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Colorado College Tutt Library: E.C. van Diest Manuscript Collection


Edmond C. (Cornelius) van Diest Papers, Ms 0233

Gift of Alice van Diest 1963, Eloise van Diest Skilling 1988, and Kim Skilling 2024. Accessioned 1986. Finding aid by Ginny Kieffer 1991.

Size: 69 linear feet (104 boxes) plus oversize maps, plans, and drawings in map case drawers (listed at end)

Description: Personal and business correspondence; reports, ledgers and papers relating to mining, engineering, and ranching interests


The extensive collection of Edmond Cornelius van Diest consists of papers, letters, reports, pamphlets, ledgers and journals, deeds, stocks, publications, addresses, bound copy books and maps and drawings. The collection covers the variety of personal interests, business and engineering matters, civic and personal affairs of E. C. van Diest from 1896 to 1950. These range from mining, real estate, investments, politics, ranching, public service and manufacturing companies, the Chamber of Commerce, the Kiwanis, child welfare, tax reform, Colorado College, Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Clubs, the Palmer Memorial, the San Luis Valley (the Trinchera and Costilla Estates, mining, family, etc.), and much more.

The bound copy books are copies of letters written by van Diest. Of special interest are the set of letters written by Mr. van Diest when he was agent for General William J. Palmer (many are about Glen Eyrie, Monument Valley Park, Wagon Wheel Gap, timber and other interests of General Palmer). There are also two copy books of letters concerning the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad and two copy books dealing with the San Luis Valley and matters there.

This collection is organized in the order it appeared in the most recent boxes. The materials had been transferred some years ago from van Diest's filing cabinets into the boxes and no doubt some of the order was lost. There is not an overall chronological arrangement by year, nor are they organized by subject, although in many sections there is a sequence that possibly reflects E. C. van Diest’s order. The collection was processed to the folder level not to the individual piece. Subjects are indicated to the folder level with more detail in some places to aid the researcher.

A letter from E. C. van Diest's daughter in the files of Special Collections indicates the School of Mines was given material on the topography and geography of mining interests in Colorado. The Park Department of Colorado Springs also received all maps and identifying material used by van Diest in the layout of the Park System under General Palmer.


Edmond van Diest was born in Buitenzora, Island of Java, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) August 13, 1865, the son of Josephine and Pietre Heinrich van Diest. His father and grandfathers for three generations were governors on the Island of Banca, off Java, for the Dutch Government in the Hague, Holland. The van Diest Family immigrated to the United States in 1872, when Mr. van Diest was seven years of age, where P. H. van Diest had accepted a position with the newly opened Colorado School of Mines as a Meteorologist. He also opened in Denver an assay office where gold from the Cherry Creek Nederlands and Western Slope areas were tested. The family, comprising four sisters and Edmond, were educated in the Denver Public Schools prior to entering Colorado colleges. Upon graduation, with EM-DM degrees, his first positions were connected with the surveying of land boundaries, through which territorial Colorado might become a state. In 1884, he accepted a position as manager of the Sangre De Cristo grant and brought his family to San Luis, Colorado, where he remained with his family until 1904.

In 1890 he married Anna Louise Meyer at Costilla, New Mexico. There were five children, three of whom survived--Alice E. van Diest, professor of Sociology, Colorado College (retired); Annette Josine van Diest Weldie, manager of Personnel, Hermann Hospital, Houston Texas, and wife of Ralph E. Weldie; Eloise Margaret van Diest Skilling, prominent social leader in St. Louis, Missouri and wife of Dr. David M. Skilling, Jr. who is an eminent internist and diagnostician in St. Louis.

In 1904, a close and valued friendship arose between General Wm. J. Palmer and Edmond C. van Diest, resulting in Mr. van Diest becoming consulting and construction engineer for the Palmer interests. Among the jobs handled and accomplished were: the building of Glen Eyrie, the palatial home of General Palmer; the laying out of Monument Valley Park, extending from the northern limits of the city to the business district of Colorado Springs, a matter of 30 blocks; (the Monument Creek which ran through this area was the basis for the Park's development and playground facilities); assistance in the laying out and development of heating facilities for the Colorado College campus.

At the death of General Palmer in 1909, the City of Colorado Springs asked Mr. van Diest to remain as consulting engineer in order that the plans which General William P. Palmer had for the city which he founded might be finished according to earlier specifications.

Beginning in 1910, Mr. van Diest began his interest in public service companies in Colorado, Utah, Montana and Nebraska. His activities covered ice and storage plants, the establishment of public and private utilities, and the specifications for the building of dams and bridges.

Besides a business career, which was related to the development of many western states, Mr. van Diest was always interested in the social and civic organizations of Colorado Springs. Among these was the Chamber of Commerce in which he was not only a local member, but also became a director of the National Chamber of Commerce. He also assisted in the organization of the Colorado-Wyoming Kiwanis Clubs and raised money for the project which studied child welfare in Colorado and which led to the recommendation of the Colorado Kiwanis to the state Legislature in a Child Welfare Department, including grants in aid, home care, recreation, and institutional management. The study which created the recommendations was made by the Child Welfare League of America. Not only was he a trustee for the Colorado School of Mines, with whom he served for a quarter of a century and honored with a Ph. D. degree, but he also served as a trustee of the Colorado College until his death in 1951, being particularly interested in its buildings and grounds, its athletic field, for which he raised money to increase its size and seating capacity, but was also interested in raising of the faculty standards and salaries.

One of Mr. van Diest's projects which has brought about a lasting memory of General Wm. J. Palmer, as well as controversy, was the erection of the bronze statue of the General on his horse on a marble base at the intersection of Platte and Nevada avenues, where federal highways 85-86 and 24 meet. This statue upon its being placed at the above intersection was by Council order to remain in perpetuity until such time as the people in general election should vote to remove and place it in an equally prominent location.

Edmond C. van Diest died in 1950.

Principal Engineering Affiliations

1886-1903 - Manager and Engineer Costilla Estates
1893-1901 - Manager and Engineer Trinchera Estates
1900-1906 - President and Construction Engineer Eureka Exploration Company
1888-1937 - President Rito Seco Company
1903-1909 - Chief Engineer for General Wm. J. Palmer
1909-1916 - President Associated Engineers Company and General Manager Intermountain Railway, Light and Power
1916-1926 - President Western Public Service Company
1909-1911 - Cons. Engr. Myron Stratton Home
1910-1917 - President Central Construction Company
1912-1937 - President Colorado Concrete Company
1927-1937 - President General Service Company and 10 subsidiaries
Operations in Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado.

Box 1
1. The Mines Engineering and Investment Company 1910-1911
2. Plomo Properties 1911-1912
3. Thomas H. Norton and Thomas W. Norton 1910-1912, Plomo Mining Company, Plat - Trinchera Estate
4. William L. Austin 1910-1911 - Plomo Mining Co.
5. Frederick A. Williams and George M. Irwin 1910-1911, Plomo Mining Co.
6. R. E. Paine 1910-1911 Mines Engineering and Investment Co.
7. George L. Huntress 1895-1912 Plomo Mining Co.
8. Rito Seco and Plomo Documents 1899-1930
9. Maps - Rito Seco and Plomo
10. Marshall County Power and Light - Kansas (1915), Marysville, Kansas (1916)
11. The Concordia Electric Light Company - Kansas (1915)
12. American Potash Company of Delaware - 1919, The Intermountain Railway Light and Power Co., *Photo Postals of Chadron, Crawford, Laramie, Lamar, Las Animas
13. The Glenwood Light and Water Company 1929, Hotel Colorado at Glenwood Springs, Callaway Milling and Electric Company 1930
14. Grand River Valley Railroad Company, The Grand Junction Electric, Gas and Manufacturing Company 1924, 15. Report on the Coal properties of the Colorado Springs Company and the Estate of Wm. J. Palmer - circa 1909
16. Multiple Unit Blanching Kettle (Canning) 1945

Box 2
Loose leaf binder with folders labeled: E. van Diest Water and Geological Surveys
1. Del Monte - Monterey Lode Claims Alto Mining Co., Humboldt County, Nevada
2. Construction Callahan Reservoir No. 1, Contract with Stephen Clarke, Feb. 5, 1910
3. Water Supply Investigation for Tarbell Ranch and Adjacent, Lands
4. Contract - Stephen Clarke and A. F. Callahan
5. Report on Callahan Project El Paso County, Colo., March 1910
6. Preliminary Report Mr. A. P. Callahan El Paso County, Colo
7. Dalhart Ice and Electric Company and Dalhart Water Company
, 8. Preliminary Investigation Diversion of South Platte Waters to Cherry Creek * a few photos
9. Preliminary Report Callahan Project El Paso County, Colo.
10. Report on Stark Ranch w/ * 4 photos and 6 negatives
11. Contract between the Colorado Springs Electric Co. and the El Paso County Land and Fuel Co. - Mar. 26, 1910
12. Documents on the Dalhart Ice and Electric Co. and the Dalhart Water Co.
13. Spring Run Reservoir No. 2 Construction Plans and specifications August 4, 1910
14. Broadmoor Water Supply
15. Report Bear Creek Water Settlement - Portland Gold Mining Co.
16. Spring Run Reservoir No. 2 Specifications
17. Parsons Water Co. - Parsons, Kansas April 1916
18. Report on Gold Banks Quicksilver Properties - Humboldt County, Nevada with * 5 panoramic photos, 4 other pictures and 5 negatives
19. Preliminary Investigation for Water Rights in South Park to Cherry Creek Drainage
20. Quantities in Omer Dam

Box 3
17. Geological Description at Stunner, Conejos County, Colo. , August 1890, Report on Property of the Federal Granite Company, Preliminary Report on Limestone Deposits in Chaffee, County, Colorado
Report on the Granite of the Federal Granite Company, near Salida, Colorado 1919
18. Broadmoor Land Company - Contracts, Queries, etc., Ditches - Cheyenne, Meyers, Fountain Dixon, Clover, 1906-1909
19. Water Measurements Cheyenne Creek 1909, Report Data Watershed Cheyenne Creeks, Ditch Decrees 1909-1910, Fountain Ditch Rights, Broadmoor Land Company's Property Ditches
20. Water Pollution - 1909, (Ozone Method of Purifying water)
21. Broadmoor Land Company Water Rights - Correspondence, 1909-1910
22. Canon Reservoir No. 1
Myron Stratton Home - Water Rights - Ditches, (Dr. D. H. Rice - Trustee - Estate of W. S. Stratton)
23. Water Rights : Voss Land 1909-1910, Harmes Ditch, Monument Valley Coal Mine, Brookside Company
24. Dixon Park Place 1891-1911, The Dixon Land and Water Company
25. Inventory and Description of Real Estate and Water Rights, owned by Broadmoor Land Company as of May 1, 1909, and offered for sale.
26. Abstract of Title to the Ada Bell Lode Mining Claim, U. S., Mineral Survey No. 8700, in the Cripple Creek Mining District, Teller County (formerly El Paso County) Colo. 1892, [Ramona Mining and Milling Co. 1893, Ramona Gold Mining, Co. 1898, The Comanche Plume Gold Mining Co. 1914, Queen, Gold Mining Co. 1914, Buckeye Mines and Milling Co. 1916, The Cripple Creek Drainage and Tunnel Co. 1917, The, Milliken Gold Mines, Inc. 1935], Certificate of Incorporation - Queen Exploration, Inc. , Stock certificate
27. Eureka Exploration Co. 1930 San Juan Co., Colo., Metals Exploration Co. 1912-1930 San Juan Co., Colo.

Box 4
28. Buena Vista Power Co. 1928 - E. C. van Diest, President
29. Buena Vista Power Co. 1928
30. Buena Vista Power Co. 1929
31. Buena Vista Power Co. 1929
32. Buena Vista Power Co. 1929-1930 - Arthur T. Judd, Superintendent

Box 5
33. Buena Vista Power Co. 1930
34. Buena Vista Power Co. 1931
35. Buena Vista Power Co. 1931
36. Buena Vista Power Co. 1932
37. Buena Vista Power Co. 1933

Box 6
38. Buena Vista Power Co. 1934
39. Buena Vista Power Co. 1935, 40. Buena Vista Power Co. 1935, purchased by Mountain Utilities Corp.
41. Buena Vista Power Co. 1935, Correspondence, Corporate proceedings 1935
42. Buena Vista Power Co. 1935, Contracts and Agreements, State of Colorado - Application for license, Forms, Stock Certificates, 43. Public Utilities Commission, City and County of Denver, Colorado, Contract for water mains
Publication: Credit requirements of Small Industry for Recovery Dr. Theodore N. Beckman Oct. 1934

Box 7
44. Buena Vista Electric Light and Power Co. [old papers], 1888-1892 1913
45. Buena Vista Electric Light and Power Co. Papers 1927, [when E. C. van Diest, R. E. Weldie and W. J. Chinn became, directors and name changed to Buena Vista Power Co. ]
46. Buena Vista Power Co. 1927 formerly Buena Vista Electric, Light and Power Co.
47. Buena Vista Power Co. 1928

Box 8
48. E. C. van Diest 1929 Correspondence
49. E. C. van Diest 1929 Correspondence
50. E. C. van Diest 1930 Correspondence
51. E. C. van Diest 1930 Correspondence

Box 9
52. U. S. Internal Revenue E. C. van Diest 1930
53. American Superpower (of Delaware) 1929-1930, E. C. van Diest personal file
54. E. C. van Diest 1930 Correspondence (mostly business)
55. E. C. van Diest 1930 Correspondence (mostly business)
56. Harry E. Towle 1931 [J. R. Williston and Co. Wall St., NY, NY], Correspondence with van Diest
57. Harry E. Towle 1931 (same as above)

Box 10
58. Internal Revenue E. C. van Diest 1931
59. E. C. van Diest 1931, Correspondence - personal (insurance, etc) and, business matters
60. E. C. van Diest 1931 (same as above)
61. E. C. van Diest 1931 (same as above)
62. Grace Episcopal Church, Colorado Springs, Colo. 1931, E. C. van Diest chairman Finance Committee and Every Member, Canvas Committee, etc.
63. Colorado College Colorado Springs, Colorado, E. C. van Diest Trustee, Report of Treasurer 1940, Report Intramural Sports Program 1947-1948, Board of Trustees 1948, 1949, 1950, Alumni Relations Report 1948
64. Costilla County Bank 1931 San Luis Valley, Colo., E. C. van Diest - Land and Business Correspondence, Federal Land Bank dealings

Box 11
65. Colorado Concrete Mfg. Co. 1931, E. C. van Diest - President of Company
66. Associated Engineers Company Colorado Springs, E. C. van Diest Personal File 1922, 1928, 1929, Internal Revenue Refund - van Diest was one of several, liquidating Trustees, [The Chadron Ice and Creamery Co. - van Diest - Director], [Western Public Service Company - van Diest - President], 67. Same as Above
68. Harry E. Towle 1929 Correspondence with van Diest, General Services Corp - Investment Company
69. Same as above, 70. Same as above

Box 12
71. E. C. van Diest 1929 Correspondence, Business, Investments, Personal (including his, sister-in-law Grietje [Margot M. Meyer]
72. E. C. van Diest 1929 Correspondence, Business, Investments
73. Colorado Concrete Mfg. Co. 1915-1921 1929 1934, E. C. van Diest file
74. E. C. van Diest Internal Revenue 1929
75. Costilla County Bank Liquidation 1934, E. C. van Diest file
76. The Colorado Concrete Manufacturing Company, American Concrete Pipe Association 1933-1934

Box 13
77. Publication - Iowa State College of Agriculture, and Mechanical Parts - M. G. Spanger 1933, Monolithic Concrete Sewers, Office Proceedings of the 26th Annual Convention, American Concrete Pipe Association 1933
78. Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Tidewater Association, E. C. van Diest file, Publication - Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Deep Waterway, Treaty 1933 [van Diest consulted]
E. C. van Diest was member of the Business Advisory and Planning, Council for Department of Commerce and member of Board, of Directors of the United States Chamber of Commerce, and member of (Colorado) Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway, Committee,
79. General Service Corporation [Investments] 1934, H. E. Towle - of J. R. Williston and Co. - Wall St. NY, NY
80. E. C. van Diest Internal Revenue 1934
81. E. C. van Diest Personal, Business, Investment, Correspondence 1933, Patty Stuart-Jewett Memorial Field - Golf Dept. , [billiard balls], Land near Littleton - Clark Colony - 15 acres, [owned by van Diest and rented out], Costilla Estates Development Company 1913, San Acacio, Colorado, [leased by van Diest and occupied (grazed) by, Mr. Wm. F. Meyer],, E. C. van Diest was Member of Municipal Golf Club Commission, President of Intermountain Economics, Conference, Active in Child Welfare League of Colorado, Member of El Paso Club - Colorado Springs
82. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1933
83. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1933, Personal - Real Estate, Insurance, Civic, Investments
E. C. van Diest was member of Executive Committee to the Advisory, Committee of the Department of Commerce 1933, and member American Institute of Mining and, Metallurgical Engineers , 84. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1933, Personal, Civic, Investments

Box 14
85. General Service Corporation Correspondence 1933, E. C. van Diest with Harry E. Towle
86. Same as above
87. E. C. van Diest Internal Revenue 1933
88. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932, (Prohibition)
89. Colorado Concrete Mfg. Co. 1932 van Diest file
90. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932, 91. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932, 92. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932, 93. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932

Box 15
94. Grace Episcopal Church Colorado Springs 1932, E. C. van Diest involved with Finances and Every Member, Canvas, Insurance, Vestry
95. E. C. van Diest Insurance 1932
96. Indian Affairs 1926-1932 Correspondence, E. C. van Diest was member of Advisory Commission -, Colorado State Indian Commission, [Racial scandal involving Mrs. C. W. Wiegel, Chairman, of Colorado State Indian Commission - and Ute, Mountain School in Southern Colorado], E. C. van Diest seemed to be consulted because of his, involvement in child welfare/health work in Colorado. E. C. van Diest - Chairman Board of Directors of Colorado Child Welfare
97. Ferdinand Meyer Estate Settlement 1932
98. Meyers Liquidation 1929-1932, E. C. van Diest personal file, Wm. F. Meyer and Cidelia S. Meyer
99. Same as above
100. Same as above

Box 16
101. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1932, Personal, Investments, Herbert Hoover letter April 1932
102. Tax Amendment and Correspondence 1932, Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Pamphlets van Diest crusader for Tax Reform - inequalities and inefficiencies in antiquated tax laws. Tax Amendment - proposed Amendment to the State Constitution providing for a State Income Tax Law.
103. Stock tickets - Purchase and Sale - E. C. van Diest
104. General Service Company 1932 Investments, Harry E. Towle correspondence
105. Same as above
106. U. S. Internal Revenue 1932, Includes Rito Seco Property and Plomo Mining Company
107. Vanmont Investment Company [van Diest - President] 1936, Amherst Building, Pueblo, Colo. - Property, George D. Meston, Pueblo, Colo., Vanmont investment Co. expired leases - Pueblo, Colorado Springs, New York 1927-1934
108. Vanmont Investment Company 1935, Vanmont Ranch - Larkspur, Colo. - Perry Park District, Gardner Ranch, Amherst Building

Box 17
109. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1934
110. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1933
111. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1931
112. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1931, Amherst Building, * Photos Faisis Canon City Duplex
113. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1931
114. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1930

Box 18
115. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence and Minutes 1929
116. Vanmont Investment Company George D. Meston 1929
117. Vanmont Investment Company Correspondence 1928, Postcard - downtown Pueblo
118. Vanmont Investment Company - George D. Meston 1928, Buying Amherst Building, Rathner Lease
119. Vanmont Investment Company 1927, Misc. Correspondence and Ratners - Pueblo
120. Vanmont Investment Company 1927, George D. Meston Correspondence with van Diest
121. Bills receipted 1926 and 1927, E. C. van Diest in account with Geo. D. Meston

Box 19
122. Vanmont Investment Co. 1926, Misc. Correspondence, Map-hand drawn of Pueblo Business District 1926, van Diest correspondence - buying Amherst Building and transfer of Amherst building to Vanmont Investment Company
123. Misc. van Diest papers 1906-1907, Florida Real Estate - Jacksonville
Letters to Prof. P. H. van Diest (1890-1891) and from Prof. P. H. van Diest (1893), US Dept. of Agriculture - Irrigation, Artisan (water), Underflow Investigation [P. H. van Diest, did water investigation for the Dept. of Agriculture], Denver Suburban Homes and Water Company Report and Proposed Process of Manufacture and Design for Extraction of Crude Salts from Water of Nebraska Alkaline Lakes - for E. C. van Diest, Map-Meridian, Colorado (land grid) Arapahoe county, Arapahoe Water Supply Company 1918, 1919, 1920, Rental of land - Arapahoe County, Colo., Water Rights Question and Law Suit, Castlewood Reservoir

Box 20
125. Pamphlets: Report: American Power and Light Co. - Kansas Gas and Electric, Pacific Power and Light Co., Portland Gas and Coke Co., Southwestern Utilities Corp. 1914, Report: The American Superpower Corp. . . Special Report to the Stockholders June 30, 1937, Buena Vista Power Co. to the First National Bank of Colo. Springs, Trustee First Mortgage March 1, 1929, The Colorado Power Co. to Columbia - Knickerbocker Trust Co. as Trustee - Mortgage on Deed of Trust May 1913, First Lien and Refunding Mortgage or Deed of Trust - The Defiance Gas and Electric Co. to Equitable Trust Co. of New York - Trustee February 1, 1922, Des Moines Electric Light Co. to the Harris Trust and Savings Bank and M. H. MacLean, Trustee - Trust Indenture Dec. 15, 1924
126. Pamphlets: Kansas City Power and Light Co. To Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank and John F. Downing, Trustees First and Refunding Mortgage and Deed of Trust Dec. 1, 1920, Bondholders Protective Agreement for Deposit of McPhee and McGinnity Co. First Mortgage 6 percent Serial Gold Bonds Feb. 1, 1923, Minnesota Electric Light and Power Co. to Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank and William P. Kopf, Trustees - Mortgage and Deed of Trust Aug. 2, 1915, General Mortgage Missouri - Texas System First and Prior Lien Mortgage Aug., 1, 1912,
127. Pamphlets: Montana Service Corp. to First National Bank of Colorado, Springs -- Trustee First Mortgage April, 1 1929, Montana Service Corp. Report on Examination for the year, ended Dec. 31, 1947, The Nevada-California Electric Corp. to the International, Trust Co. as Trustee-First Lien Indenture Jan. 1, 1916, Trust Indenture Northern States Power Co. to Guaranty, Trust co. of New York trustee -and Wm. C. Cox co-trustee April 1, 1916, Northwestern Public Service Co. with the Seaboard National, Bank of the City of New York Trustees - Trust Agree- ment Dec. 1, 1923, Indenture - the San Luis Power and Water Co. and Boston Safe, Deposit and Trust Co. Nov. 1, 1910
128. Pamphlets, Southwestern Power and Light Co. to Bankers Trust Co., trustee - Mortgage or Deed of Trust June 1, 1913, Refunding First Mortgage Bonds - The Utah Ice and Storage, to the Colorado Title and Trust Co. - Trustee - Deed, of Trust Sept. 1, 1910, President's Report to the Stockholders of General Service, Corp. March 21, 1929, President's Report to the Stockholders of General Service, Corp. March 25, 1930, President's Report to the Stockholders of General Service, Corp. March 25, 1931, President's Report to the Stockholders of General Service, Corp. March 31, 1932, General Service Corp. and Subsidiaries balance sheet and, Consolidated summary of net income Dec. 31, 1929
129. Pamphlets, General Service Corp. in liquidation report on Examination, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1942, First Mortgage 6 % gold bonds the Intermountain Railway, Light and Power Co. to the Colorado Title and Trust Co., Trustee - Deed of Trust Aug. 1, 1912, Supplemental Mortgage Agreement - The Intermountain Railway, to the Colorado Title and Trust Co. -Trustee, Mar. 23, 1915, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain, Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 1, 1916, The Intermountain Railway, Light and Power Co. and the Colorado, Title and Trust Co. and Wm. I. Howbert, Trustees - Missouri- Texas System First and Prior Lien Mortgage Jan. 1, 1917, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain, Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 10, 1918, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain, Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 1, 1919, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 10, 1920, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain, Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 25, 1921, President's Report to the Stockholders of the Intermountain, Railway, Light and Power Co. Feb. 15, 1922
130. Pamphlets, Western Public Service Co. to the International Trust Co. and, Wm. M. Bond. trustees - Trust indenture Nov. 15, 1922, Report No. 2093 on Western Public Service Co. Colorado, Springs Dec. 12, 1923, Industrial Survey Western Public Service Co. and Subsidiary, Companies Report No. 2116 Feb. 25, 1924, President's Report to the Stockholders of Western Public, Service Co. March 20, 1924
131. Pamphlets, Western Public Service Co. to the International Trust Co. and, Albert W. Jones, Jr., Trustees - 1st Mortgage Apr. 1, 1925, Western Public Service Co. to the International Trust Co., and Wm. M. Bond trustees - Trust Indenture Nov. 15, 1924
Western Public Service Co. to the International Trust Co. -, Trustee - Debenture Trust Indenture Apr. 1, 1925, President's Report to the Stockholders of Western Public, Service Co. March 26, 1925, Western Public Service Co. (2 different pamphlets)

Box 21
132. Pamphlets, The County Behind the Investment - Eastern Texas Electric, Co. - served Southern Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana, City of Colorado Springs vs the Pikes Peak Hydro-Electric, Co. and the Colorado Springs Electric Co. - Brief Oral, Argument before the Supreme Court March 18, 1913, Publication: US Geological Service Bulletin 414 - Notes, on some Mining Districts in Humboldt County, Nevada, by Frederick L. Ransome 1909, Publication: Bureau of Mines Bulletin 203 - Central, District Bituminous Coals as Water-Gas Generator, Fuel by W. W. Odell and W. A. Dunkley 1924, Report: Report of the Property and Business of the, Childress Ice and Light Co. the Clarendon Light and, Power Co. Sept. 1921, The Grand Junction Electric Gas and Manufacturing Co. Balance, Sheet Dec. 1924, Map: Proposed transmission lines to connect towns in states, of Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas by the, Commonwealth Utilities Co.
133. Pamphlets, Publication: American Society of Engineers Yearbook, March 1924, Report: Reconnaissance of the Cretaceous Area of Weld, County, Colo. for the Greeley Chamber of Commerce, by Charles S. Lavington, Periodical: Rock Island Magazine Oct. 1922, Ed. by A. E. Remington, Publication: Employees Manual Prepared for the Information, of our Employees Western Public Service Co. 1924
Publication: The Denver Union Water Co. A Corporation,, Complainant vs the City and County of Denver, et al, Defendants May 1914, In the Matter of Appraisement of the Property, etc. of the, Denver Union Water CO., Report: Larned Kansas Wilson Report N vs 1913, Report: Report of the Properties and Territories of the: Manhattan Ice, Light and Power Co., Manhattan, Kansas;, Union Light and Power Co., Abilene, Kansas; Mar. 1915, Report: Day and Zimmerman Report No. 2093 (Supplement), Jan. 19, 1924
134. Pamphlets, Report: McCook Electric Company May 1916, van Diest, Consulting Engineer, Deed: Deed for the International Trust Co. Feb. 1927
Report: Valuation Report of Hiawatha Light, Power and Ice, Co., Hiawatha City, Brown County, Kansas Aug. 9, 1917, Report: Supplementary Data to Report No. 1960 Reproduction, Estimates Union Ice and Coal Co. - Calvert Water, Ice and, Electric Light Co. Hempstead Power, Light and Ice Co. , to E. C. van Diest
135. Pamphlets, Report: Report No. 2128 on the Lincoln Traction Co. and, Lincoln Heat, Light and Power Co. to Western Public, Service Co., Colorado Springs, Colorado May 1924, Report: Report on Proposed Process of Manufacture and, Design of Plant for Extraction of Crude Salts from the, Waters of Nebraska Alkaline Lakes by W. C. Graham, Sept. 1917,

Box 22
137. Tax Returns 1947 - Liquidating Gold Mine, Report: Annual Report, Rito Seco 1946 and 1947, Corporate tax return, Vanmont Investment Company 1946
138. Annual Reports: Queen Exploration Inc. 1941, 42, 43, Metals Exploration Co. 1941, 42, 43, The Rito Seco Gold Mines Co. 1941, 42, 43, Vanmont Investment Co. 1940, 41, 42, 43, Protective Appliance Corp. 1941, 42, 43
139. Capital Stock Tax Returns 1919-1943: Includes: Rito Seco Gold Mines Co., Protective Appliances, Metals Exploration Company, Queen Exploration Co., Vanmont Investment Company
140. Corporate Income Tax Returns: 1941, 1943, 1944, 1945,
141. Expired Option Agreements and Commission Agreements 1915- 1936:

Box 23
142. Option - Commission Agreements: Johnston, Wyoming Metals Exploration Co. 1937-1942
143. Metals Exploration Co., Annual Reports, Income Tax Reports, Capital Stock Tax Returns
144. van Diest Personal and Business Correspondence 1928
145. Abstracts and Deeds - E. C. van Diest 1917-1944
146. Rito Seco Gold Mines Company 1935, Map of Rito Seco Properties, Trinchera Estate Survey

Box 24
147. Corporate Income and Excess Profits Tax Returns: 1922-1940
148. Annual Reports, Rito Seco Gold Mines Co: 1912-1940, Corporate Income and Profits Tax Return: 1914-1921
149. Vanmont Investment Co: Vanmont Ranch, Douglas County, CO, Survey Description, location and inventory 1936
150. General Service Corp. 1942
151. Vanmont Investment Company: Vanmont Ranch Abstracts, Deeds etc. - 1904, 1909, 1926, 1933

Box 25
152. Vanmont Investment Company: Amherst Property 1926, 1929, 1933; Vermijo Property
153. Vanmont Investment Company: Corporation Income and Excess Profits Tax Returns -, 1927-1939, 1948, Annual Report 1933-1940
154. Vanmont Investment Company, Miscellaneous Papers, Incorporation Papers, Bylaws
155. Certificate of Authority - The Railway Icing Company 1925
156. Clark Colony, 1905: Arapahoe County, CO, Water Contract
157. van Diest miscellaneous - labeled, unfiled 1940, 1947, Colorado College - Budget 1946-47, Reconstruction Finance Corporation Brochure, Trinchera Ranch Brochure, Correspondence miscellaneous, 1947, business and personal, West State Senators, General Palmer Bust Proposal - Statuary Hall Wash. D. C., Business Advisory Council for Department of Commerce, Colorado College Athletics Board, Treasure Mountain - Silverton, CO 1947 Gold Mining, Kiwanis
158. van Diest: Correspondence Reports 1947-1949 labeled, unidentified, History of Colorado School of Mines, Business (investments), Estate of P. H. van Diest 1903 paper, Colorado College - Athletics board 1947 (minutes and reports), Colorado School of Mines - Correspondence, van Diest Trust matters (personal), van Diest - Honorary Doctor of Engineering by Colorado, School of Mines

Box 26
159. Miscellaneous Correspondence: van Diest 1947 - 1949 personal, business, Suggestions to Government People, U. S. Senate
160. The Ridgeway Group (San Juan County) part of the Eureka Exploration Company 1896, 1915
161. Frederica Group (San Juan County Co.) 1915, Part of the Eureka Exploration Company
162. Metals Exploration Company, Ridgeway Group, Blue Prints -, Ridgeway Mine - Silverton, CO 1921, Eureka Exploration Co. claims, Burma Group, Trinchera Estate Company - Pilot, Trinchera Estate Mining District Costilla County, CO
Description Eureka Exploration Company, *photo booklet of views of Eureka, CO
163. Metals Exploration Company 1940, Ridgeway Mining Corporation
164. Metals Exploration Company 1939, Ridgeway Mining Corporation
165. Metals Exploration Company 1938

Box 27
166. Metals Exploration Company 1936, Correspondence, Board of Directors Minutes
167. Metals Exploration Company 1935, Miscellaneous Correspondence
168. Metals Exploration Company 1937, Correspondence, Shenandoah - Denis Mining Company
169. Metals Exploration Company 1941
170. Miscellaneous Correspondence 1929, 1930
171. Metal Exploration Company 1934, Miscellaneous Correspondence
172. Eureka Properties 1933 (metals exploration co.)

Box 28
173. Eureka Properties 1932
174. Eureka Properties 1931
175. Eureka Properties 1930, H. G. Kranz personal files
176. Metals Exploration Company 1930-32, Correspondence in re-exchange of certificates and notes of Eureka Exploration Co. for stock in Metals Exploration Co.
177. Eureka Properties, Miscellaneous Correspondence 1930, Metals Exploration Co., Eureka Exploration Co.
178. Eureka Properties, R. P. Wheatley 1930 personal file
179. Eureka Properties, William A. Way 1930 personal file
180. Eureka Properties, Miscellaneous 1929 (Silver Wing, Silverton, CO)

Box 29
181. Eureka Properties, Miscellaneous 1927-28
182. Eureka Properties 1925-28, W. N. Oinsler, H. G. Kranz, B. S. Noble, R. P. Wheatley
183. Eureka Properties 1925-26, Miscellaneous
184. Eureka Properties 1925-26, James T. Burma
185. Eureka Properties 1925-26, Way, William A. Silverton, CO
186. Eureka Properties, Mining Properties Correspondence 1912-27
187. H. G. Kranz correspondence 1916-1925
188. Caleb W. Baker (watchman/caretaker at Silver Wing Mine), Correspondence with E. C. van Diest 1913 - 1921
189. Mrs. Agnes A. Schmelzer (Eureka Exploration Co) 1921-1925, Silverton, CO Ridgeway Yak Mines

Box 30
190. Eureka Properties 1915-1919 1924
191. Taxes - Eureka Exploration Company 1913 - 1925, Silverton, CO
192. Eureka Properties 1915 - 1925, Correspondence, Bureau of Mines Form, A Brief outline of the life history of Pieter Hendrick van Diest August 6, 1835 - December 24, 1902
193. William A. Way 1921 - 1925 (Fredericka lease)
194. E. L. Wheatley, mining 1911 - 1925
195. Newspaper Clippings 1913 - 1914, Silverton, mining
196. Eureka Exploration Company, Miscellaneous old correspondence 1905

Box 31
197. Centennial
198. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1942, Letter asking General Service Corp. to set up employee, savings plan to purchase war stamps and bonds.
199. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1940, History Costilla County compiled by E. C. van Diest c1902, Federal Land Bank, Political, December 1939 FREE MEN, an address by Wendell L., Willkie at 44th congress of American Industry
200. E. C. van Diest Business Correspondence 1941, Booklet - Report of The Park Commission Colo. Spgs., CO 1908
201. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1939, Personal and Business, Small Business Matters, Kiwanis - van Diest - Chairman of student loan, fund committee (14yrs. resigned Sept. 1939), *Photo Chadran Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Chadron,, Nebraska, Nephew Harry Meyer of van Diest 1938/9
202. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1938, Personal, Kiwanis, Grace Episcopal Church, Business, Queen Exploration Inc. statement 1937, Lake County, Florida Chamber of Commerce, Income Tax Returns, state 1937
203. E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1938, Donation of his books to Colorado School of Mines, Personal and Business

Box 32
204. Colorado Springs National Bank 1938, van Diest dealing with Richards Estate,, Costilla County, Costilla County Bank Liquidation
205. Taxes 1926, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, van Diest personal, Correspondence
206. Contracts/Sales and Commission Agreements 1937, Costilla Review Tract, Tass property, Gonzales place, General Service Corporation
207. Trust Agreement - Amendment, van Diest - Anna Louise van Diest, Gosino van Diest, Eloise van Diest Shilling and Alice E. van Diest, Miscellaneous stock information
208. Meyer Estate Settlement 1940
209. Miscellaneous Notes, E. C. van Diest 1931, 32, 33
210. van Diest Naturalization 1925
211. Clippings and copies of addresses of interest to E. C. van, Diest, Internal Revenue 1937
212. Costilla County Bank Matters 1937
213. van Diest Correspondence 1937 personal, business and reports, Patty Jewett Memorial Field, El Paso Club - Improvements 1938, Child Welfare League - Colorado, Plates remard from Bijou Bridge 1937, Colorado School of Mines

Box 33
214. van Diest Correspondence Continued 1937, Grace Episcopal Church - Trust statements, Inventory and Appraisal Communication 1936, Land/Ranch Costilla, New Mexico, U. S. Chamber of Commerce
215. Various Enterprises: Western Public Service Co., General Service Corp. - Law Suit, Missouri Valley Trust Co. , Indenture - Estate Ferdinand Meyer 1932, Sales Agreement - Land Costilla, CO 1937, Mining Deed - The Metals Exploration Co. 1948, Old Trust Matters, Rito Seco Gold Mine, Family (van Diest Trust) 1938, Distribution of Assets - van Diest 1945
216. Various Enterprises van Diest: Sales Agreement - Young - land New Mexico, Internal Revenue - 1914, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Colorado Concrete Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1948, San Jose Well and Pump Co., San Jose, CA 1946, Concrete Co. - mixer, *photograph - concrete mixer, blue prints, Kansas Gas and Electric Company 1948, blue print, 1948 Correspondence, Taxes 1945, Plans - Pneumatic Vibrator
217. Miscellaneous Correspondence Various Enterprises, The Hygienic Ice and Coal Co. certificate 1938, The Hygienic Service Co. (General Service Corp. ), Brochure - How to Freeze Fruit, Report by Sumner Slichter - Harvard University, Wanted: More Job Givers, Business Advisory Council - Dept. of Commerce 1945, Full Employment and Bill of 1945, Colorado Springs power possibilities

Box 34
218. Plaintiff's Exhibit Tables - Leonard Metcalf rebuttal, The Denver Union Water Company 1914
219. Brochure 1916 The Intermountain Railway, Light and Power Co. , Statement 1916 The Intermountain Railway, Light and Power Co.
220. Fountain Creek Watershed Data (van Diest Material) 1900-10
221. Rito Seco Gold Mines Co. 1931-1941, America Smelting and Refining Co.
222. 1914-1938 Folder said A1, Miscellaneous van Diest Correspondence
223. 1917-1939 Folder said B2, Miscellaneous van Diest Correspondence
224. 1910-1938 Folder said C3, Poem Ode to the Poland Mine - Matt Chestnutt 1913
225. Corporate Proceedings - The Rito Seco Gold Mines Co., Articles of the Corporation (plans) 1915-1939

Box 35
226. DandE 1927 - 40, 1935 - 38
227. The Rito Seco Gold Mines Co. 1910 - 1935, Evans Estate (Stanley M. Bolster, R. E. Paine)
228. F 1919 - 1941
229. G 1928 - 1940
230. H 1909 - 1940
231. I 1911 - 1941, J 1935 - 1938, K 1932, L 1913 - 1939
232. M 1911 - 1939
233. Rito Seco - Miscellaneous Papers 1912, 1915, N 1930 - 1940, O 1911 - 1940, Options on Title - Rito Seco 1899 1940, P 1919 - 1940

Box 36
234. J. V. Priest 1917 - 1921 Rito Seco Properties
235. R 1922 - 1938
236. Etienne A. Ritter - Rito Seco 1934 - 1939
237. S 1914 - 1940
238. F. F. Sharpless Rito Seco, T 1930 - 40

Box 37
239. Correspondence 1931, 32, Rito Seco (Karl C. Schnyder)
240. Correspondence 1930, Rito Seco (Karl C. Schnyder)
241. Taxes Rito Seco 1914 - 1938
242. Correspondence 1935, Rito Seco Count B. de Stolarno
243. Correspondence 1934 - 1935, Rito Seco Owen J. Terrell, Finance - Engineering Incorp. Washington D. C. papers, A Survey of the Economic practice of industry and commerce in Denver and the Rocky Mountain states 1934

Box 38
244. Correspondence 1929, 30, 34, 36, Rito Seco and U. S. Department of Commerce, Census of mines and quarries 1929, Milling practice at the Alaska Juneau Concentrator, Mining Methods and Costs - Alaska Juneau Gold, Mining Company Juneau, Alaska
245. Rito Seco - History, Correspondence van Diest - Mining 1912, 1922-1936
246. Correspondence van Diest 1934 business and personal
247. Correspondence van Diest 1934 business and personal, (includes Patty Jewett Memorial Field, Grace Episcopal Church and insurance)
248. Correspondence van Diest 1934 business and personal, (includes Manual for Oil-o-Matic Furnace, Winter Night Club)

Box 39
249. Correspondence van Diest 1927, 28 business and personal, Relating to Vanmont Ranch, Bob White Quail price list 1928, Brochure and information - Fairbanks scales
250. Random Bills - Expense Items 1928
251. Miscellaneous Brochures - Dogs, engines, John Deere farm, implements, Correspondence Vanmont Ranch 1927 personal and business, (Includes dogs and livestock information)
252. Vanmont Ranch - statements, balance sheets, inventories 1927, 28, 30, 31, 32
253. Ranch Plantings - trees and flowers
254. Vanmont Ranch miscellaneous 1925-26, EVO brand brochures

Box 40
255. Purchase Vanmont Ranch, Surveys, Correspondence, Taxes etc.
256. Costilla County Bank Liquidation 1933, Ford Farm, Land
257. Correspondence van Diest 1928 business and personal, (The Chadron Creamery Co. , The Colorado Springs Fly Casting Club)
258. Correspondence van Diest 1928 business and personal
259. van Diest Cascade Avenue Property (1730 N. Cascade), General Specifications 1927,
260. van Diest Cascade Avenue Property

Box 41
261. van Diest Cascade Avenue Property - contracts accepted 1928
262. Same as folder 261
263. Correspondence van Diest 1928, Personal (El Paso Club, El Paso County Republican Committee Investments, Grace Episcopal Church, History Costilla County)
264. Correspondence van Diest 1928 personal, investments etc.
265. van Diest Insurance 1925 - 1928

Box 42
266. Organization Membership van Diest 1925, Chamber of Commerce - Colorado Springs, The Colorado College Officers and Faculty, Colorado College Boosters Club, The Gyro Club - Colorado Springs, Rotary Club, Large Property Owners near college (Colorado College), Ranch Owners - El Paso County, Lion's Club, Woman's Education Society of CC, Real Estate Dealers and Realtors, Manufacturers of the Pike's Peak Region
267. Correspondence 1928 van Diest personal and business, Copy Ordinance granting a franchise by the city of Colorado Springs to Public Service Company of Colorado, Natural Gas pamphlet, Mining Leases - Queen Exploration, Inc. and Queen Gold Mining Co. (Cripple Creek) Gering Hydro - Electric canal Wyoming
268. Correspondence van Diest 1928 personal and business Union Pacific, United Fruit, Venezuela petroleum, Western Public service
269. Internal Revenue - van Diest 1926 -27
270. General Services Corp. 1928 - 31, H. E. Towle - Correspondence
271. General Services Corp. 1928 - 31, H. E. Towle - Correspondence
272. General Services Corp. 1928 - 31, H. E. Towle - Correspondence

Box 43
273. van Diest Correspondence 1927, personal, business and investments
274. van Diest Correspondence 1927, personal, business and investments
275. van Diest Correspondence 1927, personal, business and investments, newspaper clippings - Colorado College
276. van Diest Correspondence 1927, personal, business and investments
277. International Trust Co. 1927, Miscellaneous Correspondence
278. van Diest Correspondence 1927, personal, business and Investments

Box 44
279. General Ice Corporation - Correspondence 1927, H. E. Towle
280. General Ice Corporation - Correspondence 1927, H. E. Towle
281. van Diest - Correspondence 1927 [personal-misc. ]
282. Western Public Service Co. 1927, miscellaneous correspondence
283. van Diest Correspondence 1926 personal
284. Associated Engineers Company 1925 - 26
285. Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce 1923 - 26, Streets and Highways Committee, Corley Road 1925, Midland Terminal Railway Co.

Box 45
286. Costilla County Bank 1925
287. Chadron Ice and Creamery Co. 1926
288. Chadron Ice and Creamery Co. 1926
289. Chadron Ice and Creamery Co. 1926
290. Correspondence van Diest 1926, personal, business and investments
291. Clark Colony Tract 1918 - 1926, Englewood Colorado Correspondence
292. Eastern Texas Electric Co. 1920 - 25, correspondence and brochures

Box 46
293. Clark Colony Tract 1918 - 1922 correspondence
294. Grand River Valley Railway Co. 1924, Haskins and Sells 1925 - 26 (Associated Engineers Co.)
295. The International Trust Co., Investment Letters 1925 - 26, Trust Funds #2741 1925
296. The International Trust, Trust acct# 2740 van Diest personal 1926
297. The International Trust Co., Engle, C. B. 1925
298. The International Trust Co., Band, W. M. 1925, Hyer, J. W. 1925
299. The International Trust Co., Irion, W. H. 1925
300. The International Trust Co., James, A. W. Jr. 1925

Box 47
301. Ferd Meyer Costilla, New Mexico correspondence 1911 - 12
302. Meyer Estate 1925, Enchides Map (Irrigation), Meyer, William F. 1925 - 1926, National City Company 1925
303. Correspondence and pamphlets (investments Navasota Oil)
304. The International Trust Company, Purchases 1925 - 26 van Diest
305. van Diest - personal, miscellaneous information 1925
306. Florida Real Estate
307. van Diest Correspondence 1925 - 26, personal, business and investments

Box 48
308. van Diest Correspondence 1925 - 26, personal, business and investments, Colorado College included
309. Western Public Service Company, Miscellaneous Correspondence 1925 - 26
310. Lincoln Traction Company 1920, 23, 24, (Lincoln, Capitol Beach and Milford Railway Co.), Correspondence and Literature
311. The Lincoln Traction Company 1920 -24, Correspondence, literature and annual reports
312. van Diest Miscellaneous Correspondence 1918 - 1925, business, personal, article and newspaper clippings (1904 - 06), Manchester, J. C. 1917 - 1924

Box 49
313. William F. Meyer Correspondence 1921 - 1922, (Dealer in General Merchandise, Hardware, Wagons and implements - Costilla, New Mexico), Correspondence - Will and Uncle Edmond - family matters
314. William F. Meyer Correspondence 1923 - 24, same
315. William F. Meyer Correspondence 1925, same
316. Dissolution Mines Engineering and Investment Company 1919 - 1921
317. van Diest Correspondence - miscellaneous personal and business 1921 - 1924, Nelson System Plans
318. National Power Company - Casper, Wyoming 1923 -24, Durham, H. B., Waldo, Harold R., *photograph postcards of Casper, Wyoming 1922, 1924 The Casper Daily Tribune - reproduction, Correspondence
319. Miscellaneous Correspondence 1909 - 1925, personal, business and civic, (The Pikes Peak Social Welfare Fund 1922)
320. Protective Appliance Company (Lightning), Includes - application of Patent by E. C. van Diest and Francis Gilpin and a device for protection from lightning
321. Rollandet, Marie and John 1910, (sister and brother-in-law, E. C. van Diest Seattle, Wash.), Rollandet, Nellie and Jack Edward 1910 - 1912, (sister and brother-in-law, Denver, Colorado)

Box 50
322. Rio Grande, Mexico, Central Texas and Light Company, Correspondence with Freeman 1922, Rio Grande Valley Ice Company 1922, Central Texas Ice Light and Water Company 1922
323. Royal Dutch Company
324. Miscellaneous Correspondence E. C. van Diest 1910 - 25, 1920 E. C. van Diest Engineering License, personal and business
325. San Luis, Colorado (ditches) 1908
326. Salazar, Delfino 1918 - 1924, The San Luis Valley News vol. 12 no. 4 Nov. 23, 1918, Correspondence
327. Scottsbluff Hydro-electric Development 1920, Ship subsidy bill 1922 - 1923, Stary, Jr. William - Ouray, CO 1909 - 1912
328. Miscellaneous correspondence E. C. van Diest 1919 - 1924, personal, business and civic
329. E. C. van Diest Taxes 1914 - 1925

Box 51
330. E. C. van Diest Taxes 1910 - 1917, Correspondence, forms and newspapers, Relating and Taxes
331. Tait and Nordmeyer Engineering Co. 1920 - 1921, Terarskana Icing Statistics
332. Trinchera Estate 1903 - 1905
333. Miscellaneous Correspondence and papers of E. C. van Diest, 1920 - 24 includes publication A Brief Outline of the Life History of Pieter Hendrik van Diest
334. E. C. van Diest - personal records, Biographical Information
335. E. C. van Diest 1907 - 1911, personal (family) letters, Biographical information, van Piestel, Jr. W. F. A. 1910 - 1911
336. Valuation and Commission data 1921
337. E. C. van Diest Miscellaneous Correspondence 1911 - 25

Box 52
338. The Winter Night Club 1923 - 24
339. Wyoming Oil - Rattlesnake and Dutton Fields 1915, Geological Maps
340. Western Potash - American Potash, miscellaneous correspondence 1917 - 1921
341. Western Potash Co. - American Potash Co., miscellaneous - reports, statements etc. 1919-20, Hinckle Smith Case
342. Western Potash 1917 - 1921, Haldane, W. G., James N. Wright and Company 1918, Agreement and Declaration of Trust and Certificate of Appointment
343. Western Potash and American Potash 1917 - 1922

Box 53
344. Western Potash and American Potash 1917 - 1922
345. Associated Engineers Company 1912 - 1923
346. Associated Engineers Company 1912 - 1923
347. Miscellaneous van Diest Correspondence 1921-25 business and personal
348. The Associated Engineers Company 1914 - 1921, Leggett, Hickborn Company, Annual Meeting, State of Colorado Annual Reports
349. American Society of Civic Engineers 1919 - 1925, American Telephone and Telegraph Company (investment) 1921, American Tobacco Company (Investment) 1921, Armstrong Rubber Company (Investment) 1923 - 25

Box 54
350. Miscellaneous E. C. van Diest Correspondence 1909 - 1925, personal, business, and investments
351. Bankers International Life Assurance Company 1912 - 1914
352. R. W. Bixby, Inc. 1921, Berry Shocker, Inc. 1924, Chivinton Canal Company 1919, (Kiowa and Prowers Counties, Colorado)
353. Miscellaneous correspondence E. C. van Diest 1918 - 1925, Clippings, Personal (family), business, and investment, Big Horn River Power Dam, The Colorado Power Co. 1923 - 24
354. Miscellaneous correspondence E. C. van Diest 1918 - 1925, personal, business, and investments
355. Central Construction Company 1921, Carthage Fuel Co. Property - Socorro County, NM
356. Costilla Estates 1906 – 1925 *photos

Box 55
357. Cross American Patent (E. C. van Diest invention - telephone pole) 1916 - 1919 *photos and negatives Melbeta Line
358. Chadron Ice and Creamery Company 1918 - 1920
359. Colorado Springs Utilities 1915 - 1920
360. Colorado Gold Dredging Co. 1911, The Crescent Realty and Investment Co. 1910-1913
361. Colorado Concrete Manufacturing Co. 1921 - 23, Blueprints, brochures
362. The Colorado Springs Fly Casting Club 1923 - 1925, Includes Concrete Dam improvement - Taylor Lake
363. Miscellaneous correspondence E. C. van Diest 1921, Douglas Electric Light Co. - Douglas, Wyoming

Box 56
364. Palmer Memorial - Nathan Dumont Patter Correspondence 1929
365. Palmer Memorial Association 1909 - 1930, Nathan Dumont Patter Correspondence 1924 - 1925
366. Palmer Memorial Association 1926 - 1927
367. Palmer Memorial Association 1928
368. Palmer Memorial Matters, Jefferson Hayes - Davis File, (Bonds, Agreement with N. D. Patter, sculptor and, the Gorham Company)
369. Palmer Memorial - Blueprints
370. Palmer Memorial, Correspondence - proposals etc. to committee 1922-30
371. Palmer Memorial, Correspondence - proposals etc. to committee 1922-30
372. Palmer Memorial Association, Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws

Box 57: Ledgers with Minutes, etc.
1. Ladies Serving Society 1896 - 1898
2. Wednesday Art Club (Coburn Library)
3. Wednesday Art Club 1886 - 1891, (Secretary's book of The Art Class)
4. Womans Missionary Society - Colorado Springs, CO 1875
5. Womans Missionary Society - Colorado Springs, CO 1879-1890
6. Ladies Society of the Congregational Church, Colorado Springs 1876-1885
7. Ladies Society of the Congregational Church 1886-1888-1896
8. Wednesday Art Club - Secretary's Book 1919-1926
9. Genealogy Book - Deputy Governor John Berry of New, Jersey 1884
10. El Paso Club - Stock (liquor and other beverages) Book, 1891-1892
11. The Wednesday Art Club - Colorado Springs, Record Book 1909-1918, Constitution and By-Laws
12. Minutes of the Civic League of Colorado 1909-1915

Box 58
373. E. C. van Diest -, Patent Certificate - Cross Arms, Incorp. papers - The Associated Engineers Co. 1909, Bill of Sale - The Central Construction Co. to the, Associated Engineers Co., Shares(certificates) - Vanmont Investment Co., Shares - Cherry Creek Mutual Irrigation Co., Certificate and Title van Diest’s motor vehicle, 1925, American Third Liberty Loan, Capital Stock Certificates - Associated Engineers Co.
374. E. C. van Diest Correspondence, 1940-44 Concerning Taxes and Political Issues, Wendell Willkie, Thomas Dewey, Gov. Carr, H. P. Wright, Business Advisory Council for Dept. of Commerce 1944, Memorandum concerning New Madrid Earthquake following, first eruption December 16, 1811 - January 1943, Personal papers concerning van Diest, Will and money matters, Colorado College - miscellaneous, includes alteration to the Jackson Hall Stables 1942
375. Trinchera Ranch, Inc. vs. pages of people’s names, action to Quiet Title 1938, The Ridgeway Group - San Juan County, CO
376. Associated Engineers Co., contracts, minutes of Board of Directors 1911-25
377. Western Public Service 1911-1925
378. Amherst Building - Pueblo, CO 2nd St. btwn. Main St., and Court St., Map Pueblo 1911, * Photos with negatives of Amherst Building, and business district of Pueblo c. 1906-1934, * Negatives of plans for Amherst Building, Amherst, addition 1926
379. Vanmont Investment Company, George D. Meston 1937 - Pueblo, CO

Box 59
380. Vanmont Investment Company 1937, Correspondence, etc.
381. Vanmont Investment Company 1936, 382. Registration Records
383. Vanmont Ranch 1929-33, misc.
384. I. C. S. Papers - R. E. Weldie 1927, answers to examination questions, 385. Denver Suburban Homes and Water Co. 1911-13
386. van Diest - Correspondence 1911-1913-1925, personal, business, El Paso Club Annual Report 1910

Box 60
387. Eureka, Kansas Gas and Electric Co. , data and correspondence 1922, Eastern Montana Light and Power Co. , inventory 1922, 388. van Diest - Correspondence 1917-1925, business, investments
389. van Diest - personal correspondence, house owned 816 N. Nevada, Fixals - water proof paint powder 1922
390. van Diest Correspondence 1920-22, business
391. Ice Plant Grand Junction 1924, floor plan, * 11 photos Grand Junction Ice Plant ? 1924
392. van Diest - personal correspondence
393. van Diest - personal correspondence 1918-25, The Intermountain Railway Light and Power, The International Trust Co.
394. Idaho Group Claims 1922

Box 61
395. van Diest correspondence 1924, Personal and Business
396. Letter copying book 1901, Correspondence (San Luis Valley), Silver Wing group (Silverton, CO)
397. Patent correspondence - System of Lightning, Protection 1925, 398. Speeches - van Diest ?, Notes on our Atmosphere, Electricity and Public Service, A Bit of Coal History, Committees of the Kiwanis International, Kiwanis 1923, Kiwanis International Program - Colorado-, Wyoming District Convention 1924, Kiwanis Objectives - Ladies Night 1924, Older Boy's Conference YMCA 1924, Talk for joint meeting of Fort Collins, Greeley, Loveland and Cheyenne clubs,, 399. Lightning Protection 1904-1921, Information and design by van Diest, * Photos (6) and negatives (3) - Lightning protection, designed by van Diest - October 15, 1904, Glen Eyrie
400. Costilla Estate (title) 1903-1913, Meadow Farm, Specifications for Canon City Viaduct 1914 Quick Claim Deeds - Costilla County 1890, 1891, 1903, Abstract of Title - Costilla County, CO 1884, (Meadow Farms), Special Privileges Agreement - 1905 - Pikes Peak, Forest Reserve - Wm. J. Palmer and State of Colorado, Plomo Mining Company 1903 (Sale), 1911 - Taxes - Mines in Taos County, 1913 - The Omer Irrigation District, Bill of Sale - San Acacio in Costilla County 1891, 1914 - Lease - The Denver and Rio Grande Railroad Company, and The Central Construction Company in Canon City, Plats - Costilla County, Plat map - US Freehold Land Emigration Co., Costilla, Estate Mining District, County of Taos - Territory, of New Mexico, Warranty Deed - 1921 (Colorado Concrete Manufacturers, Company and The Central Construction Company)

Box 62
401. Proceedings of meeting of the Colorado Child Welfare League - Albany Hotel, Denver, Colorado March 16, 1927, 402. Eureka Exploration Company 1903, Gold Bonds, Silver Wing Mine of San Juan County, CO.,, 403. Rito Seco Gold Mines, Trinchera 1911-1912
404. Plomo 1912-1914
405. Plomo 1912-1914,, 406. Plomo 1912-1914

Box 63
407. Eureka Exploration - Silverton, CO 1910-1916, Ridgeway
408. Eureka Exploration 1916-1920 Ridgeway and Plomo, 409. Silver Wing - correspondence, etc., Great Western Mining Company, The Metals Exploration Company, The Ridgeway Group/Eureka Exploration Company [1947-1948], 410. Leases - Silver Wing Properties - Eureka - 1914-1917, Ridgeway Group Preliminary Agreement 1912

Box 64
411. Affidavit of Labor and Improvements 1904-1906, King Lear, Nanon, Mabel, Lillie, Mountain Quail, van Diest, Cliff, Wild Cat Lodes - San Juan County
Redemption certificate - Eureka Exploration Co 1907
Quit Claim Deed - van Diest 1904
Mining Deed - The Eureka Exploration Company 1904
Frederika Lode 1904
Minutes of Special Stockholders meeting of Eureka Exploration Company
Correspondence and reports concerning Eureka Explore. Co. - 1901-1906
412. Correspondence - van Diest dealings with Western Gold Mines, Inc. 1944-45 (Rito Seco), 413. Correspondence - van Diest dealings with Western Gold Mines, Inc. 1944-46 (Rito Seco), 414. Warranty Deeds, To the Plomo Mining Co. 1894, 1895, 1897, 1899, 1900, Abstract of Title of The Trinchera Estate Company, [personal property of van Diest - Dec. 20, 1888], Abstract of title to Plomo Mines - Costilla County, [van Diest - August 29, 1888], Map of Plomo properties, The Plomo Mining Company - 1889, Abstract of title to the Plomo Mining Co. - 1897, Release of Mortgage - Wm. S. Jackson to the Trinchera, Estate - 1899, Trinchera Estate - partial release of Deed of Trust, - The International Trust Co. and The Trinchera Estate Co. - 1899, Correspondence - 1899-1903 [Plomo Mining Co.], Release - The Corporation Trust Co. of Delaware to, The Plomo Mining Co., Report on The Plomo Mine - San Luis - Costilla County Colorado by A. Chester Beatty, Report on El Plomo Mine - Costilla County, Colorado by W. L. Austin - Denver, Colorado, Report Plomo Mine - 1904, Inventory in the Matter of the Estate of Robert D. Evans, Deceased 1911, Evans - Plomo Matter 1913 [Probate County Court], Deed - Plomo Mine 1911, Papers - District Court - Costilla County - San Luis, CO 1913, Warranty Deed - The Plomo Mining Co. to The Rito Seco Gold Mines 1915, Treasurers reports - The Plomo Mining Co. 1916

Box 65
415. The Rito Seco Gold Mines Co. - Reports and Maps
416. The Rito Seco Gold Mines Co. - Reports and Maps copy 2 (at least similar), 417. Digest of reports on the Rito Seco Mines - Costilla County, Colorado - R. D. George and others
418. Reports Rito Seco Properties
419. Miscellaneous Plomo Mining Co. /Rito Seco The Trinchera Estate Co. - Prospectus and Mining Regulations 1898,, 420. Costilla Estate Development Co. 1922 Correspondence and miscellaneous papers - Rito Seco, 1946

Box 66
421. Correspondence - Rito Seco 1946-47,, 422. Data Reports - The Plomo Mining - Rito Seco, The Trinchera Mines, * Photos (5) in envelope marked put in with Rito Seco material, * Photos (4) with negatives - in Plomo Mining file

Box 67: Booklets
1. Our City at the Crossroads. 1945, Colorado Springs.
2. Annual Reports of the Colorado Springs Company and the National Land Improvement Company of Colorado. 1910, Colorado Springs., 3. The Charter of the City of Colorado Springs. 1909.
4. The Charter of the City of Colorado Springs. 1939.
5. The Charter of the City of Colorado Springs. 1950.
6. Colorado Springs. 1928.
7. City of Colorado Springs Annual Report. 1931.
8. Colorado Electric, Water, and Gas Rates. 1927, Boulder.
9. City of Colorado Springs Colorado Light and Power Department Annual Report. 1928.
10. City of Colorado Springs Colorado Light and Power Department Annual Report. 1928.
11. City of Colorado Springs Colorado Light and Power Department Annual Report. 1928.
12. City of Colorado Springs Colorado Light and Power Department Annual Report. 1929.
13. City of Colorado Springs Colorado Department of Water and Water Works and Light and Power Department Annual Report. 1935.
14. Colorado Springs. 1928.
15. The Colorado Index. April, 1933.
16. City Controller's Annual Statement. 1926, Pueblo.
17. Appeal and Demand for Equalization to the State Board of Equalization Against the Findings of the Colorado Tax Commission by Various Utility Corporations. 1917, Denver.
18. Colorado State Industrial School. no date, Golden.
19. Child Welfare Work in Colorado a Study. 1920, Boulder.
20. Colorado Future in its children. 1949, Denver.
21. Children Working on farms in certain sections of Northern Colorado. 1926, Fort Collins.
22. Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Colorado. 1950, Denver.
23. Child Labor and School Attendance in Colorado. 1950, New York.
24. The Mentally Handicapped. 1941, Pueblo.
25. Know Your School System. l941, Colorado Springs.
26. Report on the Administrative Organization and Functions of the state government of Colorado. l938, Denver?

Box 68: Booklets
1. Intermountain Economic Conference. 1933, Colorado Springs.
2. The Colorado Concrete Manufacturing Company. no date, Colorado Springs.
3. Hotels and Resorts in Colorado. 1923, Denver.
4. Money is Power. no date, Denver.
5. The University Club. 1915, Denver.
6. El Paso Club. 1925, Colorado Springs.
7. The Artists Club of Denver. 1907, Denver.
8. Catalogue of Pictures of Thomas Moran N. A. 1892 Denver.
9. Fares for all Sight-Seeing Trips in the Pikes Peak Region. 1934, Colorado Springs.
10. Memorial Service for Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chain. 1892, Denver.
11. Bound Edition Pamphlet: The Measurement and Division of Water. 1890 Fort Collins.
12. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Preliminary Report on the Duty of Water. 1893, Fort Collins.
13. Bound Edition Pamphlet: The Measurement and Division of Water. 1894, Fort Collins.
14. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Seepage or Return Waters from Irrigation. 1896, Fort Collins.
15. Bound Edition Pamphlet: The Loss of Water from Reservoir by Seepage and Evaporation. Fort Collins, 1898.
16. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Flow of Water in Ditches. 1888, Denver.
17. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Losses from Canals from Filtration or Seepage. 1898, Fort Collins.
18. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Fluctuations in the Level and Rate of Movement of Ground-Water on the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station Farm. 1892, Washington, D. C.
19. Bound Edition Pamphlet: Irrigation in the Rocky Mountain States. 1899, Washington D. C.
20. The Denver Union Water Company, Complainant vs. the City and County of Denver, et al., Defendants. Points and Authorities for the Public Utilities Commission. no date, Denver.
21. The Charter Convention of the City of Colorado Springs. 1909, Colorado Springs.
22. Causes of the Panic and the Effect of the Unconditional Repeal of the Sherman Act. Speeches of Hon. Edward O. Wolcott of Colorado. 1893, Washington D. C.
23. Remarks During the Silver Discussion in the United States Senate by Hon. Edward O. Wolcott of Colorado. 1893, Washington D. C.
24. The Monroe Doctrine and the Venezuelan Boundary. Speech (of) Hon. E. O. Wolcott of Colorado. 1896, Washington DC
25. The Gold Standard Bill. Speech of Hon. Henry M. Teller of Colorado. 1900, Washington D. C.
26. The Financial Bill. Speech of Hon. Henry M. Teller, of Colorado. 1900, Washington.
27. Class Bulletin Class of 1916, Colorado College. 1926, Colorado Springs.
28. Colorado College ROTC Commissioning Ceremony. 1957, Colorado Springs.
29. An Analysis of the Conditions Influencing the Building of the Myron Stratton Home and Recommendation for it's Foundation and Development. 1911, C. Springs.
30. Charter of the City and County of Denver. 1904, Denver.
31. The Conservancy Act of Colorado. 1922, Denver.
32. Biennial Report: State Board of Land Commissioners of The State of Colorado. 1886, Denver.
33. Preliminary Report on the Duty of Water. 1893, Fort Collins.
34. Engineering Features of the Moffat Tunnel. 1923, Denver.
35. Industrial and Commercial Survey of Grand, Moffat, and Routt Counties of Colorado. 1927, Boulder.
36. Annual Report of the National Land and Improvement Company of Colorado. 1911, Colorado Springs.
37. Annual Report of the National Land and Improvement Company of Colorado. 1911, Colorado Springs.
38. Annual Report of the Colorado Springs Company. 1911, Colorado Springs.
39. Proceedings (of the) First Annual Convention of the Colorado Good Roads Conference. 1911, Denver.
40. General Relief Needs in Colorado. A Survey of Probable effects of National Defense Activities. 1941, Denver.
41. Thirty-First Biennial Report of the Warden of the Colorado State Penitentiary. 1938, Denver.
42. Biennial Report of the Board of Control of the Colorado State Industrial School for Girls. 1939, Denver.
43. First Biennial Report of the State Department of Charities and Corrections of Colorado. 1925, Denver.
44. An Appraisal of Public Health Activities in Denver, Colorado. 1928, Denver.
45. Public Health in the Pikes Peak Region of Colorado. 1937, Colorado Springs.
46. Report of the Park Commission. 1908, Colorado Springs.
47. Report of the Union Depot Commission. 1911, Colorado Springs.
48. Taxation and Public-School Finance in Colorado. 1931, Denver.
49. The Manufacture of Lubricating Products from Wyoming and Colorado Crude Oils. 1921, Denver.
50. The Denver Union Water Company, a Corporation, Complainant, vs. The City and County of Denver, et al Defendants. In Equity. 1914, Denver.
51. Proceeding of the Intermountain Economic Conference. 1932, Colorado Springs.
52. Minutes of the Synod of Colorado. 1924, Denver.
53. Minutes of the Synod of Colorado. 1925, Pueblo.
54. American Society of Civil Engineers Annual Convention. 1886, Denver.
55. Programme of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. 1889, Denver.
56. Colorado Bulletin No. 2. Precious Metal Production for Year 1898. 1898, Denver.
57. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Education. 1883, Denver.
59. Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Education. 1885, Denver.
60. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Board of Education. 1888, Denver.
61. Proceedings of the Intermountain Economic Conference. 1932, Colorado Springs.

Box 69: Booklets
62. Fourth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the State of Colorado. 1894, Denver.
63. Proceedings of the Colorado Scientific Society. 1893, Denver.
64. The Charter of the City of Colorado Springs. 1909.

Box 70
423. International Trust Co., Trust Acct. Myers, Margot 1925-1937
424. International Trust Co. E. W. Johnson, van Diest Trust 1929-1937
425. International Trust Co. Miscellaneous, van Diest Trust 1929-1937
426. International Trust Co. Leroy McWhinney, van Diest Trust 1928-1937

Box 71
427. International Trust Co. J. S. Kennedy, van Diest Trust 1928-1937
428. International Trust Co. 1925, 1928-1934
429. International Trust Co. 1927-1934
430. International Trust Co. 1928, Trust Acct. - Meyer, Margaret Gertrude
431. International Trust Co. 1934-1936, Meyer Grandchildren Trusts
432. International Trust Co. 1930, Trust Acct. - Marian Meyer
433. International Trust Co. 1929-1934, Trust Acct. - Meyer, Rose Marie Jacqueline
434. Queen Exploration Co. 1938-1940, Milliken Gold Mines, Inc. - 1938, Living Trust Agreement of John R. Love - 1941
435. Queen Exploration Co. 1940
436. International Trust Co. 1937, Agreement - Eloise van Diest Skilling, Alice E., van Diest, Anna Louise van Diest

Box 72
437. George Foster Peabody 1909-1929, Correspondence - Palmer Memorial
438. First National Bank 1927, Palmer Memorial [Mr. Jefferson Davis Hayes, Mr., A. H. Hunt]
439. The General William Jackson Palmer Memorial Association, Statue Fund 1909-1927
440. Same as #439
441. The General William Jackson Palmer Memorial Association, Statue Fund, Directors, Committees, Minutes of Meetings 1922-26, Miscellaneous, 442. The General William Jackson Palmer Memorial Association, Statue Fund, Subscribers, 55th Annual Banquet - 15th Penna. Cavalry 1927
443. Palmer Memorial, Hon. O. H. Shoup - Governor of Colorado 1921-1929, Correspondence - van Diest

Box 73
444. Vanmont Investment Co. 1939-1942
445. Vanmont Investment Co., Pueblo Property - Opinion on Title 1926-27, Misc. Statements 1934-39, Taxes 1939-41
446. Vanmont Investment Co. 1938
447. Vanmont Investment Co. 1938
448. Rental and expenses statements 1928-1938, Amherst Building and Addition, Vanmont Investment Co.

Box 74
Folder A: Pages from notebook/clippings scrapbook with notation: Edmond van Diest material prepared by Alice van Diest? (she was sociology Prof. at C. C.) [about 1938]
Contains: History and growth of Colorado Springs, Government of Colorado Springs, statistics, structure of Colorado Springs - business and residential, schools and institutions, etc. . .
Folder B: American Shorthorn Breeders Association papers
Registration certificates and other information about the van Diest bulls - includes * photographs
Bound Copy Book 2: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun June 17, 1898, ended Dec. 17, 1891, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book 3: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun Dec. 29, 1891, ended June 20, 1893, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book 4: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun June 30, 1893, finished Sept. 2, 1895, indexed by recipient

Box 75
Bound Copy Book 5: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun Sept. 5, 1895, ended June 19, 1897, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book 6: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun June 22, 1897, ended Dec. 12, 1898, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book 7: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], From Oct. 21, 1899, Intervening to Aug. 1, 1900, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book 8: E. C. van Diest Letters - Private [business and personal], Begun Oct. 21, 1899 to Feb. 21, 1901, Some intervening in Book 7, indexed by recipient

Box 76
Bound Copy Book 9: E. C. van Diest, Consulting Mining Engineer Letters -, Private [business and personal], Begins Feb. 22, 1901, ending Jan 23, 1902, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book A: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], Oct. 14, 1903, Aug. 11, 1905, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book B: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], Sept. 14, 1905, to June 6, 1906,
Bound Copy Book C: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], includes Meyer family, From June 7, 1906 to Sept. 9, 1907, indexed by recipient

Box 77
Bound Copy Book D: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], Sept. 9, 1907, to Jan 23, 1908, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book E: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], Jan 23, 1908, to Nov. 4, 1908, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book F: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], Nov. 4, 1908, to June 1, 1909, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book G: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], June 4, 1909, to Nov. 9, 1909, indexed by recipient

Box 78
Bound Copy Book H: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], From Nov. 9, 1909, to April 18, 1910, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book I: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], From April 20, 1910, to Sept. 3, 1910, indexed by recipient
Bound Copy Book J: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], From Sept. 3, 1910, to Dec. 27, 1910, indexed by recipient

Box 79
Bound Copy Book K: E. C. van Diest Correspondence [business and personal], From Dec. 27, 1910, Nov. 10, 1911, indexed by recipient, includes Palmer family
Bound Copy Book No. A: Wm. J. Palmer, E. C. van D., from June 22, 1905 to Feb. 5, 1906, indexed by recipient, van Diest acted as Agent for General Palmer and these letters deal with that relationship.
Subjects contained in letters: repairs and furnishings for Glen Eyrie, gates, telephones, fire escapes, ducks, cows, batteries, wagons, cold frames, rugs, towels mantles, pillow slips, rugs, pool and billiard tables, chicken houses, flumes, shotgun shells, plants, dressing table, ceiling fixtures, lawn trimmer, green house, mirrors, stable supplies, floor plans for rooms at Glen Eyrie [Drawing, Bay, South, General's, Sunrise, Canyon, Sunset], the Great Danes, fire insurance, list of improvements at Glen Eyrie #390, reservoir below Chambers, reservoir at head of Camp Creek, Christmas tree cutting, fencing, coachman, graveling. . .
Other subjects: Cascade, Monument Valley Park, Creede, Wagon Wheel Gap, Colorado (near Creede) [use and maintenance of cottages etc. there], Antlers Hotel [telephones], Costilla, Trinchera, Colorado College [forestry], timber cutting, Forestry School at Manitou Park, trees [and their seeds] for Monument Valley Park and Glen Eyrie, etc. . .
Bound Copy Book B: Wm. J. Palmer, E. C. van D., from Feb. 6, 1906 to May 12, 1906, E. C. van Diest, indexed by recipient, van Diest acted as Agent for General Palmer and these letters deal with that relationship
Subjects contained in letters: Wagon Wheel Gap, Colorado [cottages, hotel, Improvement Co.], grass seed, lumber, fountains, weathervanes, tree guards, wild female geese order by express [have enough males] #376, hoses, generators, pollution from mine trailings #391, Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, Manitou Park, Antlers Hotel [telephone], gardens and gardener, Beetle problem (Black Hills Beetle), trees, Costilla #453 and #495 and #454 and #455 [surveying, settlers], Costilla - Land Settlement Grant***, (Palmer didn't seem to have good experience with married couples hired - preferred single), #461-471 - James Frederick Dawson's Notes on Planting at Glen Eyrie, #475 - Eureka Exploration Co., #481-490-plantings at Monument Valley Park- April 6, 1906, etc.

Box 80
Bound Copy Book No. 1: Letters Jan. 16, 1878 to March 12, 1880, Solicitors Office - Denver and The Rio Grande Railroad, indexed by people to whom letters are addressed not by, subject, Most are signed by H. A. Risley, Solicitor
Subjects: Mining, Costilla County, General Palmer, William Gilpin.
Bound Copy Book No. 2: Letters March 13, 1880 to Jan. 6, 1881, Solicitors Office - Denver and The Rio Grande Railroad, indexed by people to whom letters are addressed not by subject, Most signed by H. A. Risley, Solicitor, About land not equipment of railroad. . .
Subject: Deeds, General Palmer, Wm. Gilpin, Wm. Bell, Trinchera properties, Gov. Hunt, finances, building violations.

Box 81
Bound Copy Book [unnumbered]: Letters Jan. 1, 1898 to Sept. 1903, (many faded or smudged), indexed by recipient name, Trinchera Estate Costilla Estate, Water - San Luis #430 and #450, Plomo Mining Company, Costilla County, West Blanco Mining District
Bound Copy Book 2: “Trinchera Estate Co., E. C. van Diest Mineral Manager From Jan. 1, 1906 to Nov. 23, 1908,” Trinchera Estate Co., Trinchera Mining District, Deeding from Trinchera Estate Co. to Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, General Palmer, Deed information, Description of van Diest plan #133 - Costilla Estate, Timber on Trinchera, Letter addressed Dear Pater - April 12, 1908 #330 and #383
Bound Copy Book 3: “Trinchera Estate Co., E.C. van D. Mineral Manager from Nov. 24, 1908”

Box 82
Bound Copy Book - Personal E. C. van Diest, Addresses, talks, papers, etc. written by E. C. van Diest 1922-1936, A Glimpse of The Past, Coal History, Atmosphere, Electricity and Public Service, Palmer Statue Dedication, Washburn Field, Caledonian Society, YMCA, Child Welfare, El Paso Club, Kiwansis, Committee on Public Affairs, Colorado College Scholarship Fund, Address, Rotarians and Lions, Colorado Springs Club, Colorado Prison Association, Economic Depression, On Religion, Ice Industries, Golf Club, Intermountain Economic Conference, Colorado School of Mines Alumni Association, International Trade Relations, Child Welfare Bill, Wilson Obituary
Memories - Album/Scrapbook 1939-1940, Scrapbook/Album of letters, testimonials, etc. received by van Diest plus other pieces of memories he compiled. There is also other information about E. C. van Diest with resolutions adopted at the time of his death, plus clippings and letters.
E. C. van Diest Honorary Degree (Doctor of Engineering) from the Colorado School of Mines 1937
Resolution Upon the Death of Edmond C. van Diest unanimously adopted by the Athletics Board of Colorado College, Sept. 19, 1950; the Faculty of Colorado College October 16, 1950 and the Trustees of Colorado College, October 13, 1950.
Folder a: Pages from copy book - 1903, - Correspondence and lists: Trinchera Estate Co., Costilla Land and Investment Co. , Costilla Estate Co., - Clear Creek, CO - Dowmieville Mining District (rolled)

Box 83
Bound Copy Book - Letters 1896-1897, E. C. van Diest correspondence - Trinchera Estate Co., San Luis, To Henry C. Hedges, Esq., Pres. Plomo Co., Mansfield, Ohio, To Dr. William A. Bell, Pres. Trinchera Estate Co., Colorado Springs, Colorado
Bound Copy Book - Letters - Private, Dec. 13, 1898 - Aug. 22, 1899, indexed by name of person to whom letter addressed not by subject of letter
E. C. van Diest correspondence - business, San Luis, Plomo Mining Co., Trinchera Estate Co., Report to President of The Trinchera Estate Co. Jan. 1899 (p. 29) from E. C. van Diest
Bound Copy Book - Letters Sept. 1899 - June 1901, E. C. van Diest - correspondence - business and other matters, [Sept. 1899 van Diest was County Surveyor of Costilla, County, Colorado and Manager of Plomo Mining Co. ]
Bound Copy Book – Letters - Specifications and Proposal for Construction of - Spring, Run Reservoir No. 2 (Broadmoor, El Paso County, Colo. ), E. C. van Diest - Engineer - Myron Stratton Home, - Glen Eyrie Construction Costs Report (an excellent description of Glen Eyrie), - To Mr. Geo. A. Krause, Executor, General Wm. J. Palmer's, Estate re Steiner Commission (dispute over money, owed to Architect, Frederick Junius Steiner - Glen, Eyrie) Sept. 29, 1910, Documentation - Instructions, etc. relative to Glen, Eyrie improvements (from 1904 . . .), - The Laramie Electric Company, The City of Laramie, - Trinchera Estate - Field Notes of the Resurvey of part of the Eastern Boundary of the Sangre de Cristo Grant (p. 52), - Description of Brownlee Tract in Old Dewitt Park, - Trinchera Estate - Oscar Wilkins Settlement Description Tract 1-3, - Lode Claims near Imlay, Humbolt County, Nebraska, E. C. van Diest - Consulting Engineer, - Myron Stratton Home, Description of the Tract Adjoining Block R
Bound Copy Book - Eureka Exploration Co., Begin Nov. 28, 1900 - Jan 29, 1902, Business and personal correspondence - E. C. van Diest, San Luis, Colorado, E. C. van Diest's father Pietre van Diest worked together; this includes correspondence of the father's on behalf of the son and others (#393, 391, 392)

Box 84
Bound Copy Book - 1905 Copies of Wm. J. Palmer's Deeds, (36 Deeds - Colorado Springs)
Bound Copy Book I - Correspondence - Eureka Exploration Co., Feb. 1902 - Sept. 14, 1903
Bound Copy Book II - Correspondence - Misc. business and personal, Jan. 24, 1902 - Jan. 28, 1903, Edmond van Diest, Mining Engineer, San Luis, Colorado, Wm. J. Palmer - Railroad, Costilla Estate
Preliminary Report on The Sunnyside Mine by, Edmond van Diest Eureka Mining District

Box 85
Survey Book - Engineer Field Book 1946, Brunton Resurvey of East Ore Body (Rito Seco), - E. C. van Diest Personal Ledger 1925-1934, - Metallurgy - E. C. van Diest - Information Notebook, - Vanmont Ranch Ledgers (3) 1927-1932, - Ledgers - E. C. van Diest - Cashbooks, July 1925 to April 1927 - Special Account, May 1927 to Dec. 1929 - Special Account, Jan 1930 to . . ., - Account Books (2 vol.), Trinchera Estate Co. 1903, Wm. H. Meyer - Royality 1903, Eureka Exploration Co. 1903, Costilla Land and Title Co. 1903, Mrs. Ferd Meyer 1903, Victor Fuel Co. , Costilla Land and Investment Co. , Good Hope Lode Mining Claim
Brossius Land, Colorado Central Power Co., W. H. Meyer, First Nat'l Bank, Denver, W. L. Austin, Eureka Exploration Co., Estate of P. H. van Diest, Plomo Mining Co., C. F. Meyer Tracts (Alamosa Lands), Rito Seco

Box 86
Freeman Reports (Paul Freeman), (Suggestions for Official Representatives at District, Convention 1930) - all have to do with Cooling/Ice/, Refrigeration. . . , - Reports - The Commonwealth Utilities, Kansas Plants: Manhattan and Rocky Ford, Missouri Plants: Tarkio, Mound City and Stanberry

Box 87
Report No. 2271 on Western Public Service Co., Colorado Springs, Colorado 1925, - Preliminary and Tentative Industrial Survey Report No. 2128, Lincoln Traction Co. ; Lincoln Heat, Light and Power Co. ;, Omaha and Lincoln Railway and Light Co. ; Mills County Power, Co. ; The Water and Light Company of Nebraska City 1924, - Preliminary Report, The Western Potash Co., Sheridan County, Nebraska 1917,
- Report Dalhart, Texas, Dalhart Ice and Electric Co., Dalhart Water Co. 1911-1916, - Inventory The Manhattan Ice, Light and Power Co.
- The Manhattan Gas Co. , The Rocky Ford Milling and Power Co. , The Blue River Power Co. , The Raber and Pierce Electric Co., for the Kansas State Utilities Commission Topeka,, Kansas July 1916

Box 88
- Report to the Denver Public Utilities Commission 1914
Water System Valuation by A. L. Fellows, E. C. van Diest, C. P. Allen Vol. I-II

Box 89
- Same as #88 Vol. III-IV

Box 90
- Ledger - Eureka Exploration Co. Shares listed 1900-1905, - Journal - Service Ice Co. #1 (Colorado) 1928-1937, - Ledger - Service Ice Co. #1 1928, - Journal - Queen Exploration Inc. #1 1925-1940

Box 91
- Report on Amount of Potash in Lakes of Western Potash Works, and American Potash Co. * Photos 1919-1921, Department of Interior Potash Salts Reports 1914-1919, - Ledger - Buena Vista Power Co. #1 1927-1936, - Journal - Buena Vista Power Co. #1 1927-1937

Box 92
- Journal - Fairbury Service Co. #1 1929-1937, - Buena Vista Power Co. - Customer Deposits 1927-1935

Box 93
- Fairbury Service Co. - Ledger #1 1929-1940, - The Utah Ice and Storage Co. - Ledger 1927-1940, - The Doyle Ice and Storage Co. - Journal 1932

Box 94
- The Doyle Ice and Storage Co. (Buena Vista?) 1922-1931, - Ledger - could be The Doyle Ice and Storage Co., - The Doyle Ice and Storage Co. - Ledger - Misc. . .

Box 95
- Manhattan Kansas June 15, 1914, Electric Light Valuation by Burns and McDonnell, Consulting Engineer, Kansas City, Missouri, - Federal Tax Course 1928, - Lincoln Traction and Associated Companies, Report and Audit Dec. 31, 1923, - Misc. Property Reports Gulf States 1928-1930, Utilities Company - Ice and water, Department Properties, - Ranch Investment Items and Cattle Record (Vanmont Ranch), - Book - Stock Shares 1909, The Associated Engineers Company

Box 96
- Associated Engineers Company - General Journal 1909-1925, - Associated Engineers Company - General Ledger 1909-1924, - Associated Engineers Company Cash Receipts and Disbursements, April 1909 to Aug. 1925, - Associated Engineers Co. Minutes Book No. 1 1909-1925, Includes Articles of Incorporation

Box 97
- Misc. Property Reports Henningsen, Texas Telephone, Big, Four, Geyser, El Paso, Syracuse, Greeley, Fairbury, Southwest Utility, Wichita, - Haskins and Sells - Audit Reports (CPA) 1927-1930, - Haskins and Sells - Audit Reports (CPA) 1931-1933

Box 98
- Record of Minutes - The Eureka Exploration Co., Bondholders Committee, - Book - The Plomo Mining Investment Co., Capital Stock 1895, - The Plomo Mining Company - Copy Book of correspondence, 1899-1903 E. C. van Diest, E. M., Manager

Box 99
The Plomo Mining Co. Copy Book of Correspondence, E. C. van Diest 1897-1898
Laramie Electric Co. Copy Book of correspondence, and information E. C. van Diest, Treasurer 1911
Central Construction Co. Copy Book of correspondence, E. C. van Diest, Secretary
ADDITION, 2024, gift of Kim Skilling, great-granddaughter of ECvD:
Commonplace book of handwritten quotations from Lord Byron, Rafael Sabatini, and others, with poems by ECvD himself. A few typed quotations laid in.
Letter to ECvD from George E. Snell, 1945
Holiday greeting to ECvD from Eugene D. Milliken, 1948
Information on medal awarded to ECvD from the School of Mines, 1949

Box 100 (oversize)
- Book - Stock Shares - The Eureka Exploration Co. 1912, - The Eureka Exploration Co. - Share Certificates 1901-1906, - Book of Certificate Ownership, The Eureka Exploration Co., 1912, - Record of Minutes - Queen Exploration Inc., Colorado, 1928-1944, - Book - Queen Exploration - Capital Stock 1925, - Ledger - Note Register 1927-1935, General Service Corp., General Ice Corporation, The Utah Ice and Storage Co. , The Mountain Ice and Coal Co. , The Doyle Ice and Storage Co. , Buena Vista Power Co., The Hyglenic Ice and Coal Co. , Fairbury Ice Co. , Montana Service Corp., Wasatch Service Co. , Service Ice Co.

Box 101 (oversize)
- The Colorado Concrete Mfg. Co. 1931-35; 1935-38; 1941-43; 1946-47, - Book - Vanmont Investment Co. - Stock Shares

Box 102 (oversize)
- Ore Record #1 Queen Exploration Inc. 1926-1936, - Voucher Record Queen Exploration Corp. 1925-1939

Box 103 (oversize)
- Book - The Plomo Mining Co. - Stock Shares 1914, - Ledger - Philadelphian Hotel 1905-1906 (Colorado Spgs), - Ledger - Philadelphian Hotel 1902-1903

Box 104 (oversize)
- Report Notes - Personal Property, Denver Water system Calculations January 1914, E. C. van Diest

Edmond C. van Diest Papers, Ms 0233
(over 700 items total)

Drawer 16: Colorado Springs
Drawer 17: San Luis Valley
Drawer 18: Land
Drawer 19: Machines, Mines and Mining
Drawer 20: Mines and Mining, Buildings and Bridges


Map Case Drawer 16: Colorado Springs Misc.
-Colorado Springs-Fountain Power Line, Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets
-Sketch Map of Proposed Boettcher Fish Pond Camp, Vigil-Colorado
-Lands owned by Mrs. M. J. McCarthy, Costilla County, Colorado
-Test borings, Spring Run Reservoir No. 2
-Partial Map of the City of Colorado Springs 1882 hand traced with autograph additions showing residence of Black population 1879, 1882, 1886, 1888, 1890
-Part of sec. 25 T. 14S. R. 67 W.
-Map showing the chaining dome at Zoo Park on Feb. 13th, 1915 Zoo Park Tract #3
-Tract of Land owned by the North Colorado Springs Land and Improvement Company
-Subdivision of Tract F., North Colorado Springs Land and Improvement Company Manitou near Colorado Springs, Colorado

Map Case Drawer 16: Hassler
-Sketch Map of the Banning-Lewis Ranch as purchased by Robert H. Hassler. El Paso Co., Colorado
-Polo-Field-Development, Hassler Tract, Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Map of a portion of the Hassler Ranch, El Paso, Co.
¬-Plat of the Robert H. Hasssler Tract Broadmoor, El Paso County, Colorado
-Plans of Lower Polo Field and Pipe System, Hassler Polo Fields, Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Co.
-Plan of Hassler Polo Fields Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Hassler Tract, Broadmoor, Colorado. Polo-Field-Development
-Polo-Field-Development. Hassler Tract-Part of N. E. 1/4 of NW1/2 and N. W. 1/2 of NE 1/4. Broadmoor, Colorado
-Proposed Development of Hassler Tract. Broadmoor, Colorado
-Polo-Field-Development, Hassler Tract, Broadmoor, Colorado.
-Hassler Tract, Broadmoor-Colorado.
-Proposed Development of Hassler Tract
-Proposed Development of Hassler Tract
-Map of a Portion of the Hassler Ranch, El Paso Co., Colorado
-Hassler Tract, Broadmoor-Colorado
-Proposed Development of Hassler tract, Broadmoor, Colorado
-Polo-Field-Development, Hassler Tract. Broadmoor, Colorado
-Polo-Field-Development, Hassler Tract. Broadmoor, Colorado
-Hassler Tract Development, Plans for base of pump house
-Sketch of Nozzle and Standard. Hassler Polo Field, Broadmoor, Co.
-Colorado Springs-Fountain Power line, EL Paso County, Colorado.
-Club House for Zetalethian Society at Colorado College
-Club house for Zetalethian Society at Colorado College

Map Case Drawer 16: Broadmoor, Count Pourtales, Will Rogers Stadium, Banning Tract
-Contour map of a portion of Lot 4 and Lot L of Block 5, Count Pourtales Addition, Broadmoor, Colorado
-Contour Plan of that portion of Block 37 Broadmoor, Lot 1, Pole Park Add., and Banning Tract. As enclosed by present fence line. El Paso County, Colorado
-Vacation Plat of Addition No. I To Broadmoor El Paso County, Co.
-Contour map, Block 4, Count Pourtales Addition, Broadmoor, Colorado
-The Broadmoor Hotel Company. Contour Map of the S1/2 of Lot 8, Block 1. Count Pourtales Addition to Broadmoor, Colorado.
-The Broadmoor Hotel Co., Contour Map of tract West of Cheyenne Lake for Proposed Riding Acadamy
-Broadmoor Hotel Water System, Plan of Pipes at Meter Locations
-Broadmoor Water and Power Co. Colorado Springs, co. Broadmoor Heights Water Distribution System
-Will Rogers Stadium. Broadmoor-Colorado. Sectional fence for rodeo field

Map Case Drawer 16: Myron Stratton Home
-Water System, the Myron Stratton Home, Concrete storage tank and connections
-The Myron Stratton Home Water System Alignment of the Mesa Pipe Line through Cheyenne Canon Park

Map Case Drawer 16: Skagway
-Skagway Reservoir. Teller County, Colorado. Irrigation Division No. 2, Water district No. 12.
-Skagway Reservoir. Teller County, Colorado.
-Skagway Reservoir. Teller County, Colorado.
-Skagway Reservoir. Teller County, Colorado.
-Skagway Reservoir. Teller County, Colorado.
-Skagway Reservoir, Teller County, Colorado
-Map of the Ligon Ditches-No. s. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Teller County, Colorado. Irrigation Division No. 1. Water District No. 23. Courses referred to true Meridian

Map case Drawer 16: Bott’s Addition
-Map of Block 237, Bott's Addition No. 2 and adjacent property
-Map of Block 237, Bott's Addition No. 2 and adjacent property
-Map of Block 237, Bott's Addition No. 2 and adjacent property
-Map of Block 237 Bott's Addition No. 2 and adjacent property
-Map of Block 237, Bott's Addition No. 2 and adjacent property

Map case Drawer 16: Manitou
-Manitou, El Paso County, Colorado, 1874, backed in cloth
-Manitou Ave.
-Profile Mt. Manitou Incline, Upper Section
-Profile Mt. Manitou incline-Lower Section
-Profile Mt. Manitou Incline-upper section
-Profile Mt. Manitou Incline, Lower Section

Map case Drawer 16: El Paso County (Broadmoor Heights, Elm Ave., Bald Mountain Ranch, Union Printer’s Valley Reservoir)
-El Paso Park
-Sketch Map showing ownerships of lands in townships and ranges as shown on map, El Paso County, Colorado
-Contour Map or a Portion of Lot 4-Block 2-Broadmoor Heights. El Paso County. Colorado.
-Vacation Plat of a portion of Elm Avenue and Seventh Street, Blocks 39 and 48 of Broadmoor, El Paso County, Colorado.
-Vacation Plat of a portion of Elm Avenue and Seventh Street. Blocks 39 and 48 of Broadmoor, El Paso County, Colorado.
-Standard bross section for all flumes
-Bald Mountain Ranch, 1926-27, El Paso County, Colorado
-Lands Owned by the Union Printers Home, El Paso County, Colorado 1929
-Map showing location of loop of C. C. and I. Railway Track in front of Union Printer's Home 1929
-Glen Eyrie Water Works, Detailed Plans of Dam, Valley Reservoir No. 2, El Paso County, Colorado

Map case Drawer 16: Golden Cycle
-Golden Cycle Corporation, Map of Tract 1 and Tract 2
-Golden Cycle Corporation, Map of Tract 1 and Tract 2

Map case Drawer 16: Herold Residence
-1st Floor/2nd Floor
-Second Floor Scale 1/4=1, Living Quarters
-Alterations to residence for Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Herold, First Floor Plan
-Alterations to residence for Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Herold-#2
-Alterations to residence for Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Herold: West Elevation and South Elevation

Map case Drawer 16: Colorado Springs
-The City of Colorado Springs, Zoning Map, Compiled and reproduced by the City of Colorado Springs, planning department, 49 Sheets
-Map of Torrington, In Manitou Park, El Paso County, Colorado
-Clason's War Map of the Western Front

Map case Drawer 16: Colorado Springs (Voting Precincts etc.)
-Stratigraphic Sections-Eastern Colorado
-Plan of Colorado City, El Paso County, J. T. -1859(x2)
-Colorado City Yard, Colorado City, 1922 or 1927 (Date erased)
-Map of El Paso County, Colorado (x2)
-Map of the Colorado Springs, Water System
-Map of Colorado Springs, Colorado City, Nov. 1895 and Vicinity
-Map of the City of Colorado Springs Compiled in the city engineers office-April 1909
-City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Park Commission, Parks and Parkway System, Jan. 1909
-Mountain trails of the Pikes Peak Region
-Mountain Trails of the Broadmoor Region. The Pikes Peak Camping and Mining Trail Association (x2)
-Voting Maps of Precincts, El Paso County, Colorado
-Voting precincts. Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1912
-Voting precinct, Map of the City of Colorado Springs surrounding area 1960
-Voting precincts, Colorado Springs, Colorado 1918
-Voting precinct, Map of the City of Colorado Springs and surroundings 1960
-Voting precinct map (of the city of Colorado Springs)
-Ervay's Addition No. 2 to the town of West Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colo. 1889
-South Suburban Area 1960
-Supplement to the Sunday Telegraph, June 14th, 1903 Map showing Pikes Peak Reservoirs of the Colorado Springs Water System, June 1903
-Map of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado. May, 1882
-Map of the City of Colorado Springs, all the latest additions, subdivisions, etc., etc. Published by E. H. Turner and A. E. Browning, Aug. 1882
-Map of Colorado Springs and surrounding area
-The Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce (compliments of) Map of the City of Colorado Springs, Broadmoor and Manitou
-Map of Colorado Springs and vicinity showing drives, trails and points of interest.
-City map of Colorado Springs, Colorado
-Topographical Map of the Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek Dist., Railway, Colorado. May 1900 (x2)
-Plat of addition No. 1 to West Colorado Springs
-Map of the City of Colorado Springs. April 1909
-Manitou: Original of Feb. 12, 1874. Copied by Lorene and Kenny Englert
-Map of Manitou, El Paso Co: Colo, August 1896

MAP CASE DRAWER 17 - San Luis Valley

-Plat of certain unsold tracts A, B, C, and D (x2)
- plan -end elev. /side elev.
-T. D. Willo Creek Tract
-T31SR74W and T 31SR73W, with the Rio Grande River shown
-Henry M. Ahenlus-US Surveyors General
-Plat of Certain Unsold Tracts A, B, C, and D
-Sheet 2. 1-Laterals No. 2, 3, 5.
-Lot No. 21
-Lot 4-Lot 5
-Plans of dam, West End Reservoir, Costilla County, Colorado
-Vicinity Map
-Dagett, Canones Creek, Little Willow Creek
-Scale 1 inch. =300ft.
-Property of the Banded Peak Land and Mining Co.
-Hasolir Ranch Reservoir
-Unsold Lands Catron Exclusions Unsold Irrigable Lands Mineral deed to Mosota Land Co.
-Plan-intake for Flume-West End Gulch Plan-outlet-West End Gulch Flume
-Hydraulic Gradeline (Low Water) and (Reservoir Full)

Map case Drawer 17: Tierra Amarilla
-Map or a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Nutrias Valley (Lot 6) Tierra Amarrilla Grant, Showing possible subdivision
-Chamita Valley Subdivision of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Map of a portion of Tierra Amarilla Grant
-sketch Map Tierra Amarilla Grant Rio Arriba Co., New Mexico Showing proposed irrigation ditches East of Chama River(x2)
-Arlington Land Company's subdivision No. 4 of a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant
-The Arlington Land Company's subdivision of a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-The Arlington Land Company's subdivision No. 2, of a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-The Arlington company's subdivision of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Map of the Amended Filings of The Valley Ditch, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, The Arlington Land Company, Applicant.
-The Arlington Land Company's Subdivision No. 4 of a portion of the Amarillo Land Grant
-Tierra Amarilla Grant-of a portion of the Arlington Land Company's Subdivision
-Tierra Amarilla Grant-Sketch Map
-Map of a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant (x2)
-Tierra Amarilla Grant Subdivision Portion Adjacent to Horselake
-Lower Willow Creek Subdivision, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Sketch Plat of subdivision of portion of the Tierra Amarilla Land Grant
-The Everett G. Clark Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico
-Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Tierra Amarilla Grant Subdivision Portion Adjacent to Horse Lake
-A part of Tierra Amarilla Grant The Peter Peterson Tract
-Plat of the E. M. Biggs Tract No. 2, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Tract, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Plat of the Fitz and Fetters Tract, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Tierra Amarilla Grant Outboundaries surveyed by Sawyer and McBroom Us Deputy Mineral Surveyors
-Plat of the proposed M. V. Medrana Tract, portion of Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Plat of certain unsold tracts A, B, C, and D, Tierra Amarilla
-Map of Survey of Homesteads- Tierra Amarilla
-A part of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Unsold portion of tracts 3, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico
-Plat showing variance between certain tracts in the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-A part of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, The Henry Escheman, Et Al. Tract, as surveyed by Sanford Brothers
-Sketch map of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico Rio Arriba County, Colorado
-Sketch Map of Tierra Amarilla Grant showing proposed Irrigation Ditches East of Chama River
-The West Line of Tierra Amarilla Grant and Section Lines in conflict there with, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Nutrias Valley (a lot) Tierra Amarilla Grant, Showing possible subdivision
-Plat of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, surveyed by Sawyer and McBroom, U. S. Deputy Surveyors, July 1876
-Plat of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Surveyed by Sawyer and McBroom, U. S. Deputy Surveyors, July 1876
-Subdivision of the Tierra Amarilla grant. Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-The West Line of Tierra Amarilla Grant and section lines in conflict there with. Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Subdivision of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Plat No. 1. in Colorado and New Mexico
-Subdivision of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, plat No. 1
-The West line of Tierra Amarilla Grant-1914
-Portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant-1913
-A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant-1912
-A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant-1912
-Martin and Borders Addition No. 1 to the Townsite of Ohama, on the Tierra Amarilla Grant-1913
-Fenced Lands and other conflicts on a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant-1914
-Mouth of Horse Lake Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Untitled. . . [Northern New Mexico-Shows Boundary Lines of Grant], Tierra Amarilla Grant
-E. Rockhill Tract, a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico

Map case Drawer 17: Trujillo Brothers
-Trujillo Brother's Tract, in Lot 8, Tierra Amarilla's Grant
-Tract wanted by Trujillo Brothers in Lot 8, Tierra Amarilla Grant Rio Arriba County, New Mexico

Map case Drawer 17: Nolan
-Nolan and Rice Tracts, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Nolan Tract, in Amarilla Grant

Map case Drawer 17: Manzanares
-Manzanares proposed tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Manzanares proposed tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Carsos Manzaneras, Lot 8, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Abeyta Tract, Unsold Tract, Manzanares Tract, Catron Exclusion
-Manzanares proposed tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Manzanares proposed tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Manzanares Proposed Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Manzaneres Tract and proposed compromise line for West Boundary, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico
-Manzanares proposed tract. Tierra Amarilla Grant.

Map case Drawer 17: Martinez
-Antonio Von Valdez Tract/ Luca Martinez Tract
-The Espirdion Martinez Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico June 9, 1914. Platted in the office of H. I. Reid, Colo. Springs, Colorado
-J. R. Martinez
-Probable Interpretation of Contract Description of: Esquibel, Ulibarri, Martinez, Valdez
-Plat of the J. R. Martinez Tract, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant

Map case Drawer 17: Brazos
- Lands in Brazos Valley -Tract E
-Plat of Brazos Meadows- A Portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Plat of Brazos Meadows, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Plat of the Brazos Watershed North of Box Canon, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant. Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.
-Proposed subdivision, No. 2, Brazos Mesa, Tierra Amarilla Grant.
-Plat of certain lands, north of Brazos River and west of Swen Peterson, a potion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Swen Peterson 6000A/P. Peterson 6000A/Brazos River/Govolan Creek

Map case Drawer 17: Burns
-Plat of the Burns Chavez Creek Tract, Tierra Amarilla County, New Mexico
-T. D. Burns Tract
-Burns Wolfe Creek Tract
-Plat of the Burns Chavez Creek Tract Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-T. D. Burns, Willow Creek Tract
-T. D. Burns, Banded Peak Land and Mining Co.
-Plat of the Burns Chavez Creek Tract Rio Arriba County New Mexico
-Plat of the Burns Chavez Creek Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-160 Acre Exclusion, Burns Wolfe Creek Tract. Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico.
-160 Acre Exclusion. Burns Wolfe Creek Tract.
-Plat of the Burns Chavez Creek Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Division of Wolfe Creek Tract. Thomas D. Burns Estate. Tierra Amarilla Grant.
-#4039-T. D. Burns Tract
-160 Acre Exclusion, Burns Wolfe Creek Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, 1914

Map case Drawer 17: Kinderman
-Plat of the William Kinderman Tract, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant
-Plat of the William Kinderman Tract Portion of Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Plat of the William Kinderman Tract, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Plat of the Wm Kinderman Tract, A portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Plat of the William Kinderman Tract, a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Exclusions, Taylor Et Al. From Kinderman and Rockhill Tracts, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico
-Plat of the William Kinderman Tract, a portion of the Tierra Amarilla Grant Rio Arriba County, New Mexico

Map case Drawer 17: Hall
-Sargent and Hall Tracts. Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico.
-H. L. Hall Tract Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico

Map case Drawer 17: M. D. Esquibel
-M. D. Esquibel Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico
-Ulibarri/M. D. Esquibel
-Ismael Ulibarri and M. D. Esquibel Tracts, Tierra Amarilla Grant, New Mexico

Map case Drawer 17: Chama
-Drainage Area, Chama River and Tributaries Including the Tierra Amarilla Grant and the Territory South of the Rio Grande to accompany report of H. I. Reid
-Drainage area, Chama River and Tributary. Including the Tierra Amarilla Grant, Rio Arriba County, New Mexico
-Tierra Amarilla Grant, Sketch Map, Rio Arriba Co. -New Mexico, Showing proposed irrigation ditches East of Chama River
-Drainage Area, Chama River and tributaries Including the Tierra Amarilla Grant and Territory South to Rio Grande
-Drainage Area, Chama River and Tributaries-1915

Map case Drawer 17: Sangre De Christo
-Blanca Townsite, showing the Sangre De Christo Range and surrounding area
-Sangre De Christo Ditch sheet No. 2
-Sangre De Christo Ditch sheet no. 3
-Sangre De Christo Ditch, Trinchera Irrigation District, Costilla County, sheet No. 1
-Sangre De Christo Ditch, Sheet No. 4

Map case Drawer 17: Garland
-The Garland Ditch-enlargements and extension Costilla County, Colorado
-Plans for Steel Flume and Substructure, Garland Ditch
-Flume Plans, Garland Ditch, Sheet No. 2 of 3 Sheets
-Flume Plans, Garland Ditch, Sheet No. 3 of 3 Sheets
-Garland Canal System Laterals, Preliminary survey
-Garland Canal System, Lateral No. 9
-Garland Canal System, Lateral No. 8(Sheet 5 of 8 Sheets)
-Garland Canal System, Lateral Sheet 7 of 8 Sheets
-Garland Canal System. Lateral No. 7. Sheet 4 (8sheets)
-Sheet No. 10 of 16/Garland Ditch(Sheet 7)

Map case Drawer 17: Trinchera (Indian Creek)
-Plans of Completed Structures of the Trinchera Irrigation Project
-Trinchera high-line Flume Plans sheet No. 4 of 5 sheets
-Trinchera High-Line, Plans for steel flume and substructure Sheet No. 1 of 5 sheets
-Part of Trinchera Colony Tract, Costilla County, Colorado
-Trinchera Water Fund, Garland Ditch enlargement and extension, Costilla, Co.
-The Trinchera Ditch Extension-Profile of the final alignment Costilla County, Colorado
-Flume Plans, Trinchera high-line Sheet No. 3 of 3 sheets
-Trinchera high-line, Flume Plans, Sheet No. 5 of 5 Sheets
-Profile, laterals, Trinchera Colony Tract Costilla County, Colo.
-Profile Trinchera High line Flume, Trincherra Irrigation District
-Head Gate for Intake, Trinchera High-line Flume
-The Trinchera High Line Ditch No. 2, Costilla County, Co.
-Trinchera-Ojito High Line Canal Crossing Long's Ranch
-The Trinchera High Line Ditch Costilla County, Co.
-Alignment of Trinchera High-Line Flume Working Plan sheet No. 2 of 2 sheets
-Profile of Lateral West from the Trinchera Canal
-Flume Plans, Trinchera High-line, Sheet No. 2 of 5 sheets
-Map of the Smith Reservoir, Trinchera Irrigation District, Costilla County Colorado
-The Trinchera Irrigation System
-Trinchera Ditch, System Sheet 2 of 8 Sheets
-Trinchera Ditch System, Sheet No. 3 (of 8 sheets)
-Vertical Drop, Trinchera high line and lateral, March, 1913
-Alignment of Trinchera High Line Flume, Trinchera Irrigation District
-Trinchera Water Fund
-Trinchera Headgate and Diversion Weir: standard vertical drop, standard road bridge
-Trinchera Headgate and Diversion Weir-14 of 16 Sheets (Vertical Drop and Road Bridge)
-Plans of Structures, Trinchera Garland Canal (16 of 16 Sheets)
-Plan of the final Alignment of The Trinchera Garland Canal, Costilla County (Sheet 15 of 16)
-Contour Plat of The Trinchera Colony Tract, Costilla County, Co. Trinchera Colony Tract
-Bids for completion of irrigation system, Trinchera Irrigation District, 1911
-Alternative plans. Bids for completion of Irrigation System. Trinchera Irrigation District
-Lateral's No. 7 and 8, Crossing under San Luis Southern Rail Road
-Profile of a portion of the Indian Creek Ditch for a flume or pipe conduit, Costilla County, Colorado
-Detailed Plans of Dams Indian Creek Reservoir, Costilla County, Co
-Detailed Plans of Dam, Indian Creek Reservior, Costilla County, Colorado
-South Swamp Ditch, Trinchera Irrigation District

Map case Drawer 17: Rattle Snake Canon
-Preliminary profile for flume pipeline, Rattlesnake Canon. Outlet Ditch, Smith Reservoir. Trinchera Irrigation District, Costilla County, Colorado.
-Profile and Allignment of pipeline in Rattlesnake Canon outlet from Smith Reservoir Costilla County, Colorado

Map case Drawer 17: Smith
-Plans for Dam, The Smith Reservoir, the Trinchera Irrigation District, Costilla County, Colorado
-Profile Smith Outlet Flume
-Profile. Flume across West End Gultch, Smith Outlet Ditch
-Plans for Dam, the Smith Reservoir, Sheet No. 2 of 4 Sheets
-Plans for Dam, The Smith Reservoir, Sheet No. 3 of 4 Sheets
-Plans for Dam, The Smith Reservoir, Sheet No. 4 of 4 Sheets
-Outlet Ditch, Smith Reservoir
-Smith Reservoir
-Map of the Smith Reservoir, Costilla County, Colorado
-The Smith Reservoir, Contour Map of the Dam Site
-Smith outlet ditch, Crossing Feeder Ditch -H. I. Reid

Map case Drawer 17: The Mountain Home Reservoir
-The Mountain Home Reservoir, Costilla County Colorado, Feb. 14, 1911
-Mt. Home Reservoir, Plans for Dam No. 2 and Spillway
-Preliminary Ditch and Pipe-line from Ute Creek to Mt. Home Reservoir (January, 1909)
-Top of Valve Chamber, Mt. Home Reservoir
-Plans for spillway and basin, Mt. Home Reservoir, July 1908 H. I. Reid, Sheet No. 4 of 4, Costilla County, Colorado
-The Mountain Home Reservoir, Costilla County, Colorado
-Plans for Spillway Mt. Home Reservoir

Map case Drawer 17: Ute Creek
-Intake a Deversion Dam, Ute Creek High Line
-Profile of the Ute Creek Ditch and pipe-line from intake to station 274+50. Costilla County, Colorado
-Profile of Preliminary Ditch and Pipe-line from Ute Creek to Mt. Home Reservoir

Map case Drawer 17: Maxwell Irrigation Company
-Contour map of Horseshoe Bend proposed reservoir site the Maxwell Irrigation Company (1938) Vermejo-Colfax County-New Mexico
-Contour map of Lretta proposed reservoir site Maxwell Irrigation Co. (1938) Vermejo River-Colfax County-New Mexico
-Map of the Venceslao Jaramillo Tract, Tierra Amarilla Grant-1913

Map case Drawer 17: San Luis Valley
-Clason's Map of the San Luis Valley, Published by the Clason Map Co. Denver Colorado
-Map of the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Compliments of the Yates and M'Clain Reality Co.


Map case Drawer 18: Folder 1
.001 454 LA Map showing points of interest around CS; n.d.
.002 9G LA Plat of Valley Park additions to the city of CS, Aug.1910
.003-4 319 LA Plat of the Valley Park addition to city of CS, May 1909; VanD.
.005 7B LA Lot map in the neighborhood of the following streets: Wood Ave., Columbia St., Caramillo St., and Del Norte; n.d.
.006 319B LA Plat of Valley Park Addition No.2 to the City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Co.; April 1910 (see .003-4 319 LA)
.007 5P LA Plan of grounds, lots 13-16; D. Russ Wood addition, CS, Feb.28, 1927; R.E.W.
.008 6A LA Lansing tract; topographic mapping with lot 1 and 2 gridded; mention of Wood Ave.; scale:1 =20ft.;n.d.
.009 5H LA Sketch showing suggested subdivision of land for A.S. Hall; n.d., VanD.
.010 436 LA Dorchester Park; Dorr Investment Co.; n.d., van Diest
.011 32 LA Hastings seventh addition to city of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Co.; scale: 1 =100'; n.d. van Diest; February 1906
.012 4F LA The plat of the Cheyenne addition to the city of CS El Paso County, Colo.; July 1901; scale: 1 =200'; H.I. Reid, Civil Engineer
.013-14 1L LA 2 maps of streets/lots from N/S Boulder to E/W El Paso --Sierra Madre; n.d., CS
.015 1F LA East end addition to the city of CS; n.d.
.016 274 LA CS- tract #'s 1-4, sections 8, 17, 20; May 1911, VanD.
.017 8P LA Profiles of the streets in the Prospect Lake addition to the city of CS; Jan.1911, VanD.
.018-24 2D LA 7 maps detailing lots along Cascade, Tejon, Huerfano, Nevada, Sahwatch, etc.; n.d.
.025-9 5 LA 2 maps, n.d.: 1) topographic map of area with Cragmoor, Pike View, Cotton Wood Creek, Monument Creek, Chicago Rock Island, and Pacific Rail Line, Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Rail Line, Curtis Mine and Monument Valley Mine; 2) same map, non- topographic; VanD.(total 5 drawings)

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 2
.030 119 LA Hand-drawn map showing Rio Grande del Norte, Rio Trinchera, Rio Culebra, Rio Costilla, with handwritten notes in Dutch, not dated.
.031 133 LA Map of area around Costilla Creek at Colorado- New Mexico state line; Paul B. Albright, San Luis, Co.; n.d.
.032 132 LA Map of the Colo. portion of the land confirmed by the deed to Ferdinand Meyer by the U.S.Freehold Land and Emigration Comp.; Aug.10, 1892, VanD.; Township No.1 N.R.73W
.033 135 LA Map of the resurvey of the boundary line between the state of Colo. and the territory of New Mexico; G.L.O. dated Feb.27, 1904, Denver, Co.; received S.G.O. March 4, 1904
.034 10L LA Dept. of the Missouri, B'vet Maj. Gen. John Pope, Commanding- outline map showing lines of communication between Southern Colo. and Northern New Mexico; compiled by 1st Lieut. E.H. Roffner, Engineer; drawn by Ado Hunnius, Jan.1, 1876
.035 114 LA U.S. geographical surveys west of the one hundredth meridian; economic features of parts of Southern Colo. and Northern N.M.; May 7, 1877
.036 123 LA Map- no name- prominent landmarks: Rito Seco, Chama, Rito de la Culebra; labeled: San Pedro extensions, Chama extensions, lower field, WHM old fence line, blazon tree...
.037 6C LA Map of Rito Seco properties, tship.32 s., r.71 w., Trinchera Estate survey; n.d.(copy), .038 5C LA Map of Rito Seco Gold Mines, Costilla County, Colo.; n.d.; scale: 1 =880' (copy)
.039 10M LA Rito Seco property, Costilla County, Colo.; portion of property lines retraced; scale: 1 =400'; Oct.30, 1945
.040-1 237 LA Fort Garland, Colo., Costilla County; plots A-H with Ute Creek, Denver and RG Rwy. and the following Aves.: 3rd -8th Ave., Maxwell, Narcisso, Gilpin, Carson, Pfeifer, St. Vrain, Beaubien, Miranda; n.d.
.042 6Q LA Acreage map of the San Luis Valley Beet Sugar Co., Monte Vista, Colo.; n.d.
.043 110 LA Contour map of the San Luis Basin; VanD., April 1893
.044 203 LA Map of San Luis Valley, 1902
.045-6 6 LA First addition to San Luis, with lots sold Nov.1908; signed by VanD.; sixth to ninth St., Main, Mesa, Costilla, Seco Streets
.047-8 131 LA Two maps, one original, showing lots in First addition to San Luis, which were also containing statements from the Costilla Land and Investment Co. Concerning lot accounts; lots bought by whom, amt., dates, etc.; 1907
.049-50 235 LA Geological map of El Plomo property to accompany report, Dec.1893; approx. scale: 1 =80'
.051 10I LA Trinchera Estate Comp.; plat of the Plomo Creek properties; scale: 1 =1320'
.052 10G LA Correspondence between Oscar Wilkins and the Trinchera Estate Co. Concerning land in the Ute Creek region which has been fenced off by Mr. Wilkins and actually belongs to Trinch. Est. Co.; Apr.1910 - Feb.1911; includes land sketches
.053 209 LA Ute Creek area map with legend of fences, roads, boundaries, of 'Wilkin's tract' according to old and new survey; Dec.1903, VanD., .054 1B LA Map showing relative position on ground of the Myron Wilkin's tract by U.S. Govt.survey and the Ute Creek Ranch by Trinchera Estate survey
.055 254 LA Map of Trinchera Estate, Costilla Co.; scale: 1 =2miles Dec.20, 1880; original
.056 141 LA (10C) Proposed townsite plan of Hamburg; Costilla Estate Dev. Comp.; June 1909, VanD.
.057 140 LA Compilation of the Plats of 10 townships -- Costilla Estate survey, titled lands, unsettled are indicated by #s in black; titled lands, settled, indicated by #'s in red; lands sold by #'s in blue; 1880-1890
.058-60 139 LA Map of the Costilla Estate, Costilla Co., Co.and Taos Co., N.M.; appears to be original; contains color legend of the various land and its usage in the estate; Jan.10, 1903 (3)
.061-2 115 LA 2 Maps of Southern Colo. and Northern New Mexico: 1) Sancher Reservoir 2) East Dale Reserv. 3) Ute Creek Res. 4) Vidal Res. 5) Casias Res.

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 3
.063 7G LA Lot map with lots marked X belonging to a Mr. E.M. Hemilett; no city given, n.d.
.064 8G LA Map of Teller, Mont., El Paso County, Pike's Peak, Pueblo, and Canon City Region; 1904
.065 328 LA Plan of Canon City Park; 11/20/06, VanD.
.066 329 LA Canon City Penitentiary Park Plan; 1906, VanD.
.067-8 16B LA Hygienic Ice and Coal Co., Boulder, Colo.; Jul.23, 1927; 1 =40'; 2 drawings
.069 16C LA Plat of survey for Hygienic Ice and Coal Co., block 87, E. Boulder; Nov.23, 1928; surveyed by: J.W. Oliver, drawn by: G.L. White
.070 2Q LA Amended map of Amargo ditch of the Amargo Land and Ditch Co.; Colo. and New Mexico sections; 1912-1913
.071 8C LA Map of the constructed, filed, and proposed canals of the Amargo Land and Ditch Co.; scale: 1 =40 chains; n.d., VanD
.072-4 616 LA Manitou Park, Colo.; n.d.; E.H. Kellog, C.E.; 3 drawings
.075 10 LA Manitou Park; each square= 1 sq. mile; revised Apr.10, 1910
.076-9 10J LA Township no.32 north range no.1 west of New Mexico principal meridian; 4 drawings
.080 2 LA Township no.4 south, range no.86 west, 6th principal meridian; scale: 1 =40 chains; n.d.
.081 6G LA Map of the van Diest ranch, township no.4 south range no.86 west, Eagle County, Colo.; scale: 1 =300'; surveyed Jan.1908 by William H. Lea C.E.; Gypsum, Colo.
.082 132 LA Township no.1 north, range no.73, west of the sixth principal meridian; n.d.
.083 7G LA Estate of W.J. Palmer, cultivated and irrigated land
.084 4 LA Map of properties owned by Wm. J. Palmer- includes township #13 south, 14 south, range 67 west, range 68 west.
.085 2 LA Map with topographic lines, no title, with following labels: East CS Land Co., approx coal outcrop, Austin Bluffs, Kennedy Trustee, CS Garden Co.; P. Hewett, 1901
.086 444 LA The Austin Bluffs Park, El Paso Co., Colo.; Sept.1901; H.I. Reid- civ.engin.
.087 7P LA Map of part of the Colo. Spg. Coal field showing lands of the CS Co. and El Paso County Land and Fuel Co.; May 25, 1910, VanD.
.088 2L LA Map of part of the CS coal field showing lands of the CS Comp. and El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Comp.; May 25, 1910, VanD.
.089 9M LA El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Co.'s tracks with Rock Island and Santa Fe connections; June 26, 1912
.090 1N LA same as .089 9M LA, but dated Oct.15, 1913
.091 10E LA Map of relation to gridded land masses labeled township 11 south containing 31 gridded sections, and township 12 south, also with 31 gridded sections. Ranges 67, 66 west also labelled; n.d.
.092 8H LA Callahan project, Fountain Creek catchment area; n.d.; VanD.
.093 7J LA Map of rivers and proposed reservoirs; includes Squirrel Creek, Jimmy Camp Creek, Chico Wash. River, etc., mostly Callahan proposals; n.d.
.094 4P LA Town of Fountain, Colo.; Oct.1903; compiled from records by Sawyer and Garston Emor's.
.095 8N LA Preliminary Fountain, Colo. water works system; n.d.; Thomas Shepperd, constr. engin., Denver Colo.

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 4
.096 3Q LA Modern Woodmen of America sanitorium grounds, CS; Apr.1912; F.N. Sanford- engineer
.097 5A LA Township 14 s.m range 66 w.; appears to be a river map with locations of cattle guards and pipes; curves appear to be surveyed with some angular method; n.d.
.098 2B LA Rib I- right hand side; plotted curve- possible hill or mountainside with points #14-28 corresponding to 'slices' where prices per sq. ft. and poundage are specified, along with instructions on cutting sizes; n.d.
.099 3B LA Gridded section of what appears to be property lots belonging to Frco. Sanchez, and J.M. Salazar; property lines and coordinates given, with grant boundary; n.d.(1871-72?)
.100 5D LA Kearny and Finney County, shows farm lines, toll lines, farmers mutual lines; n.d.
.101 2G LA Survey for Mrs. Capt. Jack; connections from maps no.3 lode; n.d.
.102 3G LA original of .102 2G LA, signed and dated by Robert Lloyd, 5-27-14
.103 7F LA Keystone Fuel Comp., Fred W. Price; Mine Bulletin on the reverse side dated 6-30-11
.104 106 LA Map of the Guadalupe Sanchez ditch in the Culebra Canon with Squatter Claims ; n.d.
.105 5E LA Sketch showing preliminary surveys for the Cripple Creek District Rwy.
.106 7E LA Possible lines for proposed genter canal, S. Platte diversion; VanD; scale: 1 =2miles; May 1910
.107 7K LA Concrete company description of main property- map attached (see: 3M and 4M BB)
.108 202 LA Plat of Denver and Rio Grande property at Placer T.E.; n.d.
.109 8E LA Lands of the Myron Stratton home, El Paso Co.; scale: 1 = 1/2 mile; Oct.1912
.110 1Q LA Map of Northern Louisiana Oil Fields; Western Blue Print Company; n.d.
.111 9P LA Map showing a portion of the shallow water islands of the Big Sandy Valley; includes Kiowa and Prowers Counties
.112 I7 LA Bellevue add. with Montana Service Corp.; includes Harrison Ave., Paxson Ave., Dekley Blvd., Busch St., Hobson St., Kynne Ave., Schleyst St.and surrounding areas; n.d.
.113 1M LA Side elevations, horizontal grid goes from 0-220, vertical (altitude) 6400-6875, opp.ditch boxes, ditches, washes, fences, angle pts., rye field, cornfield, creeks, labeled also Sand Creek
.114 8J LA Map of land belonging to Jerome Wier, Sarah Parrish, Wm. Banning, and the Nat'l. Land Co.; n.d.; shows Central Constr. Co. location
.115 122 LA Copy of what appear to be lots #253-57, 240, 245, 246, 248, 250; n.d.
.116 10H LA Map of Riley county, Kansas; 1910

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 5
.117 107 LA Plat of proposed Red River Canal, Costilla Estate and surroundings
.118 LA Line of proposed track for El Paso Land and Fuel Company
.119 LA Enlargement from Seymour's Central Wyoming Map showing oil fields
.120 LA Contour map of the Northeast part of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific River; Nov.20, 1908
.121 LA The Las Animas Irrigated Land Company - subdivision of Indian Claims A and 16; Bent County, Colorado
.122 LA Map of El Paso County, Colorado (correct to date: 1905), W.P. Woodside, County Surveyor
.123 LA Map of land northeast of Colorado Springs, Colorado showing property of El Paso County Land and Fuel Company, May 25, 1910 (2 copies)
.124 102 LA Map of the lands irrigated from the San Luis people's Ditch, May 1889
.125 LA The San Luis Southern Railway; shows the relative position of the railway to the lands of the Costilla Estate; Costilla County, Colorado and Taos County, New Mexico; May 1909
.126 LA Map of the South Texas Oil Development, Lain and Company; San Antonio, Texas
.127 LA Map of Compromise Survey of San Pedro and Chama Extensions and San Luis Extensions made by P.B. Albright and A.H. Martin; 1910

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 6
.128 235 LA Map of Rito Seco Properties; Costilla County Colorado
.129 241 LA Map of Rito Seco, Placer Creek, Sangre de Cristo Creek, Garland Canal, Ute Creek, Ojito Creek, Trinchera Canal, Trinchera Creek, and Indian Creek; no title
.130 LA Map of Reservoir Matters on Costilla Estate including Culebra Creek and the cross section of the point just below the Indian Bridge
.131 LA Plat showing proposed changes in property line between Washburn Field and Monument Valley Park; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Jan.13, 1926; (3 copies)
.132 LA Layout of a section of Colorado Springs, Co. including: the Druss Wood Addition, Fontanero St., Del Norte St., Caramillo St., Buena Ventura St., Columbia St., El Paso Canal, Cascade Ave., Wood Ave., Pennsylvania Ave., and Philadelphia Ave.
.133 LA Layout of a section of Colorado Springs, Co. including: the Boulder Heights Addition, Highland Add., Bristol's Add., Pike's Peak Add., Hooke's Re-Sub., Kassonia Add., Fairview Addition, East End Add., Eastlake Re-Sub., Prospect St., Institute St., Hancock Ave., Boulder St., and Pike's Peak Ave.
.134 LA Layout of a section of Colorado Springs, Co. including: Del Norte St., Alamo Ave., Wood Ave., Caramillo St., Columbia St., and surrounding areas
.135 LA Layout of a section of Colorado Springs, Co. including: Huerfano St., Cucharras St., Capital Hill Add., Pike's Peak Add., Vermijo Ave., Costilla St., Cimarron St., Moreno Ave., Hillside Add., Cunningham Roby's Add., McClure's Add., Lake Park Add., Longview Sub., and Belleview Add.
.136 4 LA Map of Property Divisions and Owners including: Township 13 South (Wm.J. Palmer), and Monument Creek (Pike's Peak Fuel Co.); (2 copies)
.137 LA Map of Butte Co. and Vicinity; M.J. Loughran, County Surveyor; 1924
.138 129 LA Plot of the town of La Belle situated on the Costilla Estate, Taos Co., New Mexico; Surveyed Sept.21, 1894
.139 105 LA Map of the San Acacio and Francisco Sanchez Ditches, Sept.30, 1889
.140 104 LA Map No.1, Survey of the Cultivated Lands under the Cerro Ditch; May 2 and 8, 1889
.141 LA Map of the Trinchera Estate showing lands sold to July 1st, 1903
.142 225 LA Map of Trinchera Estate Company's Lands, including Garland Townsite; Costilla Co., Co.Nov.1, 1909; (2 copies)
.143 126 LA Map of Proposed Forest Reserve includes: Saguache Co., Costilla Co., Taos Co., Huerfano Co., and Las Animas Co.
.144 103 LA Map and Averages of Cerro Ditch, Acequia del medio, Mondrago Ditch and San Pedro Ditch; also includes Culebra, San Pedro, and Chama Rivers

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 7
.145 LA Map of Palmer Park
.146 LA Map of Kinsley, Kansas
.147 LA Topographical Map of Costilla Estate, Costilla Co., Co. and Taos Co., New Mexico; 1887
.148 LA Map of Kansas and 1916 Calendar, compliments of Manhattan State Bank
.149 LA Map of Grimes Co., Texas
.150 LA Map of lands irrigated from the San Francisco Ditch; Surveyed May 1889
.151 LA Map of the Costilla Estates; located in Colorado and New Mexico; showing farm and grazing lands, water sheds, reservoirs and canals
.152 134 LA Plat of the lands of Ferdinand Meyer; Costilla Co., Co. and Taos Co., New Mexico; attached is a letter of conveyance from F. Meyer to the Costilla Estate Improvement Company; (3 progressive drawings)
.153 LA Map of Noyes Upton's Railroad; Addition no.2
.154 237 LA Map of Fort Garland
.155 LA 2 Maps of Hoagland Canals: number's 1, 2, and 3; Map #1: Grand and Summit Counties, Colorado- Townships 1 and 2 South; Map #2: Amended Hoagland Canal no.1; Grand and Summit Counties, Colorado; March 25, 1910
.156 136 LA Maps of The Costilla Estate; 6 maps dated Sept.1904, 1 map dated Dec.1902

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 8
.157 121 LA Maps of the Lands and Plaza of Costilla, New Mexico with notarized written transactions of the Costilla Land and Investment Co.; Aug.15, 1910; (5 maps)
.158 LA Maps of the Upper Townships according to the Trinchera Estate Survey and the Lower Townships according to the Costilla Estate Survey; (12 progressive maps)

Map case Drawer 18: Folder 9
.159 108 LA Irrigation map of the Costilla Estate in Colorado and New Mexico
.160 LA Print of the Great Bend
.161 LA Cable and Pole map of Dodge City in Ford Co., Kansas
.162 LA Map of the city of Larned, Kansas; (2 prints)
.163 LA Plat of Valley Park Addition no.2 to the city of Colorado Springs in El Paso Co., Colorado; April 10, 1910
.164 LA Toll and Rural Circuit Diagram of the Arkansas Valley Telephone Company in Kansas; (1 print, 1 final copy of diagram)
.165 LA Map of Colorado Springs, Colorado
.166 120 LA No title Map with Rito Seco, San Luis, Los Jacales, San Pedro, San Pablo, Culebra Creek, Ballejos Creek, San Francisco, Creek of the deceased Gregorio Martin, and Mesa pictured on it

MAP CASE DRAWER 19 - Machines (MA)

Map case Drawer 19: Folder 1
.001 1I MA Drawing of a wood or metal column, 2 high with 2 base
.002 6I MA Posts for railing OMICO concrete girder bridge; CS and Denver Rd. near Pike View Station; El Paso County, Co.; Oct.1912
.003 6D MA Drawings of marble pedestal with Brone door, countersunk 3/4 , n.d.
.004 5B MA Three drawings, n.d.: 1) detail of side doors for wagon bins, Make 4 2) arrangement of track on tipple, gauge=2'6 3) topographic map, with Wood Ave., and lot 1and2, pencil calculations, notes (Lansing tract)
.005 758B MA Univ. of Illinois Tile Testing Machine, n.d.
.006 2H MA Railcar loading facilities for coal, slack, and dump or mine run; Jeffrey Mfg., Denver; n.d.
.007 18F MA Open boom spouting plant- showing wood constructed brackets tuning boom hinge bracket #2101; Insley Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind.; H.C. Darnell and Co., July 20, 1913
.008 3I MA Rees Roturbo Pump- Type C.W.; 1/19/1917, Manistee Iron Works Co....
.009 7L MA Link Belt Co.- general drawing of spring relief coal crushers, 5/5/11
.010 3H MA Details of Paving; CS and International Rwy. Co., n.d.
.011 9E MA Culvert over Templeton's Run, n.d.
.012 427 MA Plan showing position of conduit, between El Paso Blvd., Agate Ave., and Ruby Ave., n.d.
.013 2I MA Gate suggestions for Glen Eyrie; the wall and rustic fence adjoining and the iron gate; 3/3/1906 (2 draw.), van Diest
.014 401 MA Gen.W.J. Palmer Esq. Design for park gates, May 16, 1906, (J. Aled Dawson, Landel Arch)
.015 6F MA Sketch of abutment posts; Bijou St. viaduct; scale: 3/8'= 1'; Dec.1914
.016 2K MA Plan of sand filter bed for Broadmoor; March 1913, VanD.
.017 1F MA Design for concrete water tank, n.d., van Diest

Map case Drawer 19: Folder 2
.018 15F MA Assembly of 300# double can dump (11 1/2x 22 1/2x 44 [inside] cans), 14 1/2 centers; scale: 1 1/2 =1', Jan.22, 1924
.019 15C MA 6x6 refrigeration machine with enclosed type foundation, pass (drawing 1); scale: 1 1/2 = 1';2 drawings dated Jan.11, 1924 and Sept.7, 1928
.020 1C MA New hardening room- Montana Service Corp., Aug.1, 1945; scale: 2'-1 , van Diest
.021 4F MA Plan of storage reservoir for Mr. William Lennox; VanD., R.C. Hardman (see 4K MA), Colo. Springs, Co.; April 1913
.022 4K MA Plan of storage reservoir for Mr. William Lennox, CS, May 1913; van Diest, R.C. Hardman- Engineers.
.023 9C MA 4 drawings, all detailed sections of the Graneros Pipe Line (9/14/1911): 1) Blow-off valves and connections 2) Relief chamber 3) Air valve chamber 4) Valve chamber (chief engineers, Colo RR and DandRG RR)
.024 7M MA Design of concrete storage reservoir for D and RG RR and Colo. RR at Graneros, Co. for Graneros Pipeline; Aug.1911
.025 8F MA Blanching kettle multiple unit; Protective Appliance Corp., March 1945; scale: 1 =4 , van Diest (see also: .036 5F MA?)
.026 7F MA Utah Ice and Storage Co.- Transformer lightning protection; Provo, Utah; Protective Appliance Corp., CS, Colo.; scale: 1 =2', Feb.1945; 3 drawings
.027 5L MA Tait and Noridmeyer Eng. Co., St.Louis, Mo.; Commonwealth Utilities., Comp.- La Junta Co. Machines Foundations; 11/9/16
.028 120-171 MA Common Wealth Utility Service Co., La Junta, Co.- Section of well for gig 20-1; Gifford- Wood Co., Hudson, NY, Dec.15, 1914
.029 9L MA Gig elevator with straight faced friction hoist; March 30, 1914, by Gifford Wood Co., Hudson, NY
.030 2M MA Gig elevator and lowering machines for Commonwealth Utility Service Co., Gifford-Wood Company, La Junta, Colorado; Feb.28, 1917
.031 5M MA Thomas improved concrete pipe machine- type C; W.A. Curless Co., 6-24-19
.032 9Q MA 2 Drawings: 1) Thomas Improved Concrete Pipe Machine, 3/25/19; W.A. Curless Co.; 2) Type-B, 9/12/19/, W.A. Curless Co.

Map case Drawer 19: Folder 3
.033 1D MA Proposed locker room in ice storage house; Fairbury Service Comp.; scale:1/4 =1', March 31, 1937
.034 4L MA Fairbury Service Co., Fairbury, Neb.; detail of exhaust pit for oil engine; March 20, 1936
.035 9J MA Hygienic Serv. Co.- Ice tank; n.d.
.036 5F MA Hygienic Service Company, gas burner support and blancher, March 1945, van Diest (see also .025 8F MA)
.037 7H MA Hygienic Serv. Comp.; Sharp freezer; scale: 1 =2'; March 1945, VanDiest
.038 9B MA Preliminary and final drawings for freezing tray; Jan.4, 1945; scale: 1 =6
.039 16A(1) MA 4 drawings of a refrigeration system, Oct.1934: 1.layout of area 2.layout of machine 3.changes to be made to tank top for rain water system and new daily ice storage
.040 9I MA Air connections and belting for Mendenhall Ice Co.- Fairbury, Neb.; Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha, Neb., 12/22/1913
.041 8D MA Hygienic ice and cold storage frozen food lockers; Boulder, Colo.- Refrigeration Service Co., Baker Ice Machines; Denver, Jan.1949
.042 8B MA 7 drawings stapled together detailing a York humidifying system: 1) plan showing coil assembly, contract #490 for Heningsen Comp.; scale: 1 =1'; Butte.Mont., York Ice Machinery Crp., Jan.19, 1929 (dwg.#3228) 2) elevation of 1 LSY pump and A.C. motor; Penn.Pump and Compression Co., Easton, Pa.; scale: 3 =12 Oct.19, 1929 3) order R-D-98915 to 98925, 350 can system 2 and3 dehumidifier for Henningsen Co., Butte, Mont.; York Manf. Co.; sc: 1 =1' (dwg.#76321); Jan.16, 1929- has approval stamp from drafting dept., Jan.1929 4) York dehumidifying system operating instructions for high pressure raw water ice plants; draft dept. approval stamp, Sept.1928 (dwg.111826) 5) insulation for brine cooled counter current type shell and coil dehumidifiers; York Ice Mach. Corp., Apr.12, 1928 (dwg.111526); approval stamp, Jan.1929 6) general arrangement of counter current type shell and coil dehumidifiers for pressure air system; York Ice Mach. Corp., March 27, 1928, (dwg.111100); approv. stamp Jan.1929 7) Henders and Connections for 2-48 1/2 ; S and T Ammo. Condensors for Henningsem Co., Butte, Mont.; York Manu. Co., Jan 10, 1929; Draft Dept. Approval Stamp; scale: 1 =1'
.043 5G MA Proposed cross arm for transmission lines; Intermountain Rwy. Light and Power Co., Scottsbluff, Nebr.; Nov.1915; patent granted Sept.4, 1917, van Diest
.044 4I MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.- double left hand thread, bronze base
.045 1J MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.- Hopper for mixer, Feb.1947; VanD.
.046 9H MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.; Pipe details, 36 pipe reinforced concrete, n.d.
.047 5J MA Concrete Ditch Box; n.d.; VanD.
.048 7I MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.; Concrete ditch box, 12 x18; n.d., VanD
.049 8I MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.- tile rack, n.d.; VanD.
.050 2J MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.- cylinder brake; June 1947, VanD.
.051 3G MA Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co.- Motor shelf. Full scale.; May, 1947, van Diest
.052 8G MA Colo. Concrete Co.- Main cylinder brace; June 1947; scale: 1 =1 (?), van Diest

Map case Drawer 19: Folder 4
.053 9F MA Foundation plan for hoist no.1781; for El Paso Land and Fuel Co.; n.d.; The Hendrie and Bolthoff Mfg. and Supply Co., Denver, Co.
.054 1G MA Base plan direct connected G.E. generating set; The S.H. Supply and Mach. Co.- Denver, Co., n.d.; and foundation plan for hoist No.1781 for El Paso Land and Fuel Co.; The Hendrie and Bolthoff Mfg.and Supply Co., Denver, Co.; 2 drawings, n.d.
.055 8L MA Lindrooth, Shubart and Co. (Denver, CO) Coal tipple for the El Paso County Land and Fuel Co.(CS); Oct.10, 1911; 4 drawings
.056 4N MA Lindrooth, Shubart, and Co. (Denver, CO) Coal tipple for the El Paso County Land and Fuel Co.; Oct.10, 1911 (183-D); 3 drawings
.057 4G MA Cross sections of filter beds no.1 and no.4; The Denver Union Water Comp.; Nov 1905, D.G. Thomas

Map case Drawer 19: Folder 5
.058 MA Details of the Lindrooth, Shubart and Co.(Denver, Co.) Coal Tipple for the El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Co.; Colo. Springs, Co.; Oct.3, 1911 (corrected Oct.11 and Nov.10, 1911); (2 copies)
.059 MA Gate Details for the Tipple of the El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Co.; Colo. Springs, Co.; by Lindrooth, Shubart and Co. (Denver, Co.)
.060 MA Shaker screen and chute details for the El Paso Co.Land and Fuel Co.; Colo. Springs, Co.; by Lindrooth, Shubart and Co.(Denver, Co.); Oct.9, 1911
.061 MA Details for round and rectangular filters, and filtering plant (6 progressive sketches)
.062 MA Standard arrangement of 2 - 48 1/2 O.D.M.F.W.S and T ammonia condensers; Jan.10, 1929; York Manufacturing Co.(York, PA)

Map Case drawer 20: Mines and Mining (MI)

Map case Drawer 19-20 (MI): Folder 1
.001 223 MI Map of a portion of San Juan County, Colo., including Las Animas and Eureka Mining Districts; scale: 1 = 1 mile; n.d.
.002 7C MI Map of the claims of the Eureka Exploration Co., Eureka mining district, San Juan county, Colo.; scale:1 =400'
.003 4C MI Probable position of Cynic Lode ; n.d.
.004 223B MI Map of the Edward, Cynic, and Rob Roy veins around the Animas River and Burns Creek; n.d.
.005-6 223C-D MI Old Domingo Group ; San Juan Co., Colo.; scale: 1 =200'; map of shafts and veins; n.d.; 2 drawings
.007-8 234 MI Plat of the Ridgeway group of claims, Eureka map; scale: 1 =800'(2 copies)
.009 2C MI Plan of Ridgeway Mine, Silverton, Colo.; Aug 8, 1921; scale: 1 =20'
.010 3C MI Longitudinal section- Ridgeway Mine; Aug 8, 1921; scale: 1 =20'
.011 223F MI Horizontal projection of workings on the Frederica Lode Claim; scale: 1 =40'; n.d.
.012 4J MI Map of the Frederica group of claims- Eureka Exploration Co., Eureka Mining District; San Juan Co., Colo.; n.d.
.013 8A MI Ouray Mining and Milling Co.; appears to be made specifically for Ouray... Co.; n.d.
.014 4A MI Vein map, with color legend of company activity: 1) Revenue T.M. Co.2) Camp Bird 3) Ouray M. and M. Co.Three main veins outlined: 1) Atlas-Camp Bird vein 2) Terrible-Sidney vein 3) Wheel of Fortune vein Note in pencil- Manager Revenue Tunnel (Kreishner?) knows O.M. and M. Co. claims
.015-21 9A MI Mining shaft maps: 1) section through Big Quarry and shafts 12-6-9-4-2; scale: 1 =200', with legend on minerals and rocks found; May 1905 2) Map of portion of Costilla Co., Colo., showing the Plomo property with relation to the Rio Grande River and Denver and Rio Grande R.R.; scale: 1 =4miles; May 1905 3) section through shafts 15-11-5 and H; scale: 1 -200', with legend of minerals and rock in area; May 1905 4) section through Tyron Gulch and shafts 16-17 and 3; scale: 1 =200'; legend as above; May 1905 5) section thru Chaffee Gulch; 6) section thru Spring Gulch; 7) longitudinal section thru shafts 26 and 24, Tyron, Chaffee, Snyder, Sholl, and Spring Gulches
.022 3A MI Rito Seco sections thru Spring Gulch, Chaffee Gulch, Tyron Gulch, Big Quarry, 15, 11, 5, H; n.d.
.023 10K MI Map of Rito Seco area with sections of Spring Gulch, Chaffee Gulch, Big Quarry...
.024 214 MI Santa Fe Plat of the claim of R.L. Pooler and W.D. Kershner known as the Memphis group in Keystone Mining Dist., Taos Co., N.M.; surveyed Nov.10-15, 1904 by John H. Walker; U.S. General Surveyor's Office approved on Feb 8, 1905
.025 116 MI Mineral survey #1210, Santa Fe Plat of the claim of John Lacaniche and Luigi Marchino, known as the Independence group; Red River Mining district, Taos Co., New Mexico; Aug 1904
.026 205 MI Blanco Basin; scale: 1 =300'; n.d.
.027 223E MI Map of the Deotia group of claims; scale: 1 =300'; n.d.
.028 247 MI Vein map, shows top of ridge between Ophia and Gold King Basin; veins: Crown Jewel, Dixie, Silver King, Alta, Staatsburg, Tip Top, Summit, Valley View, Wisconsin, Governor Waite, Golden Chicken, Missouri or Gold King, Pyramid, Yellow Boy, Yellow Girl, Grand View, Atlas, Globe, Suffolk, Hidden Treasure; scale: 1 =300'; n.d.

Map case Drawer 19-20 (MI): Folder 2
.029 6P MI Spur to Keystone Mine; n.d.
.030 2P MI Map of Keystone Coal Mine showing present workings and land controlled by the Keystone Fuel Co.; Jul 1, 1911
.031 8M MI Map of the Keystone Mine; Jan 1913; James Bennett of the El Paso Land and Fuel Comp.; El Paso Co., Colo.
.032 9K MI Map of Keystone Mine of the El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Comp.; El Paso Co., Colo.; Dec 1911- Jan 1912
.033 6E MI El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Comp. spur to Keystone Mine; scale: 1 -800'; Dec 6, 1911, VanD.; El Paso Co., Colo.
.034 19 MI The Keystone Fuel Company's coal mine; Jan 1907; Sawyer and Garstin- Engineers
.035 10 MI Rapson Mine lease; scale 1 =400'; VanD.; n.d.
.036 3P MI Map of Rapson Mine # 2 at CS; property of the Rapson Coal Mining Company; Geo. S. Curtis- Engineer, Ralph Wooden- Gen. Supt.; Apr 15, 1908
.037 5Q MI Map of Rapson Mine #2 at CS; property of the Rapson Coal Mining Co.; Dated June 1, 1911 and Feb 3, 1912; Ralph Wooden- General Supt.; van Diest signed on back
.038 4Q MI Plat of the Williamsville Coal Mine; El Paso Co., Colo.; Thomas, Lessee; Dec 1913 extended May 1916; Sawyer and Garstin- Engineers
.039 7N MI Map of Curtis Mine at CS; property of the Curtis Mining Co.; Feb 15, 1908

Map case Drawer 19-20 (MI): Folder 3
.040 10B MI 5 maps, drawings of Trinchera Properties, Costilla Co., Colo.: 1) Trinchera properties; scale: 1 =100' 2) plan, Quarry area 3) vertical section of Quarry #1 4) vertical section of Quarry #2 5) quarry average values; no dates
.041 243 MI Property of the San Luis Copper Mining Comp., Costilla Co., Colo.; 621.24 acres; scale: 1 =600'
.042 111 MI Map of Acequias and their corresponding owners; Acequias appear to be man-made taps into Rio de la Costilla ; #1-10 are labeled; n.d.
.043 235 MI El Plomo Ore Deposit, from surveys made by Carl Wulstem; n.d.
.044 6B MI Series of 4 maps detailing adits #1 and #2, location of ore, sulphide, quarry and corresponding shafts includes cost analysis by section; other; n.d.
.045 6N MI Culvert over Templeton's Run; n.d.
.046 2F MI Longitudinal section of the Forest Queen Mine, Irwin, Colo.; scale: 1 =50'; n.d.
.047 204 MI Map: latitude= 37 0 -45', longitude= 105 15'-45'; color legend of mineral/ rock deposits in area
.048 118 MI U.S. Freehold Land and Emigration Co.; showing tunnels and shafts near and around Rito Seco.; n.d.; Costilla Estate Mining District; Taos Co., N.M.
.049 117 MI U.S. Freehold Land and Emigration Co.; plat of the Hamilton workings; scale: 1 =60'; Aug 21, 1901; Costilla Estate Mining Dist., Taos Co., N.M.
.050 12 MI Lease is written on front along with square footage of Coal Areas A, B, C, D, E listed at 1, 100, 000; 217, 800; 1, 291, 500; 704, 00; 10, 945, 00 respectively, the total of which = 14, 407, 800 sq. ft.; n.d.
.051 5 MI Gridded map of Colo. Springs showing Palmer Park, Cragmoor, RR lines, rivers, creeks and reservoirs, drill holes and mine workings; scale 1 =1/2 mile; n.d.
.052 1P MI C.M.R.Y. proposed switchback at Sunshine, Colo.; shows new coal opening and Tramway's center line for the R.M. Fuel Co.; Apr 10, 1903

Map case Drawer 19-20 (MI): Folder 4
.053 130 5 MI Map of the La Belle, Costilla Estate Mining District; includes legend of patented claims (extensions) reserved by the U.S.F.S. and E. Comp.; Taos Co., New Mexico; Jan.1902, (3 copies)
.054 235 MI Map of the Plomo Mine; drawn for J.A. McCormick; part of the Trinchera Gold Mines
.055 8 MI Map of The Carlton or Pikeview Mine Property of the Pike's Peak Fuel Co.; El Paso Co., Co.
.056 MI Data on Plomo or Rito Seco Mines; Costilla, Colorado compiled from various reports (none of the reports where complete or intact as originally submitted); Sheet no.3 of 3 sheets; Aug.31, 1939; (2 copies)
.057 MI Data Sheet (tables and graphs) of gold values; silver shown at about an additional 15 cents; additional information given includes: section through quarry, relative position sample lines, and average all assays = $2.60
.058 MI Sketch map of the Plomo Mine; Costilla Co., Co.; compiled from various sources and former maps; drawn by O.A. Fischer; Dec.16, 1930
.059 MI Contour Map of the Plomo Mine, Rito Seco Area; Costilla Co., Co.; June 8, 1931; (2 copies)
.060 MI Map of the Rito Seco Gold Deposits; includes District map showing highways, railways, auto map section, and the W.L. Austin Report; Costilla Co., Co.; prepared by R.D. George, Sept.1940 revised Feb.1947

Map case Drawer 19-20 (MI): Folder 5
.061 MI Rito Seco M. and M. Co. Brunton Resurvey of the Eastern Area with tonnage estimate attached (2 copies)
.062 MI Map of the property of the Plomo Mining Co., Costilla Co., Co.
.063 MI 4 Maps of the Eastern Area owned by the Rito Seco M. and M. Co: Map #2 includes sum of depths (492 ft.) sum of values (1381.9), avg. depth (14.5 ft.), avg. value per ton ($2.80), and estimated area, volume, and tonnage; Map #3 gives information on the value of assay combinations; Map #4 gives the ground area covered as well as the thickness and cubic footage
.064 MI Contour Map of the Plomo Mine, Rito Seco Area; Costilla Co., Co.; June 8, 1931; (2 copies)
.065 235 MI Map of the property of the Plomo Mining Company; includes panoramic view of the ore bearing portions of the property, section along the middle tunnel, contour map of a section, and legend of minerals; Costilla Co., Co.; (2 copies)
.066 MI Map of the Trinchera Gold Mines (Rito Seco River also shown)
.067 MI Map of the Plomo Ore Deposits; Costilla Co., Co.
.068 MI Sketch of the proposed tramway for the Frederica mine of the Eureka Exploration Co.; Eureka, Co.
.069 MI Map of the Rito Seco Gold Mines; Costilla Co., Co.May 1905
.070 MI Data chart, no-name, with the following words written in miscellaneous places: gold, ledges and floats, standard cross section, Rito Seco, Tyron Gulch, Seats Gulch, etc.
.071 MI Stephen's Quarry average values of Trinchera Properties, sections through big quarry and Chaffee, Tyron, and Spring Gulches
.072 MI Rito Seco M. and M. Co. Grid System for the western area; assays $4 and above, (3 copies)
.073 MI Map of Rito Seco Mines; Costilla Co., Co.; includes average results of representative assays and mill runs taken from reports on the Rito Seco property
.074 MI Proposed grid for drilling plans; drilling complete with exception of the quarry area
.075 MI Map of the Trinchera Estate Mining District; Costilla Co., Co.; Jan.1902
.076 MI Map of the Keystone Coal Mine showing the present workings and land controlled by the Keystone Fuel Co.; C.T. Griswold- July 1, 1911
.077 MI Map of Rapson Mine No.2 (property of the Rapson Coal Mining Co.); Colorado Springs, Co.; Oct.28, 1912
.078 MI Plat of Lode Claims in the vicinity of Ohwiler Ridge California Mining District; Atlanta Co. and La Plata Co., Colorado
.079 MI Map of the Keystone Mine of El Paso Co. Land and Fuel Co.; El Paso Co., Co.; May 1912
.080 MI Miscellaneous Contour map
.081 MI Contour map of a proposed mill site of the Rito Seco property; Costilla Co., Co.; R.M. Cannon- Engineer, (2 copies)

Map Case Drawer 20: Buildings and Bridges (BB)

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 1
.001 7A BB Plat showing location of proposed Colorado College Stadium and proposed change of property line; Colo. Springs, Co.; scale: 1 =100'; Dec 29, 1925
.002 9D BB Front elevation of what appears to be a warehouse; 4/16/43; VanD.
.003 10N BB Grace Church, contract 2803, drawing #1; Jul 28, 1939; scale: 1/2 =1'; Colo. Springs, Co.
.004 10C BB Proposed townsite plan of Hamburg, Costilla Estate Development Co.; scale: 1 =300'; Jun 1901
.005 141 BB Copy of .004 10C BB
.006 142 BB Pencil sketch of what appears to be a town center; no title or words; n.d.
.007 7Q BB Sketch showing water line extensions, existing water lines, trees, crosses, fire hydrants, Cheyenne Ditch, the Broadmoor Area
.008 1G BB Alteration of front of Ratner's store; C.E. Thomas, Architect; 5/3/28
.009 2G BB Amherst building, Pueblo, Colo.; Plan of basement, first, second, third floor; scale: 1/16 =1'; n.d.; Chas. E. Thomas, Architect; (4 sketches)
.010 2E BB Vanmont Ranch Granary Reid; n.d.; R.E.W.
.011 3D BB Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co's. Plant; n.d.
.012 6K BB Building 160'x 40'- Office 16' wide; scale: 1 =6'; Fairbury, Neb.; 12/15/37
.013 5K BB Sketch detail of special pts. for Mount Memorial; Feb 1937
.014 6J BB Sketch for E.C. van Diest 7/23/45; longitudinal and transverse sections showing firewall, heating, roofing, bridging, and anchors
.015 4H BB Drawing of what seems to be mining house; the following are drawn and labeled: elevation of ground, track, hoist, motor, line of posts, tipple datum; n.d.
.016 10D BB Rito Seco; scale: 1 =40'; shows cottage locations, sewer and water lines, office and lab, garage/ storeroom, rep. shed, septic tank
.017 2A BB Ground and second floor, Boarding House; Rito Seco; scale: 1/4 =1'; Nov 1945
.018 3F BB Proposed alterations to Jackson Hall Stables; Jan Ruhtenburg A.I.A.; n.d.
.019 5I BB Colo. Concrete Co.; shed addition; Apr 1947
.020 8K BB Helps cottage on ranch of Mr. E.C. van Diest; Douglas Co., Colo.; Sept 16, 1925; 2 drawings
.021 1K BB Cottage for Clark Colony Tract of E.C. van Diest; May 1926; R.E.W.
.022 3L BB Cottage for Clark County Tract; scale: 1/2 =1'; n.d.
.023 5N BB Plan of granary Vanmont Ranch and plan of cattle shed for Vanmont Ranch; Jul 1926; R.E.W.

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 2
.024 10F BB Map to accompany application for Gering Hydro- electric Canal; Colo. Springs, Colo.; Applicant: van Diest; Jun 19, 1917
.025 4B BB Proposed dam addition- Taylor (lower carrol) Lake, CS, Co.; Aug 1923
.026 223 BB Trinchera Estate Comp.; plat of the sketch of Silver Wing Tunnel; n.d.
.027 5G BB Canopy for E.C. van Diest; n.d.
.028 122 BB Wagon bridge over the Rio Grande River- Wagon Wheel Gap, Colo.; n.d.
.029 3M BB Railroad plan surrounding the Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co. Plant; also shown: Central Constr. Co. warehouses, Denver and Rio Grande RR, approximately 4.3 acres; n.d.
.030 6M BB 100 ft. Concrete girder bridge; CS and Denver Rd. near Pike View Station, El Paso Co., Colo.; Oct 1912
.031 4M BB Exploded view of.029 3M BB with topographic lines; focus is Colo. Concrete Mfg. Co. Plant; n.d.
.032 3K BB Denver and Rio Grande RR- office of chief engineer; double 20ft. Concrete arch- replacing 13 bent frame trestle 76 C.E and W; 2 drawings; July 23, 1912
.033 307 BB Cascade Park- foot bridge and pavilion plans; Nov 1907; VanD.
.034 306 BB Bridge and gateway details for Mr. L.A. Bigger- Cascade, Colo.; Nov 1907; Van D.
.035 6L BB 3 drawings of Bijou viaduct, CS; by the Toledo Bridge and Crane Co.; Dec.13, 1914

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 3
.036 4D BB Floor plan to an ice storage house: 1 compressor room, 2 tank rooms, 1 ice storage room, 1 day and storage room; n.d.
.037 6H BB Drawing and correspondences (dated Aug.7, 1939 and various months in 1945) concerning Utah Ice and Storage Co.; transformer lightning protection at Ogden- suggested roof support, Protection Appliance Corp.
.038 210N BB 6 Drawings detailing additional locker and freezer rooms for Hygienic Serv. Co.; Boulder, Colo.; Jun 1945
.039 3N BB Foundation and first floor plan for Mendenhall Ice Comp., Fairbury, Nebr.; Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha, Nebr.; 10/13/1913
.040 2N BB Section of building for Mendenhall Ice Co., Fairbury, Nebr.; Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha, Nebr.; 10/12/1913
.041 5F BB Detail of insulated walls for ice storage house; Fairbury Service Co.; Fairbury, Nebr.; March 3, 1937
.042 2F BB Proposed lay-out for Mendenhall Ice Co., Fairbury, Nebr.; Baker Ice Machine Co., Omaha, Nebr.; 9/10/13; 8 drawings including: sections of building, 3 building plans, second floor plan, foundation, and first floor plan
.043 3J BB Hygienic Service Comp; processing room addition; Feb 1945
.044 1H BB Plan for a locker room; n.d.
.045 9G BB Hygienic Serv. Co.; drawing for a complex to be used for ice and egg storage; n.d.
.046 6G BB Locker sketch, Hygienic Serv. Co.; 11/28/43; VanD.
.047 6F BB Hygienic Serv. Comp.- elevations and floor plan; Jan 15, 1945; Van D.
.048 9F BB Hygienic Serv. Comp.; processing room addition; Feb 1945
.049 4G BB Plans and cost breakdown to what appears to be some sort of warehouse, with shelves and freezer; n.d.; drawn on 1944 calendars; Geo. R. Hubbard-Building Inspector- City Hall, Boulder, Colo.
.050 4E BB Boulder Locker Rm., #3; elevation, Van D.; Aug 1944
.051 3E BB Boulder Locker Rm., #3; ground plan; Aug 1944
.052 3F BB Hygienic Service Co.; plan for locker room addition #1; 4 sketches with notes, dimensions; 1/31/44; VanD.
.053 1E BB Section detail egg storage using upper floor seasonal ice storage; Hygienic Serv. Co.; n.d.
.054 16A BB Floor Plan of building for Hygienic Ice and Coal Co., Boulder, Colo.; Nov 1928
.055 7D BB Layout of building including: daily storage meat room, office, boilers, coal bin, etc. Hygienic Serv. Co., 2 drawings; n.d.

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 4
.056 15A BB Blue print of Henningsen Company Plant, in detail; 37 drawings; 9/6/1902; designed by Madison Cooper

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 5
.057 BB Plans and details for construction of the Modern Woodmen of America Sanatorium Reservoir #3, Irrigation Division No.2, Water District No.10; El Paso Co., Co.; Feb.1916
.058 BB Map of the Modern Woodmen of America Sanatorium Reservoir #3, Pipelines 5 and 6; El Paso Co., Co.; Feb.23, 1916
.059 BB Warehouse of the Wachusett Investment be erected on W.2nd Street, Pueblo, Colo.; Plan #3; Jul 1, 1914; (5 drawings)
.060 BB Plan of the Grounds, Lots 13-16-D, Russ Wood Addition; Colorado Springs, Co.; Feb.28, 1927
.061 BB Plans for an electric D.B. freight elevator by the Otis Elevator Co. for the Montana Service Corp.(building); Butte, Montana, Jan.15, 1934; (2 copies)
.062 BB Sketch of the Naval Hospital; Fort Lyon, CO.
.063 BB 2 data charts and 1 sketch for the Commonwealth Utilities Service Co. including: bids on refrigerating machines and the translation of boiler bids; La Junta, Colo.; Sept.1916
.064 BB Details of the Canon City viaduct; Canon City, Co.; the Central Construction Co.; Colo Springs, Co.; (4 progressive sketches)

Map case Drawer 20 (BB): Folder 6
.065 BB The Northfield Land and Water Co., Reservoir #4 plan showing details of the Dam spillway and outlet system; CS, Co.; June 17, 1911
.066 BB Sketch of a building wall for the Montana Service Corp. Garage; May 20, 1943
.067 BB Plan for Montana Service Corp 'n Garage including rear and front elevations, and garage truss; May 1943; (14 progressive sketches)
.068 BB Plan of the City Pumping Station of the Parsons Water Supply and Power Co.; April 7, 1909
.069 BB M.W. of A. Sanatorium Water System, drawn from field notes and surveys by the Stanford Bro's
.070 BB Profiles of streets showing sewer grades in the Cheyenne Addition to the City of Colorado Springs; Jan. 1911

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