930 Lyman Linger
1931 Naomi R. Nelson
1932 Arthur E. Baylis
1932 Joe Rohrer
1933 J. Francis (Buck) Burshears; Koshare Dancers
1934 Dr. Kenneth E. Gloss
1935 F. Edward Little; Earlund Hedblom; Max Frankel
1936 Joel A.H. Webb; J. Donald Haney
1937 Willis E. Armstrong; Louise Buckley; Leonard Sutton
1938 Louise Warner; Joseph Nagy; Robert Nelson; Edward W. Leonard; James B. Walts; Alma Vanek; Alfred Owens; Harold Whitney
1939 Albert W. Fuquay; John Cheley; Floyd Bucklin; Joseph Aldenifer; Philip Packer; Oscar Strauss
1941 Patrick J. Fitzgerald; Jack F. Angell; Theodore J. Kuhlman; Robert Kaye
1942 Lewis M. Miller; Louis W. Cunningham; Dick Hughes
1943 Robert B. Johnston; William Oscar Schuler; Charles W. Goodnight; Louis Weide; Louis Johnson; Dale Peterson; Alun Edwards; Donald C. Cushman
1947 Thomas P. McCann
1948 W. Leo Hill; Herbert Beattie
1949 Robert Pringle; Bill Pfeiffer
1951 Berne Hart
1952 Pat Gormley; Barbara Freyschlag
1955 Robert Deyo
1956 Hayes Jenkins
1958 David Jenkins; Carl Pitts
1961 Glenna Maxey Goodacre
1963 Lynne Cheney
1965 James J. Heckman
1967 Ray Jones (trustee)
1968 Elizabeth McCammon
1969 Rosa Lee Scott
1970 Peggy Fleming
1971 Jennifer Moulton
1975 Michael Allured
1983 Penelope Savalas
1986 Dee Bradley Baker
1991 Alison Dunlap
1994 Tara Nott; Daniel Patrick O’Connor
Students-International (Foreign Students)
Students-International-Summer Crossroads
Students NCAA Hockey Tournament Queens
Students-Organizations-Association of Students Interested in Asia (ASIA) (Asian Awareness Weekend)
Students-Organizations-Black Student Union
Students-Organizations-Blue Key
Students-Organizations-Chinese Students Club 1924
Students-Organizations-Colorado College Campus Association
Students-Organizations-Fraternities-Beta Theta Pi
Students-Organizations-Fraternities Kappa Sigma
Students-Organizations-Fraternities Phi Delta Theta
Students-Organizations-Fraternities Phi Gamma Delta
Students-Organizations-Fraternities Sigma Chi
Students-Organizations-Honor Council
Students-Organizations-Mountain Club
Students-Organizations-Red Lantern
Students-Organizations-SOMOS ("we are" in Spanish, formerly known as MEChA, Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán)
Students-Organizations-Sororities-Delta Gamma
Students-Organizations-Sororities Gamma Phi Beta
Students-Organizations-Sororities-Kappa Alpha Theta
Students-Organizations-Sororities Kappa Kappa Gamma
Students-Organizations-Students for Awareness of South Asia (SASA)
Students-Organizations-Theater Workshop
Students-Organizations-Volunteer Action
Summer School (arranged by date)
Summer School-Art and Politics Course, 1976
Summer School-Canadian Studies Institute
Summer School-Children’s programs
Summer School-Concerts
Summer School-Drama
Summer School-Faculty and Administration
Summer School-French House
Summer School-Hommage a Dada, 1978
Summer School-ISA (Institut Superior des Affaires)
Summer School-Lectures
Summer School-NSF Science Institute
Summer School-Photography Institute (2 Fds)
Summer School-Reading Clinic
Summer School-Tribal Resource Institute for Business, Engineering, & Science (T.R.I.B.E.S.)
Summer School-Urban Studies Institute
Summer School-Symposium 1960
Symposium 1961 Science and Humanism
Symposium 1963 The Arts in Contemporary Society
Symposium 1964 World War II
Symposium 1965 The New Science
Symposium 1966 Humor
Symposium 1967
Symposium 1968 The Presidency
Symposium 1969 Violence
Symposium 1989 Intimacy
Symposium 1990 Wealth
Symposium 1991 Future
Symposium 1992 Ethnicity and Identity
Symposium 1993 Defending the Earth
Symposium 1994 Spirituality and Religion
Tutt Forum
Vietnam War-Students in Southeast Asia, 1968
Woman’s Educational Society
World War I
World War II Army Air Force
World War II-Civilian Commando Class
World War II-Colorado College Volunteers
World War II-Navy V 12 – Buildings
World War II-Navy V-12 – Housing Units
World War II-Navy V-12 – Overseas Service
World War II-Navy V-12 – Retreat 6/23/46
World War II-Navy V-12 – Review, Washburn Field
World War II-Navy V-12 – Ship’s Company and Trainees
World War II-Navy V-12 – Social
World War II-Navy V-12 – Staff
World War II-Navy V-12 – Training
World War II-Victory Gardens
World War II-War Activities
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