The Catalyst (CT) and the Disparaging Eye (DE) are available in Tutt Library (two copies: one in 2nd floor periodicals and one in Special Collections)
SUBJECT Title of article Publication Volume-Issue date pages
ABAH, OGA Abah, Graham provide non-traditional education CT28-1 90-09-14 p101
ABAH, OGAH Outsider challenges from within CT 39-1 96/9/13 p11
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Barber predicts 1984 as a fighting election CT16-20
84-04-13 p1
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Black status explored CT17-21 85-04-19 p1
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Civil War CT15-9 82-12-03 p2
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Franklin, Abbott lecturer CT18-3 85-10-04 p2
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Lecture to focus on "The Market as prison"
CT14-4 81-10-09 p4
ABBOTT MEMORIAL LECTURE Thurow will speak on competitiveness in World Economy
CT21-12 87-05-08 p2
ABEL, COREY Rock Climbing - CC's tradition CT21-1 87-01-16 p6
ABESON, JUDI Community service keeps Abeson hopping CT29-3 91-2-15 p119
ABESON, JUDI Students learn patience through fears, frustrations CT28-10 90-12-7
ABORTION Abortion: A Woman's Right DE1-4 86-03-21 p4
ABORTION Abortion: The gift of life DE1-4 86-03-21 p5
ABORTION Insight - Abortion CT25-2 89-2-3 p10-11
ABORTION RIGHTS Abortion rights election results discussed CT28-8 90-11-16 p2
ABRAHAMSON, JAMES A. LT. GENERAL SDI Broadmoor Conference sparks debate at CC
CT18-9 85-12-06 p1
ABRAHAMSON, JAMES A. LT. GENERAL Space Expectations CT18-9 85-12-06 p5
ABRAMS, GENE D. Seward new folklorist CT14-2 81-09-25 p1
ABSURD SYMPOSIUM News briefs CT14-20 82-04-16 p2
ACADEMIA Challenging Science as a Philosophy DE 1 1993
ACADEMIA Historical Perspectives of Body Image DE 2 1993 25 633
ACADEMIA Men in Feminism DE 2 1993
ACADEMIA Political Socialization DE 1 1993 28 956
ACADEMIC COMPUTING Academic Computing improves labs over summer CT 37-3 95/10/6
ACADEMIC DIRECTION Minor headaches, blocking faculty time, new honors CT17-24
85-05-17 p10-11
ACADEMIC FREEDOM - CC Academic freedom on surface only CT 38-2 96/2/9 p7
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE A, B, C, and now D? CT16-9 83-12-02 p2
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE APC proposes changes CT14-21 82-04-23 p1
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Course requirements to change, Look: CT15-4 82-10-15
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Curriculum, CC should go all the way with CT14-15
82-03-05 p8
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block Debate CT20-5 86-10-17 p1
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block Plan Revised: Overview & Commentary
(Spec. CT20-5 86-10-17 pI-IV
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block proposal, Faculty passes CT20-6 86-10-31
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block question, CCCA fields CT20-7 86-11-07
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block Questions, CCCA Fields CT20-7 86-11-07
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Eight Block Update CT20-3 86-10-03 p1
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Faculty adviser program CT13-17 81-02-2
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Honors Program, New? CT17-24 85-05-17 p11
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Money for Brains CT15-17 83-02-25 p2
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Ninth Block, Chopping the CT20-1 86-09-12 p1
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Silent changes coming CT17-18 85-05-15 p14
ACADEMIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE Two Block Courses, Mandatory CT19-14 86-05-23 p2
ACCESS DAY Try a handicap for a day CT28-5 90-11-2 p7
ACCESS THEATER Access Theater Uplifts CT26-6 89-11-3 p4
ACCESS THEATER Weather Report: A Storm Reading CT26-7 89-11-10 p16
ACCONCI, VITO Art: Interview ( Special Section: Arts) CT20-8 86-11-14 ......
ACCONCI, VITO Print Shop: Strange things in the name of Art CT20-8 86-12-14
ACETO, FERNANDO Aceto explains differently CT16-7 83-12-11 p4
ACID RAIN Acid rain, Dropping DE1-5 86-05-23 p4
ACITO, MARC Acito Caps 'Weille Evening' CT26-6 89-11-3 p14
ACITO, MARC Acito shines on stage and page CT26-11 89-12-15 p7
ACITO, MARC Committee announces Award in Literature recipients CT25-8 89-4-7
ACM - ART & URBAN STUDIES ACM offers Art, Urban Studies CT26-4 89-10-13
ACORN ACORN hits the streets battling the system CT 35-8 94/4/15 5
ACTING COMPANY Acting at CC, Quality CT15-2 82-09-24 p11
ACTING COMPANY Knight frolics, Fat CT16-1 83-09-16 p13
ACTIVITIES FAIR Activities Fair: Get involved CT22-2 87-09-18 p12-13
ADATO, PERRY MILLER Artist, Mapping the life of an CT14-21 82-04-23 p9
ADJUNCT - SIGN LANGUAGE Unique adjunct draws large response CT27-1 90-1-26 p6
ADMINISTRATION - COLORADO COLLEGE Open session provides chance to share concerns,
ideas, CT29-10 91-4-26 p10
ADMINISTRATION - COMPUTER POLICY Computers for CC, More CT15-16 83-02-18 p4
ADMINISTRATION - DEANS Deans for CC, More CT15-17 83-02-25 p2
ADMINISTRATION - HIRING 1991 Faculty and administration process reaching end
CT29-9 91-4-19 p5
ADMINISTRATION - ORGANIZATION Shakeup at top CT15-3 82-10-08 p2
ADMINISTRATION - SELECTION & Hiring difficulties CT15-17 83-02-25 p5
ADMINISTRATION - SELECTION & Hiring under question, Administration CT14-14
82-02-12 p2
ADMINISTRATION - SELECTION & Minority hiring discussed CT14-15 82-03-05
ADMINISTRATION - SELECTION & Trustees deny CCCA requests CT14-16 82-03-12
ADMINISTRATION - SELECTION & Wenzlau: new financial V.P. CT16-13 84-01-27
ADMINISTRATION - WOMEN IN EDUCATION Fighting the Belly of the Beast CT15-19
83-03-18 p10-11
ADMINISTRATION & STUDENTS Administrators, students need dialogue CT27-10
90-4-27 p14
ADMINISTRATION Armstrong, Eye on CT17-14 85-02-08 p3
ADMINISTRATION CC joins trend CT17-24 85-05-17 p16
ADMINISTRATION - COLORADO COLLEGE Four top administrative positions remain unfilled
CT29-11 91-5-3 p1
ADMINISTRATION - DEANS Education, The trouble with CT15-7 82-11-12 p7
ADMINISTRATION Divestment debate CT17-23 85-05-10 p8-9
ADMINISTRATION It's not the money that matters CT17-23 85-05-10 p5
ADMINISTRATION Riley Administration accuses of bias CT23-14 88-5-20 p4
ADMISSION Efforts fail to increase minority enrollment CT28-5 90-11-2 p1
ADMISSION STANDARDS Are stricter admission standards affecting CC's CT25-2 89-2-3
ADMISSIONS Admissions Office Figures CT19-14 86-05-23 p2
ADMISSIONS Applicant numbers down but minority applicants up CT27-10 90-4-27
ADMISSIONS But how many sheep? CT15-25 83-05-20 p3
ADMISSIONS CC and the need-blind admissions policy CT 34-7 93/11/5
ADMISSIONS DIRECTOR Search begins for Admissions director as Wood sails CT29-1
91-1-25 p3
ADMISSIONS Economics plays havoc CT14-13 82-02-05 p6
ADMISSIONS Freshman class matriculates CT14-24 82-05-21 p2
ADMISSIONS Frosh men nearing equality CT18-2 85-09-20 p9
ADMISSIONS Minority students, CC wants CT16-7 83-11-11 p3
ADMISSIONS Origins of Life at CC CT20-1 86-09-12 p8
ADMISSIONS Prospective Weekend, Report on CT19-11 86-04-26 p2
ADMISSIONS Prospectives' Weekend CT19-8 86-05-21 p4
ADMISSIONS Summer-Starts are back CT19-1 86-01-17 p2
ADMISSIONS Summer-Starts who are they? CT15-12 83-01-14 p3
ADMISSIONS Transfers increase CT16-12 84-01-20 p1
ADMISSIONS We'll have the students... CT15-18 83-03-11 p6
ADVENTURES IN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Backpacking trip will teach leadership skills
CT 40-5 97/3/7
ADVENTURES IN LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Leadership Program Provides Positive Experience
CT40-9 97/4/28
ADVISERS Spring Semester, Confirmation & Review CT14-9 81-12-04 p7
AENDT, RICHARD Corps of Peace, The CT20-7 86-11-07 p6
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Effectiveness of Affirmative Action debated CT28-8 90-11-30
AFRICA - APARTHEID Apartheid do students really care? CT26-3 89-10-6 p12
AGAR, JIMBO Agar, Jimbo - (pic) CT17-19 85-05-22 p4
AGAR, JIMBO Agar: Nothing less than fine CT19-9 86-04-11 p12
AGEE, RICHARD Art Department, New faculty CT15-2 82-09-24 p2
AGUAYO, MARISA Ingles: La Lengua Oficial de los Estados Unidos? DE5-2 88-2-19
AHERN, JON Athlete of the Week: Jon Ahern Ct28-1 90-9-14 p21
AIDS - COLORADO COLLEGE STUDENTS AIDS a deadly threat to CC students CT29-5
91-3-1 p9 106
AIDS AIDS - Opinions CT24-4 88-10-14 p12-13 101
AIDS AIDS: Koop on Condoms DE3-3 87-04-17 p1 102
AIDS AIDS: Facts and Fiction DE1-5 86-05-23 p3 103
AIDS CC loses a friend CT24-1 88-9-16 p3
AIDS My Brother has AIDS DE4-5 87-12-17 p10
AIDS Panel discusses AIDS issues CT 33-3 93/2/26
AIDS Proper precautions key to prevention CT24-10 88-12-9 p1
AIDS Sexual self-defense discussed CT24-9 88-12-2 p6 100
AIDS Student indifference compromise lives CT27-2 90-2-2 p5 105
AIDS TASK FORCE AIDS Force CT26-5 89-10-20 p3 107
AIDS Thursday at Eleven presents AIDS Task Force CT 33-2 93/2/12
AIDS What you know and whom you shoot with CT24-9 88-12-2 p1 104
AIKEN-SHEIKHOLESLAMI, MARY Political Science Department, New faculty CT15-2
82-09-24 p2 108
AIKIDO Aikido master to visit CC CT17-12 85-01-18 p1
AIKIDO Aikido, Ikeda conducts classes in CT14-15 82-03-05 p1
AIKIDO Aikido: Falling for non-violence CT16-2 83-09-23 p6 111
AIKIDO Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer CT19-1 86-01-17 p6-7
AIKIDO Martial Arts at Colorado College CT19-2 861-24 p1
AIR FORCE ACADEMY Soaring to new heights - Air Force Academy CT23-10 88-4-15
p8-9 114
AIR FORCE CADET A day in the life of an Air Force Cadet CT23-10 88-4-15 p1 115
AL JOHNSON - REGISTRAR Al Johnson retires from the CC Registrar Office CT27-3
90-3-23 p4 116
ALBERTS, ALFRED W. Biochemist combats Cholesterol CT26-10 89-12-8 p5 117
ALCOHOL - CAMPUS Alcohol forum sparks debate CT 39-5 96/10/18 p1
ALCOHOL - CAMPUS Alcohol poising effects more CC students CT 39-7 96/11/8 p3
ALCOHOL - CAMPUS Binge drinking emerges as serious college problem CT 37-10
95/12/8 p12
ALCOHOL - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS Should CC be enforcing Colorado's drinking
age CT25-3 89-2-17 p7 137
ALCOHOL Alcohol abuse, Concern grows CT15-3 82-10-08 p1 127
ALCOHOL Alcohol awareness CT15-14 83-01-28 p1 133
ALCOHOL Alcohol policy CT16-3 83-10-07 p2 131
ALCOHOL Alcohol policy, Reigel outlines new CT15-5 82-10-22 p1 126
ALCOHOL Alcohol related emergency CT18-8 85-11-15 p1
ALCOHOL Alcohol Revenue CT15-26 83-05-27 p4 130
ALCOHOL Alcoholism and the family CT18-8 85-11-15 p1
ALCOHOL Alcoholism, Lecture explores CT22-7 87-11-6 p5 129
ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK Alcohol Awareness Week endorses moderation CT 37-10 95/12/8
ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK Alcohol Awareness Week begins CT 32-5 92/10/16 1
ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK To drink or not to drink? CC participates CT28-5 90-10-19
p4 138
ALCOHOL Beware of alcohol! CT18-7 85-11-08 p9 118
ALCOHOL CC looks at new programs CT14-17 82-03-19 p4 119
ALCOHOL Drinking Age Debate CT20-7 86-11-07 p5 123
ALCOHOL Drinking, Sense urged in CT14-10 81-12-11 p5 122
ALCOHOL Free drinks at local bars CT23-10 88-4-15 p6 121
ALCOHOL Fun at the Rink (but no more drink) CT15-5 82-10-22 p1
ALCOHOL Meetings fail to change students' behavior CT 40-4 97/2/28 p3
ALCOHOL No booze for fraternity rushees CT23-1 88-1-15 p1 124
ALCOHOL One more for the road CT14-21 82-04-23 p4 125
ALCOHOL POLICY Alcohol Awareness Week, National Collegiate CT22-6 87-10-30 p10-11
ALCOHOL POLICY Alcohol policy gains recognition CT24-5 88-10-21 p1
ALCOHOL POLICY Alcohol policy may change, CC's CT22-6 87-10-30 p1 142
ALCOHOL POLICY Greeks ban kegs; B.Y.O.B. policy instated CT 30-1 91/9/13
ALCOHOL POLICY Greeks stand on shaky ground CT24-1 88-9-16 p1
ALCOHOL POLICY The new drinking policy at CC: A first year CT24-4 88-10-14 p9
ALCOHOL Victims & idiots CT17-24 85-05-17 p4 135
ALCOHOL Want a CC on the rocks? CT14-15 82-03-05 p6 136
ALCOHOL Woman killed, CC student arrested for vehicular CT17-24 85-05-17 p1
ALDERSON, JEANIE A people ready for peace: A view from the Nicaraguan DE4-1
87-9-17 p1
ALDERSON, JEANNIE Stein Stalwart in Net CT21-9 87-04-10 p1
ALDRIDGE, MICHAEL Factionalism and the Future Reform Movement in China DE4-5
87-12-17 p1
ALDRIDGE, MICHAEL Hong Kong: A future determined? DE5-1 88-1-21 p1
ALDRIDGE, MICHAEL Hong Kong: A future determined? Part II DE5-2 88-2-19 p16-18
ALDRIDGE, ROBERT C. Defense or first strike? CT18-5 85-10-18 p3 149
ALDRIGDE, MICHAEL Watson winners found, CC gets two CT23-9 88-4-8 p5 150
ALEXANDER FILM COMPANY How'd They Do That? CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
ALKAITIS, MIKE Successful Season Finale CT21-13 87-05-15 p1
ALL SCHOOL FORMAL Winter Formal Opens Weekend Activities CT 36-2 95/2/10
ALLEN, DOROTHY Slick and sexy Selleck CT15-24 83-05-13 p6 153
ALLEN, NANCY Harps are cool CT18-6 85-11-01 p1
ALLEN, PAULA GUNN Lectures on the American Southwest CT27-3 90-3-23 p3 155
ALLENDE, HORTENSIA Allende speaks on Latin debt CT19-9 86-04-11 p2 156
ALLENDE, HORTENSIA Allende Widow to speak tonight CT19-10 86-04-18 p5 157
ALLENDE, ISABEL Chilean novelist Isabel Allende enthralls audience CT27-7 90-3-30
p7 158
ALLO, FATMA Women's roles in the Third World CT20-7 86-11-07 p2 159
ALPHA LAMBDA DELTA Honor Society holds initiation ceremony CT 35-11 94/5/13
ALPHA LAMDA DELTA Honor Society Members Inducted CT 36-11 95/5/5
ALPHA LANBDA DELTA Academic achievement honored CT 40-10 97/5/2
ALTERNATIVE AND WORNER PROGRAM BD Meet lady luck in Worner CT 397 96/11/8 p1
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK ASB spawns awareness through action CT28-7 90-11-9
p5 162
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK ASB plans fun for Spring CT28-10 90-12-7 p5 160
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK ASB plans fun for spring CT28-10 90-12-7 p5 161
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK CC students planning to reach out, volunteer effort
CT29-3 91-2-15 p3 163
ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK (ASB) Sweat, dirt & cement! ASB returnees share
experiences CT 31-6 92/3/27
ALUMNI - ACTIVITIES The INDEPENDENT comes to town CT 34-6 93/10/29
ALUMNI - CHENEY, LYNNE V. Chairman of Humanities to speak at CC CT23-5 88-2-19
p1 176
ALUMNI - DONATIONS Percentage of alumni donations double CT 34-2 93/9/17
ALUMNI - FREEDOM AND AUTHORITY Freedom and Authority reunion CT14-3 81-10-02
p8 177
ALUMNI - FREEDOM AND AUTHORITY Homecoming talk CT17-6 84-10-19 p4 179
ALUMNI - FREEDOM AND AUTHORITY Reunion Gates Common Room CT15-3 82-10-08 p2
ALUMNI Administrative vision clouded CT16-21 84-04-20 p4 169
ALUMNI Alumna. Alumnus. Alumni*?!* CT19-11 86-04-26 p6 174
ALUMNI Alumnae offers vision of happier life CT25-6 89-3-24 p5 173
ALUMNI Alumni enlighten students on challenges of career CT24-8 88-11-18 p5
ALUMNI Alumni honored, Distinguished CT18-4 85-10-11 p1
ALUMNI Alumni recognized CT 34-5 93/10/15 2
ALUMNI Alumni reflect on CC changes CT26-4 89-10-13 p1 168
ALUMNI Alumni to return, Amazingly enough, with job! CT23-2 88-1-22 p1 170
ALUMNI AWARDS - BENEZET Outstanding alumni receive awards CT 43-3 98-10-2
ALUMNI CAREER NETWORK New alumni career referral network begins CT27-7 90-3-30
ALUMNI CC alum work in Asia CT 35-5 94/3/11
ALUMNI CC Alumni: Where are they now? CT22-5 87-10-16 p2 164
ALUMNI From Oreos to cookie dough, Josh-n-John's makes the CT29-5 91-3-1 p7
ALUMNI Murphy law firm disputes old adage CT15-7 82-11-12 p5 166
ALUMNI No jobs for CC Students CT16-14 84-02-10 p7 167
ALUMNI PARTICIPATION CHALLENGE The Challenge: Basics of the Alumni Participation
CT 34-2 93/9/17
ALUMNI Recent grads talk about life after CC CT 34-10 93/12/10
ALUMNI Tigers nip alumni CT14-3 81-10-02 p9 175
ALUNMI - HONORS Alums honored - Homecoming highlights CT24-3 88-10-7 p2 181
ALURISTA, ALBERTO Alurista awarded professorship CT16-21 84-04-20 p2 184
ALURISTA, ALBERTO Alurista leads CC students to Guanajuato, Mexico CT16-24 84-05-18
p6 183
ALURISTA, ALBERTO Alurista to do LLLS CT18-10 85-12-10 p2 182
ALURISTA, ALBERTO Artists abound, Campus CT16-19 84-05-23 p1
ALURISTA, ALBERTO Cuernavaca program CT16-14 84-02-10 p8 186
AMENDMENT 2 - COLORADO COLLEGE Amendment 2 boycott will affect CC CT 33-1 93/2/5
AMENDMENT 2 Amendment 2 lures campus out of apathy CT 37-4 95/10/13 p6
AMENDMENT 2 - 1992 Amendment Two evokes some faculty consternation CT 32-8 91/11/13
AMENDMENT 2 - 1992 CC prepares for heavy losses from Amendment 2 boycott CT
32-9 92/12/4
AMERICA - SOCIAL CONDITIONS Happy Holidays DE11-4 86-12-15 p2 188
AMERICA - SOCIAL CONDITIONS Is Capitalism out of control DE11-4 86-12-15 p3
AMERICAN INDIAN DANCE THEATER Dancing to Distant Drums CT21-14 87-05-22 p1
AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION noo'miz'mat' it CT15-6 82-11-05 p5 192
AMERICAN NUMISMATIC ASSOCIATION Numismatics: An Old Coinage CT19-11 86-04-26
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR ETHNOHISTORY Ethnohistorians, Riley welcomes CT14-6 81-10-29
p2 193
AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION College lobby boosted CT14-3 81-10-02 p1 194
AMERICA'S CUP RACES America: Its cup and its dreams DE3-1 87-02-13 p4 189
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL AI on campus CT16-4 83-10-14 p6 197
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty campaigns for human rights CT16-18 84-03-16 p3
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International hosts talk by missionary and CT29-5
91-3-1 p2 196
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International lecture raises criticism of CT28-10
90-12-7 p2 201
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International lecture raises criticisms of CT28-10
90-12-7 p2 202
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International plans Human Rights Week CT28-9 90-11-30
p2 200
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International sponsors "Stop Torture Week"
at CT17-10 84-12-07 p1 199
AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International starts CC Chapter: Urges Action
CT26-2 89-9-22 p3 195
ANATOMY OF A STUDENT Annotation CT17-8 84-11-16 p14-15 203
ANAYA, RUDOLFO Anaya stresses folklore in preserving culture CT29-7 91-3-29
p1 204
ANDERSON, ARLOW Math Department, New faculty CT15-2 82-09-24 p2 205
ANDERSON, JOHN Anderson speaks a third party view CT17-2 84-09-14 p1 206
ANDERSON, JOHN Anderson, John CT17-1 84-09-07 p2 207
ANDERSON, KATE The Angelic Dead DE 14-1 92/2
ANDERSON, LAURIE Anderson sights lack of confidence as stumbling block CT29-1
91-1-25 p1
ANDERSON, PETER Anderson quits editorship CT17-17 85-05-08 p1 209
ANDERSON. MOIRA In The Dark: Poverty DE6-4 88-12-16 p9 210
ANDREAS, CAROL Feminist Movement in Peru, When Women Rebel CT19-6 86-05-07 p6-7
ANDREAS, CAROL Women and change in Peru CT20-8 86-11-14 p1 212
ANDRINGA, MEL Avant-Garde Arts Festival is proud to present CT..... 86-01-17
ANGELL, WAYNE D. Federal Reserve Governor to speak CT21-6 87-05-07 p2 214
ANIMAL RIGHTS Animal Rights Activist Lectures CT26-3 89-10-6 p1 215
ANKLOW, JOHN About Men DE7-1 89-2 p8 216
ANNAPOLIS BRASS QUINTET Quintet sensation CT16-16 84-02-17 p1
ANNIVERSARY - 125TH - SYMPOSIUM Symposium brunch well-planned CT 43/13 99-2-19
ANNIVERSARY - 125TH Huntington's keynote speech leaves listener. CT 43/12 99-2-5
ANNIVERSARY 125TH SYMPOSIUM Celebrating 125 years of college tradition with
CT 43/12 99-2-5
ANNUAL FUND Annual fund reaches record high with forty-four CT 30-4 91/10/11
ANONYMOUS Dreamin' of the Big Bad Woolf DE 14-1 92/2 28 449
ANSBACHER, CHARLES Maestro of the Springs CT15-15 83-02-11 p1, 9 218
ANTHONY, JOHN DUKE Anthony traces basis of Middle East crisis CT28-8 90-11-16
p3 219
ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT Archeology field class digs for a block CT15-5 82-10-22
p5 221
ANTHROPOLOGY What the hell do you do with Anthropology major? CT24-10 88-12-9
p4 220
ANTI-DISCRIMATION POLICY CCCA sends student proposal to Mohrman for CT 36-11
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION POLICY Faculty approves revised anti-discrimination policy
CT 36-9 94/12/2
ANTIGONE Antigone CT 34-10 93/12/10 1
ANZAC DAY RUINED PIANO EVENT Anzac Day gives ruined pianos a musical work-out
at CC CT 31-9 92/4/24 12
APARTHEID - AFRICA Apartheid remains foundation for South African CT27-3 90-2-16
p3 225
APARTHEID Apartheid must go-with Divestment or not, Nkiwane DE1-2 86-01-24 p2
APARTHEID Apartheid: Apathy or Student Action? DE11-4 86-12-14 p3 223
APARTHEID Divestment: A Cry for Intensive Investment DE1-2 86-01-24 p2 224
APATHY Apathy CT26-5 89-10-20 p9 226
APOCALYPTIC BUTTERFLIES Butterfly opens its wings CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
APPLEBOME, PETER Appalachia Revisited DE9-3&4 90-5-10 15 228
ARENA - COLORADO SPRINGS City defeats arena proposal CT25-8 89-4-7 p1 229
ARGROW, KEITH Argrow tells what's Watt CT14-4 81-10-09 p3 230
ARIAS, OSCAR Arias advocates peace CT29-1 91-2-1 p1 231
ARMSTRONG QUAD Armstrong quad renovated CT 30-1 91/9/20 4
ARMSTRONG, DAVID Armstrong in Armstrong CT17-23 85-05-10 p1
ARMSTRONG, DAVID Armstrong takes New York CT26-7 89-11-10 p1
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM Armstrong (Senator) meets CC opposition CT17-7 84-11-02 p3
ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM Armstrong: 'Sit in' protesters are taken in CT17-22 85-04-26
p2 235
ARNEST, BERNARD Arnest captures Vietnam CT 36-3 94/10/7 13
ARNOTT, ANNABEL Athlete of the Week CT 36-8 95/4/14 18
ART - ARCHITECTURE Architecture as Art: Inspiration, Functional or Dead? CT23-7
88-3-11 p1
ART - AVANT-GARDE ARTS FESTIVAL Art: Avant-Garde! CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
ART - AVANT-GARDE ARTS FESTIVAL Art: Avant-Sounds CT19-2 86-01-24 p1
ART - AVANT-GARDE ARTS FESTIVAL Art: The artist terrarium and you CT19-2 86-01-24
ART - AVANT-GARDE ARTS FESTIVAL Art: Wait, I wasn't finished CT18-10 85-12-13
ART - EXHBITIONS Art show, 2-D dominates CT14-20 82-04-16 p9 243
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art proves successful, Low budget CT14-10 81-12-11 p7 244
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art Show in Armstrong: Water over Fire CT17-1 84-09-07 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art show, Years first student CT14-3 81-10-02 p6 245
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art: Boys and Girls and .... CT15-24 83-05-13 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art: Decorative seduction CT16-6 83-11-04 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art: Lui's latest effort CT16-1 83-09-16 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Art: Show displays outdoor sensitivity CT14-10 81-12-11 p8
ART - EXHIBITIONS Bennett, Robert "Briefs" CT14-9 81-12-04 p6 258
ART - EXHIBITIONS Christison, Carrie, The Colors of God CT19-8 86-05-21 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Coburn Gallery showcases Faculty Art CT24-1 88-9-16 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Hale, Molly CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Morrow, Randy, Senior Art Show CT14-11 82-01-15 p4 255
ART - EXHIBITIONS Schwartz, Samuel CT17-23 85-05-10 p1
ART - EXHIBITIONS Van De Water, Lynn, Prints by CT17-22 85-04-26 ...... 252
ART - EXHIBITIONS Winship's show CT15-20 83-03-25 p1
ART - LIFE DRAWING Art, Expose yourself to CT16-5 83-10-21 p1
ART - SENIOR SHOW Art of Catherine Magee CT23-5 88-2-19 p1
ART Alumni show what they are made of CT23-3 88-2-05 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art majors to be inspired by N.Y.C. CT20-2 86-09-19 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art shows have arrived, Senior CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art, Be kind to CT21-8 87-03-20 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art, Students display CT19-10 86-04-18 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art: Course in Rome offered CT21-9 87-04-10 p8 265
ART DEPARTMENT Art: Sculptures come to CC CT21-6 87-05-07 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Art: Small slices of the Big Apple CT20-3 86-10-03 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Conti, Michael CT17-24 85-05-17 p12-13 271
ART DEPARTMENT Conti, Michael: Discover a character CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Hook, Andrew, art major (posters) CT17-23 85-04-12 p5 273
ART DEPARTMENT Majeski, Thomas H.: Packard bound printer CT18-7 85-11-08 p1
ART DEPARTMENT Photo exhibit by senior Amy Jenkins - Italia CT22-4 87-10-09
p10-11 277
ART DEPARTMENT Prof exhibits "Energy, Rhythm, and Order" CT23-1 88-1-15
ART DEPARTMENT Schwartz, Samuel: art major CT17-23 85-05-10 p1
ART DEPARTMENT SENIOR ART SHOW Park, Ester, Paintings and Drawings CT23-2 88-1-22
p10-11 278
ART DEPARTMENT Van De Water, Lynn: art major (prints) CT17-22 85-04-26 ......
ART DEPARTMENT Verburg, JoAnne: Focus on visiting photographer CT17-3 84-09-21
ART DEPARTMENT Weldon, Julia: Art major CT..... 85-04-19 p1
ART EXHIBITIONS Art display, Native American CT..... 82-09-24 p1
ART EXHIBITIONS Art of the students, by the students, for the students CT15-22
83-04-22 p1
ART EXHIBITIONS Art show focuses on diversification, Sheperd's senior CT14-14
82-02-12 p9 288
ART EXHIBITIONS Art show lacks all campus input CT14-21 82-04-23 p9 282
ART EXHIBITIONS Art show, All campus CT14-19 82-04-09 p2 285
ART EXHIBITIONS Art to be shown, Special CT14-21 82-04-23 p2 287
ART EXHIBITIONS Art: Carried away on mixed media wings CT14-20 82-04-16 p9 289
ART EXHIBITIONS Art: Corporate exhibition CT15-6 82-11-05 p1
ART EXHIBITIONS Art: EL III: the spirit within CT14-21 82-09-23 p8 283
ART EXHIBITIONS Art: Ideal reflection not perfect CT14-5 81-10-16 p6 290
ART EXHIBITIONS Artist used canvas and high heels CT165-1 82-09-17 p1
ART EXHIBITIONS Reynolds controls color, texture in abstract CT14-16 82-03-12
p8 280
ART EXHIBITIONS Santos in New Mexico, exhibition traces meaning of CT13-13 81-01-16
p9 279
ART EXHIBITIONS Shield, Dana, art show CT15-11 82-12-17 p1
ART Obscene art today is classic art tomorrow by Michael CT28-1 90-9-14 p1
ART SHOW, ANNUAL Annual Art Show arrives CT 33-9 93/4/30 14
ARTISTS Alumni artists honor professors and CC experience, CT22-8 87-11-13 p10-11
ARTS - FILM Film, CC students explore the medium of CT22-7 87-11-6 p1
ARTS - WORNER GALLERY Worner Gallery goes Western CT22-7 87-11-6 p1
ARTS & CRAFTS Arts & Crafts sale returns for 19th year CT 44-9 99/12/3
ARTS AND CRAFTS Art sale, Check out CC CT14-8 81-11-13 p6 297
ARTS AND CRAFTS COMMITTEE Arts: New arts center - new attitude CT22-1 87-09-11
ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE Craft fair to offer unique gift ideas Ct 32-8 92/11/13
ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE Well, isn't that special CT24-9 88-12-2 p1
ASAI, SUSAN Asai makes the Koto come alive CT28-2 90-9-21 p1
ASBESTOS Asbestos cleanup begins CT17-2 84-09-14 p1 302
ASBESTOS Asbestos cleanup CT17-11 84-12-14 p2 301
ASBESTOS Asbestos now under control in Armstrong CT17-12 84-01-18 p1 303
ASHER, KINDER Senior Spotlight CT26-5 89-10-20 p7 304
ASHLEY, SUSAN Ashley, healthy, dancing and in the spotlight CT 31-1 92/1/31
ASHLEY, SUSAN WCHA, Appointed head of Colleges athletic board & CT15-3 82-10-08
p2 305
ASIA - ASSOC. STUDENTS INTERESTED ASIA plans Chinese New Year's party CT19-3
85-02-07 p3 307
ASIA , FILM SERIES Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer... CT19-1
86-01-17 p6-7 308
ASIA Capitalism: Asian style DE2-3 86-11-14 p7 306
ASIA, FILM SERIES Narayama, The Ballad of CT19-2 86-01-24 p1
ASIAN AMERICAN STUDENT UNION AASU travels to conference in Philly CT 37-6 95/11/10
ASIAN AWARENESS MONTH A.S.I.A. speaker discusses Vietnam conflict CT25-4 89-2-24
p1 313
ASIAN AWARENESS MONTH Asian Awareness Month promises intellectual CT25-3 89-2-17
p2 312
ASIAN AWARENESS MONTH Japanese trade imbalance discussed CT25-3 89-2-17 p4 311
ASIAN AWARENESS WEEK Asia Awareness Week promises to be fun CT23-3 88-2-05 p3
ASIAN AWARENESS WEEK Asian week culminates in festival of culture and CT29-7
91-3-29 p3 314
ASIAN AWARENESS WEEK Japanese-Americans CT23-3 88-2-05 p9 316
ASIAN AWARENESS WEEK Lectures by Asian Americans heighten awareness at CC CT27-7
90-3-30 p5 317
ASIAN AWARENESS WEEK Multiculturalist addresses campus CT 31-5 92/3/6
ASIAN STUDIES Asian Studies program suggested for college CT28-10 90-12-7 p4
ASIAN STUDIES Asian Studies program suggested for college CT28-10 90-12-7 p4
ASIAN STUDIES CC Asian Studies examined CT28-10 90-12-7 p2 318
ASIAN WEEK A celebration of Asian Life and Culture CT 38-8 96/2/23 p16
ASIAN WEEK Ragan tips off Asian Week CT23-3 88-2-05 p4 321
ASPEN BIKE TRIP Aspen bike trip CT17-4 84-10-05 p4 323
ASPEN BIKE TRIP Aspen Bikers, Snow beats CT20-3 86-10-03 p1
ASPEN BIKE TRIP Triumphant Aspen bikers experience ice cream, CT 30-4 91/10/11
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM originates new foreign studies program
CT27-5 90-3-2 p2 324
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM: Bogtrotting biology CT17-13 85-01-25
p3 327
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM: Fellowships available for Summer Study
of 4 Asian CT19-9 86-04-11 p2 329
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM: India Interest CT18-8 85-11-15 p2 330
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM: Study Opportunities the Anglo-Italian
way CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
ASSOCIATED COLLEGES OF THE MIDWEST ACM: Unusual languages taught CT16-22 84-04-27
p7 328
ASTLE, JASON Liberty and Equality Conflict at Extremes DE 16-3 93/5 17 759
ATHLETIC BOARD Athletics: Meeting Title IX CT16-4 83-10-24 p1
ATHLETIC BOARD Athletics: Title IX options considered CT16-18 84-03-16 p1
ATHLETIC BUDGET If Everyone Gave Dollars CT 36-1 95/2/3 19 677
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Bikers to Invade CC CT21-3 87-02-06 p1
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: CC athletics: another direction CT14-14 82-02-12
p5 338
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: CC athletics: coaching for life CT15-26 83-05-27
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Colorado College's Athletic Catch 22 Title CT15-17
83-02-25 p10-11 340
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Nine Tigers Fall All-Americans CT21-1 87-01-16
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Trainers care CT14-12 82-01-22 p1
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Two A's: Which is more important? CT16-7 83-11-11
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Athletics: Will CC lose another winner? damn. CT14-16 82-03-12
p7 337
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Carle resigns: full-time athletic director considered CT14-12
82-01-22 p1 342
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Eastlack, "Red": Quintessential CC coach retires
CT15-25 83-05-20 p1
ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT Taber, Academics meet athletics in CT15-1 82-09-17 p1 341
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Interview: Athletic Director Richard Taber CT23-3 88-2-05
ATHLETIC DIRECTOR Six finalists are named for Jerry Carle's successor CT27-2
90-2-2 p1
ATHLETIC FUNDING Athletic Department Taps Alumni for Funds CT 36-7 95/4/7 18
ATHLETIC FUNDING Small Budget Leaves Track Team Short, But Team CT 36-8 95/4/14
ATHLETIC FUNDRAISING Athletic Dept. Raising Funds CT 36-4 95/3/3 18 109
ATHLETIC PROGRAM - DIVISION III Div. III Athletic Program in limbo CT23-13 88-5-13
ATHLETIC PROGRAM Will CC Athletics ever escape mediocrity? CT23-13 88-5-13 pS-1
ATHLETICS - 1998-99 The Tiger Sports Year in Review CT 43-19 99-4-23
ATHLETICS - 1998-99 The Tiger Sports Year in Review CT 43-20 99-4-30 18-19
ATHLETICS - 1998-99 The Tiger Sports Year in Review Ct 43-21 99-05-7 18-19
ATHLETICS - CAMPUS Opinions CT24-8 88-11-18 p12-13 349
ATHLETICS - CHEERLEADING Cheerleaders set hopes for the future CT 32-5 92/10/16
ATHLETICS - COACHES Two new coaches, same old goal: win CT43-12 99-2-5
ATHLETICS - COLORADO COLLEGE CC sports flourish in '89-90 CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
ATHLETICS - COLORADO COLLEGE The real aim of CC sports is change CT27-4 90-2-23
ATHLETICS - COMMITTEE ON GENDER Committee on Gender Equity in Athletics submits
CT 35-11 94/5/13 14 373
ATHLETICS - DIRECTOR Search for athletic director replacement in high gear CT
38-10 96/5/3 p3
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I A Modest Proposal examines CC Division I sports CT 33-4
93/3/5 9
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Board of Trustees evaluates Division I proposal, CT 36-8
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I CC's Athletic Goals - Division I, Con DE5-4 88-5-13 p8-9
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I CC's Athletic Goals: Division I , Pro DE5-4 88-5-13 p1
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I D-I marketing concerns community CT 36-9 94/12/2 19 418
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Division I sports survive review CT 36-5 94/10/21
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Future of Division I spots in question CT 36-4 94/10/14
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Has the time come for Division I hockey to go? CT 33-2
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Meetings discuss flaws in D-I plan CT 36-6 94/11/4 19
ATHLETICS - DIVISION I Mohrman has a plan for D-I CT 36-4 94/10/14 19 857
ATHLETICS - GENDER EQUITY Athletic Department making strides towards gender
CT 36-2 94/9/23 19 107
ATHLETICS - INTERMURAL IM Sports Roundup CT27-7 90-3-30 p1
ATHLETICS - INTRAMURAL Intramural briefs CT27-8 90-4-6 p1
ATHLETICS Statistics class studies role of CC athletics CT29-5 91-3-1 p2 348
ATKINSON, JEFF Cartoon world takes up fight against AIDS CT 33-2 93/2/12
ATLANTIC RICHFIELD FOUNDATION Grant, CC gets CT15-14 83-01-28 p1 356
AUBREY, PETER Channel 11 Celeb. CT20-3 86-10-03 p1
AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT Video workshop set CT14-2 81-09-25 p1 358
AVALANCHE SEMINAR Avalanche seminar CT17-12 85-12-18 p1
AVANT-GARDE ARTS FESTIVAL Avant-Garde Arts Festival, Andringa, Brakhage, &
CT..... 86-01-17 p1
AWARD - CREATIVE WRITING Yaffe to shell out big bucks CT 35-1 94/2/4
AWARDS - LITERARY Literary Awards to be granted for tenth year CT27-2 90-2-2
p2 378
AWARDS - LITERATURE CC Awards in Literature CT 36-9 95/4/28 14 220
AWARDS - LITERATURE Literature award sends students on summer research CT29-11
91-5-3 p2 379
AWARDS - LITERATURE The 1996 CC Awards in Literature CT 37-9 95/12/1 P4
AWARDS Award - Literature: -but seriously folks CT14-15 82-02-19 p8 369
AWARDS Award announced, Literature CT14-6 81-10-29 p2 366
AWARDS Award nomination upcoming CT14-20 82-04-16 p2 363
AWARDS Award: Catalyst cleans up CT24-21 82-23-82 p3 370
AWARDS Awarded big bucks, Writers CT16-23 84-05-11 p6 368
AWARDS Awards convocation honors excellence CT14-24 82-05-21 p3 367
AWARDS Awards in Literature given CT21-12 87-05-08 p4 365
AWARDS Awards in literature given, CC (Struthers, Baker, CT17-25 85-05-24 p2
AWARDS Awards in Literature, CC students receive CT19-13 86-05-16 p4 361
AWARDS Awards, Department offers writing CT16-15 84-02-17 p2 362
AWARDS Benezet & Worner awards, Distinguished Alumni honored CT18-4 85-10-11
AWARDS Benezet & Worner awards, CT18-5 85-10-18 p1 371
AWARDS Dodd receives awards CT14-21 82-04-23 p8 372
AWARDS Honors awarded at Convocation CT21-14 87-05-22 p6 374
AWARDS Humanitarians rewarded CT20-10 86-12-12 p4 376
AWARDS IN LITERATURE Four CC Juniors awarded literature project grants CT 35-10
AWARDS IN LITERATURE Students receive grants for literary ventures CT27-9 90-4-20
p4 380
AWARDS Literature award CT15-16 83-02-18 p2 377
AWARDS Nelson, Steve receives awards in literature CT14-22 82-05-07 p1 375
AYGEN, NURSAT Aygen to speak on Human Rights CT19-6 86-05-07 p2 382
AYGEN, NURSAT Turkish Torture CT19-7 86-05-14 p3 381
AYMOND, COLIN Senior laxman, Colin Aymond, is CC's Athlete of the CT 31-9 92/4/24
CT26-10 89-12-8 p3 384
B.A.S.H. Come to the BASH tonight CT26-11 89-12-15 p3 383
B.A.S.H. - BECOMING AWARE & B.A.S.H. tickets remain on sale CT28-11 90-12-14
p2 385
BABBITT, BRUCE Babbitt to visit CT26-10 89-12-8 p2 386
BACA Baca lodge design, site selected CT29-10 91-4-26 p1 388
BACA Baca purchase invests in future CT27-5 90-3-2 p8 387
BACA CAMPUS BACA complex makes CC classroom debut, Owner of CT23-3 88-2-05 p5
BACA CC purchases Baca townhouse, conference center CT27-3 90-2-16 p3 390
BACA College plans major construction at Baca CT29-7 91-3-29 p2 389
BACA GRANDE Baca extension, CC contemplates CT20-1 86-09-12 p1 395
BACA GRANDE Baca Grande: CC's New Horizon CT21-5 87-02-20 p1&8 394
BACA Input needed for improved Baca CT29-9 91-4-19 p1
BACA Mining threatens Baca CT28-1 90-9-14 p8 392
BACA Surprise gifts make Baca lodge possible CT 30-2 91/9/20
BACA The Baca: far and away from the everyday CT 32-10 92/12/11
BACCHUS BACCHUS hold W.A.V.E. week CT 31-10 92/5/1
BACCHUS BACCHUS promotes moderation during Alcohol Awareness CT24-5 88-10-21
p1 397
BACCHUS BACCHUS receives award CT21-6 87-05-07 p2 398
BACCHUS BACCHUS sponsors Alcohol Awareness Week CT20-6 86-10-31 p3 396
BACCHUS Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer... CTCT 86-01-17 p6-7
BACH, RYAN Athlete of the Week CT 36-1 95/2/3 18
BADALICH, PAUL Winless Walk-on shines in net CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
BADMINTON Heermance double winner in badminton championships CT 31-9 92/4/24
18 628
BAIRD, BRUCE: "New Faces" join the ranks of CC CT14-2 81-09-25 p8
BAITLON, JON Baitlon and Wray, Sticks and Stones CT19-10 86-04-18 p1
BAKER, CHRISTY Effigenia DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p1
BAKER, CHRISTY Nature Photographs of Australia and New Zealand DE11-1 90-Oct
BAKER, DEE "Swamp" an uncut diamond, Critic's review CT19-1 86-01-17
BAKER, DEE Literature given, CC awards in CT17-25 85-05-24 p2 406
BAKER, DEE Musical comedy this weekend, Auditions for new CC CT18-5 85-10-18
BAKSETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers show up for Mines game. CT 43/11 99-1-29
BALLING, TROY Reversing the Tide DE 13-2 91/10 18 994
BALY, DENNIS Islam, Prof to teach CT17-10 84-12-07 p5 408
BAND - 43RD ST. BLUES BAND Band: 1000 Miles from Chicago CT20-2 86-09-19 p1
BAND - 43RD ST. BLUES BAND Band: Get the Blues CT20-1 86-09-12 p1
BAND - ANTE BELLUM Punk is cool!! CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BAND - BAYLEY, JOHN Bayley to Rock CC again CT21-14 87-05-22 p2 412
BAND - BETA Beta Band unmasked CT20-6 86-10-31 p1
BAND - CREEPS Punk is cool!! CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BAND - ELECTRIC THIRD RAIL Band: Absolutely Live Tunes CT21-13 87-05-15 p1
BAND - LEECHES Band: Leeches, The: Ephemeral Brilliance CT20-9 86-12-05 p1
BAND - MOMENT'S NOTICE Band CT19-8 86-05-21 p1
BAND - NEW SHOES Band: Noblues: "New Shoes" CT17-16 85-02-25 p9 418
BAND - STUCK UP Band: Late Night Funk Next Week CT20-7 86-11-07 p1
BAND - THE FLUID Band: Absolutely Live Tunes CT21-13 87-05-15 p1
BAND - THE NELSONS Band: Punk is cool!! CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BAND - WILLY THE DISC Band: Punk is cool!! CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BANDS - CAMPUS New campus bands display talent and sanity CT28-3 90-10-5 p9
BANDS - CC CC bands rampage in search of eternal fame CT 32-8 92/11/13 13 221
BARBEE, STEVE Tigers grab No. 2 CT20-4 86-10-10 p1
BARBER, JAMES DAVID Barber predicts 1984 as a fighting election CT..... 84-04-13
p1 425
BARBER, JOSEPH Barber's contract not renewed CT 33-11 93/5/14
BARBER, JOSEPH CC Wins Lawsuit Filed by Former Employee CT 36-1 95/2/3
BARBER, JOSEPH Public Relations Director, New CT20-8 86-11-14 p4 426
BARKER, JOANNE Movement Women take Different Directions DE5-2 88-2-19 p12-13
BARLETT, RAY Catalyst cartoonist makes national headlines during CT25-6 89-3-24
BARNES CHEMISTRY LECTURE Nobel Laureate to visit CC CT14-20 82-04-16 p2 429
BARNES SCIENCE CENTER Science program funded CT 35-6 94/4/1
BARNES, DOROTHY CC's prima ballerina tip-toed her way through Europe CT 30-7
91/11/8 10 296
BARNES, HAZEL E. Existentialist speaks on "Sartre, Flaubert, and Madam
CT14-4 81-10-09 p4 430
BARNES, OTIS Barnes boosts budget CT20-9 86-12-05 p1 431
BARON, NEAL Baron: "Welcome to the Line" CT21-4 87-02-13 p1 432
BAROQUE CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Luca teaches, encourages orchestra CT14-16 82-03-12
p8 433
BARR CAMP Life at over 10,000 feet CT 42-18 98-4-10 4B
BARTEL, CHERYL Bartel moves in for a tackle CT20-2 86-09-19 p1
BARTLETT, RAY "Lily and Me" wins Eby Novella Contest CT 32-8 92/11/13
BARTON, RUTH CC through the years DE5-4 88-5-13 p4-7 436
BARTON, RUTH Teaching: humiliation and humor CT16-23 84-05-11 p7 435
BARTON, TOM K. T.K. Barton promotes the habit of inquiry CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
BARTON, TOM K. Actors among us CT19-14 86-05-23 p2 438
BARTON, TOM K. Lincoln-Douglas Re-enactment CT19-3 86-02-07 p1 439
BARTON, TOM K. Memorial service to honor T.K. Barton CT 41-1 97/9/12
BARTON, TOM K. O'Neill delivers along with TK CT16-21 84-04-20 p1
BARTON, TOM K. Professors reenact Lincoln-Douglas debates CT25-3 89-2-17 p1
BASEBALL - MEN'S Baseball downs Metro for first win CT 31-5 92/3/6 18 114
BASEBALL - MEN'S Baseball Tigers steal to 5-2 record CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
BASEBALL - MEN'S Tiger baseball drops to DU CT27-8 90-4-6 p1
BASEBALL - MEN'S Tiger's return eight of nine starters CT 33-1 93/2/5
BASEBALL A cheer for baseball's end, predictions right on again CT 37-6 95/11/3
BASEBALL Baseball - (pic) CT14-24 82-05-21 p1
BASEBALL Baseball anticipates successful season CT27-4 90-2-23 p1
BASEBALL Baseball begins CT17-16 85-02-25 p1
BASEBALL Baseball bery bery good CT16-17 84-05-09 p1
BASEBALL Baseball drops season finale CT23-12 88-5-6 pS-2 477
BASEBALL Baseball enjoys best season since '75 CT14-22 82-05-07 p1
BASEBALL Baseball falls short in down to the wire games CT29-10 91-4-26 p2
BASEBALL Baseball fights streak of bad luck CT 33-11 93-5-14 19 115
BASEBALL Baseball hangs with tough teams CT29-9 91-4-19 p2
BASEBALL Baseball in Sports spotlight CT22-4 87-10-09 p1
BASEBALL Baseball keeps rolling CT25-8 89-4-7 p1
BASEBALL Baseball on deck CT16-16 84-02-24 p1
BASEBALL Baseball shows promise in early games CT29-7 91-3-29 p2
BASEBALL Baseball splits CT19-11 86-04-26 ...... 454
BASEBALL Baseball splits double-header for first win CT 35-5 94-3-11 19 116
BASEBALL Baseball splits with DU, ends season 13-19 CT 31-11 92-5-8 16 117
BASEBALL Baseball successful Ct14-21 82-04-23 p1
BASEBALL Baseball team looks toward next year CT21-12 87-05-08 p1
BASEBALL Baseball team rusty CT16-20 84-04-13 p1
BASEBALL Baseball team second in Texas CT16-19 84-05-23 p1
BASEBALL Baseball win streak ended CT16-18 84-03-16 p1
BASEBALL Baseball wins in California CT35-6 94-4-1 19 118
BASEBALL Baseball: AFA flies past Tigers CT16-22 84-04-27 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Boys of summer snowed out CT15-19 83-03-18 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Cagers freeze up Ct16-12 84-01-20 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: CC errors in Denver CT16-21 84-04-20 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: CC nine relies on freshmen CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3 448
BASEBALL Baseball: Errors quiet Tigers CT15-22 83-04-22 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Frasca's 1983 Tigers play ball CT15-18 83-03-11 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Legacy ends CT17-22 85-04-26 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Rookie leads Tigers to first victory CT17-18 85-05-85 p4
BASEBALL Baseball: Sports brief CT14-17 82-03-19 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tigers finish on sour note CT15-23 83-04-29 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tigers split CT17-19 85-05-22 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tigers split CT17-19 85-05-22 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tony's tigers swept away CT17-17 85-05-08 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tough Road Trip CT21-9 87-04-19 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Tough Trip CT17-20 85-04-12 p1
BASEBALL Baseball: Yost's Slam downs AFA CT21-11 87-04-24 p1
BASEBALL Baseballers Barley Bumble CT21-6 87-05-07 p1
BASEBALL Baseball's back CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
BASEBALL CLUB Baseball Club members OC1-3 1880-Ap p1
BASEBALL Falcons slip by Tigers Ct29-11 91-5-3 p2
BASEBALL Get out the brooms; Baseball sweeps Metro CT 31-10 92/5/1 16 568
BASEBALL - MEN'S Tiger sluggers rip into AFA CT 33-2 93/2/12
BASEBALL Levy prophetic as baseball sweeps up California Trip CT 31-6 92/3/27
18 758
BASEBALL No Respect baseball squad downs Pioneers CT 31-9 92/4/24 16 915
BASEBALL Solid hitting, led by Todd Mays, key for Tigers' CT 31-2 92/2/7
BASEBALL Talented baseball team storms southern California CT25-6 89-3-24 p1
BASEBALL Tiger Baseball flounders CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-2 482
BASEBALL Tiger baseball is hot rockin' and on a roll CT27-10 90-4-27 p1
BASEBALL Tiger Baseball struggles CT23-11 88-4-22 pS-2 483
BASEBALL Tiger baseball wins over break CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-3 478
BASEBALL Tiger nine splits with Mines CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-1 481
BASEBALL Tigerball finishes strong despite wintery season CT27-11 90-5-4 p2
BASEBALL Tigers split doubleheader with Mines CT25-7 89-3-31 p1
BASILI, GIAN Ripples in the Gene Pool De5-1 88-1-21 p13-15 491
BASKETBALL - MEN Alley-oops, sharpshooting mark end for Tigers CT 35-3 94/2/25
BASKETBALL - MEN Kirk Solo leads CC basketball to great heights CT 30-8 91/11/15
BASKETBALL - MEN Laudable lineup thrusts men into winning trend CT 30-9 91/12/6
18 748
BASKETBALL - MEN Men's basketball bounces Adams State CT 35-1 94/2/4 17 805
BASKETBALL - MEN Men's basketball drawing to a close CT 35-2 94/2/11 18 807
BASKETBALL - MEN Tigers, led by Longino, defeats UCCS CT 36-9 94/12/2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Both basketball teams need some CC support
CT 45/10 00-12-08
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Basketball tigers speed past roadrunners CT 40-2 97/2/7
BASKETBALL - MEN'S CC Falls in squeaker CT26-11 89-12-15 p1
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Cagers look to national spotlight CT 32-6 92/10/30 19 190
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Hoops rolls to record 19th win CT 31-3 92/2/21 19 664
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men go 1-1 in tournament CT28-9 90-11-30 p2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball begins season fourth in nation CT 32-6 92-10-30
18 804
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball dominates pesky Swarthmore, faces CT 36-10
94-12-9 20 806
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball falls short against UCCS CT29-2 91-2-1 p2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball rides uneven road over break CT29-1 91-1-25
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball team celebrates improvements CT 42-14 98-2-27
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's basketball will tip off season this Saturday CT28-8
90-11-16 p2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoop team pushes record to 14-6 CT 33-1 93/2/5 18 812
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoops down Western CT27-4 90-2-23 p1
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoops finish season at 13-12 Ct27-5 90-3-2 p1
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's Hoops Ready Ct26-7 89-11-10 p2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoop's record-breaking season ends in Division CT 31-6
92/3/27 17 813
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoops take 2nd CT 34-10 93/12/10 19 814
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's hoops zero in for tight win CT27-2 90-2-2 p1
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Men's team finds success in Michigan CT 37-10 95/12/8 p16
BASKETBALL - MEN'S One last hoorah for hoops CT 38-4 96/3/1 p17
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Playoff fever sweeps CC CT 31-5 92/3/6 16 953
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Post season play for men's hoops foiled with loss CT 33-2
93/2/12 18 959
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tiger basketball earns 80-54 blowout CT32-10 9-12-11
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tiger basketball has high hopes. CT 43-8 98/11/13
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tiger cagers lose heartbreaker CT 33-3 93-2-26
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tiger cagers victorious in Thanksgiving tournament CT 32-9
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tigers look to turn fortunes around up north CT 43/9 98-12-4
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tigers manhandle Mountaineers, 86-83 CT 31-1 92/1/31
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Tigers tally Vermont wins CT29-3 91-2-15 p2
BASKETBALL - MEN'S Valant sparks Tigers CT26-10 89-12-8 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Lady cagers lose nail biter CT 33-2 93-2-12 18 731
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Lady hoops have high hopes CT 35-2 94/2/11 18 734
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Lady Tigers determined to win CT 36-11 94/12/16 20 740
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Lady Tigers triple last year's win total CT 38-1 96/2/2 p17
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Rough and Rocky season for Lady Tigers CT 35-3 94/2/25
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Women start cold CT28-9 90-11-30 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN Women's basketball may be ready to reverse losing CT 36-7
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S & MEN'S Both basketball teams struggle to fine-tune
CT 45/9 00-12-01
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Basketball to take on new coach, new approach CT 37-8 95/11/17
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Dedicated Lady hoopsters waiting to kick off new CT 43/8
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S DU loss proves encouraging CT29-5 91-3-1 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Early season struggle makes women hungry for win CT 37-9
95/12/1 p16
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Falcons Cage Tigers CT26-11 89-12-15 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Injuries, losses bring down morale for Lady Tigers CT 41-10
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Ladies beat Mines CT26-10 89-12-8 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady hoopsters having hard time CT29-4 91-2-22 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady Hoopsters hoping to be on the same... CT 43/12 99-2-5
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady Hoopsters leave town after falling to CCU CT 43/9
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers face tough season CT 39-10 96/12/13 p19
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers have tough game, keep good attitudes CT 38-2
96/2/9 p18
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady tigers looking to go out with bang CT 38-8 96/2/23
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Lady hoopers wrap it up CT 42-15 98-3-6
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Tough women's basketball team disappointed in regional
CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Walking away with another kind of victory CT 43/13 99-2-19
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women put up good fight against D 11 Air Force team CT
37-10 95/12/8 p18
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women struggle through building season CT29-2 91-2-1 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women suffer over block break CT29-3 91-2-15 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women win first game, fame CT28-10 90-12-7 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's basketball disappoints at home in Thanksgiving
CT 36-9 94/12/2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's basketball gearing up for Block Break CT 36-8 94/11/18
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's basketball gets up for the CC challenge. CT 45/11
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's Basketball Roster CT26-8 89-11-17 p2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's basketball suffers two more losses CT 37-10 95/12/15
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's Basketball takes off CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's basketball team enjoys successful season CT27-4
90-2-23 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's Hoops CT27-1 90-1-26 p1
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's hoops looks to strike gold against Mines CT 36-10
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's hoops move up in national ranking CT27-2 90-2-2
BASKETBALL - WOMEN'S Women's set for tip-off CT26-7 89-11-10 p2
BASKETBALL Basketball action CT17-13 85-01-25 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball Ends Season CT19-6 86-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball finishes with most wins since 1960-60-1 CT23-6 88-3-04
pS-1 606
BASKETBALL Basketball moves towards .500, Men's CT23-3 88-2-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball reflects on season CT25-3 89-3-3 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball team looking for playoff berth CT 40-3 97/2/21
BASKETBALL Basketball teams suffer imperfect season finales CT 45/15 01-03-02
BASKETBALL Basketball triumphs in Thanksgiving Tourney CT 34-9 93/12/3 14 120
BASKETBALL Basketball wrap-up CT16-17 84-05-09 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball, Biased CT20-10 86-12-12 p2
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's CT17-10 84-12-07 p9 597
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's CT17-11 84-12-14 p7 596
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's CT17-9 84-11-30 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's CT20-10 86-12-12 p2
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's CT20-8 86-11-14 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball, Men's, wins overtime thriller 71-67 CT23-2 88-1-22 pS-2
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's CT17-10 84-12-07 p9 593
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's CT17-11 84-12-14 p7 592
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's CT18-9 85-12-06 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's, confidant CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's, dries up in San Louis Valley CT23-1 88-1-15
BASKETBALL Basketball, Women's, loses to UNC 75-50 CT23-5 88-2-19 pS-3 589
BASKETBALL Basketball: All-College pre-Christmas Roundball CT15-6 82-11-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: B-ball ends with victory CT17-17 85-05-08 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: B-Ball Entertainment CT20-9 86-12-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: B-Ball loses ground CT19-1 86-01-17 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: B-Ball Teams start losing streak CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Cage teams win CT16-13 83-01-27 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Cagers on a roll CT16-9 83-12-02 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Cagers walk out CT14-13 82-02-05 p2 581
BASKETBALL Basketball: CC Spikers start it up CT15-1 82-09-17 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Contending with adversity CT16-8 83-11-18 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Cross named new basketball coach CT15-22 83-04-22 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Disappointing loss CT17-14 85-02-08 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: DU drops Tigers CT19-5 86-02-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Floore matures to become basketball force CT16-16 84-02-24
BASKETBALL Basketball: Girls drop two CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Girls end 13 game losing streak CT19-1 86-01-17 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopin' Dudes CT21-1 87-01-16 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoops lose again CT23-1 88-1-15 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters CT15-11 82-12-17 p9 507
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters dunk UCCS CT22-10 87-12-11 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters lose Bitterly CT21-2 87-01-23 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters make no resolutions CT15-12 83-01-14 ......
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters stumble in opener CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters to open '86 CT20-7 86-11-07 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Hoopsters win CT17-12 85-01-18 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Icemen win in tourney CT19-2 86-01-24 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers - Sports Brief CT14-14 82-02-12 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers CT14-11 82-01-15 p7 515
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers CT14-12 82-01-22 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers rout UNC; advance to National CT14-17 82-03-19
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers Win Three CT21-3 87-02-06 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Lady Tigers zoomed CT16-12 84-01-20 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Mediocrity won't cut it CT17-14 85-02-08 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men get third win CT15-15 83-01-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men hoopsters race to 4th win CT15-16 83-02-18 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men lose in final second CT16-15 84-02-17 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men rebound CT15-13 83-01-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men short CT15-11 82-12-17 p8 526
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men's Basketball - Rebounds CT14-11 82-01-15 p7 528
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men's basketball - sports brief CT14-14 82-02-12 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men's B-Ball makes it 2 in a row CT19-2 86-01-24 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Men's hoop loses ground CT18-9 85-12-06 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: More losing... CT19-4 86-02-14 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Rough road trip CT17-15 85-02-15 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Rough start CT16-9 83-12-02 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Scott moves inside game CT14-12 82-01-22 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: See you in Alamosa CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Sports shorts CT15-13 83-01-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: State edges CC CT21-4 87-02-13 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Sweep (women) CT15-13 83-01-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tiger Tales CT14-10 81-12-11 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tiger Tales CT14-9 81-12-04 p9 539
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tiger, Chews up another division 2 foe CT23-5 88-2-19
pS-1 541
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers down CWC; AFA next? CT14-16 82-03-12 p1&1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers Dunk Orediggers CT21-3 87-02-06 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers fall short CT16-10 83-12-09 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers Last Stand CT20-5 87-02-20 p2
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers romp on USC CT14-10 81-12-11 p9 546
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers Tear Texans CT21-2 87-01-23 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tigers overmatched in men's basketball CT14-13 82-02-05
BASKETBALL Basketball: Tough times CT17-16 85-02-25 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Turnovers hurt women dribblers CT22-10 87-12-11 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Walkout investigation concludes CT14-14 82-02-12 p3 551
BASKETBALL Basketball: Williams is out CT15-9 82-12-03 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women cager win on OT CT16-16 84-02-24 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women cagers end road swing even CT16-14 84-02-10 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women end season with record win CT21-6 87-05-07 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women fall CT16-15 84-02-17 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women fall to DU CT17-12 85-01-18 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women get first win CT15-10 82-12-10 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women hoopsters fade away CT15-11 82-12-17 p8 559
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women hoopsters romp 83-29 CT23-2 88-1-22 pS-3 560
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women recover from losses CT14-13 82-02-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women Take Turn for the Worse CT21-4 87-02-13 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women tied for first CT14-15 82-02-19 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women Tigers capture championship CT14-15 82-03-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's basketball take USC CT17-15 85-02-15 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's basketball team CT14-24 82-05-21 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's B-Ball CT15-9 82-12-03 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's B-ball shows courage CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's Hoops drops two CT23-3 88-2-05 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: women's Hoopsters on a Roll CT21-1 87-01-16 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's playoff hopes up in air CT15-17 83-02-25 p1
BASKETBALL Basketball: Women's streak hits nine CT15-15 83-02-11 p1
BASKETBALL Bogue leads Hoopsters CT20-10 86-12-12 p2
BASKETBALL Bogue sets record CT20-5 87-02-20 p2
BASKETBALL Boilermakers, King Kong and Cinderella look towards CT23-8 88-3-18
pS-3 502
BASKETBALL Branson, Beth: Rookie Coach, young team CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BASKETBALL Cagers sense "Urgency" CT26-8 89-11-17 p2
BASKETBALL Cagers take 2 over weekend; run record to 21-4 CT 31-4 92-2-28 16
BASKETBALL Cherepy scores 46 as Tigers crush Colo. Christian CT25-2 89-2-3 p1
BASKETBALL Cross accepts head Coach position at Ft. Lewis CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-1
BASKETBALL Lady Tigers drop record to 4-3 CT24-10 88-12-9 p2
BASKETBALL Men's Basketball tops gold for first win CT24-10 88-12-9 p2
BASKETBALL MEN'S Basketball ends great run CT 40-5 97/3/7
BASKETBALL Men's Basketball loses first five CT24-9 88-12-2 p2
BASKETBALL Men's' Basketball nearly upsets division II rival Regis CT25-4 89-2-24
BASKETBALL Men's Home crowd gives seniors one last standing ovation. CT 43-14
BASKETBALL Men's Hoops faces transition CT24-7 88-11-11 p2
BASKETBALL Mesa State storms back to topple Women's basketball, CT24-11 88-12-16
BASKETBALL New Hoops Coach hired CT23-14 88-5-20 pS-2 494
BASKETBALL Tiger hoopsters show pre-holiday strength CT 30-10 91/12/13
BASKETBALL Women's Basketball CT24-9 88-12-2 p2
BASKETBALL Women's hoops go 1-1 out west CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
BASKETBALL Women's Women's basketball gets off to slow start in early CT 41-9
BASKETBALL WOMEN'S Women's hoops go to regionals CT27-5 90-3-2 p1
BASKETBALL MEN'S Longino Hits 1000 as Tigers Half Five Game Skid CT 36-2 95/2/10
19 766
BASKETBALL MEN'S Men's Basketball Loses to Ft. Lewis in Season Finale CT 36-4
95/3/3 19 808
BASKETBALL WOMEN'S Lady Tigers Beat Mines, Lose to Panhandle State, End CT 36-3
95/2/24 19 739
BASKETBALL WOMEN'S Women's Basketball Fights Through Adversity CT 36-1 95/2/3
BASKIN, VERDEL Baskin in all his glory (Basketball) CT 43/11 99-1-29
BASSETT, SARA Bassett, Sara: CC identity report CT17-12 85-01-18 p7 638
BAUM, WILLIAM Baum: Detection of intelligent life inevitable CT14-19 82-04-09
p4 639
BAUMAN, DIRKSON Bauman, Dirkson: '85 graduates thrive in Colorado CT19-14 86-05-23
p7 640
BAYLES, EZRA Lacrosse goalkeeper Bayles: CC's Athlete of the Week CT 31-7 92/4/3
17 723
BEAL, CARL Women's head soccer coach resigns CT 35-11 94/5/13
BECKER, GOEFREY English Professor doubles as local musician, novelist CT 40-10
BECKER, GREG Hall Directors to leave CC CT27-5 90-3-2 p1 641
BECKER, KARL Coburn Gallery presents From Dust to Stone CT29-4 91-2-22 p2
BECKER, PAULA Becker, Paula: Campus artists abound CT16-24 84-05-18 p1
BECKEY, FRED Beckey, Fred: Culture and climbing CT19-10 86-04-18 p1 644
BEETON, JAY Beeton, Jay: Public Relations, Appointed Director of CT20-3 86-10-03
p4 645
BEHRIMS, CHRIS The Agricult DE4-5 87-12-17 p12-13 646
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD Former faculty member feels CC presence at time of CT28-9
90-11-30 p1 647
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Aiken Canyon, Dealing with growth-trouble in CT17-15 85-02-15
p10-11 656
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Beidleman livens crowd CT21-10 87-04-17 p3 655
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Beidleman takes us to the Land Down Under CT23-2 88-1-22
p5 654
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Beidleman: The man behind the Lab coat CT22-1 87-09-11
p9 653
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Energy emphasized CT14-14 82-02-12 p4 648
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Energy, environment lacks planned use CT14-14 82-02-12
p1 650
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Environment: Keep Green CT15-18 83-03-11 p5 649
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Professors involved: a profile CT17-11 84-12-14 p9 651
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. Profs want better Springs CT17-15 85-02-15 p1
BEIDLEMAN, RICHARD G. & REBA Local environmentalist fatally injured in accident
CT28-1 90-9-14 p2 657
BELL, CHRIS Artists abound, Campus CT16-61 84-02-24 p1
BELL, CHRIS HD Bell in charge of calming your fears CT 30-1 91/9/13
BELL, CHRIS Variety show back CT17-21 85-04-19 p1
BELL, DAVID Bell's composition to be performed CT 35-5 94/3/11 13 123
BELLECOURT, VERNON Bellecourt blasts CIA involvement CT15-17 83-02-25 p3 661
BELLECOURT, VERNON Bellecourte urges no aid for Contras CT19-6 86-05-07 p3 660
BEMIS BACKDOOR BAKERY Bemis Backdoor Bakery bakes bagels, brownies and more!
CT 31-6 92/3/27
BENAVIDES, ALONSO ACM Latin American program CT18-5 85-10-18 p2 662
BENEZET AWARD Alumni honored, Distinguished Ct18-4 85-10-11 p1
BENEZET AWARDS Alums, Awesome CC (Burnett, Brothers, Hopfield) CT20-3 86-10-03
BENEZET SUMMER RESEARCH STIPENDS Benezet stipends awarded CT14-12 82-01-22 p2
BENEZET SUMMER RESEARCH STIPENDS Benezet stipends: Ct17-23 85-05-10 p2 666
BENNETT, LINDA JANE College experience shakes beliefs DE 14-2 92/4 20 357
BENNETT, LINDA JANE Dates? On the Block Plan? No Way! DE 14-1 92/2 16 423
BENSCHNEIDER, BEN Benschneider photos at the Worner Center CT22-2 87-09-18 p1
BENSCHNEIDER, LEROY H. (BEN) Benschneider, Memorial service to be held for Mr.
CT17-23 85-05-10 p2 668
BENTON, BRIDGET A woodcut DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p1
BENTON, BRIDGET Self-Portrait-There's paint on My Grilled Cheese CT 31-8 92/4/10
BERG, PAT Berg, Pat: Speaker CT13-15 81-01-16 ...... 670
BERG, PEGGY Dance: "Signs" Dictate Movement Ct19-8 86-05-21 p1
BERNARD, RANDY A Photo DE9-2 90-3-6 p2
BERQUIST, CYNTHIA The Divine Figure goes up in Packard CT 33-8 93/4/16
BERRIGAN, FATHER DANIEL Berrigan speaks on peace in a war-making state CT24-5
88-10-21 p5 673
BERRY, GREG The Fundamental Problem DE 13-3 91/12
BERRY, WENDELL The Family Farm DE4-5 87-12-17 p14-17 674
BERTSCH, MICHAEL Fun at the rink, but no more drink CT15-5 82-10-22 p1
BERTSCH, MIKE Bertsch resign as Hockey coach CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-1 676
BERWICK, KIM Honors, CC standouts receive CT18-9 85-12-06 p1
BEST, MARTIN Troubadour to visit CC CT18-6 85-11-01 p1
BETHANIS, SUE Bethanis leaves CC for Bay Area CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
BICENTENNIAL CONSTITUTION LECTURE Symposium on Enlightenment CT23-2 88-1-22
p9 680
BICYCLE RACING Bicycle racing, Women's CT17-10 84-12-07 p1
BIEBER, JESS Frat nearly nixed, New CT17-12 85-01-18 p8-9 682
BIG BLACK BOOK - "HELLO" Sex, Agnostics, Cows, Monogamy, and Politics
Ct19-13 86-05-16 p6-7 683
BIG MOUNTAIN LEGAL OFFICE Big Mountain defense office speaks to CC CT23-7 88-3-11
p4 684
BIG MOUNTAIN SUPPORT GROUP Big Mountain conflict, Big business ignites CT19-2
86-01-24 p5 685
BIG MOUNTAIN SUPPORT GROUP Indian Relocation and B.M.S.G. CT20-3 86-10-03 p1
BIGGS, TYRE Biggs trains for Olympic gold CT16-17 84-05-09 p1
BILL OF RIGHTS FORUM Free, public forum to commemorate bicentennial of U.S.
CT 30-4 91/10/11
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM STUDY Biology: Life sciences find a home at CC
CT15-9 82-12-03 p3 689
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM STUDY Biology: Still keeping up with the ruskies?
CT15-7 82-11-12 p5 688
BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES CURRICULUM STUDY Population fundamentals Ct18-5 85-10-18
p5 690
BIOLOGY - JOURNAL CLUB Biology, A step beyond CT23-1 88-1-15 p1
BIRD, MICHAEL Bird returns to teaching, sets aside past in politics CT 36-1
BIRD, MICHAEL CC professor running for CO governor CT 34-8 93/11/12
BIRD, MICHAEL CONRAD Bird got grass-roots vote Ct15-4 82-10-15 p3 692
BIRD, MICHAEL CONRAD Bird, Prof., seeks election to State Legislature CT14-16
82-03-12 p3 694
BIRD, MICHAEL CONRAD Bird: Fund raising campaign begins CT16-19 84-05-23 p2
BIRD, MICHAEL CONRAD Death penalty debated Ct16-18 84-05-16 p1 695
BIRD, MICHAEL CONRAD Professors involved: a profile Ct17-11 84-12-14 p9 696
BISCHOFF, NICK Nick Bischoff wants a beer CT25-8 89-4-7 p1
BIZZARRO, KATHLEEN SURMAN Bizzaro takes on Shove CT22-10 87-12-11 p4 698
BIZZARRO, KATHLEEN SURMAN Should fear be the basis of Morality DE4-5 87-12-17
p9 701
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE A return to Democracy or to U.S. Dominance? DE9-4&5
90-5-10 pXIV 704
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE El Salvador CT13-17 81-02-20 p5 699
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE Italy, Summer in CT17-16 85-02-25 p2 700
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE Farewell Marcelle DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p1
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE Revolutionary Cinema DE5-3 88-4-15 p2
BIZZARRO, SALVATORE The Fate of Conquest DE 13-1 91/9
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Artist creates Odyssey of the Black Experience CT19-3 86-02-07
p5 705
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Black awareness month celebration CT21-3 87-02-06 p5 709
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Black awareness month CT17-14 85-02-08 p2 706
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Black awareness, Hilda Harris sings for ct15-14 83-01-28
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Black history, Hilliard sings the blues on stolen CT14-13
82-02-05 p1 708
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Blackness: are we aware CT17-15 85-02-15 p8-9 711
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Blacks: Speaker focuses on people Ct16-15 84-02-17 p3 707
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Blacks: The dream lives on CT15-16 83-02-18 p4 712
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Blacks: World premiere at CC CT14-13 82-02-05 p8 713
BLACK AWARENESS WEEK Hale, Molly CT19-3 86-02-07 p1
BLACK HISTORY MONTH Black History Events Fill February CT 36-1 95/2/3 13 147
BLACK HISTORY MONTH Black History Month begins CT 31-2 92/2/7
BLACK HISTORY MONTH BSU Examines Current Racism on Campus CT 36-1 95/2/3
BLACK HISTORY MONTH CONTROVERSY Tempers Flare Over Nation of Islam Speech CT
36-3 95/2/24
BLACK STUDENT UNION African-American panel debates CT 31-3 92/2/29 2
BLACK STUDENT UNION Black History Month marked by activities CT27-3 90-2-16
p2 722
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU : Fall festival sponsored CT15-2 82-09-24 p2 724
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU announces talent show CT14-4 81-10-09 p1
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU cultural awareness CT18-6 85-11-01 p1
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU information, Todd Wells new president CT17-15 85-02-15
p2 716
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU march commemorates King's dream CT14-12 82-01-22 p1
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU presents Black History Month CT27-2 90-2-2 p3 720
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU: Martin Luther King March CT15-13 83-01-21 p2 723
BLACK STUDENT UNION BSU: Parker resigns CT17-13 85-01-25 p1-2 718
BLACK STUDENT UNION Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer.... CT19-1
86-01-17 p6-7 725
BLACK STUDENT UNION Karenga, Dr. Maulana: The Lecturer CT21-2 87-01-23 p3 715
BLADE, RICHARD Hypnosis as a tool for self-improvement CT14-8 81-11-13 p1-2
BLADE, RICHARD Hypnosis: art and science CT14-7 81-11-06 p1
BLAIR, JEFF Catalyst: Head honchos CT18-10 85-12-13 p2 728
BLASENHEIM, PETER L. Brazilian history, Falling into CT21-12 87-05-08 p8 729
BLASENHEIM, PETER L. Fulbright Grant, Blasenheim awarded CT19-1 86-01-17 p4
BLEXRUD, SARAH Everything in this book may be a lie De9-3&4 90-5-10 p2
BLIND SKIER PROGRAM Blind skier program expands and succeeds CT29-1 91-1-25
p8 732
BLOCK BREAK - FOOT TRIPS FOOT trips bring freshman back with smiles & stories
CT 43-3 98-10-2 6B
BLOCK BREAK Block break on campus includes parties CT16-16 84-02-24 p4 735
BLOCK BREAK Block break visions, 1st CT14-3 81-10-02 p5 737
BLOCK BREAK Block break, Fishing this? CT14-2 81-09-25 p1
BLOCK BREAK Block break... BreakOUT! CT 32-7 92/11/6
BLOCK BREAK Block break: Art majors to be inspired by NYC. CT20-2 86-09-19 p1
BLOCK BREAK Block break: Exhilarating challenge: Mile after CT14-4 81-10-09
p4 734
BLOCK BREAK Early Spring camping an experience of a lifetime CT 33-9 93/4/30
BLOCK BREAK Students bury their block break blues CT28-3 90-10-5 p7 738
BLOCK PLAN - ABC COMMITTEE ABC committee demands 9 blocks CT28-5 90-11-2 p1
BLOCK PLAN ABC committee suggests a 9/7 block plan CT28-1 90-9-14 p1
BLOCK PLAN Block Plan celebrates 25 years of excellence CT 37-4 95/10/13 p1
BLOCK PLAN Block Plan provides students with myriad mystical CT28-7 90-11-9
BLOCK PLAN Block Plan, Calendar Committee rethinks CT17-8 84-11-16 p3 743
BLOCK PLAN Block Plan: Silent changes coming CT17-18 86-05-15 p1
BLOCK PLAN Board of Trustees reaffirms support of Block Plan CT27-7 90-3-30
p1 744
BLOCK PLAN Chance for Colorado College students to express Ct28-2 90-9-21 p2
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Debate CT20-5 86-10-17 p1 750
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Plan passes, Board Decisions announced CT21-8 87-03-20
p4 748
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Plan Revisied: Overview & Commentary CT20-5 86-10-17
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Plan, News Brief CT20-9 86-12-05 p4 749
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Plan, Riley stumps for CT20-9 86-12-05 p2 746
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Proposal, Faculty passes CT20-6 86-10-31 p1 747
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block questions, CCCA fields CT20-7 86-11-07 p5 752
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block Technicalities considered CT21-9 87-04-10 p4 753
BLOCK PLAN Eight Block update, An CT20-3 86-10-03 p1 754
BLOCK PLAN Ninth block, Chopping the CT20-1 86-09-12 p1 755
BLOCK PLAN Rethinking the Block Plan CT26-6 89-11-3 p1
BLOCK PLAN Trustees: Issues_ Student Poll about Divestment & 8 CT21-5 87-05-13
p1 739
BLOEDORN, JOHN Watson awarded to CC student CT17-19 85-05-22 p1 758
BLOOD DRIVE - BETA Beta's annual blood drive... CT24-10 88-12-9 p1 760
BLOOD DRIVE Students give blood CT26-4 89-10-13 p2 759
BLUE KEY - TRIVAL BOWL Blue Key Trivia Bowl to be held CT 31-5 92/3/6 12 151
BLUE KEY Blue Key initiates twenty-four new members CT29-11 91-5-3 p6 761
BLUE KEY Blue key organizes a tutoring program CT14-3 81-10-02 p7 763
BLUE KEY Blue Key: Sponsor tutor program CT13-13 81-01-16 ...... 764
BLUE KEY Blue Key: They supply the kegs CT18-10 85-12-13 p2 765
BLUE KEY Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer.... CT..... 86-01-17
p6-7 762
BLUE KEY HONOR SOCIETY New Blue Key members initiated CT27-11 90-5-4 p4 766
BLUE-LINE CLUB Sports, News in CT14-8 81-11-13 p1
BLUM, JUSTIN Gresham's 'Chips Ran Out' with the Board of Trustees DE 14-1 92/2
BLY, ROBERT Bly: Poet Robert Bly inspires students CT15-8 82-11-19 p2 768
BLY, ROBERT Bly: Poet speaks CT15-7 82-11-12 p1
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Makes Major Decisions CT 34-10 93/12/10
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Board of Trustees meet CT 34-7 93/11/12
BODERMAN, ELI Next year's symposium to address ethnic and cultural CT29-6 91-3-29
p2 770
BODERMAN, ELI Symposium to focus on intimacy CT23-8 88-3-11 p7 771
BOES, KARIN X-country captains commit to sports, academics CT28-5 90-11-2 p8
BOETTCHER - BIRTH CONTROL Boettcher offers new birth control option CT 35-5
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER AIDS awareness CT18-4 85-10-11 p3 774
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER AIDS: facts & fallacies CT18-7 85-11-08 p4 773
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER AIDS: seriously speaking CT18-5 85-10-18 p5 775
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Boettcher addition discusses concerns Ct27-3 90-2-16
p8 784
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Boettcher varies wellness CT16-24 84-05-18 p6 786
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Boettcher will give measles shots CT17-18 85-05-15 p2
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: "Good for a cold" CT16-13 84-01-27
p5 783
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: Non-trad's meet CT15-23 83-04-29 p2 778
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: Blood CT15-3 82-10-08 p1
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: M.D. luxurious CT16-16 84-02-24 p8 776
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: Myths rape friendship CT16-21 84-04-20 p7 782
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: 'Snitch Rule' banned CT15-20 83-03-25 p3 777
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Health: The Erich Jaeger pneumostat CT16-15 84-02-17
p7 781
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Measles epidemic breaks out in Colorado CT27-9 90-4-20
p2 780
BOETTCHER HEALTH CENTER Support group gets "new focus" Ct 32-1 92/9/11
BOH, RICK Boh Beats Soviets CT21-9 87-04-10 p1
BOHAC, SEAN CC student falls from McGregor's fourth floor CT 32-8 92/11/13
BOLIN, ANNE Transsexual rites CT16-18 84-03-16 p6 788
BOND, BENTON Bond, Eule, Yatesset high career goals CT28-8 90-11-16 p1
BOOKSTORE - COLORADO COLLEGE Colorado College Bookstore reveals profit CT29-10
91-4-26 p8 794
BOOKSTORE Bookstore checks found in storeroom CT14-13 82-02-05 p3 793
BOOKSTORE Bookstore sets up new way to donate CT 43-21 99-5-7
BOOKSTORE Bookstore sports new look CT22-2 87-09-18 p5 792
BOOKSTORE Bookstore upgrades computers, student services CT 42-14 98-2-27
BOOKSTORE Bookstore, The new college TG44-1 41-09-19 p1 791
BOOKSTORE Bookstore: Checks stolen from bookstore CT14-4 81-10-09 p3 790
BOOTH, MARTHA Booth conducts choir CT18-9 85-12-06 p1
BOOTH, MARTHA Collegium Musicum CT 33-9 93/4/30 14 362
BOOTH, MARTHA Martha Booth reveals Opera scene CT24-2 88-9-23 p1
BORDNER, CHARLES Bordner Hails Halley's Comet CT19-6 86-05-07 p4 797
BORODIN TRIO Music: Triple talent CT16-12 84-01-20 p1
BOSTON CAMERATA No musty antiquarian CT16-9 83-12-09 p1
BOSWELL, JOHN Boswell speaks on Social Categorization CT21-9 87-04-10 p1 800
BOTANY - HERBARIUM Herbarium dedicated to Jack L. Carter CT27-3 90-3-23 p2 801
BOWLING Bowling is better than nothing! CT17-22 85-04-26 p7 802
BOWMAN, ROBERT Trading in a Six Digit Military Salary CT19-8 86-05-21 p5 803
BOYCOTTS Domino's Pizza feeds anti-abortion appetite CT25-8 89-4-7 p5 804
BOYCOTTS Social Consciousness in CC Investments CT 36-4 95/3/3
BOYD, CHRISTA Boyd, Christa: Picture CT18-10 85-12-13 p4 806
BOYD, CHRISTA Colorado College Graduate Dies ct26-11 89-12-15 P2 805
BRABSON, JULI Brabson helps U.S. Junior team to fifth place finish CT 30-10
91/12/13 18 164
BRABSON, JULI Triathlete Brabson tries luck in Australia Ct 30-3 91/10/4
BRADBURY, ELISE Dukakis or Bush? No choice, no change DE6-2 88-10-31 p1
BRADLEY, CHARLES CC Cadets shine CT20-1 86-09-12 p5 809
BRADLEY, CHARLES Fort Carson, CC student visits CT19-5 86-02-21 p3 808
BRADLEY, DAVID Bradley discusses bomb CT16-22 84-04-27 p3 811
BRADLEY, DAVID Bradley finds no [lace to hide CT14-17 82-03-19 p2 810
BRADLEY, RICHARD Bradley to lecture on nuclear energy CT16-21 84-04-20 p2 813
BRADLEY, RICHARD Bradley, The Adventures of Dr.Richard CT18-7 85-11-08 p1
BRADLEY, RICHARD Nuclear peril minor, CC offers CT16-20 84-04-13 p7 814
BRADLEY, RICHARD Profs want better Springs CT17-15 85-02-15 p1
BRADLEY, RICHARD Sierra Song to premiere CT 35-9 94/4/29
BRADLEY, RICHARD Star Wars, Shooting down CT18-8 85-11-15 p1
BRADY, SHARON Brady elected to board CT16-15 84-02-17 p2 817
BRADY, SHARON Cutler rearranges Brady resigns, Luning becomes Board CT17-10
84-12-07 p5 818
BRAKHAGE, STAN Avant-Garde Arts Festival is proud to present CT..... 86-01-17
BRANDNER, JONI College loses Worner mail room's Brandner. CT45-10 00-08-15
BRANOVER, HERMAN Branover, Dr. Herman, An evening with CT18-10 85-12-13 p2 820
BRANSON, BETH Branson resigns - Women's basketball coach CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
BRANSON, BETH Branson: Player, an interview CT17-9 84-11-30 p1
BRANSON, BETH Branson: Rookie Coach, Young Team CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
BRATT, SUSANNE Dreams, The motion of CT21-9 87-04-10 p1
BRAZIL - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Brazil writes a blank check DE3-3 87-04-17 p5 826
BRAZIL Brazilian/U.S. relations DE2-3 86-11-14 p6 825
BREAD AND PUPPET THEATER Bread and Puppet: Visions of modern Icarus CT24-9 88-12-3
BREAD FOR THE WORLD Bread for the World coming to CC CT18-10 85-12-13 p4 828
BREAD FOR THE WORLD Extracurricular activities CT19-1 86-01-17 p6-7 829
BREAD FOR THE WORLD Hunger, The business of CT19-2 86-01-24 p2 830
BREAKOUT - COMMUNITY SERVICE Breakout offers escape CT 39-2 96/9/20 p3
BREAKOUT - STUDENTS 60 students, 5 days, one mission. CT 45/1 00-09-15
BREAKOUT - STUDENTS Breakout sends students to New Mexico CT 45/3 00-10-06
BREAKOUT TRIP Students excavate Kiva, duly rewarded by priceless CT 38-3 96-2-23
BREATHED, BERKE Bloom County live at CC Commencement CT23-14 88-5-20 p1 831
BREATHED, BERKE The Man behind Bill the Cat CT23-14 88-5-20 p3 832
BREYFOGLE, TODD Breyfogle's on the Rhode CT22-10 87-12-11 p1 833
BREYFOGLE, TODD Robertson: Moral Appeal DE5-3 88-4-15 p11-12 834
BRIDGES, JOHN Soldier/Poet Bridges is a non-traditional student CT29-11 91-5-3
BRIDGES, RAY Bridges makes All-American CT15-9 82-12-03 p1
BRIGGS, ASA Historian speaks, Renowned CT21-1 86-01-16 p1 837
BRITON, TERRY Sullivan, Briton and a few words CT19-14 86-05-23 p1
BROADMOOR Broadmoor policies, prices discourage College CT 31-7 92/4/3
BROOKS, GLENN Brooks Resigns CT20-9 86-12-05 p1 841
BROOKS, GLENN Brooks, Dean enjoys running CT16-24 84-05-18 p1
BROOKS, GLENN Brooks, Dean: "Administration" CT17-4 84-10-05 p6 843
BROOKS, GLENN Business/Econ follow up CT19-5 86-02-21 p2 842
BROOKS, GLENN Dean's Cup Challenge results CT21-14 87-05-22 p1
BROOKS, GLENN Dean's Cup: The Challenge continues CT21-13 87-05-15 p1 845
BROOKS, GLENN Southern Africa, 87-88: The Year of CT21-9 87-04-10 p5 839
BROOMBALL Broomball is back CT 33-7 93-4-16 p19 173
BROPHY, BRIAN Athletics: CC Caves in Mines CT21-11 87-04-24 p1
BROSSMAN, ROBERT W. Brossman replacement, Committee seeks CT14-12 82-01-22 p3
BROWER, DAVID R. Archdruid speaks CT21-4 87-02-13 p1 849
BROWER, DAVID R. Conservation, development issues examined CT14-22 82-05-07
p3 848
BROWER, DAVID R. World view: Experts stress security... CT14-24 82-05-21 p8
BROWN, ANDREW Senior of the Month and the winner is CT 34-2 93/9/17
BROWN, BARRY Brown, Barry: CC triathlete wins CT16-24 84-05-18 p1
BROWN, DARREND Life among the down and out CT17-19 85-05-22 p1
BROWN, DARREND Lit awards, '84 winners publicized '85 CT17-15 85-02-15 p3 852
BROWN, DARREND Writers awarded big bucks CT16-23 84-05-11 p6 854
BROWN, JERRY Presidential candidate Jerry Brown speaks to students CT 31-4 92/2/28
BROWN, JULIE Sophomore combines sailing and studying CT28-1 90-9-14 p1
BROWN, MARIEKA Execution of Homophobia DE 14-1 92/2 18 484
BROWN, MARIEKA Graduation speakers chosen CT 33-7 93/4/9
BROWN, MARIEKA Students learn patience through fears, frustrations CT28-10 90-12-7
p7 856
BROWNING, ERIK "BROWNDUDE" All-American and a Texan, An CT20-9 86-12-05
BROWNING, ERIK "BROWNDUDE" Browning 8th in Nationals CT24-9 88-12-2
BROWNING, ERIK "BROWNDUDE" Browning Blazes to 8th CT21-9 87-04-10
BROWNING, ERIK "BROWNDUDE" Browning just misses CT21-13 87-05-15 p1
BROWNING, ROBERT Visiting Scholar from London CT21-9 87-04-10 p2 861
BROWNING, TULIO Recent Grad discusses Nicaragua CT27-3 90-3-23 p6 862
BROWNING, TULIO Jackson: Taking Risks DE5-3 88-4-15 p9-1
BRUNNER, LESLIE Leslie Brunner whiles away semester in southern... CT 31-8 92-4-10
p10 755
BRUSHSTROKES Empty Head creates degener-art CT25-2 89-2-3 p1
BRYSON, STEPHANIE CC announces awards in Literature CT23-9 88-4-8 p5 865
BRYSON, STEPHANIE Students nominated for Watson Fellowships CT24-6 88-11-4 p3
BRYSON, STEPHANIE Who Do Homophobics Respond To? DE5-2 88-2-19 p7 867
BUCHANAN, WADE Rhodes Scholarship, Wins CT15-12 83-01-14 p1 868
BUDDEN, ASHWIN CC student Budden rides Russian rapids CT 36-8 94/11/18 10 271
BUDY, TIM Tiger Hockey, No fun CT19-1 86-01-17 p1
BUETOW, BRAD Brad Buetow to remain CC's hockey coach CT 31-11 92/5/8 16 165
BUETOW, BRAD Buetow forced to resign at end of hockey season CT 33-1 93/2/5
BUETOW, BRAD Buetow suspended for misuse of hockey funds CT 32-2 92/9/18
BUETOW, BRAD Hard times for hockey coach Brad Buetow CT 33-1 93/2/5 16 619
BUETOW, BRAD Hockey coach selected to coach hockey teams at Olympic CT27-3 90-3-23
BUETOW, BRAD Hockey coach's trail ended CT 32-10 92/12/11
BUETOW, BRAD Hockey team at a crossroads as Buetow resigns CT 33-6 93/4/2
BUFFO, THERESA A woodcut print DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p1
BUILDING - ARMSTRONG - ILLNESS Investigation of Armstrong sickness takes new
direction CT 31-2 92/2/7
BUILDING - DONALDSON HOUSE ASIA finds a happy home CT 32-1 92/9/11
BUILDING - SHOVE CHAPEL Shove: Happy semi-centennial CT14-3 81-10-02 p1 872
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG - ENVIRONMENTAL Armstrong exile nears end CT25-6 89-2-24
p1 883
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG - ENVIRONMENTAL Armstrong offices relocate Ct25-1 89-1-27
p1 882
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Armstrong, Can you say? CT16-4 83-10-14 p7 876
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Asbestos cleanup begins CT17-2 84-09-14 p1 878
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Asbestos clean-up CT17-11 84-12-14 p2 879
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Asbestos now under control in Armstrong CT17-12 85-01-18
p1 877
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Chemicals blamed for Armstrong illnesses CT24-11 88-12-16
p1 880
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG - ENVIROMENT Armstrong basement workers ill again CT26-3
89-10-6 p1 886
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG HALL Armstrong 'sick building syndrome' lingers Ct 30-4
91/10/11 1
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG HALL Armstrong floods CT 33-11 94/5/14 3
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG HALL Armstrong Hall floods over the summer CT 34-1 93/9/10
BUILDINGS - ARMSTRONG Mysterious ailment disrupts Armstrong work CT28-4 90-10-12
p2 881
BUILDINGS - ARTHUR HOUSE Should Arthur House become the new home for the CT25-4
89-2-24 p7 885
BUILDINGS - ARTHUR HOUSE Will Arthur House be axed? CT24-11 88-12-16 p2 884
BUILDINGS - ASBESTOS Asbestos removal plan moving ahead CT 40-2 97/2/7
BUILDINGS - ASBESTOS College to reconsider asbestos policy CT 40-5 97/3/7
BUILDINGS - ASBESTOS Officials find asbestos problem in frat CT 40-4 97/2/28
BUILDINGS - BEMIS Bemis Bached CT16-5 83-10-21 p1
BUILDINGS - BOETTCHER - STRESS New Stress Manager at Boettcher CT26-1 89-9-15
p7 888
BUILDINGS - BOETTCHER Assault support group danger of termination CT 35-11 94/5/13
BUILDINGS - CABIN Lean-to providing shelter for CC outings CT 30-4 91/10/11
BUILDINGS - CHILDREN'S CENTER Children's Center opens, Campus CT22-2 87-09-18
p1 889
BUILDINGS - CHILDREN'S CENTER Daycare Center, Former Student-Center Houses CT22-2
87-09-18 p5 890
BUILDINGS - COLORADO COLLEGE Colorado College Campus Before...and After CT24-2
88-9-23 p9-1
BUILDINGS - COSSITT HALL Outward Bound to locate on campus CT17-5 84-10-12 p3
BUILDINGS - COSSITT HALL Outward Bound, CC's CT17-11 84-12-14 p2 892
BUILDINGS - CUTLER HALL Cutler crumbles CT16-4 83-10-14 p2 894
BUILDINGS - DAMAGES WINTER 1989 Cold weather responsible for damages CT25-3
89-2-17 p3 895
BUILDINGS - DESIGN A speculative bonanza CT15-11 82-12-17 p3 902
BUILDINGS - DESIGN Beyond those steadfast walls CT15-17 83-02-25 p6 901
BUILDINGS - DESIGN Campus envisioned, New CT15-6 82-11-05 p3 899
BUILDINGS - DESIGN CC: A Quantum Leap CT15-25 83-05-20 p3 898
BUILDINGS - DESIGN Dober rebuilds CT15-9 82-12-03 p1 897
BUILDINGS - DESIGN Fireside chat CT15-10 82-12-10 p2 896
BUILDINGS - DESIGN Rastall renovations CT18-2 85-09-20 p2 900
BUILDINGS - DRAMA AND ARTS Aesthetics of Art Building Questioned CT26-1 89-9-15
BUILDINGS - DRAMA AND ARTS Drama and Arts Building complete CT26-2 89-9-22 p2
BUILDINGS - EL POMAR - CARLE WEIGHT Jerry Carle Weight Room opens CT26-3 89-10-6
BUILDINGS - EL POMAR SPORTS CENTER New Weight Room CT26-2 89-9-22 p4 906
BUILDINGS - HONNEN ICE RINK Honnen enclosed CT17-2 84-09-14 p3 907
BUILDINGS - HONNEN ICE RINK Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget CT17-18 85-05-15
p1 908
BUILDINGS - LENNOX HOUSE Lennox, Who deserves CT14-14 82-02-12 p4 909
BUILDINGS - LIBRARY Library's Mysteries Unraveled CT22-1 87-09-11 p8 910
BUILDINGS - LOOMIS HALL Loomis newly renovated CT 37-1 95/9/15 p5
BUILDINGS - LOOMIS Loomis lounge renovated CT 30-10 91/12/13
BUILDINGS - LOOMIS Loomis Room, Fire guts CT21-10 87-04-17 p1 911
BUILDINGS - LOOMIS Loomis's Lost Legacy, Ground waste CT20-10 86-12-12 p1
BUILDINGS - MATHIAS Boots in the shower CT17-10 84-12-07 p4 914
BUILDINGS - MATHIAS Lost dorm keys CT17-2 84-09-14 p3 913
BUILDINGS - MONTGOMERY HALL Montgomery Hall's 100th anniversary also celebrates
CT29-9 91-4-19 p9 915
BUILDINGS - MOUNTAIN CABIN (CC) CC cabin nears completion CT 31-11 92/5/8
BUILDINGS - MOUNTAIN CABIN Student input, muscle sought for new cabin CT 31-3
BUILDINGS - NEW SCIENCE HALL Dedication ceremonies - Homecoming Highlights CT24-3
88-10-7 p2 917
BUILDINGS - NEW SCIENCE Tinkle, Tinkle Little Rings CT24-7 88-11-11 p1
BUILDINGS - OBSERVATORY Sky scanning in the Rockies CT17-21 85-04-19 p1
BUILDINGS - OLIN - NEW SCIENCE Boettcher adds to Science Hall CT23-13 88-5-13
p3 922
BUILDINGS - OLIN - NEW SCIENCE Prison Camp erected on Frisbee Golf Course CT23-9
88-4-8 p4 921
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Grants for Science and Curriculum study awarded CT21-5
87-05-13 p6 923
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Obscurity - Transmission & scanning electron CT15-20
83-03-25 p3 928
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Olin renovation, Students discuss CT18-6 85-11-01 p3 927
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Olin site vandalized CT20-10 86-12-12 p4 929
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Olin trek CT18-2 85-09-20 p2 926
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Olin, The science of CT15-8 82-11-19 p8-9 930
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Science facility construction delayed CT20-8 86-11-14
p3 924
BUILDINGS - OLIN HALL Science facility construction to disrupt campus CT20-2
86-09-19 p3 925
BUILDINGS - OLIN Olin, Tinkering with CT16-13 84-01-27 p4 919
BUILDINGS - OLIN Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget CT17-18 85-05-15 p1 920
BUILDINGS - PACKARD - PIANO Packard's Piano CT23-9 88-4-8 p1
BUILDINGS - PACKARD HALL Music library honoring Prof. Albert Seay, Library CT17-6
84-10-19 p5 933
BUILDINGS - PACKARD HALL Packard 3rd floor: What's up there anyway? CT17-20
85-04-12 p5 932
BUILDINGS - PHYSICAL PLANT CC dims lights CT15-15 83-02-03 p2 934
BUILDINGS - PHYSICAL PLANT Historic Van Briggle pottery to give tours CT 39-4
96/10/11 p12
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Rastall architect discusses renovation CT18-4 85-10-11
p1 936
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Rastall Center to be renamed CT19-1 86-01-17 p4 935
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Rastall plans, Making tentative plans CT18-8 85-11-15
p3 937
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Rastall renovations CT18-2 85-09-20 p2 938
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget CT17-18 85-05-15 p1
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Worner Center construction disrupts campus CT20-1
86-09-12 p3 940
BUILDINGS - RASTALL CENTER Worner Center under way CT19-14 86-05-23 p1 941
BUILDINGS - RESIDENTIAL HALLS Renovation possible for three residential halls
CT 34-5 93/10/15
BUILDINGS - SCIENCE ADDITION Olin-A Scientific Wonderland, The New CT24-1 88-9-16
p9 942
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL - ACTIVITIES "Youth for Peace": Education
of World Aggression CT17-13 85-01-25 p1
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL - ACTIVITIES Catholic crowd, For the CT18-9 85-12-06
p2 948
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL - ACTIVITIES Chapel offers aid CT14-7 81-11-06 p7 949
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL - ACTIVITIES Fast nets cash CT18-6 85-11-01 p4 950
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL - ACTIVITIES X-Mass service CT18-9 85-12-06 p2 951
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Bizzarro takes on Shove CT22-10 87-12-11 p4 947
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Chaplain at CC, Bubbly CT18-2 85-09-20 p1
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Shove Chapel gets light CT 35-10 94/5/6
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Shove Chapel, "The Li'l Juggler" at CT22-10
87-12-11 p1
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Shove Chaplaincy in question, Open position leaves
CT23-1 88-1-15 p5 943
BUILDINGS - SHOVE CHAPEL Shove uses survey to make changes CT22-10 87-12-11
p4 944
BUILDINGS - SLOCUM HALL Slocum addition leaves no room for improvement CT 37-2
95/9/22 p3
BUILDINGS - STEWART HOUSE Designers showcase CT15-1 82-09-17 p2 953
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE A taste of the other side CT20-1 86-09-12 p7 958
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE Ecological perspectives: to waste or not to waste CT18-8
85-11-15 p1
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer...
CT19-1 86-01-17 p6-7 954
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE International House: Illegal alien refuge prospers
CT22-5 87-10-16 p9 957
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE No Nukes at the Treehouse CT19-2 86-01-24
BUILDINGS - TENNEY HOUSE Wood and Tenney House, Spring of '85 CT17-12 85-01-18
p6 959
BUILDINGS - THEME HOUSES New theme houses inspire awareness CT 32-1 92/9/11
BUILDINGS - TUTT ALUMNI HOUSE Tutt Alumni House - (pic) CT19-11 86-04-26 p1
BUILDINGS - TUTT LIBRARY Library renovates walk CT 34-4 93/10/8
BUILDINGS - TUTT LIBRARY Special Tutt Library Videos: Advise for the stranded
CT26-4 89-10-13 p1
BUILDINGS - TUTT LIBRARY Tutt Library searches for new computers CT 34-1 93/9/10
BUILDINGS - TUTT LIBRARY Tutt not sufficient for students CT 38-2 96/2/9 p5
BUILDINGS - WILLIAM I. SPENCER CENTER College expands across Cache la Poudre
CT 30-5 91/10/18
BUILDINGS - WOOD HOUSE East meets West CT20-2 86-09-19 p8 962
BUILDINGS - WOOD HOUSE Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer...
CT19-1 86-01-17 p6-7 963
BUILDINGS - WOOD HOUSE Wood and Tenney House Spring '85 CT17-12 85-01-18 p6
BUILDINGS - WORNER - TIGER PIT Tiger Pit opens Friday the 13th CT26-3 89-10-6
p6 965
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Architectural Digestion CT22-2 87-09-18 p1
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Chemical leak suspected; Worner Center evacuated CT
30-5 91/10/18
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER El Pomar Foundation grants CC 1.5 million CT27-3 90-3-23
p3 973
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER I want my old Benny's CT22-2 87-09-18 p9 976
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Standing tall in Worner CT22-10 87-12-11 p5 975
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Student Center opens CT22-1 87-09-11 p1 974
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner Center - What's in Store? CT21-2 87-01-23 p1
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner Center construction disrupts campus CT20-1
86-09-12 p3 970
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner Center diagrams CT19-14 86-05-23 p17-19 969
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner Center Official CT22-5 87-10-16 p1 971
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner Center under way CT19-14 86-05-23 p1 966
BUILDINGS - WORNER CENTER Worner makes the grade CT22-4 87-10-09 p1 967
BUILDINGS All Our Yesterdays CT16-3 83-10-07 p8 875
BUILDINGS Ancient facilities, modern expectations CC spends $25 CT 45/3 00-10-06
BUILDINGS Computers for dorms CT17-14 85-02-08 p2 874
BUILDINGS Solar, CC rejects CT18-4 85-10-11 p1
BUILDINGS-LOOMIS Loomis to be Renovated Over Summer CT 36-6 95/3/31
BUILDINGS-SLOCUM New Wing to be Added to Slocum CT 36-5 95/3/10
BUNNELL, CRAIG Watson fellowship, Selected for CT16-19 84-05-23 p1 977
BURBANK, BROOKE Art- Senior Show CT23-11 88-4-22 p9-1
BURGESS, JOHN Behind the curtain CT19-10 86-04-18 p2 979
BURKE, ADAM Burke, Adam and College receive awards CT21-9 87-04-10 p5 980
BURKE, JOE Air Force defends AWACS sale CT14-10 81-12-11 p1 981
BURNESS, JAMES Burness' Brainchild Burgeons -& photo CT26-3 89-10-6 p6 982
BURNESS, JAMES Senior Spotlight CT26-2 89-9-22 p7 983
BURNS, DAN Burns earns some respect CT16-13 84-01-27 p1
BURNS, JAMES MACGREGOR Lecture at Colorado College, Another CT14-22 82-05-07
p1 985
BURNS, JON ROBERT Divestment: A Cry for Intensive Investment DE1-2 86-01-24
p2 986
BURTON, GARY Jazz, The sounds of CT19-1 86-01-17 p1
BURTON, KENNETH Catholics Liberate CT18-10 85-12-13 p5 988
BUS LINES Bus line repairs OC1-2 1880-03 p1
BUS LINES Bus Lines OC1-1 1880-02 p5 990
BUSH, SALLY Bush excels at sports and life CT27-9 90-4-20 p8 991
BUSH, SALLY Player of the Week CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
BUSH, SALLY Women's Hoopsters on a Roll CT21-1 87-01-16 p1
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CAMPAIGN Fund raising campaign begins CT16-19 84-05-23
p2 995
BUSINESS Business, Conducting DE3-1 87-02-13 p6 994
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Business, A Challenge to DE11-4 86-12-15 p5 996
BUTLER, SHAWN Butler's photography comes to life in Packard CT 33-4 93/3/5 14
BUTTE, GEORGE Butte, George: An Inquiry CT19-2 86-01-24 p1
BUTTE, GEORGE Liberal Arts Program, New CT18-1 85-09-13 p3 999
BUTTE, GEORGE London Summer Institute CT21-2 87-01-23 p2 998
BUTTERFIELD, BRIGID Butterfield, Brigid - Died CT14-4 81-10-09 p2
BUULTJENS, RALPH Buultjens to deliver Jovanovich Lecture CT19-3 86-02-07 p3
BUULTJENS, RALPH Buultjens, Dr. Ralph, on leadership... CT19-4 86-02-17 p18
BUULTJENS, RALPH Jovanovich Lecture CT19-4 86-02-14 p2
BYRNE, RON Hockey has new assistant coach CT14-2 81-09-25 p9
BZDEK, CAMILLE Sports Gods CT15-11 82-12-17 p9
C.C.C.A - ELECTIONS 1989 Election questions resolved: Glaze Victorious CT26-10
89-12-8 p1
C.C.C.A. C.C.C.A. Who? CT26-3 89-10-6 p12
C.C.C.A. Campus Gov't Challenged CT26-8 89-11-17 p1
C.C.C.A. CCCA seeks student response CT26-1 89-9-15 p3
C.C.C.A. Committee Round-up CT26-3 89-10-6 p2
C.C.C.A. ELECTIONS Election Policy Criticized CT26-11 89-12-15 p1
C.C.C.A. ELECTIONS Student Government elections on horizon CT26-8 89-11-17 p3
CC ZOO Lack of student spirit cages CC Zoo CT28-11 90-12-14 p4
CABIN - COLORADO COLLEGE CC administrators break ground at new cabin site -
CT 30-2 91/9/20
CABIN - COLORADO COLLEGE CC cabin II resurrection in progress CT 30-1 91/9/13
CADY, JOSEPH Poetry reading CT15-22 83-4-22 p13
CALDICOTT, HELEN The Nuclear issue CT17-6 84-10-19 p4
CALHOON, JOHN A. Air Pollution: At What Price? DE 14-1 92/2 20
CALHOON, JOHN Calhoon wins award CT 31-6 92/3/27
CALHOON, JOHN Calhoon wins award (Truman Foundation Scholarship) CT 31-6 92/3/27
CALHOON, JOHN CCCA member offers insight CT27-5 90-3-2 p7
CALHOON, JOHN Senior spotlight: John Calhoon CT 32-5 92/10/16
CALIFORNIA GRAPE BOYCOTT Nary a table grape to be found at CC CT29-1 91-1-25
CALVIN, MELVIN Nobel laureate to visit CC CT14-20 82-4-16 p2
CAMPAIGN FOR COLORADO COLLEGE Campaign seeks student leaders to attend dinner
CT 42-16 98-3-27
CAMPBELL, DAVID Psychologist to lecture on creativity, career CT16-16 84-2-24
CAMPBELL, KEN Campbell display CT 33-6 93/4/2 14 194
CAMPUS - 1994 Power outage leaves campus in the dark CT 35-7 94/4/8
CAMPUS - ANTI-DISCRIMATION POLICY Students discuss anti-discrimination proposal
CT 36-10 94/12/9
CAMPUS - ARCHITECTURE? A critical approach to CC architecture includes... CT
35-5 94/3/11 6
CAMPUS - COLORADO COLLEGE Colorado College Campus Before...and After CT24-2
88-9-23 p9-10
CAMPUS - COMPUTERS Colorado College to add new modem lines for outside CT 36-8
CAMPUS - CROSSWALK SAFETY College addresses crosswalk safety CT 394 96/10/11
CAMPUS - HISTROIC COLORADO COLLEGE CC's historic buildings surveyed CT 33-11
CAMPUS - PROPERTY Griffis/Blessing and the College tag team students CT 44-18
CAMPUS - SECURITY CC crime statistics evaluated CT 33-5 93/3/12
CAMPUS - SECURITY Man threatens CC student with gun CT 33-5 93/3/12
CAMPUS - VANDALISM Earth First! activists vandalize sprinklers CT 31-11 92/5/8
CAMPUS - VANDALISM Mathias drenched by vandals CT 36-5 94/10/21
CAMPUS - VOLCANO Physical plant reveals origin of Frat Quad geyser CT25-6 89-3-24
CAMPUS - WATER POLICY CC Must adopt a new water policy CT26-1 89-9-15 p10
CAMPUS - WATER POLICY New water policy begins at home CT26-2 89-9-22 p9
CAMPUS - WATERING CC watering: Making a swamp in a desert by Kathy Mauz CT28-1
90-9-14 p12
CAMPUS A Gay Student's Perspective DE 1 1993 14
CAMPUS AWARENESS COALITION Student Coalition Project pursued CT21-14 87-5-22
CAMPUS Body Image on Campus DE 1 1993
CAMPUS CC and Voter Registration DE 2 1993 29 186
CAMPUS DESIGN Survey looks at students' opinions on campus design CT 45/11 00-12-15
CAMPUS DIVERSITY Campus fails to offer diverse community Ct27-3 90-2-16 p6
CAMPUS Don't Do's CT22-2 87-09-18 p9
CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT the scoop on heat at CC CT28-7 90-11-9 p9
CAMPUS Interview with the Current CCCA President DE 2 1993 10 687
CAMPUS LANDSCAPE Xeriscape for CC CT 33-6 93/4/2
CAMPUS LIFE - APATHY Ye Shall Know the Truth... by Ben Eretz DE4-1 87-9-17 p22
CAMPUS LIFE - SHANTIES What about the shanties DE4-2 87-10-15 p2
CAMPUS LIFE - TELEPHONE SYSTEM New Phone system "Brrings" varied reactions
CT26-1 89-9-15 p2
CAMPUS LIFE Moderation at Colorado College CT26-2 89-9-22 p10
CAMPUS LIFE Residential and social problems: a plan of action CT14-19 82-4-9
CAMPUS LIFE Shure's witty observations of and comments on campus CT22-1 87-09-11
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN - THOMPSON & ROSE Campus Master Plan Committee holds
meeting CT 36-3 94/10/7
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN - THOMPSON & ROSE Master Plan decides campus future CT
36-7 94/11/11
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN 1995-96 Vision Plan approved by Trustees CT 37-8 95/11/17
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Campus planning hires MA architectural firm to finish CT
36-2 94/9/23
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN CC construction plan leaves a lot to be desired CT 43/7 98-11-6
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Master Plan begins with construction on Yampa Street CT 41-10
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Master Plan pushes Greek houses off-campus CT 41-12 98-2-6
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Mastering perfection CT 42-14 98-2-27
CAMPUS MASTER PLAN1995 Master Plan construction continues CT 39-3 96/10/4 p1
CAMPUS Our accurate but faulty microcosm CT22-1 87-09-11 p13
CAMPUS PARKING Parking crisis on campus worsens CT 43-18 99-4-9
CAMPUS PLAN 1995 Public to discuss CC's campus plan Ct 39-8 96/11/15 p3
CAMPUS PLANNING Dober rebuilds CT15-9 82-12-3 p1
CAMPUS PLANNING Rastall renovations CT18-2 85-9-20 p2
CAMPUS POLICY - ALCOHOL Campus policy - alcohol CT16-3 83-10-7 p2
CAMPUS POLICY - ALCOHOL Campus policy-alcohol CT15-5 82-10-22 p1
CAMPUS POLICY - CLASS OVERSIZE No room CT15-1 82-9-17 p6
CAMPUS POLICY - DISASTER Disaster preparedness at CC CT15-14 83-1-28 p6
CAMPUS POLICY - DOGS CC evicts Alpine CT14-7 81-11-6 p6
CAMPUS RAPE We must face the reality of campus rape CT28-5* 90-10-19 p9
CAMPUS SAFETY Nightwalk Aims to Increase Safety on CC Campus CT 36-11 95/5/5
13 912
CAMPUS SECURITY Campus security to undergo sweeping changes CT 44-16 00/3/10
CAMPUS SECURITY CC Security officer extends warmth, personal concern CT24-7
88-11-11 p5
CAMPUS SECURITY Jones: Improved Security CT26-6 89-11-3 p10
CAMPUS STORES Average C-Store, Benji's food costs exceeds 7-11 by CT 36-7 94/11/11
CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY CC Seeks Information Director CT 36-2 95/2/10
CAMPUS TECHNOLOGY Info Director Applicants Visit Campus CT 36-6 95/3/31
CAMPUS VANDALISM Concern over vandalism voiced CT 36-9 94/12/2
CANDIDE Candide great fun CT17-21 85-4-19 p12
CANDIDE Riley candid on 'Candide' CT17-20 85-4-12 p13
CANIGLIA, CATHY Madwoman to debut CT17-15 85-2-15 p7
CANTERNA, RON Sports equations CT16-15 84-2-17 p12
CANUTESON, ERIC Fusion for the Future DE5-4 88-5-13 p19-20
CAPEK, CHARLIE Men take titles CT17-22 85-4-26 p14
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Myths and Misconceptions DE1-4 86-3-21 p6
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT State sanctioned murder DE1-4 86-3-21 p6
CAPP, JIM Capp charms CC students CT24-2 88-9-23 p7
CAPP, RYAN Capp finds fun in performing for others CT29-4 91-2-22
CAREER CENTER - SYMPOSIUM "Horizons" a success CT17-16 85-2-25 p2
CAREER CENTER - SYMPOSIUM Careers considered CT15-24 83-5-13 p4
CAREER CENTER - SYMPOSIUM Students get the competitive edge CT14-20 82-4-16
CAREER CENTER ...and goodbye from seniors CT16-25 84-5-25 p8
CAREER CENTER Career Center directors adapt Ct27-3 90-2-16 p5
CAREER CENTER Career Center doling out advise about the real world CT 43-15
99-3-5 10-11
CAREER CENTER Career Center helps choose majors CT 39-2 96/9/20 p3
CAREER CENTER Career Center News CT14-0 81-12-4 p8
CAREER CENTER Career Center news CT14-0 81-12-4 p8
CAREER CENTER Career Center news CT15-3 82-10-8 p14
CAREER CENTER Career Center News CT15-3 82-10-8 p14
CAREER CENTER Career Center offers solutions to flustered job CT25-6 89-3-24
CAREER CENTER Career Center provides plethora of opportunities CT29-7 91-3-29
CAREER CENTER Career Center seminars CT23-1 88-1-15 p2
CAREER CENTER Career Center to host grad school information day CT29-7 91-3-29
CAREER CENTER Career Center to sponsor annual Career Symposium CT23-2 88-1-22
CAREER CENTER Career opportunities knock, knock, knock CT15-6 82-11-5 p5
CAREER CENTER Careers and Relationships: A Two-Way Tie for Last CT21-10 87-4-17
CAREER CENTER Careers CT15-25 83-5-20 p18
CAREER CENTER CC anti-discrimination policy does not apply to Career CT 30-8
CAREER CENTER Get a real job CT18-2 85-9-20 p2
CAREER CENTER Interim director given full-time CC position CT27-11 90-5-4 p4
CAREER CENTER Marine Corps recruitment stimulates controversy CT22-7 87-1106
CAREER CENTER Nish Revamps Career Center CT16-14 84-2-10 p6
CAREER CENTER Opportunities in volunteering, study abroad & careers CT 45/4
CAREER CENTER Searching for Your Future? Career Center May Hold the CT 36-2
CAREER CENTER Seniors plan for future endeavors through career CT28-3 90-10-5
CAREER CENTER Seniors struggle against economy CT14-21 82-4-23 p1
CAREER CENTER Seniors struggle against economy CT14-21 82-4-23 p1
CAREER CENTER Work World CT16-7 83-11-11 p6
CAREER FAIR - 1992 Career Fair to host alumni CT 32-8 92/11/13
CAREER FAIR Career fair scheduled to inform students CT29-1 91-1-25 p11
CAREER FAIR Career fair to host alumni CT 32-8 92/11/13
CAREER PLANNING Career planning eases anxiety attack CT25-4 89-2-24 p15
CAREER SYMPOSIUM Career Symposium offers networking opportunities CT27-4 90-2-23
CAREER SYMPOSIUM Career Symposium provides advice and answers CT24-6 88-11-4
CAREERS Alumni enlighten students on challenges of career CT24-8 88-11-18 p5
CARLE, GERALD (JERRY) Carle: A permanent fixture at CC CT26-9 89-12-1 P17
CARLE, GERALD (JERRY) Coach Carle retires CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
CARLE, GERALD C. Carle resigns: full-time athletic director considered CT14-12
82-1-22 p1
CARLE, GERALD C. Carle to speak at clinic CT14-14 82-2-12 p10
CARLE, GERALD C. Werner, Carle honored by WCHA CT19-13 86-5-16 p16
CARLE, JACK L. Orientation for India Studies Moves to CC in 1988 CT21-14 87-5-22
CARLE, JACK L. Profs discuss Asian Culture CT18-8 85-11-15 p5
CARMICHEAL, STOKEY Activist Returns to Campus CT19-11 86-4-26 p1
CARON, LOUIS Lectures CT15-22 83-4-22 p13
CARPENTER, CLAIRE Public prayer is out of place in college-organized, CT29-6
91-3-22 p13
CARTER, JACK L. Bogtrotting biology CT17-13 85-1-25 p3
CARTER, JACK L. Life sciences find home at CC (BSCS) CT15-9 82-12-3
CASA LA RAZA Casa La Raza creates unity within diversity CT 30-2 91/9/20
CASE, CAROLYN Refugees CT15-24 83-5-13 p10-11
CASE, MATT The Liberal Arts and Mental Masturbation DE5-4 88-5-13 p7
CASE, MATT The Southern African Reality DE4-2 87-10-15 p16
CASHELL, THOMAS J.J. A High and Holy Calling DE 14-1 92/2 30
CATALYST All the news fit to print: Catalyst has ethical CT29-7 91-3-29 p16
CATALYST Anderson quits editorship CT17-17 85-5-8 p1,2
CATALYST CARTOONS Biff, Little Humor, A womb w/a view, The way it is ... CT28-8
90-11-16 p12
CATALYST Catalog CT16-11 83-12-16
CATALYST Catalyst cleans up CT14-21 82-4-23 p3
CATALYST Catalyst editor under fire; Greeks voice complaints to CT28-8 90-11-16
CATALYST Catalyst staff, Happy Holidays from the departing CT22-10 87-12-11
CATALYST Catalyst staff: Spring 1985 CT17-14 85-2-8 p6
CATALYST Catalyst wins best paper overall and best sports CT15-22 83-4-22 p2
CATALYST CCCA responds to CATALYST evaluation CT 39-10 96/12/13 p9
CATALYST Controversial Catalyst vanishes from Worner CT28-9 90-11-13 p2
CATALYST Ernie Luning, fall 1984 Catalyst editor CT16-22 84-4-27 p2
CATALYST Head honchos CT18-10 85-12-13 p2
CATALYST Insomniac's dream CT17-7 84-11-2 p6
CATALYST Intellectual Deafness Denounced CT14-10 81-12-11 p3
CATALYST New Catalyst editor shares goals CT25-1 89-1-27 p5
CATALYST Peek picked CT15-11 82-12-17 (pic)
CATALYST Staff of fall Catalyst earns 19 awards CT17-19 85-5-22 p3
CATALYST Ten years ago this week ... CT17-8 84-11-18 p20
CATALYST Who's afraid of the Cutler Board? CT14-15 82-2-19 p5
CATTLE LIST Colorado College Cattle List (see Issue 6 CT 38-5 96/4/1 p1)
CATTLE LIST Parody Published CT26-11 89-12-15 p1
CATTLE LIST CattleList The Colorado College People's Weekly CT 1-1 93/12/
CAUVEL, JANE Profs discuss Asian Culture CT18-8 85-11-15 p5
CAVEY, CHAD Doldrums continue CT18-7 85-11-8 P17
CAYTON, SEAN Administration gets slammed by mad student CT 33-5 93/3/12 10
CC ALUMNI CC Intern Excels, College Reaps Benefits CT 36-1 95/2/3 10 245
CC AWARD IN LITERATURE $20,000 to be awarded this year to potential authors
CT 43-14 99-2-26
CC CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA CC Choir and Orchestra performs Handel's Belshazzar CT
31-10 92/5/1 13 226
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID 87-88: The yr. of Southern Africa: Comm. formed
to CT21-9 87-4-10 p5
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Activism and investment CT18-2 85-9-20 p1
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Awesome Apartheid Panel CT18-9 85-12-6 p4 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Board confronts big issues today: student poll
about CT21-5 86-5-13 p1
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Board decides not to divest CT24-1 88-9-16 p2
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CC Administration and South Africa CT20-4 86-10-10
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CC Divestment Update CT19-8 86-5-21 p1&3
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CC joins trend CT17-24 85-5-17 p16
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CCCAA and Alumni meet CT21-10 87-4-17 p2
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CCCAA Organizes Divestment Drive CT21-6 87-5-7
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CCCAA overcomes violence, looks to future CT20-10
86-12-12 p3 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID CCCAA Published position paper CT21-6 87-5-7
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Events support divestment: Teach-in, rallies,
and the CT21-8 87-5-20 p3
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Extracurricular activities: beyond books and
beer ... CT19-1 86-1-17 p6&7
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID It's not the money that matters CT17-23 85-5-10
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Nkiwane replies: Apartheid must go - with divestment
DEv1no2 86-1-24 p2
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Opinions CT21-8 87-5-20 p10-11
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Panel discussion on Divestment CT21-11 87-4-24
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Panel discussion on South Africa DE21-12 87-5-8
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Portfolio peek CT18-1 85-9-13 p2
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Protest day CT18-4 85-10-11 p1
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Rally held for divestment in South Africa CT17-22
85-4-26 p1&8
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Shanty Town CT20-8 86-11-14 p1 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Shanty Town sparks constructive dialogue CT20-9
86-12-5 p1 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Taylor discusses S. African Divestment CT21-12
87-5-8 p5 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID The divestment debate CT17-23 85-5-10 p8&9
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID The Economic Roots of Apartheid CT20-5 86-10-17
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Trustees visit to campus discussed CT21-10 87-4-17
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Trustees: No Divestment CT21-8 87-5-20 p1 (pic)
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID "Voiceless" Students protest outside
President's CT21-8 87-5-20 p1
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Wenzlau defends investment CT17-24 85-5-17 p2
CC COMMUNITY AGAINST APARTHEID Writing about Apartheid CT18-1 85-9-13 p4 (pic)
CC recording project - May 1992 CC recording project funding became a political
issue CT 31-10 92/5/1
CC THEATER Love, Gender and Murder are "Madness" CT 36-1 95/2/3 13
CC ZOO CC Zoo and Kappa Sigma to host celebratory barbeque CT28-5* 90-10-19
CCAP-COLORADO CITIZENS ACTIVE FOR CCAP joins 'Parade of Fools' CT29-9 91-4-19
CCCA - BLOCK PARTY Block Party strives for increased diversity, community CT
42-18 98-2-10 2B
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA back Money gone CT23-9 88-4-8 p3
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA budget explained CT22-6 87-10-30
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA duties defined CT22-2 87-09-18 p7
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA kicks off new year CT23-1 88-1-15
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA lets out one big sigh CT23-12 88-5-6
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA offices, Introducing the candidates
for CT22-9 87-12-13 p10-11
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA President forced to resign CT24-1
88-9-16 p1
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA, take the money and run?, Will CT23-6
88-2-19 p6
87-12-11 p1
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA: Bkes, Interviews, Worner, and Drugs
CT23-11 88-4-22 p3
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. CCCA: CC's new drug force CT23-8 88-3-18
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. It's Walkertime CT23-5 88-2-19 p5
CCCA - COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOC. Student Concerns Committee ready for new
year CT23-2 88-1-22 p2
CCCA - CONSTITUTION CCCA Constitution may change CT16-9 83-12-2 p4
CCCA - CONSTITUTION In brief CT15-1 82-9-17 p2
CCCA - ELECTION 1992 CCCA Election 1992 Guide CT 32-10 92/12/11 11-1
CCCA - ELECTION And the winners are ... CT24-10 88-12-9 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS Candidates challenge apathy CT16-9 83-12-2 p3
CCCA - ELECTIONS Candidates vie for CCCA positions CT17-10 84-12-7 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA candidates debate their views CT14-9 81-12-4 p2
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Candidates declare intent CT18-9 85-12-6 p10-11
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Elections '91 ct 30-10 91/12/6 9-10 308
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Elections CT18-7 85-11-8 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Elections CT 33-10 93/5/7 4-
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Elections postponed until December 16 CT 86-12-5 p2
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA endorses Nestle Boycott CT15-19 83-3-19 p2
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA Member-at-Large Elections CT19-3 86-2-7 p3
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA news CT18-2 85-9-20 p4
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA race ends without victory CT15-10 82-12-10 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA runoff candidates' statements CT15-10 82-12-10 p16
CCCA - ELECTIONS CCCA: Special Election Section CT20-10 86-12-12 p6-7
CCCA - ELECTIONS Coalition divides CCCA candidates CT15-9 82-12-3 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS Community auditions CT16-10 83-12-9 p8
CCCA - ELECTIONS Congratulations newly elected CCCA members CT21-1 87-1-16 p5
CCCA - ELECTIONS Election analysis CT16-10 83-12-9 p5
CCCA - ELECTIONS Election proves inconclusive CT16-10 83-12-9 p4-5
CCCA - ELECTIONS Election supplement CT14-9 81-12-4 p4-6
CCCA - ELECTIONS Election supplement CT15-9 82-12-3 p9-11
CCCA - ELECTIONS Fitzgerald, Lynch win CCCA spots CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS Friedman on Elections CT14-9 81-12-4 p4
CCCA - ELECTIONS McCluster wins CCCA elections CT14-10 81-12-11 p1
CCCA - ELECTIONS Snubbed candidates angered by endorsement of CT 30-10 91/12/13
CCCA - ELECTIONS Winter wins CT15-11 82-12-17 p2
CCCA - ELECTIONS Wright, Fitzgerald, Casson win exec positions on CCCA CT17-11
84-12-14 p1
CCCA - FOOD SERVICE COMMITTEE Saga abuse of student rights CT14-4 81-10-9 p5
CCCA - STUDENT CURRICULUM REFORM Changing curriculum CT14-8 81-11-13 p3
CCCA - WOMEN'S MONTH Women's month CT15-17 83-2-25 p18
CCCA 2 execs outline 'state of the council' at semester CT 41-10 97-12-12
CCCA 20,000 protest CT16-5 83-10-21 p2
CCCA Abbott wins CT 38-8 96/4/12 p1
CCCA Activists mourn conformity CT16-18 84-6-16 p6
CCCA Apathy Plagues CCCA Elections CT 36-7 95/4/7 1
CCCA Bad calls, foul plays: an editorial response CT14-24 82-5-21 p6
CCCA BUDGET Budget process incites groups protest CT 44-19 00/4/14
CCCA Budget debate creates chaos CT16-16 84-2-10 p2
CCCA Candidates CT28-9 90-11-30 p11-14
CCCA Candidates Present Views CT 36-7 95/4/7
CCCA CC joins national trend CT!%-25 83-5-20 p4
CCCA CCCA & Class Officer elections CT 35-5 94.3.11
CCCA CCCA & Leisure Program dole out dollars CT 37-11 95/12/15 p1
CCCA CCCA a bit closer to final proposal CT 38-2 96/2/9 p1
CCCA CCCA Amends Constitution Bylaw CT 32-1 92/9/11 11 298
CCCA CCCA and Cutler Board sign '84-'85 contracts CT17-8 84-11-16 p3
CCCA CCCA announcements CT28-3 90-10-5 p3
CCCA CCCA appointment CT15-2 82-9-24 p2
CCCA CCCA appropriates limited funds for new projects CT29-2 91-2-1 p4
CCCA CCCA Approves 95-96 Budget CT36-9 95-4-28
CCCA CCCA approves committee appointments CT27-5 90-3-2 p1
CCCA CCCA approves Cutler budget CT16-25 84-5-25 p1
CCCA CCCA approves recycling policy Ct27-3 90-2-16 p1
CCCA CCCA attempts to streamline budget structure CT 42-19 98-4-24
CCCA CCCA audit settled CT17-17 85-5-8 p3
CCCA CCCA Book Exchange Aims to Help Students CT 36-5 95/3/10 11 300
CCCA CCCA budget meeting CT19-12 86-5-9 p2
CCCA CCCA budget meeting CT19-5 86-2-21 p2
CCCA CCCA call for candidates CT 44-14 00/2/25
CCCA CCCA candidates illuminate campus concerns CT24-9 88-12-2 p3
CCCA CCCA commissions mural in Worner CT 40-2 97/2/7
CCCA CCCA considers course evaluation CT 40-3 97/2/21
CCCA CCCA considers possible changes CT 37-6 95/11/3 p3
CCCA CCCA Cornere CT 34-10 93/10/10
CCCA CCCA debates constitutional change to fix CT 31-10 92/5/1
CCCA CCCA debates COPIRG CT16-8 83-11-18 p3
CCCA CCCA debates election CT16-12 84-1-20 p2
CCCA CCCA defends spending CT 31-11 92/5/8
CCCA CCCA details funding changes for new semester CT 43-2 98-9-18
CCCA CCCA discusses hiring procedures CT14-13 82-2-5 p2
CCCA CCCA discusses proposals for future changes at open CT29-10 91-4-26 p3
CCCA CCCA Election Results CT 35-8 94/4/15
CCCA CCCA Election Results CT28-10 90-12-7 p1
CCCA CCCA election results decides reps. and 2001 officers CT 41-2 97/9/19
CCCA CCCA elections CT 40-7 97/4/4
CCCA CCCA elections CT 43-1 98-9-11
CCCA CCCA elections CT15-6 82-11-6 p2
CCCA CCCA Elections December tenth CT 30-8 91/11/15
CCCA CCCA Elections1994 Ct 35-7 94/4/1 4-
CCCA CCCA enter new year CT16-12 84-1-20 p2
CCCA CCCA Executives welcome new students to campus CT 43-1 98-9-11
CCCA CCCA extends deadline CT16020 84-4-13 p2
CCCA CCCA faces sanctions after incident at Cabin retreat CT 41-3 97/10/3
CCCA CCCA fields eight block plan questions CT20-7 86-2-7 p5
CCCA CCCA finances, initiates programs CT28-8 90-11-16 p9
CCCA CCCA full council approves plan for its restructuring CT 38-3 96/2/23 p1
CCCA CCCA funds flyday CT16-19 84-5-23 p2
CCCA CCCA hammers out second semester budget CT 42-11 98-1-30
CCCA CCCA happenings CT18-5 85-10-18 p5
CCCA CCCA happenings CT18-6 85-11-1 p4
CCCA CCCA in action CT14-21 82-4-23 p2
CCCA CCCA kicks off the new year CT 36-2 94/9/23
CCCA CCCA kicks off year, tightens reigns on student groups CT 37-3 95/10/6
CCCA CCCA makes plans to crack into $30,000 reserve budget CT 38-4 96/3/1 p1
CCCA CCCA makes transition to true student government CT 43/13 99-2-19
CCCA CCCA making the grade CT 39-9 96/12/6 p5
CCCA CCCA master budget set for '96-'97 year CT 38-10 96/5/3 p3
CCCA CCCA meeting CT17-7 84-2-2 p4
CCCA CCCA meeting CT17-8 84-11-16 p4
CCCA CCCA meeting CT17-9 84-11-30 p3
CCCA CCCA Meeting Dicta CT 37-8 95/11/17 p4
CCCA CCCA Meeting Dicta CT 37-9 95/12/1 p4
CCCA CCCA Meeting Dicta 12-13-95 CT 37-11 95-12-15 p2
CCCA CCCA Meeting Summary CT 36-2 95/2/10
CCCA CCCA meeting, Firings spark CT14-15 82-2-19 p2
CCCA CCCA meeting: delays Navigr's recogn, Coors CT17-11 84-12-14 p2
CCCA CCCA meets 2nd time: '83-'85 Nugget will publish CT17-3 84-9-21 p3
CCCA CCCA meets concerning budget CT19-3 86-2-7 p4
CCCA CCCA member resigns (Jim Cramer) CT17-21 85-4-19 p2
CCCA CCCA needs more positive coverage CT15-3 82-10-8 p7
CCCA CCCA News CT17-15 85-2-15 p2
CCCA CCCA News CT18-3 85-10-4 p5
CCCA CCCA News CT18-8 85-11-15 p2
CCCA CCCA nixes fourth Leviathan CT14-24 82-5-21 p2
CCCA CCCA Notes CT21-11 87-4-24 p2
CCCA CCCA Notes CT27-11 90-5-4 p3
CCCA CCCA Notes CT27-7 90-3-30 p5
CCCA CCCA of '85 finishes up CT18-10 85-12-13 p4
CCCA CCCA overhauls constitution, system CT 44-15 00-3-3
CCCA CCCA passes resolution (Course information) CT 40-5 97/3/7
CCCA CCCA Plans & Election CT 45/15 01-03-02
CCCA CCCA plans to improve on-campus social life CT 40-1 97/1/31
CCCA CCCA polls students CT15-16 83-2-18 p17
CCCA CCCA pres addresses trustees CT 33-6 93/4/2
CCCA CCCA president, council dispute funds CT28-8 90-11-16 p1
CCCA CCCA Prez seeks louder student voice CT27-8 90-4-6 p1
CCCA CCCA questions tuition increase CT17-19 85-5-22 p2
CCCA CCCA re-elects self CT32-1 92-9-11
CCCA refuses to endorse teaching proposal CT38-9 96-4-26 p1
CCCA CCCA reports CT14-6 82-10-29 p1
CCCA CCCA responds to 'lazy' accusations CT 43-21 43-21 99-5-7
CCCA CCCA run-off election runs amiss CT 35-9 94/4/29
CCCA CCCA seeks committee members CT27-1 90-1-26 p1
CCCA CCCA starts session CT39-3 96/10/4 p4
CCCA CCCA takes a look back CT29-11 91-5-3 p8
CCCA CCCA task forces actively address issues CT 43-3 98-10-2
CCCA CCCA tightens budget policy CT16-17 84-5-9 p1
CCCA CCCA to elect new CC leadership next block CT28-8 90-11-16 p3
CCCA CCCA to hold new election CT 32-6 92/10/30
CCCA CCCA to select new members CT24-6 88-11-4 p2
CCCA CCCA to sponsor Cutler quad bash, free coffee & more CT 31-6 92/3/27
CCCA CCCA update CT21-5 87-2-20 p6
CCCA CCCA update CT21-6 87-5-7 p3
CCCA CCCA veep strongarms CATALYST with budget threat CT 33-10 93/5/7 10 320
CCCA CCCA votes to fund variety of programs CT 41-12 98-2-6
CCCA CCCA votes to support CoPIRG CT16-24 84-5-18 p1
CCCA CCCA works toward superior advising at CC CT 30-7 91/11/8
CCCA CCCA, Students attend CT14-15 82-3-12 p1
CCCA CCCA: CoPirg gets $4,099 CT17-23 85-5-10 p3
CCCA CCCA elections an appalling display of student apathy CT 43-2 98-9-18
CCCA CCCA's attitude pointing council in right direction CT39-6 96/11/1 p5
CCCA CCCA's technology tutors useful CT40-10 97/5/2
CCCA Changes spark interest CT15-5 82-10-22 p2
CCCA Coffey Re-Elected, Run-Off Election Needed CT 36-8 95/4/14
CCCA Coffey wins corrected CCCA runoff election CT 35-10 94/5/6
CCCA Committee proposes major CCCA changes CT 37-9 95/12/1 p1
CCCA CONSTITUTION CCCA's constitution and The Constitution CT16-19 84-5-23 P10
CCCA Council jobs openings CT28-5 90-11-2 p4
CCCA Cutler and CCCA battle out budgets CT 33-11 93/5/14
CCCA Despite dilemmas CCCA finalizes 1991-1991 budget CT30-5 91/10/18
CCCA Discusses eight block plan CT20-2 86-9-19 p2
CCCA Draft registration CT15-10 82-12-10 p2
CCCA Election '96 CT 38-7 96/4/5 p11
CCCA ELECTION '99 Issues & candidates CT 43-14 99-2-26 6-7
CCCA ELECTION Baxter to face Cope in run-off Monday Ct 40-8 97/4/11
CCCA ELECTIONS CCCA election results CT28-10 90-12-7 p1
CCCA ELECTIONS Cope defeats Baxter in second run-off CT 40-9 97/4/28
CCCA Elections CT 39-1 96/9/13 p4-6
CCCA Ex-President questions CCCA compliance CT20-3 86-10-3 p5
CCCA Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer ... CT 86-1-17 p6&7
CCCA Final CCCA meeting ends budget melee CT44-20 00/4/28
CCCA Fireside chats CT15-4 82-10-15 p2
CCCA Freeze still hot CT15-22 83-4-22 p17
CCCA Goals for '81 CT13-12 81-1-9
CCCA House bill limits funds CT15-22 83-4-22 p3
CCCA Internal antagonisms weaken CT15-7 82-11-12 p3
CCCA Introducing CCCA CT 41-5 97/10/10
CCCA Letter details council initiatives for year CT 41-9 97-12-5
CCCA McCluster plans term CT14-10 81-12-11 p4
CCCA McCluster reviews year CT15-8 82-11-19 (pic)
CCCA Mitchell wins, Rohner contests CT 43-15 99-3-5
CCCA NARAL chapter's tax status questioned CT 35-10 94/5/6
CCCA New CCCA Council commences activities with New Year CT14-11 82-1-15 p1
CCCA New CCCA members are busy at work CT14-12 82-1-22 p3
CCCA New CCCA officers walk away with uncontested wins CT 42-15 98-3-6
CCCA New Members Join CCCA, Events Planned CT 36-2 95/2/10
CCCA Nugget ?'s answered CT17-18 85-5-15 p3
CCCA Nuke free zone CT15-18 83-3-11 p2
CCCA Ohbi resigns from CCCA position CT43-12 99-2-5
CCCA Panel discussion on Divestment CT21-11 87-4-24 p1
CCCA Points of interest from the CCCA desk CT 41-3 97/10/10
CCCA Portfolio peek CT18-1 85-9-13 p2
CCCA Presidential candidates express views in debate CT28-10 90-12-7 p3
CCCA Presidential candidates express views in debate CT28-10 90-12-7
CCCA Productive council deserves more credit, less whining CT 43-14 99-226
CCCA Projects cause CCCA conflicts CT16-14 84-2-10 p2
CCCA Proposed amendments improve CCCA Ct24-9 88-12-2 p6
CCCA Proposed funding change ignites. CT 43-17 99-4-2
CCCA Publications fight for funding CT15-24 83-5-13 p2
CCCA Referendum results CT15-3 82-10-8 p2
CCCA Reflecting back over the accomplishments of CCCA CT 43-15 99-3-26
CCCA Ring around the arms race CT16-3 83-10-14 p9
CCCA Some CCCA elections too close to call CT 45/16 01-03-09
CCCA South African investments questioned CT16-23 84-5-11 p1
CCCA STUDENT ACTIVITIES Ice Cream Social a success CT 32-2 92/9/18
CCCA Student government promote leadership CT13-12 81-1-9 p2
CCCA Students give thumbs up on district representative CT 38-4 96/3/1 p1
CCCA Student vote exceeds 800 CT 39-2 96/9/20 p1
CCCA The Candidates for CCCA district representative CT 41-1 97/9/12
CCCA The Nugget gold or dross CT16-18 84-6-16 p8
CCCA Trustees deny CCCA requests CT14-16 82-3-12 p1
CCCA Trustees in Command CT16-1 83-9-16 p3
CCCA Tuition to rise; students blanch CT15-15 83-2-3 p3
CCCA Tuition, representation head list of student concerns CT24-8 88-11-18 p1
CCCA Twelve points CT15-8 82-11-19 p2
CCCA Two Junior to occupy vacancies on CCCA CT24-2 88-9-23 p4
CCCA Union grows CT15-26 83-5-27 p2
CCCA Unorganized CCCA calling students. CT 43-20 99-4-30
CCCA Voice your perception of advising to CCCA, nominate CT 30-6 91/11/1
CCCA Welcome to CC (Brad Friedman) CT14-1 81-9-11 p3
CCCA What is CCCA up to? CT 34-3 93/10/1
CCCA What's to hide? CT16-2 83-9-23 p8
CCCA Who's afraid of the CCCA? We are CT14-22 82-5-7 p6
CCCA You too can run the machine! CT25-2 89-2-3 p2
CC'S UNDERGROUND ROCK SCENE All dressed up and no place to go: CC's underground
CT24-10 88-12-9 p8-9
CECH, THOMAS Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry discussed his RNA CT29-9 91-4-19
CEDERING, SIV What kind of creature is this? CT15-22 83-4-22 p12
CELTIC MUSIC SOCIETY Cittern in concert CT16-12 84-1-20 p1
CELTIC MUSIC SOCIETY Classic Celtic CT16-5 83-10-21 p10
CELTIC MUSIC SOCIETY Gaelic get-together CT16-14 84-2-10 p10
CELTIC MUSIC SOCIETY Holiday music CT16-17 84-5-9 p10
CENSORSHIP Caution: Dangerous books CT15-3 82-10-8 p8-9
CENSUS 1990 the 1990 Census counts even for CC students CT27-7 90-3-30 p1
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVCE CC helps the holidays happen CT 36-8 94/11/18
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE - CC Community Service awards honor outstanding
volunteers CT 31-10 92/5/1
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Awards dinner recognizes community servants CT
42-18 98-4-10
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Center for community service combats social ills
CT29-3 91-2-15 p7
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Community center retreat brings new visions CT
30-9 91/12/6
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Help the holidays Happen CT 34-9 93/12/3
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Holiday benefit starting CT 3408 93/11/12
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Rhodes and Lutze help community service happen
CT 33-10 93-5-7
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Volunteer opportunities CT 33-1 93/2/5
CENTER FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE, CC College opens service center CT26-7 89-11-10
CENTRAL AMERICA - NICARAGUA Nicaragua, A CC student's impressions of CT23-3
88-2-05 p1
CENTRAL AMERICA - NICARAGUA Nicaragua: Military, Politics and Economics CT23-3
88-2-05 p6
CENTRAL AMERICA A military perspective DE1-1 85-12-13 p3
CENTRAL AMERICA A non-liberal view of a Nicaraguan Collective Farm DE1-1 85-12-13
CENTRAL AMERICA Costa Rica's fading dream DE3-2 87-3-20 p1
CENTRAL AMERICA Interview with David McMichael DE1-1 85-12-13 p2
CENTRAL AMERICA Reagan's six myths DE1-1 85-12-13 p2
CENTRAL AMERICA Special issue of Catalyst all relating to Central CT14-23 82-5-14
CENTRAL AMERICA The Peace Initiative by Mari Gustafson DE4-1 87-9-17 p1
CENTRAL AMERICA Who's breaking the law? DE11-4 86-12-15 p7
CENTRAL AMERICA Why we can't ignore Central America DE1-1 85-12-13 p3
CENTRAL SERVICES Mail coordinator serves vital function CT27-5 90-3-2 p6
CENTURY CHEST Century Chest resealed for year 2100 CT 45-20 01-04-27
CENTURY CHEST Century Chest unveils 1901 Colorado Springs CT 45/12 01-02-02
CERNICEK, ANNE Booters roll on CT20-4 86-10-10 p15
CHAMBER CHOIR - COLORADO COLLEGE Choir 'sings head off' CT 30-7 91/11/8
CHAMBERLAIN, RICHARD Capital campaign rearin' to go CT17-16 85-2-25 p1
CHAMBERS, MARJORIE BELL Women's studies week: promoting role of women in CT14-8
81-11-13 p8
CHAMPION, WILLIAM Campus remembers a true Champion CT 36-9 94/12/2
CHAMPION, WILLIAM Professor Champion dies CT 36-9 94/12/2
CHATAWAY, JOANNA Selected for Watson Fellowship CT16-19 84-5-23 p1
CHAVERIM Chaverim celebrates Sukkot CT26-5 89-10-20 p4
CHAVERIM Chaverim explores Jewish experience CT14-2 81-9-25 p8
CHAZEN, LISA Chazen was there CT15-8 82-11-19 p11
CHEEK, TIM Cheek chides American attitudes CT24-11 88-12-16 p4-5
CHEEK, TIMOTHY 20th Century Cina topic of talk CT 33-7 93/4/9 2
CHEEK, TIMOTHY Professor Cheek discusses China and U.S. relations CT 43/8 98-11-13
CHEERLEADERS-STUDENTS Cheerleaders look for a few good men CT27-3 90-3-23 p2
CHEERLEADING - COLORADO COLLEGE What is the future of cheerleading at CC CT28-11
90-12-14 p10
CHEMISTRY Acid injures students CT27-4 90-2-23 p2
CHENEY, LIZ Using Racism Wrongly DE5-2 88-2-19 p10-12
CHENEY, LYNNE V. Chairman of Humanities to speak at CC CT23-5 88-2-19 p1
CHENEY, LYNNE V. Cheney to deliver Commencement Address CT20-8 86-11-14 p2
CHENEY, LYNNE V. Cheney to give Commencement Address CT21-14 87-5-22 p1
CHENEY, RICHARD Cheney still the choice for graduation speaker CT29-10 91-4-26
CHENEY, RICHARD Cheney to address graduating class CT29-1 91-1-25 p2
CHENEY, RICHARD Congressman Cheney gives Lopart Lecture CT19-1 86-1-17 p1
CHENEY, RICHARD Ford's successor CT18-10 85-12-13 p2
CHENEY, RICHARD Letters to Editor - Commencement speaker CT29-9 91-4-19 p14
CHENEY, RICHARD On the question of Dick Cheney at commencement CT29-3 91-2-15
CHENEY, RICHARD Secretary of Defense Cheney speaks to students CT26-2 89-9-22
CHENEY, RICHARD Students divided about Dick Cheney speaking CT29-3 91-2-15 p2
CHENOWETH, MARY Ex-Faculty member Chenoweth shows work at local CT17-7 84-11-2
CHENOWETH, MARY What's new? Chenoweth's art returns CT27-9 90-4-20 p9
CHERU, FANTU Vintage Catalyst: Ethiopia 1974 CT18-1 85-1-18 p3
CHESS CLUB - COLORADO COLLEGE I am plotting to overthrow the government CT 35-10
CHESS CLUB CC Chess murders AFA CT 35-3 94/2/25
CHESS CLUB CC v. USAF tourney promising CT 37-4 95/10/13 p18
CHESS CLUB CC's first Chess battle looms ahead CT 34-5 93/10/15 19 288
CHESS CLUB Chess Club Recruits, Flaunts Skill CT 35-8 94/4/15
CHESS CLUB Colorado College Chess Club begins CT 34-4 93/10/8
CHESS CLUB More Chess Madness CT 34-6 93/10/29 19 864
CHIC, CHRIS Deep Ecology DE4-4 87-11-12 p9
CHICAGO BUSINESS FELLOWS PROGRAM Chicago Business Fellows Program, Free CT22-4
87-10-09 p2
CHICAGO SEMESTER IN THE ARTS ACM offers new program CT25-3 89-2-17
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Chicano Awareness Week Art Offerings CT17-23 85-5-10
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Chicano awareness week CT17-23 85-5-10 p1
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Chicano in education CT17-23 85-5-10 p2
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Envisioning the past and future CT16-23 84-5-11 p10
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Immigration addressed CT17-23 85-5-10 p2
CHICANOS AWARENESS WEEK Panel addresses minority politics CT16-23 84-5-11 p1
CHICK, KRIS Positive Paternalism DE5-3 88-4-15 p8-9
CHILDREN'S CENTER CC Children's Center celebrates accreditation CT 33-9 93/4/30
CHILDS, JOSH Bogue sets record CT21-5 87-2-20 p21
CHILDS, JOSH DU Drops Tigers CT19-5 86-2-21 p17
CHILE A Rainbow appears in Chile CT26-9 89-12-1 p4
CHILE U.S. uses New Weapon DE2-3 86-11-14 p6
CHINA China's Experiment with Capitalism DE2-1 86-9-19 p7
CHINN, BRECKEN Tales of a Big Foreigner in a Little Country DE11-1 90-Oct p5
CHITCHASE, WALTER J., MAJOR Chitchase on NORAD CT19-13 86-5-16 p4
CHOIR "Choir" CT14-9 81-12-4 p5
CHOIR Booth conducts choir CT18-9 85-12-6 p14
CHOIR Spring Choir Concert CT19-10 86-4-18 p14
CHOIR 'Tis the Season CT14-20 82-4-16 p8
CHRISTENSEN, ANDREA Christensen's Bartok and Chocolate Lingerie in Taylor CT29-8
91-4-5 p17
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE COLLEGE Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer
CT19-1 86-1-17 p6&7
CHRISTISON, CARRIE The Colors of God CT19-8 86-5-21 p11
CHRISTMAS 1990 Colorado College to play host to several festival of CT28-9 90-11-16
CHRISTOPHERSON, JASON Christopherson accused of probation violations CT 38-10
96/5/3 p1
CHRISTOPHERSON, JASON Christopherson removed from campus ... CT 38-11 96/5/10
CHURCHILL, WARD Fascist reactor? CT17-11 84-12-14 p2 (pic)
CIRCLE K Bang, you're dead CT15-11 82-12-17 p7
CIRCLE K Busy, busy Circle K CT18-8 85-11-15 p12
CIRCLE K Circle K is service CT18-4 85-10-11 p13
CIRCLE K Circle K throws Vegas-style bash CT25-3 89-3-3 p11
CIRCLE K CLUB Night gambled away CT27-8 90-4-6 p2
CIRCLE K Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer... CT19-1 86-1-17
CIRCLE K Killer game CT13-12 82-1-9
CIRCLE K Skate-a-thon CT13-17 81-2-20
CISNEROS, HENRY Cisneros stresses "Leadership in American Cities"
CT27-2 90-2-2 p3
CISNEROS, HENRY President of the national Civic League visits CC CT27-1 90-1-26
CISPES Graduation protests planned CT16-24 84-5-18 p4
CISPES Salvador service CT17-10 84-12-7 p4
CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Insight - Civil Disobedience CT25-8 89-4-7 p9-12
CIVIL RIGHTS A Question of Civil Rights DE1-5 86-5-23 p6
CLARK, BARBARA General Palmers' Great-great granddaughter cuts CT29-3 91-2-15
CLARK, JENNIE Senior art show goes up in Packard CT 31-6 92/3/27
CLARKE, DOUG CC's Clarke goes bigtime CT17-17 85-5-8 p13 (pic)
CLARKE, DOUG Return of the Canadian CT20-1 86-9-12 p18
CLASS ELECTION - CLASS OF 1995 Class officer election data CT 35-9 94/4/29
CLASS ELECTION '92 Guide to the Candidates CT 31-7 92/4/3
CLASS OF 1990 Elections approach CT25-6 89-3-24 p2
CLASS OF 1991 Class of '91 grads face severe job drought CT29-10 91-4-26 p1
CLASS OF 1992 Class officers chosen for 1991-92 CT29-9 91-4-19 p4
CLASS OF 1996 Class of 1996 Officer Elections CT 32-1 92/9/11
CLASS OF 1999 Where is the Class of '99 headed? CT 43-21 99-5-7
CLASS OF '93 First-years resolve initial fears CT27-11 90-5-4 p8
CLASS OF '96 '96 elects officers CT 32-2 92/9/18
CLASS PHOTO - 1991 New photographer attempts to make senior' faces more CT29-11
91-5-3 p5
CLASSES - BLOWOFF Blowoff classes: A misconception or not? CT29-5 91-3-1 p10
CLEMENTS, CHARLES Dr. Clements in Central America CT19-11 86-4-26 p2
CLEMENTS, CHARLES Fil: "Witness to the War" CT19-9 86-4-11 p14
CLEVELAND STRING QUARTET Cleveland String Quartet CT18-3 85-10-4 p12
CLIMBING To climb or not to climb CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-2
CLOSSON, MICHAEL Closson warns against increasing military dependence CT16-22
84-4-27 p2
COALITION OF ALCOHOL & DRUG EDUCATORS Drug-alcohol education symposium CT22-2
87-09-18 p2
COBIN, SHANA What do you want to do when you grow up DE8-1 89-Sept p12
COBURN ART GALLERY Zabella's Mexican Art CT26-5 89-10-20 p15
COBURN GALLERY Art Exhibit blends religion and sexuality CT27-3 90-2-16 p9
COBURN GALLERY Coburn Gallery displaying the works of David Mahelona CT28-9
90-11-30 p17
COBURN GALLERY Coburn Gallery displays weavings and metal work CT 31-10 92/5/1
15 347
COBURN GALLERY Coburn Gallery features Colorado photographers CT 33-9 93/4/30
16 348
COBURN GALLERY Coburn Gallery presents From Dust to Stone CT29-4 91-2-22 p23
COBURN GALLERY Coburn Shows Senior Art CT 36-8 95/4/14 13 349
COBURN GALLERY Galleria Architects CT26-8 89-11-17 p18
COBURN GALLERY Varied views expressed through varied materials CT27-3 90-3-23
COBURN GALLERY What's new? Chenoweth's art returns CT27-9 90-4-20 p8
COCCODRILL, CURT Back in the U.S.S.R. DE9-2 90-3-6 p11
COCCODRILL, CURT Photographs DE11-1 90-Oct cover
COFFEE HOUSE Coffee House: excellent and incomprehensible CT18-6 85-11-1 p13
COFFEE HOUSE Coffee House CT18-3 85-10-4 p3
COFFEE HOUSE Jo and a show CT16-2 83-9-23 p13
COFFEE HOUSE The Grounds CT19-12 86-5-9 p14
COHEN, ANDREW SCOTT New faculty, Geology department CT15-2 82-9-24 p2
COHEN, NISSAN Cohen examines sentiments in the Middle-East CT14-8 81-11-13 p2
COIT, JOHN Coit's journalism CT17-8 84-11-16 p5
COLBIN, SHANA Colbin combines economics, Argentinean culture while CT29-7 91-3-29
COLBIN, SHANA Senior Shana Colbin acts upon her love of Argentina CT 31-4 92/2/28
COLBY, TREENA Colby abroad: you've got to see it to Belize it CT 32-9 92/12/4
COLE, CHRISTOPHER D. The Awaking Conscience of a soldier DE 16-3 93/5
COLE, CHUCK Dukakis; A vote for the Future DE6-2 88-10-31 p6
COLE, CHUCK Dukakis; Experience we can trust DE6-2 88-10-31 p8
COLE, CHUCK From prosperity to poverty DE6-2 88-10-31 p19
COLE, CHUCK The necessary Contras DE6-1 88-10-5 p7
COLEMAN, JAMES The importance of diversity in the liberal arts CT14-12 82-1-22
COLEMAN, JAMES W. Ex-CC Prof Publishes Literary Biography CT26-1 89-9-15 p5
COLLEGE PHARMACY College Pharmacy robbed CT15-4 82-10-15 p2
COLLEGE SIGN College sign completed with copper inlay CT 30-9 91/12/6
COLLEGIUM MUSICIUM Collegium Musicium sings out CT 36-7 94/11/11 10 409
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM "Briefs" CT14-9 81-12-4 p6
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Auditions CT15-1 82-9-17 p11
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM CC Collegium Musicum CT 45/21 01-05-04
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Collegium Musicum to perform Machaut, Monteverdi, and CT29-10
91-4-26 p17
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Martinson costumes concert CT17-19 85-5-22 p4
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Musical resonance CT16-24 84-5-18 p10
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Sackbuts and Virginals CT16-10 83-12-9 p14 (pic)
COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Winter concert fun CT15-9 82-12-3 p15
COLLINS, T. ROOSEVELT "ROSIE" Honored at ceremonies CT15-3 82-10-8
COLORADO COLLEGE - THEN Those were the good ol' days CT 41-5 97/10/17
COLORADO - WILDERNESS BILL - WATER Water rights issue delays passing of wilderness
bill CT27-4 90-2-23 p4
COLORADO CITIZENS ACTIVE FOR PEACE Nevada-site nuclear test ignites campus protests
CT28-8 90-11-16 p2
COLORADO COLLEGE - A PROFESSOR'S VIEW CC through the Years DE5-4 88-5-13 p4-6
COLORADO COLLEGE - CHOIR Singing in the CC Choir educational, enjoyable CT 43/10
COLORADO COLLEGE - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy Birthday CC w/photos CT25-2 89-2-3 p16
COLORADO COLLEGE - NATIONAL IMAGE Flowering plant revisited CT 30-5 91/10/18
COLORADO COLLEGE - NATIONAL RANKING Flowering blow-off makes top ten listing
CT 30-3 91-1-4
COLORADO COLLEGE - RANKING 1994 CC #20 says U.S. News CT 36-2 94/9/23
COLORADO COLLEGE - RANKING CC jumps to24th in US News ranking liberal art CT
43-2 98-9-18
COLORADO COLLEGE - RANKING College holds steady at number 28 CT 39-2 96/9/20
COLORADO COLLEGE - RANKING Mohrman claims magazine poll lacks proper focus CT
36-2 94/9/23
COLORADO COLLEGE - THEN Turn Back the Clock CT 41-5 97/10/17 4-5b
COLORADO COLLEGE & COLORADO SPRINGS Businesses, Colorado College looks inward
CT 35-4 94/3/4
COLORADO COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CC Alumni visit with students CT27-8 90-4-6
COLORADO COLLEGE AWARDS IN LITERATURE CC Award in Literature grants $10,000
to five literary CT 33-9 93/4/30
COLORADO COLLEGE BLOCK PROGRAM IN CC students experience Mexico on the block
plan CT 32-7 92/11/6
COLORADO COLLEGE CC Drops from Top 25 CT26-6 89-11-3 p1
COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOCIATION CCCA initiates new programs, eases budget,
strengthens CT29-8 91-4-5 p10
COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOCIATION CCCA open forum addresses concerns CT29-4
91-2-22 p6
COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOCIATION CCCA opts not to 'act like U.S. government
CT29-5 91-3-1 p6
91-3-1 p1
COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS ASSOCIATION CCCA strives to personalize its touch CT29-7
91-3-29 p9
COLORADO COLLEGE CAMPUS BUDGET CCCA budget woes haunt new council CT29-5 91-3-1
COLORADO COLLEGE CC ranks high in U.S. News Best values; behind in aid CT 36-3
COLORADO COLLEGE CHAMBER CHORUS Colorado College Chamber Chorus presents spring
CT 31-7 92/4/3 12 363
COLORADO COLLEGE CHORUS CC choir to perform CT 32-9 92/12/4 13 227
COLORADO COLLEGE COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Festive Christmas concert brings yuletide
spirit to CC CT22-9 87-12-04 p17
COLORADO COLLEGE Colorado College far from "radical' environment CT29-11
91-5-3 p11
COLORADO COLLEGE COMMUNITY IMAGE CC making attempts to fight racist image in
local CT28-7 90-11-9 p4
COLORADO COLLEGE COMMUNITY Opinions - Perceptions of CC CT24-10 88-12-9 p12-13
COLORADO COLLEGE Dusting off the Archives CT22-7 87-11-6 p10-11
COLORADO COLLEGE FOUNDER'S DAY CC Founder's Day celebrated Monday CT29-3 91-2-15
COLORADO COLLEGE HATE MAIL CC the target of racist hate mail CT28-2 90-9-21
COLORADO COLLEGE LOGO New logo unveiled for 125th CT 41-11 98-1-30
COLORADO COLLEGE MUSIC PRESS Dept. chairman commissioned to write music CT14-1
81-9-11 p4
COLORADO COLLEGE NATIONAL ALUMNI National Council challenges alumni CT28-3 90-10-5
COLORADO COLLEGE NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Music Ensemble concert Ct 35-7 94/4/8
COLORADO COLLEGE NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE New Music Ensemble explores new music CT
33-7 93/4/16 14 898
COLORADO COLLEGE RANKING CC drops in rankings CT 32-3 92/10/9
COLORADO COLLEGE ROBOTICS GROUP Intelligent life at CC? CT20-4 86-10-10 p7
COLORADO COLLEGE STUDENT AMBASSADOR Student ambassadors sought to represent
CC CT 32-2 92/9/18
COLORADO COLLEGE STUDENT AMBASSADORS Student Ambassador openings offer free
meals CT 33-9 93/4/30
COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO A Trio of Talent CT24-7 88-11-11 p18
COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO CC Trio performs Sunday CT 33-4 93/3/5 16 284
COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO CC Trio slated for Packard CT 30-8 91/11/15 13 285
COLORADO COLLEGE WOMEN'S ATHLETICS Donlin fundraiser a success CT28-7 90-11-9
COLORADO SPRINGS - ART Art in its place CT19-4 86-2-14 p13
COLORADO SPRINGS - ECONOMY CC impacts local economy CT17-11 84-12-14 p1
COLORADO SPRINGS - ENVIRONMENT Acid rain in CO CT17-24 85-5-17 p3
COLORADO SPRINGS - ENVIRONMENT Profs want better Springs CT17-15 85-2-15 p12
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Dealing with growth CT17-20 85-4-12 p10-11
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Dealing with growth CT17-21 85-4-19 p13
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Dealing with growth CT17-22 85-4-26 p9
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Dealing with growth CT17-23 85-5-10 p11
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Dealing with growth, brown cloud blues CT17-24 85-5-17
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Floodplain development dangerous CT17-17 85-5-8 p10-11
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH More military for Springs CT17-18 85-5-15 p13
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Springs growth: Opportunity vs. Responsibility CT17-16
85-2-25 p6-7
COLORADO SPRINGS - GROWTH Springs leaders "Dealing with Growth" CT17-14
85-2-8 p9
COLORADO SPRINGS - GUIDE Alpestrine Adventures CT16-1 83-9-16 p10,11
COLORADO SPRINGS - HOUSES Cat haven lost for ever and ever - CT15-5 82-10-22
p7 (pic)
COLORADO SPRINGS - KU KLUX KLAN When the KKK got booted CT20-10 86-12-12 p15
COLORADO SPRINGS - NEWSPAPERS Springs newspapers reflect disinterest in CC CT17-11
84-12-14 p8
COLORADO SPRINGS - POVERTY Colorado Springs: Images of Homelessness CT19-3 86-2-7
COLORADO SPRINGS - POVERTY The wounds of Colorado Springs: a band-aid for poverty
CT17-18 85-5-15 p8&9
COLORADO SPRINGS - POVERTY To live and work with homeless people CT19-4 86-2-14
COLORADO SPRINGS - SPORTS City sports extravaganza booming (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21
COLORADO SPRINGS - WATER Once a desert now a college CT17-14 85-2-8 p8
COLORADO SPRINGS CC impacts local economy CT17-11 84-12-14 p1
COLORADO SPRINGS Colorado Springs Drivers on the Road to a Smoggy DE5-2 88-2-19
COLORADO SPRINGS DANCE THEATER Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane & Company CT19-1
86-1-17 p14 (pic)
COLORADO SPRINGS DANCE THEATER Dance company presents historical works CT14-12
82-1-22 p8
COLORADO SPRINGS POLICE The Rules: What you should know about the CC and the
CT 41-2 97/9/19 6-7
COLORADO SPRINGS Rich relationships CT16-12 84-1-20 p8-9
COLORADO SPRINGS Springs newspapers reflect disinterest in CC CT17-11 84-12-14
COLORADO SPRINGS The Colorado College is located in Colorado Springs CT15-1
82-9-17 p8-9
COLORADO STATE STUDENT CSSA seeks student support CT16-22 84-4-27 p3
COMMENCEMENT - 1992 Seniors debate commencement CT31-2 92-2-7 p?
COMMENCEMENT - 1999 Graduation speaker selection poorly executed CT 43-21 99-5-7
COMMENCEMENT 1990 Sidney Pollack to address seniors at commencement CT27-4 90-2-23
COMMENCEMENT 1997 Cartoonist to speak at 1997 commencement CT 39-4 96/10/11
COMMENCEMENT 2001 Graduation Schedule of Events CT 45/22 01-05-11
COMMENCEMENT '97 Commencement '97 CT 40-10 97/5/2
COMMENCEMENT Cheney to deliver commencement address CT20-8 86-11-14 p2
COMMENCEMENT Commencement Activities Planned CT 36-11 95/5/5
COMMENCEMENT Commencement demonstration CT22-1 87-09-11 p2
COMMENCEMENT David McCullough to give commencement address CT17-16 85-2-25 p2
COMMENCEMENT Graduation Action Planned for CC CT19-14 86-5-23 p5
COMMENCEMENT Seniors say goodbye to life at CC... CT38-11 96/5/10 p1
COMMENCEMENT Simpson to give Commencement address CT19-2 86-1-24 p4
COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER1998 1998 grad speaker chosen CT 41-12 98-2-6
COMMENCEMENT1993 Seniors choose speaker CT 32-8 92/11/13
COMMENCEMENT1996 Commencement speaker announced ct 37-1 95/9/15 p4
COMMENCEMENT1996 Seniors say goodbye to life at CC, hello to life after CT 38-11
96/5/10 p1
COMMITTEE - CAPITAL NEEDS ASSESMENT Needs assessment CT15-20 83-3-25 p2
COMMITTEE - CAPITAL NEEDS ASSESMENT Student apathy CT15-23 83-4-29 p2
COMMITTEE - EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Eight block plan revisited: An elegant proposal
CT20-3 86-10-3 p8
COMMITTEE - EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Factors for eight blocks CT20-3 86-10-3 p9
COMMITTEE - EIGHT BLOCK YEAR In defense ... Quality not Quantity CT20-3 86-10-3
COMMITTEE - EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Out of the closet CT20-3 86-10-3 p9
COMMITTEE - EIGHT BLOCK YEAR The benefit to students CT20-3 86-10-3 p8
COMMITTEE - SHAREHOLDER Shareholder responsibility CT20-5 86-10-17 p3
COMMITTEE ON INSTRUCTION COI holds elections CT14-21 82-4-23 p5
COMMITTEE ON INSTRUCTION Course changes CT15-15 83-2-3 p2
COMMITTEE ON THE CALENDER Calendar Committee rethinks Block Plan CT17-8 84-11-16
COMMUNITY KITCHEN - SHOVE Volunteers share time, talents at Shove CT 39-2 96/9/20
COMMUNITY KITCHEN, CC Community Kitchen volunteers help those less fortunate
CT 37-4 95/10/20 p1
COMMUNITY OUTREACH CC and Marriott to donate meals to local shelter CT28-7 90-11-9
COMMUNITY OUTREACH CC students to help fight erosion on local trails CT28-5
90-11-2 p2
COMMUNITY SERVICE ABC trip offers chance to do community service CT 30-1 91/9/13
COMMUNITY SERVICE Community service is about caring CT28-11 90-12-14 p11
COMMUNITY SERVICE Students Help Homeless Shelter CT 36-1 95/2/3
COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Students turn to Comparative Literature for subject CT29-5
91-3-1 p10
COMPUTER - COLORADO COLLEGE Computer woes, Solving CT22-10 87-12-11 p10
COMPUTER - ResNet New computer access project implemented CT39-5 96-10-18 p11
COMPUTER POLICY COMMITTEE Computer Survey sent to students CT24-7 88-11-11 p2
COMPUTER SYSTEMS - CAMPUS Computer systems here falter during finals CT 34-6
CONNELL, DAQN Famine Fed by War DE5-3 88-4-15 p5
CONSORT OF MUSICKE Reviving the Renaissance CT25-2 89-2-3 p14
CONTRA DANCING Contra dancing provides cultural exercise CT 31-2 92/2/7 14 388
CONTRACEPTION Insight - Contraception CT25-3 89-2-17 p9-12
CONVOCATION - OPENING Convocation begins school year CT24-1 88-9-16 p2
CONVOCATION - OPENING Next fall's opening ceremony speakers chosen already CT
33-10 93/5/7
CONVOCATION, OPENING Opening Convocation inspires rise from uncertainty CT37-1
95-9-15 p10
CONVOCATION Convocation Awards Distributed CT19-14 86-5-23 p1&4
CONVOCATION Convocation opens College's 122nd academic year CT 37-1 95/9/95
CONVOCATIONS Convocation, Concerning CT22-1 87-09-11 p12
COOK, JOHN Campus artists abound (pic) CT16-18 84-3-16 p9
COOK, JOHN CC awards in literature given CT17-25 85-5-24 p2
COOK, JOHN Critic's review "Swamp" an uncut diamond (pic) CT19-1 86-1-17
COOK, KYLEE Stream of Chicagoness -Heart Balm DE9-3&5 90-5-10 p24 +
COOPER, DR. DAVID Wetland Endangered CT26-7 89-11-10 p4
COPIR - COLORADO PUBIC INTEREST CoPir What? CT24-6 88-11-4 p14
CoPIRG CC CoPIRG to be established CT15-23 83-4-29 p3
CoPIRG CCCA votes to support CoPIRG CT16-24 84-5-18 p1
CoPIRG CCCA debates CoPIRG CT16-9 83-11-18 p3
CoPIRG Clean up your act DE 86-10-17 p3
CoPIRG Controversy at CoPIRG (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8 p3
CoPIRG CoPIRG begins Citizens' Outreach CT16-25 84-5-25 p2
CoPIRG CoPIRG coming to CC CT18-5 85-10-18 p5
CoPIRG CoPIRG fights for funds CT18-8 85-11-15 p1
CoPIRG CoPIRG gets $4,099 CT17-23 85-5-10 p3
CoPIRG CoPIRG nixes Board's funding CT17-1 84-9-7 p1
CoPIRG CoPIRG stirs debate CT16-15 84-2-17 p1
CoPIRG CoPIRG: a definite "no" to funding CT17-3 84-9-21 p5
CoPIRG Election analysis CT16-10 83-12-9 p5
CoPIRG Geoffrey Wilson addresses hazardous waste CT17-16 85-2-25 p1
CoPIRG NoPIRG at CC CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
CoPIRG PIRG grows CT16-2 83-9-23 p4
CoPIRG PIRG launched CT CT15-26 83-5-27 p2
CoPIRG Students to vote on CoPIRG CT16-9 83-12-2 p3
CoPIRG Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget: no funding for CoPIRG CT17-18 85-5-15
COPYRIGHT Copyright regs strengthened CT35-3 95-2-25 p?
COREA, HICK Jazz musician will perform (pic) CT15-7 82-11-12 p10
CORIELL, BRUCE Bearing a heavy cross: gays, lesbians and Christianity CT25-7
89-3-31 p2
CORIELL, BRUCE Chaplain Bruce Coriell heads college's fledgling CT29-3 91-2-15
CORIELL, BRUCE Chaplain excited about position at CC CT 39-5 96/10/18 p9
CORIELL, BRUCE Chaplain hopes to further divestment cause thru CT28-4 90-10-12
CORIELL, BRUCE Grace and Coriell move to clarify Amendment 2 CT 33-2 93/2/12
CORIELL, BRUCE Interview: Bruce Coriell on work at CC CT 34-9 93/12/3
CORIELL, BRUCE New chaplain seeks unity and spirituality CT25-2 89-2-3 p2
CORIELL, BRUCE Spring Break offers rewards - photo included CT27-3 90-3-23 p8
CORKEN, DOUG Skiers soar (pic) CT21-1 87-1-16 p19
CORNICK, NORMAN Goodbye to Norman Cornick (pic) CT16-25 84-5-25 p6
CORREA da COSTA, SERGIO Brazilian Ambassador Speaks at Jovanovich Lecture CT20-2
86-9-19 p1
CORREA da COSTA, SERGIO Brazilian Ambassador to Deliver Jovanich Lecture CT20-1
86-9-12 p2
COSGROVE, ROBERT J. Alum wills more than $5 million to CC endowment CT29-6 91-3-22
COSTA, GUSTAVO El Salvadoran begs U.S. withdrawal CT17-21 85-4-19 p3
COSTA, GUSTAVO El Salvadoran in exile speaks CT17-20 85-4-12 p2
COSTELLO, CATHY Costello displays mixed bag of talents CT27-2 90-2-2 p5
COULTER, CRAIG Nato: Part One DE6-4 88-12-16 p18
COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS CC fundraising gets aggressive CT15-6 82-11-12 p3
COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS CC heads fete leadership group CT15-2 82-9-24 p6
COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS President's council solicits donations CT15-7 82-11-12
COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE Exchange council offers foreign work experiences
CT28-10 90-12-7 p5
COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE Exchange council offers foreign work experiences
CT28-10 90-12-7 p5
COUNSELING CENTER Amateur shrinks CT16-1 83-9-16 [p7
COUNSELING CENTER Common problems given group support CT 82-9-24 p5
COUNSELING CENTER New professional shrinks CT16-1 83-9-16 p7
COUNSELING CENTER Stress counseling offered by Boettcher CT14-1 81-9-11 p4
COUROGEN, PETER Trialthletes do it better (pic) CT18-2 85-9-20 p14
COURSE SELECTION-PREREGISTRATION Majors Day puts preregistration in motion CT27-3
90-3-23 p2
COWART, CLAUDE Coach Cowart resigns CT15-22 83-4-22 p15
COWART, CLAUDE Water down the drain? CT17-5 84-10-12 p8
COX, MICHAEL Alternatives for WaldoThe Fate of a Canyon CT26-10 89-12-8 p9
COZINE, ANDREW 1,000 Angels wins $1,000 CT24-6 88-11-4 p1
CRABTREE, DAVID Multi-media philosophy CT17-18 85-5-15 p10
CRABTREE, DAVID Performance Art: 'FREEDOM' (pic) CT17-19 85-5-22 p4
CRABTREE, MELISSA Crying Earth: The Story of the Big Mountain DE6-4 88-12-17
CRAMER, JIM CCCA member resigns CT17-21 85-4-19 p2
CRAMER, OWEN Cramer Plays Jesus CT19-5 86-2-21 p14
CRAMER, OWEN Faculty focuses outward CT16-1 83-9-16 p4
CRAMER, OWEN L.L.L.S. and the meaning of life (pic) CT18-5 85-10-18 p2
CRAMER, OWEN Owen Cramer at a glance (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8 p12
CRAMER, OWEN Teaching: humiliation and humor (pic) CT16-23 84-5-11 p7
CRAWFORD, ELIZABETH Confusion and Coherency CT21-10 87-4-17 p16
CREATIVE SPEAKING AND DEBATE Slated for Next Block CT21-11 87-4-24 p3
CREATIVE WRITING AWARD - COLORADO Writing award up for grabs CT 33-4 93/3/5
CRECELIUS, DANIEL Crecelius, Keourie to lecture on Middle East CT19-4 86-2-14
CREPEAU, NICOLE New Coach Nicole Crapeau (Soccer) CT 36-1 94-9-16 20 887
CRIME Crime wave sweeps community CT23-3 88-2-05 p1
CRONIN, THOMAS CC profs evaluate Clinton's performance CT 33-4 93-3-5
CRONIN, THOMAS Cronin brothers: two birds of a feather? CT 30-9 91/12/6
CRONIN, THOMAS Cronin elected president of association CT 31-9 92/4/24
CRONIN, THOMAS Cronin honored CT 33-2 93/2/12
CRONIN, THOMAS Cronin moves on CT 33-11 93/5/14
CRONIN, THOMAS E. A Checklist for Leadership DE5-1 88-1-21 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Alternatives to primary system proposed (pic) CT16-18 84-3-16
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Congressional race unique at best CT15-5 82-10-22 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin announces candidacy (Congress) CT14-24 82-5-21 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin appointed to Leadership Chair CT19-1 86-1-17 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin Article in TV Guide CT26-5 89-10-20 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin defeated CT15-6 82-11-5 p1
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin draws on CC support CT15-1 82-9-17 p5
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin elected to Political Science Association CT28-1 90-9-14
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin examines war on crime (pic) CT14-15 82-5-5 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin featured in LWV Anniversary CT23-3 88-2-05 p2
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin kicks off Greek Week CT17-24 85-5-17 p2
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin nominated for "Emmy" award CT22-2 87-09-18
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin offers Advice: How to mild CC for all its worth CT21-7
87-5-13 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin paints portrait of a leader (pic) CT14-19 82-4-9 p1
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin recovers (pic) CT15-14 83-1-28 p5
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin runs hard (pic) CT15-3 82-10-8 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin speaks on Reagan policy (pic) CT14-2 81-9-25 p2
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin to get the Chair (pic) CT20-1 86-9-12 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin to give L.L.L.S.-Loomis Last Lecture Series CT25-6
89-3-24 p2
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin to return 1986-87 CT18-3 85-10-4 p11
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronin to speak CT26-4 89-10-13 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Cronins tour Asia CT17-6 84-10-19 p5
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Faculty advise professional vitality to peers CT25-4 89-2-24
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Filed narrows as Candidates come to play CT23-7 88-3-11 p1
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Leadership in a Diverse Society (pic) CT19-7 86-5-14 p4&5
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Leadership Symposium CT19-5 86-2-21 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Post-election reflection CT17-8 84-11-16 p4
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Professor's wisdom inspires students as part of Last CT25-8
89-4-7 p13
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Text distributed with computer games CT16-20 84-4-13 p2
CRONIN, THOMAS E. Tomorrow's leaders hit the trail CT17-20 85-4-12 p11
CRONIN, THOMAS Loevy and Cronin write for political series CT29-4 91-2-22 p3
CRONIN, THOMAS Prof. Cronin honored CT 33-10 93/5/7
CRONIN, THOMAS Riley takes sabbatical; Cronin steps into office CT28-8 90-11-30
CRONIN, THOMAS Tom Cronin to sponsor all-campus forensics meet CT28-9 90-11-30
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN & WOMEN Cross Country teams miss a national berth ...
CT 37-8 95/11/17 p16
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN & WOMEN Low altitude at Ft. Hayes produces fast times
for M & CT37-4 95-10-20 p16
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN & WOMEN Making harrier history CT 37-6 95/11/10 p17
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Cross country scores upset over USC in Pueblo CT 30-3 91/10/4
17 400
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Cross Country takes to home turf for annual CC Invite CT
36-1 94/9/16 19 401
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Cross country, fresh off home success, heads south for CT
36-2 94/9/23 19 408
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Men look for key to nationals CT30-8 91-11-15 18 802
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Men's cross country sets personal bests CT 30-6 91/11/1
17 810
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Men's cross country takes first meet in stride CT 30-2 91/9/20
17 811
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN Runners capture second CT 30-4 91/10/11
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Van of freaks travel cross country CT 34-6
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S CC X-C Finishes in Iowa CT26-8 89-11-17 p23
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S CC Tigers run wild CT26-4 89-10-13 p18
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Cross Country teams focus on National meet CT 32-8 92/11/13
18 405
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Macken fares poorly at Nationals CT32-9 92-12-4 18 777
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Macken takes third at Hastings Invitational CT28-5* 90-10-19
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men look to regionals CT28-5 90-11-2 p17
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men to go nationals for first time in CC history CT28-8
90-11-16 p19
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's cross country ends USC domination CT32-3 92-10-9
19 809
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's cross country finishes a strong second in CC CT28-4
90-10-12 p18
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's X-C competes at regionals CT34-9 93-12-3 15 845
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's X-C is ready for '89 CT26-2 89-9-22 p20
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's x-country looks to nationals CT 32-1 92/9/11 21
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Men's cross country continues to improve CT32-7 92-11-6
19 854
CROSS COUNTRY - MEN'S Pena leads Tiger Runners CT26-6 89-11-3 p18
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN Cross Country women take third at invite CT 32-2 92/9/18
20 407
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN Women cherish lack o' bunhuggers CT30-6 91-11-1
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN Women take third at home meet C 30-4 91-10-11
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN Women's cross country begins CT30-1 91-9-13
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN Women's cross country finishes with lucky seven CT30-7
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Conquering the mountain CT 43/7 98-11-6
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Third road trip brings third trophy CT28-5* 90-10-19
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Womens' cross country claims top spot annual CT43-2
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's cross country end season short of nationals
CT28-8 90-11-16 p19
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's cross country finished fourth ... CT28-2 90-9-21
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's cross country gains new depth CT 32-1 92/9/11
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's cross country posts strong showing at USC CT
32-3 92/10/2
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's cross country races to first place finish at
CT28-3 90-10-5 p21
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's x-country again sets season records CT 32-6
CROSS COUNTRY - WOMEN'S Women's x-country wraps up season CT32-9 92-12-4
CROSS COUNTRY 3 cross country Tigers earn all-region. CT 45/8 00-11-17
CROSS COUNTRY CC cross country team finishes 15th at nationals CT28-9 90-11-30
CROSS COUNTRY Colby prepares for X-country invasion CT 36-3 94/10/7 19 353
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country a success at nationals CT 39-9 96/12/6 p17
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country aiming for nationals CT 39-6 96/11/1 p19
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country deals with loss of runner CT 34-1 93/9/10 18 398
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country gives stellar performance CT 39-5 96/10/18 p19
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country invitational starts off 2000-2001 CT 45/1 00-09-15
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country makes history CT 39-8 96/11/15 p17
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country powered by momentum CT 39-4 96/10/11 p22
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country primed and ready CT 34-8 93/11/12 17 399
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country puts opponents out to pasture CT 34-4 93/10/8
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country sets expectations high for '98 CT 43-1 98-9-11
CROSS COUNTRY Cross country squad runs for nationals CT41-2 97/9/19
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country takes to Kansas CT36-4 94/10/14 19 402
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country takes to Kansas CT36-4 94/10/14 19 403
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country teams finis strong at Alamosa CT 34-2 93/9/17 19
CROSS COUNTRY Cross Country teams remember Lance CT34-9 93/12/3 13 406
CROSS COUNTRY Harriers brave freak Kansas hurricane CT36-5 94/10/21 19 621
CROSS COUNTRY Low altitudes bring high times as cross country. CT43-3 98-10-2
CROSS COUNTRY Men's cross country runs to third place finish at CT28-1 90-9-21
CROSS COUNTRY Phenomenal runners go national CT39-8 96/11/15 p1
CROSS COUNTRY Runners on attack at Air Force, Women impress at CT34-3 93/10/1
CROSS COUNTRY Tiger starts XC invite, runners finish strong CT37-2 95-9-22 p21
CROSS COUNTRY Tigers race to 12th and 13th at regional competition CT36-8 94/11/18
CROSS COUNTRY- WOMEN'S Nesbitt paces women to fourth straight victory CT28-5
90-11-2 p17
CROSS COUNTRY WOMEN'S X-C win dedicated to Jen CT34-7 93/11/5
CROSS COUNTRY X-country takes third at Adams State CT32-2 92/9/18
CROSS, DANIEL CC's Athletic Goals: Division I, Pro DE5-4 88-5-13 p10
CROSS, DANIEL Wooglin's co-owned by recent CC grads CT29-4 91-2-22 p9
CROSS, JAMES Mediocrity won't cut it CT17-14 85-2-8 p13
CROSS, JAMES Named new basketball coach CT15-22 83-4-22 p14
CROSS, JIM Cross accepts Head Coach position at Ft. Lewis CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-1
CROSS, MIKE Fiddler in the Springs (pic) CT16-3 83-10-7 p14
CROSS, MIKE Fiddlin' philosopher (pic) CT16-4 83-10-14 p13
CROSSEY, JAMES CC dims lights CT15-15 83-2-11 p2
CROSSEY, JAMES Director of the Colorado College Physical Plant will CT15-15
83-2-11 p2
CROSSROADS - CATHOLIC COMMUNITY AT CC Catholic community provides support, serves
Springs CT 30-7 91/11/8
CROZIER, KIM Outward Bound teaches leadership (pic) CT21-4 87-2-13 p12
CSSA CSSA: lobby group launches CT16-4 83-10-14
CUBA Cuba: I was there DE1-4 86-3-21 p8
CULVER, KERI In search of Utopia DE6-3 88-11-23 p7-8
CUNNINGHAM, JOHNNY Cittern in concert (pic) CT16-12 84-1-20 p11
CUNNINGHAM, JOHNNY Magical Celtic concert (pic) CT16-14 84-2-10 p10
CUNNINGHAM, KIRK Cunningham rips dam CT18-6 85-11-1 p3
CURRICULUM - CELLO Cello quartet will dazzle CC with performance CT 36-6 94/11/4 14 323
CURRICULUM - CHICAGO SEMESTER IN Discover Chicago Semester in the Arts CT30-5 91-10-18 p15 441
CURRICULUM - DANCE Anything your heart desires and then some; Dance’s Toe CT 30-7 91/11/8
CURRICULUM - DANCE Dance Workshop pools their talent for show CT34-8 93-11-12 p13 420
CURRICULUM - DANCE Dance Workshop’s production of “Pieces Parts” has CT36-7 94-11-11 p15 422
CURRICULUM - DANCE Feet on Fire CT 33-5 93/3/12 14 499
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA - ALUMNI Alumni-written play Rahel Butah ’97. CT 42-16 98-3-27 4B
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA - THEATRE Theatre Workshop presents Modular Madness CT33-2 93-2-12
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA American Inquisition acted out in “The Crucible” CT 36-8 94/11/18 13
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA CC drama department offers “House of Blue Leaves” CT 31-3 92/2/21 13 233
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA Christina Serkowski’s personal drama column CT32-3 92-10-9 p14 335
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA If ‘The Gods Are Not to Blame, Sophocles is!’ CT 30-5 91/10/18 13 676
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Magyar leads talented cast in superb play CT41-9 97-12-5 2B
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Musical production “Alice” shows feminine life CT 41-10 97-12-12 3B
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Nigerian playwright directs own ‘The Gods Are Not TO CT 30-4 91/10/11 14 911
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Romeo and Juliet super fun and excitement to CC CT32-7 92-11-6
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Students will perform a steamy “La Ronde” CT 36-6 94/11/4
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Visiting directors steal the spotlight (Kealey & CT33-3 93-2-26
CURRICULUM - ECONOMICS Econ students visit southern Colorado CT 39-6 96/11/1 p11
CURRICULUM - FILM MAKING Basic Film-making class inspires student to make film ct 31-5 92/3/6 12 119
CURRICULUM - GEOLOGY & ECOLOGY Geology & Ecology of the Southwest at 65 M.P.H. CT 32-9 92/12/4
CURRICULUM - GERMAN German Series starts with “Pandora’s Box” CT 36-1 94/9/16 14 567
CURRICULUM - GERMAN THE PHYSICISTS marks 25 years of German plays CT 33-6 93/4/2
CURRICULUM - GRADING SYSTEM Faculty reinstates D grade to begin 1998-99 school CT 42-20 98-5-1
CURRICULUM - HALF-BLOCK - LIBRARY Library offers half block course CT 36-10 94/12/9
CURRICULUM - HALF-BLOCK Half hearted about your half-block? Kill some time in CT 36-11 94/12/16 10 616
CURRICULUM - HALF-BLOCK1992 New half-block draws nearly 500 CT 31-1 92/1/31
CURRICULUM - HISTORY Guidelines for revamped history major released CT 42-17 98-4-3
CURRICULUM - MATHEMATICS Math lab graces Palmer with new computers CT 33-3 93/2/26
CURRICULUM - MUSIC - GAMELON CC orchestra performs Balinese ensemble CT 33-6 93/4/2 14 254
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Horn recital plays today CT 33-7 93/4/16 14 665
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Master classes offered to CC music students CT 31-3 92/2/21 15 789
CURRICULUM - MUSIC The Colorado College music scene: a synopsis thereof CT 30-1 91/9/13
CURRICULUM - POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Science summer course offered CT 31-6 92/3/27
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD - LUNEBURG Luneburg home away from home for visiting students CT 36-10 94/12/9 10 775
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Geology student ventures to Soviet Georgia, Perpignan, CT 30-10 91/12/13
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Resources available for students to learn in foreign CT 30-4 91/10/11
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Student returns from Costa Rica, appreciates choices CT 30-4 91/10/11
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Study Abroad opportunities increasing in popularity at CT43-6 98-10-30 4b
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Study abroad program opens new horizons CT 30-3 91/10/4
CURRICULUM - URBAN STUDIES Urban Studies provides learning experience CT 30-3 91/10/4
CURRICULUM - WILD CARD OPTION Wildcard option still misunderstood CT 30-4 91/10/11
CURRICULUM - ALCOHOL / DRUGS IN AMERICAN LIFE Student initiates new course focusing on drugs CT25-7 89-3-31 p13
CURRICULUM - ANTHROPOLOGY Students dig up the past in Baca County CT26-5 89-10-20 p5
CURRICULUM - BIOLOGY Dealing with growth-trouble in Aiken canyon CT17-15 85-2-15 p10-11
CURRICULUM - BUSINESS ECONOMICS Business Major to include Economics CT14-13 82-2-5 p1
CURRICULUM - BUSINESS ECONOMICS Business-Economics major axed CT19-4 86-2-14 p1
CURRICULUM - BUSINESS ECONOMICS Econ specialists slated for 87-88 CT21-8 87-3-20 p8
CURRICULUM - BUSINESS ECONOMICS What are Ethics in Business? (pic) CT21-5 87-2-20 p1
CURRICULUM - CHINESE Chinese professor teaches Eastern beauty, intellect CT24-5 88-10-21 p9
CURRICULUM - COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Comparative lit. initiated at CC CT21-3 87-2-6 p9
CURRICULUM - CUTLER BOARD CCCA and Cutler Board sign ‘84-’85 contracts CT17-8 84-11-16 p3
CURRICULUM - CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board president elect Sharon Brady (pic) CT16-22 84-4-27 p2
CURRICULUM - CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board to hold elections CT16-24 84-5-18 p2
CURRICULUM - CUTLER BOARD Publications board votes illegally CT16-22 84-4-27 p1
CURRICULUM - DANCE Dance concert promises unique diversity CT 40-5 97-3-7
CURRICULUM - ENGLISH - MARTINDALE Write a story for $1000 CT23-13 88-5-13 p4
CURRICULUM - FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY BACA Excavating the desert (pic) CT17-4 84-10-5 p10-11
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION “Minors Day” next Tuesday CT17-15 85-2-15 p2
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION General ed. requirements enter second year CT17-5 84-10-12 p3
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION General education proposal launched CT15-12 83-1-14 p1
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” (pic) CT15-5 82-10-22 p9
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES CC offers nuclear peril minor (pic) CT16-20 84-4-13 p7
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES Look: course requirements to change CT15-4 82-10-15 p4
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES New courses to be taught CT14-16 82-3-12 p5
CURRICULUM - GERMAN DEPARTMENT Drama features Brecht hearing CT17-17 85-5-8 p7
CURRICULUM - GERMAN DEPARTMENT ‘Eine Brecht Primer’ informative show CT17-19 85-5-22 p4
CURRICULUM - GERMAN DEPARTMENT Romulus the Great slated for next week CT21-9 87-4-10 p1
CURRICULUM - GERMAN PROGRAM German culture at Hochschule Luneberg CT16-15 85-10-4 p12
CURRICULUM - GERMAN PROGRAM Scholarships for study in Germany awarded CT21-5 87-2-20 p2
CURRICULUM - INDIA PROGRAM Orientation for India studies moves to CC in 1988 CT21-14 87-5-22 p2
CURRICULUM - JAPANESE AND CHINESE Japanese and Chinese to be taught next year CT23-13 88-5-13 p1
CURRICULUM - JAPANESE AND CHINESE Japanese and Chinese, Campus converses CT23-3 88-2-05 p4
CURRICULUM - LONDON PROGRAM Study opportunities the Anglo-Italian way CT18-10 85-12-13 p12
CURRICULUM - MANCHESTER PROGRAM Manchester representative to speak CT18-2 85-9-20 p9
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Alurista leads CC students to Guanajuato, Mexico (pic) CT16-24 84-5-18 p6
CURRICULUM - PHILOSOPHY Philosophy Dept. changes major requirements CT19-5 86-2-21 p4
CURRICULUM - PHYSICAL EDUCATION Sports Medicine Class CT15-25 83-5-20 p17
CURRICULUM - POLITICAL SCIENCE CC has “one of the most prominent small political CT29-10 91-4-26 p10
CURRICULUM - RUSSIAN Russian: CC admits High School Juniors CT23-6 88-3-04 p3
CURRICULUM - SOCIOLOGY “Powerlessness in the Inner City” CT15-26 83-5-27 p6
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES Conservation, development issues examined CT14-22 82-5-7 p3
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES New courses: Conservation and Wilderness: the CT14-20 82-4-16 p5
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES Only Earth - environmental and social issues in the ct14-24 82-5-21 p7
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES World View: Experts stress security... and biological CT14-24 82-5-21 p8
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Semester at Sea Offers Variety to Students CT 36-9 95/4/28
CURRICULUM - STUDY ABROAD Study Abroad Program Introduced in Asia CT 36-8 95/4/14
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINOR 51 Faculty wants a change CT17-23 85-5-10 p3
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINOR Fair launches new minors program CT17-16 85-2-25 p1
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINOR Grants for Science and Curriculum study awarded CT21-5 87-5-13 p6
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINOR Thematic minors optional: Faculty shuffles CT18-1 85-9-13
CURRICULUM - URBAN STUDIES PROGRAM Chicago urban studies - Urban reality (pic) CT15-3 82-10-8 p4
CURRICULUM - URBAN STUDIES PROGRAM The real thing: experimental education CT18-4 85-10-11 p12
CURRICULUM - WOMEN’S STUDIES Women’s studies broadens horizons CT23-6 88-3-04 p9
CURRICULUM CC Anthropology Department takes full advantage of the CT29-11 91-5-3 p9
CURRICULUM CC should go all the way with curriculum changes CT14-15 82-3-5 p8
CURRICULUM- OFF CAMPUS COURSES Should CC eliminate its more expensive off-campus CT25-3 89-3-3 p7
CURRICULUM Theory and Praxis: a new view CT15-4 82-10-82 p2
CURRICULUM - HALF BLOCK Half Block critiqued by students CT 32-5 92/10/16
CURRICULUM - DANCE Senior dance recital features T’ai chi CT33-9 93-4-30
CURRICULIUM - DRAMA - ONE ACTS One Acts open with a bang CT 33-11 93/5/14 13 928
CURRICULUM CHANGES A Minor Argument for Journalism at CC CT 36-3 95/2/24 7
CURRICULUM Four goals for Liberal Arts CT14-11 82-1-15 p2
CURRICULUM Interdisciplinary minor proposed CT14-11 82-1-15 p2
CURRICULUM Understanding of General Education needed CT14-13 82-2-5 p5
CURRICULUM Business major to include economics CT14-13 82-2-5 p1
CURRICULUM Business majors know their true worth? CT14-13 82-2-5 p5
CURRICULUM APC proposes changes CT14-21 82-4-23 p1
CURRICULUM COI holds elections CT14-21 82-4-23 p5
CURRICULUM Photo program at Colorado College CT14-24 82-5-21 p5
CURRICULUM - COURSE OF STUDY Major major major CT15-1 82-9-17 p7
CURRICULUM - COURSE OF STUDY Course change? CT15-2 82-10-8 p1
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES Minor innovations CT15-4 82-10-15 p7
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES East meets West CT15-5 82-10-22 p13
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES The West is the best CT15-5 82-10-22 p8
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES Southwest studies CT15-5 82-10-22 p2
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION Faculty vote “yes” CT15-6 82-11-5 p1
CURRICULUM Latin American Studies Program CT15-6 82-11-5 p4
CURRICULUM - GERMAN PROGRAM The German connection CT15-16 83-2-18 p7
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Mexico for you (pic) CT15-16 83-2-18 p6
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES Serious students CT16-3 83-10-7 p2
CURRICULUM - SCIENCE A shot in the arm (pic) CT16-9 83-12-2 p7
CURRICULUM - GERMAN PROGRAM Lots of Lech CT15-16 83-12-9 p6
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Cuernavaca program CT16-14 84-2-10 p8
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION Minor conflict CT16-15 84-2-17 p9
CURRICULUM - GERMAN DEPARTMENT German language day CT16-22 84-4-27 p14
CURRICULUM - FRENCH PROGRAM Perpignan program CT17-6 84-10-19 p5
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Tell us about the bomb CT18-7 85-1-8 p10
CURRICULUM Bogtrotting biology CT17-13 85-1-25 p3
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Fall in Mexico CT17-15 85-2-15 p2
CURRICULUM - ITALY PROGRAM Summer in Italy CT17-16 85-2-25 p2
CURRICULUM Class studies art of books CT17-16 85-2-25 p8
CURRICULUM - LONDON PROGRAM Pencils and pubs CT17-23 85-5-10 p12
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINOR Minor headaches CT17-24 85-5-17 p10
CURRICULUM Stagnant students made at CC CT17-19 85-5-22 p12
CURRICULUM Faculty looks to change curriculum CT17-25 85-5-24 p1
CURRICULUM - LONDON PROGRAM All write summer in London CT18-9 85-12-6 p2
CURRICULUM - INDIA PROGRAM Studying in India CT18-1 85-9-13 p3
CURRICULUM New liberal arts program CT18-1 85-9-13 p3
CURRICULUM Program charts intellect CT18-2 85-9-20 p5
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Students feel quake CT18-3 85-10-4 p4
CURRICULUM Denver Post article stirs discussion CT18-3 85-10-4 p1
CURRICULUM - BUSINESS ECONOMICS A future in PR CT18-10 85-12-13 p3
CURRICULUM - FRENCH PROGRAM French culture CT19-1 86-1-17 p3
CURRICULUM - PHILOSOPHY CC Student in Hong Kong CT19-2 86-1-24 p6
CURRICULUM - THEMATIC MINORS Thematic minors at CC CT19-6 86-5-7 p4
CURRICULUM - MEXICO PROGRAM Study in Mexico CT19-7 86-5-14 p2
CURRICULUM - SCIENCE Intelligent life at CC? CT20-4 86-10-10 p7
CURRICULUM - ASIAN PROGRAM Asian Opportunities CT20-10 86-12-12 p5
CURRICULUM - BIOLOGY Biology field programs discussed CT21-1 87-1-16 p4
CURRICULUM - LONDON PROGRAM London Summer Institute CT21-2 87-1-23 p2
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES Anasazi Block Break CT21-9 87-4-10 p2
CURRICULUM - BIOLOGY Biology: Rock Climbing for credit CT23-6 88-3-04 p7
CURRICULUM - DRAMA PATIENCE comes to those who wait CT26-4 89-10-13 p16
CURRICULUM - PHYSICS Physics majors bond on field CT27-10 90-4-27 p7
CURRICULUM - PSYCHOLOGY Students conduct survey CT27-11 90-5-4 p6
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Justice lives in Mann’s Execution CT 30-9 91/12/6 16 715
CURRICULUM - DANCE Dance at CC: an art of enrichment CT30-1 91-9-13 p13 419
CURRICULUM - HALF-BLOCKS Half-Blocks: tough decisions CT 30-9 91/12/6
CURRICULUM - SUMMER SESSION Summer Session appeals CT 30-9 91/12/6
CURRICULUM - PRE-LAW Annual pre-law dinner held CT 31-2 92/2/7 3
CURRICULUM - MUSIC CC Music Dept. to bring new prof. CT 31-5 92/3/6 13 251
CURRICULIUM - DANCE Tu Tu Much performed at CC CT31-5 92-3-6
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Music at Midday actually exits CT 32-3 92/10/2 13 870
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Romeo, Romeo... CT32-7 92/11/6
CURRICULUM DRAMA Brits direct Shakespeare’s Dream CT 33-2 93/2/12 14 169
CURRICULUM - BLOCK PLAN Block plan defiled CT 33-3 93/2/26
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Concert performed by faculty CT 33-8 93/4/16 15 381
CURRICULUM - ART Senior art show goes up CT 33-9 93/4/30
CURRICULUM - ART Show honors senior art majors CT 33-10 93/5/7
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES Southwest Studies CT 34-8 93/11/12
CURRICULIUM - DOUBLE MAJOR Double major a go CT 36-1 94/9/16
CURRICULUM - HISTORY History Department re-evaluates CT 37-4 95/10/13 p2
CURRICULUM New Journalism Minor Approved CT 36-6 95/3/31
CURRICULUM - DRAMA there’s drama on the air CT 40-5 97/3/7
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Musicians honored CT 40-10 97/5/2
CURRICULUM - CHEMISTRY Chemistry with a crunch CT38-1 9/2/2 p13
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Music at Midday: A unique experience CT 31-1 92/1/31 16 871
CURRICULUM The importance of diversity in the liberal arts CT14-12 82-1-22 p4
CURRICULUM - GERMAN DEPARTMENT German one-acts successful! CT16-18 84-3-16 p9
CURRICULUM Economics department receives speaker endowment CT20-1- 86-9-12 p5
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES CC Scores cool half-million CT21-2 87-1-23 p1
CURRICULUM - GENERAL STUDIES An idea whose time has come CT15-4 82-10-15 p6
CURRICULUM Professors Propose Journalism Thematic Minor CT 36-5 95/3/10
CURRICULUM - GENERAL EDUCATION But not without opposition CT15-6 82-11-5 p1
CURRICULUM - GERMAN PROGRAM CC Hosts German students (pic) CT21-7 87-5-13 p1
CURRICULUM - SOUTHWEST STUDIES New courses to be taught CT14-16 82-3-12 p5
CURRICULUM - MUSIC Concerts, carols, chorals and choirs CT 30-9 91/12/6 15 382
CURRICULUM - URBAN STUDIES PROGRAM To Chicago on business CT20-10 86-12-12 p4
CURRICULUM - DRAMA Magical “Tartuffe” dazzles the senses CT27-11 90-5-4 p15
CURRICULUM McJimsey urges caution in curriculum changes CT14-12 82-1-22 p5
CUTLER BOARD - LEVIATHAN Leviathan title, Cutler refuses to change CT22-9 87-12-04
CUTLER BOARD Brady elected to board CT16-15 84-2-17 p2
CUTLER BOARD Catalyst editor under fire; Greeks voice complaints to CT28-8 90-11-16
CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board elects editors for '88 CT22-9 87-12-04 p4
CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board leadership CT19-14 86-5-23 p1
CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board outlines their philosophy on student CT 31-5 92/3/6
CUTLER BOARD Cutler Board vacancy CT19-1 86-1-17 p19
CUTLER BOARD Cutler investigation: Staff error not intentional CT23-10 88-4-15
CUTLER BOARD Cutler rearranges Brady resigns--Luning becomes Pres. CT17-10 84-12-7
CUTLER BOARD Cutler, Inc. illuminates ad policy CT28-5* 90-10-19 p11
CUTLER BOARD Elections to be held CT16-14 84-2-10 p2
CUTLER BOARD Keep 'em honest CT17-15 85-2-15 p4
CUTLER BOARD President's notes: Cutler Board CT21-14 87-5-22 p5
CUTLER BOARD Students campaign for Cutler Board CT20-2 86-9-19 p4
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Brady elected to board CT16-15 84-2-17 p2
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS CCCA approves Cutler budget CT16-25 84-5-25 p1
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS CCCA nixes fourth Leviathan CT14-24 82-5-21 p2
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Cutler and CCCA battle out budgets CT 33-11 93/5/14
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Cutler Board elections: vote April 26, 27 CT14-21 82-4-23
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Cutler caught in controversy (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21 p3
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Cutler reorganizes CT16-13 84-1-27 p2
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS New Cutler Board selected (pic) CT14-22 82-5-7 p1
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS New Cutler Board selected for next year (pic) CT15-23 83-4-29
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Out of obscenity - into obscurity? (pic) CT14-20 82-4-16
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Publications board votes illegally CT16-22 84-4-27 p1
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Publications fight for funding CT15-24 83-5-13 p2
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Spring of '85 Cutler publications CT17-13 85-1-25 p11
CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Who's afraid of Cutler Board CT14-15 82-2-19 p5
CYCLING - MOUNTAIN BIKE Mountain Bike Challenge - Photo CT28-11 90-12-14 p17
CYCLING Aspen bikers brave snow CT18-3 85-10-4 p8
CYCLING Bike for Life CT19-8 86-5-21 P2
CYCLING Biker madness CT22-10 87-12-11 p14
CYCLING CC Cyclers CT21-10 87-4-17 p19
CYCLING CC Cycling People CT21-12 87-5-8 p18
CYCLING CC Cycling People score big in Oklahoma CT29-10 91-4-26 p21
CYCLING CC Cycling takes third at Lobo Classic CT 31-7 92/4/3 16 229
CYCLING CC cyclists make a name for themselves. CT 45/18 01-04-06
CYCLING CCCP goes International CT29-7 91-3-29 p24
CYCLING CCCP takes Fort CT27-9 90-4-20 p17
CYCLING CC cyclist finds gold at National Championship CT 30-5 91/10/18 17 322
CYCLING CLUB Bike Club Preps for Weekend CT26-10 89-12-8 p18
CYCLING CT13-12 81-1-9
CYCLING CT21-11 87-4-24 p15
CYCLING Cycle Club appeals to populous CT22-7 87-11-6 p19
CYCLING Cyclers dominate early season competition CT23-11 88-04-22 pS-1
CYCLING Cyclers, 2 new coaches for CT23-1 88-1-15 p18
CYCLING Cyclers, New coaches boost CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3
CYCLING Cycling begins no foolin'! CT27-7 90-3-30 p15
CYCLING Cycling Salamanders slay CU CT23-12 88-5-6 pS-2
CYCLING Cycling Team 4th in Nationals CT26-2 89-9-22 p19
CYCLING Cycling team needs funds for trip CT27-11 90-5-4 p18
CYCLING Dunlap wins year's first road race CT27-8 90-4-6 p14
CYCLING Gunn takes sixth place at national meet CT28-9 90-11-30 p21
CYCLING Interview: Top CC Cycler, The Nordic Warrior CT23-14 88-5-20 pS-1
CYCLING Mountain bike race tomorrow CT22-9 87-12-04 p19
CYCLING Serious, recreational cyclists appreciate, take full CT 30-3 91/10/4
CYCLING Tiger Cyclers finish second in Conference CT23-13 88-5-13 pS-1
CYCLING Wind, snow, sleet CC Bikers ride out the storm CT26-11 89-12-15 p18
DA VINCI STRING QUARTET It Was Tormented and Wild Music CT19-13 86-3-16 p13
DA VINCI STRING QUARTET String Quartet in Concert CT16-14 84-2-10 p10
DALE, ROXANNE Dale resigns from Athletic Dept. CT 44-16 00/3/`0
DALSMER, KATIE Folk singer [60's] to play at CC CT20-5 86-10-17 p13
DANCE - AMERICAN DREAMER A Culture is only as good as its dreams CT29-8 91-4-5
DANCE - BROADMOOR Broadmoor dance proposal creates tension within SFC CT 45/15
DANCE - FALL STUDENT DANCE CONCERT Dancers Point Toes CT26-7 89-11-10 p19
DANCE - JAZZ Here is Jazz! CT23-11 88-4-22 p15
DANCE - SERENDIPITY DANCERS Serendipity Dancers tour for credit CT23-14 88-5-20
DANCE & MUSIC - BALINESE Balinese orchestra incorporates dance, music ...
CT 39-1 96/9/13 p13
DANCE An Evolution: a look "behind the magic" CT29-1 91-1-25 p20
DANCE Dance Creations CT16-12 84-1-20 p10
DANCE Dance department to present annual faculty concert CT 44-16 00/3/10
DANCE Dance Major CT14-15 82-2-19 p7
DANCE Dance puts students in foreign positions CT14-16 82-12-3 p9
DANCE Dancers Greet the Spring CT16-18 84-3-16 p11
DANCE Dancers Perform This Weekend CT21-8 87-3-20 p2
DANCE Dancing is a commitment for life CT14-8 81-11-13 p7
DANCE DEPARTMENT Ana Pazirandeh Campus Artists Abound CT16-20 84-4-13 p11
DANCE DEPARTMENT Goodbye to Norman Cornick CT16-25 84-5-25 p6
DANCE DEPARTMENT Shepard's Rock Opera in Retrospect CT14-15 82-3-5 p12
DANCE DEPARTMENT Signs Give Directions CT19-9 86-4-11 p12
DANCE Diamond: Dancing Gem CT14-17 82-3-19 p9
DANCE Exits: Dance in, Drama CT23-8 88-3-18 p15
DANCE Faculty take annual place in spotlight CT 38-5 96/3/8 p10
DANCE Footprints provides 'something for everyone' CT29-5 91-3-1 p19
DANCE Lommasson and Slaughter Present Seven Dances CT18-1 85-1-18 p11
DANCE Pimsler and Costello CT15-20 83-3-25 p12
DANCE Poetry in Motion CT15-24 83-5-13 p13
DANCE Villella: Talk and Dance CT14-6 81-10-29 p5
DANCE With the greatest of ease CT24-7 88-11-11 p18
DANCE WORKSHOP - PROPS, NO COSTUMES Props, No Costumes opened by Dance Workshop
CT 31-8 92/4/10 14 976
DANCE WORKSHOP "Broth" CT17-18 85-3-15 p11
DANCE WORKSHOP Coming of Screaming Feet (The) CT19-13 86-3-16 p15
DANCE WORKSHOP Dance Workshop Announces Events CT18-1 85-9-13 p8
DANCE WORKSHOP Dance Workshop features non-traditional pieces CT 37-8 95/11/17
DANCE WORKSHOP Dance Workshop presents student choreographed show CT 31-10 92/5/1
12 421
DANCE WORKSHOP Do Ya Wanna Dance? CT4-14 82-2-12 p6
DANCE WORKSHOP Free Dance Performance Friday and Saturday Nights!! CT15-9 82-12-3
DANCE WORKSHOP Jumps, Stops, Spaces CT18-9 85-1-6 p15
DANCE WORKSHOP Students in Motion CT16-10 83-12-9 p14
DANESH, ERIC Somewhere in the North Sea DE602 88-10-31 p23
DANESH, ERIC The Commons DE6-3 88-11-23 p30
DANESH, ERIC The Ides DE6-1 88-10-5 p19
DANTO, ARTHUS The Pitfalls of Universalization DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p26
DASTOOR, ZIA '97 CC graduate passes away CT 42-14 98-2-27
DATING - STUDENT dating scene strange, sex fickle CT 45/12 01-02-02
DAVIS, ANGELA Angela Davis to speak in Shove Chapel CT 40-9 97/4/28
DAWE, DOUGLAS Senior Recital Doug Dawe performs tonight CT 33-3 93/2/26
DAY OF THE DEAD Dia de los Muertos celebrated at CC CT 39-7 96/11/8 p11
DAY, JANE Dr. Jane Day Speaks on Mayan Artifacts CT20-2 86-9-19 p2
DE COSTA, KARL De Costa Concert CT 33-5 93/3/12 16 426
DE LA GARZA More News: Lecture Today CT20-8 86-11-14 p15
DE LA TORRE, LITA New Faculty, Economic Department CT15-2 82-9-24 p2
DEADLINES Deadlines: The CC Non-Experience CT3-3 87-4-17 p3
DEBATE CC Debate shows its colors at the USAFA Invitational CT 45/9 00-12-01
DEBATE CC debate team aims for a top ten spot in CT45/6 00-11-03
DEBATE Debate ends season with strong CT 45/17 01-03-30
DEBATE Debate survives DU/Regis Tournament CT 45/10 00-12-08
DEBATE Debate team trumps rivals, closing out tournament CT 44-12 00/2/4
DEBATE Debating; a CC tradition CT 32-6 92/10/30
DEBATE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Same-sex Marriage Debated in Slocum CT40-8 97/4/11
DEBATE TEAM - COLORADO COLLEGE CC debaters Petrelli and Weible win Nat'l Championship
CT 43-15 9-3-26
DEBATE TEAM Debate Team among top ten in nation CT 40-3 97/2/21
DEBATE TEAM Debate team grows, wins CT 30-8 91/11/15
DECONCINI, NINA "Senior Speaker" is Deconcini CT17-22 85-26-3 p2
DEGETTE, DIANA '79 DeGette promotes standing up for families CT 39-4 96/10/11
DELIVERANCE OF SOULS Cramer Plays Jesus CT19-5 86-2-21 p14
DELLA CAVA, MARCO Colorado College Award in Literature CT15-24 83-5-13 p2
DELLA CAVA, MARCO Della Cava in Italy CT16-7 83-11-11 p2
DELLA CONSORT Consort Delights Listeners CT15-3 82-10-8 p11
DELTA GAMMA Delta Gamma hosts dinner, guides blind skiers CT28-8 90-11-16 p7
DELTA GAMMA DG's Anchorslide looks to benefit charities for the CT 45/18 01-04-06
DEMAREST LLOYD LECTURE N. Scott Momaday delivers Demarest Lloyd lecture CT 31-1
DEMKIN, ANDREW Euclid's Lies DE6-3 88-11-23 P26-27
DEMOCRACY Democracy: Not a Universal Solution DE3-2 87-3-20 p4
DEMOCRATIC PARTY Jackson Alienates and Appeals DE2-1 86-9-19 p2
DEMOCRATIC PARTY New Directions for Democrats DE2-2 86-10-17 p2
DEMOCRATIC PARTY Reagan Vs the Democrats DE3-1 87-13-2 p8
DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA - CC It's time to start protesting CT28-10
90-12-7 p11
DERDEN, KATHERINE National Service Provides Viable Possibilities DE 16-3 93/5
27 878
DESCRIPTION OC1-1 1880-2 p5
DESTA, ABIY B. More Africans at CC-Ekotta, Desta and Nkiwane CT17-6 84-10-19
DEUTSCH, KRISTINA Art show, Alumni: Open spaces CT23-3 88-2-05 p16
DEV SEN, NABANEETA Visiting professor lends insight into Indian culture &
CT25-4 89-2-24 p9
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Administrative Juggling CT15-10 82-12-10 p2
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Campaign Escalates CT15-18 83-3-11 p2
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE CC: A Quantum Leap CT15-25 83-5-20 p3
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Donation Trends CT15-24 83-5-13 p3
DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Rileys Active in Fundraising Effort CT14-14 82-2-12 p2
DEVOS, PETER JON Mozambique Ambassador CT18-13 85-10-4 p2
DEVOS, PETER JON Mozambique Ambassador CT18-3 85-10-4 p2
DEWOLFE, BERNI Rastall's New Face Smiles on Students CT18-2 85-9-20 p9
DI SHI, DOCTOR Di Shi Lectures on Chinese Medicine CT19-9 86-4-11 p2
DI SHI, DOCTOR Yin and Yang CT19-10 86-4-18 p2
DIALOGUE DIALogue gets underway CT 33-2 93/2/12
DIALOGUE DIALogue hit the phone lines this week to raise ... CT 38-4 96/3/1
DIALOGUE DIALogue providing fun-filled fund-raising experience Ct28-7 90-11-9
DIALOGUE DIALogue Returns CT26-6 89-11-3 p7
DIALOGUE DIALogue starts calling CT 36-6 94/11/4
DIALOGUE DIALogue supporters, Thank you CT23-6 88-3-04 p14
DIALOGUE DIALogue: Calling all wallets CT25-3 89-2-17 p2
DIAMOND DANCE TROUPE Diamond: Dancing Gem CT14-17 82-3-19 p9
DICENZO, STEPHANIE Physics Prof fuses Liberal Arts with Atoms, Nuclei, CT24-9
88-12-2 p7
DIDO AND ANEAS Opera Is at Its Best CT16-14 84-2-10 p9
DIFFERENTLY ABLED AWARENESS Differently able athletes thrive CT28-5 90-11-2
DIFFERENTLY ABLED AWARENESS Differently Abled Dance bubbles CT28-5 90-11-2 p3
DIFFERENTLY ABLED AWARENESS Local educator addresses benefits of mainstreaming
CT28-5 90-11-2 p3
DIFFERENTLY ABLED AWARENESS Program increases awareness of disabled CT28-5 90-11-2
DIGITAL AUDIO TAPE RECORDERS Digital Tape--Newest Hi-Fi Technology CT21-12 87-3-8
DINGOME, JEANNE Prof Speaks of Evolving Perspective CT21-4 87-2-13 p9
DINING HALLS - WORNER CENTER Discourse - pro/con - Food fight fines CT25-1 89-1-27
DINING HALLS - WORNER CENTER Food fight fine appalls student CT25-1 89-1-27
DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS New administrators fill several positions CT 30-1 91/9/13
DISARMAMENT Summit Nightmare: Regan Freaks DE2-2 86-10-17 p1
DISCIPLINE OC1-2 1880-3 p1
DIVERS Divers Lead Tigers CT19-12 86-1-24 p17
DIVERS Sports Shorts CT15-11 82-12-17 p9
DIVERSITY Admissions Respond to Criticism of Diversity CT 36-4 95/3/3 4
DIVERSITY American Ethnic Studies Bring Folk Art CT 36-10 95/5/5 13
DIVERSITY Asia Week Aims to Increase Interest in Culture CT 36-4 95/3/3 9
DIVERSITY CC holds frosh diversity session CT 34-3 93/10/1
DIVERSITY Concerned Citizens carry the debate to a new level CT 37-2 95/9/22
DIVERSITY COUNCIL Council funds students with diversity program CT 43/8 98-11-13
DIVERSITY Features Forum: Diversity and Discourse CT 35-2 94/2/11
DIVERSITY New Committee on Security to address diversity issues CT 37-4 95/10/20
DIVERSITY Students Protest for Diversity at Convocation CT 36-11 95/5/12
DIVERSITY Students rally for Diversity at CC CT 37-1 95/9/15 p4
DIVESTMENT - SOUTH AFRICA - CAMPUS Refusal to divest leads to committee conflict
CT28-4 90-10-12 p1
DIVESTMENT - SOUTH AFRICA Accusations of racism fly over divestment CT28-10
90-12-7 p1
DIVESTMENT - SOUTH AFRICA CC to retain investments in South Africa CT28-3 90-10-5
DIVESTMENT - SOUTH AFRICA Students protest South African investments CT28-11
90-12-14 p1
DIVESTMENT Divestment tensions, 1986-87 year ends with CT22-1 87-09-11 p1
DIVESTMENT- SOUTH AFRICA CCAP greets trustees with protest against divestment
CT28-11 90-12-14 p4
DIVESTMENT- SOUTH AFRICA Several CC trustees not familiar with All-College CT28-11
90-12-14 p2
DO, LOAN Poetry DE8-4 89-Dec p9&15
DOBSON, MARCIA "Minor Day" next Tuesday CT17-15 85-2-15 p2
DOBSON, MARCIA The Watson CT17-1 84-10-7 p10
DOBSON, MARCIA Understanding of General Education Needed CT14-13 83-2-5 p5
DODD, JOSEPH D. CC Welcomes Man Behind the Scenes CT14-11 82-1-15 p4
DODD, JOSEPH D. Dodd Receives Awards CT14-12 82-4-23 p8
DODD, JOSEPH D. Seward New Folklorist CT14-2 81-9-25 p1
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARNESS WEEK Beware of Domestic Violence CT18-13 85-10-4
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE October declared Domestic Violence Awareness Month CT28-5*
90-10-19 p4
DONAHOO, KATE CC Grad named athlete of the year in Judo CT27-1 90-1-26 p17
DONAHOO, KATE Donahoo Athlete of the Year CT21-1 87-1-16 p1
DONAHOO, KATE Judo Expert (with Seoul on her Mind) CT20-4 86-10-10 p17
DONAHOO, KATE MARIE '88 CC grad selected for Barcelona Olympic team CT 31-3
DONLIN, JOHANNA Senior Spotlight CT26-6 89-11-3 p7
DONLIN, JOHANNA Joe Donlin staying active and regaining mobility CT28-10 90-12-7
DONLIN, JOHANNA Joe Donlin staying active and regaining mobility while CT28-10
90-12-7 p3
DONNER NORTH AMERICAN FORUM The Donner North American Forum CT29-9 91-4-19 p11
DONOSO, JOSE Jose Donoso speaks at CC CT 33-1 93/2/5
DOROTHY SHAW BELL CHOIR Bells to Ring CT14-15 81-10-16 p7
DOUBLE DANCING Double Dancing provides superb performance CT25-4 89-2-24 p17
DOUGLAS, ROB Letter from Nicaragua CT19-2 86-1-24 p15
DOWELL, CHRISTINA Edward Abbey on the Dream DE6-3 88-11-23 p10
DOYLE, ROBERT Tigers Earn ALL-WCHA Honors CT21-6 87-3-20 p19
DOYON, LYN Doyon profiles abuse personalities CT27-5 90-3-2 p5
DR. SCIENCE He blinded me with ...Science?! CT24-4 88-10-14 p18
DRAFT - MILITARY Draft would take 20 year old men first CT29-2 91-2-1 p3
DRAKE, BROOKES CC sophomore dies CT 31-1 92/1/31
DRAKE, BROOKES FREDERICK Tree planted in memory of Drake CT 31-9 92/4/24
DRAMA - A... MY NAME IS ALICE C... Go and See A... My Name is Alice CT29-4 91-2-22
DRAMA - 'AS IS' Ambitious "As Is" confronts AIDS CT27-4 90-2-23 p9
DRAMA - BALM IN GILEAD Last Drama Dept. production, Balm in Gilead, goes up
CT 31-11 92/5/8 12 746
DRAMA - GERMAN 300 years of German drama CT23-10 88-4-15 p16
DRAMA - JOHN WALCH'S 'EYES OF THE Walch's winning "Eyes" focus on
death CT27-8 90-4-6 p9
DRAMA - LOVE'S LABOR LOST Love's Lost Labor found again at CC CT28-5* 90-10-19
DRAMA - MAD FOREST Mad Forest is more contemporary choice CT 37-4 95/10/13 p12
DRAMA - O PIONEERS O Pioneers to open Oct.14 CT 34-1 93/9/10 14 921
DRAMA - ONE ACT PLAYS (1991) A Dopey Potman Bear Explains a Day's Work to Sister
CT29-11 91-5-3 p16
DRAMA - PRANCER Hats off to Prancer CT26-6 89-11-3 p16
DRAMA - THE GLASS MENAGERIE CC students present a Menagerie of Glass CT28-5
90-11-2 p13
DRAMA - THE WINTER'S TALE The Winter's Tale promises to be chilling CT 36-11
DRAMA - WOYZECK Prospective was makes Woyzeck personal CT28-11 90-12-14 p13
DRAMA & DANCE CC drama & dance dept. take off Ct 35-5 94/3/11 14 232
DRAMA A Lie of Mind CT 38-5 96/3/8 p10
DRAMA A play on words CT24-6 88-11-4 p20
DRAMA AND DANCE Taylor turned over: Dance replaces jams CT23-2 88-1-22 p16
DRAMA AND DESIGN Drama and Design gets its name in the limelight CT 36-9 94/12/2
13 448
DRAMA CC drama department presents Shakespeare CT28-4 90-10-12 p2
DRAMA CC Drama, Successful start for CT22-5 87-10-16 p17
DRAMA Christensen's Bartok and Chocolate Lingerie in Twylor CT29-8 91-4-5 p17
DRAMA DEPARTMENT "A Schizophrenic Play" CT16-13 84-1-27 p10
DRAMA DEPARTMENT "Two Boards and a Passion" (pic) CT16-21 84-4-20
DRAMA DEPARTMENT "West Side Story" High Energy CT14-5 81-10-16 p7
DRAMA DEPARTMENT A Hair review (pic) CT17-6 84-10-19 p10
DRAMA DEPARTMENT A Study of Persecution CT19-10 86-4-18 p13
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Bare Facts CT17-5 84-10-12 p4
DRAMA DEPARTMENT 'Candide' great fun CT17-21 85-4-19 p13
DRAMA DEPARTMENT CC Drama Ct15-22 83-4-22 p13
DRAMA DEPARTMENT CC Swamped! CT18-9 85-12-6 p15
DRAMA DEPARTMENT College actors unite CT16-18 84-3-16 p10
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Crime's Tooth Proves Venemous CT14-14 82-2-12 p8
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Critics' Review "Swamp," an Uncut Diamond CT19-1
86-1-17 p15
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Dodd Receives Awards CT14-21 82-4-23 p8
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Dragons are Forever CT19-4 86-2-14 p14
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Feldshuh's Roaring 'Twelfth Night' CT15-5 82-10-22 p16
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Finger of God CT15-11 82-12-17 p10
DRAMA DEPARTMENT HAIR rehearsals underway (pic) CT17-4 84-10-5 p12
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Holtby, Goodwin shine in play CT17-17 85-5-8 p6
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Last but Not Least, Lazarus CT19-14 86-3-23 p14
DRAMA DEPARTMENT MAD CT23-13 88-5-13 p13
DRAMA DEPARTMENT 'Madwoman' to debut (pic) CT17-15 85-2-15
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Musical Magic CT16-6 83 p14
DRAMA DEPARTMENT One Act Facts CT14-20 82-4-16 p8
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Quality Acting at CC CT- 82-9-24 p11
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Reorda great 'Gentleman'(pic) CT17-22 85-4-26 p11
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Rick in a Lead? CT15-26 83-3-27 p12
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Riley candid on 'Candide' CT17-20 85-4-12 p6
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Serious Performances at CC: Scenes from an Execution CT20-6
86-10-31 p10
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Shepard's Rock Opera in Retrospect CT14-15 82-3-5 p8
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Six Successful Nights: the One-Acts in Retrospect CT14-22 82-3-7
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Spring Dance CT14-22 82-3-7 p8
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Swamp CT18-10 85-12-13 p15
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Time of Your Life: A Review CT18-5 85-10-18 p15
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Weak Dragon Still Breathes Fire CT19-6 86-3-7 p13
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Weekend Performance: Upstairs, Downstairs: An Evening CT20-20
86-1-12 p16
DRAMA DEPARTMENT Winter's Tale Presented CT14-9 81-12-4 p6
DRAMA Drama budget, "Kiss Me Kate" consumes 65% of CT22-8 87-11-13
DRAMA Drama: Summer debuts at CC CT22-10 87-10-11 p1
DRAMA Innovative Thespians perform FEFU and HER FRIENDS CT25-7 89-3-31 p15
DRAMA Lindblade directing one-acts CT 35-3 94/2/25 14 763
DRAMA Open PATIENCE Rewarded CT26-5 89-10-20 p13
DRAMA Simple Shakespeare proves startling refreshing CT23-10 88-4-15 p16
DRAMA Something Snapped in the Max Kade Theater CT 35-8 94/4/15
DRAMA Sweets and Stain to hit the CC student stage CT 935-9 94/4/29
DRAMA The Bard visits CC in production CT 36-11 94/12/16
DRAMA What CC has to offer: Two consecutive nights of CT 38-4 96/3/1 p9
DRAMA - THEATER WORKSHOP Student-Written play premieres CT23-14 88-5-20 p13
DRAMA - THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop presents The Silver Cord CT28-10 90-12-7
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP An Important Meeting CT15-26 83-5-27 p13
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Dance Concert-November 15-16 CT18-5 85-10-18 p15
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Drama in a Dying Room CT16-8 83-11-18 p12
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer CT19-1
86-1-17 p6-7
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Five and Dime Adds Up CT19-4 86-2-14 p14
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Five and Dime CT19-3 86-2-7 p12
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP It's Showtime Folks! CT18-6 85-11-1 p15
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Martial Unrest CT 82-11-12 p11
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Medea at Sunset CT19-12 86-3-9 p15
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Medea in Amphitheatre CT19-11 86-4-26 p14
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Medea Unmasks the Audience CT19-13 86-3-16 p15
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Nothing Less than Fine CT19-9 86-4-11 p12
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP "Old Times" Emerges cT16-13 84-1-27 p10
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Perkins's Play Wins CT17-20 85-4-12 p7
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Serious Performances at CC: Welcome Home and Scenes
CT20-6 86-31-10 p10
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP The Best of Broadway Comes to CC CT21-1 87-1-16 p13
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP The Best of Broadway Comes to CC CT21-1 87-1-16 p13
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Theatre News (Enemy of the People) CT19-7 86-3-14 p12
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Three Shows This Week: Theatre Workshop Kept Busy CT21-10
87-3-17 p14
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Tragedy to Unfold CT16-19 84-3-23 p13
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP TW: 21 in 9 by 5 CT17-18 85-3-15 p11
DRAMA - THEATRE WORKSHOP Voices: a Terrific Showcase CT19-11 86-4-26 p13
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP "Momma's Boy" Evokes Moods for Moderns CT14-24
82-3-21 p11
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP Primogenitor CT14-22 82-3-7 p8
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP Red Ryder Conjures Decaying Dreams CT14-16 82-3-12 p8
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP Students Produce Bent CT14-7 81-11-16 p8
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP TW Presents "Veronica's Room" CT14-11 82-1-15
DRAMA - THEATRE WORSHOP Veronica's Room Succeeds Terrorifically CT14-12 82-1-22
DREGER, ROBERT Food Service Committee Debates Firing... CT14-7 81-2-6 p1
DRUG ABUSE Colorado College: An Isolated Entity? DE3-2 87-3-20 p7
DRUG ABUSE Drug survey results, Administration reveals CT24-1 88-9-16 p1
DRUG ABUSE-PREVENTION Waiting for the Collision DE2-2 86-10-17 p3
DRUG AND ALCOHOL ADDICTIONS Mini-symposium highlights drug & alcohol addictions
CT29-1 91-1-25 P7
DRUG LAWS AND LEGISLATION Its Time for Congress to Just Say No DE2-3 86-11-14
DRUGS - CAMPUS Marijuana use high on CC campus CT 39-9 96/11/15 p9
DRUGS - CAMPUS Student combats alcohol, drug abuse on campus CT 39-3 96/10/4
DRUGS - COLORADO COLLEGE Drugs not and epidemic at CC CT27-11 90-5-4 p11
DRUGS - SUBSTANCE ABUSE CC students and community address substance abuse CT27-5
90-3-2 p1
DRUGS Coalition fights CC drug abuse CT26-4 89-10-13 p3
DRUGS Drugs on campus?, Interested in CT23-3 88-2-05 p5
DRUGS Student proposed drug class seeks approval CT24-2 88-9-23 p2
DRUM, MICHAEL Culture is not defined by color but by experience DE 16-1 93/3
DUCA, BOB Ceramics CT15-11 82-12-17 p10
DUKAKIS, MICHAEL Dukakis campaign hits CC campus CT24-2 88-9-23 p6
DUMAS LLOYD JEFFRY Call for Conversion CT17-22 85-4-26 p1
DUMAS LLOYD JEFFRY U. of Texas Prof. to Lecture CT17-21 85-4-19 p2
DUNCAN, JOHN U.S. or Them DE8-4 89-Dec p7
DUNCOMBE, MARGARET Diverse faculty and intriguing subject matter draw CT29-9
91-4-19 p10
DUNCOMBE, MARGARET Eating disorders linked to body image CT 33-10 93/5/7
DUNCOMBE, MARGI Duncombe examines social structures ct22-7 87-11-6 P7
DUNHAM, ANDREW Professor profile: Andy Dunham CT 43/7 98-11-6
DUNN, CHRIS CC Nets Four Watson Fellowships CT21-6 87-3-20 p2
DUNN, LARA Senior Diver Dunn is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-10 92/12/11
DUNNE, ROBERT Denver's Skid Row CT15-26 83-5-27 p6
DUNNE, ROBERT Life Among the Down-and-out cT17-19 85-5-22 p10
DUNNE, ROBERT School Closing: The Issue CT15-20 83-3-25 p9
DUNNE, ROBERT The Wounds of Colorado Springs: A Band-Aid for Poverty CT17-18
85-5-15 p8-9
DUPONT, JONATHAN Committee announces Award in Literature recipients CT25-8 89-4-7
DUPREE, MATT A Different World DE7-2 89 -Mar p12
DURAN, ERIC Duran leads MEChA, receives grad scholarship CT29-5 91-3-1 p12
DURHAM, THOMAS The chosen few DE6-1 88-10-5 p9
DURHAM, TOM When you gonna wake up? DE6-4 88-12-16 p19
DURNHAM, ANDY Another Winner CT15-19 83-3-18 p2
DURNHAM, ANDY Faculty Win Stipend CT17-23 85-3-10 p1
DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILIES Support group seeks to heal wounds of adult children
CT29-3 91-2-15 p10
EARTH DAY - 1991 Earth Day Environmental Challenge run set for April 21 CT29-8
91-4-5 p2
EARTH DAY 1990 Earth Day hits 20 CT27-7 90-3-30 p2
EARTH DAY 1990 Hunger cleanup kicks off earth day CT27-9 90-4-20 p1
EARTH DAY 1991 Twenty-first annual Earth Day to be celebrated Monday CT29-9
91-4-19 p8
EARTH WEEK Earth Day 1970 becomes Earth Week 1989 CT25-3 89-2-17 p1
EARTH WEEK Earth Week arrives CT25-8 89-4-7 p3
EARTH WEEK Earth Week events boost environmental awareness CT 42-19 98-4-24
EARTH WEEK1990 Earth Week 1990 comes to CC CT27-8 90-4-6 p3
EASTERBOOK, GREGG CC Grad Published CT21-6 87-3-7 p1&8
EASTERBROOK, GREGG Easterbrook advises students CT 32-1 92/9/11
EASTLACK, LEON C. "RED" Quintessential CC Coach Retires CT15-25 83-3-20
EASTMAN, MICHAEL The politics of diversity: "Open it up or shut it down
DE 16-1 93/3
EBELL, BETH CC Rhodea Finalist CT19-1 86-1-17 p19
EBEY NOVELLA CONTEST "Lilac and Me" wins Ebey Novella Contest CT 32-8
EBEY NOVELLA CONTEST LALate Summer novella takes first place CT 39-7 96/11/8
EBEY NOVELLA PRIZE The 1995 Ebey Novella Prize CT 37-1 95/9/15 p5
EBEY NOVELLA PRIZES Novella Winners named - A.Cozine, M. Bevington, P. CT26-6
89-11-3 p1
ECOLOGY Two Forks Dam ..... & ..... CT24-4 88-10-14 p10
ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Business Major to Include Economics CT14-13 82-2-5 p1
ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT Creative Communication CT20-10 86-12-12 p5
ECONOMICS Statistics class studies role of CC athletics CT29-5 91-3-1 p2
EDITH GAYLORD HOUSE Students move into Edith Gaylord House CT 45/1 00-09-15
EDUCATION - OFF CAMPUS Mexico provides unique dimension for CC education CT22-9
87-12-13 p12
EDUCATION A Prescription for the Increasing Cost of Health Care DE 16-2 1993
4 25
EDUCATION Coming Home: Urban Studies Teaches How to Live DE16-2 1993 4 30 370
EDUCATION Have Parents Abandoned Education? DE11-4 86-12-15 p4
EDUCATION It's Time for a Change DE21-4 87-5-22 p6
EDUCATION Japan Invested in Itself to Improve Its Economic DE 16-2 1993
EDUCATION National Service Builds Education, Community DE 16-2 1993 4 22 877
EDUCATION Private Schools Under Fire DE3-2 87-3-20 p3
EDUCATION Questions of Intent and Intelligence in the SAT DE 16-2 1993 4 19
EDUCATION U.S. Students Lose in Education Competition DE 16-2 1993 4
EDUCATION Unsupervised Children Can Suffer in Education, DE 16-2 1993 4
EDWARDS, HARRY Speaker Focuses on People CT16-15 84-2-17 p3
EGELAND, RYAN CC boasts Rhodes scholar CT 39-10 96/12/13 p3
EGG HOUSE Eggs in the Family CT16-17 84-3-9 p6
EHRHART, STEVE Ehrhart of USFL's Memphis Showboats here Mar. 3 CT17-18 85-3-15
EHRHART, STEVE USFL Owner to Speak CT19-4 86-2-14 p19
EHRLIC, ANNE World View: Experts Stress Security...and Biological CT14-24 82-3-21
EICHER, A.D. State Trooper Eicher Sets Record Straight D.U.I. and CT17-18 85-3-15
EIDENBERG, EUGENE Eidenberg Discusses Party Politics CT 84-13-3 p1
EIGHT BLOCK PLAN Eight Block schedule tested CT22-6 87-10-30 p3
EIGHT BLOCK PLAN Eight block year stumbles CT22-9 87-12-04 p5
EIGHT BLOCK PLAN Eight block year, Students lose CT22-8 87-11-13 p5
EIGHT BLOCK PLAN Has the eight-block plan succeeded CT25-7 89-3-31 p7
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Activists organize Eight Block discussion CT27-8 90-4-6 p2
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Block plan needs work CT27-9 90-4-20 p15
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR College drops its end of Eight Block bargain Ct27-2 90-2-2
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Committee appointed to evaluate the Eight Block Year CT27-9
90-4-20 p4
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Debate continues on Eight Block Year CT26-7 89-11-10 p6
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Discussion groups formed CT27-2 90-2-2 p15
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Do You like the 8 Block Year? CT26-1 89-9-15 p3
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Eight Block year review committee will seat four CT27-10 90-4-27
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Eight-Block Forum CT26-7 89-11-10 p4
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Forum on Eight Block Year Faults CT26-8 89-11-17 p1
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Frustrated Students Present Report CT27-3 90-2-16 p5
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Future of eight-block year still uncertain CT28-3 90-10-5 p3
EIGHT BLOCK YEAR Trustees open dialogue on Eight-Block year CT27-3 90-2-16 p1
EIGHT- PLUS BLOCK YEAR Eight-plus block year approved CT29-1 91-1-25 p1
EIGHT- PLUS PLAN Would you buy an 8-plus plan with flex and munch CT28-9 90-11-30
EIGHT-PLUS YEAR Recommendation is in: Eight Plus year CT28-8 90-11-16 p1
EKOTTO, FREIDA More Africans at CC-Ekotto, Desta and Nkiwane (pic) CT17-6 84-10-19
EL POMAR FOUNDATION El Pomar Foundation grants CC 1.5 million CT27-3 90-3-23
EL SALVADOR Violence and unrest persist in El Salvador CT28-10 90-12-7 p2
ELBOW, PETER Renowned writer explores positive writing approach CT25-4 89-2-24
ELDREDGE, CHARLES Eldredge presents slides CT26-3 89-10-6 p3
ELECTION - NATIONAL1992 Various articles CT 32-3 92/10/2
ELECTION 1988 Mark Glaze & Jonathan Goldstein DE6-1 88-10-5 p12-13
ELECTIONS - COLORADO College vote hits the street CT15-7 82-11-12 p1
ELECTIONS A word from the wise DE2-2 86-10-17 p1
ELECTIONS Election '86 DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS Kramer: Best Choice DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS Vote Strickland DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS What's at Stake? DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS Where Romer Stands DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS Wirth the vote DE2-2 86-10-17 p4-5
ELECTIONS-MOCK PRESIDENTIAL CC Chooses Mondale cT17-7 84-11-2 p3
ELECTIONS-MOCK PRESIDENTIAL Hart, Reagan Preferred in Mock Election Results
CT16-21 84-4-20 p2
ELECTIONS-MOCK PRESIDENTIAL Spokesmen Promote their Candidates CT16-20 84-3-13
ELECTRONIC MAIL Walther pulls plug on short-lived program CT 36-11 94/12/16
ELLIOT, CAROLYN Elliot addresses gay issues Ct 32-2 92/9/18
ELY, DOUGLAS HOWELL Died OC1-3 1880-4 p17
EMBLEMS The Trouble with Education CT15-6 82-11-5 p7
EMBODIMENT SERIES Body Discussion at the Embodiment Series CT18-9 85-12-6 p3
EMBODIMENT SERIES Embodiment Series Focuses on Sexual Harassment CT19-3 86-2-7
EMBODIMENT SERIES Men Fell Pressure CT18-6 85-11-1 p5
EMMANOUILIDES, CHRIS Missing the Mark CT15-17 83-2-25 p14
EMMANOUILIDES, CHRIS Photo-sensuality CT15-25 83-5-20 p12
EMPTY BOWL BANQUET Students fill empty bowls by organizing dinner to CT 42-17
ENACT - ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP ENACT improves campus recycling efforts CT 30-5
ENACT 20,000 Protest CT16-5 83-10-21 p2
ENACT Alternative Energy Lecture CT17-14 85-2-8 p2
ENACT College Recycling CT15-13 83-1-21 p5
ENACT Colorado College ENACT Environmental Issues Forum CT17-19 85-3-22 p3
ENACT Dolphins ruthlessly slaughtered CT25-1 89-1-27 p2
ENACT Ecologically: Is Past Preface? CT17-17 85-3-8 p3
ENACT ENACT begins Wingcycle CT24-7 88-11-11 p8
ENACT ENACT Constructs Recycling Sheds CT19-11 86-4-26 p3
ENACT ENACT Defines Purpose CT14-12 81-9-25 p1
ENACT ENACT Gears Up CT14-4 81-10-9 p3
ENACT ENACT hosts energy fair CT26-5 89-10-20 p2
ENACT ENACT needs help of administration CT27-8 90-4-6 p17
ENACT ENACT poses challenge to CC campus CT27-3 90-2-16 p3
ENACT ENACT seeks help for the environment CT 36-1 94/9/16 11 464
ENACT ENACT Speaker Concerned About Rain Forests CT21-3 87-2-6 p4
ENACT ENACT speaker proposes alternative fuel sources to CT28-5* 90-10-19 p3
ENACT ENACT Sponsored Annual Symposium CT16-20 84-3-13 p2
ENACT ENACT Wants You, Garbage Garbage, That Nasty Plastic CT26-5 89-10-20 p6
ENACT Energy, Environment Lacks Planned Use CT14-14 82-2-12 p1
ENACT Environmental Awareness Month CT17-14 85-2-8 p2
ENACT Environmentalists Active CT14-13 82-2-5 p7
ENACT Expansion and Improvement CT16-10 83-12-9 p7
ENACT Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer CT 86-1-17 p6&7
ENACT GASP! CT19-7 86-3-14 p2
ENACT Nuclear War! CT15-15 83-2-11 p6
ENACT Only Earth-Environmental and Social Issues in the CT14-24 82-5-21 p7
ENACT Panel Analyses Growth CT16-22 84-3-27 p1
ENACT Putting Back What You Take Out CT19-12 86-3-9 p5
ENACT Solar Lifestyles Accessible in San Luis Valley CT15-11 82-12-17 p4
ENACT Solar Trip CT15-6 82-11-5 p2
ENDACOTT, RICK Rick in a Lead? CT15-26 83-3-27 p12
ENDERSON, JAMES H. "Probably no one's ever seen that might before"
CT16-15 84-2-17 p9
ENDERSON, JAMES H. Birdman CT15-14 83-1-28 p7
ENDERSON, JAMES H. Profs Want Better Springs cT17-15 85-2-15 p12
ENDOWMENT - RITT KELLOGG MEMORIAL Ritt Endowment helps explorers CT 36-6 94/11/4
ENDOWMENT, COLORADO COLLEGE Alum wills more the $5 million to CC endowment Ct29-6
91-3-22 p1
ENERGY WASTE Opinions - Energy waste on campus CT27-5 90-3-2 p14
ENERSON, LINDA Understanding Domestic Violence CT20-7 86-11-7 p2
ENGA, R.J. Athlete of the Week: R.J. Enga, Tiger hockey Century CT 36-8 94/11/18
18 105
ENGA, RICHARD J. Tiger Hockey's R.J. Enga is the CC Athlete of the Week CT 31-5
ENGA, RICHARD J. Enga and Jaraczewski are Athletes of the Week CT 32-7 92/11/6
19 465
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT English Department Changes CT14-24 82-3-21 p3
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT Gay Books CT15-18 83-3-11 p6
ENVIORNMENTAL SCIENCE COMMITTEE - CC Environmental major possible CT 35-9 94/4/29
ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Environmental Studies? What should it include CT 35-9
ENVIRNOMENT Nuclear weapons plant plagues Denver CT28-10 90-12-7 p8
ENVIRNOMENT Stop stuffing candy-colored trees in boxes CT28-5* 90-10-19 p6
ENVIROMENTAL ACTION ENACT poses challenge to CC campus CT27-3 90-2-16 p3
ENVIRONMENT - PIKES PEAK REGION Blasting CC's backyard! Will it happen CT28-3
90-10-5 p8
ENVIRONMENT Air Force move threatens local environment by M. CT28-2 90-9-21
ENVIRONMENT Avoiding plastic can impede fouling the earth CT28-9 90-11-30 p6
ENVIRONMENT Bemis composting project catches food CT 36-6 94/11/4
ENVIRONMENT Denver's water shortage drains valley's blood CT28-8 90-11-16 p8
ENVIRONMENT Environmental Activism Begins at Home DE2-3 86-11-14 p3
ENVIRONMENT I'm Dreaming of a Green Christmas", provides unique CT 36-8
ENVIRONMENT Negligent driving rapes, dehydrates earth CT28-7 90-11-9 p6
ENVIRONMENT Students can aid environment with these practical CT 36-6 94/11/4
ENVIRONMENT The Well Is Running Dry (Water) DE2-3 86-3-14 p3
ENVIRONMENT Trees wounded, wasted for Christmas time festivities CT28-11 90-12-14
ENVIRONMENT Wasteful heating cooks students, drugs, community CT28-5 90-11-2
ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER Environmental center bolsters student activism CT 42-15
ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Environmental Film Festival CT27-10 90-4-27 p1
ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL Environmental film festival to get nationwide media
CT27-9 90-4-20 p2
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - CAMPUS Physical plant hedges bets; campus exposures,
risks CT 30-3 91/10/4 10 952
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - CC CAMPUS Environmental consciousness required follow-up
with CT 30-2 91/9/20 10 470
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES - STUDENT Nine student protesters arrested, jailed CT 30-6
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES CC lawn pesticide potentially hazardous, report says CT
30-2 91/9/20
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Environmental course suggested to ensure awareness, CT
30-5 91/10/18
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Green Corps provides college graduates with hard-core CT
30-7 91/11/8
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Lend your hand to help others save earth CT 30-4 91/10/11
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Students journey to Sandbeach over block break, have CT
30-6 91/11/1
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Time is running out due to sprinklers, paper bags CT 30-1
ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE CENTER Environmental Resource Center takes on Earth on-line
CT 38-1 96/2/2 p13
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE DEPT. Environmental Science Department grossly understaffed
CT 43-19 99-4-23
EPPEL, MEREDITH Art - Senior Show CT23-10 88-4-15 p11
EPSTEIN, DANIEL An Empty Auditorium CT16-10 83-12-9 p13
EPSTEIN, DANIEL Piano Virtuosos Perform at CC CT14-9 81-12-14 p6
EPSTEIN, NOAH Senior Epstein in CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-6 92/10/30
EQUESTRIAN TEAM CC equestrian team jumps leaps and bounds at West CT 44-16 00/3/10
EQUESTRIAN TEAM Financial support proves to be greatest obstacle for CT 44-10
ERICKSON, WILLIAM H. Justice to Speak at CC CT20-6 86-10-13 p4
ERNEST, MIKE CC Graduate Arrested in Guatemala Terrorist Background? CT15-14
83-1-28 p4
ESCORT SERVICE Escort Service vital, though unused, campus resource CT 37-2
95/9/22 p16
ESCORT SERVICE escorts roam campus with phone CT 39-8 96/11/15 p3
ESCORT SERVICE Safety Escort Service will try golf carts CT 33-5 93/3/12
ESMIOL, PATTISON Too Much Stress? CT17-17 85-3-8 p2
ESTILL, JO ALUMNA Estill commits unnatural act Ct27-4 90-2-23 p2
ESTILL, JO Former CC Student Conducts Classes in Voice Technique CT18-16 85-11-1
ETHICS - COLORADO COLLEGE Truth...Justice...and the CC Way CT24-11 88-12-16
EULE, JAMES Bond, Eule, Yates set high career goals CT28-8 90-11-16 p10
EVANGELICALISM Evangelism and Hypocrisy DE3-3 87-4-17 p4
EVANS, CHERYL Evans takes over Leisure CT 35-7 94/4/1
EVANS, ELIZABETH CC Senior is in Peace Corps CT17-25 85-5-24 P2
EVANS, JULIE & WILLIAMS, CORAL the case against mandatory drug testing for
federal DE4-4 87-11-12 p20-22
EVELYN BRIDGES POETRY CONTEST April 21 Deadline CT14-20 82-4-16 p4
EVENTS COMMITTEE New theme nights attack campus social gaps CT29-9 90-4-20 p5
EVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE CENTER Environmental Resource Center to open at CC CT
33-2 93/2/12
EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Excellence in Teaching petition drive underway CT 38-8
96/4/12 p1
EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING Teaching, learning targeted for improvement Ct 38-5 96/3/8
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 25th Anniversary of Earth Day Elicits Week of CT
36-8 95/4/14 9
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Bird's Eye Watches Environment CT 36-4 95/3/3
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES KEEP Bridges Gap Between Generations CT 36-3 95/2/24
EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Students Organize Campus Amnesty Chapter CT 36-7
F.E.W. FOOD EATING WEIGHT CC concerns group meets CT28-2 90-9-21 p4
F.O.O.T. - FIRST YEAR ORIENTATION F.O.O.T. trips provide wild, safe, odoriferous
fun CT 30-3 91/10/4
F.O.O.T. A F.O.O.T. Trip remembered CT26-3 89-10-6 p6
F.O.O.T. F.O.O.T. program underway CT 34-1 93/9/10
F.O.O.T. Malachite offers great F.O.O.T. experience CT24-4 88-10-14 p8
F.O.O.T. New students take to the outdoors on FOOT trips CT 37-3 95/10/6 p1
F.O.O.T.E. TRIPS Footie reflects on peaceful pastorial pleasures CT 32-3 92/10/2
FABIN, TERRI Armstrong decorated with big bowling balls CT 33-7 93/4/16 13
FACETS PERFORMANCE ENSEMBLE In Search of Macondo CT19-9 86-4-11 p13
FACILITY USE Students Deserve First Priority at Honnen CT 36-2 95/2/10
FACKENHEIM, DR. EMIL Fackenheim Profiled CT26-7 89-11-10 p6
FACKENHEIM, DR. EMIL Remembering the Holocaust CT26-7 89-11-10 p1
FACULTY - COMMITTEE - PRIORITIES Where has student input gone? CT26-1 89-9-15
FACULTY - DISMISSALS Disparity in faculty dismissals CT29-2 91-2-1 p1
FACULTY - GENERAL Faculty seeks end to Greeks CT26-1 89-9-15 p1
FACULTY - HIRING 1991 Faculty and administration process reaching end CT29-9
91-4-19 p5
FACULTY - MINORITY SCHOLARS Minority scholars teach, research at CC for year
CT 39-3 96/10/4 p4
FACULTY - NEW New faculty CT16-1 83-9-16 p2
FACULTY - PROMOTION 21 faculty promoted CT17-19 85-5-22 p2
FACULTY - PROMOTION Brooks attends MEC CT14-15 82-2-19 p2
FACULTY - PROMOTION Faculty dismissals come under fire CT14-15 82-2-19 p1
FACULTY - PROMOTION Puckett out, academic credentials in CT14-24 82-5-1 p1
FACULTY - PROMOTION Trustees deny CCCA requests CT14-16 82-3-12 p1
FACULTY - PROMOTION Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget, tuition, student aid, CT17-18
85-5-15 p1
FACULTY - PUBLICATIONS "Publish or Perish" at CC? CT14-17 82-3-19
FACULTY - PUBLISH OR PERISH? Forum - Publish or Perish at Colorado College CT25-4
89-2-24 p12-13
FACULTY - REVIEW AND TENURE Faculty review, Tenure system functions with loose
CT24-10 88-12-9 p3
FACULTY - SALARIES Faculty salary pool increases but rise can't be CT 33-10
FACULTY - SALARIES Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget CT17-18 85-5-15 p1
FACULTY - SPECIAL SENIOR STATUS Trustees approve, revise at November meeting
CT17-8 84-11-16 p1
FACULTY - TENURE Examining the Tenure Issue CT21-8 87-3-20 p7
FACULTY - TENURE Students offer substantial input into tenure decisions CT24-6
88-11-4 p5
FACULTY - TENURE Tenure causes tension CT16-8 83-1-18 P2
FACULTY - TENURE Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget, tuition, student aid, CT17-18
85-5-18 p1
FACULTY - TERMINATION Professor Joanne Klein's contract terminated CT23-11 88-4-22
FACULTY - VISITING PROFESSORS Bad news for gypsy profs. CT17-18 85-5-15 p14
FACULTY - VISITING PROFESSORS CC identity report, Seaver, Waller, Snyder, Bassett
CT17-12 85-1-18 p7
FACULTY - VISITING PROFESSORS Garcia, Reyes, Viewpoint: Inside look at Central
CT17-17 85-5-8 p8&9
FACULTY - VISITING PROFESSORS Visiting professors named CT14-22 82-5-7 p2
FACULTY - VISITING Visiting professors vary stay, enjoy time at CC CT 36-11
FACULTY & STAFF - 1994 New faculty, staff grace campus CT 36-1 94/9/16
FACULTY 21 Faculty Are Promoted CT17-19 85-5-22 p2
FACULTY A Cultural Tour of Colorado Springs DE 2 1993 16
FACULTY Blocking Faculty Time CT17-24 85-6-17 p10
FACULTY COMM.- COMMITTEE ON Committee on Committees vacancies filled CT29-6
91-3-22 p1
FACULTY Faculty Favors Divestment CT21-6 87-5-7 p1
FACULTY Faculty Looks to Change Curriculum CT17-25 85-5-24 p1
FACULTY Faculty Meets Monthly CT17-20 85-4-12 p3
FACULTY Faculty Shuffles Requirements CT18-1 10-13-85
FACULTY Faculty Stipends, Six Win CT17-23 85-5-10 p2
FACULTY Faculty Want a Change, 51 CT17-23 85-5-10 p3
FACULTY Fall Fashion Spectacular DE 1 1993 16 495
FACULTY MEETING Faculty meeting summarized CT22-6 87-10-30 p2
FACULTY Picture CT16-25 84-5-25 p7
FACULTY Teaching: Humiliation and Humor CT16-25 84-5-25 p7
FACULTY, COMM.- COMMITTEE ON Trustees' 'micro-management' of CC sparks resignations
CT29-4 91-2-22 p1
FACULTY-DEPENDENTS Colorado College Children CT16-13 84-1-27 p6-7
FACULTY-SEWARD, ADRIENNE Packard Professorship Presented to Seward CT 36-7 95/4/7
FAFSA-FREE APPLICATION FOR Changes made in FAFSA reapplication CT 34-7 93/11/5
FAHLUND, ANDY ENACT co-chairs Fahlund, Langsam have helped organize CT29-10
91-4-26 p11
FARADY, MICHAEL An important meeting (pic) CT15-26 83-5-27 p13
FARADY, NAN Poets read CT15-24 83-5-13 p12
FARADY, NAN Writer's conference CT15-8 82-11-19 p5
FARADY, NAN Writing assistance begins anew CT15-1 82-9-17 p2
FARLEY, BRIAN Farley ventures to Zao CT27-1 90-1-26 p17
FASSBINDER, RAINER WERNER Focus on Fassbinder (pic) CT15-16 83-2-18 p13
FAST FOR WORLD HUNGER Fast for World Hunger CT26-8 89-11-17 p2
FAUSTO-STERLING, ANNE Anne Fausto-Sterling, author of Myths of Gender CT29-3
91-2-15 p4
FAYAD, MONA Fayad explores world cultures, literature CT24-3 88-10-7 p7
FEDLER, KYLE Men's Tennis (pic) CT21-8 87-3-20 p21
FEDOROWICZ, ANDREW N. Jazz not what ears hear, but what hearts and souls DE
14-3 92/5 16 701
FEIS, NATHANIAL Different Colors Made of Tears DE 14-1 92/2 12 438
FEIS, NATHANIAL Judgment day cometh as street lunatic damns souls of DE 14-2
FELDSHUS, DAVID Feldshus's roaring Twelfth Night (pic) CT15-5 82-10-22 p16
FELLOWSHIPS - STUDENTS Fellowship & educational opportunities available
to CT 34-6 93/10/29
FELLOWSHIPS - WATSON Watson Fellowships offer opportunity CT26-2 89-9-22 p1
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS - WATSON Watson nominees announced CT22-6 87-10-30
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS 3 Students Receive Fellowships (Watson) Eduardo
CT19-9 86-4-11 p18
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS CC Nets four Watson Fellowships: Chris Dun, Tony
CT21-8 87-3-20 p2
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS CC Students win coveted Fulbright Scholarships
CT21-13 87-5-15 p2
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Elementary, my dear Watsons! CT16-7 83-11-11
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Four Paths Less Traveled: Watson Winners to go
abroad CT21-9 87-4-10 p1
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Four reach Watson finals CT17-7 84-11-2 p3
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Fulbright program CT15-1 83-3-18 p2
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Fulbright program draws Senior applicants CT15-1
82-9-17 p14
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Germany beckons Fulbright Winners CT21-14 87-5-22
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Perkins Wins CC's First Mellon Fellowship CT21-14
87-5-22 p1
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watson applications, Deadline approaches for
CT22-2 87-09-18 p3
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watson Fellowship decline CT18-1 85-9-13 p5
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watson Nominations: Christopher Dunn, Anthony
Lopez, CT20-7
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watson pocket money CT15-19 83-3-18 p2
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watson sends students abroad CT24-1 88-9-16 p4
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watsons awarded to 3 CC students CT17-19 85-5-22
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watsons awarded to Lane, Salazar, Spencer CT14-17
82-3-19 p2
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Watsons draw near CT15-1 82-9-17 p1
FELLOWSHIPS & SCHOLARSHIPS Woodrow Wilson Fellow Visits Campus CT21-4 86-2-13
FEMINISM Feminism and CC DE3-1 87-2-13 p6
FEMINISM Feminism and Femininity CT24-5 88-10-21 p5
FEMINISM Feminism and France DE3-1 87-2-13 p3
FEMINISM FORUM Definition of feminism depends on individual CT 30-3 91/10/4
FEMINISM Opinions CT24-3 88-10-7 p12-13
FEMINIST COLLECTINE Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer... CT
86-1-17 p6&7
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE ERA deadline approaches, active support needed CT14-20 82-4-16
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Feminist Collective announces objectives CT24-3 88-10-7
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Feminist collective counteracts campus antipathy CT 30-9
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Feminist Collective founds Sexual Violence Survivors CT29-2
91-2-1 p10
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Liberal prattle upsets feminists CT14-21 82-4-23 p7
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Understanding Domestic Violence CT20-7 86-11-7 p3
FEMINIST COLLECTIVE Women's commission renamed CT14-12 82-1-22 p2
FEMINIST PERFORMANCE Feminist performance inspires and upsets students CT24-6
88-11-4 p10
FENCING Art of fencing taught CT17-17 85-5-8 p6
FERGUSON, JULIA S. Moments in the flux DE 114-2 92/4 16 863
FERGUSON, JULIA S. Racial Justice Questioned in Wyoming, in America DE 14-1
92/2 24 982
FERNANDEZ, DAMIAN Fernandez speaks on Modern Cuba (pic) CT21-3 87-2-6 p4
FERNANDEZ, DAMIAN New Prof. to concentrate on Chicano Lit. Fernandez CT21-2
87-1-23 p10-11
FIELD HOCKEY 22 kilted thighs? CT15-4 82-10-15 p12
FIELD HOCKEY Amazons drop big one (pic) CT15-5 82-10-22 p17
FIELD HOCKEY Bengal kiltsters 4th (pic) CT15-7 82-11-12 p13
FIELD HOCKEY Ends 1982 season CT15-8 82-11-19 p12
FIELD HOCKEY Field Hockey (pic) CT17-8 84-11-16 p17
FIELD HOCKEY Field hockey begins season CT 39-4 96/10/11 p10
FIELD HOCKEY Field Hockey gains strength CT28-7 90-11-9 p17
FIELD HOCKEY Yippee for field hockey! CT18-3 85-10-4 p14
FIELD HOCKEY You figure this one out CT15-6 82-11-5 p13
FIELDER, JOHN Fielder advocates land development restrictions Ct27-5 90-3-2
FIELDER, JOHN Photo - Nature photographer Ct27 90-2-23 p4
FIFE, REV. JOHN U.S. breaks International Law Ct23-12 88-5-6 p1
FIGHT THE POWER Debate over Fight the Power, discrimination on campus CT 31-4
92/2/28 6-
FIGHT THE POWER Parody of Fight the Power emerges CT 31-5 92/3/6
FIJI National decision to make FIJI "dry" CT 45/1 00-09-15
FILBEY, KEN Lacrosse overcomes (pic) CT17-19 85-5-22 p13
FILM - "A DIFFERENT IMAGE" Film explores gender and sexual relations
CT27-5 90-3-2 p6
FILM PROGRAM - CURR. Film serves as an important aspect of liberal arts CT 45-20
FILM SERIES Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer ... CT19-1 86-1-17
FILM SERIES Film: "Witness to War" CT19-9 86-4-11 p14
FILM SERIES Japanese film tonight CT19-45 86-2-14 p12
FILM SERIES Russian film series to continue CT19-6 86-5-7 p12
FILMMAKERS CC filmmakers complete latest project CT23-12 88-5-6 p12
FINANACIAL AID Financial Aid deadline for returning students CT 36-10 94/12/9
FINANCES - ALUMNI PARTICIPATION College gets $100,000 grant CT 32-1 92/9/11
FINANCES - ANNUAL FUND Campaign raises record funds CT14-1 81-9-11 p1
FINANCES - ANNUAL FUND DIALogue drives for pledges and prizes CT14-15 82-3-5
FINANCES - ANNUAL FUND Logo selection kicks off DIALogue campaign CT14-12 82-1-22
FINANCES - ANNUAL FUND News Briefs: DIALogue exceeds goal CT14-19 82-4-9 p2
FINANCES - BUDGET 1992-1993 Board approves '92-'93 budget, 8% tuition increase
CT 31-5 92/3/6
FINANCES - BUDGET 1994-95 1994-95 budget figures, increases cited CT 35-8 94/4/15
FINANCES - BUDGET Budget meeting explains policies CT 34-7 93/11/5
FINANCES - BUDGET Financial VP details new structure for budget requests CT
43-1 98-9-11
FINANCES - BUDGET Grace focuses on budget CT 32-6 92/10/30
FINANCES - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 16.3 Million raised CT18-2 85-9-20 p1
FINANCES - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Buffo Affair Tonight! CT18-1 85-9-13 p1
FINANCES - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Capital campaign going strong CT20-2 86-9-19 p1
FINANCES - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Capital campaign update CT18-8 85-11-15 p1
FINANCES - CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Captial Campaign rearin' to go CT 85-2-25 p1
FINANCES - COLORADO COLLEGE College frugal with funds CT29-2 91-2-1 p12
FINANCES - ENDOWMENT - SHEFFER, PAUL Catholic symposium CT18-3 85-10-4 p1
FINANCES - ENDOWMENT College's pool fund healthy CT14-15 82-3-5 p3
FINANCES - ENDOWMENT Endowment insufficient to cover costs CT14-19 82-4-9 p1
FINANCES - ENDOWMENT Investment or divestment CT17-16 85-2-25 p4
FINANCES - ENDOWMENT Millions and millions and millions CT17-15 85-2-15 p12&16
FINANCES - FIND RAISING CAMPAIGN Fund raising campaign begins CT16-19 84-5-23
FINANCES - FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN Capital campaign rearin' to go CT17-16 85-2-25
FINANCES - FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN CC plans major fund drive CT15-2 82-9-24 p1&14
FINANCES - FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN Dialing for dollars (pic) CT15-16 83-2-18 p5
FINANCES - FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN Rileys active in fundraising effort CT14-14
82-2-12 p2
FINANCES - ORGANIZATION FUNDING CC funding organizations draining fast CT 35-3
FINANCES - STOCK PORTFOLIO College's stock portfolio reveals surprises CT28-5*
90-10-19 p1
FINANCES - TUITION CCCA questions tuition increase CT17-19 85-5-22 p2
FINANCES - TUITION Increase slated (pic) CT13-17 81-2-20 p1
FINANCES - TUITION Making sense out of dollars CT 42-16 98-3-27
FINANCES - TUITION Next year's fees will break the $20,000 barrier CT 33-6 93/4/2
FINANCES - TUITION The special tuition offer CT14-20 82-4-16 p11
FINANCES - TUITION Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget: Tuition, student aid, CT17-18
85-5-15 p1
FINANCES - TUITION Tuition - More Lies and Subterfuge CT23-9 88-4-8 p4
FINANCES - TUITION Tuition savings plan CT15-16 83-2-18 p2
FINANCES - TUITION Tuition to rise; students blanch (pic) CT15-15 83-2-11 p3
FINANCES - TUITION, ROOM & BOARD Tuition, room and board costs increase
CT 35-6 94/4/1
FINANCES - TUITION1992-1993 Board approves '92-'93 budget, 8% tuition increase
CT 31-5 92/3/6
FINANCES Affluence is our Golden Touch! CT15-2 82-9-24 p8,9
FINANCES Cuts in general budget limit tuition increase CT 39-6 96/11/1 p3
FINANCES Trustees OK $27,730,000 budget CT 85-5-15 p1
FINANCES-BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Business and Industry campaign is on CT17-18
85-5-15 p2
FINANCIAL AID - DIRECTOR New Financial Aid Director hired CT 31-11 92/5/8
FINANCIAL AID - GRANTS Memorial Fund quenches thirst for outdoor experiences
CT 43-9 98-12-4
FINANCIAL AID - STUDENT LOAN DEFAULT Recent federal policy restricts community
college CT29-4 91-2-22 p1
FINANCIAL AID Aid application process altered CT 39-9 96/12/6 p3
FINANCIAL AID Apply for financial aid for 2000-2001 CT 44-9 99/12/3
FINANCIAL AID CC Financial Aid opportunities increasing CT24-8 88-11-18 p2
FINANCIAL AID Congressional Budget Cuts Threaten CC Students CT 36-2 95/2/10
FINANCIAL AID Cuts Threaten Federal Financial Aid CT 36-7 95/4/7
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid changes an option CT 36-10 94/12/9
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Changes to Affect Applicants CT 36-7 95/4/7
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Deadline Draws Near CT 36-2 95/2/10
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Office changes CT 34-4 93/10/8
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Office changes staff CT 34-3 93/10/1
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid Office looks for a new Assistant Director CT 36-3
FINANCIAL AID Financial aid process begins again CT 41-10 97-12-12
FINANCIAL AID Financial Aid process for 1996-97 school year begins CT 37-10
95/12/8 p13
FINANCIAL AID Financial aid taxes general budget; change coming CT 36-2 94/9/23
FINANCIAL AID Help Convince US congress to Save Student Aid CT 36-8 95/4/14
FINANCIAL AID Letters to Editor - Opinions CT28-8 90-11-16 p14
FINANCIAL AID Much-loved "element of surprise" no longer part of CT
43-9 98-12-4
FINANCIAL AID Swanson speaks on proposed financial aid changes CT 43/6 98-10-30
FINANCIAL AID Tuition hike boosts financial aid CT27-8 90-04-6 p1
FINANCIES-THE COLORADO COLLEGE CC raises $49.2 million CT26-1 89-9-15 p1
FINE ARTS CENTER A Contemporary West CT19-3 86-2-7 p12
FINE ARTS CENTER A Touch of France in the Springs CT19-6 86-5-7 p14
FINE ARTS CENTER Fiftieth Anniversary Continues CT19-10 86-4-18 p14
FINE ARTS CENTER Happy Birthday Fine Arts Center! CT19-7 86-2-7 p12
FINE ARTS CENTER Selections from the Metropolitan CT19-8 86-5-21 p13
FINE ARTS CENTER, COLO. SPGS Fine Arts around the world, around the corner CT
39-2 96/9/20 p10
FINE, LISA The Contra compromise DE6-1 88-10-5 p8
FINE, RUTH Fine speaks to students CT19-5 86-2-21 p12
FINLEY, DAVID Finley named New Dean (pic) CT21-3 87-2-6 p1
FINLEY, DAVID Finley says goodbye after 36 years CT 43-19 99-4-23
FINLEY, JUDITH REID Springs History explored in book CT14-9 81-12-4
FIORE, MARK Politics and Pictures CT23-10 88-4-22 p12
FIORE, MARK Politics and pictures CT23-7 88-3-11 p12
FIORE, MARK Politics and Pictures CT23-8 88-3-18 p12
FIORE, MARK Politics and Pictures CT23-9 88-4-8 p9
FIORE, MARK The Way it is CT28-7 90-11-9 p10
FIRES Fire safety threatened: prank burns administration CT14-12 82-1-22 p3
FIRESIDE CHAT Dean Taylor glows by fireside CT15-7 82-11-12 p2
FIRESIDE CHAT Dober and associates CT15-10 82-12-10 p2
FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE Dispelling the myth about the First Year Experience CT
44-13 00/2/11
FIRST-YEAR EXPERIENCE Student's first blocks at CC subject to change CT 43-15
FISH, DONALD R. Breaking the Mold: The Jello Biafra Story DE4-1 87-9-17 p20
FISHER, BATES Fisher - Senior art show CT23-7 88-3-11 p11
FITCH, ANTHONY Drug Wars DE6-3 88-11-23 p25
FITCH, ANTHONY Throwaway DE6-3 88-11-23 p15-16
FITZGERALD, DAVE Tiger Lacrosse wins fourth in a row (pic) CT19-11 86-4-26 p15
FITZGERALD, GARTH Fitzgerald, Lynch win CCCA spots (pic) CT18-10 85-12-13 p1
FITZGERALD, GARTH Senior recalls drug rehabilitation CT21-5 87-2-20 p7
FITZGERALD, KIM Children's Center opens, Campus CT22-2 87-09-18 p1
FITZGERALD, SEAN A letter from Sean Fitzgerald's parents CT27-11 90-5-4 p3
FITZGERALD, SEAN Campus rallies around injured CC freshman CT27-11 90-5-4 p1
FITZGERALD, SEAN Fitzgerald's fall prompts him to reevaluate life CT29-9 91-4-19
FITZGERALD, TIM Apartheid and Religious Communities: Alum. Fitzgerald CT21-13
87-5-15 p2
FITZGERALD, TIM Watson awarded to CC student CT17-19 85-5-12 p1
FITZGERALD, TIM Watson fellow returns CT21-3 87-2-6 p2
FITZGERALD, TOM Lost in space CT17-10 84-12-7 p8
FITZGIBBON, PAUL Election '88 - A farce, what's new? DE6-2 88-10-31 p18
FITZGIBBON, PAUL It's high time to act DE6-4 88-12-16 p22-23
FLOORE, THAD Floore matures to become basketball force (pic) CT16-16 84-2-24
FOOD SERVICE - BEMIS DINING Coach Starr teams up with Bemis' Carmen Terry to
boost CT29-10 91-4-16 p6
FOOD SERVICE - RASTALL Food service director initiates new menus CT 30-1 91/9/13
FOOD SERVICE Can't a prospective get even a morsel of food around CT29-7 91-3-29
FOOD SERVICE Food service modified CT 31-3 92/2/21
FOOD SERVICE - MARRIOTT A campus divided CT26-2 89-9-22 p12
FOOD SERVICE Marriott: Are you listening? CT23-10 88-4-15 p7
FOOD SERVICE - MARRIOTT Marriott isn't Saga anymore CT24-3 88-10-7 p3
FOOD SERVICE Saga/Marriott CT22-1 87-09-11 p4
FOOD, EATING, & WEIGHT CONCERNS Boettcher support group tackles eating concerns
CT29-1 91-1-25 p10
FOOT Footies experience snow, group bonding & cheesecake CT28-2 90-10-5
FOOT PROGRAM FOOT program seeks leaders CT16-12 84-1-20 p2
FOOT PROGRAM FOOT Trippers CT20-4 86-10-10 p7
FOOT PROGRAM Freshman conquer 14ers CT18-3 85-10-4 p8
FOOT PROGRAM Freshmen afoot (pic) CT17-4 84-10-5 p5
FOOT TRIPS Photo essay - Foot Trips ct 39-3 96/10/4 p10-11
FOOTBAL St. Mary's fall to Tigers CT14-5 81-10-29 p10
FOOTBALL - MEN Men's soccer, volleyball, and football wrap up seasons CT 30-7
91/11/8 18 828
FOOTBALL /formidable foes on deck CT 36-3 94/10/7 19
FOOTBALL 13th ranked Tigers chew up Sagehens CT 34-2 94/9/23 20
FOOTBALL A new start for tiger football CT 34-1 93/9/10 18
FOOTBALL Agony of Defeat CT16-2 83-9-23 p16
FOOTBALL Baby G Scores Three, Tigers Lose it, 32-22 CT15-7 82-11-12 p12
FOOTBALL Big Rivalry CT18-6 85-11-1 p18
FOOTBALL Booters crack MacMurray CT14-6 81-10-29 p6
FOOTBALL Bridges Makes All-American CT15-9 82-12-9 p17
FOOTBALL CC confirms football coach CT27-3 90-2-16 p13
FOOTBALL CC football finding victory CT 30-3 91/10/4 19 236
FOOTBALL CC loses season finale at Washington U. CT 45/7 00-11-10
FOOTBALL CC PLAYED Cornell College CT15-3 82-10-8 p13
FOOTBALL Doldrums Continue CT18-7 85-11-8 p17
FOOTBALL Driggers and Gridders Drop Last One to "diggers" 216 CT15-8
11-19-82 p13
FOOTBALL Driggers' Deadly Aerial Display Devastates McMurray CT15-4 82-10-15
FOOTBALL Final Football Fix CT15-9 82-12-3 p17
FOOTBALL Football and Cheerleaders: CC Institutions CT26-7 89-11-10 p15
FOOTBALL Football annihilates Austin, will trample Trinity CT 34-5 93/10/15
16 527
FOOTBALL Football Awards CT14-15 82-2-19 p10
FOOTBALL Football Blast to 3rd Win CT20-5 86-10-17 p15
FOOTBALL Football comeback bid falls short CT45/2 00-09-22
FOOTBALL Football comes close, but no cigar CT 43/7 98-11-30
FOOTBALL Football CT17-1 84-9-7 p8
FOOTBALL Football CT17-2 84-9-14 p9
FOOTBALL Football CT17-3 84-9-21 p14
FOOTBALL Football CT17-4 84-10-5 p8
FOOTBALL Football CT17-5 84-10-12 p12
FOOTBALL Football CT17-6 84-10-19 p12
FOOTBALL Football CT17-7 84-11-2 p16
FOOTBALL Football CT17-8 84-11-6 p16
FOOTBALL Football drowns in rain CT22-8 87-11-13 p19
FOOTBALL Football ends season at 3-6 CT 30-8 91/11/15 19 528
FOOTBALL Football enjoys "other" successes CT26-8 89-11-17 p21
FOOTBALL Football falls short against Pomona CT28-2 90-9-21 p17
FOOTBALL Football gives Crown a royal beating, 55-27 CT 43/5 98-10-16
FOOTBALL Football gunning for best season in years CT 32-1 92/9/11 20 529
FOOTBALL Football Homecoming CT26-3 89-10-6 p22
FOOTBALL Football improving as season progresses CT 39-3 96/10/4 p17
FOOTBALL Football kicks off new era CT 41-1 97/9/12
FOOTBALL Football looks ahead CT28-1 90-9-14 p21
FOOTBALL Football loses seesaw game CT 45/4 00-10-13
FOOTBALL Football on road to success, CC CT22-1 87-09-11 p1
FOOTBALL Football remains undefeated, untied CT 34-7 93/11/5 18 530
FOOTBALL Football smashes record! CT 34-4 93/10/8 17 531
FOOTBALL Football takes one of two on road CT 32-6 92/10/30 19 532
FOOTBALL Football Team pummeled CT22-2 87-09-18 p20
FOOTBALL Football Team Soars on Field CT20-2 86-9-19 p1
FOOTBALL Football terminates Greenville, 21-6 CT 32-3 92/10/2 17 533
FOOTBALL Football tired of not getting support CT 34-8 93/11/12 18 534
FOOTBALL Football team suffers sad defeat CT 41-5 97/10/17
FOOTBALL Football Undefeated CT 34-3 93/10/1 18 535
FOOTBALL Football: Mines crushes Homecoming hopes CT22-5 87-10-16 p19
FOOTBALL Football: Tigers lose Senior Star, Football finally CT22-6 87-10-30
FOOTBALL Football: Trinity blanks clawless Tiger gridders CT22-7 87-11-6 p19
FOOTBALL Football goes 8-1 for season CT 34-9 93/12/3 15 538
FOOTBALL Geonetta Goes for Gold Glory CT15-13 83-1-21 p15
FOOTBALL Gridders face crucial test CT22-4 87-10-09 p19
FOOTBALL Gridders Flying High CT16-3 83-10-7 p19
FOOTBALL Gridders hope to resume their winning ways for CT 36-4 94/10/14 20
FOOTBALL Gridders Optimistic CT16-1 83-9-23 p16
FOOTBALL Gridiron Awards CT15-17 83-11-25 p16
FOOTBALL Gridsters Drop Two CT20-3 86-10-3 p20
FOOTBALL Homecoming II CT16-6 83-11-4 p15
FOOTBALL Hot off a win, Tigers will host improved Pomona-Pitzer CT 36-1 94/9/16
19 667
FOOTBALL Football Awards Given CT19-5 86-3-21 p15
FOOTBALL Mud, Slick Balls Hurt CC CT14-7 81-11-6 p13
FOOTBALL Nightmare CT18-8 85-11-15 p17
FOOTBALL Nightmare on Grid Street CT24-6 88-11-4 p24
FOOTBALL Not Enough CT16-4 83-10-14 p15
FOOTBALL Nothing to be ashamed of Ct 37-6 95/11/10 p17
FOOTBALL Observations of a Paper Tiger CT16-6 83-11-4 p17
FOOTBALL One in a Row CT18-5 85-10-11 p18
FOOTBALL Ore Diggers Maul Tigers CT20-7 86-11-7 p17
FOOTBALL Orediggers bury Tigers CT24-8 88-11-18 p21
FOOTBALL Over CT20-9 86-12-5 p16
FOOTBALL (pic) CT14-24 82-3-21 p13
FOOTBALL Playing the game at CC CT24-4 88-10-14 p22
FOOTBALL Pure Football; You might be glad you came CT26-2 89-9-22 p17
FOOTBALL Redeem Yourselves CT18-4 85-10-11 p18
FOOTBALL Rival Miners Face Tigers CT14-8 81-11-13 p9
FOOTBALL Robertson names top small college defender in Colo. CT24-9 88-12-2
FOOTBALL Samuel leads Tigers to first win CT26-6 89-11-3 p18
FOOTBALL Series of losses plagues football squad CT 37-3 95/10/6 p16
FOOTBALL Short Sports CT15-7 82-11-12 p13
FOOTBALL Sports Rap (Homecoming) CT18-5 85-10-18 p19
FOOTBALL Sports Shorts CT15-1 82-9-17 p13
FOOTBALL Tiger comeback falls short CT24-4 88-10-14 p20
FOOTBALL Tiger football avenges loss from CT 45/5 00-10-20
FOOTBALL Tiger football drops heartbreaker CT 32-8 92/11/13
FOOTBALL Tiger football looks to end losing ways in finals CT 36-6 94/11/4
FOOTBALL Tiger football pounds lowly Grinnell CT 32-2 92/9/18
FOOTBALL Tiger football prepares for last home game CT 43/6 98-10-30
FOOTBALL Tiger football rolls over opposition CT 34-6 93/10/29
FOOTBALL Tiger football season a success despite 3-6 record CT 39-8 96/11/15
FOOTBALL Tiger football suffers disappointing defeat CT 32-5 92/10/16
FOOTBALL Tiger football tears through Tabor CT 45/1 00-09-15
FOOTBALL Tiger football to face Millsaps CT 30-2 91/9/20
FOOTBALL Tiger gridders win third straight on last second CT24-3 88-10-7 p19
FOOTBALL Tiger win! Tigers win! CT 43-3 98-10-2
FOOTBALL Tigers Are Consistent CT18-2 85-9-20 p14
FOOTBALL Tigers back on the right track CT 36-5 94/10/21
FOOTBALL Tigers beat size with desire CT14-4 81-10-9 p13
FOOTBALL Tigers defeat Gusties; lose to Pomona-Pitzer CT 39-2 96/9/20 p19
FOOTBALL Tigers Finish 1-8 CT18-8 85-11-15 p17
FOOTBALL Tigers Finish with Rival Mines CT14-9 81-12-4 p9
FOOTBALL Tigers Fricassee Sagehens CT24-2 88-9-23 p19
FOOTBALL Tigers get Homecoming kicks CT26-3 89-10-6 p21
FOOTBALL Tigers Grab No. 2 CT20-3 86-10-10 p15
FOOTBALL Tigers Heavy Underdog vs. Mines CT26-7 89-11-10 p22
FOOTBALL Tigers look for third win against Austin CT 32-3 92/10/2
FOOTBALL Tigers look strong against Bears CT 36-6 94/11/11
FOOTBALL Tigers lose to Nebraska Wesleyan CT14-1 81-9-11 p6
FOOTBALL Tigers maul Bible-Thumpers CT24-5 88-10-21 p19
FOOTBALL Tigers move ball well, win opener on road CT 37-1 95/9/15 p19
FOOTBALL Tigers nip alumni CT14-3 81-10-2 [p9
FOOTBALL Tigers open season on left foot CT24-1 88-9-16 p21
FOOTBALL Tigers Struggle Again CT18-3 85-10-4 p13
FOOTBALL Tigers Tear Tigers (Again) CT15-6 82-11-5 p12
FOOTBALL Tigers Triumphantly Top Trinity CT 86-10-31 p13
FOOTBALL Tigers victorious 22-5 (pic) CT14-2 81-9-25 p9
FOOTBALL tigers victorious in Homecoming battle CT 39-6 96/11/1 p17
FOOTBALL Victory at last! McPherson falls to Tigers in CT 37-4 95/10/20 p18
FOOTBALL Wishbone Finally Breaks CT20-1 86-9-21 p16
FOOTBALL Youth proves to be Tigers' biggest opponent CT 43-2 98-9-18
FOOTBALL-HISTORY Colorado College Football: A Century of Tradition CT 82-9-24
FORD, GERARLD R. Ford Speaks on Future CT17-17 85-5-8 p1
FORD, GERARLD R. Ford to Speak at CC CT17-12 85-1-18 p2
FOREIGN STUDIES FAIR Foreign Studies Fair set for Monday CT28-4 90-10-12 p3
FOREIGN STUDIES Foreign Studies flawed, Beyond our borders CT22-2 87-09-18 p14
FOREMAN, DAVE Foreman to Speak CT19-10 86-4-18 p3
FORENSICS Final forensics rounds held at Thursday-at-11 CT28-10 90-12-7 p3
FORENSICS Final forensics rounds held at Thursday-at-11 CT28-10 90-12-7 p3
FORREST, JACK Space Based Missile Defense CT16-22 84-4-27 p8-9
FORRUM ON THE FUTURE - COLORADO Changes hit all areas, from Rastall to Slocum
CT29-11 91-5-3 p3
FORT CARSON Fort Carson: German P.O.W. Camp 1942-45 CT20-8 86-11-14 p5
FOSTER, CARY Student arrested at Air Force base CT 31-5 92/3/6
FOSTER-GRESS, CONNIE WieGehts: Thoughts of a CC German CT20-2 86-9-19 p7
FOUNDATION-KECK, W.M. Grants for Science and Curriculum Study Awarded CT21-7
87-5-13 p6
FOUNDATION-MacARTHUR, JOHN D. AND ... CC Receives Grant CT14-6 81-10-29 p1
FOUNDATION-MacARTHUR, JOHN D. AND ... Neel Appointed MacArthur Professor CT14-14
82-2-12 p2
FOUNDATION-MacARTHUR, JOHN D. AND ... Theodore Lindeman MacArthur Endowment
CT19-7 86-3-14 p2
FOUNDATIONS - GAMMA PHI BETA Second-year King recognized by Gamma Phi Beta CT
36-3 94/10/7
FOUNDATIONS - MELLON Grants for Science and Curriculum Study Awarded CT21-7
87-5-13 p6
FOUNDATIONS - MELLON Perkins wins CC's first Mellon Fellowship CT21-14 87-5-22
FOUNDATIONS - SEARS-ROEBUCK Adam Burke and College Receive Awards CT21-9 87-4-10
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Four paths less traveled: Watson winners to
go abroad CT21-9 86-4-10 p1
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Graduate proposals sought CT14-1 81-9-11 p2
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Laura Hershey - CC Fellow '83 CT17-1 84-9-7
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) The Watson CT17-1 84-9-7 p10
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Three selected for Watson fellowships, Burnell,
CT16-19 84-5-23 p1
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Watson nominees selected CT15-5 82-10-22 p3
FOUNDATIONS - WATSON (FELLOWSHIP) Watsons awarded to Lane, Salazar, Spencer
CT14-17 82-3-19 p2
FOUNDATIONS-HARRY FRANK GUGGENHEIM CC Hosts War Conference CT20-5 86-10-17 p1
FOUNDATIONS-HARRY S. TRUMAN Seeking Scholarships? CT18-17 85-11-8 p2
FOUNDATIONS-LUCE, HENRY Hacker Examines Terrorists CT14-4 81-10-16 p1
FOUNDATIONS-LUCE, HENRY Luce Foundation Offers Insight to the Intense CT14-3
81-10-2 p8
FOUNDATIONS-MELLON Faculty Pack Bags CT15-17 83-2-25 p2
FOX, DOUGLAS An Author in our midst: Douglas Fox CT 36-9 94/12/2 14
FOX, DOUGLAS Esteemed Fox gives CC three more blocks CT 40-7 97/4/4
FOX, DOUGLAS Profs discuss Asian culture CT18-8 85-11-15 p5
FOX, DOUGLAS Religion professor given prestigious award CT 37-6 95/11/3 p2
FOXWORTH, NILENE African vs. American (pic) CT19-4 86-2-14 p2
FRANCE - STUDENTS Franco Student Uprising DE3-3 87-4-17 p4
FRANCE Death of the Self DE3-1 87-2-13 p4
FRANCE France-Political Quagmire DE3-2 87-3-20 p4
FRANCE The Galloping Gourmets DE21-14 87-5-22 p4
FRANKLIN, JOHN HOPE Franklin, Abbott lecturer CT18-3 85-10-4 p2
FRANKLIN, JOHN HOPE In search of ...(pic) CT18-4 85-10-11 p2
FRASCA, TONY A tribute to Tony (pic) CT17-24 85-5-17 p8&9
FRASCA, TONY Frasca's 1983 Tigers play ball (pic) CT15-18 83-3-11 p17
FRASER, MALCOLM CC Participates in South African Symposium CT20-3 86-10-3 p3
FRATERELLI, MIKE Co-editor of Spring's Catalyst (pic) CT20-10 86-12-12 p5
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delta Theta gets two-year probation CT 36-6
FRATERNITES - RUSH Rush results in unexpected pledge numbers CT27-3 90-2-16
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Beta blood club CT18-9 85-12-6 [2
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Beta blood: and more Greek news CT20-10 86-12-12
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Beta nationals suspend charter CT25-8 89-4-7 p1
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Betas accept woman pledge (pic) CT17-14 85-2-8
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Betas back in business CT14-22 82-5-7 p4
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Betas busted CT19-8 86-5-21 p2
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Betas draw blood CT17-10 84-12-7 p4
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Betas reinstated CT14-1 81-9-11 p2
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Closing the gender gap CT20-9 86-12-5 p3
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Come help save lives CT18-8 85-11-15 p5
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Frats state their case (pic) CT13-13 81-1-16 p4
FRATERNITIES - BETA THETA PI Violence erupts at Beta party CT24-5 88-10-21 p4
FRATERNITIES - BLUE KEY NATIONAL Majors Day CT26-4 89-10-13 p3
FRATERNITIES - CHI SIGMA Chi Sigma Fijis expand vision, serve CT22-5 87-10-16
FRATERNITIES - GREEKS Greek Corner CT 34-2 93/9/17
FRATERNITIES - GREEKS Greek Corner CT 34-3 93/10/1
FRATERNITIES - GREEKS Greek not in the corner CT 34-4 93/10/8
FRATERNITIES - HISTORY Hellenic holiday CT13-17 81-2-20
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigs wish they could win CT19-10 86-4-18 p15
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Fijis capture B-ball crown CT19-7 86-5-14 p14
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Groids and Fijis take IM crowns CT18-6 85-11-1 p19
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigma hold Valentine's Day toilet papering,
CT29-4 91-2-22 p2
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigma to host blood drive CT26-3 89-10-6 p2
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigs Indicated CT21-8 87-3-20 p5
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigs under fire CT21-6 87-5-7 p3
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Low turnout for Kappa Sigma blood drive CT 30-6 91/11/1
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Rumor dispelled CT15-20 83-3-25 p2
FRATERNITIES - KAPPA SIGMA Springs Boys and Girls Clubs Benefit from Kappa Sigma
CT23-10 88-4-15 p5
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA PI First meeting of term OC1-1 1880-2 p5
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA PI Reading room OC1-2 1880-3 p1
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Boys will be boys CT17-8 84-11-16 p6
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA CC Frat fire CT18-5 85-10-18 p2
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Dik penalty CT18-8 85-11-15 p2
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Greeks stand on shaky ground CT24-1 88-9-16 p12
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA In defense of Phi Delts CT18-7 85-11-8 p5
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delt fight sequel CT19-1 86-1-17 p3
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delts 50's show of shows (pic) CT14-8 81-11-13
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delts busted CT18-7 85-11-8 p1
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delts play doctor CT23-11 88-4-22 p7
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA Rainbow Jam CT20-6 86-10-31 p3
FRATERNITIES - PHI DELTA THETA State their case CT13-13 81-1-16 p4
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) 75 Years (pic) CT16-3 83-10-7 p17
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Bomb threat forces Fijis out in cold CT25-1
89-1-27 p4
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Fijis capture B-ball crown CT19-7 86-5-14
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Fijis open shop (pic) CT17-1 84-9-14 p3
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Fiji's sponsor date rape discussion CT20-8
86-11-14 p4
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Fraternity rush questioned CT16-13 84-1-27
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Frats state their case (pic) CT13-13 81-1-16
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA (FIJI) Kappa Sigs wish they could win CT19-10
86-4-18 p13
FRATERNITIES - PHI GAMMA DELTA FIJI clothing drive CT26-4 89-10-13 p2
FRATERNITIES - RUSH Fraternity rush over CT27-1 90-1-26 p2
FRATERNITIES - RUSHING Dry rush is a success! Lack of booze does not deter CT23-2
88-1-22 p4
FRATERNITIES - RUSHING Fraternity rushees, No booze for CT23-1 88-1-15 p1
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI A crackdown on Brotherhood CT23-12 88-5-6 p11
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI CC Nears Sigma Chi purchase (pic) CT20-2 86-9-19 p4
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Drug scandal rocks Sigma Chi CT23-9 88-4-8 p1
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Frat Imposter nabbed CT26-4 89-10-13 p1
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Is CC hostile to homosexuals? CT19-1 86-1-17 p5
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Sigma Chi awarded CT 36-5 94/10/21
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Sigma Chi couch burns (pic) CT19-12 86-5-9 p1
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Sigma Chi placed on probation for alleged rush policy
CT 30-4 91/10/11
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Sigma Chi sets the record straight CT23-11 88-4-22
FRATERNITIES - SIGMA CHI Student coalition project pursued CT21-14 87-5-22 p5
FRATERNITIES CC Freshmen survive "hell week" CT14-24 82-5-21 p4
FRATERNITIES Faculty seeks end to Greeks CT26-1 89-9-15 p1
FRATERNITIES Frat fires: burning down the house CT18-4 85-10-11 p3
FRATERNITIES Fraternities provide CC with variety CT28-3 90-10-5 p11
FRATERNITIES Fraternities robbed CT14-1 81-9-11 p1-2
FRATERNITIES Fraternities, Women and Individuals CT23-2 88-1-22 p14
FRATERNITIES Fraternities: what a rush CT17-12 85-1-18 p8&9
FRATERNITIES Fraternity rush CT19-1 86-9-17 p3
FRATERNITIES Fraternity rush set (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21 p2
FRATERNITIES Free the Greeks DE3-1 87-2-13 p1
FRATERNITIES IFC levies fines CT17-15 85-2-15 p1
FRATERNITIES IFC will review rush CT17-14 85-2-8 p2
FRATERNITIES Kappa Sig, Sigma Chi off probation CT 38-1 96/2/2 p4
FRATERNITIES New frat nearly nixed CT17-12 85-1-18 p8&9
FRATERNITIES No new Frat CT18-1 85-9-13 p4
FRATERNITIES Riley explains views on Fraternities CT14-9 81-12-4 p2
FRATERNITIES Rush (pic) CT19-2 86-1-24 p4
FRATERNITIES Rush activities highlighted CT16-12 84-1-20 p3
FRATERNITIES Rush starts: Fraternities "get psyched" CT14-11 82-1-15
FRATERNITY RUSH Fraternity Rush comes to close CT25-2 89-2-3 p4
FRAZIER, LEROY DR. King for a day CT19-2 86-1-24 p1
FREDERICK, CATNIP Comics Provide Insight into War, Nonviolence DE 16-3 93/5
12 369
FREDERICK, CATNIP What do Quakers and refrigerators have in common? DE 14-2
FREE SPEECH Campus debates limits of free speech CT25-8 89-4-7 p1
FREED, DOUGLAS Elderly Plagued by Depression, Illness CT26-7 89-11-10 p5
FREED, DOUGLAS Professor Doug Freed retires CT 37-4 95/10/20 p2
FREEEMAN, CHICO Chico will blow your socks off (pic) CT15-12 83-1-14 p10
FRENCH REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL Bicentennial blast begins CT24-11 88-12-16 p4
FRENCH REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL French Revolution celebrates bicentennial CT25-2
89-2-3 p1
FRESHMEN - FIRST YEARS First years find freedom CT 41-1 97/9/12 6-7
FRESHMEN 1997 Freshmen surplus puts students in tight squeeze CT 41-1 97/9/12
FRESHMEN Freshmen honored for their high academic excellence CT27-11 90-5-4
FRIED, ROBERT DR. Star Wars blasted CT17-6 84-10-19 p5
FRIEDRICH, MARY Myths rape friendship (pic) CT16-21 84-4-20 p7
FRIEMUTH, CARRIE To join or not? CT17-6 84-10-19 p4
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Author speaks about cowboys CT16-16 84-2-24 p4
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Book sale CT14-21 82-4-23 p2
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Murray to speak on Nuremberg Trial CT14-22 82-5-7
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Papers donated CT15-25 83-5-20 p2
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Rochette to speak CT14-19 82-4-9 p2
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Springs History explored in book CT14-9 81-12-4
FRIENDS OF THE CC LIBRARY Tribolet to speak on the Florence, Italy, Flood of
CT15-6 82-11-5 p11
FRISBEE Frisbee gains popularity as legitimate sport CT14-21 82-4-23 p13
FRISBEE Intramural Frisbee CT14-21 82-4-23 p14
FRISBEE TEAMS Photo - Frisbee Teams CT29-8 91-4-5 p22
FRISBEE Ultimate Frisbee alive and well CT26-10 89-12-8 p19
FRISBEE Ultimate shows positive start to spring season CT27-8 90-4-6 p15
FROST, WHITLEY Senior Spotlight CT26-8 89-11-17 p10
FRY, SARA Athlete of the Week CT 36-2 94/9/23 18
FRY, SARA Athlete of the Week CT 36-9 95/4/28 18
FUENTES, CARLOS Carlos Fuentes gives Prophetic Lecture CT26-2 89-9-22 p5
FUENTES, CARLOS Fuentes delivers Lloyd Lecture (pic) CT19-12 86-5-9 p1
FUENTES, CARLOS Fuentes to appear CT19-10 86-4-18 p3
FUENTES, CARLOS Fuentes to visit campus CT26-1 89-9-15 p3
FUENTES, CARLOS Honoring a literary legend CT18-9 85-12-6 p4
FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIPS Holchak, Paul gets Fulbright CT23-11 88-4-22 p4
FULGINITI, LAURA CC grad assisting in forensic investigation CT29-6 91-3-22
FULGUM, DON Administrator Retires CT21-1 86-1-16 p3
FULL MOON RITUAL When the moon is full: occult makes semester debut CT 37-2
95/9/22 p17
FULL MOON RITUALS CC & UCCS Pagans celebrate CT 37-4 95/10/20 p14
FULLER, DIANE Addition in Society CT25-1 89-1-27 p4
FULLER, TIMOTHY Catastrophe coming CT17-7 84-11-2 p4
FULLER, TIMOTHY Riley appoints Professor Tim Fuller dean of the CT 31-6 92/3/27
FULLER, TIMOTHY The benefit to students CT20-3 86-1-3 p8
FULLER, TIMOTHY The Work of Michael Oakeshott DE13-2 91/10
FUNDRAISING Alumni, Senior Fundraising Begins CT 36-3 95/2/24 3
FUNK, CYNTHIA Career Center ..... Photo CT29-3 91-2-15 p3
FURGUSON, ROBERT Columbia prof. points to Constitution as literature CT29-7
91-3-29 p4
FURNITURE Five hundred dollars worth to be added OC1-1 1880-2 p5
FURNITURE New items OC1-2 1880-3 p11
GABEL, KURT A future in PR CT18-10 85-12-13 p3
GABLIK, SUZI Cash flow aesthetics CT15-13 83-1-21 p13
GAIA-EARTH AS LIVING ORGANISM Prof. Noblett, Langer and Genova discussed Gaia
at CT24-11 88-12-16 p1
GAINES, BETSY Students join in Fur-Free Friday CT24-9 88-12-2 p2
GALA - GAY AND LESBIAN ALLIANCE GALA asks all to wear jeans to show support
CT 30-5 91/10/18
GALA GALA members ask for recognition as cultural minority CT 30-7 91/11/8 11
GALA Gay parents relate joys, struggles CT27-9 90-4-20 p5
GALLAGHER, CHARLES Gallagher bids farewell after one year Ct 40-9 97/4/28
GALVES, FRED From Left to Right De9-3&4 90-5-10 p8
GAMER, CARLTON Carlton Gamer: Music among other interests (pic) CT18-10 85-12-13
GAMER, CARLTON Much ado about nukes (pic) CT19-5 86-2-21 1,5,6
GAMER, CARLTON Musician, prepare thyself CT24-3 88-10-7 p16
GAMES search under STUDENTS - FADS
GAMMA PHI BETA CC chapter of Gamma Phi Beta honored for academic CT28-1 90-9-14
GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta sponsors lip sync contest to benefit CT28-1 90-9-14
GANDHI, ARUN Gandhi speaks at CC CT24-5 88-10-21 p1
GARCIA, CLAIRE Explaining blackness to white students CT 34-10 93/12/10
GARCIA, REYES Viewpiont: Inside look at Central America U.S. role CT17-18 85-5-8
GARRISON, JEFF Garrison to speak on SDI CT19-11 86-4-26 p3
GARRISON, MARGARET CC sad to see her go (pic) CT18-2 85-9-20 p8
GARRISON, NATHAN It's better to fade away... DE 14-3 92/5 20 694
GARTH FAGAN BUCKET DANCE THEATRE Armstrong overwhelmed by Bucket Dance Theater
(pic) CT21-1 87-1-16
GASIRABO, PASCAL Divestment Rally CT23-5 88-2-19 p1
GASIRABO, PASCAL Education: A Global Subculture? CT23-14 88-5-20 p7
GASIRABO, PASCAL Pascal Gasirabo: Out of Africa (pic) CT21-7 87-5-13 p7
GAY & LESBIAN AWARENESS WEEK Gay & Lesbian Awareness Week CT25-6 89-3-24
GAY AND LESBIAN ALLIANCE Queer Pride Week CT 30-4 91/10/11
GAY AND LESBIAN AWARENESS WEEK GALA ends successful Gay, Lesbian Awareness Week
CT29-7 91-3-29 p7
GAY AND LESBIAN RIGHTS Denim Day supports gay and lesbian rights CT27-9 90-4-20
GAY RIGHTS Gay March on Washington CT22-8 87-11-13 p12
GAY RIGHTS Gay rights codified CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
GAY RIGHTS March goals reflect CC's dilemma Ct22-7 87-11-6 p9
GAY/LESBIAN Insight - Gay/Lesbian Pride CT25-7 89-3-31 p9-12
GECGIL, NURAHN Gecgil calls Americans individualistic, materialistic CT28-5*
90-10-19 p8
GEDACK, SHARON Students defy traditional route CT27-8 90-4-6 p5
GEER, ERIN The works of Erin Geer are now showing in Packard Hall CT33-10 93/5/7
GEIST, GARY Boston Marathon: Geist scores big (pic page 15) CT21-11 87-4-24
GEITENBEEK, PAULIEN Walking and teaching for Peace (pic) CT19-14 86-5-23
GENDER EQUALITY - COLORADO COLLEGE Gender equality examined in CC sports CT
35-7 94/4/1 17 562
GENDER EQUALITY CC Athletic Department tackles gender equality CT 35-9 94/4/29
GENDER EQUITY - COLORADO COLLEGE Gender equity plan hits men's sports hard CT
35-8 94/4/15 14 563
GENETICS The Brave New World DE1-4 86-3-21
GENETICS The questions ... and the answers DE3-2 87-3-20
GENOVA, JUDITH Faculty win stipend CT17-23 85-5-10
GENOVA, JUDITH Genova speaks to feminist collective CT19-3 86-2-7
GENOVA, JUDITH Genova to deliver LLLS (pic) CT19-9 86-4-11
GEOLOGY CC Geology program honored CT 35-2 94/2/11
GEOLOGY DEPARTMENT Block Plan allows ample opportunity for fieldwork in CT29-7
91-3-29 p1
GEOLOGY Geo class discovers "intact mid-sized" dinosaur bone CT29-8
91-4-5 p1
GEONETTA, PAT Ex-Tiger goes for the pros (pic) CT17-25 85-5-24
GEONETTA, PAT Geonetta gets chance with Dallas CT15-23 83-1-28
GEONETTA, PAT Geonetta goes for gold glory (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21
GERMAN DEPARTMENT Liebesszenen aus Deutschland: Gehen Sie! CT29-7 91-3-29 p19
GERMAN FESTIVAL German Festivities slated for Armstrong Hall CT23-10 88-4-15
GERMANY (EAST) G.D.R. The Ideal? DE2-1 86-9-19
GERMANY (WEST) Green Politics DE21-14 87-5-22
GERONAZZO Senior Peter Geronazzo: Pick of the Week CT 38-5 96/3/8 p19
GERTNER, DOUG Rebellious Gertner remembers his music CT23-13 88-5-13 p3
GIANESIN, BRIAN Loan cuts increase homogeneity CT14-15 82-2-19
GIBBS, CHRISTOPHER C. Gibbs recollects Vietnam struggles CT16-15 84-2-17
GIBSON, CHRIS Athlete of the Week CT 36-6 95/3/31 18
GILBERT, BEN Controversy surrounds student's dismissal CT24-8 88-11-18 p1
GILBERT, BEN Gilbert defends controversial chalkings CT24-8 88-11-18 p10
GILBERT, MAID Security proving effective (pic) CT14-8 81-11-13
GILBERT, MARK "New faces" join the ranks of CC CT14-2 81-9-25
GILBERT, MARK Blow the whistle CT14-12 82-1-22
GILBERT, MARK Common sense saves lives CT14-9 81-12-4
GILBERT, MARK Gilbert urges vigilance CT14-2 81-90-25
GILE, MOSES CLEMENT LLLS and the meaning of life CT18-5 85-10-18
GILL, DR. SAM D. Visiting Prof shows "True Self" behind masks CT23-2
88-1-22 p4
GILPIN, LAURA Events to honor Colorado artist CT23-13 88-5-13 p5
GINGRICH, CANDACE Candace Gingrich to speak in Gaylord CT 40-7 97/4/4
GIUFFRE, KATHERINE New professor adjusts to block plan CT 39-2 96/9/20 p11
GIVENS, SCOTT Good sex life proportional to free beer CT28-5 90-11-2 p7
GLASSMEYER, EDWARD CC names two new trustees CT 33-6 93/4/2
GLAZE MARK Mark Glaze clarifies his use of CCCA funds and CT28-8 90-11-16 p13
GLAZE, MARK Clouds, Euthyphro and Gorgias DE14-3 92/5
GLAZE, MARK Former president Glaze's personal use of CCCA long CT29-5 91-3-1
GLAZE, MARK Glaze awarded Truman scholarship in National CT27-10 90-4-27 p4
GLAZE, MARK Lynne Cheney on P.C. and CC DE 13-1 91/9 12 776
GLAZE, MARK Student government election '89 CT26-9 89-12-1 special
GODWIN, SUSAN Susie Godwin prepares for medical career CT 30-3 91/10/4
GOENCKEL, GALEN The real thing: experiential education CT18-4 85-10-11
GOLD CARD Gold Card Plus eases CC life CT 36-2 94/9/23 10 569
GOLD CARD The Gold Card Symbol of our new enlightenment by Paul DE7-1 89-2 p14-15
GOLD CARD Wooglin's gives up the Gold Card CT 45/3 00-10-06
GOLD CARDS Wooglin's opens up to Gold Cards CT 36-1 94/9/16
GOLDMAN, MIKE No real rhyme or reason DE8-1 89-Sept p10
GOLDWIN, ROBERT Robert Goldwin narrates birth of bill of rights CT28-3 90-10-5
GOLF CC golfers make a noise CT18-2 85-9-20
GOLF Colorado College golfers looking towards strong season CT 31-8 92/4/10
17 365
GOLF Golf finishes year strong CT15-23 83-4-29
GOLF Good times golf CT19-11 86-4-26
GOLFCC golf gains experience CT 32-3 92/10/9 18
GONZALES, PENNY Traditions fall: Women lose identity, power DE14-3 92/4
GONZALEZ, FRANCISCO Gonzalez condemns Pinochet's Chile CT17-8 84-11-16 p7
GOODACRE, GLENNA Goodacre to address Class of 1994 May 23 CT 35-11 94/5/13
GOODACRE, GLENNA Goodacre to speak at 1994 CC Commencement CT 35-2 94/2/11
GOODALL, JANE Chimp study set CT17-22 85-4-26
GOODALL, JANE Goodall shows slides, discusses chimp behavior (pic) CT16-22 84-4-27
GOODALL, JANE Goodall to speak on chimp research CT19-11 86-4-26
GOODALL, JANE Jane Goodall returns to CC CT17-21 85-4-19
GOODMAN, LINDA Goodman to study tribe (pic) CT14-15 82-3-5
GOODMAN, MELANIE The cruel pleasure of text DE9-1 90-2-7 p15
GOODNIGHT, CHRIS Paradox DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pXIII
GOODWIN, CHRISTOPHER Alumnus relates Indonesian experience CT25-4 89-2-24 p1
GOODWIN, CHRISTOPHER Goodwin is Scholarship finalist CT19-6 86-5-7
GOODWIN, CHRISTOPHER Received Luce Fellowship CT19-9 86-4-11
GOODWIN, SUE Women and disability addressed CT17-19 85-5-22
GORDON, CARRIE Pro-life speaker offers views CT 31-10 92/5/1
GORMAN-JACOBS, JUDY Activist to perform CT17-20 85-40-12
GOURMAN, JACK Gourman report criticized as incomplete CT 84-2-24
GOURMAN, JACK Gourman study rates as "adequate" CT16-14 84-2-10
GRACE, EBEN The Adaptable Whale DE 13-2 91/10
GRACE, LISE La Sagrada Familia (pic) CT21-8 87-3-20
GRACE, LISE Senior art shows: Lise Grace CT21-7 87-5-13
GRACE, MICHAEL Grace and Coriell move to clarify Amendment 2 CT33-2 93/2/12
GRACE, MICHAEL Grace assumes presidency CT 32-1 92/9/11
GRACE, MICHAEL Grace Directs Musicum CT 34-10 93/12/10
GRACE, MICHAEL Photo CT29-8 91-4-5 p10
GRACE, MICHAEL Professors stress Mozart appreciation CT25-3 89-2-17 p14
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS CC Trio: tonight (pic) CT21-12 87-5-8
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS Cellist and pianist CT18-3 85-10-4
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS In the spirit of Palmer CT19-3 86-2-7
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS Musicians and Teachers: The Colorado College Trio CT20-8
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS Pianist CT18-2 85-9-20
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS Piano and Percussion: Next Week CT21-12 87-5-8
GRACE, SUE LANGLAS String quartet in concert CT16-14 84-2-10
GRACE, SUSAN Sight and sound and Susan Grace CT 36-5 94/10/21
GRADING - COLORADO COLLEGE (D) Making the grade CT41-7 97/11/7
GRADUATION 1990 Seniors divulge speech plans for graduation CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
GRAHAM, GORDON Abah, Graham provide non-traditional education CT28-1 90-9-14
GRAHAM, RON Network problem-solving with math and computer science CT21-11 87-4-24
GRAMMAR, MACK Mack Grammar addresses Blacks in politics CT27-5 90-3-2 p3
GRANT, CAMERON The Toad Not Eaten DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pXII
GRANT, CHALLENGE David Packard donated $4 million as a challenge grant CT 36-2
GRANTS - LITERATURE Literature grants offered CT 35-3 94/2/25
GRANTS - SCIENCE CC receives majors grant CT 34-2 93/9/17
GRANTS-VENTURE Student's Grant Leads to New York City CT 36-11 95/5/5
GRAVENHURST, TAMMY Gravenhurst speaks foreign languages CT28-10 90-12-7 p10
GRAVENHURST, TAMMY Gravenhurst speaks foreign languages CT28-10 90-12-7 p10
GREAT AMERICAN READ ALOUD Tutt holds public readings CT 33-8 93/4/16
GREAT AMERICAN READ-ALOUD Great American Read-Aloud at Tutt Library CT 40-9
GREEK COUNCIL Greeks held accountable; parties closed to those CT28-1 90-9-14
GREEK LETTER ORGANIZATIONS Greeks stand on shaky ground CT24-1 88-9-16 p12
GREEK LETTER ORGANIZATIONS Keeping CC competitive CT24-1 88-9-16 p13
GREEK LETTER ORGANIZATIONS Positive potential of Greeks needs open-mindedness
CT24-1 88-916 p13
GREEK LETTER ORGANIZATIONS The Greek System: Let students decide CT24-1 88-9-16
GREEK LIFE A Sign of the Times: Evolutions in Greek Life at CC CT 36-5 95/3/10
GREEK LIFE Appeal Decision Expected By End of Year CT 36-11 95/5/12 4
GREEK LIFE Benefits of Greek Life All Too Often Overlooked CT 36-11 95/5/5 14
GREEK LIFE Conference Addresses AIDS and the Greek System CT 36-8 95/4/14 10
GREEK LIFE Delta Gamma and Anchorslide to Benefit Blind CT 36-4 95/3/3 10 431
GREEK LIFE Greek Decision Expected in May CT 36-6 95/3/31
GREEK LIFE Greek Organizations Beneficial to CC Life CT 36-1 95/2/3 11 595
GREEK LIFE Greek Recommendation Clouds Future CT 36-6 95/3/31 10 596
GREEK LIFE Greek Weekend Aims to Benefit Community CT 36-5 95/3/10 11 599
GREEK LIFE Greeks at CC Undeservedly Stereotyped CT 36-2 95/2/10 11 600
GREEK LIFE Greeks express concerns about negative image CT28-5* 90-10-19 p2
GREEK LIFE Greeks Pack Student Meeting With Mohrman CT 36-9 95/4/28
GREEK LIFE Greeks, college at odds over campus plan CT 39-10 96/12/13 p1
GREEK LIFE Kappa Sigma on Probation, Appeal Decision CT 36-10 95/5/5
GREEK LIFE Mohrman Delays Greek Policy CT 36-8 95/4/14
GREEK LIFE Mohrman to Make Greek Decision CT 36-5 95/3/10
GREEK LIFE Phi Delta Theta Decision Evokes Emotion CT 36-5 95/3/10 10 946
GREEK LIFE Phi Delta Theta Fraternity Dissolved CT 36-4 95/3/3
GREEK LIFE Phi Delts Lose Appeal, Face Eviction Deadline CT 36-5 95/3/10
GREEK LIFE President Mohrman Holds Second Open Greek Forum CT 36-10 95/5/5
GREEK LIFE Spring Activities Welcome New Members to Greek Life CT 36-3 95/2/24
GREEK LIFE Students Pack Forum on Future of Greek System CT 36-9 95/4/28
GREEK QUAD Dedication of new Greek Quad brings East Campus to CT 45/5 00-10-20
GREEK SYSTEM Administration meets the Greeks CT24-8 88-11-18 p2
GREEK SYSTEM Colorado College Greek system adopts a closed party CT28-3 90-10-5
GREEK SYSTEM Deans discuss future of Greeks CT29-5 91-3-1 p5
GREEK SYSTEM Grasping at straws CT26-5 89-10-20 p9
GREEK SYSTEM Greek advisor Jones resigns unexpectedly CT 37-10 95/12/8 p1
GREEK SYSTEM Greek System a Burning Issue CT26-7 89-11-10 p13
GREEK SYSTEM Greek system puts an end to open parties CT29-10 91-4-26 p2
GREEK SYSTEM Greek Trip to Tennessee ends in disgrace CT 37-6 95/11/3 p1
GREEK SYSTEM Greeks offer admin. 'lodge' proposal for campus future CT 37-6
95/11/10 p1
GREEK SYSTEM Greeks play vital role in social life at CC CT 37-4 95/10/20 p6
GREEK SYSTEM Pride rekindled by Alumnae visit CT 37-4 95/10/20 p13
GREEK SYSTEM Riley places Greek review on back burner CT29-6 91-3-22 p4
GREEK SYSTEM Should the Greek system remain at CC? CT28-4 90-10-12 p11
GREEK SYSTEM The Greek Corner: Alcohol Awareness Week for all CT 37-9 95/12/1
GREEK SYSTEM The Greek Corner: Fraternity Rush worth looking CT 37-3 95/10/6
GREEK SYSTEM The Greek Corner: Goodbyes CT 37-10 95/12/15 p14
GREEK SYSTEM The Greek Corner: Your personal chauffeur CT 37-10 95/12/8 p14
GREEK SYSTEM The Greek Corner Truth or Myth: The Rumors about Rush CT 37-2 95/9/15
GREEK SYSTEM Weekend holds double significance for Greeks CT 38-2 96/2/9 p1
GREEK SYSTEM What's wrong with Greeks CT26-2 89-9-22 p11
GREEK WEEK '92 Greek Week '92! Swimming, skating and rapping for CT 31-7 92/4/3
10 597
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT20-3 86-10-3
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT20-5 86-10-17
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT20-7 86-11-7
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT20-8 86-11-14
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT20-9 86-12-5
GREEK WEEK Greek Update CT21-1 87-1-16
GREEK WEEK Greek Week CT17-24 85-5-17
GREEK WEEK Greek Week CT19-9 86-4-11
GREEK WEEK Greek week events CT17-23 85-5-10
GREEK WEEK Greek Week promotes the futures of local school CT29-8 91-4-5 p10
GREEK WEEK Greek Week rocks CC (pic) CT19-13 86-5-16
GREEK WEEK Greek Week to feature book drive, bingo, "athletic CT29-7 91-3-29
GREEK WEEK Riley lauds Greek process at convocation CT29-8 91-4-5 p4
GREEKS - GREEK WEEK Greek Week to benefit AIDS project CT 33-7 93/4/16
GREEKS CC Greek system reviewed CT 33-4 93/3/5
GREEKS Committee nears decision on future of Greeks CT 32-9 92/12/4
GREEKS Greek Community plans spring events CT 40-4 97/2/28
GREEKS Greek corner CT 34-9 93/12/3
GREEKS Greek Corner: Administrative decision on Greek system CT 36-7 94/11/11
11 583
GREEKS Greek Corner: Community service critical to Greek life CT 36-10 94/12/9
11 584
GREEKS Greek Corner: Fraternity Rush deserves a look by all CT 36-6 94/11/4
11 585
GREEKS Greek Corner: Greek life more than simply social CT 36-5 94/10/21 11
GREEKS Greek Corner: IFC and Panhells change leaders CT 36-11 94/12/16
GREEKS Greek Corner: Jones brings new ideas CT 36-2 94/9/23 11 588
GREEKS Greek Corner: philanthropy as usual CT 35-9 94/4/29
GREEKS Greek Corner: Success of sorority rush illustrates CT 36-4 94/10/14
GREEKS Greek Corner: Why rush this year? CT 36-3 94/10/7 11 591
GREEKS Greek minorities voice concerns about fairness of CT 32-10 92/12/11 24
GREEKS Greek system breaks more stereotypes CT 40-7 97/4/4
GREEKS Greek system echoes Japanese collectivism CT 40-6 97/3/28
GREEKS Greek week set to promote positives of campus Greek CT 45/18 01-04-06
GREEKS Greeks ban kegs; B.Y.O.B. policy instated CT 30-1 91/9/13
GREEKS Greeks plan Spring rush to recruit pledges CT33-3 93/2/26
GREEKS Greeks respond to Mohrman's decision CT 38-5 96/3/8 p15
GREEKS Greeks welcome new year CT39-2 96/9/20 p12
GREEKS It's all Greek to me, you and everybody CT 34-5 93/10/15
GREEKS Mohrman releases decision on Greeks CT 38-4 96/3/1 p1
GREEKS Oda chosen Order of Omeg's outstanding member CT 43/5 98-10-16
GREEKS The Greek debate continues, Greek leaders laud CT 33-5 93/3/12
GREEN, VANALYNE Avant-Garde Arts Festival is proud to present CT 86-1-17
GREENFIELD, EDWARD Speaker on Will Walton CT15-6 82-11-5
GREENFIRE Greenfire spreads environmental awareness CT27-3 90-3-23 p11
GREENPEACE Acid rain road show CT19-8 86-5-21
GREENPEACE Greenpeace to help Indians CT14-9 81-12-4
GREENSPHAN, FRED Feminism and the Bible CT18-8 85-11-15
GRICE, JIMMY National team names Grice (pic) CT15-24 83-5-13
GRICE, JIMMY Sport God CT15-24 83-5-13
GRIEP-RUIZ Leo: success CT18-5 85-1-18
GRIEP-RUIZ, LEO Leo does "Liito" CT18-4 85-10-11
GRIESS, AARON Jr. Aaron Griess: CC's Athlete of the Week CT 31-2 92/2/7 16 708
GRIFFIN, RODNEY Opera and dance auditions CT16-21 84-4-20
GRIFFIS, IAN '85 Graduates thrive in Colorado Springs (pic) CT19-14 86-5-23
GRIFFIS, IAN Picture CT17-19 85-5-22
GRIFFIS/BLESSING - PROPERTY Griffis/Blessing gets a response from College Shoe
CT 34-10 93/12/10 11 610
GRIFFIS/BLESSING - PROPERTY Griffis/Blessing's management challenged CT 34-8
GRIFFITHS, CHRIS Calendar Committee rethinks Block Plan CT17-8 84-11-16
GRIFFITHS, CHRIS CC impacts local economy CT17-11 84-12-14
GRIFFITHS, CHRIS Divestment's not the answer CT18-4 85-10-11
GRILL, STEVEN Senior art shows now on display in Packard CT 33-3 93/2/26
GRIMM, ALLISON Allison Grimm takes sports seriously (pic) CT16-14 84-2-10
GROPP, BRENT Sioux take 2 from Tigers CT19-5 86-2-21
GROPP, BRENT Tigers drop 3 of 4 key games (pic) CT19-3 86-2-6
GROSSMAN JIM Grossman competes in Nationals (pic) CT21-8 87-3-20
GROSSMAN, HELEN Athlete of the Week: Helen Grossman, freshman CT 36-4 94/10/14
18 101
GROSSMAN, JIM Grossman leads team CT17-14 85-2-8
GROW, JOHN III Modern War DE4-2 87-10-15 p10-11
GRUNDMANN, KAREN Escape from East Berlin, German House H.R. relates CT 31-11
GUATEMALA Guatemala: Strife & Strategies in the 80's CT23-7 88-3-11 p8-9
GUENTHER, ANJA German exchange student relates her impression of CC CT 31-9
GUILBEAU, RACHEL Am American Story DE6-1 88-10-5 p14-15
GULF WAR CC student, Tim Harrington, returns from Gulf CT29-8 91-4-5 p1
GUNN, CURTIS CC cyclist finds gold at National Championship CT 30-5 91/10/18
17 230
GURR, STEVE Tigers grab No. 2 (pic) CT20-4 86-10-10
GURWITZ, LEW Indians speak out CT17-20 85-4-12
GUS-LOOMIS GREATER UNDERSTANDING Loomis Greater Understanding Series CT22-2
87-09-18 p1
GUSSOW, ALAN Art in politics (pic) CT15-23 83-4-29
GUSSOW, ALAN Atomic art CT15-22 83-4-22
GUSTAFSON, MARI Accessing the Underground DE7-2 89 - Mar p10
GUSTAFSON, MARI An Interview with Afterview DE4-5 87-12-17 p22
GUSTAFSON, MARI Brothers of the same mind DE8-1 89-Sept p16
GUSTAFSON, MARI City of Worms and the Haters DE4-2 87-10-15 p19
GUSTAFSON, MARI Joe sat somewhere in America DE6-1 88-10-5 p18
GUSTAFSON, MARI Robertson for G.O.D. De5-3 88-4-15 p22
GUSTAFSON, MARI State of the Art Existence 1989 DE7-1 89-2 p12-13
GUSTAFSON, MARI The politics of Pepsi Cola DE6-2 88-10-31 p21
GUSTAFSON, MARI The Ultimate Fashion Victim's Guide to What's In for DE5-1 88-1-21
GUTHRIE, ARLO Arlo Guthrie: Striking a Political Chord CT24-7 88-11-11 p1
GUYS AND DOLLS Musical magic (pic) CT16-6 83-11-4
HAAS, MARC Distinguished Investor CT20-8 86-11-14
HACKER, ANDREW Hacker examines terrorists CT14-5 81-10-16
HAIG, ALEXANDER Person of the month DE3-4 87-4-24
HALE, MOLLY CT19-3 86-2-7
HALEK, MILLIE CC skiers falter (pic) CT17-18 85-5-15
HALEY, PATRICK B. Harrison to replace Haley CT14-15 82-2-19
HALL, ROGER CHARLES Twenty Meters to Earth - Rockaby Ryan'42 - 59 Time DE9-3&4
90-5-10 cover+
HALLE, BETTY Appointed as Director of Support Staff Personnel CT14-4 81-10-9
HALLE, BETTY Fledgling personnel department forges identity CT14-19 82-4-9
HALLE, BETTY Support staff forms advisory committee CT14-24 82-5-21
HALLER, DOUG Arias vs. Reagan: From the Road DE4-1 87-9-17 p12
HALLER, DOUG Central America, Student shows slides CT22-4 87-10-09 p2
HALLOWEEN - CC STYLE Ground Wasters don footwear, entertain Loomis CT 3207 92/11/6
HAMBIDGE, JOANNA Alum describes experiences in Soviet Union (pic) CT21-13 87-5-15
HAMBIDGE, JOANNA In search of: The Soviet Experience CT21-1 87-1-16
HANDBALL Handball Tourney CT17-22 85-4-26
HANIFEN, RICHARD C., BISHOP Bishop Hanifen to speak CT19-14 86-5-23
HARAWAY, DONNA The Scientific Images of Women (pic) CT19-13 86-5-16
HARDIN, GARRETT Hardin talks tough on population control CT18-6 85-11-1
HARDIN, GARRETT Population fundamentals CT18-5 85-10-18
HARDING, HEATHER Rainforests destroyed DE4-5 87-12-17 p11
HARE KRISHNAS Hare Krishnas chant, chat, and chow CT19-5 86-2-21
HARE, JENNIFER All the King's Horses: Political stability in DE9-2 90-3-6 p8
HARE, JENNIFER Blessed are the children DE8-1 89-Sept p9
HARE, JENNIFER Philosophers and Evolving Freedom DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pXV
HARNICK, SHELDON Sheldon Harnick: Fiddling on (pic) CT19-5 86-2-21 18-19
HARNICK, SHELDON Weak Dragon still breathes fire (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
HARPER, EDITH GAYLORD Benefactress Edith Gaylord Harper dies CT 45/13 01-02-09
HARPER, EDITH GAYLORD Trustee gift pushes World Arena project forward CT 38-1
96/2/2 p1
HARRINGTON, MICHAEL Democratic Socialist speaks beyond election CT24-6 88-11-4
HARRINGTON, TIMOTHY CC student, Tim Harrington returns from Gulf CT29-8 91-4-5
HARRIS, RICHARD J. Chevron Exec talks CT26-11 89-12-15 p1
HARRISON, LAWRENCE E. Latin America: A Head Case? (pic) CT21-5 87-2-20
HARRISON, WALTER CC Professors honored in their fields CT14-9 81-12-4
HARRISON, WALTER Harrison new director of College Relations CT16-19 84-5-23
HARRISON, WALTER Harrison on intercollegiate crisis CT15-19 83-3-18
HARRISON, WALTER Harrison to replace Haley CT14-15 82-2-19
HARRISON, WALTER Jesus was a Jew CT14-19 82-4-9
HART, GARY A Hartless campaign? DE3-4 87-4-24
HART, GARY Hart campaign involves students CT16-16 84-2-24
HART, GARY Hart runs again (pic) CT15-16 83-2-18
HART, GARY Hart volunteer describes campaign experience (pic) CT16-17 84-5-9
HART, GARY Students for Hart CT15-19 83-3-18
HART, HARRY Stumping: Hart sings through the Springs (pic) CT15-26 83-5-27
HARTENSTEIN, CATHY A play on words CT24-6 88-11-4 p20
HARTMAN, MARKUS Protesting in the '80s style (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
HASKELL, ELI Photo CT29-3 91-2-15 p25
HASKELL, ELI Senior Eli Haskell is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-9 92/12/4
HATHAWAY, RON Scope brings hope (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21
HAUSER, JODY Legacy promotes leadership CT27-10 90-4-27 p7
HAVEL, VACLAV Words on Words DE9-1 90-2-7 p12
HAWAITI CLUB Hawaiti Club recognizes entire Polynesian culture CT 43 97/2/21
HAWAITI CLUB Hula combines grace with coordination CT 40-5 97/3/7
HAYES, RANDY ENACT Speaker concerned about rain forests CT21-3 87-2-6
HAYFORD, CHARLES America's China CT18-10 85-12-13
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Clean Up your act DE2-2 86-10-17
HEACOCK, GREG Student spends Block chasing Mountain Lions CT23-3 88-2-05 p8
HEALTH - AIDS AIDS - Wellness Corner CT22-4 87-10-09 p8
HEALTH - AIDS AIDS CT22-5 87-10-16 p10-11
HEALTH - AIDS AIDS panel exposes alarming statistics CT24-3 88-10-7 p1
HEALTH - AIDS Safe Sex at CC CT23-2 88-1-22 p13
HEALTH - STRESS Stress out at CC CT24-4 88-10-14 p8
HEALY, TIM Into oblivion without a lawyer CT21-11 87-4-24
HECKMAN, JAMES Black status explored (pic) CT17-21 85-4-19
HECKMAN, JAMES CC alum wins Nobel Prize in economics CT 45/13 01-02-09
HECOX, WALTER E. A CC grad comes back (pic) CT20-3 86-10-3
HECOX, WALTER E. Southern African Perspective on South Africa: Losing DE4-2
87-10-15 p13
HECOX, WALTER Growing frictions straining U.S./Japan relations CT29-4 91-2-22
HECOX, WALTER Professor Hecox to speak on international trade CT 34-3 93/10/1
HECOX, WALTER The "Poverty" Dimension of Wealth DE8-4 89-Dec p5
HEDGES, MICHAEL With imagination leading, Hedges follows through (pic) CT20-10
HEDGES, MICHEAL Guitarist extraordinaire: Hedges is Back CT20-9 86-12-5
HEFFRON, IAN Agribusiness; The grim reaper DE6-2 88-10-31 p15
HEFLEY, FOEL SENATOR (R) Regular lazy-faire, role of government and the CT17-10
HELP THE HOLIDAYS Help the Holidays drive underway CT 37-9 95/12/1 p3
HEMLOCK SOCIETY Euthanasia DE1-4 87-3-21
HENDEE, ROBERT W. Former trustee dies at the age of 89 CT16-17 84-5-9
HENDERSON, MARK Sport Gods CT15-11 82-12-17
HENDRICKSON, DAVID CC professor nominated for Pulitzer Prize CT29-3 91-2-15
HENDRICKSON, DAVID Diplomacy's Failure in the case of Bosnia CT 34-1 93/9/17
HENDRICKSON, DAVID Faculty win stipends CT17-23 85-5-10
HENDRICKSON, DAVID Hendrickson: A man and his book (pic) CT21-3 87-2-6
HENDRICKSON, DAVID Partisan debate closes symposium CT16-21 84-4-20
HENDRICKSON, DAVID Reforming Defense DE4-2 87-10-15 p8-10
HENDRICKSON, DAVID The New World Order and the End of American History DE 13-3
HENDRICKSON, DAVID U.S. World power addressed CT17-23 85-5-10
HERRERRA, SUSAN Immigration addressed CT17-23 85-5-10
HERRICK, MARK Dire Consequences at the End of the Reagan Era DE5-2 88-2-19 p24-25
HERSHEY, LAURA CC Fellow '83 CT17-1 84-9-7
HETZCEK, HEATHER Research aims to help Nicaraguan fishing village CT 33-5 93/3/12
HILBERRY, JANE An author in our Midst: Hilberry CT 36-6 94/11/4 14
HILBERRY, JANE Hilberry brings new perspective to Medieval & CT24-1 88-9-16
HILL, ALLEN Rock climbing (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
HILL, NORBET Educational Emancipation for Indians (pic) CT19-11 86-4-26
HILL, SUE Organic Rhythms in Art CT24-7 88-11-11 p17
HILLERMAN, TONY Mysteries in the Southwest (pic) CT21-2 87-1-23
HILLIARD, ASA Hilliard sings the blues on stolen black history (pic) CT14-13
HILT, RICHARD Professors involved: a profile CT17-11 84-12-14
HINOJOSA, JORGE CCCAA Overcomes violence, looks to future (pic) CT20-10 86-12-12
HIRSH, CHRIS Students perish in plane crash CT14-1 81-9-11
HISPANIC HISTORY PROJECT CC helps nationwide Hispanic history project CT 35-2
HISTORY - COLORADO COLLEGE History stands on four legs - Jefferson Davis Desk
CT22-9 87-12-04 p14
HISTORY - COLORADO COLLEGE Yesterday Today: CC 20 Years ago CT26-6 89-11-3 p5
HISTORY Historical flashbacks, 1976 CT19-10 86-4-18 18&19
HITCHCOCK TRIVIA BOWL Grim and gruesome trivia CT 30-9 91/12/6
HIXON, KAREN CC Student plans Peace Walk CT26-11 89-12-15 p4
HOAG, SHARON CC standouts receive honors (pic) CT18-9 85-12-6
HOAX Nuclear Hoax Barrels found by Slocum CT26-8 89-11-17 p1
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Bill Hochman brings "humor, experience" to classroom
CT 45/21 01-05-04
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Catastrophe coming CT17-7 84-11-2
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM CC offers nuclear peril minor (pic) CT16-20 84-4-13
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Church & State CT17-4 84-10-5
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Lincoln-Douglas Re-enactment (pic) CT19-3 86-2-7
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Loevy and Hockman debate election '88 DE6-2 88-10-31 p10-11
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM McCarthy was misunderstood CT15-5 82-10-22
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Professors reenact Lincoln-Douglas debates CT25-3 89-2-17 p1
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Profs debate '92 presidential election CT 31-4 92/2/28
HOCHMAN, WILLIAM Shooting down Star Wars (pic) CT18-8 85-11-15
HOCKEY - BROADMOOR ICE ARENA Broadmoor ice rink to go CT 34-3 93/10/1
HOCKEY - INTRAMURAL Intramural hockey crowns three new league champions CT27-3
90-3-23 p19
HOCKEY - INTRAMURAL Slocum rivals battle on the ice CT25-2 89-2-3 p18
HOCKEY - MEN Cinderella story leads to first hockey victory CT 30-6 91/11/1
17 337
HOCKEY - MEN Hockey takes split against DU into idle weekend CT 30-7 91/11/8
17 645
HOCKEY - MEN Hockey ties one and drops on in series CT28-10 90-12-7 p17
HOCKEY - MEN Tiger Hockey skates to WCHA final hour CT 31-6 92/3/27
HOCKEY - MEN'S CC struggles over break CT28-9 90-11-30 p21
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey comes up empty against Gophers CT28-7 90-11-9 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey controls Air Force to complete sweep CT29-2 91-2-1 p20
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey ices Michigan Tech to clinch playoff bid CT29-5 91-3-1
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey scores first victory against DU, 7-1 CT28-5 90-11-2 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey shows encouraging signs in defeats CT28-8 90-11-16 p20
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey team at a crossroads as Buetow resigns CT 33-6 93/4/2
HOCKEY - MEN'S Hockey ties one and drops one in series CT28-10 90-12-7 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Men's hockey begins early season action CT28-2 90-9-21 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Men's hockey continues winning tradition CT29-1 91-1-25 p24
HOCKEY - MEN'S Men's hockey tunes up for the season opener CT28-3 90-10-5 p21
HOCKEY - MEN'S Season ends in Minnesota CT25-3 89-3-3 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Tiger hockey dominates ECHA over winter break CT25-1 89-1-27
HOCKEY - MEN'S Tiger hockey gets letters of intent from six top CT 31-10 92/5/1
HOCKEY - MEN'S Tiger Hockey goes to The Festival CT27-11 90-5-4 p22
HOCKEY - MEN'S Tigers slide past DU en route to playoffs CT29-4 91-2-22 p24
HOCKEY - MEN'S Varsity hockey concludes successful rebuilding season CT25-4
89-2-24 p21
HOCKEY - MEN'S Varsity hockey humbled by Gophers CT25-2 89-2-3 p18
HOCKEY - MEN'S Varsity hockey to battle D.U. CT25-3 89-2-17 p17
HOCKEY - MEN'S Varsity Icemen split weekend series with Tech CT25-1 89-1-27
HOCKEY - NCAA Hockey on trail: NCAA CT 34-9 93/12/3
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S CC celebrates 25 years of women's hockey CT 40-6 97/3/28
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S CLUB TEAM Women's Club puck opens season CT24-8 88-11-18 p21
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Hockey, Women's, downs Boulder CT22-8 87-11-13 p19
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Hockey: Women puckers beat Boulder CT23-1 88-1-22 pS-3
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Lady Icers open strong CT22-4 87-10-09 p17
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Ladies hockey brawls CT27-8 90-4-6 p16
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Payson Place: Women's Hockey notes CT26-10 890-12-8 p18
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Skaters Play Rough CT26-6 89-11-3 p19
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's club hockey really grooves in style CT27-3 90-2-16
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's club hockey takes two victories CT25-3 89-3-3 p18
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's club hockey travels to Vail CT25-1 89-1-27 p23
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's hockey brings strong season to a close with CT29-9
91-4-19 p26
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's hockey wraps up strong season CT 40-8 97/4/11
HOCKEY - WOMEN'S Women's Puck wraps it up CT23-14 88-5-20 pS-2
HOCKEY - WORLD ARENA 1 million contribution to the World Arena announced CT
37-2 95/9/22 p3
HOCKEY 1980-81 season CT13-17 81-2-20
HOCKEY 1984 CC hockey "much improved this year" (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
HOCKEY 1996-97 hockey prospects sign letter of intent CT 37-6 95/11/10 p19
HOCKEY 8 newcomers make an important impact on CC hockey CT 45/6 00-11-03
HOCKEY Administration announces reaction to September 9 CT 37-2 95/9/22 p1
HOCKEY Administration displays commitment to Hockey program CT23-12 88-5-6 pS-1
HOCKEY Are CC Tiger hockey coaches stuck in the past? CT 33-4 93/3/5 19
HOCKEY At last Tiger icers get ... (pic) CT15-14 83-1-28
HOCKEY Badgers blank Tiger pucksters CT27-3 90-2-16 p14
HOCKEY Bertsch resigns as Hockey coach CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-1
HOCKEY Blood spills in Tiger-Pioneer split CT27-5 90-3-2 p18
HOCKEY Broadmoor-less Tigers sweep St. Cloud CT 34-10 93/12/10 17 172
HOCKEY Buetow hopes for "Net" gain CT26-3 89-10-6 p23
HOCKEY Bulldogs romp Friday; Tigers close Saturday (pic) CT15-16 83-2-18
HOCKEY Burns earns some respect (pic) CT16-13 84-1-27
HOCKEY CC Outskates Cadets CT26-8 89-11-17 p23
HOCKEY Casey sparkles in shutout CT26-7 89-11-10 p21
HOCKEY Cast your vote CT18-7 85-11-8
HOCKEY CC Downs No. 1 UND CT20-10 86-12-12 p19
HOCKEY CC fights to gain split with DU CT 36-8 94/11/18 20 235
HOCKEY CC hockey bids farewell to impressive season CT 42-17 98-4-3
HOCKEY CC Hockey faces dilemma CT23-7 88-3-11 p12
HOCKEY CC Hockey signs four top recruits CT 36-8 94/11/18 19 243
HOCKEY CC hockey splits weekend series with DU CT 40-3 97/2/21
HOCKEY CC hockey team refuses to lose game 2 CT 40-1 97/1/31
HOCKEY CC Outlast DU CT20-6 86-10-31 p1
HOCKEY CC rallies over DU in heated series CT 39-8 96/11/15 p18
HOCKEY CC Rowells over Lowell CT19-2 86-1-24
HOCKEY CC Splits in Anchorage, Maintains WCHA Lead CT 36-2 95/2/10 20 269
HOCKEY CC Splits UMD series 4-2,5-3(pic) CT17-6 84-10-19
HOCKEY CC sweeps St. Cloud in final season series CT 38-4 96/3/1 p16
HOCKEY CC takes 2nd in hockey classic (pic) CT13-12 81-1-9
HOCKEY CC tied with Minnesota, Wisconsin in WCHA CT 40-2 97/2/7
HOCKEY CC vs. U.S. Nationals CT15-12 83-1-14
HOCKEY CC Wins Home Openers CT26-5 89-10-20 p17
HOCKEY CCHA Says NO CT15-24 83-5-13
HOCKEY CC's Clarke goes bigtime (pic) CT17-17 85-5-8
HOCKEY Changes in store for CC Hockey CT 36-5 94/10/21 19 325
HOCKEY CLUB Beefhockey CT18-10 85-12-13 p16
HOCKEY CLUB Club Corner CT17-15 85-2-15 p15
HOCKEY CLUB Club Hockey: Women Split CT21-7 87-3-13 p18
HOCKEY CLUB Clubbers to Face Falcons CT21-3 87-2-6 p18
HOCKEY CLUB CU Still Sucks CT21-4 87-2-13 p19
HOCKEY CLUB CU Sucks CT21-3 87-2-6 p18
HOCKEY CLUB Icers Down Alaska CT21-11 87-3-24 p15
HOCKEY CLUB Tiger Club Hockey Raves CT19-7 86-3-14 p17
HOCKEY CLUB Men Don't Win CT21-7 87-3-13 p18
HOCKEY CLUB Men's Club Beat Brat Pack CT21-8 87-3-20 p23
HOCKEY CLUB Men's Club Hockey CT20-10 86-12-12 p20
HOCKEY CLUB Men's Club Hockey CT21-6 87-5-7 p18
HOCKEY CLUB Short Sports CT15-6 82-11-5 p13
HOCKEY CLUB Women's Club Hockey CT21-6 87-5-7 p18
HOCKEY CLUB Women's Club Loses Heartbreaker in Third CT21-8 87-3-20 p20
HOCKEY Coming conflicts CT14-6 81-10-29
HOCKEY Cugnet's scholarship withdrawn by coach CT 42-19 98-4-24
HOCKEY D.U. takes first bout CT1805 85-10-18
HOCKEY Dan Brennan player of the week CT15-6 82-11-5
HOCKEY Denver skates past tigers twice CT 33-5 93/3/12 17 433
HOCKEY Denver sweeps Tigers CT24-7 88-11-11 p19
HOCKEY Discipline, respect, Bertsch (pic) CT15-17 83-2-25
HOCKEY Down-to-earth skaters get down to business CT26-1 89-9-15 p17
HOCKEY Drop two to Sioux CT17-16 85-2-25
HOCKEY DU & CC CT 41-12 98-2-6 4B
HOCKEY DU, Tigers trade wins. CT 41=10 97-12-12
HOCKEY Expansion makes Tigers competitive CT15-23 83-4-29
HOCKEY Farewell to a Tiger CT24-5 88-10-21 p21
HOCKEY Four Freshmen are bright spots in dim hockey season CT 32-10 92/12/11
22 542
HOCKEY Gophers drop CC (pic) CT20-5 86-10-17
HOCKEY Gophers Drop CC CT20-5 86-10-17 p15
HOCKEY Gophers gobble Tigers (pic) CT15-9 82-12-3
HOCKEY Guess What CT21-4 87-2-13 p17
HOCKEY Hickey team ends losing streak CT14-15 82-2-19
HOCKEY Hockey: Tigers sweep B.U. (pic) CT17-10 84-12-7
HOCKEY Hockey coach deserves credit CT 33-5 93/3/12 17 635
HOCKEY Hockey comes up huge against UNM, goes 4-6-2 CT 30-9 91/12/6 18 637
HOCKEY Hockey falls to Eastern invaders CT24-8 88-11-18 p20
HOCKEY Hockey finishes in quarter-finals of NCCA tournament CT 45/19 01-04-13
HOCKEY Hockey freshman ready to meet expectations CT 39-2 96/9/20 p16
HOCKEY Hockey gains momentum CT18-9 85-12-6
HOCKEY Hockey happenings CT19-10 86-4-18
HOCKEY Hockey Happenings CT19-10 86-4-18 p15
HOCKEY Hockey looking to St. Cloud CT 31-1 92/1/31 18 638
HOCKEY Hockey looking to stick it to CT43-15 99-3-26
HOCKEY Hockey loses two players to concussions CT 40-1 97/1/97
HOCKEY Hockey loses upset bid CT23-3 88-2-05 p20
HOCKEY Hockey loses, reclaims first place CT34-9 93/12/3 13 639
HOCKEY Hockey outlook positive CT18-4 85-10-11
HOCKEY Hockey Preps for Pioneers CT26-5 89-10-20 p17
HOCKEY Hockey pride: "What word of blasphemy!" CT 35-5 94/3/1
HOCKEY Hockey report CT16-19 84-5-23
HOCKEY Hockey splits a big weekend CT45/11 00-12-15
HOCKEY Hockey splits with DU, then mauls Air Force Ct 32-8 92/11/13 19 642
HOCKEY Hockey stands undefeated at 6-0 CT 45/7 00-11-10
HOCKEY Hockey stays on top CT 34-8 93/11/12 17 643
HOCKEY Hockey superfan band organized CT22-10 87-12-11 p14
HOCKEY Hockey sweeps Mankato scoring CT45/5 00-10-20
HOCKEY Hockey sweeps no. 4 Badgers, grabs share of WCHA 6th CT31-4 92/2/28 18
HOCKEY Hockey sweeps WCHA opener CT 41-7 97/11/7
HOCKEY Hockey takes two wins without three regulars CT 45/10 00-12-08
HOCKEY Hockey team completes recruiting class CT 38-9 96/4/26 p18
HOCKEY Hockey team drops two CT14-14 82-2-12
HOCKEY Hockey team gets shot down in overtime, splits with DU CT 43-14 99-2-26
HOCKEY Hockey team sets record for losses CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-4
HOCKEY Hockey team slides (pic) CT16-16 84-2-10
HOCKEY Hockey Team Soars CT20-7 86-11-7 p16
HOCKEY Hockey Tigers lose, face DU next (pic) CT16-13 83-1-27
HOCKEY Hockey victorious CT24-6 88-11-4 p23
HOCKEY Hockey wraps up (pic) CT17-17 85-5-8
HOCKEY Hockey, Tiger CT22-2 87-09-18 p20
HOCKEY Hockey/Season opener CT22-4 87-10-09 p19
HOCKEY Hockey: CC loses two to number one Minnesota (pic) CT17-8 84-11-16
HOCKEY Hockey: CC-Lowell split CT17-11 84-12-14
HOCKEY Hockey: Gophers bury Tigers in opening series CT22-5 87-10-16 p18
HOCKEY Hockey: Icers continue to struggle CT22-9 87-12-04 p19
HOCKEY Hockey: Michigan Tech sweeps Tiger skaters 7-3, 5-3 CT23-5 88-2-19 pS-2
HOCKEY Hockey: Pioneer perspective CT16-15 84-2-17
HOCKEY Hockey: Pucksters prove preposterous CT22-6 87-10-30 p17
HOCKEY Hockey: Team USA invades the Broadmoor CT23-2 88-1-22 p1
HOCKEY Hockey: Tigers gain tie CT22-8 87-11-13 p19
HOCKEY Hockey: Tigers strong against east CT23-1 88-1-15 p17
HOCKEY Hockey: Tigers sweep and split (pic) CT17-9 84-11-30
HOCKEY Hockey: When will they win? CT22-7 87-11-6 p18
HOCKEY Hockey: Why do we lose? CT22-10 87-12-11 p15
HOCKEY Holiday hockey results (pic) CT15-12 83-1-14
HOCKEY Home ice, sweet home ice CT 43-15 99-3-5
HOCKEY Home, Sweep, Home, Hockey begins CT 34-6 93/10/29 17 650
HOCKEY Hunting for Number Three CT 37-4 95/10/13 p20
HOCKEY Huskies fall prey to "hungry" Tigers CT 43/11 99-1-29
HOCKEY Ice (pic) CT15-7 82-11-12 8-9
HOCKEY Icers avenge Tiger slashing CT15-10 82-12-10
HOCKEY Icers celebrate season (pic) CT16-22 84-4-27
HOCKEY Icers drop pair (pic) CT16-7 83-11-11
HOCKEY Icers End with Win at #1 UND CT21-7 87-3-13 p16
HOCKEY Icers finish last; face Gophers in playoffs CT14-15 82-3-5
HOCKEY Icers honored CT17-25 85-5-24
HOCKEY Icers look toward Gophers (pic) CT16-9 83-12-2
HOCKEY Icers lose; begin "second season" (pic) CT16-16 82-2-24
HOCKEY Icers Really Slide CT21-1 87-1-16 p17
HOCKEY Icers remain winless (pic) CT18-6 85-11-1
HOCKEY Icers sign recruits (pic) CT16-20 84-4-13
HOCKEY Icers split first series CT14-7 81-11-6
HOCKEY Icers Split with Huskies CT20-9 86-12-5 p17
HOCKEY Icers surprise Nodak, but fighting slump CT14-9 81-12-4
HOCKEY- INTRAMURAL Intramural hockey takes to the rink CT28-5 90-11-2 p19
HOCKEY Kirton, Tigers Badger Wisconsin & Tiger Hockey Notes CT26-11 89-12-15
HOCKEY Let's get physical! (pic) CT16-4 83-10-14
HOCKEY Lidster wins award CT14-20 82-4-16
HOCKEY Living the D-1 hockey life at the Colorado College CT 41-5 97/10/10 6-7
HOCKEY Lomax shines in victory over Denver CT27-4 90-2-23 p19
HOCKEY Men's hockey team skates their way to NCAAS CT 42-16 98-3-27
HOCKEY Men's Club Hockey blows out opponents in an CT27-2 90-2-2 p18
HOCKEY Moscow invades Colorado Springs CT24-10 88-12-9 p21
HOCKEY NCAA board reviews hockey violations CT 35-9 94/4/29
HOCKEY NCAA violations investigation coming to a close CT 35-9 94/4/29 14 884
HOCKEY Need for more hockey tickets released to students CT 39-7 96/11/8 p5
HOCKEY No Hockey at CC? CT21-2 87-1-23 p17
HOCKEY Nothing short of picture perfect CT 43/7 98-11-6
HOCKEY Ole Time Hockey returns to CC CT 36-5 94/10/12 20 925
HOCKEY OT victory gives hockey split of opening series CT24-5 88-10-21 p19
HOCKEY (pic) CT14-24 82-5-21
HOCKEY Pioneers take two from CC pucksters CT15-6 82-11-5
HOCKEY Pizzey and Co. Sweep CT21-5 87-2-20 p19
HOCKEY Puckster Woes Worsen CT21-2 87-1-23 p16
HOCKEY Report reveals lower standards for hockey players CT 33-4 93/3/5
HOCKEY Rested Hockey team looks to improve record CT24-11 88-12-16 p22
HOCKEY Rocky Hockey CT 33-11 93/5/14
HOCKEY Saying goodbye to six super seniors CT 43-18 99-4-9 6-7
HOCKEY Short sports CT15-7 82-11-12
HOCKEY Sioux take 2 from Tigers (pic) CT19-5 86-2-21
HOCKEY Sioux, Gophers run into Hot Tiger Goaltending CT26-9 89-12-1 p17
HOCKEY Split with Air Force CT18-8 85-11-15
HOCKEY Sport God CT15-12 83-1-14
HOCKEY Sports Briefs CT14-11 82-1-15
HOCKEY Sports Briefs CT14-16 82-3-12
HOCKEY Students scramble for tickets as Tiger hockey fever CT 36-11 94/12/16
HOCKEY Super 7 merger final CT16-10 83-12-9
HOCKEY Sweet Tigers toy with Tech. (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8
HOCKEY Tech capitalizes on Tiger mishaps CT 32-6 92/10/30
HOCKEY The Hockey team's "puck" is turning... CT 35-1 94/2/4
HOCKEY The new recruits CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-3
HOCKEY They're still undefeated CT 37-6 95/11/3 p16
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey: the year that almost was CT 38-11 96/5/10 018
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey comes out strong despite injuries CT 45/9 00-12-01
HOCKEY Tiger hockey drops last 4 games (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey Drops Last 4 Games CT19-6 68-5-7 p15
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey fall to Gophers, tops Falcons CT24-9 88-12-2 p22
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey Garners Awards and All-Star Selections CT 36-6 95/3/31
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey loses Freshman goaltender Ryan Bach for CT 32-9 92/12/4
HOCKEY Tiger hockey nears tournament on win streak CT 42-15 98-3-6
HOCKEY Tiger hockey not short on ability CT 33-5 93/3/12
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes CT26-10 89-12-8 p17
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes CT26-4 89-10-13 p17
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey Notes CT26-6 89-11-3 p17
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes CT26-8 89-11-17 p23
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes CT26-9 89-12-1 p19
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes CT27-1 90-1-26 p19
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey notes: Air Force next Ct26-7 89-11-10 p21
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey prospects up after disappointing finish CT 36-3 94/10/7
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey rallies for a strong season CT 4214 98-2-27
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey sets out to improve 7-3-2 record CT 41-9 97-12-5
HOCKEY Tiger hockey sign six recruits CT15-22 83-4-11
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey takes dramatic OT win from Gophers CT 32-7 92/11/6
HOCKEY Tiger Hockey takes WCHA title for the three-peat CT 38-3 96/2/23 p1
HOCKEY Tiger hockey team calls it a season. CT 43-17 99-4-2
HOCKEY Tiger hockey; the hottest ticket in town CT 36-11 94/12/16
HOCKEY Tiger Sports CT 45/13 01-02-09 18-19
HOCKEY Tiger Tales CT14-10 81-12-11
HOCKEY Tiger unleash potent offense at home versus Fighting CT 36-6 94/11/4
HOCKEY Tigers advance to final Five... CT 38-5 96/3/8 p19
HOCKEY tigers almost a shoe-in CT 35-3 94/2/25
HOCKEY Tigers at home for first round of playoffs CT 40-5 97/3/7
HOCKEY Tigers Begin WCHA Playoff Quest CT 36-5 95/3/10
HOCKEY Tigers Champs Again CT 36-4 95/3/3
HOCKEY Tigers drop 3 of 4 dey games CT19-3 86-2-7
HOCKEY Tigers drop pair to Denver (pic) CT15-17 83-2-25
HOCKEY Tigers drop two to Wisconsin, crush Air Force CT 33-3 93/2/26
HOCKEY Tigers Earn ALL-WCHA Honors CT21-8 87-3-13 p16
HOCKEY Tigers earn one point in series with Fighting Sioux CT 41-8 97/11/14
HOCKEY Tigers earn record-setting win over Tech CT 31-3 92/2/21
HOCKEY Tigers earn split (pic) CT17-13 85-1-25
HOCKEY Tigers End Season, Lose to Minnesota CT 36-6 95/3/31
HOCKEY Tigers exceed expectations; fall in Final Four CT 40-6 97/3/28
HOCKEY Tigers exterminate Gophers look forward to DU duel CT 43/8 98-11-13
HOCKEY Tigers fire up, split DU CT14-8 81-11-13
HOCKEY Tigers flounder in North Dakota CT 39-10 96/1213 p17
HOCKEY Tigers gearing up to face rival DU CT 39-7 96/`11/8 p17
HOCKEY Tigers host Wisconsin CT 45/14 01-02-23
HOCKEY Tigers lead WCHA CT 34-7 93/11/5
HOCKEY Tigers lose everything (pic) CT19-4 86-2-14
HOCKEY Tigers need two for title CT 35-4 94/3/4
HOCKEY Tigers No. 1 in nation CT 37-9 95/12/1 p16
HOCKEY Tigers One Win Away From WCHA Crown CT 36-3 95/2/24
HOCKEY Tigers pick up some fresh meat for next year CT 42-19 98-4-24
HOCKEY Tigers ready to return to final four next year CT 38-7 96/4/5 p16
HOCKEY Tigers regain top spot in the nation: CC ready for CT 38-1 96/2/2 p16
HOCKEY Tigers rout Falcons, look to avenge loss to Michigan CT 36-9 94/12/2
HOCKEY Tigers second in WCHA (pic) CT17-7 84-11-2
HOCKEY Tigers show character CT16-8 83-11-18
HOCKEY Tigers shut out by Minnesota on Saturday CT 40-4 97/2/28
HOCKEY Tigers skate past Zoomies, look to Anchorage CT 30-10 91/12/13
HOCKEY Tigers skate with Sauer CT15-13 83-1-21
HOCKEY Tigers smoke UAA Seawolves, maintain winning ways at CT 36-7 94/11/11
HOCKEY Tigers soar over Air Force. CT 43/9 98-12-4
HOCKEY Tigers sparkle on ice (pic) CT16-12 84-1-20
HOCKEY Tigers split in Anchorage CT 35-2 94/2/11
HOCKEY Tigers Split Twice CT21-3 87-2-6 p18
HOCKEY Tigers split two-game series with Bulldogs CT27-2 90-2-2 p17
HOCKEY Tigers split with NMU Ct 33-1 93/2/5
HOCKEY Tigers split with Sioux, top ranked Badgers next CT14-12 82-1-22
HOCKEY Tigers survive scare from Air Force on Tuesday CT 37-10 95/12/8 p16
HOCKEY Tigers sweep Denver Top ranked Tigers CT 38-2 96/2/9 p16
HOCKEY Tiger's sweep Tech. at home (pic) CT17-15 85-2-15
HOCKEY Tigers sweep UAA at home CT 45/12 01-02-02
HOCKEY Tigers sweep Wisconsin in opener CT 37-4 95/10/20 p16
HOCKEY Tigers take two more from Wisconsin CT 37-10 95/12/15 p16
HOCKEY Tigers Tie, Lose to DU CT 36-5 95/3/10
HOCKEY Tigers tops in Nation! CT 36-10 94/12/9
HOCKEY Tigers unable to capture victory CT14-13 82-2-5
HOCKEY Tigers unable to stop Wisconsin CT 41-11 98-1-30
HOCKEY Tigers upset at Alaska; need win against UND CT 39-9 96/12/6 p18
HOCKEY Tigers win one, drop three (pic) CT17-14 85-2-8
HOCKEY Tigers Win: Head to NCCA finals CT 38-6 96/3/29 p7
HOCKEY Tigers, now tied for sixth with North Dakota, sweep CT 31-2 92/2/7
HOCKEY Tigers, Pizzey Out duel Pioneers CT21-6 87-5-7 p1
HOCKEY Top-ranked Tiger Hockey prepared to remain at pinnacle CT 36-10 94/12/9
HOCKEY Undefeated Tigers tie Michigan CT 37-8 95/11/17 p16
HOCKEY Unlucky Tigers split CT18-10 85-12-16
HOCKEY Varsity hockey stumbles in Michigan CT27-4 90-2-23 p18
HOCKEY Veterans to lead CC icers CT20-4 86-10-10
HOCKEY Veterans to Lead CC Icers CT20-4 86-10-10 p1
HOCKEY Wakelkyn leads mates to first win, 4-3 (pic) CT15-8 82-11-19
HOCKEY WCHA AD's to discuss merger CT15-22 83-4-22
HOCKEY WCHA Champions!! CT 53-5 94/3/11
HOCKEY WCHA proposes expansion: Bertsch anxious CT15-23 83-4-29
HOCKEY We Only Need One CT 36-3 95/2/24
HOCKEY West conquers east (pic) CT17-12 85-1-18
HOCKEY Winless Walk-on shines in net CT26-9 89-12-1 p17
HOCKEY Wisconsin Badgers CC Pucksters CT20-8 86-11-14 p13
HOCKEY Women's hockey CT14-14 82-2-12
HOCKEY- WOMEN'S Hockey's setback CT26-7 89-11-10 p22
HOCKEY You win some, you lose some CT 44-9 99/12/3
HOCKEY, MEN'S Hockey struggles against Northern Michigan CT28-5* 90-10-19 p17
HOCKEY, MEN'S Men's hockey falters; ends successful streak CT29-3 91-2-15 p24
HOCKEY, WOMEN'S CLUB Women's Club hockey CT 34-10 93/12/10
HOCKEY-INTRAMURAL Honnen Hockey CT15-14 83-1-28 p17
HOCKEY-INTRAMURAL Picture CT17-9 84-11-14 p10
HOCKEY-INTRAMURAL Sports Shorts CT15-11 82-12-17 p9
HOCKEY-MEN'S Tiger hockey springs out of WCHA cellar CT28-11 90-12-14 p17
HOCKEY-MEN'S Tigers Stay Hot, Sweep St. Cloud State CT 36-1 95/2/3
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS All-Stars Skating Smoothly CT15-15 83-2-11
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS As Ladies Split CT19-6 86-5-7 p15
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS But Girls Shine CT19-3 86-3-7 p15
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Hard Core CT18-6 85-11-1 p18
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Hockey Improves CT19-14 86-3-23 p15
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Ladies Choke Too CT19-4 86-3-14 p15
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Motherpuckers Drop Tiger Icers CT19-8 86-3-21 p15
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Tough Break for Women Icers CT17-21 85-3-19 p7
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Tough Break for Women Icers CT17-21 85-3-19 p7
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Women Icers Drop 2 to Vail CT19-4 86-2-14 p19
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Women Icers Win 5-3 CT18-8 85-11-15 p16
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Women Look Toward CC Tourney CT15-19 83-3-19 p13
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Women's Club Loses Heartbreaker in Third CT21-6 87-3-20
HOCKEY-WOMEN-ALL-STARS Women's Hockey CT20-10 86-12-12 p20
HOERR, HILARY Hoerr - Senior Art Show CT23-7 88-3-11 p10
HOEVEN, JAMES A., JR. CC Alumnus Dies CT17-2 84-9-14 p2
HOEVEN, LAURA Women Upset Falcons CT17-22 85-3-26 p13
HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Holiday Food Drive Successful CT26-10 89-12-8
HOLM, HANYA Hanya Holm Cut CT16-3 83-10-7 p9
HOLM, HANYA Hanya Holm to Teach Dance at Summer School Session TG43-17 41-3-14
HOLM, HANYA Whatever Happened to Hanya Holm CT17-1 84-9-7 p6
HOLOCAUST COMMEMORATION Simple, Subtle, Remembering the Holocaust CT 36-10 95/5/5
HOLTZ, JACOB America: A Dane's Perspective (pic) CT19-7 86-5-5 18&19
HOMECOMING 1990 Homecoming Highlights CT28-3 90-10-5 p2
HOMECOMING 1990 Homecoming rallies school spirit and fun CT28-4 90-10-12 p5
HOMECOMING 1990 Tigers enjoy successful Homecoming Weekend CT28-4 90-10-12 p17
HOMECOMING 1994 Broadmoor reconsiders CC Homecoming after damages CT 36-7 94/11/11
HOMECOMING 1994 Freshman wipes out 'surfing' on Homecoming shuttle bus CT 36-5
HOMECOMING 1994 History of Homecoming hints at lost traditions CT 36-4 94/10/14
11 634
HOMECOMING 1994 Homecoming activities crash campus CT 36-4 94/10/14
HOMECOMING 1994 Homecoming might go, says Broadmoor after vandalism CT36-7 94/11/11
HOMECOMING A selective guide to Homecoming weekend events CT 37-4 95/10/13 p1
HOMECOMING Band on the rise CT18-4 85-10-11
HOMECOMING Class of 1981 recognizes community service work CT 30-4 91/10/11
HOMECOMING Distinguished Alumni honored CT18-4 85-10-11
HOMECOMING Events abound for homecoming CT 30-3 91/10/4
HOMECOMING Homecoming - Time - Special (pic) CT 83-10-7
HOMECOMING Homecoming 1985 schedule of fun! CT18-4 85-10-11
HOMECOMING Homecoming '84 (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
HOMECOMING Homecoming alert CT14-2 81-9-25
HOMECOMING Homecoming brings CC together CT39-4 96/10/11 p4
HOMECOMING Homecoming closer to home CT37-1 95/9/15 p2
HOMECOMING Homecoming co-chairs urge student participation CT 34-4 93/10/8 10
HOMECOMING Homecoming committee begs for help CT33-9 93/4/30 12 653
HOMECOMING Homecoming dance results in fun and chaos CT32-5 92/10/16
HOMECOMING Homecoming Highlights CT24-3 88-10-7 p2
HOMECOMING Homecoming Mania CT30-3 91/10/4
HOMECOMING Homecoming on Campus? CT 37-2 95/9/22 p8
HOMECOMING Homecoming weekend 1984 becomes college history CT17-6 84-10-19
HOMECOMING Homecoming Weekend CT17-4 84-10-5
HOMECOMING Homecoming, $7.2 million CT22-4 87-10-09 p2
HOMECOMING Homecoming, inauguration, parents weekend celebrated CT14-4 81-10-9
HOMECOMING Homecoming: a musical revelry CT24-3 88-10-7 p17
HOMECOMING On-Campus Homecoming succeeds CT 37-4 95/10/20 p4
HOMECOMING Tradition of Homecoming important facet of CC history CT 37-4 95/10/13
HOMECOMING Welcoming the entire campus to next weekends CT 45/3 00-10-06
HOMECOMING1989 Colorado College Homecoming Weekend CT26-3 89-10-6 p5
HOMELESS CC students befriend Bijou House homeless CT28-9 90-11-30 p5
HOMELESS Homeless myths dispelled CT28-10 90-12-7 p8
HOMELESS Homeless myths dispelled CT28-10 90-12-7 p8
HOMELESS ISSUES Students discuss homeless issues CT 31-3 92/2/21
HOMELESSNESS WEEK Hunger and Homelessness Week casts light on problems CT 45/8
HOMOSEXUALITY Anonymous anti-gay posters found on campus CT21-10 86-4-17
HOMOSEXUALITY Coming to Terms with homosexuality CT 42-15 98-3-6
HOMOSEXUALITY Gay awareness week CT21-8 '87-3-20
HOMOSEXUALITY Gay Rights: A Mormon Perspective DE1-2 86-1-24
HOMOSEXUALITY Homosexuality in the modern world DE1-3 86-3-7
HOMOSEXUALITY Liberation theology revisited DE1-3 86-3-7
HOMOSEXUALITY The gay movement helps liberate the church DE1-2 86-1-24
HOMOSEXUALITY Why gay rights? DE3-3 87-4-17
HONIG, DAVID CC's David Honig provides an original tape of tunes CT 30-10 91/12/13
15 292
HONIG, DAVID Honig and Friends offer rare treat CT27-3 90-3-23 p9
HONIG, DAVID Honig: Guitar Maestro CT21-6 87-5-7
HON-LAM LI Chinese lawyer enjoys rigors of U.S. academia CT27-3 90-3-23 p5
HONOR CODE - HONOR CONSTITUTION Honor Constitution headed for major repairs
CT23-12 88-5-6 p3
HONOR CODE CC students not fit for Honor Code CT25-2 89-2-3 p5
HONOR CODE Committee to revamp Honor Code CT25-3 89-3-3 p2
HONOR CODE Honor code important to students, faculty CT 39-9 96/12/6 p12
HONOR CODE Honor Constitution CT26-10 89-12-8 p2
HONOR CODE Testing the Honor Code CT24-4 88-10-14 p15
HONOR COUNCIL Academic honor codes vary (pic) CT16-2 83-9-23
HONOR COUNCIL Criticism of honor code to be discussed CT16-21 84-4-20
HONOR COUNCIL HC selects nine CT 30-10 91/12/13
HONOR COUNCIL Honor code debate (pic) CT19-4 86-2-14
HONOR COUNCIL Honor code: Council stresses adherence, awareness CT17-8 84-11-16
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council changes CT15-23 83-4-29
HONOR COUNCIL Honor Council CT 43/6 98-10-30
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council decision appealed (pic) CT20-7 86-11-7
HONOR COUNCIL Honor Council grants appeal CT24-5 88-10-21 p1
HONOR COUNCIL Honor Council reveals student misconduct statistics CT24-2 88-9-23
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council review CT19-14 86-5-23
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council seeking nominations CT14-20 82-4-16
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council seeks nominations CT19-9 86-4-11
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council sets goals CT14-14 82-2-12
HONOR COUNCIL Honor Council to elect new members CT 30-8 91/11/15
HONOR COUNCIL Honor council: Some misconceptions cleared up (pic) CT21-4 87-2-13
HONOR COUNCIL Honor Council seeking reforms CT25-4 89-2-24 p5
HONOR COUNCIL Is the "Honor System" honorable? CT16-21 84-4-20
HONOR COUNCIL Resubmit honor council names CT17-20 85-4-12
HONOR COUNCIL Revising CC's honor constitution CT21-9 87-4-10
HONOR COUNCIL Student Challenges Honor Council CT24-7 88-11-1 p1
HONOR COUNCIL Student disputes Council decision second honor appeal CT24-9 88-12-2
HONOR Faculty, students criticized for honor code abuse CT16-19 84-5-23
HONOR SYSTEM Sophomore acquitted in Honor appeal CT24-11 88-12-16 p2
HONORARY DEGREES Anti-War Protests Basis of Trustees' Decision CT 36-6 95/3/31
HONORARY DEGREES Convocation begins the school year CT24-1 88-9-16 p2
HONORARY SOCIETY ALD holds trivia bowl CT19-8 86-5-21
HONORARY SOCIETY Alpha Lambda Delta CT18-7 85-11-8
HONORS CONCERT Honors Concert closes student performances CT 33-10 93/5/7 14
HONORS CONVOCATION 1990 CC students recognized at Honors Convocation CT27-11
90-5-4 p5
HONORS CONVOCATION CC's outstanding receive their just rewards CT23-14 88-5-20
HONORS CONVOCATION Convocation awards distrubuted CT19-14 86-5-23
HONORS CONVOCATION Convocation honors students, faculty CT 43-21 99-5-7
HONORS CONVOCATION Honors awarded to students (pic) CT16-25 84-5-25
HONORS CONVOCATION Honors convocation (pic) CT17-25 85-5-24
HONORS CONVOCATION Honors Convocation Awards Recipients CT 45/22 01-05-11
HONORS CONVOCATION-1992 Honors Convocation held CT 31-11 92/5/8
HONORS PROGRAM New honors program? CT17-24 85-5-17
HORD, AUBREY Aubrey Hord flies high on CC activities CT28-1 90-9-14 p9
HORNIK, ROBERT Ranger veteran, an interview (pic) CT17-9 84-11-30 16-17
HORNIK, ROVERT Economics in Hungary CT21-4 87-2-13
Horst Richardson Men's soccer head coach receives Bill Jeffery Award CT 45/12
HOTSON, JOHN Ending hunger - approaching the issue CT15-5 82-10-22
HOTSON, JOHN Hotson pictures hungry world CT15-6 82-11-6
HOTSON, JOHN Reaganomics explained CT14-5 81-10-16
HOULE, CARROLL Speakers address turmoil in Africa CT19-6 86-5-7
HOUSING - LENNOX HOUSE The Beta House renovated for $30,000 CT26-2 89-9-22 p3
HOUSING - OFF CAMPUS Off-campus house burglarized CT17-6 84-10-19
HOUSING - OFF CAMPUS (spoof) (pic) CT15-9 82-12-3 9&13
HOUSING - OFF CAMPUS Student move off CT17-7 84-11-2
HOUSING - THEME HOUSES New Themes for '88-'89, The Earth and its Kids CT24-1
88-9-16 p10
HOUSING "Dear housing office:" again CT15-1 82-9-17
HOUSING CC Booked solid CT14-9 81-12-4
HOUSING Coed bathrooms: what the Trustees don't know won't CT14-22 82-5-7
HOUSING Dorm life in demand (pic) CT17-2 84-9-14
HOUSING Dream on CT15-7 82-11-12
HOUSING East Asian House CT19-8 86-5-21
HOUSING First year students explore lounge living CT26-1 89-9-15 p3
HOUSING Freshmen living "temporarily" (pic) CT17-1 84-9-7
HOUSING Going off presents pitfalls CT16-21 84-4-20
HOUSING Housing changes pending CT14-15 82-3-5
HOUSING Housing full, but no overcrowding CT13-12 81-1-9
HOUSING Housing office begins search CT14-11 82-1-15
HOUSING Housing prospects look dim CT14-24 82-5-21
HOUSING Housing renovates CT15-12 83-1-14
HOUSING Letter to the editor CT15-3 82-10-8
HOUSING Luck of the draw CT15-25 83-5-20
HOUSING Luck of the draw CT15-25 83-5-20
HOUSING New theme wings CT16-1 83-9-16
HOUSING Should all students wishing to live off campus be CT25-8 89-4-7 p7
HOUSING The trouble with education (spoof) CT15-11 82-12-17
HOUSING Theme house applications due CT16-19 84-5-23
HOUSING Theme housing weighed: jest or justified? CT14-16 82-3-12
HOUSING Themes get going CT15-5 82-10-22
HSIEH, WENDY Scholar Hsieh "breaking out of her shell" CT28-9 90-11-30
HUBER, THOMAS Springs growth: Opportunity vs. responsibility (pic) CT17-16 85-2-25
HUBLER, SHANE Music and Math? CT19-14 86-5-23
HUEBERT, BARRY J. Huebert gives China presentation CT19-4 86-2-14
HUEBERT, BARRY J. Huebert resigns CT19-14 86-5-23
HUEBERT, BARRY J. Huebert to lecture on "Acid Rain" CT14-9 81-12-4
HUEBERT, BARRY J. Lakes are suffering CT17-25 85-5-24
HUEBERT, BARRY J. Professor receives fifth grant CT14-1 81-9-11
HUGHES, DONALD Ecologically: Is Past Preface? CT17-17 85-5-8
HUGHES, LISA Classics prof enthusiastic about field CT40-9 97/4/28
HULL, ANDREA Senior shines on playing field and on stage CT 33-4 93/3/5
HULL, ANNIE Junior Annie Hull: CC's athlete of the week CT 31-3 92/2/21 18 712
HULL, BRENDA Girls drop two (pic) CT19-3 86-2-7
HULL, BRENDA Tiger's last stand (pic) CT21-5 87-2-20
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY Human Rights Day celebrated CT CT28-11 90-12-14 p14
HUNGER Students confront reality of hunger, homelessness Ct24-8 88-11-18 p9
HUNTER, JESSICA Avatars of Elvis DE7-2 89 - Mar p26
HUOROVITZ, PETER The Sun and Moon DE11-1 90-Oct p18
HURTADO, MIGUEL de la MADRID, Students feel quake (pic) CT18-3 85-10-4
HUTCHINSON, JOSEPH Hutchinson and Hummels: CC's Athletes of the Week CT31-4
92/2/28 17 671
HYBL, WILLIAM Board of Trustees member hospitalized in Seoul CT24-2 88-9-23
HYBL, WILLIAM Board of Trustees member on the road to recovery CT24-3 88-10-7
HYPNOSIS Hypnosis as a tool for self-improvement CT14-8 81-11-13
HYPNOSIS Hypnosis: art and science CT14-7 81-11-6
ICE BOMB INVESTIGATION Police investigating fry ice bomb set off during film
CT28-10 90-12-7 p1
IMPROV GROUP, TROUPE, PLAYERS & Improv group performs for CC CT31-1 92/2/21
15 679
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ITS network traffic analysis few ruining it
for many CT 45/6 00-11-03
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ITS ponders action based on student (mis)use
of CT45/2 00-09-22
INGWERSON, JULIE Nuclear Proliferation DE4-4 87-11-12 p7
INTERENATIONAL STUDENT WEEK ISO Week celebrates culture CT 36-6 94/11/4
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Betas busted CT19-8 86-5-21
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Big wheels: big bucks CT18-4 85-10-11
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Focus on frats CT17-20 85-4-12
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Greek system subject to internal review CT29-9 91-4-19
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL IFC Council Seeks Positive Change CT27-4 90-2-23 P3
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL IFC levies fines CT17-15 85-2-15
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL IFC votes to close parties & hold fraternity rush
CT27-10 90-4-27 p2
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL IFC will review rush CT17-14 85-2-8
INTER-FRATERNITY COUNCIL Phi Delts busted CT18-7 85-11-8
INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS, OFFICE OF Int'l Office Created CT26-2 89-9-22 p1
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer ...
CT19-1 86-1-17 6&7
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS International students happy at CC CT 34-2 93/9/17
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT'S ORGANIZATION ISO's International Day paves the way for
future CT29-10 91-4-26 p6
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ORGANIZTION- International week previewed CT21-9 87-4-10
INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Sheldon offers 'cheers' to International Studies CT 37-10
95/12/8 p7
INTERNATIONAL WEEK - COLORADO COLLEGE International Week events scheduled CT
30-6 91/11/1
INTERNATIONAL WEEK International Week held November 8 to 13, 1993 CT 34-7 93/11/5
INTRAMURAL SPORTS OOOFBALL & Two new IM games CT29-6 91-3-22 p21
INTRAMURAL SPORTS SOFTBALL Mattress Meat and Arthur Boys named IM champs CT29-11
91-5-3 p20
INTRAMURAL SPORTS 5K RUN FOR FUN Intramural 5K run for fun CT29-9 91-4-19 p25
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Fall Intramural program starts off with glag football, CT28-1
90-9-14 p19
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Fall Intramural Roundup CT24-6 88-11-4 p25
INTRAMURAL SPORTS IM Director rules the field in 5K race last Wednesday CT29-10
91-4-26 p23
INTRAMURAL SPORTS IM Spotlight: Thompson makes the court calls CT29-3 91-2-15
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural hoops comes to the end of yet another CT29-6 91-3-22
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural mania CT24-5 88-10-21 p20
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural playoffs CT29-5 91-3-1 p27
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural Spotlight CT29-7 91-3-29 p26
INTRAMURAL SPORTS News from the IM office CT 30-1 91/9/13 19 908
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Photo - softball CT29-9 91-4-19 p24
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Pickleball, broomball make debut in spring intramural CT29-8
91-4-5 p22
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural hoops begins playoffs CT25-3 89-3-3 p18
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramural tourney time CT29-4 91-2-22 p25
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Intramurals start 1991 with new look to leagues CT29-1 91-1-25
INTRAMURAL SPORTS Students find competition in Intramurals CT 30-2 91/9/20
INVESTMENT CLUB New club gains interest CT 39-8 96/11/15 p12
INVESTMENT POLICY School attempts to change investment policy from CT 38-7 96/4/5
INVESTMENTS - SOUTH AFRICA South African say US investment necessary for social
CT29-9 91-4-19 p2
INVESTMENTS - VALDEZ PRINCIPLES College calls for company to comply with Valdez
CT 31-5 92/3/6
INVESTORS CLUB Birth of an Investment Club CT20-7 86-11-7
INVESTORS CLUB Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer ... CT 86-1-17
INVESTORS CLUB Picture CT20-9 86-12-5
IRAN Ronnie goes to Iran seeks new Playmates in Iranian DE3-1 87-2-13
IRELAND Ireland DE3-1 87-2-13
IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY BELFAST: Turmoil for ages DE1-5 86-5-23
IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMY The latest chapter in the longest war DE1-5 86-5-23
IRWIN, JIM Lost in space CT18-7 85-11-8
ISAACSON, RANDI Looking past my eyes-Isaacson CT19-13 86-5-16
ISLAMIC FAITH - WOMEN Lecture highlights women of Islamic faith CT29-2 91-2-1
ITALIAN RENAISSANCE Old music played CT17-13 85-1-25
IVES, DAVID Ives, Dean, resigns to promote worldwide peace CT22-1 87-09-11 p1
IZCOTJ, PHILIPE Mayan spokesman addresses history and losses of CT28-5* 90-10-19
JACK L. CARTER Herbarium dedicated to Jack L. Carter CT27-3 90-3-23 p2
JACK, SHELIA CC Standouts Receive Honors CT18-9 85-12-6 p17
JACKLIN, CAROL Sex Differences Discussed CT17-12 85-12-8 p2
JACKSON HOUSE Renovation to Begin CT16-10 83-12-9 p3
JACKSON HOUSE Theme Housing Weighed: Jest or Justified CT14-16 82-3-12 p4
JACKSON, CHRISTINA Native American Rights Indian Land, White Greed DE5-2 88-2-19
JACKSON, HELEN HUNT Lady-Writer Fought for Indian Rights CT17-10 84-12-7 p7
JACKSON, JESSE Jackson Alienates and Appeals DE2-1 86-9-19 p2
JACKSON, WES Agriculture Action CT18-9 85-12-6 p2
JACKSON, WES Agriculture Found as a Key to the Future CT16-21 84-4-20 p1
JACKSON, WES Jackson Speaks on Agriculture CT19-1 86-1-17 p2
JACKSON, WES Wes Couldn't Make It CT18-10 85-12-13 p2
JACOBSON, JEFF Received Watson Fellowship CT19-9 86-3-11 p18
JAMAIL, MILTON Focus on Nicaragua CT17-22 85-4-26 p2
JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP Foundation to give fellowships CT 32-2 92/9/18
JAMES, JULIE Liberal-Arts Athletics CT20-5 86-10-17 p17
JAMES, JULIE Pictures CT21-10 87-4-17 p16
JAPAN CLUB (group) CC Japan group active CT 34-9 93/12/35 246
JAPAN HOUSE Chamber orchestra joins Japan House in celebration CT 39-2 96/9/20
JAPAN HOUSE Japan House begins years with pointed demonstration... CT 39-3 96/10/4
JAPENGA, ANN The Separatist Revival DE9-2 90-3-6 p16
JARACZEWSKI, JODY Enga and Jaraczewski are Athletes of the Week CT 32-7 91/11/6
19 466
JENKINS, AMY Art Exhibit - Speaking Windows CT23-14 88-5-20 p8-9
JENKINS, AMY Art: Photo exhibit by senior Amy Jenkins CT22-4 87-10-09 p10-11
JENKINS, CARRIE Sport God CT15-18 83-3-11 p16
JENKINS, DONALD Don Jenkins takes sabbatical CT 31-11 92/5/8 14 446
JENKINS, DONALD Don Jenkins: man of voices, man of music CT29-5 91-3-1 p20
JENKINS, DONALD P. Jenkins conducts Brahms performance CT 33-10 93/5/7 13 702
JENKINS, DONALD Spring Concert CT16-21 84-4-20 p11
JERMAN, JER Life can be fun in a One Horse Town DE4-5 87-12-17 p23
JERRICK, MARK US/Japan trade a round table discussion CT17-22 85-4-26
JET PROGRAM (JAPAN) JET accepts applications CT 32-8 92/11/13
JOACHIM, HANS CC Hosts German Students CT21-5 87-5-13 p1
JOHNS, GILBERT CC Community Comedy CT23-21 88-1-15 p15
JOHNS, GILBERT Hitchcock Trivia CT17-11 84-12-14 p4
JOHNS, GILBERT Psycho's Convene CT20-10 86-12-12 p5
JOHNSON, AL Building the Block Plan DE 13-3 91/12
JOHNSON, AL Johnson leads and coaches from the heart CT 36-11 94/12/16
JOHNSON, DAVID Johnson Mines Old Claims CT17-8 84-11-6 p8
JOHNSON, KENDRA Athlete of the Week: Kendra Johnson, basketball CT 36-9 94/12/2
18 104
JOHNSON, LAURA Pieces On Separation CT21-12 87-5-8 p15
JOHNSON, MARK CC professor takes on local conservatives CT 45/4 00-10-13
JOHNSON, TOM Tom Johnson: Counting Keys CT19-10 86-4-18 p14
JOHNSON, AL (JAMES) Prof lends expertise to block plan CT40-1 97/1/31
JONES, BURTON W. Mathematics Seminar with Visiting Prof. CT14-21 82-4-23 p15
JONES, CHARLES Chuck Jones in CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-2 92/9/18 20 336
JONES, LAURA All-American to Play for CC CT21-13 87-51-15 p15
JONES, PAUL Associate Director of Residential Life welcomes a new CT27-1 90-1-26
JONES, PAUL Fijis Sponsor Date Rape Discussion CT20-8 86-11-14 p4
JONES, RAY Affirmative Action Speaker CT13-17 81-2-20
JONES, RAYMOND DEAN '67 Alum examines MLK's dream CT29-5 91-3-1 p5
JONES, ROBIN Communication No Problem CT17-3 84-9-21 p9
JONES/ZANE Colorado Springs Dance Theater Presents: CT19-1 86-1-17 p14
JONES/ZANE Zane Company Explodes CT19-2 86-1-24 p13
JONES-EDDY, JULIE An author in our midst: Eddy studies "Homesteading CT
36-5 94/10/21 14
JONKER, STACEY Junior Stacey Jonker is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-3 92/10/9
18 713
JORGENSEN, JOHN Walking and Teaching for Peace CT19-14 86-5-23 p3
JOSE, JEN Victim Angered by Administration's Handling of Alleged DE 14-1 92/2
JOUEJATI, RAFIC Syria Not a surrogate, Rafic Says CT17-8 84-3-16 p3
JOURNALISM "From the Editor's Desk" CT14-2 81-9-11 p2-8
JOURNALISM AND ETHICS Journalism and Ethics Go Hand in Hand DE 16-2 1993
JOURNALISM Journalisms Recognized at CC CT15-1 82-9-17 p3
JOYCE TRISLER DANSCOMPANY DANSCOMPANY Presents Historical Works CT14-12 82-1-22
JUDGE, PAT Judge runs to PB at Air Force meet CT29-3 91-2-15 p27
JUNGE, DANIEL Student gets into movie business CT 31-3 92/2/21
JURGENS, JEFF Japan created Capitalism outside the western world DE 16-1 93/3
21 696
JURGENS, JEFF Japan Defies Eurocentric World System theory DE16-3 93/5 22 697
KAKADELIS, STRATIS CC Student to Join Pro Bowlers Tour CT17-22 85-3-6 p7
KALVEN, JOSH Table for One - Short Story CT 45/18 01-04-06
KANEE, STEPHEN CC DRAMA CT15-22 83-4-22 p13
KANG, HYON Kang breaks record CT22-7 87-11-6 p18
KANG, HYON Kang, Hyon, ends stellar CC career CT22-9 87-12-04 p18
KANG, SCOTT Kang, Scott paces CC X-C CT22-5 87-10-16 p19
KANTNER, JOHN A CC student's impressions of Nicaragua CT23-3 88-2-05 p1
KANTNER, JOHN Herradura< A slice of life CT23-12 88-5-6 p6
KAPPA ALPHA THETA CC sorority sanctioned CT 39-9 96/12/6 p1
KAPPA ALPHA THETA Kappa Alpha Theta gets ready to start annual Kicks for CT
45/17 01-03-30
KAPPA ALPHA THETA Money raised for prevention center CT28-3 90-10-5 p5
KAPPA ALPHA THETA Theta facing disciplinary action after alleged hazing CT39-8
96/11/15 p1
KAPPA SIGMA CC Zoo and Kappa Sigma to host celebratory barbeque CT28-5* 90-10-19
KAPPA SIGMA Give blood and party CT28-5* 90-10-19 p7
KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigma to be honored for work with Todd Martz CT 45/12 01-02-02
KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigma verdict arrives on recent alcohol CT 41-5 97/10/10
KAPPA SIGMA Kappa Sigs await word on hearing CT 41-3 9710/3
KAPUR, RAHUL Kapur granted Venture to study Tibetans in India CT27-8 90-4-6
KARENGA, MAULANA Dr. Marulana Karenga CT21-2 87-1-23 p3
KARL, JONATHAN D. Free speech in danger CT28-5 90-11-2 p9
KARPA VS. CUTLER PUBLICATIONS Judge Dismisses Suit CT 36-1 95/2/3
KATES, BRIAN Senior stares social situation straight on CT 30-8 91/11/15
KATSANIS, JOHN Top Photographer CT20-9 86-12-5 p4
KAUPPI, KAI Kai Kauppi combines language and art study CT29-6 91-3-22 p11
KAWAI, TOKUTARO Focus on Japan CT20-3 86-10-3 p5
KAY, TOM Controversial T.K. CT21-10 87-2-17 p17
KEEGAN, JOHN Keegan's Way with War CT16-22 84-4-27 p7
KEEGAN, JOHN speaker Present Nuclear Realities CT14-15 82-3-5 p2
KEEP PROGAM Long Lived Friends CT16-2 83-9-23 p7
KEILMAN, JOHN Justice or Vengeance Don't Get Mad, Get a Ticket DE11-1 90-Oct
KEKIC, NICK Kekic detours from academia to learn ... glass blowing CT32-1 92/9/11
KELLER, FREDRICK Computers for Dorms CT17-14 85-2-8 p2
KELLER, FREDRICK Information Systems Network to Link Campus Terminals CT20-4
86-10-10 p1
KELLER, MARJORIE Keller: poetic Film CT15-10 83-3-25 p14
KELLER, WALTER Student Government election '89 CT26-9 89-12-1 special
KELLERMAN, BARBARA Women direct talents toward leadership CT24-9 88-12-2 p1
KELLEY, KEVIN Director Kelley Discusses Play CT18-43 85-10-11 p15
KELLY, SALLY Into Oblivion Without a Lawyer CT21-11 87-4-24 p12
KEMP, LYNN `85 Graduates Thrive in Colorado Springs CT19-14 86-5-23 p6
KENNEDY, BRIGID 3-Dimensional Artist Speaks CT16-15 84-2-17 p10
KEOURIE, ELIE Crecelius, Keourie to Lecture on Middle East CT19-4 86-2-14 p3
KEOURIE, ELIE Middle East Perplexities CR19-5 86-2-21 p3
KERWIN, ANNE Named Harry S. Truman Scholar of 1983 CT15-22 83-4-22 p2
KHAN, ASADALI Classical Hindustani Musicians CT17-7 84-11-2 p5
KIFMAN, RINA Photograph DE7-1 90-2-7 p18
KINEMATICS "(It) Is the Silence that Echoes in the Head when Easy CT17-24
85-5-17 p14
KING, DR. MARTIN LUTHER Services held commemorating work of Dr. Martin Luther
CT29-1 91-1-25 p2
KING, HALLEY Orbiting satellite adorned with new logo CT 44-13 00/2/11
KING, MARTIN LUTHER King for a Day CT19-2 86-1-24 p1
KING, MARTIN LUTHER King Holiday Activities Announced CT21-1 871-16 p1
KING, MARTIN LUTHER Martin Luther King Honored CT17-12 851-18 p1
KING, MARTIN LUTHER Stokes Speaks to Press CT17-12 851-18 p2
KING, SCOTT An All American and a Texan CT20-9 86-12-5 p15
KING, TOM A Lecture-Contemporary Native Fiction CT19-13 86-5-16 p14
KING, WEMDY MELANIE Students Perish in Plane Crash CT14-1 81-9-11 p1
KING, WILLIAM DAVIES King Goes to D.C. CT17-6 84-10-19 p5
KING, WILLIAM DAVIES New Faculty, Drama Department CT15-2 82-9-24 p2
KIRCHER, TOBY Nuclear War Poses Grave Health Effects CT17-11 84-12-14 p14
KIREILIS, RAMON More Breath CT15-16 82-11-5 p11
KIRK, CHRISTIE Kirk makes biological strides CT27-5 90-3-2 p5
KIRSCH, EDITH New Faculty, Art Department CT15-2 82-9-24 p2
KJHYDER, CHARLES Picture CT21-11 87-4-24
KLAASMEYER, COREY Pope's Causality DE 13-2 91/10
KLEIN, DR. LAWRENCE R. Nobel prize winning economist makes impression CT30-2
KLEIN, JOANNE Klein Nominated for Theatre Award CT19-6 86-5-7 p2
KLEIN, JOANNE Serious Performances at CC: Scenes from an Execution CT20-6 86-10-31
KLEIN, JOANNE Sexual discrimination lawsuit settled CT29-1 91-1-25 p1
KLEIN, JOANNE Teaching to Question: An Interview with Joanne Klein DE5-4 88-5-13
KLEIN, JOANNE Truth Verses Reality: "execution" Premieres CT20-4 86-10-10
KLEMPNER, RON Assassins Rock lCC: 39 Die over Break CT18-7 85-11-8 p11
KLIMEK, THEODOR Klimek: German Perspective on Education Ct19-8 86-5-21 p18
KNIGHT, JOHN L. Board of Trustees begins term with new chairman CT 30-4 91/10/11
KNIGHT, JONATHAN Knight aspires for acting career CT28-3 90-10-5 p10
KNIGHT, JONATHAN Sophomore wins playwriting contest CT25-6 89-3-24 p15
KNUDSON, KAREN Sport God CT15-24 83-5-13 p14
KOCHANSKI, WLADIMIR JAN Pianist Kochanski will perform at CC CT28-10 90-12-7
KOERWITZ, KEVIN CC athletics department names new administrator CT 44-18 00/4/7
KOFMAN, RINA Coney Island - a photo DE9-2 90-3-6 p21
KOFMAN, RINA Photographs DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p24 +
KOLA, BRUCE Kola Heads for Olympics CT16-12 84-1-20
KONRAD, GEORGE Hungarian writer to teach at CC CT23-1 88-1-15 p3
KONRAD, GEORGE Konrad discussers Central Europe CT24-8 88-11-18 p3
KONRAD, GEORGE Konrad speaks "Reinventing Democracy" CT24-1 88-9-16
KONRAD, GEORGE Life Under the Iron Fist: An Interview with George DE5-3 88-4-15
KOONCE, FRANK Koonce to Play CT19-1 86-1-17 p13
KORHUMEL, JOHN New age or old news? DE6-3 88-11-23 p14-15
KORNDOG "Dinosaurs" Delight CT16-6 83-11-4 p13
KORTE, LISA Liberal-Arts Athletes CT20-5 86-10-17 p17
KOSTINER, JOSEPH Saudi Arabia: A Moderating Force CT21-6 87-5-7 p3
KRAKAUER, JOHN '85 From Oreos to cookie dough, Josh-n-John's makes the CT29-5
91-3-1 p7
KRAKAUER, JOHN I Scream CT20-3 86-10-3
KRAMER, KEN Reagan Stumps for Kramer CT20-6 86-10-31 p1
KRAMER, KEN Students Arrested at Protest CT20-6 86-10-31 p4
KRCC - RADIO KRCC: promoting the mission of CC CT43/12 99/2/5
KRCC "Prairie Home" to Air on TV CT19-11 86-3-26 p2
KRCC All that Jazz: KRCC Reprograms CT14-14 82-2-12 p7
KRCC Classic Celtic CT16-5 83-10-23 p10
KRCC College radio station needs the "CC" put back in the CT29-9 91-4-19
KRCC KRCC Begins Drive CT17-6 84-10-9 p14
KRCC KRCC Bombards Airwaves to Reach Goal CT18-4 85-10-11 p13
KRCC KRCC DJ testifies: 91.5 actually exists!!! CT 35-2 94/2/11 14 721
KRCC KRCC Gets Higher CT16-2 83-9-23 p14
KRCC KRCC hopes for news program CT 39-6 96/11/1 p1
KRCC KRCC is more than just a radio station CT29-5 91-3-1 p7
KRCC KRCC Marathon CT16-5 83-10-21 p2
KRCC KRCC Moving Forward CT17-1 84-9-7 p14
KRCC KRCC News CT17-14 85-2-8 p3
KRCC KRCC Proposes New Issues Program "Thirty Minutes" CT14-4 81-10-9
KRCC KRCC Reaches Goal CT17-6 84-11-6 p5
KRCC KRCC Relocates Station CT16-19 84-5-23 p2
KRCC KRCC to Expand CT15-13 83-1-13 p2
KRCC KRCC to Hold Holocaust Broadcasts CT17-20 85-3-12 p3
KRCC KRCC will Present a Special National Radio Theatre CT14-16 82-3-12 p8
KRCC KRCC, CC students to perform CT22-9 87-12-04 p2
KRCC KRCC: Not one of us DE6-3 88-11-23 p21
KRCC KRCC: Take the Musical Challenge CT24-1 88-9-16 p15
KRCC KRCC: A Special Place to Listen CT14-5 81-10-16 p6
KRCC Majority of KRCC funding comes from community CT 39-4 96/10/11 p8
KRCC Marathon Fundraiser CT15-3 82-10-8 p4
KRCC New Programming CT15-25 83-5-20 p18
KRCC News Opportunities CT15-3 82-10-8 p4
KRCC No Nukes Tonight CT17-12 85-1-18 p2
KRCC Radio Magazines Air CT17-21 85-3-19 p1
KRCC Radio Not Free CT15-5 82-10-22 p2
KRCC Radio Program Shows Acumen CT14-3 81-10-2 p1
KRCC RADIO Rumors surrounding KRRCC reevaluated CT 37-4 95/10/20 p8
KRCC Radio Symposium Focuses on South Africa CT20-4 86-10-10 p2
KRCC Reprogramming Plans CT16-2 83-9-23 p12
KRCC ROMER Debates Alone CT20-4 86-1010 p1
KRCC Serious Series Broadcast CT15-12 83-1-14 p10
KRCC Special Programs CT15-17 83-2-25 p14
KRCC Special Programs CT15-18 83-3-11 p12
KRCC Special Programs CT15-19 83-3-18 p16
KRCC Special Programs CT15-20 83-3-25 p12
KRCC Special Programs CT15-22 83-4-22 p13
KRCC Student accessibility to KRCC unacceptable CT 39-3 96/10/4 p8
KRCC Trustees OK 27,730,000 Budget CT17-18 84-5-15 p1
KREBS, THOMAS Star Wars of Czar Wars? Pike and Krebs Debate High 17-8 84-11-16
KRETZMANN, JODY Kretzmann Say Jackson's Coalition Changes Politics CT17-6 84-1019
KREUSCH, TONY Kreusch finds home at rink CT28-9 90-11-30 p22
KRIMM, DOROTHY Dorothy Krimm with Her Children CT16-17 84-5-9 p7
KRIMM, HANS A. `Equus' Examines Shattered Psyche CT13-13 81-1-16 p8
KRIMM, HANS A. If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix it CT15-5 82-10-22 p9
KRIMM, HANS A. The Science of Olin Real World Research CT15-8 82-11-19 p8-9
KRYSL, MARILYN Boulder Couple to Read Poetry CT19-10 86-4-18 p13
KUGLER, TERESA Kugler balances an economics thesis with a biology CT29-8 91-4-5
KUSHICK, LOU Manchester representative to speak CT18-2 85-9-20
KUSHICK, LOU Racism addressed CT18-3 85-10-4
KUSHNICK, LOU Manchester Representative to Speak CT18-2 85-9-20 p9
KUSHNICK, LOU Racism Addressed CT18-3 85-10-4 p5
KUTSCHE, PAUL Latin America questions American actions in panama CT27-1 90-1-26
KUTSCHE, PAUL Letter from Nicaragua CT19-2 86-1-24 p15
KUTSCHE, PAUL New Book by CC Prof CT17-14 85-2-8 p7
KUTSCHE, PAUL Sharing the Riches DE4-1 87-9-17 p5
KUTSCHE, PAUL The Wounds of Colorado Springs: A Band-Aid for Poverty CT17-18
85-3-15 p8&9
KUTSCHE, PAUL Thematic minors at CC (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
LACE BARK PINE - CAMPUS Rare tree sparks campus, city controversy CT 39-10 96/12/13
LACROSSE - MEN Lacrosse dominates RMILL again! CT 35-10 94/5/6 14 722
LACROSSE - MEN Lacrosse in league playoffs CT 35-9 94/4/29 15 724
LACROSSE - WOMEN Women's Lacrosse's final game proves to be finest of CT 35-10
LACROSSE Lacrosse season ends in heartbreak CT29-11 91-5-3 p21
LACROSSE -WOMEN'S Women's LAX showing great effort CT 40-6 97/3/28
LACROSSE - MEN Men's Lacrosse the team to beat in Colorado CT 35-6 94/4/1 18
LACROSSE - MEN Show no mercy CT 35-4 94/3/4
LACROSSE - MEN'S & WOMEN'S End of season CT 45-20 01-04-27
LACROSSE - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Men's and Women's lacrosse teams have spring
success CT 45/17 01-03-30
LACROSSE - MEN'S DU sneaks by Tiger LAX in season finale CT 40-10 97/5/2
LACROSSE - MEN'S LAX gains momentum CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-2
LACROSSE - MEN'S Lacrosse heads into season finale against CSU CT29-9 91-4-19
LACROSSE - MEN'S Lacrosse looks to promising season CT29-4 91-2-22 p27
LACROSSE - MEN'S Lacrosse troubled, but still but still winning CT27-8 90-4-6
LACROSSE - MEN'S Lax goes to the finals CT23-11 88-4-22 p1
LACROSSE - MEN'S LAX team punishes Regis U CT 42-14 98-2-27
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse comes out on top of CT45/19 01-04-13
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse commences CT 45/15 01-03-02
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse extends win streak to seven CT 40-9 97/4/28
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse gets ready to take its act on the road CT 43-15
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse suffers from post-Florida blues Ct 42-17 98-4-3
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse team has been struggling CT29-8 91-4-5 p21
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse triumphs in first games CT27-5 90-3-2 p17
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse wins big CT 45/16 01-03-09
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's Lacrosse wraps up another doozy CT 42-20 98-5-1
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's LAX surrenders heartbreaker to Air Force CT 42-18 98-4-10
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's LAX team looks forward to tough schedule CT 41-12 98-2-6
LACROSSE - MEN'S Men's varsity lacrosse begins season in Florida CT25-6 89-3-24
LACROSSE - MEN'S Stick skills showcased as lacrosse takes two in Utah CT 31-5
LACROSSE - MEN'S Sweet victory, agonizing defeat in Virginia trip CT 42-19 98-4-24
LACROSSE - MEN'S Three wins in the bag for men stick slingers CT 42-15 98-3-6
LACROSSE - MEN'S Tigers can't get the job done down south CT 43-15 99-3-26
LACROSSE - MEN'S Tigers open season with high hopes CT 38-8 96/2/23 p23
LACROSSE - MEN'S Top ranked Tigers in semi-finals CT 38-9 96/4/26 p16
LACROSSE - MEN'S Tough year for lacrosse ends at DU CT 33-9 93/4/30
LACROSSE - WOMEN Woman's Club Lacrosse CT 35-6 94/4/1
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S After scandal, lady laxers go 6-0 in Florida CT42-16 98-3-27
LACROSSE - Women's CC's women laxers take field for strong season CT 41-11 98-1-30
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Club LAX ups record to 6-1 CT23-11 88-4-22 pS2
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Lady Lacrosse teams continues to romp CT 43-18 99-4-9
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Lady laxers suffer heartbreaker CT42-19 98-4-24
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Lady stickers open season with sparks CT 44-15 00/3/3
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S lady's lacrosse ready for season CT 38-4 96/3/1 p17
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Top-ranked women's Lacrosse team makes Regents CT 43-19 99-4-23
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Tourney tests women's lax CT29-6 91-3-22 p20
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women' LAX shows its stuff CT25-7 89-3-31 p19
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Club LAX: Explosive Offence, Inexperienced CT23-8
88-3-18 pS-3
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse; Are you ready for some action CT38-8 96/2/23
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse gears for spring season CT25-3 89-3-3 p18
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse gets off to a strong start at home CT45/16
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse plays well but cannot find the win CT 45/19
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse plows through fruitful season CT27-11 90-5-4
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's LAX dominates CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-3
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's LAX ends season on a high note CT 38-10 96/5/3 p19
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's LAX remains undefeated CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-2
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's LAX: out of the shadows CT 31-7 92/4/3
LACROSSE - WOMEN'S Women's Lacrosse goes east makes great catch CT 38-6 96/3/29
LACROSSE Air Force, alumni, Lacrosse CT15-25 83-5-20
LACROSSE Apathetic Tigers drop two in a row CT23-8 88-3-18 pS-1
LACROSSE Bufkin, Tigers rip Rangers apart in season opener CT 43-14 99-2-26
LACROSSE California Stickers cT21-10 87-4-17
LACROSSE CC Caves in Mines (pic) CT21-11 87-4-24
LACROSSE CC Stickers Sweep Ohio CT21-12 87-5-8
LACROSSE Comeback Victory (pic) CT17-22 85-4-26
LACROSSE Despite tough loss to AFA, Men's Lacrosse starts strong CT14-17 82-3-19
LACROSSE DU Overcomes CT21-10 87-4-17
LACROSSE Lacrosse All-Star Tom Sulger National Recognition CT17-25 85-5-24
LACROSSE Lacrosse All-Stars CT17-24 85-5-17 p7
LACROSSE Lacrosse drives for victory CT27-1 90-5-4 p20
LACROSSE Lacrosse Dumped by CU CT19-8 86-3-21
LACROSSE Lacrosse looks ahead to awesome season CT27-2 90-2-2 p17
LACROSSE Lacrosse looks to improve in '92 CT31-2 92/2/7 18 725
LACROSSE Lacrosse Overcomes (pic) CT17-19 85-3-22 p13
LACROSSE Lacrosse Program Struggling CT17-17 85-3-8
LACROSSE Lacrosse Rebuilds CT17-16 85-3-25
LACROSSE Lacrosse routs Northern Colorado CT15-19 83-3-18
LACROSSE Lacrosse Splits 2 CT19-10 86-4-18
LACROSSE Lacrosse splits on road, falls at home CT31-6 92/3/27 19 726
LACROSSE Lacrosse takes two from Mines and DU CT 31-7 92/4/3 16 727
LACROSSE Lacrosse team muscles east CT14-22 82-5-7
LACROSSE Lacrosse undefeated in league CT 33-6 93/4/2 17 728
LACROSSE Lacrosse uses new philosophy CT15-18 83-3-11
LACROSSE Lacrosse Wins 2 of 3 in Ohio (pic) CT19-12 86-5-9
LACROSSE Lacrosse Wins Again (pic) CT16-21 84-4-20 p14
LACROSSE Lacrosse wins two to advance to RMLA finals CT 31-10 92/5/1 16 729
LACROSSE Lacrosse: A Sour Celebration (pic) CT16-21 84-4-20 p13
LACROSSE LAX attax Regis CT 33-4 93/3/5 18 749
LACROSSE LAX Blows Early Lead CT17-18 85-3-15 p4
LACROSSE LAX buries Orediggers, scalps Pioneers CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-1
LACROSSE LAX Crushes DU CT16-20 84-4-13 p14
LACROSSE LAX Downs DU CT17-21 85-4-19
LACROSSE LAX falls to Air Force, Vanquishes CSU CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-1
LACROSSE LAX falters against tough Ohio opponents Ct23-12 88-5-6 pS-1
LACROSSE LAX finale CT15-26 83-5-27
LACROSSE LAX joins nation's elite CT27-9 90-4-20 p17
LACROSSE LAX looks to down Air Force CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3
LACROSSE LAX Loses Championship in Overtime (pic) CT16-24 84-5-18 p12
LACROSSE LAX prepares for tough schedule CT 33-1 93/2/5 19 750
LACROSSE LAX rugging CT15-20 83-3-25
LACROSSE LAX Schellacks (pic) CT21-7 87-3-13
LACROSSE LAX season opens successfully CT14-16 82-3-12
LACROSSE LAX Splits CT19-7 86-3-14
LACROSSE LAX Still Undefeated (pic) CT16-18 84-3-16
LACROSSE LAX Streak Halted CT16-19 84-5-23
LACROSSE LAX Team Wins First CT16-17 84-5-9
LACROSSE LAX waxes CU CT15-24 83-5-13
LACROSSE LAX: high expectations (pic) CT16-16 84-2-10
LACROSSE LAX-men chase league title CT14-20 82-4-16
LACROSSE MEN'S Despite injuries, LAX seeing success CT 40-7 97/4/4
LACROSSE Men's Lacrosse CT14-21 82-4-23
LACROSSE Men's Lacrosse gears up for a big one CT27-10 90-4-27 p19
LACROSSE- MEN'S Lacrosse team joins hockey team in celebrating... CT 38-10 96/5/3
LACROSSE Men's LAX destroys Denver brine CT 40-4 97/2/28
LACROSSE Men's LAX loses home opener, ready for AFA CT 40-5 97/3/7
LACROSSE -MEN'S Men's LAX wins big CT 40-8 97/4/11
LACROSSE -MEN'S Men's LAX Spring Break: No rest for the wicked CT 42-16 98-3-27
LACROSSE- MEN'S Tiger Lacrosse closes season by romping over Regis CT 43-20
LACROSSE Ohio Lacrosse CT15-24 83-5-13
LACROSSE Photo story CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
LACROSSE (pic) CT14-24 82-5-21
LACROSSE (pic) CT16-22 84-4-27
LACROSSE Romp Through Ohio (pic) CT16-23 84-5-11 p13
LACROSSE Season Ends (pic) CT17-23 85-5-10
LACROSSE Senior netter Hilary Garnsey is CC's Athlete of the CT 31-8 92/4/10
LACROSSE Spring Sports Start CT21-6 87-5-7
LACROSSE Stein Stalwart in Net CT21-9 87-4-10 p18
LACROSSE Tiger Lacrosse destroys woeful Denver stickmen CT 31-9 92/4/24
LACROSSE Tiger Lacrosse kills bears and pioneers CT27-7 90-3-30 p15
LACROSSE Tiger Lacrosse warms up for season by shooting down CT43/13 99-2-19
LACROSSE Tiger Lacrosse Wins Fourth in a Row (pic) CT19-11 86-4-26
LACROSSE Tiger LAX Finish on Winning Note CT19-13 86-5-16
LACROSSE Tiger Lacrosse buries School of Mines CT 33-7 93/4/16
LACROSSE Tigers Knock Off DU (pic) CT 86-3-21
LACROSSE Tigers pluck Falcons CT27-3 90-3-23 p17
LACROSSE Tigers relax for Falcons (pic) CT15-22 83-4-22
LACROSSE Tigers run past Regis in season opener CT 44-15 00/3/3
LACROSSE Tigers Thrash DU 12-4 CT17-20 85-4-12
LACROSSE Tigers trounce Cougars, run past Rams CT 33-8 93/4/16
LACROSSE Tough ones for men's Lacrosse CT 33-5 93/3/12
LACROSSE Women LAX Open with Win CT17-19 853-22 p14
LACROSSE Women's Lacrosse (pic) CT17-22 85-4-26
LACROSSE Women's Lacrosse upsets CU (pic) CT15-23 83-4-29
LACROSSE -WOMEN'S Lady laxers keep the fire, even without captains CT 42-18
LACROSSE Women's Lacrosse CT14-20 82-4-16
LACROSSE- WOMEN'S Women's LAX charged for alleged hazing CT 42-15 98-3-6
LACROSSE-MEN'S Men's LAX Beats CU Twice, Tops DU 10-7 in Final to CT 36-10 95/5/5
20 816
LACROSSE-MEN'S Men's LAX Enters League Stretch, Beats DU CT 36-7 95/4/7 20 817
LACROSSE-MEN'S Tigers Top Mines, Crush Regis 20-4 CT 36-8 95/4/14
LACROSSE-WOMEN'S Coach Helps Women's LAX Succeed CT 36-10 95/5/5 18 346
LACROSSE-WOMEN'S High Hopes for New Women's LAX CT 36-2 95/2/10 19 631
LACROSSE-WOMEN'S Women's LAX Goes 5-2-1 in Tournament CT 36-5 95/3/10
LACROSSE-WOMEN'S Women's LAX Splits Tourney 2-2 CT36-6 95/3/31
LAFOLLETTE, LINDA Wooglin's co-owned by recent CC grads CT29-4 91-2-22 p9
LAKE POWELL CC's Lake Powell Legacy CT21-12 87-5-8
LAMBERT, LEIGH CC student battles for ancient waffle iron CT 30-8 91/11/15
LAMBERT, LEIGH Lambert art show examines tacky side of America CT 33-7 93/4/16
16 744
LAMBERT, ROGER Jazz Pianist to Perform CT14-4 81-10-9 p7
LAMBERT, TIM What do you want to do when you grow up DE8-1 89-Sept p12
LAMM, RICHARD Bloom County live at CC Commencement CT23-14 88-5-20 p1
LAMM, RICHARD Governor Lamm Illuminates Portrait of a Leader CT14-20 82-4-16
LAMM, RICHARD The Governor and The Priest (pic) CT20-3 86-10-3
LAMONT CRANSTON BAND Lamont Cranston Does It Again CT14-6 81-10-29
LANDSCAPING - COLORADO COLLEGE Linden trees a lesson in CC history CT 38-2 96/2/9
LANE, LISA Committee announces Award in Literature recipients CT25-8 89-4-7
LANE, LISA Lisa Lane: Poet with an earthly cause CT27-1 90-1-26 p6
LANE, LISA Taking out the Garbage DE7-1 89-2 p10-11
LANGDON, PETE Michael Dukakis & the Politics of Reality DE6-2 88-10-31 p9
LANGER, ED Much Ado About Nukes (pic) CT19-5 86-3-21 1,5,6
LANGER, EDWARD CC mourns loss of an incredible man, professor CT 43/13 99-2-19
LANGLOIS, ED CC Rhodes Finalist CT19-1 86-1-17
LANGLOIS, ED Chicago Smells CT17-12 85-1-18
LANGSAM, PETER ENACT co-chairs Fahlund, Langsam have helped organize CT29-10
91-4-26 p11
LANGUAGE LAB - KECK MULTIMEDIA New, improved language lab completed CT 30-7
LANGUAGE TABLES Brush up on language skills CT28-2 90-9-21 p3
LANNER, MAX Sorely missed professor honored with music Ct 32-3 92/10/2
LANSKY, DOUG Acting President candidate Doug Lansky clarifies CT 31-9 92/4/24
LANSKY, DOUG CC senior runs for interim president CT 31-7 92/4/3
LANSKY, DOUGLAS '92 Excellence in Teaching Plan calls on students CT 37-4 95/10/13
LANSKY, DOUGLAS Lansky elected CT26-4 89-10-13 p4
LARA, KRISTIE Watching the Border DE 13-2 91/10
LARABEE, KEVIN Baseball Team Looks Forward to Next Year (pic) CT21-12 87-5-8
LARRY RIDLEY TRIO Ridley Trio Boogies in Packard (pic) CT14-12 82-1-22
LASKO, JAMES American Theater Lives De5-4 88-5-13 p22
LASKO, JAMES The Death of Broadway DE5-3 88-4-15 p21-22
LATIN AMERICA-ECONOMIC CONDITONS Corporatism and Peron DE3-4 87-4-24 p5
LATIN AMERICA-ECONOMIC CONDITONS The Debt Crisis: Who's to Pay DE11-4 86-12-15
LAURA X Laura X Talks Rape CT17-8 84-11-16
LAVIN, IRVING Dr's. Lavin Speaks (pic) CT18-9 85-12-6
LAWS, RICHIE Sport Gods CT15-11 82-12-17
LAZERWITZ, DAVID Brazilian Amazonia: Economics vs. Ecology DE5-3 88-4-15 p6-7
LAZERWITZ, DAVID Israel: The Ironies of Occupation DE5-4 88-5-13 p18-19
LAZERWITZ, DAVID The Iran-Iraq War: Will it end DE4-2 87-10-15 p4
LEADERSHIP COLLOQUIUM Governor Lamm Illuminates Portrait of a Leader CT14-20
LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Leadership Program sponsors negotiation workshop CT25-6 89-3-24
LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Popular demand brings Negotiations Workshop back to CC CT25-3
89-3-3 p2
LEADERSHIP,VOLUNTEERISM, PUBLIC Campus volunteer groups receive recognition
CT25-4 89-2-24 p3
LEADERSHIP-COLORADO COLLEGE Does CC Train Leaders? CT19-9 86-4-11
LEADERSHOP WORKSHOP SERIES Resources available to transform student ideas into
CT28-4 90-10-12 p3
LEAF, SEABROOK Today's War Toys DE5-3 88-4-15 p13-14
LEAR, JERREL Big Cat coach Jerry Lear retires after 30 years CT 33-3 93/2/26
17 128
LEAR, JERRY Jerry Lear: Enthusiasm and Effort at CC CT18-5 85-10-18
LEAVE OF ABSENCE APPLICATIONS Dean of Students issues reminder concerning leave
of CT25-3 89-3-3 p11
LEBANON CRISIS Students React to Lebanon Crisis CT15-1 82-9-7 p3
LECKENBY, LISA Art - Senior Show CT23-10 88-4-15 p10
LECTURE - DEMAREST LLOYD Nichols, John to speak CT23-7 88-3-11 p5
LECTURE - DEMAREST LLOYD Nobel Prize Novelist trips CT23-6 88-3-04 p6
LECTURE - HAROLD D. & RHODA N. ROBERTS The Starman Cometh CT23-9 88-4-8
LECTURE - JOVANOVICH Constitution, Famous historian to lecture on (J.G.A. CT22-4
87-10-09 p2
LECTURE - LOPAT MEMORIAL Award winning journalist is Lopat Lecturer for 1988
CT23-9 88-4-8 p1
LECTURE - SONDERMANN Rutgers professor delivers Sondermann Lecture CT25-7 89-3-31
LECTURE - SONDERMANN MEMORIAL Fred Sondermann returns to CC to challenge Presidency
CT23-8 88-3-11 p5
LECTURE - SONDERMANN Sondermann Lecture arrives CT25-6 89-3-24 p4
LECTURE - SONDERMANN Washington Post Bureau Chief speaks at CC CT23-10 88-4-15
LECTURE- ABBOTT Wisconsin professor speaks on women's history CT25-1 89-1-27
LECTURE SERIES - ANDREW NORMAN FDT. Waters imagines world change CT24-3 88-10-7
LECTURES - FOCUS ON SOUTH AFRICA Passage defends constructive engagement CT22-2
87-09-18 p1
LECTURES - LINNEMANN MEMORIAL Linnemann Lecture to feature rainforests CT 33-5
LECTURES - SOUTH AFRICA SERIES Southern Africa lecture series begins CT22-1
87-09-11 p2
LECTURES "Why Leaders (Presidents) Fail" (Another Lecture at CT14-22
LECTURES A Capital Image Maker CT16-10 83-12-9
LECTURES A Future in PR CT18-10 85-12-13
LECTURES Aceto Explains Differently CT16-7 83-11-11
LECTURES Agen to Speak on Human Rights CT19-6 86-3-7
LECTURES Air Force Defends AWACS Sale CT14-10 81-12-11
LECTURES Amnesty Campaigns For Human Rights CT16-18 84-3-16
LECTURES Atomic Art CT15-22 83-4-22
LECTURES Buuntjens to Deliver Jovanovich Lecture CT19-3 86-2-7
LECTURES Caron Lectures Ct15-22 83-4-22
LECTURES Civil War CT15-9 83-12-3
LECTURES Come Hear the Cry Ct18-6 85-11-1
LECTURES Coney Gives Science Lecture CT19-8 386-3-21
LECTURES Cynical McCarthy Revisits 1968 CT15-4 82-10-15
LECTURES Franklin, Abbott Lecturer CT18-3 85-10-4
LECTURES Franklin, John Hope In Search of ... CT18-4 85-10-11
LECTURES Fuentes Delivers Lloyd Lecture CT19-12 86-5-9
LECTURES I Hat Germer's Commercials CT15-8 82-11-19
LECTURES Jovanovich Lecture CT19-4 86-2-14
LECTURES Lecture Series on the American West CT21-7 87-3-13
LECTURES Lectures focus on male/female relationships CT28-5* 90-10-19 p3
LECTURES Mathematics Seminar with Prof. Burton Hones CT14-21 82-4-23
LECTURES Miller Calls for New Coalitions CT14-16 82-3-12
LECTURES Nair to Lecture on India CT16-24 84-5-18
LECTURES Network Problem-Solving with Math and Computer CT21-11 87-4-24
LECTURES Oz Delivers Speech CT17-14 85-2-8
LECTURES Panel Discussion on Central America CT18-7 85-11-8
LECTURES Sex Differences Discussed CT18-1 85-1-18
LECTURES Steinem Speaks CT16-3 83-10-7
LECTURES Terrorism: Parental Rebellion CT19-8 86-3-21 p4
LECTURES Visiting Scholar from London: Robert Browning CT21-9 87-4-10
LECTURES Will Walton CT15-6 82-11-5 p10
LEDGER, PAT Letter to the Editor CT18-7 85-11-8
LEDGER, PAT People's Law DE5-2 88-2-19 p26-28
LEDGER, PATRICK In a Dark Time DE4-5 87-12-17 p23
LEE, GUS From M.I.T. to the paratroopers to CC CT 43/9 98-12-4
LEE, KIRK Lacrosse Wins 2 of 3 in Ohio CT19-12 86-5-9
LEE, ROBERT Attack on Libya: CC's Reaction CT19-10 86-4-18
LEE, ROBERT CC professor shares insight on Salman Rushdie CT25-8 89-4-7 p13
LEE, ROBERT Professors Lee and Weida discuss facts of war Thursday CT29-4 91-2-22
LEE, SUNG JU Announcement CT14-1 81-9-11
LEE, SUNG JU Sung Ju Lee: Focused Perfection CT14-3 81-10-2
LEECH, THOMAS Flamingo Flambé showing at the Coburn Gallery CT 33-3 93/2/26
14 522
LEGO "SAT" Clarifying the facts on the LEGO "SAT" CT 44-13
LEHMAN AWARD FOR LITERATURE Obsolescence Comes for the American Bishops: How
Modern DE5-4 88-5-13 p13-14
LEISURE - 1989-90 Thad & Stephe reminisce (in pictures) about Leisure CT27-11
90-5-4 p12-13
LEISURE ACTIVITIES Winter Carnival, Steamboat Welcome Winter Enthusiasts CT
36-2 95/2/10
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS & CRAFTS An Array of work comes together at Arts
& Crafts Sale CT 37-9 95/12/1 p1
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS & CRAFTS Arts and Crafts offers credit program CT
31-2 92/2/7 12
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS & CRAFTS The CC Arts and Crafts program is actually
real CT 30-2 91/9/20
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS AND CRAFTS Arts Awards CT27-8 90-4-6 p10
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS AND CRAFTS Arts schemes master plan CT26-9 89-12-1 p16
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS AND CRAFTS Crafty committee commits to CC CT27-3 90-2-16
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS AND CRAFTS Recreation in Worner Basement CT24-2 88-9-23
LEISURE PROGRAM - ARTS AND CRAFTS Varied views expressed through varied materials
CT27-3 90-3-23 p9
LEISURE PROGRAM Anchor splash offers aquatic fun CT27-8 90-4-6 p4
LEISURE PROGRAM Arts and Crafts for Aunt Edna CT26-5 89-10-20 p16
LEISURE PROGRAM CCCA & Leisure Program dole out dollars CT 37-11 95/12/15
LEISURE PROGRAM Cheap Music CT16-2 83-10-23
LEISURE PROGRAM Evans resigns Leisure Program CT 36-1 94/9/16
LEISURE PROGRAM Evans takes over Leisure CT 35-7 94/4/8
LEISURE PROGRAM First Winterfest Success Sets Precedent for Future CT 36-4 95/3/3
10 519
LEISURE PROGRAM Junior Kirk Granum chosen to chair Leisure Program, CT29-7 91-3-29
LEISURE PROGRAM Leisure Program Director search winds down CT 36-11 94/12/16
LEISURE PROGRAM Leisure Program fills need CT26-9 89-12-1 p2
LEISURE PROGRAM Leisure program plans ice cream social, student CT28-1 90-9-14
LEISURE PROGRAM Leisure program vital part of CC CT27-2 90-2-2 p15
LEISURE PROGRAM Milroy Resigns CT15-17 83-2-25
LEISURE PROGRAM Outward Bound to Locate on Campus CT17-5 84-10-12
LEISURE PROGRAM Packard Darkroom Open for Business CT14-5 81-10-16
LEISURE PROGRAM Robison named student chair of Leisure Program CT27-7 90-3-30
LEISURE PROGRAM Seasonal Wrongs CT15-26 83-3-27 p2
LEISURE PROGRAM Stimeling Seeks to Serve Student Needs CT 36-3 95/2/24
LEISURE PROGRAM Trio Graces CC CT19-6 86-3-7
LEISURE PROGRAM Vibrant De Dannan CT14-3 81-10-2
LEISURE PROGRAM Video Workshop CT18-4 85-10-11
LEISURE PROGRAM Villella: Talk and Dance CT14-6 81-10-29
LEISURE PROGRAM Winter Carnival Begins a CC Tradition CT 36-3 95/2/24
LEISURE PROGRAM Women's Roles in the Third World CT20-7 86-11-7
LEMMEL, JIM - POTTER An early morning with the potter CT28-2 90-9-21 p15
LEMVO, JACQES Lemvo Calls It Quits CT18-5 85-10-18
LEMVO, JACQES Lemvo Gets Record CT18-6 85-11-1
LEMVO, JACQES Mess Lacks Focus CT17-15 85-2-15
LEMVO, JACQES Tigers Back on Track CT18-5 85-10-18
LENNOX HOUSE Theme Housing Weighed: Jest or Justified? CT14-16 82-3-12 p4
LENSSEN, ANN A conversation with Spotlight Ann Lenssen CT 30-9 91/12/6 8
LEROUX, PAUL Leroux Recovering From Block Break Stabbing CT 36-3 95/2/24
LEROUX, PAUL Man Indicted in Leroux Stabbing CT 36-6 95/3/31
LETELIER, ISABEL Chilean Tells of Oppression CT17-25 85-3-24
LETWIN, WILLIAM Constitution, Letwin on CT22-1 87-09-11 p3
LEVENDOSKY, CHARLES Poet to Give Workshop CT17-15 85-2-15
LEVIATHAN "Remarkable Publication" CT16-20 84-4-13
LEVIATHAN "Stoll and Crew" Create Quality CT16-22 84-4-27
LEVIATHAN CCCA Nixes Fourth Leviathan CT14-24 82-3-21
LEVIATHAN Leviathan article draws responses CT 31-2 92/2/7
LEVIATHAN Leviathan CT15-7 82-11-12
LEVIATHAN Leviathan Defended CT14-9 81-12-4
LEVIATHAN Leviathan Lacking Diversity CT14-16 82-3-12
LEVIATHAN News Choices CT17-4 84-10-5
LEVIATHAN The Leviathan You Won't Read CT15-20 83-3-25
LEVIATHAN The Trouble with Education CT15-8 82-11-9
LEVIN, BETSY Dean Levin Addresses CC CT16-12 84-1-20
LEVIN, DR. RICHARD Bio guest lecture CT26-5 89-10-20 p2
LEVIN, RICHARD B. Capitalism and Christianity merge into an (un)holy DE 14-2
LEVIN, RICHARD B. Ethics, Integrity and the Leadership Void in America DE 14-1
LEVIN, RICHARD B. Fact or fiction in the American Press DE 14-3 92/4
LEVIN, RICK Bad Luck DE8-4 89-Dec p23
LEVINE, ARTHUR Levine Lays it on CT18-7 85-11-8
LEVY, RON Selected for Watson Fellowship CT16-19 84-3-23
LEWANDOWSKI, BOHDAN Polish diplomat shares insight CT26-9 89-12-1 p3
LHEVINE, PAUL Senior Spotlight: Look under "A" for Activism CT26-9
89-12-1 p8
LI ZEHOU Chinese professor teaches Eastern beauty, intellect CT24-5 88-10-21
LI, PROFESSOR Education in China: A Comparative CT21-5 87-2-20 5&6
LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION Recent grads find positive, negatives to liberal arts.
CT 41-10 97-12-12
LIBERALISM - COLORADO COLLEGE Liberalism at Colorado College, The decline of
CT23-12 88-5-6 p10
LIBERATION THEOLOGY Liberation Theology redefines success through CT24-10 88-12-9
LIBERTARIAN PARTY Libertarians: Keep Gob's Out DE2-2 86-10-17
LIBRARY - TUTT LIBRARY Tutt facilities inadequate for student research CT 34-3
LIBRARY "The Cat Is Here" CT21-9 87-4-10
LIBRARY CC Dims Lights CT15-15 83-2-3
LIBRARY Committee Selects New Head Librarian, John Sheridan CT16-16 84-2-24
LIBRARY Keep Food in Your Mouth CT21-1 87-1-16
LIBRARY Library Isn't Fine CT17-7 84-11-12
LIBRARY Library Reorganizes CT20-1 86-9-12
LIBRARY Picture CT19-8 86-3-21
LIBRARY Special Collections: A Good Research Source CT21-1 87-1-16
LIBRARY The Tutt Zone CT18-2 85-9-20
LIBRARY Tutt Enters Computer Age CT15-7 82-11-12
LIBRARY Tutt Library Users CT23-3 88-2-05 p17
LIBRARY Tutt Library: Books Budget and Bothers CT16-17 84-3-9 8-9
LIBRARY Tutt Student Center? CT19-4 86-2-14
LIBRARY Tutt Zone Revisited CT18-6 85-11-1
LIBRARY Tutt: More Than Carrels and Call Numbers CT81-1-29
LIBRARY Wanted: A Head Librarian CT16-19 83-12-9
LIBRARY Who Gets Your Library Fines? CT19-6 86-5-7
LIBRARY-ORAL HISTORY PROJECT History Bank Started CT14-2 81-9-25
LIBRARY-ORAL HISTORY PROJECT History Echoes in Tutt Archives CT14-19 82-4-9
LIDSTER, DOUG JOHN ANDREW Lidster All-American CT15-19 83-3-18 p14
LIDSTER, DOUG JOHN ANDREW Lidster All-WCHA CT15-20 83-3-25
LIDSTER, DOUG JOHN ANDREW Lidster Wins Award CT14-20 82-4-16
LIDSTER, DOUG JOHN ANDREW WCHA All-Star Team CT14-17 82-3-19
LIE DETECTOR The Polygraph- A measure of Security DE1-5 86-3-23
LIFE, RICK Peace March Discusses CT21-4 87-2-13
LIN, WEBER Experienced traveler in this week's spotlight CT 31-7 92/4/3 11 485
LINDBLADE, TOM For Evelyn DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p16
LINDBLOM, CHARLES E. Lecture to Focus on "The Market as Prison" CT14-4
LINDEMAN, TED Faculty advise professional vitality to peers CT25-4 89-2-24 p14
LINDEMAN, THEODORE Let it Snow ... Snowflakes Always Come Hexagonal CT17-11
LINDEMAN, THEODORE MacArthur Endowment CT19-7 86-5-14 p2
LINNEMAN, TIMOTHY CC mourns deaths of two students CT28-1 90-9-14 p5
LINNEMANN, TIM Tim Linnemann Memorial Garden dedication set for Earth CT29-9
91-4-19 p2
LINNEMANN, TIM '91 Linnemann remembered CT29-2 91-2-1 p4
LINTHICUMB, BRUCE Student Robbed at Knifepoint CT16-12 84-1-20
LIPSON, ELAINE Seniors Present Variety of Talent CT 81-4-10
LIQUOR LICENSE - COLORADO COLLEGE XX's lost liquor license: the ugly true story
CT35-10 94/5/6
LITERACY CENTER New Literacy Center searching for volunteers CT 41-12 98-2-6
LITERARY AWARD '84 Winner Publicize '85 Lit Awards CT17-15 85-2-15
LITERARY AWARD Awards in Literature Given CT21-12 87-5-8
LITERARY AWARD CC Award in Literature CT19-5 86-2-21
LITERARY AWARD CC Students Receive Awards in Literature CT19-13 86-5-16
LITERARY AWARD Writers Awarded Big Bucks CT16-23 84-5-11
LITERARY CLASSICS Literary Classics convert to comic books CT27-5 90-3-2 p9
LITERARY SOCIETY First Meeting OC1-3 1880-4
LITERATURE American Studies at CC CT18-7 85-11-8
LITERATURE AWARDS - 1992 Four win CC awards in Literature CT 31-9 92/4/24
LITERATURE AWARDS - 1999 Attention writers CT 44-16 00/3/10
LITERATURE AWARDS Colorado College gives Awards in Literature CT 44-20 00/4/28
LITERATURE AWARDS Committee announces Award in Literature recipients CT25-8
89-4-7 p1
LITERATURE Awards in Literature Offered CT21-4 87-2-13
LITERATURE AWARDS Literature, CC announces awards in CT23-9 88-4-8 p5
LITERATURE AWARDS, 1991 CC CC Lit awards committee to host info meeting CT29-4
LITERATURE Bound for Italy CT15-24 83-5-13
LITERATURE CC Awards in Literature Given CT17-25 85-3-24
LITERATURE Comparative Lit Widens horizons CT14-15 82-3-5
LITERATURE Critics' Review "Swamp," an Uncut Diamond CT19-1 86-1-17
LITERATURE Department Offers Writing Awards CT16-15 84-2-17
LITERATURE Literature Award CT15-16 83-3-18
LIVESAY, JEFF Livesay Selected to Partake in Seminar CT16-22 84-4-27
LIVESAY, JEFF Manchester representative to speak Ct18-2 85-9-20
LIVESAY, JEFF Protesting in the '80s Style CT19-6 86-5-7
LIVESAY, JEFF Shooting Down Star Wars CT18-8 85-11-15
LIVESOUNDS Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer CT19-1 86-1-17
LIVESOUNDS Folk/Jazz Changes CT17-8 84-11-6
LIVESOUNDS Punk is Cool!! CT18-10 85-12-13
LIVESOUNDS The Sounds of Jazz CT19-1 86-1-17
LLOYD MEMORIAL LECTURE Acadian Treasure CT16-4 83-10-14
LLOYD MEMORIAL LECTURE Boswell Speaks on Social Categorization CT21-9 87-4-10
LLOYD MEMORIAL LECTURE Existentialist Speaks on "Sartre, Flaubert and Madam
CT14-4 81-10-9
LLOYD MEMORIAL LECTURE Prominent American Writer to Visit CC CT14-15 82-2-9
LLOYD MEMORIAL LECTURE Suzi Gabik, this Year's Lloyd Lecturer CT15-13 83-1-23
LLOYD, AARON Lloyd calls for sincere environmental action CT29-6 91-3-22 p8
LLOYD, AARON Lloyd resigns; accuses Catalyst of not printing the CT29-7 91-3-29
LLOYD, ARRON Americanism discovered while in Japan CT 32-8 92/11/13 7
LLOYD, CHRIS CC announces awards in Literature CT23-9 88-4-8 p5
LLOYD, CHRIS The Dark Goddess DE7-1 89-2 p6
LOBATO, EMILIO Alumnus Lobato pursues artistic endeavors CT36-4 94/10/14 13
LOCKE, IVAN The Killing Game DE8-1 89-Sept p5
LOEFFLER, BRUCE Bruce Loeffler fights anti-gay amendment CT 33-1 93/2/5
LOEFFLER, BRUCE Columbus to be questioned by Loeffler CT 32-2 92/9/18
LOEFFLER, BRUCE Faculty Win Stipends CT17-23 85-5-10
LOEVY, ROBERT .D Time for a Change: '88 DE5-1 88-1-21 p5-6
LOEVY, ROBERT CC profs evaluate Clinton's performance CT33-4 93/3/5
LOEVY, ROBERT D. Alternatives to Primary System Proposed CT16-18 84-3-16
LOEVY, ROBERT D. CC Prof. on TV CT23-6 88-3-04 p1
LOEVY, ROBERT D. CC Professors Honored in Their Fields CT14-9 81-12-4
LOEVY, ROBERT D. Chairman of Campus Planning Committee CT15-9 82-12-3
LOEVY, ROBERT D. Loevy Predicts Democratic Sweep CT15-4 82-10-15
LOEVY, ROBERT D. Ronald Reagan: A Two-Year Assessment CT15-13 83-1-21 1,10,
LOEVY, ROBERT D. Text Distributed with Computer Games CT16-20 84-4-13
LOEVY, ROBERT Harvard law professor's assessment: Discrimination CT28-11 90-12-14
LOEVY, ROBERT Loevy and Cronin write for political series CT29-6 91-2-22 p3
LOEVY, ROBERT Loevy and Hochman debate election '88 DE6-2 88-10-31 p10-11
LOEVY, ROBERT Loevy experiences heart difficulties CT 39-1 96/9/13 p1
LOEVY, ROBERT Loevy makes another run for City Council CT29-5 91-3-1 p3
LOEVY, ROBERT Prof Loevy defeated in City Council election CT29-8 91-4-5 p1
LOEVY, ROBERT Professor Loevy to spend sabbatical researching for CT37-4 95/10/20
LOEVY, ROBERT Profs debate '92 presidential election CT 31-4 92/2/28
LOMMASSON, ALAN "Signs" Dictate Movement CT19-8 86-5-21
LOMMASSON, ALAN Lommasson & Slaughter Present Seven Dances CT17-12 85-1-18
LOMMASSON, ALAN Three Dancers Plus to perform repertory concert CT25-6 89-3-24
LONDON From Abroad DE3-3 87-4-17
LONDON SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRAM London Social Science Program approved CT26-11
89-12-15 p5
LONGINO, JAY Athlete of the Week: Jay Longino, men's basketball CT36-10 94/12/9
18 102
LONGO, JOHN Longo: Chaucer, drama, and rock 'n' roll CT22-8 87-11-13 p13
LOOMIS - SWITCHBOARD Through rain, sleet or snow, Loomis ladies can operate
CT24-10 88-12-9 p7
LOOMIS COFFEE HOUSE Coffee achievers CT18-8 85-11-15 p14
LOOMIS COFFEE HOUSE Coffee house successful CT14-4 81-10-9 p9
LOOMIS COFFEE HOUSE (pic only) CT14-10 81-12-11 p8
LOOMIS COFFEE HOUSE The Coffee Achievers CT20-4 86-10-10 p7
LOOMIS LAST LECTURE SERIES L.L.L.S. and the meaning of life CT18-5 85-10-10
LOOMIS LAST LECTURE SERIES LLLS promises a humdinger CT18-6 85-10-1
LOOMIS LAST LECTURE SERIES Nkiwane to give LLLS CT19-3 86-2-9
LOOMIS LAST LECTURE SERIES The adventures of Dr. Richard Bradley CT18-7 85-11-8
LOPAT MEMORIAL LECTURE Congressman Cheney gives Lopat Lecture (pic) CT19-1 86-1-17
LOPAT MEMORIAL LECTURE Ford speaks on future (pic) CT17-17 85-5-8
LOPAT MEMORIAL LECTURE Ford to speak at CC CT17-12 85-1-18
LOPAT MEMORIAL LECTURE Ford's successor CT18-10 85-12-13
LOPEZ, TONY CC Nets four Watson Fellowships CT21-6 87-3-20
LORD, DAQVID CC Business Manager appointed Second Vice President of CT25-3 89-3-3
LORIMER, CHARLIE Wishbone finally breaks (pic) CT20-1 86-9-12
LORIMER, PAIGE Women's Hoopsters on a roll (pic) CT21-1 87-1-16
LOUD, FRANK HERBERT Charge of meteorological news OC1-1 1880-2
LOUIDEN, RACHEL The Final Exam DE11-1 90-Oct p10
LOVELACE, JEFFREY Lovelace finds jungles, fiestas & fishing with Munchie
CT 31-6 92/3/27
LOVINS, HUNTER & AMORY Strategic energy (pic) CT15-26 83-5-27
LUCA, SERGIU Luca teaches, encourages orchestra CT14-16 82-3-12
LUCE PROGRAM ON WAR, VIOLENCE AND Courses may continue despite Luce expiration
CT14-12 82-1-22
LUCE PROGRAM ON WAR, VIOLENCE AND Hacker examines terrorists CT14-5 81-10-16
LUCE PROGRAM ON WAR, VIOLENCE AND Nuclear war? CT14-14 82-2-12
LUCE PROGRAM ON WAR, VIOLENCE AND Symposium probes violence CT13-13 81-1-16
LUCE PROGRAM ON WAR, VIOLENCE AND Workshop in the gallery CT14-20 82-4-16
LUCE SCHOLARSHIPS Two CC students win Luce Scholarships CT27-3 90-3-23 p3
LUCIA, DON Is Lucia leaving? CT 43-18 99-4-9
LUDEKE, JOAN Witchcraft debunked (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21
LUEBKE, DAVID Conforming to the confines of nonconformity DE 16-1 93/3
LUJAN, ARRON Arron Lujan: CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-3 92/10/2 18
LUJAN, ARRON Athlete of the Week: Arron Lujan, CC's All-Time CT36-3 94/10/7
LUJAN, ARRON Senior Arron Lujan named to D-II First Team CT36-11 94/12/16
LUNING, ERNIE Fall 1984 Catalyst editor (pic) CT16-22 84-4-27
LYNCH, ROB Fitzgerald, Lynch win CCCA spots CT18-10 85-12-13
LYON, ANDY TV journalist gives Media Committee lecture CT25-2 89-2-3 p3
LYONS, GEORGE Senior Trustees, Tutt and Lyons, pass away CT32-7 92/11/6
MacARTHUR PROFESSORSHIP MacArthur Endowment (Theodore Lindeman) CT19-7 86-3-16
MacARTHUR PROFESSORSHIP Neel Appointed MacArthur Professor CT14-14 82-2-12
MacLOWRY, SCOTT Rock Climbing CT17-5 84-10-12
MacDONALD Terrorism: Parental Rebellion CT19-8 86-3-21
MacDOUGALD, BARBARA MacDougald Memorial CT15-22 83-4-22
MACLEOD, JAY Renowned sociologist to address current theories CT28-7 90-11-9
MACURA, GLENN - ALUMNI Macura shows his stuff in Coburn CT28-5* 90-10-19 p14
MADRUGA, HERVING Madruga: Man and Polyglot CT18-8 85-11-15
MADRUGA, HERVING Photo - Comparative Literature program CT29-5 91-3-1 p10
MADSEN, MALEA Malea Madsen opens senior art show CT31-5 92/3/6 14 780
MAGRUDER, JEB STUART Magruder Speaks Out CT17-24 85-3-17
MAGRUDER, JEB STUART Magruder Will Speak Wednesday CT17-23 85-3-10
MAGRUDER, JUSTIN Betas Accept Woman Pledge CT17-14 85-2-8
MAHELONA, DAVID Coburn Gallery displaying the works of David Mahelona CT28-9
90-11-30 p17
MAILLET, ANTONINE Novelist to give 'lessons on North America' CT 30-10 91/12/13
MAJESKI, THOMAS H. Packard Bound Printer CT18-7 85-11-8
MAKING KASPER Dance Creations CT16-12 84-1-20
MALACHITE SMALL FARM SCHOOL Malachite Environment thrives CT26-11 89-12-8 p4
MALACHITE SMALL FARM SCHOOL Students Share Farm School Experience CT21-12 87-3-8
MALCOLM, JIM A Hair Review CT17-6 84-10-19
MALCOLM, JIM "Hair" Rehearsals Underway CT17-14 84-10-5
MALONE, BOB Malone Discusses Guatemalan Abuses CT20-4 86-10-10
MALPASS, DAVID Treasury assistant examines shape of world economics CT24-10
88-12-9 p3
MANLEY, BEVERLY A Political Machine CT18-7 85-11-8
MANLEY, BEVERLY Jamaican Concerns Voiced at CC CT18-8 85-11-15
MANN, DOUG Eye on Expatriate DE6-3 88-11-23 p28
MANN, DOUG Recipes for Happiness DE5-2 88-2-19 p32
MANN, DOUG We are one DE6-4 88-12-16 p19-21
MANSFIELD, DONALD Seward New Folklorist CT14-2 81-9-25
MANULIKOW, MARGARET Single Parent Starts Again at CC CT14-20 82-3-16
MANZANARES, DAN Addict on addictions CT22-7 87-11-6 p1
MARCH ON CAPITOL Students to march on capitol CT 31-6 92/3/27
MARCUM, JOHN "Thursday-at-Eleven" CT14-17 82-3-19
MARES, E.A. "TONY" Visiting Prof speaks on Southwestern Artist CT26-3
89-10-6 p19
MARES, E.A. (TONY) Sculptor subject of talk CT26-4 89-10-13 p4
MARGOLYES, MIRIAM Theatrical Resurrection CT20-2 86-9-19
MARKEL. DR. ERICH Wirth, Phipps, Markel awarded CT33-10 93/5/7
MARKLEY, DAVID Markley wins $1000 prize for research, involvement CT28-8 90-11-16
MARKOVICH, PAUL Unlucky Tigers Split CT18-10 85-12-13
MARKOVICK, PAUL Ex-hockey player scores a Rhodes CT24-11 88-12-16 p2
MARMOR, THEODORE "Lessons" of '84 Election CT17-19 85-5-22
MARRIAGE `Till Death Do Us Part... CC Students Take the Plunge CT 36-2 95/2/10
MARRIOTT FOOD SERVICE Benji's to Sell Beer Block 8 CT36-6 95/3/31
MARRIOTT FOOD SERVICE Marriott Applies for Liquor License CT 36-3 95/2/24
MARRIOTT FOOD SERVICE The Irresponsibility of Beer in Benjamin's CT 36-10 95/5/5
MARRIOTT FOOD SERVICE Yum or Dum? The Remaking of Rastall CT 36-1 95/2/3
MARRIOTT - CHRISTMAS Marriott decorates for holiday season CT 36-9 94/12/2
MARRIOTT Marriott implements changes CT 36-3 94/10/7
MARSALIS, WYNTON Academy Hit by Jazz CT19-7 86-3-14
MARSH, AMY Campus Artists Abound CT16-15 84-2-17
MARSHALL, ALISON Praise God for Flowers DE 14-2 92/4
MARSHALL, GREG Local potter joins CC community CT 45/20 00-09-22
MARTIN, DAVID Making the Union DE 13-3 91/12 32 779
MARTIN, DAVID The Israeli Security Dilemma DE 13-1 91/9
MARTIN, RUSSELL Author Speaks About Cowboys CT16-16 84-3-24
MARTIN, TONY Martin To Speak on Black Nationalism CT19-2 86-1-24
MARTIN, TONY Professor Martin Speaks on Black Nationalism CT19-2 86-1-24
MARTINDALE FICTION PRIZE 1,000 Angels wins $1,000 CT24-6 88-11-4 p1
MARTINEZ, EDUARDO Received Watson Fellowship CT19-9 86-4-11
MARTINSON, JANET Martinson Costumes Concert CT17-19 85-5-22
MARTZ, STUART CC Nets Four Watson Fellowships CT21-6 3-20-87
MASCOT - COLORADO COLLEGE Clarification CT 35-7 94/4/1
MASCOT - COLORADO COLLEGE Cutthroat Trout: a bad idea Ct 35-7 94/4/1 18 416
MASCOT - COLORADO COLLEGE Mascot vote sparks debate CT 35-6 94/4/1
MASCOT - COLORADO COLLEGE Student body to decide fate of tiger mascot CT 35-6
MASCOT - COLORADO COLLEGE The Cutthroat Trout debate continues CT 35-7 94/4/1
MASCOT -COLORADO COLLEGE Cutthroats Cut CT 35-8 94/4/15 14 417
MASON, AMY Halloween at its best DE9-1 90-2-7 p16
MASON, ERIK Merchants Overshadow Warriors in the Aztec World DE16-3 93/5
MASON, ROCHELLE Director of Minority Student Life CT29-3 91-2-15 p1
MASTER PLAN - COLORADO COLLEGE Master Plan addresses environment CT 41-7 97/11/7
MASTER PLAN - CROSSWALKS Crosswalks take step in the right direction CT43-1
MASTER PLAN - RESIDENCES The Academic Village CT 38-5 96/3/8 p3
MASTER PLAN - SCIENCE BUILDING $5 million from El Pomar Foundation helps expand
CT43-1 98-9-11
MASTER PLAN - WESTERN RIDGE Initial plans for Western ridge almost complete
CT 42-13 98-2-20
MASTER PLAN 1995-96 Timber! Master Plan calls for some old trees to fall CT
38-2 96/2/9 p3
MASTER PLAN Arts, Science, Western Ridge buildings, funding CT 43-21 99-5-7
MASTER PLAN Master Plan Decisions to be Voted on in November CT36-10 95/5/5
MASTER PLAN Plan considers traffic, parking problems CT38-3 96/2/23 p4
MASTER PLAN, 1995-95CC Facilities Plan builds on future campus CT 37-2 95/9/22
MASTER PLAN, COLORADO COLLEGE Master Plan revokes car privileges for incoming
CT 43-15 99-3-5
MASTER PLAN - 1995 East campus changes planned CT 40-5 97/3/7
MASTERS PROGRAM Masters Degrees Available From CC CT 36-1 95/2/3 11 792
MATHIAS HALL Mathias renovations completed - almost CT 36-1 94/9/16
MATHIAS, TONY Student initiates new course focusing on drugs CT25-7 89-3-31
MATTERA, TEDDY Africans at CC CT17-5 84-10-17
MAULTSBY, PORTIA Black Music Reflection Black Culture CT21-5 87-2-20
MAULTSBY, PORTIA Black Music Reflects Society, Culture CT14-13 82-2-5
MAURITZ, GWYN Haines Point - - Denmark DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pXII +
MAURITZ, GWYN Washington Cathedral-Go By Train De9-3&4 90-5-10 p20 +
MAX KADE FOREIGHN LANGUAGE THEATER Language theater opens CT 34-7 93/11/12
MAXWELL, AUDREY Athlete of the week: Audrey Maxwell, sophomore CT 36-6 94/11/4
18 100
MAY NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM CENTER Giant beetles invade Colorado Springs CT24-1
88-9-16 p17
Democracy CT24-1 88-9-16 p4
MAYTAG PROFESSOR Konrad will be first Maytag Professor CT23-1 88-1-15 p3
MAZEL, LENNY Next Week: Jazz for Java CT19-13 86-3-16
MAZURSKY, PAUL Colorado College Blessed with Talent of Paul Mazursky CT16-23
McALLISTER HOUSE A Piece of History CT21-12 87-5-8
McANULTY, ROBERT Art CT17-25 85-3-24
McANULTY, ROBERT Art Show, Alumni: Skin and Bones CT23-3 88-2-05 p16
McCARTHY, EUGENE Cynical McCarthy Revisits 1968 CT15-4 82-10-15
McCARTHY, EUGENE McCarthy Was Misunderstood CT15-5 82-1022
McCLURE, MICHAEL JAY College experience shakes beliefs DE 14-2 92/4 20 356
McCLUSTER, CARL Bad Calls, Foul Plays: An Editorial Response CT14-24 82-5-21
McCLUSTER, CARL McCluster: Rep of Pres CT15-2 82-9-24
McCONNELL, MICHAEL Constitutionality of abortion laws discussed CT29-5 91-3-1
McCORMICK, RICHARD A. The Governor and the Priest CT20-3 86-10-3
McCULLOUGH, DAVID David McCullough to Give Commencement Address CT17-16 85-2-25
McCULLOUGH, DAVID McCullough's Speech is Titled "The Real World" CT17-25
McCULLOUGH, DAVID Will Give Commencement Address CT17-22 85-3-26
McDERMOTT, MICHAEL Metaphysics and "Me" DE4-4 87-11-12 p4-6
McDUFFIE, BOBBIE Late Night Funk Next Week CT20-7 86-11-7
McFARLANE, TOM Drawing DE9-1 90-2-7 p23
McGEE Students nominated for Watson Fellowships CT24-6 88-11-4 p3
McGEE, VINCENT McGee Explains Aims of Amnesty International CT14-8 81-11-13
McJIMSEY, MARIANNA Education Fellowships Awarded CT21-7 87-5-13
McJIMSEY, ROBERT McJimsey address students on issues of block plan CT 43/7 98-11-6
McJIMSEY, ROBERT CC's Athletic Goals: Division I, Con DE5-4 88-5-13 p8-9
McJIMSEY, ROBERT McJimsey Urges Caution in Curriculum Changes CT14-12 82-1-22
McKENNON, PAUL Middle East crisis may hasten U.S. quest for CT28-7 90-11-9 p4
McKNIGHT, REGINALD Writer on the Rise: Pitt Prof returns to Alma mater CT26-5
89-10-20 p5
McLAUGHLIN, GREG The Art of Nonviolence Applies to All Facets of Life DE 16-3
McLEOD, LAUREL Close-up on Deans CT17-3 84-9-21 6-7
McLEOD, LAUREL Firm Up: Choose a Major CT19-7 86-5-14
McLEOD, LAUREL Harassment Policy CT16-15 84-2-17
McLEOD, LAUREL McLeod Gives Birth, Dean Has Baby Daughter CT17-6 84-10-19
McLEOD, LAUREL McLeod has proven to be an ineffective student leader CT 38-6
96/3/29 p3
McLEOD, LAUREL Photo CT29-6 91-3-22 p4
McLEOD, LAUREL Violence Erupts at CC CT18-10 85-12-13
McMICHAEL, DAVID Interview with David McMichael CT18-10 85-12-13 2-3
McNABB, CHRIS Profs Discuss Asian Culture CT18-8 85-11-15
McNEIL, TIM Interview: from Whales to Environmental Politics CT15-16 83-2-18
McNEILL, JAY Athlete of the Week: Jay McNeill, hockey, WCHA scoring CT 36-11
94/12/16 18 103
McNULTY, HESTER Acid Rain in CO CT17-24 85-3-17
McNUTT, MARCIA MIT Prof includes CC student in research CT24-1 88-9-16 p4
MEAL PLAN Meal-plan food drive CT 34-7 93/11/5
MECHA - Movimiento Estudiantil MECHA's symposium subject: Chicana women CT 30-6
MECHA Alternative Energy Lecture CT17-14 85-2-8
MECHA Chicano Awareness Week CT17-23 85-3-10
MECHA Chicanos in Education CT17-23 85-3-10
MECHA Culture Week (2nd Annual) CT14-22 82-3-7
MECHA Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer CT19-1 86-1-17 6&7
MECHA Immigration Addressed CT17-23 85-3-10
MECHA Immigration Symposium CT15-23 83-4-29
MECHA MECHA Culture Week: Chicanos in the Arts CT14-22 82-5-7
MECHA MECHA offers interesting projects and activities for CT 37-1 95/9/15 p16
MECHA MECHA overcomes borders by educating campus, selves CT 40-6 97/3/28
MECHA MECHA symposium schedule updated CT28-7 90-11-9 p3
MECHA MECHA to sponsor conference on homelessness CT29-3 91-2-15 p9
MECHA MECHA to sponsor symposium on past, present, & future CT28-5 90-11-2
MECHA Panel Addresses Minority Politics CT16-23 84-5-11
MECHA The Theater of Hope CT17-24 85-3-17
MEDAR-GOULD, SINDI Watson winners found, CC gets two CT23-9 88-4-8 p5
MEDICINE, BEATRICE Beatrice Medicine speaks at Heritage Week CT 31-7 92/4/3
MEGURO, YORIKO Focus on Japan: Japanese Women Still Bound by CT20-3 86-10-3
MEHAN, MICHAEL S. Socratic injustice and the Iran-Contra Hearings DE4-1 87-9-17
MEMORIAL TREE PLANTING Alumni plant memorial tree CT 32-6 92/10/30 3
MENDOZA, CHARLOTTE Chicanos in Education CT17-23 85-5-10
MENDOZA, CHARLOTTE Class-y Gifted Kids CT16-19 84-3-23
MENDOZA, CHRISTIAN P. CLAY Arias Update DE4-2 87-10-15 p18
MENDOZA, CHRISTIAN P. CLAY Central American Peace: Lets try again DE4-1 87-9-17
MENDOZA, CHRISTIAN P. CLAY Debt Void DE4-5 87-12-17 p21
MEN'S STUDIES Catalyst Editor wonders what exactly is Men's Studies CT 33-3
93/2/26 10 210
MEN'S SWIMMING Hard Work Pays Off, Men's Swimming Posts Best Meet of CT 36-1
95/2/3 19 620
MERMIN, MIKE A place for everything or everything in it's place DE7-1 89-2 p16-17
MERMITZ, KRISTIN Dreamspace in Art CT21-12 87-5-8
MERRITT, MELANIE MACRAE Soon-to-be-graduate caught in Quest for Meaning DE 14-2
MERRITT, MELANIE Merritt aspires to fly, publish children's books CT 30-4 91/10/11
10 848
MERRITT, MELANIE The big picture: Focus on human evolution DE 14-3 92/5
MEXICO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Problems Facing Contemporary Mexico DE2-3 86-11-14
MEXICO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS The Impact of Mexico's Economic Plight DE2-3 86-11-14
MEXICO-JUAREZ Juarez: A Lesson in Happiness DE3-3 87-4-17
MICHAS, STEPHANIE Photographs DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pII
MICHEL, LESTER A. Admired Prof. Retires CT16-12 84-1-20
MICHELSON, PETER Boulder Couple to Read Poetry CT19-10 86-4-18
MIDDLE EAST WAR Members of CC community rally against war CT28-11 90-12-14 p1
MIKADO Witty Weekend Entertainment CT16-17 84-3-9
MILEM, JEFFREY "New Faces" Join the Ranks of CC CT14-2 81-10-25
MILK, HARVEY Is CC Hostile to Homosexuals? CT19-1 86-1-17
MILLENNIUM Millennium Masquerade Ball promises exciting atmosphere CT 44-10
MILLER, CLYDE Miller Calls for New Coalitions CT14-16 82-3-12
MILLER, DAVID Counter point DE9-1 90-2-7 p18
MILLER, DAVID Manipulated DE9-2 90-3-6 p14
MILLER, JULIE From Within us DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p10
MILLER, JULIE Panhellenic president recognized for her many CT27-11 90-5-4 p3
MILLER, JULIE Poem DE9-2 90-3-6 p15
MILLER, JULIE Poem DE9-2 90-3-6 p26
MILLER, TIM Tim Miller: CC Filmmaker CT21-2 87-2-6
MILLION MAN MARCH - CC CC students travel to Washington, D.C., for march CT
37-6 95/11/3 p5
MILROY, ELLIE Director of Leisure Program and Rastall Center Resigns CT15-17
MINORITIES Affirmative Action Plan Demands Attention CT13-17
MINORITIES CC's minority enrollment down, but looking up CT 33-8 93/4/16
MINORITIES Equal Opportunity Workshop Affirmative Action CT13-17 81-2-20
MINORITIES Examining CC's Ethnic Diversity CT21-10 87-3-17
MINORITIES EYE author misplaced blame for minority woes CT 33-6 93/4/2
MINORITIES Institutional Racism: A Mask that Must be Removed CT15-15 83-2-11
MINORITIES Minor Diversion CT16-12 84-1-20
MINORITIES Minorities Recruited CT14-13 82-2-5
MINORITIES Minorities at forum refute idea of "tolerance" Ct22-7 87-11-7
MINORITIES Some Progress Made with Minority Issues ct14-10 81-12-11
MINORITIES Whites Only? CC and Minority Enrollment CT19-8 86-5-21 1&7
MINORITY COALITION Administrative Hiring under Question Ct14-14 82-3-12
MINORITY ENROLLMENT Minority enrollment remains CC concern CT28-7 90-11-9 p1
MINORITY ISSUES - 1992 Opinions/Editorials CT 31-1 92/1/31 6-
MINORITY SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships earmarked for minorities declared illegal
CT28-11 90-12-14 p1
MINORITY STUDENT LIFE Eighth annual Rainbow Jam celebrates diversity CT 37-11
95/12/15 p3
MINORITY STUDENT LIFE SFC member voices concern over Implications of bias. CT
45/16 01-03-09
MINOR'S DAY Fair Launches New Minors Program CT17-16 85-2-25
MISDEMEANOR - PUBLICATION Mohawk clad Cronin spotted around campus CT 30-8 91/11/15
MISDEMEANOR Humor publication lives on CT 32-6 92/10/30
MISHELL, MICHAEL Mishell shines CT27-3 90-2-16 p6
MISHELL, MIKE The End of Childhood DE8-1 89-Sept p23
MITSUBISHI BOYCOTT CCCA Explains Adoption of Mitsubishi Resolution CT 36-4 95/3/3
MITSUBISHI BOYCOTT CCCA Passes Boycott Resolution CT 36-4 95/3/3
MITSUBISHI BOYCOTT Resolution Makes Mockery of Morality CT 36-4 95/3/3
MOFFEIT, TONY Poetic Justice CT18-8 85-11-15
MOHALE BENNET South Africans Interpret Racial Policy CT16-23 84-5-11
MOHALE, BERNARD L. Mohale is out of Jail CT17-25 85-5-24 p2
MOHALE, BERNARD L. Woman Killed CC Student Arrested for Vehicular CT17-24 85-5-17
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN - INAUGURATION Inauguration gala will cost $20,000 CT33-8 93/4/16
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN - INAUGURATION Inauguration price doubles early estimates CT34-4
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN CC to inaugurate Mohrman Saturday CT34-1 93/9/10
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Kathryn Mohrman returns to CC after 5 month sabbatical CT45-12
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Liberal arts environment perfect for academic freedom CT 38-1
96/2/2 p8
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman listens to student concerns CT33-8 93/4/16
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman officially selected as leader CT32-10 92/12/11
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman speaks on diversity CT 40-3 97/2/21
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman to chair student 'town meetings' CT 34-3 93/10/1
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman to live out dream in China CT 44-11 99/12/17
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Mohrman answers report on higher education CT 35-4 94/3/4
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Strategic Planning report given CT 34-9 93/12/3
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN The President Answers Common Questions CT 34-1 93/9/10
MOHRMAN, KATHRYN Trustees select Mohrman to lead college CT 32-9 92/12/4
MOJADO, VICTOR CC Freshman and Graduate of the TRIBES Program CT16-20 84-4-13
MOJADO, VICTOR President of the Native American Student Association: CT17-9
MOLINE, JEFF CC Trio Goes to Nationals CT18-9 85-12-6
MOMADAY, N. SCOTT N. Scott Momaday delivers Demarest Lloyd lecture CT 31-1 92/1/31
MOMENT'S NOTICE CT19-8 86-3-21
MONROY, DOUG Professor Monroy to discuss Southwest CT28-4 90-10-12 p2
MONROY, DOUGLAS An author in our midst: Douglas Monroy CT 36-8 94/11/18 19
MONROY, DOUGLAS Machine breaking down CT17-5 84-10-12
MONROY, DOUGLAS Massacre remembered Sand Creek depicted in "Soldier CT17-10
MONTESANO, PETER Between the Lines: Alaska DE6-3 88-11-23 p18-19
MOORE, CHARLES Dance puts students in foreign positions (pic) CT14-16 82-3-12
MOORE, HEATHER Freshman Heather Moore is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 31-10 92/5/1
17 548
MOORE, LINDA Leadership Symposium CT19-5 86-2-21
MOORE, STEPHEN A capital image maker CT16-10 83-12-9
MORALES, LUCILA MEJIA de Speech on Bolivian peasantry (pic) CT18-5 85-10-18
MORGAN, GINGER Feminist Collective addresses Women's issues CT23-12 88-5-6 p4
MORGAN, GINGER Ginger Morgan takes over as Shove's chaplain CT 38-2 96/2/9 p1
MORGAN, NATASHA Theatrical Resurrection (pic) CT20-2 86-9-19
MORI, YUKIMI Rocks and Kite: Muri and Oswald CT19-13 86-5-16
MORRIS, GLENN Fascist reactor? (pic) CT17-11 84-12-14
MORRIS, JAMES For opera lovers CT16-22 84-4-27
MORRIS, MICHAEL Common ground on abortion issue De 14-3 92/5
MORRIS, MICHAEL Conflicting constitutions: Is amendment II legal DE 16-1 93/3
14 384
MORRISON, AMY Body discussion at the Embodiment series (pic) CT18-09 85-12-6
MORRISON, AMY Bubbly chaplain at CC (pic) CT18-2 85-9-20
MORRISON, AMY Is CC hostile to homosexuals? CT19-` 86-1-17
MORRISON, CHRIS X-country captains commit to sports, academics CT28-5 90-11-2
MORRISON, HUGH Dole: Politically Practical DE5-2 88-2-19 p21
MORRISON, HUGH The Soviet Dilemma DE4-4 87-11-12 p20
MORRISON, TONI 9 a.m. at Bemis: a conversation with Toni Morrison CT14-15 82-3-5
MORRISON, TONI Black writers search for ancestors (pic) CT14-15 82-3-5
MORRISON, TONI Prominent American writer to visit CC (pic) CT14-15 82-2-19
MORRISON, WARD Groids and Fijis take I.M. crowns (pic) CT18-6 85-11-1
MOSS, SUSAN Graduation speakers chosen CT 33-7 93/4/9
MOTHER COURAGE Visiting director brings Brecht's Mother Courage to CC CT25-4
89-2-24 p17
MOTION PICTURE PHOTOGRAPHY The forgotten art: filmmaking at CC CT14-17 82-3-19
MOUNTAIN BIKING Velvet Elvis returns CT28-9 90-11-30 p21
MOUNTAIN CABIN Administration considers selling property near cabin CT16-25
MOUNTAIN CABIN CC cabin booked (pic) CT13-17 81-2-20
MOUNTAIN CABIN CC cabin taking reservations CT15-2 82-9-24
MOUNTAIN CABIN CC to buy land (pic) CT16-10 83-12-9
MOYO, AMBROSE African Professor, Visiting CT23-5 88-2-19 p8
MUDGE, ANDREW Voices from the forest CT 38-9 96/4/26 p12
MUELLER, PEGGY Turkevich, Mueller lecture on global perspective CT21-10 87-4-17
MUHONEN, JEANI New World Duo to perform CT27-2 90-2-2 p11
MUIR STRING QUARTET Muir string quartet to perform CT14-6 81-10-29
MULHERN, HELEN Hall directors to leave CC CT27-5 90-3-2 p1
MULLAN, MEGHAN E. Sexism Remains a Reality in the Year of the Woman DE 16-1
MULTICULTURAL HOUSE Glass House to continue through 1996-97 CT 38-9 96/4/26
MULTICULTURAL INTERNALTIONAL STUDENT MOSAIC works toward multiculturalism, internationalism
CT 40-2 97/2/7
MULTICULTURALHOUSE Multicultural house requires preservation for good of CT
40-3 97/2/21
MUNOZ, SUSANA BLAUSTEIN Argentine film exposes history and scandal CT19-4 86-2-14
MURPHREE, JENNIFER Shortt, Murphree named academic all-Americans CT21-13 87-5-15
MURPHY, MELINDA Unusual setting for scissors CT21-9 87-4-10
MURRAY, HARTLEY Murray to speak on Nuremburg Trial CT14-22 82-5-7
MUSIC - BOWED PIANO Bowed Piano Ensemble takes part in NME25 CT 40-3 97/2/21
MUSIC - CC COLLEGIUM MUSICUM German music from the middle ages CT19-10 86-4-18
MUSIC - CAMPUS BANDS Campus bands set to rock Taylor CT22-10 87-11-11 p12
MUSIC - CC NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Climb in the piano CT23-11 88-4-22 p16
MUSIC - CC NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Ensemble performs at CC CT 36-10 94/12/9 15 467
MUSIC - CHAMBER CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Chamber Choir and Orchestra to fuse Sunday
for winter CT28-11 90-12-14 p13
MUSIC - COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Collegium Musicum: Sacred and Profane CT23-11 88-4-22
MUSIC - COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Martha Booth reveals Opera scene CT24-2 88-9-23 p16
MUSIC - COLORADO COLLEGE CHAMBER Easter, the Chamber Chorus and You! CT29-7
91-3-29 p20
MUSIC - COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO CC Trio opens new season -Sue Grace, Susan Smith,
CT22-6 87-10-30 p15
MUSIC - COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO CC Trio reappears CT23-5 88-2-19 p16
MUSIC - FACULTY WOODWIND QUINTET Profs. blow their own CT29-9 91-4-19 p20
MUSIC - GUITAR EMSEMBLE Guitarists Unite for Ensemble CT27-1 90-1-26 p10
MUSIC - SIERRA SONG Sierra Song to premiere CT 35-9 94/4/29
MUSIC - TAYLOR HALL "Rock'n'Roll coming' at you like a Rhino CT23-9 8-4-8
MUSIC - TAYLOR HALL It's evident: Taylor or Nada CT23-7 88-3-11 p16
MUSIC - THE COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO CC Trio: tonight (pic) CT21-12 87-5-8
MUSIC - THE COLORADO COLLEGE TRIO Musicians and teachers: The Colorado college
trio CT20-8 86-11-14
MUSIC 'Amadeus' requiem tonight CT17-21 85-4-19
MUSIC AT MIDDAY Music at Midday CT 36-9 94/10/14 15 869
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Accusations addressed CT25-6 89-3-24 p6
MUSIC DEPARTMENT An empty auditorium CT16-10 83-12-9
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Catalyst Editor addresses criticism of Music CT25-6 89-3-24
MUSIC DEPARTMENT CC Music Department services more non-majors the CT29-8 91-4-5
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Harps are cool CT18-6 85-11-1
MUSIC DEPARTMENT More Jazz Outside CT19-13 86-5-16
MUSIC DEPARTMENT More lunchtime concerts CT17-17 85-5-8
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Music department post opens (pic) CT14-14 82-2-12
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Musical residents (Rubenstein, Ouizel) CT18-7 85-11-8
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Musicians enroll now! CT16-15 84-2-17
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Opera is at its best CT16-14 84-2-10
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Pianist-in-residence CT16-9 83-12-2
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Slocum straussed CT16-8 83-11-18
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Soloists & Ensemble resound CT16-21 84-4-20
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Synthesized sounds CT16-2 83-9-23
MUSIC FROM THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Traditional Chinese music tonight (pic)
CT19-6 d86-5-7
MUSIC Herb Bettie, Max Lanner, Schumann, and You! CT29-11 91-5-3 p19
MUSIC Luca teaches, encourages orchestra CT14-16 82-3-12
MYERS, FRED Primitivism: a celebration CT19-5 86-2-21
MYERS, NANCY Myers speaks on substance abuse CT19-9 86-4-11
MYERS, NORMAN Myers: Rainforests are irreplaceable CT22-5 87-10-16 p4
NADER, RALPH Nader discusses consumer issues CT 31-10 92/5/1
NADER, RALPH Ralph Nader to speak CT 31-6 92/3/27
NAIR, K.S. Nair to Lecture on India CT16-24 84-5-18
NALTY, DEBORAH MARIE High Hopes in Track CT14-16 82-3-12
NALTY, DEBORAH MARIE Nalty Honored CT16-21 84-4-20
NANA, DURBAR Musician delivers powerful message CT27-4 90-2-23 p5
NARAL CC Naral protests Souter nomination CT28-4 90-10-12 p4
NATIONAL ASSICIATION FOR CHICANO The Politics of Multicultural Studies - Regional
CT29-9 91-4-19 p3
NATIONAL CHICANO DANCE THEATRE Chicano Dance Disappointing CT14-2 81-10-25
NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS CC Goes International CT18-9 85-12-6
NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS Model United Nations Offers Opportunities CT20-3
NATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS The State of the World CT19-9 86-4-11
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Grant Will Buy New Computers CT14-9 81-12-4
NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Professor Receives Fifth Grant CT14-1 81-9-11
NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE WEEK Native American Heritage Week and Pow-Wow slated
for CT 31-6 92/3/27 14 879
NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Massacre Remembered: Sand Creek Depicted
in "Soldier CT17-10 84-12-7
NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Navajo-Hopi Relocation CT19-11 86-4-26
NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION Victor Mojado Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
NATIVE AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM Native American Symposium slated for April 5-10 CT
33-6 93/4/2
NATIVE AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM Williams stresses future CT 33-7 93/4/9
NATIVE AMERICANS Native Americans, Local group supports CT22-1 87-09-11 p2
NATL.ASSOC.COLLEGE & UNIV.RESID.HALLS Student, hall director win nationally
prestigious CT27-11 90-5-4 p1
NAVAHO-HOPI LAND DISPUTE In Search of a Second Eden: Buying Time DE1-3 87-3-7
NAVAHO-HOPI LAND DISPUTE The Big Mountain Dilemma DE1-2 86-3-7
NAVAHO-HOPI LAND DISPUTE The Government's Hopeless Predicament DE1-3 86-3-7
NAVAHO-HOPI LAND DISPUTE The Mining Conspiracy DE1-3 86-3-7
NEEL, CAROL Anselm of Havelberg and the new Church DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pIII
NEEL, CAROL Class Studies Art of Books CT17-16 85-2-25
NEEL, CAROL College Hosts Renaissance Conference CT21-5 87-2-20
NEEL, CAROL Neel Appointed MacArthur Professor CT14-14 82-2-12
NEEL, CAROL Two CC professor speak at panel discussion on the UN's CT 36-4 94/10/14
NEEL, CAROL Women's Concerns Committee Seeks Child Care Center CT21-5 87-2-20
NEELEY, FLETCH A Letter from CC CT23-14 88-5-20 p11
NEELEY, FLETCH Roaches and the Modern State DE7-1 89-2 p22-23
NEIFERT, PAIGE Neifert balances academics, extra curriculars CT28-7 90-11-9
NEILON, BARBARA Special Collections: A Good Research Source CT21-1 87-1-16
NELSON, PETE Shut Up and Skate CT20-3 86-10-3
NELSON, STEVE LEROY Developing A murder CC Writer CT15-5 82-10-12
NELSON, STEVE LEROY Nelson Receives Award in Lit CT14-22 82-5-7
NELSON-CISNEROS, VICTOR Close-up on Deans CT17-3 84-9-21 6-7
NELSON-CISNEROS, VICTOR Seward New Folklorist CT14-2 81-10-25
NELSON-CISNEROS, VICTOR Teaching: Humiliation and Humor CT16-23 85-5-11
NESBITT, JENNIFER Senior killed in wreak CT 34-1 93/9/10
NEVADA NUCLEAR TEST SITE CCAP to protest in Nevada CT29-8 91-4-5 p2
NEW ADMINISTATOR Stimeling Named Leisure Program Director CT 36-1 95/2/3
NEW AGE I saw a Channeler DE4-4 87-11-12 p7
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Ensemble Hits the Road CT18-8 85-11-15
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Flutes (40) CT15-9 82-12-3
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Forty Flutes CT15-7 82-11-12
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE New Music Ensemble Performs CT16-16 84-2-24
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Plucking, Singing, and Dancing CT15-8 83-3-11
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Put Another Shrimp on the Barbee for NME CT21-14 87-5-22
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Riley and Scott ..... CT28-9 90-11-30 p17
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE Scott's New Music Ensemble Prepares for European Trip CT19-8
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE The Halls Are Alive CT15-8 82-11-19
NEW MUSIC ENSEMBLE, COLORADO COLLEGE New Music Ensemble to premiere "Skyfire"
CT26-8 89-11-17 p16
NEW POLICIES Anti-discrimination Revisions Become Policy CT 36-3 95/2/24 4
NEW SHOES Picture CT17-21 85-4-19
NEWBERRY LIBRARY PROGRAM Block in Chicago CT17-7 84-11-2
NEWMAN, ALFRED E. Abah, Graham provide non-traditional education CT28-1 90-9-14
NEWMAN, FRANK Frank Newman named new Trustee CT23-13 88-5-13 p4
NEWMAN, IAN BALKE Sweat DE9-1 90-2-7 p19
NEWMAN, IAN BLAKE And Justice for Some DE5-2 88-2-19 p5-7
NEWMAN, IAN BLAKE Directions on the Gay Youth Culture in Denver DE8-4 89-Dec
NICARAGUA Ex-Sandinista, ex-Contra explains why CT22-9 87-12-04 p1
NICARAGUA Indigenous peoples struggle for rights in Nicaragua CT23-10 88-4-15
NICARAGUA Nicaragua: A U.S. Citizen's Dilemma DE1-2 86-1-24
NICARAGUA Nicaraguan contra leader to visit CC CT22-8 87-11-13 p1
NICARAGUA Reagan: Tales From Afar DE1-4 86-3-21
NICARAGUA The Nicaraguan Elections Revisited DE3-1 87-2-13
NICARAGUA Vietnam Vet-Peace activist speaks against US CT23-8 88-3-18 p1
NICARAGUA We are not Marxists! CT23-13 88-5-13 p1
NICHOLS, JOHN Nichols encourages world responsibility CT23-12 88-5-6 p5
NICHOLS, JOHN Nichols speaks on Milagro inspiration CT23-13 88-5-13 p6
NICKELL, ERIC California Dreamin' Politics of Western Water & DE5-1 88-1-21
NICKELL, ERIC JAMES Afterflow DE9-2 90-3-6 p18
NICKELL, ERIC On the Nature of Sham-Environmentalism DE9-1 90-2-78 p7
NICKELL, ERIC Poor students, but nifty programs CT29-7 91-3-29 p13
NIELSON, JOEL New athletic director Nielson to arrive April 2 CT 45/14 01-02-23
NISH, NANCY "horizons" a Success CT17-16 85-2-25
NISH, NANCY ... and Goodbye from Seniors CT16-25 84-5-25
NISH, NANCY CC Impacts Local Economy CT17-11 84-12-14
NISH, NANCY Nish Revamps Career Center CT16-14 84-11-10
NISH, NANCY There is Hope CT16-15 84-11-17
NISH, NANCY Work World CT16-7 83-11-11
NISSAMAN, DANA The Photography of Dana Nissaman DE11-1 90-Oct p17
NKIWANE, SOLOMON CC grad returns to alma mater to teach CT 39-4 96/10/11 p14
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Divestment from an African perspective CT23-6 88-3-04 p4
NKIWANE, SOLOMON More Africans at CC-Ekotto, Desta and Nkiwane CT17-6 84-10-22
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Nkiwane Replies: Apartheid Must Go-With Divestment or DE1-2
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Nkiwane Speaks on Zimbabwe and South Africa CT19-4 86-2-14
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Nkiwane to Give LLLS CT19-3 86-2-7
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Solomon Nkiwane: Out of Africa CT19-3 86-2-7
NKIWANE, SOLOMON Visiting Professor from Zimbabwe CT17-3 84-10-21
NOBLE, VICKY Non-traditional Health Care CT16-20 84-4-13
NOBLETT, JEFFERY Honors Awarded to Students CT16-15 84-5-25
NOBLETT, JEFFERY Japan, Professor visits CT22-1 87-09-11 p2
NOBLETT, JEFFERY New Book By CC Prof CT17-14 85-2-18
NOONAN, JUDGE JOHN T. Judge explores historical perspective on bribery CT24-2
88-9-23 p1
NORAD Chitchats on NORAD CT19-13 86-3-16
NORAD NORAD: "Its A Pretty Hectic Place to Be" CT17-8 84-11-16
NORMAN, GEORGE Artist Creates Odyssey of the Black Experience CT19-3 86-2-7
NORRIS, TYLER CC grad founds company to study Russia and Central CT 33-8 93/4/16
NORTH CAROLINA DANCE THEATRE Audience Approves of Dancer CT16-19 84-3-23
NORTH CAROLINA DANCE THEATRE Dancer Leap to Colorado Springs CT16-17 84-5-9
NOSSAMAN, DANA Photos DE11-1 90-Oct cover
NOTT, TARA CC alum Tara takes the gold in Sidney CT 45/2 00-09-22
NOVAK, DENA American 2008? DE6-1 88-10-5 p6
NOVAK, DENA An Ode to Julio Cortazar DE7-2 89 - Mar p5
NOWAK, MICHAEL BACA Excavating the Desert CT17-4 84-10-5 10-11
NOWAK, MICHAEL Eskimo Experts Chew the Fat CT15-10 82-12-10
NUCLEAR ACTION COALITION An Eye Beyond War CT20-4 86-10-10
NUCLEAR AGE STUDIES HOUSE Broadmoor SDI Conf. Sparks Debate at CC CT18-9 85-12-6
NUCLEAR AGE STUDIES HOUSE Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer
CT19-1 86-1-17
NUCLEAR AGE STUDIES HOUSE Nuke Study House Open CT18-1 85-9-13
NUCLEAR AGE STUDIES HOUSE Shooting Down Star Wars CT18-8 85-1-15
NUCLEAR AGE STUDIES HOUSE Space Expectations CT18-9 85-12-6
NUCLEAR ENERGY Guest Commentary cT13-17 81-2-20
NUCLEAR FREE ZONE Nuclear Thaw at CC CT17-5 84-10-12
NUCLEAR FREE ZONE The Nuclear Age: A New Generation CT17-20 85-4-12 8-9
NUCLEAR MENTALITY Much Ado About Nukes CT19-5 86-2-21 1,5,6-
NUCLEAR TESTING CC Group plans to protest nuclear testing CT27-3 90-2-16 p18
NUCLEAR WAR Nukes and the Future DE3-1 87-2-13
NUGGET - COLORADO COLLEGE Yearbooks crowd Cutler CT 32-3 92/10/30
NUGGET Budget Debate Creates Chaos CT16-16 84-11-24
NUGGET Catalyst Cleans Up CT14-21 82-4-23
NUGGET CCCA Meets 2nd Time '83-'85 Nugget will Publish CT17-3 84-9-21
NUGGET Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer ... CT19-1 86-1-17
NUGGET No Easy Blame on Nugget CT17-1 84-9-7
NUGGET Nugget in danger of going by the wayside CT 44-21 00/5/5
NUGGET Nugget is Planned CT17-18 85-3-15
NUGGET Nugget Needs Bucks CT16-8 83-11-8
NUGGET Nugget Receipts Found CT17-2 84-9-14
NUGGET Nugget still living (with CPR) CT 34-8 93/11/12
NUGGET The Nugget that Never Was CT17-1 84-9-7
NUGGET The Nugget: Gold or Dross CT16-18 84-3-16
NUGGET Yearbook Grovels CT15-4 82-10-15
NYCUM, TOM New VP of Business and Finance named CT 44-18 00/4/7
NYERI, J.C. Hungarian to Teach CT20-2 86-9-19
NYERI, J.C. Hungary for Knowledge CT20-4 86-10-10
NYERI, J.C. Nyeri Discusses Eastern Philosophy CT20-5 86-10-17
OBERMEIRER, GUY Art, Food for Thought CT19-12 86-5-9
O'BRIEN, JANET O'Brien reflects on Japan CT 32-3 92/10/2
OBRIEN, TIM Stepping Out of Time CT19-11 86-4-26
O'CONNER, DANIEL To the Friend of Dan O'Conner CT29-7 91-3-29 p13
O'CONNOR, DANIEL Student dies in accident CT29-7 91-3-29 p1
O'CONNOR, SEANN O'Connor hit by car on Cascade CT 39-4 96/10/11 p1
OFF CAMPUS STUDY New York provides unique experience for art majors CT 37-6
95/11/3 p1
O'HANLON, GREG Tigers Split CT17-19 853-22
O'HARA, ALISON '84 Winners Publicize '85 Lit Awards CT17-15 85-2-15
O'HARA, ALISON Writers Awarded Big Bucks CT16-23 84-5-11
OIL Oil"?, An imaginable future "beyond CT22-10 87-12-11 p8-9
OLIVER, MARY Pulitzer Prize-winning poet offers free workshop, CT 31-9 92/4/24
OLMAN, LYNDA Olman receives Nick Admas story award CT 32-1 92/9/11
OLQUIN, R.A. Professor calls U.S. government racist CT25-6 89-3-24 p1
OLSEN, ELIZABETH Olsen does it! CT2708 90-4-6 p13
OLSEN, RICK Tigers Losing at Everything CT19-14 86-2-14
OLSON, BETH Beth Olson: Chat with a Champion CT19-9 86-4-11
OLSON, BETH Olson Wins Nationals cT21-8 87-3-20 1&21
OLSON, BILL Olson Discusses 'Shrooms' CT16-23 84-5-11
OLSON, BILL Olson Speaks on Cocaine CT19-1 86-1-17
OLSON, BILL Olson Talks About Drugs of The Eighties CT20-3 86-10-3
OLSON, BILL Olson's Drug Talk Defines Abuse CT16-13 84-1-27
OLSON, RUTH Coach Olson CT15-16 83-2-18
ONE FISH TWO FISH BLUE FISHART Art Committee formed (student) CT25-1 89-1-27
OPENING CONVOCATION Convocation promotes activism CT26-1 89-9-15 p1
OPENING CONVOCATION Opening Convocation ushers in new academic year CT 36-1
OPHULS, MARCEL The works and words of Marcel Ophuls come to CC CT29-2 91-2-1
OPINIONS Greek Week, Women's violation, Phil Brown CT29-9 91-4-19 p15
OPPERMAN, JAN And the Doktor ... SPEAKS DE7-2 89 - Mar p4
ORAZULIKE, DON Lecturer in Geology, Demonstrates the Crystal CT16-15 84-2-17
ORC ORC goes to CCC CT24-9 88-12-2 p6
ORGANIZED CRIME Organized Crime Steals the Show CT19-3 86-2-7
ORMES, ROBERT The Robert Ormes Stories CT17-19 85-3-22
ORNSTEIN, HOLLY Media doors opened for women CT24-20 88-12-9 p4
ORNSTEIN, HOLLY Two CC students win Luce Scholarships CT27-3 90-3-23 p3
ORPHEUS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Conductorless Chamber Ensemble on the Way CT18-6 85-11
ORPHEUS CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Orpheus Unleashed! CT18-8 85-11-15
ORTIZ, ALPHONSO Lectures CT13-13 81-1-16
ORTIZ, ALPHONSO Speaker CT13-12 81-19
OSBORNE, DAVID Economic Wake-Up Call DE 13-2 91/10 14 456
OTIS, ALICIA A quest for truth DE9-1 90-21-7 p17
OTO, RODNEY Oto resigns; Financial Aid, Admissions to consolidate CT 31-2 92/2/7
OUIZEL, DALIA Musical Residents CT18-7 85-11-8
OUT AND ABOUT Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer CT19-1 86-1-17
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer
CT19-1 86-1-17 6&7
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE ORC initiates new trainee selection process CT
37-4 95/10/13 p5
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE ORC offers outdoors CT24-5 88-10-21 p9
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE ORC promotes outdoor interest, awareness CT 30-7
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE ORC's Leadership Training Program provides solid
CT28-7 90-11-9 p7
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEE TRIPS Hardy campers blaze through towering walls
Ct28-5 90-11-2 p5
OUTDOOR RECREATION COMMITTEEORC ORC outfits students, leads campers CT28-4 90-10-12
OUTDOOR RECREATION Ski Bus is planned for CC CT27-3 90-2-16 p16
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Learn in the Wild CT17-7 84-11-2
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outdoor Sports, Katarad: Escape for Spring Break CT17-12
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outward Bound Abounds CT18-1 85-10-13
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outward Bound CT20-3 86-10-3
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outward Bound Teaches Leadership CT21-4 87-2-13
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outward Bound to Locate on Campus CT17-5 10-12-84
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Outward Bound: Pushing the limits to create leaders CT22-10
87-12-11 p6
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL The Outdoor Classroom CT20-2 86-9-19
OUTWARD BOUND SCHOOL Tomorrow's Leaders Hit the Trail CT17-20 85-4-12
OWEN, DAVID Writer Returns to Teach "The Journalistic Essay" CT 84-2-24
OWENS, MAJOR Congressman Owens calls for and educational reform CT 33-3 93/2/26
OWENS, MARK & DELIA Come Hear the Cry CT18-6 85-11-1
OWENS, MARK & DELIA Owens of Kalahari Speak to CC CT18-7 85-11-8
OWENS, SCOTT Hockey program loses Lucia, turns eye toward future CT 43-19 99-4-23
OWENS, SCOTT Scott Owens returns to his alma mater CT 43-20 99-4-30
OZ, AMOS "My Michael" to be Shown CT17-25 85-3-24
OZ, AMOS Amos Oz to Lecture CT17-13 85-1-25
OZ, AMOS Amos Oz talks on the Holocaust CT 30-6 91/11/1 4
OZ, AMOS Fanatics emerge in 'extreme human behavior' CT 30-7 91/11/8
OZ, AMOS New Oz Works Well CT17-24 85-3-17
OZ, AMOS Oz Delivers Speech CT17-14 85-3-17
OZ, AMOS Oz returns to CC to lecture CT22-5 87-10-16 p3
OZ, AMOS Oz returns to lecture on Hebrew literature CT22-4 87-10-09 p2
OZ, AMOS Oz Will Autograph his Book CT17-24 85-3-17
PACK, SAM Female mutilations: A universal phenomenon DE 14-3 92/4
PACKARD CHALLENGE Packard Challenge nearing completion CT 37-4 95/10/13 p3
PACKARD HALL Packard Hall vandalized, burglarized during break CT29-6 91-3-22
PACKARD, DAVID College benefactor Packard dies at 83 CT 38-6 96/3/29 p1
PACKARD, DAVID David Packard donates $4 million as a challenge grant CT 36-2
PACKARD, DAVID Packard sums up CT14-4 81-10-9
PACKARD, DAVID Packard Visits CC CT 36-5 95/3/10
PAGE, BETSY Page takes art honors CT19-11 86-4-26
PAINTING CHURCHES Theater Workshop paints a successful production CT25-2 89-2-3
PALMER HALL Police investigating dry ice bomb set off during film CT28-10 90-12-7
PALMER, WILLIAM JACKSON General W.J. Palmer CT20-7 86-11-7
PALMER, WILLIAM JACKSON In the spirit of Palmer CT19-3 86-2-7
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Greek system subject to internal review CT29-9 91-4-19 p3
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Olympic torch travels to CC CT16-22 84-4-27
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Sororities and feminism CT15-17 83-2-25
PANHELLENIC COUNCIL Special Olympics success at CC CT15-23 83-4-29
PANOFSKY, WOLFGANG K.H. Nike MADness drives world NUTS (pic) CT14-17 82-3-19
PARADIS, KEN Reason of education and the creation of self DE9-3&4 90-5-10
PARADIS, KEN When the Nighttime Rain Comes DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p7
PARADIS, KEN Whisperings in Haiku De9-2 90-3-6 p21
PARAPROFESSIONAL STAFF Are they 'para' or 'professionals'? CT16-5 83-10-21
PARAPROFESSIONAL STAFF What para-whats? CT15-16 83-2-18
PARENT - CHILD RELATIONSHIP Little Big Leagues: When Dad Strikes out DE3-3 87-4-17
PARENTI, MICHAEL Parenti says Reagan fuels arms race (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
PARENTS Retirement, Early Ct22-1 87-09-11 p14
PARIS, JOSH From Oreos to cookie dough, Josh-n-John's makes the CT29-5 91-3-1
PARIS, JOSH I scream CT20-3 86-10-3
PARK, ESTER Paintings and Drawings by Ester Park CT23-2 88-1-22 p10-11
PARK, SoYONG CC Nets four Watson Fellowships CT21-6 87-3-20
PARKER, RICHARD AIDS: Parker gives cross-cultural perspective (pic) CT21-13
PARKER, WILLIE Parker resigns (pic) CT17-13 85-1-25 1&2
PARKER, WILLIE Profile of a leader (pic) CT17-3 84-9-21
PARKING CC parking issue CT14-3 81-10-2
PASCHKE, KARL West German dignitary discusses implications of EEC in CT25-8
89-4-7 p4
PASCOE, MONTE Oil shale explored CT14-15 82-2-19
PASSAGE, DAVID Passage defends constructive engagement CT22-2 87-09-18 P1
PASSAGE, DAVID State Department specialist on Africa CT22-1 87-09-11 p2
PASTORIUS, JACO From Japan to CC (pic) CT16-7 83-11-11
PASTORIUS, JACO One weird pair of pants CT16-8 83-11-18
PATRICK JUDGE Scientific 'cold wars' DE9-1 90-2-7 p10
PAUL SHEFFER MEMORIAL FUND Grants for Internship Projects CT29-8 91-4-5 p5
PAUL, STEVE Coach Paul optimistic CT 82-9-24
PAUL, STEVE Paul leaving CC (pic) CT15-15 83-2-11
PAZIRANDEH, ANA Campus artists abound CT16-20 84-4-13
PEACE - PEACE DANCE Peace Dance-Tom Kramer, Tina Deutsch, Julie CT22-8 87-11-13
PEACE CORPS Peace Corp offers cross-cultural awareness CT 30-4 91/10/11
PEACE WEEK Peace Week events CT25-1 89-1-27 p4
PEACE WEEK Peace Week lacks punch CT25-2 89-1-27 p5
PEARSON, CARL Development & Transmission of Cosmology ... DE9-3&4 90-5-10
PEARSON, CARL Sins of the Beat Generation DE7-1 89-2 p19-20
PEARSON, RAQBBIN, OPPERMANN Suturing National identities, a discussion DE9-1
90-2-7 p3
PECK, ROB CC announces awards in Literature CT23-9 88-4-8 p5
PEDERSON, TOM Icers remain winless (pic) CT18-6 85-11-1
PEHE, JIRI Lecture on Gorbachev's political reforms CT22-7 87-11-6 p3
PENA, DEVON CC professor receives book award CT 43/13 99-2-19
PENA, DEVON Civil Rights: Panacea, Nightmare, or Historical DE5-2 88-2-19 p4-5
PENA, DEVON Dragged on their knees; a fight for trees CT 39-2 96/9/20 p9
PENA, DEVON G. Faculty win stipends CT17-23 85-5-10
PENA, DEVON G. Simpson-Rodin bill debated (pic) CT19-12 86-5-9
PENA, DEVON G. The debate rages on...: Simpson rebuts Pena CT19-12 86-5-9 18-19
PENROSE, SPENCER Spencer Penrose dies TG42-11 39-12-8
PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Differently-abled solve difficulties with computers
CT28-7 90-11-9 p7
PERALTA, JEFFERY The Flowers of Sacrifice DE 14-2 92/4
PERKINS, OWEN Perkins' play wins CT17-20 85-4-12
PERKINS, PRISCILLA Perkins wins CC's first Mellon Fellowship CT21-14 87-5-22
PERRY, KEITH Eros revisited DE6-4 88-12-16 p21-22
PERSIAN GULF WAR - VIGIL Vigil participants remain dedicated to cause despite
CT29-4 91-2-22 p7
PERSIAN GULF WAR CC students maintain politically active tradition CT29-1 91-1-25
PERSIAN GULF WAR CC remaining neutral in Gulf war debate CT29-3 91-2-15 p2
PERSIAN GULF WAR CC represented in D.C. protest CT29-2 91-2-1 p3
PERSIAN GULF WAR Community gives hour in support of troops in Gulf CT29-5 91-3-1
PERSIAN GULF WAR Community protests war CT29-1 91-1-25 p1
PERSIAN GULF WAR Convocation addresses war CT29-1 91-1-25 p4
PERSIAN GULF WAR Professors debate merits of war, etc. CT29-1 91-1-25 P5
PERSIAN GULF WAR U.S. censors in Gulf delete embarrassing information CT29-3
91-2-15 p1
PERSIAN GULF WAR War hits home: six CC students head for military CT29-2 91-2-1
PETERSEN, TOR First decathlete shoots for nationals (pic) CT21-10 87-4-17
PETERSON, ELMER Dean Peterson heads leadership CT17-17 85-5-8
PETERSON, ERIC Peterson: a real hoss CT27-11 90-5-4 p9
PETERSON, HANNIBAL Noted musician to toot at CC] CT27-4 90-2-23 p1
PETERSON, KATHLEEN R. Peterson named to new position CT16-19 84-5-23
PETERSON, KITZIE Hoopsters lose bitterly (pic) CT21-2 87-1-23
PETERSON, LLOYD Peterson, denounces campus bigotry CT25-4 89-2-24 p1
PETERSON, LLOYD, JR. Assistant admissions director CT16-7 83-11-11
PETERSON, LLOYD, JR. Minor diversion (pic) CT16-12 84-1-20
PETERSON, LLOYD, JR. Whites only? CC and minority enrollment CT19-8 86-5-21
PETTIT , ARTHUR G. MEMORIAL LECTURE Martin to speak on Black Nationalism CT19-1
86-01-17 p19
PETTIT LECTURE Pettit lecture to focus on trends in Indian Community CT 30-6
PETTIT, ARTHUR G. Memorial lecture CT13-12 81-1-9
PHELPS, JENNIFER Senior Spotlight: Jen Phelps dances on CT 32-10 92/12/11
PHI BETA KAPPA Phi Beta Kappa scholars CT 35-2 94/2/11
PHI DELTA THETA Phi Delts raise money for teen mothers CT 33-11 93/5/14
PHILIP MORRIS MARKETING/ COMM. COMP. Marketing experience? CT18-8 85-11-15
PHILIPS, BARBARA Official English ignites controversy CT22-5 87-10-16 p1
PHILIPS, DAVID Environmental dilemmas subject of Earth Day talk CT29-10 91-4-26
PHILIPS, R.A. Paper DE9-1 902-7 p21
PHILLIPS, DOROTHY An affirmation for Dorothy CT 44-13 00/2/11
PHILLIPS, LAURA Phillips attains goals through unusual means CT29-9 91-4-19
PHILLIPS, MARC Poetry DE11-1 90-Oct p9
PHILLIPS, WENDEL Affirmative action speaker CT13-17 81-2-20
PHIPPS, GERALD Wirth, Phipps, Markel awarded CT33-10 93/5/7
PHONATHON - ALUMNI Phonathon aims to increase alumni donations CT29-8 91-4-5
PHOTOGRAPH EXHIBIT Juried photo exhibit displays CC work CT 3-9 94/12/2 13 714
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Arts profile: Timothy Peek show examines inanimate
CT14-12 82-1-22
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Chazen was there (pic) CT15-8 82-11-19
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Intuitive talent precedes photo-stardom (pic) CT14-15
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Missing the mark (pic) CT15-17 83-2-25
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photo show CT14-3 81-10-2
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photo show of architectural portraits CT14-4 81-10-9
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photographs by Colorado College alumni CT14-16 82-3-12
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photography students show their stuff CT15-6 82-11-5
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photography thriving at CC CT14-17 82-3-19
PHOTOGRAPHY - EXHIBITIONS Photo-sensuality CT15-25 83-5-20
PHOTOGRAPHY - LAB Packard darkroom open for business CT14-5 81-10-16
PHSICAL PLANT Water down the drain? CT17-5 84-10-12
PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Dept. name change - CC Sport Science & Wellness
Dept. CT 37-2 95/9/22 p22
PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT P.E. department introduces adjunct classes CT28-5
90-10-5 p21
PIBULVECH, DANG Awesome CT18-9 85-12-6
PIBULVECH, DANG CC Soccer celebrates Pibulvech CT26-4 89-10-13 p19
PIBULVECH, DANG CC soccer = consistency (pic) CT16-10 83-12-9
PIBULVECH, DANG New women's soccer team coach (pic) CT16-2 83-9-23
PIBULVECH, DANG Soccer - Women start with stellar performance CT22-1 87-09-11
PICKLE, JOE Church & state CT17-4 84-10-5
PICKLE, JOE Let there be light CC: A religious revival? CT20-8 86-11-14
PICKLE, JOE The Papacy's new course DE3-4 87-4-24
PIKE, JOHN Star Wars or Czar Wars? Pike and Krebs debate High CT17-8 84-11-16
87-09-11 p2
PILACHOWSKI, CATHERINE Age of the universe is estimated at Thursday-at-11 CT17-20
PILGRIMS Pilgrim's progress? DE21-14 87-5-22
PIMSLER, STUART Pimsler and Costello (pic) CT15-20 83-3-25
PIZZEY, DEREK Pizzey & Co. sweep (pic) CT21-5 87-2-20
PIZZEY, DEREK Tiger Hockey drops last 4 games (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
PIZZEY, DEREK Tigers, Pizzey outduel Pioneers (pic) CT21-6 87-5-7
PIZZEY, DEREK Unlucky Tigers split (pic) CT18-10 85-12-13
PIZZEY, DEREK Veterans to lead CC icers (pic) CT20-4 86-10-10
PIZZI, ROBERT A professor in the Senior Spotlight?!?! CT29-2 91-2-1 p11
PIZZI, ROBERT CC mourns loss of professor, Pizzi not to be forgotten CT 36-5
PIZZI, ROBERT Professor, staff member injured in wreck CT 36-3 94/10/7
PIZZI, ROBERT Robert Pizzi dies from car crash CT 36-5 94/10/21
PLUSH, VINCENT Visiting Professor photo CT26-6 89-11-3 p15
POCOCK, J.G.A. Pocock on politics of freedom CT22-5 87-10-16 p1
POETRY Deaf create sound poetry CT28-4 90-10-12 p6
POETRY Poet Robert Bly inspires students (pic) CT15-8 82-11-19
POETRY Poet speaks CT15-7 82-11-12
POETRY Poetry reading tonight CT19-7 86-5-14
POETRY Poor Dick's poets CT15-9 82-12-3
POETRY What kind of creature is this? (pic) CT15-22 83-4-22
POKHILKO, SERGEI Athlete of the Week: Sergei Pokhilko, Soccer player CT 36-5
94/10/21 18 106
POLAND - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Poland on the brink DE3-1 87-2-13
POLAND Polish Lectures newest CC craze CT23-6 88-3-04 p5
POLITICAL CLUBS, STUDENTS Student leaders form local political clubs CT 39-2
96/9/20 p11
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Budget debate creates chaos CT16-16 84-2-24
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Delegates chosen for model UN (pic) CT13-13
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Extracurricular activities: beyond books
and beer CT19-1 86-1-17 6&7
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Graduates' options CT17-11 84-12-14
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Mock Un teaches diplomacy CT14-21 82-4-23
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Model UN proves interesting CT16-25 84-5-25
POLITICAL SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Symposium attracts well-known speakers
CT16-19 84-5-23
POLITICAL SCIENCE Harvard prof discusses "Rights in the Liberal CT29-2
91-2-1 p2
POLITICAL UNION A note from Political Union DE2-1 86-9-19
POLITICAL UNION American involvement in Lebanon discussed CT16-2 83-9-23
POLITICAL UNION Cadets and CCers discuss nukes CT19-13 86-5-16
POLITICAL UNION Coste and Marcys debate election CT24-6 88-11-4 p2
POLITICAL UNION Extracurricular activities: beyond books and beer CT19-1 86-1-17
POLITICAL UNION Heated round-table CT17-24 85-5-17
POLITICAL UNION Legislative strategies CT26-10 89-12-8 p3
POLITICAL UNION Mozambique Ambassador CT18-3 85-10-4
POLITICAL UNION Political burden shifts to young voters CT27-2 90-2-2
POLITICAL UNION Political Union addresses issues CT14-10 81-12-11
POLITICAL UNION Political Union plans for fall election Ct 39-1 96/9/13 p12
POLITICAL UNION Political Union returns to campus for '96 Presidential CT 37-10
95/12/15 p12
POLITICAL UNION Political Union speaks: Why we need to be in the Gulf DE4-2
87-10-15 p7
POLITICAL UNION Political union sponsors discussion CT17-21 85-4-19
POLITICAL UNION Soviet Symposium invades campus CT20-9 86-12-5
POLITICAL UNION Star Wars or Czar Wars? Pike and Krebs debate high CT17-8 84-11-16
POLITICAL UNION Students form political union CT14-7 81-11-6
POLITICAL UNION Students see need for political union CT14-6 81-10-9
POLITICAL UNION SYMPOSIUM Central American Peace Proposal DE4-1 8709-17 p14
POLITICAL UNION What is the Political Union CT21-5 87-2-20
POLITICAL UNION-COLORADO COLLEGE Political Union Debate CT26-9 89-12-1 p2
POLL, BILL Tennis trips (pic) CT21-9 87-4-10
POLLACK, DR. NANCY - ALUMNI South Pacific island nations seek economic CT25-1
89-1-27 p1
POLLACK, SIDNEY Prominent figures speak at graduation ceremonies CT27-11 90-5-4
POLLACK, SIDNEY Sidney Pollack to address seniors at commencement CT27-4 90-2-23
POLLACK, SYDNEY Behind the scenes with Sidney Pollack CT24-11 88-12-16 p16
POLLACK, SYDNEY Pollack joins community CT 39-10 96/12/13 p3
POOR FARM Poverty strikes poor farm CT16-17 84-5-9
POOR RICHARD'S Poor Richard's has lost some of its appeal to CC student CT 31-8
92/4/10 11 957
PORTER, BILL National essay contest winner discusses award CT25-6 89-3-24 p13
PORTER, CABY Track: CC makes Nationals CT22-2 87-09-18 p20
PORTER, WILLIAM Senior Spotlight ct26-10 89-12-8 P6
POUNDS, CHRIS Pounds: CC's own Renaissance Man CT27-7 90-3-30 p10
POWERS, KELLY '84 Powers speaks on Wall Street CT28-2 90-9-21 p4
POW-WOW 1991 Pow-Wow brings Indian culture to CC CT29-11 91-5-3 p1
PREJUDICE AT COLORADO COLLEGE Prejudice and Elitist Attitudes at CC CT23-7 88-3-11
PRENDERGAST, ALAN Mags. go flat CT17-5 84-10-12
PRENDERGAST, ALAN Prendergast to teach CT17-13 85-1-25
PRESIDENT - CANDIDATES -COLORADO Faculty debates candidates CT 32-3 92/10/2
PRESIDENTAL SEARCH1992 Board moves to find Riley's successor CT 31-1 92/1/31
PRESIDENTIAL SEARCH CC 1992 Presidential search narrowed to four CT 32-1 92/9/11
PRESIDENTS A President's rights DE2-1 87-9-19
PRESIDENTS Power of the presidency DE1-5 86-5-23
PRESLER, TITUS REVEREND Missionary to speak about experiences in Zimbabwe CT21-13
PRESLER, TITUS REVEREND Zimbabwe: Religion caught in the Politics of Modernity
CT21-14 87-5-22
PRESS AT COLORADO COLLEGE Pressing matters CT 39-10 96/12/13 p11
PRESS, CARREEN Graduating senior aims for Peace March CT19-14 86-6-23
PRETZLER, DAVID The INF and Central American Peace Plan: Maidens or DE4-1 87-9-17
PRETZLER, DAVID Upholding American Values: The Reagan Presidency DE5-1 88-1-21
PREWITT, STAAR Rethinking Reality DE7-2 89 - Mar p29
PREWITT, STAAR The Carrion DE7-1 89-2 p7
PREZLER, DAVID The German problem Reconsidered: Cracks in NATO's DE4-4 87-11-12
PRICE, KENDELL Am black in S. Africa CT17-25 85-5-24
PRICE, KEVIN L.L.L.S. CT18-3 85-10-4
PRINCE, ROBERT Communist talks about affiliation CT16-15 84-2-17
PRIORITIES - ALL CAMPUS Priorities report approaches final scrutiny CT29-9 91-4-19
PRIORITIES, ALL-COLLEGE Committee to report on all-college priorities CT29-8
91-4-5 p2
PROCESSORS Rudner's processors shut down CT19-1 86-1-17
PRO-CHOICE Students mobilize for pro-choice action CT25-8 89-4-7 p13
PROFESSORS - NON-TRADITIONAL Non-Traditional professors hired at CC CT19-11
91-5-3 p8
PROGRAM CUTS Symposium Likely to Face Budgetary Axe CT 36-1 95/2/3
PROJECTS FOR PUBLIC AND COMMUNITY CC joins national public service project CT19-13
PRO-LIFE MOVEMENT Right to Life DE1-4 86-3-21
PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS Prospective students weekend CT23-8 88-3-18 p4
PROTEST Obsolescence of Protest CT22-1 87-09-11 p13
PROXMIRE, SENATOR WILLIAM Former Senator Proxmire to deliver annual Lopat Lecture
CT25-6 89-3-24 p3
PROXMIRE, SENATOR WILLIAM Proxmire examines effects of debt CT25-8 89-4-7 p2
PRUD'HOMME, SHERI Courage and fear in the face of Amendment II DE 16-1 93/3
PRUD'HOMME, SHERI Feminism and Christianity: In Harmony or at Odds? DE 14-2
92/4 13 504
PSYCHIC NEW AGE FAIR Psychic New Age Fair DE4-4 87-11-12 p6
PUBL.FIGHT THE POWER, FIGHT THE Gresham Riley explains his position... CT 31-9
PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICE Harrison to replace Haley CT14-15 82-2-19
PUBLICATION - CIPHER CCCA, Cutler Publications attempt to clear up CT 43/7 98-11-6
PUBLICATION - FIGHT THE POWER A sorority member responds to Fight the Power
CT 33-1 93/2/5 7
PUBLICATION - FIGHT THE POWER Campus groups refuse to talk to Catalyst CT 31-2
PUBLICATION - FIGHT THE POWER Fight the Power, Opinions and Editorials CT 31-3
92/2/21 6-
PUBLICATION - FIGHT THE POWER Fight the Power defends orientation, gets funding
CT 35-2 94/2/11
PUBLICATION - FIGHT THE POWER Minority newspaper Fight the power raises controversy
CT 31-2 92/2/7
PUBLICATION - NUGGET In defense of the Nugget CT 43/8 98-11-13
PUBLICATIONS - CUTLER CC publications, students sued for libel CT 35-1 94/2/4
PUBLICATIONS - MISDEMEANOR Misdemeanor funding questioned CT 36-5 94/10/21
PUBLICATIONS - THE SOURCE Future of The Source questioned CT 36-1 94/9/16
PUBLICATIONS-CUTLER Cutler Publications Fill Editor, President Positions CT
36-8 95/4/14
PUCKETT, LINDA "New faces" join the ranks of CC CT14-2 81-9-25
PUCKETT, LINDA Puckett out, academic credentials in CT14-24 82-5-21
PULLIAM, E. One Final View DE11-1 90-Oct p32
PURYEAR, GAR Business and industry campaign is on CT17-18 85-5-15
QUAYLE, DAN Quayle rally prompts student response CT24-1 88-9-16 p3
QUEBEC SUMMER INSTITUTE Avoid draft CT16-6 83-11-4
QUEBEC SUMMER INSTITUTE Summer session offers Quebec institute CT16-13 84-1-27
QUINK VOCAL ENSEMBLE Dutch Vocal Ensemble sings to Packard (pc) CT21-3 87-2-6
QUINLAN, DANNY CC senior artist lays down new CD CT 45/22 01-05-11
QUINN, FRAN Mighty Quinn CT14-22 82-5-7
QUINN, MARY Student, hall director win nationally prestigious CT27-11 90-5-4
QUIRK, JIM On the Mountain Bike Trail DE5-4 88-5-13 p21
RABBIN, HARVEY Europe with Harvey CT18-1 85-9-13
RABBIN, HARVEY Harvey Rabbin ponders our fate (pic) CT17-15 85-2-15
RABBIN, HARVEY Looking forward to Rabbin's '85 class (pic) CT17-11 84-12-14
RABBIN, HARVEY Much ado about nukes (pic) CT19-5 86-2-21 1,5-7
RABBIN, HARVEY Picture CT17-9 84-11-30
RABBIN, HARVEY Teaching: humiliation and humor (pic) CT16-23 84-50-11
RABBIN, MARCELLE CCCA meeting CT17-7 84-11-2
RABBIN, MARCELLE French plays and erotique dances CT16-23 84-5-11
RABBIN, MARCELLE From the symbol to the symbolic order DE7-1 89-2 p4
RACISM A voice in the night DE3-1 87-2-13
RACQUETBALL CLUB News in sports CT14-8 81-11-13
RACQUETBALL X-Mas tourney slated CT14-10 81-12-11
RADEMACHER, DANA Tony's Tigers swept away (pic) CT17-17 85-5-8
RADEMACHER, DANA Two Tiger baseballers earn CIBA all-star honors CT21-13 87-5-15
RADIO search under KRCC
RAGAN, TIP Ragan tips off Asian Week CT23-3 88-2-05 p4
RAKEL, DAVE Tigers dunk orediggers (pic) CT21-3 87-2-6
RANNEY, AUSTIN Political speaker CT15-3 82-10-8
RAPE - CAMPUS Cadet pleads guilty to Slocum rape CT 31-6 92/3/27
RAPE - CC CAMPUS Many rapes go unreported on CC campus CT29-2 91-2-1 p5
RAPE - CC CAMPUS The most unreported violent crime manifests itself at CT29-2
91-2-1 p6
RAPE - CC CAMPUS We can't let people get away with rape CT29-2 91-2-1 p12
RAPE - DATE Accused in mock date rape trial found not guilty CT 30-2 91/9/20
RAPE - STUDENT Student allegedly raped by cadet CT 31-1 92/1/31
RAPE AWARENESS "Take Back the Night" Reclaims Campus From Violence
CT 36-10 95/5/5
RAPE AWARENESS CC Students Rally, March for Women's Lives CT 36-9 95/4/28
RAPE AWARENESS Education Key to Eliminating Violence, Rape CT 36-8 95/4/14 11
RAPE AWARENESS Student Surveys Explore Attitudes Toward Rape CT 36-10 95/5/5
RAPE AWARENESS Students Take Back the Night CT 36-9 95/4/28
RAPE CRISIS HOTLINE "If a woman says no, it's rape" CT17-7 84-11-2
RAPE CRISIS HOTLINE Awareness can prevent sexual assault CT17-7 84-11-2
RAPE CRISIS HOTLINE Rape hotline workshop CT16-15 84-2-17
RAPE One student speaks out: Rape & injustice at CC CT 38-3 96/3/23 p1
RAPE Rape on Campus CT24-7 88-11-11 p14
RAPE What he did to me ... that was rape, says student CT 30-3 91/10/4
RAPES - CAMPUS Campus rapes up slightly CT29-2 91-2-1 p1
RAPHAELSON, PAUL On Liebenstraus: philosophy, Fear and the Fall DE9-3&4
90-5-10 pXII
RAPHAELSON, PAUL Photo DE9-1 90-2-7 p22
RAPHAELSON, PAUL Science: The rift between Technology & Truth DE7-2 89 -
Mar p24
RASTALL HALL - FOOD SERVICE Food presentation changes hit Rastall CT 38-1 96/2/2
RAY, DAVID Ray to read poetry CT16-24 84-5-24
READ, CAROLYN Akhenaten: New heights of opinion DE 14-2 92/4 29
READ, CAROLYN Carolyn Read opens with first senior art show of the CT 31-4 92/2/28
14 207
REAGAN, RONALD A two-year assessment by Robert Loevy (pic) CT15-13 83-1-21 1,10
REAGAN, RONALD King Reagan CT22-1 87-09-11 p12
REAGAN, RONALD Reagan faces new opposition CT20-7 86-11-7
REAGAN, RONALD Reagan stumps for Kramer CT20-6 86-10-31
REAGAN, RONALD Reagan vs. the democrats DE3-1 87-2-13
REAGAN, RONALD Reagan: Tales from afar DE1-4 86-3-21
REAGAN, RONALD Students arrested at protest CT20-6 86-10-31
RECYCLING - COLORADO COLLEGE Cost is the main issue in CC sponsored recycling
CT29-4 91-2-22 p8
RECYCLING - COLORADO COLLEGE Ignorance and indifference endanger the success
of CT29-3 91-2-15 p8
RECYCLING CC Recycling revamped CT28-1 90-9-14 p8
RECYCLING Lend a hand, do the earth a good turn CT28-5 90-11-2 p5
RECYCLING New recycling program will be "user friendly" CT 45/12 01-02-02
RECYCLING No recycling done in Bemis or McGregor CT 45/22 01-05-11
RECYCLING Recycling faces new challenges CT 31-3 92/2/21
RECYCLING Sorting through recycling glitches CT 44-22 00/5/12
RECYCLING Trash hauling stresses need to recycle CT27-2 90-2-2 p2
REED, ALASTAIR Reed speaks at Thursday-at-Eleven series CT23-12 88-5-6 p13
REED, CARL Faculty win stipend CT17-23 85-5-10
REED, CARL Sculptures come to CC CT21-6 87-5-7
REED, CARL Studio art professor exhibits works CT25-3 89-3-3 p13
REED, TRACY Foreign studies students recount experiences CT28-5* 90-10-19 p5
REFUGEE ACT The deportation dilemma DE2-3 86-11-14
REGISTRAR Al Johnson retires from the CC Registrar Office CT27-3 90-3-23 p4
REGISTRAR But maybe not the courses CT15-18 83-3-11
REGISTRAR Congrats CT15-11 82-12-17
REGISTRAR Registrar notices late, senior students panic CT14-17 82-3-19
REGISTRAR Registration extends for gifted and talented CT 84-4-13
REGISTRATION - 1999 Students, faculty race against clock to register CT 43-15
REGISTRATION Preregistration Deemed Success CT 36-8 95/4/14
REHNQUIST, WILLIAM H. Is Rehnquist suitable? DE2-1 86-9-19
REID, J. JUAN CC the first century CT17-21 85-4-19
REID, J. JUAN Springs history explored in book CT14-9 81-12-4
REID, T. R. (WASHINGTON POST) Reporter will lead discussion CT17-17 85-5-8
REID, T.R. (WASHINGTON POST) Reid analyzes Dukakis campaign CT25-1 89-1-27 p1
REID, T.R. (WASHINGTON POST) T.R. Reid scheduled to teach class CT25-6 89-3-24
REINER, WALT Revolution and technology CT21-2 87-1-23
REINER, WALT Urban revolutions? CT21-1 87-1-16
REINIER, JASON Reinier on music and life (pic) CT17-16 85-2-25
REINITZ, NEAL American studies at CC CT18-7 85-1-8
RELIGION - CAMPUS Campus religious leaders address common issues CT 30-3 91/10/4
RELIGION - POLITICS Preacher or President DE11-4 86-12-15
RELPW, ALEC Co-editor of Catalyst (pic) CT20-10 86-12-12
RENNE, TANYA Colosseum DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p21
RENNE, TANYA Tanya Renne opens exhibit, focuses on women's issues CT 31-10 92/5/1
REPENNING, NELSON Development Dilemmas: An Unsustainable Future! DE5-3 88-4-15
REPLACEMENTS Band "mutation of CCR and MC-5" CT16-12 84-1-20
REPUBLICAN PARTY Republicans at a crossroad DE2-2 86-10-17
REPUBLICAN PARTY Robertson - last chance for New Right? DE2-1 86-9-19
REPUBLICANS - COLORADO COLLEGE 1994 The elephant rides into CC community CT
35-3 94/2/25
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Army ROTC kicks off CT22-2 87-09-18 p3
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS CC forum: ROTC on campus? (pic) CT18-1 85-9-13
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS CC student visits Fort Carson CT19-5 86-2-21
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Faculty decides on future of ROTC CT18-6 85-11-1
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Rejecting credits CT18-2 85-9-20
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS ROTC debate rages on CT18-5 85-10-18
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS ROTC Presentation on campus (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Sankey: A major interview (pic) CT19-13 86-5-16
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Seniors receive commission CT19-14 86-5-23
RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS Tomorrow's officers training today CT18-9 85-12-6
RESIDENCE HALL - MCGREGOR Election-day fire evicts McGregorites CT 32-7 92/11/6
RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION - RHA CU reps advise RHA execs CT27-4 90-2-23 p1
RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION - RHA RHA "Carnival" party brings favorable
results CT27-4 90-2-23 p2
RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION Residence Hall Association implemented CT27-3 90-2-16
RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION RHA looks ahead, approves constitution CT29-2 91-2-1
RESIDENCE HALLS Board of Trustees Makes Major Decisions CT 34-10 93/12/10
RESIDENTAIL LIFE - FRATERNITIES College playing with alcoholic fire with relocation
CT 43-2 98-9-18
RESIDENTAL LIFE - MULTI-CULTURAL Does Multi-cultural House segregate campus?
CT 41-9 97-12-5
RESIDENTAL LIFE Housing shortage, Residential Life confronts CT22-1 87-09-11
RESIDENTAL LIFE New themes are available in Mathias Hall CT27-9 90-20 p4
RESIDENTAL LIFE Residential Life staff & Think globally CT22-1 87-09-11
RESIDENTAL LIFE Students orienting students program started by RHA CT27-10 90-4-27
RESIDENTAL LIFE- THE GLASS HOUSE The Glass House: Students plead permanence
CT 40-3 97/2/21
RESIDENTIAL HALL - MCGREGOR Wave of fires sweep McGregor Hall CT 32-6 92/10/30
RESIDENTIAL HALL ASSOCIATION (RHA) Slocum collects clothes for needy CT 32-8
RESIDENTIAL HALL RHA presents new board CT28-10 90-12-7 p5
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - DORM ROOM Den of seduction, not to be found anywhere in Loomis
CT 31-10 92/5/1
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - DORM ROOMS Struggle to find socks? When messy rooms become
a CT 31-8 92/4/10
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - FRATERNITIES Arson Fire burns fraternity CT 36-6 94/11/4
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - FREE HOUSE Free House offers alcohol-free activities to all
CT 30-1 91/9/13
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - GERMAN HOUSE Fahrvehrgnugen mit den German House CT 32-9
92/12/4 12 494
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - GLASS HOUSE Glass House does foster campus diversity CT 41-10
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - HALL CABINETS Hall cabinets decided CT27-5 90-3-2 p2
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - HALL DIRECTORS Three hall directors to leave CC CT 31-2 92/2/7
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - HOUSEKEEPING They're real people! House keeping staff often
taken CT 31-11 92/5/8
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - HOUSING First year students still living in dorm lounges
CT 30-5 91/10/18
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - HOUSING Photo - Mathias Lounge CT 30-5 91/10/18
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - JACKSON HOUSE Jackson to become Living/Learning Center CT
33-5 93/3/12
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - LOCK SYSTEM New door lock system to use CC ID card CT 44-14
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - LOOMIS & SLOCUM Loomis, Slocum to switch roles CT 31-3
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - MCGREGOR HALL Unknown arsonist ignites McGregor Hall with
fourth CT 33-2 93/2/12
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - MCGREGOR McGregor cannot party CT 34-2 93/9/17
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - RA The CC world of R.A.dom: friendship and fun, or hard CT29-6
91-3-22 p7
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - RECEPTIONISTS Daily figures help us weather the storm CT
40-8 97/4/11
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - RESIDENTIAL HALL Hall councils prepare for year CT 30-5 91/10/18
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - RHA RHA presents new board CT28-10 90-12-7 p5
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - RHA RHA progressive dinner to feature foreign cuisine, CT28-10
90-12-7 p9
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - ROOM SELECTION Room selection for underclassmen causes hours
of CT 42-20 98-5-1
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - TENNEY (CAH) Tenney will be home for the Cultural Awareness
group CT 33-9 93/4/30
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - TENNEY Tenney House creates Kid's World CT 33-2 93/2/12
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - THEME HOUSE - Asian theme house formed for '92-'93 CT 31-8
92/4/10 3
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - THEME HOUSES Substance abuse, minority themes chosen for
houses CT29-7 91-3-29 p1
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - THEME HOUSES Theme Houses to provide comfortable and CT29-11
91-5-3 p6
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - WESTERN RIDGE Despite all visual evidence, Western Ridge
still on CT 44-12 00/2/4
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - WESTERN RIDGE Fourteeners tower over other choices CT 44-22
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - WOOD & TENNEY Alumni dissatisfied, outraged with plans
to tear down CT 42-16 98-3-27
RESIDENTIAL LIFE - WOOD HOUSE Society for Creative Anachronism moves into Wood
House CT 33-9 93/4/30
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Brownie incident reveals judicial flaws CT35-3 94/2/25
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Don't we have enough stress in our lives CT45/19 01-04-13
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Dormitories may remain open during spring break CT 39-5 96/10/18
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Housing lottery no to be feared CT25-7 89-3-31 p14
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Housing process underway CT27-7 90-3-30 p6
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Housing shortage forces overcrowding CT 36-2 94/9/23
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Lounges used to relieve crowding CT28-1 90-9-14 p1
RESIDENTIAL LIFE New directors involve students CT 36-2 94/9/23 10 889
RESIDENTIAL LIFE New directors join Residential Life CT 36-1 94/9/16 10 890
RESIDENTIAL LIFE New Theme House Seeks to Improve Diversity CT 36-10 95/5/5
13 902
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Office of Res Life makes RA and HR selections CT27-3 90-3-23
RESIDENTIAL LIFE On-campus housing frustrates 4th-year students CT 36-2 94/9/23
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Overcrowding overshadows first-year experience CT 37-1 95/9/15
RESIDENTIAL LIFE R.H. & H.R. application process to begin block 5 CT28-11
90-12-14 p3
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Residential Life Association faces funding cuts CT 37-11 95/12/15
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Residential Life grants all off-campus housing CT 36-10 94/12/9
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Residential Life staff members gather for their CT27-5 90-3-2
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Res Life assigns '90-'91 HRs CT27-11 90-5-4 p4
RESIDENTIAL LIFE RHA Councils plan events CT27-8 90-4-6 p3
RESIDENTIAL LIFE RHA full house election process is temporary CT28-10 90-12-7
RESIDENTIAL LIFE RHA progressive dinner to feature foreign cuisine, CT28-10
90-12-7 p9
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Room selection process begins for '91-'92 CT29-6 91-3-22 p2
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Students shoot it out for room selection CT 38-8 96/4/12 p8
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Theme Houses Announced CT 36-8 95/4/14
RESIDENTIAL LIFE Themes chosen by Res Life, 1990-91 CT27-9 90-4-20 p3
RESIDENTIAL LIFE To live or not to live... CT 39-1 96/9/13 p10
RESIDENTIAL LIFE, THEME CC students need, deserve permanent environmental CT29-7
91-3-29 p8
RESIDENTIAL LIFE-THE GLASS HOUSE Glass House struggles for stability CT 40-4
RESIDENTIAL LIFE-WESTERN RIDGE Western Ridge Housing Project fosters student
unity CT 43-3 98-10-2
RESPITE CARE Care for the disabled CT17-12 85-1-18
REYNOLDS, JUDITH DR. Boettcher varies wellness CT16-24 84-5-18
RHA RHA kicks off school year early CT18-1 90-9-14 p5
RHODES SCHOLAR CC boasts Rhodes Scholar CT 39-10 96/12/13 p3
RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Breyfogle's on the Rhode CT22-10 87-12-11 p1
RHODES, LYNN Interim director given full-time CC position CT27-11 90-5-4 p4
RHODES, ROD Art exhibit blends religion and sexuality CT27-3 90-2-16 p9
RICE, DONNA Person of the Month (pic) CT21-14 87-5-22
RICHARDSON, HORST A study of persecution CT19-10 86-4-18
RICHARDSON, HORST An author in our midst: Richardson compiles letters CT 36-2
94/9/23 14
RICHARDSON, HORST Between Racism and Heritage (pic) CT19-11 86-4-26
RICHARDSON, HORST Book Review - Letters from a time most difficult CT22-4 87-10-09
RICHARDSON, HORST CC soccer=consistency (pic) CT16-10 83-12-9
RICHARDSON, HORST Coach of the year in the far west region of NCAA CT15-11 82-12-17
RICHARDSON, HORST Drama features Brecht hearing CT17-17 85-5-8
RICHARDSON, HORST Ft. Carson: German P.O.W. camp 1942-45 CT20-8 86-11-14
RICHARDSON, HORST Horst films CT18-3 85-10-4
RICHARDSON, HORST Horst likes Home CT26-6 89-11-3 p17
RICHARDSON, HORST Richardson enjoys victory number 250 CT26-5 89-10-20 p18
RICHARDSON, JAMES (pic) CT 84-2-24
RICHARDSON, PENNY Penny Richardson organizes to help the community CT29-3 91-2-15
RICHIE, DENNIS Protesting in the '80s style (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
RICKARD, HAROLD Focusing on U.S. exploits in Okinawa (pic) CT21-6 87-5-7
RICKARD, HAROLD Lecture on U.S. militarism CT21-5 87-2-20
RICKER, GERALD W. Springs growth: Opportunity vs. responsibility (pic) CT17-16
85-2-25 6&7
RIDDLE, IRENE To The CC Community: Thank You CT29-1 91-1-25 p23
RIEGEL, GORDON Riegel outlines new alcohol policy CT15-5 82-10-22
RIGHT TO LIFE RALLY Abortion CT15-15 83-1-28
RIGHT TO LIFE RALLY Abortion rally (pic) CT17-13 85-1-25
RIGHT TO PRIVACY Infringement on privacy rights DE2-1 86-9-19
RIKER, JOHN Faculty advise professional vitality to peers CT25-4 89-2-24 p14
RIKER, JOHN H. Riker Provides Students with Interview Tips CT14-9 81-12-4
RIKER, JOHN H. Stagnant Students Made at CC CT17-19 85-3-22
RILEY, GRESHAM "Voiceless" students protest outside President's CT21-6
RILEY, GRESHAM An Interview with Gresham Riley CT26-6 89-11-3 p5
RILEY, GRESHAM An Interview with Gresham Riley CT26-7 89-11-10 p8
RILEY, GRESHAM Awesome Apartheid Panel CT18-9 85-12-6
RILEY, GRESHAM Board moves to find Riley's successor CT 31-1 92/1/31
RILEY, GRESHAM CC Inaugurates New President CT14-2 81-9-25
RILEY, GRESHAM CC Inaugurates Riley CT14-4 81-10-9
RILEY, GRESHAM CC Runs Smoothly Despite Riley Absence CT 82-11-12
RILEY, GRESHAM Comment on Reagan School Aid Cuts Call Un-American CT 82-10-24
RILEY, GRESHAM Former CC president elected to another CT 35-2 94/2/11
RILEY, GRESHAM Freedom of speech CT26-4 89-10-13 p9
RILEY, GRESHAM Gourman Report Debunked CT16-15 84-2-7
RILEY, GRESHAM Gresham Riley: An Interview CT19-1 86-1-17
RILEY, GRESHAM Inauguration Melds Past and Future CT14-3 81-10-2
RILEY, GRESHAM Informally Gresham (pic) CT20-5 86-10-17
RILEY, GRESHAM Letter to the editor CT21-10 87-4-17
RILEY, GRESHAM News Briefs: Riley Named to Committee CT14-9 82-4-9
RILEY, GRESHAM Our Hero in his Auspicious Beginnings CT14-15 82-3-5
RILEY, GRESHAM President Riley: Words without meaning CT19-8 86-5-21
RILEY, GRESHAM President Riley: Words without meaning DE1-48 86-5
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley addresses undergraduate education CT28-1 90-9-14 p3
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley Comments on Role of Language, Cultural Studies CT14-3 81-10-2
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley gasps last words: Contemplation versus action CT21-13 87-5-15
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley is Recovering CT17-23 85-5-10
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley Issues Challenge CT14-1 81-10-11
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley stumps for eight block plan CT20-9 86-12-5
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley takes sabbatical; Cronin steps into office CT28-8 90-11-30
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley to deliver commencement address CT 31-1 92/1/31
RILEY, GRESHAM Riley's at Home CT17-24 85-5-17
RILEY, GRESHAM Rileys Active in Fundraising Effort CT14-14 82-2-12
RILEY, GRESHAM Road to the Rhodes President Riley to Chair Colorado CT17-10
RILEY, GRESHAM Students Need New View of Riley Administration CT14-7 82-3-19
RILEY, GRESHAM Thank You, Mr. Riley CT17-15 85-2-15
RILEY, GRESHAM The UNESCO Chair of Literary Criticism: Nice Work DE 13-1 91/9
RILEY, GRESHAM Who runs our school: a probing interview with Gresham CT19-8
RILEY, PAM Catch Ye Olde Theatre CT21-10 87-4-17
RILEY, PAM First lady Pam Riley (pic) CT17-9 84-10-30
RILEY, PAM Riley candid on 'Candide' CT17-20 85-4-12
RILEY, TERRY Riley and Scott: New music and blue skies Ct28-9 90-11-30 p17
RISE Leading from the bottom up: RISE unifies campus CT 45/2 00-09-22
RISE RISE protest raises issues on campus CT 45/11 00-12-15
RITT KELLOGG MEMORIAL FUND Ritt Kellogg expeditions celebrate "Ritt's"
memory CT 45/11 00-12-15
RIVERA, PATRICIA BARELA Chicano/Chicana Culture Week Focuses on Women's Issues
CT23-12 88-5-6 p1
RIZIKA, STEVE Buddha's Black Nose: The Tibetan Struggle DE6-4 88-12-16 p5-8
ROARK, DAVID Senior Spotlight CT26-6 89-11-3 p7
ROBERTS MEMORIAL LECTURE Coney to give Roberts Lecture CT19-6 86-5-7
ROBERTS MEMORIAL LECTURE Goodall shows slides, discusses chimp behavior (pic)
CT16-22 84-4-27
ROBERTS MEMORIAL LECTURE Nuke MADness drives world NUTS (pic) CT14-17 82-3-19
ROBERTS, STONE Creative communication CT20-10 86-12-12
ROBERTS, TOMI-ANN Just her size CT 38-11 96/5/10 p1
ROBERTSON, DANA Athlete of the Week CT 36-3 95/2/24 19
ROBERTSON, PAT Robertson last chance for New Tight? DE2-1 87-9-19
ROBERTSON, SCOTT Robertson named top small college defender in Colo. CT24-9
88-12-2 p21
ROBINSON, JODY Athlete of the Week CT 36-7 95/4/7 18
ROBISON, DEB Robison succeeds in multitude of activities CT28-4 90-10-12 p8
ROCHETTE, EDWARD News Briefs: Rochette to speak CT14-19 82-4-9
ROCK CLIMBING Olympics on the Rocks DE5-2 88-2-19 p28-29
ROCK CLIMBING Rock Climbing can be fun to watch, safe to do CT 30-2 91/9/20
ROCK CLIMBING Students scale the walls (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
ROCKY MOUNTAIN MEDIEVAL AND College hosts Renaissance Conference CT21-5 87-2-20
RODI, JEN Jen Rodi exemplifies college spirit CT28-2 90-9-21 p5
RODIN, PHYLLIS Walking and teaching Peace (pic) CT19-14 86-5-23
RODNEY KING VERDICT Students mourn Rodney King verdict, LA violence CT 31-11
RODRIQUEZ, JUNEE Assassins rock CC: 39 die over break (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8
ROE VS. WADE Roe vs. Wade decision celebrated CT29-1 91-1-25 p1
ROHR, RICHARD Liberation Theology redefines success through CT24-10 88-12-9
ROMANCE LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT Cultural activities CT4-2 81-9-25
ROMANCE LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT The art of Cuernavaca CT15-20 83-3-25
ROMER, GOVERNOR ROY Colorado Governor addresses landscape destruction CT26-3
89-10-6 p2
ROMER, ROY Romer debates alone (pic) CT20-04 86-10-10
ROOT, ROBIN Writing buffs polish skills; Center adds CT17-2 84-9-14
ROOT, ROBIN Writing center expands CT19-1 86-1-17
ROSE, PHYLLIS JANE Phyllis Rose encourages passion, diversity in theater CT24-3
88-10-7 p6
ROSE, PHYLLIS JANE Women artist discusses progressive performance event CT24-3
88-10-7 p1
ROSEN, WILLIAM EDWARD New faculty, economic department 1 yr. app. CT15-2 82-9-24
ROSENBERGER, BRYAN Student death shocks campus CT21-12 87-5-8
ROSENFELD, AMY Girls end 13-game losing steak (pic) CT19-1 86-1-17
ROSENTHAL, ELLEN Faculty dismissals come under fire CT14-15 82-2-19
ROSENTHAL, ELLEN Feminist perspectives on the Bard (pic) CT14-11 82-1-15
ROSENTHAL, ELLEN Whatever happened to Ellen Rosenthal (pic) CT17-3 84-9-21
ROSENTHAL, RICH DIALogue: Dialing for dollars (pic) CT19-3 86-2-7 1,2
ROSEZELLE, PATRICIA Rosezelle addresses internalized sexism CT14-15 82-2-19
ROSING, GERRY An artist called Rosing (pic) CT15-12 83-1-14
ROSS, BETTY Images of Saints and Landscapes on display CT19-7 86-5-14
ROTHROCK, AVERIL Spotlight writer serves CC community CT28-11 90-12-14 p7
ROTHROCK, AVERIL When you're sick, ill, or otherwise feeling shitty DE8-1 89-Sept
ROWING Let's go rowing CT18-7 85-1-8
ROY, GRAHAM Sentimental Journey DE 13-3 91/12
ROZELLE, PAT Rozelle charges CC with racism CT22-4 87-10-09 p1
RUBENSTEIN, JERROLD Musical residents CT18-7 85-11-8
RUBIN, MARIE Have a very MERRY DEATH CT 33-10 93/5/7 14 623
RUBINS, RON CC names two new trustees CT 33-6 93/4/2
RUCH, JAMES Colorado director lives wildlife CT21-3 87-2-6
RUCH, JAMES Colorado division of Wildlife director to speak CT21-2 87-1-23
RUDGE, BILL Sport Gods CT15-11 82-12-17
RUDNER, WAYNE D. Rudner: One step away from Letterman CT21-14 87-5-22
RUDNER, WAYNE D. Rudner's processors shut down (pic) CT19-1 86-1-17
RUDNER, WAYNE D. Wayne on TV (pic) CT19-12 86-5-9
RUDNER, WAYNE D. Wayne Rudner: The voice of the future CT20-8 86-11-14
RUDNER, WAYNE D. Wayne update CT19-14 86-5-23
RUEHL, KAREN Duo reaches semi's (pic) CT17-24 85-5-17
RUERKEE, DAN Students perish in plane crash CT14-1 81-9-11
RUGBY - WOMAN Lady Ruggers make impressive debut CT 36-1 94/9/16 17 735
RUGBY - WOMEN Rucking and mauling: Lady's Rugby CT 36-4 94/10/14
RUGBY - WOMEN'S Women's Rugby hosts regional rugby skills clinic CT 41-12 98-2-616
RUGBY - WOMEN'S Women's rugby plays hard; comes on strong CT39-5 96/10/18 p18
RUGBY Butt touching and head bashing ... or rugby CT18-2 85-9-20
RUGBY CC Rugby celebrates 25th CT 36-4 94/10/14 20 263
RUGBY CC Rugby takes the pitches in Denver CT 33-4 93/3/5 19 264
RUGBY CC Rugby team wins in a walk against Metro State, 22-3 CT 31-5 92/3/6
19 265
RUGBY CC's best and brightest CT 35-8 94/4/15 15 290
RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB Rugby Football Club optimistic heading into spring CT 31-4
RUGBY It's been proven DU sucks! CT 34-5 93/10/15 19 693
RUGBY Men's rugby stripped of its charter CT 44-11 99/12/17
RUGBY Rugby prepares for 3rd season CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3
RUGBY Rugby crushes USC 44-10 CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-3
RUGBY Rugby fails to bludgeon foes CT34-3 93/10/1
RUGBY Rugby finishes season but keeps growing CT33-11 93/5/14
RUGBY Rugby kicks off its season CT45/14 01-02-23
RUGBY Rugby notches shutout CT32-2 92/9/18
RUGBY Rugby reunion CC style CT36-6 94/11/4
RUGBY Rugby shoots down Air Force CT34-8 93/11/12
RUGBY Rugby streaks to undefeated record CT31-10 92/5/1
RUGBY Rugby to bludgeon any and all foes CT34-2 93/9/17
RUGBY Rugby to end strong season CT29-11 91-5-3 p21
RUGBY Rugby to the Rescue CT35-11 94/5/13
RUGBY Rugby traditions not followed CT35-7 94/4/1
RUGBY Rugby victorious CT17-18 85-5-15
RUGBY Rugby: Sport for the Renaissance Man CT23-5 88-2-19 pS-3
RUGBY Ruggers drop a tough one CT15-4 82-10-15
RUGBY Ruggers fall to experienced Academy squad CT32-5 92/10/16
RUGBY Ruggers mark first victory CT25-8 89-4-7 p15
RUGBY Ruggers rage (pic) CT21-8 87-3-20
RUGBY Ruggers run rampant CT16-3 83-10-7
RUGBY Ruggers start fifth season CT25-7 89-3-31 p18
RUGBY Ruggers vs. Nature CT15-24 83-5-13
RUGBY Team suffers first setback of season CT 39-1 96/9/13 p19
RUGBY Tiger rugby comes home to rumble CT 33-9 93/4/30
RUGBY Tiger rugby loses, parties CT 33-8 93/4/16
RUGBY Tiger Rugby Stymies AFA CT 33-6 93/4/2
RUGBY What is this thing called Rugby? CT17-7 84-11-2
RUGBY Women ruggers CT15-3 82-10-8
RUGBY-MEN'S Colorado College Ruggers End Season, Trounce Denver CT36-10 95/5/5
20 366
RUGBY-MEN'S Ruggers End Three-Year Skid at Metro Tournament CT36-7 95/4/7
RUGBY-MEN'S Sloppy Play Leaves Men's Rugby With Bitter Defeat CT 36-8 95/4/14
RUGBY-WOMEN'S Female Ruggers Prove Blood Makes the Grass Grow CT36-9 95/4/28
20 503
RUNDLE, CRAIG CC confirms football coach CT27-3 90-2-16 p13
RUNNING - CROSS COUNTRY CC Cross Country takes second place CT26-3 89-10-6 p20
RUNNING - CROSS COUNTRY X-Country primed for regionals CT22-6 87-10-30 p18
RUNNING - MEN AND WOMEN Harriers strong in So. Co Invitational CT24-2 88-9-23
RUNNING - MEN Men's X-C enthusiastic after 1st race CT22-2 87-09-18 p21
RUNNING - MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Running: Men's X-C: Pepper tells all CT22-1 87-09-11
RUNNING - WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY Running: Schofield optimistic after season opener
CT22-1 87-09-11 p18
RUNNING - X-COUNTRY Harriers third in invitational CT24-4 88-10-14 p23
RUNNING - X-COUNTRY X-C outdistances flatlanders Ct24-5 88-10-21 p22
RUNNING "Tell-tale" obsession finished (pic) CT15-24 83-5-13
RUNNING An All American and a Texan (pic) CT20-9 86-12-5
RUNNING Browning 8th in Nationals CT24-9 88-12-2 p21
RUNNING Browning qualifies for Nationals CT24-8 88-11-18 p20
RUNNING CC runners peak Ct18-3 85-10-4
RUNNING CC trio goes to Nationals (pic) CT18-9 85-12-6
RUNNING CC X-C, Scott Kang paces CT22-5 87-10-16 p19
RUNNING Cross Country CT17-1 84-9-7
RUNNING Cross-country CT15-9 82-12-3
RUNNING Dean's Cup: No challenge (pic) CT15-25 83-5-20
RUNNING Ed McMahon misses winter fun club CT20-5 86-10-17
RUNNING Harriers run hard and fast (pic) CT15-5 82-10-22
RUNNING Kang strides CT20-3 86-10-3
RUNNING Lots of runners CT15-4 82-10-15
RUNNING Meet Saturday still no.1 CT18-4 85-10-11
RUNNING Men and women's cross country CT17-6 84-10-19
RUNNING Men's cross country CT17-3 84-9-21
RUNNING Men's cross country CT17-4 84-10-5
RUNNING Men's cross country CT17-5 84-10-12
RUNNING Men's X country CT15-2 82-9-24
RUNNING Men's X country CT15-3 82-10-8
RUNNING Men's X country CT17-7 84-11-2
RUNNING Men's X-country CT17-8 84-11-16
RUNNING Men's X-country CT18-1 85-9-13
RUNNING Men's X-country setting marks CT18-2 85-9-20
RUNNING (pic) CT17-9 84-11-30
RUNNING (pic) CT20-7 86-11-7
RUNNING Run, run, run CT16-1 83-9-16
RUNNING Runners dominate road race CT18-7 85-11-1
RUNNING Runners ready for home meet CT14-5 81-10-16
RUNNING Runners romp CT18-5 85-10-18
RUNNING Runners take to the hills CT20-1 86-9-12
RUNNING Sports shorts CT15-1 82-9-17
RUNNING Sports shorts CT15-2 82-9-24
RUNNING Tiger runners still improving but lose to USC anyway CT15-6 82-11-5
RUNNING Women's cross country CT17-4 84-10-5
RUNNING Women's cross country CT17-5 84-10-12
RUNNING Women's cross country starts strong CT14-2 81-9-15
RUNNING Women's X country came away with win CT15-2 82-9-24
RUNNING Women's X country CT15-3 82-10-8
RUNNING Women's X-country brave cold CT18-9 85-12-6
RUNNING Women's X-country CT17-7 84-11-2
RUNNING Women's X-country CT17-8 84-11-16
RUNNING Women's X-country CT18-4 85-10-11
RUNNING Women's X-country CT18-5 85-10-18
RUNNING X-C record falls CT14-6 81-10-29
RUNNING X-C running strong CT14-4 81-10-9
RUNNING X-C turns in great finish CT14-3 81-10-2=
RUNNING X-country at regionals CT18-8 85-11-15
RUNNING X-country highs and lows CT18-6 85-11-1
RUNNING X-Country teams take 5th at Adams State Inv. CT24-1 88-9-16 p21
RUPPE, LORET MILLER Peace Corps and CC CT19-14 86-5-23
RUPPE, LORET MILLER Peace Corps Director to Speak CT19-13 86-5-16
RUSH CAFE Pictures CT17-11 84-12-14
RUSH DANCE COMPANY Rush on Campus CT17-3 84-9-21
RUSH, JULIAN Aids Awareness CT18-4 85-10-11
RUSSIAN HOUSE Russian House HR leaves behind the Soviet coup d'etat CT 30-1
RUSSIAN HOUSE Russian House residents feel like family CT 38-5 96/3/8 p15
RUSTHOI, KERI Senior recital by Keri Rusthoi to spark off Friday CT 31-7 92/4/3
RYAN, MEGAN Seniors Present Variety of Talent CT 81-4-10
RYAN, SARAH Women's Tennis CT21-8 87-3-20
RYDBERG, JEFF Prophetic Catharsis in Euripides' The Bacchae DE9-3&4 90-5-10
RYDBERG, JEFF Structural Cracks Shake the Base of the Other America De9-2 90-3-6
RYDBERG, JEFF The Supreme Court's Role in the Fight for Civil Right DE11-1 90-Oct
S.H.A.R.E.- STUDENT HELP ACTIVATE RAPE SHARE hold rape awareness workshops CT28-11
90-12-14 p3
SABIA Unique New Song Concert CT20-4 86-10-10
SACKS, TOM Watson Awarded to CC Student CT17-9 85-5-22
SAGA FOOD SERVICE "New" Saga gears up for 87-88 CT21-13 87-5-15
SAGA FOOD SERVICE "Plaid-Bagging" Saga Style CT14-4 81-10-9
SAGA FOOD SERVICE A Letter to Dreger CT14-7 81-11-6
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Don't Complain to SAGA CT15-15 83-2-11
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Food Service Committee Debates Firing of Caron, Other CT14-7
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Hub radio ban sparks protest CT20-8 86-11-14
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Improvement Urged for Saga's Veggie Menu CT14-5 81-10-16
SAGA FOOD SERVICE In Defense of Saga CT14-5 81-10-16
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga '87 CT19-7 86-2-14
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Abuse of Student Rights CT14-4 81-10-9
SAGA FOOD SERVICE SAGA and Rastall Renovation CT19-6 86-5-7
SAGA FOOD SERVICE SAGA Calls in Dietician CT14-9 81-12-4
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Conflict CT15-14 83-1-28
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Provides Food and Jobs cT17-7 84-11-2
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Reduces Hours CT16-18 84-3-16
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Reviewed CT15-13 83-1-21
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga Sends Dietician to Discuss Menu Planning CT14-10 81-12-11
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Saga-You Can Do it Too CT15-2 82-9-24
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Student Employees Discuss Gripes CT14-7 81-11-6
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Student Managers CT13-13 81-2-20
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Terrorism Strikes CC CT19-14 86-5-23
SAGA FOOD SERVICE Wild Pizza Folds CT19-1 86-1-17
SAGAL, CHIP Saga named to U.S. Soccer Team CT21-14 87-5-22
SALAZAR, ALEJANDRO ROJAS Favorites Shows Salazar's Take on Nudes CT 36-11 95/5/5
SALIBA, JOHN Foreign studies students recount experiences CT28-5* 90-10-19 p5
SAMOLS, RUSSEL Africans at CC (pic) CT17-5 84-10-12
SAMOLS, RUSSEL South Africans interpret racial policy CT16-23 84-5-11
SAN LUIS VALLEY Forest to be destroyed by strip-mining CT28-2 90-9-21 p9
SAN LUIS VALLEY Mural increases interest in San Luis Valley CT 30-8 91/11/15
SAN LUIS VALLEY Southwestern mural revealed in Armstrong CT 30-6 91/11/1
SANDLER, MICHAEL Sandler looking forward to cycling circuit in Europe CT29-4
91-2-22 p24
SANDPERL, IRA Peace from fear (pic) CT16-8 83-11-8
SANKEY, CHARLES D. Sankey: A major interview (pic) CT19-13 86-5-16
SANNY, TOM Prof helps film students succeed CT 39-10 96/12/13 p12
SANTOS, DAVID IM spotlight: David Santos CT28-10 90-12-7 p19
SANTOS, DAVID IM spotlight: David Santos CT28-10 90-12-7 p19
SARCHETT, BARRY Bad news for gypsy profs. CT17-18 85-5-15
SASAOKA, KENZO Japanese/American Competitiveness CT22-2 87-09-18 p5
SASHA, JOHN More losing (pic) CT19-4 86-2-13
SASKA, TIM "Tim Saska's album cover captures the peaceful feeling CT16-16
SATTERWHITE, LEONARD New Financial Aid Director hired CT 31-11 92/5/8
SAUER, JEFFREY B. Sauer arrives in Badgerland (pic) CT15-1 82-9-17
SAUER, JEFFREY B. Sauer named Athletic Director CT14-15 82-3-5
SAUINIER, CURTIS Birth of a stereotype DE9-2 90-3-6 p7
SAUL, ROGER New faculty, chemistry department 1 yr. app. CT15-2 82-9-24
SAXONHOUSE, ARLENE Exploring politics and philosophy CT26-3 89-10-6 p3
SCARANO, MARTY New athletic director comes to CC CT 39-1 96/9/13 p17
SCARANO, MARTY Scarano to leave CC for UNH CT44-21 00/5/5
SCARBERRY-GARCIA, SUSAN Scarberry-Garcia analyzes literature of Native American
CT17-10 84-12-7
SCHAEF, DR. ANNE WILSON White male system challenged CT14-20 82-4-16
SCHAEFER, TODD Dukakis: A Reformer, not a Radical DE5-2 88-2-19 p20
SCHAEFER, TODD OAU in Africa: The Possibilities of a Unified African DE5-1 88-1-21
SCHEIER, SHIRLEY Scheier's prints hang on CC walls and roll through the CT24-11
88-12-16 p18
SCHIER, SHIRLEY Shirley Schier's works displayed in Coburn CT24-10 88-12-9 p17
SCHLAMME, MARTHA Talented performer dies CT18-5 85-10-18
SCHLIG, ANDREW Anthropology major wins internship CT25-8 89-4-7 p13
SCHLIG, ANDREW Undomiciled Reality DE7-2 89 - Mar p20
SCHLOSSER, NANCY Two alumni elected to fill trustee position w/photo CT30-10
SCHMIDT, ELIZABETH Schmidt speaks on Women in South Africa CT24-8 88-11-18 p4
SCHMIDT, HEIDE Betas accept woman pledge (pic) CT17-14 85-2-8
SCHMIDT, STEVE Head honchos CT18-10 85-12-13
SCHNEIDER, JENNIFER Does God Exist? I Don't Know DE 14-2 92/4 10 445
SCHNEIDER, WAYNE Bad news for gypsy profs. CT17-18 85-5-15
SCHOLARSHIPS - RHODES Ex-hockey player scores a Rhodes CT24-11 88-12-16 p2
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Anne Kerwin, 1983 Harry S. Truman Scholar CT15-22
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Buchanan wins Rhodes Scholarship (pic) CT15-12
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS CC Rhodes finalist CT19-1 86-1-17
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS CC students win coveted Fulbright Scholarships
CT21-13 87-5-15
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS CWSA to award scholarships CT14-3 81-10-2
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Do you have what it takes? (Colorado Undergraduate
CT18-10 85-12-13
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Goodwin is Scholarship Finalist (Luce) CT19-6 86-5-7
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Graduate fellowships CT14-2 81-9-18
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Graduate proposals sought CT14-1 81-9-11
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS History fellowships CT17-13 85-1-25
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Merit scholarships CT17-13 85-1-25
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Minority fellowships offered CT14-4 81-10-9
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS More merit money CT17-8 84-11-16
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Scholarship bank helps students search out aid
CT14-5 81-10-16
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Scholarships for study in Germany awarded CT21-5
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Senior scholarships CT16-1 83-9-16
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Some funds remain; merit-based scholarships disputed
CT17-7 84-11-2
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Sophomores! Harry S. Truman Scholarship CT16-1
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Taggart wins Fulbright Scholarship CT15-23 83-4-29
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS The Rhodes: a prestigious win CT15-12 83-1-14
SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Truman nominees, Anne Kerwin & Owen Byrd CT15-8
SCHREIBER, WOLFGANG Gorbachev not a "Bad Wolf" CT19-8 86-5-21
SCHREUR, CHRIS Creating Cronin DE 13-2 91/10 10 393
SCHWARTZ, CAROLYN Revolving around the Wheel of Life DE9-2 90-3-6 p13
SCHWARZ, ROBBY Lax Schellacks (pic) CT21-5 87-13
SCHWARZ, ROBBY Season ends (lacrosse) (pic) CT17-23 85-5-10
SCHWARTZ, SAMUEL Senior art major, drawings (pic) CT17-23 85-5-10
SCHWICKERATHSWIDER, ANGELA The Divine Figure goes up in Packard CT 33-8 93/4/16
SCOTT, PEGGY F. Navajo-Hopi relocation CT19-11 86-4-26
SCOTT, SASHA Athlete of the Week CT 36-5 95/3/10 18
SCOTT, STEPHEN "New Music for bowed piano" CT16-6 84-2-24
SCOTT, STEPHEN CC's New Music Ensemble tours internationally CT 33-11 93/5/14
SCOTT, STEPHEN Riley and Scott: New music and blue skies CT28-9 90-11-30 p17
SCOTT, STEPHEN Scott's new music ensemble prepares for European Tour CT19-8
SCOTT, STEPHEN Unconventional New Music Ensemble "works" the piano
CT25-6 89-3-24 p15
SCOVILLE, HERBERT Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
SDI-STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITITIVE SDI & Liberal arts: compatible or contradictory
CT22-8 87-11-13 p4
SDI-STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITITIVE Whitten sheds light on SDI CT22-5 87-10-16 p7
SEALS, SON Bad Ass Blues at Armstrong (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8
SEALS, SON Bad axe in review (pic) CT18-8 85-11-15
SEAVER, ROBERT CC identity report CT17-12 85-1-18
SEAY, ALBERT Albert Seay, 67, dies (pic) CT16-12 84-1-20
SEAY, ALBERT Dept. chairman commissioned to write music CT14-1 81-9-11
SEAY, ALBERT Library dedicated CT17-6 84-1-19
SEAY, ALBERT Music Department post opens (pic) CT14-14 82-2-12
SECURITY - CAMPUS Campus security incidents affect many CT30-3 91/10/4
SECURITY - CAMPUS CC Security CT 38-9 96/4/26 p3
SECURITY - CAMPUS CC security: keeping campus safe CT 43-18 99-4-9 12-13
SECURITY - CAMPUS Discussion sheds light on CC security concerns CT24-9 88-12-2
SECURITY - CAMPUS Security beat, Nov.11-Dec.3 CT24-10 88-12-9 p2
SECURITY - CAMPUS Security Bulletin to be Published CT 31-1 92/1/31
SECURITY - CAMPUS Security cracks down CT24-2 88-9-23 p4
SECURITY - CAMPUS Trial set in Bemis assault CT 33-7 93/4/9
SECURITY - CAMPUS Victims of Violence raise security issues CT24-2 88-9-23 p2
SECURITY - E-MAIL E-mail system abused CT33-9 93/4/30
SECURITY - ESCORT SHUTTLE Escort shuttle begins trail run CT27-1 90-1-26 p1
SECURITY - JOE TANNER Leaving a Legacy CT 42-18 98-4-10
SECURITY - STUDENTS Off-campus students' security questioned CT29-9 91-4-19
SECURITY Burglary rates on rise CT18-9 85-12-6
SECURITY CC's security inadequacies CT19-9 86-4-11
SECURITY Checks stolen from bookstore CT14-4 81-10-9
SECURITY EDUCATION Blow the whistle CT14-12 82-1-22
SECURITY EDUCATION Burglary rates on rise CT18-9 85-12-6
SECURITY EDUCATION CC works to secure campus CT17-7 84-11-2
SECURITY EDUCATION Common sense saves lives CT14-9 81-12-4
SECURITY EDUCATION COORDINATOR HD Bell in charge of calming your fears CT 30-1
SECURITY EDUCATION Crime alert CT16-3 83-10-7
SECURITY EDUCATION Escort service CT16-2 83-9-23
SECURITY EDUCATION Gilbert urges vigilance CT14-2 81-9-25
SECURITY EDUCATION Rape can happen CT17-18 85-5-15
SECURITY EDUCATION Security proving effective CT14-8 81-11-13
SECURITY EDUCATION Self defense course offered CT16-13 84-1-27
SECURITY EDUCATION Use escorts or else . . . CT15-8 82-11-19
SECURITY EDUCATION We're vulnerable CT16-8 83-11-18
SECURITY Efforts to beef up Security prove questionable Ct27-3 90-2-16 p2
SECURITY Escort service CT14-11 82-1-15
SECURITY Flasher strikes CT15-3 82-10-8
SECURITY Fraternities robbed CT14-1 81-9-11
SECURITY Intruder caught after series of offenses CT17-6 84-10-19
SECURITY More crime on campus CT15-13 83-1-21
SECURITY Off-campus break-in CT19-2 86-1-24
SECURITY RA's upset by lax security, while chief believes CT45/5 00-10-20
SECURITY Security alert CT17-16 85-2-25
SECURITY Security catches trespasser in the library CT14-10 81-12-11
SECURITY Spring increases obscene phone calls CT27-3 90-3-23 p4
SECURITY Spring security alert (pic) CT19-11 86-4-26
SECURITY Student robbed at knifepoint CT16-12 84-1-20
SECURITY Students open door for crime CT19-12 86-5-9
SECURITY Theft update CT20-4 86-10-10
SECURITY Three Security violations on campus CT19-5 86-2-21
SECURITY, CAMPUS New committee on Security to address diversity issues CT 37-4
95/10/20 p1
SEE, CAROLYN An Author in our midst: Carolyn See makes history CT 36-3 94/10/7
SEELYE, TALCOTT WILLIAMS Soviet-Syrian connection exposed CT20-10 86-12-12
SEKICH, DOMINICK Grad school plans? CT17-7 84-11-2
SEMESTER AT SEA A floating classroom! CT 32-6 92/10/30 8
SEMESTER AT SEA S.E.A. semester - not a cruise ship CT22-4 87-10-09 p9
SEMESTER AT SEA Sailing the Seas CT 39-7 96/11/8 p4
SEMESTER AT SEA Semester at Sea provides an alternative education CT29-5 91-3-1
SEMINAR - NON-VIOLENCE1994 Non-Violence Seminar Schedule CT 35-3 94/2/25
SENIOR ART SHOW Work of Colorado College Studio Art Majors CT29-11 91-5-3 p3
SENIOR ART SHOWS Monstrous murals infiltrate Packard CT24-3 88-10-7 p16
SENIOR ART SHOWS Senior Art shows CT25-3 89-3-3 p15
SENIOR CLASS - 1991 Senior class officers elected CT27-11 90-5-4 p2
SENIOR CLASS AGENTS PROGRAM Senior Class agents work to build sense of community,
CT29-8 91-4-5 p6
SENIOR CLASS ELECTIONS 1990 Senior Class candidates - profiles CT27-7 90-3-30
SENIORS - 1989 CT25-2 89-2-3 p3
SENIORS 1990 Seniors begin fundraising campaign with a dinner CT27-7 90-3-30
SENIORS 1990 Seniors create graduation rites of passage CT27-11 90-5-4 p8
SENIORS 1992 Seniors set new donation record CT 31-11 92/5/8
SEPAROVICH, SHELLY Turtle necks, tights, and cheers (pic) CT20-5 86-10-17
SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AWARDS Members of CC recognized CT27-9 90-4-20 p4
SEWALL, RICHARD B. Posh university professor puts poets in perspective CT25-3
89-3-3 p3
SEWARD, ADRIENNE Film explores gender and sexual relations CT27-5 90-3-2 p6
SEWARD, ADRIENNE Mathias Fireside Chat (pic) CT26-7 89-11-10 p2
SEWARD, ADRIENNE Professor forays into film making CT27-3 90-3-23 p6
SEWARD, ADRIENNE Seward new folklorist (pic) CT14-2 81-9-25
SEWARD, ADRIENNE Seward's varied interests energize classes CT22-6 87-10-30
SEXUAL ASSAULT - CAMPUS Sexual assault on campus CT43-2 93/9/17
SEXUAL HARASSMENT Off-campus women report sexual harassment CT 33-5 93/3/12
SEXUAL HARASSMENT POLICY Harassment policy CT16-15 84-2-17
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY Committee suggests revisions on misconduct policy CT
38-10 96/5/3 p1
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY DRAFT Sexual Misconduct Policy Draft - 1996 CT 39-9
96/12/6 p10-11
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY forum addresses sexual misconduct policy questions
CT 38-7 964/5 p1
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY Letter to Mohrman suggests changes CT 38-5 96/3/8 p1
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT POLICY Sexual misconduct policy under review CT 31-2 92/2/7
SEXUAL MISCONDUCT President Mohrman's letter about sexual misconduct CT 38-7
96/4/5 p7
SH0RT, ROBERT Shove announcement CT14-5 81-10-16
SHAFER, SETH And the Winner is! Senior playwright struts his stuff CT 38-9 96/4/26
SHANKER, TOM Alumnus defines Soviet policy CT24-4 88-10-14 p2
SHAUL, DIANE Divestment support CT22-1 87-09-11 p1
SHAVER, MICHAEL A View from the Top: Conversations with Gresham Riley DE11-1
90-Oct p12
SHAVER, MIKE & DYKES, DIRK Bush: Powered by optimism DE6-2 88-10-31 p7
SHAVER, MIKE George Bush; A record of excellence DE6-2 88-10-31 p14
SHAW, ROBERT'74 Shaw holds discussion on 'rape in the media' in Loomis CT 30-5
SHAW, VAN ...and goodbye to Shaw ... CT16-25 84-5-25
SHAWN, WALLACE Our snack with Wally (pic) CT17-1 84-9-7
SHEA, MIKE The Essence of Yea DE9-3&4 90-5-10 p22
SHEAR, JODY The Dreyfus Affair DE 13-3 91/12
SHEARN, DONALD Minor conflict (pic) CT16-15 84-2-17
SHEF, SAND New Age Mountaineers DE4-4 87-11-12 p22
SHEF, SAND Student Activism DE4-2 87-10-15 p21
SHEFFIELD, CAROL Women's week CT13-13 81-1-16
SHELDON, LIBBY Soccer teams excel (pic) CT18-7 85-11-8
SHEPARD, GEORGE Divestment discussed CT18-4 85-10-11
SHEPARD, HELMI J. Evolution seen through c Christian's Eyes DE6-1 88-10-5 p17
SHERIDAN, HARRIETT W. Brown's dean speaks CT14-3 81-10-2
SHERIDAN, HARRIETT W. Students voice concerns CT14-3 81-10-2
SHERIDAN, JOHN Committee selects new head librarian CT 84-2-24
SHERIDAN, JOHN Keep food in your mouth CT21-1 87-1-16
SHERIDAN, JOHN Tutt Head Librarian John Sheridan spoke CT29-3 91-2-15 p2
SHERMAN, NICHOLAS G. A view from a Greek CT28-7 90-11-9 p9
SHERMAN, RUSSEL Sherman remembered (pic) CT19-7 86-5-14
SHEYNKMAN, EMANUIL & KSEENIA Artists in residence (pic) CT20-3 86-10-3
SHEYNKMAN, EMANUIL & KSEENIA From Russia with love CT20-5 86-10-17
SHIELDS, DANA Dana Shield's art show CT15-11 82-12-17
SHIELDS, TIGGY Director of International Programs CT29-3 91-2-15 p5
SHINN, ROGER Shinn outlines arms proposal CT15-2 82-9-24 1-14
SHOBER, JEFF Profile of a leader (pic) CT17-3 84-9-21
SHORT STORY CONTEST News briefs CT14-20 82-4-16
SHORT, JOSEPH Students defy traditional route CT27-8 90-4-6 p5
SHORTT, ANNA Shortt, Murphree named academic All-Americans CT21-13 87-5-15
SHOUSE, CHARITY Senior of the Week CT 38-10 96/5/3 p14
SHOVE CHAPEL Lenten Season arrives CT27-5 90-3-2 p1
SHOVE COUNCIL Shove Council provides place for spiritually inclined CT 30-5
SHOWALTER, DENNIS Showalter: A view of History (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
SHOWWALTER, DENNIS Paved with good intentions: U.S. intervention in CT 34-5
SHUEFF, SAND Please don't eat the people DE6-3 88-11-23 p17
SIBEKO, ELIZABETH Sibeko cites history of Apartheid Oppression CT21-5 87-2-20
SIBEKO, ELIZABETH Speakers address turmoil in Africa (pic) CT19-6 86-5-7
SIDDOWAY, MIKE Siddoway lectures on poverty CT24-8 88-11-18 p3
SIGMA CHI Sigma Chi sponsors fall charity clothing drive CT28-2 90-9-21 p3
SIGMA XI Honors six CT15-9 82-12-3
SILBER, GLEN Glen Silber speaks his piece (pic) CT15-14 83-1-28
SIMMONS, GEORGE F. Published math text CT13-12 81-1-9
SIMMONS, GEORGE F. The West is the best CT15-5 82-10-22
SIMPSON, ALAN, SENATOR Graduation action planned for CC CT19-14 86-5-23
SIMPSON, ALAN, SENATOR Interview (pic) CT20-1 86-9-12
SIMPSON, ALAN, SENATOR Simpson delivers address despite dispute CT19-14 86-5-23
SIMPSON, ALAN, SENATOR Simpson to give commencement address CT19-2 86-1-24
SIMPSON, ALAN, SENATOR The debate rages on: Simpson rebuts Pena (pic) CT19-12
86-5-9 18-19
SIMPSON-RODINO BILL Fairness in Reform DE2-14 86-11-14
SIMPSON-RODINO IMMIGRATION REFORM Simpson-Rodino Bill Debated CT19-12 86-5-9
SINGER, AARON Killer Art DE6-3 88-11-23 p29
SINNOT, JIM FATHER Father Sinnot Speaks on Chile CT20-4 86-10-10
SITKOVETSKY, DMITRY Sitkovetsky Jams With Pianist CT15-22 83-1-14
SKARMETA, ANTONIO REFERENDUM shows Chilean Dilemma CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
SKATE BOARDING Mysteries of aerodynamics revealed by skate patrol CT 43-21 99-5-7
SKATE BOARDING Skate Patrol brushes up on its history prepares Ct 43-19 99-4-23
SKATE BOARDING Skate Patrol to volunteer at Shove Soup Kitchen CT 43-18 99-4-9
SKATE BOARDING Skate patrol update CT 43-17 99-4-2
SKATE BOARDING Skate Patrol early birds fight for funding, support CT 43-14
SKELTON, BETH Students nominated for Watson Fellowships CT24-6 88-11-4 p3
SKI TEAM CC ski team wraps up a season that surpasses CT 45/14 01-02-23
SKI TEAM Ski Broadmoor closed; ski team on hold CT30-2 91/9/20
SKIERS & SNOWBOARDERS UNION OF CC Snow enthusiasts' make name change in
attempt to CT 43-3 98-10-2 2B
SKIIING Ski Team Surprisingly Successful CT14-14 82-2-12
SKIING Allison Grimm Takes Sports Seriously CT16-14 84-2-10
SKIING CC Skiers Falter CT17-18 85-5-15
SKIING CC Skiers In Nationals CT19-8 86-5-21
SKIING Cougars Out-ski Tigers CT19-1 86-1-7
SKIING Cross-Country Skiing Clinic CT17-16 85-2-25
SKIING Cross-Country Skiing CT18-8 85-11-15
SKIING Dave Terry Sweeps Ski Opener CT17-12 85-1-18
SKIING Future of the ski team raises concern among members CT29-10 91-4-26 p22
SKIING Grossman Competes in Nationals CT21-6 87-3-20
SKIING Grossman Leads Team CT17-14 85-2-8
SKIING Millie Halek CT16-19 84-3-23
SKIING Of Ski Reports and Walkmans CT15-6 82-11-6
SKIING Ski Racers Go Downhill Fast CT16-13 84-1-27
SKIING Ski team deal with Utah CT23-3 88-2-05 p19
SKIING Ski Team Funding Alters CT14-15 82-2-19
SKIING Ski team impressive in Park City CT23-1 88-1-15 p19
SKIING Ski team, New Talent boosts CT22-9 87-12-04 p18
SKIING Skiers compete in Oregon CT27-4 90-2-23 p19
SKIING Skiers Do Utah CT19-3 86-2-7
SKIING Skiers Do Well At Nationals CT16-18 84-3-16
SKIING Skiers Finish Third CT14-16 82-3-12
SKIING Skiers Get A Lift CT16-12 84-1-20
SKIING Skiers Go Up and Down Hill Ct20-5 87-2-20
SKIING Skiers Hurt Nationals Hopes CT15-15 83-2-11
SKIING Skiers Look Toward Regionals CT15-14 83-1-28
SKIING Skiers Second Only To BYU CT17-15 85-2-15
SKIING Skiers Second To BYU CT17-13 85-1-25
SKIING Skiers Soar CT21-1 87-1-16
SKIING Skiers to Hit the Slopes CT20-7 86-11-7
SKIING Skiers wrap up season CT23-8 88-3-18 pS-2
SKIING Skiers, women, fly high, male skiers flounder CT23-2 88-1-22 pS-2
SKIING Slopes, Sun and Celebs, World Cup Hits Vail CT17-17 85-5-8
SKIING Terry All American CT15-18 83-3-11
SKIING Tiger Ski Team pulls together CT27-1 90-1-26 p18
SKIING X-C Skiing at CC CT20-8 86-11-14
SKIING, NORDIC Nordic skiing, anyone? CT29-5 91-3-1 p24
SKORMAN, RICHARD "Boy": Spiritual Combustion CT16-1 83-9-16
SKORMAN, RICHARD Arsonist Ransacks Poor Richard's CT15-1 82-9-17
SKORMAN, RICHARD CC alum makes bid for council CT 43-17 99-4-2 1&4
SKORMAN, RICHARD Poor Dick's Poets CT15-9 82-12-3
SKORMAN, RICHARD Poor Richard's Cinema closes CT26-1 89-9-15 p5
SKORMAN, RICHARD Poor Richard's Reggae Benefit CT15-2 82-9-24
SKORMAN, RICHARD Poor Richard's Reopens CT15-9 82-12-3
SKORMAN, RICHARD Richard's Co-op to Keep Atmosphere CT14-17 82-3-19
SKORMAN, RICHARD Whatever Happened to Richard Skorman CT17-4 84-10-5
SLATER, MARK Grant Funds Survival Study CT17-20 85-4-12
SLAUGHTER, LYNN Lommasson and Slaughter Present Seven Dances CT17-12 85-1-28
SLAUGHTER, LYNN Three Dancers Plus to perform repertory concert CT25-6 89-3-24
SLENKOVICH, NICK Can we live here tomorrow if we elect Bush today? DE6-2 88-10-31
SLOCUM HALL Slocum summer renovations continue CT 39-1 96/9/13 p1
SMALL, FRED Fred Small to Deliver Big Message CT21-4 87-2-12
SMALL, GIANCARLO Student awarded $10,000 scholarship CT24-6 88-11-4 p8
SMITH, BECKY Smith to show film here CT 35-5 94/3/11
SMITH, DIEDRE Hit and Run CT20-5 86-10-17
SMITH, DONNA Non-Traditional Donna Smith, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
SMITH, DONNA Smith Appointed CT16-23 84-5-11
SMITH, DONNA Smith is "Superwoman" CT17-13 85-1-25
SMITH, HEDRICK Pulitzer-Prize winner slated for CC in April CT23-7 88-3-11 p5
SMITH, HENDRICK Works By Smith and Solzhenitsyn DE3-3 87-4-17
SMITH, LEESA Art - Senior Show CT23-13 88-5-13 p8-9
SMITH, MEGAN Back in the U.S.S.R. DE9-2 90-3-6 p11
SMITH, STACEY Stacey Smith does it all... and more! CT 34-5 93/10/15
SMITH, SUSAN Cellist and Pianist CT18-3 85-10-4
SMITH, TED Athlete of the Week CT 36-10 95/5/5 18
SNIDER, GARY Frontlines de4-5 87-12-17 P10
SNOWBOARD CLUB Snowboard club founded, quickly exceeds expectations CT 39-4
96/10/11 p12
SNYDER, AMY Athlete of the Week Amy Snyder, women's soccer CT 36-7 94/11/11
SNYDER, AMY Frosh Amy Snyder is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 32-5 92/10/16 19
SNYDER, HERMAN Twenty Summers Later (Art Exhibit) DE4-2 87-10-15 p20
SNYDER, MITCH Activist Mitch Snyder...campus ...week to Ct27-9 90-4-20 p1
SNYDER, MITCH Snyder crusades against injustice CT27-9 90-4-20 p7
SNYDER, NOEL, DR. Lecture on California Condor Announced CT21-6 87-5-7
SNYDER, NOEL, DR. Snyder - Updating the Plight of the Condor CT21-7 87-5-13
SNYDER, SANDY CC Identity Report CT17-12 85-1-18
SOCCER - HORST RICHARDSON CC soccer coach and team making moving CT27-5 90-3-2
SOCCER - MEN Big furry cats stompin' to a 2-1 beginning CT 30-1 91/9/13 17 144
SOCCER - MEN Division 1 goes down; Tigers beat Zoomies CT 30-8 91/11/15 19 443
SOCCER - MEN Fuel pump all-nighter in Cruces CT 30-5 91/10/18 18 555
SOCCER - MEN Furry felines conquer Durango CT 30-6 91/11/1 18 556
SOCCER - MEN Homecoming for Tigers, homecoming for foes CT 30-4 91/10/11 17
SOCCER - MEN Men's soccer pads record in Texas CT 36-1 94/9/16 18 824
SOCCER - MEN Men's soccer, volleyball, and football wrap up seasons CT 30-7
91/11/8 18 829
SOCCER - MEN NCAA sells Men's soccer short CT 32-7 92/11/6 17 883
SOCCER - MEN Tiger soccer bound for playoffs CT 36-6 94/11/4
SOCCER - MEN Tigers regroup after injuries plague team CT 39-3 96/10/4 p17
SOCCER - MEN Tigers settle score with UCCS CT 36-2 94/9/23
SOCCER - MEN Tigers succeed in overtime bonanza; go 1-1-1 CT 30-2 91/9/20
SOCCER - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Gets a tough break & steals CT 45/3 00-10-06
SOCCER - MEN'S A win to prove that 50 years of powerful CC men's CT 45/5 00-10-20
SOCCER - MEN'S All those soccer memories CT 37-6 95/11/10 p17
SOCCER - MEN'S Bayles and Co. look to RMISL championship CT28-7 90-11-9 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S Bayles leads men's soccer to 3 consecutive shutouts CT 32-2 92/9/18
19 121
SOCCER - MEN'S Block Break takes CC soccer on Com Belt tour CT 37-3 95/10/6
SOCCER - MEN'S CC Men's Tiger Soccer 50th Anniversary CT 45/3 00-10-13
SOCCER - MEN'S CC Soccer shows China slides CT24-8 88-11-18 p3
SOCCER - MEN'S CC vs. Cali CT28-3 90-10-5 p22
SOCCER - MEN'S Coach Richardson leads team to playoffs once again CT 37-6 95/11/3
SOCCER - MEN'S Coming up empty- handed CT 43-3 98-10-2
SOCCER - MEN'S Grueling tryouts, road trips start out 1995 men's CT 37-1 95/9/15
SOCCER - MEN'S Hackfest out West CT26-5 89-10-20 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S I'd rather lose than go to Claremont CT 43-2 93/9/17 17 673
SOCCER - MEN'S Marlan powers CC to victory over Claremont CT 39-2 96/9/20 p18
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's Soccer article cut by "expedient sports editors CT
36-5 94/10/21 18 818
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer collects 25 goals in 3 shutouts CT 32-6 92/10/30
16 819
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's Soccer evens home record with two victories CT28-1 90-9-14
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer extends unbeaten streak to nine CT 32-5 92/10/16
17 820
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer falls 7-3 to Air Force CT24-1 88-9-16 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer hopes to earn trip to NCAA playoffs CT 41-7 97/11/7
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer keeps on rolling: 12 without loss CT28-4 90-10-12
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer kicks CT 34-1 93/9/10 17 821
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer looking forward to promising season. CT 43-2 98-9-18
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's Soccer looks good CT26-1 89-9-15 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer loses 2 games CT45-2 00-09-22
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer makes late season rally CT43/7 98-11-6
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer mauls Messiah CT 32-3 92/10/9 17 822
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer nets two accolades CT 33-2 93/2/12 17 823
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer off to optimistic start CT 39-1 96/9/13 p18
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer splits in Minnesota, triumphs over CT 36-3 94/10
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's Soccer storms through Iowa CT24-3 88-10-7 p21
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's Soccer tops Mines 2-1 CT24-4 88-10-14 p21
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer travels to San Diego fall to defending CT 36-7 94/11/11
19 826
SOCCER - MEN'S Men's soccer wins two, drops to 14th CT 32-3 92/10/2 19 827
SOCCER - MEN'S Metatarsal woes-men's soccer first loss in 14 games CT28-5* 90-10-19
SOCCER - MEN'S NCAA reams men's soccer a second time CT 32-8 92/11/13 17 882
SOCCER - MEN'S No more acid parties for CC men's soccer CT 34-6 93/10/29 19
SOCCER - MEN'S Ohio Wesleyan pushes Tiger Soccer "off a cliff" CT
32-9 92/12/4 17 924
SOCCER - MEN'S On fire! Men's soccer team turns losing records into CT 41-5
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer continues roller-coaster season CT22-6 87-10-30 p18
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer falls out of playoffs CT24-6 88-11-4 p24
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer hands out season awards CT28-11 90-12-14 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer loses a disappointing game and two key players CT 45/4
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer, men's breaks .500 CT22-4 87-10-09 p18
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer, Men's CT22-2 87-09-18 p21
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer: Close but no cigar CT22-7 87-11-6 p18
SOCCER - MEN'S Soccer: DU overpowers Men's Soccer CT22-5 87-10-16
SOCCER - MEN'S Sundborn leads Soccer past New Mexico CT24-5 88-10-21 p21
SOCCER - MEN'S The bump that was- men's soccer at 4-2 CT28-2 90-9-21 p19
SOCCER - MEN'S The words, the rain and the bus CT 34-3 93/10/1
SOCCER - MEN'S Tigers 1-1 after weekend ... Illinois CT 39-4 96/10/11 p21
SOCCER - MEN'S Tigers tear up Southern Colorado CT 36-4 94/10/14
SOCCER - MEN'S Tigers unveil explosive offense to open season CT 32-1 92/9/11
SOCCER - WOMEN Soccer underdogs battle on CT 36-2 94/9/23
SOCCER - WOMEN Sports brief: women get first-round bye CT 30-7 91/11/7
SOCCER - WOMEN Third ranked Tigers undefeated and unstoppable CT 30-1 91/9/13
SOCCER - WOMEN Tigers need a win against UNM CT 36-4 94/10/14
SOCCER - WOMEN Women Cats take three during Homecoming CT 30-4 91/10/11
SOCCER - WOMEN Women kickers back in saddle CT22-4 87-10-09 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN Women take 3-1 record on road CT 30-2 91/9/20
SOCCER - WOMEN Women's soccer continues to dominate CT 30-5 91/10/18
SOCCER - WOMEN Women's soccer faces Stanford in quarterfinals CT 30-8 91/11/15
SOCCER - WOMEN Women's soccer seeking revenge against St. Mary's CT 36-6 94/11/4
SOCCER - WOMEN Women's soccer wraps up another stellar year CT 30-10 91/12/13
SOCCER - WOMEN Young Tiger squad faces challenging season CT 36-1 94/9/16
SOCCER - WOMEN'S & MEN'S A disappointing end & crush their opponents
CT 45/6 00-11-03
SOCCER - WOMEN'S 7th straight win! CT 34-5 93/10/15 19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S A season to build on CT 37-6 95/11/10 p16
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Air Force goes down in flames CT 34-4 93/10/8 17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S As the curtain falls CT 43/7 98-11-6
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Berkeley ousts Woman's Soccer from playoffs Ct24-8 88-11-18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S CC Soccer celebrates Pibulvech's 100th CT26-4 89-10-13 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S CC Kicking for U Mass CT26-7 89-11-10 p21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S CC women's soccer does it again CT27-10 90-4-27 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Individuals noted for achievement CT28-10 90-12-7 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Individuals noted for achievement CT28-10 90-12-7 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers not intimidated by Greens CT 39-3 96/10/4 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers remain undefeated CT 32-2 92/9/18 22 741
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Learning experiences aplenty for CC women CT 37-3 95/10/6 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Pibulvech looks for success on and off field CT26-1 89-9-15
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Rookies and veterans unite to produce two victories CT 32-1
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer gets kicks out East ct26-2 89-9-22 P17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer logs victories against Wyoming & Regis CT 37-4 95/10/20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer Seniors and Coach: Successes Abound CT26-9 89-12-1 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer takes the field looking for wins CT 37-1 95/9/15 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer, Women's, falls in first round CT22-8 87-11-13 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer: Lady Tigers strive for national recognition CT 41-3
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer: Our All-Americans CT23-1 88-1-15 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Soccer: Women's Soccer Undefeated CT22-2 87-09-18 p21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Sports briefs ... CT28-5* 90-10-19 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Sports briefs CT28-3 90-10-5 p22
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Spring Season for women's soccer finishes on high. CT 45/21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Tiger Soccer fall in final CT26-9 89-12-1 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Tiger Soccer Heads for Final Four CT26-8 89-11-17 p21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Tiger women revenge playoff upset with 3-1 OT victory CT24-1
88-9-16 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Tigers hopeful for playoffs CT 39-7 96/11/8 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Tigers on target for playoff berth CT 37-4 95/10/13 p21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women defeat Washington State prepare for N. Carolina CT 37-2
95/9/22 p20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women go 1-1 over weekend CT28-2 90-9-21 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women head to Final Four tourney CT28-8 90-11-16 p21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women head to Wisconsin for quarterfinals CT28-7 90-11-9 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women Kickers enter tourney on down beat CT22-7 87-11-6 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women kickers roundup Texas CT24-2 88-9-23 p20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women Kickers topple opponents CT22-6 87-10-30 p17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women move on despite injuries CT26-6 89-11-3 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women soccer players off to fast start despite stiff CT 43-1
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's club gains tough win CT 32-3 92/10/2
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's club soccer ... CT28-2 90-9-21 p18
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's club soccer posts strong showing in tourney CT 32-2
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer beats top ten Wm & Mary CT 32-3 92/10/2
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer bombs Denver and Cincinnati CT24-4 88-10-14
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer doesn't waste any overtime in CT 43-2 98-9-11
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer evens up record CT 34-3 93/10/1
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Womens' soccer falls victim to Tulsa, rebounds against CT 43-3
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer gets rocked by eastern powers CT 34-2 93/9/17
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer gets three recruits to sign national CT 31-8
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer goes winless in last five games CT 37-6 95/11/3
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer healthy, on the upswing CT 36-5 94/10/21
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer looks for number two against DU CT 36-3 94/10/7
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer notches playoff berth, meets SMU CT28-5 90-11-2
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer on the prowl CT 45/1 00-09-15
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer ready to face initial read test CT 39-2 96/9/20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer rocks the house CT 34-1 93/9/10
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer rolls into playoffs with 15-2 record CT24-6
88-11-4 p23
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer shoots for #1 CT24-7 88-11-11 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer shuts out block break opponents CT24-3 88-10-7
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer steam rolls DU CT45-5 00-10-20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer still dominates, volleyball looks to CT28-1
90-9-14 p20
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer sweeps Virginia CT24-5 88-10-21 p19
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's soccer tops SMU, advances to #10 CT 32-5 92/10/9
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Women's Soccer wins it all in overtime CT 34-6 93/10/29
SOCCER - WOMEN'S Young guns help women's soccer salvage two ties CT 32-5 92/10/16
SOCCER Academic Experience CT16-2 83-9-23
SOCCER America's Number Two Team (W) CT20-9 86-12-5
SOCCER AWESOME (W) CT18-9 85-12-6
SOCCER Bad Weekend (M) CT20-4 86-10-10
SOCCER Ball Kicker's Rackin' Wins CT18-2 85-9-20
SOCCER Booter Blues CT16-4 83-10-14
SOCCER Booters' Bow to Berkeley CT15-5 82-10-22
SOCCER Booters Dump DU CT14-4 81-10-9
SOCCER Booters Finest Hour CT16-8 83-11-18
SOCCER Booters Return From Nationals CT14-9 81-12-4
SOCCER Booters Roll On (W) CT20-4 86-10-10
SOCCER Cadets Win League, But Tigers in Playoffs CT14-17 81-11-6
SOCCER California Tricks and Treats (W) CT20-7 86-11-7
SOCCER CC All-Star Kicker's Selected CT17-20 85-4-12
SOCCER CC Drowns in 10000 Lakes (M) CT20-3 86-10-3
SOCCER CC Ranked 7th After Wins CT14-4 81-10-9
SOCCER CC Soccer = Consistency CT16-10 83-12-9
SOCCER CC Soccer Takes Second Place CT14-2 81-9-25
SOCCER CC Soccer: Women With a Purpose CT16-1 83-9-16
SOCCER CC Standouts Receive Honors (W) CT18-9 85-12-6
SOCCER CC Stay Cut Short CT14-8 81-11-13
SOCCER CC Survives Mud Battle (M) CT20-5 86-10-17
SOCCER CC Takes E-Town Tourney (M) CT20-2 86-9-19
SOCCER CConfidence! CT16-3 83-10-7
SOCCER Coach Paul Optimistic Ct 82-9-24
SOCCER Coming Conflicts CT14-16 81-10-29
SOCCER Females Rule League CT14-5 81-10-16
SOCCER Final Four (W) CT18-9 85-12-6
SOCCER Fundamentals, Optimism, Pibulvech CT16-2 83-9-23
SOCCER Good News For Tiger Soccer (W) CT19-10 86-4-18
SOCCER Horst CT15-11 82-12-17
SOCCER Jack Lifts Tigers CT16-4 83-10-14
SOCCER Kasey Clark & Jess Reyes earn Central Region honors CT 45/11 00-12-15
SOCCER Kickers and Spikers Prepare for Nationals (W) CT20-8 86-11-14
SOCCER Kickers Need Win CT14-17 81-11-6
SOCCER Kickers Win Two (M) CT20-1 86-9-12
SOCCER Lady Kickers in Quarterfinals CT18-8 85-11-15
SOCCER Lady Kickers Roll CT18-5 85-10-18
SOCCER Lady Kickers Take 1 Out of 3 CT18-6 85-11-1
SOCCER Lemvo Calls It Quits CT18-5 85-10-18
SOCCER Lemvo Gets Record CT18-6 85-11-1
SOCCER Look Out, Wheaton! CT16-7 83-11-11
SOCCER Looking Good CT16-3 83-10-7
SOCCER Men Booters Gloomy in Chi Town CT15-7 82-11-12
SOCCER Men Soccer Choke CT18-4 85-10-11
SOCCER Men's Booters Start Fresh CT15-1 82-9-17
SOCCER- MEN'S Nothing but smiles CT 43/5 98-10-16
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-1 84-9-7
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-2 84-9-14
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-3 84-9-21
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-4 84-10-5
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-6 84-10-19
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-7 84-11-2
SOCCER Men's Soccer CT17-8 84-11-16
SOCCER Men's Soccer Earns National Ranking CT15-2 82-9-24
SOCCER Men's Soccer Stays Hot CT15-3 82-10-8
SOCCER Men's Soccer, Looking Good CT18-1 85-9-13
SOCCER National Team Names Grice CT15-24 83-5-13
SOCCER Offense Explodes CT18-4 85-10-11
SOCCER (pics-2) CT14-24 82-5-21
SOCCER Playoff Prowlers CT16-6 83-11-4
SOCCER Poor Refereeing (M) CT18-8 85-11-15
SOCCER Regionals Bound CT16-5 83-10-21
SOCCER Rudge Rues Last Day of CC Booting CT15-8 82-11-19
SOCCER Sagal Named to U.S. Soccer Team CT21-14 87-5-22
SOCCER Shutouts Humble Regis, Avila CT14-5 81-10-16
SOCCER Soccer Awards Given CT19-3 86-2-7
SOCCER Soccer Laurels (W) CT19-4 86-2-14
SOCCER Soccer Men Earn Trip to Regionals CT15-6 82-11-5
SOCCER Soccer News (W) CT19-12 86-5-9
SOCCER Soccer stars go Hollywood CT26-3 89-10-6 p21
SOCCER Soccer team claims 'We are legends in our own minds' CT 34-5 93/10/15
SOCCER Soccer Teams Excel (M and W) CT18-7 85-11-8
SOCCER Soccer: Tiger Booters off to slow start CT22-1 87-09-11 p19
SOCCER Sports Rap (W) CT18-8 85-11-15
SOCCER Sports Rap (W) CT18-8 85-11-15
SOCCER Sports Shorts CT15-1 82-9-17
SOCCER Stanzione Named MVP CT14-13 82-2-5
SOCCER Talented Tiger: Nations Toughest CT20-10 86-12-12
SOCCER The Rise and Fall of a Good Team (M) CT20-6 86-10-31
SOCCER The Streak Continues For Women Kickers CT15-4 82-10-15
SOCCER Thrill of Victory CT16-2 83-9-23
SOCCER Tiger Booters: The Smell of Success CT16-1 83-9-16
SOCCER Tiger Soccer: CC Men Stifle Eastern Booters CT14-3 81-10-2
SOCCER Tiger Women Win in Overtime CT16-5 83-10-21
SOCCER Tigers Back On Track Ct18-5 85-10-18
SOCCER Turtle Necks, Tights and Cheers CT20-5 86-10-17
SOCCER Women Booters Lose Bid For Nationals CT15-6 82-11-5
SOCCER Women Earn Nationals Berth CT14-8 81-11-13
SOCCER Women Get Axed! CT16-6 83-11-4
SOCCER Women Humble Texans CT14-6 81-10-29
SOCCER Women Kickers Lose, Win, Win Again CT15-3 82-10-14
SOCCER Women Perfect CT15-7 82-11-12
SOCCER Women Start Strong CT20-1 86-9-12
SOCCER Women Take League By Storm CT14-3 81-10-2
SOCCER Women's Soccer Coach, Steve Paul, Leaving CC CT15-15 83-2-11
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT15-2 82-9-24
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT15-4 82-10-15
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-1 84-9-7
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-2 84-9-14
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-3 84-9-21
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-4 84-10-5
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-6 84-10-19
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-7 84-11-2
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT17-8 84-11-16
SOCCER Women's Soccer CT18-3 85-10-4
SOCCER Women's Soccer Post Big Win CT18-2 85-9-20
SOCCER- WOMEN'S Soccer takes its show on the road CT 43/5 98-10-16
SOCCER Women's Soccer Team Nationally Ranked CT18-1 85-9-13
SOCCER Women's Soccer, Rick's Rap CT17-8 84-11-16
SOCCER- WOMEN'S Two women soccer players names to D-1 All Region Team CT 37-10
95/12/15 p16
SOCCER -WOMEN'S Women's soccer defeats Texas Team outlasts Longhorns CT 36-7
SOCCER, MEN'S Men's soccer crushes UCCS for 3rd straight victory CT24-2 88-9-23
SOCIAL AWARENESS Homeless Issues Raised During Five-Day Vigil CT 36-11 95/5/12
SOCIETY (spoof) Elegance and Sophistication: The CC Debs CT15-25 83-5-20 13-14
SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM The Society for Creative Anachronism - Happenings
CT 34-4 93/10/8
SOCIOLOGY AND APARTHEID South Africa specialist Michelle Adato to teach CT29-1
91-1-25 p6
SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Diverse faculty and intriguing subject matter draw CT29-9
91-4-19 p10
SOFTBALL - MEN'S St. Olaf stuffs Tigers twice CT43-17 99-4-2
SOFTBALL - WOMEN'S Lady tigers get win CT 38-7 96/4/5 p17
SOFTBALL - WOMEN'S Softball beat down by Bears CT 43-19 99-4-23
SOFTBALL - WOMEN'S Softball stumbles through spring break, doubleheader CT 43-15
SOFTBALL - WOMEN'S Women's softball: New to CC sports CT38-1 96/2/2 p17
SOFTBALL Club softball begins CT 35-7 94/4/1 17 345
SOFTBALL Kappa Sigs Wish They Could Win CT19-10 86-4-18
SOFTBALL Softball team gets win to finish off hard season CT 42-20 98-5-1
SOFTBALL Softballers are off to new start CT 42-14 98-2-27
SOFTBALL Tales of the diamonds: Softball CT27-7 90-3-30 p17
SOLIS, WILLY JR. Costa Rican Talk CT17-7 84-11-2
SOLO, KIRK Kirk Solo leads CC basketball to great heights CT 30-8 91/11/15
SOLOMAN AMENDMENT Faculty Responds CT15-22 83-4-22
SOLOMON, DAVID Jr. Dave Solomon is CC's Athlete of the Week CT 31-11 92/5/8
18 709
SOLZHENITSYN, ALEKSANDR Works by Smith and Solzhenitsyn DE3-3 87-4-17
SONDERMANN, FRED A. Symposium Attracts Well-Known Speakers CT16-19 84-5-23
SONI VENTORUM WIND QUARTET Wind Quartet to Perform CT17-15 85-2-15
SONNEGA, BILL "Welcome to the Line" CT21-4 87-2-13
SORIERO, JULIE Soriero hoping to turn things around CT 44-9 99/12/3
SORNBERGER, JUDITH Poetry Reading Tonight CT19-7 86-5-14
SORORITIES - DELTA GAMMA D.G.s Never for Sale CT23-12 88-5-6 p11
SORORITIES - GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta members exercise their community
ethic CT27-4 90-2-23 p7
SORORITIES - GAMMA PHI BETA Lip Sync returns CT26-1 89-9-15 p6
SORORITIES - GAMMA PHI We be gammin' CT22-8 87-11-13 p9
SORORITIES - KAPPA ALPHA THETA Ice Cream benefits CASA CT27-11 90-5-4 p2
SORORITIES - KAPPA ALPHA THETA Kappa Alpha Theta celebrates 126-year history
CT 38-1 96/2/2 p15
SORORITIES - KAPPA ALPHA THETA Thetas choose CASA for new charity CT27-9 90-4-20
SORORITIES - KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA Kappa Kabaret CT14-14 82-2-12
SORORITIES - PANHELLENIC Panhellenic president recognized for her many CT27-11
90-5-4 p3
SORORITIES - RUSH WEEK Rush weekend fun brings women together CT 43-3 98-10-2
SORORITIES Happy Anniversary CT15-6 82-11-5
SORORITIES It's All Greek to Us CT20-5 86-10-17
SORORITIES Rush "Successful" CT17-8 84-11-16
SORORITIES Rush Slated CT14-2 81-9-25
SORORITIES Security tightened at pledge formal Ct27-4 90-2-23 p4
SORORITIES Sororities active with philanthropy CT 44-15 00/3/3
SORORITIES Sororities are Preparing for Rush CT15-5 82-10-22
SORORITIES Sororities CT15-8 82-11-19
SORORITIES Sororities Round Up CT15-6 82-11-5
SORORITIES Sorority Gifts CT15-9 82-12-3
SORORITIES Sorority Pledge Initiation CT15-13 83-1-21
SORORITIES Sorority Rush '84: Sisterhood Questions CT17-7 84-11-2
SORORITIES Sorority Rush on Horizon CT18-5 85-10-18
SORORITIES Sorority rush stimulates smiles CT22-6 87-10-30 p6
SORORITIES Sorority rush: more than just a selection process CT 32-6 92/10/30
SORORITIES Talent Show CT15-1 82-9-17
SORORITIES To Join or Not To? CT17-6 84-10-19
SORORITY - DELTA GAMMA Delta Gamma alumnae awarded by gallery CT 37-4 95/10/20
SORORITY - GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta closes chapter in CC history CT 37-8
95/11/17 p3
SORORITY - KAPPA ALPHA THETA CC theta women race for a cure CT 43-2 98-9-18
SOUDAKOFF, MARIANNA From Russia with Love CT20-2 86-9-19
SOUP KITCHEN - CC The CC soup kitchen: turning work & scraps into food CT
43-17 99-4-2
SOUP KITCHEN Soup Kitchen receives grant CT 34-2 93/9/17
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID A Statement on Apartheid CT23-8 88-3-18 P12
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID Apartheid concern, The inconsistency of the CT23-5
88-2-19 p12
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID CCCAA Demands Audience CT26-7 89-11-10 p13
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID CCCAA member discusses student apathy CT24-8 88-11-18
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID Civil demonstration at Colorado College: Apartheid
DE6-3 88-11-23 p20
SOUTH AFRICA - APARTHEID South Africa still an issue CT23-3 88-2-05 p13
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Accusations of racism fly over divestment CT28-10
90-12-7 p1
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT and comments on Board's Divestment Policy CT24-8 88-11-18
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Battle Bigots not Board CT24-1 88-9-16 p11
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Board decides not to divest CT24-1 88-9-16 p2
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT CCCAA - final attempts to sway Board of Trustees into
CT23-7 88-3-11 p1
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Diversity Discussed CT26-6 89-11-3 p2
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment issue lingers on CT25-4 89-2-24 p3
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment debate, Panelists go at it in CT22-9 87-12-04
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment from an African perspective CT23-6 88-3-04
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment movement, ANC representative encourages
CT22-7 87-11-6 p4
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment Rally CT23-5 88-2-19 p1
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment- Student protesters force Board of Trustees
CT23-8 88-3-18 p1
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Divestment, Faculty again vote for ST23-5 88-3-04
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Oppose Divestment CT26-7 89-11-10 p10
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Selective divestment issues resurface CT27-9 90-4-20
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Oppose Divestment CT26-8 89-11-17 p11
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Students call for Divestment CT26-7 89-11-10 p1
SOUTH AFRICA - DIVESTMENT Students make their voices heard CT23-8 88-3-18 p10-11
SOUTH AFRICA A Personal Perspective DE1-2 86-1-24
SOUTH AFRICA RELATIONS Professor speaks on South African relations CT24-6 88-11-4
SOUTH AFRICA South Africa examined from within CT22-5 87-10-16 p8
SOUTH AFRICA South Africa Week CT26-6 89-11-3 p2
SOUTH AFRICA The Wrong Solution DE2-14 87-5-22
SOUTH AMERICA What's Up in Guatemala DE2-1 86-9-19
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Film to Feature Tiger Football Star CT15-3 82-10-8
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Southall and Co. Head for Big Time CT17-23 85-5-10
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Southall Qualifies for Nationals CT16-21 84-4-20
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Southall Sparks Spikers CT14-20 82-4-16
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Southall Suffers CT16-23 84-5-11
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Southall's Incredible CT15-17 83-2-25
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Sport God CT15-6 82-11-5
SOUTHALL, TOMMY Tom Southall Goes in the Endzone against Washington U. CT17-5
SOUTHERN AFRICA EDUCATION COMMITTEE 87-88: The Year of Southern Africa - Committee
Formed CT21-9 87-4-10
SOUTHERN AFRICA EDUCATION COMMITTEE Panel Discussion on Divestment CT21-11 87-4-24
SOUTHERN AFRICA EDUCATION COMMITTEE Panel Discussion on South Africa CT21-12
87-5-8 1,
SOUTHERN AFRICA EDUCATION COMMITTEE Taylor Discusses S. African Divestment CT21-12
SOUTHWEST STUDIES - ART ...until death do us art CT24-3 88-10-7 p15
SOUTHWEST STUDIES CC "diggers" to show finds CT25-8 89-4-7 p17
SPANISH HOUSE (MULLETT HOUSE) Spanish House host consulates CT 32-2 92/9/18
SPANISH HOUSE Spanish House celebrates 35th anniversary CT 42-19 98-4-24
SPEAR, F. An enemy of the people DE4-1 87-9-17 p13
SPECIAL OLYMPICS Special volunteers needed CT29-2 91-2-1 p22
SPENCER, WILLIAM T. Board of Trustees elects Spencer as Chairman CT16-17 84-5-9
SPESIA, CHRIS Chris Spesia: A big time guy with a dream CT25-1 89-1-27 p23
SPORTS - DARTS Darts Miss Trophy CT15-24 85-3-13
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Colorado College Intramural Winter Sports Standings CT15-19
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Fijis Win IM Hoops CT21-6 87-3-20
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Fun in the Sun with Intramurals CT15-5 82-10-22
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Groids and Fijis take IM Crowns CT18-6 85-11-1
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Hockey: They are Great CT17-18 85-5-15
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM athletics, Excitement awaits CT22-1 87-09-11 p19
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM Game of the Week CT18-2 85-9-20
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM Game of the Week CT18-3 85-10-4
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM Game of the Week CT18-4 85-10-11
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM Playoffs CT15-26 83-5-27
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS IM Sports CT17-12 85-12-18
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Action CT17-4 83-10-5
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Basketball CT17-19 85-5-22
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Hockey B+-League Cup CT15-11 82-12-17
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Roll CT14-8 81-11-13
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Rundown CT14-11 82-1-15
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Rundown CT14-12 82-1-22
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Soccer News CT18-6 85-11-1
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Sports CT17-6 84-10-19
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Sports Winter 1984-1985 CT17-14 85-2-8
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramural Wrap-Up CT19-12 86-5-9
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramurals CT17-10 84-12-7
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramurals CT17-11 84-12-14
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramurals CT17-7 84-11-2
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramurals Get Underway CT16-5 83-10-21
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Intramurals: Not Just a Game CT15-26 83-5-27
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Sports CT17-25 85-5-24
SPORTS - INTRAMURALS Spring Intramurals CT15-19 83-3-18
SPORTS - TRIATHLON Triathletes do it Better CT18-2 85-9-20
SPORTS CC Sports in Review CT16-25 84-5-25 11-13
SPORTS CC Sports Through the Years CT16-25 84-5-25
SPORTS Dean's Cup Results CT19-14 86-5-23
SPORTS News and Sports DE3-2 87-5-20
SPORTS Senior Sport Stars CT17-25 85-5-24
SPORTS Those Championship Blahs DE3-1 87-2-13
SPRAGUE, MARSHALL Local Historian Observes All CT14-13 82-2-5
SPRAGUE, MARSHALL The Broadmoor "A" CT15-5 82-10-22
SPRING BREAK - BREAK OUT Breaking out for spring break CT 42-16 98-3-27 2B
SPRING BREAK - VOLUNTEERS Spring Break offers rewards CT27-3 90-3-23 p8
SPRING BREAK Spring Break poses physical challenge CT25-4 89-2-24 p10
SPRING FLING MUSIC CONCERT1992 Spring fling rocks CC CT 31-8 92/4/10
SPRING FORMAL - BROADMOOR Disappointed CCCA cancels highly anticipated spring
CT 45/17 01-03-30
SPRING FREE FESTIVAL Campus comes clean with weekend of sobriety CT 42-15 98-3-6
SPRING FREE Hundreds go substance-free for Spring Free festival CT 40-7 97/4/4
SPRING FREE Spring Free this weekend CT 44-18 00/4/7
SPRING FREE Spring Free to offer substance-free fun CT 40-6 97/3/28
SPRINGER, SHERRIE "New Faces" Join the Ranks of CC CT14-2 81-9-25
SQUASH Announcement CT14-3 81-10-2
SQUASH Another Tournament CT15-6 82-11-5
SQUASH Champion Squash CT19-9 86-4-11
SQUASH Club Squash CT17-15 85-2-15
SQUASH Squash Delight CT19-1 86-1-17
SQUASH Squash Splits CT19-3 86-2-7
SQUASH Squash Team Wins Tourney CT14-15 82-2-19
SQUASH Squash the game, not the vegetable: The indoor court CT 30-8 91/11/15
SQUASH Squashers Finish Tough CT14-20 82-4-16
SQUASH Squashers Smack Zoomies CT15-8 82-11-19
SQUASH Tigers Squash Zoomies CT19-5 86-2-21
ST. JOHN, JEFFRY St. John discusses KAL 007 (pic) CT17-12 85-1-18
ST. SCHOLASTICA BAROQUE TRIO Baroque Trio (pic) CT15-8 82-11-19
STABLER, BILL Colorado College's Lacrosse Doctor CT15-23 83-4-29
STACY, ERIC Groids and Fijis Take IM Crowns CT18-6 85-11-1
STAFF - ADMINISTRATIVE Selection process underway for administrative CT29-3
91-2-15 p5
STAFF-VALDEZ, ADAM JR. Valdez, Physical Plant Employee, Killed After Being CT
36-8 95/4/14
STAHLBERG, LARRY Hub Radio Ban Sparks Protest CT20-8 86-11-14
STAMBAUGH, VAL Art - Senior Show CT23-12 88-5-6 p8-9
STATUE - CHARLES LEAMING TUTT CC unveils Tutt memorial CT 32-1 92/9/11
STATUE - CHARLES LEAMING TUTT Charles Leaming Tutt's laurels displayed!!! CT
32-1 92/9/11 16 327
STEEL, BILL Bill's "Evening with Friends" CT16-19 84-5-23
STEGALL, LISA Senior Lisa Stegall shows work in Armstrong CT25-6 89-3-24 p15
STEIN, STEVE DR. Latin Exchange Program Pushed CT17-21 85-4-19
STEINBERG, LlANA Senior Spotlight: Llana Steinberg provides leadership CT26-4
89-10-13 p7
STEINEM, GLORIA Steinem Speaks CT16-3 83-10-7
STEINER, STAN Lecture CT13-9 81-2-20
STEPHENS, SCOTT From Dishroom to Boardroom CT19-9 86-4-11
STEVENS, SARAH Static, Bold Energy CT21-12 87-5-8
STEVENSON, BOB Stevenson Reflects CT15-17 83-2-25
STIFF, MEG X-country captains commit to sports, academics CT28-5 90-11-2 p8
STIMELING, KURT Stimeling leaving at semester CT 45/9 00-12-01
STOCKDALE, TAYLOR CCCA President, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
STOCKTON'S WING Audience is too Sleepy CT16-19 84-5-23
STOCKTON'S WING Holiday Music CT16-17 84-5-9
STOKES, LOUIS Martin Luther King Honored CT17-12 85-1-18
STOKES, LOUIS Stokes Speaks to Press CT17-12 85-1-18
STOLL, ALEX "Stoll and Crew" Create Quality CT16-22 84-4-27
STOLL, ALEX Stoll's Excellence Produces Leviathan CT16-25 84-5-25
STOLLER, MARIANNE Head of CC's Anthropology Department CT29-11 91-5-3 p9
STOLLER, MARIANNE L. CC Professors Honored in Their Fields CT14-9 81-12-4
STOLLER, MARIANNE L. How to correct Columbus CT24-1 88-9-16 p8
STONE, JOAN A Poet Speaks ... CT19-3 86-2-7
STONE, JOAN London Summer Institute CT21-2 87-1-23
STONE, LAURIE Cycling across America to combat World Hunger CT22-2 87-09-18
STOPPARD, TOM A play on words Ct24-6 88-11-4 p20
STOREY, RICHARD Dick has "Storeys" to tell as the new Dean CT 43/9
STOREY, RICHARD Storey Receives Grant, Jojoba Research to Continue CT14-19 82-4-9
STORY, BILL Story Blasts Republicans CT20-5 86-10-17
STOTZ, NANCY C. Quetzel Inspiration CT17-25 85-5-24
STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE - SDI An Economic Opposition S.D.I. DE1-3 86-3-7
STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE - SDI SDI: A Historic Perspective DE1-3 86-3-7
STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE - SDI The Government Responds DE1-3 86-3-7 4-5
STRATEGIC PLANNING - COLORADO COLLEGE Committees galore debate college's future
CT 33-4 93/3/5
STRATEGIC PLANNING - COLORADO COLLEGE Strategic Planning report given: Mohrman
CT 35-5 94/3/11
STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Planning report given CT 34-9 93/12/3
STRATEGIC PLANNING Students urged to fill out surveys CT 31-8 92/4/10
STRATEGIC PLANNING Students, administrators to discuss Strategic Planning CT
33-7 93/4/9
STRAUS, AMANDA Power Can Be Gained Through Nonviolence DE 16-3 93/5 21 960
STRESS Bugged? CT 82-9-24
STRESS FOR SUCCESS Stress for success lecture CT28-3 90-10-5 p4
STRESS Insanity Rampant CT14-7 81-11-6
STRESS Stress Management Stressed: Adopt a Positive Outlook CT14-12 82-1-22
STRONG, MAURICE Environmental issues addressed in economic terms CT23-1 88-1-15
STRONG, MAURICE Environmentalist Eyes Future CT16-6 83-11-4
STRONG, MAURICE Owner of BACA complex makes CC classroom debut CT23-3 88-2-05
STRONG, POLLY Strong Speaks on "American Imagination" CT19-1 86-1-17
STRUNK, STEVE Photo Ct24-9 88-12-2 p22
STRUTHERS, VALERIE Senior Valerie Struthers on VAT, Urban Studies CT 34-8 93/11/12
STUDENT - ACTIVISM Student activism needs boost CT25-1 89-1-27 p4
STUDENT - ACTIVITIES - MOUNTAIN Mountain biking; not just transportation, but
CT31-5 92/3/6
STUDENT - ACTIVITIES - PROTEST Three CC first-years accused of vandalism CT
33-5 93/3/12
STUDENT - ACTIVITIES Students: Other world, other ways CT23-1 88-1-15 p6
STUDENT - ALUMNI ASSOCIATION All Campus Talent Show This Weekend CT21-6 87-3-20
STUDENT - ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Annual Fund Asks CT15-20 83-3-25
STUDENT - ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Get Involved CT15-1 82-9-17
STUDENT - ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Variety Show Back CT17-21 85-4-19
STUDENT - AMBASSADORS Short, Volker selected as CC Ambassadors CT 35-11 94/5/13
STUDENT - BREAK OUT Students "Break Out" in Juarez CT 33-8 93/4/16
STUDENT - CONTESTS Two Trips up for Grabs in National Contests CT18-4 85-10-11
STUDENT - DATING Dating practices change with the times CT27-3 90-2-16 p7
STUDENT - EMPLOYMENT '85 Graduates Thrive in Colorado Springs CT19-14 86-5-23
STUDENT - EMPLOYMENT CC vs the 'Real World' CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENT - EMPLOYMENT No Jobs for CC Students CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENT - EMPLOYMENT Rough Times for Graduates CT18-1 85-9-13
STUDENT - EMPLOYMENT There is Hope, Nancy Nish CT16-15 84-2-17
STUDENT - EXCHANGE British Studies CT15-7 82-11-12
STUDENT - EXCHANGE Diversity and Unity CT17-11 84-12-14
STUDENT - GOVERNMENT Class of '99 election candidates CT 37-1 95/9/15 p17
STUDENT - HEALTH INSURANCE Amendment Complicates Abortion CT17-14 85-2-8
STUDENT - HEALTH INSURANCE New and Innovative Health Insurance Proposed CT15-9
STUDENT - HEALTH Reynolds concerned about V.D. CT 40-2 97/2/7
STUDENT - ID You Need and ID CT18-1 85-9-13
STUDENT - NON-TRADITIONAL Donna Smith Non-traditional, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
STUDENT - NON-TRADITIONAL Re-entry Griped CT16-15 84-2-17
STUDENT - NON-TRADITIONAL Re-entry Issues Addressed CT16-13 84-1-27
STUDENT - NON-TRADITIONAL Re-entry Poses Difficulties CT16-8 83-11-18
STUDENT - NON-TRADITIONAL Smith is "Superwoman" CT17-13 85-1-25
STUDENT - OFF CAMPUS STUDY Feminism class travels to Beijing CT 37-1 95/9/15
STUDENT - OPPORTUNITIES ABROAD Peace Corps, Fellowship, Non-Profit, Green Corp,
Oslo CT 35-1 94/2/4 2-
STUDENT - ORGANIZATIONS - ART New group provides forum for student artists CT
36-8 94/11/18 10 894
88-2-05 p3
STUDENT - ORGANIZATIONS - CIRCLE K Circle K moves Worner Center to Vegas CT23-6
88-3-04 p5
STUDENT - ORGANIZATIONS - FEMINIST Feminist Collective sponsoring filmfest CT23-1
88-1-15 p6
STUDENT - ORGANIZATIONS - FEMINIST We are not anti-greek! CT23-2 88-1-22 p12
STUDENT - ORGANIZATIONS - ISO ISO introduces CC to other cultures, ideas CT
36-6 94/11/4 10 690
STUDENT - ORIENTATION Begin at the Beginning CT16-1 83-9-16
STUDENT - PROSPECTIVE STUDENT WEEKEND Prospectives' Weekend CT19-8 86-5-21
STUDENT - SUMMER ACTIVITIES Three student canoe like mad ... CT 37-2 95/9/22
STUDENT - SUMMER-STARTS Summer returns to CC CT27-1 90-1-26 p7
STUDENT - SUSPENSION College suspends student for drug dealing CT 30-6 91/11/1
STUDENT - VIOLENCE Student Suspended for "Threatening Physical Harm"
CT19-2 86-1-24
STUDENT - VIOLENCE Violence Erupts at CC CT18-10 85-12-13
STUDENT - VOLUNTEER FAIR Make Ronnie Proud CT20-1 86-9-12
STUDENT (CAMPUS) ORGANIZATIONS Campus organizations encourage diversity CT28-2
90-9-21 p7
STUDENT ACTIVISM Protesting in the '80s Style CT19-6 86-5-7
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - ELECTIONS New Senior Class Officers CT14-22 82-5-7
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - ELECTIONS Senior Class Election CT15-23 83-4-29
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - ELECTIONS Senior President Elections; Vote April 26, 27
CT14-21 82-4-23
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - SENIOR FLY DAY ... And What About Fly Day? CT19-7 86-5-14
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - SENIOR FLY DAY Fly Day Takes Wings CT14-22 82-5-7
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - SENIOR FLY DAY Friday the Fly Day Again CT15-24 83-5-13
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - SENIOR FLY DAY Wild Spring Days Fly Day Moments CT17-25
STUDENT ACTIVITIES - WINTER FORMAL Winter formal disrupted by belligerent drunk
CT 31-3 92/2/21
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Big Party Man CT15-4 82-10-15
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Care for the Disabled CT18-1 85-1-18
STUDENT ACTIVITIES CC Students Are Up Against a Wall CT14-15 82-3-5
STUDENT ACTIVITIES CENTER $17,000 allocated for parties, midnight movies CT
44-12 00/2/4
STUDENT ACTIVITIES MECHA Addresses Culture, Gender CT 36-6 95/3/31 13 798
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Rock Bands Spring at Good Ole CC CT14-22 82-5-7
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Ultimate Psyche CT14-15 82-3-5
STUDENT ACTIVITIES Wild Pizza CT18-1 85-9-13
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-CHESS CLUB Chess Club Enjoys Rich History, Many Successes
CT 36-10 95/5/5 10 330
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-CLASS OFFICERS Class Officer Election Scheduled for May 2
CT 36-9 95/4/28
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-DANCE "Who Needs Oxygen" When You Can Dance? CT
36-8 95/4/14 13
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-DANCE Steel Magnolias' Friendships Transcend Race CT 36-3
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-DANCE Upcoming Drama Events Seek Student Involvement CT 36-5
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER "A night in Africa" enthralls audience
CT 33-10 93/5/7 1
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER All the Gold You Want for Less Than 25 Cents CT 36-7
95/4/7 13
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Brush Up on Your German With the Trial CT 36-5 95/3/10
13 176
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Four Women Create Themselves on Tape CT 36-9 95/4/28
13 544
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Horrors This Weekend at CC CT 36-5 95/3/10 13 666
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Improv Groups Rise Out of Ashes of Twig CT 36-6 95/3/31
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER The Trial Not Just For the German Speaking CT 36-3
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Valdez is more (or less) than the Brady's CT 36-9
STUDENT ACTIVITIES-THEATER Women on Top Not For the Faint of Heart CT 36-11
STUDENT ADVISORY PROGRAM Advisors ease worries CT28-1 90-9-14 p9
STUDENT AID - FEDERAL Federal student aid under ascrutiny in U.S. Senate CT
37-2 95/9/22 p4
STUDENT AID "Draft" Registration Now a Must for Student Aid CT15-7
STUDENT AID Administrations Opposed to Funding Cuts CT14-19 82-4-9
STUDENT AID Benefits Changed CT15-25 83-5-20
STUDENT AID Big Cuts in Student Aid CT17-15 85-2-15
STUDENT AID Campus Work Program Revised CT15-14 83-1-28
STUDENT AID Eye on Armstrong CT17-15 85-2-15
STUDENT AID Faculty Responds CT15-22 83-4-22
STUDENT AID Federal Loan Changes CT21-5 87-2-20
STUDENT AID Financial Aid CT17-13 85-1-25
STUDENT AID Financial Aid Faces Cuts CT19-6 86-5-7
STUDENT AID Financial Aid Issues Discussed CT16-18 84-3-16
STUDENT AID Loan Cuts Increase Homogeneity CT14-15 82-2-19
STUDENT AID Loan Program Slashes Endanger Students CT14-14 82-2-12
STUDENT AID Reagan School Aid Cuts Called Un-American CT 82-9-24
STUDENT AID Reagan Slashes Budget CT13-17 81-2-20
STUDENT AID Revamping Financial Aid CT16-1 83-9-16
STUDENT AID Some Funds Remain; Merit-Based Scholarships Disputed CT17-7 84-11-2
STUDENT AID Student Aid Swapped for Military Growth CT14-15 82-3-5
STUDENT AID Students Unaware of Financial Resources CT16-24 84-5-18
STUDENT AID The Brass Tacks CT16-15 84-2-17
STUDENT AID Trustees OK $27,730,000 Budget CT17-18 85-5-15
STUDENT AID what is the Commitment? CT16-24 84-5-18
STUDENT AID What's the Money Story CT16-6 83-11-4 9-10
STUDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Student Alumni Association conference begins CT27-4
90-2-23 p2
STUDENT AMBASSADOR PROGRAM Student Ambassador Program CT18-4 85-10-11
STUDENT APATHY Opinions Ct24-9 88-12-2 p12-13
STUDENT ASSOC. OF MODERN ART Student artists utilize space to create new CT
43-3 98-10-2 5B
STUDENT CENTER - BENNY'S BASEMENT Benny's Basement: Inquiry = Closure CT16-8
STUDENT CENTER - BENNY'S BASEMENT Benny's Busted CT16-7 83-11-11
STUDENT CENTER - BENNY'S BASEMENT Benny's Hot and Rockin' CT16-4 83-10-14
STUDENT CENTER - BENNY'S BASEMENT Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and
Beer ... CT19-1 86-1-17 6,
STUDENT CONDUCT COMMITTEE Suspension of student, President OK's CT23-7 88-3-11
STUDENT CURRICULUM REVIEW COMMITTEE Committee to Review Academics CT14-5 81-10-16
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Dialing for Dollars CT21-3 87-2-6
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DIALogue Raises $117,575 CT17-17 85-5-8
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DIALogue: Dialing for Dollars CT19-3 86-2-7
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Logo Selection Kicks off DIALogue Campaign CT14-12
STUDENT DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE SDC forms role on campus CT 43-5 93/10/15
STUDENT DIVERSITY Opinions CT24-7 88-11-11 p12-13
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT Benjamin's employees fail to see raises CT27-9 90-4-20
STUDENT FINANCE COMMITTEE New Student Finance Committee to be elected CT 45/1
STUDENT FOOD SERVICE COMMITTEE Food Service Committee Wants Your Input CT15-4
STUDENT GOVERMENT ELECTION '89 Student Government election '89 CT26-9 89-12-1
STUDENT GOVERNMENT New look for student government CT 39-1 96/9/13 p8
STUDENT HARASSMENT Two CC Students Harassed CT16-22 84-4-27
STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD Draining Our Veins CT16-4 83-10-14
STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD Health: Michael Green Needs Your Blood CT16-20
STUDENT ID Gold Card Image questioned CT22-2 87-09-18 p15
STUDENT LIFE - MINORITY Minority Student Life active, varied at CC CT 36-6 94/11/4
STUDENT LIFE - phone service Broad discontent with campus phone service CT 44-9
STUDENT LIFE - SHOVE COUNCIL Shove Council fosters diversity, learning, CT 36-8
STUDENT LIFE Colorado College Couch Potato CT23-10 88-4-15 p13
STUDENT LIFE Depression ... & Students soaked by 'run-away' CT 36-2 94/9/23
STUDENT LIFE How much do you party? CT25-1 89-1-27 p15
STUDENT LIFE Is life tough at CC? CT23-14 88-5-20 p2
STUDENT LIFE Slocum resident victim of sexual assault CT 37-8 95/11/17 p1
STUDENT LIFE The inevitability of cliques CT23-14 88-5-20 p10
STUDENT LIFE Youth Suicide Prevention CT26-11 89-12-15 p2
STUDENT NEEDS Liberal-artsy events divert funds from students' real CT25-3 89-3-3
STUDENT- OFF CAMPUS RESIDENTS Neighbors of "828" threaten legal action
against CT 43/14 99-2-.26
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS - IVCF IVCF more than Bible study CT24-2 88-9-23 p4
STUDENT POLITICAL UNION Student Political Union sponsors debate over CT 38-10
96/5/3 p12
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Keep the Light On CT14-19 82-4-9
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS News Briefs: Cutler Board Elections Upcoming CT14-19 82-4-9
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Taking Chances, Publications Find a Difficult Role CT14-17
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Underground News CT16-5 83-10-21
STUDENT RESEARCH Jojoba, CC Researches Applications for a Renewable ... CT 82-9-24
STUDENT RESEARCH Thesis Presents Final Challenge CT14-15 82-3-5
STUDENT/ALUMNI ASSOCIATION S/AA plans weekend of fun filled events CT28-3 90-10-5
STUDENTS - ACCIDENTS CC student falls from McGregor's fourth floor CT 32-8 92/11/13
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES - ROCK CLIMBING Crazed students go vertical CT 31-5 92/3/6
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES CC students arrested CT 32-3 92/10/2
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES CC students help make a home for homeless CT29-3 91-2-15
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES From Dungeons & Dragons to jam sessions, students
... CT29-4 91-2-22 p12
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES Peaking in Alaska: Frost cover Denali CT 32-2 92/9/18
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES Spring brings new activities to college life CT29-6 91-3-22
STUDENTS - ACTIVITIES Students pitch in to make the holidays happen CT 41/9
STUDENTS - ADMISSIONS Admissions process underway at CC CT27-5 90-3-2 p3
STUDENTS - ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAK Alternative spring breakers build a basketball
court CT29-6 29-3-22 p7
STUDENTS - ALTERNATIVE SPRING BREAKS Spring breakers trade bathing suits and
beers for CT 33-8 93/4/16
STUDENTS - AMENDMENT 2 Students agree to restitution on Focus spray-painting
CT 33-10 93/5/7
STUDENTS - ANTI-WAR PROTESTORS War protestors march to military recruiting center
CT29-4 91-2-22 p1
STUDENTS - APATHY 1994 Air of apathy pervades attitudes on CC campus CT 36-10
94/12/9 9
STUDENTS - APATHY Apathy plagues campus CT 37-6 95/11/10 p7
STUDENTS - APPLICATIONS 1992 Number of CC applicants jumps CT 31-10 92/5/1
STUDENTS - BEMIS HALL COUNCIL Bemis Hall Council begs to differ CT 37-3 95/10/6
STUDENTS - BI-GAY-LESBIAN CC's bi-gay-lesbian students march on nation's capital
CT 33-9 93/4/30
STUDENTS - BLOCK BREAK ACTIVITIES Ballsy skiing, hammered skating and moose:
block break CT 31-3 92/2/21
STUDENTS - BLOCK BREAK Block break trips bring adventure and memories CT 41-3
STUDENT'S - BLOCK BREAK Student's jaw broken in off campus brawl CT23-5 88-3-04
STUDENTS - BODY IMAGE SUPPORT GROUP Network re-images women's perceptions CT27-10
90-4-27 p5
STUDENTS - BORN IN AFRICA Four CC women "Out of Africa" Juter, Matshe,
CT 31-8 92/11/13
STUDENTS - BREAK OUT CC students find culture and fun in Louisiana CT 33-7 93/4/9
STUDENTS - BREAKOUT Breakout plans expansion CT 33-10 93/5/7
STUDENTS - BREAKOUT TRIPS Going to California CT 40-6 97/3/28
STUDENTS - BREAKOUT (BLOCK BREAKS) BreakOut organizes community service projects
CT 33-3 93/2/26
STUDENTS - BUNGEE JUMPING Students experience rush of bungee jumping CT 30-9
STUDENTS - CAREERS Difficult choices for women after graduation CT 30-5 91/10/18
STUDENTS - CHEERLEADERS Unexpected group rallies spirit CT27-1 90-1-26 p5
STUDENTS - CHEERLEADING Next year's varsity cheerleading team formed CT27-10
90-4-27 p3
STUDENTS - CHILDHOOD The Disparaging Eye DE8-1 89-9
STUDENTS - CLASS ELECTIONS 1993 Guide to Candidates CT 33-7 93/4/9
STUDENTS - CLASS ELECTIONS Colorado College Class Elections CT29-7 91-3-29 p18
STUDENTS - CLASS ELECTIONS First ever class elections to be held CT29-5 91-3-1
STUDENTS - CLASS OF 1994 The year of the woman" extends to class elections
CT 33-9 93/4/30
STUDENTS - CLASS OF 2000 Class of 2000 faces graduation decisions CT 42-20 98-5-1
STUDENTS - CLASS OF '98 Class of '98 bursts onto campus CT 36-1 94/9/16
STUDENTS - CLASS OFFICER ELECTIONS Candidates vie to lead the class of '90 CT25-7
89-3-31 p3
STUDENTS - CLASS OFFICERS '89 Class Officers ripe for pickin' CT23-10 88-4-15
STUDENTS - CLASS OFFICERS Class officer candidates CT 42-14 98-20-27 7B
STUDENTS - CLOTHING 1997 The Naked Truth about CC style CT 41-7 97/11/7 4b
STUDENTS - COLORADO COLLEGE Number of students transferring out exaggerated
CT29-11 91-5-3 p1
STUDENTS - COMMUNITY SERVICE Bursting the bubble CT 41-8 97/11/14
STUDENTS - COMMUNITY SERVICE Student awarded for community service CT 33-3 93/2/26
STUDENTS - COMMUNITY SERVICE Students support the needy CT 32-10 92/12/11
STUDENTS - DEBATE TEAM Masters Debate Exist CT18-6 85-11-1
STUDENTS - DEBATE TEAM The Mystery Team CT16-1 83-9-16
STUDENTS - DEPENDANTS Colorado College Children CT16-13 84-1-27 6-7
STUDENTS - DINING CC dining experience: Rastall on the grill CT 30-5 91/10/18
STUDENTS - DIVERSITY Minority enrollment struggling, but has a chance CT 33-9
93/4/30 10 849
STUDENTS - DIVERSITY Protest draws hundreds CT 33-10 93/5/7
STUDENTS - DRUGS "Windowshopping": CC Drug Market CT17-5 84-10-12
STUDENTS - DRUGS 1/3 of Students using Cocaine CT17-5 84-10-12
STUDENTS - DRUGS Ingredients of CC Drug Attitudes CT20-3 86-10-3
STUDENTS - DRUGS Olson Talks About Drugs of the Eighties CT20-3 86-10-3
STUDENTS - DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS Dungeons and Dragons captivates CT27-8 90-4-6
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS A Golden Advantage? CT22-1 87-09-11 p12
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Affluence is Our Golden Touch! CT 82-9-24 8,
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Another Catch-22 CT15-26 83-5-27
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS CC Culture too Bland CT15-1 82-9-17
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Economics Plays Havoc CT14-13 82-2-5
STUDENTS - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS Seniors Struggle Against Economy CT14-21 82-4-23
STUDENTS - ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCATES Students save ancient forest, shut down logging
CT 30-5 91/10/18
STUDENTS - ESCORT SERVICE Escort service faces axe, 95% of students vote to
keep CT 36-4 94/10/14
STUDENTS - ESCORT SERVICE Escort Service returns after two-month shuttle trial
CT27-7 90-3-30 p1
STUDENTS - ESCORT SERVICE Escort service workers plead students to use, CT 42-15
98-3-6 8B
STUDENTS - ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS Rainbow Jam set for tonight CT28-5* 90-10-19
STUDENTS - ETHNIC BACKGROUNDS Rainbow Jams enhances cultural awareness Ct28-5*
90-10-19 p7
STUDENTS - EVENTS COMMITTEE Theme Nights chosen - 1990-1991 CT27-11 90-5-4 p3
the CC Activity CT20-2 86-9-29 6,
STUDENTS - EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Campus Groups Slate Semester Activities
CT21-2 87-1-23 6,
STUDENTS - EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books
and Beer ... CT19-1 86-1-17 6,
STUDENTS - FADS Bang, Bang, You're Dead CT14-14 82-2-12
STUDENTS - FINANCES Poor students, but nifty programs CT29-7 91-3-29 p13
STUDENTS - FINANCIAL AID Fast times at The Colorado College CT 37-3 95/10/6
STUDENTS - FIRST YEAR First year students explore lounge living CT26-1 89-9-15
STUDENTS - FIRST YEAR Students stroll down memory lane as year ends CT 33-11
STUDENTS - FIRST-YEAR First-years disappointed, consider transfer CT 34-9 93/12/3
STUDENTS - FOREIGN Africans at CC CT17-5 84-10-12 6,
STUDENTS - FOREIGN Campaign for International Students CT17-15 85-2-15
STUDENTS - FOREIGN Don't ask if I am from England! CT22-1 87-09-11 p7
STUDENTS - FOREIGN More Africans at CC - Ekotto, Desta and Nkiwane CT17-6 84-10-19
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDIES Foreign studies students recount experiences CT28-5*
90-10-19 p5
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDY Globe Trotting: Beyond Basketball CT24-2 88-9-23 p12-13
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDY Italy, Chance for ACM students to study Art in CT23-2
88-1-22 p4
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDY Japan: "Rubber, robber, lover, lava" CT22-4
87-10-09 p6
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDY Soviet Union, CC students study behind Iron Curtain
CT23-2 88-1-22 p6-7
STUDENTS - FOREIGN STUDY Students readjust after studying abroad CT29-1 91-1-25
STUDENTS - FOREIGN Turkey: Where the West meets the Orient CT22-4 87-10-09 p6
STUDENTS - FOREIGN Zimbabwean student tells the real scoop about Zimbabwe CT29-8
91-4-5 p13
STUDENTS - FREE TIME Reading, writing and tomatoes CT 34-2 93/9/17
STUDENTS - FRESHMAN 1986 Freshman survey in CT22-2 87-09-18 p2
STUDENTS - FRESHMAN ELECTION Freshman Student Elections: the Candidates CT 34-1
STUDENTS - FRESHMAN ELECTIONS Frosh elections held CT 34-2 93/9/17
STUDENTS - FRESHMAN Freshman professors CT22-1 87-09-11 p5
STUDENTS - FRESHMAN ORIENTATION Freshman orientation a success CT 34-1 93/9/10
STUDENTS - FRESHMEN Frosh Fair CT18-3 85-10-4
STUDENTS - FRESHMEN Frosh Men Nearing Equality CT18-2 85-9-20
STUDENTS - FRESHMEN Summer-Starts Readjust to CC Life CT21-1 87-1-16
STUDENTS - FRESHMEN Who is coming to CC? CT24-1 88-9-16 p7
STUDENTS - FRISBEE CC ultimate takes party crown, less successful in more CT27-7
90-3-30 p16
STUDENTS - FUND RAISER Wreath Fund Raiser CT26-11 89-12-15 p2
STUDENTS - GRADUATE SCHOOL Good News for College Grads CT18-7 85-11-8
STUDENTS - GRADUATE SCHOOL Grad School Plans? CT17-7 84-11-2
STUDENTS - GRADUATE SCHOOL Graduates' Options CT17-11 84-12-14
STUDENTS - HEALTH AND HYGIENE Anorexics and Bulimics: Chances are You Know One
CT15-10 82-12-10
STUDENTS - HEALTH AND HYGIENE Health: Help for Bulimics CT16-19 84-5-23
STUDENTS - HEALTH AND HYGIENE Holistic Health Begins at Boettcher CT15-1 82-9-17
STUDENTS - HEALTH AND HYGIENE Stress and Eustress CT15-15 83-2-11
STUDENTS - HEALTH Fewer STD cases this year at Boettcher CT 30-7 91/11/8
STUDENTS - HEALTH STD's abundant at Boettcher CT 32-3 92/10/9
STUDENTS - HOMOSEXUAL Colorado College Environment Alienates Homosexuals CT16-24
84-5-18 8-9
STUDENTS - HOMOSEXUAL Is CC Hostile to Homosexuals? CT19-1 86-1-17
STUDENTS - HUNGER CLEANUP Hunger Clean-up creates bonding session CT27-11 90-5-4
STUDENTS - INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMS Study abroad alive and well despite war ct29-3
91-2-15 P5
STUDENTS - JAPAN Japan trip a 'dream' CT 35-6 94/4/1
STUDENTS - KENYA Kenyans adjust to American culture CT 40-2 97/2/7
STUDENTS - LEISURE - LIVESOUNDS Livesounds faces further venue restrictions
CT23-2 88-1-22 p13
STUDENTS - MAIL Mail delivery: The Worner Center myth, Centralizing CT22-4 87-10-09
STUDENTS - MARRIAGE CC students head to the altar CT27-11 90-5-4 p7
STUDENTS - MINORITIES CC minorities speak out about ethnicity, identity CT 30-9
STUDENTS - MINORITIES Minorities are ignored at CC CT28-8 90-11-16 p11
STUDENTS - MINORITIES Minorities soon will be majority CT27-4 909-2-23 p12
STUDENTS - MINORITY Black History Month a time for celebration, education CT
38-1 96/2/2 p3
STUDENTS - MINORITY Minority enrollment up CT 34-2 93/9/17
STUDENTS - MINORITY Minority student enrollment nearly triples CT 45/1 00-09-15
STUDENTS - MUSIC CC Small Jazz Ensemble CT26-11 89-12-15 p13
STUDENTS - NINTENDO Nintendo creates campus addicts CT27-4 90-2-23 p5
STUDENTS - NON-TRADITIONAL Excuse me, are you the Prof.? Non-traditional student
CT 31-11 92/5/8
STUDENTS - NON-TRADITIONAL Students defy traditional route CT27-8 90-4-6 p5
STUDENTS - NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROTEST CC students arrested in nuclear weapons protest
CT29-1 91-1-25 p2
STUDENTS - OFF CAMPUS LIVING How to survive off campus CT25-1 89-1-27 p9
STUDENTS - OFF CAMPUS Off-campus students should protect own safety CT29-11
91-5-3 p4
STUDENTS - OPINION SURRVEY Students mostly satisfied CT 32-3 92/10/9
STUDENTS - ORGANIZATIONS Campus organizations leave little time for play CT
30-10 91/12/13
STUDENTS - PARY SCENE Party scene frustrates students CT27-4 90-2-23 p8
STUDENTS - PEACE CORPS CC Senior is in Peace Corps (Elizabeth Evans) CT17-25
STUDENTS - PEACE CORPS Peace Corps Director to Speak CT19-13 86-5-16
STUDENTS - PEACE CORPS Peace Corps Representative to Visit CC Campus CT17-10
STUDENTS - PEACE CORPS Tough Job You'll Love CT18-7 85-11-8
STUDENTS - PEACE DEMONSTRATIONS SDI Protesters Arrested CT26-1 89-9-15 p2
STUDENTS - PERFECT PAIR Prime Suspects CT26-10 89-12-8 p14
STUDENTS - PREGNANCIES Unplanned pregnancies increase at CC CT 33-2 93/2/12
STUDENTS - PRIORITIES1990 Students get priorities straight CT27-10 90-4-27 p1
STUDENTS - PROSPECTIVE Prospectives invade campus CT 33-9 93/4/30
STUDENTS - PROSPECTIVE Prospectives invade the campus this weekend CT27-9 90-4-20
STUDENTS - PROTEST Students protest nuclear manufacturing CT 30-8 91/11/15
STUDENTS - RAINBOW JAM Cultural rainbow jams CT27-7 90-3-30 p6
STUDENTS - RALLY Student rally for choice in D.C. CT 31-8 92/4/10
STUDENTS - RAPE PROGRAM Awareness, prevention, and counseling discussed in CT27-4
90-2-23 p3
STUDENTS - REGISTRATION Registration slated for next week CT22-6 87-10-30 p3
STUDENTS - RELIGIOUS LIFE God's Country CT17-8 84-11-16 11-13
STUDENTS - RELIGIOUS LIFE Let There Be Light, CC: A Religious Revival? CT20-8
STUDENTS - SAFE SEX Many CC students do not practice safe sex CT 33-4 93/3/5
STUDENTS - SAFETY Student hit by car CT24-4 88-10-14 p1
STUDENTS - SELECTIVE SERVICE "Draft" Registration Now a Must for Financial
Aid CT15-7 82-11-12
STUDENTS - SELECTIVE SERVICE Draft Registration CT15-10 82-12-10
STUDENTS - SELECTIVE SERVICE Draft/Aid Linked CT16-2 83-9-23
STUDENTS - SELECTIVE SERVICE Faculty Responds CT15-22 83-4-22
STUDENTS - SELF DEFENSE Loomis Hall programs double up for success CT27-5 90-3-2
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Michelle Sullivan Wins Senior Pres. CT17-23
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Senior Class Election Results CT21-11 86-4-21
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Senior Class Elections CT19-10 86-4-18 6,
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Senior Class Elections Tuesday CT17-22 85-4-26
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Senior Class Elections, Officers and Agents
CT16-21 84-4-20 8-9
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS ELECTION Senior Officers Elected CT19-11 86-4-26
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS FUND Seniors, open your wallets CT 33-4 93/3/5
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS Senior Class Composition CT19-14 86-5-23
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS Senior Class Events CT21-6 87-5-7
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS Senior Class Receives Challenge Grant CT19-7 86-5-14
STUDENTS - SENIOR CLASS Seniors Plan Parties CT21-13 87-5-15
STUDENTS - SENIOR FILM FESTIVAL Film students leave their mark CT 40-9 97/4/28
STUDENTS - SENIORS CC Saps its Seniors CT22-4 87-10-09 p12
STUDENTS - SENIORS Graduating at last, a senior lays it on the line CT 33-11
93/5/14 10 577
STUDENTS - SEXUAL ASSUALT Victims of sexual assault learn to speak out Ct 33-1
STUDENTS - SEXUAL HARASSMENT Student arrested, suspended on sexual harassment
CT 31-8 92/4/10
STUDENTS - SHELTERED LIVES Sheltered Lives creates awareness CT27-3 90-2-16
STUDENTS - SOAP OPERAS Daytime TV creates campus addicts CT27-2 90-2-2 p7
STUDENTS - SOCIAL LIFE CC parties foster episodic alcoholics CT28-7 90-11-9
STUDENTS - SOPHOMORES CC Sophomore's "Slump" CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS - SPRING BREAK Philanthropic vacationers ready themselves for CT27-5
90-3-2 p6
STUDENTS - SPRING BREAK Spring break and the neurosis of vacation CT 35-5 94/3/11
STUDENTS - STREAKERS Streakers expose all in Slocum. Loomis hall run CT 30-3
STUDENTS - STREAKING Getting naked in public: the art of streaking CT 32-5 92/10/16
STUDENTS - STRESS Students make stress release a matter of choice CT27-10 90-4-27
STUDENTS - STUDIES ABROAD Students share experiences of studies abroad CT27-4
90-2-23 p2
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD An American in Luneberg, Germany CT 34-4 93/10/8 7
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Beijing trip inspires feminist thought CT 37-2 95/9/22
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD CC students visit St. Petersburg, Moscow CT 39-3 96/10/4
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Eighteen cows and Victor; Gilmer travels to Costa Rica
Ct 31-5 92/3/6
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD From alpine peaks to the gutters of Amsterdam CT 31-2
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Lost in Spain: adventures with Javier and "tapas"
CT 31-3 92/2/21 10 771
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Opportunities abound for those ... study, travel abroad
CT 37-1 95/9/15 p15
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Semester abroad in Mexico: more than just studying CT
37-3 95/10/6 p13
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Semester at Sea: opportunity for multi-faceted study
CT 37-6 95/11/10 p13
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Shanghaied for Christmas; student eats dog, cat &
snake CT 31-4 92/2/28
STUDENTS - STUDY ABROAD Study abroad attracts interest CT 30-9 91/12/6
STUDENTS - STUDY IN GERMANY CC students write about excitement in Europe CT29-9
91-4-19 p7
STUDENTS - SUBSTANCE AWARENESS Alternative builds from ground up CT 36-7 94/11/11
STUDENTS - SUICIDE Counselors available for suicidal students CT28-10 90-12-7
STUDENTS - SUICIDE Counselors available for suicidal students CT28-10 90-12-7
STUDENTS - SUMMER ADVENTURES CC Scholars recount Summer CT26-2 89-9-15 p7
STUDENTS - SUMMER EXPERIENCES Students learn patience through fears, frustrations
CT28-10 90-12-7 p7
STUDENTS - SUMMER EXPERIENCES Summer jaunts: Oh so fun and fantastic CT 34-1
STUDENTS - SUMMER SESSIONS Summer students experience Eastern Europe CT 33-3
STUDENTS - SUMMER-STARTS Summer program raises questions CT 40-2 97/2/7
STUDENTS - SUMMER-STARTS Summer-starts ... "They're heeere!!!" CT
31-2 92/2/7
STUDENTS - SUMMER-STARTS Summer-starts adapt to a larger student body CT 33-5
STUDENTS - SUMMER-STARTS Summer-starts start again CT 38-1 96/2/2
STUDENTS - SUMMER-STARTS Summer-starts return to the grind after fall hiatus
CT29-2 91-2-1 p8
STUDENTS - SUMMER Students learn patience through fears, frustrations CT28-10
90-12-7 p7
STUDENTS - SUPPORT GROUP Support group for women survivors of sexual assault
CT 31-1 92/1/31
STUDENTS - SUPPORT GROUPS Support available for CC sexual assault survivors
CT 36-3 94/10/7
STUDENTS - SURVEY Survey reveals extent of CC student ignorance CT 42-13 98-2-29
STUDENTS - SUSPENSIONS BB gun leads to three suspensions CT 39-10 96/12/13 p1
STUDENTS - SWIMMER Swimmer Study CT26-6 89-10-3 p3
STUDENTS - TENNEY HOUSE Tenney house delights youngsters for Halloween CT28-7
90-11-9 p3
STUDENTS - THE LEW LEW programming board separate from CCCA CT 41-11 98-1-30
'till CT 43-2 99-9-18 2B
STUDENTS - TRANSFER New Students Reflecting on First Semester Ct17-10 84-12-7
STUDENTS - VENTURE GRANT CC suburbanite becomes farmer CT 31-11 92/5/8 11 278
STUDENTS - VOLUNTEER ACTION Volunteer action in search of new place CT 30-10
STUDENTS - VOLUNTEER Give a Little - Get a Lot CT24-4 88-10-14 p3
STUDENTS - VOLUNTEERISM Spring Break '90 CT27-1 90-1-26 p7
STUDENTS - WATSON GRANTS Three CC students win Watson grants CT 33-6 93/4/2
STUDENTS - WINTER CARNIVAL Campus groups unite for Winter Carnival CT29-2 910201
STUDENTS - WINTER FORMAL Let them eat Cake at Winter Formal tonight CT 31-2
STUDENTS - WINTER FORMAL Winter formal to provide festivity and fun CT29-2 91-2-1
STUDENTS - WOMEN "Take Back the Night" march protests violence CT
33-8 93/4/16
STUDENTS - WOMEN'S ISSUES Campus hold 'Walk-Out" CT 31-4 92/2/28
STUDENTS - WORK STUDY Work Study confusion CT 36-1 94/9/16
STUDENTS "Are You Experienced?" CT20-1 86-9-12
STUDENTS ... And More Goodbyes from Juniors ... CT16-25 84-5-25
STUDENTS Africans at CC CT17-5 84-10-12 6,
STUDENTS Attack on Libya: CC's Reaction CT19-10 86-4-18
STUDENTS Bike Law Enforced CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS CC's mortality rate: S.T.O.P. the madness CT 32-2 92/9/18
STUDENTS CC in the 60's, Excerpts CT20-1 86-9-12
STUDENTS CC in the 70's: A Reflection of Social and Political CT20-7 85-11-7
STUDENTS CC Joins Protest: Demonstration Against U.S. Involvement in CT17-8
STUDENTS CC Student Visits Fort Carson CT19-5 86-2-21
STUDENTS CC vs. the 'Real World' CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS Cuernavaca Program CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS D grade Fails CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS- DATING The campus: Dating Scene CT 41-6 97/10/31
STUDENTS Gourman Study Rates CC as "Adequate" CT16-14 84-2-10
STUDENTS HELPING ACTIVATE RAPE S.H.A.R.E. provides education, hope and healing
CT 36-5 94/10/21
STUDENTS In Search of the CC Image CT21-2 87-1-23
STUDENTS - LEADERS Leaders' Summit CT26-5 89-10-20 p1
STUDENTS More Africans at CC - Ekotto, Desta and Nkiwane CT17-6 84-10-19 6,
STUDENTS New Students CT17-1 84-9-7
STUDENTS Passion springs on campus CT27-8 90-4-6 p8
STUDENTS Robert Hornik, Ranger Veteran, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30 16-17
STUDENTS Rudner's Processors Shut Down CT19-1 86-1-17
STUDENTS Smith Appointed CT16-23 84-5-11
STUDENTS Special TTC: Students Respond on Libya CT19-10 86-4-18
STUDENTS Student Diversity: Are you for it? CT24-4 88-10-14 p8
STUDENTS Students Arrested at Protest CT20-6 86-10-31
STUDENTS Students Get Pure Research CT16-15 84-2-17
STUDENTS Students have sex on the block plan CT27-11 90-5-4 p10
STUDENTS Students Transplanted CT16-12 84-1-20
STUDENTS Superdance to Fight Muscular Dystrophy CT20-10 86-12-12
STUDENTS Two CC Students Harassed CT16-22 84-4-27
STUDY ABROAD PROGRAM A French experience not found in the catalog Ct28-9 90-11-30
STUTZ, CHRIS Chris Stutz, English major, rugby player, reflects on CT 30-6 91/11/1
STYLES, DEVAN The Trampled roses DE6-1 88-10-5 p15
SUARTI, NYOMAN Balinese to Dance CT17-21 85-4-19
SUAU, ANTHONY Pulitzer Winner Lectures on Photojournalism CT16-24 84-5-18
SUGARMAN, SARA Sugarman leaves CT 34-10 93/12/10
SULGER, THOMAS Comeback Victory CT17-22 85-4-26
SULGER, THOMAS Lacrosse All-Star National Recognition CT17-25 85-5-24
SULLIVAN, DANIEL Sullivan plans to cut costs CT 32-2 92/9/18
SULLIVAN, MICHELLE Michelle Sullivan Wins Senior Pres. CT17-23 85-5-10
SULLIVAN, MICHELLE Senior Class Receives Challenge Grant CT19-7 86-5-14
SULLIVAN, MICHELLE Sullivan, Briton, and a Few Words CT19-14 86-5-23
SUMMER - STUDENTS Summer provides unique opportunities CT28-2 90-9-21 p8
SUMMER INSTITUTE - CC ZIMBABWE CC Zimbabwe connection opened CT25-1 89-1-27
SUMMER INSTITUTE - LONDON Summer Institute offers drama & diversions CT25-4
89-2-24 p9
SUMMER INSTITUTES "Whatever Became of the Future? Aspects of Hope in CT14-20
SUMMER INSTITUTES Arts and Humanities CT13-12 81-1-12
SUMMER INSTITUTES Avoid Draft CT16-6 83-11-4
SUMMER INSTITUTES Pencils and Pubs CT17-23 85-5-10
SUMMER INSTITUTES Photography Institute CT14-21 82-4-23
SUMMER INSTITUTES Strategies in Problem-Solving: Black Box Problem CT16-24 84-5-18
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer Course - Creative Problem-Solving in Science CT14-16
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer in Italy CT17-16 85-2-25
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer in London: Arts-Critic Writing Program CT15-11 82-12-17
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer Institutes CT14-19 82-4-9
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer Session Offers Quebec Institute CT16-13 84-1-27
SUMMER INSTITUTES Summer-starts, Who are They? CT15-12 83-1-14
SUMMER JOBS Alaska, Sliming my way through CT22-2 87-09-18 p10
SUMMER PROGRAM Alurista Leads CC Students to Guanajuato, Mexico CT16-24 84-5-18
SUMMER PROGRAM Class-y Gifted Kids CT16-19 84-5-23
SUMMER PROGRAM Cuernavaca Program CT16-14 84-2-10
SUMMER SESSION Around the Corner CT16-8 83-11-18
SUMMER SESSION London Institute promises summer of dark beer and CT23-1 88-1-15
SUMMER SESSION Mexico CT15-8 82-11-19
SUMMER SESSION Summer Courses CT17-13 85-1-25
SUMMER SESSION Summer curriculum lacking CT 35-9 94/4/29
SUMMER SESSION Summer Fun for Kids CT15-20 83-3-25
SUMMER SESSION Summer in England CT14-9 81-12-4
SUMMER SESSION Summer Session a bargain CT27-7 90-3-30 p9
SUMMER SESSION Summer Session gears up for exciting courses abroad CT 45/22
SUMMER SESSION Summer Session Offers Quebec Institute CT16-13 84-1-27
SUMMER SESSION TRIBES Prepares American Indians CT14-20 82-4-16
SUMMER-STARTS CC dumps summer-start program, winter starts to begin CT 45/9
SUNDAYS AT TUTT Events to honor Colorado Artist CT23-13 88-5-13 p5
SUNDBORN, KRISTIAN Senior spotlight CT26-7 89-11-10 p8
SUPPORT STAFF CC support staff deserves appreciation, respect CT25-8 89-4-7
SUPPORT STAFF Education Funds Approved for Staff CT16-17 84-5-9
SUPPORT STAFF Fledgling Personnel Department Forges Identity CT14-19 82-4-9
SUPPORT STAFF Respect Not Roses CT15-23 83-4-29 1,
SUPPORT STAFF Support Staff Forms Advisory Committee CT14-24 82-5-21
SUPREME COURT - NOMINEES Presidential Nominations to the Court DE2-1 86-9-19
SUPREME COURT - NOMINEES The Nominees Are ... DE2-1 86-9-19 4,
SURFACE TRANSPORTSTION ... ACT OF Speeding Toward Doom DE3-3 87-4-17
SURROGATE MOTHERS Whither Baby M DE3-3 87-4-17
SUSAN MARSHALL DANCE COMPANY Susan Marshall & Company weave dance into fantasy
CT25-2 89-2-3 p13
SUTHERLAND, JEFFREY Vietnam Changes Attitude Towards Nuclear War CT16-24 84-5-18
SWANSON, BRIAN CC's Hobey hopeful proves to be a MVP on and off the CT 43/9
SWANSON, HEIDI Impressions on China CT26-8 89-11-17 p3
SWENSON, PETE Interview: Top CC Cycler, The Nordic Warrior CT23-14 88-5-20 pS-1
SWENSON, TERRANCE Oto resigns; Financial Aid, Admissions to consolidate CT 31-2
SWENSON, TERRY New administrators fill several positions CT 30-1 91/9/13
SWENSON, TERRY Swenson leaves CC after 20 years CT 45/21 01-05-04
SWIDER, BOGDAN New Faculty, Art Department CT15-2 82-9-24
SWIDER, BOGDAN Prof exhibits "Energy, Rhythm, and Order" CT23-1 88-1-15
SWIMMING - Big Cats take a bath in sunny California Ct 38-1 96/2/2 p19
SWIMMING - MEN & WOMEN Big Cat Swimmers romp in buff CT 34-10 93/12/10 18
SWIMMING - MEN & WOMEN Big Cats are back in the swim of things Ct 35-1 94/2/4
18 132
SWIMMING - MEN & WOMEN Big Cats looking for redemption at CC classic CT
43-9 98/12/4
SWIMMING - MEN Big Cats are back CT 30-8 91/11/15 17 131
SWIMMING - MEN Big Cats maul Miners CT 35-2 94/2/11 17 137
SWIMMING - MEN Big Cats to revisit Roadrunners CT 36-11 94/12/16 19 141
SWIMMING - MEN Men's swimming faces Wyoming convicts in rough CU Buff CT 36-10
94/12/9 19 831
SWIMMING - MEN'S Aquanauts dominate opponents CT27-2 90-2-2 p19
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cat men lose more CT 43/11 99-1-29
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cat Swimmers take Cali CT 31-1 92/1/31 18 130
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big cats claw their way to three wins Ct 33-1 93/2/5 16 133
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats dive into the swim season Ct 32-9 92/12/4 19 134
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats face big competition in Hawaii CT 40-1 97/1/31`
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats fall to Metro State Roadrunners CT28-11 90-12-14 p17
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats off to a small start CT28-10 90-12-7 [p17
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats off to a small start CT28-11 90-12-7 p17
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats regain footing after losing skid CT29-3 91-2-15 p24
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats remain in fourth after ISL meet CT 31-4 92/2/28 16
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats show potential in the pool CT 39-10 96/12/13 p17
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats splash Orediggers CT 31-3 92/2/21 17 140
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big cats swimming, diving teams performing strong CT 41-11
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats tame California CT29-2 91-2-1 p22
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Cats wrap up season... CT 38-4 96/3/1 p16
SWIMMING - MEN'S Big Splash for the Big Cats CT27-1 90-1-26 p18
SWIMMING - MEN'S Cats claw Buffs in swimming duel CT29-1 91-1-25 p25
SWIMMING - MEN'S Frisky Big Cats claw to tie in Texas meet CT 37-9 95/12/1 p17
SWIMMING - MEN'S Men swim to title: Tigers take Buff Invite CT26-10 89-12-8
SWIMMING - MEN'S Men's swim team avenges loss to DU CT27-3 90-2-16 p13
SWIMMING - MEN'S Men's swimming 3rd CT24-10 88-12-9 p22
SWIMMING - MEN'S Metro dunks Men's swimming CT24-11 88-12-16 p21
SWIMMING - MEN'S Swimmers cruise in California CT25-3 89-2-17 p18
SWIMMING - MEN'S Swim team prepares for championship CT 40-2 97/2/7
SWIMMING - WOMEN Big Cats rock the conference CT 35-3 94/2/25 17 139
SWIMMING - WOMEN Big Cats warm up against alumni CT 36-8 94/11/18 19 142
SWIMMING - WOMEN Femme cats stroke past Colorado competition CT 33-4 93/3/5
17 506
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Big Cats swim frolic in the Buff CT 36-10 94/12/9 19 730
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Big Cats make waves CT25-4 89-2-24 p21
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Cats 'destroy' Metro State, while Hicks-led Big CT 31-2
92/2/7 16 732
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Cats finish third in league CT29-5 91-3-1 p25
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Cats third at championships CT 31-4 92/2/28 19 733
SWIMMING - WOMEN Lady Tigers take bronze in relay CT 40-1 97/1/31
SWIMMING - WOMEN Women Swimmers drown in opening meet CT24-10 88-12-9 p22
SWIMMING - WOMEN Women swimmers get "flumed" CT25-1 89-1-27 p23
SWIMMING - WOMEN Women swimmers resurface CT24-11 88-12-16 p22
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Ladies take silver in Golden CT 40-2 97/2/7
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Lady Cats end season with personal bests CT29-6 91-3-22 p20
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Lady tigers finish big CT 38-4 96/3/1 p18
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women Big Cats start off strong at Buff Invitational CT28-11
90-12-7 p17
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women Big Cats start off strong at Buff Invitational CT28-10
90-12-7 p17
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women Cats swim strong in final dual meets CT29-3 91-2-15
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women's swim team dominates CT27-4 90-2-23 p17
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women's swim team splashes to victory in California CT27-2
90-2-2 p18
SWIMMING - WOMEN'S Women's Swimming finds victory in Cali CT29-2 91-2-1 p21
SWIMMING 2 Big Cat All-Americans, Lear Coach-of-the-Year CT15-20 83-3-25
SWIMMING AND DIVING Swim & dive teams combine for 1st home win since 1989
CT 45/8 00-11-17
SWIMMING AND DIVING The Big Cat swimmers and divers CT29-4 91-2-22
SWIMMING As Big Cats Prepare for Tough Meet CT19-1 86-1-17
SWIMMING Babbles of Big Cat Travels CT16-14 84-2-10
SWIMMING Big Cat Men Capture Third CT16-16 84-2-24
SWIMMING Big Cat Men Qualify CT15-17 83-2-25
SWIMMING Big Cat swimmers finish strong in Indiana CT 40-4 97/2/28
SWIMMING Big Cat Swimmers Roll to Second Place Finish CT21-2 87-1-23
SWIMMING Big Cats adopt strategy for season CT 37-8 95/11/17 p17
SWIMMING Big Cats break streak CT 38-2 96/2/9 p17
SWIMMING Big Cats Cheer Air Force CT15-15 83-2-11
SWIMMING Big Cats End Regular Season 10-5 (W) CT17-15 85-2-15
SWIMMING Big Cats face D-II foes at CU-Boulder CT 36-9 94/12/2 18 135
SWIMMING Big Cats Feast in Denver CT15-14 83-1-28
SWIMMING Big Cats Finish Strong CT19-6 86-5-7
SWIMMING Big Cats Hit Rough Water CT16-13 84-1-27
SWIMMING Big Cats Host Conference Meet CT21-5 87-2-20
SWIMMING Big Cats Make Big Splash CT15-10 82-12-10
SWIMMING Big Cats Staying Afloat? CT16-10 83-12-9
SWIMMING Big Cats Swim Tough (M) CT19-5 86-2-21
SWIMMING Big Cats Swim Toward ISL Relays CT15-16 83-2-18
SWIMMING Big Cats Take 2nd CT21-7 87-5-12
SWIMMING Big Cats Take Plunge CT16-8 83-11-18
SWIMMING Big Cats Take Third CT20-10 86-12-12
SWIMMING Big Cats Slow Start CT18-10 85-12-13
SWIMMING Cat Splash CT16-12 84-1-20
SWIMMING Cat swimmers end strong CT27-5 90-3-2 p18
SWIMMING Cats hit the pool CT28-8 90-11-16 p23
SWIMMING CC Men Struggle in California CT19-3 86-2-7
SWIMMING CC to Host ISL CT13-12 81-1-9
SWIMMING Freshman diver Melbye has already qualified for CT 36-11 94/12/16 19
SWIMMING Ladies Choke too CT19-4 86-2-14
SWIMMING Lady Cats Win too CT19-5 86-2-21
SWIMMING Last Splash for Women CT16-17 84-5-9
SWIMMING Lear Primes Big Cats (M) CT18-9 85-12-6
SWIMMING Life in the Fast Lane CT20-10 86-12-12
SWIMMING Men Swim to Victory CT16-15 84-2-17
SWIMMING Men to take plunge Saturday CT22-10 87-12-11 p14
SWIMMING MEN'S & WOMEN'S Last hurrah for swimmers CT 44-13 98-2-20
SWIMMING Men's ISLC This Weekend CT17-15 85-2-15
SWIMMING Men's Swimming - Sports Briefs CT14-13 82-2-5
SWIMMING Men's Swimming CT17-10 84-12-7
SWIMMING Men's Swimming CT17-11 84-12-14
SWIMMING Men's team takes 11th ... CT 38-3 96/2/23 p21
SWIMMING Metro drowns Tiger swimmer CT26-11 89-12-15 p18
SWIMMING Nine Big Cats Q'ed CT15-18 83-3-11
SWIMMING Olsen does it! CT27-8 90-4-6 p12
SWIMMING (pic) CT17-9 84-11-30
SWIMMING Relays for Big Cats CT15-13 83-1-21
SWIMMING Sport God CT15-18 83-3-11
SWIMMING Sport Shorts CT15-11 82-12-17
SWIMMING Sports Briefs - Men's Swimming CT14-15 82-2-19
SWIMMING Sports Briefs - Women's Swimming CT14-15 82-2-19
SWIMMING Sports Briefs - Women's Swimming CT14-17 82-3-19
SWIMMING Sports Briefs CT14-12 82-1-22
SWIMMING Sports Briefs CT14-14 82-2-12
SWIMMING Sports Shorts CT15-13 83-1-21
SWIMMING Swimmers (3) named All-Conference CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-5
SWIMMING Swimmers drown Metro, sink against Mines CT23-5 88-2-19 pS-1
SWIMMING Swimmers End Season CT21-5 87-2-20
SWIMMING Swimmers Improve CT17-12 85-1-18
SWIMMING Swimmers Improve CT17-13 85-1-25
SWIMMING Swimmers Qualify CT19-6 86-5-7
SWIMMING Swimmers Set High Goals CT18-9 85-12-6
SWIMMING Swimmers Shaping Up (M) CT19-1 86-1-17
SWIMMING Swimmers shine ahead of schedule at CC classic CT 45/10 00-12-08
SWIMMING Swimmers Surge CT21-1 87-1-16
SWIMMING Swimmers Sweep CA CT17-14 85-2-8
SWIMMING Swimmers Take First CT18-10 85-12-13
SWIMMING Swimmers, Women bombard Air Force CT23-5 88-3-04 pS-4
SWIMMING Swimmers, women, blaze through a rigorous practice CT23-1 88-1-15 p18
SWIMMING Swimmers, Women, third in opener... CT22-10 87-12-11 p14
SWIMMING Swimming - Men & Women: Big Cat Swimmers solid in CT23-2 88-1-22
SWIMMING Swimming - Women's: Lady Cat swimmers rebound CT23-3 88-2-05 p18
SWIMMING Swimming Ends CT17-16 85-2-25
SWIMMING Swimming wins 4 straight, Men's CT23-3 88-2-05 p18
SWIMMING Swimming, Men's takes 3rd in ISL's CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3
SWIMMING Swimming: Women romp in home waters CT23-5 88-2-19 pS-3
SWIMMING The swim and dive teams deliver more record times CT 45/12 01-02-02
SWIMMING Tigers Losing at Everything (M) CT19-4 86-2-14
SWIMMING Tigers Splash to Quick Start CT14-10 81-12-11
SWIMMING Tigers Thrice Triumphant CT21-3 87-2-6
SWIMMING Watch the Big Cats Splash CT20-7 86-11-7
SWIMMING Win Some, Lose Some CT21-4 87-2-13
SWIMMING Women's Swimming - Sports Briefs CT14-13 82-2-5
SWIMMING Women's Swimming CT17-10 84-12-7
SWIMMING Women's Swimming CT17-11 84-12-14
SWIMMING Women's Varsity CT13-17 81-2-20
SWIMMING-MEN'S Big Cats Look to League Championships CT 36-2 95/2/10 20 136
SWIMMING-MEN'S Big Cats Win Co. Div. III Championships CT 36-3 95/2/24 18 143
SWIMMING-WOMEN'S Lady's Swimming Places Second in Finale CT 36-3 95/2/24 20
SYMPOSIA A DAM Symposium CT19-9 86-4-11
SYMPOSIA Filmmaker to Speak CT15-12 83-1-14
SYMPOSIA Hacker Examines Terrorists CT14-5 81-10-16
SYMPOSIA Nuclear War? CT14-14 82-2-12
SYMPOSIA Professors Open Regan Symposium CT14-10 81-12-11
SYMPOSIA Science of Politics CT15-16 83-2-18
SYMPOSIA Speakers Present Nuclear Realities CT14-15 82-3-5
SYMPOSIA Super Symposium CT18-10 85-12-13
SYMPOSIA Symposium Focuses on China CT14-9 81-12-4
SYMPOSIA Symposium Views Terrorism CT14-4 81-10-9
SYMPOSIA Women Artists Explore Violence CT15-4 82-10-15
SYMPOSIA World view: Experts Stress Security ... and Biological CT14-24 82-5-21
SYMPOSIUM - 1989 dorm discussions preview Symposium CT24-8 88-11-18 p5
SYMPOSIUM - 1989 INTIMACY Insight - Symposium on Intimacy CT25-1 89-1-27 p12-13
SYMPOSIUM - 1992 Next year's symposium to address ethnic and cultural CT29-6
91-3-29 p2
SYMPOSIUM - 1994 DIVERSITY CC Symposium lacks real diversity CT 35-1 94/2/4
SYMPOSIUM - BRAZIL Brazil Topic of Symposium CT16-15 84-2-17
SYMPOSIUM - BRAZIL Symposium Cites Brazil's Difficulties CT16-16 84-2-24
SYMPOSIUM - CAREER "Back to the Future" CT19-5 86-2-21
SYMPOSIUM - CAREER Career Choices CT21-2 87-1-23
SYMPOSIUM - CAREER Career Symposium Successful CT16-15 84-2-17
SYMPOSIUM - CATHOLIC Catholic Symposium CT18-3 85-10-4
SYMPOSIUM - INTIMACY - 1988 Symposium poll CT24-11 88-12-16 p11
SYMPOSIUM - LEADERSHIP Does CC Train Leaders CT19-9 86-4-11
SYMPOSIUM - LEADERSHIP Leadership in a Diverse Society CT19-7 86-5-14 4,
SYMPOSIUM - LEADERSHIP Leadership Symposium CT19-5 86-2-21
SYMPOSIUM - MOTHER Maternal Diversity Celebrated CT16-17 84-5-9
SYMPOSIUM - NATIONAL SECURITY, NUCLEAR Symposium on "National Security
& Nuclear Weapons" CT27-10 90-4-27 p2
SYMPOSIUM - NON-VIOLENCE 1994 Howard Zinn speaks for Nonviolence here CT 35-4
SYMPOSIUM - POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Science Symposium CT21-4 87-2-13
SYMPOSIUM - RADIO Radio Symposium Focuses on South Africa CT20-4 86-10-10
SYMPOSIUM - SCIENCE Symposium probes science mysteries CT24-4 88-10-14 p1
SYMPOSIUM - SONDERMANN Barber Predicts 1984 as a Fighting Election CT 84-4-13
SYMPOSIUM - SONDERMANN Eidenberg discusses Party Politics CT16-20 84-4-13
SYMPOSIUM - SONDERMANN Partisan Debate Closes Symposium CT16-21 84-4-20
SYMPOSIUM - SONDERMANN Symposium Attracts Well-Known Speakers CT16-19 84-5-23
SYMPOSIUM - SOVIET Soviet Symposium Invades Campus CT20-9 86-12-5
SYMPOSIUM - SOVIET Soviet-Syrian Connection Exposed CT20-10 86-12-10
SYMPOSIUM - WINTER After 20 year sabbatical Winter Symposium returns CT24-5
88-10-21 p4
SYMPOSIUM 1989 How do you feel about the Symposium? DE6-4 88-12-17 p17
SYMPOSIUM 1989 Symposium on Intimacy, The Colorado College CT24-4 88-10-14 p4-5
SYMPOSIUM 1990 - FUTURE Symposium attracts speakers, entertainers CT28-9 90-11-30
SYMPOSIUM 1990 - WEALTH Symposium on Wealth CT26-9 89-12-1 p1
SYMPOSIUM 1990 Symposium brings positive reactions CT27-1 90-1-26 p4
SYMPOSIUM 1991 - FUTURE Student concerns about symposium speakers & concerns
CT28-11 90-12-14 p9
SYMPOSIUM 1991 - FUTURE Symposium attracts speakers, entertainers CT28-8 90-11-16
SYMPOSIUM 1991 - THE FUTURE Crowds came back for the future CT29-1 91-1-2 p3
SYMPOSIUM 1991 Symposium attracts speakers, entertainers CT28-10 90-12-7 p9
SYMPOSIUM 1991 Tiger students, staff vote for "The Future" CT27-8
90-4-6 p1
SYMPOSIUM 1992ETHNICITY & IDENTITY Ethnicity Symposium draws impressive
crowds CT 31-1 92/1/31
SYMPOSIUM 1993 "DEFENDING THE EARTH" Environmental symposium guests
selected CT 32-10 92/12/11
SYMPOSIUM 1993"DEFENDING THE EARTH" Symposium plans finalized CT 32-10
SYMPOSIUM 1994 1994 Symposium coming CT 34-10 93/12/10
SYMPOSIUM 1995 Sexuality and gender issues to seize spotlight in CT 36-9 94/12/2
SYMPOSIUM ON THE PRESIDENCY Presidential symposium addresses election issues
CT 39-3 96/10/4 p1
SYMPOSIUM Symposium rejuvenated CT22-8 87-11-13 p12
SYMPOSIUM Symposium should be replaced CT27-9 90-4-20 p14
SYMPOSIUM Symposium to focus on Intimacy CT23-8 88-3-18 p7
SYMPOSIUM1991 - FUTURE Symposium attracts speakers, entertainers CT28-10 90-12-7
SYMPOSIUM1991 - FUTURE Symposium attracts speakers, entertainers CT28-11 90-12-14
SYMPOSIUM1993DEFENDING THE EARTH Symposium focuses on theme "Defending
the Earth" Ct 33-1 93/2/5
T.A.G. (THE ASSASSINATION GAME) Assassins Rock CC: 39 Die Over Break CT18-7
TABER, RICHARD Academics Meet Athletics in Taber CT15-1 82-9-17
TABER, RICHARD L. Taber to step down as athletic director CT27-2 90-2-2 p1
TABER, RICHARD Sport Gods CT15-11 82-12-17
TABER, RICHARD Stepping Down CT18-4 85-10-11
TABER, RICHARD Taber, Richard, Interview: Athletic Director CT23-3 88-2-05 p19
TABOR, RICHARD CC loses Chemistry's Dick Tabor CT 45/1 00-09-15
TAE KWON DO Meditation makes mornings more manageable CT 39-2 96/9/20 p12
TAFFE, MICHAEL Worship DE8-4 89-Dec p16
TAGGART, REBECCA Fulbright Winner CT15-23 83-4-29
TAGGART, REBECCA Photo-sensuality CT15-25 83-5-20
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Annual Take Back The Night to focus on rape awareness CT
45/14 01-02-23
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Men & women shout, share march... CT 38-9 96/4/26 p4
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Take back the Night broadens audience CT 43-20 99-4-30
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Take Back the Night CT 44-20 00/4/28
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Take Back the Night empowers many CT 45/17 01-03-30
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Take Back the Night encourages sexual assault CT 42-19 98-4-24
TAKE BACK THE NIGHT Take Back the Night to protest violence against women CT
40-9 97/4/28
TALBOTT, STROBE Strobe on SDI CT19-7 86-5-14
TALBOTT, STROBE Talbott Urges Caution on Nukes CT19-8 86-5-21
TALLEY, MADELON DEVOE What Are Ethics in Business CT21-5 87-2-20
TALLMAN, RICH Dealing With Crime at CC: Burglary Rates on the Rise CT18-9 85-12-6
TALLMAN, RICH Intruder Caught After Series of Offenses CT17-6 84-10-19
TALLMAN, RICHARD Ives, Dean, resigns to promote worldwide peace CT22-1 87-09-11
TALLMAN, RICHARD Standing tall in Worner CT22-10 87-12-11 p5
TANNAHILL WEAVERS The Tannahill Weavers Will Perform ... CT14-16 82-3-12
TANNER, JOE Loomis' Joe Cool CT 34-6 93/10/29
TANNER, JOSEPH Evening security guard Joe Tanner livens up Loomis CT 31-8 92/4/10
TASHI Concert CT14-17 82-3-19
TASHIRO, KERI Olsen and Tashiro receive sports award CT27-10 90-4-27 p18
TASHIRO, KERRI Booters Roll On CT20-4 86-10-10
TAYLOR, ALICE BEMIS Happy Birthday Fine Arts Center CT19-3 86-2-7
TAYLOR, JACKIE New CC counselor strives to relieve stress CT28-10 90-12-7 p7
TAYLOR, JACKIE New CC counselor strives to relieve stress CT28-10 90-12-7 p7
TAYLOR, KOKO Koko Sings the Blues CT17-18 85-5-15
TAYLOR, KOKO Koko Taylor Wails CT17-17 85-5-8
TAYLOR, LONN Expert accuses museums of misrepresentation of region CT27-10 90-4-27
TAYLOR, MAXWELL A fond farewell Max Taylor plans to step down CT 37-2 95/9/22
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Dean Taylor Glows by Fireside CT15-7 82-11-12
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Drinking Age Debate CT20-7 86-11-7
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Drug Policy: Compassion, not Hardcore Enforcement CT17-5 84-10-12
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Kappa Sig's Under Fire CT21-6 87-5-7
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Max Taylor considered for permanent directorship of CT28-10
90-12-7 p4
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Max Taylor considered for permanent directorship of CT28-10
90-12-7 p4
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Senior Speaker CT17-13 85-1-25
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Taylor up for Athletic Director CT27-5 90-3-2 p17
TAYLOR, MAXWELL Taylor will assume athletic director spot CT27-10 90-4-27 p18
TEACH FOR AMERICA PROGRAM TFA recruiting teachers to ease shortages CT29-3 91-2-15
TEACH FOR AMERICA Thirteen seniors apply for Teach for America CT29-8 91-4-5
TEAM HANDBALL Team Handball Hits CC CT17-15 85-2-15
TEATRO AGUACERO COMPANY Envisioning the Past and Future CT16-23 84-5-11
TECHNOLOGY In Search of a Second Eden Buying Time DE1-3 86-3-7 2-3
TELEPHONE - LONG DISTANCE SERVICE Billing Sign up Extended CT14-5 81-10-16
TELEPHONE - TERROS HOTLINE Terros Hotline Rings CT15-12 83-1-14
TELEPHONE CC Plugs into Ma Bell CT14-7 81-11-6
TELEPHONE Mountain Bell Changes Donations CT16-4 83-10-14
TELEPHONE Phone Misbillings Pass Unnoticed CT14-13 82-2-5
TELEPHONES - CAMPUS College tries new phone system CT 36-1 94/9/16
TELLER, SARAH Coffee House performers entertain students CT25-3 89-3-3 p12
TENNIS - INTRAMURAL IM tennis ends tournament with rookie champions CT 30-4
91/10/11 19 678
TENNIS - MEN Men's tennis bigger than the Final Four CT 35-6 94/4/1 17 832
TENNIS - MEN Men's tennis has undefeated season CT 35-9 94/4/29 14 835
TENNIS - MEN Men's Tennis tries to rebound CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-3
TENNIS - MEN Tennis, Men's, deals with snow, injuries CT23-6 88-3-04 pS-3
TENNIS - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Finish off season with a bang CT 45-20 01-04-27
TENNIS - MEN'S Men's tennis caps challenging season looking good CT 38-10 96/5/3
TENNIS - MEN'S Men's tennis drops below .500 mark with two matches CT27-9 90-4-20
TENNIS - MEN'S Men's tennis ends season by placing third in CT 40-9 97/4/28
TENNIS - MEN'S Men's tennis enjoys success CT27-11 90-5-4 p21
TENNIS - MEN'S Men's tennis team swings into action CT25-6 89-3-24 p17
TENNIS - MEN'S Tiger tennis team having a great year CT 40-7 97/4/4
TENNIS - MEN'S Tiger tennis teams can only think, 'Better late ... CT 43-14
TENNIS - WOMEN Cadets bomb Women's Tennis CT23-8 88-3-18 PS-2
TENNIS - WOMEN Tiger tennis takes off CT 35-4 94/3/4
TENNIS - WOMEN Women's tennis bids farewell to seniors CT 35-9 94/4/29
TENNIS - WOMEN Women's Tennis shows potential CT23-1 88-4-22 pS-3
TENNIS - WOMEN Women's Tennis slams CSU 8-1 CT23-10 88-4-15 pS-3
TENNIS - WOMEN Women's Tennis slams Metro St CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-2
TENNIS - WOMEN Women's Tennis struggles on Coast CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-2
TENNIS - WOMEN'S & MEN'S Tiger tennis teams get redemption CT 43-18 99-4-9
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Lady Racketeers call it a season Ct 42-20 98-5-1
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Lady tiger tennis CT 33-8 93/4/16 18 737
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Lady tigers make it big in Sunny CA CT 38-6 96/3/29 p8
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis bows in hard-fought match CT 31-8 92/4/10
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's Tennis goes national CT27-10 90-4-27 p18
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis places third in Mesa State tourney CT 31-7 92/4/3
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis recaps season CT33-9 93/4/30
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis serves it to Occidental, Oral Roberts CT 33-7
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis storming ahead in the last week of CT 38-8 96/4/12
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis strokes through Ca. CT 33-6 93/4/2
TENNIS - WOMEN'S Women's tennis takes on tough division II rivals CT 45/16 01-03-09
TENNIS Almost a Clean Sweep in CA (W) CT17-20 85-4-12
TENNIS CC Tennis Hot CT15-20 83-3-25
TENNIS Depth Helps Team (W) CT17-19 85-5-22
TENNIS Duo Reaches Semi's CT17-24 85-5-17
TENNIS Falcons ace Tigers tennis CT27-3 90-3-23 p18
TENNIS Hockey?? Tennis is CC's best sport CT 35-5 94/3/11 18 648
TENNIS Men Hit Hard Times CT17-20 85-4-12
TENNIS Men Take Title CT17-22 85-4-26
TENNIS Men Win 2 Lose 1 CT17-21 85-4-19
TENNIS Men's Tennis Closes Season With Winning Record CT21-12 87-5-8
TENNIS Men's Tennis CT14-21 82-4-23
TENNIS Men's Tennis CT21-11 87-4-24
TENNIS Men's Tennis CT21-8 87-3-20
TENNIS Men's Tennis Ends Season CT19-12 86-5-9
TENNIS Men's Tennis Preview CT17-17 85-5-8
TENNIS Men's Tennis Trip Ct21-9 87-4-10
TENNIS Netters Prep for Post-Season (W) CT16-22 84-4-27
TENNIS Netters Reach Quarterfinals CT16-24 84-5-18
TENNIS Photo - Bill Bailey in practice session CT29-9 91-4-19 p26
TENNIS (pic) CT14-24 82-5-21
TENNIS Ruehl and Hoeven at Nationals (W) CT17-23 85-5-10
TENNIS Tennis Bounces Back CT19-10 86-4-18
TENNIS Tennis Bounces On CT16-20 84-4-13
TENNIS Tennis Dominates CT19-9 86-4-11
TENNIS Tennis Men's and Women's CT21-10 87-4-17
TENNIS Tennis Takes Fourth in Nationals CT19-13 86-5-16
TENNIS Tennis Team Feels Frustrations CT19-11 86-4-26
TENNIS Tennis Triumphs CT15-25 83-5-20
TENNIS Tennis: a neglected varsity sport CT 42-19 98-4-24
TENNIS Tennis: Women Lose, Men Win CT15-22 83-4-22
TENNIS The Quest Continues (W) CT17-21 85-4-19
TENNIS Tiger Netters Continue to Play Well CT16-21 84-4-20
TENNIS Tiger Tennis Bounces Back CT19-8 86-5-21
TENNIS Tiger Tennis Earns Tournament Berth (W) CT19-12 86-5-9
TENNIS Tigers Win Three Straight (W) CT19-7 86-5-14
TENNIS TOURNEY Tennis tourney benefits Cancer Society study CT28-1 90-9-14 p21
TENNIS Win Some, Lose Some (M) CT17-19 85-5-22
TENNIS Woman Fall to DU CT17-17 85-5-8
TENNIS -WOMEN Tennis squeaks out a win CY 35-8 94/4/15
TENNIS Women to Nationals CT16-23 84-5-11
TENNIS Women Upset Falcons CT17-22 85-4-26
TENNIS Women's Tennis CT14-21 82-4-23
TENNIS Women's Tennis CT21-11 87-4-24
TENNIS Women's Tennis CT21-6 87-5-7
TENNIS Women's Tennis CT21-8 87-3-20
TENNIS Women's Tennis Soars Onward CT16-21 84-4-20
TENNIS Women's Tennis Trip CT21-9 87-4-10
TENNIS Women's Tennis Wins Last Two CT21-12 87-5-8
TENNIS-MEN'S Men's Tennis Dominates California Competition CT 36-6 95/3/31 19
TENNIS-MEN'S Men's Tennis Gears Up For Trip to Minnesota CT 36-8 95/4/14 17
TENNIS-MEN'S Men's Tennis Team Wraps Up Record Season, Finishes CT 36-9 95/4/28
20 836
TENNIS-MEN'S Tigers Keep Dominating, Push Season Record to 9-1 CT 36-7 95/4/7
TENNIS-WOMEN'S Lady Tiger's Play Tough, Win 2 of 4 in California CT 36-6 95/3/31
18 738
TENNIS-WOMEN'S Women's tennis at 6-6, Looks to Finish Season Strong CT 36-8
TENNIS-WOMEN'S Women's Tennis Beats UCCS in Season Opener CT 36-5 95/3/10
TENNY, EDWARD PAYSON House Fire OC1-1 1880-2
TENNY, WILLIAM HASKELL Personality, A Profile in Banality: William Haskell CT17-19
85-3-22 8,
TENURE TRACK Seven Professors Recommended for Tenure CT 36-2 95/2/10
TERROS HOTLINE The Terros Hotline: a shoulder to lean on CT 32-10 92/12/11
TERRY, DAVE Dave Terry Sweeps Ski Opener CT17-12 85-12-18
TERRY, DAVE Sport God CT15-18 83-3-11
TERRY, DAVE Terry All-American CT15-18 83-3-11
THE CATTLE LIST Special Edition - The Cattle List CT28-10 90-12-7 center
THE CATTLE LIST Special Edition ... The Cattle List CT28-10 90-12-7 (insert)
THE LEW Campus Pub officially open CT 41-5 97/10/10
THE LEW Lew draws less than expected in first month CT 41-7 97/11/7
THE LEW Police called to LEW grand opening party CT 41-5 97/10/17
THE LEW The Lew: food, TVs, free pool. CT 43-20 99-4-30
THE MEMORANDUM - BY VACLAV HAVEL Havel's Bootleg Memorandum Scorches Onstage
CT26-11 89-12-15 p16
THE PRESS Announcing the Press CT14-1 81-9-11
THE PRESS Our own pressing business (pic) CT16-9 83-12-2
THE PRESS Press most un-TYPE-ical CT14-12 82-1-22
THE PRESS Spring of '85: Wood and Tenney house CT18-1 85-1-18
THE PRESS Stepping out of time CT19-11 86-4-26
THEATER Theatrical gala hits Taylor (Duck Varations, Have you CT27-2 90-2-2
THEATER WORKSHOP - CC Spread the curtains, raise the shutters for the Blue CT
30-7 91/11/8
THEATER WORKSHOP A View from the Bridge sweeps audience along ct25-3 89-2-17
THEATER WORKSHOP IMPROV GROUP Theater Workshop Improv Group mixes improv, music
and CT 31-10 92/5/1
THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop looks forward to a bright future CT25-7 89-3-31
THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop paints a successful production CT25-2 89-2-3
THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop presents Modulars CT 31-1 92/1/31
THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop presents The Silver Cord CT28-10 90-12-7 p15
THEATER WORKSHOP Theater Workshop's GETTING OUT explores new beginnings CT25-8
89-4-7 p17
THEME HOUSE - GREENHOUSE Greenhouse gets hands dirty to help environment CT28-11
90-12-14 p3
THEME HOUSE - THE PLAYHOUSE Playhouse planning symposium in observance of Week
of CT28-5 90-11-2 p4
THEME HOUSES - 1994 New theme houses tackle tough topics - Wood & Tenney
CT 36-1 94/9/16
THEME HOUSES - EARTH HOUSE Earth House supports regional agriculture CT24-3
88-10-7 p8
THOMAS, MABLE Georgia legislator Mable Thomas examines identity of CT29-11 91-5-3
THOMAS, MERLYN '84 Winners Publicize '85 Lit Awards CT17-15 85-2-15
THOMAS, MERLYN Writers Awarded Big Bucks CT16-23 84-5-11
THOMAS, SCOTT CC Cadets Shine CT20-1 86-9-12
THOMPSON, KARLA IM Spotlight: Thompson makes the court calls CT29-3 91-2-15
THOMPSON, LEONARD South African stalemate CT22-4 87-10-09 p3
THOMSEN, INGER CC Student Wins Coveted Fulbright Scholarship CT21-13 87-5-15
THOMSEN, INGER Germany Beckons Fulbright Winners CT21-14 87-5-22
THORPE, PETER Poetry Reading Tonight CT19-7 86-5-14
THREE-PENNY OPERA Three Penny: Worth Beggar's Price CT15-17 83-2-25
THUROW, LESTER "U.S. Economy Dead" - Thurow CT21-13 87-5-15
THUROW, LESTER Professor Thurow Will Speak on Competitiveness in CT21-12 87-5-8
THUROW, LESTER Thurow Revisited CT21-14 87-5-22
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN A Look at Humor CT21-11 87-4-24
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN 'Age of the Universe' is Estimated at Thursday-at-11 CT17-20
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN AIDS: Parker Gives Cross-Cultural Perspective CT21-13 87-5-15
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Alastair Reed CT23-12 88-5-6 p13
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN America's China CT18-10 85-12-13
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Bordner Hails Halley's Comet CT19-6 86-5-7
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Did the 1990 election change anything? CT28-7 90-11-9 p1
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Discussion of Conscience CT18-5 85-10-18
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Divestment Discussed, George Sheperd CT18-4 85-10-11
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Events to honor Colorado artist CT23-13 88-5-13 p5
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Experts discuss Middle East crisis CT28-1 90-9-14 p4
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Feminism and the Bible CT18-8 85-11-15
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Gilbert and Sullivan Expert CT16-21 84-4-20
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Honoring a Literary Legend (Carlos Fuentes) CT18-9 85-12-6
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Lincoln-Douglas Re-enactment CT19-3 86-2-7
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Mmt. Antonia Brico CT19-13 86-5-16
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN No Musty Antiquarian CT16-9 83-12-2
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Olson's Drug Talk Defines Abuse CT16-13 84-1-27
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Patricia Zavella CT17-14 85-2-8
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Prof. Noblett, Lnager and Genova discuss Gaia at CT24-11
88-12-16 p1
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Sherman Remembered CT19-7 86-5-14
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Sheynkman, Emanuil and Ksenia Sudarikova CT20-4 86-10-10
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Should We Stop the Bomb CT19-9 86-5-11
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Strategic Energy CT15-26 83-5-27
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN Through Dutch Eyes CT17-7 84-11-2
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN U.N. Debate: Should the U.S. Pull Out CT19-10 86-4-18
THURSDAY-AT-ELEVEN U.S. World Power Addressed CT17-23 85-5-10
THURSDAY 'TIL ELEVEN Alcohol prohibits Thursday 'til Eleven CT 43-3 98-10-2
TIGER PIT CCCA to sponsor Tiger Pit renovations CT 40-6 97/3/28
TIGER PIT Committee proposes changes for Tiger Pit CT 30-6 91/11/1
TIGER PIT Investors Fear Tiger Pit Failure CT40-8 97/4/11
TIGER PIT New committee to consider Tiger Pit renovations CT 30-1 91/9/13
TIGER PIT Renovations approved CT 40-10 97/5/2
TIGER PIT Tiger Pit Opens CT26-5 89-10-20 p4
TINBROOK, CHRISTIAN Intervention in Gulf vital in future Foreign Policy DE6-1
88-10-5 p5
TITSWORTH, WENDY Untitled poem DE11-1 90-Oct p26
TODD, HARRIET Administrator Retires CT21-1 86-1-16
TODD, KIRA A slip DE6-3 88-11-23 p9
TOKYO STRING QUARTET String Fling CT15-4 82-10-15
TONG, ROSEMARIE Williams prof. analyzes questions concerning parental CT25-3
89-2-17 p1
TOOLEY, BRENDA Tooley takes new position as associate dean of faculty CT 43/13
TOTH, LUCY CC Institution to Retire CT19-13 86-5-16
TOWER, JOHN Person of the Month DE3-2 87-3-20
TOWNS, JANELLE Students escape death in head-on collision with semi CT 32-7
TRACK - INTRAMURAL Good weather, good times ... first-ever IM track meet CT27-9
90-4-20 p18
TRACK - MEN & WOMEN Records shattered in recent track meet CT 40-6 97/3/28
TRACK - MEN & WOMEN Track teams choose hard work over fun filled block CT
38-8 96/2/23 p20
TRACK - MEN CC track teams feelin' "NO PAIN" CT35-2 94/2/11 19 283
TRACK - MEN Diverse group of men leads the CC track and Field CT 31-2 92/2/7
17 442
TRACK - MEN Individual performances highlight Men's Track CT23-8 88-3-18 pS-2
TRACK - MEN Men's Track shatters four school records CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-3
TRACK - MEN Smashing records left and right at USAFA CT 35-4 94/3/4
TRACK - MEN Tiger track shuts out D-III competition CT 35-5 94/3/11
TRACK - MEN Track team dedicates successful meet to memory of CT 35-9 94/4/29
TRACK - MEN'S & WOMEN'S Season ending CT 45/20 01-04-27
TRACK - MEN'S CC alum goes home ... & track teams make history CT 38-8 96/2/23
TRACK - MEN'S Cold and damp weather hinder track performances - CT29-9 91-4-19
TRACK - MEN'S Fired-up men's track team responds at Colorado State CT 31-8 92/4/10
18 518
TRACK - MEN'S Last lap of the season CT 33-11 93/5/14 17 747
TRACK - MEN'S Men place second CT29-10 91-4-26 p22
TRACK - MEN'S Men shine at CSU invitational CT 33-9 93/4/30 18 803
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track blasts one open at Grinnell CT27-10 90-4-27 p18
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track conquers competition, beaches CT 33-10 93/5/7 17 838
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track excels at Colby Invitational CT 31-7 92/4/3 19 839
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track eyeballing Nationals CT 31-10 92/5/1 18 840
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track finds success CT29-8 91-54 p21
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track finishes strong with season bests CT29-11 91-5-3 p20
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track finishes with "a great effort" CT 31-11
92/5/8 19 841
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track off to good start CT27-5 90-3-2 p18
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track 'respectable' at Mines CT 31-3 92/2/21 18 837
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track shines at Colorado State CT 33-7 93/4/16 17 842
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track splits up, fairs well ... CT 31-5 92/3/6 17 843
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track strong at Grinnell CT 31-9 92/4/24 19 844
TRACK - MEN'S Men's track team dominates in California CT27-11 90-5-4 p20
TRACK - MEN'S Off to the races CT29-4 91-2-22 p27
TRACK - MEN'S Pole vaulter paces men's track CT 31-4 92/2/28 19 954
TRACK - MEN'S Record breaking track season off to a strong start CT29-5 91-3-1
TRACK - MEN'S Tiger track answers the starting gun CT27-3 90-3-23 p18
TRACK - MEN'S Tiger tracksters show depth against larger schools CT27-8 90-4-6
TRACK - MEN'S Tigers fare well at indoor appearance CT29-3 91-2-15 p27
TRACK - MEN'S Tigers set personal bests CT29-7 91-3-29 p24
TRACK - MEN'S Track treks to Western CT 33-8 93/4/16
TRACK - WOMEN & MEN CC men' & women's tract teams compete at Colby College
CT 35-6 94/4/1 17 248
TRACK - WOMEN & MEN CC track starts small, yet solidly CT27-3 90-2-16 p15
TRACK - WOMEN Lady's track heads outdoors CT 31-6 92/3/27 18 743
TRACK - WOMEN Women's Track goes West CT23-9 88-4-8 pS-1
TRACK - WOMEN Women's Track strong indoors CT23-7 88-3-11 pS-3
TRACK - WOMEN'S CC track displays team, individual success CT 40-9 97/4/28
TRACK - WOMEN'S Ladies' Tiger tracksters accelerate in final stretch CT27-10
90-4-27 p18
TRACK - WOMEN'S Lady tiger runners post season bests in recent meets CT 31-9
92/4/24 18 736
TRACK - WOMEN'S Lady Tigers nab third place CT29-7 91-3-29 p25
TRACK - WOMEN'S Lady trackers off and running CT29-5 91-3-1 p25
TRACK - WOMEN'S Lady tracksters set marks at AFA CT27-5 90-3-2 p19
TRACK - WOMEN'S Minnesota brings out the best in women's track CT29-11 91-5-3
TRACK - WOMEN'S Tiger track answers the starting gun CT27-3 90-3-23 p18
TRACK - WOMEN'S Track team meets with continued success CT 40-10 97/5/2
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women succeed in Gunnison, Minnesota next CT29-9 91-4-19 p24
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track "not unnoticed" at CSM CT 31-5 92/3/6
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track a "visible force" CT 31-8 92/4/10
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track accelerates CT27-8 90-4-6 p14
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track ends in a flurry of feet CT27-11 90-5-4 p22
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track fares well at CU CT29-6 91-3-22 p22
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track finishes strong CT 31-11 92/5/8
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track improves with meet at CSU CT29-8 91-4-5 p21
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track kicks into season CT 33-6 93/4/2
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track performs well in Southern Colorado CT 33-7 93/4/16
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track sets records CT 33-9 93/4/30
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track team improving CT 31-7 92/4/3
TRACK - WOMEN'S Women's track young and excited CT 31-4 92/2/28
TRACK & FIELD - WOMEN Three women win All-American for track & field
CT 42-13 98-2-20
TRACK AND FIELD - MEN & WOMEN CC track and field frolic in Disneyland CT
35-11 94/5/13 15 281
TRACK AND FIELD CC Track Puts on Show in Ft. Collins, Races to Two CT 36-7 95/4/7
18 282
TRACK AND FIELD Lady trackers set more records at Air Force Ct 42-15 98-3-6
TRACK AND FIELD Perfect Day for Provisional Times CT 36-9 95/4/28 18 943
TRACK AND FIELD Shishido shatters school record CT43-20 99-4-30
TRACK AND FIELD Tiger Track Sets Marks vs. Mines CT 36-3 95/2/24
TRACK AND FIELD Tiger Track Starts Promising Season CT 36-2 95/2/10
TRACK AND FIELD Track and Field's fantastic freshmen CT 415 99-3-26
TRACK AND FIELD Track Sets Personal Bests, Team Falls Short CT 36-8 95/4/14
TRACK AND FIELD Track Team Continues Strong Season, Sets Records in CT 36-5
TRACK AND FIELD Track Team Finishes Season on Beach in Cool California CT 36-11
TRACK AND FIELD Track Team on Record Pace, Shatters School Marks CT 36-4 95/3/3
TRACK Geonetta Sets Record CT14-20 82-4-16
TRACK High Hopes in Track CT14-16 82-3-12
TRACK In Search of Nationals CT17-21 85-4-19
TRACK Knudsen Outqualifies Weather CT15-24 83-5-13
TRACK Men's Track CT21-6 87-5-7
TRACK New Track enhances existing college athletic CT 36-1 94/9/16 20 905
TRACK (pics-2) CT14-24 82-3-21
TRACK Relay Team, Southall Qualify CT15-22 83-4-22
TRACK Runners Catch Rays CT16-20 84-4-13
TRACK Southall and Co. Head for Bigtime CT17-23 85-5-10
TRACK Southall Qualifies for Nationals CT16-21 84-4-20
TRACK Southall Suffers CT16-23 84-5-11
TRACK Sports Briefs CT14-17 82-3-19
TRACK Spring Preview CT16-14 84-2-10
TRACK Tigers face bad weather ... CT 38-10 96/5/3 p17
TRACK Tigers Run Well in Kansas CT19-11 86-4-26
TRACK Track closes the indoor season in CU CT 33-5 93/3/12
TRACK Track Finishes a Successful Season CT19-12 86-5-9
TRACK Track Finishes Season CT16-22 84-4-27
TRACK Track Season Opens CT21-4 87-2-13
TRACK Track Teams Maintain Reputable Season CT19-11 86-4-26
TRACK Track teams brave the cold but still look hot to trot CT 38-9 96/4/26
TRACK Tracksters Ready to Run CT15-19 83-3-18
TRACK Women Head for Nationals CT17-22 85-4-26
TRACK -WOMEN'S Tiger women continue to shatter track records CT 40-8 97/4/11
TRACK Women's Track CT21-6 87-5-7
TRACK Women's Track Cut CT14-11 82-1-15
TRACK Women's Track Running Well CT14-21 82-4-23
TRACK Women's Track Showing Promise CT19-9 86-4-11
TRACK, INDOOR - WOMEN Women's indoor track wraps up CT 33-4 93/3/5
TRAFFIC SAFETY Get Smart About Traffic CT14-6 81-10-29
TRAPPING Killing for Coats DE1-4 86-12-15
TREVITHICK, MICHAEL Big Government vs. Progressive Programs DE6-2 88-10-31 p22
TREVITHICK, MICHAEL The importance of process DE7-1 89-2 p9
TRIATHLETES Triathletes find a home at CC CT 31-1 92/1/31
TRIBES PROGRAM CC Loses Coveted TRIBES Program CT21-4 87-2-13
TRIBES PROGRAM CC to Sponsor TRIBES CT19-11 86-4-26
TRIBES PROGRAM Program for Native Americans CT16-20 84-4-13
TRIBES PROGRAM TRIBES Summer Study Here CT15-1 82-9-17
TRIMBLE, GERALD Cittern in Concert CT16-12 84-1-20
TRISSEL, BENJAMIN The Laughing Gallery DE7-1 89-2 p21
TRISSEL, JAMES The Book as an Art Form DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pX
TRISSEL, JAMES Trissel's Exhibit: Cycle of the day CT26-3 89-10-6 p16
TRISSEL, JIM Class Studies Art of Books CT17-16 85-2-25
TRISSEL, JIM Our Own Pressing Business CT16-9 83-12-2
TRIVIA ALD Holds Trivia Bowl CT19-8 86-5-21
TRIVIA BOWL Trivia buffs bash brains at bowl CT25-3 89-3-3 p2
TRIVIA Hitchcock Trivia CT17-11 84-12-14
TRIVIA Psycho's Convene CT20-10 86-12-12
TRIVIA Trivia Bowl Hindered by Obstacles CT16-24 84-5-18
TROE, ALLISON Education Fellowships Awarded CT21-7 87-3-13
TROVAS, STEPHANIE Trovas brightens senior class CT27-3 90-3-23 p7
TRUE WEST True West Remains Rugged CT19-5 86-2-21
TRUMAN SCHOLARSHIP CC's Mott elected Truman Scholar CT 38-11 96/5/10 p3
TRUSDALE, WILL Tigers Knock Off DU CT19-8 86-3-21
TRUSTEES - FRANK NEWMAN Frank Newman named new Trustee CT23-13 88-5-13 p4
TRUSTEES 87-88: The Year of Southern Africa CT21-9 87-4-10
TRUSTEES Activism and Investment CT18-2 85-9-20
TRUSTEES Administration Considers Selling Property Near Cabin CT16-25 84-5-25
TRUSTEES Alumni-Trustee Toni Worcester, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
TRUSTEES AND FACULTY ISSUES CC board and faculty must regain sense of college's
CT29-5 91-3-1 p15
TRUSTEES Board Confronts Big Issues Today CT21-7 87-5-13
TRUSTEES Board decides not to divest CT24-1 88-9-16 p2
TRUSTEES Board Decisions Announced: Eight Block Year Passes CT21-8 87-3-20
TRUSTEES Board Games CT17-16 85-2-25
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Elects Spencer as Chairman CT16-17 84-5-9
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Enthusiastic CT17-4 84-10-5
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Meeting CT19-8 86-5-21
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees member hospitalized in Seoul CT24-2 88-9-23 p1
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Rally in Keystone CT17-3 84-9-21
TRUSTEES Board of Trustees Will Meet CT17-17 85-5-8
TRUSTEES Board to Review Budget CT16-4 83-10-14
TRUSTEES Board's Position CT21-8 87-3-20 12-13
TRUSTEES But How Many Sheep? CT15-25 83-5-20
TRUSTEES Campus Growing too CT17-25 85-5-24
TRUSTEES CC Divestment Update CT19-8 86-5-21 1,
TRUSTEES CC Joins National Trend CT15-25 83-5-20
TRUSTEES CC to retain investments in South Africa CT28-3 90-10-5 p1
TRUSTEES CC trustees side with big business management CT28-5* 90-10-19 p1
TRUSTEES CCAP greets trustees with protest against divestment CT28-11 90-12-14
TRUSTEES CCCA Publishes Position Paper CT21-6 87-5-7
TRUSTEES Divestment, Student protesters force Board of Trustees CT23-8 88-3-18
TRUSTEES Examining the Role of the Trustees CT21-6 87-5-7
TRUSTEES Former Trustee Dies at the Age of 89, Hendee, Robert CT16-17 84-5-9
TRUSTEES It's Not the Money that Matters CT17-23 85-5-10
TRUSTEES Memorandum, March 9, 1982, to the Colorado College CT14-16 82-3-12
TRUSTEES New Board Members Susan Schlessman, Duncan and George CT17-10 84-12-7
TRUSTEES Not Quite the Geneva Summit CT18-8 85-11-15
TRUSTEES Panel Discussion on Divestment CT21-11 87-4-24
TRUSTEES Planning the Perfect Campus CT16-2 83-9-23
TRUSTEES Portfolio Peek CT18-1 85-9-13
TRUSTEES Several CC trustees not familiar with All-College CT28-11 90-12-14
TRUSTEES Shareholder Responsibility CT20-5 86-10-7
TRUSTEES South African Investments Questioned CT16-23 84-5-11
TRUSTEES Still More Money Needed CT15-23 83-4-29
TRUSTEES Stop Endowing Apartheid CT17-10 84-12-7
TRUSTEES The Divestment Debate CT17-23 85-5-10 8,
TRUSTEES The Few, the Proud, the Board CT16-16 84-2-24 10-11
TRUSTEES The Stagnating Board of Trustees CT19-8 86-5-21
TRUSTEES The Stagnating Board of Trustees DE1-4 86
TRUSTEES Trustees: actions CT23-8 88-3-18 p5
TRUSTEES Trustees Approve, Revise at November Meeting CT17-8 84-11-16
TRUSTEES Trustees conduct business as usual CT24-8 88-11-18 p1
TRUSTEES Trustees Debate Eight Block Proposal CT20-8 86-11-14
TRUSTEES Trustees do it up CT18-10 85-12-13
TRUSTEES Trustees in Command CT16-1 83-9-16
TRUSTEES Trustees meet CT26-1 89-9-15 p3
TRUSTEES Trustees meet over weekend, Board of CT22-1 87-09-11 p2
TRUSTEES Trustees' 'micro-management' of CC sparks resignations CT29-4 91-2-22
TRUSTEES Trustees OK $27,730,000 Budget CT17-18 85-5-15
TRUSTEES Trustees Ratify CT15-7 82-11-12
TRUSTEES Trustees turn deaf ear CT29-7 91-3-29 p13
TRUSTEES Trustees uphold non-discrimation policy CT 33-6 93/4/2
TRUSTEES Trustees vote during break CT25-6 89-3-24 p1
TRUSTEES Trustees Will Not Close Cascade CT16-17 84-5-9
TRUSTEES Trustees: No Divestment CT21-8 87-3-20
TRUSTEES, BOARD OF Board of Trustees begins term with new chairman CT 30-4 91/10/11
TSENG, JENNIFER Blossom Me Blue DE7-2 8 - Mar p32
TUCKER, FRANK New Book by CC Prof CT17-14 85-2-8
TUCKER, JAMES A Happy new millennium DE9-1 90-2-7 p11
TUCKER, ROBERT U.S. World Power Addressed CT17-23 85-5-10
TUGGLE, ERIN Athlete of the Week CT 36-2 95/2/10 18
TUITION Board of Trustees passes 5% tuition hike CT 40-6 97/3/28
TUITION Proposed budget includes tuition hike CT25-4 89-2-24 p1
TUITION Tuition hike boosts financial aid CT27-8 90-4-6 p1
TUITION Tuition increase modest 5.2 percent CT 38-6 96/3/29 p1
TUITION Tuition prices soar past CPI CT 44-14 00/2/25
TUITION Tuition to increase 7.5% over current rate CT29-6 91-3-22 p1
TUITION Tuition up 10.8% CT27-3 90-3-23 p1
TURKOVICH, MARILYN Turkovich, Meuller Lecture on Global Perspective CT21-10
TUTT LIBRARY - COMPACT SHELVING What's up at Tutt CT 41-1 97/9/12
TUTT LIBRARY - THIEF Tutt burglar found guilty of $10,000 book theft CT29-2
91-2-1 p2
TUTT LIBRARY - TIGER Tutt Library installs the TIGER database CT 36-1 94/9/16
TUTT LIBRARY CC Celebrates Reading CT 36-8 95/4/14
TUTT LIBRARY Despite staff efforts, Tutt needs attention to prosper CT 43-17
TUTT LIBRARY GIFTS Tutt receives ancient book worth $12,500 CT 30-4 91/10/11
TUTT LIBRARY Madonna book now available at Tutt Library CT 32-6 92/10/30
TUTT LIBRARY Tutt announces inter-library shuttle service to CT28-1 90-9-14
TUTT LIBRARY Tutt Sponsors Read Aloud CT 36-7 95/4/7
TUTT LIBRARY Tutt will get facelift over winter break CT 36-11 94/12/16
TUTT, RUSSELL Senior trustees, Tutt and Lyons, pass away CT 32-7 92/11/6
TUTT, WILLIAM B. The Tutt Family CT21-11 87-4-24
TUTT, WILLIAM THAYER Colorado Springs mourns death of civic leader ct25-3 89-3-3
TUTT, WILLIAM THAYER Tutt: Hockey Investments and Colorado Springs CT21-3 87-2-6
TWO FORKS DAM "Save the South Platt" Rally CT21-12 87-5-8
TWO FORKS DAM Two Forks Revisited DE2-1 87-9-19
TYLER, GUS On Labor and Corporation Power CT20-8 86-11-14
TYNAN, DAN CC's Tynan Edits Book on Catholic American Literature CT21-11 87-4-24
U.S. SIGNAL SERVICE Station at the College OC1-1 1880-2
UHRIG, KARL Democrats left without identity DE6-2 88-10-31 p133
UINTAH STREET BRIDGE A bridge to the future or a massive step backward CT 43/8
UINTAH STREET BRIDGE Fate of Uintah Street Bridge still unclear CT 43/10 98-12-11
UKROPINA, DAVID Duplicity DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pII
UKROPINA, MICHAEL S. Hegel in a Nutshell DE6-3 88-11-23 p25
UKROPINA, MICHAEL S. On the Reagan Revolution DE6-1 88-10-5 p4
UKROPINA, MICHAEL S. So you say you got a real solution ... DE6-4 88-12-16 p4
ULTIMATE FRISBEE Ultimate takes the field CT28-4 90-10-12 p19
UNITED STATES - BUSINESS America as Follower DE2-3 86-11-14
UNITED STATES - ECONOMIC CONDITIONS U.S. Competitiveness at Stake DE3-3 87-4-17
UNITED STATES SPACE FOUNDATION Space Based Missile Defense CT16-22 84-4-27 8-9
URE, LAURIE British Feminists More Radical than US CT14-21 82-4-23
URIOSTE, DONALDO W. Faculty Dismissals Come Under Fire CT14-15 82-2-19
a commitment to Ct22-1 87-09-11 p10-11
US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION News CT24-5 88-10-21 p2-3
US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Opinions CT24-5 88-10-21 p12-13
VALANT, JASON Player of the Week CT27-2 90-2-2 p18
VALDES, MARIO KRCC Moving Forward CT17-1 84-9-7
VAN CAMP, SUSAN CC Student Wins Coveted Fulbright Scholarship CT21-13 87-5-15
VAN CAMP, SUSAN Germany Beckons Fulbright Winners CT21-14 87-5-22
VAN DE WATER, LYNN Prints CT17-22 85-4-26
VAN HORN, MARGARET Registrar to retire art end of semester CT 37-8 95/11/17
VAN HORN, MARGARET Van Horn Succeeds Harriet Todd as New Assistant CT21-1 86-1-16
VANDALISM Fire Safety Threatened: Prank Burns Administration CT14-12 82-1-22
VANDALISM Vandalism CT13-16 81-2-20
VANDALISM Vandalism CT15-14 83-1-28
VANDALISM Vandalism on Campus CT21-10 87-4-17
VANDERMOLEN, MARK Senior Spotlight Class Applauds National Rugby Star CT26-1
89-9-15 p7
VANDERSTOEL, GRAEME Eastern Eye on Life CT17-22 85-4-26
VANITIES Picture CT17-17 85-5-8
VEGETARIANS Insight - Vegetarians CT25-6 89-3-24 p10-12
VENTURE GRANT Colbin combines economics, Argentinean culture while CT29-7 91-3-29
VENTURE GRANTS Ad-Venture CT15-5 82-10-22
VENTURE GRANTS CC helps students to "venture". CT 45/7 00-11-10
VENTURE GRANTS Colorado College Venture Grants CT14-15 82-3-5
VENTURE GRANTS Grant Funds Survival Study CT17-20 85-4-12
VENTURE GRANTS Housing Now! CT26-4 89-10-13 p1
VENTURE GRANTS Kapur granted Venture to study Tibetans in India CT27-8 90-4-6
VENTURE GRANTS Refugees CT15-24 83-5-13 10,
VENTURE GRANTS Student (Paul Schmidt) studies tourism impact CT27-8 90-4-6 p7
VENTURE GRANTS Venture Grand Friday CT17-24 85-5-17
VENTURE GRANTS Venture Grants Acquires Funds CT16-17 84-5-9
VENTURE GRANTS Venture Grants Awarded CT 36-8 94/11/18
VENTURE GRANTS Venture Grants fund students' dreams CT24-7 88-11-11 p7
VENTURE GRANTS Venture Grants offered through Dean's office CT 37-1 95/9/15
VENTURE GRANTS Venture grants to be awarded CT28-1 90-9-14 p5
VERBURG, JOANN Focus on Visiting Photographer CT17-3 84-9-21
VICTIM ASSISTANCE TEAM VAT provides trained support in time of crisis CT 36-7
VICTIM ASSISTANCE TEAM Victim Assistance Team to provide resources - Colorado
CT 30-1 91/9/20
VICTIMS ASSISTANCE TEAM (V.A.T.) VAT counsels Victims CT 33-3 93/2/26
VICTIM'S ASSISTANCE TEAM New team offers support, options CT 31-1 92/1/31
VIDEO AND FILM WORKSHOP Extracurricular Activities: Beyond Books and Beer ...
CT19-1 86-1-17 6,
VIERLING, LEE CC's Athlete of the Week: Senior pitcher Lee Vierling CT 31-6
92/3/27 17 289
VIERS, LAURA The Path of Totality DE 13-2 91/10
VIERS, VAL Program for Native Americans CT16-20 84-4-13
VIETNAM A.S.I.A. speaker discusses Vietnam conflict CT25-4 89-1-24 p1
VIETNAM Where in the World is the Vietnam Syndrome? DE1-5 86-1-23
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Empowered women "take back the night" CT 33-9
VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Taking the fear out of the night CT 35-9 94/4/29
VIRGIL, AMADEO Still Missing CT13-17 81-2-20
VISITING FACULTY - MEYER, MICHAEL My Dinner with Michael CT23-10 88-4-22 p8
VITT, JOSH Josh Vitt, Senior Quarterback Athlete of the year CT 36-1 94/9/16
18 706
VOCAL MUSIC The Poor Boys in Their Element in Room 46 CT 36-1 95/2/3
VOLLEYBALL - INTRAMURAL Shipwreck and Fetal Error rule the volleyball court
CT28-8 90-11-16 p19
VOLLEYBALL - MEN Men's soccer, volleyball, and football wrap up seasons CT 30-7
91/11/8 18 830
VOLLEYBALL - MEN Volleyball's hectic season CT23-11 88-4-22 pS-3
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Jayhawks top V-ball CT24-7 88-11-11 p21
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Spikers lose in playoffs CT24-8 88-11-18 p21
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Tigers maintain top 5 ranking CT22-6 87-10-30 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN V-ball climbs to #4 CT24-6 88-11-4 p24
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN V-Ball stopped in Regionals CT22-9 87-12-04 p18
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Volleyball ends in defeat CT 30-8 91/11/15
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Volleyball first in Menlo Tournament CT24-3 88-10-7 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Volleyball looks to return to regionals with 1-1 start CT
30-1 91/9/13
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Volleyball ranked #7 despite loss to Falcons CT24-4 88-10-14
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Volleyball wins tourney CT22-5 87-10-16 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Women's volleyball picks up national ranking CT 30-3 91/10/4
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Women's volleyball takes second in Cali tournament CT 30-6
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN Women's Volleyball... (pic) CT24-2 88-9-23 p22
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Difficult times, despite talent CT 37-6 95/11/10 p16
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Hoping to dig up a post-season CT 43/7 98-11-30
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S New women's volleyball coach hired CT27-10 90-4-27 p18
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Photograph CT28-1 90-9-14 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Rebuilding volleyball team ... CT28-2 90-9-21 p18
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Tiger Netter execute perfect "Coup" CT26-2 89-9-22
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Tiger volleyball heads for S. Dakota tournment CT 37-2
95/9/22 p23
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Tigers end season on sour note CT 41-7 97/11/7
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S VBall attacks West CT26-7 89-11-10 p23
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S VBall puts up fight in Playoffs CT26-8 89-11-17 p22
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball attempts to reach the peak at home CT 37-1 95/9/15
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball beats UCCS, awaits call from NCAA CT 32-7 92/11/6
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball captures crown of own tournament CT 32-2 92/9/18
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball continues toward NCAA tourney CT 32-6 92/10/30
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball drops tough match to UCCS CT 32-5 92/10/16
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball ends season with 5-game loss to Trinity CT 32-9
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball falls to USC defeats Westminster CT 37-4 95/10/13
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball finishes 2nd of 8 in tourney CT 36-3 94/10/7
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball gets NCAA bid CT 45/7 00-11-10
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball preps for playoffs CT26-6 89-11-3 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball proves it's a team thing. CT 43-3 98-10-2
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball qualifies for NCAA tournament CT 43/8 98-11-13
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball returns to NCAA playoffs after a year away CT
32-8 92/11/13
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball season nears end CT 36-5 94/10/21
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball takes Invitational title CT 32-3 92/10/9
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball takes two of three in opening tourney CT 32-1
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyball team enjoys Homecoming bash CT26-4 89-10-13
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Volleyballers keep plugging away CT26-1 89-9-15 p19
VOLLEYBALL - WOMEN'S Women's volleyball finishes third ... CT 37-4 95/10/20
VOLLEYBALL A Midwest Massacre CT16-6 83-11-4
VOLLEYBALL CC V-Ball Spikes Again CT16-4 83-10-14
VOLLEYBALL CC Wins Tourney CT14-6 81-10-29
VOLLEYBALL Do or Die CT16-8 83-11-18
VOLLEYBALL Fate of Tans in NCAA Hands CT15-7 82-12
VOLLEYBALL Four Fall to Spikers CT14-3 81-10-2
VOLLEYBALL Hawaii-Hilo Survivors ... CT14-10 81-12-11
VOLLEYBALL Hot Hitters CT16-3 83-10-7
VOLLEYBALL Impressive Season CT18-10 85-12-13
VOLLEYBALL Kickers and Spikers Prepare for Nationals CT20-8 86-11-14
VOLLEYBALL Liberal-Arts Athletics CT20-5 86-10-17
VOLLEYBALL Nationals Near CT18-6 85-11-1
VOLLEYBALL New additions to CC volleyball team prove beneficial CT 43-2 98-9-18
VOLLEYBALL News in Sports CT14-8 81-11-13
VOLLEYBALL (pic) CT14-24 82-5-21
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Advance CT18-9 85-12-6
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Await National Bid CT18-8 85-11-15
VOLLEYBALL Spikers fall to UNC CT22-4 87-10-09 p18
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Fight Back CT16-2 83-9-23
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Gear Up for CC Tournament CT14-5 81-10-16
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Grab Fifth in Own Tourney CT15-5 82-10-22
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Hit the Coast CT20-9 86-12-5
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Maturing CT16-7 83-11-11
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Roar CT20-3 86-10-3
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Romp CT16-1 83-9-16
VOLLEYBALL Spikers Stalled CT18-5 85-10-18
VOLLEYBALL Sports Shorts CT15-1 82-9-17
VOLLEYBALL Sports Shorts CT15-2 82-9-24
VOLLEYBALL Sports Shorts CT15-3 82-10-8
VOLLEYBALL Sports Shorts CT15-4 82-10-15
VOLLEYBALL Sports Shorts CT20-2 86-9-19
VOLLEYBALL Temporarily Stalled CT18-2 85-9-20
VOLLEYBALL Tiger Tales CT14-9 81-12-4
VOLLEYBALL Tiger volleyball takes second CT 43-2 93/9/17
VOLLEYBALL UCCS comeback ruins Spikers debut CT23-8 88-3-18 pS-1
VOLLEYBALL UNC Spoils 1st Home Game - CC Hosts Division II Finals CT14-4 81-10-9
VOLLEYBALL V-Ball Star, Camille Bzdek CT15-9 82-12-3
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball defeated in Trinity tournament CT 37-6 95/11/3 p16
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball digs up another strong finish in Illinois CT 34-3 93/10/1
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball ends an exciting and winning season 19-8 CT 45/8 00-11-17
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball Picks Up Some Top Recruits CT19-13 86-5-16
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball players win regional honors CT 37-9 95/12/1 p18
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball prepared for regionals CT22-8 87-11-13 p18
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball pulls together CT 34-4 93/10/8
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball pulls together to win CT 34-6 93/10/29
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball ready for D-II challenge CT 36-2 94/9/23
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball says goodbye to five seniors CT 34-8 93/11/12
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball shakes it up in Cali CT26-5 89-10-20 p17
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball spiked by UNC CT 34-1 93/9/10
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball splits CT 34-7 93/11/5
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball to face cross-town rivals CT 36-6 94/11/4
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball to host CC Invitational CT 36-4 94/10/14
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball: Emotional ebb spikes spikers CT22-7 87-11-6 p17
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball: spikers face tough competition CT22-2 87-09-18 p23
VOLLEYBALL Volleyball: Spikers start strong CT22-1 87-09-11 p18
VOLLEYBALL Woman's Volleyball CT17-8 84-11-16
VOLLEYBALL Woman's Volleyball Ranked No. 1 CT18-3 85-10-4
VOLLEYBALL Woman's Volleyball: A New Start CT18-1 85-9-13
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-1 84-9-7
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-2 84-9-14
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-3 84-9-21
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-4 84-10-5
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-5 84-10-12
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-6 84-10-19
VOLLEYBALL Women's Volleyball CT17-7 84-11-2
VOLUNTEER ACTION Counselor discusses kid's behavior with Volunteer CT29-4 91-2-22
VOLUNTEER ACTION Extracurricular Activities CT19-1 86-1-17 6,
VOLUNTEER ACTION PROGRAM Adopt-a-kid program fosters friendship, fun CT29-3
91-2-15 p7
VOLUNTEER ACTION V.A. Spreads Joy CT16-10 83-12-9
VOLUNTEER FAIR Community groups recruit volunteers CT22-4 87-10-09 p5
VOLUNTEER SERVICE What is Volunteerism? DE3-1 87-2-13
VON HANDEL, DR. PETER Thurs. at Eleven CT26-8 89-11-17 p5
WAHL, WENDY C. The Origin of the Liberal Arts Tradition DE5-4 88-5-13 p4
WAHTOLA, ROSEMERRY Network re-images women's perceptions CT27-10 90-4-27 p5
WAHTOLA, ROSEMERRY Perdeam Partulum et Perfundam nunc est Bibendum! DE9-3&4
90-5-10 pXI
WAHTOLA, ROSEMERRY Spotlight writer, Wahtola, in the Spotlight CT 30-10 91/12/13
WAITE, TERRY Person of the Month DE3-1 87-2-13
WAKELYN, MARTY No Fun for Tiger Hockey CT19-1 86-1-17
WAKELYN, MARTY Sweet Tigers Toy with Tech. CT18-7 85-11-8
WALCH, JOHN It was snowing DE9-2 90-3-6 p23
WALCH, JOHN Now-A-Day's DE9-2 90-3-6 p21
WALCH, JOHN Walch takes stage with dramatic duo CT27-8 90-4-6 p8
WALKER FOUNDATION-SUBSTANCE ABUSE Workshop participants wrestle with student
CT27-4 90-2-23 p6
WALKER, AL Catalyst names Al Walker its "Coach of the Year" CT 31-11
92/5/8 17 211
WALKER, CHRISTOPHER Yes! Senior of the Month! CT 35-2 94/2/11
WALKER, RICHARD T. CC mourns deaths of two students CT28-1 90-9-14 p5
WALKER, RICHARD Walker walks on to CCCA CT22-10 87-12-11 p1
WALLER, PHILLIP CC Identity Report CT17-12 85-1-18
WALTERS, CHARLES Charles Walters exposes Recent Work CT29-8 91-4-5 p18
WALTERS, SUZANNA What's the body got to do with it? DE9-1 90-2-7 p8
WAND, DR. JIM- HYPNOTIST Hypnotist enthralls CC students CT28-2 90-9-21 p3
WANEK, SCOTT CC Trio Goes to Nationals CT18-9 85-12-6
WANG, MICHAEL Students nominated for Watson Fellowships CT24-6 88-11-4 p3
WARNER, SARAH Women and the Constitution DE4-2 87-10-15 p12
WASHINGTON SISTERS The Washington Sisters bring the sound of music to CT25-3
89-3-3 p9
WASHINGTON STUDIES Interns Plan Trip to D.C. CT14-9 81-12-4
WASHINGTON STUDIES Washington Studies CT14-6 81-10-29
WASSILIE, CARL Athlete of the Week CT 36-4 95/3/3 18
WATER SPRINKLERS - CAMPUS New sprinkler system installed CT 32-2 92/9/18
WATER POLO Water, sweat, fun: water polo has now begun CT 42-16 98-3-27
WATERS, FRANK Frank Waters speaks CT24-1 88-9-16 p8
WATERS, FRANK Nobel prize nominee lectures on Southwest CT24-2 88-9-23 p2
WATERS, FRANK Waters imagines world change CT24-3 88-10-7 p8
WATSOB FELLOWSHIPS CC student awarded Watson Fellowship CT 40-9 97/4/28
WATSON FELLOWSHIPS Fellowship offers opportunities for study CT 34-3 93/10/1
WATSON FELLOWSHIPS Students nominated for Watson Fellowships CT24-6 88-11-4
WATSON FOUNDATION Watson fellowship proposals due CT28-1 90-9-14 p3
WATSON FOUNDATION Watson winners found, CC gets two CT23-9 88-4-8 p5
WAVERLY CONSORT Music From the Ages: Medieval thru Renaissance CT19-4 86-2-14
WAXER, LEON Two CC students win Luce Scholarships CT27-3 90-3-23 p3
WAXMAN, THOMAS ARLAN Student dies CT25-2 89-2-3 p1
WCC - WOMEN'S CONCERNS COMMITTEE Committee strives to recruit female faculty,
set up CT24-11 88-12-16 p7
WEATHER Too Much Weather: Blizzard Gives CC a Break in Block CT17-6 84-10-19
WEAVER, CHRIS Protesting in the '80's Style CT19-6 86-5-7
WEBSTER, EDWARD Ed Webster returns to CC after Mt. Everest climb CT 33-4 93/3/5
WEEDEN, FINKLE, FAY Comedy Team Teaching CT17-14 85-2-8
WEEDEN, FINKLE, FAY Hilarity at its Best - Sunday CT19-9 86-4-11
WEEDEN, FINKLE, FAY WF&F Deliver CT17-15 85-2-15
WEGAR, KATARINA Two CC professors speak at panel discussion ion the CT 36-4
WEI, YAO Sino-U.S. Relations Hinge on Tolerance CT14-20 82-4-16
WEIDA, BILL Weida on SDI: Asking the Right Questions CT19-5 86-2-21
WEIDA, BILL Weida to Speak on SDI CT19-3 86-2-7
WEIDA, BILL What is Our National Strategy? CT19-13 86-5-16
WEIDA, WILLIAM Professors Lee and Weida discuss facts of war Thursday CT29-4
9102022 p5
WEINSHIENK, ZITA Law: Laying it on the Line CT18-6 85-11-1
WEISKOPF, DANNY Tutt: Hockey Investments and Colorado Springs CT21-3 87-2-6
WEISS, KARL German journalist discusses role of European community CT29-4 91-2-22
WEISSELBERG, MICHAEL Israel: Policies made in fear DE5-4 88-5-13 p16-18
WELCH, KATIE CC senior garners research scholarship CT25-7 89-3-31 p13
WELCH, M. KATHERINE Communication Breakdown DE7-2 89 - Mar p7
WELDON, JULIA Five by Julia Weldon (Engravings) CT17-21 85-4-19
WELLS, TODD BSU Information, Todd Wells is Now President CT17-15 85-2-15
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. CC Joins Trend CT17-24 85-5-17
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. Faculty Favors Divestment CT21-6 87-5-7
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. Investment or Divestment CT17-16 85-2-25
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. It's Not the Money that Matters CT17-23 85-5-10
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. South African Investments Questioned CT16-23 84-5-11
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. The Divestment Debate CT17-23 85-5-10 8,
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. Wenzlau Defends Investment CT17-24 85-5-17
WENZLAU, THOMAS E. Wenzlau: New Financial V.P. CT16-13 84-1-27
WENZLAU, THOMAS Rally Held for Divestment in South Africa CT17-22 85-4-26
WENZLAU, THOMAS V.P. Tom Wenzlau retires from CC CT28-10 90-12-7 p3
WENZLAU, THOMAS V.P. Tom Wenzlau retires from CC CT28-10 90-12-7 p3
WERNER, RAY O. Werner, Carle Honored by WCHA CT19-13 86-5-16
WEST SIDE STORY "West Side Story" High Energy CT14-5 81-10-16
WEST, CAROL Gamma Phi Beta house mom - Kuwait: refugee describes CT28-8 90-11-16
WEST, CAROL Now war torn and looted Kuwait once a shoppers' CT28-9 90-11-30
WESTERN RIDGE - HOUSING Careful attention to fire safety spares Building A CT
45/16 01-03-09
WESTERN RIDGE - HOUSING New housing looks to provide a variety of options CT
45/17 01-03-30
WHEAT, DOUG White Waterer CT20-3 86-10-3
WHEELER, DAVID Distinguished guest returns to campus CT25-4 89-2-24 p17
WHEELER, DAVID Visiting Director CT15-11 82-12-17
WHEELER, SHANNON Primates - Suborder Anthropoided DE4-1 87-9-17 p19
WHEELER, SHANNON Skin Deep (Issue of Racism) DE4-2 87-10-15 p17
WHITE, MILES Passages DE9-2 90-3-6 p19
WHITE, MILES The lessons of Barry and Hussein DE11-1 90-Oct p2
WHITE, MILES The Second River DE 14-3 92/5
WHITE, MILES White, musician, philosopher in the spotlight CT 30-5 91/10/18
WHITEHOUSE, CHARLES Ambassador Speaks CT17-8 84-11-16
WHITTEN, BARBARA Whitten sheds light on SDI CT22-5 87-10-16 p7
WIENCEK, DANIEL Wiencek's recital: no rotten vegetables please CT29-8 91-4-5
WILBORN, GREG Student, hall director win nationally prestigious CT27-11 90-5-4
WILDER, ARWEN Wilder presents dance thesis CT 33-8 93/4/16
WILDERNESS AREAS Wilderness CT15-9 82-12-3
WILKES, JASON Jason Wilkes, 1971-1992 CT32-1 92/9/11 11 700
WILKES, JASON Wilkes Memorial Fund started CT33-1 93/2/5
WILKINSON, KATE Drugs and children: Can it be stopped DE8-1 89-Sept p14
WILLIAM KENNEDY SMITH ACCUSER William Kennedy Smith accuser describes ordeal
CT 31-11 92/5/8
WILLIAMS, ERIKA Prima Donna DE 13-1 91/9
WILLIAMS, KNOX Avalanche Seminar CT17-12 85-12-18
WILLIAMS, MARION See Gospel Singer CT14-6 81-10-29
WILLIAMS, MICHAEL Walkout Investigation Concludes CT14-14 82-2-12
WILLIAMS, MICHAEL Williams is Out CT15-9 82-12-3
WILLIAMS, SHIRLEY Williams Defines International Issues CT16-15 84-2-17 1,
WILLIAMS, SUSAN Poetry DE11-1 90-Oct p31
WILLIAMSON, BRIAN Williamson receives top Community Service Award CT 38-8 96/4/12
WILLSIE, SUE A Valediction forbidding Wordhip DE9-1 90-2-7 p22
WILLSIE, SUE Confession DE9-1 90-2-7 p8
WILLSIE, SUE Street Poem DE8-4 89-Dec p17
WILLY THE DISK Playing with Ante Bellum Band CT19-6 86-5-7
WILSHIRE, BRUCE All the Stage's a World? CT14-12 82-1-22
WILSON, DANA Head of Res Life leaving after twenty years CT 35-10 94/5/6
WILSON, DANA Library trustee named (Pikes Peak Library District) CT 32-9 92/12/4
WILSON, DANA New Res Life Director to take over in April CT 45/16 01-03-09
WILSON, DANA Photo - Dana Wilson, director of Residential Life CT29-6 91-3-22
WILSON, GEOFFREY Geoffrey Wilson Addresses Hazardous Waste CT 85-2-25
WILSON, MATT Planting the seed DE6-3 88-11-23 p13
WILSON, ROBIN Resident Writer CT17-11 84-12-14
WILSON, RUTH Flyday Today! CT17-24 85-5-17
WILSON, RUTH No Jobs for CC Students CT16-14 84-2-10
WINCENC, CAROL Flutist Flows CT15-6 82-11-5
WINDHAM HILL Live Sounds Presents: Windham Hill Stud CT18-9 85-12-6
WINDSHEIMER, M.L. Highway 24 to the Springs DE 14-2 92/4 29 632
WINDSHEIMER, MARCI Escort DE9-3&4 90-5-10 pXV
WINDSHEIMER. M.L. But I Brought Pudding! DE 14-1 92/2 16 183
WINGATE, MOLLY Wingate: The write stuff CT22-4 87-10-09 p5
WINGREN, JERRY three-ton marble monolith unveiled at CC CT 30-3 91/10/4
WINSHIP, JENNIFER Winship's Show CT15-20 83-3-25
WINTER CARNIVAL Class officers bring Winter Carnival to campus CT 44-15 00/3/3
WINTER CARNIVAL Community helps Winter Carnival take a step closer to CT 41-12
98-2-6 8B
WINTER CARNIVAL Winter Carnival CT 42-13 98-2-20 4B
WINTER CARNIVAL Winter Carnival exceeds expectations CT 42-15 98-3-6
WINTER CARNIVAL Winter Carnival: Not just a swing dance CT 43-14 99-2-26
WINTER FEST Who needs to pay to play when there is Winter Fest CT 38-2 96/2/9
WINTER FEST Winter Fest results: a soaring success CT 42-15 98-3-6 5B
WINTER FORMAL Dance lessons twirl off Winter Formal CT27-1 90-1-26 p2
WINTER FORMAL Formal features fantastic fashion faux-pas CT25-2 89-2-3 p8
WINTER FORMAL Winter Formal CT26-11 89-12-15 p3
WINTER FORMAL 1990 Winter Formal never to be held at Broadmoor again CT27-2
90-2-2 p1
WINTERFEST '99 Winterfest '99: snowy success CT 43-17 99-4-2
WINTERFEST FUCC, Winterfest hope to prove critics wrongs. CT 44-18 00/4/7
WINTERNITZ, BARBARA Bird-Watcher, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
WINTERNITZ, BARBARA College, community remembers professor Winternitz CT 44-12
WINTERNITZ, RICHARD 'Problem with Fishes ... is Man' CT17-19 85-3-22
WIRTH, JOHN D. Wirth: Canadian historian to lecture CT22-7 87-11-6 p3
WIRTH, TIMOTHY Wirth, Phipps, Markel awarded CT 33-10 93/5/7
WOLANDER, ROGER C. DR. Should We Stop the Bomb? CT19-9 86-4-11
WOLFE, DANNY Listening to a Quiet World CT17-13 85-1-25 8,
WOMAN'S EDUCATION SOCIETY WES scholars honored CT 32-2 92/9/18
WOMAN'S EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY Montgomery Hall's 100th anniversary also celebrates
CT29-9 91-4-19 p9
WOMAN'S EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY WES coffee and lecture planned CT28-4 90-10-12 p2
WOMAN'S WEEK NOW speaker takes pro-choice position CT25-3 89-3-3 p9
WOMEN AND VIOLENCE Slide Show and Presentation Held, "Violence and CT17-18
WOMEN AND VIOLENCE Women and Men: Breaking Through CT15-5 82-10-22 10,
WOMEN AND VIOLENCE Women Artists Explore Violence CT15-4 82-10-15
WOMEN IN EDUCATION Fighting in the Belly of the Beast CT15-19 83-3-18 10,
WOMEN STUDIES LOUNGE Women Studies Lounge open to variety of events and CT28-10
90-12-7 p4
WOMEN STUDIES Women Studies expanded CT24-3 88-10-7 p7
WOMEN STUDIES Women Studies minor: A different perspective CT29-6 91-3-22 p10
WOMEN STUDIES Women Studies now an official major Ct 37-9 95/12/1 p14
WOMEN SUPPORT GROUP New support group for women available CT 30-1 91/9/13
WOMEN'S ART FESTIVAL The start of a new CC tradition CT 42-19 98-4-24 4B
WOMEN'S ART FESTIVAL Women's Art Festival to be held CT 44-18 00/4/7
WOMEN'S ARTS FESTIVAL Fourth Annual Women's Arts Festival takes off this CT
45/19 01-04-13
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE ACM Views Women's Concerns CT16-9 83-12-2
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE Board Decisions Announced CT21-6 87-3-20
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE Items on the Board's Agenda CT21-5 87-5-13
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE Maternal Diversity Celebrated CT16-17 84-5-9
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE Sexual Harassment CT15-14 83-1-28
WOMEN'S CONCERN COMMITTEE Women's Concern Committee Seeks Child Care Center
CT21-5 87-2-20
WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY Tea for Five CT14-21 82-4-23
WOMEN'S FILM FESTIVAL Biography features pioneering German Socialist leader
CT25-6 89-3-24 p13
WOMENS' FILM FESTIVAL Film Festival explores Women's' perspective CT24-3 88-10-7
WOMEN'S FILM SERIES See women's film series CT28-4 90-10-12 p13
WOMEN'S HEALTH SERVICE CLINIC Non-Traditional Health Care CT16-20 84-4-13
WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Women's Leadership Conference Planned CT21-12
WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP TRAINING INSTITUTE Women's Leadership Training Institute
to continue ... CT27-1 90-1-26 p3
WOMEN'S MOVEMENT Women and Men: Breaking Through CT15-5 82-10-22 10,
WOMEN'S POETRY READING Women's poetry reading proves successful CT27-3 90-3-23
WOMEN'S RIGHTS The Negation of Women's Rights: Cause for Alarm DE1-5 86-3-23
WOMEN'S STUDIES Concerned Women Meet CT15-13 83-1-21
WOMEN'S STUDIES CWSA to Award Scholarships CT14-3 81-10-2
WOMEN'S STUDIES Genova Speaks to Feminist Collective CT19-3 86-2-7
WOMEN'S STUDIES Global Feminism women discuss trip CT 37-4 95/10/20 p2
WOMEN'S STUDIES Goodfriend Speaks CT15-8 82-11-19
WOMEN'S STUDIES LOUNGE Women's Studies Lounge open to a variety of events and
CT28-10 90-12-7 p4
WOMEN'S STUDIES Panel Encourages Study of Women CT14-8 81-11-13
WOMEN'S STUDIES Women's Studies Day CT15-7 82-11-12
WOMEN'S WEEK Beware of Domestic Violence CT18-3 85-10-4
WOMEN'S WEEK Colorado College welcomes Women's Week CT25-4 89-2-24 p2
WOMEN'S WEEK ERA Deadline Approaches, Active Support Needed CT14-20 82-4-16
WOMEN'S WEEK Events of Women's Week: Series of Discussions and CT17-17 85-3-8
WOMEN'S WEEK Feminists March for Rape Protection CT14-21 82-4-23
WOMEN'S WEEK Mapping the Life of an Artist CT14-21 82-4-23
WOMEN'S WEEK Panel Encourages Study of Women (CC Kicks off Women's CT14-8 81-11-13
WOMEN'S WEEK Sheffield Gives Keynote Speech CT13-13 81-1-16
WOMEN'S WEEK White Male System Challenged CT14-20 82-4-16
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Month CT15-18 83-3-11
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Sports Assessment CT15-20 82-3-25
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Studies Week: Promoting Role of Women in CT14-8 81-11-13
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Week at CC CT19-7 86-3-14
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Week Explores Feminist Potential CT14-19 82-4-9
WOMEN'S WEEK Women's Week Starts Sunday CT13-12 81-1-9
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Bands Galore! CT15-8 82-11-19
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Build Solar Greenhouse CT13-17 81-2-20
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE If You Think it's Art it Probably is CT18-4 85-10-11
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Oil Shale Explored CT14-15 82-2-19
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Students Sponsor Solar Presentations CT14-4 81-10-9
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Theme Housing Weighed: Jest of Justified CT14-16 82-3-12
WOOD AVENUE HOUSE Wood Avenue House Investigates Energy Resources CT14-2 81-9-25
WOOD, RICHARD Search begins for Admissions director as Wood sails CT29-1 91-1-25
WOOD, STEPHEN'84 Muralist Paints the Town, With a Little Help CT 37-6 95/11/10
WOOGLINS Woogie's Deli adopts new parent, new style CT 33-5 93/3/12
WOOGLIN'S Wooglin's co-owned by recent CC grads CT29-4 91-2-22 p9
WOOGLIN'S Wooglin's Opens CT26-8 89-11-17 p6
WORCESTER, TONI Alumni-Trustee, An Interview CT17-9 84-11-30
WORLD ARENA, CO. SPRINGS trustee gift pushes World Arena project forward CT
38-1 96/2/2 p1
WORLD ARENA A multi million dollar playground CT 41-11 98-1-30
WORLD Aspen: Living with Excess DE1 1993 10
WORLD BANK World Bank opponent visits CC CT22-8 87-11-13 p1
WORLD Chicago: Vestiges of Slavery DE1 1993 18 332
WORLD Drugs: One Night Out DE2 1993
WORLD Manchester: Students' Rights DE1 1993 24 783
WORLD SUMMIT FOR CHILDREN World Summit for Children to convene CT28-2 90-9-21
WORLD The Thirties: Italy and France DE2 1993
WORNER AWARD Awesome CC Alums (Beimford, Kathryn; Murray,Constance; CT20-3 86-10-3
WORNER AWARD Distinguished Alumni Honored CT18-4 85-10-11
WORNER CENTER - STUDENT LOUNGE Changes pitted for student lounge CT27-1 90-1-26
WORNER DESK Worner Desk proves informative, but misused CT 43/11 99-1-29
WORNER, LLOYD E. Former CC president dies at 78 CT 399 96/12/6 p1
WORNER, LLOYD Lloyd Worner Student Proxy TG44-7 41-10-31
WORNER, LLOYD Rastall Center to be Renamed CT19-1 86-1-17
WORNER, LLOYD Worner is Honored CT17-20 85-4-12
WORNER, LLOYD Worner is New President of CC Beta Theta Pis TG43-17 41-2-14
WRAY, CHRIS Sticks and Stones: Baitlon and Wray CT19-10 86-4-18
WRIGHT, ANDREW Moralism & Politics DE5-3 88-4-15 p15
WRIGHT, ANDREW Strange days in a nuclear world: USSR initiates peace DE4-5 87-12-17
WRIGHT, ANDREW The End of the Reagan Error DE5-1 88-1-21 p7-8
WRIGHT, ANDREW Where We're Heading in the Gulf DE4-2 87-10-15 p6
WRIGHT, MARK Portfolio Peek CT18-1 85-9-13
WRITING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM English Department Changes CT14-24 82-3-21
WRITING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Writing Assistance: An Uncertain Future CT14-16 82-3-12
WRITING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Writing Program Revamped CT14-16 82-3-12
WRITING CENTER "Quick-Fix" with Writing Center CT17-15 85-2-15
WRITING CENTER CC's writing program goes high-tech CT22-6 87-10-30 p4
WRITING CENTER Presentation to decipher writing mysteries CT24-5 88-10-21 p5
WRITING CENTER Robin Root New Director CT16-2 83-9-23
WRITING CENTER Tutors attend National Conference CT26-7 89-11-10 p7
WRITING CENTER Tutors attend training in New York Ct24-7 88-11-11 p2
WRITING CENTER W.C. Branches Out CT18-6 85-11-1
WRITING CENTER W.C. continues service CT26-2 89-9-15 p7
WRITING CENTER Wingate: The write stuff CT22-4 87-10-09 p5
WRITING CENTER Write Now CT15-11 82-12-17
WRITING CENTER Writers Conference CT15-8 82-11-19
WRITING CENTER Writers Need Help at Colorado College CT15-20 83-3-25
WRITING CENTER Writing Assistance Begins Anew CT15-1 82-9-17
WRITING CENTER Writing Buffs Polish Skills: Center Adds Word processor CT17-2
WRITING CENTER Writing Center Expands CT19-1 86-1-17
WRITING CENTER Writing Center inspires CT28-1 90-9-14 p10
WRITING CENTER Writing Center Provides Workbench CT20-4 86-10-10
WRITING CENTER Writing Center Snazzed Up CT16-16 84-2-24
WRITING CENTER Writing Center: no urine sample required CT 36-7 94/11/11
WRITING CENTER Writing troubles? CT 34-10 93/12/10
WRITING CENTER Writing Tutors Sought CT21-1 86-1-16
WRITING CONTEST Writing Contest Open to CC Students CT 36-3 95/2/24
WRITING PROGRAM Writing program sponsors prominent speaker - Peter CT25-3 89-2-17
XERISCAPING - CAMPUS Xeriscaping program kicks up its heels CT 35-4 94/3/4
XIN, HAN The Artist as Rebel CT16-8 83-11-18
X-RAY - COLORADO COLLEGE Remembering CC's waves in radiology CT 38-2 96/2/9
YAFFE, JAMES An author in our midst: Jim Yaffe's mystery novels CT 36-1 94/9/16
YAFFE, JAMES CC "Best of Both Worlds" CT20-1 86-9-12
YAFFE, JAMES Professional Writer at CC CT17-6 84-10-19
YAFFE, JAMES Professors stress Mozart appreciation CT25-3 89-2-17 p14
YAFFE, JAMES Yaffe Defies Euclid's Geometry CT17-22 85-4-26
YAFFE, JAMES Yaffe on Broadway? CT15-25 83-5-20
YALICH, BARBARA N. Yalich Promoted CT18-6 85-11-1
YATES, DARON Bond, Eule, Yates set high career goals CT28-8 90-11-16 p10
YELLOW BIKES Yellow bikes make long-anticipated return CT 43/6 98-10-30
YESTERDAY TODAY Wartime Woes make Zealots of Us All CT26-11 89-12-15 p5
YESTERDAY TODAY: APATHY REIGNS IN '33 Yesterday Today: Apathy reigns in '33
CT26-10 89-12-8 p5
YESTERDAY TODAY:ON THE EDGE OF THE Yesterday Today: On the edge of the '60's
CT26-9 89-12-1 p5
YOST, MIKE Two Tiger Basketballers Earn CIBA All-Star Honors CT21-13 87-5-15
YOST, MIKE Yost's Slam Downs AFA CT21-11 87-4-24
YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslavia's Uneasy Middle Ground DE2-1 86-9-19
YUJI HIRATSUKA Yuji Hiratsuka's Jewel Box in Coburn CT28-1 90-9-14 p17
ZAH, PETERSON Two alumni elected to fill trustee positions w/photo CT 30-10
ZAHN, GORDON Discussion of Conscience CT18-5 85-10-18
ZAWATSKY, ED Zawatsky learns more than hockey at CC CT29-1 91-1-25 p13
ZAZOFSKY, PETER Violinist Sensation: The Yentl Success CT16-13 84-1-27
ZELLIOT, ELEANOR India Interest CT18-8 85-11-15
ZEMEN, SCOTT Zemen contemplates dolphin intelligence, future CT29-7 91-3-29
ZIHLMAN, ADRIENNE Women in Evolution CT17-19 85-5-22
ZOLA, MIRANDA The role of the US in Israel: Can peace prevail? DE6-3 88-11-23
ZOLTAN Art of fencing Taught CT17-17 85-5-8
ZUCKERMAN, RANDY Peaking in Mexico DE5-1 88-1-21 p12-13
ZUERCHES, KELLY M. Piano Virtuosos Perform at CC CT14-9 81-12-4
ZWINGER, ANN Nature writing 'more fun than taking out garbage CT29-3 91-2-15
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revised, 1-2011, JR