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Size: 6 linear feet (ca. 1000 items contained in 11 boxes and 15 volumes)
Description: letters written by Philip Washburn to his mother, Mary Whiton Washburn; clippings; photos. Also included are scrapbooks, diaries, and correspondence of Miriam Washburn (wife of Philip), books and articles on childhood education and childhood psychology by their daughter Ruth Washburn, and several family memoirs pertaining to the Washburn and Emery families.
Table of Contents
Scope and Content
Biography of Philip and Miriam Washburn
Philip and Miriam Washburn Chronology
Ruth Wendell Washburn Chronology
I. Miriam Storrs Washburn: Correspondence
II. Ruth Washburn: Writings, Sabbaticals, Personal papers
III. Philip Washburn: Correspondence, Photograph album, Scrapbook
IV. Washburn and Emery Family Memoirs
Please note: for more information on Philip Washburn, see George V. Fagan's
article "Philip Washburn: 'A Thorough Colorado Man,'" in Colorado
Magazine, 1972, vol. 49, number 4, pages 294-313.
Scope and Content
The Washburn Papers are made up of four separate collections: papers of Philip Washburn, those of his wife Miriam, those of their daughter Ruth, and family memoirs by Eleanor Washburn Emery, Miriam Washburn Adams and Charles Francis Emery.
The Philip Washburn collection is mainly letters. His mother, Mary Whiton Washburn, collected and bound into volumes all the letters Philip wrote to her from the time he left home to go to college in 1879 until his death in 1898. This collection also contains a photograph album and a scrapbook.
The Miriam Washburn collection consists entirely of letters. Most of them were written either to Philip or to her parents, the Reverend and Mrs. Richard S. Storrs.
The Ruth Washburn collection contains printed copies of her articles on child psychology, accounts of her travels and studies abroad, unpublished articles, notebooks, and personal papers.
The Washburn and Emery Family Memoirs include two b&w photographs and five memoirs: three by Eleanor Washburn Emery, one by Miriam Washburn Adams, and one by Charles Francis Emery, Eleanor's husband. Also included is a letter from the donor of this part of the collection, Eleanor Emery Harper.
The combined collections cover a time period of more than a hundred years, beginning with Miriam's early letters in 1868 and ending with some letters received by Ruth in 1974. Many of Philip's and Miriam's letters relate primarily to family affairs, but those from the years they lived in Colorado Springs (they moved to Colorado in 1893) are of historical interest to anyone concerned with life during that time.
This collection of manuscripts measures approximately six linear feet of shelf space. The bulk of it (parts I - III) was a gift of Mrs. Charles Emery (Eleanor Washburn Emery).
Biography (Philip and Miriam Washburn)
Philip Washburn was born in Worcester, Massachusetts on August 2, 1861. After graduating from Harvard in 1882, he attended Union Theological Seminary for one year. In 1883 he married Miriam Phillips Storrs (born August 5, 1855 in Brooklyn, New York).
Philip and Miriam spent the first two years of their married life in Europe where Philip was studying. One year was spent at Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin, and the other at Cambridge University in England. While in England, their first daughter Mary was born.
After returning to the United States, Philip was ordained into the Episcopal Church priesthood, as deacon in 1885 and as priest in 1886. His first church was St. John's Church, Northampton, Massachusetts.
In 1887 daughter Mary died of tubercular meningitis. In the next few years three more daughters were born to Philip and Miriam: Miriam in 1888, Ruth in 1890 and Eleanor in 1892.
In 1892 Philip contracted tuberculosis and was compelled to take leave of absence from his church. The family moved to Saranac Lake, New York. His health improved sufficiently for Philip to accept a call to St. Stephen's Church, Colorado Springs, in 1893.
Another daughter, Margaret, was born in 1895, but she lived for only a little more than a year.
In 1896 Philip's lung trouble recurred. He remained at his job until 1898, when he resigned. The family spent the summer in Manitou Park before moving to Denver in September. On October 6, 1898, Philip Washburn died suddenly of a hemorrhage.
Miriam and her daughters went to Brooklyn for about six months, then returned to Colorado Springs in 1899.
In July 1903 Miriam had one of the very early cancer operations. She died in December, 1903.
(See biography of George Fagan, "Philip Washburn: 'A Thorough Colorado Man'", Colorado Magazine, v. 49, number 4)
Chronology (Philip and Miriam Washburn)
1855 Miriam Philips Storrs was born in Brooklyn, New York.
1861 Philip Moen Washburn was born in Worcester, Massachusetts.
1882 Philip graduated from Harvard. Spent one year at Union Theological Seminary.
1883 Marriage of Philip Washburn and Miriam Storrs
1883 85 Philip and Miriam spent two years in Europe while Philip studied at
Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin, and at Cambridge University.
1884 Daughter Mary was born.
1885 Philip was ordained deacon.
1886 Philip was ordained priest in Episcopal Church.
1887 Daughter Mary died of tubercular meningitis.
1888 Daughter Miriam was born.
1890 Birth of daughter Ruth
1892 Birth of daughter Eleanor. Philip contracted tuberculosis, took leave of
absence from his church and moved the family to Saranac Lake.
1893 Philip moved with family to Colorado Springs to run St. Stephen's; elected
trustee of Colorado College.
1895 Daughter Margaret was born.
1896 Daughter Margaret died. Recurrence of Philip's illness.
1898 Philip resigned from St. Stephen's Church, moved family to Denver. Philip
died of hemorrhage on October 6, 1898.
1899 Family went back to Colorado Springs after spending six months in Brooklyn
with Miriam's family.
1903 Miriam had cancer surgery in April. Miriam died on December 13, 1903.
Chronology (Ruth Wendell Washburn)
1890 Born in Northampton, Massachusetts
1893 Moved to Colorado Springs with her family
1913 BA from Vassar
1915 Began work as visitor with Associated Charities of Colorado Springs
1918 Went to LeHavre with American Red Cross as Director of Social Services
unit in dispensary
1919 Studied at London School of Economics
1922 MA from Radcliffe. Research Associate with Child Welfare Research Bureau,
Iowa University
1923 Assistant Professor at Yale Clinic of Child Development. Worked with Dr.Gesell
1929 Ph.D. from Yale
1929 34 Research Associate, Clinic of Child Development, Institute of Human
Relations, Yale University
1934 38 Assistant Professor of Child Development at Yale
1937 Trip to Athens
1938 Taught at Sarah Lawrence College
1938 71 Consultant in Child Development at Milton Prep School and New Hampshire
Children's Aid Society
1950 62 Consultant at Shady Hill School, Cambridge
1955 Retired from New Hampshire Children's Aid Society
1962 Retired from Barnard
1972 Returned to Colorado Springs to live
1975 Died in Colorado Springs in July
Box 1
Letters from Miriam to Philip
Bundle 1 1880 1881 29 letters
Bundle 2 1882 91 letters
Bundle 3 1883 78 letters
Bundle 4 1885 1886 45 letters
Bundle 5 1887 1888 35 letters
Bundle 6 1890 1891 23 letters
Bundle 7 1892 1895 36 letters
Box 2
Letters from Miriam to her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Richard S. Storrs
Bundle 8 1868, 1871 74, 1876, 1882 16 letters
Bundle 9 1883 47 letters
Bundle 10 1884 72 letters
Bundle 11 1885 55 letters
Bundle 12 1886 64 letters
Bundle 13 1887 70 letters
Bundle 14 1888 70 letters
Bundle 15 1889 74 letters
Box 3
Bundle 16 1890 59 letters
Bundle 17 1891 67 letters
Bundle 18 1892 56 letters
Bundle 19 1893 58 letters
Bundle 20 1894 43 letters
Bundle 21 1895 47 letters
Bundle 22 1896 39 letters
Bundle 23 1897 40 letters
Bundle 24 1898 1900 24 letters
Letters from Miriam to her sister Hatty
Bundle 25 1887, 1889 1893 9 letters
Letters from Miriam to her daughters
Bundle 26 1889 1901 8 letters
Miscellaneous letters from Miriam
Bundle 27 To Grandpa 1863, 1868 7 letters
To Mrs. Washburn 1882
To Sadie 1885
To Mary 1888, 1892
To Mrs. Allen 1897
Letters and telegrams not written by Miriam
Bundle 28 From R. S. Storrs 13 items
to Miriam 1898,1900
to Philip 1887
to Mrs. R. S. Storrs 1888
From Philip Washburn
to Rev. Richard Stors, 1883, 1896
to Rev. Edward B. Coe, 1896
From Eleanor to Mum (Grandmother Washburn) 1896
From Ruth to Mum (Grandmother Washburn) 1893
From Miriam (daughter of Miriam & Philip) to Eleanor 1901
From Eleanor to Miriam (daughter of Miriam & Philip) 1900
Box 4
Books and monographs (removed and cataloged separately)
Books 1,2 The Smiling and Laughing of Infants, 1929. (1 copy still in Ms collection)
Book 3 Children Have Their Reasons, 1942.
Book 4 Re Education in a Nursery Group; a Study in Clinical Psychology, 1944.
Book 5 Children Know Their Friends, 1949
Book 6,7 Wisdom Begins at Birth, 1967. (1 copy still in Ms collection)
Published articles
Book 8 "Discipline for Self Reliance". Childcraft, vol. 12, 1954.
Folder 1 "The Nursery Group at Yale Clinic of Child Development",
reprinted from Childhood Education, May 1932
"An Explanatory Outline for Lay Observers of Nursery Groups" written
with Dorothy Cannon Thompson. Reprinted from Childhood Education, May 1933.
"Variations on the Family Theme", Child Study, October, 1935.
"Nursery School Education for All", Radcliffe Quarterly, February,
"Discipline in the World of Childhood", reprinted from Childhood Education,
"Winning a Place in the Family - Every Child's Problem", Two to Six,
June 1946.
"Parents and Teachers in Partnership", Parents, October 1948.
"Happiness Through Discipline", Parents League of Boston Letter, Number
Three, March 1950.
"Two's Company", Children's Religion, June 1951.
"Friendship with Children", Shady Hill News, May 1959. 2 copies
"In Praise of Fiction", Shady Hill News, May 1959. 2 copies
"Consultant in Child Development at Shady Hill", Shady Hill News,
November 1961. 2 copies
"Admissions", written with Louise H. Alden, Madeline Gabron and Elizabeth
Tucker. Shady Hill News, November 1962
"Let Your Friendship With Children Show", The Instructor, April 1964.
Box 5
Unpublished articles
Folder 1 "The Work of a Child Psychologist on the Staff of the New Hampshire
Children's Aid Society"
"When Young Children Reason"
"A Clinical Study at an Independent School of Validity of the Intelligence
Books 1,2 "Child Psychologist, Model of the 1920's" 2 copies
Book 3 Notebook of reviews
Box 6
Two years professional work and training in France and England Narrative account plus letters, photos, clippings
Book 1 Section 1: Sept. 19, 1918 Dec. 25, 1919
Book 2 Section 2: Jan. 5, 1919 April 10, 1919
Book 3 Section 3: April 18, 1919 July 31, 1919
Book 4 Section 4: Aug. 4, 1919 Dec. 31, 1919
Book 5 Section 5: Jan. 1, 1920 June 18, 1920
Book 6 Carbon copy of all sections
Box 7
Notebook of letters written by Ruth Wendell Washburn to her sisters, Miriam Washburn Adams and Eleanor W. Emery
Book 1 May 14 Nov. 2, 1937 Athens and Austria
Book 2 Nov. 7, 1937 May 24, 1938 Geneva, Rome, Athens
Book 3 Scrapbook of miscellaneous clippings, letters mementos. 1899 1974 (not
in chronological order)
Book 4 Notebook containing biographies of Ruth, her father and her mother
Book 5 Notebook of miscellaneous lists: places where she spent various Christmases,
places in which she lived, furniture, jewelry, chronology of her life
Folder 1 Letters received by Ruth Washburn 1962. 1964 66, 1974 75
Folder 2 Letters and postcards written by Ruth Washburn during a trip to Europe
in 1934
Folder 3 Miscellaneous collection of notes, clippings, picture, brochures including:
Booklet "Colorado Vignettes" by MSW (Miriam Storrs Washburn)
Resolutions adopted by the Vestry of St. Stephens Church in memory of Rev. P.
Booklet "Service at the Unveiling of the Memorial Window to Rev. Philip
Paper by Ruth Washburn about Marjorie Palmer Watt
Box 8
Daily diaries from 1892-1895.
Letters written to his mother, Mrs. Mary Washburn
Book 1 1879 1882
Book 2 1882 1886
Book 3 1883 1884, Foreign
Book 4 1885, Foreign
Book 5 1887
Book 6 1889
Book 7 1890
Book 8 1891
Box 9
Book 9 1892
Book 10 1893, Saranac
Book 11 1894, Colorado
Book 12 1894 1895, Colorado
Book 13 1896
Book 14 1898
ADDITION, 2007: silver plate engraved "To Rev. and Mrs. Washburn from their [Ivanhoe? Braintree?] Friends, September 4th 1894." Gift of Alyna Ashcraft, who found the plate at a thrift shop in St. George, Utah.
Box 10
Book 15 Photograph album given by Mrs. Miriam Washburn to her mother in law, Mrs. Mary Washburn, in September 1899. Some pictures were added by the elder Mrs. Washburn and also by Mrs. Miriam Washburn Adams. A family genealogy appears inside front cover.
Folder 1
Washburn and Emery Family Memoirs: "Dear Grandchildren," by Eleanor
Washburn Emery; "Par, My Dinosaur," by Eleanor Washburn Emery; "A
Camping Trip, 1916," by Miriam Washburn Emery; "A Mother's Creative
Life," by Eleanor Washburn Emery; "Notes from a Diary," by Charles
Francis Emery; two b&w photographs, and a letter from the donor, Eleanor
Emery Harper.
Box 11 (oversize)
Scrapbook, Philip M. Washburn, 1878 1883
Book 16 Memoirs of Philip's years at Harvard
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