Colorado College Audio Recordings
R100-[ongoing], 1954-present
List compiled by Sherri Hall, 1981; revised by Judith R. Finley June 1992; most recent revision December 2024, JR.
Tutt Library has accumulated these Colorado College audio recordings over many years from various sources. The collection is not systematic or complete. It is housed in Special Collections and intended for scholarly and educational use.
R100 NCAA Hockey Finals. Radio comedy show, February 16, 1954. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 16 min. 1 side.
R101 Gaylord, E. K. , Lecture. “The Frontiers Ahead, ” July 7, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 38 min. 1 side. NOTE: Sound quality is poor. With CD version made 2007.
R102 Dedication of Loomis and Taylor Halls, November 2, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Willis R. Armstrong. Remarks about Mabel Ruth Loomis by Mrs. Harold D. Roberts.
R103 Dedication of Loomis and Taylor Halls, November 2, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Continuation of R102. Remarks about Alice Bemis Taylor by Mrs. Charles L. Tutt.
R104 Inauguration of Colorado College President, Louis T. Benezet. Speech by Harlan Hatcher, president of University of Michigan, November 2, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R105 Inauguration of Colorado College President Louis T. Benezet, November 2 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Continuation of R104. Remarks by Dr. Theodore A. Sistler, Executive Director of the Association of American Colleges. Remarks by William Penland.
R106 Inauguration of President Louis T. Benezet. Dinner program, November 2, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Theodore A. Distler, Executive Director of the Association of American Colleges.
R107 Inauguration of President Louis T. Benezet. Dinner program, November 2, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Continuation of R 106. Remarks by Louis Knapp, Colorado College Professor of English. Remarks by Louis T. Benezet.
R108 Rededication of Shove Memorial Chapel. Dr. Charles C. Mierow, presiding, November 4, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Clyde A. Holbrook, Dean of Shove Chapel from 1945-1949. 2 copies.
R109 Rededication of Shove Memorial Chapel. Dr. Charles C. Mierow, presiding, November 4, 1956. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Continuation of R108.
R110 KWBY Radio. Salute to Dr. Louis T. Benezet, May 5, 1957. Tape. 4 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R111 The Colorado College Commencement. Commencement by James E. Webb, former Undersecretary of State, June 10, 1957. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R112 The Colorado College Commencement, June 10, 1957. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 2 sides. Continuation of R111.
R113 Groundbreaking ceremony for Rastall Center. J. Juan Reid, Master of Ceremonies, October 26, 1957. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R114 Homecoming Banquet. Homecoming weekend, October 26, 1957. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R115 Dedication of Rastall Center, October 24, 1959. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 37 min. 1 side. (in part): Colorado College Alma Mater by Chorus. NOTE: Sound quality is poor.
R116 Tutt Library Groundbreaking Ceremony, October 29, 1960. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Mr. John Merrill, architect, and by Professor Richard Beidleman.
R117 Alumni Lunch. Homecoming Weekend, November 3, 1961. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R118 “This is Colorado College. ” Radio program, December 31, 1961. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. 2 copies. With CD version made 2007.
R119 The Colorado College Library: Its History and its Growth. ” Includes moving day interviews with students and faculty, recorded on the scene, May 16, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R120 Dedication of Olin Hall. C. L. Horn, speaker, September 18, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R121 Benezet, Louis T. Convocation address. University of Denver, October 2, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R122 Dedication Ceremony for Charles Leaming Tutt Library, October 12, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 50 min. 1 side. Note: Fair-poor sound quality.
R123 Twelve Years to Go; Looking Ahead to the Colorado College Centennial. ” Homecoming weekend, October 12, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 2 sides. Participants; Professors Louis G. Geiger, Neale R. Reinitz and Mr. A. Edgar Benton, ‘50. NOTE: Sound quality on side two is poor.
R124 Hochman, William R. Discussion of the conflict between the East and the West and the issue of war and peace. Campus Forum Series, September 27, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R125 Gray, J. Glenn. Discussion of Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Campus Forum Series, October 13, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R126 Freed, Douglas W. Discussion of The Death of Ivan Ilyitch by Leo Tolstoy. Campus Forum Series, December 5, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R127 Worner, Lloyd E. Discussion of article entitled “A Letter From a Region in My Mind” by James Baldwin. Campus Forum Series, December 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R128 Hochman, William R. Discussion of J. B. by Archibald McLeish. Campus Forum Series, January 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R129 Gray, J. Glenn. Discussion on the relation of equality to freedom in the United States, based on Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville. Campus Forum Series, February 5, 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R130 Gray, J. Glenn. Discussion of the place of the individual in society with a focus on the trial, imprisonment and death of Socrates. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R131 Freed, Douglas W. Discussion of the stoic philosophers. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R132 Freed, Douglas W. Discussion of article entitled “A Letter from a Region in My Mind” by James Baldwin. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R133 Rucker, E. Darnell. Discussion of the difficulties that pure science encounters in an essentially practical society. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R134 Hochman, William R. Discussion of “The Grand Inquisitor” by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R135 Seay, Albert. Discussion of the place of folk music in the college scene. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R136 Gray, J. Glenn. Discussion of freedom and authority and their relation to each other in the religious sphere. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R137 Ross, Thomas. Discussion of T. S. Eliot’s poem, “The Wasteland. ” Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R138 Freed, Douglas W. Discussion of The Challenge of Man’s Future by Harrison Brown. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R139 Mertz, J. Douglas. Discussion of the jury system in American law. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R140 Freed, Douglas W. Discussion of Reason and Revelation by Etienne Gilson. Campus Forum Series, c. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 30 min. 1 side.
R141 Worner, Lloyd E. Speech entitled “What Are We Doing? The Colorado College Concept of Education, ” c. 1962 or 1963. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R142 Panel discussion of continuity and change in the liberal arts college. Homecoming weekend, c. 1964. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Lloyd E. Worner, J. Douglas Mertz and Bernard Arnest.
R143 Romnes, H. I. Inauguration of the Chase Stone Lecture Series, November 22, 1968. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side. Remarks by Edward E. Boor of Antioch College and by Colorado College President, Lloyd E. Worner.
R144 Colorado College President’s Council Dinner. Remarks by Marshall Sprague, October 29, 1974. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R145 Colorado College President’s Council Dinner, November 12, 1976. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 26 min. 1 side. Baroque music performed by the Collegium Musicum, directed by Michael Grace.
R146-152 EMPTY
R153 The Colorado College President’s Council Dinner. Address by James H. Evans, chairman, Union Pacific Corporation, November 7, 1980. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R154 Chiming of Cutler Hall bells and of Shove Memorial Chapel Chimes, [n. d. ]. Tape. 5 in. 7 1/2 ips. 1 side.
R155 Vande Castle, Robert. Lecture on Extrasensory Perception, [n. d. ]. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 2 sides.
R156 Colorado College Faculty Club 1981 Valentine Musicale. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 2 sides. Ric Bradley, master of ceremonies, introduces 10 musical numbers performed by faculty members.
R157 Brooks, Glenn E. , Dean of Colorado College. Address at Opening Convocation, September 11, 1979. Cassette. 1 side. Digitized, 2019.
R158 Thursday at Eleven. November 8, 1979. Tenth-Year Evaluation Report, CC Plan by Paul Heist and Maxwell Taylor. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R159 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. Reception and Dinner, November 8, 1979. Speaker: F. Rudolph; L. E. Worner presides. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R160 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. The Evaluation Report. Maxwell Taylor. November 9, 1979. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R161 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. The Evaluation Report. Paul Heist. November 9, 1979. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R162 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. The Evaluation Report. Paul Heist, continued. November 9, 1979. Cassette. 2 sides. Continuation of R 161. Digitized, 2019.
R163 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. Luncheon. Remarks by George Drake and Glenn Brooks. November 9, 1979. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R164 The Colorado College Plan: A Tenth-Year Evaluation. Panel Review of the Evaluation Report. Panelists: Warren B. Martin, Martha E. Peterson, Frederick Rudolph, and Lewis S. Salter. November 9, 1979. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R165 Worner, Lloyd E. Mr. Russell T. Tutt Announcing President Worner’s Retirement effective June 1981. October 22, 1979. Cassette. 1 side.
R166 side 1 The Colorado College Baccalaureate Service, June 1, 1980. Address by Sam K. Williams: “A Vision to side 1 Sustain. ” Cassette.
R166 side 2 The Colorado College 99th Annual Commencement, June 2, 1980. Address by Martin E. Marty. Cassette.
R167 Lew Worner at Colorado College: Some Informal Reflections, Honoring Lloyd E. Worner ‘42, CC President. Shove Chapel, October 4, 1980. Cassette. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R168 Dedication of the Addition to Charles Leaming Tutt Library. Colorado College, October 4, 1980. Cassette. 1 side.
R169 (2 cassettes) Arthur G. Pettit Memorial Lecture, January 14, 1981. Address by Dr. Alfonso Ortiz, “Images of the Indian and the American Dream. ” 2 cassettes, 2 sides each. Total tape time 1 hour 45 minutes.
R170 Memorial Services: J. Juan Reid. Shove Memorial Chapel, March 23, 1981. Cassette. 2 sides. Officiating - The Reverend Joseph Pickle, David Finley, Barbara Yalich. Music - Martha Booth, Frank Shelton.
R171 Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Tutt Library Addition. June 9, 1979. Cassette. 1 side. 2 copies.
R172 side 1 Denver Alumni Event at the Colorado Heritage Center in honor of Lloyd E. Worner. April 26, 1981. Tutt side 1 Library Special Collections. Cassette.
R172 side 2 National Alumni and Colorado Springs Alumni Luncheon in honor of Lloyd E. Worner. May 29, 1981. Cassette.
R173 side 1 Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 31, 1981. Address by Joseph W. Pickle. Cassette.
R173 side 2 The Colorado College 100th Annual Commencement. June 1, 1981. Lloyd E. Worner, President: Address and Honorary Degree. Cassette.
R174 Worner, Lloyd E. Preliminary draft for lecture entitled “Some Informal Reflections. ” Fall 1980. Cassette. 1 side. 2 copies.
R175 The Colorado College: 108th Academic Year Opening Convocation. September 8, 1981. Address: President Gresham Riley. Cassette. Total tape time 41:33. 1 side.
R 176 Commemorative Service. The 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of Shove Memorial Chapel. September 27, 1981. Cassette. Total tape time 67:10. 2 sides.
R 177 Inauguration Week Activities. September 28, 1981. The Inauguration Week Lecture. Harriet W. Sheridan, Dean of Brown University. Cassette. 1 hr. , 8 min. 2 sides.
R 178 Inauguration Week Activities. September 30, 1981. Faculty Reception and Dinner, Richard C. Bradley, Speaker. Cassette. 54 min. 1 side.
R179 Inauguration Week Activities. October 1, 1981. Thursday-At-Eleven. Remarks by President Riley. Cassette. 1 hour. 2 sides.
R180 Inauguration Week Activities. October 2, 1981. The Inauguration of Gresham Riley as 10th President of Colorado College. Cassette. 39 min. 1 side.
R181 Inauguration Week Activities. October 3, 1981. Alumni-Parent Conversation. President Riley and Alumni Panel. Cassette. 1 hour, 16 min. 2 sides.
R182 Douglas, William O. , Justice U. S. Supreme Court. “Democracy versus Communism in Asia. ” Abbott Memorial Lecture, 7 May 1959. Tapes. Tape 1: 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. Tape 2: 5 in. 7 1/2 ips.
R183 MacDonald, Gordon. “The environmental costs of energy development. ” Roberts Memorial Lecture, 14 April 1975. Cassette.
R184 Herzog, Chaim. “Blacks, Jews and the PLO: What this means to America. ” November 13, 1979. Cassette.
R185 Ford, Gerald F. First Annual Lopat Memorial Lecture. March 4, 1985. Cassette, 2 sides.
R186 Benezet, L. T. , Worner, L. E. and Riley, Gresham. “Presidential Leadership at Colorado College. ” Discussion for Summer Institute on Leadership and Governance in the United States. July 2, 1985. Cassette. 90 min. 2 sides.
R187 Colorado College Choir. Christmas Music. KOAA broadcast December 20, 1962. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips. 28 min.
R188 Prof. Wilbur Wright, Physics Department and Mr. Havemann. Discussion Aug. 4, l963. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R189 President L. E. Worner and Mr. Havemann. Discussion of Colorado College curriculum. Aug. 1963. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R190 Prof. Glenn Brooks, Political Science Department and Mr. Havemann. Discussion of advantages of small college over big university, Aug. 9, 1963. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R191 President L. E. Worner inaugural address by Elmer Ellis, October 18, 1963, “Liberal Arts in a New Age. ” Tape. 10 3/4 in.
R192 Dedication of Schlessman Pool, April 25, 1964. Tape. 103/4 in.
R193 Colorado College Convocation, Sept. 15, 1964. Address by Charles L. Horn. Announcement of grant for Armstrong Hall. Tape. 10 3/4 in. 7 1/2 ips.
R194 Colorado College Commencement, May 31, 1965. Address by Robert O. Anderson. Tape. 7 in.
R195 Groundbreaking Armstrong Hall, Jan. 15, 1965. Note: Starts with dedication. Tape. 7 in. 7 1/2 ips.
R196 Fort Carson portion of First Tuesday Program aired Dec. 1, 1970. Tape. 5 in. 7 1/2 ips.
R197 Colorado College President’s Council Meeting, 1973. Tape. 7 in.
R198 Colorado College 100th Annual Convocation. Shove Chapel, Jan. 21, 1974. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R199 Colorado College President’s Council, November 7, 1975. Speech by Robert Timothy. Tape, 7 in.
R200 President L. E. Worner speech to parents at Parent-Homecoming Weekend, 1976. Discussion of faculty development. Tape. 7 in.
R201 President L. E. Worner speech on the 100th birthday of Colorado College, 1974. Tape. 7 in.
R202 Colorado College Commencement, June 4, 1979. Address by Tom McCall. Cassette.
R203 Visit of Gresham Riley to campus, July 1, 1980. Press conference and talk with administrative staff. Cassette.
R204 Salute to Fred Sondermann on the occasion of 25 years of teaching at Colorado College. October 19, 1978. Cassette. 60 min. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R205 Memorial Service, Fred A. Sondermann. Shove Memorial Chapel, October 31, 1978. Cassette. 60 min. 2 sides. Digitized, 2019.
R206 Colorado College Faculty Meeting, October 22, 1979. Announcement by President L. E. Worner of his retirement. Speakers: L. E. Worner, Russell Tutt. Cassette. 10 min. 1 side.
R207 Colorado College Faculty Club. Dinner to welcome new President Gresham Riley, Fall 1981. Speakers: Susan Ashley, Dean Bradley, Pres. Riley. Cassette. 60 min. 2 sides.
R208 Colorado College Chamber Chorus. Colorado College Songs. Directed by Donald Jenkins, May 1987. Cassette. 15 min. 1 side.
R209 Bradley, Richard C. , Dean of the College. “The Precarious Position of World Futures and the Need for Immediate Action. ” Last Chance Lecture Series. April 21, l976. Cassette.
R210 Tynan, Daniel, English Department. “Literary insights into Molly Bloom and Captain Ahab and why they are important today. ” Last Chance Lecture Series. May 5, 1976. Cassette.
R211 Showalter, Dennis, History Department. “Faculty Responsibilities to Students in a Liberal Arts College. ” Last Chance Lecture Series. May 19, 1976. Cassette.
R212 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, Sept. 6, 1984. Address by Glenn E. Brooks. Cassette, 1 side.
R213 Colorado College 107th Annual Commencement. May 30, l988. Address by Berke Breathed. Cassette, 2 sides.
R214 Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 29, 1988. Address by Richard Lamm. Cassette, 1 side.
R215 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, Sept. 8, 1988. Part I: Introductions and conferring of honorary degrees. Cassette, 22 min. 1 side.
R216 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, Sept. 8 1988. Part II: Address by Harris Sherman, “Reflections On the Value of a Liberal Arts Education. ” Cassette, 20 min, 1 side.
R217 Dedication of new Colorado College Science Building. October 8, 1988. Speakers: G. Riley, D. Finley, H. Jones, M. Litvak, W. Spencer. Cassette, 1 side.
R218 Colorado College Commencement, May 15, 1989. Address by John Nichols. Conferring of honorary degrees to John Nichols, Richard Beidleman, Dorothy Bryson and Joseph Cropsey. Aaron Shure, senior class speaker. Cassette. 2 sides.
R219 Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 31, 1987. Address by Douglas A. Fox. Cassette. 1 side.
R220 Colorado College 106th Annual Commencement, June 1, 1987. Address by Lynne V. Cheney. Conferring of honorary degrees to Lynne Cheney, Lilian de la Torre McCue, Leonard Sutton. Lisa Holtby, senior class speaker. Cassette, 2 sides.
R221 Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 14, 1989. Address by Bruce Coriell. Cassette. 30 min. , 1 side.
R222 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, September 7, 1989. Conferring of honorary degrees to alumni Power Booth, Gary Martin, Sharon Smith. Address by Sharon Smith. Cassette. 40 min. , 1 side.
R223 Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 13, 1990. Address by Daniel Berrigan. Cassette. 1 side.
R224 Colorado College Commencement, May 14, 1990. Address by Sidney Pollack. Conferring of honorary degrees to Sidney Pollack and Myra Jenkins. Lisa Lane, senior class speaker. Cassette. 2 sides.
R225 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, Sept. 6, 1990. Conferring of honorary degrees to R. McKnight and S. Trimble. Address by Gresham Riley. Cassette, 2 sides.
R226 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. Tutt Atrium, April 7, 1976. “The Presidency: Dissenting Perspectives. ” Michel Perenti, Cornell Univ. ; Pipp Boyls, Libertarian Party; Prof. Glenn Brooks, presiding. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R227 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. April 7, 1976. “Press and President: The Undeclared War. ” Henry Hubbard, Newsweek Washington Staff; Prof. Robert Lee, presiding. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R228 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. Armstrong Hall, April 8, 1976. “The Presidency and the Economy. ” Robert Knapp, CU; Richard Eckert, Chamber of Commerce; Chris Griffiths, CC; Norman Pledger, Colo. Labor Council; Prof. Ray Werner, presiding. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R229 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. Olin Hall, April 8, 1976. “Presentations by candidates’ representatives. ” Prof. William Hochman, presiding. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R230 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. Tutt Atrium, April 8, 1976. W. Lewis and Helen Abbott Memorial Lecture. “Toward a Responsible Presidency. ” Thomas Cronin, Brandeis University; Prof. Fred Sondermann, presiding. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips. 1 side.
R231 Colorado College Symposium on the Presidency. Bemis Lounge, April 9, 1976. Press Conference, Presidential Preference Poll. Tape. 7 in. 3 3/4 ips.
R232 Colorado College Symposium, Shove Chapel, 1963. Discussion and piano performance of classic Ragtime. Max Morath, Colorado College Class of 1948; Prof. Fred Sondermann, presiding. Tape. 7 in. Track 3/2. 3 3/4 ips.
R233 Colorado College Commencement, 1984. Address by Frank Newman. “Education in the Age of American Resurgence. ” Cassette. 1 side.
R234 Colorado College Commencement, June 2, 1986. Address by Senator Alan Simpson. Conferring of honorary degree to Sen. Simpson. Cassette. 1 side.
R235 Malott Lecture, Packard Hall, October 3, 1990. Inaugural Lecture on the Bicentennial of the Bill of Rights by Robert Goldwin. “James Madison explains the need for a Bill of Rights. ” Introduction by President Riley. Cassette.
R236 Colorado College goes to war, July 1943: Sound track for videotape VC91-19. Narration by John L. Zorack. Colorado College Audiovisual Services, 1991. Cassette.
R237 Pres. Lloyd E. Worner, April 11, 1969; Armstrong Hall, State of the College speech, “More Relevant Than Ever”: college funding, student minority group relations, campus living conditions; 32. 5 min. , 1 side, 7. 5ips. , Tape. Transcription of speech published in pamphlet form (see Archives Box 8A).
R238 Prof. Tom K. Barton, “The Negro in American History”, #7-8, Civil War & After; 2-17-69, 2-24-69; 2 sides, /2hr. each; 3 3/4ips, Tape.
R239 Prof. Tom K. Barton, “The Negro in American History”, #9-10, Reconstruction 1866-76 & After; 3-3-69, 3-10-69; 2 sides, 1/2hr. each; 3 3/4ips, Tape.
R240 Prof. Tom K. Barton, “The Negro in American History”, #11-12, After Reconstruction, Peak of Segregation 1890-1920, lynchings, response of Black Community; 3-17-69, 4-7-69; 2 sides, 1/2hr. each; 3 3/4ips, Tape.
R241 Prof. Tom K. Barton: “The Negro in American History, ” #13-14, 1910-1920, Modern Black History begins, WWI, Black Literature, Harlem Renaissance, 1920s; 4-69; 2 sides, 1/2hr each; 3 3/4ips, Tape.
R242 Prof. Tom K. Barton, “The Negro in American History, ” #15, Black Advancement in politics, New Deal to Present; 4-69; side 1, 34min. ; 3 3/4ips, Tape.
R243 Prof. Tom K. Barton, “The Negro in American History, ” #16, Recent Black History, struggle for equality last 20 yrs. ; May, 1969; side 1, 30min. , Tape.
R244 Real. . . Live Living People. Independently produced by Eric Leibowitz and Steve Grill as supplement to the Leviathian, Colorado College, 1992. Collection of original music composed and performed by Colorado College students. Cassette. 1 7/8 ips. 2 sides.
R245 Colorado College Convocation. Shove Chapel, Sept. 3, 1992. Conferring of Honorary Degrees to G. Easterbrook, Laura Ann Hershey, Michelle Fluckey Thomsen. Address by Gregg Edmund Easterbrook. Cassette, 2 sides.
R246 Colorado College Commencement. May 13, 1991. Address by Richard B. Cheney: “National Security in the Nineties”. Cassette, 2 sides.
R247 Colorado College Commencement. May 18, 1992. Address by Pres. Gresham Riley: “The Most Unbelievable Thing”. Cassette, 2 sides.
R248 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 12, 1991. Address by Jane Goodall. Cassette, 2 sides.
R249 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 17, 1992. Address by Cleo Parker-Robinson. Cassette, 2 sides.
R250 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 23, 1993. Address “Spirituality” by Peterson Zah. Cassette, 2 sides.
R251 Colorado College Commencement. May 24, 1993. Address “The New World Challenge” by Timothy Wirth. Cassette, 2 sides.
R252 Colorado College Honors Convocation, May 10, 1994. Cassette, 2 sides.
R253 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel, May 22, 1994. Address “Rights and the Common Good” by Amitai Etzioni. Cassette, 2 sides.
R254 Colorado College Opening Convocation, Shove Chapel September 8, 1994. Address “Engagement” by Anthony Garrett, Class of 1975. Alumni honorary degree awards to Garrett and Michell Marie Sullivan, Class of 1986. Cassette, 2 sides.
R255 Memorial Service for Frank August Krutzke, 1903-1994. Shove Memorial Chapel, February 21, 1994. Includes a piece by Shiela Murphy Ray. Cassette, 2 sides.
R256 Drake, George A. and Brooks, Glenn E. Interviewed by Barbara M. Arnest on implementing the Block Plan. Spring, 1970. Cassette, 2 sides: Drake, side A; Brooks side B.
R257 Brooks, Glenn E. Interviewed by Barbara M. Arnest on implementing the Block Plan. Spring 1970. Continuation of R256. Cassette, 1 side.
R258 The CC Choir and Orchestra, Don Jenkins conducting, in a performance of “Requiem Mass” by David Bell, “Star in Clay” by Carlton Gamer and “Sierra Song” by Richard Bradley on May 6, 1994 in Shove Chapel. Cassette tape, 2 sides.
R259 Lecture by Elaine Pagels, “The Gnostic Gospels, ” September 10, 1996 in Packard Hall. Cassette tape, 2 sides.
R260 Jody Kretzmann, Daniel Patrick O’Connor Memorial Lecture on Social Justice and the Environment. October 13, 1998. Cassette, 2 sides.
R261 John Keegan, Abbott Memorial Lecture Series Speaker on “Who Won the 2nd World War?”. February 19, 1990. Cassette, 2 sides.
R262 J. Angel Gurria, H. Chase Stone Memorial Lecturer, on “Third World Debt: Current Mexican Perspectives” February 14, 1989. 1 cassette tape of 2, 2 sides.
R263 J. Angel Gurria, H. Chase Stone Memorial Lecturer, on “Third World Debt: Current Mexican Perspectives” February 14, 1989. 2nd cassette tape of 2, 2 sides.
R264 Miriam Kline, long-time Colorado Springs resident, reads her poem, “Carp in the Bathtub”, and recounts Stories of hers and her family’s life in Colorado. December, 1997. 1 cassette tape, 2 sides.
R265 Wayne Angell Lecture March 12 1987. Cassette, 90 minutes, 2 sides.
R266 side 1 David Malpass December 6, 1988. Cassette.
R266 side 2 Steve Schock December 15, 1988. Cassette.
R267 A live recording from Scotland. Lady Glasgow, daughter of Dr. William Bell of Briarhurst, Manitou, discusses with her daughter her early life in California and her marriage to the Earl of Glasgow. Cassette.
R268 A continuation or duplicate of R267.
R269 Lester Thurow. Cassette.
R270 Daniel Patrick O’Connor Memorial Lecture. Randall Kennedy, September 14, 1999. Cassette.
R271 The Abbott Memorial Lecture. Dr. Brooks-Randolph, November 14, 1972. Cassette.
R272 Trustee John Knight (?). Not dated. Cassette.
R273 Michael Piore (?). Cassette.
R274 Lecture – Gurria. Cassette.
R275 Baccalaureate 1997. Richard Rodriguez, Shove Chapel. Cassette.
R276 C-Span – Modigliani. Cassette.
R277 W. Eugene Smith, photographer. Recorded at Colorado College July 8, 1976. Recorded at 1 7/8 monophonic. Tape.
R278 “Moment’s Notice” rock band (?) played at CC in May, 1986. Cassette.
R279 Fourth Annual Colorado College Songfest, 1953. Record album. 2 copies.
R280 Sixth Annual Colorado College Songfest, 1955. Record album. 3 copies.
R280a CD versions of Songfests 1953, 1954, and 1955, along with a separate CD of the Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) Songfest winning entries for those years. Gift of Bill Fritz, CC Class of 1955.
R281 Seventh Annual Colorado College Songfest, 1956. Record album. 2 copies.
R282 Colorado College Summer Music Festival, 1955. Record album. 2 copies.
R283 Dr. Louis Benezet profile, April 19, 1957. Record album.
R284 Krutzke’s address, faculty lecture series, not dated. Record album. 2 copies.
R285 CC Homecoming Dance, Broadmoor Hotel, October 21, 1967 (The Doors and The Broadway Shell and Muse Band, aka the Ceeds. ) Tape and CD.
R286 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 15, 1999. Cassette.
R287 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 2000. Cassette.
R288 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 2001. Cassette.
R289 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 19, 2002. Cassette.
R290 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 18, 2003. Cassette.
R291 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 16, 2004. Cassette.
R292 Colorado College Baccalaureate Service. Shove Chapel. May 2005. Cassette.
R293 Colorado College Opening Convocation Ceremony. Shove Chapel. September 6, 1999. Cassette.
R294 Colorado College Opening Convocation Ceremony. 2000. Cassette.
R295 Colorado College Opening Convocation Ceremony. September 2, 2002. Master cassette.
R296 Colorado College Opening Convocation Ceremony. September 1, 2003. Cassette.
R297 Colorado College Academic Honors Convocation. Shove Chapel. May 5, 1998. Cassette.
R298 Colorado College Academic Honors Convocation. 1999. Cassette.
R299 Davis, Angela. Lecture. Not dated. Cassette.
R300 Nadelmann, Ethan. Lecture. “Living with Drugs in America. ” Not dated. Cassette.
R301 Richards, Ann. Lecture. Shove Chapel. August 30, 1996. Cassette.
R302 Gould, Stephen J. Roberts Endowed Lecture. 1997. Cassette.
R303 Pagel, Elaine. Lloyd Lecture. 1996. Cassette.
R304 West, Cornel. Lecture. January 28, 1997. Cassette.
R305 Schroeder, Pat. Lecture. Shove Chapel. August 31, 2000. Cassette.
R306 Pinsky, Robert. Lecture. February 1, 2002. Cassette.
R307 H. Chase Stone Lecture. Packard Hall. September 7, 2003. Cassette.
R308 Lin, Maya. Lecture. “Projects. ” April 21, 2004. Cassette.
R309 MLK (Martin Luther King) Service of Celebration. January 18, 2004. Cassette.
R310 Colorado College 125th Anniversary Convocation. Shove Chapel. February 9, 1999. Cassette.
R311 Colorado College Capstone Address. August 29, 2002. Master cassette.
R312 Colorado College Homecoming and Awards Ceremony. October 12, 2002. Cassette.
R313 Iraq War Discussion. Shove Chapel. March 25, 2003. 2 cassettes.
R314—R317 are in a group:
R314 Tape 1: The Battle for the Bible Today, Marcus Borg, April 6, 2001. Cassette.
R315 Tape 2: Jesus and the Christian Life: Taking Jesus Seriously, April 7, 2001. Cassette.
R316 Tape 3: Jesus Before and After Easter: Jewish Mystic and Christian Messiah, April 7, 2001. Cassette.
R317 Tape 4: The Death and Resurrection of Jesus: History and Metaphor, April 7, 2001. Cassette.
R318 October 10, 2003, 11:00-12:00, Awards ceremony, Richard Celeste. Cassette.
R319 Colorado College Century Chest Recordings – 1901 – Wax cylinder recordings (Colorado College yells, “Loch Lomond” sung by Tom Bichard) made by H. Weber, transcribed by Lance Christensen, January 13, 2001. (3 audio CDs, one digital mini-cassette. )
R320 Gideon Doron speaking at William Jovanovich symposium: “September 11 one year later: responding to global challenges, ” September 2002. Audio CD.
R321 Hanan Ashrawi speaking at William Jovanovich symposium: “September 11 one year later: responding to global challenges, ” September 2002. Audio CD.
R322 Emily Chan, “A Psychological Analysis of Reputation Management, ” February 8, 2006. (mp3, WAV)
R323 Louis Menand Cornerstone Art Lecture, “What is the Legacy of Modernism, February 9, 2006. Cassette.
R324 Louis Menand Cornerstone Art Lecture, “What is the Legacy of Modernism, February 9, 2006. (WAV file on CD. )
R325 Berke Breathed, 1988 Colorado College Commencement address. Cassette.
R326 Richard D. Lamm, 1988 Colorado College Baccalaureate address. Cassette.
R327 Dick Cheney, media session Q & A, May 13, 1991, Armstrong Hall Rm. 300. Cassette.
R328 Timothy Wirth, 1993 Colorado College Commencement address. Cassette.
R329 Presidential Inaugural 2002 (Richard Celeste). President’s speech only. Cassette. (See also: VC 05-282, DVD of same event. )
R330 Colorado College Baccalaureate, May 16, 2004. Cassette.
R331 Christine Todd Whitman, August 7, 2005, Armstrong Hall. Audio CD.
R332 (2 disks) Presidential Inaugural 2002 (Richard Celeste). (CD: AVS Master). (See also: VC 05-282, DVD of same event. )
R333 Colorado College Songfest 1952. Courtesy of Marilyn Charles Owen, ’54.
R334 Camille Paglia, February 6, 2007, Armstrong Hall. (CD: . WAV).
R335 Camille Paglia, Q & A, February 6, 2007, Armstrong Hall. (CD: . WAV).
R336 50-Year Award Ceremony. (No date. ) Cassette.
R337 125th Concert (broadcast on KCME). (No date. ) Cassette.
R338 Colorado College Baccalaureate, 1998, Kenneth Burnley, speaker. Cassette.
R339 Colorado College Commencement, 1999, Bill Richardson, speaker. Cassette.
R340 Colorado College 125th Anniversary Symposium, February 4, 1999, Samuel Huntington, speaker. Cassette.
R341 “The Committee for the New CC Arts Center” performed by Dee Bradley Baker ’86 for the dinner and celebrations announcing The Campaign for Colorado College, Spring 1998. Audio CD.
R342 Colorado College Show Audio Final “Bradley” Mix 1 and 2 (not dated). Cassettes.
R343 Long Range Development Plan discussions 2004-05. 11 cassettes.
R344 35 Years of the Block Plan alumni discussion, October 8, 2005. Mini-cassette. Digitized, 2019.
R345 Wes Jackson, Environmental Speaker (not dated). Cassette.
R346 Lyn Aker’s Memorial Service held at Shove Chapel, First Congregational Church UCC. December 27, 2000. Cassette.
R347 Norman Ornstein Lecture, President’s Series. Gates Common Rm. September 7, 2004. Cassette.
R348 Susan Estrich Lecture, Gates Common Rm. October 12, 2004. Cassette.
R349 Presidential Symposium. October 20, 2004. Cassette.
R350 Juan Williams Lecture. Armstrong. November 16, 2004. Cassette.
R351 Stephen Skowronek Lecture. Gates Common Rm. December 6, 2004. Cassette.
R352 Morton Kondrake Lecture. Presidential Series. February 1, 2005. Cassette.
R353 President’s Technology Council. Presentation to Board of Trustees. February 2, 2005. 4 cassettes.
R354 Terry Tempest Williams. April 7, 2005. Cassette.
R355 John Kasich. September 8, 2004. 2 cassettes.
R356 Labeled as “RFC/DP interview, 9/02. ” Cassette.
R357 Richard Florida lecture. November 10, 2004. 2 cassettes.
R358 Boettcher Foundation. 2003 Annual Report. Audio CD.
R359 59th Annual Conference of the Southwest Foundations Opening Plenary. Dick Celeste, speaker. November 1st , 2007.
R360 Colorado College choir concert, December 1967. DVD with audio track only.
R361 104 Years of Colorado College Songs, CC Chamber Choir, All College Musicale, November 3, 1978, 20 minutes. Cassette.
R362 Valentine Musicale 1981, faculty club talent show. Converted from cassette. Gift of Horst Richardson 2024. 2 CDs.
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