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World War I Poster Collection
United War Work Campaign

Dimensions of Original, 12-1/2" x 20-1/4"
Rogers & Company, Printer/Lithographer
Copyright © Colorado College
Proper use requires adequate citation when published or exhibited. Citation Special Collections,
Tutt Library, Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

World War I Poster Collection Guide

U.S. Food Administration | American Red Cross | U.S. Army Recruitment |
U.S. Navy Recruitment | U.S. Recruitment Miscellaneous | Religious Organizations |
United War Work Campaign | U.S. Department of Agriculture |
Agriculture, University of Missouri Extension | American Library Association |
U.S. Boards, Bureaus, Commissions and Committees | Smileage Books |
Miscellaneous | Colorado | War Saving Stamps | U.S. Liberty Bonds |
U.S. Victory and Liberty Loans | Relief Organizations | England | France
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maintained by Special Collections; last revised, 6-24-02, ca.