This collection consists of more than 12,000 items, many of them
rare or unique. It includes printed material on the history, biography,
literature, art, and geology of Colorado, particularly of Colorado
Springs and the Pikes Peak Region. It also contains selected Colorado
periodicals and a wide variety of maps, photographs, microforms,
and ephemeral material such as pamphlets, tourist brochures, bumper
stickers, and clippings. Most of these materials have records in the online catalog. |

Colorado Springs, 1874 |
Colorado photos
The Colorado Room Photo Files (CRPF) contain unique photographs,
photographic prints, postcards, and other images of Colorado-related
Colorado diaries
Many of the diaries in Special Collections relate to Colorado Springs
or Colorado.
Colorado ephemera
Menus, programs and playbills, tourist brochures, bumper stickers, zines.
Colorado newspapers
See the Pikes Peak Library District's Pikes Peak Newsfinder for free access to historical articles from the Colorado Springs Gazette. Here at CC, we have a near-complete run of bound volumes of the
Gazette for 1873 to 1976, plus some issues of other area newspapers.
Colorado Springs Black History materials
Black newspapers in Colorado Springs, along with manuscript and audio materials, some of them digitized.
Cobos Collection
Information on the Rubén Cobos Collection of Spanish New Mexican
Folklore, a sound archive containing over 2000 pieces of music, poetry,
stories, and more.
Digitized collections at other institutions:
Peak Library District digital collections
Public Library digital collections