Finding Aid created January 1999; updated 2003, 2005, 2012, 2016 with additions of new materials. Printed tourist brochures from Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico were placed in the Colorado Tourist Brochure Collection in 2012.
Please note: in 2015, some of these papers were digitized by the Colorado College Anthropology Department at Stoller’s request. Contact the department for more details.
Related collection: Ms 0076, Diary of the Jesuit residence of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, Conejos, Colorado, December 1871 - December 1885. Photocopies of all three parts of the original diary, in Spanish, for 1871-1885. Also contains a handwritten English translation for all three parts, along with Marianne Stoller's research notes and related materials for part one of the diary, which she published in 1982.
Scope and content
Marianne Stoller taught in the Anthropology Department at Colorado College from 1969 until 1998. She began her career as an instructor, moved into a part-time teaching position as an adjunct professor, was promoted to associate professor in 1979, and received tenure in 1980. At her retirement, she was made Professor Emerita. This collection contains materials related to her main field of interest, the cultures of the Southwest, mostly dating from the 1970s to the 1990s. She died December 13, 2015.
Box 1
Fd 1 Photocopies of the San Cristobal Valley School Newsletters, 1940-42
Fd 2 Data on land settlement, San Cristobal, early to mid-1900s
Fd 3 Typed field notes of Barbara Kerr for class, “Ethnohistory of the Southwest”, taught by Marianne Stoller in 1973
Box 2
Fd 1 Nambe Reservation Soil and Range Survey Maps, 1967 and 1968; Upper Rio Grande Hydrographic Survey, 1964
Fd 2 College of Ganado materials, 1979-1980
Fd 3 Southwestern tribes and land use issues: miscellaneous printed materials
Fd 4 Southwestern tribes and socio/political issues: miscellaneous printed materials
Box 3
Fd 1 Native American Educational Policies and Programs: printed materials
Fd 2 Navajo Community College promotional materials, 1971-72
Fd 3 Navajo Sheep Project newsletters and flyers, 1985-1995
Fd 4 Bureau of Indian Affairs: miscellaneous printed materials
Fd 5 Teaching materials on Native Americans for elementary classes
Box 4
Fd 1 Navajo Studies Conference 1987
Fd 2 Miscellaneous papers on Navajo education, etc., Jicarrila, Zuni, Dawes Act
Fd 3 Navajo religion
Fd 4 Native American Religious Freedom Act
Fd 5 Navajo Community College
Fd 6 Black Mesa
Fd 7 Zia Pueblo
Fd 8 Hopi Call for Action
Box 5
Fd 1 unlabeled, subdivided into: Abiquiu baptisms; Albuquerque marriages and baptisms; Diligencias matrimonial, Chavez Roots; Cochiti and Santo Domingo Baca; Santa Fe baptisms, Baca burials; D. Ms. Baca; Isleta and San Juan marriages and baptisms
Fd 2 Peggy Earnshaw drawings
Fd 3 book and manuscript reviews etc.
Fd 4 SW syllabi and correspondence
Fd 5 Santa Fe Plaza Market controversy
Fd 6 Martha Burford
Fd 7 DNA and Pete Zah
Box 6 (addition, December 2012, this box only)
Fd 1 Typed manuscript of Stoller’s published Diary of the Jesuit Residence (CC, 1982)
Fd 2 Pena Blanca manuscript photocopy
Fd 3 Resource materials on the Southwest
Fd 4 Water – Archives
Fd 5 Charles Hayden manuscript photocopy
Fd 6 Inventory of Santa Fe churches in 1814
Fd 7 Materials from Maria Montoya
Fd 8 Gonzales Papers, Espinosa genealogy, Garcia genealogy
Fd 9 Devon Pena
Fd 10 Chavez genealogy
Fd 11 Genealogical Society of Hispanic America
Fd 12 Various deeds (photocopies)
Fd 13 Schedule of death 1860, AG census 1935 (photocopies)
Fd 14 USGS Colorado maps
Fd 15 BLM records, 1985 maps
Fd 16 Abstract of title, Trinchera Colony Tract to 1908 (photocopy)
Fd 17 Redistricting Sanchez vs. State of Colorado
Fd 18 CC student thesis: Spanish Colonial and Mexican Food Preparation Implements
Fd 19 Development of Baca Grant (thesis by Cox)
Fd 20 Baca land grant
Box 7
Fd 1 Baca research materials
Fd 2 Baca – drafts for Weinstein book
Fd 3 Baca property documents
Fd 4 Baca and Colorado College
Fd 5 Baca and water
Fd 6 Baca location #1, #4
Fd 7 “Ojo del Espiritu Santo” Grant
Fd 8 Baca – SANMI and Jenkins Foundations
Fd 9 Baca – Bureau of Land Management Co.
Fd 10 Baca – Miscellaneous
Fd 11 Town of Las Vegas Grant
Box 8
Fd 1 American Water Development, Inc., court case
Fd 2 Hispano Homelands debate materials
Fd 3 San Luis Valley poaching, raid clippings
Fd 4 San Luis Valley Closed Basin Project
Fd 5 San Luis Valley water materials
Fd 6 Sand Dunes National Park clippings
Fd 7 Stockmans Water Company clippings
Fd 8 Colorado water paper 1990
Fd 9 Soil Survey of Saguache County, Colorado materials
Box 9: COLOR SLIDES (2016 addition, approx. 2000 slides altogether)
Aspen and Maroon Bells, Colorado 1985, 1994
Cahokia Mounds, Illinois 1982
Field Trips and Excavations, 1981-1999
New Mexico 1963-1991
Princeton Baccalaureate and Monterey Bay (personal) 1985, 1991
San Luis Valley 1974-1994
Southwestern Arts, Religious Arts and Architecture 1955-1989
Teaching slides: “Hispanic Arts and Crafts in the San Luis Valley” undated
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maintained by Special Collections; last revised,
JR 7-2021.