S. Jackson 2-3-31 transcription
William S. Jackson Papers, Part 2, Ms 0241, Box 3, Folder 31 Brevoort House Dear Annie - I haven't the least idea whether I owe you a letter or not but for fear I do I'll drop a line to you today. I am harder at work then I ever would in any life - from 10 till 4 every day at the [Actom lib.?] This with trying to return calls & now and then go out to dinner helps [make?] a whirl from one [ ] end to another. I have decided to write a short history of the U.S. dealings with the Indians for 100 years - & it is an exceedingly [ ] task, but I hope to accomplish something by it. I cannot but think that I have already accomplished something in the way of raising public attention to the outrageous injustice of our treatment of [them?] over centuries. I expect to work here till Mar 1st at least. Will will probably go back to Col. next week for a month or so - but will be here more than half the time. [&?] then I am going to Colorado to write up the condition of the Indians there - for Harper's Mag. - I think this will be a most interesting story. If you don't hear from me assume that all is well. Love to all exceedingly Helen
Dear Annie- I have not heard from you for a long time. I hope it is not my fault! but I have to be afraid it is & if so my only excuse is that I have been hard at work on the Indians, writing & studying up about their wrongs - & that I have had an awful cold. I went to [Boston?] on Dec 15 to Mrs. Wm Hunts intending to stay there one week & then go to Cambridge for the Christmas week but I took a terrible cold, & was shut up with it for a week & did not dare to go to Cambridge at all - & did not come back here till Jan. 20. A most unconscionable visit in any home but I could not help it. Will had arrived here on Dec. 20 & we are staying at Miss. Botta's where we will remain till the last of next week when we shall go probably to the Brevoort for the rest of the time of Will's stay. & where I shall stay after he goes back to Col. I have decided to remain here partly, because I have [undertaken?] some writing for which I need libraries &c. But chiefly because, as Will will be back & forth all winter I much prefer to be without him here than there. One week alone in my home there sounds longer to me than two here. I suppose he will be here about half the time & I shall be so very
busy that I shall miss him much less than I would at home. I am going
to write a short art. on our Government's dealings with the Indians -
broken treaties, &c. - in a short book which I hope to publish in
four months - but it may take longer. ever aff'ly Helen
Dear Helen, It is rather late to send new year's Wishes. I have been waiting from day to day hoping I shld. hear from or see your Aunt Helen. Yesterday I met her friend Mrs. Goddard, who informed me she is still in N.Y. where she proposes to spend part of the winter. She is engaged (perhaps you know) in writing quite a long story on the Indian question. It is to be a real matter of fact affair, & no sentiment about it. Mrs. G. says Gen. Armstrong proposed that she shld. establish some Indian schools in Colorado, this she declines to do. She has miles of Documents & is going back to the beginning of the subject. My last letter was from Anne the Less. I am delighted that she is so happy in her school, & immensely relieved that she is with your parents. They were having fine weather & [courting?] by moon-light. [Lister?] is comfortable for her - she reads to me afternoons, & we play Parcheesie -evenings usually. I wish yr. mother cld. be at [ease?] about that "pesky" trusteeship. Anne wrote me that she had not heard from either Mr. T. or Mr. F. & she did not know whether she had any Trustee. I trust that there is a good time coming for her. Yr. letter was a great pleasure to me, you have been very generous to me. There was not any too many capitals in it and I did not detect any stupidity. When the days are longer, & I have accomplished my winter fixings of various kinds I hope to send you something less stupid. Wishing this may be a Happy Year & many more may be added to it, I am ever aff'ly Ann S. [Lister & Jr.'s] send love & good Wishes.
Dear Helen, Thanks for all the nice letters recd. from you. I adopt Franklin's method - who suggested that his father should say grace over the whole [barrel?] of pork. Particularly for all the family items, not having heard from W. for some weeks I dispatched a miserable epistle to Mama yesterday wh. took two sittings, to accomplish. I am much pleased to have such good news from [Nathan?]. I do hope sometime to write him a short note. Please let me known when you send to him. I want to forward a pocket fruit knife. I had a pleasant call from yr. pretty friend Miss Wentworth she referred to that pleasant dinnertime we had last autumn. I was gratified that she had so pleasant a recollection of it. She looked very blooming & formed such a contrast to the city girls, I cld. not keep my eyes off her. Ellen expressed much pleasure at seeing her. She was on her way to her Grandma's in the Highland's where a friend of ours [ ]. Thanks for the game you sent us. E. is so satisfied that Parcheesie is
the best game there is that we have not tried it. I hope to soon, but
think I shall have to be instructed. While I was reading yr. letter, Mrs. Putnam came in - she expressed great pleasure at having seen you & Anne last autumn. I think yr. [news?] must have [tingled?] yesterday at 3 P.M. I only hear from Auntie through you & the papers but will remember yr. message when I do, as the winter is passed she may surprise me some day. I hope she will. With love from sister Ever Affectionately Cousin Ann.
My dear Helen, Your letter was gladly recd. I quite enjoyed yr. account of Christmas, and think you were very fortunate in the number of gifts. I love to think you are so pleasantly situated. I often think of your aunt H's remark to me, "Helen has fallen on her feet." She interested herself much in Anne's endeavors to get a situation, & is quite satisfied that she is to be in Wolfboro this Winter. Her fear is that she will try to do too much out of school. It is a great relief to my mind that she is with yr. mother. H.H. collected her that cold Sunday before Christmas - she intended to spend some time with me but having been ill she came in a carriage, & only staid fifteen minutes. She had been at Mrs. Hunt's since Tuesday and was to remain until after Christmas, then was going to Prof. Horsford's to remain till after NewYears, when she expected to meet Mr. Jackson in N.Y. I may see her any day, & will send you a [postal?] after I do. My "Lady Philosopher" sent me a [postal?] wishing me a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. It pleased me so much I call it a Christmas present. I recd. four pretty cards - a [lily?] made of fine [crush?] with deep fringe ([ravelled?]) at both ends & an open-work about an inch wide - with Strawberries & leaves embroidered between - and a [Pie?] knife from Ellen. Didn't I have nice visits from yr. Mother & [Mamie?] & Annie - & dear little H. - it seemed so strange to see her here with Anne at this season. I think yr. father will be benefitted by having Anne at home. My last card recd. today was from Taunton. Now dear Helen I think I have written you quite an epistle - wishing you a Happy New Year, & thanking you for all of yours - I remain Affectionately yours, Ann S.
Dear Helen, I was glad to get your letter & to know where in the "Wide World" you were. Was beginning to feel that I was forgotten, & you had passed me by, knowing that yr. school closed last week. How pleasant for you & Mamie after the fatigue, & excitement of the examination, to have such a pleasant visit - in such a pleasant place. I shall be most happy to greet you on Tues. next, or when it shall be convenient to you, if circumstances favor, shall hope to have you pass a day or a night with me. Perhaps you do not know how very ill sister has been - a week since her sufferings were [so?] great, I felt that she cld. not endure much longer. The last few days she is greatly relieved, and I hope for a return of the degree of health she had before her illness. Yesterday I recd. a large package fr. Taunton for [A.F.B.?] It seems
long since I heard fr. W. I suppose the "busy-note of preparation"
is going on. Hoping to see you soon Ever Afftly Cousin Ann Please let me know when to expect you - that I may be here to meet you. I spend much of my time in Milton but can easily arrange to be here if all goes well with E. - as I hope it will.
Dear Sister Helena I have not the "plenty of strength" but I have a strong inclination to write & thank you for yr. pretty, sweet pretty card & all of the unanswered notes I have recd. from you so long a time. Am hoping when the weather is more settled & warmer so that I can go out more to gain the former - the latter I shall never lose. I am rejoiced that you are going to be with yr. mother the coming [yrs?]. I do feel that another anxious summer without someone to lean on, might be very serious in its consequences to her. I think yr. father is remarkably helpful & with your assistance that she will be [whole-handed?]. I had only two short interviews with her, the next was to be a real tete-a-tete but her sickness spoiled that. I had a cheery note fr. Anne D Sat. I wish I cld. see her "pretty home" but, do not feel now as though I shld. ever be able to. I have a plan wh. may give me a chance to recuperate - if that is possible at my age. Mrs. [L?] made me a long call soon after she came to the [Fremont House?] & I have called there once. Cousin Kate left me a pretty Easter card. I hope to call on Emma [L?] at the Brunswick: she is to spend the month of April with her mother. How pleasant it will be for [A.L.?]. am ashamed of this note, I write in haste but Ever Afftly, A. S.
Dear Annie, I am sure you will be glad to see that I am this far on my way home. Will meets me at Ogden tomorrow morning. We shall stay a few days at Salt Lake. Mr. [Wm?] Kinney my Co.-Commissioner is with me & will make us a visit on his way east. I send this to [Mr. Fulie's?] care not knowing where you are. Do write & let me now about your [movements?]. send to Colorado Springs. I do hope I shall be able to stay at home now till summer comes. Love to all Goodbye Affly ever - Helen
Dear Annie I am glad to learn that you are so pleasantly situated in San Mateo. I dare say it will prove to be the best solution of your winter problem for the present. Your ill turn at [ ] was a strange one. I do not myself see however how it could point to paralysis. But no matter whether it does or not - if it only makes you take some care of yourself & not drive yourself & everybody around you as you have done. Of course you are [now?] just at the time of life when most women suffer more or less disturbances of health. I never knew of any one except Aunt [Maria?] & myself who [ ] with that change without a sensation of discomfort. The letters from Helen & Mr. Jackson still continue satisfactorily. The [gayeties?] are [subsiding?] which is a good thing. I hope Helen can stay all summer. Of course if Annie really needs her - or will be greatly disappointed in her not coming there she ought to go - as she is now perfectly well & strong. She can spend the summer with Annie & then return to Col. Springs again for next winter - if that seems desirable. I am sure Mr. Jackson will be delighted to have her. I am very well though the weather is still odious. I have finished my long story, finished it last Sunday. I shall break up here & go to Cambridge & Boston in April & go home early in May. Love to all Yours ever affly H.
My dear Helen, I wanted to send you a line as soon as yours of the 13th came, but have
been too busy till now; & now I have but a few minutes before I must
dress to go to down to [Smiths?] to meet [M.?] & take our dinner there,
so I will say the business things first. I do not want you to hurry home to be with me in the "worst heat."
I want you to make all your visits if you can so arrange them before you
go to [Nathans?], while you are fresh from the recreation of your Colorado
visit, then I want you to stay at [Nathans?] just as long as you feel
happy there & think they are happy in having your company. This
Dear Annie, I did not realize till receiving your note today that I had not written you a word since the first news of my [untimely?] trouble. It is four weeks tomorrow - really the time has gone very quickly. I have not suffered since the first ten days (I suffered agonies the first week.) The leg is in plastic, unmovable, does not pain me at all. I [pitch?] & shove off the bed, into a chair I have [contrived?] which fastens to the bedstead & sit up an hour or so night & morning, & I have a [fine?] rolling chair in which I shall soon be able to roll myself around the rooms & out on the veranda. The weather has been cool & moist, rains every few days, I never knew so comfortable a summer here. I have the three best women in the world I do believe - Effie the [waitress?] turned out a born nurse. Mr. Jackson is away most of the time on his new railroad business (I suppose you have seen that he is appointed [receiver?] of the D. & R.G. R.R. & this is a great comfort to me, strange as you may think it: the loneliness of not seeing him is nothing in comparison with the worry of having him around in this upset house. You see I am in the dining room & that really uses the whole of the first floor as one room. Now he is too busy to miss me, & that is a comfort. I am wonderfully well, considering the four weeks in bed. I doze, read a little, write a few notes, take a little food once in three hours & am on the whole marvelously contented. I would not have believed I could stand it so well. What I dread is the crutches stage! Then I shall fret & fume & die daily deaths of terror for fear of falling again & breaking the old thing over again. It is a droll sight in plaster, solid to the knee. I printed L.E.G. on it in big letters one day to make the Dr. laugh: [Chas Dudley Warner?] wrote me a droll letter suggesting I should have the plaster frescoed! "Nothing gaudy nor of landscape order" Don't be uneasy about me a minute. It is only a question of time & patience. I suppose I will have to walk with a cane for four or five months but the Dr. thinks ultimately I'll have as good a leg as ever. I feel very sorry not to have been able to send Helen another $100 as I expected to this month. I hope you won't feel that I did not fulfill by engagement to see her safe back to you: I dare say she told you I sent her the money & passes in May, enough to take her home but all this traveling & visiting have of course used it up. I had to send $100 to [Jenny] Abbot this month & now I shall not have any more [within arm?] till October. I had expected to earn a clean $1000 this summer. Instead of that, I shall earn nothing, & there will be a big Dr.'s bill to pay! However, I shall not worry but "think on my mercies" & I shall have plenty of money in the autumn. So I shall look after Helen as usual & I do hope you will let her feel at ease in her mind & not [ ] the notion that she must earn money. She has all the dresses she needs for next winter. I am sure & I shall give her the $200 a year, the same as usual, beginning in October. Lovingly ever H. This letter of [M.A.S.?] is exceedingly interesting. |
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