Hunt Jackson 2-2-21 transcription
Helen Hunt Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0156, Box 2, Folder 21, letters
from J. G. Holland of Scriber's Monthly to HHJ, 1878-79.
[stationery] Editorial Rooms of Scribner's Monthly, 743 Broadway, New York. March 29, 1878 Dear Mrs. Jackson: - Mr. Gilder has read me your note about the new "Saxe Holme" novel and thinks I had better write you in regard to this. First, let me say that some arrangements for serials are now fixed for more than a year in advance. Prof. Boysen will follow Miss Trafton, and Mrs. Burnett will follow Dr. Eggleston, and we are as far committed as it is safe to be committed to any undiscovered work (or worker) to a novel my [?] of New Orleans, to follow Boysen. All that, however, is uncertain. Mr. Gilder and I begin to-morrow the reading of a novel by a well known author, with a view to publication, but not with a very warm expectation of liking it. I tell you all this to show that it is not necessary for you to send any of your novel until you send it all, and I do not care to read any of it in advance unless I read it all. I tell it, too, so that you may see that the time of publication is not at my command. It is quite possible, even if we want the novel, that you may desire an earlier publication. I know nothing about it, but I fancy that the book house of S.A.H. would like a "Saxe Holme" novel, whether we publish it or not. The poem you send, though longer than we find profitable for publication generally, is accepted. A cheque is sent here with which I can very well understand does not represent the labor you have expended upon it, but which covers quite all that the magazine can afford to pay. Yours very truly L.G. Holland
Dec. 19. 1879 Dear Mrs. Jackson: - If I were not fairly driven into a corner with the March weather, with, really, no room to turn, I would accede to your wish wishes for more space, but I cannot do it. The stingy seven/cages was in "a stretch." And don't be disappointed, but remember eternity, with all its latitudes and longitudes and attitudes, as the unlimited chance you will have them for writing and printing. Trusting that I open to you a source of consolation, I am Yours very Truly L.G. Holland |
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