Century Chest transcription 135 |
Letter 1 History of the Tejon Lodge No 104 A.F. & A.M. of Colorado Springs Colo Aug 4, 1901 Tejon Lodge No 104 received its dispensation from MW. Grand Master Cromwell Tucker, of the jurisdiction of Colorado, being favorably recommended by its sister lodge El Paso No. 13 of Colorado Springs, Colo under date of Dec 16 A.L. 5897 A.D. 1897. Rev. W.W. Williamson was appointed W.M.; Rev. Horace H Mitchell S.W.; and Rev. Cha H Dudley J.W.; forty master Masons signed the petition for dispensation. Tejon Lodge U.D. received its charter at the next meeting of the Grand Lodge of Colorado in Sept. 1898 under date number 104. Tejon Lodge No 104 was constituted in special communication of Grand
Lodge in ample from by M.W. Grand Master Horace F. Delong on the 16th
of November AL 5898 AD 1898 and by him the following officers were installed
in their respective offices the same evening; Rev. W. Wood Williamson
G.M At the annual election held Dec 7th A.L. 5898 AD 1898 the following
were elected to the respective offices and later installed in due form; The Annual election held Dec 6th AL 5899 AD 1899 the following were
elected to respective effects and later installed in due form On Dec 6th 1899 Bro Geo R. Turnhill laid down his working tools and was translated [?] the celestial Lodge above. He was not hired by the lodge as the family not desire it. At the annual election held Dec 5th A.L. 5900 AD 1900 the secretary reported the lodge entirely out of debt and a small balance of cash on hand. The GM & Secty received a special vote of appreciation of the Lodge for their enduring efforts to accomplish this object. At this election the following were elected and duly installed later Tejon Lodge No 104 now began to grow rapidly; much and most excellent work was done, sustaining the already established reputation of Tejon Lodge. Tejon Lodge 104 is now in a most prosperous condition with about 70 members, nearly $500.00 cash in hand, and with much interest manifested in the work and success of the Lodge. RW Geo D Kennedy Def. Grand Master at present time and PM of El Paso No 13 has regularly installed the offices of Tejon Lodge No 104 annually except at the contitution of the lodge in 1898. Thus showing the close harmony between the two sister lodges in the city. May be the memory of those who worked so hard and faithfully for the
good of Tejon Lodge No 104 at all be cherished by their brothers of
the 21st century is the earnest wish of
Colorado Springs, Colorado To my brethren of the Masonic Fraternity of Colorado Springs of the
21st Century The last 50 years of the 19th Century has been one of phenomenal growth to all the secret orders. More especially to the Masonic fraternity. Orders of all sorts and kinds have sprung up like mushrooms and like them have been laid away and forgotten, but ours has continued to grow and is today the largest of all, may it even continue. When this will be read at the dawn of the 21st century nearly four generations of men will have come, have completed their work and have passed away. And like a voice from the long buried past will come the greetings of the Masonic fraternity Colorado Springs in the year AL 5901. You my brethren will note what changes have taken place in the coming 100 years while we will have all gone to that "undiscovered bourne from whence no traveler returns". To-day Masonry stands at the head of all the Secret Orders. Noble in its conception Grand in its ideas and ideals it is the one order in which all men stand on our equality. The aims and objects of Masonry has even been "onward and upward" and as a voice from the buried past my brethren I say to you, let it even so continue, so that your children, coming after you, will say, "own fathers builded better than they knew." And now my brethren I will give a short history of the fraternity in this city as it is today. El Paso Lodge No 13 AT and AM was granted a dispensation by the Grand Master of Masons in Colorado on January 27th 1866 then formed at Colorado City, Colorado with brothers Edmund T. Stone as Worshipful Master. Charles T Judd as Senior warden and SK Roberts a Junior Warden. The Dispensation was continued for one year by the Grand Lodge, the membership then being 17 members. On the 8th day of October 1867 the Grand Lodge of Colorado, granted a charter to this Lodge with the same officers and 39 members. On the 7th day of November 1867 the Lodge was dedicated and Consecrated to Masonry. Today the Lodge contains 325 members. The History of Tejon No 104 will be written by Bro Horace H. Mitchell P.M. and accompany this. Colorado Springs Chapter No 6 Royal Arch Masons was organized under Dispensation granted May 15 1877 with Companion Andrew Sagendorf as EHP and 17 Members today the chapter contains 175 members. Zabud Council No 8 Royal and Select Masters was organized in 1895 under Dispensation from the General Grand Council of the United States Was granted a Charter by the Grand Council of Colorado on August 20th 1898 with companions Myer R. Coe Deputy Master and David B. Robertson Principal Conduction of the work with 33 members. The Council today has 75 members. Pikes Peak Commandery No 6 Knights Templar was organized under Dispensation April 18, 1881 with Andrew Sagendorf as Eminent Commander and 19 Members. Chartered by the Grand Commandery of Colorado on September 23, 1881 with same officers and 30 members. Today the membership is 107. Ramona Chapter No 9 order of the Eastern Star has been written by my wife Mrs. Eliza S. Cohen, the Strand Secretary of the Order in Colorado and accompanys [sic] this and now with best wishes for all the Masonic bodies of Colorado Springs in the year 2001. I am Fraternally, |
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