| F1. Palmer Hall under Construction |
| F2. Palmer Hall under Construction |
| F3. Perkins Hall and Coburn Library - Looking West |
| F4. Looking West across Campus - Palmer Hall at Right |
| F5. 1200 Block of Wood Avenue |
| F6. Cutler Hall and Montgomery Hall |
| F7. Perkins Hall |
| F8. Hagerman Hall under Construction |
| F9. Hagerman Hall, Cutler Hall, and Montgomery Hall |
| F10. Coburn Library |
| F11. CC Panorama - looking north, showing Washburn Field, Cutler Hall, right |
| F12. First CC Building - N. Tejon Street, North of Cumberland Presbyterian Church |
 | F13. Cutler Hall - before wings were added |
| F14. Old Gymnasium Interior |
| F15. President's House - 24 College Place |
| F16. Ticknor Hall under Construction |
| F17. Hagerman Hall and Cutler Hall |
| F18. Same image as F13 |
| F19. View South from Campus 1883 |
| F20. Cheyenne Mountain from corner of Cascade Ave. and Cache la Poudre (2 Negatives) |