Margaret C. Dickson diary transcription
William Dickson Papers, Ms 0008, Folder 9, transcription by Irene Draper, 2013.
[In pencil on front of booklet: Morgantown, May 30, 1859 – Sep. 2, 1859, gift of Mrs. Dickson Leavens] Morgantown, Monday, May 30th 1859 Yesterday I started to the M.E. Ch in the morning, but finding there was service in the M.P., attended there. Mr. Dixon preached from part of the first chapter of Colossians. Liked him tolerably. In the evening at 5 o’clock went to Presbyterian church, and heard an excellent sermon from Mr. Biggs on Psalm 37: 35-37. When Church was out it looked so much like rain that Mr. Moore put Fannie in the buggy with Mr. Biggs + took me under his umbrella. It rained so hard that we stopped at Mrs. Biggs to wait till it moderated. The rain continued at intervals all evening and it looks a little showery this morning – Miss Lou Dawson left – before breakfast. She came to say “goodbye” to me last night. Thursday night – I was at a party at Mrs. [Hamway?]’s. By the persuasions of Mr. + Mrs. Moore I was induced to have my hair braided in [head?] loops, + wear a lownecked + short sleeved lilac [gown?] with an illusion cape. I had quite a pleasant time. Mr. Moore was my escort, + Mr. Marshall Hagans attended me to the refreshment table. Mr. Dalzell + Mr. James [Crangle?] came to town Thursday night + spent about 15 minutes with us at [Woodburn?] on Friday morning. Mr. Dalzell told Mr. Moore (in private) that I had changed in the few weeks since I left Wheeling, + was much better looking. Mr. M. suggested that I had my head dressed for a party the night before + had not changed […]. I noticed afterwards that he was looking at me very closely. Mr. James [Crangle?] is quite handsome. I did not see him at all when I was in Wheeling for he staid at the farm all the time. He has a fine moustache + it is pleasant. I had a nice letter from Mr. Henry Crangle week before last, + also one from his dear wife on Tuesday + a note from Lizzie evidently printed by Mr. C. on Saturday. The winds rip with “Maggie I love you!”. I think I will reply to her today. I had such a pleasant time in Wheeling, + only wish I could go back. Mr. + Mrs. Crangle I love so much. Dear Wheeling will ever be the home I love. I suppose all is for the best. I commenced reciting Hebrew to Mr. Moore on Wednesday the 24th of [May?]. Friday June 24th. Dear Father, + Mr. Whiteley + [Mary?] Lizzie came on Tuesday noon, + staid till Thursday morning. We had such a nice visit only it was very short. Since I wrote last there has been many things. Poor Dr. Hank is dead, + buried last Saturday after a short sickness. The [F.F.?] clelbration came off last Saturday morning in the new Hall of the Acadmey when Mr. L. M. [Belden?] made a very good speech. I have [been] book keeper + private secretary for him weeks past for Mr. Moore. Greatest of all little Edgar Dickson Moore came Tuesday morning + is today thought to be dying. I am sorry yet glad, for though he might be a great + good man, if he lives, yet it [is] certain he will be surprisingly blest if he dies. What a glorious doctrine is Lif[…] Salvation – Father preached a splendid sermon on Wednesday night from Luke 11:5,6 + 7 – We had such a nice visit from Him. The house in Baltimore is closed. Grandma is in Vermont, + Father + Mother at “[Athol?]”, Mr. Whitiley’s Country seat on the old Frederick road. They are enjoying themselves very much. – I like Hebrew very well, + have read 9 Psalms – Mr. More examines every body that has ever studied it, on that subject. Mr. Campbell + Mr. Biggs did not pass as well as Father. I have a very good time now. I presume these will be easier than any days that are to folloe in my future life. What am I to be? I often wonder whether my history is to be one of righteousness or not. Whether my pilgrimage will end in heaven or hell. It is dreadful to think what may be my portion. I feel daily that I am not doing everything that is required of me, by my God, + I know I do not sufficiently realize my sinfulness as I should. O if my heart would keep me right! – The weather has been changeable. On the night between the 4th + the 5th […] there was a severe frost, which according to first reports had killed every production of the field + that a state of starvation would be the necessary consequence; fortunately alter accounts have to some degree contradicted the fearful tidings. One day during the […] a man demanded $30.00 for […] of flour! My heart sank to thin o beginning house keeping next Fall under such circumstances, but I hope times will not be hard. The war is going on actively in Italy, + thus far the Allies seem to be gaining ground on the Austrian forces – Louis A. evidently is endeavoring to emulate the great Napolean in his victories. I don’t hardly know [which] side my sympathies are on. Most good people seem to favor France, so I presume they are right. – Dear Mrs. […] is quite sick, even dangerously so. Lieut. John S. is not excepted till December. – Mr. Moore is so busy. I wish I could relieve him of all care for a while. He comes next to my parents + sisters. Who would have thought 12 years ago of what has since come to pass! Father was in Franklin, Mr. Moore was a stranger to us, + not a Christian. We girls were little children. Who can pretend to foretell the events of the future? No one, nor can anything, hardly, be with propriet regarded as impossible. – Mr. Eaton of Franklin has marked “Westminster” in gilt letters over the door of on o the apartments in the new personage on accounts of $100.00 or more that Faterh got for it. He (Mr. E.) will probably remain in F. during the remainder of his life. – A storm is rising, + the troops of […] are rushing down there mountain glens, + over the hill tops, singing their mild […sie] round the very wall of Woodburn. Meeting the leafy protections of the grand old beech trees beside my window, they are interrupted, but soon with louder notes resume the mournful strain. How the heart aches for the wanderers on such a night, + how anxiously prayers ascend for the “sailor on the darkening sea.” It makes me long for heaven, where no feeling of homelessness can enter. I often feel that I have no home on earth. Dear Wheeling though it possesses my warm affection does not contain my Father’s house, + though Baltimore does indeed hold the latter, it is new to me, + I own I do not yet love it as devotedly as Wheeling. Sweet Woodburn with its many happy hours cannot claim the [little?] for it is not to be my abiding place. It has been a pleasant dwelling to me, for every one, + especially Mr. Moore has treated me kindly here. The church too will ever have an interest for me, since in it I trust I have had some reason to hope for more joyful days in my christian history. Some of the Communion seasons have been particularly delightful. Mr. Biggs I like both as a preacher + as a man, + his wife is nice too. Really I scarcely know how much I am attached to this place, till I begin recounting the objects of my regard. Dear Mrs. Moore + many in Woodburn will always be remembered by me with affection, And Mrs. Hanway + Mrs. Wilson are among the excellent of the earth. Truly this beautiful valley is one of the garden spots of the world. Yet I must leave it, + go again among stragers, + become accustomed to new faces + different [tones?], must leave the charming scenery + return to the prospect of brick walls. Still I do not regret the expected change as much as I would imagine. I feel that duty marks the path, + surely that ought to make it pleasant. I own that the idea of being again with our own family is able to compensate for many a loss, still to a person whose local attachments are like mine, parting is one of the most painful events in my life. – How delightful will it be though to have our opportunity of aiding my precious Father, Mother + Grandma. May God grant me grace + strength to perform all things that are in accordance with his holly will. I know that an immense weight of responsibility is resting upon me. My privileges have been superior to those of most persons + thus the requirements will be greater. I remember reading of a child who endeavored to count her blessings, but gave up in despair. I have far more reason to do so, for ther are more in number than the sand of the seashore. Saturday, July 19th 1859 yesterday was one of the happiest days of my life. On Thursday morning, when I was reciting Hebrew, Mr. Moore said he was going to the country the next day + would like to have me accompany him. I was only too glad to do so – On Friday I was up by half past four o’clock, + we started as soon as we got through breakfast. We drove to Miss Sarah Dering’s + took in Frank + Wright Kelley, + then they, Charlie, Mr. Moore + myself started. C. wanted to stop at every house after we left [Durha…] to see if it were not Mr. Heidelberg’s as that was our destination. We stopped at Cool Spring + got a drink of the delicious water, but I remained in the carriage. When we got to Reedsville Mr. Moore got out to see how far we were. It is a fine flourishing city of about four houses. When Mr. M. got into the carriage I asked in a low voice “who is mayor?” + a man (named Elliott) overheard, + replied “Squire Miles.” Mr. Heidelberg’s was a mile farther + we got there a little after 10 o’clock having been about four hours on the road, 15 miles. Mrs. + Miss Sophie H. received us + sent for Mr. H. from the field. he is a German + wears a huge beard. They are very pleasant[,] refined + intelligent[.] Mr. Moorse had me play on the piano for them. After dinner Mr. Heidelberg invited me to walk with him, + “Sophie” went with us. We ascended a peak of considerable height about a quarter of a mile or more from his house, + I named it Strawberry Hill, on account of the many wild strawberry vines which almost cover. He gave me a beautiful swamp rose which was blooming [near?] the summit. There was a fine view of the surrounding country. It is in the far farmed Glades. Many of the farmers devote their attention to raising cattle + have what [they] call a Ranger, the same, I suppose, as the Mexican Ranch. We passed through a herd of [immense?] oxen but they kept very quiet. Mr. H. said [in] Europe we would see a herdsmen for them, as they have few or no fences to keep the animals withint the bounds. After we came back we found that Mr. Moore had been shooting at a mark, + Mr. M. beat. About 2 o’clock we started home, + after we got within a few miles of Cool Spring we stopped in the woods + got out + took a rest. Mr. Moore + Charlie took off their coats for the sake of coolness, the boys cut canes, I trimmed my […] bonnet with chestnut leaves, Mr. M. tried to make a whistle to. A Mr. Hamilton rode along, + told us to look out for a man who had been burning barns + houses + steailing horses. After we started he rode beside us till we got beyond the dividing life between Preston + Monongalia [Ca’s?]. When we got to Cool Spring we all alighted again + rested a while. Soon afterwards we reached the most magnificent rocks, + Mr. Moore + I climbed away up among them. The trees were so thick that one crevice which we got into seemed never to have seen the light of the sun. Another rock beside the road had an immense flat top like a floor[.] IO believe I did not get out again till we reached Woodburn, but the rest did so frequently. Once Mr. Moore thought he saw a squirrel cross the road + thought it was in one of the trees, He + Frank got our, leaving the gun with me, taking the whip with them. They did not find the creature, + so had no need of a weapon, but it was too funny to see them. The scenery is too grand to be described. It cannot be equaled in my part of the world I am confident. Old Virginia forever! [That] was Mr. Moore’s first ride over the road, + he was charmed too. Sublime, magnificent, grand[eu]or, are the […ly] [ter…] that can with any propriety be applied to some of the landscapes along […] Kingswood road. I felt as if I could gaze for a week on them without weariness. What a lovely world this is, + how glorious heaven must be! I hardly evern felt so grateful for my eyes as I did when surveying the ancient mountains fading away into the dim distance. I sat with Mr. Moore on the front seat. + thus enjoyed all the prospect. The day was quite cool + pleasant + the road excellent, + altogether everything was delightful. I will not [debate?] that being with Mr. Moors contributed a great part of my pleasure, for he occupies the next place to my Father, among all the gentlemen I have ever known, + he is very near to Father in my [feeling,?] more so than any one is to him. We reached Woodburn about 7 o’clock + ate supper by ourselves + Mr. Moore cut the cheese we got at Mr. Heidelberg’s, for us to try it. After tea I gave him the letter that had come from Father during our trip. I am sure I have not had as happy a day for years. Mr. Moore has spoken of taking me to Cheat river some day. – We had two of Mr. Walace’s horses yesterday. Frank + Wright went out to board at Mr. H.’s (or the Valley Farm, as they style it.) but as Mr. Flanagan, the minister at Kingwood occupies two of their apartments with his Study + bed room, they could not take the boys. I rather think the latter were not very sorry, for they expected to find good fishing but were disappointed, as the mountain streams get dry during the Summer, + consequently have no fish. Mr. Moore + Frank got a tortoise out of a little stream by the road side, + showed it to me. It was the first real one I ever saw. It drew itself entirely within the shell when the boys hit its head. Friday, July 22nd 1959. Mr. Moore left for a little trip a week ago yesterday, the 14th. I was so sorry to have him go, for I knew I would be lonesome, + so I have been. I was up writing for him all the evening before he started, + he gave his Bank business [over] to my care. I got up a little after 3 o’clock the next morning, + went down while he was eating his breakfast + saw him go; he walked over to Mr. Wilson’s, + Miss Lou + her brother accompanied him to Brownsville. We have not heard from him yet, but expect letters daily. Mr. Henry Woods stays at Woodburn during Mr. M’s absence + has his classes. Mr. Biggs comes up every morning between eight or nine o’clock, to hear my Hebrew lesson. On Wed. evening, Mrs. Moore + I took a walk over to little Edgar Dickson Moore’s grave. It was her first visit, + she of course felt sadly. How thankful we were for the consolations of our blesst religion! It must be dreadful to have no hope of meeting again in eternity. I believe I have not mentioned to baby’s death. He was born Tuesday morning June 21st. I as usual had written for Mr. M. the evening before, + in the morning went to recite my Hebrew. Mr. M. was lying on the lounge + said he believe he would not hear me, if I would excuse him, saying he had supposed I had heard of the recent arrival, + laughed about two very distinguished personages coming the same day, alluding to our expectation of seeing Father at noon. The baby was a fine healthy child + very good, but was taken sick Thursday night + continued apparently in great agony until a little after 11 o’clock on Monday morning, when its free spirit returned to Heaven. It became very yellow during its sickness from the bile I suppose, as it had jaundice, + was in convulsions a great deal of the time. He was so weak he could not cry. Poor Mr. Moore was nearly heart broken at its suffering. It had the most intelligent face I ever saw on a baby even six mo’s older. Its features were perfectly formed, so unlike most children at that age. Sunday morning the 26th, when I was going down stairs on my way to church, Mr. Moore asked me to wait a few moments, + then sent for me to come to his room. Mrs. Moore was lying in bed, + beside her, on its pillow lay the dying baby. Mr. Moore sat beside it, holding Susie, Mrs. […], M. Mrs. M’Lean, Misses Mattie, [..ulbertson}, + [Deuer?] + Charlie + myself were there, + Mr. Biggs administered to the unconscious child saying “Edgar Dickson, I baptize thee, in the name of the Father, + of the Son, + of the Holy Ghost, Amen.” I never saw so affecting a baptism. We went to church expecting to find one spirit less at Woodburn when we returned than we left, but still it lingered + the Reaper Death tarried a few hours more. There was no Bible Class in the P. M. + about 9 o’clock Mrs. [J..] Moore + I took it to the room where Helen Wilson died + prepared for the night. About midnight it commenced throwing up phlegm + we thought it to be dying, but it again recovered. + though we feared every half hour was the last, it retained the little spirit of life, though it was very faint. At about three o’clock in the morning Mrs. J. K. Moore insisted upon my waking some one else to take my place as I had been up with it from 4 o’clock Sunday morning. I went to my room + slept an hour or so, + at breakfast time attended to prayers [or?], + then returned to relieve Miss Mattie. The poor child had a severe spasm[,] getting almost black in its face. We could perceive mortification beginning in its extremities, + it appeared too weak to last – About 9 o’clock the [doctors] came + said it could live but a very short time more. I remained until 11, + then they compelled me to go to bed, fearing I would be sick. But a few moments after I left the ransomed soul left its frail earthly tenement, + little Edgar Dickson joined the redeemed choir around the throne of Him who said “Suffer little children to come unto me, + forbid them not.” I knew not of it till dinner time, being asleep, + immediately after went [to] my own old room where his body was prepared for its last long resting place. We soon removed it to the parlor + I sat with it from that time till it left Woodburn for the silent grave. I bathed its face with cologne, + sitting alone reading my precious Bible, I thought how truly “all is vanity.” Many were pleasant pictures of the future that had been painted in my mind, + now all were marred. At five o’clock the coffin came, + after I held the darling one in my arms till a lock of hair was cut from its head, Mrs. Hamway laid it in its narrow bed. I went up stairs to get my bonnet, the little one was carried to Mrs. Moore to take the last “good bye.” Mr. + Mrs. Biggs, Mrs. Hamway, + Mrs Wilson were down in the parlor + soon the girls came in + took their seats. Mr. Moore sat by the table between the windows that held the coffin, + I sat next to him. Mr. Biggs during the services gave out the 640th Hymn, at Mrs. Moore’s request, + hard as it was for me I raised the tune as both Mr. B, + Mr. M. had asked me to do so. Nothing but old Ortonville could I remember, + so we sang it. Mr. Moore, Charlie + Susie kissed the baby, the rest came to it, + then the undertaker screwed the cover down, took it in his arms, + we walked in sad procession to the field just north of the east end of the graveyard, + committed dust to dust, ashes to ashes, to rest till the blessed resurrection morning. I never saw a grave filled up before, + it is impossible to tell my feelings. It seemed so deep + lonely, + the sound of the earth on the coffin went to my very heart’s core. Strange as it may seem, I felt almost thankful that [Like?] had not been buried. – I never saw dear Mr. Moore suffer as he did during the child’s suffering + death. The first day he told me he had no hope of its recovery, + indeed said so whenever I asked him. He told me he never had imagined he could be so much attached to so young an infant. He could not bear to witness its agony. The last night of its life he came in to look at it, but could not stay but a few moments. He did the same thing twice on Monday morning. We have talked since, of our discussion last Winter about affection in a future state, + he says his feelings are now with mine, though his judgment is unchanged. – Since I commenced writing, Mrs. Moore has received a letter from him, saying he was until 5 o’clock getting to Brownsville, on account [of] one of the horses refusing to pull, + that he + Mr. [Jon?] Wilson had to walk a great deal of the way, so that he was so weary he was obliged to stay at Mr. Dawson’s all night + not go to Pittsburgh till Friday morning. We hardly look for him now until Wednesday or Thursday of next week. I am so sorry, for I want to see him very much. Friday, September 2nd 1859. It is not for want of things to say that I have not written, but for want of time. On Thursday evening, July 28th dear Mr. Moore got back, much improved by his trip. On Friday noon Charlie came up to my room with a package saying that his Father said it was for me. I opened it, + it was a small box. Inside of it was such [a] nice note from Mr. Moore, + an elegant gold locket + his likeness. It was such a surprise. The next Saturday I went down town calling, + when I got to Mrs. Hamway’s, she insisted so much that I staid to diner. In the evening, I was greatly astonished by Mr. H. coming up to ask me out riding. Of course I could not refuse, + had quite a nice one, on the “River Road” as far as […ffington], though I know I should have enjoyed it more, has Father or Mr. Moore been my companion. On Tuesday the 2nd of August, I was sitting up in my room alone, studying, when Miss [Dever?] rushed in exclaiming that Father + Mother were here. I had no idea of their coming that day tho’ I looked for Mather about the last of the week. They came from Bedford Springs. Father staid a week, + such a delightful week as it was! On Sunday the 7th he came into Bible Class, + spoke to the girls, + there seemed to be great conviction following his words. Nearly all the non-professors were in distress for their sins. The girls had prayer meetings every morn the following week, + had Mr. Biggs visiting them after Father left, which he did on Tuesday the 9th; going to Wheeling. On Sunday the 14th Miss Poole, Aggie M’Lean, Emma Halb, Lou Campbell, [Fannie?] + Mattie Cunningham of the [borders?], + Ellie Clemens, a poor child dying of consumption, a former day pupil, united with the ch. upon profession of their faith. God grant they may be his true children. – Dear Father took us all unawares by coming riding round the Campus from Wheeling, on Monday evening. He staid till Thursday + we had a glorious time. He then went back to Baltimore. Dear Mother remained here until Monday the 29th + there went to Wheeling. It seems very lonely without her, especially as the Academy has commenced & Mr. Moore has not been well this week. I began reading Hebrew about the 17th I think. I like it very much. It is pleasant to read the blessed Bible in the original. Dear Mr. Moore has been far from well for the last few weeks. I hope he is getting better, but every little thing makes me feel how short his time is. How thankful I ought to be for having so many good friends to love! + how grateful I am that I was sent here instead of Oxford. What would have been my course? Dear Woodburn! I am dreading the parting. I try not to think of it. – But life is not intended for our pleasure here, its trials, seperations, + sorrows are doubtless in some measure to fit us for greater enjoyment o that heavenly rest promised beyond this weary world. If I ever get there, how happy will it be to fear no severing of loved ones, to be conscious of their continual presence. Help me to attain so great joy. – Poor Julius has been near losing his baby this Summer, but has been mercifully spared the affliction. I wonder whether he + Lizzie are Christians? And Uncle George. It would be sad for dear Grandma never to meet him again. On Sunday night, the 28th there was a splendid exhibition of the Aurora Borealis. The sky presented almost every color of the rainbow. Deep rose color however seemed to predominate. I never before saw anything to equal it. Surely God, our God ruleth “among the armies of heaven.” So far as I have heard, it seems to have been quite general throughout the country. – Mrs. Edgar Woods has another sow. Mrs. Dalzell a daughter. Mrs. Mary Woods was through from a carriage in Wheeling when riding with Mr. [Gus?] Crangle, + had her leg dreadfully broken. So great was the force with which she fell that the bone not only protruded through the skin, but ran into the ground!! She is recovering remarkably fast the Dr.s say. Ann Eliza was along, but unhurt. Cooke Wilson is trying to get a situation to teach, + I should not be surprised if she went to Mr. [Gus?] Oliphant’s at Fairchance, 12 miles from here. He is a brother of Mrs. Edgar C. Wilson. I have a great deal to say but it is getting late. This may be the last stroke of my pen so I will sign my name Maggie C Dickson. [In pencil on front of booklet, in two handwritings: Saturday, June 29th 1861- On Friday morning, June 21st, Mr. Moore + AEva left in Mr. B. Smith’s buggy for Fairchance. Fannie + I had concluded on the preceding day that we would decline going, + we were quite glad we had done so, for such hot days as Friday + Saturday were we have seldom seen this Season. Friday I heard Aggie M’Lean’s lesson in Horace, + my French pupils. After tea read some in the Princeton Review for 1830 + then going up stairs + finding Mrs. M’Lean preparing the spare room for Mr. Biggs occupancy (he being our protector that night) I tho’t I would assist her, + so made the bed, + dusted. About sun down Mrs. Moore + I went out to the back porch, seeking a cool place from there we went onto the bench in the garden + watched the moon rise. The sky was rather cloudy + the heat lightning spread itself in great [streeks?] over the morthern sky. About 8 o’cl’k we came back to the house, hoping to find Mr. Biggs there as we wished the pleasure of a little visit from him. However he did not make his appearance before the time of Mrs. M.’s taking the two children up to bed, so Mrs. ML, Fannie + I formed ourselves into a Committee of Reception. About 9 o’cl’k there was a brilliant flash of lightning + a little shower of rain seemed to drop right down. It soon passed off, not cooling the Atmosphere very much. A few minutes before 10 Mr. B. came. Mrs. MLean soon bade us “good night” + after an hour’s talk Fannie + I suggested the same, for tho’ I would have enjoyed sitting longer, I thought he was probably tired + sleepy. Saturday morn. we came down to breakfast in the hopes of meeting him there, but were disappointed by Mrs. MLean’s telling us that he had arisen before the first bell + left in order to see Mr. +Mrs. [Tower?] who had come upon Thursday. About 9 o’cl’k Saturday morning I dressed in my gray, with with my lace point + crape bonnet + went to see Marrie Heek, Mrs. Lorents, + Mrs. Hamway. Had pleasant visits at all + was urged to spend the day at the live last places. Came back however in time to get cooled before dinner. In the afternoon took a nap, + read + sewed. In the evening practiced some; at about 8 ½ o’cl’k Eva + Mr. Moore returned. They got their suppers + I regretted to find that a cold Eva had contracted previous to going had increased considerably. With the exception of the great heat they had had a grand time. Rec’d a letter from Father, + one from Mother. The Academy closed on Friday the 21st, + Alex Wilson, almost the only “foreigner” left, started for Erie that day. I sent a note to his Mother by him. On Sabbath morning, the 23rd Eva fell too ill to go to breakfast. She slept most of the day. Fannie went to church with me, walking for the first time for five months. It was a pleasant though warm day. Mr. Biggs’ text was Romans 8:23. “He that doubteth is damned, if he eat.” The principal part of the discourse was upon Christian Charity towards members of other denominations, respecting their prejudices when no doctrine was involved, + the rest upon the guilt of sinning against conscience. I liked it very well. In the afternoon Dr. Daughtery, Principal of the other Seminary delivered in the M.E.Ch. the “Baccalaureate Sermon” to the graduating class of three. I did not go. At night I went to our own service. Mr. Moore accompanied me. The text was Mark 10:49. “And they the blind man, saying unto him, ‘Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.’” It was one of the most earnest appeals I ever heard from Mr. B. to unpenitent sinners the spiritually blind, ending with a solemn warning to those who profess to see, who are Christians to call others to Christ- Mr. Biggs walked about a square with us on [our] way home- Monday I believe I was in the house nearly all day. Mr. Moore asked me to go to old Mrs. Reppert’s the [next?] day, some 8 miles from here, just over the Pennsylvania line. So Tuesday morning I rose pretty early, + before the rising bell rung Mr. Moore sent [Elena?] tin y rooim to say if I w’d come down to the kitchen we would have our breakfast [to?] [me?] [ake?] [it?] + I came up to the Study + pub on my thins + got Mr. M.’s overcoat + soon Louis came driving in with Mrs. Ray + Miss Linnie. I got in the back seat with Mrs. R. + Mr. Moore had jut taken the reins when Mr. Biggs + Mrs. Hamway drove in. We started right off, + had a charming ride. When we got to the Ferry the Monongahela was so low that we forded it, + the western shore being steep + rocky Mrs. Ray + I got out + walked up it. We crossed the state on the famous “Mason + Dixon’s line” at 8 o’clock having been an hour + 40 minutes en route. At the line are two high poles[,] one in Virginia + the other in Pennsylvania with an […] flag stretched between, bearing the inscription “Union or Death.” In five minutes more we arrived at our destination. Reppert, [Mip?] Maria R, (an old maid,) + Mr. [Geo?] R. (a [lame?] […] whom I did not see.) Tat day however a son from Greensbuy + the old lady’s granddaughter Mrs. Williams of Pankersbury, + a Mrs. Flemming + her child were there. I was quite charmed with Mrs. Reppert. She will be 80 yrs. old in the 23rd of August + as she said, has [had] “but little schooling,” but she is a good Christian woman, + it is refreshing, to me at least[,] to meet occasionally with characters of such simplicity as hers. She was born + brought up not ten miles from her present home- Has never on a steamboat but once- + I think has never been father away than Johnstown! She was delighted to see Mr. B. + so happy when he promised (D. …] to come + preach for her on the 21st of July. I spent a very pleasant day visiting with her, + with Mr. Biggs[,] Mr. Moore, Mrs. Hamway [etc?]. They have a very pleasant place. Mr. Biggs conducted worship before we left. We started at 14 before 5, + got home at 25 minutes past 6. We had our tea before starting. Nearly every one in the house went to the Commencement at the M.E. Ch. of the Morgantown, Female Collegiate Institute. E. + I staid at home, + I played on the piano for her. Wednesday it rained a good deal. In the morning I wrote a letter of 8 pages to Grandpa, + after dinner, began one to Father, but Mr. Moore asking for me I most joyfully went down + wrote letters + made out bills till nearly tea time. That being over I came up stairs + completed my epistle to Father, making of equal length to that of Grandps’s, + then went with Mrs. M’Lean to Lecture. Mr. Moore + Miss Bonham, who were already down town came in afterwards. The subject was Matthew 20:20-23. I wish I could transcribe word for word that Lecture. I felt after coming home as if I could sit all night thinking of it. I think I will some day try to write down a few of the points. Mr. Biggs is I believe[,] next to Father, my favorite preacher. Such sermons remind me of the holy man of old who declared himself to be but the voice of the Spirit. – Thursday I was at home. Miss M. J. Evans come up + sat on the porch part of the morning. I sewed nearly all day on a dress of Eva’s. Mr. Hamway took dinner here. About 5 o’cl’k Mr. Moore sent for me to come + see one of “Woods’ Mowing Machines” in operation in the meadow. Mr. Richard Carr was superintending, + after some little delay Mr. + Mrs. Moore, Miss M. MLean + I went down by the stable and examined it, + saw it make one circuit. It seemed [to] me to work very well- When the mail came in the evening there was a letter from Mother to Eva, containing a great […] of news. Mr. R. Crangle had been paying them a visit, + Mr. Park Davis had dined with them, [etc?]. There was also a note for me from Father, sent a day later, + containing the dreadful intelligence of Mrs. Robert Daniel’s death. She went to church last Sunday June 23rd, + attended the Communion, + felt badly in the evening. Thinking she was going to have one of her headaches, it Is supposed she intended taking a cooling medicine. On Monday morning at [7?] o’clock she was found dead lying on the floor of her dressing room. It was first thought she had died of apoplexy, but a closer examination showed that the paper marked “Epsom Salts” + from which she had evidently taken a dose, contained Oxalic acid which probably killed her instantly- I cannot realize that she is gone. It seems to be impossible that her kind voice is forever stilled her pleasant voice forever silent. It is wrong to feel thus but my heart will say, O that it had not been so! The thoughts of her are with me all the time – Thursday evening a Calvery company from Washington C. on their way to camp at [Grafton?] passed by Woodsburn, + four of the men passed the night here- Yesterday I read, wrote, sewed, darned, [+?] heard my two pupils- In the evening read the Presbyterian for last week. Went to bed rather early. I get up now at 4 or 4 ½ o’cl’k + take my bath, make my bed, + go out on the porch to read my Bible, + think. This morning I began Rollin’s History- Fannie is drawing a picture of “Bingen on the Rhine,” + Eva is knitting a pair of mats to send to Mrs. Huighs Oliphant, whom she visited last week. I think I will write to Aunt Eliza today, + as it is three o’cl’k I suppose I had better stop. Bell Drabell has just been up, to see me so I have written this in about two hours – The day’s bright but warm. They are making hay in the meadow. Monday, July 1st 1861- Saturday evening I sat on the front steps, + then went in alone to the parlor + played till Mr. Moore came up with the mail. There was a letter from Mother to Fannie giving some further particulars of Mrs. Daniel’s sad death- Mother also spoke of coming via Pittsburgh[.] I hope she may be here before long. Sunday morning Eva + I went to church (as it looked so much like rain that Fannie did not venture out,) Mr. Biggs preached from Rom. 11:24/ The olive- He considers the good olive tree to signify Christ. I liked it very much. The day I was at Mrs. Reppert’s he had said something about my going to Laurel Point with him on the following Sabbath; but as I had heard nothing more of it, I supposed (with considerable regret, I will privately confess) that he had forgotten or changed his mind. Yesterday morning however, immediately after the benediction he came down from the pulpit + leaning over the seat asked me that in case it did not rain would I be willing to go to Laurel Point in the afternoon? I replied that “the rain would make no difference to me, that I would be very happy to go.” So he said he would come for me at half past one o’cl’k. Just after we got home there was a very heavy shower, but it was soon over, although the sky did not clear off. I put on my cashmere dress, fray [map?] + dark bonnet, + at one o’cl’k (i.e. by my watch, but half past by Mr. Bigg’s) Louis came driving round the Campus with “Bob” attached to a buggy (Mrs. Wilson’s I think,) + Mr. Moore put me in, + L. drove down to Mr. Biggs’ study + resigned the reins to his hands. It is a little beyond the fifth mile post on the Western road to Fairmont, + we were about on hour, + twenty minutes in getting there. I do not know when I have had a more pleasant ride. We talked, when first started upon Church music as a part of God’s worship, suggested by Mr. B.’s saying that I must no expect much in the way of singing over at the little ch. Then I told him of Mrs. Daniel’s sudden death, + he spoke of the happiness of such an immediate removal to glory- Though before that I think we had talked of his sermon, + I mentioned Dr. Hamilbon’s track upon the same subject[.] We spoke of Sunday Schols, [etc] + of Emma Holb, + then of growth in grace. About that time Mr. Biggs said, “Miss Maggie, I have often though your Christian experience must be a balm peaceful happiness. Is it not so?” And then I confessed to him more freely than I have ever done to any mortal my doubts + fears, my anxieties + conflicts- I did it more freely, I say, for it is seldom any one speaks to me upon such topics, + besides Father, there is no pastor to whom I would rather confide my cares + sorrows than to Mr. B. He spoke so kindly that I felt grateful to my Heavenly Father for having permitted me the happiness of that conversation. He encouraged me too, (which for several days, yes, almost weeks, I have been longing for some one to do) by the precious promises of Gods word. He told me of one or two cases [which] had come under his ministry of persons who though they had committed the unpardonable sin. He spoke too of an old man in Morgantown (a Mr. Kiger) whom he is visiting, who although probably upon his dying bed has until lately seemed to have no knowledge of his necessity of Christ’s Atonement. At about half past two by my watch we reached the Laurel Pt. It is a small frame church, beautifully situated. the people were pretty generally assembled. Their horses were under the trees, the most of the women in the church, + nearly all the men outside. I waited till Mr. Biggs had fastened “Bob,” + he having told me that the men + women sat on separate sides + encouraging me to the door, I entered + took my place on the third bench from the front on the left hand side entering. It was occupied by two persons when I went in, + two more came afterwards, so that I was in the middle- By + by Mr. Biggs came in, + all the men followed. Soon Mr. B. + a person I afterwards learned was a Methodist preacher, went of into the little pulpit. Mr. B. read a hymn […]. his companion “lined out” + lead in singing; after prayer by Mr. B. + singing of “Alas, + did my saviour bleed; Tuseday, July 2nd 1861- Rose a few minutes past 4 o’cl’k. Had a happy time by myself. Spent the morning in reading, trying to write, + began a pan of cuffs. After dinner, read in Biblical Repertory + heard my French scholars. Read some more. Dressed for the evening, mended my dress, + am now writing. E + F. are trying to “get up” a sort of Pic Nic for the Fourth of July- They + the girls are having a meeting now, as school is just out. I have a great incilination to go down to Mrs. Hanway’s after tea. To day has been very cold. I was wrapped up in a heavy blanket shawl nearly all the morning- Emma Cook was quite sick in the night, bleeding of her gum where a tooth had been extracted. The Dr. (J. MLane) was here twice before breakfast. My thoughts have been of Sunday nearly all day. It was such a pleasant day to me- Last night + this forenoon a little mouse came out by our fire place, + ran all around. This morning, coming up alone from breakfast, I stopped at the Study door + saw a bird sitting on the ‘sash of one of the east windows. At my approach it flew up to the top of the casing of the South window, + seemed fearful of venturing from there. Would that my weary heart would learn to fly up when trouble from the world threatens it, not, like the bird to find only a temporary repose, but one which shall be enduring upon the Rock of Ages— Wednesday July 3rd 1861- Last evening after tea I went down street with Mr. Moore + staid at Mrs. Hanway’s while he went to the P.O. [..] Mrs. H. was not at home, so I spent my time with Mif Berkshire- Fanny got a letter from Mif Richardson. read + looked at the Comet nearly all evening. This morning got up at 4 o’cl’k. Had a pleasant time on the porch. After breakfast swept + dusted the room, had a fire made, brought up water +e. Read- E. + F. went down town, dressed for dinner, wrote ten pages to Father, made out my accounts +e. After dinner got my Trigonometry from Mr. Moore, + sat in the Study till nearly school time. Heard Harvey’s lesson- Friday, July 5th 1861- Wednesday after tea I got ready for Lecture. Mrs. MLean, Mif Maggie + I started together, when got by Mrs. Wilson’s as she was going alone. Mrs. ML joined her, + they stopping to talk to Eva. Fannie + Ellie, Mif Maggie + I quickened our pace + reached the church just a few minutes before Mr. Biggs rose- His text was in Hebrews 10:35-39- Encouragement to continue in the Christian Course. He preached well- When we came out Mr. Moore followed us to the P.O. + there stopped, + Mrs. Wilson, leaving us when we came to the store, we proceeded the rest of the way alone. Then Mr. Moore [brought] the mail, nearly an hour afterwards, there were letters for Eva + me from Mother. She spoke of Fannie + me returning home to keep house soon after she came. Had a sad, gloomy time on the porch. There seemed to be naught but change + disturbance in this weary world. – Yesterday morning I heard the bells ringing in the “fourth” about 3 o’clock. I got up at 4 o’cl’k + had a quiet season. When I came up from breakfast found Mr. Moore in the Study, + I concluded to attend the Celebration in town. So I went up stairs, dressed for the occasion, + in 10 minutes was on my way. I went to Mrs. Hamway’s + finding she had too severe a headache to leave home, I went with Miss Jane Berkshire to the Ch. where the Presbyterian Sabbath School was to assemble- We were there a long time before they started. The number was small, owing partly to the absence of the Academy students, + partly to the fact that there were to be no refreshments. About 81/2 o’cl’k we started + joined the M.E. school at the Bank corner + proceeded to the Academy Campus. The south porties had a platform made of two tressels with boards laid across them + upon it were about half a dozen chairs[.] I had a front seat to the left of the platform. When every body seemed settled, Rev. M[..] Biggs Biggs + Daughterty, accompanied by [Messn.?] Hagans + [Dum?] took their places upon the platform—Mr. Biggs opened the exercises by prayer, + the schools + Choir sand “Anniversary day.” The Declaration of Independence was then read by Mr. Duncan, followed by a [speech?] from Dr. Daughterty, [purportedly?] to be to the children, but I doubt whether any of them comprehended much of it besides one or two anecdotes with wh. he opened. When it was completed, “We’ll keep the Declaration” was sung, + then Waitman T. Willey, Esq. was called out to address the citizens. He did so at some length, discussing some of the important questions now affecting this part of the country, + refusing some suspicions wh. had been entertained regarding himself. The Choir then tried to sing the “Star Spangled Banner,[“] but by some mishap got it pitched so very high that they made an awful thing of it – Mr. Biggs then pronounced the benediction, + the crowd began to disperse- I went in to Mrs. Hanway’s for about half an hour + then started for Woodburn. Mr. Moore joined me when opposite Mr. Evans, + when we got by Mr. Biggs[‘] Study, he + Mr. Duncan were sitting by the south window. Mr. Moore + they entered into conversation about Mr. Willey’s speech, + got off on to the Resolutions of Dr. Spring. We stood for some ten minutes, + the discussion becoming excited, Mr. Biggs said “well you + Mif Maggie come up here, out of the hot sun,” so Mr. Moore started to the door but concluded instead of stopping, to take Mr. B. with us, so going to the window he told Br. B. to come on up to dinner at Woodburn. He accepted, but said he would not come then. Mr. Moore + I walked on, + he said he wanted to go to see Mattie Heck for five minutes, + if I would walk slowly he would overtake me, but [added?] as we separated, “Perhaps you had better get out of the hot sun.” I walked on to Mrs. Wilson’s + she called to me to come up on the porch + wait for Mr. M. We had a pleasant time, + soon Mr. Biggs + Mr. Duncan came up + joined us, + we had a still pleasanter time- We, i.e. Mr. B. + I, tried to get Ellie to ask us to the girls’ Pic Nic, but did not succeed. Annie finally invited Mr. Biggs + he extended the favor to me- After sitting about three quarters of an hour + no Mr. Moore appearing, I proposed to Mr. Biggs to walk over to Woodburn as it was nearly dinner time. When we were coming round on the board walk, part of its supporting gave way, + nearly precipitated me into the road. I recovered my equilibrium almost before Mr. B. could offer his aid. We had a very hot walk but found the Study pretty cool- I had a pleasant little talk with him before Mr. M. came, which was about a quarter of an hour afterwards. Mr. Biggs staid until about 2 o’cl’k, + then said he must go back to his Study to prepare for the Sabbath. I did wish so much he would stay. Eddy Wilson, Charlie, + Susie had a pic nic out in the yard. All the girls, but Emma Cook who had been sick, went on an Excursion, having with them Ellie, Annie + Tom Wilson, + “Ken” Duncan. Mr. D. followed them about two hours later, 3 o’cl’k—They got home about 8, + reported themselves as having had a grand time. Mrs. Wilson came over here + spent the afternoon + evening. She said her house was locked up + left alone, for the first time (with exception of Sunday) for many years- Miss Evans too, was here nearly all the P.M. We took our supper after the children, out under the trees, + I think we all concluded that a dinning room was preferable—After tea Miss Jane Berkshire + Mrs. Lorentz came up. Mr. S. + Mr. Smith were also here- About a quarter before eight, while the sky was still very bright, there was a very brilliant meteor in the east. Its color was almost white. It disappeared very rapidly- I am glad I saw it. Mr. + Mrs. Moore, the children, Eddy + Emma took a ride in the evening. Julia Hill gave me some specimens of the Indian pipe, a wild flower growing in the woods- It resembled white was very much. I had often read of it, but it was the first flower I had seen—Spent a little time on the porch at night. This morning was up early + swept the room before dressing for breakfast. after breakfast read my Bible + the papers- About 10 o’cl’k I took “[Gummere?]’s Surveying[“] + went for a walk the other side of the run- I rambled round over the familiar spots, + finally seated myself under one of the noble oaks, + studied my lesson. It is a sweet quiet, spot, quite out of sight. At 11 I came up the bank by the fence, + crossed it by the swing. Brought up, sorted + put away our clean clothes- [+e.] After dinner came to my room + read till school time, + then heard my pupils— Saturday, July 6th 1861— Yesterday afternoon Eva + Fannie took a nap, + I dressed in my light lawn, + sat down to write. Just as F. got up to dress, Annie Wilson came in to say her Mother would be glad to have me come over after tea + eat some raspberries- I accepted. Took my book + went down to the front door, + Mr. Moore calling me into the study, when I had looked over, I recited my first lesson in [Gummere?], subject “Logarithms.” Sat in the door till tea, + for some time afterwards. At half past seven Mrs. MLean, Mif Maggie ML + I went over to Mrs. Wilson’s- We sat out on the steps. By + by Miss Jane Berkshire came. About hald past eight Mrs. Hanway sent up for her, saying that Mrs. Mitchell + family had just arrived. Then we went in the parlor. I looked at the portrait of “Louisa Lowrie.” Mif M. ML played + sang. I sang “I’m saddest when I sing,” + was just about to commence another when Miss Bonham + Mr. Duncan came. MrsB. played + sang for some time. Then Mr. Biggs came, + afterwards raspberries + cream, + cake were handed round. We came home about then o’cl’k. Mr. Biggs escorting Miss Hannah, […] I walking alone- he sat some time on the steps. We talked of Missions, Missionaries, Vhurches, +e. He expects to leave for Bambier, Knox Co., Ohio, for Mrs. B, on Monday + will probably be gone ten days or more. I will be glad to see Mrs. Biggs home again, but I do not like to see her husband go away- He went to Stewartown this morning, as the preparatory services for tomorrow’s Communion begin today. When I came up stairs I found Eva + Fannie still up, + as they would not allow me to go out on the porch, I had to retire without my usual quiet season for reflection. I tried to keep it in my heart. – This morning after my usual routine of bathing, reading, dressing, breakfasting, +e I cleaned up the room + got every thing all fixed for Sunday. Spent nearly all the morning in reading. After dinner darned stockings, worked on my cuffs, studied my Trigonometry wrote, read +e. About 4 o’cl’k a heavy storm that had been threatening all day broke + made quite a rain. Our room leaked + I had to move the bed + put a bucket to catch the water. There were no mails last night; cause unknown. Evening, 9 o’cl’k—The mail has come + a letter from Mother. She does not mention any time for her coming, but speaks again of having Fannie + me return home to keep house- It is wrong I suppose, but I really do not feel as anxious to go as I ought. Of course I want to see dear Father, but it is not very pleasant to go to a hot city where there is [disfraction?] of discussion, + friends at swords’ points- Then too I have just got happily setteled + was anticipating so much quiet enjoyment after the bustle of Eva + Mother leaving us; in the society of Mr. + Mrs. Biggs + Miss Hanway + Wilson +e—I expect this said disappointment is intended for a discipline- May I receive it humbly as such- -- Mr. Moore is going to take Fannie to [Stewartown] to c. tomorrow. I have heard that Mr. Biggs was going to take me with him today, but was detained until it was too late—Wel, I would like to have gone so much with him + am glad he cared enough for me to think of it even—I do like him so much—I shall be so sorry to go away from all these dear good friends, for it seems very doubtful if I ever return here. If these civil strifes continue communication will be in a great measure cut off I reckon, + there will be but little visiting for pleasure— I spent part of the evening with Mrs. Moore- We talked of the Female Prayer Meeting, wh. has been here since the days of Louise Lowrie— Saturday—the last night of the week—How many sins to be repented of + pardoned! God grant me a new heart washed + made clean in the blood of Jesus—I may never again use my pen, so I will sign my name— M. C. Dickson [In pencil on front of booklet in two handwritings: Monday, July 8th, 1861- Yesterday morning rose very early. At about half past seven or eight o’cl’k, Mr. Moore took Fannie + Charlie in a buggy + started for Stewartown. Miss M. J. Evans, Miss Bonham +Miss M. MLean left the same time in another vehicle driven by Mr. Omar Evans- I spent the time in reading until the bells rang for church, + there being no service at our own, I went to the Methodist Reformed, expecting to hear their pastor Rev. D.B. Dorsey, but when the minister entered the pulpit I regretted to see it was Rev. M. Daughterty. I say regretted for whenever I had heard him it seemed so much more for the purpose of displaying his own gifts rather than to present the truths of salvation, that I did not like him but yesterday morning he did not confine himself to his manuscript, + seemed to think the gospel was the thing to be presented. To be sure I did not admire him extraordinarily, but was much better pleased than heretofore. His text was Luke 15:2- “This man receiveth sinners.” He considered how Christ received sinners by his possessing humanity- Would he receive all sinners? No, only penitent sinners. To them his salvation was freely offered—We, for coming out of church I found that M.[S?]. Linn had followed me, got to Woodburn sometime before the rest of the family, who had gone to the M.E. Ch. – After dinner I read two of “Callyer’s Lectures” on Scripture Facts- About three o’cl’k Fannie got home. Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Jane Berkshire + Mr. Smith had been out there too, + Mrs. M. had remained to come in with Mr. Biggs. At night Eva + I walked to church together. Mr. Biggs preached from Luke 21:9, “In your patience possess ye your souls.” He drew a picture of the present state of our poor land, + the dangers which are threatening it, + the doubts + uncertainty that over-hang the future- He then said that while we are distressed, + justly at the perils of our country, we are forgetting the church of God. The trials which are likely to come upon us will have need of holy patience to sustain them- And patience is not insensibility to sorrow, but a pious resignation to the will of God. He besought us to exercise this patience now, in the days of darkness. It was a good sermon. Poor Mr. Biggs! He looked so weary- He ad preached twice on Saturday + four times on Sunday, once to the children at Stertown, there at the Communion, in the afternoon, + then here at night- Mr. Moore asked Eva to walk with Mollie Linn, who was alone, + then offered me his arm. I had hoped Mr. Biggs would as usual overtake us, + I would have an opportunity of bidding him “good bye,” as he was to go for Mrs. Biggs today. But as he had to go down to Lower street to sick man + I was disappointed. The church was very hot. I came up stairs very soon after we got home— This morning I think I saw Mr. Biggs go. It looked like the stage crossing the bridge, quite early—I expect he is now on the cars- How I wish he was on his way home! Mr. Hanway went to Washington for his wife today. I reckon he wants to shew her to Mrs. Mitchell. Charlie + Susie went down with their Father this morning to see Sallie Smith- I stay in my room nearly all the time now. Dearly as I love my sisters, I shall be glad to have a room to myself again— Tuesday, July 9th, 1861— This morning found it quite cloudy + soon after it began to rain + continued to at intervals until 3 or 4 o’cl’k P.M. Wrote a note to Mrs. Hanway, saying that on account of Mrs. Mitchell’s arrival we would decline the visit proposed for this afternoon. Spent the time in reading, + making out accounts. Mr. Moore spent a few moments before dinner on the porch. After dinner “ciphered” till school time, + after hearing my pupils sewed + studied for some time. Read a little before tea, afterwards recited my Trigonometry + sat at the front door till Mr. Moore went down tow, + there paid Mrs. M. a visit- When the mail came Eva received a letter from Mother, enclosing one from Mrs. Kaufman, Madison, Georgia. No news of importance. Have had a tolerably pleasant day, though nothing remarkable has transpired. I am sorry that Mr. Biggs will not be here to lecture tomorrow night. I have enjoyed his Wednesday discourses so much. I hope he will speedily return to us— Wednesday, July 10th 1861- This morning after the performance of usual duties I got Eva to go with me, + went to Mrs. Hanway’s to see her, Mrs. Mitchell + the children. We had quite a pleasant little visit. When we came out Eva went to the store + I to Miss Mary Jane Evans, but it looked so much like rain I did not top, but hurried up home, + dressed for dinner. After dinner read till school time, then heard Harvey’s lesson, came up + studied my Trigonometry + wrote to Misses Alice + Marion Mundoch + began a letter to Uncle George. After tea, as the frequent storms had greatly cooled the air, put on a warmer dress, recited my lesson, put our room “to rights,” + continued my letter to Uncle G. Fannie + Eva went to Mrs. Rays- Played a few tunes, about dusk. Fannie got a paper [from] Grandma. Not much to record today. It is very dull here- I miss the usual Lecture tonight. I shall be glad when Mr. + Mrs. Biggs get back again- Mrs. Hanway seemed very happy in having her grandchildren with her—Good night— Tuesday, July 16th 1861- I have omitted writing in this for several days for the simple reason there has been nothing to say. Thursday, Friday, + Saturday I staid in the house on account of the rain, + spent my time in “ciphering” reading, studying, +e., -- On Sabbath morning, as Mr. Biggs was still absent I went to the Methodist Reformed Ch. + heard Dr. D. B. Dorsey preach from 1st Corinthians 10:12. “Therefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” He made one or two mistakes in the interpretation, but parts of the sermon I liked very well. he gave quite good advice as to keeping the heart during these times of excitement. I was the only one from Woodburn there as the rest went to the M.E. Ch. + heard Dr. Daughterty. Came home much earlier than they. Spent the afternoon in reading my Bible, Callyer’s Lectures, + Rutherford’s Letters- In the evening sat on the porch with Fannie till nearly dark + then laid down to bed- When I retired, at about 10 o’cl’k, I heard considerable commotion in the room next to mine, + observed if at intervals throughout the night when I would awake. The next morning, Monday the 13th of July, Mrs. MLean whispered to me as I was going down stairs, that Mrs. Moore had another little daughter. spent most of the morning in transcribing accounts into the Seminary Ledger, + studying. After dinner Mif M. J. Evans came up + staid till school time[.] heard Harvey’s lesson, finished a letter to Father, + then prepared for a walk. Just as I got out the front door Charlie + Susie came + said if I would wait they would walk with me to Mrs. Wilson’s. When Susie came down stairs she said her Mother would like me to do an errand for her. So I went up to her room + she gave me the commission. I wanted to see the baby very much but thought I had better not ask. I went to Mrs. Blakeny’s, + had quite a pleasant little visit, + then to Mrs. Hanway’s, where I saw her alone. Then I went to the store + bought some inserting for Mrs. Moore, + a pair of overshoes for myself. As the Uniontown mail had come in, + there seemed to be no crowd round the P.O. I went down, but only got one letter, + that for Mr. Moore- Came back to Woodburn + studied until supper time. Afterwards Mrs. MLean + I had quite a little visit, then Mr. Moore heard my Trigonometry lesson. Read + studied for some time. When the Fairmont mail came there were letters for Fannie + me from mother, the first we had received since the 9th, Tuesday. What had detained them, I cannot tell. Mother now expects to be here on Friday next, in the Uniontown stage. Aggie MLean slept in our room last night. This morning I read + studied, + wrote a letter to Mother directing to Uniontown, Care of H[…] N. Ewing. After dinner heard Mif Mary Jane + Harvey, + then took Susie down to Sophie’s. She was churning + we watched, + I helped her a little. Had quite a nice visit of nearly an hour in length. Came up + called on Mrs. MLean in the Kitchen, + saw her putting a fire in the new oven. Ascended to my apartment, + read + studied till tea time- Mr. Moore was not at home to tea. After tea was in our room most of the evening. I hope Mr. + Mrs. Biggs will get home tomorrow or nest day. I shall be very glad to see them. I’ve missed Mr. B.’s ministerial services very much- Mrs. Moore, they say is getting along well, but the poor baby has symptoms resembling little Edgar’s. If it be God’s will I trust it’s life + health may be spared. Eva + Fannie were down there this morning— Wednesday, July 17th, 1861— Day after tomorrow we will see Mother! If nothing happens, I ought to say.—We got no letters last night- Spent the evening up stairs. This morning read letters + finished a letter to Grandma. Mattie Heck’s husband has sent for her, + she has gone to join him at Beverly, so I reckon he is a prisoner of War [+?] wounded. Poor child! She is only eighteen! Nothing of account seems to take place now. I wonder if Mr. Biggs will get home tonight. Saturday July 20th 1861- Wednesday evening after tea Eva went over to “Dunleith” + after reciting my Trigonometry, I went to Mrs. Edgar Wilson’s, + sat till nearly dark. I had a pleasant visit with her + the girls. We had a little music. The report had come that Mr. Lowrie Wilson was among the stain in the recent Battle of Rich Mountain- Came home, + sat with Mif Bonham for an hour. We got a letter from Mother—Thursday I beleve I was in the house all day. E. + F. took tea at Mrs. E. C. Wilson’s. Mr. Moore was quite sick from Cholera [Mobus?] + the poor baby seemed to be going just as little Edgar did- Yesterday morning I got up at half past three o’cl’k- Got the room in fine order for Mother’s reception. Just as I got dressed for the morning Mrs. Mitchell came to see me. When she was about leaving, she delivered her Mother’s compliments + requests that I would take tea with them that evening, but as I was expecting my Mother, I declined- I walked down town with her as far as [Bumbe?] lane + inquired for Mrs. Biggs, but found to my regret that she had not returned. I then came up to Mrs. Ray’s + made quite a visit, then proceeded to Woodburn, sorted out our clean clothes, “put the room to rights” + read till dinner time. After dinner dressed + heard my pupils, + took my station at the front door to watch for the Uniontown stage- Mr. Moore, Eva + Fannie soon joined me there. Mr. Moore was better- At last, about 2 1/2 o’cl’k [U?] [made?] its appearance + turned round to Woodburn gate, + there was Mother, from whom we had been separated twelve weeks + three days. I was so glad I could have jumped. I don’t know whether it was over-joy, or what but after tea I began to have a dreadful head ache, + by 8 o’cl’k to feel very sick. About 8 ½ I went to bed, not being able to hold my head up- This morning I am better. I occupy the little room that Brownie had the first Winter she was here- + Mother is in our room. The baby is better + they really begin to hope for its life- I hope it may be spared—Mr. + Mrs. Biggs got home last night + I think I will go to see them this morning. A letter from Grandma last night. Tuesday, July 23rd 1861- On Saturday morning about 10 ½ o’cl’k I donned my grey dress, lace point + blue bonnet, + went down to see Mrs. Biggs. I went down Long Alley, to shorten the distance. Found her not feeling very well, as she had been right sick on her way home, + had fainted on the platform at Newark Ohio. We had quite a pleasant visit for half an hour + then Mr. Biggs came in[.] I was delighted to see him back again. After talking with them quarter of an hour longer, I returned to Woodburn + sat in Mother’s room till dinner. In the afternoon wrote to Father, sewed, read [ce?]. In the evening sat on the front pavement +sewed. Mrs. Moore sent for me to come + see her + the baby. About dusk Mrs. Biggs +Mif Evans came up with Mif Bonham. Mrs. B. said I had been her first visitor. Mother received a letter from Father. Sunday [mon?] I rode to ch. with Mother, Mrs. MLean + Mr. Moore, but walked back as Fannie rode- Mr. Biggs preached once more. His text was Mathew 6:12 “Forgive us our debts.” I liked it very much. Coming home he + Mrs. Biggs overtook us 9i.e. Eva + me) + walked with us to Bumbo Lane[.] Sunday afternoon I spent in reading my Bible + Collyer, + talking with Mother. She + I went to ch. at night- The test was Jeremiah 30:4.5. describing a revival of religion. Mother was quite sick in ch. + we hurried home directly after service- Monday morning I walked over to Dunleith, Mr. R. B. Carr’s place, to see Mrs. Wilson, poor Helen’s Mother. It is a mile + a half a least, they say. I had a quiet talk with her- I was 40 min. coming back. Met Mrs. Hanway + Sallie Smith at the west end of the bridge on their way to the farm. Got home in time for dinner. In the P.M. heard my classes, read + sewed, with Mother, paid Mrs. Moore a call. After tea sewed. About 7 o’cl’k, Mr. M. had a fire kindled in his Study, + we sat in there. Julia came in, + told us that Mif M. M Clintock + her Father, Messrs Heughs + James + E. Oliphant + Ashbel Duncan, were at Mrs. Wilson’s to spend the night, + it was possible there might be more. Mr. Moore proposed that Mif M. C. + some of them be invited here, + I volunteered to do so, so Eva, Julia + I went over, + after spending some time, returned with Miss MC. I offered to let her room with me. Mr. MC. came after we had retired. Miss MC. is quite a pleasant, quiet lady. We went down to the Study before breakfast this morning, I had some conversation with her Father. He conducted worship in Mr. Moore’s absence. An hour after breakfast we went to Mrs. Wilson’s + there met Messrs. Biggs + McClintock + had a very pleasant talk. About 9 o’cl’k we went down town to see the soldiers leave town. We stopped a while at Mif Evans’ where all the Seminary girls were, + then went on to Mrs. Hanway’s where we remained till the departure of the volunteers. There was no display about it, as they started off from Mr. Wallace’s tavern, without music or anything of the kind. We then came up to Woodburn, where Mr. MClintock soon called for his daughter, + they started for their home at Carmichaels Pa. expecting to dine with Mrs. Repput. Mr. MC. had been assisting Mr. Wm. Campell, at Fairmont. After they left, I was busy till dinner, then sewed till school, heard my pupils, sewed, took a bath, sewed, ate supper, + spent the evening in sewing. Mrs. El. Wilson spent a time with Mother- Bad reports from the [Army?] tonight. I am sleepy + must go to bed- Wednesday, July 23rd 1861- Every one here has looked doleful since hearing the report that came last night of the battle at Manassas Junction on Sunday last. It has nearly made Mr. Moore sick. This morning I was up rather later than usual. Spent the time before dinner in reading the paper, sewing, + writing to Mrs. Sproston. After dinner sewed till school time, heard Harvey, sewed, read, washed + dressed for tea. After tea received my lesson in Gummere + sewed. Got ready for Lecture, + went down to see Mrs. Biggs before it. Hearing that Mr. Biggs had gone to the country, + that there w’d be only prayer meeting, I resolved to come home. I went with Mrs. B. to her husband’s Study, + then she went to church, + I returned to Woodburn. My conscience has been reproaching me for it for some time tonight. May God forgive me, if I did wrong. Mr. Moore looks badly today. He sat on Mother’s porch a little while before dinner. I’ve spent much of the day with her. We received no letters tonight. The weather is quite cool- Mother has had a fire. Thursday, July 25th 1861- Rose early, + had a pleasant quiet time before breakfast. After breakfast cleaned Mother’s room. Read + sewed till noon, Spent a short time with Mother in Mrs. Moore’s room. After dinner sewed, heard Harvey, read +c. Mifes Lucy Evans + Sallie Coil called on us three; knit some. After tea sat on the front steps with Mother, Eva, Fannie, + Mr. Moore. Mr. Lorentz was up for a while. When it got dark we four came up stairs + read till the mail came. Mother received letters from Father, Miss Harding + Julius. Eva, one from M. A. Werninger. Julius has another son, born the 20th. Mother + I went into see Mr. + Mrs. Moore, for a time. From all accounts the slaughter at Manassas was very great. The reports vary from 15 or 20,000, [to?] as many hundreds. May God speedily grant us the blessings us an honorable peace! How many bleeding hearts are tonight lamenting the loss of their loved ones? Every one seems more or less cast down by the tidings. The reports of Mr. Lowrie Wilson’s death are contradicted by Messers. Wagner + Lorents, who with Mesrs. Hanway + Mitchell went on for his body. The two latter continued on towards Beverly, I believe, + have not yet returned. – I have been in the house all day- We are tolerably well. Eva’s sore ear discharged this morning. I think it feels better. – Friday, July 26th, 1861- This morning got up, bathed, read, +e., before breakfast, as usual. From breakfast to dinner spent most of the time in sewing on Fannie’s blue dress, but read a little, brought up + sorted the clean clothes changed my dress- After dinner Mr. Moore sat in Mother’s room a while. I cut out a cape for Fannie, + sewed on it till school. heard Harvey + sewed till three o’cl’k, + then dressed in my grey with plain collar + sleeves. Wrote to Grandma + Mif Harding. Then put on my things + taking my satchel of work went to Mrs. Biggs’, via Long Alley. Found Mr. B. at the piano. I asked for Mrs. Biggs, + she soon came, + invited me take off my things, which I did. I had a charming time with Mr. Biggs + her. We talked of the war of course, of the Assembly, of various persons. I learned to my regret that Mr. Biggs + Rev. Dr. Fairchild are going to exchange on Sabbath. Mr. + Mrs. Biggs expect to go to Fairchance tomorrow. It is a real trial to me, for I have wanted so much to hear Mr. B. They say that Dr. G. is a very good preacher, but I prefer Mr. Biggs. I gave Mr. B. the copy of the “Olive” that Mother brought me. When tea-time came Mrs. B. insisted upon my going out, although I declined, telling me that Mrs. Finnell was expecting me. There were only six of us at the table, + it really seemed pleasant to sit down like a family. Mr. + Mrs. F. were very polite- After tea Mr. Biggs excused himself + went away. Mrs. B. + I talked she “tatted,” I sewed + knit till nearly 7 o’clock when I though it time to be returning to Woodburn. Mrs. Biggs put on her shaker, + said she would walk to the Study with me, but when we got near, I begged her to keep on, + she came as far as Mrs. Wilson’s- I enjoyed the little visit very much. It is the first time I ever did such a thing here without special invitation, except once, I believe, at Mrs. Hanway’s two years ago tomorrow, “counting the day” of the week. When I came home, found them at the front door. Sat + talked till dark, then played a tune or two for Mother, + came up to her room, just as the mail arrived. She received a letter from dear Father. He is well. The Presbyterian also came. Mr. Moore seemed quite [prostrated?]. I think the bad news from the army has affected him. Louis is full of anxiety to go to the war. – Mrs. Moore is getting along right well, + the baby is better this evening than it was in the morning. The hard purple spots upon it are unaccounted for. Mother says she hardly think it will live long. We have all sewed quite steadily today. I do hope we amy be of some use to Mother some day. – I have been tolerably happy in my spiritual life today, but how greatly I need God’s free grace! Wandering thoughts, unchristian emotions, idle words, want of confidence in the Saviour’s willingness to receive rue – – + many many other sins, O God wash away in Jesus’ blood, shed for so many— Saturday, July 27th, 1861- This morning when I woke I heard the rain, + I thought of Mr. Biggs’ long ride of 18 miles to Fairchance. It rained for some hours, so I do not know whether Mrs. B. went or not. I do wish her husband was to preach here tomorrow. After cleaning up Mother’s room, +e, I sewed till dinner time, + after it until nearly 3 o’cl’k, + then came to my little room, dressed, darned stockings, studied Trigonometry, read the Presbyterian, +e., until tea. After that sat for half an hour in the study with Mother, E., F., + [Mr.?] Moore. Was on the porch a while too, then came to Mother’s room + read Rollin nearly all the time till now, half past nine. Mother has had an uncomfortable pain in her shoulders, that has affected her breathing today. Since writing the above she has received three letters; two from Father + one from Mr. Quarrier. The dear first seems right well + happy as is possible to be under the existing circumstances- Mr. Q. expresses pleasure in the anticipation of Mother’s visit to Wheeling. They know nothing of poor Will’s whereabouts—Perhaps he is among the dead at Manassas Junction. Have been trying to keep my heart _ mind fixed on the Lamb of God today. How much more comfort there is in relying alone upon His all sufficient merit for reconciliation with God! Heavenly Father, for the sake of His righteousness, give to me that peace which passeth understanding. Monday, July 29th, 1861- Yesterday morning when I went to church it was a little cloudy, so I wrapped up my overshoes, + carried them under my arm. Before service was over the rain had commenced with considerable violence, though as it was not dropping just as the moment of dismission, most of the people from Woodburn started home- I put on my gums, but found that Mother, Eva, + Fannie were not prepared for walking in the wet. Susie + Charlie were in Mrs. MLean’s care, as their Father was not well enough to attend church; + Mif M. MLean’s shoes were thin. At last Aggie ML + I resolved to essay the trip to Woodburn, + so pinned up our dresses + got the largest sun umbrellas in the company. We met Mr. Hanway by mrs. Lowry’s with an umbrella of some size, which by my advice Ag took. Before we reached the “Northern Boundary,” it began to rain quite smartly, so when I got to Mrs. Wilson’s, I ran up to the porch + exchanged my small for a large umbrella. It rained harder + harder, till before we gained shelter it was quite a storm. I told Mr. Moore of the conditions of those at the church, + he said he w’d send Louis down with the carriage- I hastily changed my clothing, + got overshoes + shawls ready to send to those who might be obliged to walk up. Before they were started, however, Mr. Hanway came, bringing Mother + Fanny in his buggy, so that when Louis did go down he was able to bring all the rest in the carriage. it was so threatening at night that no one went to the prayer meeting. Dr. Ashbel Green Fairchild having exchanged with Mr. Biggs, preached in the morning from Numbers 13:1,2. He compared the Christian course to the journeyings of the Israelites- Often the young Christian, or rather the child of God in the early days of his adoption is led to the very borders of the promised inheritance, + is perhaps even permitted to taste the grapes of Eshcol + to look upon the glorious beauties of the land, but are not yet fit for entering therein. They must wander for long weary years over the deserts, + far away […] Canaan before they receive admittance. This he applied to our Xian life + drew much encouragement for fainting souls there from- I liked him pretty well, though not as much so as Mr. Biggs. He confined himself closely to his MS. Spent the afternoon in reading— This morning up earlier than usual. Read some times before breakfast. Spent about the intire day in sewing- Mr. Moore has been in Mother’s room several times. Looks sick, tho’ in better spirits tonight than heretofore. No mail from Wheeling on accounts of slide on R.R. Read some of Lieut. on Capt. Isaac G. Stain’s Manuscript Journal today, beginning Jan 19th 1854. Mother + Eva made some calls this afternoon. I paid a visit to Julia + Mollie- It is late so good bye. One year ago (Monday July 30th) I went to Harbons Creek, Pa. with Cousins Joseph B. + Helen Moorhead. Pleasant time there. Monday, July 30th, 1861- Have spent almost the entire day sewing. Heard Harvey. Wrote to Mrs. Herron, for Mother. Eva’s ears have been paining her considerably today- The baby is dying, I fear. It has been bleeding today, + there seems to be no remedy for it. Mother was in after tea to see Mrs. Moore, + on her return said that she + Mrs. Madera were going to sit up with it. In a few moments Mrs. MLean came to say that Mr. Moore had come. We went in, + soon Mr. B. administered the holy ordinance saying “Mary Ralston, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, + of the Son, + of the Holy Chost.” He both preceded + followed with prayer. Dear Mrs. Moore sat weak + pale in her rocking chair + the little one lay all weak + unconscious upon the side of the bed near the door; just where a little more than two years ago Edgar Dickson Moore received the sacrament of baptism— The poor babe gave one little cry during Mr. B.’s first prayer, Mr. Moore was much affected. He + Mr. B. soon went into another room. The persons present were Mr. + Mrs. Moore, Mr. Biggs, Mother, Mrs. MLean, Mrs. Madera, Mifes Bonham + MLean + I. Mother + Mrs. M. have taken the dying child into Mrs. Moore’s former room, + for the last twenty minutes it has been crying so hard, that it seems impossible for it to live. It must be losing much blood. Mother says it has a truss upon it, + is bandaged most tightly. Its blood vessels are bursting. The physicians have just come, I hear their steps- Poor Mrs. Moore! my heart aches for her! And Mr. Moore too; he is sick himself. I don’t think he has been down town this week. I fear this will make him worse- — Mother had a good letter from dear Father tonight. He had had a visit from Cousin Dwight, short but pleasant- Mother came just now (10.20 P.M.) for my lamp to see to get some paregoric for the poor little sufferer. – Mrs. Blakeney was up this afternoon. Mrs. Edgar Wilson was in Mother’s room after tea. The baby’s baptism was about 7 ½ o’cl’k, just as it began to be dusk, Poor child. Wednesday, July 31st 1861- It is all over, + Mary Ralston Moore sleeps beside her baby brother. We have just come from laying her beside him. The Angel of Death came for her at 13 min. past 12 o’cl’k last night, when Mother, Mrs. MLean + Mrs. Madera were with her. They say she passed away very gently, with no struggling, but a growing weakness of health, until at length it ceased. She had suffered + bled a good deal in the early portion of the night, + they had sent for the Doctors. According to prearrangement they awakened no one at the death, + about four o’clock Mother came to her own room + went to bed. Mrs. Madera slept in the room with the little lifeless one, + when she woke this morning the first think she saw was Mr. Moore standing and gazing at his dead daughter. Poor Mrs. Moore sent for it as soon as she wakened. I went into the room about 10 o’cl’k this morning. it looked very sweetly, but so old. Poor little one! although but 16 days old this morning at 1 o’cl’k, it had felt pain enough to contract its tiny face. It weighed 10 pounds when born, but I doubt whether it was as much now. The funeral was at 4 o’cl’k, + shortly before (4) we went to the study + sat with Mr. Biggs. When Mrs. MLean brought the coffin down we went in + took a final adieu, before any one else had come to the parlor. Soon Mr. Moore came down with Mrs. Moore upon his arm, + the household assembled in the parlor. Mr. Biggs read 2nd Samuel 12:16-23. + 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18. + then offered a prayer. Mr. + Mrs. Moore, Charlie + Susie took leave of the corpse, + we sand “Homeward Bound,” after which the undertaker screwed down the lid, took it in his arms, + lead the way to the graveyard followed first by Charlie + Susie, second y Mr. Moore + Mrs. Biggs; third by Mifes Bonham + Evans, + then by Fannie + me, + the rest. When we reached the lot Mr. Marstellar + the undertaker lowered the little coffin into the box, put the cover on while Mr. Biggs said “In the hope of a blessed resurrection we commit this body to the dust” adding the benediction. Then sounded the dreadful rattle of the earth upon the coffin, + Mifes B. +E. turning away, all followed them home. I was sorry for it seemed almost cruel to go so soon, but as all the rest went, but Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Moore, + the children, I could do no more than go too. When we came home found Mother + Mrs. Moore in the Study, so I came right up stairs- Poor baby, we need not mourn for thee, but for those thou hast left behind! O God bind up their broken bleeding hearts, + send them the comforting influences of they Spirit; +grant that we all may take the warning thus given to be always ready for the great destroyer. 9 ½ o’clock P.M. At supper time Mother did not go down, so we bought her some tea + bread + butter. Mr. Moore was in her room about 7 o’cl’k. At 7 ¼ I started alone to Lecture. Mr. Biggs text was 1st Cor. 10:31,32,33- I liked it very much. He shewed the difference between philanthropy, morality, +e, + doing good for the honor of God. I do like Mr. Biggs so much. – I had expected to walk home with Mrs. Wilson, + get Ken or Tom to escort me from there to Woodburn, but when church was dismissed, I found Mif Hannah + Mr. Omar Evans waiting for me. They stopped for the mail. We got but one, from Sue Dickson to Mother. The news came in the Wheeling paper of Mr. Berryhill’s second marriage to a Mif Burt I think. A month is just ending. What have I done for God’s glory or good of my fellow beings? Nothing, + less than nothing- Oh for forgiveness for my sins of omission + commission! For pardon through Christ’s precious blood, + sanctification by his Holy Spirit! God give them to me for my Redeemer’s sake alone- M.C. Dickson [In pencil on front of booklet in two handwritings: Thursday, August 1st 1861- This mornig at breakfast Mif Bonham told me that Mary + Bell Kelley were expected to arrive here tonight. I was not very glad for Mary Jane + I are of rather different tastes. – Got to sewing pretty early. Ellie Wilson came before school to invite us to tea. Mother accepted for us- Mrs. Moore sat with us part of the morning. She seemed quite composed. The children wearied her greatly. What restless thing[s] Charles + Susie are! After dinner sewed till school time, heard Harvey, read + sewed till four o’cl’k, then came in to my room + took a second bath + dressed for Mrs. Wilson’s. but it is so late that I must stop till the morning, if it be the will of God that I see it. If not, may my eyes unclose in heaven. Friday August 2nd 1861- A little after five o’clock yesterday Mother, Mrs. MLean, Miss M. [..] Aggie + I went over to Mrs. Edgar Wilson’s. After taking off our things we went into the middle room [..] Mr. + Mrs. Biggs, Miss Carrie Oliphant of Sylvan Mills. Soon Mr. Duncan came. Mother + I sewed on parts of a dress, Mif M’L. + Mrs. Biggs were embroidering, Ag hemming. In half an hour Eva + Fannie arrived. We had a very pleasant time conversing until about 6 o’cl’k when we went out to tea. I sat between Mrs. Biggs + Mrs. MLean at Mrs. W.’s right hand side of the table- After supper we sat on the porch. First I sat by Mrs. B. + Mrs. W. + had a very pleasant chat, + then later joined a circle composed of Mr. Biggs, Mother, + Mrs. Wilson. We had a charming visit. About 8 ½ o’cl’k Mr. Biggs went for the mail, + brought a letter for Mother from Father. It was rather sad. Things look very dark in Baltimore. But God is our refuge. The Lord reigneth- Mr. B. read some from The Wheeling paper. About 9 ½ [Mrs.?] W. asked Mr. Biggs to conduct family worship, + soon after we left for home. After we got here Mr. Moore paid Mother a visit- Monday, August 5th 1861- Friday we all sewed most industriously, + finished the sixth dress at 2 o’clock P.M. We gathered up the pieces, + while Mother wrote in my room, I swept hers= At 5 o’cl’k she + I went by invitation to Mrs. [Gh?]. P. Ray’s. Mrs. Wilson came in half an hour or so, + Eva + Fannie soon after. About 6 o’cl’k we took tea. Mrs. Wilson + I sitting on the left hand side of the table, with regard to Mrs. R. We spent a much pleasanter evening than we had anticipated. We saw the autographs of Presidents Washington + Jefferson, Political Caricatures of twenty five or thirty years ago, Engravings beautiful specimens of needlework; (one by Mrs. E. [T?]. [Ellicotz?]) a copy of the “Washignton Spy,” published in “Elizabeth (Heager’s) Town” in 1794, also the Constitution of the “Morgan’s Town Fire Company” instituted in 1793- I was much interested in these relics of antiquity. Three ladies called during the evening, two Mifes Dering + their sister Mrs. Chadwick. About 8 ½ we started home. When we got by Mrs. Wilson’s gate, Mr. Duncan joined us, + escorted Mother to Woodburn. On arriving there found Mr. + Mrs. [W. N.?] Campbell. We four went up stairs to Mrs. Moore’s room, + when the mail came read Father’s letter. Afterwards Mother, Eva, + I went down + sat till she + Mr. C. had retired, + then chatted a while with Mr. Moore. – Saturday morning Mr. + Mrs. Campbell left soon after breakfast, for Union town. Mother spent a good deal of the morning in washing collars. We made + applied the starch before dinner, + after it ironed, that is I ironed two pairs of cuffs, + Mother did the rest. Before we got through a violent thunder storm arose— Mother came up stairs + laid down + then packed her trunks + Eva’s, which was very hot work. I wrote to Mrs. Henry Crangle + Mrs. [Edgar?] Woods. After tea Mother + I had intended going down town to return some of her calls, but Mrs. Moore + the rain seemed likely to prevent. However about twilight, as it was not dropping, we armed ourselves with overshoes + umbrellas + went down to see Mrs. Biggs. The servant said she was out, but in a moment she came, Mr. B. having seen us going down the lane. While she was raising the west windows I slipped on [the?] bureau a note containing a pincushion for her husband, + a pair of cuffs for herself, with the billet “Will Mr. + Mrs. Biggs please accept these trifles from Their sincere friend M. C. Dickson? Woodburn, August 3rd 1861-“ We had a pleasant little talk + then she accompanied us as far as Mr. Biggs’ Study. We stopped a moment at Mrs. Blakeney’s, + then as it was becoming dark quickened our steps towards Woodburn. Miss M. J Evans overtook us, + walked with Mother. There was quite an assemblage in the Study, Mr. Moore + family, Mother + hers, Mrs. MLean + Miss M. Mifes hill, Bonham + Evans, + when the mail came Mr. O. Evans brought it up. Nothing for us- We went to bed rather late, for we wanted to see as much of Mother as we could- yesterday morning Eva + I went to church. [M?]. + F. remaining at home on account of the great heat. Mr. Biggs preached an excellent sermon from Titus 3:5,6- shewing the work of the Trinity in the salvation of men. I walked from Walnut st. with Mrs. Wilson. Had a pleasant talk with her. After dinner, washed + dressed + came in + sat with Mother, reading my Bible, nearly all the afternoon. At evening worship sang “Blest be the tie.” + Mother led in a most excellent prayer. After tea got ready for ch. after sitting on the front steps a short time. Mother, Fannie + I went. the text was Matt. 8:22 “Jesus saith unto him Follow me, + let the dead bury their dead.” Mr. Biggs regards the words a[s] signifying that even the most sacred duties, even of burying a Father should not be allowed to interfere with the duty of God + Christ- Mr. + Mrs. Biggs walked with Mother Fannie + me clear up to Woodburn, + sat half an hour or more with us on the steps. Mr. B. had preached at Stewartown in the afternoon, + had had a very hot ride. I do like them. Mif M. J. Evans had come up with Mif Bonham, + spent the might. After Mr. + Mrs. Biggs left we sat in the Study a while, + then we four came up stairs, + talked a while- It was very warm. This morning I got up early, +, omitting my complete bath, dressed + came to Mother’s room. She was not quite ready when the breakfast bell ran, so I went down alone, + the three followed soon- Breakfast over we came up. Mother + Eva locked their trunks, put on their things, + we all went down to the front door. About 6 ¼ the stage, driven by Caney Bright came, + the baggage was put on, + my dear Mother + sister left us- Mollie Linn, + Mif Maggie MLean went too. When the[y] got out of the Campus Fannie + I turned to go up stairs, She was ahead of me, + by the time I got into the deserted room, she was weeping bitterly. I tried to comfort her, tho’ my own heart was very sad. In half an hour Aggie called to us that they were crossing the bridge, so she, Fannie, Mrs. ML. + I stood on the porch + waved + watched till they were entirely out of sight up the long hill on the western road to Fairmont. We saw the last of them at 10 min. past 7 by my time. They had left Woodburn at 25 min. past 6. When that was over, + our clothes prepared for the wash, I had Fannie go into my little room + lie down, + I gave the large room a thorough cleaning, taking up the carpet, moving every article of furniture, sweeping, dusting + regulating. Got done between 10 + 11, + then took my bath, + dressed for dinner. After dinner transcribed texts till the school bell rung. Heard Harvey. Cut off my silk apron + went in + sat with Mrs. Moore till tea. After tea have been in my own room. Julia Hill + [Landonia?] Lorentz have been in – Tuesday, August 6th, 1861- Last evening when the mail came there were two letters from Father, one addressed to Mother, which ought to have arrived on Saturday, + one to Fannie. He seems to be in better spirits than heretofore, + appears to think there is a probability of the B. + O. R.R. being opened before long. The weather he describes as red hot. He is lonely, but does not want us to return yet, he says—I rather think Mother will send for us to join her at Pittsburgh in a week or two—We may have to go to B. in that way. This is a doleful time— Rose quite early this morning- There were very heavy storms last evening which appear to have cooled the air somewhat. Begun letters to Dwight + Miss Balderston. Last evening committed to memory the 425th Hymn, wh. my dear Mother gave us to learn- Fannie, dear child seems right lonely- I must pause to study my Trigonometry. Wednesday, August 7th, 1861- Yesterday after dinner heard Mif M. J. E. + Harvey recite, + spent the P.M. in writing to Eva, finishing my letter to Mif Balduston, studying + reading. Before tea dressed to go out calling with Mif Hannah. We went directly after supper. Called on Mrs. Drummond, Mrs. Hanway Jr., Mrs. Blakeney, Mif Mary Jane, + Mrs. Biggs. Found none of them in, excepting Mrs. H. At Mif Evans we sat a little while with Mrs. Bland. Mif B. walked to the Corner + I came to Woodburn, she returned to town to wait for the mail. After taking off my things I went to the Study + sat with Mr. + Mrs. Moore + Mrs. MLean + the children. When the lamp was lit I recited my lesson. The mail brought Fannie + me each a letter from Father, in which he seems to be in better spirits, + one from Mother to F. announcing their safe arrival in Wheeling- Came to my room about 8 ½ o’cl’k, + read till ten. this morning got up + swept the room before taking my bath. After breakfast read my Bible, Greek Testament, + Hymn book, + darned stockings. Quite a cool pleasant morning. This is Lecture night. I hope nothing will prevent my hearing Mr. Biggs. Communion is to be next Sabbath. Mr. Hamilton of Uniontown is expected to be here to assist Mr. B. – Evening- Studied my Trigonometry after writing the above till dinner + from dinner till nearly school time[.] Spent an hour + a quarter with my two pupils- Came up wrote to Father, read, dressed for tea, went to dinning room to get cooled before supper. Mr. Moore having asked me he being obliged to go away, + Mif Bonham out, I conducted worship. I came up + read the Wheeling paper + Rollin for half an hour or so + then finished my letter to Father, + got ready for Lecture. Mrs. MLean + I were the only ones from Woodsburn there. The attendance was very small. I should think it would discourage poor Mr. Biggs, but he gave us an excellent discourse from Psalm 19:13- “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me; then shall I be upright, + I shall be innocent from the great transgression.” He spoke of the exceeding wickedness of presumptuous sins; that for them there was no atonement prescribed in the Mosaic ritual; that they were committed by conscience; that the most experienced + advanced Christians were not of themselves able to resist the temptation of them, but needed continually to offer this prayer of David—I liked it very well. Mr. [Aye?] + Mr. Duncan led in prayer. – After the benediction I asked Mr. Biggs to please put my letter in the office, + we walked together that far. Then Mrs. MLean being timid proposed our hastening after Mrs. Wilson, that we might have company part of the way. We overtook her about at Maiden Lane. We got from “Cherry Hill” to Woodburn without any difficulty, though Mrs. MLean had one or two little frights- We found here Mr. A. J. Sweeney- the present Mayor of Wheelign. I came right up stairs + received a letter from Father that had come in the mail. He was pretty well, + seemed tolerably happy, thoughfeeling the extreme heat greatly. Fanny had a letter from Annie Paull. We had been favored this week—Mrs. Biggs was too much indisposed to be at Lecture tonight- I think I must go to see her tomorrow. – Dear Father entreats us to write, write for the world- Would I could gratify his great desire, but it seems useless to think of me as writer who could say anything that would be read. Thursday, August 8th 1861- Spent my time this morning in reading, studying, + attending to some Seminary accounts- Directly after dinner Messrs. Moore + Sweeney left in a buggy for Kingwood, Virginia. Read + drew a little in Greek until the school bell rung. Hear Mif M.J.E., + Harvey for nearly two hours. Came up, read Rollin + rested on the bed. Got dressed before tea, + spent a little time with Mrs. Moore. After supper Fannie + I put on our bonnet + hat + went out. She stopped at Mrs. Edgar Wilson’s, + I went down Long Alley to see Mrs. Biggs. The servant said she was at the Study, so I went up there, + had a very pleasant visit with her + Mr. Biggs. We talked about many things Mrs. Biggs said my note was not seen till Sunday morning, when Mr. B. discovered it. She said she liked the cuffs + Mr. Biggs told me he was just wanting a pin cushion, his own being nearly worn out. We talked of course, about the “state of the country,” division of the church, weather, mails, +E. After sitting about half an hour, Mif Bonham came, + I soon left. I stopped for Fannie at Mrs. Wilson’s, + spent a quarter of an hour. We then came back to Woodburn, + sat with Mrs. MLean at the front door until the mail came. Fannie received a letter from Father, written on Tuesday, + I a note from Mother written yesterday, enclosing two letters from Father to her. They were all very nice. Fannie also received the “Omaha Nebraskian” from Mr. O.H. [just?] containing an account of the proceedings on July 4th, at the Indian Reservation- Having left our window + door open since lighting the lamp the bugs have attacked us most furiously, so that I shall be compelled to stop + go to bed— Friday, August 9th, 1861- Rose quite early, swept the room, took bath [+e?]., + read until the breakfast bell rung. After breakfast sat in the Study with Mif Bonham for a while. Came up, finished fixing my room, + read for an hour or so. Then wrote letters to Mr. Irish + [Mary?], + Dwight + Maria. Studied my Trigonometry, + had a visit from Mrs. Moore until dinner time. Mr. Moore came while we were at the table. Came up stairs after dinner, + had a visit f’m Mif M.J. Evans, who asked me to go to the country with her + Mif Hannah tomorrow. I declined on account of the preparation service for the Communion. She sat till school time. Mr. Moore also came in for a little while, to see what news we had had from Father. At school time found Harvey had gone home, so came up put away our clean clothes, tidied the room, studied Trigonometry, got dressed for tea, wrote to Father, + to Mother. Finished them just at supper time. After tea stood at the front steps with Mr. + Mrs. M. Mipes B. [E.?] + Fannie, + then played a few tunes + sat in the parlor with Fannie. Mr. M. heard her Greek lesson, the first, + admirably recited Mr. + M. M.- F. + I sat in the hall for some time, + Mr. Moore trying to light his lamp, + finding the wick clear down in the oil, I helped him to get it out, + then sat down in the study to wait for the mail. When Louis came he said there had no mail come from Wheeling, so we had to go letterless to our room. Fannie has been reading, + I writing ever since—I long for preparation for worthily partaking of the Lord’s Supper next Sabboth, if it be God’s will to permit to sit down at his holy table- Enable me to so examine myself, that I may turn from all my many sins with grief + hatred of them- Give me repentance, love, + new obedience- May my weary heart be built up + comforted, by the sacred ordinance in its most holy faith- Saturday, August 10th 1861- After my usual duties this morning began reading, but Mrs. Moore coming out on the porch, I took my work + sat with her for an hour or so- Dressed so as to be ready for church, + read Rollin + [e.?], till dinner. Soon after dinner Mr. Hamilton came, tho’ I did not see him till just as I was starting for ch. Fannie rode with Mr. + Mrs. Moore + Mr. Hamilton. He preached from St. John 9:35. “[Sost?] thou believe on the Son of God?” He considered 1st Things which resemble faith; 2nd Some of the characteristics of faith—It was a very good sermon- When ch. was out I walked up with Mrs. Biggs to her corner, stopping at the store with her. When I came to Mrs. Wilson’s, she was waiting for me at the gate, so I went up I sat a while with her- Coming over to Woodburn I took off my things + went down to the Study, where finding a Baltimore paper read it, By + by Mrs. Moore + Sarah Becky [Lou?] came down stairs + I went out + sat with them on the steps till tea time. At tea had a little conversation with Mr. H. Came up + sat on the steps + had quite a pleasant time all evening. It was after 9 o’cl’k when the mail came. Four letters for us, two from Father, + one f’m Mother, + one f’m Eva. We are to go next week! I could not help shedding a few tears to think of leaving this quiet happy place for hot, noisy Pittsburgh—One comfort, Father proposes our going to Dwight’s after a while- God forgive me if I am indulging wrong feelings about this matter. Monday, August 12th 1861- Yesterday morning rose pretty early- When I went down to breakfast Mrs. MLean asked me to bring Mr. Hamilton down to worship, so I went up to the Study, wished him a “good morning[”] + invited him to accompany me to the dining room. After breakfast Mif Bonham + I went to the Study with him + sat for about an hour- time not spent very profitably. Came to my room + prepared for church. Fannie + I walked down together. Mrs. Moore going after us in the carriage, got there before us + when I came in I found she + the children had taken possession of my seat, so I sat in the corner by the pulpit, the [fount?] end seat- It did seem hard that the last Sunday, + that a Communion day, I could not occupy my [wanted?] place- The choir sang for a Voluntary “‘Tis midnight.” Mr. Hamilton read the 17th chapter of St. John, + preached from 1st Timothy 1:15. “This is a faithful saying + worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners.” it was a very good sermon. When he had concluded, dear Mr. Biggs arose + read the Sacred authority for our commemoration of the Lord’s Supper, from 1st Cor. 11. He added a few remarks as to who were invited to partake of the holy elements. (the before reading he had said that with deep sorrow he would announce to the church that sine the last sacrament no one had been received by the Session, no one had been come out to renounce the world + for the first time sit down at the table of the Master, + closed by saying “No angel band hovers around us this day to convey the glad tidings to heaven of another soul received in the visible family of God.” +e.) To proceed with the remarks—The feast of our Redeemer was not spread for saints, (else who could be there a guest?) but for sinners, for those who felt their need of a Saviour, + who trusted alone to his merits for Salvation. But those who had not publicly professed Christ could not be invited to unite in the celebration of the solemn ordinance- Could they be truly the friends of Jesus, who would not own him before [men?]? Had they not dishonoured him by their refusal to comply with his commands? Therefore only to those who had united themselves to some branch of the ch. + who were in good + regular standing in their own church would he invite, but those most cordially + affectionately, to partake of this Supper of our dying Lord. He made the prayer, asking for the blessing of the elements, + spoke during the distribution of the bread, + also in offering the wine. Then Mr. Hamilton made a few remarks during the latter part of the distribution of the wine- After prayer, they sung the 539th Hymn, + Mr. Hamilton pronounced the benediction. My tears could not be restrained yesterday morning. They would fall, thick + fast. – As Mr. Hm. went home with Mr. Biggs, Mr. Moore took Fanny into the carriage, so I walked home alone. It was very hot. After dinner came to my room + staid until tea time. Although the morning had been very bright, it stormed nearly all afternoon. I finished reading my Bible through, having commenced May 19th. Read my Greek Testament + a Lecture in Collyer. After supper returned to our room + walked on the porch for some time, committing to memory the 197th Hymn. Got ready for church, it was very wet + muddy. Walked with Mrs. MLean- Mr. Hamilton preached from Hebrews 10:23. “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith with out wavering.[“] He divided his subject unto three heads. 1st We must have faith in Jesus Christ; 2nd We must profess that faith; + 3dly We must hold fast our profession. I liked him very well, tho’ I did long to hear Mr. Biggs- When church was out I spoke to Mrs. Biggs, + told her that I was expecting to go on Friday next. Mr. Hamilton walked home with me. Not very lively conversation—Came up stairs to bed as soon as we got to Woodburn, as Mr. Moore was waiting for Mr. H. – At the Communion Mrs. Ray sat next to me, + Mrs. Wilson (of Faim’t) on the other end of the seat. This morning rose right early, + gave the room a clearing up, before bathing. Mr. Moore + Mr. Hamilton were at breakfast. Had some pleasant talk with them. Directly after breakfast came up + wrote to Mrs. Herron, of our plans for coming- Performed various little duties, + we then got ready for church wh. was to be at 9 ½ o’cl’k A.M. Going down to the front door to start found Mr. Biggs sitting with the gentlemen. I exchanged salutations with him, + gave my letter to Mr. Hamilton to mail at Uniontown. Stopped at Mrs. Marstellar’s to engage them to do some washing, + then, as we had time left before church, paid Mrs. Hanway Sr. a visit. Dear lady! It makes me sad to think of leaving, probably forever, those whom I eteem so highly as I cannot help doing many who live here—When the first bell rang, F. + I went down to church + found only the sexton, old Mr. Baird, + a little boy. The congregation soon began to assemble, though it was small when all were present. They sang the Hymn, + Mr. Biggs administered the ordinance of baptism to a little girl, (about three yrs. old, I should think.) He spoke very well- Mr. Hamilton made the prayer after the baptism—He then read the Psalm + preached from Ps. 137:5,6, “If I forget thee, O Jerusalem,” +e. I liked the sermon very much[.] It expressed some of my views. That people ought to love their own church supremely, though they have holy charity + affection for other denominations— — When church was out it was raining quite heavily, Mr. Moore + I thought Fannie had better wait, so I remained with her. Mr. Biggs talked with me a little while, + expressed regret at our anticipated departure. He then left, having a sick man to visit before dinner. We read books in the S.S. Library for about half an hour, when Omar Evans came to take Fanny to Woodburn in a buggy. He did not know of my being their too, but said if I would wait, he would come back for me. So he came, + although a perfect storm beat upon me, it was better than walking the three-quarters of a mile to Woodburn. I had only time to change my dress before the dinner bell rung- After dinner sat in the study with Messrs. Moore + Hamilton for a little while, + then paid Julia Hill a visit till nearly school time. Heard Harvey + Mif M.J.E.- Stopped a few minutes in the Study. Then Mif M. came up to see Fannie about some knitting- Spent the most of the afternoon in my room. Ellie Wilson was up a little while. Dressed for tea + went down + sat about twenty minutes with Mr. M. After tea “ciphered” till so dark c’d not see—Sat with Mr. + Mrs. M. + Fannie till the mail came. Got but one letter, + that from Mif M. Murdoch- Came up stairs, + finished my work with the Ledger ready to be copied- Very tired, but reviewed it all, + then wrote in this. It is nearly, if not wuite, Tuesday morning so I must stop. My heart sinks which I recollect “Only three days more, + then farewell, a long, perhaps a lasting farewell to sweet Woodburn, Morgantown, + those I love here!” Tuesday, August 13th, 1861- Rose early this morning, + swept, dusted, bathed, +e; before breakfast. Afterwards finished cleaning up, + read my Bible + Greek Testament for an hour. It was very dark + threatening, seeming as if it would rain almost every minute, but I concluded to go down town, + see if Mrs. Biggs would not come up + spend the day. So I dressed + went down; found her [practicing], + after a little visit proposed my plan, + she accepted, so, the study being appointed as a rendezvous I went round to see Mrs. Lorentz, after knocking for some time, I wrote my name upon a piece of paper + put it under the door. I came to Mr. Biggs’ Study + finding it vacant, entertained myself for half an hour by looking at his Library, + reading a book “Calvary + its Victim.” By + by Mrs. B. came, + leaving a line to tell her husband where we were going we set out for Woodburn. I was so sorry not to see Mr. Biggs- When we got near Mrs. Edgar Wilson’s I saw a fearful storm coming over the western hills, but as Mrs. B. thought she could out walk it, I knew I could, + so proceeding at a very rapid pace we got here just as the watery torrent began to fall. I brought her up to our room, where we sat I chatted pleasantly till dinnertime. After dinner came to the study + staid till school time, + then adjourned to Mrs. Moore’s room. We remained there till supper time. Spent the afternoon quite agreeably, though a headache, the consequence of writing so late last night, troubled me- After tea we stopped to see Mrs. MLean, looked at the kitchen, +e. + returned to the Study, where a fire had been kindled. We sat for about half an hour, when Mrs. Biggs thought she must go. I had intended accompanying her, but it looked so much like a storm that she though I had better not. I walked to the gate with her. Came in the Study + sat with Mr. + Mrs. Moore, Mifes Bonham, Evans, hill, Fannie + the children for some time. Then the three teachers left, + after some time all but Mr. M., F. + I. He heard her Greek Lesson. I found that all my ciphering had been in vain- Mr. Moore did not tell me at first what he now wants me to do. When the mail came I received letters from Father + Mother. Both are or rather were well. Came up to my room, + then went in + spent the time till the retiring bell with Mrs. MLean. I have had a right pleasant day; were it not for this black cloud of departure hanging over me. Mrs. B. told me the departure of the Secessionists from Wheeling, viz. Mr. Fitzhugh Dr. Houston. Rev. Mr. Bakes, Mifes Houston + Wilson, Judge Fry, + others- When she was going home I begged to ask her husband to give me two or three of his sermons. I do hope he will. I shall prize them so much. I am sorry to go away from him + his preaching[.] I have enjoyed his ministry very much, especially this Summer. I have longed for Sundays + Wednesdays more than I ever did before. God grant that I may improve all the messages of grace I have heard from his lips—He + Mrs. B. were married August 1853- — I did not mention yesterday “Billy Dancer’s” (ther sextons) adieu to me- It was “Take good care of yourself, Mif Dickson, + I hope we may see you back here soon again-“ I really felt quite touched that he even appeared to care anything for me. Dear Morgantown! Must I forever leave thee? – Wednesday, August 14th, 1861— After my usual morning duties, spent some time in copying the names of the signers of the protest made to the last General Assembly- Then I began to pack + kept on till nearly dinner time. Dressed for dinner in my grizelle dress- Afterwards sat in the Study a little while- Came up stairs + found Mif Evans there. She staid till three o’cl’k + I sewed, putting pockets into some of my dresses. When she had done, I began to get ready for paying my farewell visits to Miss Wilsons, Ray, Hanway, +e, when I recollected it was the hour for their Female Prayer Meeting, + so put on my calico dress + packed some more. Ellie Wilson + Eckie Oliphant came up to see Fannie, + I began a note to Father. They soon left, Fanny going with Ellie to tea- I then began to get ready for the evening, + had just washed my face + combed my hair when there was a rap at the door, + slipping on a wrapper, I admitted Mrs. Edgar Wilson- I finished my [toilette?], + had a very nice visit with her. Wrote a little more to Father, + then went to tea. When I came up found Susan Marstellar with my clothes. Completed my letter, took it to the Study, sat a few moments, + then came up I got ready to go to church- Went down early + sat three quarters of an hour with Mrs. Biggs- I did so want to see her husband, but he was with a sick man. We had a quiet little visit, + to my surprise I found that he had gone to school in Putnam, O. + knew Mrs. Fulton + Mif A. Guthrie very well. She shewed me a piece Mrs. F., then “Mairne” Guthrie wrote in her Album, + also the dedication which her, Mrs. Biggs’Father wrote for it, also a very pretty little poem by him- We then went to prayer meeting, + my heart ached to think it was probably the last time I should enjoy that delight. Soon he rose to offer the invocation- then gave out the 407th Hymn after whch Mr. Smith led in prayer.—the 359th Hymn, “Jesus, lover of my soul-“ Every line was for me prayer—My eyes were full + so was my heart. Thoughts of bidding good bye to my dear friends, + especially to my pastor, + then, above all earthly sorrows; came the consciousness of many fears + shortcoming, + griefs of mind, which nearly overcame me. I was enabled to restrain the tears from falling. Singing over, dear Mr. Biggs arose + announced 2nd Corinthians, 3:16,17, as his subject- “Now the Lord is that Spirit, + where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.” He began by saying that the Jews had always a vail before them when the Scriptures were read because they would not see Christ in them. That he was the Spirit of the Scriptures. All things in the bible pointed to him. The liberty we gained by having the Spirit of the Lord, Christ was freedom from the penalties of sin, from the accusations of justice, from the condemnation of God due for sin- We also had a liberty in reading God’s words, of finding it precious to our souls- of discerning comfort in it hidden from other eyes—The glory of the Lord we were unable to look upon but he graciously permitted his children to behold its reflection in a mirror, + that glass is the Bible- There Christ is all glorious, there his beauties + perfections are manifested- By his grace we too are changed from glory to glory into the same image. Not only made glorious, but advanced to more glory until we shall “be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” Then, seeing no more in a glass, but face to face, we shall be “changed into the same image.[“] Only by the Holy Spirit can we thus be brought to resemble the blessed Jesus- + therefore the earnest exhortation was given to seek to be led by the Spirit of God, to be taught by it, to be sustained by it- I wish I could remember the Lecture better, for it was good- What I have put down are mere fragments- When through, Mr. B. called upon Mr. Duncan to pray. We then sang four verses of the 35th Hymn, + Mr. Biggs pronounced the benediction, perhaps the last I shall ever receive from him. He then came to tell his wife that he had promised + was going to sit with the sick man (a Mr. [Chist…?]_ until he died, which he thought would be before the middle of the night. He shook hands with me, + said he hoped to see me tomorrow. I walked with Mrs. Biggs to her corner, + then quickening my pace, overtook Mif Bonham, Mr. Omar Evans, + Julia about by Mr. Huffman’s. Julia + I walked together till we came by Mrs. Wilson’s, then went singly. I received a letter from Mother, written at Mrs. Henry Cragle’s. Well, [it?] seems to be very happy. No very great news from her. – In the Wheeling paper there was notice that Charlie MClallen had fallen from a ladder in the Gymnasium, + broken his arm + injured his spine! Poor boy! – A year ago tonight, Wednesday, August 15th 1860, I was floating down the Canal from New Castle to New Brighton, Pe[nn…?] Mr. Moore thinks the stage can get us through in time, but it is doubtful whether all our baggage can go. I do hope it can. I inquired of Mrs. B. what replay Mr. Biggs had given to my request for the sermons. She said he said I might have some if Mrs. B. would copy them, as he employs so many abbreviations that I would not be able to comprehend them. She asked me if there were any particular discourses which I would prefer. I told her there were so many I would like to have, I could scarcely decide- At length I concluded upon the one upon “How hould man be just with God?” + the other “For so is the will of God concerning you that with, well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men”— I now close another portion of this record of my deeds. Where I will complete another part, God alone knows- May He grant to speedily reunite our scattered family but above all gather us an unbroken band, with all those we love, around His throne of glory- May our eternity be spent at his right hand. M.C.Dickerson. [In pencil on front of booklet: Thursday, August 15th, 1861- I commence a new record today, my last day in Morgantown. Got up right early, + directly after breakfast began the tedious work of finishing my packing. It was a real labor. Got through about 10 o’cl’k + dressed to go down town. Went first to Mrs. Edgar Wilson’s, found her away fr’m home, at Mr. Carr’s place. Then to Mrs. Ray’s, + found her there too; saw Mif Linnie + sat a little while. From thence to Mrs. Blackeney’s. her husband opened the door, + we visited with him until he made her appearance- We soon left + went to see Mrs. Lorentz. She had not known of my calling on Tuesday. Then to Mrs. Hanway’s, saw only Mrs. William H., her Mother-in-law being also at Mr. Carr’s. Fannie then went to do a little shopping, + I went to Mrs. Biggs’ to await her. Mr. Biggs was there too. He did not get home till 5 ½ o’cl’k this morning. Had a pleasant little talk with them. Fannie soon came, + after 10 minutes of more we bid Mrs. Biggs “good bye” + started home, coming up Long Alley. Mr. B. promised to see us this evening. We got home to Woodburn after they had commenced dinner but we took our places as usual. After dinner went to the Study + staid some time. Fixed our account. Had a talk with Mr. Moore. He gave me some pen points- He wanted to pay me for teaching French, but I refused, + so he finally concluded that it should go for our washing. After sitting with him + Mrs. M. a while, I went up to Mif Hannah’s room + spent nearly an hour with her + Mif M. JE. Then came to our room, darned stockings for a time, strapped the trunks +e—Went down stairs + sat with Mr. M. on the steps, + then in the Study till Harvey Evans came to see me. Took her in the parlor- After she left came up to my room, + washed + combed for tea. – Night.- It is enarly eleveln o’cl’k but I must write some more. After supper, Mr. Moore, Mif Bonham, Mif Evans, + I sat in the Study for some time, Miss H. went up stairs, Mr. M. to see Louis, + Mif M.J. + I to the garden + sat on the seat till after the sunset. It was perfectly lovely. If earth be thus glorious, what is heaven? When the sun was gone we came up to the house, + finding Mr. Biggs was int eh Study, I went in, + soon Mr. Moore left us- We had, to me, a delightful talk. He gave me a note from Mrs. Biggs, saying she had been unable to finish copying the sermons, but w’d do so, + forward them to me, if I desired, + wwould leave any address at Woodburn. having my card case in my pocket, I penciled Mr. Herron’s direction, + gave it to Mr. Biggs I thanked him for the privilege of receiving them. We spoke of our separations as a family, of efforts to do good—of many things, + at last Mr. Biggs remarked, “Mif Maggie you must excuse me for making you a short visit, but I have another engagement,” I asked, Mr. Biggs, will you pray with me?” He instantly assented, I closed the door, + knelt down at my chair. He prayed most earnestly, thanking God for the mercies of providence + grace, for every blessing, special + common, for the pleasant social intercourse we have enjoyed, + intreating for me strength + comfort for every trial, temporarl + spiritual; protection + preservation from all danger for which I might be exposed, that my life + health might be precious; that I might be eminent for usefulness; that I might live near to the Saviour whom I have professed, I find him very precious to my soul; that my sister + I might have a safe + agreeable journey, + that our family might soon be reunited, an unbroken circle, in peace + happiness- — that we might have the privilege of meeting again on earth, but if in God’s holy will that blessing were denied us, that we might dwell forever together in heaven. – I cannot feel sufficiently grateful to my Heavenly Father for having given me courage enough to make the request I had longed to do it, but was afraid some one would come in before I could ask, or some other hindrance might be interposed. When I rose Mr. Biggs expressed a wish to see Fannie, so I went for her. When she came he took her hand + said “God bless you, Mif Fannie,” + then mine, “The same to you Mif Maggie.” I thanked him, + added, “Remember us in your prayers” He said he would do so, + wishing us a pleasant journey bade us “good bye”- How I wish I could live near him! – When he had gone Mr. + Mrs. Moore, Mrs. MLean + Mrs. Madera (for awhile) went into the parlor to hear some Music from Mif Evans- After a while she stopped, + we talked for some time. Fannie came down when Study hour began, + before it was over I went round to bid the girls “good bye,” being more certain of finding them in their rooms than at any other time- When I got to Aggie’s, I heard Louis coming up for my trunks, so I, + Mif Hannah who was accompanying me, hastened to my room, + after they were gone sat for some time, Mrs. MLean being in- By + by we went down to the Study, where Mr. Moore + Mif Evans were, + read the papers. Mrs. Moore soon joined us, + Fannie, when the retiring bell rang, her levee having been concluded at that hour. We talked of various things, not much connection with our going away, until quite late- We came up stairs, Mr. M. remaining down, + although I had bid Mrs. Moore “good bye,” (as we are to leave so early) I could not refrain from going to her alone, + in the dark, + speaking a few words in parting- Mr. Moore spoke to me today about looking too much on the dark side, + evidently thinks I am much inclined that way- I do try to be cheerful, but how can I when I have so many sad thoughts—My last night at Woodburn, dear Woodburn, It has been a lovely day, + the lights of the moon still illumines the landscape. Will I ever find a more peaceful retreat from the cares [+] turmoil of the busy world? Never. Everything in nature seemed thrice beautiful today, + the air more sweet + pure, the sky more brilliant, God grant me grace to know, obey, + submit to his will in all things. Herron Summit, Tuesday August 20th, 1861— Last Thursday night after making the last entry into this, I wrote a note to Mr. Moore + went to bed at 11 ½ by my time, I did not sleep much but rose at 2 o’clock by my time (or 3 o’cl’k by Morgantown time) I got dressed, wakened Fannie, made our beds packed the last remaining things in my carpet bags, admitted Luey Clark +c. About 3 ½ Mrs. MLean got some of the servants up, + I awakened dear Mr. Moore. He got down to the Study a little before 4. + said we had better get our breakfast immediately, so I went to the dinning room, found Mrs. ML. trying to have a fire made, but I told her just to give us some bread + milk, as we had not time to wait. I went up + called Fannie + we had just got seated at the table when they called that the stage was there. I took a swallow of milk, + ran up to put on my things- My heart was nearly breaking- Misses Hannah, + Mary Jane got down. We kissed them + Mrs. ML + Lucy, + Mollie L., who had risen to see us off, + then went to the stage. We found Mr. + Mrs. Hough with Walter + the baby inside, + a [stray?] who got on top. There was no time to be lost, if we were to reach Uniontown in time for the train, so with a last “good bye” to Mr. Moore, we rolled away from Woodsburn- perhaps forever- The dense fog concealed the dear spot from our view before we reached the Campus gate. When we passed through it, by my watch it was 4 o’cl’k + 20 minutes- Nothing could be seen of Morgantown on account of the mist—We went the upper road, + soon rose above the fog into the region of sunshine. The morning was clear + bright, + the air exhilarating, + had I not been leaving such dear friends, I know I would have enjoyed it vastly, + as it was I tried to make myself agreeable to my companions- I don’t know that I succeeded very well. How I gazed on each old landmark! Just beyond Mr. Vance’s, between it + “the trough” was the much-talked-of Camp. It consisted of about a dozen frame tents. The men seemed to be just getting up. + when we stopped at the Trough to water many of them were down, filling their buckets, drinking, +c. They were all un-uniformed, some had powder flasks slung over their shoulders. We drove on, ascending nearly all the time, till we gained Stewartown. Of all magnificent prospects surely there are few to excel the one from that point. I don’t wonder that I was told I could see twenty miles from there- — We then began to descend, + two miles further, or 9 from Morgantown, reached the “Line Ferry” where we crossed Cheat River. Fannie + I got out + stood on the [flat?]. The ferryman told us the river was 12 feet deep there, + at a certain rock, a rod of two down the stream it was never less than 25! After getting up on the bank we got in the stage, + rode for a mile when we began to turn fro the river + go up the hill, then F. + I alighted + walked for nearly a mile- From thence we drove on to Spring Hill Post Office- The next stopping place was at Dr. Fairchilds where our companions left us, our baggage was taken f’m the four horse stage + put on a two horse hack, + we got into it- The gentleman who had been outside got in + took a seat by me. We soon reached Smithfield, 16 miles from Morgantown. The driver delayed so long in changing the mail that we all grew uneasy. At last however he drove on + after a weary ride we reached Uniontown at a quarter before 12 by my time. I was quite sick after we left Smithfield. We were driven to the Springer House I got a room, + washed my face + combed my hair, while Fannie + our fellow passenger, whom we discovered to be from Clarks[berg?], got their dinners. I finished a note to Mr. More which I had been penciling “en route-“ When Fannie got through, we gathered up our things + went down to the parlor + got ready for the cars- The stage with our baggage was at the door, so we got in, + drove to the Depot. We f’d Sallie Oliphant + her brother Henry waiting for us in the platform. I bought our tickets, at $2.00 each, + saw our baggage aboard, + in a few minutes we started. From Uniontown to Connellsville there is but one car, part of which is partitioned off for the baggage- There were only about 9 or 10 passengers. At Connellsville we were run up beside the P.+C. car + walked across on a board. Our baggage, unchecked, was put into the single freight car, + we entered that for passengers. We went on stopping at a great many little stations along the [Youghiogeny?] valley, some pretty + some not. The largest places were West Newton + McKeesport. When we reached Brinton we waited, running back + forth for half an hour, + were finallt attached to a train belonging to the Pennsylvania Central Road + then stated on the last 12 miles of our trip. We had had a fine day + entered dirty, smoky Pittsburgh at sunset. What a homely place it is! Our stage companion came + offered us his services, but as we soon found Jimmy Herron after we alighted from the cart, we thanked him + declined. Jimmy took us to the buggy + left our shawls + Fannie, + then we went back to look after our trunks, which were the only ones in the train. We then started out to the country stopping at the Post Office to drop a letter to Father, which I had written on the cars. Tuesday, August 27th, 1861- I had no intention on stopping so abruptly or of neglecting this for a week, but although I have not accomplished much, I have been so busy that I have found no time for my writing excepting letters- To proceed from my preceding narrative. When we got out to the foot of the lane, Sallie was waiting there so Fannie got out + walked up the hill with her. Arrived at the house we received most cordial greetings for Mr. + Mrs. Herron, + the rest of the family. By + by we had supper- We found a letter from Father awaiting us. After a little talk we went up stairs + to bed. Saturday morning, August 17th, I rose pretty early, + wrote to Mother. Mr.s Herron went to Market before breakfast, + then came up to bring us down to worship. While Mr. H. was reading his Father came in, + led in prayer, after which he gave us a kind greeting. He is the only gentleman I have kissed since I left my Father. Saturday we spent in getting rested + visiting with them all. Mr. H. was suffering dreadfully with a carbuncle. In the evening he went over to “the House” with me. They were all quite gloomy on account of the report that Captain Frank Herron had been killed at the battle of Springfield, Missouri. Mr. + Mrs. Sill + Mrs. Lyon were there. Sunday morning Mrs. Louisa herron was too sick to get up to breakfast, but exerted herself to rise towards 10 o’cl’k. Little Fannie was not at all well either. Sallie, Fannie D. + I went to church + heard Rev. Dr. Kendall, pastor of the Third Church, Pittsburgh preach. […] Did not like him much, though his sermon was tolerably good. After coming home, we remained in our room most of the time till supper, after which we sat on the front porch till prayer time. Old Mr. Herron + Mr. David H. were over for a little while. Monday we were in the house nearly all day. Sent a letter to Mr. Moore + to Father I believe- I have almost forgotten what I did- Tuesday morning Mr. + Mrs. Herron took their Fannie + Johnnie + went to Sewickley to spend the day. Spent the morning in reading, + wrote some in the afternoon. They came home in the evening before tea, having had quite a pleasant day. Several gentlemen were on the porch during the evening, Messrs. Umbstaetter, MCook, W.W. Herron, +e., Wednesday morning about 10 o’cl’k Sallie, Fannie + I went into town. At the station at the foot of the lane we met Mrs. Gregory + Miss Ely, who are visiting here, + had been spending a few days in Sewickley. We went to Mr. Herron’s Office at the Court House in the cars- “R. S. Davis’ bookstore” Mr. Herron had his cousin, Mr. W. W. H., escort us to the roof of the Court House[.] There was a very fine prospect from it. We could see almost the entire city, though the smoke obstructed our vision somewhat. When we came down from there we, i. e. Mr. W. W. H., Sallie, Fannie, Rufus, + I, went over to the Cathedral. It is quite a fine edifice, but shows very plainly the effect of Pittsburgh dirt. There are four rows of columns through it. The space in front of the grand altar was being scrubbed up by a foreign-looking man. When we left it, we returned to Mr. Herron’s Office, + soon came our, Sallie + Fannie in cars, + I with Mr. H. + Rufus in the rock away. When we returned found Mrs. Umbstaetter just going away. Before tea Mif Ely, Jimmy, Sallie, Fannie + I took a little walk to the brow of one of the hills, where we could look down into Laurenceville. Mif L’ozzie Boothe was here when we got back. She remained some time. After supper we got ready to go to Mrs. Umbstaetter’s to see the [Polyrama?] but when we got partly over the hill a storm of rain came up + drove us back, so we spent the remainder of the evening at home. Thursday morning was dark + rainy. Sallie went in to take her music lesson, + Mrs. H. + Jimmy went over to Mr. Davison Herron’s, whose son John had died in the night. Mr. Herron did not get out to dinner, but came soon after bringing us letters from Father + Mr. Moore. When I was up stairs dressing, he sent Johnny to see if I would not ride into town with him; but as it was so wet I declined. After going down stairs, however, I changed my mind so putting on my foulard silk, + rainy day wrappings went in the rock away with him to Rufus- I did not get out, but staid in while he did his business at various places, on Wood, Smithfield, Fourth, Market + other streets. We were a long long time near the Post Office, + as there was a Recruiting Office just opposite, we had a view of one or two fights, + of a great many men. We got out home at tea time I enjoyed the little excursion very much, though soon might wonder what interest there could be in driving round a dirty town on a rainy day. – Old Mr. Herron spent part of the evening over here. Friday morning I spent in sewing, I believe, excepting a part spent in reading French with Mrs. H. Gregory. After dinner I got ready to go to the funeral of Mr. D. Herron’s son, a young man 20 yrs. of age- We, Mr. + Mrs. Herron, Mrs. G., Sallie, Mif Ely + I, walked over. Mif Ely rode with Jimmy to the Cemetery + I walked to Mr. H.’ lot after the burial, where poor old Dr. Hills is buried. The Funeral services were conducted, I believe, by Rev. Dr. Kendall, at the house + grave. After leaving the Cemetery we drove to Camp Wilkins, where we saw a few companies of volunteers drilling. We were more interested in the sword exercise than any other. Had a lovely ride home. The sky was magnificent, + as we drove up the winding road from Laurenceville to the Summit the sight was more + more beautiful- Soon after our return Jimmy + Mif Ely got back. They had been to Camp Scott near Linden Grove + Oakland— Mr. J. D. Williams spent the evening. Saturday morning I got up at 4 o’cl’k + dressed by lamp light in order to accompany Mrs. Herron to Market. She, Jimmy + I started in the spring wagon about 5 ½ o’clock. We had a very pleasant time. Got home at about 8 o’clock + consequently were not through breakfast will after 9. Then Miss Ely, + Fannie went to town with Mr. Herron + the boys- Mrs. H. + I followed about 11 o’cl’k. We went to the Office + found them gone, but overtook them on the street. I bought a pair of shoes + Fannie a paper + we two returned to the Court House where MR. Herron allowed us to go into his back office, (that of the Orphan’s Court) where I wrote letters to Mr. Biggs + Mother. Mrs. H. + Miss E. came about 1 ½ o’cl’k + after waiting an hour for Mr. H. we concluded to take the cars + come out. Strangely enough we got into one in which were Nancy + the two little ones who had been riding for pleasure. A mif Thompson + Mif Moorehead joined us on Centre Avenue + came out to call on Mrs. Herron, When they were gone we had dinner, + before it was over, Mr. Herron returning, it was decided to go to Camp Scott- Mrs. W.W. Herron came before we had left the table. Miss Ely offered to entertain her during our absence, so getting ready as rapidly as possible we started at 4 ½ o’cl’k. Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Herron + I concluded we would walk over past old Mr. Herron’s to the plank [road?] + Sallie, Fannie + Johnnie + Mr. Herron went in the Spring wagon; going down the steep part of the lane to get to the road, all walked. As we found it would be quite close packing for the seven of us to sit on the two seats + the road was quite rough, Mrs. Herron, Johnnie + I walked across the meadows to the East Liberty road, near Oakland station- There we got in, + a close squeeze it was- We road thus to the camp, which is in a most beautiful spot. We were afraid of the horse scaring, so Mr. H. tied him at the entrance, + we walked in. To out disappointment we found there was to be no dress parade that night. We walked round several times + stopped by the Officers tents. Saw them change guard. Col. Emon[z?] (concerning whom there was some little doubt a few months ago.) came up + dismounted near us, + had some conversation with our party. On our way out saw several companies drawn up to receive orders to leave on Monday August 26th, for Bladensburgh, Ms. When we came to our wagon, we found that “Charley” had broken the rein, + was so [fractions?] that he w’d nostand long enough for us all to get in, so letting Fannie + Sallie take there seats, Mr. H. led the horse a long distance, nearly to the main road, + we walked. At last we managed to get in, though with quaking hearts, for the beast seemed very wild.- We drove out the East Liberty road for some distance + then turned nearer the river, passing Mr. Geo. R. White’s place, +e., It became quite dark + in crossing the bridge over the Pann C. R.R. not very far from here we were delayed for some time by the numerous trains going out. Soon after we passed it, the road became so bad that Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Gregory + I got out + walked all the rest of the way home. When we got to the awfully steep lane, all dismounted, but Sallie, Fannie + John got in with Mr. H. at the top of the hill- Fanny lost her gray wrap, but the colored man found it on Sunday morning. When we reached the house we found Mif Emma Williams. She remained from that time, 8 ½ o’cl’k until nearly 10- She played on the piano + Mr. H. on the drum. It sounded very prettily. After a while Mif W. performed. They had quite a gay time of it- Sunday morning I accompanied Rufus + Johnnie to Sunday School, Rufus introduced me most politely to the Superintendant, “Mif Dickson,” “Mr. Cain,” Mr. C. rose, shook hands, expressed pleasure at the opportunity of making my acquaintance, + insisted upon giving me his chair. So I sat facing the school. It was not so very embarrassing, as there were but six classes, + they small. The gentlemen were “Uncles “Billy” + Davison Herron” + Mr. Cain. Mif Lizzie Boothe was one of the female teachers, but I do not know the names of the others. Old Mr. Herron was there most of the time, bringing with him the Rev. W. G. Taylor of Tarenturn who was brought to love the Sabbath School by a kind invitation of Mr. James Herron. He related the incident very well. He left to fulfil an appointment in town. Old Mr. H. talked to me a while, + by + by a young man brought Rev. Mr. Adair of Philadelphia in. He made no remarks, but Mr. Cain did. + closed the School with singing + prayer. Before that Mr. W. A. H. came in, + school being dismissed escorted me to his Father’s pew near the pulpit. I sat alone till Mr. + Mrs. H. Sr. came in. Rev. Mr. Adair preached from 1st Cor. 15: 3,+4- Tolerably good. Mr. + Mrs. W. W. Herron came home + took dinner. All returned to church at 2 o’cl’k to hear Mr. A. on the death of the young Mr. J. Herron. I staid here with Fannie who had not been well on Friday at all, was better on Saturday, + worse on Sunday. She however went out with us at night when Mr. Taylor preached from Eph. 3:17. In the afternoon Mr. J.D. Williams, who had walked home with me from the morning service, kindly sent me the Presbyterian to read- Yesterday morning I scribbled a hasty note to Father, + then went into town to Market for some elderberries we had engaged- Spent the morning in the wagon, + Mr. H.’s office + came out with him + Rufus a little after 12 o’cl’k. Dressed before dinner, + afterwards talked with Mrs. H; played with the children, read French with Mrs. Gregory, received a call fr’m Mrs. Smith, went over to “Father Herron’s”, saw Mrs. Lyon, + Mrl. + Mrs. H. After tea spent the evening in the parlor, talking most of the rime with the three boys- After prayers came up stairs + wrote letters of four pages each to Father + Maria- Mr. W. W. H. had brought out letters from Mother, + Mif Bonham, the latter enclosing some from Maria + Nannie Hale- Today spent some time in my Greek also on my English Bible. Read + recited French for an hour + a quarter with Mrs. G. – Took care of the babies + read till dinner- After dinner wrote in the is till four o’cl’k + then went down to help Mrs. H. + the rest prepare corn for drying. We got thro’ a little before dark. After tea have read a little in “Western Anuals,” + listened to Mrs. H. playing on the Melodeon. I am so sleepy, I must cease for tonight. – Saturday, August 31st, 1861— I am almost alone in the house this bright, lovely, last day of Summer. All were going to the city + wanted me to go too, but I thought my duty called me to spend a little time at my journal, +e. rather than spending the greater part of the [day?] in running round town for nothing. Just here I was interrupted by an itinerant organ-grinder with a monkey who played for the children at the back door- It seemed quite like old times to hear them. On Wednesday morning staid at home + helped Mrs. Herron some, Read French- In the afternoon called at Mr. JD. Williams, with Mrs. Herron + Mrs. Gregory. While at tea Mr. + Mrs. Hardy came to see Mrs. Herron, so Mrs. Gregory, Mif Ely, + I went to prayer meeting alone. We expected to have heard a sermon or lecture from Rev. Mr. Reid, who was visiting at Mrs. Williams’, but as he was not there “Father” Herron conducted the meeting. The exercises consisted of singing “O for a closer walk with God,” prayer by a Mr. Miller singing, prayer by Mr. – reading 30th chap. of Prov. prayer by Mr. Davidson Herron, singing “Come thou fount of every blessing + [doxology?]. It was quite a pleasant little meeting, though not very well attended. Coming home it was very dark. Mr. + Mrs. Hardy soon left- I wrote to Father after coming up to our room, acknowledging the receipt of a draft for $50. which had come in the P.M. Thursday morning I gave my room a thorough sweeping + dusting, + then went down to amuse the children while the rest were working- When Nancy was ready to take them, Mrs. Herron wanted me to play some on the Melodeon so I did. Then I went to the kitchen to prepare corn for dinner + was just in the midst of husking it when Mif Ely cried “Your Mother has come!” I dropped all + flew, + sure enough there were she + Eva. Fannie soon heard the noise + came running down stairs— They left Wheeling at 10 o’cl’k on Wednesday, got to Wellsville at 2. As one of the R.R. bridges is washed away they had to take a boat for which the[y] waited till past 4. After embarking on the “Empire City” they got aground several times, + finally about 10 o’cl’k put in to Rochester, sent to Pittsburgh for a car + got to the city after midnight, went to the Monongahela House + staid till morning. Sent a note to Mr. H's office, but he had not got in, so paying their bill, they came on out in the street cars. Mother said she must go right home on Friday, + when we thought of poor Father’s loneliness we could not feel like attempting to dissuade her. I tried to persuade her to take me with her, but could not succeed. Eva was not at all well. She had been right sick on Saturday night. They had a most charming visit in Wheeling. When Mr. H. came out to dinner he brought me a letter from Mother saying she expected to be here on Wednesday afternoon. When dinner was over, we dressed + went over to Mr. John Herron’s. We first went up to see Mrs. Lyon, she was feeling somewhat better, but when Mrs. L. J. Herron began telling something about Mr. Frank, being badly wounded, she nearly fainted so we all left the room, + went down to the parlor + visited very pleasantly with the elder Mrs. H. There was quite a little storm while [we] were over there, + when it passed away we returned to the Summit. Old Mr. Herron spent the evening over here. I sang + played “Beautiful [Liou?],” “No Sorrow there,” +e., I slept in Sallie’s room + so did Fannie. Yesterday morning I arose quite early + came in to Mother, + read my Greek + my Bible till she wanted to dress, + then went down to the parlor. After breakfast Mr. David Herron was over, + Mother + the rest of us sat on the piazza most of the time for an hour. I cleaned up her room + then came down to the parlor where we all spent the morning. I could not help feeling sadly, though, thinking of Father’s desolation, I would not ask her to stay. I did ask to go with her, but she thought I had better not. Ad 1 o’cl’k Mr. Herron came out, with a letter from Father, saying I might come, but it was then too late to get ready in time, so I am still here. There was also a cordial note from Maria, about our coming there. After dinner, I went up stairs I dressed myself, + Mother came up, + we four had a last visit. At length the time came for her to go, + finding that I wanted to go to the Depot, kind Mr. Herron had the horse taken out of the rockaway + put into the barouche; + so with good bye kisses to Eva + Fannie Mother started. We, i.e. Mother, Mr. + Mrs. Herron, Rufus + I., walked to the foot of the lane, then got in + drove very rapidly to the Depot. We found there a great crowd as many soldiers were leaving- We got Mother a seat- Mr. H- checked her baggage, got a ticket +e- We found that the remains of General Lyon, who fell in the battle of Springfield, Mo., were coming in from the west, + were to be transferred to the train on which Mother was- The crowd was so great we could only see the heads of the bearers- — After leaving the Depot we drove to Du Quesne Way near St. Clair street, where Mr. + Mrs. Herron got out to examine some carriages. Rufus + I had quite a talk. We saw men getting stones out of the Allegheny river- Then we drove to the Post Office, where there were letters from Father + Grandma for Mother. Then to the Court House, then to several stores, + out home. When we got out found Mr. D. Herron over with the girls, Eva, Fannia, Phebe, + Sallie, from examining the old Bowling Alley. – I took off my things + went to tea. While there it was decided that Fanny, Phebe, + Jimmy should go into the Louave Drill at the City Hall. So they hurried + got ready, Fannie wearing my plaid shawl. Mif Emma Williams spent the evening- had rather a pleasant time- Fannie got home about 11 o’cl’k after I had retired. She had had a charming time, + enjoyed herself, for which I was very glad- This morning all older than Johnny went to town to spend the day. I occupied myself in practicing writing, taking a walk, eating our cold dinner, taking care of the babies, +e- Monday, September 2nd, 1861- Saturday they got home about 5 o’cl’k having had a charming time, going through the Cathedral escorted by a young priest over W.S.Havens’ great publishing house, shopping +e. Yesterday morning I went to S.S. + Mr. Cain gave me a class of little boys, formerly taught by Jno. L. Herron, whose funeral I attended. There were about six among whom were Johnny H.[,] Nathan Boothe, Charles Ewart, — Cain, + e., I had a very pleasant time. The Rev. Mr. Evans, a young minister, preached. Directly after dinner we all went to the service at the House of [Reperge?]. Eva, Jimmy + Johnny in the Rockaway, Mr. + Mrs. Herron, Mrs. Gregory, Phebe + Fannie in the carriage, + Rufus, Fannie D. + I with old Mr. Herron. We had a very good sermon from a MR. Brown. After service we went into the girls’ room + heard them repeat Scripture + sing. We had a very pleasant ride home, Mr. Gregory + Fannie exchanging places. We drove up to old Mr. H.’s + stopped a moment to inquire for Mrs. Lyon. Monday morning Mr. H. waked me early + we took a horseback ride, round the Lawrenceville road. I received a letter from Cousin Dwight on Sunday, saying he would be at Lyrone to meet us on Wednesday, unless we wrote differently, knowing we could not, I scribbled a note, for Mr. H. to take to town. – Philipsburg Centre County, Pa. Friday, September 20th, 1861- On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, I have almost forgotten what we did, only I remember that the night before Phebe, Eva, Jimmy + I went to Mr. Williams’ we had quite a pleasant time. Mr. W. loaned me several numbers of the Pacific Expositor, Christian World, Home + Foreign Record, Presbyterian, Banner, +e, at wh. they laughed, saying he was fearful I would be proselyted by the new School people- Tuesday the Misses Gormly, + Miss Cain called, + after they left, Phebe + I went to return Mif Boothe’s visit. We saw her sisters, Mrs. Claney + Mrs. Dickenson, the latter who had just returned from Chicago- a few hours before. We had quite a pleasant call—Wednesday Mrs. Gregory began to teach us mezzotinto painting. Mif Mary Jones from Sewickley came to spend the day. I did not admire her particularly. About four o’cl’k I excused myself + went over to Mr. Juo Herron’s + sat till nearly tea time with poor Mrs. Lyon + the rest of them. When I came home found a delightful letter from dear Mr. Biggs awaiting me. After supper Mrs. Gregory, Jimmy + I went down to prayer meeting, where much to our surprise we heard Mr. Sparks. He spoke f’m “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,” in connection with the death of John L. Herron, his nephew. When we came home found that Master Charlie Umbstaetter had been over[.] I did not mention that on Monday, Sept 2nd we had a fine serenade, flute, violin + guitar, Six gentlemen, I believe, composed the party. Eva + Phebe threw down a wreath, card, +e. – Thursday I have almost forgotten, only nearly all went to town, + I believe I worked at mezzotinto + French- Friday I tho’t I would go to town, but nearly gave it up, Mr. H. + Rufus went in first, Mrs. Herron + Jimmy afterwards + Eva + Phebe [by three?]. About 12 o’cl’k I concluded I would go + take a stroll through the town + got ready. Sallie insisted upon my taking some bread + milk, so I was late for the 12 ¼ train + had to wait for the next. Mr. Herron walked down the Lane with me- Mif Lilly Gormly rode into town with me- I rode to the Station, got out, went to Market street, + bought some zephyrs + [wash?] blonde, + walked along towards Liberty, when whom should I encounter but E. + P. We kept together a short time, + finding a few drops of rain coming down, they concluded to go our in the next car. I kept on through Wood st. to Liberty, + there met Mrs. H. + Jimmy. They insisted upon my accompanying them, as a heavy storm was just coming up. I had wanted to attend a a servce at 3 o’cl’k, in Dr. Howard’s church, but thought best to give it up. The rain was quite severe while it continued, but the sun came out before we got home- We found Mrs. Umbstaetter had sent word that she expected the ladies after tea that evening. A Mr. Rappelle took supper with us, + [On top of page in pencil in two handwritings Oct 17, 1861- 287 Lexington st., Baltimore, Thursday, October 17th, 1861- Rose rather early this morn. but did not have time to read before breakfast. After attending to the silver + glass, + parlor, I set out a slip of geranium, that Miss Murdock brought, me + came up to my room. read several pages in my Greek Testament + was reading my English Bible, when Mother called to me, + proposed our making visits this morning. We started at noon, + went to Miss. Stafford’s, Water’s, Iddings’, Magne’s, C. Whiteley’s, + Hazlehurst’s. I was quite weary before reaching home. Our family seemed very small, as Fannie is at Herudon- In the afternoon Mother + Mrs. Montague went to see Mrs. Fulton. Mif Edna called, but I did not see her, Eva thinking I was out. Afterwards Mr. + Mrs. Falconer came, + E, I received them No company in evening. Friday October 18th, 1861- I remained in the house all day, I believe. Mr. B. Whitely called in the afternoon to inquire about Father’s going to Rochester. None of us went to prayer meeting at night, as Father went to Dr. Backus’ church to see if any one would come to Synod. Mr. S. J. Nichols of Chambersburg, who spent the night with us, + was quite a pleasant man. Soon after breakfast Mr. M. B. Clark + Mr. Cree (?)- Mr. N.’s Elder- called, + sat till nearly 10 o’cl’k when the three gentlemen went out. At Sewing School there were 135 pupils + 18 teachers- Severe rain during the time of school. Devoted the afternoon to writing letters to Mr. Moore, Grandma, + Aunt Madill Sunday morning Oct. 20th, Fannie returned from Herndon just before church. Soon after we were seated in our pew, Mr. Frazier brought a gentleman, a stranger to me, + seated him with us- The sermon was on the 3rd Commandment. When service was over, Father introduced us to our companion, the Rev. C. G. [Brodduck?] of Harriottsville, Pa. He came home with us, + staid until Monday. At Mission School had 8 of my old scholars- At night the discourse was on Revelations. Monday, the 21st, Mr. B. left us about 10 o’cl’k, expecting to return to dinner, but that is the last we have heard of him- In the afternoon I went to see Miss Daniel, Mrs. Carson, the Mifes Montell, + Mifes Coulter. At the first places, I visited with Mif D. a short time quite pleasantly, + then her Uncle, who had come in, asked me to come into the dining-room- I had a long talk with him, in which he told me all about the last days of dear Mrs. Daniel. O how I longed to tell him how much I felt for him! How much I too loved + missed her! How kind + pleasant had been my intercourse with her—but my coward lips always refuse to speak when my heart feels most deeply- I only sat in silence most of the time, listening to the sad yet pleasant memories of one of the most esteemed friends I ever had. I thanked him for the locket he had sent me - he replied “It was a pleasure to me, Mif Dickson to be able to send you any of her hair- I had been able to secure but little of it, + part had to be sent to Engladn.” He added he had sent my note to Father (wh. it appears Mother had given to Mrs. Falconer + she to Mr. Daniel,) to Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Daniel’s mother. How I do pity him! – That evening Rev. Mr. Huntington of Ellicotts Mills took tea with us, + Messrs- Robbins + W. Gurly spent the eve. Tuesday, the 22nd, was rainy- Father, Mother,, Eva + I dined at Mr. Brooks. Father came out with Mr. Charmay B. at 3 o’cl’k, + the rest of us went in the close carriage at 12. We had a very pleasant quiet time. No company here in the evening. Wednesday, 23rd was at home in the morning. Called on Sallie Hall in the afternoon, + at Mrs. Falconer’s, who insisted upon my remaining to tea + accompanying her to church. She loaned me Mrs. Moore’s letter, written a few weeks ago. Mr. Daniel had requested me read it- Thursday the 24th Father went to Washington, + I finished making the carpet for Academia + put it down. The man came to put down the parlor carpet. In the P.M. dressed + was just sitting down to write to Maria, when Agnes br’ot me a letter from Mr. Biggs. I was of course delighted, + sat down to enjoy it at my leisure, but when I had cut the envelope, I found the inside direction was to Rev. Ptere Neff, so I enclosed it with a few lines to Mr. B- In the evening Miss Edna Solomon was here, + we had quite a funny time. Father got home about 8 ½ o’cl’k, + I got tea for him- Friday the 15th spent the morning in fixing my desk, + after dinner went to see poor Mif Balderston. She looked badly. Called at Mrs. Stevenson’s + Neighbor Saul’s on my return home- Went to ch. at night. Saturday attended S. School. 172 children + 25 teachers- Spent the afternoon in sewing- Sunday was late at church in the morning, owing to Father’s beginning earlier than his watch appointed. Subject continuation of 3rd Commandment. At Mission school my class of 8. An address by a Methodist,- not much to edification. At night the dates of the things about to come to pass. Monday I was in the house during the morning- Mrs. Robbins called before I was prepared for company, + Mif Ella Holt later. After dinner Mother went out shopping + I for exercise walked to Mr. Luckett’s, beyond Franklin Square. Came home + found that Mrs. Dorsey + Emma had taken Eva + Fannie to the Druid Hill Park, + while we were all away “Lieutenant Ralph C. Prime, 5th Regt N.Y.V.” had called to say good bye, as his regiment was bout leaving for an unknown destination- Mother + I were so much disappointed, for we were greatly pleased with him, + wanted to see him once more. In the eve I ree’d a letter from Grandma, + ripped up her velvet Bonnet to send by mail, wrote to her +e. Mrs. Dr. C. Hall + party to the fortifications at Federal Hill, where some of the [Jouves?] are encamped. They had visited the Hospitals- Mrs. Saul cmae in to see Mother + me. Wednesday, the 30th sponged + pressed the widths of my black silk dress, +e- Dr. + Mrs. Perkins called- Mother rec’d a packaged of views of Rio de Janeirs from MR. Blackford, though Reid + Spence. After dinner I went out to order a pair of shoes, + buy come tape, found Mrs. Tinsley here- Miss M. Mudoch + Maggie Falconer were here towards dusk. Rec’d a letter from Mr. Moore- Went to Lecture at night- Thursday, Oct. 31st 1861- Dear Mother’s fortieth birthday. I gave her a pair of underkerchiefs, Father three table spoons, Fannie a quantity of tetting, + Eva a clove apple- She does not feel well. Spent most the day in transcribing for Father. Went on an errand for Mother before dinner- Rec’d a letter from Rev. H. W. Biggs. Poor Mif Bonham was buried this morning at 11 o’cl’k. She died on Tuesday evening, in the 44th year of her age- I saw her last Friday! Mr. Willy Gurley spent the evening. Friday, November 1st 1861- Spent the morning in washing silver, glass, +e.; regulating cupboards, reading, writing for Father, + sewing. After dinner sewed till 3 ½ o’clock, when I got ready for prayer meeting which began to beet at 4 o’clock toady. Quite good attendance, though of course principally of ladies, + children. Mr. Le Feore came in during the service. Messrs. Robbins Obu, + Whiteley led in prayer. Mif Marion left a note for me- Mr. J. N. Brown walked nearly home with Mother + me- Father rec’d a long letter from Rev. J. V. Reynolds—Read Rollin until nearly tea time. Spent the evening in reading Rollin, + Hugh Miller’s “First Impressions,” + practicing- Came up to my room, read the American, + am going to bed, very sleepy. No one has been here today, whom I have seen. The beginning of another month! Where will its close find me? God alone knows, + to Him I would commit my spirit. A cold rain is falling, + the wind is commencing to sigh the requiem of the departing year- What a year it has been to this land! – Saturday, November 2nd, 1861— The morning, & indeed the whole day have been so stormy as to preclude our going out, so I suppose there was no Sewing School. After my usual duties down stairs I sewed till 1 ½ o’cl’k repairing my foulard silk dress- Got done just in time to dress for dinner. Afterwards practiced a little, wrote a note to Mrs. [Spioston?], read +e, till tea time[.] Spetn the evening in the parlor, reading Rollin, talking, trying old tunes, +e. Father does not appear very well. Gen. Winifield Scott resigned yesterday his high position as Lieut. General, + Commander-in-chief of the United States, on account of old age, + infirmities which prevent him from walking or riding on horseback except for short periods. He is in his 76th year. Major- General George B. MClellan was unanimously chosen by the Cabinet to succeed him—Gen. MC. has risen with great rapidity- Many anxieties we entertained for the safety of the fleet, of some 30 or 60 vessels, + about 30,000 men, which sailed from Hampton Roads, on Tuesday morning , the 29th [ult.?], for an unknown destination. God hasten the day of a righteous peace!—Four years agot his day, Nov. 2nd was the last spent with darling Lulu alive- Four years! what an age it seems- What changes have transpired to us in that time- How many cares + sorrows, vexations + annoyances, trials + temptations, we have experienced, while she has been perfectly blest- Dear little lamb! She is safe in the arms of the good Shepherd who has laid down his life for his sheep—He will preserve her from all the griefs we have known or will know. She will have no cause to shed bitter tears of repentance as I so frequently should do- She can sin no more,- what a glorious truth! May I go to her. Wednesday, November 6th 1861. Sabbaath morning went to Church as usual. Text, the fourth Commandment, length 47 min. At Mifion School I had but two scholars. A Mr. Palmer, connected with the Childrens’ Aid Soc. addressed the school in quite a pointless speech. Rev. Sanford Smith offered the prayer. Attended Monthly Concert. At night the text was Rev. 20:11 to close of chapter. Very good. large audience- Monday morn attended to my ordinary duties- prepared the spare room for company. About 5 ½ o’cl’k Mifes M. + Elize Murdoch came + Eva + I went with them to Mrs. [Sproston?]’s where , by precious invitation we took tea. Had quite a pleasant evening with conversation + music. A few minutes after 10 we came home, the young ladies having promised to spend the next day with us. Found Rev. Dr. Bullock in the parlor with Father, I had quite a nice little chat with him- Soon retired to our apartments Yesterday, Tuesday the 5th, we had an extremely pleasant visit with Mifes Marion + Eliza. We made Mother’s room our rendezvous- Dr., Mrs. + Willy Gurly called + then Mrs., + Mif Bullock + Mrs. Breckenridge, (the Mother of John C.) We liked them all very much. Some ladies came to see Father in [regard?] to the Home of the Friendless- About 4 ½ o’cl’k, the Mifes M. thought they must go, + just as they were leaving, Mrs. T. Clark came- In the evening no one was here. I retired early- This morning read + sewed, + have not been out on account of the storm, + election for State officers. have not much to exhibit for today’s work. Dear Mother is far from well- She, Father, + I are invited to Dr. Hanner’s, but have declined. My heart has been keeping the anniversaries of this week—Darling “Baby Lulu!” How I long for one sweet embrace from thy little arms, one loving kiss from thy sweet lips- Four long weary years have passed since last I pressed those lips, then cold in death. God prepare us for joining her where parting + sorrow are unknown. When shall we all be united in our Heavenly Father’s home above? If ready, I care not how soon the summon may come- but if not, how sad the thought! Glorify they name in me, O God— Saturday November 9th 1861- Wednesday, while we were at tea Col. MLean of the Erie Regiment, + Mr. Loury, now State Senator, came, D. remained till nearly 10 o’cl’k. None but Father went to church on account of the rain, + election- Mr. L. is a fiery abolitionist- He really talked awfully. Thursday morning Mother received a letter from Grandma, in great distress, begging her to let them bring Rebecca here for a while as she was “possessed as much as in bible times,” + that with love for a dreadful man, who was employing all possible means to delude her. We of course replied immediately in the affirmative, + made our plans for seeing them next week. This morning we got another note saying that last Monday evening R. was privately married, by a Justice, + told her Father + Mother the next day- they feared for a time that Aunt would become a raving maniac- R. was 18 that very day, + doubtless the wretch knew it Poor, poor child! Grandma adds “The tragedy is not over yet—“ Thursday P.M. I called at Mrs. Montague’s, Mrs. Hupfeld’s, + Mrs. H. P. C. Wilson’s. In the evening at 1 ¾ o’cl’k we were sitting in the parlor when Nr, + Mrs. Robbins, + Horace + Louisa came. About 8 Mr. + Mrs. Hall + Sallie, Mrs. Dorsey, Ella + Emma Holt were added to the party, + in a few moments Mr. W. G. Spuston. We had a very pleasant time. I believe we talked all round. “changed partners”—Friday spent the morning in my usual duties, + sewing. In the afternoon went to prayer meeting. Miss Edna called before dinner to invite Father, Mother. + me to go see some Tableaux Vivants, at a Mrs. Hyatt’s on Monday evening. I received a letter from Uncle Madill. This morning have been to Sewing School, where were 122 children + 17 teachers. Heavy rain at the close of school. After coming home went to Mrs. Hyfeild that I might tell Miss Edna that Father + Mother would decline her kind invitation, but I would accept. Had quite a nice visit with Mrs. Hupfeld, the Dr. + Mif Edna. In the afternoon put a new binding on a flannel skirt. Spent the evening in reading. The day has been quite stormy since noon. Rumors from the great naval expedition say they are now bombarding Port Royal, the Sea port of Beaufort- Mother rec’d sad letter from Mrs. Edgar Woods + Mrs. Henry Crangle. Monday, Nov. 11th 1861- Yesterday was a lovely, soul inspiring day. At morning service the text was the Fourth Commandment. Very good congregation + attendance- At my mission class had five pupils, + a pleasant time- Mif Alice Murdoch was in school. In the evening the subject was Rev. 21: 1-9. Large congregation- Had a pleasant talk together after we came home. This morning was quite rainy, but since dinner the sky has brightened- Spent my time after my dinning room + reading duties, in finishing off some towels, + cleaning the study + looking over old letters. I expect to go with Mif Edna— Wednesday, November 20th 1861 On Monday evening, the 11th I went with Mif Edna + Mr. Henry Hupfeld to Mrs. Hyatt’s, corner of Franklin + Schroeder sts., to see the Tableaux Vivants- They were truly beautiful,- the performers being quite handsome, + the paraphernalia in fine style- After it was over there were refreshments of wine + cake. I got home about 1 o’cl’k, + felt quite sick from the headache cause by wearing my glasses so long, Tuesday I sewed + read. Mif McClintock called, + also Mr. + Mif Daniel, with whom Mother + I had quite a pleasant visit. Mr. + Mrs. Juo, N. Brown spent the evening. On Wednesday ripped nearly all the morning on my black silk waist. At night went to Lecture, where the subject was Prayer. Thursday passed the greater part of the forenoon + afternoon too, in looking over + arranging newspapers + pamphlets in the lumber room. Mifes Williamson + Solomon called in the morning, on business, the former for papers + tracts to be sent to her father in Ft. Warren + the latter to invite us to tea, wh. we were obliged to decline- In the P.M. Mr. + Mrs. Dalzell, who were married on the 12th, + had arrived at [Bar…]’s on the 13th, drove up. Soon afterwards Father came in with Capt. J. F. Hopkins just appointed Quarter Master on Gen. Buel’s staff. We had quite an agreeable evening. Capt. H. left for the [nest?] in the 8 P.M. train, + about 9 1/2, Mr. + Mrs. D. insisted upon returning to the Hote. As it was raining Father lent them an umbrella, Mother a pair of overshoes, + I a large shawl. – Friaday morn. I went out through the rain to order some pastry for Mother, + then sewed on the skirt of my French de laine. A little before dinner Mr. + Mrs. Dalzell came + remained till bed time. I went to prayer meeting at 4 o’clock- Mif M. Murdoch was here for a few mom- Saturday the 16th went to Sewing School, where were 172 scholars, + 33 teachers. Mif + Master Bullock, escorted by Mif A. [Hamner?] visited the school. After its dismissal I went over to Mrs. Sproston’s, but was told she was engaged. Coming home found Mother + Father gone to Fort MHenry with Mr. + Mrs. D. They all came back to dinner, + about 3 ½ o’cl’k Eva + I accompanied Mr. [+] Mrs. Dalzell to the top of Washington Monument + to the Cathedral. It was, I think the coldest day we have had, + the wind was blowing such a gale that it was almost an impossibility to go out on the top of the monument. We had quite a funny time. When we came out to start home we were surprised to discover that our friends were going to return to Barnumss + no arguments we could employ were availing to change their purpose. They walked with us to Howard + Lexington + we then separated. Soon after we reached home, Rev. Mr. Mahon, + his brother called, + Father being absent, I received them + had quite a visit. Sunday morn the subject was the 5th Command. Large attendance. In the afternoon had four scholars in Mission class- At night the text was Rev. 21:9-27. Mr. + Mrs. D. (who attended at Dr. Bullock’s in the A.M.) were in our pew, + came home + sat half an hour. Had a pleasant chat. On Monday morning Father + Mother went to the Depot expecting to go with them in the 9 o’cl’k train to Washington City, but found they had gone over at 7.35. I spent much of the day in sewing. Almost sick from cold in the head. Mr. + Mrs. Dalzell returned about 5 o’cl’k + remained with us till bed time. We had a nice visit with them. Willy Gurly was here. When Mr. + Mrs. D. left we said “good bye,” as they expected to, + I presume did, go to Philadelphia on Tuesday the 19th—Tuesday forenoon I devoted to completeing my de laine dress. Felt very badly from the effects of my cold. After dinner thinking a long walk might be of benefit, went out to the Mifes Clark, 317 Ross st., returning by Division, Mosher, Pennsylvania Avenue +e. No company, after tea. We are reading Latin in the evenings, having commenced the Bucolics on Tuesday, the 12th. Today I have done very little. Have written to Maria, + partly my Uncle + Aunt Madill. My cold was so bad they would not let me go to Lecture tonight. It is quite late, so I must stop- “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take, And this I ask for Jesus’ sake,” Friday, November 22nd, 1861- Yesterday I sewed nearly all morning. Mifes Bessie + Jennie Hamner were here. Just after dinner Horace Robbins called to bid us adieu, as he was to leave in the evening for New York, where he is to open a Studio. Mrs. Miller + Mif B. White were here in the afternoon. I went down to see Mrs. Falconer. Went over to Mrs. Montague’s, but did not go in- Spent the evening in knitting, reading + playing on the piano. No one here. Today I attended as usual to my Friday duties down stairs, + then dressed to go out. I took the cars from Balto. + Pine sts., to Gay + Aisquith + then walked down to Baltimore st., did some shopping + then home, via Eutaw, Fayette, Pearl, + Lexington, stopping to see Mrs. Dr. [Sposton?]. Met Mifes Emily + Lucy Feenix ( am not certain of the orthography,) After dinner “fussed” till church time. Large attendance. – I looks quite like snow. Dear Mother has finished fixing my black silk dress, for which I am very glad, as it has been worrying her a good deal. My cold is not much better. I think I have raised a little blood from my throat almost every day this week. The […] was much swollen a few nights ago, so that I felt a difficulty in breathing. I put two pillows under my head now, + find some relief—Wrote to Dr. Janeway this morning, for Mrs. Falconer. We hear from Grandma that Rebecca has been taken by her husband to Cincinnati, + her parents are nearly dying from grief. Poor people! We get much excited— Wednesday, November 27th 1861 Saturday morning it was so wet + my cold was so bad, that I thought there would be no Sewing School, + so settled myself for a nice quiet day. About 10 ½ o’cl’k, however, Mif Hamner sent for us, so we got ready + went. Mif Rachel was sick, consequently absent. There were 123 children, + 17 teachers, notwithstanding the inclemency of the day. I got home pretty near dinner time. After dinner sewed most of the time until nearly tea. We went to our rooms early, + I felt very sick. I know not what was the matter, but I thought I could scarcely get to bed. Sunday morning I was well as usual. The forenoon was quite bright, but chilly. The morning sermon was upon the Sixth Commandment. In the afternoon it was so cloudy that I prepared for rain. Had a class of five + tolerably comfortable time. At the hour for night service it was storming quite violently so Mother + Fannie remained at home. The subject was the first part of the 22nd Chapter of Revelations. Congregation rather small. –Monday I spent at home; did not accomplish very much, I fear. Yesterday, the 26th, after my usual morning duties I dressed for going out, + just as I got my bonnet on Mrs. Sproston came + sat some time. We had a very pleasant chat. Then I went over to call on Mif Pearson, I returning home was joined by Mother with whom I made some calls on Lombar street. Came home, ate dinner, rested half an hour + then went out by myself + made five calls before dark- My last was upon Mrs. Root, 653 Lombard st., just by Union Square. Poor woman! She is dying of consumption, + is near her end. She met my old friend Mif Chapin, this Summer in the North + I went to make inquiry for her- It was just 5 o’cl’k when I bade her husband “good evening,” on their door-step; + I nearly ran home, getting here at 5.20! The days are so short now that the street lamps are lighted early. Mr. Robbins spent Monday evening here + brought a very handsome [frame?] from Horace for the picture her presented last Spring. He made himself very entertaining, telling incidents of his personal history. Last evening Mr. George Sproston was here, when we again had a pleasant time. This morning Mr. Willy Sproston sent Mother a pair of elegant [chickens?] for Thanksgiving. (tomorrow) I have been in the house all day, sewing for Mother. It has been storming a good deal, but I hope to get to church tonight. These mornings, I get up about 5 o’cl’ock, close my window, light the gas, wrap a shawl round me + sit up in bed + read my English + Greek Scriptures; I found that when I delayed till after breakfast I was frequently hurried, + the room is too cold to stay up at so early an hour, I had a letter from Uncle Geo. today. Friday, November 29th, 1861- Wednesday evening, while we were at tea, Willy Gurley came + sat till Lecture, walked with Eva there + back, + accepted Fathers invitation to dine with us the following day. Mother + Fannie did not go to Lecture, on account of dampness. Returning, Father + I walked to Mrs. C.P. Montague’s steps with her + Mif Helen Pearson. Yesterday was Thanksgiving day. It was neither bright nor stormy, but a cloud seemed to obscure the rays of the sun. After attending to things down stairs, I came up + dressed for church. The subject was the 117th Psalm. After sermon the choir performed it as an anthem- There was a salute of 34 guns, from the Federal Hill fortifications at noon, in honor of the Union Victory at the recent election. The Union Committee also distributed 4,000 loaves of bread to the poor- After church Willy Gurly came home with us. Mif Alice Murdoch walked with me to Pine + Lexington sts. We had a very pleasant time at dinner, + after it talking + laughing. Finally Willy left, Mother + Fan began to draw, Mr. Weeks called + took Father out riding, Eva wrote, + I read. About dusk I went down to the parlor + played on the piano. When tea was over, we as usual adjoined to the parlor, + after reading a while we exercised a few minutes in a species of Calisthenics- About 9 o’clock, when Mother had gone up stairs, Mr. Broaduax Atkinson came with a Georgetown gentleman, Mr. Mayfield I think, who wanted to see Father about getting a stated Supply for the pulpit of the Bridge Street Church, formerly Dr. Bocock’s. They remained nearly two hours + Mr. Atkinson related some very entertaining adventures which recently befell him during a collecting tour in Western Virginia. He was in Wheeling one Wednesday night + attended service in Dr. Weed’s ch; + heard Mr. Fisher. He gave us quite amusing extracts from a sermon preached in W. last Spring by one of the Methodist ministers, upon the war. When I came up to my room, wrote a note to Mifes Bonham + Evans, to enclose in Eva’s letter.—This morning spent most of my spare time in sewing. Mother received a most excellent letter from dear Mrs. Moore, + a note f’m Mr. Moore. In the afternoon I took the little book “Agnes + the Ket,” to poor Mrs. Dunlap. She feels her losses very deeply. She said she had been twenty-four years without a female in her family when “May + Carrie” came, + now they + little Charlie were all gone. I felt for her. Several times she could not speak for weeping- I tried to say some word of comfort. From there I went to prayer meeting, which was brief, owing to the fog + darkness of the evening. Walked home with Mother, + sewed, read + slept till supper, + since then have read. Porr dear Mother went to bed sick, early in the evening—Dr. Bullock, + Mr. Le Feore objected to observing Thanksgiving day, + many bitter things have been said + printed regard them. Sometimes the world seems right good to me, + again it appears so wicked + sinful that I wonder there is any mercy for wretched, fallen human nature. Saturday Nov. 30th 1861- I am so sleepy I can only say I went to Sewing School, made out the remainder of the roll +e. 200 children + 33 teachers were present. Mrs. Ennals, + Mrs. Dunlap were in, I talked to them both. Received a letter from Mr. Moore- Wrote to Aunt Eliza- Read + e- Must go to bed. Finished my Greek Testament, for the second time, today- Wednesday, December 4th, 1861. Sabbath was quite a threatening day, but did not storm. Morning sermon on Sixth Commandment. Evening Rev. 22nd. Monthly Concert 67th Psalm. Three of Mission scholars in my class—Mif M. Murdoch came home + took tea with us- Monday spent in my usual Monday duties. Dr. Gurley + Charley came at 5 o’cl’k, P.M. Dr. Backus + Mr. Brown here to tea with them. At worship Dr. B. led in prayer. Willy came + we i.e. Eva, I, + the gentlemen went to the [C?]the Anniversary of the Home of the Friendless, held in Westminster church- Dr. Gurley preached from Heb. +111 16- He escorted me both to + from the church. Quite a pleasant man. Tuesday morning Eva + I walked out to Mr. Murdoch’ on Decker st. Very cold. got home at 2 o’cl’k. Charley [dined?] with us- Father + Dr. G. at Dr. Backus’. Dr. G. + C. left in the 5. P.M. train—Mr. C. Whiteley spent the evening here. This morning + yesterday afternoon have been sewing- Wrote to Grandma to enclose Uncle George’s letter—Mr. Juo Falconer is dying! perhaps dead!— Saturday December 7th 1861- Night. His poor wife, father + children! How our hearts have ached for them- Father was with him nearly all Wednesday morning, + left only a few moments before his death. He had been down Tuesday after dinner, + about 9 o’cl’k Mif Olivia Hamner spent part of Wednesday P.M., + took tea + went to Lecture with us. Thursday morn Mother spent some times with the dear mourners, + after she returned Fannie went down on an errand. Mrs. Sproston came, soon after breakfast, + brought a $20 Tres. note to purchase mourning for Maggie Faloner- Mrs. Dr. Wilson sent Robbie round- Mif Etha Fowson called to ask about Mr. F. After dinner Eva + I went down to take (for me) a last look at the face once beaming with goodness now still in death- We saw Mrs. Winkley, Mif Alice Murdoch, + the old gentleman- Dear Mr. Jn. F. looked very naturally— Mif Alive said it was a priviliage to be in that house to witness the holy resignation- Old Mr. Falconer spoke very sweetly to us- Poor man! I don’t know but what he is to be pitied more than the others— After returning home, I went to Mrs. Robbins’, for Mother- In the evening no one here. Received a letter from Mr. Biggs, just before going to Mrs. Falconer’s— Friday was a bright, lovely morning. I remained at home, while the rest went away, Mother to sit in Mrs. F’s room with her, during the last sad rites, + Father, Eva, + Fannie to the funeral- After dinner went to church, one of the preparatory services fo the Communion. Had a letter from Grandma. This morning attended Sewing School- 235 children- Mif Fisher, Mrs. Hamner, + others visitors. At 4 o’cl’k went to ch. Dr. Hamner preached. Thickest fog I have almost ever seen—I can scarcely see the other side of the street—Spent part of the evening in singing, All five of us- “Heaven is my home,” “Shining Shore,” “Children in Heaven,” +e. Very sweet. Mother visited Frs. Falconer before church. Tuesday, December 10th 1861. On Sabbath morning it was bright + warm as a May day, + although the ground was very damp from the frost coming out, it was charming- Father’s text was Rev. 22: . The freeness of salvation. Mr. B.R. [Goe?], + Mif Robinson united by profession, none by letter, Miss R. was not present. A very solemn Communion it was + made more by the recent loss of dear Mr. Falconer. It did indeed seem strange to sit down at the table of the blessed Master without seeing his kind face. – At Mission School I had nine pupils. At night Father completed his course on Revelation, which he began Nov. 11th 1860. I returned Sabbath chimed to Mr. W. who had lent them the preceding Sabbath—Yesterday performed my usual Monday duties of sweeping dusting, +e, + after dressing tried to sew on the machine. I succeeded tolerably well, + hemmed four towels- After dinner took a long walk, + called at Mr. A. H. Clark’s. After coming home went into Neighbor Saul’s for an hour. Mr. Brown took tea, + Mr., Mrs., + Mif Willis spent part of the evening. Mif W. sang Maryland for us- Eva spent the day with Bettie White- This A.M. after my morning routine hemmed a couple of towels on the machine, then dressed + went to see Mif Edna, Mrs. Brown, + Mif Cole. Had pleasant calls, + got home just in time for dinner. After dinner hemmed eight towels, came up stairs + wrote to Mr. Moore- Yesterday + today the weather has been magnificent—real Indian Summer. I have enjoyed it so much. It is really hot in the sun. I have had all the windows open that the house might be well aired- Mr. B. Whiteley brought us a pair of ducks this morning- Mr. Morris, a colored man was here yesterday to bring a Composition + letter to Father. The boards were put on the front steps today- The old cat brought a beautiful kitten, about a month old, home yesterday— On Wednesday, Dec. 1oth Mif Marion Murdoch came to help fix our Winter bonnets, + remained till Saturday P.M. When I walked partly home with her. Thursday eve. the 11th Mif Edna, Mr. + Mrs. C. Whitely, + Mr. W. Sprosten were here. Friday, after prayer meeting [Mai…] + I called at Mrs. Sproston’s, At night Willy Gurly was here, + we played “Guess”- — Monday, the 16th Father went in the night train to Princeton, + returned early on Wednesday morning- Tuesday, the 17th MOthe + I went out in the [omni?]bus to Mrs. Whitely’s, + came in with her in the carriage. Had a charming time. In the evening Mrs. Vickers + her son, + the Mifes Montell, Mrs. + Mif Dubois were here- Wednesday Mifes Alice + Marion M. took dinner + tea. [In pencil on top of page in two handwritings: Thursday, January 9th, 1862. On Christmas we were all at home alone. My gifts were “[S?]outhey’s Poems,” + “Gueens of Society” from Mother, $1 f’m Father, a pen [and] handkerchief, + armchair watchcase from Fannie, + mother-of-pearl paper knife from Eva, which, with a reticule of bonbons from Mif Edna, comprised my store. Thursday morning Eva + Fannie went to Mrs. Whiteley’s + remained until Saturday evening. Mif Solomon sent an invitation to go to Mrs. Hyatt’s Tableaux, that evening, which I declined, in person, after dinner. In the evening Mrs. Tinsley was here, + her husband caem about 9 o’clk. Friday, went to prayer-meeting as usual, after tea Father + I went over to Mrs. Montague’s, + not finding them at home, returned just in time to meet Mr. Geo. Spuston, who spent the evening. Saturday morning was the Sewing School Festival at wh. Father read my report + Dr. Hamner + Mr. Sauford Smith spoke. Quite a crowd, amongst whom many Franklin Street ch. people. Masters Gibson + Bullock kept the door! Spent the afternoon in reading. Sabbath brought its usual round of duties- Monday morn. Mother + I made calls. Mr. Whiteley dined with us. Eva + Fannie took tea at Mr. Hazlehurst’s. The Mifes Towson + their brother Clay spent eve- Tuesday I made a few calls. Wednesday was at home. Tues. eve. the children were at mrs. Reynold’s. Thursday went out at noon + did not get home till sunset, having gone without my dinner, + made some 14 calls. Friday to prayermeeting. Dr., Mrs., + Miss Bullock + Mif Hunt took tea by invitation. Father’s elegant cake was cut. Saturday there was no Sewing School because so few teachers were there. It was very cold, + the first snow of the Winter had fallen. Friday night- Mary Lizzie, Lizzie C., Willy Gurley, + Mif Stevencon took tea, + Mr. James Stevenson came during the evening. Sunday was quite cold. Monthly Concert very poorly attended. I had but two pupils in Mission School. Monday morning was occupied in usual duties. In afternoon attended the Union meeting in the Central ch. It was conducted by Mr. A. B. Cross. At night the service was in our church, + Me[fs?] Hayes, Br[awns?], + J.T.Smith spoke. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Galbraith conducted the meeting, + the night service was in the Second ch., where M[fes?] Lefovre, Potter, + Bullock were speakers. Yesterday afternoon mr. Quinan was leader, + at night each congregation had their usual Wednesday Lecture. I enjoy this week of prayer very much. Tuesday evening we missed the cars, in coming home, + walked all the way. We, i.e. Father + I, stopped at Mr. C. Whiteley’s for Eva + Fannie, + spent an hour. They had company. Last eve. Mary Lizzie took Fan out home. Mifes Alice + marion Murdoch took tea with us.— Thursday P.M. Rev. S. Guiteau conducted the Union prayermeeting, + at the service in Dr. Bullock’s ch. at 7 ½ o’cl’k, Dr. Hamner + Mr. Marshall spoke, + Father declined as the evening was so far advanced- Willy Gurley, father, + I went. Night very dark + foggy. Willy came home + sat a while. Friday morn at 11 ½ Mrs. R. Crangle came. Afternoon Union meeting conducted by Rev. G. Owens. Willy spent evening. Mr. Lowry of Erie dined—Sarurday morn at Sewing School 206- Mother + Mrs. C. out. Rev. Geo. D. P[urviance?] led the meeting + he, & Backus + Father made excellent remarks- + I was the only lady at Lecture. Sunday went to the regular services—Monday Mrs. Crangle + I were out all morning shopping. In the evening Mif Solomon + Dr. Hupfeld were here. Tuesday it stormed. Wednesday, the 15th, Eva + Fannie went to Mrs. Whiteley’s through a fearful storm of sleet, in Mr. Stone’s close carriage. Thursday Mother + Mrs. C. went out + during their absence there was any quantity of trouble with the range. Dr. Wilson called, Uncle Jn. Dickson arrived, + much to my surprise Willy Gurly came to say “good bye” as he was to leave in the 4 o’clock train- I was sorry on our account to see him go but glad for him knowing how much more happy he will be at home. Friday was stormy- Eva + Fannie came in f’m the country + Mary Lizzie, + Lizzie Catherine came after dinner and remained till Monday evening the 20th. Father’s Bible Class was organized + Romans chosen as the subject- Saturday it was too stormy for school. I was in the house all day- Sunday, the 19th of January, I was 21 years of age. I rose pretty early, + having performed some of my accustomed duties went to dear Father’s study before breakfast, where I had a sweet time. I asked him to pray with me- I got a loving kiss from dear Mother when I met her- The day was so rainy that Uncle Jn. + I were the only ones of the household of 11 who accompanied Father to church. The sub. was Christ’s Transfiguration- very good. Dr. Maclean, of Princeton was there. In the afternoon at Mission School none of my own scholars were present, but I had a class of six- Very few teachers out. At night it did not rain, so with the exception of Mrs. Crangle we all went out. That whole week I did not go out excepting to church. Monday Mother gave me an elegant silver card case with my name engraved on it- Tuesday Cousin Dwight came before breakfast + staid till the night train. I don’t remember any thing marvelous occurring during the remainder of the week. Saturday, the 25th, I did some writing for Father for wh. he compelled me to accept a dollar, my first earning after I was of age. I have devoted half of it to Foreign Missions- Sunday A.M. Mrs. C. + I went to Dr. Backus’ ch. in Mrs. Perkins pew. Monday, the 27th, I went out with Mrs. C. in the P.M., + afterwards called at [Mrs.?] Spus. Tuesday afternoon Uncle Jn. left for home, + [when] he had been gone for two hours, Mrs. Mary Knapp arrived from Washington City + remained till Thursday morning when Father took her to Calvert station + brought Mr. R. Crangle home— She is an adopted daughter of Aunt Eleanor Moorhead- Mr. Whitely dined with us on Saturday the 18th, + Monday the 27th- the was a North east storm of three weeks duration, which kept us in the house most of the time. Saturday, February 1st. 1862. On Wednesday morning, before we had changed our dresses, about 11 ½ o’cl’k. Father came up + told us that Lieut. Ralph E. Prime, 5th Pegt. N.Y.[V?]. was in the parlor, so Mother, Mrs. Crangle, Mrs. Kuape, + I went down. He staid about two hours, + we had a very pleasant visit. He told us that he returned from Accomac + Northampton Counties the last of December, + since that tiem had been two weeks on the sick list. We are all greatly pleased with him. He is a nephew of “Irenaeus” Prime, from whom he brought a note of introduction last Fall, when we first made his acquaintance, + also of W.C.P. author of Tent + Boat Life. He is a member of the famous Duryea Zouaves (now under Col. Warren,) who fought so gallantly at Big Bethel During his stay Mrs. Dorsey + Mif Holt called + I had quite a little talk with him, in wh. he told me about some of his Uncle’s works— yesterday as it promised exemption from rain was seized upon by us for our visit to the Forts- A pass was procured from Gen. Dix. to admit us to Fort McHenry, + at 11 o’cl’k Mr. Crangle came up with a carriage in wh. he, Mr. C., Mother + I seated ourselves + took the long ride. When we got to the gate + presented our pass, no objection was made, but when we left the carriage to enter within the ramparts + offered the paper to a little corporal he seemed to think proper to detain us for a time, so for nearly half an hour we were kept shivering. At length the officer of the guard came, + shewed us round the different bastions, the Various guns, +e.- It was very cold—When leaving we met a family coming to see a prisoner. We left + drove back to the city, + to the Federal Hill fort. When we drove up to the sally port we sent in two cards in an envelope to Lieut. R. E. Prime, one inscribed “Mr. + Mrs. Crangle, Western Virginia,” + the other “Mrs. Dickson, Miss Dickson.” The messenger, who was quite a handsome young Louave, soon returned saying the Lieut. would be with us in a few moments, + he shortly appeared, seeming quite glad to see us. We then alighted, + under his escort entered. He first took us to the ramparts, + by the assistance rendered by him + Mr. C. we were enable to climb from one of the gun-carriages to the rampart, on which we walked for some distance. They are earthworks, only erected during the Fall + Winter, + consequently unsodded, so that the rains + frost had caused them to crumble at the edges—We returned to the place of our ascent + got down by a huge columbiad. Lieut. P. then shewed us some brass field pieces, one a rifled cannon, presented to the Regt. There was also a little mountain howitzer that was pretty if such a term can be applied to an engine of destruction- He then took us into one of the kitchens, where were five stoves, one for a company. It was not in very good condition, as they were just cleaning up. From there we went to the other end of that building to “his kitchen” as he styled it, + everything was nice + clean. He said they have excellent rations + well cooked- We then went to what I think is the N. E. bastion, where we had a grand view of the city, + used our opera glasses—he told us about some sermons he had heard here + in Brooklyn. We looked at some mortars, + mortar bed, + then came round to a Mr. Isaacs quarters, who seemed to be rather an important personage as he has a room to himself. he invited us in, + he + Lieut. P. exhibited various kinds of projectiles such as rifle cannon balls, hand grenades, cartridges, fuses, instruments for taking sight, determining the elevation of guns, a breech loading rifle, sword bayonet, +e- Down in one corner, by a stove about large enough for a doll house was a beautiful little black + white kitten with a red ribbon round its neck. It pleased me much, for I thought the man must have a kind heart who would keep such a pet in a fort.—After thanking Mr. Isaacs, who was quite a handsome man, Lieut. P. said. The guns, cartridge boxes, +e were ranged in their respective places round the room, + some of the men were reading, some talking, one was writing, one combing, + e. We staid there a little while, + when we came out, Lieut. Prime said “Ladies will you come + see where I live?” We of course thanked him + assented, + he conducted us to the building on the south side of the square; when we reached the doo, he begged us to excuse him a moment till he ascertained whether his room was in a fit condition to receive us. In a moment he re-appeared + invited us to his room which he occupies in company with two other officers. On the door was the name Capt. George Duryea- It was [a] very pleasant room, having two south + two north windows, an open fire on the hearth, some camp chairs, a mirror, a table or two. He shewed us his bed in the N.E. corner nicely made up, but only consisting of an india rubber or oil cloth blanket on the bottom of the rude wooden cot; a husk mattress + two red blankets + an air pillow. He has a little shelf over its head, holding a few books, + a small [ambrotype?] picture of himself standing near one of the cannon was hanging on the wall. He got out his photographic Album, + we saw in it the pictures of his Father, Mother, + Grand[mother?]. After sitting a little which we concluded it was time to go, if we were to get home to our three o’cl’k dinner, + we “took up the line of march” for our carriage. Lieutenant Prime escorted us thither, + bidding him “good bye,” + inviting to come up soon, we rolled off, + arrived at home in time to get out wrappings off + warm ourselves before the bell rung. We found that Mrs. James, + Mrs. Sproston had called while we were out. Soon after dinner I went to prayermeeting, + after it to Bible Class—In the evening Mr. Geo. Sproston came. Monday, February 3rd, 1862. Saturday was too stormy for sewing School, so we spent the day in the house- After dinner Mother + Mrs. Crangle went down town, + Mrs. Hall called. After she was gone we went up stairs + talked till tea time. After tea, while sitting in the parlor a hack drove up, + Gen. EC Wilson got out, + staid till 10 ½ o’cl’k. We had a grand visit. Yesterday morn. he + his brother Henry Wilson came + the Gen. escorted Mrs. Crangle, Mr. Crangle, Fannie, + Gen. Henry W. me to church. Mr. C. + Mr. Henry Wilson sat in our pew + the Gen. farther back. They dine with some acquaintance, + in the afternoon Gen ECW. returned + staid til after tea. I am afraid he went to Harrisburg last night, tho’ I begged him not to do so. The morning sermon was on II Cor. V. 14, 15 applied to Systematic Bened. At night the IV Dan. 1-27. Wednesday Feb’y 5th 1862. Monday morning while at breakfast Mif Edna came to invite all our family, + Mr. + Mrs. Crangle to a party there that Mr. + Mrs. C. were resolved to go to Phil[adelphia] + notwithstanding our urgent entreaties did leave us in the 1 o’cl’k train, during the severe snowstorm wh. raged all day. I wrote to Cooke, sending a pena handkerchief, for here birthday, which is tomorrow. In the evening went to Mrs. Hupfeld’s, + had quite a pleasant time- promenaded with a Dr. Hopkinson, + Rev. Mr. Swartz, talked with the hostesses, Mrs. Dorsey the Mifes Holt + Mrs- Swartz. Table very elegant. Home at 12. Fan in bed. Tuesday morning Mrs. Dorsey called in her sleigh + took Fan, Mother + me quite a long sleighride, leaving Emma at our house with Eva. Then returning took in those two + Ella in our places, + drove off again. [Swept?] the study before dinner, + spent the P.M. in reading + sewing—After tea Father took Eva + me to Miss Pearson’s, but as she was out we spent our evening at home very pleasantly, + retired early. This morning visited my Mission scholars, + Mifes Towson, where I met Dr. Wilson, + had a pleasant little talk with him before the ladies came down- Saw Mrs. Smith + babe. Home, dressed, + then came Mrs. J. L. Weeks, inviting us all to dine with them tomorrow—Since dinner have read + written, + since tea have attended Lecture. Subject “Forgive us our debts” The scholars I visited today were Amelia Bowers, 492 Lombard st., Emma Bowens 35 Oregon, Lizzie Lind, 26 Oregon, John + Mary List 20 Oregon, Emma Nurnbergun 207 Hollins, + the Sharps 33 Dewberry alley. All seemed quite comfortable, + well provided against the rigours of Winter— Thursday, Feb’y 6th, 1862. Rainy morning, Cooke’s 22nd birthd’y. Spent the forenoon in household duties, reading + sewing. Then dressed, + at 3 o’cl’k Mother + I went to Mr. Jno L. Weeks, Madison street, where Father joined us, + we spent a very pleasant time, not leaving till after 7 o’clock. A mif Buck Mrs. W.’s niece was there. After dinner I played with Gordon, the sweet baby 15 months olf, + talked to Mary- About dusk the two gentlemen + Kirkland went to the Billiard Room, + in three quarters of an hour we followed. Mif Buck + I had a game in which we were both 49, when I made a “miss”, + she consequently gained the requisite 50. When we were all assembled in the parlor they had Father conduct Family Worship, + soon after we left. I like Mr. + Mrs. Weeks very much, + the children, especially baby Gordon. We received this morn. from cartes de visite of Cousin Dwight, from Germon’s, Philadelphia. The weather is quite unpleasant again— Friday, February 7th, 1862 Spent the morning in customary household duties, reading, visiting + sewing- After dinner sat in Mother’s room till time for us to go to prayermeeting. In Bible Class lesson was from the 4th [ls?] 8th verses of Romans 1st chap. After coming home read the papers till tea- Sewed + read in the evening. No company. Eva received a letter from Mr. Moore today- Five years ago today went to Philadelphia. Saturday, February 8th, 1862, This morning at breakfast we had a long talk about the war. The capture of Ft. Henry, Tenn. seems to give a brighter prospect for Federal success, but viewing the world by the light of prophecy, Father thinks we need not expect peace soon. Indeed if the kingdoms of Europe ally themselves ag’st this country, as now appears highly probable, we may well resign all hope of conquering. This awful war some think will become religious, Catholic versus Protestant, + if so what scenes of darkness + blood are yet awaiting us- I felt quite disheartened all day in thinking of the gloomy years to come, but now, since retiring to my room + remembering that the blessed Master encourages us to cast all our care on him, + that all things will work together for good to them that love God, my mind is more at rest. O for strength from on high to support me always- light from heaven to illuminate the shadowy road of life, that I may walk without stumbling. Al though cloudy, it did not rain at 10 o’clock, so we went to Sewing School. 152 children. Miss H. not present. After school started down town, + accidentally meeting Fannie, she accompanied me to the Tract Horse, Mrs. Broadbent’s, + Perkins’- From there I went to Mrs. Falconer’s- Met Jennie Hamner at the door. Spent a few moments, + reached home at dinner time- Spent the afternoon in reading + writing, + the evening in sewing— Tuesday, February 11th, 1862, Sabbath was a bright beautiful day. Morning text. Ezckiel + night Dan. 4:27- to end. In Mission School, Mr. Week’s absent, + Mr. Freeman in his place- 9 children in my class. yesterday was pleasant + in consequence called nearly all day. Mr. Brown took tea + spent evening. Read + sewed all my spare time after dinner. Rec’d a letter from Maria- Mrs. James invited us to tea tonight. Eva + Fannie are engaged to go to Mrs. Vickens’- Had our boiler fixed yesterday, + [washing?] postponed till today. Weather cold- After usual morning duties today I read + sewed some, then wrote to Mr. Moore- It is almost dinner time. Gen. Stone has been put under arrest + sent to Fort La F’ayette— Wednesday, February 12th, 1862. Yesterday afternoon rec’d a very sad letter from Cooke. Poor child! I can only hope + pray that she may, ere long, turn to the only true source of comfort + peace. God grant to change her heart, for unless it is converted I dread to think of her fate. About 6 o’cl’k yesterday evening I was sitting at the piano in the dusk, playing, when I heard Agnes admit a gentleman to the hall + offer him the brush to take off the snow. Wishing to escape I got up, + in so doing my foulard dress overturned the piano stool with a crash, but I righted it, + when the unknown entered the front parlor, I left the back. Going up stairs ascertained that it was Lieutenant R. E. Prime, + so accompanied Father to see him. Soon Eva + Fannie came down attired for Vicker’s, + after exchanging salutations, left in the raging snowstorm. We had quite a pleasant visit, Father doing most of the talking, till Mother was dressed to go to Mrs. James’, to the tea drinking, when she came down, + I went up to make my toilette- While dressing I rang for Agnes, + giving her my pantry key, instructed her to butter some rusk, + ask Mother is she w’d offer them to Lieut. P., as I thought he might have come off without his supper. But by the time the things were ready, Mother had discovered that he too was invited out to spend the evening, + so the lunch was put back in the pantry. When I came down, ready to start, we began to think it was about time, + being well bundled up left. Lieut. P. accompanying us to the corner of Balt. + Paca sts. It was snowing quite hard, so he gave me his right arm, + held the umbrella over me with his left hand. He told me about his two Grandmothers- Mother invited him to take tea with us on Thursday evening, but he was afraid he could not get permission to be out so soon again, + even when she asked him to appoint some evening nest week, he said he dared not do that, as their Col. G. K. Warren, is very strict, + having been in the regular army several years in the western wild, thinks they have no need of society outside the camp- but he promised to come when he could. After shaking hands, + bidding good night at Baltimore + Paca we proceeded to Mrs. James’, where we found Mrs. Shaw + Emma Halt already arrived. After getting warm + dried we descended to the parlors, + before tea were joined by Mr. + Mrs. Dorsey, Mr. + Mrs. H. W. Robbins, + Ella Holt. had a very elegant supper, + pleasant conversation- I sat between Mr. R. + Ella- After tea Mrs. Hall cam, + we had a very agreeable time visiting, so that we did not think of starting till after 11 o’clock. We found E. + F. home, having had a very fine time- I could not help wondering what Emma + Ella would have thought last evening when we were chatting so cosily had they known that I have been escorted nearly there by a [G?] ouave officer in full regimentals- Ella said to Eva the other day, in speaking of her having met a Federal here, “It would not have seemed surprising to see -you sitting there, but it did look very strange for Maggie to be talking to an officer.” This morning was quite bright, but I did not go out. Spent the time in regulating my drawer, reading, making a pincushion, +e. After dinner went to the Lecture Room to say that Father would not be at the Session meeting, as he was attending little Henry Gillet’s funeral- From there I went to Waters’ bookstore, 168 Balto- st. + bought “A.D. 1862, or How they Act in Baltimore, by a Volunteer [G?]ouave.” It is a poem giving an account of the way the ladies here treat the Federal soldiers, + is quite good- Mother intends to ask Lieut. Prime who is the author.—He said he weighed 153 pounds, the 30th of January—Mother received a letter from Mr. Henry Woods yesterday announcing the death (f’m diphtheria) of Fannie Dickson Herron- Our poor friends are in deep distress- Father had a letter today from an old friend Mr. Schoonmaker of Pittsburgh requesting him to see his son who is in the Volunteer Army here, at Camp Carrol. News has arrived of a great Union Victory, at Roanoke Island, which will surpass anything heretofore on record during this war. It is rumoured that O. Jennings Wise is killed + Henry A. taken prisoner. It is said there was an immense loss of life- When will all this end? I am heart sick some times when I think of the noble + precious blood that has been, + will be spilt before the final issue is reached—I scarcely expect to see quiet in my life time— Thursday, February 13th, 1862. Last evening we all went to lecture- Helen Pearson walked back with + stopped half an hour on her way home- After coming up stairs read some time- This morning after my usual routine read my Greek + English Scriptures till about 10 1/2, when I dressed + went out shopping with Mother. Went to Mrs. Patrick’s to engage her services, + then to various stores among them “Chas. Simon, Howard st,” where Mother bought silk dresses for us three, very pretty. We went as far down as Charles st. We got Mother’s tea caddy, + at Weisha[m?]pel’s bought some envelopes- After leaving our packages at home we called at Mrs. Hupfeld’s, + Mrs Montague’s, both of whom were out, + on the Misses Brams, where we saw Misses Henriette + Emma. Since dinner I have been writing, regularing my desk, +e. Mother had a letter f’m Mrs. Woods, saying they are about leaving Columbus, + are going to board with her brother in Wheeling—Oh what a world of change this is!— Friday, February14th, 1862 Spent the morning in reading, dusting, sewing, +e. After dinner sewed till time for praryer meeting. At Bible Class there were a good many. Etha Towson walked home with me- Wrote till nearly supper time- Sergeant Schoonmaker was here to tea, + to spend the evening. Quite a pleasant youth, not 20 yrs. of age. Discovered that our escort, Lieut. Stewart, is an officer in his company. Mr. Schoonmaker seemed to enjoy his visit very much, played on the piano, with cup + ball, solitaire, + e. Fannie + Eva are quite charmed with him, + I think he likes them very well- —Mother is getting a “run round” on her right thumb, which is very painful. The Victory at Roanoke is confirmed, but with much less loss of life than was at first reported- O.J. Wise is killed, but H.A. is in Richmond. His time will come. Saturday, February 15th, 1862, Not much to record. Went to Sewing School where were 158 children. Miss O. H. spoke, in my hearing, most abominably concerning the Federal army, calling the men “vile creatures,” + similar terms- The two Union victories have nearly maddened her, I am afraid- My patriotism is on the increase, I believe- Had a little talk with Mif Cole. Came home in a snow storm, which was quite violent- Read + talked till dinner time after which have practiced, sewed, read + written, till now ‘t is nearly tea time- the ground is white with snow. Mother’s thumb is getting better. No letter were received today, I believe— Monday, February 17th, 1862. yesterday was quite pleasant overhead, but owing to the melting snow the walking was bad. The morning text was “Wherefore comfort ye one another with these words” in 1st Thes. IV. Mr. Fleming of Wheeling was at church + came home + dined with us- At Mission School I had nine in my class. Father was at Mr. Lefevre’s new ch. preaching one of the dedicatory sermons. At night the subject Daniel V. to the Interpretation of the Handwriting. Mrs. Booth of Pittsburgh was there. This morning the news of the taking of Fort Donelson in Tenn. was announced. Gen. Sidney C. Johnston, said to be the chief Gen. in the confederate Army was taken with some 15,000 prisoners, among whom, it is rumoured, are Buckner, Pillow + others. Mr. Henning, who is now connected with the Army, says that these simultaneous attacks at Roanoke, Ft. Henry, +e. were preconcerted. Gen. Lander is perhaps even now in Winchester. The Baltimore + Ohio RailRoad is now open to Hancock. Father is rejoicing mightily- The Lord grant we may not meet with reverses, but that this bloody war may speedily close— We were greatly shocked by receiving a letter from Mrs. Umbstaetter this A.M. saying that Willy Herron died last Friday, (just a week after little Fannie,) + that James + Sallie are both sick, + Mrs. H. is “very, Oh! very ill.” All of the dreadful diphtheria- Mrs. U. had premonitory symptoms herself, + had been brought to her Mother’s (Mrs. Dr. MCook) in the city, from whence she wrote. We are so anxious to hear from poor Mrs. Herron- Ahe was like a sister to dear Mother- M. says if she had the means she would go to her immediately. I fear she is even now beyond human aid. –The day is very gloomy. It has rained + sleeted since early dawn. Mother rec’d a letter from Sue D. + Father one from William Carr. I have spent the day about as usual on Mondays- Wednesday, February 19th, 1862. Yesterday morning, at our mother’s request, I resigned my office of “Washer of breakfast glass + silver” to Eva. I was right sorry to give it up. About 11 ½ o’cl’k I started out, as it was tolerably pleasant overhead tho’ the walking was very disagreeable, + called on Mifes Jerome + Miller, now boarding at the N.W. con. of Vine + Pine. I made quite lengthy visits to Ella Holt, + Sallie Hall- At the latter place met Mrs. Robbins— Got home to dinner- Report by the boat from Fortress Monroe that Savannah is taken—During the P.M. Mrs. Hall came up to invite us all to tea Thursday- Broke my beautiful ruby ring while she was here. No company in the evening- Today has been one continued storm. Mother had a letter from Mrs. Murphy of Pittsburgh, saying Mrs. Herron is pronounced out of danger. Poor Mother has scarcely slept since she heard of her illness—She also heard from Mr. Knapp, Mrs. Crangle + Mrs. E.C. Wilson—Yesterday rec’d through the mail a copy of Mif Harding’s first book, “A story of Today”- + a very nice letter fro the dear Authoress. Tonight went to Lecture, + as there were not more than 12 or 15 present, Father had prayermeeting. Only two ladies, besides myself. Have spent nearly all the day in sewing- Fan is making a dress for herself. We expect Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Lyon, + Lila Lowry here this week—Such weather I have rarely seen- carcely a bright day— Thursday, February 20th, 1862 Today has been comparatively pleasant, part of it very sunny. Spent most of the morningn in sewing + read a little. Dined at 1 o’cl’k as the boiler needed repairing. After dinner sewed a little then called at Mrs. Lough’s, 14 George st. + walked out to Franklin + Popleton sts., + thence home, Read till five o’cl’k, when I dressed to go to Mrs. Hall’s, which we all did, soon after 7 o’ck’l. The intervening time I spent in practicing + reading the American- The South has been suppressed- Several Regiments have been sent away f’m here, + more are render marching orders—At Mrs. Hall’s we met Mr., Mrs., + Morris Carson, + Mr. Mrs. + Louisa Robbins. Had a very pleasant evening- We all talked Union a good deal- Great preparations are being made to celebrate the 22nd here—Eva + Fannie are invited to tea at Mrs. Reynolds’ tomorrow- I am writing on my lap, after I am ready for bed, + as it is nearly midnight, I reckon I ought to go there. Friday, February 21st, 1862, As we thought it quite probable that [Mrss?] Wilson + Lyon would arrive today, I spent part of my morning in getting ready for them, + having all the house that is under my immediate jurisdiction in complete order. About 11 1.2 o’cl’k I got through, dressed + went to Mrs. Patrick’s 188Mulberry st., to have my brown silk fitted. From there I returned home, + then went to Chas. Simon’s, N. Howard st., + purchased 2 yds. additional for both Fannie + myself. Took mine back to Mrs. P.’s + went to see Mrs. Sproston, had a very pleasant chat of half an hour with her. It seemed quite like days of old. Came home in time for dinner. In the morning mail letters were rec’d from Mr. Woods, + Mrs. Umbstaetter, still reporting favorably of Mrs. Herron’s recovery. Mrs. H. nearly became deranged about the death of the children— After dinner practiced, + read the morning paper. When the mail came Father received letters from Major Dunn, + Mr. R. Crangle, + Mother one from Mr. Quarrien, Fannie from Ellie Wilson, + I from Mr. Moore. Read all but Ellie’s, + put it in my pocket when starting to prayermeeting, but lost it on the way, the first time I knew myself, to do such a thing. Pretty large attendance at Bible Class- Came home, changed my dress, + played a little on the piano, when Mr. Brown came in, so I read till tea time, when only Father, Mother, + I sat down to the table, E. + F. being at Mrs. Reynolds’, 131 W. Fayette st. After tea read the American nearly all evening, + practiced the rest of the time till 10 o’cl’k, when I came up to my room- the one that was Grandma’s, for though for four weeks I have slept in my own little room, I use this for every other purpose- Father retred at 8 ½, as he had to get up between 2 + 3 o’cl’k this morning to go to Mrs. W. B. Larmour who has died today, of consumption- Last night when the messenger came, I was the only one awakened by the bell, tho’ farthest f’m it, + so got up + went to Mother’s door + rapped till she awoke—I met Mrs. King today on the street + her place + heart were full of joy when she told me that her son James, now in the U. S. service, had, (as expressed it,_ “got religion.” he has written, she said, a beautiful letter telling them all about it- She seemed very happy + I sympathized with her, for what more delightful than for an earnest praying Mother to hear of the conversion of her child? –I like her— This morning while at Mrs. Sproston’s several companies of Cavalry passed, + I rather think I saw Lieutenant J. Stewart, our escort from Pittsburgh to Lyone- there was an officer who resembled him very much, + Mrs. S. thought he bowed, though I think it hardly probable that he would recognize me after five months, + with entirely different surroundings- I thought that Lieut. Prime + Sergt. Schoonmaker would have been here tonight, + Eva + Fannie were especially anxious for the letter, as they were going to take him with them. – Three companies of Zouaves are garrisoning Ft. Marshall, away off in Canton, + the Regt. formerly occupying it have been sent to Fortress Monroe- The report comes today through Southern papers, (by flag of truce,) that the authorities of Nashville, Tenn. have telegraphed to the Federal officers that they will surrender provided their city is spared. The victories are beginning to open southern eyes— Saturday, February 22nd, 1862, The 130th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, the greatest American hero. “First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen!” As I had heard there was to be quite a military display today, I went at 10 o’cl’k to Mrs. Hall’s, + finding she knew nothing of the route, we went together to Mrs. Sproston’s, (stopping at Sewing School to say I would not attend this morning,) + made a call, + then took a Eutan car + rode to Broadway where was the review- We saw a great many soldiers, + felt repaid for our trouble. We came back to Eutan + Balto- sts. + walked from there to Mrs. Hall’s, + after sitting a while I came home, I dressed for dinner. After wh. I wrote some to Maria- While doing so the 5th Regt. N. Y. Vol. (the Zouaves,) passed, coming from Chatsworth to Lexington + down Pine, only passing the few houses in out square- They looked beautifully, + were keeping step elegantly. We were at Mother’s windows, (having them open,) with the exception of Fan, who was in my room. She said that Lieut. Prime gave us a salute with his sword—At night no visitors- Spent the evening in sewing—Some one or our neighbors, on the corner had the house illuminated- Mr. Lincoln’s son died yesterday— Tuesday, February 25th, 1862, On Sunday morning the text was Ps. 103. 17;18. Very good attendance. In the P.M. it was misting, + there were only 160 children at Mission Sch. 5 of wh’m were in my class- A boy had a spasm- An Ohio gentleman made an address, wh. I did not like very much. At night the latter part of the 5th, + the first verses of the 6th chap. of Daniel were the subject of the discourse. Quite damp- Yesterday I was not out of the house all day. In the forenoon it rained quite severely, + afterwards there was one of the most destructive hurricanes that has visited Balt. for some time. The storm continued till in the night. I was anxious to go to the meetings at the Central Ch., conducted by Dr. Backus, at 4 o’cl’k, + to Broadway or Franklin Square, at night, but Mother + Father forbad[e]. Rev. Mr. Huntington of Ellicott’s Mills spent the evening with Mother + us girls- I sewed, + read “Recreations of Country Parson” yesterday afternoon. Swept, dusted, +e. before dinner- This morning, I have read my English Bible, + Greek Testament, + the “Sun,” + finished my letter to Maria + sewed- I hope to be able to attend the meetings today—The reports are that the Confederates have surrendered Nashville + that Gov. Isham Harris has convened the Legislature to take measures for returning to the Union- Another rumor is that Savannah is in possession of the Federal forces- Lieut. Sproston discovered some “infernal machines” placed in the river to destroy our gunboats- He is distinguishing himself. He + Capt. Ammen cut the telegraph between Savannah + Fort Pulaski, + Mrs. S. shewed me a ring made of the wire, which he had sent home to her by Capt. Purviance. We have seen nothing of Sergeant Schoonmaker, + don’t know what to think of it- Friday, Feb. 28th, 1862, On Tuesday at the prayermeeting Dr. J.G. Hammer led- In the evening Father, Mother + I went to the South Ch. Not very many- Wednesday morning Mr. Fleming of Wheeling came before breakfast. He dined + supped with us, + left in the night train north. Mrs. Sproston called + asked me to call for her for prayermeeting. I did so- Mr. Lefere conducted it. It was raining when we came home- Mrs. Wilson, Mrs- Luyn + Lila came in the 6.30 train. It was so stormy at night that Father w’d not permit me to go to church. Mr. Robbins came home + sat some time- Yesterday being the day of prayer Father had service in the morning- In the afternoon prayermeeting Mr. Hayes led. At night Cr. Backus—Today Father was to, but exchanged with Mr. Brauns, whose appointment was for tomorrow. Yesterday just as we rose f’m dinner, who sh’d call but Lieut. Stewart, our escort f’m Pittsburg to Tyrone. We gave him tea + pie- He only came to call leaving his horse + [orderly?] at the door. In the evening Col. Jno. MCalmont was here. Today Annie got a note from her husband saying he had gone to Washington so she followed him I the only passenger train that left this P.M. all the others being used by Government. –Lieut. Stewart told us that Gen. M[Clellan?] went up to Harpers Ferry on Wed. –Lieut. S. is the officer I have noticed among the cavalry + says he thought he recognized me at Mrs. Sproston’s window. Dr. Graff of Nebraska took tea + spent this eve. with us- We are quite charmed with his descriptions of Western life + began to talk of an excursion to “Les [Manvaises?] Terres,” those mysterious lands—He is a very agreeable gentleman, + was Mr. [Trish?]’s predecessor at the Indian Agency- Likes Mary greatly. Mrs. Wilson is not at all well today- Mr. Lowry called for a few moments tonight. He goes to Washington tomorrow—Lila remains very contentedly with us- Eva went to the High School this A. M— [In pencil in two hands at top of booklet: … Mar. 4, 1862- Mar 27, 1862 2] Tuesday March 4th 1862 On Saturday went to Sewing School. 152 children there. Mif Cole absent. Messrs. Van Meter + Hays called, + the former made quite a good speech to the school. Gave each teacher a pamphlet. About the time of closing Mr. Sauford Smith came + made an address + prayer, + closed the school. Came home, + read till dinner time. Afterwards examined Mrs. Wilson’s toys. We all went to the prayermeeting. Father conducted it. Mr. Van Meter was the only one who made a speech, + he did it well. Drs. Cullock + Smith led in prayer. I walked part of the way home with Mrs. Shaw + Charley. Soon after we got back “Mr. + Mrs. Joseph Harris ( Mif Mathews,) Rochester, N.Y” came + spent the evening- We were greatly pleased with them both. She is the only child of Father’s warm friend, the late Judge Mathews- Mr. H. is an Englishman, a lecturer on Agricultural Chemistry, I believe- Sunday morning was dry, though cloudy. Text Ps. 78:, 7 8. Had a little talk with Mr. + Mrs. H. after service. When time for Mission School, the wet snow was falling rapidly- I went, but found the school were going to Dr. Fuller’s ch. to hear Mr. Van Meter, at an Union S.S. meeting- As it was Monthly Concert day I did not go, but went down to the Lecture Room, + read the Bible till time for Concert. There were not more than a dozen present, The smallest Concert I ever saw. At night the subject was Daniel in the Lions’ Den- Very good attention. At morning service some ten or twenty Artillerists occupied the pews at Father’s right. Yesterday was rainy + spent in the house- At night Mrs. Wilson, Fannie + I accompanied Eddy Robbins through a dreadful storm to the Amateur Concert at the Maryland Institute. There were about a hundred performers. The pieces were chiefly selections from the operas + were splendidly rendered. Four, at least, of the pieces were repeated. Notwithstanding the sever storm the audience was large 1,500—We did not get home till nearly midnight- Spent this morning in the house—After dinner Lizzie Catherine called, + also Mrs. Hall, after which Mrs. Wilson + I went out shopping—We did not return till dark, + found Mr.s Fulton here. She took tea, + sat a while with us, + then Father escorted her to Mrs. Montague’s, + before his return, Mr. F. came + spent part of the evening- After he left, Father went up stairs, + the rest of us came to our rooms early- Mother is not very well- Eva has had quite a sore throat but it is almost well- Fan + Mrs. Wilson got their feet very wet last night— Thursday February 6th, 1862, Yesterday morn, about 11 o’cl’k, Dr. Graff called, + before Father got started down stairs to see him, a note came f’m the B. + O. R.R. office saying that Gen. Kelley + family were at the Eutan House, + would be happy to see us- Eva + I went down immediately, to invite them up to tea. When we saw Mary Jane + Bell, we found they were to leave at 4 o’cl’k in a special train for Frederick, on their way to Gen. Kelley’s former Division, lately commanded by Gen. Lander who died last Saturday. Gen. K. is not able to take the field until April, as he is still weak from the effects of his would rec’d at Phillippa June 2nd or 3rd. He came in a few moments after his daughters, + we had a fine visit. He gave each of us a carte de visite of himself. Eva’s a profile, + mine a ¾ view- The girls have been near or with him almost all the time. They do not seem at all changed. We were all sorry not to see more of them. Father called after we left. Mr. Will Kelley, + Major Walker of the 111th Pa Regt. f’m Erie, were there part of the time. In our return we paid a visit to Mrs. Sproston. During the afternoon we read most of the time, + were quite agreeably surprised by Annie Lyon’s return. Her husband will perhaps be here tomorrow night- After tea Mrs. Wilson, Fannie + I accompanied Father to Lecture, preparatory to the Communion next Sunday. As there was a Session Meeting afterwards, we joined Mrs. Montague + Mif Pearson, who came in + spent an hour with us. Lila was not all well, I held her in my lap most of the P.M.— This morning, after Mrs. W. got her trunks packed ready to leave this afternoon, + I had completed my usual routine, we two went to the Light st. M.E. ch. where the Conference is sitting, Bishop Janes, presiding. We spent an hour or so- The galleries were so crowded that we had to stand. We returned home via Light, Baltimore, Charles, Mulberry, Eutaw, Saratoga, Pine + Lexington sts- Had dinner soon after, + the [hack?] having arrived, Mrs. W. bade us goodbye, + left for the [Cal…] Station to embark for Harrisburg. All but Annie + me went out walking- Mrs. Gates called- also Bettie White- Read part of the time. Bought an engraving of one of Hogarth’s pictures, today- A lovely bright day. Quite charming— Saturday, March 8th, 1862, Thursday night after we retired to our rooms, I wrote to Mif Chapin. Yesterday morn performed my usual Friday duties of dusting, putting fresh linen to the beds, +e., then about 12 ½ o’cl’k called on Mrs. Stafford 308 Lexington st., + Mrs. Dunlap 249 Saratoga. Had right pleasant visits, especially at the latter. Somehow, I don’t know how, Mrs. D. + I speak more frequently + freely on religious subjects than almost any of my acquaintances. Went to Reed’s, + bought some more engravings for Mother. Came home in time for dinner, soon after which went to church. – Read +e., till supper after returning from ch. Soon after tea Major Alex. MD. Lyon came is still with us. Mr. Calvin Whiteley spent the evening with us- This morning I had the pleasure of receiving very nice letters from Mrs. Lizzie Wilson + Mr. Biggs- Attended Sewing School where were 176 children. Mif Maria Murdoch resumed her position as teacher, taking Emma Holt’s class- After school she went with me shopping, + we meeting Mrs. Lyon, Fannie + Lila on the street, took Annie with us- Mif Marion dined with us- + remained till time for afternoon service, at wh. there was a very good attendance. Yesterday Mrs. Gephart called to inquire about the “flag business[”] as she styled it- A report has been flying abroad that on the 22nd of February we hung out a large flag, + illuminated the house from top to bottom, + the fiery Seceshers were inclined to take umbrage- The facts were that after I came home from my excursion with Mrs. Hall, I said I really wished that we had a flag to display, that although our friends were aware of our sentiments, yet it might be a comfort to the poor soldiers, who were periling their lives for the preservation of the country, to see an outward evidence of our loyalty- mother said she felt very much so too, + in default of a flag, I took an envelope, which Fan had bought in Morgantown for a curiosity, + was painted something like a flag, + pinned it in the parlor window. When Eva + Fannie came home, a quarter of an hour later, they made so much fun at the insignificance of the emblem, that I took it down- At night Eva was anxious to illuminate, + Mother to compromise told her the gas might be allowed to burn in Mother’s room + mine while we were at tea- It burned about ½ an hour, + then one of us turned it out. Whether there will be any fuss connected with this I don’t know— Monday March 10th, 1862. Yesterday morning was Communion. Mr. James Clark, Mrs. Ziegler, + Mrs. Gaither united upon profession + Mr. Courtenay + Mrs. Parsons by Cert. Annie + Mr. Lyon were in our pew with Fannie + me, + communed with us. It was a very pleasant season. The text was Rom. 1:3,4. In the Mission School I had 4 of my own class + 1 other. At night rev. Mr. Poisell of the N.Y. Conference preached. The weather was lovely all day. This morning it was rainy + continued to till nearly noon. Spent the morning in usual duties + sewing- After dinner sewed, + it having stopped raining Annie + Mr. Lyon went out walking but soon returned in a carriage having found it pleasant enough for a ride, + as Mother was engaged with Mrs. Saul, they took Eva + me with them. We drove out Lexington, Paca, Franklin Cathedral Monument, around the monument, up Cathedral, Madison, Park Mulberry, Charles, + then away down below the docks, into Light [ct?]. + thence to Fort Federal Hill. Mr. Lyon alighted, but found from the Sentry that no one was to be admitted today, whether with or without pass- When he brought that news, I proposed sending for Lieut. Prime, so he spoke to the guard who called a corporal, + gave him the errand, from which he returned with the message that Lieut. P. would be out in a few moments- When he came, he looked real tired, had his overcoat, + high gun boots on- He told us that the reason of the order was the men were repairing the ramparts, + of course were not very much inclined to have visitors see them, but he would see if he could get permission for us to enter. He went away, + when he came back said we could come, but would not find things in as good order as usual. He went first to the N.E. bastion, + he told us that on yesterday he + his company were ordered to repair it, much of the embankment having been injured by frost, + they were made to work f’m 7 o’cl’k till 10 in the night, in addition to the day labor! Then today he is officer of the Guard, + consequently cannot sleep for 24 hours, so I reckon he could not feel very bright. A company of men were working on the S.E. bastion, where Mother, Mr. + Mrs. Crangle + I walked with him in January. We went in the kitchen, men’s quarters, + Mr. Isaac’s room, + over in front of the officers’ quarters to look at the rifled cannon, + then, Annie being in haste to get home, we returned to the carriage. When we asked Lieut. Prime why he had not been up to see us, he said he had been very busy, + besides for some time was detailed for duty as Ft. Marshall, (without his company,) + Col. Warren is very unwilling to allow his officers + men liberty to go out, but he would try to come very soon. When we reached home found that Mrs. Hall had invited Eva to got with her + Sallie to the repetition of the Amateur Concert, so E. began to get ready. When Mrs. H. called in the carriage, Father went out to speak to her, + when he came in said she had told him that the Fifth N.Y. Zouaves were to be ordered to leave tomorrow! When he said so, I just felt that we would never again see poor Lieut. Prime! This morning we received news of a Confederate naval victory, in Hampton Roads, in wh. their [James?] Merrimac destroyed or captured the Cumberland + Congress. The U.S. st. Monitor is said to have repulsed the Merrimac after a desperate fight of many hours- The vessels for the secret naval expedition wh. were to rendezvous at Annapolis were terrified + came up into Baltimore harbor last night, + at Ft. MHenry the cannon were loaded- I am glad, on the whole, that we knew nothing of it yesterday, that we had the quiet sacramental Sabbath. With this exception the news is very favorable- The Confederates are giving way, + retreating in every direction, + success seems to be attending the Union- God grant a speedy termination to this sad sad war. I cannot help thinking of Lieut. P. (probably because he is almost the only soldier I know much,) + wondering whether he will sever see his home, his Father, Mother, Grandmother + sisters again- How many bleeding hearts does every victory or defeat make! – They say, privately, that there is to be a great battle before long- How I dread it! – I hear that 3,000 troops were sent from here today; a vessel full went out of the harbor, while we were on the ramparts at the Fort. Poor fellows, We spent a very pleasant quiet evening, till 9 o’cl’k, when Father, Mother, Annie + Mr. Lyon retired, leaving me to wait for Eva, wh. I am now doing— Tuesday, March 11th, 1862 Eva got home last night about 11 ¼ o’cl’k, + I was ready for bed by a quarter till 12. The wind was very high, + thinking of what a dangerous night it would be on the water, + of the poor soldiers leaving + about to leave for the bloody battle fields or swift diseases of the South,- of the sore hearts everywhere,- I c’d not sleep for some time. I wakened before day this morning, + prayed for them all- + especially for our friend who has probably gone today. I got up a quarter before 6 + bathed + dressed. At 6 ½ Major Lyon left. I did not see him, as I had not gone down stairs then. Spent the morning in usual duties, + sewing- Dear Annie gave me a copy of “Corinne”, + a perfume bottle. All three of the girls want out. Mother + Annie were not very well. The day was lovely- beautiful- After dinner I read + wrote, + Mother + A. went shopping, + after their return I went on errand for them to Charles st. In the evening no company, but we had a nice quiet time by ourselves. The news came today of the peaceful occupation of Manassas by the Federals, the Confeds. having evacuated it!!! I hardly knew what to do, + longed to shout for joy- It has been the stronghold, the most dreaded of all their entrenchments- Glorious news comes from every direction, excepting the sad affair of the Merrimac- I do sincerely pray for a speedy honorable, righteous, permanent peace, + above all for the effusion of the Holy Ghost to calm the infuriated passions.—Dr. A.C. Robinson is home- having been in M[S?]. in concealment. Wednesday, March 12th, 1862. Spent this morning in household duties, + in assisting Annie to pack, + sewing. Wrote a note to Mrs. Wilson. Annie insisted upon going to Harrisburg, although she was weak + Lila became quite sick before the hour of leaving. We dined a little earlier, + soon the carriage came. Poor Lila began to vomit before it started. We have enjoted Annie’s visit very much, + hope to see her back in a week or so- In the afternoon I sewed + read. Mis Jennie Tonson called about 6 o’cl’k, + after she left I practiced till tea time- Eva + Fannie not very well, so Mother + I accompanied Father to Lecture. We met a Zouave on the way there, so perhaps the 5th N.Y. Regt. are still here. The 5th Md. Regt. has gone. Michael’s father is in it- Today has been a lovely, warm, Spring day. I am so glad to see the Winter disappearing— Mr. Lincoln has assumed the duties of Commander-in-chief, as General MClellan takes the field in the Department of the Potoman. Father had a reply to his letter of condolence to Rev. J.R. Duncan on the death of his wife on Dec. 22nd 1861. I used to like both Mr. D. + her very much- He spoke of the times when he used to visit us in dear old Wheeling. How many changes there are in a few years! How soon the last great change will come, which will leave us “fixed in our eternal state,” God grant we may be prepared for it by the washing away our sins in Jesus’ blood. I see my own weakness more + more every day- Do with me, O God, as thou seest best—I saw [W…] Carr’s Father, for the first time, Sat. night. Thursday, March 13th 1862. This morning I was engaged in regulating the upper closet or press, + putting things to rights in th third story till nearly non. Before dressing Mrs. Sproston, + Mif Augusta Smith called, I hurried up to my room from Mother’s + prepared to see them. Had quite a pleasant chat of an hour. Talked of the fight in Hampton Roads, Madame Bonaparte, +e. While at dinner Bertie Whiteley came + staid till 5 o’cl’k, when she took Fannie outhome with her. I spent the P.M. in sewing. When tea was over Father, Mother + Eva went up stairs + I sat alone in the parlor, reading the evening American :Recreations of a Country Parson” till about 8 ½, when getting drowsy I was beginning to think of retiring, when MR. Geo. Sporston came. I was left to entertain him for at least 20 minutes before Mother + Eva came down. Had quite a pleasant evening. Mr. S. has a dreadful cold + cough. We miss Fannie, dear child- Eva heard from [Nannie?] Cunningham of Falling Waters, Berkeley Co. Va., today. She is quite a Secessionist. Letters were received from Dwight, Mrs. Murphy, Julius, +e. The latter says that Julius Jr. “has got the mumps on both sides-” + that probably all the rest of the family will have them—How little I am advancing in goodness, knowledge, or usefulness! This Winter seems to have passed without me making the progress my many privileges would see to demand- may I be forgiven for my shortcomings- Saturday March 15th, 1862. Yesterday morning was busy, as usual on Fridays till noon. Then dressed + called on the Montells 145 Biddle, + Mrs. Weeks 202 Madison. Came home in time for dinner after which went to prayermeeting with Father + Mother. Just as we left the door the Carrier brought Father a letter from Grandpa, + me one from Annie Lyon. When we were in Bible Class Mother came in, + after its adjournment had Father accompany her to the Eutars House to Mr. J.C. On of Wheelign- Mr. O. had called during our absence + seen Eva, who did not feel well [enough?] to go out. Mr. + Mrs. O. came up to are staying with us till Monday. Had a tolerably pleasant evening. This morning found it storming severely + it having continued so, without any lengthy cessation, I have remained in doors- Spent the morning in putting together the little shirt I commenced some time ago- After dinner tore off + made the skirt of my calico wrapper, sewing + pinning 9 yds. in ¾ of an hour on the machine. Wrote to Annie + Lila. In the evening in the parlor, not very profitably. I am tired + faint- How time flies! March half gone! –No News of importance- We miss Fannie mightily- Father rec’d a very good letter from Mrs. Comings today. Dr. Smith is to be installed in the Central ch. tomorrow night, + as Father charges the people, there is to be no service in the evening at Westminster- The rain is pouring down, + the wind blowing. My heart aches for the soldiers + the poor. Think of being on guard such a night!— Tuesday, March 18th, 1862 Sunday morning was quite variable on the whole pleasant. Fannie came in from Herudon in time to get ready for church- Mr. Rhodes of Wheeling was in Mr. Holliday’s seat. Rev. Mr. Carroll, “Mrs. Lee’s husband,” as he is styled, sat with us. In the P.M. Father spoke in behalf of the Orphan Asylum, (in the Fayette Meth. Ch.) Mr. + Mrs. On went too. At Mission School I had four scholars. In the evening as all but Mother + I went to the Installation at the Central ch., I read a little in Baxter, laid on the sofa, + finally came up to bed quite early. –Yesterday Mr. + Mrs. O. went to Washington in the 9 A.M. train. Uncle Juo. came in the 6.30 P.M. f’m Harrisburg. Mr. + Mrs. Courteay spent a long evening. I was in the house all day. Rec’d a letter from MR. Irish, enclosing some written by Indians in the Mission School. Read most of the day- This A.M. after usual duties, got ready + went out calling. Was at MRs. [G?]. Clark’s, Mrs. C. Whiteley’s, Mrs. James’ Mrs. White’s, Mrs. Heath’s, Mrs. Root’s + Mrs. Tinsley’s- Came home + found Mr. B. Whiteley here, + dinner nearly over. Spent the P.M. in reading principally in my Bible- Am nearly sick- We are all invited to Mrs. Reynolds’, to a ministerial party on Thurs. I don’t feel a bit like going— Lizzie C. went home last night, having been sent for, on account of the illness, +, perhaps, death of her little sister. Dan Rice performs every night this week in the Holliday street Theatre. Rebecca is at Barnums—Poor child! I would like much to see what she looks like- Father says he will. —Newbern, N.C. is taken by Gen. Burnside, after 5 hrs. hard fighting + a loss of 500 men! –Poor Mrs. Root is failing greatly. I fear her days are few. Friday, March 21st 1862. I am sitting on the floor, before the front parlor stove, alone- the family being at Mrs. Fenton’s, + Uncle John in bed.—Tuesday evening Mr. + Mrs. Orr returned. Wednesday morning I called at Dr. Bullock’s + Mrs. Falconer’s, + did some shopping on Charles st. When I reached home, found Mr. Eugene Wilson in the parlor with mother + Eva. Had quite a pleasant visit with him. he would not remain to dinner, as he was en route for Washington City. Father did not get home to dinner, being at Session meeting, trying Mr. F., I suppose- About 4 o’clock he + Mr. Whiteley came, + I got some lunch for them. Mif Fergusson called + made quite a visit. Mr. + Mrs. Orr left in the evening train north. Dr. Graff called just at dusk to bid us adieu, as he started that night for his distant home. We were so sorry to lose the visit he promised us before he went. He urged us to come out, + explore the the wonders of the “Far West-” Eva, Uncle J. + I accompanied Father to Lecture.—Yesterday morning after my usual duties I went to Academia to sew, but before I got begun Mother sent Agnes to me to say that she was just going out, + Uncle J. had come in feeling very badly. I fixed him on her lounge + prepared some medicine, + seeing him likely to sleep, brought my desk down + wrote to Cooke, while sitting beside him. After dinner he felt better, + went with Father to one of the Camps to see Alex. who is in the 111th Pa. Regt. They found he was on parade, + so had no interview with him. One of the officers told them that part of the Regiment are to garrison Ft. Federal Hill as the Zouaves were leaving- When they brought the news home I felt like crying. We have all felt anxious to see more of Lieut. Prime, but I reckon our hopes of doing so may as well be given up— After getting ready for Mrs. Reynolds’ I began a letter to Mrs. Moore. We went about 8 o’cl’k, + found the guests taking a “hand round” tea. It was quite pleasant. I believe I had no conversation with any of the young gentlemen present, but talked with Drs. Bullock, Hamner + Smith, the Mifes H. Mrs. Smith, Miss Bullock, Mif Hartshorn, Mif Reynolds, +e. Refreshments were passed about 10, at which Dr. Bullock asked blessing- About 11 Dr. Hamner offered prayer, which seemed to be a signal for starting, Eva enjoyed it very much. Fannie remained home with Uncle J. It rained all evening, which made the going + coming very unpleasant. E. + I wore our new silk dresses, for the first. This morning Alex came to see Father + Uncle- Mother saw him too. After getting my Friday work done, wrote till dinner time. After dinner sat a while with the family in the paror, + then finished my letter + went to Prayer meeting + Bible Class. After coming home, + fixing my hair, read till supper time- Uncle J. suffered greatly with sick headache, + went to bed at 8 ½. Read the papers to him before he retired- Mifes Butler + Fenton called yesterday. I was invited for tonight, but excused myself to take care of Uncle J- Received a nice letter from Maria this morning. – The Federal gun + mortar boats are still battering away at [Island?] No 10—Gen. Burnside’s victory was quite brilliant- I do pray for the speedy termination of this bloody conflict—W.L. [Nancy?] was captured on a Confederate vessel, in the disguise of a sailor. Father heard last night that the Zouaves had not yet gone, but were under marching orders- I do hope we will see Lieut. P. before he leaves- I wonder why he has not been here since Major Lyon, Annie + Eva + I were at the Ft. By the way I am likely to have quite a fragrant recollection of that last visit, for my foulard dress has quite a sizeable spot literally soaked in odoriferous oil. When in Mr. Isaacs’ Quarters that day, he warned us of a pan of oil setting under his stove, but I was not near it after his caution, I feared nothing for myself, but exercised my vigilance for Eva + Annie. I reckon I had got into it before—Eva + Fannie are quite chagrined that the distingue Zouaved are to leave Federal Hill, + that to the German Americans of the 111th Pa. They declare that they shall not want to go to the Fort again. however the Zouaves, or Lieutenant Prime at least, have been wanting to be in active service, to have the opportunity of shewing their valor. S[orue?] say that they are in to join Gen. Burnside in N.C. They are said to be almost the best drilled Volunteers in the Army. Lieut. CC. Herron was wounded at the great battle of Pea Ridge, + while in the hands of the Surgeon was taken prisoner by the Confederates. He is very highly spoken of. –This has been a cloudy, raw March day. The Vernal Equinox- when the say + night are of equal length. Saturday, March 22nd, 1862. I sat up till after 11 o’clock last night but as the family had not then returned came up to my room + went to bed. Awoke this morning hearing the rain pouring down. It cleared off enough for Sewing Sch. where were 128 children. Dr. Wilson was there, + wants a report from me, for the Narrative. Mr. Whiteley also called. When school was out, + my duties as Secretary completed, it was raining quite severely. Having no umbrella E. + I waited some time, + then E. + Mif Marrion went under the latter’s protecting ¬parachute + when the rain ceased I followed them home, Bessie + Jennie Hamner coming to Mr. Linton’s Pottery with me. Mif Alice came about half an hour afterwards, + they remained till our dinner time, when having promised their Mother to return, they said good bye. After dinner Eva + I went down to Mrs. Hall’s + found them all out. As it was beginning to rain, we postponed our other calls, + hurried home. Played (?) two games of Morrice with E. + have dressed, read + wrote until now, when I am momentarily expecting to hear the tea bell. Uncle John, Father, + Mother are nearly on the sick list today. The evening at Mr. Fenton’s was very pleasant, so they all say. I am quite wearied out, tonight, though, I think, this week has been very unprofitable to me- Tuesday March 25th, 1862. Sabbath morning, Uncle John [not?] feeling well. Fannie + I went to church alone. In the afternoon at Mission Sch. I had five pupils. Mr. Weeks, having a bad cold was absent, + Mr. Freeman supplied his place. He walked with me half a square going to School. A very boisterous Methodist made an address. At night we all went 7th chap of Daniel was the subject – Father half fancied he saw Rebecca + [Rice?] at ch. in the A.M… I had a feeling all day that something was going on in our army, + my presentiment was realized yesterday morning by the news of a battle near Winchester, Virginia on Sunday in wh. the Federal forces, 8000 in number were victors over 15000 Confeds- 247 of the prisoners came down this afternoon, + are lodged in jail. I was not out yesterday. Mrs. Davidson called in the morning, but I was busy in the study. Mrs. + Miss McFarlane in the P.M. Uncle John spent the day in Washington, returning about [7?] o’clock. Wrote a report of Sewing School for Dr. Wilson. Fannie took it. Eva spent the afternoon + evening at Mr. Hazelhurst’s- We had no company, Father was at a Union prayer meeting at Franklin Square. This morning, at 10 o’cl’k, by previous arrangement, Mrs- Mifes Fannie + Lizzie Hazelhurst + a Mif Hinks called for us to go to the Review of the 5th N.Y. Volunteers on Broadway by Brig. Gen. Duryea, formerly their Colonel. We took the car at Eutaw + Saratoga, + it was soon filled to overflowing with people on the same errand. When we reached Charles + Baltimore sts. the Zouaves from Federal Hill were just coming up, + all passed the car, (one window of wh. was broken by a musket,) among whom was Lieut. Prime- The car followed them down to Broadway, up which they turned. We got out + finally settled on the steps of a Mr. Corner, near the Infirmary, where we had a very fine view of all that was going on. The Zouaves from Fort Marshall marched up Broadway, + formed with the remainder of the Regiment. They formed in two long ranks, + were thus inspected by Gen. Duryea, who with two other officers rode along the lines. Afterwards they marched, countermarched, went in double quick performed the bayonet manoeuvres +e. Lieut. Prime was near us a great deal of the time, but of course did not recognize us. Some of the officers were very fine looking men. I rather admired the Col. Gouverner K. Warren, who rode a handsome black horse, with which his scarlet uniform contrasted finely. Towards the close the officers marched in a body to Gen. Durjea, who made an address to, + shook hands with them— Wednesday, March 26th, 1862. This morning the breakfast bell rung a quarter before 7 o’clock, as Uncle John went to Washington City in the 7.30 train. He has not returned, + I suppose will remain till tomorrow evening. After my usual duties, + reading my English Bible + Greek Testament, I dressed, sewed, read French, + wrote till 1 ½ when we dined. A quarter before 3 I started to Mr. Murdoch’s, wh. I reached at half past- making a walk of three quarters of an hour. Had a very pleasant visit. Took a little dinner with them at 5 o’cl’k. At 6 started home, Mr.s Murdoch, + Mifes Alice + Marion escorting me to the corner of Ross + Biddle sts. Found Mr. Ober here, who took tea with us, + then left for home in the evening train. At 9 o’cl’k Fannie + I went to Lecture with Father. The text was the first verses of Titus. After the discourse Father by order of the Session, published the suspension of Mr. W. [S.F.?] from the Communion of the churchm for appropriating the funds of the ch. ($723,) to his own use. He was so much affected he could scarcely read the paper. After prayer Mr. F. rose, + acknowledged his sin, + asked the sympathy + prayers of his brethren. It was a very solemn scene. After the benediction several shook hands with him… When we came home Mother told us that Lieutenant Prime had been to say good bye, as they expect to leave in the morning! I nearly cried from regret. I did want to see him before he goes- Eva + Mother say he + the officer (a Lieut. Duryea they thought was the name,) who was with him, were in such haste they did not sit down, but had quite a conversation standing. Lieutenant Prime shewed them the cartes de visite of his Father, Mother, sister, Grandmother, + Uncle W. C. Prime, + on Eva’s asking, gave her his own which is very good- taken by Bendarm. He said he saw us yesterday at the Review, + wanted to speak to us, but of course could not. –Was much obliged for the box. The regiment is ordered to Fortress Monroe, + from thence no one knows where. I hope he may be there when Father goes down next week. I have had a pincushion ready for him for exactly six weeks, + now he is going without it—May God preserve his life during this bloody war—My ring, that I broke five weeks yesterday, came home today looking quite new. Thursday, March 24th, 1862. This is dear Drandpa’s 79th birthday- May he have many more- After completing my ordinary household duties came up stairs + read my Bible + the papers, till Agnes had washed my windows, + then at 11 o’clock dressed + began sewing on the apron for Maggie Madill- About a quarter before 12 Eva came asking me to go out calling with her, so I changed my attire, + we went to see our neighbor Mif Knight whose Mother came in, after some delay, + told us that she was in the country. Then to Mrs. Robbins’ + Mrs. Hall’s, + both were out. At Mrs. Dorsey’s se was the only one we saw, but had a very pleasant visit with her. Then to Mrs. Reynolds’ where we sat some time, to Mrs. Sproston’s who begged to be excused, + shopping + home. The weather was charming. After dinner sewed + read the paper, +e. Maggie Falconer came up to spend the evening with E. + F. Uncle john returned from Washington. While at tea a Mr. Cassard came to see Father, who took him to the Study. Soon after supper Fanny + Maggie went up to learn their lessons. Mr. Robbins spent the evening. Had quite a pleasant time, tho’ I became right sleepy- Father, Mr. C., F., + M. joined us about 9 o’cl’k. Mr. R. did not go till almost 11- Dr. Thoburn now “Lieut. Col.” of the 3rd Virginia Regt. is among the severely wounded at Winchester, Gen. Shields was shot in the arm, fracturing the bones badly, yet remained on the field, giving orders- There was much loss of life on both sides- Oh that all this w’d speedily terminate in peace— Friday, March 28th, 1862. Last night as Maggie F. remained, I gave Fannie my room, (formerly Grandma’s,) + slept in my old one. Was busy sweeping + dusting, +e.- till nearly noon. Had a dreadful headache- Rec’d a letter from Annie Lyon. She expects to be here next week. When I got through, dressed + began writing to Mr. Biggs, + copying a recipe. At dinner did not eat much, + my head felt much better. Went to Bible Class + Prayermeeting- We had the 2nd chap. of Romans from the 12th verse to the end. Walked home with Helen Pearson. Read, washed, + wrote- At tea time read some in the beginning of Corinne. After we adjourned to the parlor read the American, Father + Uncle J. talked, Eva played on the piano, Mother took Shakespeare, + Fannie went up to her lessons. About 8 o’cl’k the bell rung, + Eva vanished- Father opened the parlor door, (after Agnes had admitted the ringer to the hall,) + said “good evening, Lieutenant,” + in walked Lieutenant Prime! We were all quite astonished + pleased. The transports have not yet arrived but are expected tonight, + they expect to go in the morning- Eva + Fannie soon made their appearance + we had quite a pleasant time. He had brought his Photographie Album, so I saw the pictures of his Father, Mother, Grandmother, two sisters, Uncle William, Gen. MClellan, of himself when a private, + a great number Zouave soldiers + officers- His sisters’ names are Kale + Mary, + he had a younger sister aged 13, + a brother aged 8- His uncle’s picture was very fine looking. The war was of course the principal topic of conversation. He is ordered to F’tress Monroe, + the men leave all their baggage here, except what they can carry- The 3rd N.Y. is to occupy Ft. Federal Hill, he says. In speaking of their Regiment he said there were not more than 25 professedly pious men in it! + that the army is a very difficult place to lead a Christian life. On Sabbath there is inspection in the morning, + dress parade in the afternoon, + sometimes more, in extreme cases- He got up to leave about 9, saying he had trouble to get permission to come at all, + had to return early- Eva asked him if he had had any demands for buttons, + intimated that she would like one, + he very politely complied, + had Mother cut off two from his sleeves, one for Eva, + one for Fannie who had joined her request to E.’s- Mother permitted me to give him the pincushion I made so long ago for him. At last the “good byes” had to be said, + shaking hands with us all he left. Father asked him to write to him- When Mother was taking off the buttons, he said “If I should be killed, these buttons may make you think of me.” I cannot bear to think of that- it seems so horrid, Mother says, to imagine one so good, + young to be torn to pieces in battle—but I suppose when we recollect eternity, it is far better that one thus prepared should fall, than a poor wicked soul, whose position would be in outer darkness- However God doeth all things well, + out prayers should end with “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven-“ May God watch over him, preserving his life, but especially keeping his soul from sin- Another Journal is at an ends- How gracious is my Heavenly Father to spare so unprofitable a life as mine. [In pencil on top of booklet: Mar 29, 1862- July 19, 1862] Saturday, March 29th, 1862. Dear Fannie is 17 years old today- Mother + Father gave her a pair of beautiful gold sleeve buttons, Eva , a watch guard, + I a netting shuttle. Mother gave Eva gold eye glass. She bought it for her birthday, in May next, but Father thought E. would like it now. We hardly dared to hope, some years ago, that Fannie would live till now, I feel grateful to God that she has been spared. She is so good + gentle- Uncle John went to Washington before breakfast, + got back about 5 o’cl’k- At Sewing School there were 187 children- Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Breckinridge, the Mifes White, Mrs. Cressy, Mrs. Cole + several other ladies were there. About 20 children from the Home of the Friendless, were there with a teacher, + sang, repeated, chanted, +e., very nicely. Mr. Horner also called, + assisted in singing— Mif. H. was very lively- It was snowing quite severely when I came home. Read till dinner time, I spent the most of the afternoon in writing— It is quite like a Winter night. How I pity poor soldiers who are exposed! I wonder where Lieut. Prime is- I am so glad he came up last evening- How anxious his Mother + sisters must feel for him! His sister Kate has a sweet face-… Fannie received a letter from Sallie Oliphant today. The Mifion School Anniversary takes place tomorrow, + I see by the Sun, that Mr. Van Meter of N.Y. is to address it. The snow is still whitening the roofs, but has melted in the street. As Mother quoted at noon, it is truly “Winter lingering in the lap of Spring.” May we have a happy, profitable Sabbath tomorrow.— Monday, March 31st, 1862. Yesterday morning it was rainy + Eva went to S.S. alone- by church time it was storming so severely that Uncle John + I were the only ones beside Father to go- As I walked up the aisle, I noticed, to my surprise, Mr. MCreery, or Paris, in Mr. Easter’s pew. Spoke with him after service. There were some 20 or 30 cavalry soldiers, + an officer, in the S.E. corner of the church. It rained very hard all morning- The text was the Parable of the Sower. When time came for Mifion School, it was still storming. Eva went with me to see Mif Murdoch. At 3 ½ o’cl’k, went into church, + occupied our own pew with Michael, (my only scholar present) + four little girls- The services consisted of singing “Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us,” + the Lord’s Prayer, prayer by Mr. Van Meter, speaking by Mr. Weeks + Mr. V.M. interspersed with singing “Zion’s Pilgrim,” “Gather them in,” “That beautiful Land.” There was pretty good attendance of the School + audience, considering the inclemency of the weather. Mr. Van Meter is quite an interesting speaker. After tea Uncle John + I sang hymns, + talked till church time. The new pulpit lights were used for the first time, + are a great improvement in the comfort, both of speaker + people. Some 30 men, or more, of the 111th Pa. Regt. (Erie,) with a 1st Lieut. were in church. Very small congregation, although the rain ceased before church time. This morning rose early + was busy till noon. All invited to take tea at Mrs. Dorsey’s tonight. Eva had to go out to Mif Towson’s to change her arrangements there. I don’t want to go. I so much prefer spending my evenings at home. Received a very pleasant letter from Uncle Madill. Geo. + Julia have a daughter two weeks old yesterday. All well there. Mr. B. Whiteley dined with us. The American this evening has an account of the departure of the Zouaves yesterday afternoon on the S. R. Spaulding for some point down the Bay, + they were passed by Adelaide off the mouth of the Rappahannock. Poor fellows! they are glad to get away to more active scenes, but how many leave nere to return to their homes! – I am sorry they left on the Sabbath, for I cannot help feeling that the desecration of God’s holy day is not overlooked by him- I am sure Lieut. Prime would regret such an act, but I presume the Regiment had nothing to say in the matter. We are all glad that we had the opportunity of seeing him Friday evening. The Confederate prisoners went to Ft. Delaware yesterday under guard of a detachment f’m the 111th Pa. Spent the day in reading + sewing- Very bright + sunny since 10 o’cl’k. Tuesday, April 1st, 1862. Last evening, about a quarter before eight o’clock, Mother, Eva, + I went to Mrs. Dorsey’s, 248 W. Lombard street. We met the family, + Mme. de Portale (I don’t’ know the orthography,) of Washington, + were followed by Mrs. Hall + Sallie, Mr. + Mrs. Levins, + Mif Lucy L. –Had quite a pleasant time. We unmarried ladies with Madame de P. sat in the back parlor after tea, being joined occasionally by Mrs. Levins + Mrs. Hall. Father came about 9 o’cl’k- Came home between 11 + 12. Mr. W.G. Sprosten had spent the evening here. The 1st Md. Cavalry made a dress parade yesterday, + passed our house, one of the Companies is from Pittsburgh, in wh. are Lieut. Stewart + S’gt. Schoonmaker. Mother rec’d a letter from Mr. Murphy this morning, saying Mr. + Mrs. Herron will be here the first of the week, Eva from Mollie Linn, still in Glernville. Spent the morning in reading + writing. A good many callers today, but none to see me. Mother + Fannie spent part of the morning at the Mercantile Library. Had a very pleasant time- Very bright day, but begins to be cloudy, as if preparing for a storm. Pensacola is said to be evacuated by the Confederates. Father thought some of going to Fortress Monroe tonight, but I think he had given it up- as it is now time to be gone. I am sorry, for I think he requires rest from his cares + labors here. Jennie + Johnny Falconer have just come to see Mother. Thursday, April 3rd, 1962. Tuesday evening Eva spent at Mif Etha Towson’s- No company here. Yesterday morning after my household duties, + some sewing, I went to the dress maker’s, + afterwards called at Mrs. Dr. Wiklson’s, Mrs. Sproston’s, at both places had very pleasant visits- When I got home I was greatly shocked to find that Father had received a telegram from Wheeling saying “Our friend, our brother is gone. Quarrier died last night of apoplexy. Can you come out? R. Crangle.” I could not realize it—Father debated a long time as to whether he sh’d go immediately + return by Tuesday for Presbytery, or wait till next week + make a more lengthy visit. Finally, thinking of the comfort it would be to Mrs. Q to have him perform the last sad rites, he concluded to go, + took the first train, that leaving at 8.30 P.M. via Harrisburg + Pittsburgh., hoping to reach there in time today. This A.M. about 10 o’clock we were greatly surprised to see him back, + found that about midnight the train came in collision with two freight cars which had become detached + were left on the track. The locomotive was disabled + the passengers had to take the Southern train for Baltimore, after a detention of 5 or 6 hours- We all regret it very much, but are grateful that his life is spared. Of course he would have been unable to reach W. in time for the funeral, + so is going to wait till next week. Dear Mr. Quarrier! I think of a thousand instances of his love. very few days ever passed during my life in dear Wheeling without seeing him in our home of his- A good, warm hearted whole souled gentleman + Christian, He was one of the Session who admitted me to the membership of the church, + he wrote my dismissal f’m Wheeling. Poor Mrs. Quarrier! my heart aches for her! Alex is I suppose the only one of the seven at home, who will be able to contribute to her support— + who can supply his love? I cannot feel that he is gone—Yesterday afternoon I went out to see Etha Towson, who probably left this morning for the Country. I gave her a copy of Green Pastures. She looks miserably. At night, in Father’s absence, Rev. S. Williams lectured. This morning cleaned up the house, + helped Mother in making cake till after 12. Dressed + read till dinner. Mr. Whiteley here to dine- Read since dinner. I am continually thinking of poor Mr. Q. Friday, April 4th, 1862. Yesterday evening Mif Helen Pearson spent here- Father retired very early. Had rather a pleasant time. This morning Uncle John went to Washington before breakfast, + has not returned. As Mother would not allow me to sweep her room, I read until Agnes had the parlor ready for me. While I was dusting Mother threw down a letter that Father had received, saying I might be interested in reading. It was from Lieut. Prime, dated “In Camp 3 miles west of Hampton, April 3d, 1862,” + was very nice. He spoke of the desolated burying grounds there, upon which E. + F. teased me, referring to an article on a “Grave yard” that I once wrote- Poor fellow! I do hope he may be spared! Eva received an epistle requesting her, very earnestly, to correspond with the writer, signed “Lt. W.W. Werninger, 3d Virginia Vols. US Army” + dated “Camp Elkwater, Randolph Country, Virginia.” He is Gussie’s brother. I was a little provoked at the man’s liberty, but am more amused than angry now. It was right funny.—I cut + sewed till after 12 o’cl’k, then dressed, read + wrote till dinner, at which we had a good deal of fun. Mrs. Backus + Miss Smith called in the morning. Practiced from dinner till nearly church time. When I came home from Bible Class sat with Mother for a half hour, + then came up to my wash my face- While dressing my hair, Eva + Fannie had gone to take tea with Kate Luckett. We had quite a cosy supper- Just as we were through worship, Mr. George Sprosten came + we had an unusually pleasant evening- Annie was quite lively. Mr. [S?]. presented me with his carte de visite- Annie shewed us some fancy one she bought in Philadelphia. The weather has been charming today- So mild + spring like. No signs of Mr. + Mrs. Herron. I fear they are sick. Good night. Saturday, April 5th, 1862. This morning while at breakfast, Father was trying to persuade Annie that her husband would go to Newbern, before she could see him, but at that moment the door bell rang, + Agnes announced Major Lyon! He had arrived from the Fortress + was to leave for Washington in the 10 o’clock train. He was in his full regimentals, + looked finely. As he was to be in W. till sometime Monday, Annie decided to accompany him- + so packed some things in a carpet bag + went- Major Lyon says the whole Army at Old Point moved forward yesterday- so I suppose Lieut. Prime is bivouacking tonight.—After attending to some duties, + reading letters to Mother from Mr. H. Woods + Mrs. R. Crangle, + to Father f’m Mr. C. I went to Sewing School, but as Eva, Mif M. Murdoch, Mifes Montell + Dubois, + I were the only teachers present, + the wordrobe key was at Mif Hamner’s, we dismissed the few children at 11 o’clock. The rain had ceased by that time, though it was very damp- Mif Marion came home + spent an hour with us. She is coming to stay part of the next week here. Read + sewed till dinner time, + ditto after dinner. I received from Mr. Biggs this morning a manuscript sermon, on “The Master is come, + called for thee” “preached at Morgantown, Jan. 13th, 1861.” I like it very much.—Became quite discouraged at the small amount of sewing I accomplish- Really I am not capable of earning my bread, I am afraid, + 21 years old! It is a shame!—Fannie is more efficient than I—Uncle John returned in the last train from Washington—The Wheeling letters say that Mr. Quarrier seemed well + was lively as usual on Tuesday evening, retired about 11, but at midnight Mrs. Q. was awakened by his singular + labored breathing, + endeavored to arouse him, but ineffectually- She called Alick, + they rubbed him with spirits, but he only gave two long breaths, + was gone! I cannot realize it! Gone from this world of strife, where even friends turn to foes, gone from the cares + anxieties of life- to a mansion prepared for him from the foundation of the world, to a crown of glory long awaiting him, to a home of rest, + perfect peace- What happiness is enjoying tonight! Surely earth’s joys have nothing to compare with it. I think there are few like him, at least I have not met many such- A letter from dear old Grandpa gives evidence of his failing—He speaks much of his apparently rapidly approaching dissolution, + his handwriting gives evidence of his weakness, + trembling. Dear old Grandpa! How I would rejoice to see him once more on earth.—Tomorrow is the fourteenth Anniversary of Father’s settlement in Wheeling + the third of my graduation- O time, what changes. The news that Uncle J. bro’t is that part of the Old Pt. Army has been ordered to march directly to Richmond, part to Yorktown, + that the coming week is likely to see hard + bloody fighting- It makes me shudder to think of it! O that a righteous peace might speedily be brought about. I dread to hear of the good + brave + noble falling, even in defence of the country- though I suppose it is better that those who are prepared should die, than some poor, wicked, men- Monday, April 7th, 1862. Yesterday morning was delightful. Uncle John, Fannie + I went to church together. Text the Golden Rule. Very large congregation. In the afternoon I had 5 in my class- Two Artillerists were in the School, + I believe attended Monthly Concert. At night the :little horn,” in Daniel 7 was shown to be the Papacy. A good many soldiers were at church. Mr. M Creery present both morning + night. This morning I was very busy, scarcely sitting down from 6 o’cl’k till 12, sweeping, dusting, making beds, + putting the house to order. Dressed, + going to Mother’s room found Mif Marion Murdoch, who is spending the week with us, + with whom I sat till dinnertime. After dinner, Uncle Jn. + we girls had quite a chat in the parlor, after which MIf M. + I went out I bought a bonnet ribbon + flowers- Got home about 5 o’cl’k. After tea talked, sang + played “Guess” till bed time (a few minutes since[)]. We are surprised not to see Annie back- -Yesterday there were reports all day about Yorktown; one saying there was a great Federal victory, but with much loss of life; another that the Confederates had killed Gen. M Clellan, + vanquished his Army. +e. –Today we cannot hear whether the battle has really taken place, whether they are yet on the way then. –At Island No. 10 the gunboat Carondelet has passed the batteries ajoined Gen. Pope—Mother wrote a very nice letter to Lieut. Prime- How I wish I knew if he is yet alive. She also wrote to Horace R. + to Mr. Moore. Snowed + rained all this P.M. + is cold I disagreeable— Tuesday, April 8th, 1862. Island No. 10 has surrendered! I am so glad! The news was in the evening edition of the American. This morning I was up early, + working till breakfast time. Mif Marion fixed my bonnet very prettily, before dinner. Annie + Major Lyon came over from Washington at 12.45, + went shopping till nearly dinner time. Major L. went down in the Old Point boat- leaving our house at 4 o’clock. Father attended Mrs. Robbinson’s funeral. Eva + Mif M. went out shopping + about 5 o’cl’k we all came up to my room + sewed an hour. We thought some of going to Mrs. Sproston’s, but the rain + sleet which had been falling all day made the walking so dangerous that we did not venture. Had a very pleasant evening at home- Quite lively. Uncle John not feeling very well. The weather has been extremely unpleasant. The poor soldiers must have had a sad time of it. No very startling news yet from Yorktown. Annie has a cutlass from the Congress- + some MSS from Manassas. Rumors of the Merrimac coming out have been abroad for several days, + she is hourly expected at Fortress Monroe. I am not feeling well at all for a day or so. I hope it is nothing serious- No letters today- No visitors- Very dreary. My heart is becoming careless, I fear. I long for a little quiet + rest. So many things to occupy + excite are not favorable to growth in knowledge or grace. Perhaps it is to try my devotion—Presbytery was to meet tonight in the Second Church- Father did not go- It is a doleful night! God pity those who are exposed to this bitter storm. What a comfort to be in one’s home. Wednesday, April 9th, 1862. This morning was busy, from the time of my rising till 9 ½ o’cl’k, in household duties, + then dressed + went with Annie, Mif Marion, + Eva, through a cold mist, to Pollack’s on Balt. street, near Calvert, where after spending an hour or so Annie had her carte de visite taken. While there the storm increased in fury, + became a violent [pall?] of sleet. Annie + I took a car I came up to Pine st. + getting an extra umbrella from Mrs. Noyes, reached home, feeling quite worn out. Eva + Mif Marion went shopping + followed us in about three quarters of an hour.—When Father came he told us that the Presbytery had elected him a delegate to the Assembly, + notwithstanding it was the third year in succession, would accept no excuse- Uncle John dined at the Eutan House with his friend Col. Richardson, Representative- We ladies sewed nearly all the P.M. + Mother read the evening paper. The Federal + Confederate forces had a battle at Pittsburg, Tenn. 18 miles f’m Corinth, on Sunday + Monday- (6th + 7th) which was terrible. The Federals were victorious tho’ with a loss of 18,000 killed, wounded, + missing + the others lost f’m 30,000 to 40,000- among the killed Gen. A. Sydney Johnson + among the wounded Gen. Beannegan lost an arm. It is frightful to hear of such conflict! Uncle John had a report that the 5th N.Y. + 17th Mass. were cut to pieces on Monday at Yorktown! I will not believe it, until we hear further. What if is it true? The Merrimac is reported at Craney Island, with the intention of passing Fortress Monroe, + going to Yorktown. –It has been one of the most stormy days of the year, + after a severe sleet of several hours, the snow fell, + it now resembles midwinter. Father allowed none of us to accompany him to Lecture. I have a bad cold- Eva had a letter from Mattie C. saying that Brownie is in Petersburg—Annie expects to leave in the morning train north, so I must close- I do wish I knew of the safety of the Zouave Regiment. I saw two of their privates on Balt. st. Probably they were on the sick list when their comrades left. This is sad weather for soldiers to bivouac, as I presume most of those before Yorktown are compelled to do- We have more cause than ever to pray for a speedy conclusion of this un-looked-for, bloody, fratricidal war. Oh for a return of the days of peace + quiet! of the friendly feeling between all sections of this broad, fair land. Friday, April 11th, 1862. Yesterday morning the man whom Major Lyon had engaged to take Annie to the Depot. failing to come, we sent for a driver, who thought he could get her there in time, + so bidding us good bye, she left, under Uncle J.’s escort. In about an hour she returned, having been too late for the 8.30 train, + remained till 3 P.M.- Poor child! She was right tired + seemed anxious to stay with us. I was in the house all day, + was quite hoarse from my cold. Mif Marion worked on the bonnets + I sewed on my dress sleeves. About 6 o’cl’k Mrs. Murdoch, + Mif Alice called. In the evening Mr. James M Creery was here, + I was very glad. Mr. + Mrs. White + Bettie spent the evening, but as Father had forbidden my talking, on account of my hoarseness, I sat with him + Mr. M Creery in a corner, + enjoyed listening much more than I should have done conversing- Our company did not leave till so late that it was 12 o’cl’k before I got to bed. Rose at 6 this morning, + “fussed” till our eight o’clock breakfast. After various duties sat down to sewing, + then dusted the parlor. Dear Mif Marion finished the bonnets, + we are delighted with their beauty. Eva + Fannie put theirs on, + went down to Presbytery. Before I had completed my toilette Mrs. Laurence called. After she left, Mif Marion, Mother, + I sat in the latter’s room, chatting for about 2 hours- Father did not dine at home. After our dinner Uncle Jn. amused us with stores of his boyish pranks. Mrs. Tinsley, Charley + Neddy came + accompanied us to prayer meeting. After Bible Class I came home, + spent a long time hunting for a sermon that has been mislaid- In the evening there was no company, + I have come up to my room at 9 1’4 o’clock, earlier than for a long time. Eva received a letter from Mary Gregory yesterday- Father f’m Dr. Beatly, + today from Mr. Edgar Woods—I am still unable to speak comfortable, + Mother says perhaps I am [taking?] the measles. If so, I am afraid I shall be quite sick, + I rather dread it- It is at least 7 years, I think, since I have been confined to my room an entire day, + perhaps longer. I am grateful to God for sparing me so graciously, + I pray that should he see fit to teat me otherwise, that with the affliction he will supply the grace to bear it meekly + patiently. The weather yesterday + today has been quite bright + pleasant, + most of the snow has melted. I long for the bright settled Spring weather. Monday, April 14th, 1862. Saturday morning I was so hoarse that I did not go to Sewing School. Mif Marion said “good bye” before she started. I spent the time till dinner in reading “[Moravian?] life in the Black Forest.” After dinner wrote to Maria- Mother sent for Doctor Wilson, who came about 6 o’clock, + on examining my throat said it was not inflamed, but there was a local weakness or relaxation of the muscles, + prescribed a gargle of ½ pt. sage tea, heaping teaspoonful or black pepper, […] of salt, + a tablespoonful of vinegar. He also told me to apply a mustard plaster to the lower part of my throat. I went to bed pretty early, but coughed nearly all night, + suffered from pain in my chest. I fell asleep about 6 ½ o’cl’k Sunday morning, + did not awaken till Mother called Father to worship. I got down while they were at breakfast. They would not let me do anything but made me sit in Mother’s room. After she + Eva had gone to Sunday School I dressed. Dr. Wilson came just before church + prescribed a mustard plaster for my throat + chest. While all were gone, I read (in addition to my Greek + English Scriptures,) some of President Davies’ Sermons- My dinner was sent up to me, tho’ I did not care for anything. For three hours after dinner I laid on Mother’s lounge with the immense plaster burning, + it left the same feeling for nearly equal length of time after its removal. Eva took my Mission Class- Last night I slept pretty well, + got up at 7 o’cl’k. Today the Doctor says I am better, but must not go out for a few days, + still preserve my silence. I have had one or two pretty severe coughing times today, but hope to sleep tonight. Mrs. Montague kindly sent me some blanc mange yesterday—Today I have spent almost altogether in my room, alone, to avoid the temptation of talking. Have been sewing on my calico wrapper. Spent the evening playing hymn tunes on the piano. Father thinks some of going to Pittsburgh + wheeling tomorrow- I must go to bed- Saturday Mother + Father rec’d letters fr’m Mr. Moore + Annie Lyon. Friday, April 18th, 1862. I have not felt able to write very much this week- Tuesday morning Uncle John went to Washington City before breakfast, + dear Father left for Pittsburgh + Wheeling, in the 8.30 train North. Mother + Eva went out shopping, + while they were gone Mrs. Falconer, + Mrs. Robert Soutter called, but staid only a little time. In the P.M. we cut the orange peel for marmalade. Uncle Jn. was home to tea. No company in eve. Wednesday I don’t recollect anybody’s being here. We got a note from Father written at Harrisburg. He met Professor […] A Muhlenberg on the cars- Sewed nearly all day. Uncle John left for home in the night train. E. + F. went with Helen Pearson to Lecture. She + Mrs. Braums came in + remained an hour after church. Mrs. Montague called just after tea. –The orange peel was cooked on Wed. + yesterday morn. I began to preserve it. It did very well, but about five minutes before the last was ready to come off, Eliza offered to stir for me, + as I was feeling very weary I gave the “paddle” to her + went to the dining room + took a drink, thinking it would refresh me. On the contrary I began to feel quite nauseated + exerted myself to reach the bathroom to vomit. Just as I knelt down to relieve my stomach, my sight + strength left me, + I fell over on the floor. I soon recollected enough to catch hold of the bath tub, + pull myself up, + to turn the cold water spigot, wet a wash cloth that was close to me, + drench my forehead + face. The water soon cleared my head, but I was very weak, I summoned all my energy after sitting a moment on the stairs + went down to Eliza, got her to pour out the fruit to cool, + taking some in a saucer to Mother, came right up to my room and laid on the lounge for half an hour- I felt better soon, + told them of it about dinner time- In the afternoon + evening read + sewed. Nobody to see me- Today I have spent about as usual. I am not strong, + the weather is so warm that I accomplish very little.—Major Lyon was here for a short time Tuesday A.M. very well. Is quite sanguine in regard to things round Old Point. William Carr was here this morning, just after his arrival from Allegheny. Look well. Fannie had a letter from Janie Q Brownie is in Mecklenburg County. A letter from Father + Mrs. Herron yesterday, + one from Grandma in Erie—There has been but little fighting at Yorktown yet— Saturday April 19th, 1862 This has been quite a cloudy damp day. Mother did not think I was strong enough to go to Sewing School, so I sat in her room fixing a pair of sleeves. Have had a very quiet time for the last week. Mif Mary Stevenson called this afternoon. A good many Union flags are displayed today, in commemoration of a year ago- How grateful should I be to my Heavenly Father for the safety + comfort in which I have been preserved during the past twelve months! What changes have transpired in that time! – I wrote to Grandpa yesterday before tea. Dear other is taking a cold –so am I. Tuesday, April 29th, 1862. Since I last wrote I have been more nearly sick than for many years. I wrote to Mrs. Gregory on the 19th, + have written but a little note since. On Sabbath, the 20tht, it was so wet + I was feeling so badly that I could not think of going out. I laid in the Study chair all day. Rev. Mr. Carroll (“Mrs. Lee’s husband”) preached in the A.M. + Dr. Elmendorf, Ref. Dutch of Brooklyn at night. Mif M. Murdoch dines with us. I presided at the table, + have not been down to my meals since, (except to tea one night,) till today when I dined with the family. I felt so badly, taking a fresh cold in my head +e., that Mother insisted upon sending for Dr. Wilson on Sunday the 20th, + he came just before church. Following his advice I took a hot footbath (mustard) + tea when going to bed. Monday I felt not much better. Tuesday he gave me some medicine for my cough, containing Morphia, Antimonial wine, Prussic acid, +e., + which beside making me sleepy, created great nausea which prevented me from eating anything, + caused vomiting twice- Mr. Eaton came about tea time + remained till Wednesday night- I dressed, though very weak, + went down to worship, + spent the evening in the parlor, Mr. + Mrs. Robbins being here. Wednesday I only ate a little piece of toast, + remained on the lounge all day, MR. Eaton sitting with us while in the house- Felt badly. Mrs. Hall called during the morn. Rec’d a telegram f’m Father to Mr. Whiteley, dated Cumberland, saying he was detained by high water, but would be home that night. Mr. Eaton left, on the Northern train at 8.30. No one went to Lecture, for want of escort. I slept up stairs. Father reached home at 3. A.M. Thursday after quite a perilous journey from Wheeling of over 50 hours! Crossed the raging Potomac at Harper’s Ferry in a skiff, on account of the bridge being gone. had had a charming time, + seems much improved—Finding that my medicine was making me so sick the Dr. allowed me to discontinue it. Thursday Mother received a very nice letter from Lieut. R.E. Prime dated “Camp Winfield Scott, near Yorktown, Virginia, Saturday evening April 19th, 1862.” It was quite interesting. Father received a short epistle from Willie Gurley-Friday I rec’d one from Eliza Ann Moorhead, + Saturday one f’m Etha Towson. Mrs. Sproston came to see us Thursday. Saturday I had a dreadful headache. Thursday, May 8th, 1862 On Sunday, April 27th, the Dr. called as usual, + I felt tolerably well, but after all had gone to church the quinine + iron (in pills,) which I had commenced taking on Sat., began to affect me very unpleasantly –indeed for a time I scarcely knew what to do- My head, + especially the left eye, ached severely, altogether I had quite an uncomfortable time- Monday I still felt badly. Mif MClintock, Mrs. Hall + Sallie called I believe- Tuesday I was better + have been getting better, tho’ I am not very strong. I took breakfast down stairs on Sunday + Monday but both before + since, in bed. I took a short walk on Saturday, Monday + since- Called at Mrs. Sproston’s yesterday. Mr. John Henry MKee was with us from Sat. to Monday. Quite a pleasant little visit- Dr. Wilson paid me what I suppose is his last visit today. We are expecting M. J. Kelley- Mother made half a dozen shirts for Father, three last week, + as many this, completing the sixth today— Mifes A. + M. Murdoch, Dr. M., Mrs. Dorsey, Mif + Mr. Holt spent Friday evening with us- + Mr. + Mrs. C. Whiteley + Mr. Robbins Tuedsay.—Rec’d letters from Mr. Moore, Maria, + Mr. Biggs during the past week. Friday, May 9th, 1862. In the evening Mr. Willy Sproston came; I sat wrapped up in my shawl. After a while Mr. Schoonmaker came, he had not received Mother’s note of Tuesday until after tea, as it was directed to Camp Carrol, + he had been detained from him regiment, 1st [US?] Calvery, to attend Major Belger’s Headquarters on Gay st. He was in full uniform, + looked strangely in the short jacket. We had quite a pleasant time. About 9 o’cl’k a carriage came, + Father going out met Mary Jane + Bell Kelley. They got their suppers, + came in the parlor.—Saturday morning May 10th, Eva + Mary went to Mrs. Carson’s to see M’s cousin Major Thos. Walker, of 111th Pennsa. + to do some shopping- While they were gone dear Mrs. Sproston called, + made us a nice visit. They got home before she left. In the P.M. I went to the closing of the Mifion Sewing School. The exercises consisted chiefly of singing by the children. Not very many visitors there. –Sabbath Father was wuite unwilling that I sh’d go to ch., so I remained chez nous. Bell spent the morning at Mrs. Carson’s. At night she remained with me- Monday the 12th, Mifes Montell + Dubois called in the A.M., + Emma Holt, Mrs. Hupfeld, Mifes Reynolds, Nevin, + Falconer, Mrs. Carson + Major Walker in the P.M. The gentleman remained to tea. Tuesday A.M. Father left by the B. + O. RR. for the Gen. Assembly at Columbus- In the evening Eva, Mary, Bell, + I took tea at Mrs. Carson’s with Mif Breckinridge- Mrs. Hall, Mr. H., Sallie + Lucy coming in the evening, with whom we walked home. Wed. evening while all but Bell + I were at church, Mr. J. L. MGee called to see Mary + waited for her. Thursday night all but Mother + me took tea at Mrs. Dorsey’s- Friday, the 16th, Mr. George Sproston was here, –Saturday I do not recollect much about. Sunday I went to church, where Mr. Carroll preached in the A.M. + Mr. Griffith Owen at night- I also attended Mifion School. Monday morning called on Mrs. Root. + Lizzie Lind. Took tea with Mrs. Sproston, + had a very pleasant time. Mif Fannie Hazlehurst + Mr. Dubois the other guest besides Eva, Mary Bell + me. mr. Willy sung a song with my accompaniment. Mr. Geo. walked home with me. Tuesday evening took tea at Mrs. hall’s where besides ourselves were Major Walker, Fannie Hazlehurst, Louise Robbins, & Emma + Ella Holt. A little before we left home a Brig. Gen. Sullivan (formerly of 13th Ind.) came to see Mary, & so she did not reach Mrs. Hall’s till ten o’cl’k. He escorted her home at 12 + remained till 2 o’cl’k in the morn. Mary + Bell left in the 8.30 train for Cumberland, on Wed. A.M., May 21st—That evening, while Dr. Wilson was visiting me, a card came saying “Sis + I have just arrived. A. W. Bowman, Eutard House.” Mother took the Dr. for an escort + brought Miss Ruth up here. That night Alex. Falconer called & took me to + from Lecture. Thurs. morning Capt. E. came + spent several hours very agreeably. In the evening Dr. Hupfeld, Mif Edna Haddie Kettlewell + Kate Ober wer here. Friday morn., May 23rd, Mif Ruth + I went to the Eutard house, & while she visited her brother in his apartment (he suffering from gout,) I read in the parlor & looked at Ge[…], Mrs. + Mif Dix. Then we went down town, up town, & all round, shopping & visiting the Cathedral, + Library, + finally took the st. cars below Calvert. were quite weary. Mifes Alice, Marion, & Annie Murdoch took tea, &spent evening, as also their brother. the Dr. Mif Ruth expected to leave but did not. Saturday eve. E. + F. exhibited a “mummy”—Mr. Farlin of Chicago called- Sunday we all went to ch. in the A.M. but Mif Ruth had to leave on account of her cough. Mr. Poisell preached. Mr. Whiteley introduced him to us- At night Mif Ruth & Eva remained at home0 Mr. Marshall preached- He, Alick + Maggie Falconer came with us home- Mr. M. told us there had been much disturbance down town, some men having threatened the lives of secessionists, & great excitement on account of the report of the destruction of the 1st Maryland Fed. reg. under Col. J. R. Kenly, at Front Royal- We had noticed unusual crowd’s on the street, but supposed the fineness of the day had attracted them. Monday morning, the 26th of May, when we came down to breakfast I took the paper, & what was our surprise & distress to see that Gen. Banks’ army had retreated from Front Royal, through Winchester, Martinsburg +e. + were safe on the Maryland side of the Potomac at Williamsport, followed by Gen. Jackson (confed.) who it was feared would march into Maryland! Such tidings we had never looked for, + scarcely knew how to believe—Mif Ruth left at 3 o’cl’k for Pittsburgh- Fannie went out to Herndon with Mary Lizzie. Mrs. Saul spent the evening, we sitting in the study. Tuesday morning Mother went out visiting. In the evening Emma & Ella Holt + Mr. Robbins were here –Wednesday, the 28th, I sewed nearly all day Called at Mrs. Hillyard’s & soon after my return a carriage came bringing Father, Uncle Jn. Mr., Mrs., + Jn. Herron. We fixed their rooms, & after tea I went to Lecture. Uncle had an attack of apoplexy in the cars between Cleveland + Pittsburg on the 16th, + was very feeble, -Mr. Herron was so weak he could scarcely walk—Tuesday the 3rd of June, Maria + her baby came- On Sat., May 31st, Gen Frank Herron came & remained all night- Monday after dinner I escorted our guests down the Green st. + Broadway Railways. We went into Ft. Fed. Hill. Tuesday Mr., Mrs., + Jn. Herron, went to Washington. I made ready for Maria, & just as I was dressed, Mrs. Sproston came & remained till the carriage came in wh. Uncle Jn. + I went to the Pres. st. Depot. to meet Maria. After waiting some time the train came, (I saw Mr. R. B. Carr on it,) & we brought M. up, + found Mrs. B. Whiteley + Emma in to spend the day, + Mr. W. to dine. Soon after attending to my guests Uncle Jn. was taken with a sinking spell, & we had to send for Dr. Wilson & apply mustard & other remedies while he was lying in the parlor. We. & Thursday I do not particularly remember. Friday, the 6th I went with Mr. Mrs. + Jn. H. in the omnibus to Mr. Whitelely’s after dinner, +came in at 5 o’cl’k. Mr. Rupell of Erie (whose wedding cards Grandma had sent us,) called + presented a note of introduction from Julius—Mr. George Sproston spent the evening- Sat. morn. Mother, Maria, Mrs. + Mr. Herron & I called on Mr. & Mrs. Rupell at Barnum’s. After dinner Mrs. H. + Maria went riding with the bride + groom, who took + spent the evening with us, + left in a terrible storm. Sunday morning I remained at home with Uncle John- [That fatal day! I will mention it in another place-) I don’t recollect much about the next week until Thursday, the 12th, when Mr. Easter + Mif Mortimer were married in Westminster, + Mr. + Mrs. + J. Herron left. I think it was that morning dear Mrs. Sproston called. I had a long pleasant visit with her alone, before any one else came down. Friday + Saturday were the preparatory days to the Communion, wh. was administered Sabbath the 15th, & Wesley Merrman + Mif Harriet Robinson united upon profession. Monday I went out shopping with Mother in the morning, + to call on Miss Knebs, & int eh P.M. to see the Mifes Daniel, Mrs. Weeks, Mrs. Carson, Mrs. + Mif Goe, + Mifes Coulter. Tuesday Maria & I called at Mrs. Falconer’s. Wednesday, 18th, Cousin Dwight came. Sunday the infants of Messrs Holiday, Smith, + Dushane, (+ perhaps others,) were baptized. Monday night 23rd Dwight, Maria + baby left. I see I forgot to mention that Tuesday, the 10th Gen. Herron spent the evening- + we three were at a party at Mrs. Robbins, the “lions” of wh. were Horace, + some of his comrades from “Co. G. 22 N.Y.S.M.” then encamped in Patterson’s Park. I did not become very much acquainted with any but Mr. Wm. Soutter, Mrs. Falconer’s nephew. We did not reach home till nearly 1 o’cl’k. Eddy escorting us- The 22nd went to Harper’s Ferry on June 19th. The remainder of that week (beginning the 23rd,) I spent chiefly in sewing, & going to Mrs. Sproston’s. Friday Mif Towson + her brother were here. Thursday Mif Solomon, Dr. Hupfeld, Helen Pearson + her sisters. Sat. eve Mr. + Mrs. Farlin- Monday 30th Uncle Jn. left. Father going to Harrisburg- Thursday, July 3rd, Mif Harding came. Major Walker, + Mrs. Erskine Carson called. E. + I went to Mr. Murdoch’s + remained till Saturday. A J. Prime, Mr. D., the Lieut.’s Father was here searching for his son who was wounded at [G?]aines’ Hill June 27th. We rec’d a note f’m him (A.J.P.) on Monday July 7th, saying he had heard of him, + a letter for the Lieut. some days later, giving particulars. Sabbath the 13th Mr. R. Crangle was here, + Mr. Alvich came, remaining till Tuesday. Saturday eve. the 19th Messrs. R. + J. Crangle + J. Dalzell were here, + also to dine on Sabbath. Rec’d on Sabbath the “Memoir of Mrs. Lowrie,” f’m her husband who called here about the 25th or 26th of June, + promised it to me. Have been sewing, & going out with Mif H. Mif M. Murdoch spen Friday + Saturday, July 18th +19th with us- There have been dreadful battles, + many things more worthy of note than there I have mentioned, but time will not suffice— This world will never look so bright again to many sorrowing souls— God grant the chastening […] for the present are not joyous but grievous. […] work out a far more exceeding + eternal weight f glory to see who are exercised therby- MCD. [Single leaf folded in half and torn on the fold where it once may have been pamphlet stitched. In pencil on top of front side: 4] Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. Tuesday, July 8th, 1862. How to attempt the recital of the events of the past three weeks. I scarcely know.—On Tuesday, June 17th, Maria & I went out to return calls. We went first to Mrs. Falconer’s, & after leaving did some shopping, & reached Mrs. Sproston’s door between 12 & 1 o’clock. Upon ringing the bell the door was opened by Mr. Geo., which made me fear that his Mother was ill, as he was usually absent at such an hour. Before I could speak he said, “I have just been round to your house, Miss Maggie, to find your Father. I have this morning received intelligence that I scarcely know how to communicate to you--- My brother John is dead!” Had a thunder bolt fallen at my feet I could not have received a greater shock! I could only exclaim “Oh Mr. Sproston!” He added that he could not tell his Mother, & wanted Father to do it.—We left, I told Maria I could do no more visiting, but she said she would go to Mrs. Hall’s, so I took her to the corner of German & Penn sts., + gave her directions, & then came home. Father was just about going-I could only go to my room, & pray God to support. [In pencil on recto second half of leaf: Lieut.[…] Sproston’s death.] [In pencil on front of booklet: Civil war […] 5 Saturday, July 26th, 1862. Sewed this morning from breakfast time till nearly 11 o’cl’k, when I dressed & went with Eva to see Mifes V. Knight, V. Li[…]erman, M. Haskell, H. Pearson, + Mrs. J. H. Easter- At the corner of Paca + Saratoga we separated, & I went to see dear Mrs. Sproston. She rested better last night. Came home just after they had gone to dinner- After dinner sewed & wrote to Mif Harding in reply to a note announcing her safe arrival at Phila. Read some, dressed for supper, spent the evening in reading, practicing + talking- Tuesday morn. of this week Mif Harding & I walked out to Mr. W. F. Murdoch’s- Wednesday afternoon we + Eva rode with Mrs. Walter Brooks to Mr. Johns Hopkins’ place. Coming home saw the mob at D. H. Miller’s, N. W. cor. of Monument + Cathedral. Went to ch. at night. Thursday Miss H. left. Friday morn. I called to see Mrs. Sproston who reached home the night before. No company in the evening but Mr. & Mrs. Robbins on Monday- Mr. & Mrs. Potter on Thursday + Mifes Alice + Marion Murdoch yesterday were the callers- E. + F. took tea at Mrs. Falconer’s on Thursday. Father + Mother spent last eve, after tea, at Mrs. Sproston’s—I have received no letters this week, but wrote to Maria, Dr. John C. Lowrie, Uncle George, + Rev. H. W. Biggs. The weather is pretty warm, but there is every prospect of a storm tonight. May God prepare us all for the Sabbath, if it be his will we should see it.—M.C.D. Saturday, August 2nd, 1862. Last Sabbath we were alone, the first time for many months. The text in the A.M. was 1st Timothy, 1:5. At mission school none of my class present, so took charge of Mif Hillyard’s. At night sermon on Daniel 11:31-35. Monday morning, directly after breakfast, went out shopping, to the dressmaker’s, & to call on Mrs. C. Dunlap. In the afternoon, while reading in my room, was greatly surprised by Mr. + Mif Harding coming, as we had not expected them until Tuesday. That evening E. + F. exhibited the mummy. Tuesday I was indoors until evening when I went to inquire for Mrs. King- + to see dear Mrs. Sproston, but she was out. Father was away at tea time, Major Lyon came while we were at the table, + remained an hour. Mr. + Mif H., E., + F went to see Mrs. Falconer a few moments, + while they were gone Mr. J. K. White, Mif Ginnie, + Mr. H. Clay Towson came to spend the evening. Clay received the $100 gold premium (Peabody,) at the Commencement- Wednesday A.M/ Mif H. + her brother left, via B. +o. RR, for home. I sewed all day on Eva’s travelling dress- Went to ch. at night. Thursday morning went to see Mrs. Sproston, + afterwards called on Mrs. Farlin, Mrs. Davison, Mif Steveson, & Mrs. Hupfeld. Spent the P.M. in cutting out work. Rev. Mr. Simonton of Rio de Janeiro took tea + spent the evening, + Revs. Messrs. Hays & Smith were here. Yesterday sewed all day. Father in the country in the evening. Today have sewed. I have received no letters this week. Amongst those rec’d by the family some are from Mrs. R. Crangle, Mrs. E. Woods, Uncle Lyman Laurence, a note f’m Uncle Geo. by Mrs. Freidenricks +e. Tuesday, August 5th, 1862. Saturday evening went to see Mrs. Sproston but she was out riding. Sabbath A.M. the text was 1st Peter, 1:6+7. The sermon was even better than usual I thought. In Mifion School Michael, Caroline & three new scholars composed my class. But 89 children present. Very few at Monthly Concert. At night the subject was Daniel 11:36-39. Rain in the evening about 6. Yesterday morning I did a little shopping for Mother directly after breakfast, & then sewed nearly all the rest of the day. Fannie went to Herndon with Mr. W. about 3 ½ o’clock. I accompanied Father to the Monthly Union Presbyterian Prayermeeting, which was at the South ch. last night. Very small attendance. About 50. Father + Messrs Potter, Horner & Maxwell spoke + prayed. Messrs Brown + Freeman came up in the car with us- Went to bed soon after our return. –After a very hot night rose this morning before 5 o’cl’k. Read + wrote before breakfast. At ten o’cl’k went to see dear Mrs. Sproston + had sweet little visit with her. Came home + preserved 2 qts. of blackberries. Read until dinner. After it practiced some time. Received a letter from Mif Harding- Wrote for some time on a little article. Read my old Journal- +e. The past three or four days have been very warm. I did not wonder people are anxious to go away. Father + I had a chat with Dr. Wilson last night, whilst waiting for a car, at the corner of Saratoga + Greene sts.—For a week, yes, nearly a month, there has at times been an undefinable dread overhanging me. What it may portend I know not, but it may be my speedy death. There is so much trouble in the world! –Uncle Geo Moorhead died a week ago tonight, July 29th, aged 70 yrs. My Grandma’s younger brother. “He called often for Chrissy” (my unknown Grandma,) says Cousin Joseph B. Moorhead, who communicated the sad intelligence. She had been dead over 26 years! Uncle Robert, & Aunt Anne are the only remaining members of that large family- Aunt A. must be 82 now. My memories of dear old Uncle James M., who died 8 yrs. since, are so sweet—I am thankful for such pious relatives—This morning the startling news that a draft of 300,000 troops is ordered immediately, + if the 300,000 volunteers, called for a few weeks ago, are not forthcoming in two weeks, that number is also to be completed by drafting, making more than half a million new men- These make 1,175,000 men called out since April 19th, 1861, only 16 months ago! Oh war, wicked war! Where will these scenes of blood cease? Only God can restore peace + quiet again to the land. Wednesday, August 6th, 1862. Yesterday evening Mr. Robbins came & remained till after 10 o’cl’k, I became very sleepy- The night was very hot, & today had been so. Father saw a man sun struck, down town today. I spent the morning in putting away preserves, arranging cupboards, writing to Fan, + sewing. After dinner sewed till I finished the work on which I was engaged, + then came up stairs + read, + wrote- No news that I have heard today. Last night I learned that some apprehensions were entertained for the safety of this section, & that Gen. Burnside was at Alexandria, ready for any invaders, should they come. We hear things coolly now that a year + a half ago would have wrought us up to the highest pitch of excitement- I have been trying to decide about my few possessions, in order that I may make a little will, to guide my friends in their distribution in case of my death. I hope the blessed Master will make me glorify him whether living or dying. I do think I feel now perfectly resigned to his will, though too often, alas! I am wishing for things that are wrong. I cannot be sufficiently grateful for the unnumbered blessings that have been bestowed on me from my earliest existence until now. My life does not express the love to Christ that it should, & though I do long & pray earnestly for the conversion of the world, I do nothing openly for it, I am afraid- Tonight is Lecture, Father is considering Matthew now & is in the 3rd Chapter. I like his expositions very much. The sermons on Sabbath were so good + timely. Thursday, August 7th, 1862. Lieutenant Prime took tea with us tonight! Poor fellow! he looks miserably, * yet is en route to join his regiment before Richmond! Father was down town & quite unexpectedly met him at the Eutaw House, where he arrived this morning having left home last evening. His wound was caused by a musket ball entering the left (I think) limb above the knee, & as it came within a quarter of an inch going through had to be cut out! It is not entirely healed yet, & he walks a little lame- He was wounded Friday, June 27th at Gaines’ Hill, & reached home, after many, many providential escapes, on Monday, July 7th. I wish I had time to record some of his experiences. Last night, after returning from church, Father soon retired, + about 10 o’cl’k the rest of us followed his example. Before I was ready for bed there was a ring of the door bell, so redressing, I got a candle + went down, + found Major Lyon + Mr. Farry Rogers of Erie, wanting Father to accompany them tot eh Camden street Hospital to talk to a young man by the name of Hill, of the 83rd Pa. Vols., who was dying from the result of amputation of his foot. he had been wounded before Richmond during those awful battles, + lay for two weeks on the field, was taken to Richmond, + finally brought here, where he was operated upon + seemed to be recovering, till yesterday morning, when the ligatures face way, mortification began, + hope was resigned. Father remained till after midnight, & said the scene was heart rending. He died before morning, I think. This morning Mother + Eva went out shopping, & after their return Mr. Jacob Hornbrook called, but only saw Father. About 11 ½ I went & had a pleasant visit of an hour with dear Mrs. Sproston. Came home & sewed till dinner time + also afterward till nearly 4 o’cl’k, when I dressed + read an hour or more, + after 6 went down to practice, at which I was employed when Lieut. Prime came, + was received by Eva & me, Mother soon joining us. At tea he asked the blessing—While at the table Rec. Mr. Simonton came, supped, + afterwards spent the evening. I rec’d a note from Fannie- When worship was over, & we returned to the parlor, Lieut. P. said he could stay no longer, as he had another call to make tonight, but would come again tomorrow. We were sorry to have him go, but engaged him to dine with us- We succeeded in inducing him to take one of Father’s canes, as we feared there might be danger of his falling—How I do pity his poor Mother + sisters! He says his Mother seems much broken down since he had been away from her- & what wonder is it? How can one have a mind at ease when a beloved friend or relative is in danger? God grant to be his shield + buckler, his defender in the day of battle, to long spare his life for usefulness—My heart sickens when I think on the realities of this dreadful war— What arithmetic can compute the grief & anguish it has already caused throughout this once happy peaceful land? When such thoughts possess me I almost hate the Secessionists, who can countenance the cause of it all. Friday, August 8th, 1862. This morning, after my usual Friday morning household duties, I went to see Mrs. Sproston, coming home about 12 o’cl’k. I then came up & after cooling off with a wash, + reading a letter f’m Mrs. Mary Richardson Sargent, donned my light laurn with the pink stripe, & put on a blue sash, “red, white, + blue.” I then went to the dining room, & wrote there till about 1 ½ o’clock when Lieutenant Ralph E. Prime came- We had a very pleasant time with him till half past three, when he left us to go to the steamer, on which I presume he is now sailing to Fortress Monroe. I was speaking of my collection of autographs, + he offered to procure for me those of his Grandfather, Rev. Nathaniel S. Prime, & of his Uncles- He told us of the prayermeetings they used to have some times down on the Peninsula, & that their Chaplain, Mr. Winslow (Episc.) had preached but twice to them, + was apparently disinclined to resign that a more energetic man should take his place. He spoke in high terms of a Mr. Walker, chap. of the 1str Connecticut. After our dinner of lamb, potatoes, corn & tomatoes, we had a dessert of water-ice, which seemed to be something new—At the table he told us of the wonderful exploit of a young 2nd Lieut. Sedgwick, aged but 17. He expressed his own views in regard to war generally which pleased me much. He believes it a species of butchery, a barbarous method of settling difficulties, + though if there be necessity he is willing (& has done it too,) to fight as well as he can, yet he does not long for battles, but would greatly prefer bloodless victories, + running of foes. Gen. MClellan, he says, has never been spoken against by a soldier or officer of his army—After dinner, when we adjourned to the parlour, & I put on my glasses, I observed that he now wears the straps of a First Lieut. Talked a good deal about his Father, who writes for Harper- I have not time to record all that was discussed, save that it was very very pleasant & we were sorry to see him go—Father + Mother went out to Herndon at 4 ½ + reached home about 8 ½, where they found with us Mr. Rogers, + Major Lyon, who had come a short time precious, + remained an hour—The weather has been very oppressive all day, even the morning + evening being hot, & even now, late as it is, I would anticipate little comfort in going to bed, were I not so drowsy. I don’t know [how] high the mercury has been. The moon is bright as silver, + sheds a beautiful luster over everything. It must be charming on the bay, where the fresh sea breeze tempers the atmosphere- I am glad for the Lieut.’s sake- Father advised him to spend the night on deck, which we all though w’d be more comfortable. It did distress me to see him returning to camp life, while in such a feeble condition. It is evidently quite difficult to walk with his disabled limb, + besides that, he seems weak, & easily fatigued. He c’d not go into battle now. I pray God to take care of him, & all others in peril, sick, wounded, or prisoner. He was letting us yester e’en, that as he lay wounded at Savage Station with Revel shot flying around, he almost hoped a hell would kill him, rather than that he should fall into the hands of the Rebels, so great was his horror of their cruelty. Monday, August 11th, 1862. Saturday I was in the house all day, sewing on my white wrapper. Bery hot, Fannie came home before tea. No one here in the evening- Sunday A.M. text was Hebrews 2:3,4. In the afternoon very small school, owing to the intense heat. At night the subject was Daniel 11:40v, to end of chap. Hon. M.B. Lowry called just before church time, to inquire Major Lyon’s whereabouts- Today I have not gone out. In the forenoon wrote letters to Mif Harding, + Mary Kelley, + a note to Mrs. Sproston, with some lilies. Spent the remainder of the time in reading- After dinner wrote in the Sewing School book. The weather still very warm, + many deaths from coup de soleil have occurred during the last few days- Some also from use of ice water while heated. Many are sick with low fevers—There has been considerable excitement here Saturday + today- Mr. Secretary Stanton’s order on Saturday caused the military authorities to restrict travel from here, even to the environs of the city. Guards were stationed on all the avenues leading out of the city, + at the Depots to stop those attempting to escape the draft. Indeed our opposite neighbor was unable to get permission to go to Cape May for his wife & children, because he w’d not take the oath, & is subject to draft. Such a condition as this country is in! By tonight’s papers we hear of terrible fighting at Culpeper. It commenced Saturday + kept up till midnight, the horrid conflict being lightened by the calm bright moon, whose silvery rays I though so beautiful, little dreaming of bloody scene then being transacted beneath them. Aleck Dickson, the only child of Uncle Thomas & Aunt Isabel, is among the many wounded of the 111th Penn. regt. Several of the Generals were injured at the last report. Gen. Banks was in command- tho’ Gen. Pope himself came on the field. Jackson + Ewell were the Rebel leaders- The Rebels issued a dreadful order the other day, exhibiting their ferocity- God preserve our officers from falling into their hands, if they follow it out. Their barbarous murder of Gen. [Robert] MCook, overturning the ambulance in wh. the sick man lay, + killing him in cold blood while on his knees begging for quarter will not soon be forgotten, by Western soldiers at least- What a reckoning is in store for the human authors of this strife- I fear even I, though but a woman, have some responsibility, inasmuch as I did not pray earnestly for my country & rulers as I should. May we come forth from this furnace of affliction purified—I pity the poor soldiers exposed to this great heat. So many of them are unused to this climate at any rate, + to be exposed to the rays of the sun is almost dangerous now. I do hope Lieut. Prime will escape the effects of it, though it seems very doubtful- It is late + I just go, so good night, is it forever? Such “a sense of grief to be” possesses me every now & then that I scarcely can interpret it—M.C.D— Saturday, August 16th, 1862. Tuesday morning I went up to Mrs. Hillyard’s to inquire for Miss Mary- & after returning home went with Mother to see Mrs. Friedenreiche (103 E. Lombard st.) the lady from Vancouver, then to Mrs Hays, Lloyd st. I stopped at Mrs. Sproston’s but she was not well enough to see me- The morning was extremely hot; but about 1 ½ o’clock there was a sever storm of wind + rain which greatly cooled the air. Wednesday Eva + Mother packed; we all went to church at night. Rec’d a letter fr’m Julius saying he was in Harrisburg- Quite a disappointment to Mother. Thursday Father, Mother + Eva left in the 8.20 train N. Central Railway. After they were gone, I gave Mother’s room a regular sweeping + dusting + put things to rights generally. Spent an hour with dear Mrs. Sproston. In the P.M. Fannie studied, + I sewed. Father got home before tea time, + went to see Mif Hillyard, who was much worse. Yesterday morning after looking after the silver, cupboards, +e., I went to Mrs. Falconer’s, + f’m thence to see Mrs. Farlin, where I sat some time, + stopped a while with Mrs. Sproston. Sewed all afternoon- Read + wrote in the evening. This morning was wakened about daybreak by some one knocking at the front door. I aroused Father who found that Mif Hillyard was though to be dying, + they wanted him to come- After breakfast, I attended to my duties as housekeeper, came to my room, + after reading a while, sewed till noon, then wrote long letter to Mother. Fannie having gone to the Library did not get home till we were nearly through dinner. The weather is very cool- We miss Mother + Eva, but they are having a fine time I reckon- I have received letters this week from Mif Etha Towson, Cousin Maria, + Cooke Wilson- Father rec’d one from Lieut. Prime on Thurs. It was dated in the Hospital near Harrison’s Landing, James River, Aug 11th last Monday. He reached the Landing a week ago tonight, about dark, + finding no conveyance had to hobble a full mile to his regt., through weather even hotter than in Baltimore- Sunday he spent in camp, + Monday (the day he wrote,) they sent him to the hospital- Where the poor fellow may be now, I don’t know, for some of the papers intimate that Harriosn’s L’d’g + all points so far up the Peninsula are [now?] deserted, + no one knows where the army has been moved during the last few days. Loaded transports have come down James river + passed Fortress Monroe without stopping, going up the Chesapeake to some Va rivers- Lieut. P. spoke in his letter of preparations for some sudden move- We scarcely know what to expect- The fall of Richmond I hope- The officers are enrolling the militia—I hope there will be no disturbance here- The weather is charming today. It is much like my last days at Woodburn- One year ago this morning I bade good bye to the dear spot- Will I ever again see it? How I do long for intercourse with some of my friends there!—I think I will write to Mr. Moore this afternoon. Monday. August 18th, 1862. Saturday I wrote quite a lengthy letter to Mr. Moore- While we were at worship Mr. Simonton came. He led us inprayer, & spent the evening, we had quite a pleasant time. About 10 o’cl’k, Agnes brought some ice water in, + I took the salvor from her to offer to the gentlemen, as I handed it to Mr. S. the glassed slipped. –I think a little water was spilled on him- He jumped + I apologized. It was very awkward. Yesterday morning Fannie took charge of Mother’s class- The day was cool & the congregations very good. Text in the morning Heb. 2:14+15. At night last two verses of Dan. 11, + first of Dan. 12- Mifion school very small. The prayers of the ch. were requested for Mif Hillyard at morning service, but she died at 6 12 P.M.— Today was busy till nearly noon with household cares- Then went to Mrs. Sproston’s. Dr. Perkins called during my visit. Since dinner have sewed + read, Mr. Train has a great speech to the Irish. Mother is safe in Erie- a note received yesterday announces their arrival. Wednesday, August 20th, 1862. Monday evening there was no company. Father sat in the Study reading, & Fannie + I in the parlor, talking in the starlight of Lula, + her death. About 10 o’clock we went out to look at the comet, I played a little, + then we came up to our rooms. Yesterday morn I sent by Wm. some lilies to Mrs. Sproston, + an invitation to Mrs. Farlin- Spent the morning in sewing. Fannie went about 4 o’cl’k for Mrs. F., who had started, + reached here about 5. Fan went to Gerrie Vickers— We had quite a pleasant time, Mr. F. coming to tea. Mr. Robbins spent the evening. Told us that Mrs. Hall returned yesterday. Mrs. Saul came in the night. We rec’d a note from Mother penciled at Elmna. This morning I have been cooking some fruit- Think I will have to go out to make some visits- Thursday, August 21st, 1862 Father having received from Dr. Gurley a note yesterday, saying he w’d spend Thursday night with us, en route to West River, I prepared the spare room for him, before breakfast. Father had a wedding at 1 ½ o’cl’k near Franklin Square. Mif Edna sent over to invite me to drive with them this evening, but owing to Dr. Gurley’s coming I declined- After dressing I called on Mrs. Sproston who was out, on Mif MClintock 82 Columbia st., Mrs Carr 21 Haw, Mrs. Robbins + Mrs. Hall, on Lombard Mrs. R. kindly gave me vignettes of herself + Horace. In the afternoon took a short nap, after which I dressed for the evening in my clean white wrapper, with blue sash, & went to sit with Father in the parlor— [In pencil on front of booklet: Civil war news 6 Sept 1, 1862-Oct 6, 1862] Monday, September 1st, 1862. On Thursday evening, August 21st about 7 o’clock, Dr. Gurley came, looking quite feeble from his recent illness- He intended going to West River the next morning, but as soon as we saw how weak he was, & that his symptoms were quite like those of typhoid fever, Father persuaded him that it would be wrong to go- No one was here that evening, but I enjoyed listening to Father + him conversing. Friday Mif Edna called to renew her invitation to drive, which I accepted with the proviso of being returned home in time for dinner [dinner is crossed out in pencil with the word “tea” written above it]. Father + Dr. G. spent the morning in the Study. After dinner the Dr. went to his room to sleep, Father went out, & at 5 Mif Edna, Dr. + Mrs. Hupfeld called for me, + we went to Greenmount + Drived Hill. When I came home it was tea time, & the evening was spent in listening to the conversation of the two ministers, chiefly upon the subject of Christ’s sufferings & death. Saturday morning I went to see Mrs. Sproston, + spent most of the day at home. After dinner Father + Dr. Gurley went out, + after attending to the marketing +e., I dressed in my new white wrapper, & sat down to read the American. I was hardly settled when a wind storm arose, creating such a cloud of dust that I ran up stairs, + fixed all the windows- Soon after getting back to the parlor + paper Dr. Gurley & Mr. Simonton came [+] followed in a few moments by Father. We talked, examined my Virgina map, + looked at tho rain till tea time- While at the table we could hear the rain descending in torrents, & after worship, when we returned to the parlor, the storm was very severe. Mr. S. exhibited a beautiful bug, the Diamond Beetle of Brazil, wh. he very kindly presented to me- We all sat in the dark for some time, talking, with frequent flashes of lightening illuminating the room. At last the gas was lighted + we spent the remainder of the evening in the back parlor. Mr. Simonton made himself very agreeable to us girls, as Father + Dr. G. engrossed each other. We looked at the Chinese & Japanese books, ivory carvings, Egyptian + European coins, Nile + Red Sea water, + e. Mr. S. left soon after ten o’clock, & Dr. G. + Father having discussed their early clerical life we retired at eleven. Sabbath morning Fannie having taken Mother’s class + Father having gone to Sunday School together. He preached from “That I may win Christ.” He divided his sermon into three heads, I What is it “to win Christ?” “II What is gained by winning Christ?” III Have you “won Christ?” It was a most solemn + excellent discourse— After church we were somewhat surprised to be greeted by Mr. + Mrs. James MCreery of Paris— I went to Mifion School at 3, which Father + Dr. G. visited, + --A young Mr. [Gernmel?], a friend of the Mifes Murdch spoke to me after school, as also did Mr. Stilson, who apologized for not recognizing me in church in the morning. Mr. Willy Sproston was there, but could not remain. after I came home the gentlemen went to hear Rev. Geo. P. Hayes at the Institute + did not return till tea time, soon after wh. we went to ch. Fannie with Father + I with Dr. Gurley. He said if the young ladies were willing he would sit with them, but Father was so anxious to have him make the first prayer, that he consented to accompany him to the pulpit. We were not wholly disappointed however, for after the prayer, as Father rose to read the hymn, Dr. G. took his hat & came down to our pew. Father’s text was Daniel XII, 2. The Resurrection, + such a sermon! I don’t think my partiability for him biased my opinion, but I do think it was grand—Mr. Simonton spoke to us in the vestibule- Dr. Gurley & I talked of the sermon on our way home, + after reaching the parlor we all sat for a long time, Father + he conversing on the most interesting of themes to me—They spoke of their own religious experience, of that they had ministered +e—I could have listened for hours—Monday morn. I called on Mrs. MCreery at the boarding house 53 Lexington st. (Mrs. Sproston’s, first) + Mif Barrus’ 70 Coutland. Coming down St. Paul st. to the Library I was greatly astonished to meet Mif Maguire, a former teacher of mine. We had quite a long talk. Many Lizzie dined with us, & took Fan home with her at 4 o’clock. I sat in the Study nearly all afternoon. We had tea [at] 6 o’clock, + Dr. Gurley left for West Point in the 7 o’clock train east. I was really sorry to bid “good bye,” for I have enjoyed his visit so much- After worship Father went to see Mrs. Falconer, + when he returned we went up to the Study to read. About 8 ½ o’clock Mr. Simonton was announced, + father sent me down to entertain him- We had a very pleasant chat. When Father finished his paper, he joined us- The death of our friend a Mr. Clemens, a missionary to [Corised?], wh. occurred on the Greyhound, on June 24th was discussed. Mr. Simonton bade us “good bye,” as he was to leave for Washington City on Tuesday. Father asked him to preach for us some day. Tuesday (Aug. 26th,) I sewed some, & invited Mif Mary Stevenson to dine with us. she remained till nearly 5 o’cl’k- In the evening Father went to see Mrs. Sproston. No company here. Wednesday I went to Mrs. Sproston’s + to a bookstore. Mrs. White & Nannie called before tea. Went to Lecture with Father. Thursday went to Mrs. Freidenrich’s + rode to Dolphin st. went to No 57 to see Mif Towson, & called at Mrs. Montell’s on my way home—Tempie Fenton called. In the evening Mr. Brams was here to see Father. Friday I was in the house all day. Mif M. Murdoch called before tea. Mrs. Saul for a short time afterwards. Father went for a few moments to Mr. A. C. Hall’s + before he got back Mr. & Mrs. MCreery came to spend the evening. They remained till after 10 o’cl’k- Saturday morn. I went to Mrs. Sproston’s, + Mrs. A. H. Clark’s, + spent the rest of the morning in sewing. Fannie came home soon after dinner- No visitors, & I came to my room early- The text was [large blank]. mrs. MCreery was ill, & had to leave during the sermon. A regiment passing nearly drowned Father’s voice with their drum + fife- In the afternoon no pupils of my own, but five stragglers- Mr. George Sproston was there for the first time since their great bereavement—At night Father thought it too damp for Fannie to go out, so I occupied the pew alone- This morning have been engaged about the house—During these ten days we have had letters from Mother, + Eva, Mr. Moore, Mif Harding, +e. The last three or four days have been marked with blood in our national annals- More or less fighting has been going on, + may be even now in progress on the Virginia side of the Potomac within 20 miles, (+ some times nearer,) of Washington!Already 8,000 of our Federal forces lie dead + wounded, + appeals for surgeaons, nurses, [lint?], +e. have been sent abroad –500 surgeons & nurses went yesterday from N.Y., Phila., + Balt. Among them Dr. Murdoch- The issue I presume is not very doubtful, but there is some desperate fighting some fears have been entertained for Balt. but I am as calm as ever- The Md. Institute + New Assembly Rooms are taken for Hospitals, + the churches may be seized—God be with the right- + bring us speedily to the end of this— Wednesday, September 3rd, 1862. Yesterday morning after my usual duties I went to market, bought some pears, came home, & began to preserve. A Mrs. Culbertson of 288 Madison st. called just before I was done, & ere I got back to the kitchen my fruit had become pear jam. I dressed + went to Mrs. Sproston’s, where I had a sweet visit- Came home just at dinner time, & soon after at 3 ½ o’cl’k, Fannie & I started to Mr. Murdoch’s- We had a very pleasant walk * visit, & reached home at 6 ½. Washed & dressed for tea. In the evening I was just settled in the Study with dear Father, + fan playing in the parlor, when Mif Helen Pearson came & remained till nearly 10 ½, her brother + cousin coming over for her. Today I have been in the house, Miss. Farline, [Mayne?] & Hall being my visitors- I forgot to say Dr. Wilson called yesterday while we were all out, for which I was very sorry—Such a day as this has been I never wish to spend again! At breakfast dear Father said we had better gather together our little objects of value in order to have them ready sh’d Jackson + Lee necessitate a second [hegira?] from Baltimore –It is so late I must stop + get some sleep lest we might have to leave in the early train tomorrow. Saturday, September 13th, 1862. Thanks to a gracious master we are still unmolested, though during my ten-day’s silence we have had some stirring times. On Thursday, the 4th, Agnes + I cleaned Mother’s room getting all done before supper time. Mrs. Saul spent part of the evening. Mrs. W. R. Lincoln called during the day. On Friday morning after breakfast, while dusting the parlor, there was a ring at the door, + supposing it to be the Carrier or William, I did not stop, a little to my surprise the door opened & in walked Rev. Mr. Simonton, who, we thought was in Harrisburg or some equally remote place. He told us that he had only returned from Washington the night before, + was kept there by a sort of fascination during the scenes of great excitement. He spoke some of leaving- After attending to my usual duties I went to Mrs. Sproston’s + Mrs. Dorsey’s. When I reached home found Kate Luckett spending the day, by invitation . Fan asked Father something about Mr. Simonton, + hearing he was talking of going to Harrisb’g that afternoon, we reminded Father that he had asked him to preach on Sunday night. He had forgotten entirely to renew the invitation, + immediately went to Mr. S.’s boarding house, + succeeded in persuading him to remain- He came back with Father, + we had quite a pleasant time. Kate’s aunts called for her before tea, + she went home- In the evening Dr. + Mrs. Hupfeld […] Mif Edna, Mr. Robbings, & Mr. George Sproston were here. The latter remained but a short time. Saturday we received letters f’m Mother, Platt, Maria + Julius J. saying he had a boarding place for us, which Mr. Simonton said was a very pleasant house, + urging us to come immediately— Fannie + I went to see my Mifion children, + found that Emma Bowers had died of croup, on August 16th— William Carr went to Allegheny on Friday night, the 5th- Saturday afternoon I spent in writing- About 4 o’cl’k Mr. Simonton returned, having dined with Mrs. Smith (his landlady.) + brought a package of Rio papers, which he had just rec’d. He + Father soon went down town, + while gone his baggage came. In the evening there was no company. The rumors of the Confederates crossing into Maryland were increasing, + Sunday morning it was measurably confirmed that they were in Frederick City. Father preached in the morning from Deut. [32:8,9 written in pencil]. In the afternoon was Monthly Concert. Mr. Simonton listened to Mr. Lefevre in the morning, & at night gave some account of the Protestant Missions in South America, + particularly in the Empire of Brazil. It was quite interesting. One incident was new to many that some Huguenots established a Protestant Colony in an island in the bay of Rio de Janeire in 1555 under the auspices of Admiral Coligany, but their leader, (Villegagnon, I think) became perverted, + their most bitter persecutor.—On our return from ch. Father _ Mr S. talked for a long time upon religious subjects. Monday morning the alarm in the city was so great that Father told us to have our baggage ready to leave at 3 o’cl’k, should it be necessary, under Mr. Simonton’s escort, for Harrisburg. When the time came the danger seemed less imminent, + although our things are still packed, we are here yet. Monday evening Mr. S. took tea out, + no company was here- Tuesday morning, the 9th, Father went to the Depot for Mother, but not finding her concluded she was waiting in Pittsburgh or Harrisburg. Things beginning to threaten the safety of the N. Central R.R. he nearly concluded to go to Harrisburg to meet her. Mr. Simonton went to the Post Office to get the letters, sh’d any be there, + father handed over his money + papers to me, in case anything should befall him. Dinner was hastened, + while sitting at it a dispatch from Pitt. came inquiring if it were safe for Mother to come here- Father left for the Depot to ascertain, + possibly to go on. After his departure our dinner. Father did not get his telegram off in time for him to go to Harrisb’g. Mr. Simonton & Mr. Brams went out to Mr. Murdoch’s to spend the evening, + asked Fannie + me to accompany them, but Father declined. Mr. Robbins came while I was reading the Princeton Review to Father. A Mr. Street was married to a Miss Schley of Federick- He was to go to Germany, unexpectedly, + they wished it kept secret. Father went to bed after Mr. R. left & Fannie + I sat up for Mr. S- He told us that he had proposed to the Mifes Murdoch that they + we should spend Thursday together at Druid Hill- Wednesday morning + noon Father went again to the Calvert Station for Mother, but with no success—In the morning Mifes Alice + Eliza M. called to explain about the Park excursion- I wrote to Mif Harding, + Mrs. R. Crangle- After dinner to Mr. Moore. Fannie, Mr. Simonton + I went to the Depot at the time for the evening train, to meet Mother. On reaching Franklin + Charles sts. we found we were early, + walked to Madison, St. Paul, Monument, + Calvert to the Station, where we promenaded the platform a long time, talking + waiting for the train. When it came, + we + Mr. Davis were satisfied Mother was not there we walked home, getting here just in time for me to make tea, without taking off my wrapping before Lecture time. Helen Pearson + her sister came over + walked with Father, + I with Mr. S., (Fan remaining at home on account of fatigue) with whom I had a pleasant talk. The subject of the Lecture was Matthew 5:[1-5 written in pencil], very interesting. After coming home we all chatted for sometime. Thursday morning the 11th, mother was not here, + Father dispatched to Harrisburg to inquire her whereabouts. When at breakfast the proposed pic nic was nearly given up, on account of the threatening aspect of the sky. Soon afterwards, Mr. Brams came over, it was decided to go, + I had Fannie get ready, while I prepared her basket. About the time of going Father changed the programme- saying that if either of us remained it must be Fannie as I was so much nearer the age of the other ladies, that if we wished both c’d go, but of course we would not consent to leave the house alone, especially when Mother might arrive. So I hastened to change my attire, + when I came down stairs Father thought Mr. S. ought to have a straw hat, + so they went to get one, on W. Balt. street. About 10 ½ we got off- Took the street cars at Eutaw + Lexington, rode to the terminus, + from thence walked to the entrance of Druid Hill, where we were met + greeted by the other members of the company. They were Mifes Alice, Marion Helen, Maggie, Annie + Eliza Murdoch, Messrs- Lind + Gemmell. We went first to the Lake where the newly arrived swans were sailing. After spending some time there, & going to one of the springs we went on Sugar Loop Hill, + after wandering round it for sometime, Mifes Helen + Annie, Mr. Simonton + I sat down on its summit, & remained talking, despite quite a heavy rain, from wh. our umbrellas gave little shelter, until joined by MIfes Alice + Eliza + Mr. Gemmell + about 1 o’cl’k went to the mansion where we met the other three, + Mr. Brams,- who had recently arrived- After some music + conversation all the party excepting Mife Eliza + I went out on the lawn, but we were so muddy we did not like to. A heavy storm soon drove them in, + being somewhat hungry we partook of the lunch- Much amusement was caused by the style of conveying the food from the napkin which served as plates- A dessert of ice cream + sponge cake completed the repast. As the sky was much brighter we all visited the double spring, + then went to Prospect Hill- After enjoying the view, Mifes Helen, Annie + I, with Messrs. B. + S. returned near the house + in an hour or so were joined by the rest. We talked, played guess, “what’s my thought like?” + sang, till after six, when we concluded to leave. We all walked together to the terminus, + Mr. Simonton + I took the cars, + the rest walked to Mr. Murdoch’s- I had nearly forgotten quite an important incident. Towards 5 o’cl’k we had our pictures taken in a group by an [Ambrotypist?] who has a tent there. Mr. Lind had it done, + really it is very good, considering the place, artist, +e. The arrangement is Mr. Brams + Mif Annie standing, + Mif Eliza, a little lower down, from the back row, Miss Maggie, Mr. Lind, Mif Alice, + Mr. Gemmell the second, + Mif Main + I, Mr. Simonton + Miss Helen the front.—Coming home Mr. S. told of the triumphant death of a sister of his, a victim of consumption, of her longings to go home, + joy in the prospect- The first question I asked Agnes was “Has Mrs. Dickson come?” + was answered in the affirmative. She had reached home, via Philadelphia, at 3 ½ o’cl’k. I was glad to see her safe. I had to hurry to my room to take off my muddy clothing, + after washing, combing, + putting on my old black went down + Mr. Simonton + I had some supper, wh. we relished after such a day. In the evening we were all in the parlor. Father + Mother retired about 9, + afterwards Mr. S. told Fannie + me many things about Rio, + shewed us the hill on wh. they live- Sta Theresa in the pictures Mr. Blackford sent Mother. We had quite a pleasant time, + the pouring rain made us thankful we had declined the invitation to spend the evening at Mr. Murdoch’s- Friday morn the news seemed more favorable for Baltimore, but there was news of great excitement in Pennsylvania. The usual Friday morning duties kept me busy till nearly noon, when as it was cool I donned my black dress + began to read Southey’s Thalaba- A little before 1 Mr. Simonton came in from down town, + we sang, talked, looked at pictures +e. till dinner time. Just before I learned, to my surprise, that he was expecting to leave at 3 o’cl’k for Harrisburg, the commotions there making him anxious to go. I had supposed he would remain much longer. The men having come for his luggage he bade us adieu before dinner was over, & hurried away to the Depot. We will miss him very much. Mr. Whitely came when we were at the table, + dined- I read Thalaba nearly all the afternoon & evening, + liked it- Tuesday, September 16th, 1862. Saturday morning I went to a dyer’s, to see dear Mrs. Sproston, + Mrs. Dr. Wilson- Came home + found that Mifes Eliza + Helen Murdoch had been here, bringing the picture, & some verses, describing our day at the Park was described- In the afternoon read, wrote + sewed. Sabbath morning walked to ch- with Father. Sermon in the A.M. Luke 8:29,30 –Everybody seemed glad to have Mother home again- In the afternoon 134 at school 5 in my class- At night Daniel was still considered, Rev. C. Huntington, no w Chaplain of the 1st Maryland Regt. stopped to speak to us, + offering me his arm at the church door, walked home + sat a while with us. Yesterday morning Mif Mary Krebs called, + after she left I went to Mrs. Sproston’s + Mif Mary Stevenson’s. After dinner Fannie & I walked out to Mr. Murdoch’s, + being insisted upon, remained to dinner with them, though I took nothing but a few slices of peaches- We left for home before 6, + met Mif Marion at the corner of Cathedral + Biddle, + persuaded her to return to our house + spend the night. We spent the evening, + al this morning in picking lint, + have a large quantity. Today the Equinoctial appears to be commencing. Miss Marion went home soon after dinner. I then came up + wrote to Eva, from [whom] we received letters yesterday + today. Spent the evening in practicing, Mother picking lint, + Fannie making a bead collar, + Father reading N.Y. Obs. Yesterday we received intelligence of a glorious Victory garnied by Gen. MClellan on the Catoctia Mountain, + II suppose ere this Maryland is delivered from her “deliverers”- I feel that my gratitude cannot be too great to God for protecting this city from the horrors that have menaced it for more than two weeks past. Let the glory be ascribed to Him alone. –Gen. Reno, a former acquaintance of Father + Mother, was killed on Sunday, during the great battle. His body was bro’t here & embalmed—They say Gen. MClellan was most enthusiastically received at Frederick on Saturday when he made his entrée, altho’ the other army had only left the day previous- Every thing seems so hopeful today, that it is very difficult to realize our condition a week ago— Thursday, September 18th, 1862 Yesterday was quite a rainy day + I passed the morning in fixing the newspapers in my room. After dinner practiced till the Carrier came bringing me a letter from Mrs. R. Crangle, after which I came up stairs + wrote to Mr. Biggs. Helen Pearson & two of her sisters came to go to church with us. They expect to move to Hollins street next week. The test was Matt. 5. His morning had an early breakfast as Eliza left on her annual visit to Westminster. After attending to household duties, Mother, Fannie, + I preserved peaches which kept me till nearly 12 ½. I then dressed + went to Mrs. Sproston’s, returning in time for dinner. Came up stairs & prepared to spend the afternoon in reading, but concluded to go out to Mrs. Walker Brooks. Took the cars at Pine + Lexington, rode to the terminus & walked the rest of the way. I had quite a pleasant visit. Mrs. B. sent for “Aunt Mary,” the new Mrs. Chauncy Brooks- Nellie went riding with a Fred Shriver + her brother. Mrs. Walked Brooks walked nearly to the gate with me. Coming in home, there was quite an amusing scene in the cars— Found on reaching home that the Mifes Coulter, Mrs. Vickers, + Gerry had called. Played on the piano until tea time, + after it read & picked lint. We have come up stairs early. War news is still encouraging for us. Father + Fannie made considerable fun of me on finding that I had a Portuguese Grammar in my room. They are great teasers. No letters have been received by us today. Mr. Simonton gave me his carte, for the album a week ago last Saturday night (Sept. 6th,) + as Mother brought one with her from Erie the book is nearly full. Only three or four vacant places yet remain. Saturday, September 20th, 1862. Yesterday morning I swept & arranged my room after dressing, & when breakfast was over, dusted the parlor, washed the breakfast things, helped Mother & Fannie pare fruit for peach butter, which I made, stirring it nearly all the time. It did not get done until nearly 3 o’cl’k. I then came up to my room, laid down on the lounge, read in my Portuguese Grammar, + almost took a nap. About 5 o’cl’k took a bath, + sat down to read before dressing. While in that state Mifes Marion + Alice came, so I got ready & went down to see them. They left about 6 o’cl’k- After tea Father & Fannie went to the Study, Mother read & I played in the parlor- Mr. Robbins + Mrs. R. & Mr. Brown spent the evening. We had a very pleasant time. Glorious news from the Army came yesterday. MClellan was gaining the day. The Confederates were being chased across the Potomac!— Today, after my usual duties, I put up the fruit in jars, which Mother + I have preserved this week. The two pecks of peaches do not fill four small glass jars! Mother + I called on Mr. MCreers + Mrs. Sproston, & bought a frame for Lieut. S.’s carte de visite. Since dinner I have been reading newspapers nearly all the time. We somewhat expect Uncle Julius to come from Harrisburg tonight. Tuesday, September 23rd, 1862 Saturday evening there was no appearance of Julius, + being weary we retired before 10 o’cl’k. I was almost asleep when a continued ringing at the front door bell roused me, + I awoke Father, who going down admitted quite unexpectedly, dear Cousin Dwight. The train due at 6.30 was more than 5 hours behind time- None of the rest of us saw him till Sunday morning, when, I believe, I was the first. We had a very pleasant, quiet time with him. The morning text was “Come unto me all yes” +e. to the close of the chapter. In the afternoon Kate Dash my only pupil, she told me of the death of Mary Krause- By Mr. Weeks’ request Kate went to Mif Alice Murdoch’s class, _ I took Miss Ella Cole’s boys, quite a rough set. At night I remained at home, to let Agnes go— Monday morning Mar Lizzie came to spend the day. Between 11 + 12 Dwight + I took a walk, did some shopping for Mother, + called on dear Mrs. Sproston, with whom we had a very sweet visit. When we came out, D. told me that it was only by constant exertion he could refrain from weeping, from sympathy with Mrs. S. + her sons in their sore affliction- After dinner Father + Dwight went to the Study, Mary, Lizzie + Fannie with Mother to her room, + I wrote to Eliza Ann Moorhead. Then, after Mary [+] Lizzie left, we were all together. Dwight went away in the 9.30 P.M. train to Harrisburg, where he expected Ma[…] + baby to join him today, + proceed to New Hampshire. He is a good man. This morning Mother went out calling, + I by appointment, accompanied Mrs. Sproston to see Mrs. Falconer & Mif Mary Spear. I stopped a few minutes with her on my way home, + she spoke much of the Lieut.She gave me one of his pocket handkerchiefs, marked by himself “Sproston, U.S.A.” as a memento. She does not know, I think, of the buttons Mr. George gave me, “as a souvenir for yourself, Mif Maggie-“ Dear friend! how I wish I could lighten her load of grief!—Spent most of the P.M. in sewing. After tea read + dozed alone in the parlor till I heard a wedding party coming, when I retreated to the Study + remained there while Father married a Mr. Sparhawk to Miss Pratt- They sat some time afterwards, conversing with Mother, Father + Fannie. As they were leaving a Mr. Stonebreaker came, bringing a Dr. Wormely of Columbus, just arrived en route for the battle field- Had quite a pleasant little visit with the Dr., though he evidently had not a very clear recollection of Mother + me- We sat in the Study till 10 o’cl’k, + then came to our rooms. It is seven years today since I united with the church- The memories have been coming, thick + fast, of bygone scenes- How little advancement have I made in the Christian life, compared with what I should! How many, many neglects of my solemn vows rise before me! God grant to forgive my sins for the Redeemer’s sake alone— Very pleasant letters today f’m Grandma + Eva. The latter has been to Niagara, Ripley, Quincy, Westfield, +e. & seems to enjoy herself mightily. The Emancipation Proclamation of Mr. Lincoln is likely to excite much discussion. He frees all slaves of the disloyal states unless they return to the Union by Jan. 1st 1863. What will come of it God only knows— Friday, September 26th, 1862 Wednesday morning Mother + I [spent] in calling upon Mesdames Lough, Stevenson, Haskell, Weeks, Culbertson, Montague, + Mif Etha Towson. Came home in the cars- Spent the afternoon in sewing. At night Fan + I went to church, + as Father had a session meeting afterwards, we accepted of the proffered escort of Mrs. Davidson + her son. Yesterday morning I spent in making peach marmalade. After dinner went shopping with Mtoher, + spent the evening reading + picking lint. Wrote to Dr. Gurley before tea, replying to some queries regarding Synod, in a letter to Father, + before leaving the supper table wrote a letter for Eliza about some money- When I came up stairs at 9 o’cl’k I sat down again to my desk, & wrote to Mr. Moore + Eva. ‘T was quite late when I went to bed. Mother had a letter from Mrs. Moore, on Wednesday, saying Mr. Moore is quite ill with jaundice- May his life be spared! Cousin Dwight wrote from Harrisburg that he gave our lint to on e of the surgeons, who put it to immediate use. There was great want of it there, + an appeal had been published- Today being recommended by Father as one of Fasting, humiliation + prayer, in preparation for the Communion, we had service at 11 o’cl’k this morning, + I am expecting every moment the summons to go to the evening meeting. The great number of deaths in the church this year was the subject of this morning’s remarks. Mother has a bad cold, + is quite hoarse- I am rather faint from my fast. No letters rec’d today—Several papers + pamphlets- Saturday, September 27th, 1862 I am so weary tonight that I can scarcely write- From breakfast time until after 3 ½ o’clock I was busy in the kitchen, putting up quinces. Then I ran up stairs, washed my face, + changed my dress, + went to church, where Rev. Geo. P. Hays preached from Prov. , a sermon that I liked very much. After ch. I went out on N. Howard street, + on my return home dressed for tea, put away preserves +e, + spent the evening picking lint- We preserved 4 lbs of quinces, made nearly 3 lbs of jelly, + have 9 lbs of marmalade to finish on Monday- We learn by the papers that Lieut. Prime has been promoted to a Captaincy, + that he was in the city this morning.- No letters today, I believe- I am too tired to write of many other things now. Tuesday, September 30th, 1862 Sabbath morning was quite threatening, but it cleared off before church time. At the Communion there was no one to unite by profession. It made it very sad. I enjoyed the sacrament very greatly—Mif Marion came home with us- Three or four of her sisters were sick, so Mif Alice remained at home- At Mifion School I had three of my scholars- The morning text was “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” the whole verse- + at night Eph. 3:14-19- Very large + solemn congregations- Monday morning after my household duties, I paid a visit to dear Mrs. Sproston. We had a sweet talk. She gave me a curious little purse that the Lieut. had had, saying “I want you, dear Maggie, to have something that he has used, to remind you of him.” This morning I put in it the extracts from the papers, respecting him. Dear Mrs. Sproston! it seems as if I love her more every day.—In the afternoon I made my marmalade, + spent the evening reading, playing + picking lint—this morning at 8.30 Father left to accompany Mr. Hays to the battle fields, to look after the wounded. God grant they may do much good! I was busy for some time trying up my fruit, + after so doing sewed, swept + dusted the Study, arranged the books till dinner time, after wh. dressed, read, sewed, +e., till tea, + as usual spent the evening in making lint- Mother rec’d a letter f’m Lizzie yesterday, the only one, I believe, that has come this week- I am half afraid I am getting typhoid fever. Wednesday, October 1st 1862 This morning about 10 o’cl’k I began to prepare for fixing my bonnet with Fall trimming. At first was about to use green, but afterwards decided upon black. About noon went out shopping, + to the dyers on N. Howard st., for Mrs. Sproston’s parasol cover. they said if I w’d wait 10 minutes I would have it, so, raher than take so long a walk again, I consented. In about 20 m. I got it, + then went back to Lexington st., bought my cap, + went to Mr. Larmour’s, which were being marked. Came up to Mrs. Sproston’s & had a pleasant little call, reaching home about dinner time, + was somewhat surprised to see Father’s hat on the rack, he having returned. He + Mr. Hays only went to Frederick, & visited the Hospitals there, + found every attention was being paid to their inmates whether Federal or Confederate. Father saw one of the 1st Maryland Cavalry who told him that our friend, young Mr. Schoonmaker has advanced to the Lieutenant Colonelcy of his own regiment, by his bravery + excellence. He is now in command of the regt., though wounded in the arm. We heard of his promotion, but tho’t perhaps it was in some of the newly organized regts., + through the influence of friends, but this is much more honorable. He is not more than 20 yrs. old—Fan + I spent the P.M. on our bonnets. Mr. Whitely took tea, + went to ch. at 7 ½, the time being changed. Mother insisted upon my remaining at home tonight, she + Fan fancying I am sick- Read, +e—My head is quite unsettled. Thursday, October 2nd, 1862 Have spent nearly the entire day in worrying over my bonnet, but finally succeeded in satisfying Mother + Fannie tolerably well. Letters were received by Mother from Julius, Fannie f’m Ellie, + Father from Henry Woods announcing his election with but 3 dissenting among 200 voters, f’m Judge G W Thompson, prisoner at Camp Chase, Columbus, f’m Eva at Erie; + I rec’d an answer to my letter written to Mif Platt. No company today, or this evening- Weather quite warm. We are wearing lawn dresses- Not much news today, or rather since the tremendous events of the past month the present occurrences appear unworthy of notice- The Confederates were shelled out of Martinsburg yesterday. Father thinks it possible that the war will be over in three months! Saturday, October 4th, 1862 Yesterday morning I put on the frame the cover of Mrs. Sproston’s parasol, + found to my regret that it had shrunk so much in the dyeing that it would not raise! –At 12 o’cl’k Mother + I went out & called on Rev. Mrs- Huntington, 277 Lombard st, Mrs Tinsley, Mrs. [Iddings?], Mrs. Mague + Helen Pearson on Hollins st., + Mrs. Holliday, 338 Fayette. Father was preaching for Mr. Galbraith at Govanstown, so Mother, Fan, + I dined alone. About 4 o’cl’k Mother + F. went out to Mrs. Walter Brooks, to see her, + Mrs. Fulton. They returned about 6. Mr. Gibbs, of West River took tea with us, + Rev. R. S. Hitchcock, Chaplain of 2nd [Md.?] (Fed.) regt. spent the evening- Gave quite thrilling accounts of some of his experiences. This morning, as soon as my regular duties were discharged, I went to Mrs. Sproston’s- Dear friend! she seems much cast down by the prospect of Mr. George entering the Navy, although she thinks it will benefit his health + spirits, + therefore will not discourage him. How I do love her—I went from there to Sewing School, wh. was today reopened. Mif Alice Murdoch, + Mif Ella Holt were elected to act with Mif Rachel Cole as Superintendents. About twenty teachers + fifty girls were present. Bit little was done. After school walked out Eutaw st. Home, found a letter from Eva to Fanny. I rec’d one f’m Maria yesterday- No company today. Spent the most of my time in sewing—Fannie finished Mother’s bonnet. I wore mine this morning- I wish I felt stronger, but every day I get so weak- A year ago (Oct. 4th,) we reached home f’m our long stay. Monday, October 6th, 1862. Yesterday morning the congregation was quite large. A baptismal service had been announced, but no children were presented. The sermon was from Acts 2:39. After church we were some what surprised to find Hon. Judge G. W. Thompson, + Hon. Thos. Sweeney, of Wheeling waiting to exchange salutations. They were en route for Washington City, no doubt to arrange for the Judge’s release. At Mission School only 3 in my class. Monthly Concert very pleasant. Spoke with Rev. Mr. + Mrs. Huntington after it. At night the 11th v. of Chap 12, Daniel, was the subject. Very interesting. Beautiful night, though cool—Spent nearly all today in sewing on a dress- Mother + Fannie went to a Photographie gallery, where the former sat for her picture. Father rec’d a letter from William Carr on Saturday night- telling of Dr. Plumers departure from Allegheny. Tonight Fannie + I went with Father to the Union prayermeeting, at the Central Ch. Messrs. Hays, Backus, Carter, Cressy + Carey offered prayers, + Rev Berg spoke. Mr. J. N. Brown walked home with Father, but did not come in—Mrs. Tinsley had another son, who makes the third. The weather is delightful now. Cool, bracing + bright- No letters of interest today. I am hoping for some this week—Am getting terribly in want of reading but am really so busy, that my Bible + Greek testament are all I have time for in the way of books- The newspapers I of course look over—News comes today of another battle at Corinth Mif. Rosecrans the Federal Commander. I am so sleepy ( it is near 11,) that I must go to bed. [In pencil on top of booklet: We much were […] 7. Oct 7, 1862- Oct 31, 1862] Tuesday, October 7th, 1862. This page opens with the unexpected announcement that we have said “good bye” to Mr. George Sproston who leaves tomorrow morning to join the Mississippi squadron as Assistant Paymaster in the Navy! How his poor Mother will miss him! Mr. Willie is to accompany him as far as Cincinnati, at least.- This morning about 10 o’cl’k I went out for a little time, + when I came home, all the rest went to Yong’s Photographie Gallery, the Library, +e, not returning till 2 o’cl’k. Soon after their departure, Mrs. Fulton came to spend the day. Just after we were settled in Mother’s room Agnes came up with Mr. Sproston’s name. I excused myself & went down, + was soon informed of his plans. He is to report at Cain, to Rear Admiral Davis. He would have preferred an appointment to the Mediterranean or Gulf, but they had all been made previously, + this has the advantage of nearness to home. He expects to go to Philadelphia, spend a few hours with Mif Elinor Glendy, & then proceedvia Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, +e. He on leaning, thanked me for my kindness in visiting his Mother, (when it has been a real happiness to me, if I thought it gave her any comfort,) & asked me to continue doing so, + said my sympathy with their family would never be forgotten—May God keep them all in his holy keeping!—Mrs. Fulton + I had a fine visit together, till the rest came dropping in- After dinner we did about the same, knitting, picking lint, sewing, + talking. Mr. Fulton came in with Father before tea, + remained till 8 or after. Just before they left, Mr. Sproston came to see Father + on Mr. Robbins coming to spend the evening, he + Father went up to the Study. Mr. R. told us that Horace had arrived this morning. Father called me to get his cartes de visite, + Mr. S. selected one, saying he would have it up in his state room. He came down stairs then, & bade us “good bye,” perhaps forever—Mr. R. stayed till after 10 o’cl’k, & we had an unusually pleasant visit—No letters received today, I believe. Hope I may have one tomorrow. Thursday, October 9th, 1862. Yesterday morning after sewing a little, I went out shipping + then to dear Mrs. Sproston’s. She seemed more cheerful than I had anticipated. I saw the proofs for her + Mr. Willie’s cartes de visite- I am quite anxious to see them finished. We had a pleasant visit—I spent the afternoon in arranging papers + writing to Mrs. R. Crangle. After supper went to Lecture, + when I came up to my room at night wrote to Mrs. H. Crangle + Eva—This morning my room was cleaned, by having the windows + shutters washed. I went about noon to see Mrs. S- did an errand at the Druggist’s for her, + then walked out to Union Square + made Mrs. Root a long visit, up to see the Misses White + then home, where they were just finishing dinner. Since then I have been busy unpacking + regulating my things. I rec’d a letter from Cooke yesterday, + one came for Eva f’m E. Harding today- I am doing so little—for any body— Saturday, October 11th 1862. Thursday evening after tea Mr. Mrs. & Tempie Fenton, with Mr. + Mrs. John Jacob Smith came. We had quite an agreeable little visit. Yesterday morning I received a letter from Eva announcing the arrival of Grandma, Mr. + Mrs. Herron + herself in Pittsburgh. I went down town, + on my return stopped at Mrs. Sproston’s door, but no one coming at my first ringing, & the rain commencing, I put my card under the door + hurried home. During the afternoon I went out to buy some wool + then paid Mrs. S. quite a lengthy, +, to me, a very pleasant visit- Came home & dressed for tea- No company in the evening. Mr. Harvey (147 Park st.) sent his carriage for Father to take him to pay him a visit in his distress on account of his wife’s dangerous illness. This morning I went to Sewing School + found Mif Cole there before me, + we were afterwards joined by quite a number of teachers + 60 scholars. The number was small on account of the rain- No sewing was done, + after some singing + reading the children were dismissed- Donations of remnants from Mrs. Barrus, + Mr. Brown, amounting to more than 130 yds were rec’d, + also #5 from the latter. Mifes Alice + Marion walked home with me, where we met Mif Olivia Hamner who made quite a long call- After she left I went down town with the ladies, left Mrs. Sproston’s frame at a store- + went to the [Tracy?] House + came up to Mrs. S.’s whom I found troubled with a cough. Reached home in time for dinner- Sewed nearly all the P.M. Rec’d a few lines from dear Mr. Moore- No company in the evening –About midnight Thursday Father spoke to me asking about a very loud noise which had just wakened them down stairs, but thought I had not heard it. The next morning (yesterday) on coming into Grandma’s room I found her gilt mirror, which I presume she has had over 40 yrs, lying in fragments on the floor! The string supporting it had given way, but why at that hour, the most quiet of the twenty four, is a mystery to us all- We all lament the occurrence knowing what a grief it will be to Yesterday I went to Mr. Young’s + got some of Mother’s cartes de visite- This morning we were greeted with the news that 3,000 Confed. Cavalry took Chambersburg + Mercersburg, Pa. yesterday! Father + Mother are quite vexed with MClellan, but Fannie + I uphold him still. Father rec’d a letter from Mr. Henry Woods regarding his ordination + installation.- It has rained yesterday + today + is cooler. Mrs. Sproston heard f’m her sons at Philadelphia. Monday, October 13th, 1862. Yesterday morning was quite cold + cloudy, notwithstanding wh. there was quite a good congregation. The subject was the Importunate Widow. In the afternoon I had three pupils, + Eliza Stevenson came to sit in my class- We, at home, were in the study most of the time by the wood fire, to keep warm. At night Father concluded his Expository Lectures on Daniel, having begun them on December 15th, 1861- Large attendance. This morning learned that the Confederate Cavalry recrossed the Potomac to Virginia between Mon[…]y + Baltimore! Gen. Wool had sent nearly all his troops to Harrisburg! Every body declares he is in his dotage— Mif Alice Murdoch called for a few moments to speak of Vistoria Munay. I made some flaxseed jelly, + about 11 o’cl’k took it to Mrs. Sproston, with whom I had a pleasant little visit. Spent the afternoon in sewing- Got ready to go with Mother + Fannie to Mr. Robbins’ to spend the evening, but while at tea miss Edna came, + about 8 o’cl’k Dr. Hupfeld, + soon after the Messrs. H. W. Robbins, Sr. + Jr. It fell to my lot to entertain the latter, + for wh. I am sorry. I shewed my collection of Autograhps, + Mother + Fan displayed their Albums—Mother + Father bo’t some blankets, handkercheifs, flannel, batting, +e. The weather is really cold. I received no letters today—Mother wrote to Mrs. Moore, asking them to come here—Horace talked to me again about writing- I wish I could do something for the world’s good. Friday, October 24th, 1862 The past eleven days have had in them much of pleasure, + also some physical pain. Tuesday, the 14th, I went down town in the morning, + called at Mrs. Sproston’s on my return, where I met Mif Hazlehurst. Fan commenced her attendance at Mr. Daniel’s School—Wednesday Mother + I spent in cleaning Fannie’s room + putting down her carpet. Father went to Presbytery at Ellicott’s Mills in the morning. I called at Mrs. Sproston’s about 5 o’cl’k, + took her parasol. We three went to ch. at night, where Rev. J. K. [“or W.” written above the line]Cramer of Havre de Grace preached. Mr. + Mrs. Courtney walked home with us, where we found Father returned, + with him a Rev. Mr. Williams, recently installed at Churchville + Harmony. Thursday we cleaned Grandma’s room. In the evening Father, Mother + I went down to Lombard st., + spent it very pleasantly with Mr. + Mrs. Robbins, Charley, Eddy, Mary, Ernest + Fanny; Horace being out. Coming home we sat a while with our Fanny + Mr. W. + then retired. Had an early breakfast Friday morning, as Mr. Williams had to leave the President st. Deopt at 8.30. Mother + I sewed Grandma’s carpet, + put it down, after which she went out, & I took Agnes to assist me, + she & I sewed the dining room carpet + got it down before dinner. Mr. Whiteley dined with us. In the evening Mr. Willy Sproston was here, having just returned- He spent parts of two days with Eva at Mrs. Herron’s, + seemed to enjoy it very well. Saturday morning I was the first officer at Sewing School, but was soon joined by Mif Rachel _ them Mifes Alice + Marion. Ella did not come till late, 105 children & 22 teachers were present. After school Mifes Alice + Marion + I called at Mrs. Sproston’s + then came to our house. They told me that Rev. Mr. Simonton & his brother from Minnesota had spent the precious evening with them!—Mr. Jas. le. Orr of Wheeling was here in the A.M. + came back, took tea, + remained till nearly 8 o’cl’k, when, pleading an engagement, he departed- Our acquaintance Mr. Simonton, _ his bro. the Dr., came about 5 , + remained till 9 or 10, + we had a very pleasant time. The “new” one is quite as agreeable as the other, though not nearly so handsome—Sabbath morning when I went to ch. met Mr. Orr on the steps & took him to our pew. He dined with us + walked with me to Mifion School, + went on down to his hotel I presume. At night, just before church it rained quite severely but stopped before we started, but the effect was to cause an extremely small congregation. “Les frères” de Simonton came in soon after we did, + came to our seat, + Mother telling the younger, who was to preach, that Father was awaiting him in the Vestry, he went out again, + the other took his place with us. Rev. A. G. Simonton’s text was Ps. 97.1- “The LOKD reigneth- +e.,” from wh. he preached an excellent sermon- He walked home with me, Mr. Orr with Mother + F. + Dr. Simonton with Father. They did no t remain very long. Monday morning I walked out to Mr. Murdoch’s, as much for the exercise as anything else, for it was so lovely a day. I met Mrs. Murdoch, Mifes Mary, Alice, + Maggie on their way to town, + saw Mifes Marion, Sue, Annie + Helen at home. Had quite a pleasant call. Mr. Simonton had presented (on Saturday) a beautiful boquet to Mifes Helen, Sue, + Louisa, the invalids- I reached home before dinner, + afterwards read the Presbyterian till 4 o’cl’k when Agnes came up saying Mr. Simonton was in the parlor. On going down found both the brothers, + had quite a fine visit. Father came down + remained half an hour, before going out, + after he left we sang “I will arise,” “Where can the soul find rest,” + e- + talked. When the gentlemen were about leaving I gave the Rev. Mr. S. his brush, + boots, left here in September, which evoked some amusing remarks from his brother about his carelessness in leaving things— In the evening we were alone till Mr. + Mrs. MCreery came after 9 o’clock, + remained more than an hour. Tuesday morning Father went to Synod, Mother + I uncovered the pictures in the parlor, + then I went out to Mrs. robbins, (where I did not get in,) to Father Williams’, + Mrs. Sproston’s. After dinner Mother + I went out walking, + did not reach home till nearly dark. After tea Mr. Dorsey Ella + Emma [Hover?], + Horace Robbins came up to spend the evening, + as the parlor was in disorder from cleaning we sat in the Study –Horace proposed my shewing my collection of Autographs, + I went to get them going out of the back door, to avoid disturbing Mother + Mrs. D. who were sitting near the other. When coming back I stopped + spoke to Fannie in her room, + then went on my way to the Study- I at first thought of going in the nearest way, but remembering Mrs. Dorsey + Mother, concluded to go around again- Still thinking of it, the first thing I knew I was going through the aid, down the kitchen staircase, + thinking all the time “There is nothing to stop me!” until I came with a crash, to the floor, my head striking, breaking my comb to pieces- I suppose I was stunned for a few moments for my first recollection was of Mother standing over me, + my begging her not to raise me; Eliza standing in the kitchen door, + Mrs. D. Em, Ella, + Horace in the dining room. I soon got to Mother’s room, + after Ella helped me to bathe my bruised arms + sore head with camphor, I was back to the Study, + managed to sit up all evening, tho’ not very [bright?]. Mr. Dorsey came before they left- I slept with Mother, + found my head had a gash an inch big on it—Wednesday morning I took my breakfast in bed + was not entirely dressed when Dr. Wilson came, but Mother fastened my hair up, + put her wrapper on me, + I saw him- He thinks it wonderful that I was not killed- Ella + Emma called for a moment. I slept part of the day- Thursday morning I got up before Mother was awake, went up stairs, took my usual bath, tho’ with some difficulty, + dressed. About 10 o’cl’k, when the man was putting down the parlor carpet, + I was in the study, Father came from Synod, + was surprised to head of my accident. Dr. W. called before noon.—In the eve. Mr. Calvin Whiteley was here—Friday I took a little walk, + called at Mrs. Sproston’s—Mr. Robbins called Wednesday after ch. Rev. H. I. Coe. of Church Extension dined with us today + proceeded to Washington City—I have rec’d no letters. Tuesday, October 28th, 1862. Saturday morning, after an early breakfast, Agnes Arthur left us for her home in Carrole County, Father seeing her safely en route. I felt so sorry to say “good bye”, + could add none of the many kind thoughts that were filling my heart, only “God bless you.” Victoriea tries to do right I think, which is a [great?] comfort. –I went to Sewing School Saturday where were 136 ch. + 20 [teachers]. Mifes Alice + Marion walked home with me, to get a piece of Music- Spent the remainder of the day at home, sewing- Expected Mr. Irish in the evening but he did not come- Sabbath was so stormy + cold that I was not allowed to go out, + so read Dr. Spencer’s sermon on Ps. 51: . Read also Memoirs of Richard Williams, the Patagonian Missionary- How truly heroic such men are! At night only Father went out. Monday morning the storm continued with great force, but abated towards noon- Mr. Coe came from Washington + breakfasted with us, + about 9 o’cl’k Mr. Irish appeared f’m the same place- Both left in the 1 o’cl’k train for Phila. Mr. I looks even more fleshy than heretofore, + seems in good spirits- Today Mrs. Waters called. Our neighbor across the street, a Mr. Stewart was thrown from his carriage + killed this morning. They brought his body home on a sofa— Thursday, October 31st, 1862 Yesterday morning Mother + I went to the Mercantile Library, where we read “David Gaunt,” “Blind Tom,” “Temple Bar,” +e. till noon. We then went to Baltimore st. got Mother’s carte de visite, + started home. When passing Mrs. Sproston’s M. gave me two pictures for her, & I went in. Met Madame Elizabeth Patterson Brown there, who conversed very pleasantly. Spoke of her grandsons Jerome, + Charles- I came home + then called upon Mrs. Hupfeld, but neither she nor Mif Solomon was in- At night went to church. Good attendance, + excellent lecture. Mrs. Montague called before tea—This morn. the men fixed the dinning room stove. Mother + Father attended the funeral of our neighbor, + afterwards went down town, so I spent eh morning in sewing. After dinner went to pay calls- on a Mrs. Bates, 676 W. Fayette, Mif Cross 302 Lombard, Mrs. J. J. Smith, + Mrs. T. Clark- Came home quite wearied- Father has a very bad cold, + Mother seems to be getting one- I have received no letters for a long time. |
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